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Scientific Remote Viewing, Extraterrestrials, and a Message For Mankind re = PRAISE FOR eae BROWN’S . . HIN fo “1 am quite impressed with Dr. Aa Tinie ’s tin cu) ICSE on.extraterrestrials ET MRC RL eS The data Lv seem 7 POUT Tu aC rs CON oe Cera em TEU iy TS Cee e quantum physics, the data are su See ret i eceam US aaa Ree ue Wea eae nc EME aro “In Cosmic Voyage, eh) Ly if Teer Cel eu RUM CUCM aR Uy Be acy ean) of consciousness: Scientific Remote Viewing. In Cosmic Bema Ci rcesy ue Sy clearly explains the mechanics by which’Scientific TS Tae oer TSH AICS Sen EMC strc eat es and then continues his quest to investigate extraterrestrial life. ROICHCSU A eM) a SUT CC iee n ( UCT RL TCL} i I CT Tae eR consciously and courageously aT Ent Tit) Ot STOR Clara rs Fada p Ey rae Ps Ps o ne sd dg 5) ote hh Ith oe > ° i Hi Pe a P eat (e5.US on rf er ° ry RAUL 8 CO TELS) rere ee ed eR Out EU Lath EL} Cerri UTES NUM —Whitley Strieb ii Tea) ® a mie) Preeti established LUT alate ty life’outside of our plant If Achat) UIT TTC ant for both scientists and oes EY rina ECU a ISBN 0-525-94430-3, 9!'780525"'944300" n his groundbreaking book Cosmic Voyage, | Courtney Brown revealed the existence of two extraterrestrial civilizations whose destinies are IUCR TCL LOS TIT RS CIMT Tey STU EU PO RCT ae CUES mR SMELT Ea err CEE aC M acs pected: that we are not alone... even here on Earth. DST ae ee RLS ne) Ce CCRC La SC ALE CoS LESS CS gene Cees ane OS Rees CES SUC Len Cuca uC tg Scientific Remote Viewing (SRV), Cosmic Explorers continues the search for extraterrestrial life, and ROE See eT ACU SS CCRC Occ CR tae] means of spying on potential or actual enemies. Dr. Brown developed the technique further, producing ne UI ge rte ORM EWE SU ETN gets. He uncovered startling proof of a Martian race Sire ORT UR U COU CSET) planet and in hidden areas on Earth, and of the Greys, UTNE U RA ae MTs for themselves. Now he reveais the existence of a third, previously unknown alien civilization: a warlike PPE Cer Caren ie Tia ens Through detailed transcripts of actual SRV ses- sions, Dr. Brown provides a rare glimpse into the structure and culture of this aggressive race, the omit) aetna ey) COMMU LRU eR acti Teich their home world, and their covert activities. He also takes us deeper into the secret worlds of the Greys EL nL LaCie ee OTIC un Ce ena ma eet Une ROR) Pretest carry an urgent message, showing the pitfalls ahead Se Enea ae a Tae Ty to deplete our natural resources. A comprehensive study of alien cultures, a detailed CCU UC SiS ee RESP? ECU Cm ORG cern eT sem Ree LL Cee a CeCe us—and tells us what we must do to defend and ensure our future. eT ai a eh Lara BC ISPS Caen ee eT Cee caret) Coen nun Tate CT CRU SEE CU C mu Ur ds CEU TMC L EL CEE SE RTT Ey) scientist, his work uniquely blends the pragmatic Ue ue es UR UCM hy MICS ES ULE Cu ee nn Ne Cece || life. The author of four previous books, he lives with his famli DT Tear ocean eT UNCP g >| DUTTON ZN Reamer a ee FAD 375 Hudson Street, New York, N.Y. 10014 VS Breer teen Science Gi aS

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