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Accessing Financial Reports and Corporate

Events with GetDFPData

Marcelo S. Perlin (UFRGS), Guilherme Kirch (UFRGS), Daniel Vancin

Abstract: GetDFPData is an open and free software for accessing corporate data
from B3, the Brazilian financial exchange. Users can import large datasets of fi-
nancial reports and corporate events with a web or command line interface. The
distribution and popularization of open software for gathering and managing finan-
cial data can boost the number and quality of research in corporate finance studies
and help investors with their allocation decision. This paper discusses the contribu-
tion and usage of the proposed software. To illustrate the use of GetDFPData in
a large scale research, an empirical and reproducible example of corporate finance
study is given in the final section of the article.
Keywords: B3, GetDFPData, R, financial reports, corporate events


Financial statements portray the current financial situation of a company and are
at the heart of corporate finance studies and investor’s allocation decision. Easy ac-
cess to information is a mandatory quality for a well functioning market. In Brazil,
financial reports of companies traded at B3 (formerly knowed as BM&FBovespa),
are available in its website or in CVM (Comissão de Valores Mobiliários). The doc-
uments are organized within four different systems: ITR/DFP for quarterly/annual
financial reports, FRE for corporate events and FCA for companies registry infor-
mation. In B3’s website one can find a simple web interface for accessing this large
dataset for a single company. However, gathering and organizing data for large
scale research, with many companies and many years, requires a significant amount
of manual and tedious work. Financial reports and corporate events such as divi-
dends payment, stock splits, changes in capital ownership must be downloaded or
copied individually for each time period and later aggregated. Changes in the format
throughout time can make this process slow, unreliable and irreproducible.
Many commercial data vendors offers solutions for accessing clean financial state-
ments and corporate events. Our bibliometric research shows that, in a group of

recent publications, approximately 70% of studies used data from Economatica1 .
This and other data vendors require the purchase of a commercial license and may
not be at reach of most research institutions and investors, specially when there
isn’t a group of individuals large enough to justify its purchase. Moreover, most
data vendors do not offer a data format suitable for large scale research or an API
for easier access. Even when the data is available, it still requires reorganization,
adding an unnecessary cost. Such barrier of data acquisition can potentially hold
back the development of local research in corporate finance.
GetDFPData provides an open interface to all financial statements distributed by B3
and CVM. It not only downloads the data but also cleans it, adjusts for inflation,
and makes it ready for research within a tabular format. Users only need to select
companies and a time period to download all available data. Up to date information
about companies traded at B3, including situation (active or non-active), sector,
CVM code2 , and related tickers of traded assets, are available to the user. This
information allows researchers to keep a continuous work-flow, from the selection
of companies to hypothesis testing, facilitating and increasing the reproducibility of
The software was written by researchers to researchers. The dataset resulting from
the application was designed in line with modern methodologies for data organiza-
tion and processing, the so called tidy data (Wickham, 2014). Its main principle is
to keep data in a tabular format, oriented by rows. This facilitates visualization and
modeling of large financial datasets, without the need of further reorganization.
The main contribution of the software is to make it easy to access financial state-
ments in large scale studies by setting an open standard of data acquisition and
organization (Gandrud, 2013). Researchers and investors without knowledge of R
can use the web version of GetDFPData to download an Excel spreadsheet or .csv
files with all data. The software contributes not only due to its easier, unrestricted
access, but also for providing more information than most commercial data vendors.
History of corporate events such as dividend payments, stock splits/inplits, changes
in stock holder composition, auditing reports, companies remuneration policy, fam-
ily members in company, debt composition, history of governance listings and more
are included in the output. The available content should satisfy a large variety of
corporate finance and accounting studies.
This paper is organized as follows, first we will discuss the use of financial reports
and software in a list of recent publications. The work follows with instructions for
the web interface and a tutorial for installation and usage of GetDFPData in R. We
conclude the paper with a reproducible example of a corporate finance study.
The CVM code is an unique company id defined by CVM. Such information is extensively used
for identifying companies in datasets from B3 and CVM.

Literature Review

To show the relevance of financial reports and corporate events data for research
in the fields of accounting and finance, we surveyed the most important Brazilian
journals: Contabilidade Vista & Revista, Revista Contabilidade & Finanças, Revista
de Contabilidade e Organizações, Revista Contemporânea de Contabilidade, and
Revista Brasileira de Finanças.
The list was build based on a simple rule: we select accounting and finance journals
classified as “A2” in the “Qualis-CAPES” classification system for period 2013-2016,
the highest rank for a local journal. The only exception is Revista Brasileira de
Finanças, classified as “B1” (one rank below “A2”), that was included because it is
the official publication of the Brazilian Society of Finance (SBFin) and because of
its relevance as an outlet to financial research (Perlin & Portela Santos, 2015). To
keep things manageable, we also restrict our survey to the last five years: 2013-2017.
In our survey, we look for papers that used financial reports of Brazilian firms as the
main input for the data analysis procedure. We collect the following information
for each paper that fits this requirement: authors, year of publication, journal title,
subject, sample period, number of firms, number of observations, and databases
used (data sources).
Table 1 presents the number of papers selected (surveyed) and the total number
of papers published in each journal in the period: 2013-2017. Research based on
financial reports and corporate events data of Brazilian listed companies are quite
common. From all published papers in the journals surveyed (477), 105 (22.01%)
have this characteristic. Both in absolute and relative terms, Revista Contabilidade
& Finanças is the most important outlet of this kind of research. This journal
published 34 papers based on financial reports and corporate events data of Brazilian
listed companies and this number represents 28.81% of the papers published in the
journal along the years from 2013 to 2017. At the other extreme is Revista Brasileira
de Finanças, with 9 papers out of 85 (10.59%), showing an heterogeneous content
in Finance.
Table 1: Papers by Journal

Journal Surveyed Total Percent

Contabilidade Vista & Revista 19 80 0.24
Revista Brasileira de Finanças 9 85 0.11
Revista Contabilidade & Finanças 34 118 0.29
Revista de Contabilidade e Organizações 22 82 0.27
Revista Contemporânea de Contabilidade 21 112 0.19

Data sources used in the surveyed papers are listed in Table 2. As we can see, Econo-
matica is the most used software: 77 out of 105 papers (73.33%) built their data sets
from this commercial source. Far behind in this list are public data sources: CVM
(23 papers, 21.90%) and B3 (19 papers, 18.10%). The preference for Economatica
can be likely explained by its data exporting tools. Although not in a suitable format
for large scale research, Economatica allows the user to export data from multiple
firms and several time periods at once, while on the CVM and B3 websites data can
only be retrieved for one company/period at a time.

Table 2: Database Summary

Data Base N Percent

Economática 77 0.73
CVM 23 0.22
BMF 19 0.18
Thomson 2 0.02
Comdinheiro 1 0.01
EMIS 1 0.01
EmpresasNet 1 0.01

In Table 3 we present summary statistics of three variables that characterize the

samples used in the surveyed papers: number of observations, number of firms,
and number of years. In average (at the median) the sample consists of 2,039
(722) observations, 159 (116) firms, and 7 (5) years. These variables vary widely,
as indicated by the standard deviation, minimum, and maximum statistics. The
characteristics of the samples indicate that researchers can greatly benefit from the
proposed software, since it delivers data from several firms and time periods in
formats that are ready to be analyzed by data analysis tools, including R, Stata,
SPSS, and others.

Table 3: Summary Statistics

Observations Firms Years

N 45 80 105
Mean 2039 159 7
SD 2691 128 5
Min 64 10 1
Perc 25 340 56 3
Median 722 116 5
Perc 75 2444 250 10
Max 11147 655 24

Lastly, in Table 4 we list the main subjects explored in the surveyed papers. Earn-
ings management is the most common subject: 19 out of 105 papers (18.10%) deal
with this research topic. Disclosure (14 papers, 13.33%), Performance (12 papers,
11.43%), IFRS (11 papers, 10.48%), and Corporate Governance (10 papers, 9.52%)
are also very common subjects. Beyond the interest of the researcher and the impor-
tance of the subject, the choice of research topic is likely to be influenced by data
availability. In this sense, our package could contribute to a greater diversity of
research topics, since it provides access to data not available in other data sources
for a large number of firms, like executive compensation, family members in the
company, transactions with related parties, auditing information, debt structure
and board composition. As showed in Table 4, papers dealing with these data are
far less common in the Brazilian accounting and finance literature.

Table 4: Papers Subjects

Subject N Percent Percent (Papers)

Earnings Management 19 0.10 0.18
Disclosure 14 0.08 0.13
Performance 12 0.06 0.11
IFRS 11 0.06 0.10
Corporate Governance 10 0.05 0.10
Market Value 8 0.04 0.08
Capital Structure 7 0.04 0.07
Dividend Policy 6 0.03 0.06
Intangible Assets 5 0.03 0.05
Ownership Structure 5 0.03 0.05
Value Relevance 5 0.03 0.05
Quality of Accounting Information 4 0.02 0.04
Executive Compensation 4 0.02 0.04
Information Asymmetry 3 0.02 0.03
Board of Directors 3 0.02 0.03
Financial Crises 3 0.02 0.03
Liquidity Demand 3 0.02 0.03
Assets Valuation Methods 3 0.02 0.03
Bankruptcy Forecasting Methods 3 0.02 0.03
Others 57 0.31 0.54

Using GetDFPData

The software is distributed as an R package. Before introducing examples of usage,

it is important to justify the choice of platform. R is a programming language spe-
cially designed for solving data related problems. The choice of R for distributing
GetDFPData is justified by its large user base, no user or corporate license fees, com-
patibility with different operating systems and easy distribution of modules (pack-
ages) through CRAN, an user contributed repository of packages (R Core Team,
2017). Nonetheless, creating and deploying web applications with R is straightfor-
ward through Shinny (Chang, Cheng, Allaire, Xie, & McPherson, 2017), making
it easy to create and maintain the web interface of GetDFPData. If necessary, the
reader can find more details about how to install R in its main webpage.

The Web Interface

A web version of GetDFPData was developed and published in the Internet as a

shiny application (Chang et al., 2017). It provides a direct and simple interface to
the main features of the package. Users can select available companies, date range,
and download the data as an Excel spreadsheet or a zipped file with several .csv
archives. The underlying code from one to the other is the same, so the output of
both interfaces is identical. However, it is worth pointing out that the command
line interface offers far more functionality. The web application is available at http:

The R interface

In this section we will merge code with text. All text inside boxes are code from
R, which can include comments in single hash-tags. The output is identified with
double hash-tags. See an example next, where we run command print(1:10) and
see its output in the document:
# this is a comment

## [1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
We will follow the same standard in all future code chunks. All code in this document
is reproducible and can be executed in any computer with an R installation. A
standalone script with all code executed in this document is available at the author’s

Installation of GetDFPData

Package GetDFPData is available in CRAN in its release (stable) version. After

installing R in your computer, you can install the new module (package) with the
following command in R’s prompt:
# Release version in CRAN

This operation may take a while as several dependent packages are also installed.
Once the installation process is done, the package is ready for use. User in the
Windows platform may require the installation of Java 64 bits. Instructions are
available at this link.

Using GetDFPData

The starting point of GetDFPData is looking for information about current compa-
nies. This is gathered by an external script that imports and merges up to date
databases of B3 and CVM. The resulting table is saved as a .csv file in Github,
an open cloud repository. These files are updated periodically by the authors to
accommodate changes such as the arrival of new companies and financial reports.
As an example of usage, let’s download the table and check its contents using func-
tion We set argument = 'companies' so
that it returns information about companies only.
library(tibble) <- = 'companies')

## Reading info file from github
## Found 44326 lines for 690 companies [Actives = 518 Inactives = 173 ]
## Last file update: 2017-10-19
## Caching RDATA into tempdir()

## Observations: 692
## Variables: 16
## $ <chr> "521 PARTICIPAÇOES S.A. - ...
## $ <int> 16330, 16284, 108, 20940, ...
## $ cnpj <dbl> 1.547749e+12, 1.851771e+12...

## $ date.registration <date> 1997-07-11, 1997-05-30, 1...
## $ date.constitution <date> 1996-07-30, 1997-04-02, 1...
## $ city <chr> "RIO DE JANEIRO", "RIO DE ...
## $ estate <chr> "RJ", "RJ", "RS", "SP", "S...
## $ situation <chr> "ATIVO", "ATIVO", "CANCELA...
## $ situation.operations <chr> "LIQUIDAÇÃO EXTRAJUDICIAL"...
## $ listing.segment <chr> NA, "Tradicional", "Tradic...
## $ main.sector <chr> NA, "Financeiro e Outros",...
## $ sub.sector <chr> NA, "Outros", "Siderurgia ...
## $ segment <chr> NA, "Outros", "Siderurgia"...
## $ tickers <chr> NA, "QVQP3B", NA, NA, "ADH...
## $ <date> 1998-12-31, 2001-12-31, 2...
## $ <date> 2016-12-31, 2016-12-31, 2...
We find the ids of companies, their official names, dates of registration and consti-
tution, sector and subsectors of activities, current governance listing, traded tickers
and current situation (active or not). This is an excellent source of information for
the data selection stage of a research. One can easily filter companies for dates,
sectors, tickers or governance listings.
The current number of active and inactive companies, as of 2018-03-12, is available
in column situation. From it, we can see that there are 518 active companies, 168
canceled and 6 with a suspension by an administrative decision.
We can also look at the distribution of sectors of traded companies at B3:
t.sector <- table($main.sector)
print(, decreasing = TRUE)))

## Var1 Freq
## 1 Financeiro e Outros 144
## 2 Consumo Cíclico 92
## 3 Bens Industriais 80
## 4 Utilidade Pública 74
## 5 Materiais Básicos 47
## 6 Consumo não Cíclico 35
## 7 Não Classificados 29
## 8 Saúde 18
## 9 Construção e Transporte 14
## 10 Petróleo. Gás e Biocombustíveis 13
## 11 Tecnologia da Informação 10
## 12 Telecomunicações 8
## 13 Petróleo, Gás e Biocombustíveis 2
We find a large proportion of companies in the financial sector, followed by cyclical

consumption. Going further, the distribution of current governance listings is also
t.listings <- table($listing.segment)
print(, decreasing = TRUE)))

## Var1 Freq
## 1 Tradicional 358
## 2 Novo Mercado 143
## 3 Corporate Governance - Level 1 27
## 4 Corporate Governance - Level 2 21
## 5 Bovespa Mais 15
## 6 Bovespa Mais - Level 2 2
As expected, most companies are not included in governance listings ('Tradicional').
The level of 'Novo Mercado' is the governance listing with the most number of
Tickers of companies are also available in column tickers. As an example, we can
check all currently traded stocks of Gerdau:
idx <- which($ == 'GERDAU S.A.')
tickers.Gerdau <-$tickers[idx]

## [1] "GGBR3;GGBR4"
Tickers are separated by a semi colon. One can use this information to match stock
prices and companies in external databases.

Finding names of companies

Every company in the database can be identified by its official name or CVM id.
As a matter of convenience, we choose to select companies by their name. Function allows users to search for the official name of a company.
Given a search text, it will look for a partial match in the names of all available
companies. In its use, latin characters and upper/lower cases are ignored. As an
example, let’s find the official name of Ambev, one of the largest companies in Brazil:
my.names <-'ambev')

## Reading info file from github
## Found 44326 lines for 690 companies [Actives = 518 Inactives = 173 ]
## Last file update: 2017-10-19

## Caching RDATA into tempdir()
## Found 2 companies:
## COMPANHIA DE BEBIDAS DAS AMÉRICAS-AMBEV | situation = CANCELADA | first date = 2010-12-31 |
## AMBEV S.A. | situation = ATIVO | first date = 2012-12-31 | last date - 2
Its official name in Bovespa records is AMBEV S.A.. Data for annual statements
are available from 2012-12-31 to 2017-12-31. Notice the situation of the company
(active or canceled) is also provided. This helps verifying the availability of data.

Downloading financial information

We use the main function of the package, gdfpd.GetDFPData, to download informa-

tion. In its basic use, we set the official name as input name.companies and the
time period as inputs and Let’s try it for Ambev:
name.companies <- 'AMBEV S.A.' <- '2014-12-31' <- '2017-12-31'

df.reports <- gdfpd.GetDFPData(name.companies = name.companies, =, =

## Found cache file. Loading data..

## Fetching new files from Bovespa.
## Warning in get_files(, = "fca"): NAs
## introduced by coercion
## Downloading data for 1 companies
## First Date: 2014-12-31
## Laste Date: 2017-12-31
## Inflation index: dollar
## Downloading inflation data
## Caching inflation RDATA into tempdir() Done
## Inputs looking good! Starting download of files:
## Available periods: 2017-12-31 2016-12-31 2015-12-31 2014-12-31

## Processing 23264 - AMBEV S.A.
## Finding info from Bovespa
## Found BOV cache file
## Processing 23264 - AMBEV S.A. | date 2017-12-31
## Acessing DFP data | downloading file | reading file | saving cache
## Acessing FRE data | No FRE file available..
## Acessing FCA data | downloading file | reading file | saving cache
## Processing 23264 - AMBEV S.A. | date 2016-12-31
## Acessing DFP data | Found DFP cache file
## Acessing FRE data | Found FRE cache file
## Acessing FCA data | Found FCA cache file
## Processing 23264 - AMBEV S.A. | date 2015-12-31
## Acessing DFP data | Found DFP cache file
## Acessing FRE data | Found FRE cache file
## Acessing FCA data | Found FCA cache file
## Processing 23264 - AMBEV S.A. | date 2014-12-31
## Acessing DFP data | Found DFP cache file
## Acessing FRE data | Found FRE cache file
## Acessing FCA data | Found FCA cache file
Messages from using gdfpd.GetDFPData reports the stages of the software, from
early data acquisition of the reference table from Github, to the download and
parsing of B3 files. Notice that files from three systems are accessed: DFP (Demon-
strações Financeiras Padronizadas), FRE (Formulário de Referência) and FCA (For-
mulário Cadastral). Also notice the use of a local caching system, which significantly
speeds up the use of the software at a low memory cost. When active, the caching
system makes sure that all data queries are saved locally and, if repeated, informa-
tion is read from local files and not from the Internet.
The resulting object from gdfpd.GetDFPData is a tibble, a tabular object that
allows for list columns (Wickham & Grolemund, 2016). With it, we can save any
kind of financial information in a tabular structure. Let’s have a look at the contents
of df.reports:

## Observations: 1
## Variables: 39
## $ <chr> "AMBEV S.A."
## $ company.code <int> 23264
## $ cnpj <chr> "07526557000100"
## $ <date> 2005-07-08

## $ date.cvm.registration <date> 2013-10-30
## $ company.tickers <chr> "ABEV3"
## $ <date> 2014-12-31
## $ <date> 2017-12-31
## $ n.periods <int> 4
## $ company.segment <chr> "Tradicional"
## $ current.stockholders <list> [<c("AMBEV S....
## $ current.stock.composition <list> [<c("AMBEV S....
## $ fr.assets <list> [<c("AMBEV S....
## $ fr.liabilities <list> [<c("AMBEV S....
## $ fr.income <list> [<c("AMBEV S....
## $ fr.cashflow <list> [<c("AMBEV S....
## $ fr.assets.consolidated <list> [<c("AMBEV S....
## $ fr.liabilities.consolidated <list> [<c("AMBEV S....
## $ fr.income.consolidated <list> [<c("AMBEV S....
## $ fr.cashflow.consolidated <list> [<c("AMBEV S....
## $ <list> [<c("AMBEV S....
## $ history.dividends <list> [<c("AMBEV S....
## $ history.stockholders <list> [<c("AMBEV S....
## $ <list> [<c("AMBEV S....
## $ history.mkt.value <list> [<c("AMBEV S....
## $ <list> [<c("AMBEV S....
## $ <list> [<>]
## $ history.stock.repurchases <list> [<c("AMBEV S....
## $ <list> [<c("AMBEV S....
## $ history.compensation <list> [<c("AMBEV S....
## $ history.compensation.summary <list> [<c("AMBEV S....
## $ history.transactions.related <list> [<c("AMBEV S....
## $ history.debt.composition <list> [<c("AMBEV S....
## $ history.governance.listings <list> [<c("AMBEV S....
## $ history.board.composition <list> [<c("AMBEV S....
## $ history.committee.composition <list> [<c("AMBEV S....
## $ <list> [<c("AMBEV S....
## $ <list> [<c("AMBEV S....
## $ history.auditing <list> [<c("AMBEV S....
As we can see, the output contains several information in its 39 columns. Next we
provide a description of the most interesting columns.
• - The official name of the company (e.g. 'AMBEV S.A.' ).
• company.code - The CVM code of company (e.g. 9512).
• cnpj - The CNPJ of company (official government registration ID).

• - Date of company constitution.
• date.cvm.registration - Date of company registration in CVM.
• company.tickers - Tickers of stocks traded in B3.
• - The earliest date of available financial reports, given user choice
of time period (e.g. '2011-12-31').
• - The most recent date of available financial report, given user
choice of time period (e.g. '2016-12-31').
• n.periods - Number of available years between and (e.g
• company.segment - The corporate governance listing of company (e.g.
'Novo Mercado').
• current.stockholders - The names and percentage holdings of current stock
holders. A dataframe with the following columns: Name of company, The reference date,
name: Name of stockholder,
ON.percent: Percentage of ON (ordinary) stocks,
PN.percent: Percentage of PN (preferential) stocks,
total.percent: Total percentage of stocks.
• current.stockcomposition - The current composition of stocks, number of
ordinary and preferred shares. A dataframe with the columns: Name of company, The reference date,
type.stock: The type of stock, ON or PN,
number.of.stocks: The number of stocks.
• fr.assets - Financial report for accounting assets of firms (ativo), for all time
periods. Another column with consolidated values are also available. The
format of all financial report tables is the same, an object of class dataframe
with the following columns: Name of company, The reference date,

acc.number: The accounting number of financial item (e.g. ‘01’),
acc.desc: The description of financial item (e.g. ‘Ativo Total’),
acc.value: The value in R$ of the financial item (e.g. 10000),
acc.value.infl.adj: The inflation adjusted value of acc.value.
• fr.liabilities - Financial report for liabilities of firms (passivo), for all time
periods. The result is an object of class data.frame with same columns as
• fr.income - Financial reports for income statements (demonstração do resul-
tado do exercício), for all time periods. An object of class data.frame, with
same columns as fr.assets.
• fr.cashflow - Financial report for cashflow statements (demonstração do fluxo
de caixa), for all time periods. The resulting object is a dataframe with same
columns as fr.assets.
• history.dividends - The history of cash payouts including dividends and
JSCP (juros sobre capital próprio). An object of class data.frame with the
following columns: Name of company, The reference date,
type.stock: The type of stock (e.g. ‘ON’),
date.aproval: Date of approval of cash payout,
value: The value of payout in R$ (e.g. 1),
unit.dividend: The unit of dividend (e.g. 1),
type.dividend: The type of dividend (e.g. ‘DIVIDENDO’), Last day with dividend (e.g. ‘2010-01-05’), Last day of price with dividend (e.g. ‘2010-01-
last.price: Last price, in R$, of stock (e.g. 10),
last.price.unit: The unit of last price, e.g. (1), The dividend yield, value/last.price (e.g. 0.01).
• history.stockholders - The history of stockholders for the selected time pe-
riods. A dataframe with the following columns: Name of company,

14 The reference date,
type.register: The type of registration (e.g. ‘Acionista’),
id.person: Unique identifier for stockholder, valid only for type.register equal
to ‘Acionista’ (e.g. ‘33657248000189’),
id.nationality: Nationality of stockholder (e.g. ‘Brasileira’),
id.state: State of stockholder (e.g. ‘Distrito Federal’),
name.stockholder: Name of stockholder (e.g. ‘BNDES Participações - BN-
type.stockholder: The type of stockholder (e.g. ‘juridica’),
qtd.ord.shares: Quantity of ordinary shares (e.g. 3000),
perc.ord.shares: Percentage of ornidary shares (e.g. 20),
qtd.pref.shares: Quantity of prefeered shares (e.g. 2000),
perc.pref.shares: Percentage of prefeered shares (e.g. 10),
controlling.stockholder: Logical for whether stockholder is a controlling stock-
holder or not (e.g. TRUE).
• - The history of capital issues for the company, for all
time periods. A dataframe with the following columns: Name of company, Reference date,
stock.type: The type of stock (e.g. ‘PN’),
stock.class: The class of stock. Identifies different ‘ON’ and ‘PN’ stocks (e.g.
qtd.issued: The quantity issued for that particular stock type.
• history.mkt.value - The history of market value of the company. A
dataframe with following columns: Name of company, Reference date,
mkt.avg.value: The average of company market value,
mkt.min.value: The minimum of company market value,
mkt.max.value: The maximum of company market value.

• - Historical records of capital increases. A
dataframe table with the columns as follows: Name of company, Reference date, Date of capital increase,
name.authorizing.department: Name of department or sector that authorized
the increase of capital, The value of increased capital, The type of increased capital, Number of new shares of ordinary stocks, Number of new preferred shares.
• - Historical records of capital reductions. A
dataframe table with columns as follows: Name of company, The reference date,
date.deliberation: Date of capital reductions decision, Actual date of capital reduction,
total.value.reduction: Total value of capital reduction,
qtd.ordinary.shares: Quantity of ordinary shares,
qtd.preferred.shares: Quantity of preferred shares,
qtd.shares: Total quantity of shares,
value.per.stock: Value per stock,
description.restitution: Textual description of capital reduction,
reason.restitution: Textual reason for capital reduction,
type.action: Type of capital reduction.
• history.stock.repurchases - Contains historical records of equity repur-
chases. The resulting object contains the following columns: Name of company, The reference date,
date.decision: Date of stock repurchase decision,

date.start.repurchase: Starting date of stock repurchase program,
date.end.repurchase: Ending date of stock repurchase program, Amount of capital available for repurchase pro-
type.stock: Type of stock acquired in repurchase program,
qtd.stocks.repurchased: Quantity of stocks repurchased,
qtd.stocks.predicted: Prediction of quantity of stock repurchases,
average.price: Average price in stock repurchases,
percent.stock.float.purchased: Percentage of stocks in float that were pur-
percent.stock.float.predicted: Predicted percentage of stocks repurchases.
• history.compensation - History of corporate compensation at different hi-
erarchy levels. A table with columns as follows: Name of company, The reference date,
level.remuneration: Corporate level of remuneration package,
qtd.members: Quantity of members,
qtd.remunerated.members: Quantity of remunerated members,
total.value.remuneration: Total value of compensation,
fixed.salary: Fixed value of compensation,
fixed.benefits: Fixed value of benefits,
fixed.participations: Fixed value of participations,
fixed.others: Other fixed values,
variable.bonus: Variable bonus,
variable.results.participation: Variable results from participations,
variable.meetings.participation: Variable compensation from meetings partici-
variable.commissions.participation: Variable compensation from commissions
variable.others: Other variable compensations,

post.job.compensation: Benefits paid after employment,
ceasing.job.compensation: Compensation for ceasing job,
stocks.options.benefits: Benefits from stock and options compensation.
• history.compensation.summary - A summary of compensation at different
corporate levels, with the following columns: Name of company, The reference date,
level.remuneration: Corporate level of remuneration package,
qtd.members: Quantity of members,
qtd.remunerated.members: Quantity of remunerated members,
max.remuneration: Maximum value of annual compensation,
mean.remuneration: Mean value of annual compensation,
min.remuneration: Minimum value of annual compensation,
observations: Textual observations about compensation summary.
• history.transactions.related - Historical records of transaction of company
with related parts. A table with columns as follows: Name of company, The reference date,
id.transaction: Id of transaction,
name.related.part: Name of related part,
date.transaction: Date of transaction,
description.related.part: Textual description of related part,
description.transaction: Description of transaction,
value.transaction: Value of transaction,
description.guarantees: Textual description of guarantees,
description.transaction.period: Textual description of transaction period,
description.rescision: Textual description of rescission,
interest.rate: Interest rate used in transaction,
value.balance: Balance value of transaction.

• history.debt.composition - History of debt composition of company. A
table with columns as follows: Name of company, The reference date,
type.debt: Type of debt,
type.debt.guarantee: Type of debt guarantee,
debt.value.under.1.year: Value of all debt with time to expiration under one
year, Value of all debt with time to expiration between one
and three years, Value of all debt with time to expiration between three
and five years,
debt.value.more.5.years: Value of all debt with time to expiration larger than
five years, Total value of debt.
• history.governance.listings - History of company’s governance listing, with
the following columns: Name of company, The reference date,
listed.segment: The corporate governance level, Type of market, Name of market.
• history.board.composition - History of board composition. A table with
columns as follows: Name of company, The reference date, Name of person,
person.cpf : Person’s cpf (unique Brazilian registration),
person.profession: Person’s profession, Summary of person’s cv,
person.dob: Person’s date of birth,

code.type.board: Code for type of board,
desc.type.board: First description for type of board,
desc.type.board2: Second description for type of board,
code.type.job: Code for type of job,
desc.job: Description of job,
date.election: Date of election,
date.effective: Date of effective participation,
mandate.duration: Duration of mandate, Flag for election by controller,
qtd.consecutive.mandates: Quantity of consecutive mandates,
percentage.participation: Percentage of participation.
• history.committee.composition - History of committees composition. Al-
most the same columns as history.board.composition.
• - History of family relationships within the com-
pany. A table with columns as follows: Name of company, The reference date, Name of person,
person.cpf : Person’s cpf (unique Brazilian registration),
person.job: Person’s job, Name of related person,
related.person.cpf : Related person cpf (Brazilian registry),
related.person.job: Job of related person,
code.relationship: Code for type of relationship,
desc.relationship: Description for type of relationship.
Notice how all tables are indexed by time with column and by firm with With it, we can track all different corporate events for different com-
panies over time, a resourceful information for research. It is worth point out that
object df.reports only has one row since we only asked for data of one company.
The number of rows increases with the number of companies, as we will soon learn
with the next example.

All financial statements for the different years are available within df.reports. For
example, the income statements for all desired years of AMBEV are:
df.income.long <- df.reports$fr.income[[1]]


## Observations: 104
## Variables: 6
## $ <chr> "AMBEV S.A.", "AMBEV S.A.", ...
## $ <date> 2017-12-31, 2017-12-31, 201...
## $ acc.number <chr> "3.01", "3.02", "3.03", "3.0...
## $ acc.desc <chr> "Receita de Venda de Bens e/...
## $ acc.value <dbl> 21730363, -11483719, 1024664...
## $ acc.value.infl.adj <dbl> 6570225.25, -3472128.86, 309...
The resulting dataframe is in the long format, ready for processing. In the long
format, financial statements of different years are stacked row-wise. In the wide
format, we have years as columns, where every new year appends a column to the
table. If desired, the wide format can be forced in the resulting financial reports
with function See an example next:
df.income.wide <-


## Observations: 26
## Variables: 7
## $ acc.number <chr> "3.01", "3.02", "3.03", "3.04", "3...
## $ acc.desc <chr> "Receita de Venda de Bens e/ou Ser...
## $ <chr> "AMBEV S.A.", "AMBEV S.A.", "AMBEV...
## $ `2014-12-31` <dbl> 20014913, -9704361, 10310552, 3729...
## $ `2015-12-31` <dbl> 22106965, -11431627, 10675338, 337...
## $ `2016-12-31` <dbl> 20634193, -11263620, 9370573, 4006...
## $ `2017-12-31` <dbl> 21730363, -11483719, 10246644, 113...
Be aware that, given limitations of the wide format, the use of it only works for
financial reports, that is, columns in df.reports with names starting with a 'fr.',
such as fr.assets and fr.assets.consolidated.

Downloading financial information for several companies

GetDFPData is specially designed for handling large scale download of data. Let’s
build a case with three randomly selected active companies:

active.companies <-$[$situation == 'ATIVO']
my.companies <- sample(active.companies, 3) <- '2012-01-31' <- '2018-01-01'

df.reports <- gdfpd.GetDFPData(name.companies = my.companies, =, =

## Warning in get_files(, = "fca"): NAs

## introduced by coercion

## Warning in get_files(, = "fca"): NAs

## introduced by coercion

## Warning in get_files(, = "fca"): NAs

## introduced by coercion
And now we can check the resulting tibble:
glimpse(df.reports )

## Observations: 3
## Variables: 39
## $ <chr> "COMPANHIA CEL...
## $ company.code <int> 21393, 23493, ...
## $ cnpj <chr> "0856044400019...
## $ <date> 2006-12-04, 2...
## $ date.cvm.registration <date> 2008-03-14, 2...
## $ company.tickers <chr> "GPAR3", "DMMO...
## $ <date> 2012-12-31, 2...
## $ <date> 2016-12-31, 2...
## $ n.periods <int> 5, 4, 6
## $ company.segment <chr> "Tradicional",...
## $ current.stockholders <list> [<c("COMPANHI...
## $ current.stock.composition <list> [<c("COMPANHI...
## $ fr.assets <list> [<c("COMPANHI...
## $ fr.liabilities <list> [<c("COMPANHI...
## $ fr.income <list> [<c("COMPANHI...
## $ fr.cashflow <list> [<c("COMPANHI...
## $ fr.assets.consolidated <list> [<c("COMPANHI...

## $ fr.liabilities.consolidated <list> [<c("COMPANHI...
## $ fr.income.consolidated <list> [<c("COMPANHI...
## $ fr.cashflow.consolidated <list> [<c("COMPANHI...
## $ <list> [<c("COMPANHI...
## $ history.dividends <list> [<>, <>, <c("...
## $ history.stockholders <list> [<c("COMPANHI...
## $ <list> [<c("COMPANHI...
## $ history.mkt.value <list> [<c("COMPANHI...
## $ <list> [<>, <c("DOMM...
## $ <list> [<c("COMPANHI...
## $ history.stock.repurchases <list> [<>, <>, <c("...
## $ <list> [<>, <c("DOMM...
## $ history.compensation <list> [<c("COMPANHI...
## $ history.compensation.summary <list> [<c("COMPANHI...
## $ history.transactions.related <list> [<c("COMPANHI...
## $ history.debt.composition <list> [<c("COMPANHI...
## $ history.governance.listings <list> [<c("COMPANHI...
## $ history.board.composition <list> [<c("COMPANHI...
## $ history.committee.composition <list> [<COMPANHIA C...
## $ <list> [<>, <>, <c("...
## $ <list> [<c("COMPANHI...
## $ history.auditing <list> [<c("COMPANHI...
Every row of df.reports will provide information for one company. Metadata about
the corresponding dataframes such as min/max dates is available in the first columns.
Keeping a tabular structure facilitates the organization and future processing of all
financial data.
Each company has its own tables in df.reports. We can merge the tables in a
single object by asking R to bind the rows of all elements available within a column
of df.reports. See the following example, where we bind the rows of fr.assets
dataframe for all three companies:
# bind rows of assets for different companies
df.assets <- = rbind, args = df.reports$fr.assets )

# check result

## Observations: 240
## Variables: 6
## $ <date> 2016-12-31, 2016-12-31, 201...
## $ acc.number <chr> "1", "1.01", "1.01.01", "1.0...

## $ acc.desc <chr> "Ativo Total", "Ativo Circul...
## $ acc.value <dbl> 1973259, 1167315, 246, 0, 11...
## $ acc.value.infl.adj <dbl> 6.055728e+05, 3.582369e+05, ...
Going further, we can use df.assets to build a simple table with the total value
for each company’s assets, for each year:
library(dplyr) <- df.assets %>%

filter(acc.desc == 'Ativo Total') %>%
group_by(, %>%
summarise(Total.Assets = acc.value)


## # A tibble: 15 x 3
## # Groups: [?]
## Total.Assets
## <chr> <date> <dbl>
## 5 COMPANHIA CELG DE PARTICIPAÇÕES 2016-12-31 1973259.
## 6 DOMMO ENERGIA S.A. 2013-12-31 4029760.
## 7 DOMMO ENERGIA S.A. 2014-12-31 12339057.
## 8 DOMMO ENERGIA S.A. 2015-12-31 16861195.
## 9 DOMMO ENERGIA S.A. 2016-12-31 14222496.
## 10 KLABIN S.A. 2012-12-31 13809990.
## 11 KLABIN S.A. 2013-12-31 14642043.
## 12 KLABIN S.A. 2014-12-31 19982605.
## 13 KLABIN S.A. 2015-12-31 25451252.
## 14 KLABIN S.A. 2016-12-31 28918423.
## 15 KLABIN S.A. 2017-12-31 30278087.
We can now visualize the dataset with a figure:

p <- ggplot(, aes(x =, y=Total.Assets)) +

geom_col() + facet_wrap(, scales = 'free')









0 0.0e+00 0e+00

20132014201520162017 2014 2015 2016 2017 2014 2016 2018

Exporting financial data

The package includes function for exporting the financial

data in the Excel or csv format. This will help user that need to import the data
in other software. For the excel file, each table available in the output of function
gdfpd.GetDFPData is stored as a sheet in the Excel document. As for the csv format,
each table becomes a single .csv file and all csv files are stored in a single zipped
Next we present an example of saving the output as an Excel file.
my.basename <- 'MyExcelData'
my.type.export <- 'xlsx' # only supported so far, = my.basename,
type.export = my.type.export)

Example of usage: Family companies and financial per-

To illustrate the use of GetDFPData in large scale research, one of the most at-
tractive characteristic of our package, we select a topic that is relatively simple and
current: the relationship between family companies and financial perfor-
mance. Our main goal is to illustrate the use of the package keeping matters related
to the method as simple and direct as possible. In other words, we give preference
to simplicity over scientific rigor. We provide the whole code of the study in the
text, making it reproducible. Examples of other academic uses of our package, like
exercises and tests involving firms financial and economic indexes, for example, are
available under request.


One of the greatest concerns of corporate law is the protection of the minority
interests in large public companies. Often, controlling shareholders will seek private
benefits to the detriment of minority shareholders. Large shareholders often have
substantial control and influence over firm matters, and agency theory suggests
they have powerful incentives to consume the firm’s resources since they bear only
a fraction of the total cost (Anderson & Reeb, 2004).
Specifically, founding-family ownership and control in public firms is commonly per-
ceived as a less efficient, or at the very least, a less profitable ownership structure
than dispersed ownership (Anderson & Reeb, 2003). According to the authors, fami-
lies may pursue actions that maximize their personal utility and many of these same
actions may result in poor firm performance. Additionally, families also often limit
executive management positions to family members, suggesting a restricted labor
pool from which to obtain qualified professionals.
On the other hand, families have strong incentives to monitor and mitigate the
free rider problem that characterize well diversified corporations, since their wealth
is closely linked to the company value (Anderson & Reeb, 2003). According to
the these authors, families maintain a long-term presence in their firms and so
firm survival is of great concern to them. This long-term perspective suggest that
families are long-term value maximization advocates, a characteristic that can raise
firm value.
Whether family firms are more or less valuable than non-family firms remains an
open question (Villalonga & Amit, 2006). As pointed out by Andres (2008), recent
empirical evidence suggests that founding-family ownership is associated with supe-
rior firm performance when compared to widely-held companies, both in terms of

accounting performance and market valuation.


In order to test if a founding-family company has a better/worst performance, we

analyze a large sample of Boards of Directors in Brazil. Boards of directors are gov-
ernance instrument that serve important functions for companies, including manage-
ment monitoring on behalf of shareholders. Specifically, we test if family presence in
the board affects firm financial performance. To do this, we estimate the following
(fixed effects panel data) model:

P erf ormancei,t = ϕ1 × F amilyi,t + ϕ2 × F amilyi,t

+ β × Controls + αi + µt + ϵi,t

Where the main variables of interest are:

P erf ormancei,t - Return on assets (ROA) and return on equity (ROE) for company
i, year t.
F amilyi,t - percentage of participation of family members in boards for company i,
year t.
And the controls variables are:
sizei,t - log of total assets, company i, year t.
agei,t - log of companies age, company i, year t.
riski,t - standard deviation of daily returns of most liquid stock, calculated by year
and by company.
leveragei,t - ratio of total debt to total assets.
Note that our main variable, F amilyi,t , enters the model in level and in its square.
This last term is included to deal with non-linearities in the relationship between
family and firm performance (see Anderson & Reeb, 2003; Andres, 2008). As family
presence in the board changes little over time, we also estimate the model by OLS
with Industry (Sector) dummies as additional covariates, as is usual in this literature
(Anderson & Reeb, 2003; Andres, 2008; Villalonga & Amit, 2006).
Our definitions of ROA and ROE follow the literature. ROA is the ratio between
EBITDA and total assets, while ROE is the ratio between net income and book
equity. To avoid loss of observations, we opt to calculate risk using daily share
returns during the current year, instead of monthly share returns for the prior 60
months (see, for example, Anderson & Reeb, 2003; Andres, 2008; Villalonga & Amit,
2006). Since these three variables exhibit large outliers, we winsorize them at both

tails at the 2.5% level. The definitions of all other variables follow the literature
and are specified above.

The Code

The research proposed in this section requires three datasets: 1) financial reports, 2)
information about the participation of family members in companies and 3) stock
prices of companies. For 1) and 2) we can use GetDFPData to retrieve the datasets
directly from B3. For 3), we can use package BatchGetSymbols to download stock
data directly from the internet.
Our sample selection procedure follows the aforementioned studies. First, we’ll
filter the data for only companies that have tickers, that is, are tradeable in the
equity market, and those not belonging in the financial and utility sectors. This is
a common filter in corporate finance studies as these sectors have specific dynamics
related to their performance measured by ROE and ROA.

# get info table <- = 'companies')

## Found cache file. Loading data..

# filter companies <- %>%
!(main.sector %in% c('Financeiro e Outros', 'Utilidade Pública')))

We find 239 companies with this simple filter. Now, let’s download data for the
selected companies. Be aware that this is a lengthy download and may take a
significant amount of time.
# set options <- '2012-01-31' <- '2018-01-01'
my.companies <-$

# get data
df.reports <- gdfpd.GetDFPData(name.companies = my.companies, =, =

The next step is the download of stock data with package BatchGetSymbols and
the calculation of our volatility measure, riski,t . Before downloading the data, we
need to find all tickers of all companies. In the case of more than one stock for a
company, we keep the asset with most financial volume.

get.ticker.df <- function( {

# Gets ticker string and organizes it in another data_frame

temp.split <- str_split($tickers, ';')[[1]]

temp.df <- data_frame( =$,

ticker = temp.split)

# get dataframe with tickers

my.l <- by(data =,
FUN = get.ticker.df)

# bind into one dataframe

df.tickers <-, my.l)

# add .SA for yahoo finance

my.tickers <- paste0(df.tickers$ticker, '.SA')

# get data
df.stocks <- BatchGetSymbols(tickers = my.tickers, = '2010-01-01', = '2017-01-01',
bench.ticker = '^BVSP', = 0.5)[[2]]

# replace .SA (keep same notation)

df.stocks$ticker <- str_replace_all(df.stocks$ticker,
fixed('.SA'), '')

# join with ticker df

df.stocks <- inner_join(df.tickers, df.stocks)

# find selected tickers by volume

tab.volume <- df.stocks %>%
group_by(, ticker) %>%
summarise(mean.volume = mean(volume, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
group_by( %>%
summarise(selected.ticker = ticker[which.max(mean.volume)])

df.stocks <- df.stocks[df.stocks$ticker %in% tab.volume$selected.ticker, ]

# calculate volatility measure

df.volat <- df.stocks %>%
mutate( = as.Date(paste0(year(,'-12-31'))) %>%
group_by(, %>%
summarise(risk = sd(ret.adjusted.prices, na.rm = TRUE))

The last step in the data acquisition stage is to bind all financial reports in a single
get.col <- function(, my.col) {
# function to bind all rows (dataframes) of a tibble

# financial reports <- bind_rows(get.col(df.reports, 'fr.income'),
get.col(df.reports, 'fr.assets'),
get.col(df.reports, 'fr.cashflow'),
get.col(df.reports, 'fr.liabilities'))

# board composition and family participation

df.board <- get.col(df.reports, 'history.board.composition') <- get.col(df.reports, '')

Now that all raw data is available, we can proceed to calculate our variables of
interest. The next code will process and df.board, which contains in-
formation about board composition and family members of companies, and output
a reference table that shows, for each company and year, the percentage of board
seats held by family members. <- %>%
group_by(, %>%
summarise(persons = str_c(unique(,
collapse = ' ; ')) %>%
merge(df.board) %>%

mutate(dummy = %in% str_split(persons,
fixed(' ; '),
simplify = TRUE)) %>%
group_by(, %>%
summarise(family.idx = mean(dummy)) %>%

## Observations: 936
## Variables: 3
## $ <date> 2014-12-31, 2009-12-31, 2010-12-3...
## $ family.idx <dbl> 0.20000000, 0.12500000, 0.16000000...
Finally, we build our final dataframe containing all variables necessary for our panel
and OLS model:
get.acc <- function(acc.value, search.vec, my.str) {
# get account value from fr.dataframe

out.value <- acc.value[search.vec == my.str]

# test if it exists
if (length(out.value) == 0) out.value <- NA


# build final table

model.table <- %>%
group_by(, %>%
summarise(profit.loss = get.acc(acc.value, acc.number, '3.09'),
total.assets = get.acc(acc.value, acc.number, '1'),
capital = get.acc(acc.value, acc.number, '2.03'),
total.sales = get.acc(acc.value, acc.number, '3.01'),
EBIT = get.acc(acc.value, acc.number, '3.05'),
deprec.amort = get.acc(acc.value, acc.number, ''),
EBITDA = EBIT + deprec.amort,
short.term.debt = get.acc(acc.value, acc.number, '2.01.04'),
long.term.debt = get.acc(acc.value, acc.number, '2.02.01'),
total.debt = short.term.debt + long.term.debt,
size = log(total.assets),
leverage = total.debt/total.assets,

ROA = EBITDA/total.assets,
ROE = profit.loss/capital) %>%
inner_join(df.volat) %>%
inner_join( %>%
inner_join( %>%
filter(total.assets > 0,
total.sales > 0,
capital > 0) %>%
by = c('' = '' )) %>%
mutate(age = log(as.numeric( - %>%
select(,, ROA,
ROE, size, age, risk, leverage, family.idx, main.sector) %>%

## Observations: 501
## Variables: 10
## $ <chr> "ALPARGATAS SA", "ALPARGATAS SA", ...
## $ <date> 2010-12-31, 2011-12-31, 2012-12-3...
## $ ROA <dbl> 0.17146869, 0.15552614, 0.13210314...
## $ ROE <dbl> 0.2312902, 0.2080412, 0.1691103, 0...
## $ size <dbl> 14.47189, 14.52877, 14.66921, 14.8...
## $ age <dbl> 4.642624, 4.652211, 4.661732, 4.67...
## $ risk <dbl> 0.01596710, 0.01973376, 0.01816128...
## $ leverage <dbl> 0.11401661, 0.05965369, 0.05713984...
## $ family.idx <dbl> 0.16000000, 0.15384615, 0.15384615...
## $ main.sector <chr> "Consumo Cíclico", "Consumo Cíclic...
As a final step, we remove outliers from the data using a simple winsorization
procedure with a 2.5% cut-off in both sides of the distribution:
winsorize <- function(x) {
lim <- quantile(x, probs = c(0.025,0.975), na.rm = T)
x[x<lim[1]] <- lim[1]
x[x>lim[2]] <- lim[2]

model.table[,c('ROA','ROE','risk')] <- sapply(model.table[,c('ROA','ROE','risk')],


A summary of the resulting dataset is given next:

## ROA

## Length:501 Min. :2010-12-31 Min. :-0.05497
## Class :character 1st Qu.:2011-12-31 1st Qu.: 0.04493
## Mode :character Median :2013-12-31 Median : 0.08486
## Mean :2013-11-26 Mean : 0.08937
## 3rd Qu.:2015-12-31 3rd Qu.: 0.13852
## Max. :2016-12-31 Max. : 0.23199
## NA's :23
## ROE size age
## Min. :-0.75752 Min. : 9.639 Min. :0.3384
## 1st Qu.: 0.01789 1st Qu.:13.483 1st Qu.:3.4971
## Median : 0.09177 Median :14.448 Median :3.9324
## Mean : 0.06259 Mean :14.517 Mean :3.7657
## 3rd Qu.: 0.16964 3rd Qu.:15.349 3rd Qu.:4.1995
## Max. : 0.44042 Max. :20.276 Max. :7.6075
## risk leverage family.idx
## Min. :0.01002 Min. :0.0000 Min. :0.0000
## 1st Qu.:0.01984 1st Qu.:0.1132 1st Qu.:0.0800
## Median :0.02450 Median :0.2597 Median :0.1250
## Mean :0.03112 Mean :0.2560 Mean :0.1568
## 3rd Qu.:0.03249 3rd Qu.:0.3756 3rd Qu.:0.1818
## Max. :0.12164 Max. :0.7893 Max. :0.7143
## NA's :2
## main.sector
## Length:501
## Class :character
## Mode :character

Model estimation and results

With the required dataset cleaned and structured, we proceed with the estimation
of the models. First we set the model specification as a formula object:

control.vars <- '+ size + age + risk + leverage'
my.index <- c('', '')

my.formula.ROA.plm <- formula(paste0('ROA ~ family.idx + I(family.idx^2) ',

' + factor(year('))

my.formula.ROE.plm <- formula(paste0('ROE ~ family.idx + I(family.idx^2) ',

' + factor(year('))

my.formula.ROE.lm <- formula(paste0('ROE ~ family.idx + I(family.idx^2) ',

' + factor(year(',
' + factor(main.sector)') )

my.formula.ROA.lm <- formula(paste0('ROA ~ family.idx + I(family.idx^2) ',

' + factor(year(',
' + factor(main.sector)') )

We have four models, two panel data and two ordinary least squares. We can now
estimate them using plm and lm:

my.plm.ROA <- plm(data = model.table,

formula = my.formula.ROA.plm,
index = my.index,
model = 'within')

my.lm.ROA <- lm(data = model.table,

formula = my.formula.ROA.lm)

my.plm.ROE <- plm(data = model.table,

formula = my.formula.ROE.plm,
index = my.index,
model = 'within')

my.lm.ROE <- lm(data = model.table,

formula = my.formula.ROE.lm)

And, finally, we report our results using stargazer:


stargazer(my.plm.ROA, my.lm.ROA, my.plm.ROE, my.lm.ROE,

header = FALSE,
type = 'latex',
font.size = 'small',
title = 'Estimation Results',
model.names = F,
column.labels = c('FE', 'OLS', 'FE', 'OLS'),
style = 'aer',
omit = 'factor*',
omit.stat = c('f', 'ser'),
covariate.labels = c('Family', '$Family^2$', 'Size',
'Age', 'Risk', 'Leverage'),
add.lines = list(c('Year Dummies', 'Yes', 'Yes',
'Yes', 'Yes'),
c('Sector Dummies', 'No', 'Yes',
'No', 'Yes')))

According to our results, ROA is not significantly related to family presence in

the board of directors, in both fixed effect (FE) and ordinary least squares (OLS)
estimations. This evidence is in contrast to those presented in Anderson & Reeb
(2003) and Andres (2008), in which family ownership first increases firm performance
and then, at higher values, decreases firm performance (positive coefficient in the
level and negative coefficient in the square). In the FE estimation, Size has a positive
and statistically significant effect on ROA, while Risk and Leverage have a negative
and statistically significant effect on ROA. These results suggest that big, low risk,
and low leveraged firms have higher performance. In the OLS estimation, only Risk
has a statistically significant (and negative) effect on ROA.
Turning our attention to the results for ROE, we find that the coefficients differ
according to the estimation method. While in the FE estimation Family and ROE
do not exhibit a statistically significant relationship, in the OLS estimation results
suggest a relationship between firm performance and family presence in the board
in accordance with those presented in Anderson & Reeb (2003) and Andres (2008):
family presence in the board first increases firm performance and then, at higher
values, decreases it. This non-linear relation is illustrated in the figure below. With
respect to control variables, Age (+) and Risk (-) have a statistically significant
effect on ROE in the FE estimation, suggesting that old and low risk firms have
higher performance. In the OLS estimation, Risk and Leverage have a negative and
statistically significant effect on ROE, suggesting that low risk and low leveraged
firms have higher performance.

Table 5: Estimation Results

(1) (2) (3) (4)
Family −0.065 −0.045 −0.444 0.320
(0.110) (0.081) (0.359) (0.202)

F amily 2 0.246 0.094 0.287 −0.782∗∗

(0.224) (0.148) (0.666) (0.333)

Size 0.061∗∗∗ −0.002 0.001 0.006

(0.012) (0.002) (0.017) (0.005)

Age 0.039 −0.005 0.153∗ 0.007

(0.027) (0.004) (0.092) (0.010)

Risk −0.237∗ −0.880∗∗∗ −1.046∗∗ −3.268∗∗∗

(0.127) (0.151) (0.458) (0.416)

Leverage −0.082∗∗∗ −0.007 −0.108 −0.192∗∗∗

(0.031) (0.018) (0.102) (0.049)

Constant 0.204∗∗∗ 0.207∗∗

(0.033) (0.089)

Year Dummies Yes Yes Yes Yes

Sector Dummies No Yes No Yes
Observations 476 476 499 499
R2 0.290 0.183 0.178 0.267
Adjusted R2 0.108 0.151 −0.029 0.240
Notes: Significant at the 1 percent level.
Significant at the 5 percent level.

Significant at the 10 percent level.



0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5

Family Presence in Board


In this paper we introduce and demonstrate the use of GetDFPData, an open software
for accessing data from B3. The contribution of the software is clear: it facilitates
the acquisition and organization of a large and interesting dataset of financial reports
and corporate events from the financial exchange. We hope the software becomes
popular for investors and academic, facilitating contribution and reproducibility of
Our literature review section shows that most research done in Brazil uses propri-
etary software for data acquisition. A closer look at a history of published articles
indicates that large scale studies are the rule, and not the exception. The proposed
software will make it easier for current and future researchers to have access to the
large amount of information available at B3’s systems. A reproducible example of
usage of GetDFPData is provided. Particularly, we investigate the performance of
family firms in the Brazilian exchange. This example showed how easy it is to access,
manipulate and model the resulting datasets using GetDFPData and R’s capabilities.


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