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XVI Congreso Nacional Asociacion Cientifica de Economia y Direccién de Empresas VALENCIA - 10, 11 Y 12 DE SEPTIEMBRE - 2006 La.empresa ante los retos del siglo XXI MARTINA MENGUZZATO BOULARD, presidenta del Comité Organizador del XVI Congreso Nacional de ACEDE CERTIFICA QUE: ‘Todas las comunicaciones remitidas al congreso han sido sometidas a un proceso de evaluacion andnimo y que, entre ellas, la comunicacion titulada Total Quality Management: a critical analysis from a complexity approach, Elaborada por Eouardo Bueno Campos Universidad Autonoma de Madrid Me Paz Salmador Sanchez Universidad Autonoma de Madrid Roncalli Maranhao Universidad Autonoma de Madrid Ha sido aceptada en la modalidad de COMUNICACION ORAL, y presentada en la sesion Gestion de la Calidad | En el marco del XVI Congreso Nacional de ACEDE, celebrado en Valencia entre el 10 el 12 de septiembre de 2006. Y para que conste a los efectos oportunos, lo firmo en Valenciaa12de _ septiembre de 2006. Fdo, Martina Menguzzato Boulard Presidenta del Comité Orgarizader FUNDAGAO EDSON QUEIROZ LUNIVERSIDADE DE FORTALEZA 'ENSINANDO E APRENDENOO 3 DECLARACAO Declaro para os devidos fins que RONCALLI MARANHAO, clo ministrou palestra sobre Lideranga — gerenciando pessoas, no V de Conferéncia de Administragio em Enfermagem, no dia 20 de novembro de 2009, na Universidade de Fortaleza - UNIFOR. Fortaleza, 20 de novembro de 2009. ow Antonia do Carmo Sdares Campos Coordenadora da disciplina Administragdo em Enfermagem UNIVERSIDADE DE FORTALEZA - UNIFOR ‘Av. Washington Soares, 1321 - Bairro Edson Queiroz - Fone: (85) 3477 3000 - Fax: (85) 347.3055 reastio4s-1 Caixa Postal: 1258 CEP: 60811.905 - Fortaleza - Ce Mr. Roncalli $. Maranhao Rua Bento Alburquerque 2500, BP1-APT@ 504 Pricu-Fortaleza-Ceara Brasil 60190-080 Madrid, 31th May 2011 Dear Prof. Roncalli: Afier a long period of time, longer than we thougth, I have the honor to send you this book, in which you and your other colleagues and friends who have been writting it, are now authors as well as part of the book. | will say to you that I feel satisfied and grateful of that you are one of the authors that has contributed to this book with your knowledge, your sincere friend ship and your patience and that 1 feel proud of the result of this book that is nowadays, and that in my opinion provides arguments to the debate that are so necessary today Attached with this letter, | send you the “contract for exclusive assignment to UNESA of the rights in the creation of the Collective work” signed by Mr. Pedro Rivero, whose compromise has been relevant for the edition of this book. So I send you attached with this letter 10 copies of the book that correspondent to you, according to the contract To conclude this letter, I am informing you that the presentation of this book will take place at 19:00h, next 9th of June, in the headquarters of the “Economist College of Madrid” (Colegio de Economistas de Madrid), Calle Flora n® 1, Madrid, Manager of the collective work “On Knowledge about the Company in the Dominion of Complexity”

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