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Theme of Capitalism:

Capitalism is a social system based on the principal of individual rights.

Politically it is the system of freedom. Capitalism is an economic system
based on private ownership of the means of production and their
operation for profit. Characteristics central to capitalism include private
property, capital accumulation, wage labor, voluntary exchange, a price
system and competitive marjets.

Novel starts with trade means Humans trade.

The novel has multi-culturalism and develops with various multi


On island being alone, Crusoe treats himself as respected and high

position of the kingdom. In order to keep expanding capitalism,
requires a cheap sources of raw materials and markets for finished
products. Colonials and markets for finished products.

So, through capitalism and colonialism are not identical they are closely
associated. In the 18th century, Colonialism and imperialism were
generally synonymous today terms are still often interchanged through
they are not truly identical.

In colonialism one has controls the territory, the economy and the
political structure of another country in imperialism one nation extends
its empire or its domination of other lands.
Crusoe acts as a colonizer in assume complete dominion over the island
and any people he encounters. The land and all its products belong to
him. Several times he notes the abundance of trees suitable for making

“Crusoe’s actions as an individual duplicate those of nations in climbing

land for colonies.”


The chapter which narrates his return to the island is titled ‘I revisit my
island’. ‘my’ colony on island.

Crusoe sees himself as ‘king’ and other as his subjects including his
pets. He creates not a democracy not a republic but a kingdom there he
imposes his will on others, most obviously Friday but also on the worst
of the English mutineers, whom he forces into staying on the island.

The true symbol of British conquest is Robinson Crusoe. Who cast away
on a desert island, in his pocket a knife and a pipe becomes an
architect, a carpenter, a knife grinder, an astronomer, a baker, a
shipwright, a potter, a saddler, a farmer, a tailor, an umbrella makes
and clergyman.

Crusoe is the true prototype of the British Colonist, as Friday is the

symbol of the subject races Crusoe as imperialist conqueror is not a
twentieth century invention his sovereign rule is suggested by the orb
he holds and the object submission of the native.

As above discussion we can say that:

“Colonialism helped capitalism to become powerful.”

Nature creates boundary away from the society natural things grow
gradually not in society but far away from the society. Crusoe becomes
king the lord the master of the empire though he breaks the culture of

Having the power of colonialism and imperialism Crusoe becomes cruel

to Friday because of Crusoe’s influences culture too means.

‘Friday lost his original identity’

Crusoe has great feeling towards his island and he says that…..

“My island was now peopled, and thought, myself very rich in subjects;
and it was a memory reflection, which I frequently made how like a king
I looked.

First of all the whole country as my own mere property basso that I had
an undoubted right of dominion. I was absolute lord and law right they
all owed their lives to me and there were ready to lay down their lives.
If there had been occasion of it for me.”

Above sentences which are spoken by Robinson Crusoe in the novel- so

all reader observes that Daniel Defoe describes and develop him as the
source of central theme Capitalism.

As economic man Crusoe has been specifically identified with

capitalism particularly by Marxist critics. His solitary state on the island,
his limited relationships with others, including his own family, and the
insignificance of women reflect the nature of capitalism which
emphasizes individual self-interest. Because of primacy of the individual
Other basic capitalistic elements in the novel are the importance of
contractual relationships, the economic motives, the drive to
accumulate, venturing in search of economic opportunity,
utilitarianism, and the weak connection to community and country.

Robinson Crusoe was a capitalist-bourgeois, Friday-worker-proletariat,

island of despair-provides the capital in terms of natural resources,
food, shelter, and clothing-output.

Crusoe is tempted to sail partly to appease his spirit of adventure and

partly to earn money. Crusoe in due course becomes wealthier than his
father. It becomes more of a capitalist venture for him constant need
for improvement.

Crusoe treats all relationships in terms of their commercial value:

 Xury—sold to earn money

 Portuguese Captain—because he helps Crusoe achieve economic
 Friday—a slave

Being alone on island, Crusoe fulfills his wish to be the king of island. He
also behaves with same attitude as Englishman. He becomes the
master of Friday as his duty to make other people civilize. Thus as
above discussion, we may conclude that Robinson Crusoe becomes the
source of the theme of Capitalism of the novel ‘Robinson Crusoe.

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