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3, SEPTEMBER 2010 741

A Systems Approach for a Stand-Alone Residential

Fuel Cell Power Inverter Design
Ugur Savas Selamogullari, David A. Torrey, Member, IEEE, and Sheppard Salon, Fellow, IEEE

Abstract—Analysis of an experimentally measured daily load cell system output voltage drop with loading, and slow response
profile reveals that the residential power demand has a high per- of the fuel cell system to transients. DC–DC converters are used
centage of low power duration over a day. In a stand-alone resi- to overcome low fuel cell voltage level and fuel cell system
dential fuel cell power system, the power inverter designed for the
peak power requirement will be operating at light loads, where its output voltage drop with loading [12]–[14]. Batteries and/or
efficiency is lower, most of the time. Thus, improving the light-load supercapacitors are employed to compensate for slow response
efficiency will provide considerable hydrogen (energy) savings for of the fuel cell system to transients [7], [10], [15], [16]. What
the stand-alone residential power system. A solution to improve is missing in the literature is the consideration of the demand
the power inverter efficiency at light loads is proposed. Both sim- characteristics of a stand-alone residential house in the design
ulation and experimental results are given. Results show that the
light-load efficiency can be improved by employing and uniquely of the power inverter. The demand characteristics are important
controlling a parallel IGBT–MOSFET switch combination in a for stand-alone power systems and can be used to have a better
half-bridge inverter topology. It is also shown that substantial sav- inverter design.
ings on hydrogen usage can be realized through the use of new In order to capture the load characteristics, experimental load
inverter design in stand-alone operations. measurements are completed in a residential house in Troy,
Index Terms—Hydrogen savings, inverter efficiency, residential NY, with high resolution [1]. Measurements revealed that the
load, stand-alone fuel cell power system. residential power demand stays low most of the day. On the
other hand, the examination of a typical inverter efficiency curve
shows that it has low efficiencies at light loads. Thus, improve-
I. INTRODUCTION ment of the light-load efficiency will provide energy savings.
A novel power inverter design is introduced for this purpose.
HE ELECTRICAL output of a fuel cell system is dc volt-
T age and must be converted to ac voltage for residential
applications. Power electronic circuits such as dc–dc converters
Both simulation and experimental studies are completed for the
proposed inverter topology and is shown that substantial energy
(hydrogen) savings can be achieved with the proposed design in
and inverters are employed for this transformation. An overview
the stand-alone operation.
of power electronics applications in renewable energy systems
This paper is organized as follows: In Section II, the load
such as wind, fuel cell, and solar energy is summarized in [4]
characteristics and the need for the new inverter topology are ex-
and [5]. Various power electronic circuit topologies and control
plained. In Section III, simulation results are given. Cost consid-
techniques have been proposed for fuel cell power systems in
erations are investigated through energy and hydrogen savings.
the literature. A DSP-based control is used in [8]. Ultracapaci-
Experimental results are also given. In Section IV, conclusions
tors are used in the design of the power conversion unit in [10].
are made.
A different approach is taken in [11]. Instead of having a dc
link in the intermediate stage, an ac link is used. Several 10
kW inverter designs that translate the low dc output of a solid
oxide fuel cell (SOFC) to 120/240 V 60 Hz signal for residential II. SYSTEMS APPROACH FOR THE DESIGN OF THE
use are given in [6]–[8]. A 1-kVA fuel-cell-based uninterrupt- NEW POWER INVERTER
ible power system (UPS) design is introduced in [9]. A wide In the stand-alone residential fuel cell power system, both
input voltage and high efficiency dc–dc converter topology for fuel cell system characteristics and demand-side characteristics
fuel cell applications is given in [14]. Z-source inverter topolo- should be considered in defining an inverter design strategy. In
gies for a fuel cell system with ultracapacitors are discussed general, the specifications for the stand-alone residential fuel
in [16]. cell power inverter can be summarized as [6] follows.
In the literature, due consideration is given to the fuel cell 1) Generate 120/240 ± 10% V, 60 ± 0.1% Hz ac output volt-
system characteristics such as low fuel cell voltage level, fuel age from the unregulated dc fuel cell voltage (typically
40–80 V) for operation in the U.S.
Manuscript received May 27, 2008; accepted November 25, 2008. Date of 2) AC output voltage total harmonic distortion must be less
current version August 20, 2010. The work of U. S. Selamogullari was supported than 5% (IEEE 519).
by Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey. Paper no. TEC-00182-2008.
U. S. Selamogullari is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Yildiz 3) The energy storage is needed to compensate for the slow
Technical University, Istanbul 34349, Turkey (e-mail: response of the fuel cell system.
D. A. Torrey is with the Advanced Energy Conversion, Malta, NY 12305 4) A charging algorithm is needed that will keep the state of
S. Salon is with the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY 12180 USA. charge of the backup source within acceptable limits (e.g,
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TEC.2010.2047057 0.75–1).
0885-8969/$26.00 © 2010 IEEE

Fig. 1. Fuel cell polarization curve.

Fig. 2. Histogram of the measured daily load profile.

5) Overcurrent, overvoltage, short circuit, and temperature TABLE I

6) Communication between the fuel cell system and the in- THE MEASURED DAILY LOAD PROFILE

verter must be used for the control of the overall system.

7) High efficiency is needed.
The output voltage of the fuel cell system changes with load-
ing, as shown in the typical polarization curve in Fig. 1. As
the current increases, the output voltage decreases and vice
versa [1]. A front-end dc–dc converter is generally used to ob-
tain a constant dc-link voltage for the inverter. The dc–dc con-
verter regulates the voltage fluctuations imposed on the fuel cell
system by the load demand. Thus, it is assumed that the dc–dc
converter eliminates the effect of the fuel cell system charac-
teristics such as voltage drop with loading and low dc voltage
level. Slow response of the fuel cell system to an increase in the
load demand is addressed by using a backup power source such
as batteries or supercapacitors.
In the stand-alone residential power system, the characteris-
tics of the load power demand are important and can be used to
have a better inverter design compared to the inverter designed
for the peak power requirement (high-power inverter). An in-
verter designed and optimized for operating at a certain power
level will not be a good choice for the stand-alone residential
house since it will be operated over a wide range of power de-
mand. The histogram of the measured daily load profile in one
leg of the residential house in Troy, shows that the residential
power demand will stay low most of the time in a day (see Fig. 3. Typical efficiency curve of an inverter.
Fig. 2). Calculated percentage values for different power ranges
are summarized in Table I. Although the maximum power de-
mand is about 4 kW, the power demand that is lower than 500 W lower efficiency is the nonlinear dependency of switching losses
makes up 85.01% of the load demand. on output power [17].
Typically, inverters are designed to have the peak efficiency Since the light-load operation is frequently required in a
around the desired operating point, for example, 95% efficiency stand-alone residential house, improving the light-load effi-
at 2 kW. Therefore, the designs are optimized for/around that ciency of the power inverter will offer considerable energy sav-
specific operating condition. A typical efficiency curve of an ings over the lifetime of the unit.
inverter is shown in Fig. 3. The efficiency is lower than the peak A solution to improve light-load efficiencies of the power
efficiency both at light loads and at high loads. The reason for inverter is to employ a low-power inverter in parallel with the

Fig. 6. Proposed parallel IGBT–MOSFET switch combination.

power switch. With increased voltage ratings of MOSFETs, a

parallel IGBT–MOSFET switch combination can be used for
this purpose. Thus, the new design will employ the parallel
IGBT–MOSFET switch combination, as shown in Fig. 6. Paral-
lel and series IGBT–MOSFET combinations designed to reduce
switching losses of the IGBT are discussed in [18] and [19].
Mainly, the fast switching characteristics of a MOSFET are
used to provide soft switching for the IGBT during turn-OFF
period. Conduction-loss analysis of a parallel IGBT–MOSFET
switch combination is reported in [22]. It has been shown that
MOSFET-based configurations have lower conduction losses
Fig. 4. Block diagram for parallel connection of a high-power inverter and a
low-power inverter. at light loads. No analysis is given for switching losses. Con-
trollers for parallel IGBT–MOSFET combinations to achieve
better IGBT turn-OFF performance are given in [20] and [21].
Contrary to what is reported in the literature, the parallel combi-
nation does not mean parallel operation or using the MOSFET to
provide switching help to IGBT during turn-OFF period in this
study. The unique feature of the proposed design is that only
one of the switches will be active at any instant depending on
the load current feedback. The effect of such a control strategy
on efficiency improvement at light loads is investigated. The
advantages of the proposed design are as follows.
1) It will improve the efficiency in low-power regions, where
the residential power stays most of the time during the
2) It is easy to implement since the low-power switch will be
integrated into the already designed high-power inverter.
3) It is easy to control although some consideration must
be given to switching from the low-power switch to the
high-power switch.
4) Since only one of the switches is used at any instant, gate
drive losses can be considered constant.
5) Improved efficiency offers energy savings.
Fig. 5. Anticipated efficiency curve for the new inverter design (curve with *).
The disadvantages of the proposed design is the additional
cost due to extra switch usage, and added control complexity.
inverter designed for peak power requirements (high-power in- The switch selection can be made within one switching cycle
verter), as shown in Fig. 4. The unique feature of this design in a DSP-controlled inverter. The transition from the low-power
is that only one of the inverters will be operating at any instant switch to the high-power switch requires a control algorithm that
depending on the load current feedback. Since each inverter makes sure that the low-power switch is safe during transients.
will have a typical efficiency curve similar to the one given in Instantaneous current sampling is required for this reason. When
Fig. 3, the overall efficiency of the whole unit will be the com- the current limit of the low-power switch is reached, the high-
bined efficiency curve of both inverters. This concept is shown power switch will be selected. In addition, the dead time between
in Fig. 5. switches that prevents shoot-through could offer flexibility in the
Instead of using two separate inverters, the parallel connection control. In reverse order, the rms value of the load current can
of the inverters can also be achieved at semiconductor device be used to switch from the high-power switch to the low-power
level. A low-power switch can be paralleled with the high- switch.


Fig. 7. Possible worst-case loading scenario for the considered house [3].

Fig. 9. Efficiency curves of MOSFETs based on simulation results.

It is assumed that a front-end dc–dc converter will maintain

the dc-link voltage at 400 V level. The switches will see 400 V,
and with safety considerations, 600 V switches are needed.
Switch models available in SABER and SPICE programs are
used in simulation study. The half-bridge topology is simulated
Fig. 8. Half-bridge voltage source inverter topology. for each switch at different power levels in an open-loop con-
figuration. Sinusoidal pulsewidth modulation (PWM) is used
to obtain gate signals for the switches. The modulation index
Although the cost of the inverter will increase, it is expected is 0.85. The switching frequency is 20 kHz. The efficiency is
that the energy savings through the improved efficiency would calculated from simulation results using η = Pout /Pin for each
compensate for the added cost over the lifetime of the resi- load condition. The switch models used in the simulations are
dential fuel cell power system. The cost analysis is given in given in Table II. It should be noted that the results obtained
Section III-B. in simulations are tied to selected switch models and may vary
for different switch models due to the assumptions made while
III. SIMULATION STUDY building switch models.

As shown in Fig. 7, the power inverter must be designed for

A. Simulation Results
approximately 9 kW peak power.
A 10-kW inverter design is chosen for the considered house. Two different MOSFET models are used and simulations are
The 10 kW power rating is also the target power in the Future completed for each MOSFET model under resistive loading.
Energy Challenge [24]. The design will use two 5 kW half- Fig. 9 shows the efficiency curves based on simulation results
bridge inverters to obtain the desired 10 kW total output power. for each MOSFET. As seen, using both MOSFETs will give
With the half-bridge inverter topology (see Fig. 8), it is easy to us an even better total efficiency curve. However, our goal is
obtain two single phase outputs and one phase-to-phase output, to achieve better efficiencies with least number of switches.
which is the standard in a residential building in the U.S. Therefore, only one extra switch is considered in this study.
Based on the histogram of the measured load demand in In Fig. 10(a), SGH80N60D (IGBT) and SPW20N60S5 ef-
Fig. 2, 1 kW is chosen as the low-power level. Thus, the low- ficiency curves are given. In Fig. 10(b), SGH80N60D (IGBT)
power switch is selected for 1 kW power rating. The high-power and IRFPS29N60L efficiency curves are given.
switch is selected for a 5 kW power rating. In Fig. 11(a), HGTG30N60C3 (IGBT) and SPW20N60S5 ef-
The switches S1, S2, S3, and S4 in Fig. 8 are parallel combi- ficiency curves are given. In Fig. 11(b), HGTG30N60C3 (IGBT)
nations of an IGBT–MOSFET, as shown in Fig. 6. and IRFPS29N60L efficiency curves are given.

Fig. 12. Block diagram explaining the calculation of saved energy.

B. Cost Analysis of the New Inverter Design

Although the proposed inverter design has higher efficiencies
at light loads, the extra cost of adding low-power switches should
be investigated to see if it is economically viable as well. It is
important from a customer point of view to see the return time
Fig. 10. (a) Efficiency curves for SGH80N60D and SPW20N60S5. (b) Effi- for their investment.
ciency curves for SGH80N60D and IRFPS29N60L.
The benefit of having higher efficiencies at light loads can
be quantified through the analysis of energy saving. To find
the saved energy, dc-side power demands for both the new in-
verter design and the conventional (high-power design) design
is calculated using
Pdc = . (1)
Then, the energy saving with the improved efficiency is cal-
culated by integrating the difference in dc-side power of the
inverters. The result gives us the saved energy when the new in-
verter design is compared with the conventional design. Fig. 12
shows the block diagram for the energy-saving calculation.
The measured load profile in one leg of the house is used as
the power input and daily energy saving is calculated for each
IGBT–MOSFET combination. Yearly energy saving is calcu-
lated by multiplying the daily energy saving by 365. Total sav-
ings in dollars can be calculated using the electricity supply
charge for a residential service (SC1) of the National Grid util-
Fig. 11. (a) Efficiency curves for HGTG30N60C3 and SPW20N60S5. ity company for Troy. The average electricity supply charge for
(b) Efficiency curves for HGTG30N60C3 and IRFPS29N60L. the SC1 from January 1, 2007 to December 30, 2007 is calcu-
lated as about 14.89 cents/kW·h using the data obtained from
OBTAINED ∆η FOR POWER DEMAND FROM 240 TO 900 W WITH THE the company webpage [25].
MOSFET AS THE LOW-POWER SWITCH A 10-year lifetime for the fuel cell power system is assumed.
Thus, the yearly savings multipled by 10 will give us the total
savings over the lifetime of the unit.
The yearly energy savings (both in kilowatthour and in dol-
lars) and lifetime savings are summarized in Table IV for each
IGBT–MOSFET combination.
When Tables III and IV are considered together, HGTG30N–
SPW20N and SGH80N–SPW20N switch combinations show
The efficiency gains with each IGBT–MOSFET switch com- similar performance. Although SGH80N–SPW20N combina-
binations are summarized in Table III. The simulation results tion shows better efficiency gains as power level goes up. The
show that when the MOSFET is used as the low-power switch, HGTG30N–SPW20N switch combination has a higher effi-
considerable efficiency improvement can be achieved at light ciency gain at 240 W. The percentage of load power that is
loads. The reason for the high efficiency with the MOSFET can lower than 240 W makes up 71.42% of the load demand. There-
be attributed to lower conduction losses at low currents and fast fore, the HGTG30N–SPW20N switch combination has slightly
switching times of the MOSFETs compared to IGBTs. higher energy savings during a day.



Fig. 14. Total savings based on hydrogen cost and additional cost of the new
design are shown. Break-even points are shown.

alone residential fuel cell power system considered in this re-

search. Besides, when the unit is mass-produced, the switch and
gate drive costs could go down even further making the return
time shorter.
Fig. 13. Return times for (a) HGTG30N–IRFPS29N and (b) HGTG30N– The benefit of the improved efficiencies at light loads with
SPW20N switch combinations are shown.
the new design can also be quantified through hydrogen savings.
The improved efficiency means less hydrogen usage for the same
The extra cost of adding new switches are calculated based on load power demand. Using a 39.7 kW·h per 1 kg hydrogen
the prices obtained on the internet. The cost of the SPW20N60S5 ratio [2], total savings in hydrogen amount is given in Table VI.
MOSFET is given as $3.91 [26]. The cost of the IRFPS29N The new hydrogen cost goal of $2–3 per kilogram independent
MOSFET is given as $7.57 for 250 or more [27]. The IR2113 of the pathway used to produce and deliver the hydrogen is
gate drive chip can be used to drive the MOSFETs. A single given by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) [23]. Using an
gate drive chip can drive both high-side and the low-side switch average cost of $2.50 per 1 kg H2 , the yearly savings and lifetime
in the half-bridge topology. The cost of the gate driver is given savings in dollars are calculated. Usually, extra hydrogen is
as $1.32 for orders of 50 or more [28]. The total cost of the new supplied to the fuel cell, which is called the stoichiometric ratio.
design for each leg of the half-bridge topology is summarized A stoichiometry ratio of 1.2 is assumed here.
in Table V. When hydrogen savings are considered, the return times are
The savings over a ten-year period and the cost of addi- found to be 1.97 years when the IRFPS29N MOSFET is used
tional MOSFET switches are plotted together to figure out the as the low-power switch and 1.075 years when the SPW20N
return times for each MOSFET. The return time is about a MOSFET is used as low-power switch (see Fig. 14).
year for HGTG30N–IRFPS29N switch combination as shown In a stand-alone operation, less hydrogen usage is what is
in Fig. 13(a). The return time is 0.47 years for HGTG30N– important to us. The savings are high enough to payback the
SPW20N switch combination, as shown in Fig. 13(b). There- additional cost of the new design in both energy and hydrogen
fore, it is feasible to design the new inverter topology for stand- cases.

Fig. 15. Block diagram of the experimental setup.

Fig. 17. V d c , V lo a d , and Ilo a d for 9 Ω loading case. Ilo a d is multiplied by 2.

Fig. 16. V d c , V lo a d , and Ilo a d for 50 Ω loading case. Ilo a d is multiplied by


C. Experimental Study
In order to verify the simulation results, an experimental setup
is configured and the parallel IGBT–MOSFET switch combina-
tions are tested to obtain efficiency readings. A block diagram
of the experimental setup is shown in Fig. 15. Fig. 18. Gate Signals for each switch and control signal for selection.
The modulation index is 0.9 and the dc bus is 360 V during
the experiment. A 20 kHz switching frequency is used and two TABLE VII
separate gate drives are employed to control each switch in the
parallel IGBT–MOSFET combination. Analog devices fixed-
point ADMFC340 DSP is used to produce the gate signals. A
dead-time zone is used to select between switches. A Voltech
PM3000A universal power analyzer is used to measure input
and output powers. A Tektronix TDS 3014 oscilloscope is used The switches used in the experiment are given in Table VII.
to capture the experimental data. The output filter inductance Since shoot-through has occurred when the load current was
value is 680 µH and the output filter capacitance value is 20 µF. increased with the SPW20N60S5 MOSFET for several tries,
The dc-bus voltage, load voltage after the output filter, and no experimental data can be collected for this MOSFET type.
load current for 50 Ω loading and 9 Ω loading are captured and Experimentally obtained efficiency values with IRFPS29N60L
shown in Figs. 16 and 17, respectively. When the load current MOSFET are summarized in Table VIII.
increases as in the 9 Ω loading case, the dc-bus voltage drops to Obtained efficiency gains for HGTG30N–IRFPS29N switch
350 V due to losses in the rectifier circuitry, as shown in Fig. 17. combination are shown in Fig. 19. Both experimental results
Experimentally measured gate signals and control signal for and simulations results are given. As seen, experimental results
switch selection are shown in Fig. 18. As seen, when the control show smaller efficiency gains at light loads compared to simu-
signal goes low, gate signals for the MOSFET becomes OFF lated cases since the real circuit conditions cannot be taken into
(−15 V) and IGBT gate signals becomes ON. account in simulations.

TABLE VIII prove the light-load efficiency since the stand-alone residential
power demand stays low most of the day. In the new design, a
low-power switch (MOSFET) is integrated into the high-power
inverter design. The unique feature of the design is that only
one of the switches in parallel IGBT–MOSFET combination is
active at any instant depending on the load current feedback.
Both simulation and experimental results are given to show the
light-load efficiency can be improved and considerable savings
can be achieved.
In this study, only the resistive loading case is investigated
since the use of semiconductor switches is maximized under
resistive loading. Thus, the benefit of the hybrid switch can be
fully investigated. If an inductive load or RL load is used then
the use of antiparallel diode will increase. Both in simulations
and experimental study, an output filter is employed. Thus, the
inverter actually sees an inductive load. Since the filter induc-
tance value is small (680 µH), the effect of the inductor on the
results is assumed to be negligible.
The 20 kHz switching frequency is used based on [7]. If the
switching frequency is reduced, for example, to 5 kHz, the hy-
brid switch will perform better since the conduction time will be
larger with low switching frequency during a switching period.
The larger the conduction times at light loads, the better the
performance of the hybrid switch since the MOSFET switches
perform better at light loads with larger conduction times. Be-
sides, the switching losses will be reduced and total efficiency
will increase. Although it is not considered in here, a Schottky
Fig. 19. Obtained efficiency gains for HGTG30N–IRFPS29N switch combi- diode can be used in series with the MOSFET switch to pre-
nation. Both experimental results and simulations results are given. vent potential hazard of overcurrent in the the body diode of the
MOSFET and to eliminate slow reverse-recovery characteris-
tics of the body diode. However, this will introduce additional
Efficiency improvement is achieved at power levels below
losses. The effect of switching frequency and the use of series
500 W with the proposed topology change. As the load power
Schottky diode on the performance of the hybrid switch are
increases efficiency gain disappears. When the combined effi-
going to be investigated in a future study.
ciency curve is used, the yearly energy savings is calculated as
In the proposed topology, only one switch is active at a time.
45.041 kW·h/year.
For a sinusoidally changing load current, the MOSFET switch
Yearly savings amount in dollars is found as $6.706
can be active until its current limit is reached; then, the MOSFET
per year and $67.06 for assumed 10-year lifetime using
can be turned off and the IGBT switch can be turned on within
14.89 cents/kW·h. The hydrogen amount saved over a year is
each half cycle. The effect of such a control strategy on efficiency
calculated as 1.3705 kg. Using $2.5 per kilogram, the total sav-
improvement and hydrogen savings is the subject of a future
ings in terms of less hydrogen use is $3.4263 per year and $34.26
over the ten-year lifetime. The return time is then 4.804 years
Although results are tied to switch selection and might vary
based on hydrogen savings.
for different switch combinations due to different device manu-
The experimental results also show that it is feasible to employ
facturing processes, device characteristics, etc., this study points
parallel IGBT–MOSFET switch combination in a half-bridge
out that considerable hydrogen savings could be achieved if
topology to increase light-load efficiency. The obtained results
light-load efficiency is improved in the stand-alone residential
are tied to selected switches and may vary with different switch
fuel cell power system. Cost analysis shows a quick return time
combinations due to device manufacturing processes, character-
for the additional cost of extra switches.
istics, parasitics, temperature, etc. Due to these dependencies, it
The proposed design can be used for any stand-alone residen-
is not possible to generalize the outcome. Thus, benefits of such
tial power system where the load demand stays low most of the
switch combinations should be investigated for every applica-
tion individually.


The demand-side characteristics in the stand-alone residential The authors would like to thank Advanced Energy Conversion
fuel cell power system are taken into consideration in designing for the use of its lab facilities and International Rectifier for
a power inverter. A novel inverter design is proposed to im- providing free switch samples for this study.

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[12] L. E. Lesster, “Fuel cell power electronics: Managing a variable-voltage
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pp. 5–9, Oct. 2000. ing from Worcester Polytechnic Institute,Worcester, MA, and the S.M., E.E.,
[13] K. Wang, C. Y. Lin, L. Zhu, D. Qu, F. C. Lee, and J. S. Lai, “Bidirectional and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of
DC to DC converters for fuel cell systems,” in Proc. Power Electron. Technology, Cambridge.
Transp., 1998, pp. 47–51. He is currently the Chief Technology Officer of Advanced Energy Conver-
[14] L. Zubieta and G. Panza, “A wide input voltage and high efficiency DC– sion, Malta, NY. His research interests include distributed generation, trans-
DC converter for fuel cell applications,” in Proc. 20th Annu. IEEE Appl. portation systems, and industrial automation.
Power Electron. Conf. Expo., Mar. 2005, vol. 1, pp. 85–89. Dr. Torrey is a member of Sigma Xi, Tau Beta Pi, Eta Kappa Nu, and Institu-
[15] Y. Zhan, J. Zhu, Y. Guo, and H. Wang, “An intelligent uninterruptible tion of Electrical Engineers (IEE). He has been involved in IEEE activities that
power supply system with backup fuel cell-battery hybrid power sources,” support power electronics through the Applied Power Electronics Conference.
J. Power Sources, to be published. He is a Registered Professional Engineer in NY and a Chartered Engineer in the
[16] Y. Kim, H. Moon, S. Kim, E. Cheong, and C. Won, “A fuel cell system with U.K.
z-source inverters and ultra-capacitors,” in Proc. 4th Int. Power Electron.
Motion Control Conf., Aug. 2004, vol. 3, pp. 1587–1591.
[17] O. Al-Naseem, R. W. Erickson, and P. Carlin, “Prediction of switching
loss variations by averaged switch modeling,” in Proc. 15th Annu. IEEE
Appl. Power Electron. Conf. Expo., Feb. 2000, vol. 1, pp. 242–248.
[18] Y. Jiang, G. C. Hua, E. Yang, and F. C. Lee, “Soft-switching of IGBTs
with the Help of MOSFETs in bridge-type converters,” in Proc. 24th Annu.
IEEE Power Electron. Spec. Conf., Jun. 1993, pp. 151–157. Sheppard Salon (S’69–M’70–SM’80–F’94) has been with Rensselaer Poly-
[19] K. F. Hoffmann and J. P. Karst, “High frequency power switch-improved technic Institute (RPI), Troy, NY, since 1978, where he is currently a Professor
performance by MOSFETs and IGBTs connected in parallel,” in Proc. of electric power engineering. He was a Development Engineer at the Westing-
Power Electron. Appl., 2005 Eur. Conf., 11–14 Sep. 2005, p. 11. house Electric Corporation, where he was engaged in large rotating machines.
[20] K. F. Hoffmann and J. P. Karst, “High speed complementary drive of His current research interests include electric machines and numerical methods
a hybrid MOSFET and IGBT power switch,” in Proc. Power Electron. in fields.
Appl., 2005 Eur. Conf., Sep. 11–14, p. 9. Dr. Salon is the Past Chairman of the synchronous machine subcommittee.

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