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Writing is a language skill which focuses on the activity of expressing opinion that is produced in written form. Writing
is the ability of students to arrange ideas from one paragraph to another and make an effort to link ideas effectively and
consistently so that they are meaningful. Based on curriculum 2013 students in Senior High School are expected to write
several texts Such as descriptive, recount, procedure, and narrative. In this research, the researcher focuses on narrative
text. The researcher did the preliminary research by interviewing the English teachers of SMKN 1 Poso, the students’
ability in writing narrative text is still low, and it needs improvement because there are many students unable to write a
narrative text grammatically and lack of vocabularies. Some reasons for the case are students often feel bored when they
learn in the classroom with conventional teaching. The other reason is, there is no motivation of the students to study
and write, so teachers need to give motivation to the students. The teacher has to be creative in developing medium,
strategy, and method in teaching writing to solve this problem.The researcher intends to use the silent video. By using
silent video, the students are expected to be more interested in learning and able to write a narrative text based on the
correct structure and features of the text itself.
Problem Statement
The objective of the Research
The significance of the Research
Students are expected to be able to improve their ability in writing narrative text and the technique can motivate the
students to learn writing well, and student’s interest in learning.
Teachers The researcher hopes it will give the alternative technique in teaching writing, especially writing narrative text.
Other researchers This research could facilitate the other researchers to enrich their knowledge about teaching writing
by using silent video
The scope of the Research
Operational Definition of Key Term
Writing: Writing is the act of expressing the ideas through minds in the written form.
Writing Ability: Writing ability means students able to write a text with the correct content where main ideas started
clearly and accurate, well organized and perfectly coherent. Use very effective choice of words, no grammar errors, full
control of complex structure and mastery the mechanics.
Narrative text: Narrative text is a text that retells a story that happens in the past.
Silent Video: Silent video is one of a kind visual-audio, such as Chaplin and Co. This video is mute, has no dialogue and
any utterance, Only has non-verbal expression and gestures.


Related Studies
She points out that there is an improvement of students’ ability in writing narrative text after being taught using silent
Video technique.
The result shows that the use of silent viewing technique is successful and effective. The students can make good
storytelling after the implementation. It also makes the students easily absorb the new knowledge and share their ideas
and opinions based on what they have watched in the silent viewing video.
She points out that there is any significant difference between the results of pretest and posttest. The mean of pretest was
57.35, while the mean of posttest was 65.23. It means that there was an increasing score on the students' ability.
Review of Related Literature
Harmer (2004:31) states “writing is a way to produce language and express idea, feeling, and opinion”.
According to Harmer (2004:31-33), there are some importance of writing. Those are : Writing encourages students to
focus on accurate language use, Writing is often used as a means of reinforcing language that has been thought, Writing
is frequently useful as preparation for sonic other activity,Writing can be used as an integral part of a larger activity
where the focus is on something else such as language practice, acting out, or speaking, Writing is also used in
questionnaire-type of activities.
According to Byrne in Roza (2011:23), There are five components that should be considered in writing: Organizing
idea, Grammar,Vocabulary,Mechanics (Punctuation, Capitalization, Spelling) , Content.
Narrative is text which tells a story and entertains or informs the reader or listener (Anderson, 1997:8)
Components of Narrative Text : The components of narrative text are divided into two parts. There are the generic
structures and language features. According to Anderson (2003:8), the generic structure of narrative text begins with
orientation. Orientation means introduction in which the characters, setting and time of the story are established. The
next stage is complication. In this stage, the conflicts arise and the main character attempts to solve the problem. The
third stage is resolution, where the complication of the story is sorted out or problem is solved.. The last stage is coda. It
is a stage where the writers found a moral or message to be learned from the story.
Meanwhile, Anderson and Anderson (2003:8) and Derewianka (2004:42) argue that the language features of narrative
cover specific character, normally use simple past tense, time words that connect the actions that occur in the story, use
connectivity many linking words to do with time, descriptive words to portray the characters and setting, and dialogues
often included.
Video is best defined as the selection and sequence of messages in an audio-visual context.
The Advantages of Video : The use of video in language teaching is considered as an effective way to present the
materials. It can be used in every level and every skill. It depends on the teacher's objectives for the lesson. It gives
students clear concept clarity, Video is more interesting when compared to text., Videos are mostly very demonstration-
friendly., Videos create experiences, It gives instance notes and It acts as a flexible teaching medium.
The disadvantages of Video is Time consuming. Playing video can use a lot of the bandwidth and may take time to
The Importance of Video “Video is highly motivating” Stempleski and Tomalin state that the combination of moving
pictures and sounds are able to present language in more comprehensive ways than any other teaching media and more
realistic too. A video is the combination of picture and sounds which serves the reinforcements of students' motivation.
The students' high motivation and interest are very important for successful language teaching and learning.
Silent video is one of media for teaching and learning which shows the animated film that has no dialogue speech in the
film, therefore the students able to use their vocabulary and explore their imagination to create a story. The students will
predict the story by watching the video in silent, and they have to retell the story in written form after watching the silent
Theoretical Framework
Writing as a productive skill is very useful for students because it can express their ideas through their minds in the
written form. There are several kinds of genre text taught in senior high school there are descriptive, recount, procedure,
and narrative. Narrative text seems to be the most difficult because in a narrative text the students not only use one
grammar but also mixed grammar and this might not happen in other kinds of text. To solve the problem, the researcher
intends to use silent video


Research Design
In this research, the researcher will conduct the quasi-experimental research design. Two groups are employed in this
design. The first group is called the experimental group. This group will receive a treatment (X) and the second group is
called the control group, this group will not receive a treatment. Both groups will be given a pretest and a posttest. The
Quasi-Experimental design is adopted from Sugiyono (2010:112).
Population and Sample
Population The population of this research is the X grade students of SMKN 1 Poso which consist of nine classes. Each
class contains about 17 to 33 students. The whole number of the students are 242 and they are as the population of this
Sample Sample is a set of data collected and selected from a statistical population by a defined procedure. Cluster
random sampling technique will be used by the researcher. By this technique, the researcher will choose two classes that
become the samples of this research according to the teacher's suggestion.
Research Variables
There are two types of variable in educational research, they are the dependent variable and independent variable. The
dependent variable in this research is the students’ ability in writing narrative text, while the independent variable is the
effectiveness of using silent video in teaching writing.
Research Instrument
The research instrument plays an important role to collect data. As experimental research, the instrument that will be
used in this research is tests, especially writing test.
Techniques of Data Collection
Tests The test is given to measure the students’ writing ability in writing narrative text. There are two kinds of test in
this research.Pretest The pretest is given to measure the students’ ability in writing narrative text before the treatment
process. They will be asked to write a free short story that consists of at least 100 words. The purpose of this test is to
know the students’ prior knowledge before conducting the treatment. Posttest Posttest is given to measure students’
ability in writing narrative text after the treatment process. Similar to the pretest, they will be asked to write a narrative
paragraph that consists of at least 100 words. The purpose of this test is to know the students’ knowledge after they get
the treatment. It is done to know the final score and to know the students' difference achievement before and after the
treatment. In order to collect the students’ score, the researcher provides the criteria of scoring the students’ performance
in writing adapted from Jacobs et al in Haswell (2007:105-120)
Treatment is given after the pretest, the researcher uses silent video with the purpose to treat and solve the students’
problems in constructing paragraphs of narrative text.
The technique of Data Analysis
After the data is collected by giving the test, the researcher will count the student’s individual score by concerning
formula from Arikunto.
Tentative Research Timetable

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