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Michelle Kearsley

Date of Lesson: 11/7/18

Mrs. Hedden (Clinton Public School)

TCNJ - School of Education - Lesson Plan

1.Title: Bridge Building

2. Lesson Essential Question: How do you use the Engineering Design Process to
build a bridge?

3. Standard: 2-PS1-3: Make observations to construct an evidence-based account of

how an object made of a small set of pieces can be disassembled and made into a new

A. Learning Objectives
B. Assessments
Learning Objectives Assessments

Students will be able to build a The students will complete a worksheet, as a

bridge using the Engineering group, documenting their use of the Engineering
Design Process. Design Process.

5. Materials:
-Teacher: Engineering Design Process poster on computer, Design Process
Worksheet, building materials (straws, pipe cleaners, paper cups, square pieces of
cardboard, masking tape)
-Students: pencils

6. Pre-lesson assignments and/or prior knowledge: The students learned about the
Engineering Design Process in the previous lesson.

7. Lesson Beginning: The teacher will begin the lesson by reviewing the Engineering
Design Process.

8. Instructional Plan: Time needed approximately 40 minutes

What the teacher will What the students Materials the teacher Approx.
be doing: will be doing: needs to have ready: Time:

The teacher will begin The students will Engineering Design 5 min
the lesson by reviewing listen to the Process poster on
the Engineering Design teacher. computer
Process. The teacher
will also review the
results of tower building
from the previous day.

The teacher will explain The students will None 5 min

that the students will be listen to the
building bridges. The teacher.
teacher will explain what
materials the students
can use and the
requirements for the
bridge (has to be 30 cm
long, has to have sides
to keep a toy car from
falling off, has to support
a toy car driving over it).
The teacher will put the
students in groups of 3.

The teacher will pass The students will Design Process 2 min
out and explain the listen to the Worksheet
design process teacher.

The teacher will walk The students will building materials 20 min
around while the work in groups of 3 (straws, pipe cleaners,
students build their to build bridges. paper cups, square
bridges. pieces of cardboard,
masking tape)

The teacher will collect The students will None 2 min

the worksheets. hand in their

The teacher will discuss The students will None 5 min

the results. share their results.

a. Differentiation: The students will be working in groups. The teacher will walk
around to help the students and ask questions.
b. Questions:
 What is the strongest shape?
 Which building method worked the best?
 How could you improve your design?

c. Classroom Management: The teacher will remind the class that they are trying
to earn popcorns. The teacher will use various phrases to command the students’
attention, when needed.
d. Transitions: The teacher will ask the table caller to call students from the rug
back to their desks.

9. Closure: The teacher will end the lesson by collecting the worksheet and discussing
the results.

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