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A WORLD HISTORY OF FILM ROBERT SKLAR HAREY WN. ABRAMS, INC., PUBLISHERS INTERNET AND VIDEO SOURCES CONTENTS PREFACE AND ACKNOWLEDGMENTS «12 PART | EMERGENCE OF CINEMA - 14 1h CINEMA, SOCIETY, AND SCIENCE: 16 Magi Lamens Maio TT OPE Recorded Movement 21 Marie's re Em ae Mae Projected Flms 26 ‘The Adven: of Motlon Pletures 27 alin: Repu lb! Mei lpr lm Propaganda - Cem an Urb Sy Early Fllms 29 "he Lame We Es ram 2: EARLY CINEMA - 32 Rediscovery of Early Cinema -32 iy Cn dh Avot Gade Fm a Spe (Cinematic Time: 32 Edwin S. Porter 37 ‘Une sh athe Noving Petar Show - ome nd Seip ‘The Transformarion of Early Cinema - 40 Phe Dene es Pate Prenat - Brn- Ui Ss “The Nickelodeon Era 44 ‘Dre Spars Pa David Wark Geffih 48 ‘The Lael Vl: Gnome spar Ana ng Spe arate tigi 3: FILM AS ART AND INDUSTRY - 52 . W. Gulffch and Narrative Style: 52 Feature Films 53 Epic Films 35 Comedy - 81 Mak Sen Care Chapin Mie is Comey: Amson stars: 69 Series and Serials 70 Film and World War 1-70 ne See: pani Ar Drs anh Pasar Geman Pe: Erin 4 THE GLOBAL SPREAD OF FILM - 76 Filmmaking Outside Europe and the United States» 76 ‘Through Western Eyes - 80 ‘Architectural Exotclsm #3 “Ameo” Thee Hollywood's Global Domination 87 PART Il: THE SILENT ERA - 90 5: HOLLYWOOD IN THE 19208 - 92 ‘The Fise of Hollywood - 92 Yok Pacino Sadi md Costin Mae Puc ‘The Film Dicector-93 Dilan The ale f neers Indeed on Fim uty. With, Eh von Somat Dafne of Die! neon ‘The Fower of Stars 102 Dol Faas Mary fd Char Can Now Str 9 he Hollywood Genes» 107 Drama: War Harr - lta Ganga Fl Rly nti “Alteratives to Hollywood + 12 6: THE CINEMAS OF EUROPE - 116 German Cinema » 116 French Cinema - 123 Foto erie Save and ite International Cinema 125, Gemany- Neve seit "The Punishvent of Women 134 7: SOVIET CINEMA - 136 AiTrains “136 Lev Kuleshor = 136 ‘he Kalan Set Sergel Eisenstein» 138 Prethlt- Thy of Monae The se “The Raleship Potemkin Ober: The Ol andthe New Dalga Verov - 145 Other Soviet Filmmakers - 148 ‘Amt and 1deology - 194 Seti he ron of Sod

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