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(An institute dedicated to Biotechnology)

Test- Redox Reaction

Time-45min. Negative= -1/2 Max.Marks-80

1.The oxidation no. of oxygen in peroxide and super oxide are?

(a) –1, -1/2 (b) –1,-1(c) –2,-1 (d) –1,-2

1. What is the state of oxidation for

I. Zn in ZnO2-2
II. As in As2S5
III. Sn in SnO3-2 in that order
(a) -2,+5,-6, (b) –2,-5,+6 (c) +4, +5,+6 (d) +2,+5,+4

2. The oxidation no. of oxygen in OF2 is :-

(a) –2, (b) –1 (C) 0 (D) +2
3. What is the difference in the oxidation no. of nitrogen in hydroxylamine & Hydrazine
(a) 3 (b) 2 (c) 1 (d) 0
4. What is the change in the oxidation no of carbon in the reaction
CO3-2+H3O- = HCO3-1+H3O
(a) –1 (b) –2 (c) 0 (d) +1

5. Select the compounds where in the indicated element has an oxidation no > 5
I Ba2XeO6
III Rb4Na [HV10O28]
Iv Na4P2O7
(a) II & IV (b) I,III ,IV (c) I,IV (d) I, II, III

6. How many electrons are involved in the electron transfer process when C6H5NO2 is reduced to
(a) 6 (b) 2 (c)3 (d) 4

7. The no. of moles of Cr2O7-2 needed to oxidize 0.136 equivalents of N2H5+ by the reaction
N2H5++ Cr2O7-2 = N2 +Cr3++H2O
(a) 0.136 (b) 0.068 (c) 0.0227 (D) 0.272

8. When KI is heated with strong sulphuric acid , The acid is reduced upto the stage of
Hydrogen sulphide. Consider this change SO42 - =S2- as an electron transfer process. How many
electrons are involved ? What is the equivalent weight of sulphuric acid in this redox
reaction ?
(a)4 electron , molecular weight /4
(b)6 electron , molecular weight /6
(c)3 electron , molecular weight /3
(d)8 electron , molecular weight /8
9. Copper sulphide is oxidized by dilute nitric acid , the product include sulphur and nitric
oxide . How many moles of nitric acid are consumed and how many moles of nitric oxide are
formed per mole of CuS?

(a) 4/3,2/3 (b) 4,2 (c) 4,1 (d) 8/3,2/3

10. xKOH+yKMnO4 = pK2MnO4+qO2+rH2O, What are the values of x,y,p,q,r in that order
(a) 2,4,4,1,1 (b) 2,4,4,2,1 (c) 4,4,4,1,2(d) 3,4,4,3,2

11. P4+xNaOH+yH2O=mNaH2PO2+nPH3 , x,y,m,n, are in that order

(a) 3,2,3,1 (b) 4,2,4,1 (c) 1,2,1,2 (d) 3,3,3,1

14.Yellow CrO42- is easily converted to Cr2O72- by an acid.This transformation is-

(a)Dimerization reaction (b)Disporpotionation reaction
(c)Oxidation reaction (d)Reduction reaction.

15.Among the following ,the strongest oxidant is-

a)P-680 Chl+ b)H2O c) P-700.Chl d) None
16.Iodine oxidizes S2O32- ion to-
a)SO32- b)SO42- c)S4O62- d)S 2-
17.Water gas is a mixture of-
a)CO and H2 B) CO & N2 c) CO2 & H2 d) CO & H2O
18.Bayer’s reagent is-
a)Acidified K2Cr2O7 b)Acidified KmnO4
c) Alkaline K2Cr2O7 d) Alkaline KmnO4
19.An example of superoxide is-
a)KO2 b)Na2O2 c)BaO2 d)Mn2O7
20.Potassium permangnate is coloured because of –
a) Scattering of light. b) d-d transition. c) Charge transfer reaction. d)None.

Answer sheet
1. OOOO 5. OOOO 9. OOOO 13. OOOO 5. OOOO
2. OOOO 6. OOOO 10. OOOO 14.OOOO 10.
3. OOOO 7. OOOO 11. OOOO 15. OOOO 15. OOOO
4. OOOO 8. OOOO 12.OOOO 16. OOOO 20.

• The future depends on what we do in the present. -

Mahatma Gandhi
• If you do not hope, you will not find what is beyond your
St. Clement of Alexandra
• Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and
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