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Darmiyati dan Hayatun Nufus

Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

The research aims to know the activities of teachers, students activities, students
learning Using Student Facilitator and Explaining Model with Open-Ended Problem
Model and The Power of Two Model . The research was carried out in grade VC
Elementary School 3 Sungai Besar Banjarbaru with number of students 25 people the
lesson year 2017/2018. This research used a qualitative approach and the types of
research is the Classroom Action Research (CAR). This research aided by
collaborators who are following the steps of planning, implementation, observation,
and reflection. The study was conducted four times, the subject of this research is the
teacher and students. Data collected through interview, observation, and test. The
analysis of the data used in this research is qualitative and quantitative. The results
showed that the learning outcomes of students increased after each topic (matter)
learning given the improvement in the form of administering the test, or nontes the
form of observation of teachers in implementing the study and observation of
students learning Mathematics in the following.

Kata Kunci: Hasil Belajar, Perkalian dan Pembagian, Bentuk Pecahan, Student
Facilitator and Expalining, Open Ended Problem dan The Power of Two

INTRODUCTION The purpose of learning mathe-
Education plays an important role matics as described in the 2006 Curri-
in empowering human resources in culum (National Education Standards
order to be able to compete in terms of Agency) is so that students have prob-
science and technology with other lem solving skills that include the
countries. The age development de- ability to understand problems, design-
mands progress in various fields, one ning mathematical models, completing
of which is education. Every year the models and interpreting solutions ob-
challenge of education is always in- tained.
creasing, seeing this is the need for im- One indicator that must be
provement in the education system that achieved is that students are able to
can contribute to national develop- solve problems related to multipli-
ment. cation and division of various forms of
Education is a process of adjusting fractions. Fraction is one material that
to the environment, as stated Bruba- is difficult to teach. The difficulty that
cher (Ahmadi, 2014: 33-34), states that occurs is the lack of meaningful
education is a reciprocal process of learning activities carried out by the
each human person in adapting himself teacher, and the difficulty to concretize
to nature, friends and the universe. in the form of the procurement of
Education is also an organized deve- learning media (Heruman, 2014: 43).
lopment and completeness of all hu- The fact that the mathematics
man potential; moral, intellectual, learning outcomes are still low is
physical (sensory), and for the indi- proven by the data on student learning
vidual's personality and the use-fulness outcomes in the last three years.
of the people who are directed to Academic 2014/2015 year from 25
collect all of these activities for the students only 7 students (28%) com-
purpose of their lives (final goal). pleted, 2015/2016 academic year out
Mathematics is one of the discip- of 26 students only 8 students (30.8%)
lines that is very important in impro- completed 2016/2017 academic year,
ving the ability to think and argue, from 26 students only 7 students
giving contribution in solving every- (26.9%) were completed, and the rest
day problems and in the world of were below the specified minimum
work, as well as providing support in completeness criteria is 60, es-pecially
the development of science and tech- in multiplication material and division
nology. Therefore, mathematics as a of various forms of fractions.
basic science needs to be well maste- The cause of the above problems
red by students, especially since ele- is that students are less interested in
mentary school age (Susanto, 2014: learning the material, less careful in
185). working on the problem, less creative,
less experience of students in finding activities, that two heads are better
alternatives in problem solving, and than one head (Silberman, 2014: 173)
students are less actively involved. If Through the use of Student
Facilitator learning and Explaining
this continues, the learning objectives
models combinations of Open Ended
will not be achieved in understanding Problem and The Power of Two,
fraction multiplication, so that it can students are able to increase the ab-
lead to ongoing student difficulties in sorption of multiplication material and
the next material. division of various forms of fraction
One effort that can be done by because training students can explain
researchers is by designing a learning again what has been conveyed by the
model that can improve student teacher to their friends by using
learning outcomes and be able to alternative ways that are more effective
motivate students to learn. Therefore, in solving problems and students can
before determining the learning model develop the ability to express ideas and
the teacher needs to take into compare these ideas to other people so
consideration the selection of learning that the material becomes easily under-
models so that the process of teaching stood by students and increases the ac-
and learning activities carried out can tivity of students in classroom learning.
run effectively and efficiently (Kur- Based on the description above,
niasih and Sani, 2015: 18). The chosen the researcher conducted a class action
problem solving alternative to over- research to overcome and correct the
come this problem is to use the Student problem with the title: ”Improving
Facilitator learning and Explaining Learning Outcome of Multiplication
model the combination of Open Ended and Division of Fraction in Mathe-
Problems and The Power of Two. matics Using Student Facilitator and
Student Facilitator and Explaining Explaining Model with Open-Ended
model which is one of the cooperative Problem Model and The Power of Two
learning models designed for student Model on 5th-Grade Students of SDN 3
interaction patterns in increasing under- Sungai Besar Banjarbaru.
standing of material by explaining to
fellow friends (Shoimin, 2016: 184).
Open Ended Problem also called
learning with open problems, in which This study uses a type of class-
there is a purposeful learning process, room action research. This research
individual desires are built and was conducted by the teacher with va-
achieved openly. Not only goals, but rious activities to improve or improve
this model also refers to ways to the results of learning as well as the
achieve the purpose of learning itself quality of learning in the classroom.
(Huda, 2015: 279). This research is an attempt by the
The Power of Two model is an teacher to improve the quality of
activity that is used to improve learning in the classroom by referring
learning and clarify the benefits of to the problems of everyday learning,
this research is reflective in nature that
can improve the practice of learning in
the classroom so that it can run cycle of classical activities of students
effectively and efficiently (Salahudin, reached 88% with the criteria of "very
2015 : 24). active".
In addition, the researcher used Student learning outcomes in the
both qualitative and quantitative data. first cycle with 68% classical com-
The qualitative data are obtained from pleteness even though still the
the observation of teacher and student stipulated provisions but in each cycle
activity, while the quantitative one is student learning outcomes always in-
from the students learning outcome by crease, in the third cycle student lear-
way of a test. ning outcomes increase to 92% with
Furthermore, the indicator of excellent completeness.
success in teacher activity is in the The teacher's activities in the first
category “Very Good.” On the other cycle have been well implemented, but
hand, the indicator of success in there are still some shortcomings that
student activity in the traditional class need to be improved so that they can
is in the category “Very Active” and is achieve the established success in-
considered ‘pass’ if classically reach ≥ dicators and can improve the quality of
82% out of the whole students who get learning.
≥ 65 in the score. Students' activities in a classical
This research was conducted at manner in each cycle are well im-
SDN 3 Sungai Besar Banjarbaru Kal- plemented. Only a few students still
Sel Province. The subjects of this don't understand the material well,
study were 25 students of VC class, looking a little passive during the dis-
consisting of 15 male and 10 female, cussion. So that the teacher must main-
2017/2018 school year on the subject tain active student activities and im-
matter of multiplication and various prove student activities that are still
forms of fractions. quite active. At the end of each cycle
students are always given an
RESULT AND DISCUSSIONS evaluation test to find out the abilities
Result observation of the teacher's students have. The learning outcomes
activity in the first cycle obtained an shown in the first cycle of students are
assessment score of 67.5 with a "good" still many that have not yet been
category increasing in the third cycle completed with values that are still
to 92.5 with the category "very good". below the KKM, namely ≥65. But in
The results of observations on cycle III there were many students
student activities in the first cycle who finished with a percentage of
classically 60% with the criteria "quite 92%.
active", but the activity of students in-
creased in each cycle until the third .

Graph of trends in learning enhancement

activity which is getting better as well

Each cycle has the factors studied, so as to produce student learning
namely the activity of the teacher, outcomes that are better at each lesson.
student activities and learning outco- Teacher activities in the first cycle
mes. In each cycle each factor always to the third cycle have increased, and
has a significant increase and tends to have been implemented well with very
be good. Each cycle has the factors good criteria, and have met the spe-
studied, namely the activity of the cified success indicators. This is be-
teacher, student activities and learning cause the teacher always makes efforts
outcomes. In each cycle each factor to improve the deficiencies found in
always has a significant increase and each cycle in the learning process, so
tends to be good. that the improvement efforts can im-
Based on the picture above it can prove the quality of learning.
be seen that all aspects studied are Students' activities in a classical
always increasing in each cycle. In manner increase from cycle I to cycle
teacher activities, student activities and III and have achieved success indica-
learning outcomes tend to increase tors that are determined by very active
very well. The increase in the three criteria. Students can already properly
aspects studied is related to each other. pay attention to the teacher's expla-
So that it can be said that an increase nation during the learning process,
in teacher activity that is getting better students are active in learning acti-
has an impact on increasing student vities both to ask questions and when

conducting group discussions, and can students became creative and were
be responsible for the assignments gi- able to be actively involved during
ven by the teacher. Students can learning activities, learning became
already properly pay attention to the easier to master and provided direct
teacher's explanation during the lear- experience to students, and learning
ning process, students are active in became fun. The results of this study
learning activities both to ask ques- indicate that the teacher's activities in
tions and when conducting group carrying out learning are getting better
discussions, and can be responsible for and thus have an impact on the
the assignments given by the teacher. effectiveness of classroom learning.
Student learning outcomes from Increasing student activity in
the first cycle to the third cycle have learning is also due to teacher acti-
also shown an increase in com- vities to make students participate
pleteness in classics and have achieved more actively in learning because they
a determined success indicator. This is often express their ideas, students have
because students have been able to more opportunities to utilize know-
master the material concepts of solving ledge and skills comprehensively using
multiplication questions and fraction the Open Ended Problem model (Shoi-
forms well and the level of accuracy of min, 2016: 112) .
students in working on assignments Increased student activity is also
has increased, so that the results supported by the model of The Power
obtained by students have rea-ched or of Two. Meanwhile, according to
exceeded the established mini-mum Sutikno (2014: 132) the power of both
completeness criteria. or The Power of Two is an activity
The increase in teacher activity is carried out to encourage the emer-
inseparable from the role of the teacher gence of benefits from working toge-
as a planning for learning programs. ther and increasing collaborative acti-
Suprihatiningrum (2014: 110) states vities.
that for learning implementers as well Increased student activity is also
as learning developers, planning lear- influenced by the interest and moti-
ning well is a large part of success in vation of students in learning activities
learning. This is because learning will and seen from student activities. The
run smoothly, goals will be achieved learning process will run smoothly if
optimally, and can describe the success accompanied by interest. So, it can be
of teaching and learning activities. emphasized that interest factors are
Not only is the increase in teacher factors that significantly influence the
activity, the study also found that there success of learning (Sardiman, 2014:
was an increase in student activity 95).
during the learning activities in the Improving student learning
classroom in each cycle. The results of outcomes can not be separated from
reflection conducted by the researcher the role of the teacher as a planner and
showed that the use of a combination implementer of learning programs.
of models in learning greatly helped This is in accordance with Sanjaya
students to understand the material, (Susanto, 2013: 32) which states the

successful implementation of a of Two and discussion, the conclusion
learning strategy depends on the skills is that student learning outcomes in-
of the teacher in using teaching crease along with the teacher's
methods, techniques, and tactics. excellent activities and very active
Some of the results of the study student activities.
conducted by Sutikno (2016) in his Suggestions from the findings of
study using Student Facilitator and this study. First, the teacher can be
Expalining models Individual student used as a support or reference for the
learning outcomes from the classical learning model when the mathematics
cycle I of 11 students present there learning process is in class, so that the
were 45.45% of students who received teacher gets a good and good alter-
a score of ≥70, as minimum comple- native as an increase in teaching in the
class. Second, for principals to foster
teness criteria. In the second cycle of
other teachers in planning learning
11 students present there were 90.90%
models, especially mathematics cour-
of students who got a value of ≥70. ses so they can improve the tea-ching
Increased in the second cycle to 85%. and learning process so that good and
Taufik Noor Hidayat (2017) in his optimal achievement can be achieved.
research used the Open Ended Third, other researchers can develop
Problem model to improve student the experience gained from this class-
learning outcomes in addition and sub- room action research to carry out inte-
traction fractions. The results of the resting and enjoyable mathematics
research obtained were in the first learning in student learning processes
cycle of the first cycle of students and as a reference in further research,
completing classically 54% increased especially research relating to this
at meeting 2 to 64%. At meeting 3 it research.
increased again to 82% and at meeting
4 it increased to 93%. REFERENCES
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