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Day 01 심리

Date Time Score

▶정답 008p

※ 다음 밑줄 친 부분과 의미가 가장 가까운 것을 고르시오. (01~02)

The mood was somber, reflecting decades of frustration, failure and mounting

① pure or good
② having had no alcohol
③ serious and sad in appearance or feeling
④ causing or likely to cause strong admiration


The material in the unconscious is not forgotten or dormant. It has been repressed
because of anxiety-producing nature, but its influence on behavior is pervasive.
The unconscious constitutes personality. Much of our behavior is acting out our
unconscious fantasies.

① widespread ② persuasive
③ perverse ④ negligible

03 다음 빈칸에 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

Some people are gregarious; on the contrary, others ___________________.

① arrive late ② are amicable

③ are agreeable ④ are herbivorous
⑤ keep to themselves

04 다음 중 단어의 뜻풀이가 옳지 않은 것을 고르시오.

① rehabilitate: to continue with an effort or plan despite difficulties

② antagonist: one who opposes or competes
③ exploit: to use selfishly or unethically
④ banal: lacking originality

매일영어 Day 01

05 주어진 문장의 의미와 가장 가까운 것을 고르시오.

I am not above asking questions.

① I don’t like to ask questions.

② It is useless to ask me questions.
③ I don’t know how to ask questions.
④ I am not unwilling to ask questions.
⑤ I do not feel equal to being questioned.

※ 다음 대화의 빈칸에 가장 알맞은 표현을 고르시오. (06~07)

A: When I think about the presentation, I get _____________ in my stomach.
B: Are you really feeling so nervous about it?

① worms ② insects
③ butterflies ④ fish

A: You look so angry. What happened?
B: Nothing. I’d rather not talk about it. Just don’t ask.
A: Come on. I think you need to let ____________ some steam. Besides, you
shouldn’t keep your feelings pent-up. That’ll eat you alive. So, talk to me.

① on ② out
③ off ④ down


08 다음 빈칸에 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

We tried to _______________________, but the scene was too ludicrous.

① step out of line ② straighten up and fly right

③ keep a straight face ④ catch at a straw

09 A에 대한 B의 응답으로 가장 적절한 것은?

A: Even though going out for two years, she and I are still not talking the same
B: __________________________________________

① You’re right. She doesn’t have a liking for English.

② So, do you intend to be through with her?
③ She must have gotten stuck in lots of work.
④ You never fail to please me.

10 다음 빈칸에 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

________________________ is more patience.

① That what we need ② What we need

③ Which we need ④ What we are needed

매일영어 Day 01

11 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 문법상 어색한 것을 고르시오.

The psychological effect of ① continually ② pretending to ③ agree with that ④ of

which one does not agree is ⑤ disastrous.

12 다음 중 문법적으로 어색한 것을 고르시오.

① Most traffic accidents result in drivers’ carelessness.

② She was suddenly possessed by an overwhelming jealousy.
③ The match was called off because of bad weather.
④ A petition containing 50,000 signatures was handed in at the mayor’s office.

13 다음 글에 언급되거나, 이 글이 암시하는 것은 무엇인지 고르시오.

Whether military or civilian, most professional training programs stress the

importance of self-confidence. Believe in yourself and you will succeed. But, in
some cases, the opposite is true. There are people whose success stems not from
self-confidence but from feelings of failure. Feeling inadequate, they push
themselves harder and harder, forcing themselves to achieve. In this way failure
becomes, ironically, a source of success. This was the view of the writer and critic
Edmund Wilson. As examples, Wilson cited the philosopher Karl Marx and the
poet Edna St. Vincent Millay, two people driven to succeed by a sense of
inadequacy and failure.

① 자신감이 없으면 절대로 성공할 수 없다.

② 자신감이 성공의 열쇠라는 것은 당연한 사실이다.
③ 적절치 못하고 실패할 거라는 생각이 오히려 성공을 이끌 수도 있다.
④ Karl Marx는 어떤 일이든 자신감을 가지고 했기 때문에 성공을 했다.
⑤ 자신감이 없고, 매사 비관적인 사람이 성공할 가능성이 더 높다.


14 다음 글을 읽고 글의 내용과 일치하는 것을 고르시오.

Psychological tests given while hot winds were blowing have turned up some
good news and some bad news about the relations among winds, personality, and
ability. The bad news first: Hot winds make people more neurotic and irritable,
and then they do worse on intelligence tests. They can’t understand mechanical
instructions as well as they can in cooler weather. The good news: Hot winds
won’t keep you from doing your best in math and clerical work, nor will they
affect your visual perception.

① We know everything about how hot winds affect our personality or ability.
② When hot winds are blowing, we tend to be easily irritated.
③ Hot winds have nothing to do with our mechanical ability.
④ We can solve math problems much faster in hot weather than in cool weather.
⑤ Our visual perception can be affected by hot winds.

15 다음 문장의 요지로 적절한 것을 고르시오.

There is a crucial difference between self-criticism and low self-esteem. You need a
high personal opinion of your aptitudes and the way that you apply them. But
you first earn that high personal regard by subjecting your actions and output to
rigorous judgment. By acting as your own most severe critic, you avoid
complacency and substitute the pursuit of excellence. Just as with others, it is
important to make constructive, rather than negative criticisms, and then take
positive action to improve areas of weakness. Beware if you find nothing to
criticize, however. That is usually a sign of trouble ahead.

① 성공한 사람이 겸손해야 한다.

② 자신감의 부족이 실패의 중요한 요인이다.
③ 타인의 비판을 받아들이는 아량을 가져야 한다.
④ 스스로 자신의 부족한 점을 찾아보아야 한다.

매일영어 Day 01

16 다음 글을 읽고 밑줄 친 it이 가리키는 내용으로 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

I abandoned the medical profession with relief, but I do not regret the five years I
spent at the hospital --- far from it. They taught me pretty well all I know about
human nature, for in a hospital you see it naked and raw. People in pain, people in
fear of death, do not try to hide anything from their doctor, and if they do, he can
generally guess what they are hiding.

① a hospital ② human nature

③ the medical profession ④ all I know

17 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

I remember my father very clearly. We do not have any

photographs of him but I have a picture in my mind of a
man, dark, handsome, tall, and neither too stout nor too
thin. Mother is a tiny woman; when she and I stand side by
side, her head does not reach quite up to my shoulder. I
remember once when she was helping father put on his tie
and she was reaching up on tiptoe. He laughed heartily and
told her to get a newspaper _________________________.

① to read for the rest of his life

② to be recycled in the form of useful products
③ to know what happens in the world
④ to stand on to make herself a little taller


18 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?

Almost everyone feels anxious at one time or another. We may be shy about
answering questions in class or nervous at parties. However, there is a key
difference in the way shy and non-shy persons view their anxiety in social
situations. Shy persons tend to see their social anxiety as a lasting personality trait.
Shyness, in other words, is part of their self-concept. In contrast, non-shy persons
believe that the situation is at fault. When non-shy persons feel anxiety or “stage
fright,” they assume that almost anyone would feel as they do under the same set
of circumstances.

① the difference between shyness and self-concept

② the stage fright in people who are shy
③ the difference between shy and non-shy people
④ the effects of anxiety and shyness
⑤ the relation between social anxiety and circumstances

19 다음 글을 읽고, 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 옳은 것은?

Much of our anxiety and inner struggle stems from our busy,
overactive minds always needing something to entertain them,
something to focus on, and always wondering “What’s next?”
While we’re eating dinner we wonder what’s for dessert. While
eating dessert, we ponder what we should do afterward. After
that evening, it’s “what should we do this weekend?” After
we’ve been out, we walk into the house and immediately turn on the television,
pick up the phone, open a book, or start cleaning. It’s almost as though we’re
frightened at the thought of ____________________________, even for a minute.

① preparing for next meals ② doing nothing

③ having a lot of things to do ④ taking care of household chores

매일영어 Day 01

20 다음 글을 읽고 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것을 고르시오.

A simple experiment will distinguish two types of

human nature. Gather a throng of people and pour
them into a ferry-boat. By the time the boat has
swung into the river you will find that a certain
proportion have taken the trouble to climb upstairs,
in order to be out on deck and see what is to be seen
as they cross over. The rest have settled indoors, to think about what they will do
upon reaching the other side. We may divide all the alert passengers on the boat
into two classes --- those who are interested in crossing the river, and those who
are merely interested in getting across. And we may divide all the people of the
earth, or all the moods of people, in the same way. Some of them are chiefly
occupied with attaining ends, and some with receiving experiences. The
distinction of the two will be more marked when we name the first mind practical,
and the second poetic, for common knowledge recognizes that a person poetic or
in a poetic mood is impractical, and a practical person is intolerant of poetry.

① One who is interested in “crossing the river” represents a poetic person.

② People generally say that a practical person cannot endure poetry.
③ The chief concern of the poetic mind is receiving experiences.
④ A poetic person is not interested in observing the river.

01 somber [s£mb‰÷] 음울한

02 the unconscious ["‰ >nk£n∫Âs] 무의식

03 repress [riprès] ~을 억누르다

04 personality [pË;÷sÂn®l‰ti] 성격, 인성

05 gregarious [grig¬Âri‰s] 사교적인

06 keep to oneself 다른 사람과의 교제를 피하다

07 get butterflies in one’s stomach 떨리다

08 let off steam 에너지나 울분을 풀어버리다

09 pent-up [pent-<p] 억눌린, 답답한

심리 10

psychological [sàik‰l£d,ikÂl]

carelessness [k¬‰÷lisnis]
심리의, 심리학의

부주의함; 경솔

Psychology 12 self-confidence [self-k£nfidÂns] 자신감

13 neurotic [n∆uÂr£tik] 신경질적인

14 irritable [ír‰t‰bÂl] 화를 잘 내는

15 intelligence [intèl‰d,Âns] 지능

16 self-criticism [self-krítisìzÂm] 자기비판

17 self-esteem [self-istí;m] 자기존중

18 complacency [k‰mpleisnsi] 자아만족

19 anxiety [æ\zái‰ti] 불안감

20 trait [treit] (성격상의) 특성

Day 02 역사 1
Date Time Score

▶정답 019p

※ 다음 빈칸에 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오. (01~03)

Although many structures have been worn down by time, the ___________ of the
civilization still lives on.

① ecstasy ② galore
③ legacy ④ elation

Medieval kingdoms did not become constitutional republics overnight; on the
contrary, the change was ______________.

① unpopular ② unexpected
③ sufficient ④ gradual

역사 1

In the medieval times, people used salt to ________ food, so the food would stay
good for a long time.

① preserve ② remain
③ isolate ④ eat

※ 다음 밑줄 친 부분과 의미가 가장 가까운 것을 고르시오. (04~07)

Historical records reveal that Jefferson demonstrated his ideas about a meritocracy.

① showed ② changed
③ admonished ④ repeated

Do you know why the country is called “the United States of America” and not
just “America” and what the stars and stripes on the American flag stand for?

① allow ② support
③ endure ④ represent
⑤ cause

With the process of evolution, man broke in some cattle to labor.

① raised ② beat
③ fed ④ interfered
⑤ tamed

매일영어 Day 02

In the 1960’s the upper level of Pennsylvania Station in New York City was torn
down and replaced by Madison Square Garden.

① detracted ② demoted
③ distended ④ dismantled
⑤ duplicated

※ 다음 빈칸에 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오. (08~10)

A historian, ____________________ outsiders why he studies history, may come out
with a line of talk that he has learned to repeat on such occasions.

① when asked by ② when to ask

③ having been asked ④ that asks
⑤ not to ask

A: I’m thinking of going back to school to get another degree. It’s so hard to find a
job with a degree in literature.
B: Yeah, I know what you mean.
A: I ________________________ something more practical. If I’d been more sensible, I
would have majored in economics.
B: Why did you major in literature?
A: I don’t know! My mother wanted me to major in business.
B: Oh? What does she do?
A: Mom? She’s a literature professor.

① must have studied ② don’t need to study

③ wouldn’t have studied ④ should have studied

역사 1

__________________________ when our descendants will look back upon us and our
time with a sense of superiority.

① In the future ② In the past

③ The day was gone ④ The day will come
⑤ The time has arrived

※ 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 문법상 어색한 것을 고르시오. (11~12)

① It took ② eight years ③ to complete the Erie Canal, ④ the 365-mile waterway ⑤
which it connects Albany and Buffalo in New York State.

Why do doughnuts have holes? A long time ago, a sea captain ① named Hanson
Gregory was steering his ship one stormy night. He was hungry, but it was hard
for him to eat his fried cake while steering the boat. He was ② disappointing with
that, so he had an idea to grip it more easily: ③ making a finger hole. People fell in
love with the idea and began ④ frying the cakes that way ever since. Today this
kind of doughnut is more ⑤ eaten around the world than any other.

매일영어 Day 02

13 다음 글을 읽고 도출할 수 있는 이 글의 결론은 무엇인지 고르시오.

The extent of the Holocaust, the murder of six million Jews by the Nazis during
World War II, became apparent with the war’s end in 1945. However, it wasn’t
until the early 1990s, due to the success of Steven Spielberg’s film Schindler’s List
and the opening of U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C., that it
became a topic of general conversation among Americans.

① During the 1990s, the American public was largely unaware of the Holocaust.
② Schindler’s List would not have been a success if the Holocaust museum had not
opened at the same time.
③ Prior to the opening of the museum in Washington, the U.S. government had taken a
serious official notice of the Holocaust.
④ The museum would not be as popular as it has been if Spielberg’s film had not been
so successful.
⑤ The success of Spielberg’s film and the museum opening were instrumental in
bringing the subject of the Holocaust to the public’s attention.

14 다음 글의 빈칸에 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

During World War II, it sometimes did prove to be unlucky to be the third person
lighting a cigarette on a match. If a group of soldiers in a foxhole kept a match lit
for too long, ____________ could see the light and have time to aim accurately and
fire. A good number of soldiers died because they couldn’t resist having that one

① sniffer ② snicker
③ sniper ④ skimmer

역사 1

15 Why did the sports cartoonist write “hot dog” according to the passage?

The term “hot dog” was coined in 1901 at the New York Polo Grounds. One cold
April day, concessionaire Harry Stevens was losing money with ice cream and ice
cold soda. He sent his salesmen out to buy up all the dachshund sausages they
could find, along with an equal number of rolls. In less than an hour his vendors
were hawking hot dogs from portable hot water tanks with “ They ’re red hot! Get
your dachshund sausages while they’re red hot! ” In the press box, sports
cartoonist Tad Dorgan was nearing his deadline and desperate for an idea.
Hearing the vendors, he hastily drew a cartoon of barking dachshund sausages
nestled warmly in rolls. Not sure of how to spell “dachshund” he simply wrote
“hot dog!” The cartoon was a sensation. People began to use the term “hot dog.”

① Because the name of the sausages was the same as that of a breed of dog.
② Because the sausages were made of dog meat.
③ Because the sausages looked like a dog.
④ Because the vendors were calling the sausages “ hot dog.”
⑤ Because the sausages were sold in rolls.

16 다음 글에 가장 적합한 제목을 고르시오.

The habit of shaking hands goes back to the old days. When you met someone on
the road, it became customary to extend your hands to show that you were
carrying no weapons. This gradually developed into the handshake.

① The origin of shaking hands ② How to shake hands

③ How to carry weapons ④ Weapons and shaking hands

매일영어 Day 02

17 다음 글을 읽고 십자군 전쟁이 봉건제도에 미친 영향을 가장 잘 설명한 것을 고르시오.

In the eleventh century Christians from Europe, disturbed by Moslem treatment of

Christians in the Holy Land, began to form groups to go to east. These bands of
Christians were called Crusaders, and their original intention was to defeat Islam
and to restore the Holy Land to Christianity. In this purpose the Crusaders failed,
for Islam was greatly extended after the last military expedition was over.
However, some think that Europe was saved from Islam. The Crusaders were
influential chiefly in extending knowledge of geography, stimulating travel,
promoting commerce and culture, and hastening the disintegration of feudalism.

① They helped to destroy feudalism. ② They strengthened feudalism.

③ They were little influence either way. ④ They supported feudal chiefs.

18 다음 글의 밑줄 친 Janissaries에 대한 설명으로 옳은 것은?

In the 14th Century, there was a rather special army corps called Janissaries in
Turkey. This army was formed only of orphans. When Turkish soldiers invaded an
Armenian or Slav village, they took the very young children and shut them up in
a special military school where they could learn nothing of the outside world.
Educated solely in the art of combat, these soldiers turned out to be the best
fighters in the whole empire and shamelessly attacked the village inhabited by
their real families. It never occurred to the Janissaries to fight their kidnappers on
the side of their parents. On the other hand, their power grew ceaselessly and
ended up worrying a Turkish king, who massacred them and set fire to their
school in 1826.

① They were notorious for kidnapping and killing children.

② They revenged their parents by killing Turkish soldiers.
③ They were killed by a Turkish king who had become afraid of them.
④ They were Turkish soldiers’ children who lost their fathers at battlefields.

역사 1

19 다음 글을 읽고 제목으로 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

When early humans hunted and gathered

food, they were not in control of their
environment. They could only interact with
their surroundings as lower organisms did.
When humans learned to make fire,
however, they became capable of altering
their environment. To provide themselves
with fuel, they stripped bark from trees,
causing the trees to die. Clearings were burned in forests to increase the growth of
grass and provide a greater grazing area for the wild animals that human fed
upon. This development led to farming and the domestication of animals. Fire also
provided the means for cooking plants which had previously been inedible. Only
when the process of meeting the basic need for food reached a certain level of
sophistication was it possible for human to follow other pursuits such as the
founding of cities.

① The Development of Civilization ② The Evolution of Farming Techniques

③ Basic Food-Gathering Techniques ④ Hunting as a Source of Food

매일영어 Day 02

20 다음 글을 읽고 빈칸에 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

The first settlers in the New World were Northern

Europeans. Blacks worked on their plantations.
Around 1890, Italians and Jews came to the States
in massive numbers. Hispanic people followed
them in new immigration waves. The latest wave
brought Vietnamese, Tai and Koreans to the U.S.

① Language is a primal expression of one’s culture.

② All these people brought along their own culture.
③ East Asian languages are becoming more and more popular.
④ But ethnic feeling has not died.

01 wear down 닳다, 마모되다; 마모시키다

02 civilization [sìv‰lizèi∫Ân] 문명

03 medieval [mì;dií;vÂl] 중세의

04 republic [rip=blik] 공화국

05 meritocracy [mérit£kr‰si] 능력주의 사회

06 evolution [év‰lù;∫Ân] (점진적인) 발전; 진화

07 tear down (건물 등을) 허물다

08 descendant [disènd‰nt] 후손

09 look back upon ~를 되돌아보다, 회고하다

역사 1 superiority [s‰pìÂri≤(;)r‰ti]
10 우월성, 우세

11 holocaust [h£l‰k≥;st] 대참사 (the Holocaust 유대인 대학살)

History 1 12 coin [k∞in] 새로운 낱말 등을 만들다

13 foxhole [f£kshòul] 참호

14 customary [k=st‰méri] 관례적인, 습관적인

15 Moslem [m£zl‰m] 이슬람교도(=Muslim)

16 disintegration [disíntigrèi∫Ân] 붕괴, 분열

17 feudalism [fjù;d‰lìzÂm] 봉건 제도

18 massacre [m®s‰k‰÷] 학살하다; 학살

19 domestication [do¨mèst‰kéi∫Ân] 가축화

20 new wave (예술 분야 등의) 실험적인 흐름, 새 물결

Day 03 역사 2
Date Time Score

▶정답 030p

※ 다음 밑줄 친 부분과 의미가 가장 가까운 것을 고르시오. (01~03)

Native Americans began to cultivate corn thousands of years ago.

① consume ② raise
③ pick ④ sell

After Egypt’s Old Kingdom ended, a period of social and political upheaval

① equilibrium ② convulsion
③ tranquility ④ justice

역사 2

History shows us that an efflorescence of the area is the first activity of nations on
the road to the goal.

① prosperity ② commodity
③ avalanche ④ predicament
⑤ undertaking

※ 다음 빈칸에 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오. (04~05)

The year 1927 marked the first solo transatlantic flight in ______________ history.

① aviation ② astronomy
③ automobile ④ anthropology

In 1868, at the age of thirty-three, the industrialist Andrew Carnegie gave more
than $350 million to various schools and libraries. By the time he was through
doing good works, most people had forgotten Carnegie’s reputation as a tough
industrialist who grew rich by making others work hard for little money. He was
remembered only as a generous _________________.

① philanthropist ② mortgagee
③ Francophile ④ anachronist
⑤ chronologist

매일영어 Day 03

06 다음 밑줄 친 표현과 그 뜻이 같은 것을 고르시오.

These houses are a testament to the craftsmanship of the builders who erected
them last century.

① concern ② match
③ suit ④ demonstrate
⑤ accommodate

07 다음 빈칸에 공통으로 들어갈 단어는?

·He could not wait to show ___________ his new car.

·We were cut ___________ in the middle of our conversation.
·They were laid ___________ because of the lack of new orders.

① out ② off
③ for ④ in
⑤ on

08 다음 대화의 흐름상 빈칸에 가장 알맞은 말을 고르시오.

A: I think we’d better be going. It’s almost ten-thirty.

B: Is that really the time? I hope you had a good time.
A: Oh, yes. Thank you for inviting us. We’ve had a really wonderful evening.
B: __________________________________

① I’m glad you enjoyed yourselves.

② Next time, you’ll have to come over to our place.
③ It was a delicious meal.
④ Thank you for having us.

역사 2

※ 다음 빈칸에 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오. (09~10)

In Virginia, the land was rich. As a result, __________ colonists were able to prosper
from the land and build luxurious homes.

① many ② many a
③ many of ④ a good deal

The court was quite at a loss ______________ deciding the rights of slaves. As a
matter of fact, the opinion of the people was greatly divided.

① as if it took to ② as it turned out

③ when it came to ④ when it followed
⑤ what it got to

11 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 문법상 어색한 것을 고르시오.

① Written in the 1910s, the nature writer Ernest N. Seton estimated ② that by the
end of the 18th century the ③ original population of buffalo in North America ④
had been 75 ⑤ million.

매일영어 Day 03

12 다음 글을 읽고 빈칸에 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

The welfare state in the United States has also been troubled by racial problems,
which began with black slavery before the Civil War of the 1860s and continued
with racial segregation in the South until 1960s. Segregation made it difficult for
black Americans ____________ into the larger middle-class culture and its values.

① assimilate ② assimilating
③ becoming assimilated ④ to become assimilated
⑤ assimilated

13 This passage is an introductory part for ____________________.

When I was young, I was suitably impressed to learn that, appearances

notwithstanding, the whale is not a fish. Nowadays these questions of
classification move me less and it does not worry me unduly when I am assured
that history is not a science. This terminological question is an eccentricity of
the English language. In every other European language, the equivalent word
to ‘science’ includes history without hesitation. But in the English speaking world
this question has a long past behind it, and the issues raised by it are a convenient
introduction to the problems of method in history.

① methods of history ② attitudes of scientists

③ characteristics of English ④ terminological problems
⑤ history of English

역사 2

14 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것을 고르시오.

Trousers seem to have been invented in Persia in the later prehistoric period. They
were then adopted by many northern European and central Asian “barbarians”(as
they were referred to by “civilized” members of Roman and Chinese empires),
such as the Saxons. In many cases, barbarian women also wore trousers, especially
when horseback riding was part of the nomadic way of life. In the cities of the two
empires, however, both men and women of the elite wore long flowing robes.
Even after the Roman Empire collapsed into a fragmented feudal Europe, noble
men and women continued to wear long, quasi-Roman robes. Peasants wore short
robes, and occasionally male peasants wore loose “barbarian” trousers.

① 바지는 로마제국 시절 북부 유럽에 존재했다.

② 로마와 중국은 색슨족을 야만인 취급했다.
③ 중세유럽에서 귀족들은 로마의 복식을 답습했다.
④ 중세시대의 유럽 귀족 여성들은 자주 바지를 입었다.

15 다음 글을 읽고 제시된 문장이 들어갈 가장 알맞은 곳을 고르시오.

But there was plenty of random slaughter besides this.

In May 1806, for three weeks a group of white Americans moved through the state
of Montana to survey the land. ① They killed 167 animals, about eight a day. ②
Reviewing their travels, one historian estimates that over a twenty-eight month
period they probably shot, to feed themselves, something between five and ten
thousand animals. ③ They just killed for the fun of it. They killed grizzly bears,
mountain lions, wolves, and buffalo. ④ They could pick and choose what they
wanted to kill because the western plains displayed a richness of animal life that
overwhelmed many travelers. ⑤

매일영어 Day 03

16 문맥상 다음 빈칸에 들어가기에 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

At a crucial stage in the Revolutionary War, General

Washington called for a volunteer to go as a spy behind the
enemy lines. Captain Nathan Hale --- only twenty-one years
old, bright, athletic, and popular --- volunteered. He succeeded
in getting through the lines and in obtaining the information
he was seeking, but he was captured on his way back to the
American camp. In accordance with military law he was hanged. His last words,
“I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country,” are engraved on
many monuments to him. He is remembered as ________________________.

① a true patriot ② a remorseful spy

③ a wise commander ④ a real loser
⑤ an incompetent captain

17 다음 글을 읽고 아래의 물음에 답하시오.

In the last few years, archaeologists who set out to discover

the treasures of Mayan civilization knew just where to look:
the international art market. Grave robbers had looted so
many ancient Mayan burial sites in Mexico and Guatemala,
stealing hundreds of priceless objects, that researchers
wondered if there were tombs left intact. But earlier this
month a team from the University of Texas and the Guatemalan government
struck pay dirt. They found a painted burial chamber more than 1,500 years old
and in such excellent condition that its pottery, jade, and murals form a perfect
freeze frame of the Early Classic period of Mayan civilization.

The Mayan relics found in the burial chamber include ________________.

① painted stones and arrow ② silverwares and spears

③ horseshoes and arrowheads ④ earthenwares and gemstones
⑤ gemstones and knives

역사 2

18 다음 글을 읽고 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것을 고르시오.

In 1271, seventeen-year-old Marco Polo left Venice to begin one of the most
amazing odysseys of all time. Marco, along with his father and uncle, was about to
enter Asia, a land completely unknown to Europe. The mysteries that Marco Polo
saw and reported changed not only his life but also the lives of Europeans in
general. Marco Polo was amazed by the wonders and riches he saw. The
sophistication of the Orient made Europe seem primitive. In making porcelain,
Oriental craftsmen had long used techniques unknown in the West. Throughout
the empire of Kublai Khan, money made of paper was used for business
transactions, something unheard of in Europe. In all, Marco Polo spent twenty-
four years exploring the Eastern world from Venice to Cathay. The diary of his
travels remains a remarkable tale of adventure.

① 그 당시 아시아는 유럽에 알려지지 않은 도자기 기술을 보유했다.

② 그 당시 유럽에서는 지폐가 상거래에서 사용되지 않았다.
③ 마르코 폴로는 동방세계를 24년간 탐험하였다.
④ 그 당시 아시아 지역에는 유럽보다 부자가 더 많았다.
⑤ 마르코 폴로는 아시아 지역 탐험에 홀로 나서지 않았다.

19 The Africans and American Indians learned how ________________________.

The only really fast way of sending sound messages long ago was by the African
drum. Such a drum was usually a hollow section of a tree trunk. The ends were
closed, and a long slit was cut into the tree. The drum could be heard miles away;
then another drummer would take up the beat and relay it to the next drum
station. Primitive people used two tools for sending visual signals: smoke and fire.
American Indians could send messages for many miles by building fire on a
hilltop. They made smoke puffs by holding a blanket by its corners over a fire, to
trap the smoke, and then removing it quickly.

① to carry a letter between two distant points

② to send long-distance messages
③ to understand each other
④ to broadcast by voice
⑤ to signal with fire and smoke

매일영어 Day 03

20 다음 글을 읽고 밑줄 친 These가 가리키는 것이 무엇인지 고르시오.

These were introduced in the United States in the

1970s. At first these did not become available
everywhere at the same time. By the middle of the
1980s most parts of the United States had these and
networks. And these brought one of the biggest
changes in banking. These are computer terminals
that people can use to make deposits or withdrawals
and transfer funds. These are especially convenient for travelers, because many
banks are part of large networks of these. This means that you can use one of these
at a bank that is part of the network, even if it is not your own bank.

① high-speed modems ② mobile phones

③ vending machines ④ automated teller machines

01 upheaval [<phí;vÂl] 격동, 대변동

02 efflorescence [éflo¨rèsns] 번영

03 chronologist [kr‰n£l‰d,ist] 연대 학자

04 craftsmanship [kr®ftsm‰n∫ìp] 장인정신

05 colonist [k£l‰nist] 식민지 주민

06 prosper [pr£sp‰÷] 번영하다

07 population [p¢pj‰lèi∫‰n] 개체 수

08 prehistoric [prì;¶ist≤;rik] 선사시대의

09 nomadic [no¨m®dik] 유목의, 방랑의

역사 2 10

collapse [k‰l®ps]

peasant [pÁzÂnt]
붕괴되다, 무너지다


History 2 12 welfare [wèlf√‰÷] 복지, 후생

13 slavery [slèiv‰ri] 노예 제도

14 segregation [ségrigèi∫Ân] 격리

15 capture [k®pt∫‰÷] 포로로 잡다, 억류하다

16 monument [m£nj‰m‰nt] 기념물; 기념비적 건축물

17 patriot [pèitri‰t] 애국자

18 archaeologist [¢;÷ki£l‰d,ist] 고고학자

19 relic [rèlik] 유물, 유적

20 primitive [prím‰tiv] 원시적인; 원시사회의

Day 04 언어
Date Time Score

▶정답 042p

01 다음 밑줄 친 부분과 의미가 가장 가까운 것을 고르시오.

New words have been developed to meet new conditions.

① to get together ② to bring together

③ to see ④ to satisfy
⑤ to escape from

※ 다음 빈칸에 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오. (02~03)

We now use the term ______________ to refer to places that are like hell, or what
we imagine hell to be. It is also used to refer to a state of confusion and chaos.

① phoenix ② paradise
③ hypocrisy ④ antithesis
⑤ pandemonium


The likenesses of language around the Mediterranean were sufficiently marked to
____________ ease of movement both of men and ideas: it took relatively few
alterations to make a Spanish song intelligible in Italy, and an Italian trader could,
without much difficulty, make himself at home in France.

① clarify ② hinder
③ eliminate ④ facilitate
⑤ aggravate

04 다음 밑줄 친 부분과 의미가 가장 가까운 것을 고르시오.

A child rarely, as is copiously attested, constructs a grammar more complex than

that of his models.

① scarcely ② abundantly
③ peevishly ④ turbulently
⑤ luminously

05 다음 밑줄 친 terms와 같은 뜻으로 쓰인 것을 고르시오.

The terms ‘culture and society’ are frequently used interchangeably, and there is
usually no great harm in doing so as long as we know what the difference is. In
simplest form, we can say that a society is always made up of people; their culture
is the way they behave.

① We are apt to see life in terms of money.

② Since our contract is getting near its term, we must negotiate a new one.
③ There are so many technical terms in this book.
④ I am on good terms with him.

매일영어 Day 04

06 다음 대화의 빈칸에 가장 알맞은 표현을 고르시오.

A: What’s the Korean word for apple?

B: _____________________________
A: I mean how do you say apple in Korean.
B: I think it is sagwa.

① I don’t know.
② I beg your pardon?
③ What would you like to know?
④ Don’t mention it.
⑤ You don’t know the word apple?

07 다음 빈칸에 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

Experiments with communications devices were __________ on all during the

eighteenth century.

① carried ② invented
③ studied ④ worked

08 다음 빈칸에 알맞지 않은 것을 고르시오.

If you study regularly each day, ________ your vocabulary of English words will

① slowly ② by degrees
③ little by little ④ gradually
⑤ as usual


09 다음 빈칸에 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

Study is necessary, so is practice. The combination will give one the ability to
communicate in a foreign language, but ____________ will result in slow, incorrect

① all of them ② both of them

③ neither of them ④ either one of them alone

※ 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 문법상 어색한 것을 고르시오. (10~11)

Chinese picture writing, ① like Egyptian hieroglyphics, began ② thousands of
years ago ③ with pictures that really ④ looked alike the objects they ⑤ named.

Most people resist change, especially, ① it seems, ② changes in grammar and the
meanings of words. What we tend ③ to forget is that the only languages which
don’t change are ④ the things no one speaks ⑤ any more, like classical Greek and

12 주어진 문장의 의미와 가장 가까운 것을 고르시오.

Mary speaks English no better than Tom speaks French.

① Mary speaks English as well as Tom speaks French.

② Mary speaks English well, but Tom does not speak French well.
③ Tom cannot speak French well, but Mary can speak English well.
④ Tom can speak French well, but Mary cannot speak English well.
⑤ Tom’s ability to speak French is far better than Mary’s ability to speak English.

매일영어 Day 04

※ 다음 글을 읽고 빈칸에 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오. (13~16)

Many popular sayings are correct, even insightful, when applied to life’s
circumstances. But when proverbs are viewed without qualifications,
they can cancel each other out. For instance, while it’s often true that
“________________________________,” there are times when “two heads are better
than one.”

① too many cooks spoil the broth

② blood is thicker than water
③ birds of a feather flock together
④ faith will move mountains

The ability to use good English is enhanced by careful observation of distinctions
between uses of synonyms. A man who cannot tell a mule from a horse would
likely blunder in choosing a mount. If we are to avoid blunders in the choice of
words, it is necessary to ______________________________.

① learn spelling along with meaning

② know the people to whom we are talking
③ observe subtle differences in pronunciation
④ study differences in meaning of closely related words


Sign and signal language is a system of communication that does not use the
human voice or natural speech. Some sign language is based on a code of hand
and arm gestures or movements of other parts of the body. Other sign language,
called signaling, refers to the transmission of information by visible and audible
signals. Some gestures and signals in sign language may convey actual ideas or
directions. For example, a traffic director blows a whistle and holds up his or her
hand, palm facing out, in order to make traffic stop. _____________, other signals
are symbolic; that is, they convey some idea associated with, but not the same as,

① Fortunately ② For this reason

③ As a result ④ In short
⑤ In contrast

Do you ever go to the rest room to rest? Or to the powder
room to powder? And just how often do you take a bath
when you make a trip to the bathroom? Did you know
that in many parts of the southern United States people
don’t die? No, they pass away. Some even go to their
reward. In other parts of the country, people just buy the
farm or experience the end of the ball game. Shakespeare
never said “die,” his characters shuffled off this mortal coil. People who would be
mortally ashamed to discuss being naked feel free to discuss their birthday suit, or
being in the altogether. Aware of it or not, we all use ______________.

① idioms ② euphemisms
③ formulaic expressions ④ dialects

매일영어 Day 04

17 에스키모들이 영국인들보다 눈에 대해서 더 자세하고 세밀하게 말할 수 있는 이유는 무엇인가?

So far as we can tell, all human languages are equally complete and perfect as
instruments of communication. That is, every language appears to be as well
equipped as any other to say the things its speakers want to say. It may or may not
be appropriate to talk about primitive peoples or cultures, but that is another
matter. Certainly, not all groups of people are equally competent in nuclear
physics or psychology or the cultivation of rice. But this is not the fault of their
language. The Eskimos can speak about snow with a great deal more precision
and subtlety than we can in English, but this is not because the Eskimo language
is inherently more precise and subtle than English. This example does not bring to
light a defect in English, a show of unexpected “primitiveness.” The position is
simply and obviously that the Eskimos and the English live in different

① Because the Eskimos like snow more than the English do.
② Because the Eskimo language is more complicated than English.
③ Because the Eskimo language is more primitive than English.
④ Because the Eskimo language is more advanced than English.
⑤ Because the Eskimos have lived in the places where snow is everywhere.


18 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

One characteristic of a slang term is that it exists side by side

with another, more general term for the same meaning. Take, for
example, the word ‘chick’ which has been used by some
speakers in the meaning of ‘girl.’ Some say, “This chick is my
sister.”; others say, “This girl is my sister.” ‘Chick’ is a slang and
‘girl’ is not, because ‘chick’ is used by a limited part of the
population, whereas ‘girl’ is used by everybody, including those
who use ‘chick.’
It is often said that a slang term ceases to be slang when it is “accepted by the
dictionary.” This is not really the test. The term ceases to be slang when it acquires
the meaning that cannot be expressed otherwise. If, for instance, people ceased to
use the word ‘girl’ and all used ‘chick’ instead, then ‘chick’ could be no longer be
called a slang term. The term ‘hot dog’ was once a slang term, but today no one
goes up to a counter and orders a “sausage sandwich.”

① The Role of a Slang ② Bad Effects of a Slang

③ Many Kinds of a Slang ④ The Definition of a Slang

19 다음 글의 내용과 일치하는 것을 고르시오.

A good speaker almost invariably is someone who can listen

to or “read” the mood or tenor of an audience, even when the
audience is not communicating verbally. Good speakers can
sense nervousness, restlessness, or hostility among a group,
and they learn to use the mood of the crowd to their own
advantage. Listening also involves asking questions and
paying attention to the answers.

① Good speakers read many books on diverse subjects.

② Today, listening usually requires special technological devices.
③ Good speakers are sensitive to their audience.
④ Processing information has nothing to do with asking questions.
⑤ Non-verbal communication is not important in understanding others.

매일영어 Day 04

20 다음 글을 읽고 영어를 공부하는 가장 좋은 방법으로 본문에서 제시하고 있는 것을 고르시오.

Contrary to the usual assumption that children learn language mainly from peers
outside of the classroom and not from teachers, it appears that for many students
limited in English proficiency, the only place in which they come into regular
contact with English speakers is at school. Thus, language learning, if it is going to
take place at all, is going to happen at school. The classroom can be an ideal place
to learn English if it allows learners to be in close and continuous contact with
teachers and classmates who speak the target language well enough to help in its

① To learn English at any language institute

② To learn English from other students outside of the classroom
③ To learn English at school if learners have contact with teachers and other students
who speak English
④ To learn English from playing with peers outside of the classroom
⑤ To learn English in the classroom regardless of the actual availability of classmates
who speak English

01 term [t‰;÷m] 용어

02 likeness [láiknis] 유사성, 닮음

03 alteration [≥;lt‰rèi∫Ân] 변화, 변경

04 intelligible [intèl‰d,‰bÂl] 이해할 수 있는

05 clarify [kl®r‰fài] 분명하게 말하다

06 attest [‰tèst] 입증하다

07 interchangeably [ìnt‰÷t∫èind,‰bÂli] 교환가능하게

08 communication [k‰mjú;n‰kèi∫Ân] 의사소통; 통신

09 vocabulary [vo¨k®bj‰léri] 어휘

언어 10

hieroglyphic [háiÂr‰glífik]

proverb [pr£v‰;÷b]

속담, 격언

Language 12 synonym [sín‰nim] 동의어

13 pronunciation [pr‰n>nsièi∫‰n] 발음

14 transmission [trænsmí∫Ân] 전송, 전달

15 audible [≤;d‰bl] 잘 들리는

16 euphemism [jù;f‰mìzÂm] 완곡어법

17 formulaic [f≤;÷mj‰lik] 틀에 박힌, 정형화된

18 dialect [dái‰lékt] 방언, 사투리

19 slang [slæ\] 속어, 은어

20 verbally [vÁ;÷bÂli] 말로, 구두로

Day 05 교육
Date Time Score

▶정답 054p

※ 다음 밑줄 친 부분과 의미가 가장 가까운 것을 고르시오. (01~02)

There are so many diffident students in the class that the instructor has to develop
a method for effective teaching.

① timid ② ardent
③ audacious ④ notorious
⑤ mundane

The University made it clear that the tuition rate will be contingent both on the
state’s ability to restore a portion of the base funding that was cut in mid-year, and
on the tuition restraint incentives formally established by the Legislature.

① tenable ② dependent
③ congruent ④ indispensable
⑤ influential


※ 다음 빈칸에 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오. (03~04)

The hypothesis may explain why college graduates appear less ___________ to
memory loss than people with only an elementary school education: Learning
strengthens the brain.

① vulnerable ② vigilant
③ indignant ④ pertinent
⑤ unsusceptible

Granting scholarships to foreign students from developing countries can be a way
of __________ good will between countries.

① devoting ② fostering
③ grappling ④ prescribing

05 다음 대화를 읽고 빈칸에 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

A: My daughter is going to college.

B: That’s great, but it must be expensive.
A: Yes, but she has a grant.
B: A grant? What’s grant?
A: The government is giving her money.
B: To pay for her education?
A: That’s right.
B: Does it pay for everything?
A: No, she has a loan, too.
B: What’s the difference between a loan and a grant?
A: You have to ________ a loan: a grant is a gift.

① pay back ② ask for

③ apply for ④ call for

매일영어 Day 05

06 다음 문장의 빈칸에 가장 알맞은 표현을 고르시오.

She has been absent from school more than a week, so she will have to study hard
to ____________ the other students.

① make use of ② pay attention to

③ take care of ④ look forward to
⑤ catch up with

07 다음 밑줄 친 말과 뜻이 같은 것을 고르시오.

Korean students are cutting a fine figure at the finest schools in the United States
of America.

① living with on difficulty ② cutting the shortest way

③ having their tests with ease ④ getting good results in their studies


08 다음 대화의 빈칸에 가장 알맞은 표현을 고르시오.

A: I’m Susan, Ted’s sister.

B: It’s nice to meet you. I’m Matt.
A: So, how do you know Ted?
B: We work together.
A: You mean at Atlas Window Cleaners?
B: Yeah.
A: Do you like the work? It seems dangerous.
B: It’s OK. It’s just a temporary job.
A: Oh? What are you planning to do?
B: Well, I’d like to be a computer programmer. In fact, I just registered for a
computer training course at Elmhurst College.
A: _____________________ Are you taking the intensive program?
B: No. I work all day, so I have no time.
A: Neither do I. I’m taking evening classes.

① Give me a break! ② What a coincidence! So did I.

③ You’re telling me! Me, too. ④ Oh! Don’t take offence any more.

09 다음 빈칸에 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

Much of the population in developing countries may not have the basic skills
_____________ to continue with higher education when it is offered.

① need ② has needed

③ needing ④ needed
⑤ that needs

매일영어 Day 05

※ 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 문법상 어색한 것을 고르시오. (10~12)

The strange, almost ① incomprehensible fact is that ② many professors, just as
they feel obliged ③ to write dully, believe that they should lecture dully. ④ To
show enthusiasm is to risk appearing unscientific, unobjective; it is to appeal to
the students’ emotions rather than ⑤ their intellectual.

The family environment ① is apt to ② influence upon what ③ kind of person a
child eventually ④ matures into.

The bottling company ① sponsors an essay competition ② in which students
submit papers, a panel of historians ③ will judge them on the ④ basis of style and
content, and the winners receive ⑤ gift certificates.


13 다음 글의 빈칸에 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

Nothing can take the place of reading --- no lecture or image on a screen has the
same power to enlighten. Pictures are a most valuable means of illustrating a
written text, but they hardly enable us to form general ideas. Films, like the
spoken word, flow by and are lost to us. Books _____________, as life-long

① practice ② perform
③ play ④ abide

14 다음 글의 내용과 일치하는 것을 고르시오.

The change in the relationship between parents and children is a particular

example of the general spread of democracy. Parents are no longer sure of their
rights as against their children; children no longer feel that they owe respect to
their parents.

① Owing to democracy mutual understanding has been firmly established in the

relation between parents and children.
② The virtue of obedience is regarded highly by youngsters.
③ Parents are very self-confident in their rights about their children.
④ Sometimes parents are quite at a loss as to what to do in educating their children.
⑤ The changes in the relationship between parents and children nowadays are very

매일영어 Day 05

15 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

For 25 years, I have worked with many students like Annie who are behind their
classmates in reading skills, and I have found that I can help almost every child
learn. Annie’s teacher made an enormous contribution, but she, like other
teachers, couldn’t always give so much personal time to one child. That’s why
there’s a need for tutors who can teach the students facing the most difficulties.
How? By becoming a friend, searching for what they truly care about --- their
families, pets, hobbies --- and then using that knowledge to help them learn to
read. That’s what I do. By seeing their feelings expressed on paper, my kids learn a
solid base of vocabulary. The process also builds trust, since I make it clear that I
will not grade them or reveal to others what they say.

① How to Teach Children ② How to build trust

③ How to Read and Write ④ How to Become Friends
⑤ How to Grade Students

16 다음 글의 빈칸에 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

In educating students for adult work and adult life

American schools try above all, to be practical. American
education has been greatly influenced by the writings of a
famous 20th Century philosopher named John Dewey.
Dewey believed that the only worthwhile knowledge was
the knowledge that ___________________. He convinced
educators that it was pointless to make students memorize
useless facts that they would quickly forget. Rather, schools should teach thinking
processes and skills that affect how people live and work.

① has the right purpose ② is common to all people

③ can be used in real life ④ can explain human nature


17 다음 글에서 밑줄 친 It이 가리키는 것을 고르시오.

It was developed by a French inventor. He was injured in an accident involving

one of his dad’s sharp tools at the age of 3. He became severely handicapped after
that. Despite his disadvantage, he propelled himself to the top of his elementary
class. He was admitted at 10 to a royal institution in Paris. There he was
introduced to the raised-print system developed by the school’s founder. Later he
taught there. In order to make his instruction easier, he chose Charles Barbier’s
system of writing with points, evolving a much simpler one from that system. He
was interested in music as well and for a time played the organ in a church in
Paris. It consists of six raised points or dots used in 63 possible combinations. It is
in use, in modified forms, for printing, writing, and musical notes.

① the printer ② the keyboard

③ a musical note ④ a wheelchair
⑤ braille

18 다음 글에 나오는 Dawson 교수의 결론은 다음 중 어떠한 가정에 근거한 것인지 고르시오.

“In general,” stated Professor Dawson, “the athletes now attending the university
are more interested in studies than athletes of ten years ago. The proof is that more
and more of my students who are athletes attend class on a regular basis.”

① An interest in studies is something that a student must learn very early in his or her
academic career.
② Professor Dawson’s student athletes show greater interest in studies because
Professor Dawson is a better teacher now than she was ten years ago.
③ Professors should not expect the same commitment to studies from student athletes
that they require of students in general.
④ Whether or not a student attends class on a regular basis is a good measure of
whether a student is interested in his or her studies.
⑤ Student athletes are more concerned about getting good grades because it is more
difficult to become a professional athlete now than it was ten years ago.

매일영어 Day 05

19 다음 글을 읽고 현행 교육제도에 대한 필자의 태도를 고르시오.

Under the present system of mass education by large classes too much stress is
laid on teaching and too little on active learning. The child is not encouraged to
discover things on his own account. He learns to rely on outside help, not on his
own powers, thus losing intellectual independence and all capacity to judge for
himself. The overtaught child is the father of the newspaper-reading,
advertisement-believing, propaganda-swallowing, demagogue-led man --- the
man who makes modern democracy the farce it is. Moreover, lessons in class leave
him mainly unoccupied, and therefore bored. He has to be coerced into learning
what does not interest him, and the information acquired mechanically and
reluctantly, by dint of brute repetition, is rapidly forgotten.

① critical ② difficult
③ sarcastic ④ understanding
⑤ optimistic

20 다음 글의 빈칸에 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

Anyone who’s gone to college has experience of pre-

finals terror --- the horrible anxiety that puts your
stomach on a roller coaster and your brain into a
blender. Few college students escape those final-exam
__________ because everyone knows just how much is
riding on that one exam, often more than half of the
course grade. Yet therein lies the crux of the problem.
Infrequent, high-stakes exams don’t encourage students to do their best work.
More frequent tests, given, say, every two or three weeks, would be a much more
effective method of discovering how well students are or are not mastering course
concepts. With more frequent testing, students would be less anxious when they
take exams; thus anxiety would no longer interfere with exam performance.

① verdicts ② misconducts
③ pretenses ④ jitters
⑤ frauds

01 instructor [instr=kt‰÷] 지도교사, 강사

02 tuition [t∆u;í∫Ân] 수업료, 학비

03 hypothesis [haip£^‰sis] 가설; 추측

04 graduate [gr®d,uéit] 대학 졸업생; (대학 등을) 졸업하다(from)

05 grant [grænt] 수여하다; (정부)보조금

06 scholarship [sk£l‰÷∫ìp] 장학금

07 be absent from (학교를) 결석하다

08 catch up with ~을 따라잡다

09 cut a fine figure 두각을 나타내다

교육 10

intensive [intènsiv]

dully [d=li]


Education 12 unobjective [>n‰bd,èktiv] 객관적이지 못한

13 intellect [ínt‰lékt] 지적 능력 (intellectual 지능의, 지적인; 지식인)

14 submit [s‰bmít] ~을 제출하다

15 certificate [s‰÷tíf‰kit] 증명서; 자격증

16 enlighten [enláitn] 가르치다, 설명하다

17 tutor [t∆ù;t‰÷] 개인교사, 가정교사

18 grade [greid] 성적을 매기다; 성적, 학점

19 educator [èd,dukéit‰÷] 교육자; 교육 전문가

20 mass education 대중교육

Day 06 인물
Date Time Score

▶정답 065p

01 밑줄 친 부분과 의미가 가장 가까운 것을 고르시오.

Jefferson felt that the present should never be chained to customs which have lost
their usefulness. “No society,” he said, “can make a perpetual constitution, or even
a perpetual law.”

① impecunious ② deciduous
③ perpendicular ④ everlasting

02 다음 밑줄 친 어구에 대한 문맥상 뜻으로 잘못된 것은?

① You will be given a coffee break. (= a short time vacation or rest)

② The bellman expects a generous tip. (= the pointed or thin end of something)
③ After a moment’s reflection, she agreed to go. (= deep and careful thought)
④ Fisher was behind bars last night, charged with attempted murder. (= in prison)
⑤ A firm but brief handshake indicates sincerity and self-confidence. (= not soft and not
moving much when pressed)


※ 다음 빈칸에 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오. (03~06)

As the first generation of immigrations gives way to the second, many Asian-
American parents worry that their children are ____________ Asian values of honor,
hard work and thrift for American materialism.

① honoring ② abandoning
③ disinheriting ④ investing
⑤ disheartening

Like a martinet, Charles deals with all people in such a(n) _________ manner that
they must obey him.

① prosperous ② imperious
③ equalitarian ④ timorous
⑤ cowardly

Despite a string of primary losses, Jesse Jackson is __________ up for a last stand
in California.

① giving ② typing
③ gearing ④ wiping

매일영어 Day 06

· I am _______ friendly terms with her.
· You should reflect _______ how to solve that problem.

① on ② to
③ under ④ from

07 다음 대화의 빈칸에 가장 알맞은 표현을 고르시오.

A: I’ve got a new job! I’m going to live in New York.

B: You are? I lived in New York five years ago.
A: Did you like it?
B: Not very much.
A: _____________________
B: Well, there were too many people, and there was too much noise.

① Which one? ② What for?

③ When? ④ Where?
⑤ How come?

※ 다음 빈칸에 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오. (08~10)

It was President Franklin D. Roosevelt ______________ adopted the New Deal

① which ② who
③ whose ④ whom


_____________ an early death at the age of 29, Crane published several brilliant
though grim stories.

① But for ② Despite

③ Whether ④ Nevertheless
⑤ Especially

Pele, a Brazilian athlete, won fame ______ the greatest soccer player of his time
and the most recognized athlete in world sports.

① for ② as
③ to ④ on

11 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 문법상 어색한 것을 고르시오.

The ideals ① upon which American society ② is based ③ is primarily those of

Europe and not ones ④ derived from the native Indian culture.

매일영어 Day 06

12 다음 빈칸에 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

As a war leader, Churchill was a mixture of ruthlessness and impetuosity.

Determined to do everything possible to win the war, in practice
____________________________. Still, he did what he could.

① he was perfectly successful ② he had few means of doing so

③ he was merely weak-minded ④ he tried his best
⑤ he made many mistakes

13 다음 기사를 읽고 제목으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

Hollywood glamour couple Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez were supposed to
have exchanged wedding vows Sunday. But sources say that on their wedding
day, Mr. Affleck was spotted sunning himself by the pool in Las Vegas, while his
bride-to-be was on the beach in Miami. The pair said last week in a joint statement
that they had originally postponed their wedding at a place outside of Los
Angeles because they did not want publicity. But People Magazine has reported
that Mr. Affleck had called off the relationship, leaving Ms. Lopez in tears.

① Couple trying to avoid publicity

② Famous twosome happily wed
③ Hollywood glamour couple enjoy vacation
④ Hollywood stars said to have split


14 다음 글을 읽고 Ray Douglas Bradbury에 관해 일치하지 않는 것을 고르시오.

Ray Douglas Bradbury was born in Waukegan, Illinois on August 22, 1920. He
was the third son of Leonard Spaulding Bradbury and Esther Marie Moberg
Bradbury. When he was six years old, in the fall of 1926, the Bradbury family
moved to Tuscon, Arizona, but returned to Waukegan again in May of 1927. In
1934, the family moved again, this time it was to Los Angeles, CA. Bradbury
graduated from a Los Angeles high school in 1938 and that was where his formal
education ended. During the day he would be at the typewriter and at night he
would be in the library. He also supported himself by selling newspapers on Los
Angeles street corners from 1938 till 1942.

① Ray Douglas Bradbury는 셋째 아들로 태어났다.

② 열네 살 때 그의 가족은 LA로 이사를 했다.
③ 그는 LA에서 정규교육과정을 마쳤다.
④ 그는 부모에게서 생계비를 지원받았다.

15 다음 글의 빈칸에 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

Monday, August 16, 2004 --- When it comes to American presidential elections, blue
blood ___________. So say British researchers who predict Democratic challenger
John Kerry will oust President Bush on Nov. 2 simply because he boasts more royal
connections than his Republican rival. After months of research into Kerry’s
ancestry, Burke’s Peerage, experts on British aristocracy, reported on Monday that
the Vietnam War veteran is related to all the royal houses of Europe and can claim
kinship with Czar Ivan “The Terrible,” a previous Emperor of Byzantium and the
Shahs of Persia. “Because of the fact that every presidential candidate with the most
royal genes and chromosomes has always won the November presidential election,
the coming election --- based on 42 previous presidents --- will go to John Kerry.”
Similar research carried out on Bush ahead of the 2000 presidential race showed that
he beat Al Gore in the royal stakes claiming kinship with Britain’s Queen Elizabeth
as well as with Kings Henry III and Charles II of England.

① is to be made little of ② counts

③ can have a positive effect on Bush ④ fails the Vietnam War veteran

매일영어 Day 06

16 다음 글을 읽고 Lincoln의 의도를 가장 잘 표현한 것을 고르시오.

One cold day when Lincoln was walking along the Springfield road, he came up
to a man who was driving by in a carriage and asked him if he would take his
overcoat into town. “With pleasure,” the man said, “but how will you get it
again?” “Very readily,” said Lincoln. “I intend to remain in it.”

① He intended to ask if he could take his overcoat.

② He intended to get a lift in the carriage free of charge.
③ He intended to get the man to carry his overcoat alone.
④ He intended to have got on the carriage in his overcoat.
⑤ He intended to take off his overcoat, walking on foot.

※ 다음 글을 읽고 빈칸에 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오. (17~18)

Vincent van Gogh was a Dutch painter, generally considered one of the greatest
painters in European art history. He produced all of his works (some 900 paintings
and 1100 drawings) during a period of only ten years before he became mentally
ill and committed suicide. He had little success during his lifetime, but his
_____________ fame grew rapidly, especially following a showing of 71 of Van
Gogh′ s paintings in Paris in 1901, 11 years after his death.

① opportune ② posthumous
③ popularized ④ seasonable
⑤ timely


Presidents were not so remote and sheltered from the people in the late nineteenth
century, as Garfield′
s assassination shows. When he was shot, the president of the
United States was waiting for a train on a public platform. An incident that
involved Rutherford B. Hayes after he left the White House illustrates the point
more amusingly. While attending a political rally, Hayes was stopped by a
policeman, who brusquely pulled him back to a pathway and gave him a finger-
shaking lesson because he was walking on the grass. ______________, President
Grant, who never lost his love for fast horses, was written a ticket by a
Washington officer for speeding.

① However ② Conversely
③ Likewise ④ Consequently
⑤ Rather

19 글의 흐름으로 보아 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은?

But their success did not last long, because rebel forces were untrained and poorly

Hidalgo was a dedicated scholar who had studied the writings of Thomas
Jefferson and the leaders of the French Revolution. ① These revolutionary
writings helped convince him that Mexico should be free. ② He also had great
sympathy for the poor and downtrodden Mexicans, so he lived and worked
among them and earned respect and loyalty. ③ In 1810 Hidalgo gathered tens of
thousands of Mexicans into his rebel army. Several times they defeated small
forces of Spaniards. ④ In a great battle, he was beaten and captured in January,
1811. ⑤ He faced death bravely, placing his hand over his heart so that the firing
squad could take better aim.

매일영어 Day 06

20 다음 글을 읽고 추론할 수 있는 내용은 무엇인지 고르시오.

No vice president of the United States has ever been

assassinated. However, four presidents have been
assassinated and another four have died while in office.
Those assassinated were Abraham Lincoln, James A.
Garfield, William McKinley, and John F. Kennedy. Those
who died in office were William Henry Harrison, Zachary
Taylor, Warren Harding, and Franklin D. Roosevelt. In addition, unsuccessful
assassination attempts were made on Harry Truman and Ronald Reagan.

① It’s much safer to be vice president than president.

② Warren Harding lived longer than James A. Garfield.
③ Six vice presidents took over the office as a result of assassination.
④ Assassination of the President in the US took place every eight years.
⑤ More presidents preferred to die in office than to be assassinated.

01 perpetual [p‰÷pèt∫u‰l] 영원한

02 give way to ~에 양보하다

03 martinet [m¢;÷tÂnèt] (명령이나 규율에) 엄격한 사람, 군인

04 imperious [impíÂri‰s] 오만한

05 equalitarian [i(;)kw¢l‰t¬Âri‰n] 평등주의자

06 timorous [tímÂr‰s] 소심한

07 on friendly terms with ~와 친밀한 관계에 있는

08 ruthlessness [rù;^lisnis] 잔인함, 무자비함

09 impetuosity [impét∫u£s‰ti] 성급함

인물 10

assassination [‰s©s‰néi∫Ân]

rally [r®li]

집회, 대회

Famous 12 brusquely [br>sk‰rí;] 무뚝뚝하게

Figures 13 glamour [gl®m‰÷] 화려한

14 publicity [p<blís‰ti] 언론의 관심이나 주목

15 twosome [tù;s‰m] 한 쌍, 2인조

16 boast [boust] 자랑하다, 뽐내다

17 aristocracy [©r‰st£kr‰si] 귀족

18 kinship [kín∫ip] 친족관계

19 candidate [k®nd‰déit] 후보자

20 rebel [rèbÂl] 반대자, 저항세력; 반역자

Day 07 철학과
Date Time Score

▶정답 076p

01 밑줄 친 부분과 의미가 가장 가까운 것을 고르시오.

To be a good leader one must possess that intangible set of qualities called
leadership skills.

① concrete ② abstract
③ persuasive ④ powerful
⑤ demanding

철학과 종교

※ 다음 빈칸에 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오. (02~04)

My grandfather had the goodwill, wisdom, and strength to be able to _______ most
of the serious quarrels in our village.

① extol ② tease
③ ignore ④ start
⑤ mediate

A religion should offer a way to make understandable something that is beyond
time and space and therefore outside the __________ of our intellect.

① illumination ② science
③ singularity ④ capacity

If he didn’t have the ______________ in the decision making, it would be impossible
to draw any conclusion.

① initiative ② antipathy
③ malignancy ④ reluctance

매일영어 Day 07

05 아래의 사전 뜻풀이 가운데 다음 문장에 사용된 step과 의미가 같은 것은?

However, he made a step toward success.

① act of stepping once; distance covered by doing this: He was walking with slow
② sound made by somebody walking; way of walking (as seen or heard): That’s luck ---
I recognized her step.
③ conform with other members of a group: He’s out of step with the rest of us.
④ one action in series of actions with a view to effecting a purpose: Take steps to
prevent the spread of influenza.

※ 다음 밑줄 친 부분과 의미가 가장 가까운 것을 고르시오. (06~07)

In spite of his failure he didn’t lose heart.

① fall ill ② get angry

③ get bold ④ become discouraged

The idea has been around for ages without catching on.

① being popular ② being reported

③ being verified ④ being implemented
⑤ being canceled

철학과 종교

08 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 문법상 어색한 것을 고르시오.

① My most memorable conversation was with my boyfriend, ② who is now my

husband. I remember ③ when did he ask me if I would marry him. I told him ④
that I would.

09 다음 문장을 영어로 가장 바르게 옮긴 것을 고르시오.

영혼을 잃느니보다 생명을 잃는 것이 낫다.

It is better to lose one’s life than ____________________.

① losing his spirit ② to lose one’s spirit

③ if you lose your spirit ④ your spirit getting lost
⑤ even if you lose your spirit

10 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 올바른 표현을 고르시오.

“Please give me your frank opinion.”

“Do you really want to know __________ about it?”

① what I think ② how I think

③ what do I think ④ how do I think
⑤ what you think

매일영어 Day 07

11 어법상 옳지 않은 문장은?

① The students in your class evaluate each other.

② My father is so stubborn.
③ He proved himself to be a good father.
④ There is not evidence to support this theory.

12 어법상 옳은 문장은?

① When have you read the news?

② He employed a man he thought was diligent.
③ The garden is all wet, it must rain last night.
④ While waiting, I began to feel strangely nervous.

13 다음 글에서 특히 강조하고 있는 것을 고르시오.

Calling upon others for help in forming a decision is worse than useless. A man
must so train his habits that he can rely upon his own powers and depend upon
his own courage in moments of emergency.

① others’ help ② a man’s habit

③ uselessness ④ self-reliance
⑤ emergency

철학과 종교

14 다음 글의 빈칸에 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

Strong people make as many mistakes as weak people. The difference is

that the former admit them, laugh at them and learn from them. That is

① what they became strong ② that they became weak

③ how they became strong ④ to think that they became weak
⑤ what they learn from others

15 글의 문맥상 다음 빈칸에 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

Most modern men take it for granted that empirical knowledge is dependent upon
perception. There is, ___________, in Plato a very different doctrine. He insists that
nothing derived from the senses is worthy to be called “knowledge” and the only
real knowledge has to do with concepts.

① however ② naturally
③ therefore ④ necessarily
⑤ consequently

매일영어 Day 07

16 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은 무엇인가?

The Amish are a branch of the Mennonites, a religious group

originally from Switzerland. Although Amish settlements
exist in both Ohio and Pennsylvania, the people in those
settlements try to avoid contact with the outside world.
Travel, except for visits to neighbors, is discouraged. In any
case, traveling is far from easy because owning bicycles,
motorcycles, and automobiles is strictly forbidden. The
Amish also refuse to use electricity from power lines. They do, however, use
batteries and other sources of energy.

① Religious group from Switzerland

② Amish settlements in Ohio, Pennsylvania
③ Amish avoidance of the outside world
④ Alternative sources of energy for the Amish

17 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 어울리는 속담을 고르시오.

Hope is an essential element in everyday life. Without hope, we live in

perpetual despair and frustration. “If it were not for hope, the heart would
break,” and “Hope is the poor man’s bread” are two sayings containing deep
truths. Alexander Pope again, that great poetic source of common proverbs,
wrote in his Essay of Man; “Hope springs eternal in the human breast.” We
often use this line in a humorous way when we have been waiting a long time
to be served in a shop, or to win a prize in a lottery. Hope is a very strong and
tenacious emotion, so much so that it stays with us to the very end of our lives:

① Art is long, life is short.

② Child is father of the man.
③ A drowning man will catch at a straw.
④ Do not count your chickens before they are hatched.

철학과 종교

18 다음 빈칸에 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

The value of philosophy is, in fact, to be sought largely in its very ____________.
The man who has no tincture of philosophy goes through life imprisoned in the
prejudices derived from common sense, from the habitual beliefs of his age or his
nation, and from conviction which has grown up in his mind without the
cooperation or consent of his deliberate reason. To such a man the world tends to
become definite, finite, obvious; common objects rouse no questions, and
unfamiliar possibilities are contemptuously rejected. As soon as we begin to
philosophize, on the contrary, we find, as we saw in our opening chapters, that
even the most everyday things lead to problems to which only very incomplete
answers can be given.

① uncertainty ② consensus
③ perspective ④ atmosphere

19 다음 글의 문맥으로 보아 바로 앞에 올 수 있는 내용을 고르시오.

Resignation, however, has also its part to play in the

conquest of happiness, and it is a part no less essential than
that played by effort. The wise man, though he will not sit
down under preventable misfortunes, will not waste time
and emotion upon such as are unavoidable.

① How to overcome misfortunes

② Importance of resignation in achieving our happiness
③ Significance of our efforts in seeking our happiness
④ The wise man’s conquest of happiness
⑤ A role played by resignation in approaching happiness

매일영어 Day 07

20 다음 ㉠ ~ ㉣ 중 밑줄 친“marketing orientation”을 설명하거나 가리키는 것이 아닌 것은?

What is the relationship of man toward himself? We can

describe the relationship of man toward himself as
“arketing orientation.” In this orientation, man experiences
himself as ㉠ a thing to be employed successfully on the
market. He does not experience himself as active agent, as
㉡ the bearer of human powers. He is alienated from these
powers. His aim is ㉢ to sell himself successfully on the
market. His sense of self does not stem from his activity as
a loving and thinking individual, but from his
socioeconomic role. His sense of value depends on ㉣ his success: on whether he
can sell himself favorably, whether he can make more of himself than he started
out with, whether he is a success.

①㉠ ②㉡
③㉢ ④㉣

01 intangible [int®nd,‰bÂl] 손에 잡히지 않는

02 goodwill [gùdwíl] 선의

03 mediate [mí;diéit] ~을 중재하다, 조정하다

04 have the initiative 주도권을 가지다

05 catch on 유행하다, 인기가 있다

06 frank [fræ\k] 솔직한

07 self-reliance [sèlfrilái‰ns] 자율성

08 take for granted 당연하게 여기다

철학과 09

perception [p‰÷sèp∫Ân]

doctrine [d£ktrin]

원칙; 신조

종교 11 illumination [ilù;m‰nèi∫Ân] 이해, 깨달음; 조명

Philosophy 12 singularity [sì\gj‰l®r‰ti] 특이성

& Religion 13 resignation [rézignèi∫Ân] 체념

14 conquest [k£\kwest] 추구; 정복

15 uncertainty [>nsÁ;÷t‰nti] 불확실성

16 reason [rí;zÂn] 이성; 사리; 이유

17 finite [fáinait] 한정된, 유한한

18 rouse [rauz] ~을 불러일으키다

19 philosophize [fil£s‰fàiz] 철학을 하다

20 eternal [itÁ;÷nÂl] 영원한

Day 08 예술
Date Time Score

▶정답 087p

01 다음 밑줄 친 부분과 가장 가까운 것을 고르시오.

Mozart gave his first public recital at the age of six. By age thirteen he had written
symphonies and an operetta. He is justly called a child prodigy.

① musician ② genius
③ infant ④ composer
⑤ player

02 다음 빈칸에 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

My confidence in my ability to play the violin was really ___________ when I failed
to impress the audience in the last concert.

① undermined ② considered
③ loosened ④ sabotaged
⑤ frustrated


※ 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말을 순서대로 가장 바르게 나열한 것을 고르시오. (03~04)

The author makes no attempt to gloss over the disagreeable sides of Strindberg’s
personality, such as his hysterical jealousies and suspicions, which did much to
________ his marriages and ________ many of his friends.

① distort - appease ② enliven - misconstrue

③ further - mollify ④ destroy - alienate
⑤ wreck - diversify

George Bernard Shaw expressed his ________ for technological progress when he
said that the human race is just interested in finding more ________ ways of
exterminating itself.

① support - effective ② contempt - efficient

③ preference - impartial ④ hope - remote

05 다음 밑줄 친 부분과 의미가 가장 가까운 것을 고르시오.

The audience was composed of people from all walks of life.

① occupations ② ages
③ men and women ④ districts
⑤ over the world

매일영어 Day 08

06 밑줄 친 부분을 우리말로 가장 잘 옮긴 것을 고르시오.

The play moved to Broadway, where it opened to popular acclaim.

① 대중이 열광적으로 환호했기 때문에 막이 열렸다.

② 대중의 갈채에 대한 답례로 막이 열렸다.
③ 개막되어 대중의 환호를 받았다.
④ 개막되자마자 흥행에 실패했다.

※ 다음 빈칸에 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오. (07~09)

A: Hey, I like this tune. Come on. Let’s have a dance.
B: All right, but I’m not very good at it.
A: Never mind! _________!

① So am I ② So do I
③ Neither am I ④ Neither do I

__________________ a museum display case in Arlington, Elizabeth looked in
wonderment at the artifacts spread out before her.

① Peered into ② Being peered into

③ Having peered into ④ Peering into


I caught sight of her at the play and in answer to her beckoning I went over
during the interval and sat down beside her. It was long since I had last
s e e n h e r and if someone had not mentioned her name, I hardly think I

① would have recognized her ② would recognized her

③ wouldn’t have recognized her ④ wouldn’t recognized her

10 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 문법상 어색한 것을 고르시오.

Mr. Baker continued ① to express surprise that someone who sang as ② good as
Mary ③ had never had ④ any professional training.

11 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 문법상 옳은 것을 고르시오.

This ① 200-feet high bell tower is an architectural landmark of San Diego. The
tower, ② decorating with ceramic tiles and glass beads, is gracefully divided into
three stages similar to the three stages of the tower of the Cathedral of Morelia,
Mexico. The stages change from quadrangle to octagon to circle as they rise. The
tower is capped by a weather vane ③ shaping like a Spanish galleon. Inside ④ is
the 100-bell Ona May Carillon that plays Westminster chimes at noon.

매일영어 Day 08

12 다음 글을 읽고“trompe l’
oeil”에 관한 내용 중 사실이 아닌 것을 고르시오.

Trompe l’oeil is a French phrase that means “to trick or fool the eye” --- and that’s
the whole point. Trompe l’oeil is a way of painting something so perfectly that the
viewer is fooled into believing that what he or she sees is real. Trompe l’oeil is
different from realism, or still-life painting, which tries to represent nonliving
objects truthfully. An artist who works in the Trompe l’oeil style wants to deceive
the viewer. The viewer is supposed to think --- at least for a minute --- that the work
is really the object being represented, instead of a painting or sculpture. Trompe l’oeil
plays tricks on your visual sense, creating optical illusions. It is a kind of visual
game. And the more familiar you become with the game, the more fun it is.

① It’s a French phrase that means “to trick the eye.”

② It’s a way of painting something.
③ It’s different from realism or still-life painting.
④ It’s a false picture that deceives people.

13 다음 글의 내용에서 유추할 수 있는 것을 고르시오.

Frank Sinatra is well-known for his effect on women in the

audience. His reputation as a singer who made the girls swoon,
however, began in 1942 at a low point in his career. Then
publicity agent George Evans had an idea to make the singer
more popular. Evans hired twelve young girls and paid them to
jump, scream, moan, and faint when Sinatra sang. The night of
the concert, when Sinatra started singing, the twelve hired girls obediently went
to pieces. Their example was so contagious that thirty girls in the audience
fainted. The next day, newspapers were full of pictures of girls being carried out of
the theater after Sinatra sang. The singer’s reputation was made.

① George Evans was the sole influence on Sinatra’s career.

② All the girls screamed and fainted at Sinatra’s concert voluntarily.
③ Publicity stunts can strongly influence a show business career.
④ Sinatra had no success as a singer even after 1942.
⑤ Young men did not enjoy Sinatra’s singing.


※ 다음 글의 빈칸에 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오. (14~15)

Most musicians agree that the world’s best violins were made in Cremona,
Italy, about 300 years ago. These violins sound better than any others. They
even sound better than violins made today. Violin makers and scientists now
try to make instruments like the Italian violins, but they are not the same.
Musicians still prefer the old ones. Why are these old Italian violins so special?
________________________________________ Some people think it is the age of the
violins. Other people say that the secret to those violins is the wood. Other people
say that the kind of wood is not so important and that it is more important to cut
the wood a special way.

① Only some old violins have a special sound.

② The secret may be lost forever.
③ The smallest difference will change the sound of the violin.
④ No one really knows, but many people think they have an answer.

The Elizabethan playhouse for which Shakespeare wrote had little in common
with the theatre of today. To the modern playgoers, familiar with the seating
arrangements and the picture-frame stage of the present, Shakespeare’s playhouse
would seem ______________________________________.

① exactly the same as modern one

② very attractive and comfortable
③ less strange than fascinating
④ simply as common as the generality
⑤ more like a stadium than a theatre

매일영어 Day 08

16 다음 글에 이어질 순서가 바르게 짝지어진 것을 고르시오.

The art of shipbuilding has some odd-traditions, and one of the most interesting
of all has its roots in Greek and Roman history.

(A) Today scientists find evidence of this longstanding tradition in a variety of

locations, from the decayed remains of old Greek ships to the still active
frigate U.S.S. Constitution.
(B) In case of a disaster at sea, the dead crew needed these coins to pay to get to
the afterlife. It was believed that sailors without money to cross this river
would not be able to take their place in the afterlife.
(C) During ancient Greek and Roman times, when a new ship was built, a small
number of coins were left under the mast of the ship. The shipbuilders did this
for a very special reason.
(D) According to legend, the crew members gave these coins to the ferry master
Charon to take them across the river Styx to Hades, the land of the dead.

① (D) - (A) - (C) - (B) ② (D) - (C) - (A) - (B)

③ (C) - (D) - (B) - (A) ④ (C) - (B) - (D) - (A)


17 다음 밑줄 친 The same이 뜻하는 바로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

Those children who have a deficient musical environment

where their potential abilities are not stimulated will end up
with a significantly lower musical aptitude than might have
been possible. To solve this problem, the Music Class songs are
designed to expose your child not only to a large quantity of
music, but also to a broad variety of music. You’ve heard that
children who grow up in households where a large spoken
vocabulary is used learn to speak with a large vocabulary. The same is true of
music. Our songs include a wide variety of scales, rhythms, instruments and
styles, to further stimulate your child’s musical development.

① 음악은 화목한 가정을 위한 필수 요소이다.

② 언어적 자극은 아동의 신체발달을 촉진시킨다.
③ 음악이 없는 가정에서 아동의 정서가 황폐해진다.
④ 풍부한 어휘는 아동의 음악적 재능의 발달과 관계있다.
⑤ 다양한 음악을 들으면 아동의 음악적 재능이 발달된다.

18 문맥상 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

Art paint brushes obviously come in different sizes, but where is this indicated on
a brush? The good news is that it’s easy to find, as a brush size number is printed
on the brush handle. The bad news is that _______________________________, so a
no. 10 brush in one brand can be quite a different size than a no. 10 in another

① its size number is easily erased

② it is very difficult to find the size number
③ the brush handle is made of plastic these days
④ the sizes aren’t consistent between manufacturers
⑤ the quality of brushes from some manufacturers is pretty bad

매일영어 Day 08

19 다음 괄호 안에 들어갈 것으로 알맞게 짝지어진 것을 고르시오.

In September of 1983, an art dealer by the name of Gianfranco

Becchina approached the J. Paul Getty Museum in California.
He had in his possession, he said, a marble statue ⓐ
[dating/dated] from the sixth century B.C. It was what is
known as a Kouros --- a sculpture of a nude male youth. There
are only about two hundred Kouroi in existence, and most have
been recovered badly damaged or in fragments from grave sites
or archeological digs. But this one was almost perfectly preserved. It stood close to
seven feet tall. It had a kind of light-colored glow that set it apart from other
ancient works. It was an extraordinary find. Becchina’s ⓑ [asking/asked] price
was just under $10 million.

ⓐ ⓑ ⓐ ⓑ
① dating - asking ② dating - asked
③ dated - asking ④ dated - asked

20 다음 글의 빈칸에 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

Edward Kennedy Ellington --- known as “Duke” --- was perhaps

the best-known and loved jazz musician of all time. By the time
of his death in 1974 he had written nearly 2,000 pieces of music.
Many of them have become the classics of jazz. His famous
Ellington Orchestra had its beginnings in Washington in 1922
and performed for almost 50 years. In spite of his fame,
however, Ellington did not look for special attention for
himself. His private life was not so important to him. Music was really his first
love. He never let ______________________________________.

① himself write too many pieces of music

② too many people know about his music
③ himself get too involved in his music
④ music get in the way of his personal relationships
⑤ personal relationships get in the way of his music making

01 recital [risáitl] 독주회, 연주회

02 gloss over ~을 그럴싸하게 설명하다; 둘러대다

03 enliven [enláivÂn] 생기를 주다

04 alienate [èilj‰néit] 소외시키다, 소원하게하다

05 acclaim [‰klèim] 칭찬하다; 찬사, 환호

06 artifact [£;÷t‰f©kt] 고고학적 유물, 인공물

07 beckon [bèkÂn] (손짓이나 몸짓으로) 신호하다, 유인하다

08 architectural [¢;÷k‰tèkt∫Âr‰l] 건축의, 건축학상의

09 landmark [l®nÎm≥;÷k] 이정표; 역사적 건물

예술 10

sculpture [sk=lpt∫‰÷]

play a trick on sb
조각품; 조각술

~에게 속임수를 쓰다

Art 12 obediently [o¨bí;di‰ntli] 순순히, 복종하여

13 contagious [k‰ntèid,‰s] 전염성이 강한; 영향을 미치는

14 instrument [ínstr‰m‰nt] 악기; 도구(=implement)

15 afterlife [®ft‰÷làif] 내세, 저승

16 decay [dikèi] 쇠퇴하다; 부패시키다

17 playhouse [plèihàus] 극장

18 deficient [difi∫Ânt] 부족한, 결핍되어 있는

19 aptitude [®ptitú;d] 재능, 적성; 기질

20 extraordinary [ikstr≤;÷d‰néri] 비범한, 보통이 아닌

Day 09 문학과
Date Time Score

▶정답 099p

※ 다음 밑줄 친 부분과 의미가 가장 가까운 것을 고르시오. (01~02)

It was such a great performance from an accomplished actress.

① skillful ② elegant
③ attractive ④ respectable
⑤ infamous

There seems to be something fishy going on.

① ridiculous ② amusing
③ suspicious ④ miserable
⑤ perishable

문학과 도서

※ 다음 빈칸에 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오. (03~05)

As a person who combines care with enthusiasm, Marisa completed her duties
with __________ as well as zeal.

① hostility ② meticulousness
③ greed ④ rapidity
⑤ infamous

Because the actor’s temperament was so ____________, directors often rejected him
for parts since no one could be sure how he would behave.

① overpowering ② mercurial
③ inhibited ④ pessimistic

Sorry, I can’t remember the title of the book. It’s right on the tip of my

① tongue ② mind
③ teeth ④ head
⑤ memory

06 다음 밑줄 친 부분의 의미를 잘 설명한 것을 고르시오.

Reporters said that we would never make a success of our magazine; now that we
have proved them wrong, they will have to eat their words.

① retract criticism ② claim innocence

③ withdraw apologies ④ deny responsibility

매일영어 Day 09

07 다음 밑줄 친 부분과 의미가 가장 가까운 것을 고르시오.

The foolish dog took his own shadow on the lake for another dog with a piece of
meat larger than his own, and let go of his own meat so that he could attack the
other dog and get his meat from him. Of course he lost his own meat by this, for it
sank to the bottom and he was not able to get it back.

① ignored ② clutched
③ released ④ grasped

08 빈칸에 들어가기에 가장 알맞은 A의 질문은 무엇인지 고르시오.

A: I’ve read a few short stories, so I have a sense of what a short story is. But I
cannot really articulate what it is. Would you explain it for me, please?
B: Okay. A short story is a kind of fiction that deals with people, places, and
events from the writer’s experience and imagination.
A: I see. What’s the difference, then, between the short story and other kinds of
fiction? ___________________
B: That’s correct. The major difference is length. A short story is or ought to be
short enough to be read at one sitting.

① I wonder whether you know it.

② Is it just the length?
③ Would you explain it again for me?
④ How short should a short story be?
⑤ I′d like to understand the difference.

문학과 도서

09 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 문법상 어색한 것을 고르시오.

Random House Publishing Company said that ① it was considering ② translating

the works of this Korean ③ leading novelist ④ into English and getting them ⑤
publish in overseas markets.

10 다음 빈칸에 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

With affection and humor, poet Phyllis Mcginley ________________ of ordinary


① the virtues were praised ② praised the virtues

③ she praised the virtues ④ her praise of the virtues

11 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 문법상 어색한 것을 고르시오.

After the ① introduction of movable type in the fifteenth century, illuminated

manuscripts gradually ② given way to ③ printed books ④ with engraved

12 다음 중 문법상 옳은 것을 고르시오.

① The population of Seoul is very larger than that of London.

② This book is worth to read carefully.
③ They wouldn’t let me to you attend the anniversary.
④ The higher the tree is, the stronger is the wind.

매일영어 Day 09

※ 다음 글의 빈칸에 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오. (13~15)

Storytelling is a persistent form of popular entertainment, whether people tell
ghost stories around a campfire or watch a television set. One of the pleasures of
listening to stories is suspending __________ and entering into the imaginary world
that storytelling creates. It does not matter so much whether the story is true or
could have happened. What matters is that listeners know their feelings and their
responses to a story are real.

① decision ② disbelief
③ fear ④ thrill
⑤ anxiety

Many people believe that most comic books are harmful to society. “They try to
entertain with idiotic stories and with the lowest forms of sex and violence and
cheap melodrama,” said Eduardo del Rio, who is Mexico’s best-known political
cartoonist. “The comic books are of a very poor cultural level and rarely try to
encourage the reader to use his imagination.” He maintained that the prosperous
publishers had made up the rationalization that they were helping readers toward
literacy. “This is entirely false,” he said. “The comic books are totally alienating
their readers. They give people something to do without thinking --- a sort of
consolation for their poverty.”

According to Eduardo del Rio, comic books _______________________.

① help readers toward literacy

② entertain the public with idiotic stories
③ are valuable as a form of communication
④ encourage readers to use his imagination

문학과 도서

Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bank, and of
having nothing to do: once or twice she had peeped into the book her sister was
reading, but it had no pictures or conversations in it, and “what is the use of a
book,” thought Alice, “________________ pictures or conversations?”

① either ② including
③ with ④ without
⑤ besides

16 다음 글을 읽고 글쓴이의 주장을 가장 잘 나타내는 속담을 고르시오.

People tell me, “ I know that, Bill, but writing copy is hard.” Well, I’ve talked to
some very high paid copywriters, and I’ve read what many more had to say. I also
own complete copywriting workshops on audio and videotape. They all say the
same thing. To learn to write good copy, you merely practice writing it.

① The pen is mightier than the sword.

② Practice makes perfect.
③ You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.
④ Every dog has his day.

매일영어 Day 09

17 다음 글의 내용과 일치하는 것을 고르시오.

The great English author Charles Dickens was a life-

long champion of social justice. In fact, his own
childhood foreshadowed the lives of the characters in
his novels. Poverty forced Dickens at the age of twelve
to quit school and work in a shoe polish factory. He
never forgot that experience. Images of poverty appear
in many of his novels. Dickens began his literary career
by writing articles for newspapers. He often used the
pseudonym “Boz.” When he was twenty-four years old,
several of these articles were published in one volume
called Sketches by Boz. Dickens’ first publications were humorous. However, as his
fame grew, he began to write more about social problems. Dickens’ novel Oliver
Twist dealt with cruelty toward orphaned children. Dickens used Oliver’s story to
allude to the social system in England. He used the slang of poor people and even
criminals in some of the dialogues he wrote. A London newspaper first published
Oliver Twist in serialized form. People waited eagerly for each episode to appear.
In addition to entertaining readers, however, Oliver’s story made the public aware
of the need to protect orphaned children. Dickens’ work often appears in
anthologies of great literature. His compassion for poor people inspired many of
the English to work for improvements in the quality of life of the poor.

① Images of poverty appear in none of Dickens’ novels.

② Oliver Twist’s story praises the social system in England.
③ The episodes of Oliver Twist were first published in several newspapers.
④ Dickens often used his pen name in his newspaper articles.
⑤ Dickens began to write newspaper articles after he became famous.

문학과 도서

18 다음 글을 읽고 글의 종류는 무엇인지 고르시오.

Girl with a Pearl Earring is pretty as a picture --- a picture,

let us say, by Johannes Vermeer. Its reconstruction of 17th
century Holland, where the old master painted his
breathtaking portraits, is stunning. Unfortunately, the
characters inhabiting this landscape in Webber’s film are
merely stunned. You’ve never seen so many people
talking and walking so slowly or registering their
emotions so unblinkingly. It’s possible that the slow
rhythms of the film are dictated by the need to stretch
what is really more than an art-historical anecdote into a full-scale movie.
Basically, all that happens in the movie is that Vermeer entices his pretty, largely
silent new housemaid into posing for the eponymous painting. The film’s
dramatic high occurs when she finally takes off her cap and reveals her pretty

① a movie review ② a music review

③ a book review ④ a play review
⑤ a historical anecdote

매일영어 Day 09

19 빈칸에 들어갈 말을 순서대로 가장 잘 넣은 것을 고르시오.

There are three kinds of book owners. The first has all the standard sets and best
sellers --- unread, untouched. This deluded individual owns wood pulp and ink,
not books. The second has a great many books --- (a)__________ read through,
(b)__________ dipped into, but (c)__________ as clean and shiny as the day they
were bought. This person would probably like to make books his own, but is
restrained by a false respect for their physical appearance. The third has a few
books or many --- every one of them dilapidated by continual use, marked and
scribbled in from front to back. This man owns books.

(a) (b) (c)

① a few of them all of them most of them
② most of them all of them a few of them
③ all of them a few of them most of them
④ many of them few of them a few of them
⑤ a few of them most of them all of them

20 다음 우화의 내용을 가장 잘 표현한 것을 고르시오.

Lion used to walk about a field in which four bulls lived.

Many times he tried to attack them, but whenever he came
near they turned their tails toward one another so that
whichever way Lion tried to attack, he would have to face
the horns of one of them. At last, however, the bulls started
arguing with each other, and each went off to a different
part of the field by himself. Then Lion attacked them one
by one and soon had killed all four.

① In unity, there is strength.

② Speed is not everything.
③ Look before you leap.
④ Don’t count your chickens before hatched.

01 suspicious [s‰spí∫‰s] 의심스러운(=fishy)

02 meticulousness [m‰tíkjul‰snis] 세심함, 꼼꼼함

03 sloth [slou^] 나태, 게으름

04 temperament [tèmpÂr‰m‰nt] 기질, 성질

05 mercurial [m‰;÷kjùÂri‰l] 변덕스러운; 수은의

06 on the tip of one’s tongue 말이 혀끝에서 맴돌다

07 eat one’s words (말을) 취소하다, 철회하다

08 release [rilí;s] ~을 해방하다, 놓아주다; 발매하다

09 ought to ~해야 한다(should < ought to < must)

10 affection [‰fèk∫Ân] 애정, 호의

도서 11 persistent [p‰;÷sístÂnt] 끊임없이 지속되는; 집요한

12 disbelief [dìsbilí;f] 불신, 의혹

Literature &
Books 13 entertain [ént‰÷tèin] ~를 즐겁게 해주다

14 prosperous [pr£spÂr‰s] 번창하는, 부유한

15 rationalization [r©∫Ânlizèi∫Ân] 합리화

16 consolation [k¢ns‰lèi∫Ân] 위로, 위안

17 foreshadow [f∞;÷∫®dou] ~을 암시하다, ~의 전조가 되다

18 orphan [≤;÷fÂn] 고아; ~을 고아로 만들다

19 inspire [inspái‰÷] ~를 고무하다, 영감을 주다

20 anecdote [®nikdòut] 일화, 기담

Day 10 인생 1
Date Time Score

▶정답 110p

01 다음 빈칸에 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

He was so ____________ to his mother that I would have spanked him if he had
talked to me that way.

① hilarious ② candid
③ impudent ④ salient

02 다음 밑줄 친 부분과 의미가 가장 가까운 것을 고르시오.

Edgar Stevens is 80 years old, but he still steps along with the jaunty air he had at

① looking upon something ② shaking with a rapid motion

③ having a self-confident manner ④ reserved and serious in manner

인생 1

※ 다음 밑줄 친 부분과 의미가 가장 가까운 것을 고르시오. (03~04)

He had an extremely obese friend whose mind was constantly occupied with the
thought of delicacies.

① corpulent ② charming
③ dirty ④ thin

Every so often intrepid pioneers depart from the current path in search of their
own private visions.

① destitute ② mercenary
③ dauntless ④ migrating
⑤ stimulated

※ 다음 대화의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 적절한 것을 고르시오. (05~06)

W: Hi, Oliver. I see you’re on your way home, too.
M: Exactly. But it’ll be another twenty-five minutes before the next bus.
W: Then we’ve got a little time to kill. Let me treat you to a chocolate parfait or
M: Oh, that would be much too fattening and we don’t have all that much time
W: Shall we settle for a cup of coffee or tea, then?
M: Fine! But don’t forget, it’s my turn to treat.
W: _______________________________________________

① OK, have it your way. This time it’s on you.

② Please do. I’m looking forward to another chat.
③ I really enjoyed the tea. Thanks for your kindness.
④ Please accept my apology. I’m afraid I’m getting old.

매일영어 Day 10

A: Hello?
B: Hi, Rafael. This is Alex.
A: Oh, hi. Did you get home all right?
B: Yeah. Thanks, but I want to apologize for last night. It was so dumb of me to
put my coffee on the floor.
A: Forget about it.
B: But it must have made a really ugly stain; I want to pay for the cleaning.
A: Listen, Alex, _______________. Accidents will happen at parties especially.
B: Well, if you say so… but I really am sorry.
A: Ok. See you on Monday. Bye!

① it’s up to you ② it’s no big deal

③ you can’t miss it ④ it couldn’t be better

07 다음 밑줄 친 부분을 가장 잘 표현한 것을 고르시오.

He spoke to her and asked about his friend. “Haven’t you heard?” she said. She
pulled a long face. “Perhaps I’d better tell you. Perhaps you can help.”

① got her ideas across ② flattered herself

③ made a gloomy expression ④ looked exhausted

08 다음 밑줄 친 말과 바꾸어 쓸 수 있는 것을 고르시오.

After all the delays, we were anxious to make up for lost time.

① rule out ② turn down

③ compensate for ④ speed up

인생 1

09 다음 글들이 공통으로 강조하고 있는 덕목은 무엇인지 고르시오.

·Fortune assists the bold.

·Cowards die many times before their deaths.
·Better be killed than frightened to death.

① Initiative ② Integrity
③ Courage ④ Leadership

10 다음 빈칸에 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

I recommended that he _______________________ his report quickly.

① finishes producing
② finish the producing
③ finished producing
④ finish producing

11 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 문법상 어색한 것을 고르시오.

① Theoretically, a good friend should ② last a lifetime, but he or she rarely ③ is,
usually because he or she ④ is changed or changes over time ⑤ for some reasons.

※ 다음 빈칸에 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오. (12~13)

She loves her husband, no matter how ______________.

① is he crazy ② he is crazy
③ crazy he is ④ crazy is he

매일영어 Day 10

The key to experiencing security in your life _______________________ things that
are eternal not temporal.

① is to depend on ② is being depending on

③ be dependent on ④ being dependent on

14 다음 글에서 필자가 주장하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은?

Do you immediately think of excuses? If so, train

yourself to say ‘yes’ instead of thinking up conflicts.
My brother-in-law’s operating principle is “Never say
‘no’ to an invitation!” This may not always be practical,
but it is the attitude that counts. Be ready to involve
yourself. Work things out and find ways to accept
invitations, rather than ways to say ‘no.’ Remember
that your presence can be a greater gift than anything material you could see.

① 초대에 적극 응하라.
② 갈등의 소지를 없애라.
③ 선물은 간단하게 하라.
④ 신중을 기하여 초대하라.

인생 1

15 다음 각 문장의 밑줄 친 this가 공통으로 나타내는 것을 고르시오.

·I never think of this. It comes soon enough.

·When all else is lost, this still remains.
·I like the dreams of this better than the history of the past.
·My interest is in this because I’m going to spend the rest of my life there.

① courage ② the future

③ success ④ a hope

16 다음 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

On an airplane in the Far East, in typhoon season, I asked the pilot how he
handled those strong winds. “Oh, the strong winds sometimes can improve flight
conditions,” he replied. “I turn strong winds into tailwinds!” Perhaps suffering
and hardship in life, some seemingly as big as typhoons, serve the same purpose
for a human being. Then you can turn (A)____________ into (B)____________ and
make it speed you on your way to achievement.

(A) (B)
① good luck challenge
② chance adversity
③ disaster courage
④ difficulty opportunity

매일영어 Day 10

17 다음 글의 내용과 가장 일치하는 것을 고르시오.

“Break a leg.” Bill cheered her up. When Nora got to the place, there were already
ninety hopefuls ahead of her. She was given a number and tried to find a place to
sit. It was one o’clock when she got the chance to read. It was impossible to tell
how well she had done. The producer and author sat with impassive faces.

① Nora just broke her leg.

② Nora went to the library for reading.
③ Nora had a party for ninety people.
④ Nora was sure to pass the test.
⑤ Nora had an audition for a play.

18 다음 글의 요지는 무엇인지 고르시오.

The philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer lived most of his life completely alone;
separated from his family and distrustful of women, he had neither wife nor
children. Irrationally afraid of thieves, he kept his belongings carefully locked
away and was said to keep loaded pistols near him while he slept. His sole
companion was a poodle called Atma a word that means “world soul” but even
Atma occasionally disturbed his peace of mind. Whenever she was bothersome or
barked too much her master would grow irritated and call her Mensch, the
German word for “human being.”

① He distrusted women.
② His only companion was a dog.
③ He lived most of his life alone.
④ He did not care for his fellow human beings.
⑤ He always thought he was going to be robbed.

인생 1

19 What is the purpose of the letter?

Dear Mr. Tony,

Please accept my thanks for your kind letter and your kind words about Jeremy. I
have been deeply touched by the dozens of letters and cards I’ve received, and
comforted to know how much Jeremy was admired and loved. Thank you for
your thoughts and for your offer to help. It is exceedingly generous of you and I
shall certainly contact you should the need arise.
Yours sincerely,
Jane Willis

① To express Jane’s sympathy to a bereaved person

② To acknowledge letters of sympathy and condolences
③ To invite Mr. Tony to the funeral of Jane’s husband
④ To send condolences to a close acquaintance, Mr. Tony
⑤ To make an excuse for not being able to attend a funeral

매일영어 Day 10

20 다음 글을 읽고 빈칸에 가장 알맞은 말을 고르시오.

Tom wanted to learn how to cook so he got a job at a

restaurant. After the first night, Tom wanted to quit. All he
did was to run around and clean up. When he went to work
the second night, one of the chefs was out. Some workers
began to panic because the restaurant was getting busy.
Quickly, Tom offered to help prepare the food. He did a
good job and all the workers praised him. Tom’s boss told
him that he could use someone with ability in the kitchen.
Tom said he would be delighted to work in the kitchen.

At last Tom ______________________________.

① quit working at restaurant

② decided to work in the kitchen
③ couldn’t get a job because the boss found another cook
④ told the boss that he could use the boss’ ability

01 hilarious [hil¬Âri‰s] 유쾌한

02 candid [k®ndid] 솔직한

03 impudent [ímpj‰d‰nt] 뻔뻔스러운

04 salient [sèili‰nt] 가장 두드러진; 가장 중요한

05 jaunty [d,≤;nti] 쾌활한, 의기양양한

06 obese [o¨bí;s] 비만인(=corpulent)

07 intrepid [intrèp‰d] 두려움을 모르는, 용감한

08 destitute [dèst‰t∆ú;t] 궁핍한

09 mercenary [mÁ;÷sÂnéri] 돈을 위해 뭐든지 하는; 용병

인생 1 10

pull/make a long face

make up for
시무룩한 표정을 짓다

~을 보충하다(=compensate for)

Life 1 12 rule out 제거하다, 기각하다(=exclude)

13 turn down 거절하다(=reject, refuse); (소리나 빛 등을) 줄이다

14 impassive [imp®siv] 무표정한, 아무런 감정이 없는

15 conflict [k£nflikt] ~와 대립하다, 충돌하다; 갈등, 다툼

16 hardship [h£;÷d∫ìp] 고난

17 Break a leg! 잘 해봐! 힘내!

18 philosopher [fil£s‰f‰÷] 철학자

19 companion [k‰mp®nj‰n] 동료, 친구

20 generous [d,ènÂr‰s] 관대한, 마음이 넓은

Day 11 인생 2
Date Time Score

▶정답 120p

※ 다음 밑줄 친 부분과 의미가 가장 가까운 것을 고르시오. (01~03)

In fact, he was a genial fellow with a soft heart and playful mind.

① timid ② clever
③ honest ④ friendly

The oldest brother now has a very lucrative position.

① doleful ② lustrous
③ prerogative ④ profitable

인생 2

As a small child, Henry remembered racing up and down that hill 50 times a day
and thinking nothing of it; with the years, however, it has become an arduous

① casual ② difficult
③ symbolic ④ exuberant

04 다음 정의에 해당하는 단어는 무엇인지 고르시오.

The part of your mind that tells you whether what you are doing is morally right
or wrong

① use ② conscience
③ place ④ exempt

05 다음 빈칸에 가장 알맞은 단어를 순서대로 나열한 것을 고르시오.

The young adult has to discover and generate alternative options. To varying
degrees, the external world provides multiple _________ and invites the young
person to try different choices before making final ___________.

① responsibilities --- tasks ② duties --- solutions

③ occupations --- payments ④ possibilities --- commitments
⑤ orders --- efforts

매일영어 Day 11

※ 다음 밑줄 친 부분과 의미가 가장 가까운 것을 고르시오. (06~07)

The youngsters agreed to participate in the war of their own accord.

① enthusiastically ② voluntarily
③ unwillingly ④ unconsciously

I lost my temper easily in an argument about it.

① grew tired of ② got angry

③ gave up for lost ④ lost my sight
⑤ took care of

08 다음 빈칸에 공통으로 들어갈 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

·It was really easy to ________ you ________. You should be less gullible.
·It′s difficult for people in the neighborhood of the university to ________
students ________ to add to their income.
·Halfway through the chapter I stopped. I could not ________________ a single

① take in ② figure out

③ pick up ④ get through

인생 2

09 다음 중 주어진 문장과 뜻이 같은 것을 고르시오.

It seems that she was happy.

① She seems to be happy. ② She seemed to be happy.

③ She seemed to have been happy. ④ She seems to have been happy.
⑤ She seems to had been happy.

10 다음 빈칸에 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

He did not help me when I needed him. A true friend _________________


① acted ② would have acted

③ would act ④ had acted

11 다음 우리말을 옳게 영작한 것을 고르시오.

어느 누구도 내가 책을 읽는 것을 멈추게 할 수 없었다.

① No one could make me to stop to read books.

② Any one couldn’t make for me to stop reading books.
③ No one could make me stop reading books.
④ Any one couldn’t make me stop to read books.

매일영어 Day 11

12 다음 빈칸에 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

He seems to have cut __________ shaving this morning.

① his ② him
③ himself ④ he
⑤ his own

13 다음 글의 밑줄 친 stifling은 본문에서 무엇을 의미하는지 고르시오.

I’d been used to living independently as a student, looking after myself and
organizing my own schedule. As soon as I started working, all that changed. I was
given a room in the company dormitory, which is like a fancy hotel, with a 24-
hour hot bath service and all meals laid on. Most single company employees live
in dormitories like this, and many married employees live in dormitory
apartments. The dorm system is actually a great help because living in Tokyo costs
more than young people can afford. But I found it stifling. My life rapidly became
reduced to a shuttle between the dorm and the office.

① oppressive ② exciting
③ thrifty ④ expensive
⑤ wonderful

인생 2

※ 다음 빈칸에 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오. (14~18)

I earnestly urge all young people contemplating their careers to keep in mind that
nothing in work is finally rewarding unless it is work you would be willing to do
________________ if you could afford to. Doing something for the reward is not the
ultimate test for lifelong pleasure in a career, no matter of what sort.

① for nothing ② for fame

③ for money ④ in secret
⑤ with reluctance

The minds of young people are flexible and elastic, and easily accommodate
themselves to any one they fall in with. They find grounds of attraction both
where they agree with another and where they differ: what is ______________ to
themselves creates sympathy: what is supplemental creates admiration and

① kindred ② private
③ essential ④ plastic

매일영어 Day 11

The reputation of a man is like his ____________; it sometimes follows and
sometimes precedes him; it is sometimes longer and sometimes shorter than his
natural size.

① height ② vision
③ shadow ④ image
⑤ reality

When we think of the public face of scientific genius, we often remember someone
with old and graying appearances. For example, we think of Albert Einstein’s
disheveled hair, Charles Darwin′ s majestic beard, Isaac Newton′ s wrinkled visage.
Yet the truth is that most of the scientific breakthroughs that have changed our
lives are usually made by people who are still in their 30s --- and that includes
Einstein, Newton and Darwin. Indeed, not surprisingly, younger scientists are less
affected by ______________________ than their elders. They question authority
instinctively. They do not believe it when they are told that a new idea is crazy, so
they are free to do the impossible.

① economic concerns
② innovative experimental data
③ moral individual responsibilities
④ religious faith
⑤ the intellectual dogma of the day

인생 2

It is often said that usefulness is the end of life; and so it
is. But ________________ creates and inspires usefulness. If
you have many gifts, and the power to understand, even
if you meditate night and day how to promote the
welfare of the world, it shall profit you little if you have
not joy. Take up joy, then, as you stand before the gate of
your student life, and enter fearlessly. Think that the
college you have set your hearts on holds all good things
in her hand. Believe that in her halls your dreams shall
be realized. But do not forget that the great gifts which you are about to receive
from your college bring with them great obligations, and that your larger freedom
is a sacred bondage to great ideas.

① happiness ② fearlessness
③ power ④ meditation

19 다음 글의 요지는 무엇인지 고르시오.

I believe that only one person in a thousand knows the trick of really living in the
present. Most of us spend 59 minutes an hour living in the past with regret for lost
joys, or shame for things badly done or in a future which we either long for or
dread. The only way to live is to accept each minute as unrepeatable miracle.

① Few people know how to really live in the present.

② The present is unrepeatable.
③ There is neither the past nor the future for man.
④ One should not regret for lost joy.

매일영어 Day 11

20 다음 글의 주제를 나타내는 표현으로 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

When you overspend on your budget by ten dollars in

one day, it’s not a big problem. But if you do it again
tomorrow, and the next day, and the next, you end up
broke. For people who put on weight, it usually isn’t a
sudden big disaster --- it’s a bit today and a bit tomorrow.
Then one day they find themselves in big trouble and
ask, “What happened?” One thing adds to another, and
the little things become the big things. The little things in
life can make such a big difference.

① One good turn deserves another.

② You can’t eat your cake and have it.
③ Drop by drop, water wears away a stone.
④ Misfortunes seldom come singly.

01 genial [d,í;nj‰l] 온화한, 다정한(=friendly)

02 timid [tímid] 소심한(=shy)

03 lucrative [lù;kr‰tiv] 돈이 벌리는, 수익성이 좋은(=profitable)

04 exuberant [igzù;bÂr‰nt] 생기에 가득찬, 풍성한

05 casual [k®,uÂl] 우연한, 평상시의

06 conscience [k£n∫Âns] 양심

07 of one’s own accord 자발적으로(=voluntarily)

08 gullible [g=l‰bÂl] 남을 잘 믿는, 잘 속아 넘어가는

09 take in 포함하다; 숙박시키다; 이해하다; 속이다; 옷의 단을 줄이다

인생 2 10

lose one′
s temper

contemplate [k£nt‰mpléit]
자제심을 잃다, 화를 내다

~을 숙고하다; 눈여겨 보다

Life 2 12 urge [‰;rd,] 촉구하다

13 stifling [stáifli\] 숨막히는, 답답한

14 dormitory [d≤;÷m‰t≥;ri] 기숙사

15 elastic [il®stik] 융통성 있는; 탄력있는

16 supplemental [s>plmèntl] 추가적인

17 reputation [répj‰tèi∫Ân] 명성

18 disheveled [di∫èvld] 헝클어진

19 breakthrough [brèik^rú;] (과학이나 기술의) 비약적 발전

20 bondage [b£ndid,] 구속, 속박

Day 12 가정과
생활 1
Date Time Score

▶정답 130p

※ 다음 밑줄 친 부분과 의미가 가장 가까운 것을 고르시오. (01~02)

A judicious parent encourages his children to decide many things for themselves.

① preserved ② principled
③ lenient ④ legitimate
⑤ wise

The supercilious party guest frequently made others feel inadequate by hogging
conversations and making sarcastic remarks when others tried to speak.

① amiable ② haughty
③ royal ④ elegant
⑤ gallant

가정과 생활 1

※ 다음 빈칸에 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오. (03~04)

___________ foods may be preserved for a long period of time as they have been
freed of moisture.

① Frozen ② Seasoned
③ Jellied ④ Desiccated
⑤ Canned

Their ____________ chatter made me wish I had earplugs.

① vociferous ② lethal
③ punctilious ④ gregarious

05 다음 밑줄 친 부분을 우리말로 가장 잘 옮긴 것을 고르시오.

The bus was late, and the driver was bent upon reaching the school on time.

① 제 시간에 학교에 도착하기 위해 몸을 구부려 운전했다.

② 제 시간에 학교에 도착하기 위해 열심히 노력했다.
③ 제 시간에 학교에 도착하자마자 허리가 휘었다.
④ 제 시간에 학교에 도착하는 경향이 강했다.

06 다음 밑줄 친 부분과 의미가 가장 가까운 것을 고르시오.

Jane caught a cold when she was in Los Angeles.

① came over ② came into

③ came up with ④ came down with

매일영어 Day 12

※ 다음 대화의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오.(07~08)

Bill: Are you ready to give your speech tomorrow?
Mary: Ready? I’m terrified. I can’t talk for five minutes in front of the class.
Bill: Sure you can. It’s ___________________.
Mary: Well, it may be for you. It isn’t for me.

① a snap ② sour grapes

③ pie in the sky ④ a castle in the air
⑤ within a stone’s throw

Ted: How about taking the kids a movie tomorrow?
Wendy: No problem, I have the afternoon off.
Ted: What do you think they’d like to see?
Wendy: _________________________.

① I’m not sure if it’s such a good idea ② Don’t expect too much from me
③ They’ll be excited to hear the news ④ Anything with Jackie Chan will do

※ 다음 빈칸에 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오. (09~10)

Father __________ a newspaper after supper every evening.

① was reading ② is reading

③ will read ④ reads

가정과 생활 1

________ it ever so humble, there is no place like home.

① Being ② Be
③ Do ④ Done
⑤ Doing

11 다음의 빈칸 ㉠, ㉡에 각각 들어갈 말로 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

Girl: This pie’s very good.

Boy: ㉠ ____________________, I like American desserts.
Girl: What’s your favorite?
Boy: Oh, I don’t know. Ice cream, I think.
Girl: ㉡ __________________________________________.
Boy: I see. Next time I will.

㉠ ㉡
① So mine is You can have had ice cream with your pie, then
② So do mine You must have had ice cream with your pie, then
③ So do I You may have had ice cream with your pie, then
④ So is mine You should have had ice cream with your pie, then

12 다음 문장을 바르게 영작한 것을 고르시오.

그녀가 울음을 터뜨린다고 해서 놀라지 말아라.

① Don’t be surprised if she bursts into tears.

② Do not surprise yourself she starts sobbing.
③ Never to be surprised if she starts sobbing.
④ No be surprised at all she bursts into tears.

매일영어 Day 12

13 다음 글을 쓴 목적은 무엇인지 고르시오.

What can you do to make sure your car isn’t stolen? Well, first and most obviously,
lock the car when you leave it. That includes locking the trunk or hatchback and
making sure all the windows are closed. Even a tiny gap allows a thief to insert a
wire to open the lock button. Of course, don’t leave the keys hanging in the
ignition. And don’t conceal a spare key inside or outside the car --- thieves know
all the hiding places. If your car breaks down, lock up before you go for help.
Even if you can’t start the car, thieves may be able to.

① to approve ② to complain
③ to advise ④ to encourage

14 다음 글에서 I의 심정을 가장 잘 나타낸 것을 고르시오.

At midnight I was reading my favorite detective story when I heard a loud noise
in my house. Someone was breaking a window downstairs! I picked up a baseball
bat and ran to the top of the stairs. “Who’s there?” I cried in the darkness. I
couldn’t hear a thing. What made that loud crash? Slowly I tiptoed down the
stairs, peering fearfully through the darkness. Suddenly I felt something soft
touch my legs. As I thought it might be a dead cat, I screamed. Then the strange
sound came again in the utter darkness, louder this time.

① scared ② happy
③ furious ④ irritated
⑤ frustrated

가정과 생활 1

※ 다음 빈칸에 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오. (15~18)

Middle children usually look outside of the family for
approval and acceptance and are therefore more sociable
and less conservative than other children. They try to
obtain from their peers the attention their older brothers
and sisters received from their parents. By finding their
strength outside the family, they learn valuable skills that
prepare them for adult life. These might include
diplomatic skills, the ability to listen and relate to others,
and knowing how to compromise and negotiate. It is no coincidence that many
middle children ___________________________.

① often fail to get along well with people

② identify with their parents’ values easily
③ end up in managerial or leadership positions
④ become selfish and dictatorial in later years
⑤ are deprived of chances to prove their abilities

“I’ll be there in two minutes,” Mom said in a loud
voice. “You girls had better be through.” Sighing, we
attacked the potatoes again. Lizzy stuffed her mouth full
and __________________ to get them down with a gulp of
water. I choked. Sherre chewed and chewed. Almost
choking, she spit the whole mess into her napkin. “Look,
Liz,” she said. “Those footprints are back!” She pointed
to the ceiling. Lizzy looked up. Plop, plop. Lizzy still
was looking up when Mom reached the doorway.

① managed ② confiscated
③ drained ④ lamented

매일영어 Day 12

Mother, having to answer the bell, ordered my brother to watch the fish, which
was prepared for dinner. When she returned the cat was seen enjoying a good
meal under the table. To the lady’s cry of “George, didn’t I tell you to watch the
fish?” my brother answered truthfully; for he always told the truth and did what
he was told. “So I did, mother, and the cat took it.” If she had explained to him
properly why she wanted the fish watched, at the same time making special
mention of a cat’s fondness for fish, no doubt he would have watched to better

Mother should have made special mention of _________________.

① a cat’s dislike of fish ② a cat’s liking for fish

③ George’s kindness to the cat ④ the smell of fish
⑤ the importance of fish

가정과 생활 1

Nellie Bly was an adventuresome reporter. She once pretended to be insane so that
she could learn about the treatment of patients in a New York mental hospital.
__________________________ In other cases, the stories she wrote helped to bring
about badly needed reforms.

① She began writing articles for The Pittsburgh Dispatch when she was only 18 years
② In 1890 she set a record by completing a trip around the world in a little over 72 days.
③ She also got herself arrested so that she could report on the police′ s treatment of
women prisoners.
④ “Nellie Bly” was just a pen name; her real name was Elizabeth Cochrane Seaman.

19 다음 글을 읽고 빈칸에 가장 알맞은 속담을 고르시오.

Before I left home, my father said to me, “Son, remember the ancient
proverbs which I have taught you. ‘If you go to a land of one-eyed men, close
one eye and join them. If you go to a land of one-legged men, limp with
them; do not walk alone.’ ” This proverb has the same message as the English
proverb “______________________________”

① Birds of a feather flock together.

② When in Rome, do as the Romans do.
③ Do to others as you would be done by.
④ A man is known by the company he keeps.
⑤ In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed is a king.

매일영어 Day 12

20 다음 밑줄 친 부분의 의미로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

My friend Jerome told me about her first Christmas

away from home. She timed a telephone call to the
hour when she knew that three generations of her
family would be together getting a variety of dishes
ready for Christmas dinner. “Put down the phone,” she
said. “Just let me listen to the clatter and chatter.” It
seemed an odd thing to do, but Jerome had the right
idea. When I spent a Christmas alone in Florida, I
called home at a time when most of my family just
happened to be in the kitchen. The background sounds
of busyness were like Christmas music to my ears.

① 나도 곧 참석하겠다. ② 분위기를 느끼고 싶다.

③ 큰소리로 말해야겠다. ④ 여러 사람과 통화하고 싶다.

01 judicious [d,u;dí∫‰s] 현명한(=wise)

02 lenient [lí;ni‰nt] 너그러운

03 supercilious [sú;p‰÷síli‰s] 오만한, 거만한(=haughty)

04 amiable [èimi‰bÂl] 친근한, 우호적인

05 gallant [g®l‰nt] 용감한; 여성에게 친절한 남자

06 desiccated [dèsikéitid] 건조된; 분말의

07 vociferous [vosífÂr‰s] 떠들썩한, 시끄러운

08 gregarious [grig¬Âri‰s] 떼 지어 사는; 사교적인

가정과 09

come down with

utter [=t‰÷]
질병에 걸리다

완전한, 철저한

생활 1 11 furious [fjùÂri‰s] 격노한

Family Life1 12 irritated [ir‰téitid] 짜증나는

13 frustrated [fr=streitid] 실망한, 좌절한

14 approval [‰prù;v‰l] 인정, 찬성

15 acceptance [æksèptÂns] 수락, 받아들임

16 conservative [k‰nsÁ;÷v‰tiv] 보수적인

17 compromise [k£mpr‰màiz] 타협하여 해결하다, 화해하다

18 confiscate [k£nfiskéit] 몰수(압수)하다

19 manage toV 간신히 ~하다

20 adventuresome [ædvènt∫‰÷s‰m] 모험적인, 모험을 좋아하는

Day 13 가정과
생활 2
Date Time Score

▶정답 140p

01 다음 빈칸에 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

You shouldn’t listen to other people’s private conversations; it isn’t polite to


① earshot ② saunter
③ eavesdrop ④ utter

02 다음 빈칸에 공통으로 들어갈 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

Finding a stranger on our doorstep startled me, but the _________ expression on
his face told me not to worry.
In his usual _________ manner, my neighbor carefully picked up the ant in his
kitchen, brought it outside, and gently put it down on the sidewalk.

① benign ② arrogant
③ lucrative ④ mandatory

가정과 생활2

03 다음 밑줄 친 부분과 의미가 가장 가까운 것을 고르시오.

Mother was tall, fat, and middle aged. The principal of the school was an older
woman, almost as plump as mother, and much shorter.

① chubby ② aloof
③ slender ④ bold

04 다음 대화의 빈칸에 들어가기에 어색한 것을 고르시오.

A: I’ve been doing this work for twenty years. I don’t like it any more.
B: It’s very understandable that you ________________ your job.

① are sick and tired of ② have had enough of

③ kept up with ④ are fed up with

※ 다음 밑줄 친 부분과 의미가 가장 가까운 것을 고르시오. (05~06)

The couple was walking calmly when out of the blue she slapped him in the face.

① all of a sudden ② in no time

③ long before ④ in no way

At the surprise party, the guest of honor bubbled over with gratitude.

① overflowed ② remained
③ pondered ④ shocked

매일영어 Day 13

07 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분에 대한 설명이 적절하지 않은 것을 고르시오.

My classmates are a wide variety of people with many different quirks and
personalities. The teacher is a real butterfingers, he always manages to break
something in every class. The girl on my right is the salt of the earth, she always
knows the assignments cold, helps me when I’m in a jam, and is really easy-going.
The boy sitting on my left side however, is a stereotypical football player. He
always shows off his muscles to the girls in class and acts like a know-it-all. Then
there’s me, I probably come across as a poor penny-pincher who is rarely well-
groomed and always on edge. That’s what happens when you wear the same
clothes every day and drink lots of coffee to stay up all night studying!

① a real butterfingers --- a person who shows flexibility in his attitude

② salt of the earth --- a person or people regarded as good hearted and dependable
③ in a jam --- in a difficult or embarrassing situation
④ shows off --- to let others see one’s special possession or talent

08 다음 밑줄 친 부분과 같은 의미를 가진 것을 고르시오.

Susan: Mr. and Mrs. Edwards have such wonderful children!

Maria: Sure, they do.
Susan: Their children are very well mannered!
Maria: That’s true.
Susan: And they are so friendly to everybody in the neighborhood.
Maria: I couldn’t agree with you more.

① I am not quite sure. ② I feel the same way.

③ That may not be true. ④ It’s nice talking to you.

가정과 생활2

09 다음 대화의 빈칸에 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

A: The Rainbow Restaurant is on First Street.

B: That’s right. Is it a nice place?
A: Oh, it’s a wonderful place. Uh, rather expensive __________.
B: I don’t really mind the price.

① at that ② but
③ all over ④ though
⑤ already

10 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 문법상 어색한 것을 고르시오.

① Because her watch had ② stopped and she ③ has not known the time, the
woman was late for ④ her interview.

11 다음 빈칸에 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

There was no doubt that he forgot my birthday.

= There was no doubt of ____________ my birthday.

① him to forget ② forgot

③ his forgetting ④ to be forgetting

매일영어 Day 13

12 다음 글에 제시된 연구 결과, 녹차의 효용에 해당되지 않는 것을 고르시오,

Today, scientific research in both Asia and the West is

providing hard evidence for the health benefits long
associated with drinking green tea. For example, in
1994 Journal of the National Cancer Institute
published the results of an epidemiological study
indicating that drinking green tea reduced the risk of
esophageal cancer in Chinese men and women by nearly sixty percent. University
of Purdue researchers recently concluded that a compound in green tea inhibits
the growth of cancer cells. There is also research indicating that drinking green tea
lowers total cholesterol levels, as well as improving the ratio of good (HDL)
cholesterol to bad (LDL) cholesterol.

① Reduction of the risk of esophageal cancer

② Improvement of the ratio of good cholesterol to bad cholesterol
③ Suppression of the growth of cancer cells
④ Decrease of the epidemiological benefits
⑤ Lowering of the total cholesterol levels

13 이 글을 쓴 목적은 무엇인지 고르시오.

I was glad to receive your letter last week. You said that your exams were over
and you were merely killing the time until the results were out. I can see a note of
idleness in your letter. Time is precious and once lost we cannot get it back. Why
don’t you make good use of your spare time?

① Thanks ② Congratulations
③ Advice ④ Order
⑤ Apology

가정과 생활2

14 다음 밑줄 친 she의 성격을 고르시오.

As she stood on the little grass plot before the house and felt the cold rain on her
body, a mad desire to run naked through the streets took possession of her. She
thought that the rain would have some creative and wonderful effect on her body.
Not for years had she felt full of youth and courage. She wanted to leap and run,
to cry out, to find some other lonely human and embrace him.

① passive ② timid
③ thoughtful ④ passionate

15 다음 글의 성격으로 가장 적당한 것을 고르시오.

Minnie, a longtime client at my beauty salon, was about to celebrate her 100th
birthday and I had promised her complimentary hair services when she reached
the century mark. I was delighted when she came in to collect her gift. As I
prepared her permanent wave, we discussed the fact that she was exactly twice
my age. Minnie was silent for a moment and then said, “There’s only one thing
that concerns me. Whatever will I do when you get too old to do my hair?”

① tragic ② scientific
③ instructive ④ humorous

매일영어 Day 13

16 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계가 없는 문장을 고르시오.

These days, many people keep pets inside their houses. ① They don’t think of
them as animals, but as friends or family. ② People buy them nice clothes and
food, and take them to parks or cafes for animals. ③ It’s too expensive to keep
pets. ④ However, some people frown on those who think pets are like humans.
These people think pets are just pets, and all the effort toward pets are worthless.

※ 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. (17~18)

Almost everyone likes bread. But not everyone knows how easy it is to make it.
All you need are yeast, flour, and water. First, mix a package of yeast with two
cups of warm water. Let the mixture stand until bubbles form. Then start adding
four cups of flour, a half a cup at a time. When the dough gets too thick to stir,
scrape it onto a floured board and knead it. To knead, turn the dough in a circle
and fold and punch it. Knead it for ten minutes as you add one more cup of flour.
The dough is ready when it feels soft and smooth, not sticky.
After kneading, put the dough in a buttered bowl and cover it with a dish towel.
Leave it there for an hour or more to rise. It should double in size. Then, knead it
for another minute or so, and shape it into a loaf. Let it rise again for 45 minutes.
Pop it in the oven to bake for 45 minutes at 375 degrees. When it’s done, let it cool
for ten minutes before slicing.

17 이 글을 쓴 목적은 무엇인지 고르시오.

① To teach how to make bread

② To tell you interesting cooking-related stories
③ To make you more interested in cooking
④ To tell you how healthy bread is

가정과 생활2

18 이 글을 통해 추론할 수 있는 것으로 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

① You need many kinds of ingredients to bake bread.

② The writer doesn’t like bread.
③ It takes several hours to make bread.
④ It’s hard to shape dough into a loaf of a proper size.

19 다음 문장의 전후 관계에 따라 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

A sensible plan, ____________________________, is to talk your speech into a mirror

and stop at your allotted time; then cut the speech accordingly.

① if you are to make a wonderful speech

② if you have been asked to speak to an exact limit
③ if you are offered a chance to make a speech
④ as anyone who listens to speeches knows
⑤ even if memorized

매일영어 Day 13

20 다음 글의 내용을 통해 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 말을 고르시오.

Anna read and understood, but it was unpleasant to

read, that is to say, to follow the reflection of other
people’s lives. She was too eager to live herself. When
she read how the heroine of the novel nursed a sick
man, she wanted to move about the sick-room with
noiseless footsteps. When she read of a Member of
Parliament making a speech, she wished to make that
speech. But there was nothing to be done, so she forced
herself to read, while her little hand toyed with the
smooth paper-knife.

Anna reads the novel because ___________________________.

① she is forced to look for surrogate experiences

② she desires to enjoy her life
③ she cannot tolerate other people
④ she wants to imitate the actions of fictional characters

01 eavesdrop [i;vzdr¢p] 엿듣다, 도청하다

02 utter [=t‰÷] 발언하다

03 benign [bináin] 상냥한

04 aloof [‰lù;f] 냉담한, 무관심한

05 mandatory [m®nd‰t≥;ri] 명령적인, 강제의

06 plump [pl<mp] 풍만한, 토실토실한(=chubby)

07 slender [slènd‰÷] 날씬한

08 bold [bould] 대담한

가정과 09 keep up with

out of the blue

뒤쳐지지 않게 좋은 상태를 유지하다

생활 2
10 갑자기(마른하늘에 날벼락)

11 bubble over 흥분이나 열광을 억제하지 못하다

Family Life2 12 ponder [p£nd‰÷] 곰곰이 생각하다

13 indicate [índikéit] ~을 나타내다, 지적하다

14 passionate [p®∫Ânit] 열정적인, 강렬한

15 timid [tímid] 수줍음을 타는

16 complimentary [k¢mpl‰mèntÂri] 무료의; 경의를 표하는

17 scrape [skreip] ~을 긁어내다

18 knead [ni;d] ~을 반죽하다

19 sensible [sèns‰bÂl] 분별이 있는, 현명한

20 surrogate [sÁ;r‰géit] 대리로서의; 대리인

Day 14 여행
Date Time Score

▶정답 151p

※ 다음 밑줄 친 부분과 의미가 가장 가까운 것을 고르시오. (01~02)

He forsook the comfort of staying in the hotel room.

① enjoyed ② abandoned
③ expected ④ deteriorated
⑤ requested

The photo taken by Jimmy is rather blurred because his camera was out of focus.

① invisible ② hazy
③ changed ④ disgraceful


※ 다음 빈칸에 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오. (03~04)

The children were so excited about their vacation trip that they became
___________ and had to be calmed down.

① lanky ② staid
③ boisterous ④ forthright

After walking in the snow for hours, they were glad that the room was so

① cozy ② contagious
③ converted ④ cowardly

05 다음 밑줄 친 부분과 바꾸어 쓸 수 있는 표현을 고르시오.

It crossed my mind yesterday that you might want to accompany us.

① occurred to me ② made me angry

③ escaped my attention ④ memorized

06 다음 빈칸에 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

A: May I speak to Mary?

B: ________ on a second.

① Wait ② Put
③ Hold ④ Stay
⑤ Keep

매일영어 Day 14

07 다음 밑줄 친 부분과 유사한 뜻이 되도록 빈칸에 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

A: Chris, why don’t you finish eating that third helping of dessert?
B: I guess my eyes were bigger than my stomach when I said I wanted more.
A: I’m not surprised. The same thing happens to me. Sometimes, when I’m really
hungry, I’ll ___________________.

① have more meat than fruits

② take more food than I can possibly eat
③ have food with fewer calories
④ take bites of every different kind of food

08 대화의 흐름상 빈칸에 들어가기에 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

Mechanic: Good morning. How are you today?

Dianne: Great. Thank you. By the way, how much do you think it’ll cost to have
my car repaired?
Mechanic: Sorry I’m not exactly sure how much it will cost.
Dianne: Well, _______________________
Mechanic: Well, parts will come to about seventy-five dollars.
Dianne: And the labor?
Mechanic: Probably around a hundred dollars. This isn’t an easy job.
Dianne: So it’s going to cost a hundred and seventy-five dollars to fix my car, huh?
Mechanic: At least. Probably a little more.
Dianne: How long do you think it’s going to take?
Mechanic: Oh, I’d say, uh... two or three hours.

① how come you give me a brief idea?

② can you come up with a great idea?
③ can you give me a rough idea?
④ what do you think of the idea?


※ 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 문법상 어색한 것을 고르시오. (09~10)

The main reasons ① that tourists flock to Hawaii ② are ③ because ④ it has warm
weather and beautiful ⑤ scenery.

① Looking back, ② the town seemed ③ to have been engulfed by the snow, ④
which fell faster and faster.

※ 다음 빈칸에 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오. (11~12)

To my surprise she was fast asleep, with her hat and boots __________.

① to put on ② putting on
③ putting ④ on

The Pacific is the deepest ocean, with ___________ at more profound depths than
any other ocean.

① a bottom area more than ② more areas are

③ more bottom area ④ a bottom are
⑤ a bottom area more

매일영어 Day 14

13 다음 글의 주제로 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

Eskimos look like Chinese people. Their hair is

black and straight. They live in the North of
America, in Siberia and in Greenland. They do
not grow things because the weather is too
cold. They eat fish and meat. Sometimes the
food is boiled, but often it is not cooked at all.
When they travel, they often make a new house
every night. A house like this is not cold
because there is a lamp inside it and this warms it. The lamp is important in that it
does three things. It warms the house; it gives light and it cooks food. Before they
met the white man, the Eskimos’ knives and other things were made from stone or
parts of animals. Now they use guns and knives. They do not fight with each
other and do not steal. They do not hit their children at all. The boys grow up
quickly and go with their fathers and look for food. The life of the Eskimos is hard
but they are strong and patient.

① Eskimo’s appearance ② Eskimo’s weapons

③ Eskimo’s children ④ Eskimo’s life style
⑤ The weather of Siberia and Greenland

14 다음 글을 통해 알 수 있는 David의 행동은 무엇인지 고르시오.

“Slow down, David. We have plenty of time to get there.”

① Driving too fast ② Driving too slow

③ Waiting for a bus ④ Taking a bath


15 다음 글의 작가가 말하고 싶은 내용은 무엇인지 고르시오.

Until the nineteenth century, when steamships and transcontinental trains made
long-distance travel possible for large numbers of people, only a few adventurers,
mainly sailors and traders, ever traveled out of their own countries. ‘Abroad’ was a
truly foreign place about which the vast majority of people knew very little
indeed. Early map makers therefore had little fear of being accused of mistakes,
even though they were often wildly inaccurate as to geographic reality. Nowhere
is this more evident than in old maps illustrated with mythical creatures and
strange humans.

① Despite their unusual illustrations, maps made before the nineteenth century were
remarkably accurate.
② Old maps had to include pictures of imaginary animals.
③ Imaginative maps were often drawn before the nineteenth century because so few
people had traveled abroad.
④ Before the nineteenth century, map makers drew strange humans in maps because
they were scared of mythical animals.

매일영어 Day 14

16 이 글의 주된 분위기는 어떤지 고르시오.

During a flight, the attendant passed out gum, telling passengers it would relieve
the pressure in their ears during the descent. After landing, it took one passenger
an hour to get the gum out of her ears.

① critical ② hopeful
③ humorous ④ terrible

※ 다음 빈칸에 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오. (17~19)

No man can live by and for himself. We are dependent upon the world of men
and women, the world of the present and the world of the past, for all that we
have and are. The same thing may be more clearly seen in the fact that any person
becomes unhappy __________________________.

① when we are in a crowd of people

② if long separated from his kind
③ because we are dependent upon others
④ though he is a man of great wisdom


Today, jet-lag is a familiar hazard for seasoned
travelers. Travel across time zone plays havoc with
the biological clock rhythms of the human body. For
the active pilot, who is rarely in one place long
enough to know if it is time for breakfast or dinner,
the impact of jet-lag on his sleep is critical. Several air disasters have been partly
caused by overtired pilots ignoring the natural laws of sleep. Much research is
directed to finding out _____________ and to what extent pilots and astronauts
dare disobey them. But they are laws which affect all of us, not just pilots.

① what these laws are ② how these are cured

③ where these zones are ④ why these are overtired

The men in the crew met many hardships on their long trip to the North Pole, and
they were worried and discouraged. But whenever the captain appeared, their
burden seemed easier and their hopes were lifted.

The captain is _____________________.

① worried and discouraged ② hopeful and optimistic

③ silent and pessimistic ④ harsh and generous
⑤ hopeless and pessimistic

매일영어 Day 14

20 글쓴이가 아픈 이유는 무엇 때문이었는지 고르시오.

I traveled to South America on a cargo boat

which took a whole month to reach Buenos Aires.
Before I set sail I was sure I had in me more of the
pioneering spirit than even Columbus himself,
but I soon decided that riding the waves was not
one of my strong points, for the smell of the
engines in our small ship and the constant
vibration turned my stomach, and I experienced none of the joys of the cruel sea.
In fact, I was horribly ill for almost the entire journey, although I was just able to
emerge at the end of it to enjoy the unbelievable beauties of Rio with its
mountains behind, the gigantic blue butterflies, and the blue and white foam of
the enormous breakers on its honey colored sand.

① cargo ② blue butterflies

③ engine fumes ④ colored sand

01 forsake [f‰÷sèik] 버리다, 포기하다(=abandon)

02 deteriorate [ditíÂri‰réit] (품질이나 가치를) 떨어뜨리다

03 hazy [hèizi] 흐릿한, 안개가 낀(=blurred)

04 boisterous [b≤istÂr‰s] 떠들썩한, 시끄러운

05 forthright [f≤;÷^ràit] 솔직한

06 cozy [kóuzi] 아늑한

07 contagious [k‰ntèid,‰s] 전염성의

08 cross one’s mind 생각이 문득 떠오르다

09 flock [fl°k] 떼, 무리; 무리를 이루다

여행 10

engulf [eng=lf]

profound [pr‰fáund]
~을 집어삼키다. 빨아들이다

깊은, 심오한

Travel 12 appearance [‰píÂr‰ns] 외모; 출현

13 transcontinental [trænsk¢nt‰nèntl] 대륙횡단의

14 abroad [‰br≤;d] 해외로; 해외

15 geographic [d,ì;‰gr®fik] 지리적인

16 attendant [‰tènd‰nt] 승무원, 안내원

17 descent [disènt] 하강

18 hardship [h£;÷d∫ìp] 고난, 고생

19 seasoned [sí;zÂnd] 익숙한, 경험 많은(=experienced)

20 play/wreak havoc with sth ~을 파괴하다

Day 15 정치
Date Time Score

▶정답 161p

01 다음 밑줄 친 부분과 의미가 가장 가까운 것을 고르시오.

Not having prepared in advance, he gave an impromptu speech.

① unrehearsed ② eloquent
③ persuasive ④ coherent
⑤ impressive

※ 다음 빈칸에 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오. (02~04)

It was very _____________ of you to give a welcoming speech to the delegates.

① considerate ② considering
③ considered ④ considerable


I don’t think the Prime Minister would ever __________ a referendum on the
Constitution. He doesn’t believe in referendums.

① conflict ② comprise
③ convolve ④ countenance

In the US, the northern states tried to end slavery, but the southern states strongly
disagreed with this, because they were very dependent on using slaves on their
farms. This disagreement was one of the main ________ of the Civil War.

① polls ② causes
③ reforms ④ celebrities
⑤ supplements

※ 다음 밑줄 친 부분과 의미가 가장 가까운 것을 고르시오. (05~06)

I can get you off the hook once you are done with this process.

① clean ② free
③ involved ④ exposed

The party at the embassy set the seal on the president’s official visit.

① benefited from ② publicly denied

③ found no sign of ④ overtly prevented
⑤ was a suitable way to end

매일영어 Day 15

※ 다음 빈칸에 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오. (07~08)

A: __________________
B: Downtown.
A: Hop in. I’m going that way.
B: Thanks, I really appreciate this.

① What a ride? ② Where to, sir?

③ Where is it? ④ Where are you headed?

A: Excuse me, but could you tell me the way to Seoul station?
B: Yes. It’s two blocks straight ahead. _________________.

① You can’t lose it ② You will know it

③ You can’t fail it ④ You can’t miss it
⑤ You can’t reach it

09 다음 중 우리말을 영어로 잘못 옮긴 것은?

① 이 가방은 가짜다. 비쌀 리가 없어.

→ This handbag is fake. It can’t be expensive.
② 한국에서는 대통령 선거가 5년에 한 번씩 치러진다.
→ In Korea, a presidential election held every five years.
③ 이 표면은 쉽게 닦인다.
→ This surface cleans easily.
④ 내일까지 논문을 제출하는 것은 불가능하다고 생각한다.
→ I think it impossible to hand in the paper by tomorrow.


※ 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 문법상 어색한 것을 고르시오. (10~12)

① It’s time to take a deep ② breath and examine ③ what the revolution might be
headed and what we might do ④ to ease the transition.

① Envisioned by Franklin D. Roosevelt as a “world moderator,” the Secretary
General is defined in the UN Charter as the organization’s “chief administrative
officer,” but the Charter also states that the Secretary General can ② bring to the
Security Council’s attention “any matter which in his opinion may threaten the
maintenance of international peace and security,” ③ giving the position greater
scope for action on the world stage. The position ④ has evolved into a dual role of
an administrator of the UN organization, and a diplomat and mediator addressing
disputes between member states and ⑤ find consensus on global issues.

① Five score years ago, a great American, ② in whose symbolic shadow we stand,
signed the Emancipation Proclamation. This momentous decree ③ came as a great
beacon light of hope to millions of Negro slaves who ④ was seared in the flames
of withering injustice. It came as a joyous daybreak ⑤ to end the long night of

매일영어 Day 15

※ 다음 글을 읽고 빈칸에 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오. (13~14)

Only in 1978, more than half a century after all adult women in the United States
got the vote, the first female senator was elected rather than appointed. The
Democrats’ first female senator was voted in only 14 years before Hillary Clinton’s
election for New York. Even now, women make up only 16 percent of the
members of the US congress, as distinct from 45 percent of MPs in Sweden, and 49
percent in Rwanda. Of the just 58 women across the globe who have thus far
served as an elected prime minister or president, only one has come from North
America: Kim Campbell, who was briefly prime minister of Canada. The US

① has been the leader in promoting the career of talented women such as Hillary
② must realize that it will be in a better position to lead the world with a woman
③ will always remain the role model for other countries, despite these figures
④ has lagged behind other parts of the world in admitting women to top political

Although many political speeches and some
advertisements do, in fact, mix rational argument with
the emotional appeal of persuasive language, we can
make a clear distinction between argument and
persuasion. Argument seeks to make a case for or against
something; it tries to prove by logical connection that one view of a topic is right
and another is wrong. It does not necessarily seek to motivate the reader to action.
Persuasion, _______________, is always concerned with action and motivation; “buy
this product,” “vote for this candidate,” “hire this applicant,” “effect this change.”
At its most sophisticated, persuasion can even spur readers to action that is
contrary to reason.

① therefore ② likewise
③ on the other hand ④ in the same way


15 다음 글을 읽고 글의 내용과 일치하는 것을 고르시오.

Even though international norms are not rigidly determined, there is a measure of
agreement on general guidelines. In the post-World War II period, these norms are
partially codified in the UN Charter, International Court of Justice decisions, and
various conventions and treaties. The problem is that the US regards itself as
exempt from these conditions. To mention an illustration of contemporary
relevance, when Indonesia invaded East Timor it was ordered to withdraw at once
by the UN Security Council, but to no avail. The United States wished things to
turn out as they did, and worked to bring this about. The Department of State
desired that the United Nations prove utterly ineffective in whatever measures it

① The UN is always in accord with the US in international affairs.

② The US denounced the Indonesian invasion of East Timor.
③ There are effective methods to implement international norms.
④ The US has been arrogant in dealing with international affairs.
⑤ The UN refused to intervene in the East Timor crisis.

매일영어 Day 15

16 Kennedy에 대한 설명으로 옳지 않은 것을 고르시오.

Kennedy missed being nominated for vice president by a few votes at the
National Democratic Convention in Chicago in 1956. But he gained an
introduction to the millions of Americans who watched the convention on
television, and when he decided to run for president in 1960, his name was widely
known. Many people thought that his religion and his youthful appearance would
handicap him. Kennedy faced the religion issue frankly, declaring his firm belief
in the separation of church and state. He drew some criticism for his family’s
wealth, which enabled him to assemble a large staff and to get around the country
in a private plane. But he attracted many doubting Democratic politicians to his
side by winning delegate contests in every state primary he entered. On gaining
his party’s nomination, Kennedy amazed nearly everybody by choosing Lyndon
B. Johnson, who had opposed him for the nomination, as his vice-presidential
running mate. Again, he used his considerable political skills to convince
doubting friends that this was the practical course. Kennedy’s four television
debates with the Republican candidate, Richard M. Nixon, were a highlight of the
1960 campaign. In the opinion of one television network president, they were the
most significant innovation in Presidential campaigns since popular elections
began. The debates were important in Kennedy’s victory in the election. The
popular vote was breathtakingly close: Kennedy’s winning margin was a fraction
of one percent of the total vote.

① Kennedy’s victory in delegate contests in every state primary enabled him to attract
many doubting politicians to his side.
② Kennedy won a landslide victory in the presidential election.
③ Kennedy ran for president four years after he failed to be nominated for vice
④ Kennedy’s failure to be nominated for vice president was ultimately a case of turning
a misfortune into a blessing.


17 다음 글의 요지를 고르시오.

Thomas Hobbes believed that a social contract existed

between the ruler and the masses in an effort, by any
means necessary, to keep civilization from reverting
to its natural state, which Hobbes believed was
savage anarchy. Locke believed that the contract was
there for the greater good of society and to uphold the
inherent rights of the individual.

① the difference between Hobbes’s and Locke’s social contract

② the similarity about the concept of Innateness between them
③ the Great Knowledge of British Empiricism
④ the concept of Direct and Indirect Perception

18 다음 글을 읽고 글의 분위기를 가장 잘 설명한 단어를 고르시오.

Mrs. Thatcher claims she has achieved a revolution in Britain during the eight
years she has ruled. Certainly, things have changed. But at what cost? At the cost
of an extra two million unemployed since she took charge. At the expense of a
National Health Service crippled by the savage attacks which she has made upon
it. At the expense of children without textbooks, families without homes, patients
without treatment. Mrs. Thatcher talks endlessly about the benefits which she has
bestowed on Britain. But look at the price.

① Sympathetic ② Optimistic
③ Regretful ④ Indifferent
⑤ Critical

매일영어 Day 15

19 다음 글을 읽고 글의 내용과 일치하는 것을 고르시오.

One week after Tibet’s third-ranking Buddhist leader fled Chinese control and
joined the Dalai Lama in exile in Dharamsala, the Indian government had still to
decide whether to grant him asylum. Diplomats said it was highly unlikely that
the 14-year-old Karmapa Lama would be sent back. But his unexpected arrival on
Jan. 5 after escaping Tibet threatened India’s drive to improve relations with a
country it last went to war with in 1962. Tibet has been a central factor in Sino-
Indian relations ever since India gave refuge to the Dalai Lama in 1959. China
issued a veiled warning to India last week, reminding it that the two countries
based their relations on the principles of peaceful coexistence.

① The Dalai Lama had been allowed to stay in India before the boy Karmapa fled from
② The boy Karmapa was expelled from Tibet for his close relationship with the Dalai
③ India finally decided to grant the boy Karmapa refugee status.
④ The Dalai Lama exiled to India immediately after the Sino-Indian war.
⑤ China announced her official dissatisfaction with India’s policy on the boy Karmapa.

20 다음 글을 읽고 빈칸에 들어갈 말이 바르게 짝지어진 것을 고르시오.

Governments vary in their institutional structure, in their size, and in their modes
of operation. Two questions are of special importance in determining how
governments differ from each other; Who governs? How much government
control is permitted? In some nations, governing is done by a single individual ---
a king or dictator for example. This state of affairs is called ㉠ __________ . Where a
small group of landowners, military officers, or wealthy merchants controls most
of the governing decisions, that government is said to be an ㉡ ___________ . If more
people participate, and if the populace is deemed to have some influence over
decision-making that government is tending toward ㉢ ____________.

① autocracy --- oligarchy --- democracy ② oligarchy --- democracy --- autocracy
③ aristocracy --- dictatorship --- democracy ④ democracy --- aristocracy --- oligarchy

01 countenance [káuntÂn‰ns] 지지하다(=support)

02 referendum [réf‰rènd‰m] 국민투표

03 Security Council 안전보장 이사회

04 consensus [k‰nsèns‰s] 합의

05 Emancipation Proclamation 노예해방령

06 captivity [kæptív‰ti] 속박

07 senator [sèn‰t‰÷] 상원의원

08 make a case for/against sth ~에 대해 찬성/반대의 근거를 대다

09 vote for/against ~을 찬성해서/반대해서 투표하다

정치 10

candidate [k®nd‰déit]

international norm


Politics 12 anarchy [®n‰÷ki] 무정부

13 primary [práiméri] 예비선거

14 nominate [n£m‰néit] 임명하다

15 winning margin 승리표차

16 Presidential campaign 대통령 선거운동

17 asylum [‰sáil‰m] 피난처

18 refugee [réfjud,í;] 망명자

19 autocracy [∞;t£kr‰si] 독재정치(=dictatorship)

20 oligarchy [£l‰g¢;÷ki] 과두제

Day 16 미디어
Date Time Score

▶정답 172p

01 다음 밑줄 친 부분과 의미가 가장 가까운 것을 고르시오.

Movie studios often boost a new star with guest appearances on television talk

① promote ② watch
③ denounce ④ assault
⑤ discard

※ 다음 빈칸에 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오. (02~05)

Actors are often very __________ since they must believe strongly in their own
worth and talents.

① tedious ② reticent
③ egotistic ④ fortuitous
⑤ equivocal


The police advised the news reporters not to put their lives in _________ by going
any nearer to the scene of the riot.

① drawl ② hunch
③ aplomb ④ jeopardy

The normally ____________ Mr. Robert has said little.

① taciturn ② loquacious
③ uncommunicative ④ reticent

A: What do you want me to do?
B: The radio is too loud, please turn it ________.

① down ② out
③ up ④ on

06 다음 밑줄 친 부분과 의미가 가장 가까운 것을 고르시오.

He is known to be a man with plenty of guts.

① a man of means
② a man with dexterity
③ a man of ability
④ a man with courage and determination

매일영어 Day 16

※ 다음 빈칸에 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오. (07~09)

A: Do you ever watch television?
B: Rarely. Television is like a narcotic. It’s habit forming.
A: ______________________________ You should just watch the worthwhile programs.
B: I do.

① It does, and you will love it soon.

② It does, but I don’t love television shows.
③ It is, but you have to use your will power.
④ Right, and TV programs are generally fine.
⑤ No kidding. All TV programs are harmful.

A: Oh, dear!
B: What’s the matter?
A: I’m afraid I’ve left my purse in my car!
B: Well, you’d better go and get it before you buy your ticket.
A: ___________________________________
B: Yes, of course. Hurry up!

① Would you hold the line, please?

② Could you save my place in line, please?
③ Can I drop you a line?
④ Can you tell me where it is after I come back?


The reason Hollywood was a natural place of making movies was that the sun
_______ there nearly everyday.

① shine ② shines
③ has shone ④ shone

10 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 문법상 어색한 것을 고르시오.

We see movies ① in a ② crowding theater, but it’s ③ an ④ individual experience.

11 다음 중 문법적으로 옳지 않은 문장을 고르시오.

① The programs on public television are generally superior in educational content to

the programs on commercial television.
② We have only three days to practice until the band concert, but I forgot to have my
uniform repaired.
③ Referring to your request of July 13, the matter is being reviewed by our board.
④ Realizing how they had failed, I regretted taking part in the program.

12 다음 우리말을 바르게 영작한 것을 고르시오.

그 TV 쇼가 바보 같은지 여부는 좀 더 두고 봐야 한다.

① Whether the TV show proves to be silly or not remains to be seen.

② Whether silly or not to be the TV show proves remains to be seen.
③ Whether the TV show proves silly or not to be remains to be seen.
④ Whether proves the TV show silly or not to be remains to be seen.

매일영어 Day 16

13 다음 글을 읽고 빈칸에 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

Sometimes journalists see and must report about terrible

events. Of course, journalists try to be “objective” about these
situations and just report the facts. However, these events do
have an effect on journalists emotionally. If journalists see too
many of these kinds of events, they could develop emotional
problems. For this reason, some newspapers and television
stations hire psychologists to help journalists deal with their
emotions after reporting terrible events.

The main reason journalists need psychotherapy is ___________________________.

① that they are busy

② that they have memory loss
③ that they need help in dealing with their emotions
④ that they are confused
⑤ that they are not satisfied with their work

14 다음 글을 읽고 순서에 맞게 배열한 것을 고르시오.

(A) On a narrow avenue in New York City’s ‘Little Italy’ section in the early 1970s,
hundreds of men, women, and children stood in long lines, wearing
traditional Italian parade costumes.
(B) Yet this was no ordinary New York ethnic festival.
(C) Many carried musical instruments and banners.
(D) Instead, director Francis Ford Coppola was filming a scene for The Godfather:
Part Two.
(E) On the sidewalks, crowds were stuffed behind ropes, with an occasional police
officer present to keep them from running into the street.

① (A) - (E) - (D) - (C) - (B) ② (A) - (C) - (E) - (B) - (D)
③ (A) - (B) - (C) - (D) - (E) ④ (A) - (E) - (D) - (B) - (C)
⑤ (A) - (E) - (C) - (D) - (B)


※ 다음 글을 읽고 빈칸에 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오. (15~16)

Newspapers and magazines are filled with articles concerning the lives and
activities of politicians as well as of members of their family and people related to
them in one way or another. Many of these articles have a criticizing attitude, and
their goal is to twist truth around rather than present it in _____________ way.
Articles that are based on false or non-existing evidence ruin careers and make
families break apart. Politicians, who are in the center of publicity and receive
criticism, are most likely to be victims.

① a devious ② an unbiased
③ a distorted ④ an egalitarian
⑤ a prejudiced

Christopher Finch, in his semiofficial pictorial history of Disney’s work,
comments: “The Mickey Mouse who hit the movie houses in the late twenties
was not quite the well-behaved character most of us are familiar with today. He
was mischievous, to say the least, and even displayed a streak of cruelty.” But
Mickey soon cleaned up his act, leaving to gossip and speculation only his
unresolved relationship with Minnie and the status of Morty and Ferdie. Finch
continued: “Mickey ... had become virtually a national symbol, and as such he
was expected to behave properly at all times.”

According to the passage, Mickey ___________________________________.

① had not been shown until the thirties

② has shown no change in character from the beginning
③ developed its mischievousness later
④ showed no cruelty in the beginning
⑤ has been influenced by public opinion

매일영어 Day 16

17“Well done”을 손님이 말한 뜻과 웨이터가 이해한 뜻으로 잘 짝지은 것은?

The diner was furious when his steak arrived too rare. “Waiter,” he barked,
“didn’t you hear me say ‘well done’ ?” “I can’t thank you enough, sir,” replied the
waiter. “I hardly ever get a compliment.”

<손님> <웨이터>
① 일을 잘했다 일을 잘했다
② 잘 익혀 달라 일을 잘했다
③ 일을 잘했다 잘 익혀달라
④ 일을 잘했다 적당히 익혀달라
⑤ 잘 익혀달라 적당히 익혀달라


※ 다음 글을 읽고 빈칸에 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오. (18~19)

Every duck has a little “oil box” in back, just above its tail.
_________ the duck goes into the water, it arranges its
feathers and then spreads a little of this special oil all over
its body. That way, the water slides right off the feathers,
and the duck doesn’t get waterlogged. That’s _________
people get the expression, “It slides off them like water off a duck’s back.”

① Although - how ② By - why

③ After - when ④ Before - where
⑤ Until - which

Western civilization took centuries to develop the idea of
childhood, but television had erased it in a few decades.
What a child once learned through reading roughly
matched with his ability to process the information. In the
television age, however, we all get the same messages. A
child of five and an adult of 40 can see the same images
and hear the same words simply by pushing a button. It shows in our behavior.
Children and adults now dress alike, talk alike and play the same games. The
concept of childhood is __________________.

① lingering ② vanishing
③ prevailing ④ expanding

매일영어 Day 16

20 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?

Government authorities in the United States

have no control over what is published. The
freedom has allowed the development of a
fiercely independent and diverse
communications industry. One result is the
press exerts more influence in the United
States than any other country. Often this
influence is a force for reform, uncovering
shortcomings in society and providing information that people in powerful
positions are sometimes reluctant to divulge. Anyone who does not want his
article to get censored must then start his or her own newspaper. ① Many people
argue that censoring is unconstitutional and an infringement on the right of press.
② Another result, however, is a tendency to ignore, as much as possible, the
occasional errors, excesses and lapses in fairness by the press itself. ③ For many
decades attacks on specific flaws were regarded as undermining the basic freedom
of the press --- particularly when the attacks came from outside. ④ Inside, the
general practice was silence.

01 boost [bu;st] 후원하다(=promote)

02 guest appearance 게스트 출연

03 jeopardy [d,èp‰÷di] 위험

04 loquacious [lo¨kwèi∫‰s] 수다스러운

05 turn sth down 소리를 낮추다

06 a man with plenty of guts 배짱이 큰 사람

07 television station 방송국

08 film [film] 촬영하다, 찍다; 영화(movie), 필름

09 director [dirèkt‰÷] 감독

미디어 10

pictorial [pikt≤;ri‰l]

mischievous [míst∫iv‰s] 장난스러운, 장난을 좋아하는


Media 12 gossip [g£sip] 가십, 험담

13 speculation [spèkj‰lèi∫Ân] 억측

14 article [£;÷tikl] 기사

15 twist [twist] 왜곡시키다

16 unbiased [>nbái‰st] 편견 없는

17 vanish [v®ni∫] 사라지다

18 the press 언론

19 divulge [daiv=ld,] 누설하다

20 lapse [læps] 착오

Day 17 법과
범죄 1
Date Time Score

▶정답 183p

※ 다음 밑줄 친 부분과 의미가 가장 가까운 것을 고르시오. (01~02)

The Constitution was amended to give women the right to vote.

① passed ② agreed
③ changed ④ celebrated

The thief did not have an accomplice.

① trusted friend ② helper in crime

③ deadly weapon ④ tool

법과 범죄 1

※ 다음 빈칸에 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오. (03~04)

This case may seem at first sight too ______________ to find its way into our books,
but the issue it presents is of grave constitutional significance.

① inconsequential ② critical
③ flawless ④ essential
⑤ profitable

The bank teller ____________ $100,000 from the bank where he worked and used it
for his personal investment in stocks.

① embezzled ② eluded
③ embraced ④ extenuated

※ 다음 밑줄 친 부분과 의미가 가장 가까운 것을 고르시오. (05~06)

The offer was so impractical that the lawyer turned down the case.

① generated ② resigned
③ rejected ④ acknowledged

It’s a criminal act to tamper with official documents for the purpose of fraud.

① take away ② steal

③ alter ④ make a copy of

매일영어 Day 17

07 What are the two speakers doing?

A: For what dates?

B: It’s for two nights, the 13th and the 14th of this month.
A: And do you want a single or a double room?
B: A single, please.

① Ordering a gift ② Talking about dates

③ Making a reservation ④ Finding a restaurant
⑤ Renting a car

※ 다음 빈칸에 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오. (08~09)

A: Do you have anything to declare?
B: No, nothing. ________________________________
A: Have you read the customs form, sir?
B: Yes, I have.
A: OK then, could you open up your suitcase for me, please?
B: Sure.

① I’m bringing fruits, plants, and meats.

② I permanently reside in the US.
③ Just the normal allowance.
④ The purpose of my trip was business.

This rule has become quite out of date: It ___________ a long time ago.

① had been abolished ② should have been abolished

③ shall be abolished ④ should be abolished

법과 범죄 1

※ 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 문법상 어색한 것을 고르시오. (10~11)

① For your safety, we recommend ② that you ③ keep your seat belt ④ fastened
while ⑤ seating.

According to ① the police, some airport shops are accused ② of fleecing ③ their
customers, ④ who don’t have any choice but ⑤ used them.

※ 다음 빈칸에 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오. (12~13)

In a court of law, judges are not ______________ let personal feelings influence their

① supposing to ② supposed to
③ supposed ④ suppose to
⑤ suppose

As a lawyer myself, I would like to say just how _______________ I am by the
current popularity of lawyer jokes. I think I do a good job for my clients and that I
am appropriately paid for the long hours I put in service to their interests. But
somehow being well paid for work well done is considered bad form.

① tired and exhausted ② pleased and impressed

③ annoyed and insulted ④ disappointed and relaxed
⑤ interested and encouraged

매일영어 Day 17

14 다음 글을 읽고 밑줄 친 hit him down을 바르게 해석한 것을 고르시오.

He was in a hurry and he ran out into the street. He wanted to cross the street
quickly and catch his bus. At that time a car hit him down. A policeman came and
took him to a hospital. The doctors did their best. Then they said. “You have to
stay here four months.”

① It passed by the man.

② It ran over him.
③ It made him cry.
④ It brought him to somewhere he wanted to go.

15 다음 글을 읽고 제목으로 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

Suicide in the United States tends to occur more frequently among males than
among females. The sex ratio for suicide is approximately four to one. Older
people commit suicide more frequently than do younger people. The relationship
of age to increasing rates of suicide is direct and highly consistent. The rate of
suicide among married persons is far lower compared to single, widowed, or
divorced persons. In addition, among married persons, the rate of suicide is far
lower among those couples having children compared to childless couples.
Whites commit suicide far more frequently than non-whites, particularly blacks.
With respect to religion, Protestants tend to have a higher suicide rate than
Catholics and Jews.

① Why Older People Don’t Want to Die?

② When Do People Want to Kill Themselves?
③ Where Do People Go to Commit Suicide?
④ How Do People Kill Themselves?
⑤ Who Is More Likely to Commit Suicide?

법과 범죄 1

16 다음 글을 읽고 빈칸에 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

After Hurricane Andrew hit Homestead, Florida, in

1992, hundreds of looters ransacked parts of town.
“The really bad side of some people came out,” said
Tad DeMilly, who was mayor at the time. “Those were
mostly people who came in to loot. But we had moms
who had no food for their babies also in there looting
for survival. We couldn’t arrest looters because we had nowhere to put them. It
was verging on ___________.”

① anarchy ② communism
③ democracy ④ liberation
⑤ freedom

17 다음 글의 주제와 가장 관련이 먼 것을 고르시오.

Crime is a word that brings out strong emotional responses in everyone. ① Many
of us have been the victim of a crime, large or small. ② Perhaps you remember
when the neighbor’s son stole your favorite toy when you were small, or maybe
the crime was more recent and more serious. ③ But we are interested only in the
possible solutions to crime. ④ Whatever the case may be, you no doubt have ideas
about what should be done to the offender, or what should be done so that the
same thing doesn’t happen to others.

매일영어 Day 17

18 다음 글의 내용과 거리가 먼 것을 고르시오.

Certain individuals have a biological predisposition to addiction. The most

serious problem that young people face if they use alcohol or other drugs is the
possibility of becoming addicted. Although not everyone who drinks or uses
drugs becomes addicted, there is no way to tell who will be vulnerable or to what
extent the use of alcohol or other drugs will impair their success in life. Some
people have a biological predisposition to addiction, especially if any of their
relatives are alcoholics. Children of alcoholics have a four to ten times greater risk
of becoming alcoholics than children of non-alcoholics. Parents should advise
children of any family history of alcoholism or other drug addictions and alert
them to the risks of becoming addicted.

① Children with an alcoholic cousin have a greater risk of getting addicted to alcohol
than children without one.
② Young people may use alcohol and other drugs because they are not properly
informed of alcoholism in their family history.
③ Impaired judgment may lead to regrettable or even dangerous situations that may
range from the destruction of property to communicative disorders.
④ Alcohol and other drugs have a fatal effect on children’s life.
⑤ One of the reasons why children should not take alcohol or other drugs is the high
possibility of getting addicted.

법과 범죄 1

※ 다음 글을 읽고 빈칸에 가장 알맞은 단어를 고르시오. (19~20)

Many cases in a court of law are not criminal ones. For
example, you make a legal claim for money from someone who
has failed to pay what they owe you. Most legal cases like this
are called civil actions. In a civil law court the plaintiff is the
person who makes a legal complaint about another person, the

① jury ② accuser
③ witness ④ defendant
⑤ executioner

매일영어 Day 17

U.S. lawyer John Banzhaf was the first to sue the
tobacco companies in the mid-sixties. Now he wants
to prosecute the junk-food industry for making people
obese. The big question is how to go about it. It’s one
thing to say that diet has a lot to do with the growing
obesity problem in America, quite another to prove in
court that client A’s heart attack was caused specifically by McDonald’s
hamburgers, or by excessive bingeing on Coke. Nobody sticks to one brand of
food like they stick to one brand of cigarettes, so individual suits are out of the
question and class action suits would have to depend on highly complicated
statistical analyses of food intake and medical cause and effect. Also, unlike
smoking, there is nothing intrinsically unhealthy about eating. Clearly, if there is a
legal case to be made, it is going to have to be fairly _____________.

① ingenious ② admiring
③ sober ④ scary
⑤ troubling

01 amend [‰mènd] 개정하다

02 Constitution [k¢nst‰t∆ù;∫Ân] 헌법

03 accomplice [‰k£mplis] 공범

04 embezzle [embèzÂl] 횡령하다

05 case [keis] 사건

06 tamper with 변조하다

07 abolish [‰b£li∫] 폐지하다

08 judge [d,<d,] 판사

법과 09

looter [lu;t‰÷]

ransack [r®nsæk]

(약탈을 위해) 뒤지다

범죄 1 11 anarchy [®n‰÷ki] 무정부상태

Law & 12 victim [víktim] 희생자

Crime 1 13 offender [‰fènd‰÷] 범죄자

14 biological predisposition 생물학적 기질

15 addiction [‰dík∫Ân] 중독

16 criminal case 형사사건

17 civil action 민사소송

18 plaintiff [plèintif] 원고

19 defendant [difènd‰nt] 피고

20 class action 집단 소송

Day 18 법과
범죄 2
Date Time Score

▶정답 194p

01 다음 밑줄 친 부분과 의미가 가장 가까운 것을 고르시오.

I think that a big problem with our current system of litigation is how expensive it
is, and that it tends to be unfair to people who don’t have access to resources.

① welfare ② administration
③ legislation ④ lawsuit
⑤ prosecution

※ 다음 빈칸에 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오. (02~04)

The philosophy of the U.S. justice system is that everyone is ___________ innocent
until proven guilty.

① presumed ② predicted
③ resumed ④ deduced
⑤ inferred

법과 범죄 2

I received ___________ phone calls warning me not to go to the police about what
I had seen.

① anonymous ② industrious
③ precocious ④ monotonous

A: The pedestrian crossing is too far, why don’t we just cross over here?
B: No way! You can be heavily fined for ___________.

① trespassing ② soliciting
③ speeding ④ jaywalking
⑤ overpassing

※ 다음 밑줄 친 부분과 의미가 가장 가까운 것을 고르시오. (05~06)

We can’t rule out the possibility that she was murdered by her husband.

① admit ② exclude
③ include ④ predict
⑤ ignore

매일영어 Day 18

They went to prison on purpose.

① accidentally ② for good

③ intentionally ④ for their own sake
⑤ by the purpose

07 다음 빈칸에 적절하지 않은 것을 고르시오.

A : Could you walk my dog while I’m away?

B : ____________________________________

① I’m sorry, but I really couldn’t.

② Well, it depends.
③ I’ll certainly give it a try.
④ Sure, if it’s once every couple of days.
⑤ Don’t bother. Every dog has its day.

08 다음 밑줄 친 부분을 바르게 고친 것을 고르시오.

That hijacking should continue is lamentable; that hostages should be taken and
even killed is to condemn by all.

① condemned ② being condemned

③ be condemned ④ condemn

법과 범죄 2

09 다음 빈칸에 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

Any lawyer’s biggest fear is a surprise question that leaves his client in danger of

① fallen into a perjury trap ② to fall into a perjury trap

③ fall into a perjury trap ④ falling into a perjury trap

10 다음 중 문법적으로 맞는 문장을 고르시오.

① In 1789 George Washington was unanimously elected President of the U.S. The U.S.
Constitution went into effect.
② Almost Arab countries have a six-day workweek from Saturday to Thursday.
③ I am beside myself try to work this out.
④ One day, while waiting on the sidelines for my son’s soccer practice to finish, I began
getting anxiously.

11 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 문법상 어색한 것을 고르시오.

Identity theft is ① soaring. The crime is up 70% from February 2002 and hit an
estimated 7 million people in the past year ② according to research from Gartner.
How can you prevent yourself? The identity theft research center suggests that
everyone ③ checks their credit ratings annually from the credit reporting bureaus.
Don’t write your Social Security or driver’s license number on checks, don’t ④
respond to suspicious e-mail requests.

매일영어 Day 18

12 다음 글을 읽고 제목으로 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

What are the specific principles which enable traffic engineers to predict with such
astonishing accuracy what will result from an investigation of the accident
problem in any community? The first is, as suggested, that nearly all the accidents
are psychological in origin, and not mechanical. For example, 84 percent of all the
vehicles involved in fatal accidents are found to be in good condition. And even in
the other 16 percent, more than half the time the defects are in brakes, lights, or
tires, most of which the driver probably knows about; The fact that he goes on
driving anyhow, and kills or injures himself or someone else, makes even these
accidents come under the heading of those in which there is a strong
psychological factor. We must not forget, of course, that in a large proportion of all
accidents involving two drivers, one of them is innocent.

① Our high accident rate ② Dangers of defective cars

③ A plea for motor vehicle inspection ④ Fixing the blame in traffic accidents
⑤ Necessity for better traffic surveys

법과 범죄 2

13 문맥상 다음 문장이 들어가기 가장 알맞은 곳을 고르시오.

But drug smugglers are nothing if not ingenious.

When Columbian police raided a warehouse in the middle of a cow pasture on the
outskirts of Bogota last week, they found welding tools, propane gas tanks, hard
hats and a half-built submarine. ① At 2,286m above sea level and 338km from the
nearest port the suburb of Facatativa was not an obvious submarine construction
site. ② Thwarted by enforcement officers who prevent part of their cargoes of
cocaine from leaving the country overland, by air or in boats, Columbia’s drug
traffickers were building a 30-m submersible with a 200-ton capacity. ③
Documents found in the area suggested involvement of Russian engineers. ④
Lamenting the inability of Columbia’s navy to construct such a vessel, submarine
Captain Fidel Azula declared: “This is unmistakably of superb naval
construction.” ⑤

※ 다음 글을 읽고 빈칸에 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오. (14~15)

Statistics show that people travel more safely in airplanes than in cars. For that
reason, it seems foolish to be afraid of flying and not be concerned about safety in
a car. The figures are clear --- planes are safer than cars, per passenger mile. But
statistics do not tell the whole story. Automobile accidents usually involve only a
few people per occurrence and kill or injure only some of the victims. They
involve situations which drivers believe they can avoid through skill or caution.
___________, airplane accidents usually involve large numbers of people and high
death rates. One hundred percent is not uncommon. Surviving an airplane
accident requires luck, not skill or caution, and passengers are totally dependent
upon their crew.

① For example ② On the other hand

③ As a matter of fact ④ In addition

매일영어 Day 18

Initial investigations into the cause of last month’s Gulf Air crash off
the coast of Bahrain revealed that ____________________________. The
chief investigator into the disaster, Frank Hilldrup, said the findings
were based on information from the plane’s flight data and cockpit
voice recorders. But he said it was too early to tell whether pilot
error caused the crash.

① the control tower miscalculated landing speed

② the airline company began to carry out the policy of reducing the fuel expense
③ the pilot failed to reduce his airspeed as he attempted to land
④ the company would increase financial compensation to the relatives of the people
⑤ the ground crew failed to find something wrong in the landing gears

16 주어진 문장에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?

Hospitals are increasing infant security to prevent the kidnapping of babies.

(가) Also, hospitals are requiring babies to wear sophisticated identification

(나) Furthermore, more hospitals are including the mother’s thumbprint and the
baby’s footprint in medical records.
(다) For example, hospitals are providing guards to patrol their halls and
conducting periodic safety drills to keep all personnel alert.
(라) These bracelets automatically alert an electronic security system if they are
removed or taken beyond the baby’s assigned unit.
Finally, many hospitals no longer release birth announcements to the local media.

① (나) - (다) - (가) - (라) ② (다) - (가) - (라) - (나)

③ (라) - (나) - (다) - (가) ④ (가) - (라) - (나) - (다)

법과 범죄 2

※ 다음 빈칸에 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오. (17~18)

When a couple gets divorced, the court may require the man to pay his former
wife a monthly sum of money called ______________. Its amount depends on the
husband’s income, the wife’s needs, and the length of the marriage.

① optimism ② honeymoon
③ elope ④ alimony
⑤ veil

The administration plans to introduce the new
formula this year at the earliest, applying it first to
replies to opinions posted on some portal sites. The
sooner the system is put into effect, the better. South
Korea is an ___________ internet powerhouse as the
world’s most wired country, with Web surfing a daily
routine for many people. In proportion to the sharp increase in the number of
internet surfers, cyber crimes have ___________ as a serious social evil with the
number of cyber crime victims rising rapidly to 2 million in 2004 from 1.65 million
in 2003 and 1.19 million 2002.

① undisputed - emerged ② undisputing - emerged

③ undisputed - emerging ④ undisputing - emerging
⑤ undispute - emerge

매일영어 Day 18

19 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

It may be obvious that someone caused the accident and there will be no dispute
about liability. However, there will be cases where it is not obvious, or where the
extent of liability is difficult to work out. For example, as a general rule, the driver
of a vehicle which runs into the back of another vehicle will be held liable for the
accident. This is the case even if the car in front has braked sharply or
unexpectedly, because drivers are required to drive a safe distance behind other
vehicles. However, there may be circumstances when this does not apply, and if
liability is disputed, legal advice will be necessary unless the insurance company
is dealing with it.

① How to Drive Safely

② Drive and Drink Don’t Mix
③ Causes of Many Traffic Accidents
④ Who is Responsible for a Traffic Accident?
⑤ Relation between Liability and Insurance Company

20 다음 글을 읽고 빈칸에 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

Speech is perhaps the most human of all our activities.

Parents eagerly await their children’s first words;
paradoxically, before long they can’t wait for them to be
quiet. The spoken word has the capacity to inspire,
frighten, and delight. It is used to announce birth, mourn
death, and dominates most of the waking hours in between. The world’s great
spiritual teachings all acknowledge that _______________ has profound power to
affect our consciousness. Buddhism, for example, teaches ‘Right Speech’ as one of
its main precepts. In this context, ‘Right Speech’ means speech that is non-
harming and which has the intention to support all living beings.

① what we say ② children’s activity

③ what we believe ④ parent’s religion
⑤ what they feel

01 litigation [lìtigèi∫Ân] 소송(=lawsuit)

02 presume [prizù;m] 추정하다

03 anonymous [‰n£nim‰s] 익명의

04 jaywalking [d,èiw≥;ki\] 무단횡단

05 fine [fain] 벌금을 물다; 벌금

06 hijacking [háid,©ki\] 공중납치

07 hostage [h£stid,] 인질

08 perjury [pÁ;÷d,Âri] 위증

법과 09 identity theft [aidènt‰ti

Social Security number

^eft] 신분위장 절도

범죄 2
10 주민등록번호

11 investigation [invést‰gèi∫Ân] 조사

Law & 12 smuggler [sm=gÂl‰÷] 밀수업자

Crime 2 13 trafficker [tr®fik‰÷] 암거래상

14 crash [kræ∫] (비행기나 차 등의) 추락, 충돌

15 cockpit [k£kpìt] 조종실

16 kidnap [kídn©p] 납치하다

17 bracelet [brèislit] 팔찌

18 alimony [®l‰mòuni] 위자료

19 undisputed [>ndispjù;tid] 논란이 되지 않는

20 liability [lài‰bíliti] (법적) 책임 cf. liable 책임이 있는

Day 19 지역과
사회 1
Date Time Score

▶정답 206p

※ 다음 밑줄 친 부분과 의미가 가장 가까운 것을 고르시오. (01~02)

Even the fabric of modern society is not immune from decay.

① safe ② vexed
③ alike ④ mute

In New York, the rich flaunt their wealth while the poor starve on the streets.

① squander ② accumulate
③ boast ④ confiscate
⑤ inherit

지역과 사회 1

03 다음 빈칸에 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

The ______ of our civilization from an agricultural society to today’s complex

industrial world was accompanied by upheaval and, all too often, war.

① adjustment ② migration
③ phase-in ④ metamorphosis
⑤ route

04 다음 문장과 같은 뜻을 지닌 영어 속담을 고르시오.

If you don’t do the necessary work at once, the work will take you much more
time and effort later on.

① Look before you leap.

② A stitch in time saves nine.
③ One man’s meat is another man’s poison.
④ Better late than never.

05 다음 대화의 빈칸에 가장 알맞은 표현을 고르시오.

A: Where do you like to live, in cities or in the country?

B: ___________________________
A: What do you mean?
B: Well, I like living in the country because I like nature. And I like living in cities
because there are many things to do. How about you?
A: I like living in big cities better because I like crowds.
B: You do?
A: Yes. People-watching is my favorite pastime.

① I like to live in the country. ② I like to live in cities.

③ I want to move back. ④ It depends.
⑤ Leave where?

매일영어 Day 19

06 다음 글에서 밑줄 친 set up의 의미로 가장 적절한 것은?

The Red Cross is an international organization which cares for people who are in
need of help. The idea of forming an organization to help the sick and wounded
during a war started with Jean Henri Dunant. In 1859, he observed how people
were suffering on the battlefield. The most important result of his work was an
international treaty called the Geneva Convention. It protects prisoners of war, the
sick and wounded, and other citizens during a war. The Korean Red Cross was set
up in 1906. Today the Red Cross in Korea provides a number of services for the
public, such as helping people in need, teaching first aid, and providing blood.

① installed ② demonstrated
③ outlined ④ established

※ 다음 빈칸에 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오. (07~08)

A: I’m so glad we came to this concert, Grandpa. Candy is enjoying it, too!
B: I still think it’s ______ to bring a dog to a concert!
A: But, Grandpa, Candy loves music. Look how nicely she’s behaving.

① silly ② idle
③ smart ④ kind

America is the largest contributor _____ the IMF, which acts like a credit union
with assets of about $190 billion. That gives the U.S. government more influence
_____ how the IMF allows American economic ideas to be pursued around the

① on - on ② to - by
③ over - to ④ with - over
⑤ to - over

지역과 사회 1

※ 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 문법상 어색한 것을 고르시오. (09~12)

People have to be ① saved from the ruins, ② brought to hospitals, protected from
③ looting and other lawlessness, and ④ shelter if they’re ⑤ homeless.

① As is the case in many cultures, the degree ② to which a minority group was
seen ③ as different from the characteristics of the dominant majority ④ was
determined the extent of that group’s acceptance.

① My crew and I have been in Alaska ② since three years, and we ③ still aren’t
used to ④ the long, dark winters.

The government ① has recently learned of serious human rights abuses on the
island of Xanadu. ② Given the existing situation, we ③ have no choice but to
invade the island. If we don’t invade, we suggest to the world that the suffering of
citizens outside our own borders ④ have no meanings.

매일영어 Day 19

13 다음 글을 읽고 밑줄 친 부분이 가리키는 내용이 무엇인지 고르시오.

No study to the United States would be complete without a discussion of

immigrants because America is a nation of immigrants. Since 1607, when the first
English settlers reached the New World, over 45 million people have migrated to
the United States. This represents the largest migration of people in all of recorded
history. For 400 years, a nation of over 200 million people has been built by
persons who came from all parts of the world and all walks of life. Every aspect of
American life, from business to athletics, has been influenced in one way or
another by immigrants. No one could ever completely understand this “teeming
nation of nations,” as the poet Walt Whitman called it, without first knowing
something about the history of America’s leading import.

① oil ② customs
③ automobiles ④ businesses
⑤ immigrants

14 밑줄 친 부분이 의미하는 것으로 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

In American ideology, the individual reigns supreme. Historically, our culture has
championed no single group, but it has championed the idea of the individual
man or woman. The historian Frederick Jackson Turner proposed that the
westward expansion and frontier experience of the 19th century was a major force
in shaping this aspect of our national character. In fact, we train our children to
define and distinguish themselves from their peers, to be self-reliant and
autonomous. Indeed, from a very early age, selfhood and independence are
stressed. Children learn they must stand on their own two feet in a competitive
world where self-reliance and self-realization are the name of the game. It is not
surprising then that in comparison to many other cultures, we are more tolerant of
individual differences and non-conformity.

① pragmatism ② ethnocentrism
③ individualism ④ realism
⑤ collectivism

지역과 사회 1

15 다음 글을 한 문장으로 나타내려고 할 때 빈칸에 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

Heart disease is Western society’s number-one killer. It

was relatively rare in America at the turn of the century,
but it has risen dramatically since then, with a slight
downturn since 1960. Heart disease is often viewed as a
disease of modern living, spurred on by the habits and
the stress of industrialized society. Evidence for this idea
comes from the fact that non-Western societies have
relatively low rates of heart disease. And there is a higher
rate of heart disease among immigrants to America, such as Japanese-Americans
and Chinese-Americans, than among those who remain in their native country.

It may seem that ⓐ___________ promotes the development of ⓑ____________.

ⓐ ⓑ
① heart attack death rate
② modern society Western industry
③ American culture stressful habit
④ preventing illness healthy bodies
⑤ Western environment heart disease

매일영어 Day 19

16 다음 글의 주제를 가장 잘 나타내는 격언을 고르시오.

There are many kinds of work in life. We must choose among them because our
power and intelligence are limited. He who wants to do everything will never do
anything. We ought to decide upon a point of attack and concentrate our forces
there. Once the decision is made, let there be no change unless a serious accident
happens. Let’s do our best to achieve aim.

① Make hay while the sun shines.

② You can’t eat your cake and have it.
③ Things done by halves can never be done.
④ A rolling stone gathers no moss.
⑤ There is no will, there is no way.

17 다음 글의 요지는 무엇인지 고르시오.

Worldwide, more than 200 rivers flow through two or more countries, so it is
very likely that downstream human communities will suffer from diminished
water resources. Friction over water resources constantly threatens conflict in the
Middle East. No country is so dependent on a single lifeline as Egypt is on the
Nile --- whose source is in Ethiopia. Eighty percent of Iraq’s water originates
outside its borders. Headwaters of the Tigris and Euphrates, which flow through
Syria and Iraq, are largely controlled by Turkey. The two downstream countries
have complained about massive Turkish dam-building programs.

① The conflict in the Middle East threatens the world peace.

② The upstream countries are using water as much as they want.
③ The conflict concerning the water resource is emerging as one cause of the
international strife.
④ The building of massive dams can effectively solve the water deficiency problem.

지역과 사회 1

18 다음 글의 빈칸 (a)와 (b)에 들어갈 것으로 알맞게 짝지은 것은?

Americans have always been deeply (a)_____________ about the issue of social
involvement. On the one hand, they are suspicious of it and share deep romantic
fantasies of withdrawal to a simple pastoral or even sylvan life. On the other
hand, they are much given to acting out grandiose fantasies of taking society by
storm, through the achievement of wealth, power, or fame. This (b)_____________
has led to many strange institutions --- the suburb and the automobile being the
most obvious.

(a) (b)
① enthusiastic enthusiasm
② ambivalent ambivalence
③ involved involvement
④ concerned concern
⑤ critical criticism

※ 다음 빈칸에 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오. (19~20)

In some parts of Africa, women are objects of value. From the moment a girl is
born, the family counts her value as capital. From their childhood the natives
view things in this light. When a white lady bore twin daughters at the
hospital, a negro boy nurse could find nothing better to say to the father than,

① Now you’ll be poor!

② Now you’re a rich man!
③ Now you’ll have to earn more!
④ Now you’re a father of twins!
⑤ Now you’ll have to have two more sons!

매일영어 Day 19

People have domesticated animals to use them for
their own purposes for thousands of years. Special
breeds cope with desert conditions, but livestock is
still wiped out in severe drought. Even _________
cannot survive the summer months without people
to lead them to water and fresh grazing. Although
horses are less suited to the desert, the swift-footed Arabian horse is much valued.
Dogs are used for their hunting skills.

① turkeys ② camels
③ lions ④ cats

01 fabric [f®brik] 조직

02 immune [imjù;n] 면제되어 있는

03 flaunt [fl∞;nt] 자랑하다

04 metamorphosis [mét‰m≤;÷f‰sis] 변형

05 the Geneva Convention 제네바 협정

06 set up 설립하다

07 shelter [∫èlt‰÷] 피난처를 제공하다

08 contributor [k‰ntríbj‰t‰÷] 기여자

지역과 09

human rights abuse

immigrant [ímigr‰nt]


사회 1 11 migrate [máigreit] 이주하다

Region & 12 all walks of life 각계 각층

Society 1 13 the name of the game 중요한 것

14 border [b≤;÷d‰÷] 국경지대

15 downstream [dáunstrí;m] 하류 cf. headwater 상류수

16 ambivalent [æmbív‰l‰nt] 양면적인

17 social involvement 사회 참여

18 domesticate [do¨mèst‰kéit] 길들이다

19 capital [k®pitl] 자본

20 livestock [láivst¢k] 가축

Day 20 지역과
사회 2
Date Time Score

▶정답 218p

※ 다음 빈칸에 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오. (01~02)

The most sinister evil of this day is the widespread conviction that war is
inevitable, and that there is no time left for discussion. It is doubtful if the mass of
Americans who accept this judgment realize what its ______ are.

① doubts ② implications
③ feelings ④ content

By middle childhood, if all goes well, children begin to seek social __________.
This shows up as “I won’t do this because I want people to like me.” and then “I
won’t do this because it is against the law.”

① approval ② retaliation
③ maturity ④ influence
⑤ explanations

지역과 사회 2

※ 다음 밑줄 친 부분과 의미가 가장 가까운 것을 고르시오. (03~04)

In some ways, material possessions were to seem not only as tangible evidence of
people’s work but also of their abilities.

① real ② relevant
③ fertile ④ abundant

We look to the younger generation for national prosperity.

① bring forth ② search for

③ watch out ④ rely on
⑤ take after

※ 다음 빈칸에 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오. (05~06)

Some people like to dream about things that are not possible. They plan
wonderful vacations, but they have no money. They think of getting married to
someone they do not know. These people, we say, are __________________ .

① building a solid future ② teaching a young dog new tricks

③ building castles in the air ④ making a new life for themselves
⑤ telling tall tales

매일영어 Day 20

A: Gee, Oscar, don’t you think you should cut out some of those high-calorie
B: What do you mean, Pete? Everyone eats burgers and hot dogs.
A: I think it’s OK once in a while, but you’re always eating this stuff.

① That burger, for example, is very delicious.

② It’s really not good for you.
③ Eating low-fat foods is no fun!
④ You are not anorexic!

07 다음 중 어법상 옳지 않은 문장을 고르시오.

① Please explain to me how to join a tennis club.

② She never listens to the advice which I gave it to her.
③ My father was in hospital for 6 weeks during the summer.
④ The fact that she is a foreigner makes it difficult for her to get a job.

※ 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 문법상 어색한 것을 고르시오. (08~09)

But they should base their critique ① over sound economics and honest advice to
America’s working people --- not on the false hope that the United States ② can
somehow ③ opt out of a world that ④ is growing more competitive ⑤ by the day.

The High Representative will provide the vision and leadership ① required,
especially ② to promote the Alliance of Civilizations ③ as a credible and viable
attempt ④ to diminish the dangerous tensions between diverse ⑤ society.

지역과 사회 2

10 다음 우리말을 영어로 옮긴 것 중 옳지 않은 것을 고르시오.

① 인생이 깊고 강해지기 위해 슬픔과 접촉하고 또 슬픔이 섞여야 한다.

→ Life, to be deep and strong, must be touched and tempered by sadness.
② 나의 자식들이 그들의 피부색에 의해서가 아니라 그들의 인격에 따라 평가되는 나라에서 살게
될 날이 올 것이라는 꿈이 나에게는 있습니다.
→ I have a dream that my children will one day live in a nation where they will not
be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.
③ 자본주의는 사람들로 하여금 남들의 욕구를 창조적으로 충족시키도록 유도함으로써 기능한다.
→ The way capitalism does work is by inducing people to satisfy the appetites of
others in imaginative ways.
④ 나는 문명이 인간의 마음을 누그러지게 하기보다는 무감각하게 했다고 말하겠다.
→ I would say that civilization has not hardened men’s hearts any more than it has
softened them.

※ 다음 빈칸에 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오. (11~12)

The native peoples of Indonesia and Malaysia noticed that orangutans look a lot
_________ people. They called the great apes “oranghutan,” which meant “people
of the forest.”

① likes ② like
③ alike ④ likely

매일영어 Day 20

I agree with the need for racial and ethnic groups to want to strengthen their
communities through intra-racial marriage, especially when the group finds itself
in the minority in a society. However, I believe that love is love and it is a person’s
right to date and choose whomever he or she wants regardless of ethnicity.
Interracial relationships ________________________.

① should be strictly banned in today’s society

② should be encouraged just like intra-racial relationships
③ are rarely found in advanced countries
④ are likely to hurt the independence of each race
⑤ are desirable only between two closely-related races

13 다음 글을 읽고 추론할 수 있는 내용이 아닌 것을 고르시오.

Another tendency which worries me is the growing gulf between students and the
rest of the society in which they live. This gulf is sometimes called a generation
gap. It is no such thing. The gap exists between students and almost every other
group --- young or old --- in the society; in fact, whether one looks at opinions on
Vietnam, poverty, law and order, or civil liberties, the gap is nowhere greater than
it is between college students and their fellow young people who have not gone to
college. My anxiety on this score is not relieved by the fact that I share the
attitudes of students on many of the issues involved. The gap still exists and it is
still unhealthy.

① The author agrees with college students on many social issues.

② The gap between college students and the rest of the society worries the author.
③ One of the social issues involved is about Vietnam.
④ The author does not think that the gulf can be called a generation gap.
⑤ The author thinks that quite a few groups agree with college students.

지역과 사회 2

14 다음 글을 읽고 밑줄 친 ①~⑤ 중에서 가리키는 내용이 다른 하나를 고르시오.

We are a nation of givers. Last year, as the stock market lost nearly a quarter of its
value, as millions of people lost jobs, and as many others lost sleep worrying
about terrorism and imminent war, Americans nonetheless gave a record $241
billion to ① charitable causes. While foundations and corporations contributed a
good chunk of ② the philanthropic pie, the overwhelming majority of ③ those
billions was given by ordinary Americans. Tapping a vast national reservoir of
goodwill, two thirds of households, rich and poor, reached deep into their pockets
last year and pulled out an average gift of $2,499. The bulk of ④ the nation’s
largess --- 35 percent --- went to religious institutions, followed by education, which
netted 13 percent of ⑤ our generosity. We gave not just of our money but also of
our time. Nearly half of the adult population, about 84 million people,
volunteered to feed the hungry, coach the kids, and comfort the sick.

15 다음 글을 읽고 무엇에 대한 내용인지 고르시오.

Americans are apt to judge people’s behavior in terms of what is right or wrong,
good or bad, proper or improper, ethical or unethical. The Ten Commandments of
the Bible serve as a guide to the goodness and correctness of people’s behavior.
They may not always abide by Biblical teachings, yet they are preoccupied with
them and are taught from early childhood to recognize right from wrong.

① egalitarianism ② democracy
③ morality ④ humanitarianism
⑤ equality

매일영어 Day 20

16 Why did they give the money to the teacher?

Two boys argued when the teacher entered the room. The teacher said, “Why are
you arguing?” One boy answered, “We found a ten-dollar bill and decided to give
it to whoever tells the biggest lie.” “You should be ashamed of yourselves,” said
the teacher. “When I was your age, I didn’t even know what a lie was.” The boys
gave the ten dollars to the teacher.

① Because the money was the teacher’s.

② Because the boys couldn’t find the solution.
③ Because the teacher told the biggest lie.
④ Because they wanted the teacher to find the owner.

17 다음 글의 빈칸에 알맞은 것들로 짝지어진 것을 고르시오.

Some people carry on active social lives with computers --- their own or the ones
available at terminals in public places like cafes, social centers, libraries, etc.
Communicating with others on “bulletin boards,” they get to know people they
might never meet in a traditional way. ㉠ ______________________, a graduate
student in San Francisco, California, has made more than fifty “net friends”
including a homeless vegetarian who gets around on roller blades, an HIV-
positive police officer, some members of an Iranian family, an 80-year-old
detective, and a medical geneticist who studies DNA. She has gone out on dates
with about ten of her “network contacts.” In fact, she almost married one. The
romance did not last. ㉡ ______________________, she does not blame the computer
for breaking up the relationship.

㉠ ㉡
① Therefore In addition
② By the way Nevertheless
③ For example However
④ As a result That is

지역과 사회 2

※ 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. (18~19)

For thousands of years, the Inuit people have lived in

what is now the northwest part of Canada. For the last
150 years, the Canadian government has ① ruled the
land. Recently, the government has agreed to let the
Inuit ② govern part of Canada’s Northwest Territory.
Since April 1, 1999, the Canadian map has included
the land of Nunavut, which means “our land” in Inuktitut, the Inuit language. The
Inuit want ③ control of this land because it is the land of their ancestors. They
plan to ④ set up their own government.

18 윗글의 밑줄 친 단어들 중 의미하는 것이 다른 하나는?

① rule ② govern
③ control ④ set up

19 이 글을 통해 추론할 수 있는 것은?

① Canada’s government once took over the Inuit land.

② Canada’s government is unfair.
③ The Inuit cannot speak English.
④ Many Canadians will soon be homeless.

매일영어 Day 20

20 다음 중 Death Valley에 대한 설명으로 옳지 않은 것은?

Death Valley does not sound like a very inviting

place. It is one of the hottest places in the world. The
highest temperature ever recorded there was 134
degrees Fahrenheit. That is the highest ever recoded
in the Western Hemisphere. And that was in the
shade! Death Valley in California covers nearly 3,000
square miles. Approximately 555 square miles are
below the surface of the sea. One point is 282 feet below sea level --- the lowest
point in the Western Hemisphere. In Death Valley, pioneers and explorers faced
death from thirst and the searing heat. Yet despite its name and bad reputation,
Death Valley is not just an empty wilderness of sand and rock. It is a place of
spectacular scenic beauty and home to plants, animals and even humans.

① 경치가 매우 아름다운 곳이다.

② 그늘 아래에서의 온도가 최고 화씨 134도인 적이 있다.
③ 많은 개척자들은 갈증과 더위로 죽음에 직면했다.
④ 면적의 절반 이상이 바다 수면보다 낮다.

01 social approval [sóu∫Âl ‰prù;v‰l] 사회적 승인

02 sinister [sínist‰÷] 불길한

03 tangible evidence [t®nd,‰bÂl èvidÂns] 물증(=real evidence)

04 look to sb for sth 누가 ~해주기를 기대하다

05 base A upon B A를 B위에 기반시키다

06 the Alliance of Civilizations 문명들의 동맹

07 great ape 고등 유인원

08 intra-racial [ìntr‰rèi∫‰l] 인종내부의 cf. interracial 인종간의

지역과 09

gulf [g<lf]

issues involved 관련된 사안들


사회 2 11 charitable causes 자선 단체들

Region & 12 largess [l°;÷d,ès] 아낌없이 줌, 기부금

Society 2 13 philanthropic [fìl‰n^r£pik] 박애의

14 egalitarianism [ig©l‰t√Âri‰nizÂm] 평등주의

15 humanitarianism [¶ju;m©n‰t¬Âri‰nìzÂm] 인도주의

cf. humanism 인본주의

16 go out on dates 데이트를 하다

17 hemisphere [hèmisfì‰÷] 반구

18 abide by ~을 지키다

19 preoccupied with ~에 집착하는

20 spectacular [spekt®kj‰l‰÷] 장관을 이루는

매일영어 1 채점표




















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매일영어 1 정답표

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