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Objectivist and Constructivist Methods

 Kathy Charmaz

G rounded theory served at the front of

the “qualitative revolution" (Denzin &
Lincoln, 1994, p. ix). Barney G. Glaser
and Anselm L. Strauss wrote The Discovery of
range theoretical frameworks that explain the
collected data. Throughout the research pro cess,
grounded theorists develop analytic inter -
pretations of their data to focus further data col -
Grounded Theory (1967) at a critical point in lection, which they use in turn to inform and
social science history. They defended qualitative refine their developing theoretical analyses.
research and countered the dominant view that Since Glaser and Strauss developed grounded
quantitative studies provide the only form of theory methods, qualitative researchers have
systematic social scientific inquiry. Essentially, claimed the use of these methods to legitimate
grounded theory methods consist of systematic their research.
inductive guidelines for collecting and analyzing Now grounded theory methods have come
data to build middle- under attack from both within and without.
Postmodernists and poststructuralists dispute vised, more open-ended practice of grounded
obvious and subtle positivistic premises as sumed theory that stresses its emergent, constructivist
by grounded theory's major proponents and elements. We can use grounded theory methods
within the logic of the method itself (see, e.g., as flexible, heuristic strategies rather than as
Denzin, 1994, 1996, 1998; Richardson, 1993; formulaic procedures.
Van Maanen, 1988). What grounded theory is A constructivist approach to grounded the -
and should be is contested. Barney G. Glaser and ory reaffirms studying people in their natural
the late Anselm Strauss, with his more recent settings and redirects qualitative research away
coauthor, Juliet Corbin, have moved the method from positivism. My argument is threefold: (a)
in somewhat conflicting di rections (Glaser, 1992; Grounded theory strategies need not be rigid or
Strauss, 1987; Strauss & Corbin, 1990, 1 994, prescriptive; (b) a focus on meaning while us ing
1998). Nonetheless, both their positions remain grounded theory furthers, rather than limits,
imbued with positivism, with its objectivist interpretive understanding; and (c) we can adopt
underpinnings (Guba & Lin coln, 1994). Glaser's grounded theory strategies without em bracing
(1978, 1992) position of ten comes close to the positivist leanings of earlier propo nents of
traditional positivism, with its assumptions of an grounded theory. Certainly, a contin uum can be
objective, external reality, a neutral observer who discerned between objectivist and constructivist
discovers data, reductionist inquiry of grounded theory. In addition, in dividual
manageable research prob lems, and objectivist grounded theorists have modified their
rendering of data. Strauss and Corbin's (1990, approaches over time (see, e.g., Glaser, 1994;
1998) stance assumes an objective external Strauss, 1995; Strauss & Corbin, 1990, 1994,
reality, aims toward unbiased data collec tion, 1998). For clarity, I juxtapose objectivist and
proposes a set of technical pro cedures, and constructivist approaches throughout the fol -
espouses verification. Their posi tion moves into lowing discussion, but note shifts as propo nents
postpositivism because they also propose giving have developed their positions.
voice to their respondents, representing them as In this chapter, I provide an overview of
accurately as possible, dis covering and grounded theory methods, discuss recent de bates,
acknowledging how respondents' views of reality and describe a constructivist approach, which I
conflict with their own, and rec ognizing art as illustrate with examples from my earlier studies.
well as science in the analytic product and Researchers can use grounde d theory methods
process (see Strauss & Corbin, 1998). By taking with either quantitative or qualitative data,
these points further, I add an other position to the although these methods are typically asso ciated
fray and another vision for fut ure qualitative with qualitative research. And research ers can
research: constructivist grounded theory.¹ use these methods whether they are working
Constructivist grounded theory celebrates from an objectivist or a constructivist
firsthand knowledge of empirical worlds, takes a perspective.
middle ground between postmodernism and The rigor of grounded theory approaches of -
positivism, and offers accessible methods for fers qualitative researchers a set of clear guide -
taking qualitative research into the 21st century. lines from which to build explanatory frame -
Constructivism assumes the relativism of multi - works that specify relationships among concepts.
ple social realities, recognizes the mutual cre - Grounded theory methods do not detail data
ation of knowledge by the viewer and the collection techniques; the y move each step of the
viewed, and aims toward interpretive under - analytic process toward the development,
standing of subjects' meanings (Guba & Lin coln, refinement, and interrelation of concepts. The
1994; Schwandt, 1994). The power of grounded strategies of grounded theory include (a) simul -
theory lies in its tools for understand ing taneous collection and analysis of data, (b) a
empirical worlds. We can reclaim these tools two-step data coding process, (c) comparative
from their positivist underpinnings to form a re - methods, (d) memo writing aimed at the con -
struction of conceptual analyses, (e) sampling to
refine the researcher's emerging theoretical ideas,  Grounded Theory Then and Now
and (f) integration of the theoretical framework. ____________________________________________________ ________________

Glaser (1978, 1992) establishes the follow -

ing criteria for evaluating a grounded theory: fit,
work, relevance, and modifiability. Theo retical The Development of
categories must be developed from anal ysis of Grounded Theory
the collected data and must fit them; these
categories must explain the data they sub sume. In their pioneering book, The Discovery of
Thus grounded theorists cannot sho p their Grounded Theory (1967), Barney G. Glaser and
disciplinary stores for preconceived con cepts and Anselm L. Strauss first articulated their research
dress their data in them. Any existing concept strategies for their collaborative studies of dy ing
must earn its way into the analysis (Glaser, (Glaser & Strauss, 1965, 1968). They chal lenged
1978): A grounded theory must work; it must the hegemony of the quantitative re search
provide a useful conceptual rendering and paradigm in the social sciences. Chicago school
ordering of the data that explains the studied sociology (see, e.g., Park & Burgess, 1925;
phenomena. The relevance of a grounded theory Shaw, 1930; Thomas & Znaniecki, 1918 -1920;
derives from its offering analytic expla nations of Thrasher, 1927/1963; Zorbaugh, 1929) had long
actual problems and basic processes in the contributed a rich ethnographic tradition to the
research setting. A grounded theory is durable discipline. However, the ascen dancy of
because it accounts for variation; it i s flexible quantitative methods undermined and
because researchers can modify their emerging marginalized that tradition. Scientistic assump -
or established analyses as conditions change or tions of objectivity and truth furthered the quest
further data are gathered. for verification through precise, standardized in -
Many grounded theory studies reflect the struments and parsimonious quantifiable vari -
objectivist approaches and perspectival pro - ables. Field research waned. It became viewed as
clivities of the founders of grounded theory (see, a preliminary exercise through which research ers
e.g., Biernacki, 1986; Johnson, 1991; Reif, 1975; could refine quantitative instruments before the
Swanson & Chenitz, 1993; Wiener, 1975).² real work began, rather than as a v iable endeavor
However, researchers starting from other vantage in its own right. The ascendancy of quan -
points-feminist, Marxist, phenomenologist- can tification also led to a growing division between
use grounded theory strategies for their empirical theory and empirical research. Theorists and re -
studies. These strategies allow for varied searchers lived in different worlds and pursued
fundamental assumptions, data gathering different problems. Presumably, quantitative re -
approaches, analytic emphases, and theoretical search tested existing theory as prescribed by the
levels. logico-deductive model. However, much of this
Thus diverse researchers can use grounded research remained atheoretical and emphasized
theory methods to develop constructivist stud ies controlling variables rather than theory testing.
derived from interpretive a pproaches. Grounded Glaser and Strauss's (1967) work was
theorists need not subscribe to posi tivist or revolutionary because it challenged (a) arbitrary
objectivist assumptions. Rather, they may still divisions between theory and research, (b) views
study empirical worlds without pre supposing of qualitative research as primarily a precursor to
narrow objectivist methods and without more "rigorous" quantitative methods, (c) claims
assuming the truth of their subsequent analyses. that the quest for rigor made qualitative research
Hence constructivist grounded theory studies of illegitimate, (d) beliefs that qu alitative methods
subjective experience can bridge Blumer's (1969) are impressionistic and unsystematic, (e) separa -
call for the empirical study of meanings with tion of data collection and analysis, and (f) as -
current postmodernist critiques. sumptions that qualitative research could pro -
duce only descriptive case studies rather than
theory development (Charmaz, 1995c). With
the publication of Discovery, Glaser and Strauss stirs a new technical armamentarium into the
called for qualitative research to move toward mix. Basics gained readers but lost the sense of
theory development.³ They provided a persua sive emergence and open-ended character of Strauss's
intellectual rationale for conducting quali tative earlier volume and much of his empiri cal work.
research that permitted and encouraged novices The improved and more accessible s econd
to pursue it. And they gave guidelines for its edition of Basics (Strauss & Corbin, 1998) reads
successful completion. as less prescriptive and aims to lead readers to a
Prior to the publication of Discovery, most new way of thinking about their re search and
qualitative analysis had been taught through an about the world. In both editions, the authors
oral tradition of mentoring, when taught at all. pose concerns (1990, p. 7; 1998, p. x) about valid
Glaser and Strauss led the way in providing and reliable data and interpre tations and
written guidelines for systematic qualitative data researcher bias consistent with "nor mal science"
analysis with explicit analytic procedures and (Kuhn, 1970). Strauss and Corbin impart a
research strategies. Glaser applied his rigor ous behaviorist, rather than interpretive, cast to their
positivistic methodological training in analysis of key hypothetical exam ples (see 1990,
quantitative research from Columbia Univer sity pp. 63-65, 78-81, 88-90, 145-14 7).5 Perhaps the
to the development of qualitative an alysis. scientific underpinnings of the 1990 book reflect
Grounded theory methods were founded upon both Corbin's earlier training and Strauss's
Glaser's epistemological assumptions, method - growing insistence that grounded theory is
ological terms, inductive logic, and system atic verificational (A. L. Strauss, personal
approach. Strauss's training at the Univer sity of communication, February 1, 1993). 6 Whether
Chicago with Herbert Blumer and Robert Park Basics advances grounded theory methods or
brought Chicago school field research and proposes different technical proce dures depends
symbolic interactionism to grounded theory. on one's point of view.
Hence, Strauss brought the pragmatist philo - Glaser (1978, 1992) emphasizes emergence
sophical study of process, action, and mean ing of data and theory through the analysis of "basic
into empirical inquiry through grounded theory. social processes." Glaser's position (see also
Glaser's 1978 book Theoretical Sensitivity Melia, 1996) becomes clear in his 1992 repudia -
substantially advanced explication of grounded tion of Strauss and Corbin (1990). He advo cates
theory methods. However, the abstract terms and gathering data without forcing either pre -
dense writing Glaser employed rendered the conceived questions or frameworks upon it. In
book inaccessible to many readers. Strauss's Basics of Grounded Theory Analysis: Emer gence
Qualitative Analysis for Social Scientists (1987) vs. Forcing (1992), Glaser answers Strauss and
made grounded theory more accessible, although Corbin's work in Basics. Over and over, he finds
perhaps more theoretically diffuse than the Strauss and Corbin to be forcing data and
earlier methods texts would suggest. analysis through their preconceptions, ana lytic
questions, hypotheses, and methodologi cal
Reformulation and Repudiation techniques (see, e.g., Glaser, 1992, pp. 33, 43,
46-47, 50-51, 58-59, 63, 78, 96-100). For Glaser,
Grounded theory gained a wider audience, a the use of systematic comparisons is enough.
new spokesperson, and more disciples with the "Categories emerge upon comparison and
appearance of Strauss's 1990 co authored book properties emerge upon more comparison. And
with Juliet Corbin, Basics of Qualitative Re- that is all there is to it" (Glaser, 1992, p.43).
search: Grounded Theory Procedures and Tech - In addition to Glaser's trenchant critiq ue,
niques.4 This book aims to specify and to de - readers may find themselves caught in a maze of
velop grounded theory methodology. It takes the techniques that Strauss and Corbin propose as
reader through several familiar analytic steps, significant methodological advancements. Linda
illustrates procedures with examples, and Robrecht (1995) asserts that the new proce -
dures divert the researcher from the data and searchers can discover and record -Glaser through
result in poorly in tegrated theoretical discovering data, coding it, and using:
frameworks. Glaser declares that Strauss and comparative methods step by step; Strauss and,
Corbin invoke contrived comparisons rather than Corbin through their analytic questions,
those that have emerged from analytic pro cesses hypotheses, and methodological applications. In
of comparing data to data, concept to concept, their earlier writings, Glaser and Strauss (1967)
and category to category. He views their imply that reality is independent of the observer
approach as "full conceptual descrip tion," not and the methods used to produce it. Because both
grounded theory. Glaser argues that the purpose Glaser and Strauss and Corbin follow the canons
of grounded theory methods is to generate of objective reportage, both engage in silent au-
theory, not to verify it. His point is consistent thorship and usually write about their data as dis -
with quantitative research canons in which tanced experts (Charmaz & Mitchell, 1996),
verification depends upon rand om sampling and thereby contributing to an objectivist stance. 7
standardized procedures. Strauss and Corbin do Furthermore, the didactic, prescriptive ap -
not answer Glaser directly, but, as Kath Melia proaches described in early statements about
(1996) notes, they do state their view of the grounded theory coated these methods with a
essentials of grounded theory in their positivist, objectivist cast (see Charmaz, 1983;
contribution to the first edition of this Handbook, Glaser, 1992; Stern, 1994b; Strauss, 1987;
while suggesting that the method will continue to Strauss & Corbin, 1990, 1994).
evolve (Strauss & Corbin, 1994). Similarly, So who's got the real grounded theory?
Strauss and Corbin do not re spond to Glaser's Glaser (1998) contends that he has the pure ver -
charge that they abandoned grounded theory in sion of grounded theory. That's correct -if one
favor of full conceptual de scription in their agrees that early formulations should set the
second edition of Basics (1998 ). However, they standard. 8 Different proponents' assume that
do offer an elegant statement of the significance grounded theory essentials ought to include dif-
of description and conceptual ordering for theory ferent things. Their "oughts" shape their notions
development (pp. 16-21). of the real grounded theory. Must grounded the -
Both Strauss and Corbin's Basics and ory be objectivist and positivist? No. Grounded
Glaser's critique of it assert views of science theory offers a set of flexible strategies, not rigid
untouched by either epistemo logical debates of prescriptions. Should grounded theorists adopt
the 1960s (Adler, Adler, & Johnson, 1992; symbolic interactionism? Not always. Emphases
Kleinman, 1993; Kuhn, 1970; Lofland, 1993; on action and process and, from my co n-
Snow & Morrill, 1993) or postmodern cri tiques structivist view, meaning and emergence within
(Clough, 1992; Denzin, 1991, 1992a, 1996; symbolic interactionism complement grounded
Marcus & Fischer, 1986). Both endorse a realist theory. Symbolic interactionism also offers a rich
ontology and positivist epistemology, albeit with array of sensitizing concepts. However,
some sharp differences. Glaser re mains in the grounded theory strategies can be used with
positivist camp; Strauss and Corbin less so. They sensitizing concepts from ot her perspectives.
move between objectivist and constructivist Pragmatism? Yes, because applicability and
assumptions in various works, although Basics, usefulness are part of the criteria for evaluating
for which they are best known, st ands in the grounded theory analyses. Should we expect
objectivist terrain. For example, in their efforts to grounded theorists to remain committed to their
maintain objectivity, they advocate taking written statements? Not completely. Published
"appropriate measures" to minimize the intrusion works become separated from the contexts of
of the subjectivity of the researcher into the their creation. Neither their authors' original
research (Strauss & Corbin, 1998, p. 43). Both purpose nor intended audience may be apparent.
Glaser and Strauss and Corbin assume an Authors may write mechanistic prescriptions for
external reality that re- beginners to get them started but compose more
measured pieces for peers. New developments
influence them. But readers may reify these au - through preconceived questions, categories, and
thors' earlier written words. Strauss and Corbin's hypotheses. Perhaps both are right, al though in
(1994) chapter in the first edition of this different ways. Glaser's comparative approach
Handbook has a considerably more flexible tone and emphasis on process provide ex cellent
than is found in the first edition of Basics (1990), strategies for making data analysis effi cient,
both in describing methods and in posi tioning productive, and exciting-without formulaic
grounded theory. For example, they note that techniques. Every qualitative researcher should
future researchers may use grounded theory in take heed of his warnings about forcing data into
conjunction with other approaches, which I argue preconceived categories through the imposition
here. A simplified, constructivist version of of artificial questions. However, data collecting
grounded theory such as outlined be low can may demand that researchers ask questions and
supply effective tools that can be adopted by follow hunches, if not in di rect conversation with
researchers from diverse perspec tives. 9 respondents, then in the observers' notes about
what to look for. Researchers construct rich data
by amassing pertinent details. Strauss and
 Grounded Theory Corbin's many questions and techniques may
Strategies help novices improve their data gathering. Glaser
____________________________________________________________________ (1998) assumes that data become transparent,
that we researchers will see the basic social
process in the field through our respondents'
Regarding Data telling us what is significant. However, what
researchers see may be neither basic nor certain
Grounded theory methods specify analytic (Mitchell & Charmaz, 1996). What respondents
strategies, not data collection methods. These assume or do not apprehend may be much more
methods have become associated with limited important than what they talk about. An
interview studies, as if limiting grounded theory acontextual reliance on respondents' overt
methods to interviews and limiting the number of concerns can lead to narrow research problems,
interviews are both acceptable practices ( see, limited data, and trivial analyses.
e.g., Creswell, 1997). Researchers can use Most grounded theorists write as if their data
grounded theory techniques with varied forms of have an objective status. Strauss and Corbin
data collection (for historical analyses, see (1998) write of "the reality of the data" and tell
Clarke, 1998; Star, 1989). Qualitative research ers us, "The data do not lie" (p. 85). Data are narra -
should gather extensive amounts of rich data tive constructions (Maines, 1993). They are re -
with thick description (Charmaz, 1995c; Geertz, constructions of experience; they are not the
1973). Grounded theorists have been accused, original experience itself (see also Bond, 1990).
with some justification, of slighting data Whether our respondents ply us with data in in -
collection (Lofland & Lofland, 1984). terview accounts they recast for our consumption
Nonetheless, a number of grounded theorists or we record ethnographic stories to reflect
have gathered thorough data, even those who experience as best we can recall and narrate, data
have relied primarily on interviews (see, e.g., remain reconstructions.
Baszanger, 1998; Biernacki, 1986; Charmaz, As we gather rich data, we draw from multi -
1991, 1995b). Perhaps because grounded the ory ple sources-observations, conversations, for mal
methods focus on the development of early interviews, autobiographies, p ublic records,
analytic schemes, data gathering remains prob - organizational reports, respondents' diaries and
lematic and disputed. journals, and our own tape -recorded reflections.
Glaser (1992) raises sharp differences with Grounded theory analyses of such materials
Strauss and Corbin (1990) about forcing data begin with our coding, take form with
memos, and are fashioned into conference pa pers deepen perception, they provide starting points
and articles. Yet our statement of the ideas for building analysis, not endi ng points for evad-
seldom ends with publication. Rather, we re visit ing it. We may use sensitizing concepts only as
our ideas and, perhaps, our data and re -create points of departure from which to study the data.
them in new form in an evolving pro cess Line-by-line coding likely leads to our refin -
(Connelly & Clandinin, 1990). 10 ing and specifying any borrowed extant con -
cepts. Much of my work on the experience of ill -
Coding Data ness has been informed by concepts of self and
identity. The woman whose statement is quoted
How do we do grounded theory? Analys is in Table 19.1 talked of having loved her job as
begins early. We grounded theorists code our an advocate for nursing-home residents. Through
emerging data as we collect it. Through coding, coding her statement line by line, I created the
we start to define and categorize our data. In code "identity trade-offs" and later developed it
grounded theory coding, we create codes as we into a category. Line-by-line coding keeps us
study our data. We do not, or should not, paste thinking about what meanings we make of our
catchy concepts on our data. We should interact data, asking ourselves questions of it, and pin -
with our data and pose questions to them while pointing gaps and leads in it to focus on during
coding them. Coding helps us to gain a new subsequent data collection. Note that I kept the
perspective on our material and to focus further codes active. These action codes give us insight
data collection, and may lead us in un foreseen into what people are doing, what is happening in
directions. Unlike quantitative re search that the setting.
requires data to fit into preconceived Generating action codes facilitates making
standardized codes, the researcher's comparisons, a major technique in grounded
interpretations of data shape his or her emer gent theory. The constant comparative -method of
codes in grounded theory. grounded theory means (a) comparing different
Coding starts the chain of theory develop - people (such as their views, situations, actions,
ment. Codes that account for our data take form accounts, and experiences), (b) comparing data
together as nascent theory that, in turn, explains from the same individuals with themselves at
these data and directs further data gathering. different points in time, (c) comparing incident
Initial or open coding proceeds through our with incident, (d) comparing data with category,
examining each line of data and then defining and (e) comparing a category with other cate -
actions or events within it -line-by-line coding gories (Charmaz, 1983, 1995c; Glaser, 1978,
(see especially Glaser, 1978). This coding keeps 1992).
us studying our data. In addition to starting to Glaser (1978, 1992) stresses constant com -
build ideas inductively, we are deterred by line - parative methods. Strauss (1987) called for com -
by-line coding from imposing extant theories or parisons in his research and teaching -often
our own beliefs on the data. This form of coding hypothetical comparisons or, when he was
helps us to remain attuned to our subjects' views teaching, comparisons from students' lives -at
of their realities, rather than assume that we every level of analysis (see also Star, 1997).¹¹
share the same views and worlds. Line -by-line Strauss and Corbin (1990) introduce new proce -
coding sharpens our use of sensitizing concepts - dures: dimensionalizing, axial coding, and the
that is, those background ideas that inform the conditional matrix. These procedures are in-
overall research problem. Sensitizing concepts tended to make researchers' emerging theories
offer ways of seeing, organizing, and under - denser, more complex, and more precise.
standing experience; they are embedded in our Dimensionalizing and axial coding can be done
disciplinary emphases and perspectival procliv - during initial coding; creating a conditional ma -
ities. Although sensitizing concepts may trix comes later. Schatzman (1991) had earlier
developed the concept of dimensionality to rec -

ognize and account for complexity beyond one categories shape our developing analytic
meaning of a property or phenomenon. Strauss frameworks. Categories often subsume several
and Corbin (1990) build on his notion by urging codes. For example, my category of "significant
researchers to divide properties into dimensions events" included positive events and relived
that lie along a continuum. In turn, we can de- negative events (Charmaz, 1991). Categories
velop a "dimensional profile" of the properties of turn description into conceptual analysis by
a category. Strauss and Corbin further pro pose specifying properties analyti cally, as in the fol-
techniques for reassembling data in new ways lowing example:
through what they call "axial coding." This type
of coding is aimed at making connec tions A significant event stands out in memory be -
between a category and its subcategories. These cause it has boundaries, intensity, and emo -
include conditions that give rise to the category, tional force ... The emotional reverberations
its context, the social interactions through which of a single event echo through the present
it is handled, and its consequences. and future and therefore, however subtly ,
Selective or focused coding uses initial shade thoughts.
codes that reappear frequen tly to sort large
amounts of data. Thus this coding is more In their discussion of selective coding,
directed and, typically, more conceptual than Strauss and Corbin (1990) introduce the
line-by-line coding (Charmaz, 1983, 1995c; "conditional matrix," an analytic diagram that
Glaser, 1978). These codes account for the most maps the range of conditions and consequences
data and categorize them most precisely. Making related to the phenomenon or category. They
explicit decisions about selecting codes gives us describe this matrix as a series of circles in
a check on the fit between the emerging which the outer rings represent those conditions
theoretical framework and the empirical reality it most distant from actions and interactions and
explains. Of the initial codes shown in Table the inner rings represent those closest to actions
19.1, "identity trade-offs" was the only one I and interactions. Strauss and Corbin propose that
treated analytically in the published article. researchers create matrices to sensitize
When comparing respondents', interviews, I themselves to the range of conditions
found similar statements and concerns about conceivably affecting the phenomena of interest
identity. and to the range of hypo thetical consequences.
Our categories for synthesizing and explain - Such matrices can sharpen researchers'
ing data arise from our focused codes. In turn, explanations of and predictions about the studied
Memo Writing tus-they also rather easily sink into self -blame
when the monitoring doesn't work).
Memo writing is the intermediate step be - With Sara S. we see definite conversations
held between the physical and monitoring self.
tween coding and the first draft of the com pleted Through her learning time or body education,
analysis. This step helps to spark our thinking self-taught and self-validated she has not only de-
and encourages us to look at our data and codes veloped a sense of what her body " needs" she has
in new ways. It can help us to define leads for developed a finely honed sense of timing about
collecting data-both for further initial coding and how to handle those needs.
later theoretical sampling. Through memo With the dual self, the monitoring self
writing, we elaborate processes, assumptions, externalizes the internal messages from the
physical self and makes them concrete. It is as if
and actions that are subsumed under our codes. dialogue and negotiation with ultimate validation
Memo writing leads us to explore our codes; we of the physical self take place between the two
expand upon the processes they identify or dimensions of the dual self. Consequently, the
suggest. Thus our codes take on substance as competent monitoring self must be able to attend
well as a structure for sorting data. to the messages given by the physical self. The
Action codes (e.g., as illustrated above) spur learning time is the necessary amount of
the writing of useful memos because they help us concentration, trial and error to become an
effective monitoring self.
to see interrelated processes rather than static Mark R., for example, illustrates the kind
isolated topics. As we detail the properties of our of dialogue that takes place between the
action codes in memos, we connect categories monitoring and physical selves when he talks
and define how they fit into larger processes. By about person to kidney talks and what is needed
discussing these connections and defining to sustain that new transplanted kidney in his
processes in memos early in our re search, we body.
reduce the likelihood that we wil l get lost in The dual self in many ways is analogous to
the dialogue that Mead describes between the I
mountains of data-memo writing keeps us and the me. The me monitors and attends to the I
focused on our analyses and involved in our which is creating, experiencing,' feeling. The
research. monitoring me defines those feelings, impulses
Memo writing aids us in linking analytic in - and sensations. It evaluates them and develops a
terpretation with empirical reality. We bring raw line of action so that what is defined as needed is
data right into our memos so that we main tain taken care of. The physical self here is then taken
those connections and examine them di rectly. as an object held up to view which can be com -
pared with past physical (or for that matter, psy -
Raw data from different sources pro vide the grist chological selves), with perceived statuses of oth-
for making precise comparisons, fleshing out ers, with a defined level of health or well -being,
ideas, analyzing properties of categories, and with signals of potential crises etc.
seeing patterns. The first ex cerpt below is the A consequence of the monitoring self is
first section of an early memo. I wrote this memo that it may be encouraged by practitioners (after
quickly in 1983 after comparing data from a all, taking responsibility for one's body is the
series of recent interviews.¹² message these days, isn't it?) when it seems to
"work," yet it may be condemned when the per -
son's tactics for monitoring conflict with practi -
Developing a Dual Self tioners' notions of reasonable action or are un -
The dual self in this case is the contrast between
the sick self and the monitoring self (actually The following passage shows how the memo
physical self might be a better term [than sick
self] since some of these people try to see them -
appeared in the published version of the research
selves as "well" but still feel they must con stantly (Charmaz, 1991). The combination of analytic
monitor in order to maintain that sta - clarity and empirical grounding makes the memo
above remarkably congruent with the published
excerpt. Memos record researchers' stages of an -
alytic development. Memo writing h elps re-
searchers (a) to grapple with ideas about the data,
(b) to set an analytic course, (c) to refine
categories, (d) to define the relationships among competent monitoring self attends to messages
various categories, and (e) to gain a sense of con - from the physical self and over time, as Sara
fidence and competence in their ability to ana - Shaw's comment suggests, monitoring becomes
taken for granted.
lyze data. In many ways, the dialectical self is analo -
gous to the dialogue that Mead (1934) describes
Developing a Dialectical Self between the "I" and the "me." The "me" moni tors
and attends to the "I" that creates, experi ences,
The dialectical self is the contrast between the and feels. The monitoring "me" defines the 'Ts"
sick or physical self and the monitoring self. behaviors, feelings, impulses, and sen sations. It
Keeping illness contained by impeding progres - evaluates them and plans action to meet defined
sion of illness, rather than merely hiding it, leads needs. Here, an ill person takes his or her
to developing a monitoring self. Developing a physical self as an object, appraises it and
dialectical self means gaining a heightened compares it with past physical selves, wi th per-
awareness of one's body. People who do so be - ceived health statuses of others, with ideals of
lieve that they perceive nuances of physical physical or mental well-being, with signals of
changes. By his second transplant, for example, potential crises and so forth (d. Gadow 1982).
Mark Reinertsen felt that he had learned to p er- The dialectical self is one of ill people's
ceive the first signs of organ rejection. multiple selves emerging in the face of
When people no longer view themselves as uncertainty. Whether or not ill people give the
"sick," they still monitor their physical selves to dialectical self validity significantly affects their
save themselves from further illness. To illus - actions. For someone like Sara Shaw, the
trate, Sara Shaw explained that she spent months dialectical self provided guidelines for organizing
of "learning time" to be able to discover what her time, for taking jobs, and for developing
body "needed" and how to handle those needs. relationships with others. With jobs, she believed
She commented, "I got to know it [her ill body]; I that she had to guard herself from the stress of
got to understand it, and it was just me and mixed too many demands. With friends, she felt she had
connective tissue disease [her diagnosis to place her needs first. With physicians, she
changed], you know, and I got to re spect it and I resisted their control since she trusted her
got to know-to have a real good feeling for time knowledge about her condition more than theirs.
elements and for what my body was doing, how Practitioners may encourage a monitoring
my body was feeling." When I asked her what self when it seems to "work," yet condemn it
she meant by "time elements," she replied: when unsuccessful, or when monitoring tactics
conflict with their advice (cf. Kleinman 1988).
There's times during the month, during the The development of the dialectical self illumi -
course of a month, when I'm much more nates the active stance that so me people take to-
susceptible, and I can feel it. I can wake up ward their illnesses and their lives. In short, the
in the morning and I can feel it ... So I dialectical self helps people to keep illness in the
really learned what I was capable of and background of their lives. (Charmaz, 1991,
when I had to stop, when I had to slow pp.70-72)
down. And I learned to like-give and take
with that. And I think t hat's all Note the change in the title of the category
programmed in my mind now, and I don't in the published version. This ch ange reflects my
even have to think about it now, you
attempt to choose terms that best portrayed the
know; I'll know. I'll know when, no matter
what's going on, I've gotta go sit down ... empirical descriptions that the category sub -
and take it easy, ... that's a require ment of sumed. I was trying to address the liminal rela -
that day. And so consequently, I re ally tionship certain respondents described with their
don't get sick. bodies in which they gained a heightened
awareness of cues that other people disavow,
In the dialectical self, the monitoring self disregard, or do not discern. The term dialectical
externalizes the internal messages from the self denotes a more dynamic process than does
physical self and makes them concrete. It is as if
dialogue and negotiation with ultimate valida tion the term dual self.
of the physical self take place. For examp le, Although many grounded theorists concen -
Mark Reinertsen engaged in "person to kidney" trate on overt actions and statements, I also look
talks to encourage the new kidney to remain with for subjects' unstated assumptions and implicit
him (see also McGuire and Kantor 1987). A
meanings.¹³ Then I ask myself how these as - to maintain some control over their uncertain
sumptions and meanings relate to conditions in lives. Only by going back to selected respondents
which a category emerges. For example, some did I learn that this strategy also had conse -
people with chronic illnesses assumed that their quences for how they viewed the future when
bodies had become alien and hos tile they later allowed themselves to think of it. The
battlegrounds where they warred with illness. passage of time and the events that had filled it
Their assumptions about having alien bodies and allowed them to give up earlier cherished plans
being at war with illness affected if and how they and anticipated futures without being devastated
adapted to their situations. When I developed the by loss.
category "surrendering to the sick body," I asked Theoretical sampling is a pivotal part of the
what conditions fostered surrendering (Charmaz, development of formal theory. Here, the level of
1995b). I identified three: (a) "relinquishing the abstraction of the emerging theory has explana -
quest for control over one's body," (b) "giving up tory power across substantive areas because the
notions of victory over illness," and (c) processes and concepts within it are abstract and
"affirming, however implicitly, that one's self is generic (Prus, 1987). Thus we would seek com-
tied to the sick body" (p. 672). parative data in substantive areas through theo -
retical sampling to help us tease out less visible
Theoretical Sampling properties of our concepts and the conditions and
limits of their applicability. For example, I
As we grounded theorists refine our catego - address identity loss in several analyses of the
ries and develop them as theoretical constructs, experience of illness. I could refine my concepts
we likely find gaps in our data and holes in our by looking at identity loss in other situations,
theories. Then we go back to the field and col lect such as bereavement and involuntary
delimited data to fill those conceptual gaps and unemployment. Comparative analysis of people
holes-we conduct theoretical sampling. At this who .experience unanticipated identity gains,
point, we choose to sample specific is sues only; such as unexpected job promotions, c ould also
we look for precise information to shed light on net conceptual refinements.
the emerging theory. The necessity of engaging in theoretical
Theoretical sampling represents a defining sampling means that we researchers cannot
property of grounded theory and relies on the produce a solid grounded theory through one -
comparative methods within grounded theory. shot interviewing in a single data collection
We use theoretical sampling to develop our phase. Instead, theoretical sampling dema nds
emerging categories and to make them more that we have completed the work of comparing
definitive and useful. Thus the aim of this sam - data with data and have developed a provisional
pling is to refine ideas, not to increase the size of set of relevant categories for explaining our data.
the original sample. Theoretical sampling helps In turn, our categories take us back to the field to
us to identify conceptual boundaries and pinpoint gain more insight about when, how, and to what
the fit and relevance of our categories. extent they are pertinent and useful.
Although we often sample people, we may Theoretical sampling helps us to define the
sample scenes, events, or documents, depend ing properties of our categories; to identify the con -
on the study and where the theory leads us. We texts in which they are relevant; to specify the
may return to the same settings or individu als to conditions under which they arise, are main -
gain further information. I filled out my initial tained, and vary; and to discover their conse-
analysis of one category, "living one day at a quences. Our emphasis on studying process com -
time," by going back to respondents with whom I bined with theoretical sampling to delineate the
had conducted earlier interviews. I had already limits of our categories also helps us to define
found that people with chronic ill nesses took gaps between categories. Through using com -
living one day at time as a strategy parative methods, we specify the conditions un -
der which they are linked to other categories. Af -
ter we decide which categories best explain what management. Amanda Coffey, Beverly Hol -
is happening in our study, we treat them as brook, and Paul Atkinson (1996) point out that
concepts. In this sense, these concepts are useful other advantages of computer coding include the
for helping us to understand many incidents or ability to do multiple searches using more than
issues in the data (Strauss & Corbin, 1990). one code word simultaneously and the fact that it
Strauss (personal communication, February 1, enables researchers to place memos at points in
1993) advocates theoretical sampling early in the the text. Data analysis programs are also
research. I recommend conducting it later in effective for mapping relationships visually
order that relevant data and analytic directions onscreen. They do not, however, think for the
emerge without being forced. Otherwise, ear ly analyst-perhaps to chagrin of some students (see
theoretical sampling may bring premature clo - also Seidel, 1991). Nonetheless, Thomas J.
sure to the analysis. Richards and Lyn Richards (1994) argue that the
Grounded theory researchers take the usual code-and-retrieve method supports the
criteria of "saturation" (i.e., new data fit into the emergence of theory by searching the data for
categories already devised) of their catego ries for codes and assembling ideas. Further, Renata
ending the research (Morse, 1995). But what Tesch (1991) notes that conceptual operations
does saturation mean? In practice, satura tion follow or accompany mechanical data manage -
seems elastic (see also Flick, 1998; Morse, ment.
1995). Grounded theory approaches are seduc - Qualitative analysis software programs do
tive because they allow us to gain a handle on not escape controversy. Coffey et al. (1996) and
our material quickly. Is the handle we gain the Lonkila (1995) express concern about qualita tive
best or most complete one? Does it encourage us programs based on conceptions of grounded
to look deeply enough? The data in works theory methods and their uncritical adoption by
claiming to be grounded theory pieces range users. They fear that these programs overem -
from a handful of cases to sustained field re - phasize coding and promote a superficial view of
search. The latter more likely fulfills the crite rion grounded theory; they also note that mechan ical
of saturation and, moreover, has the re sonance of operations are no substitute for nuanced in -
intimate familiarity with the studied world. terpretive analysis. However, Nigel G. Fielding
As we define our categories as saturated and Raymond M. Lee (1998) do not find sub -
(and some of us never do), we rewrite our stantial empirical evidence for such concerns in
memos in expanded, more analytic form. We put their systematic field study of users' experiences
these memos to work for lectures, presentations, with computer-assisted qualitative data analysis
papers, and chapters. The analytic work programs. 15 I still have some reservations about
continues as we sort and order memos, for we these programs for four reasons: (a) Grounded
may discover gaps or new relationships. theory methods are often poorly understood; (b)
these methods have long been used to legiti mate,
Computer-Assisted Analysis rather than to conduct, studies; (c) these software
packages appear more suited f or objectivist
Computer-assisted techniques offer some grounded theory than constructivist approaches;
shortcuts for coding, sorting, and integrating the and (d) the programs may uninten tionally foster
data. Several programs, inc luding NUDIST and an illusion that interpretive work can be reduced
the Ethnograph, are explicitly aimed at as sisting to a set of procedures. Yvonna Lincoln (personal
in grounded theory analyses. Hyper -Research, a communication, August 21, 1998) asks her
program designed to retrieve and group data, students, "Why would you want to engage in
serves qualitative sociologists across a broad work that connects you to the deep est part of
range of analytic applications. 14 Such programs human existence and then turn it over to a
can prove enormously helpful with the problem machine to 'mediate'?" Part of interpretive work
of mountains of data-that is, data is gaining a sense of the whole -the whole
interview, the whole story, the whol e body of
data. No matter how helpful computer pro grams grounded theory methods gloss over meanings
may prove for managing the parts, we can see within respondents' stories. 17 Conrad (1990) and
only their fragments on the screen. 16 And these Riessman (1990b) suggest that "fracturing the
fragments may seem to take on an existence of data" in grounded theory research might limit
their own, as if objective and re moved from their understanding because grounded theorists aim
contextual origins and from our constructions for analysis rather than the portrayal of sub jects'
and interpretations. Because objectivist grounded experience in its fullness. From a gro unded
theory echoes positivism, computer -assisted theory perspective, fracturing the data means
programs based on it may promote widespread creating codes and categories as the researcher
acceptance not just of the software, but of a one - defines themes within the data. Glaser and
dimensional view of qualitati ve research. Strauss (1967) propose this strategy for several
reasons: (a) to help the researcher avoid
remaining immersed in anecdotes and stories,
 Critical Challenges to and subsequently unconsciously adopting
Grounded Theory subjects' perspectives; (b) to prevent the
____________________________________________________________________ researcher's becoming immobilized and
overwhelmed by voluminous data; and (c) to
create a way for the researcher to organize and
As is evident from the discussion above, recent interpret data. However, criticisms of fracturing
debates have resulted in reassessments of the data imply that grounded theory methods
grounded theory. Objectivist grounded theory lead to separating the experience from the
has shaped views of what the method is and experiencing subject, the meaning from the story,
where it can take qualitative research. Over the and the viewer from the viewed. 18 In short, the
years, a perception of how leading proponents criticisms assume that the grounded t heory
have used grounded theory has become melded method (a) limits entry into subjects' worlds, and
with the methods themselves. Subsequently, thus reduces understanding of their experience;
critics make assumptions about the nature of the (b) curtails representation of both the social
method and its limitations (see, e.g., Con rad, world and subjective experience; (c) relies upon
1990; Riessman, 1990a, 1990b). Riess man the viewer's authority as expert observer; and (d)
(1990a) states that grounded theory methods posits a set of objectivist proce dures on which
were insufficient to respect her inter viewees and the analysis rests. 19
to portray their stories. Richard son (1993) found Researchers can use grounded theory meth -
prospects of completing a grounded theory ods to further their knowledge of subjective ex -
analysis to be alienating and turned to literary perience and to expand its representation while
forms. Richardson (1994) also has observed that neither remaining external from it nor accepting
qualitative research re ports are not so objectivist assumptions and procedures. A con -
straightforward as their authors represent them to structivist grounded theory assumes that people
be. Authors choose evidence selectively, clean create and maintain meaningful worlds through
up subjects' statements, unconsciously adopt dialectical processes of conferring meaning on
value-laden metaphors, assume omniscience, and their realities and acting within them (Bury,
bore readers. 1986; Mishler, 1981). Thu s social reality does
These criticisms challenge authors' repre - not exist independent of human action. Cer tainly,
sentations of their subjects, their authority to my approach contrasts with a number of
interpret subjects' lives, and their writer's voice, grounded theory studies, methodological state -
criticisms ethnographers have answered (see, ments, and research texts (see, e.g., Chenitz &
e.g., Best, 1995; Dawson & Prus, 1995; Swanson, 1986; Glaser, 1992; Martin & Turner,
Kleinman, 1993; Sanders, 1995; Snow & 1986; Strauss & Corbin, 1990; Turner, 1981). By
Morrill, 1993). These criticisms imply that adopting a constructivist grounded theory ap -
proach, the researcher can move grounded the ory
methods further into the realm of interpre -
tive social science consistent with a Blumerian Grounded theory provides a systematic ana-
(1969) emphasis on meani ng, without assuming lytic approach to qualitative analysis of ethno -
the existence of a unidimensional external real - graphic materials because it consists of a set of
ity. A constructivist grounded theory recognizes explicit strategies. Any reasonably well -trained
the interactive nature of both data collection and researcher can employ these strategies and de -
analysis, resolves recent criticisms of the velop an analysis. The strengths of grounded
method, and reconciles positivist assumptio ns theory methods lie in (a) strategies that guide the
and postmodernist critiques. Moreover, a researcher step by step through an analytic
constructivist grounded theory fosters the de - process, (b) the self-correcting nature of the data
velopment of qualitative traditions through the collection process, (c) the methods' inher ent bent
study of experience from the standpoint of those toward theory and the simultaneous turning away
who live it. from acontextual description, and (d) the
emphasis on comparative methods. Yet, like
The Place of Grounded Theory other qualitative approaches, grounded theory
in Qualitative Research research is an emergent process rather than the
product of a single research problem logically
Grounded theory research fits into the and deductively sequenced into a study -or even
broader traditions of fieldwork and qualitative one logically and inductively se quenced. The
analysis. Most grounded theory studies rely on initial research questions may be concrete and
detailed qualitative materials collected through descriptive, but the researcher can develop
field, or ethnographic, research, but they are not deeper analytic questions by studying his or her
ethnographies in the sense of total immersion data. Like wondrous gifts waiting to be opened,
into specific communities. Nor do grounded early grounded theory texts imply that categories
theorists attempt to study the social structures of and concepts inhere within the data, awaiting the
whole communities. Instead, we tend to look at researcher's discovery (Charmaz, 1990, 1995c).
slices of social life. Like other forms of Not so. Glaser (1978, 1992) assumes that we can
qualitative research, grounded theories can only gather our data unfettered by bias or biography.
portray moments in time. However, the grounded Instead, a constructivist approach recognizes that
theory quest for the study of basic social the categories, concepts, and theoretical level of
processes fosters the identification of an analysis emerge from the researcher's interac -
connections between events. The social world is tions within the field and questions about the
always in process, and the lives of the research data. In short, the narrowing of research ques -
subjects shift and change as their circumstances tions, the creation of concepts and categories,
and they themselves change. Hence a grounded and the integration of the constructed theoreti cal
theorist-or, more broadly, a qualita tive framework reflect what and how the re searcher
researcher-constructs a picture that draws from, thinks and does about shaping and col lecting the
reassembles, and renders subjects' lives. The data.
product is more like a painting than a pho tograph The grounded theorist's analysis tells a story
(Charmaz, 1995a). I come close to Atkinson's about people, social processes, and situa tions.
(1990, p. 2) depiction of ethnogra phy as an The researcher composes the story; it does not
"artful product" of objectivist descrip tion, careful simply unfold before the eyes of an objective
organization, and interpretive commentary. The viewer. This story reflects the viewer as well as
tendency to reify the findings and the picture of the viewed. Grounded theory studies typically lie
reality may result more from interpreters of the between traditional research methodology and
work than from its author. 20 Significantly, the recent postmodernist turn. Radical
however, many researchers who adopt grounded empiricists shudder at grounded theorists' con -
theory strategies do so pre cisely to construct tamination of the story because we shape the data
objectivist-that is, positivist-qualitative studies. collection and redirect our analyses as new
issues emerge. Now postmodernists and post - cal relations among what we do, think, and feel.
structuralists castigate the story as well . They The constructivist approach assumes that what
argue that we compose our stories uncon - we take as real, as objective knowledge and
sciously, deny the oedipal logic of authorial de - truth, is based upon our perspective (Schwandt,
sire (Clough, 1992), and deconstruct the sub ject. 1994). The pragmatist underpinnings in sym bolic
In addition, Denzin (1992a) states that even the interactionism emerge here. W. I. Thomas and
new interpretive approaches "privi lege the Dorothy Swaine Thomas (1928) proclaim, "If
researcher over the subject, method over subject human beings define their situations as real, they
matter, and maintain commit ments to outmoded are real in their consequences" (p. 572). Fol -
conceptions of validity, truth, and lowing their theorem, we must try to f ind what
generalizability" (p. 20). These criti cisms apply research participants define as real and where
to much grounded theory research. Yet we can their definitions of reality take them. The
use them to make our empirical re search more constructivist approach also fosters our self -
reflexive and our completed stud ies more consciousness about what we attribute to our
contextually situated. We can claim only to have subjects and how, when, and why researchers
interpreted a reality, as we under stood both our portray these definitions as real. Thus the re -
own experience and our sub jects' portrayals of search products do not constitute the reality of
theirs. the respondents' reality. Rather, each is a render -
A re-visioned grounded theory must take ing, one interpretation among multiple interpre -
epistemological questions into account. tations, of a shared or individual reality. That in -
Grounded theory can provide a path for re - terpretation is objectivist o nly to the extent that it
searchers who want to continue to develop seeks to construct analyses that show how re -
qualitative traditions without adopting the spondents and the social scientists who study
positivistic trappings of objectivism and uni - them construct those realities -without viewing
versality. Hence the further development of a those realities as unidimensional, universal, and
constructivist grounded theory can bridge past immutable. Researchers' attention to detai l in the
positivism and a revised future form of inter - constructivist approach sensitizes them to
pretive inquiry. A revised grounded theory pre - multiple realities and the multiple viewpoints
serves realism through gritty, empirical inquiry within them; it does not represent a quest to cap -
and sheds positivistic proclivities by becoming ture a single reality.
increasingly interpretive. Thus we can recast the obdurate character of
In contradistinction to Clough's (1992) cri - social life that Blumer (1969) talks a bout. In do-
tique, ethnographies can refer to a feminist vi sion ing so, we change our conception of it from a
to construct narratives that do not claim to be real world to be discovered, tracked, and
literal representations of the real. A feminist categorized to a world made real in the minds
vision allows emotions to surface, doubts to be and through the words and actions of its
expressed, and relationships with subjects to members. Thus the grounded theorist constructs
grow. Data collection becomes less formal, more an image of a reality, not the reality-that is,
immediate, and subjects' concerns take objective, true, and external.
precedence over researchers' questions.
A constructivist grounded theory distin -
guishes between the real and the true. The  Objectivist Versus Constructivist
constructivist approach does not seek truth- Grounded Theory
single, universal, and lasting. Still, it remains ____________________________________________________________________
realist because it addresses human realities and
assumes the existence of real worlds. However,
neither human realities nor real worlds are A constructivist grounded theory recognizes that
unidimensional. We act within and upon our the viewer creates the data and ensuing analysis
realities and worlds and thus develop dialecti - through interaction with the viewed. Data do not
provide a window on reality. Rather, the
"discovered" reality arises from the interactive grounded theory leads to confirmation or
process and its temporal, cultural, and struc tural disconfirmation of the emerging theory; and (c)
contexts. Researcher and subjects fram e that grounded theory methods allow for the exer tion
interaction and confer meaning upon it. The of controls, and therefore make changing the
viewer then is part of what is viewed rather than studied reality possible.
separate from it. What a viewer sees shapes what Objectivist grounded theory accepts the
he or she will define, measure, and ana lyze. positivistic assumption of an external world that
Because objectivist (i.e., the majority of) can be described, analyzed, explained, and
grounded theorists depart from this position, this predicted: truth, but with a small t. That is,
crucial difference reflects the positivist leanings objectivist grounded theory is modifiable as
in their studies. 21 conditions change. It assumes that different ob -
Causality is suggestive, incomplete, and in - servers will discover this world and describe it in
determinate in a constructivist grounded the ory. similar ways. That's correct -to the extent that
Therefore, a grounded theory remains open to subjects have comparable experiences (e.g.,
refinement. It looks at how "variables" are people with different chronic illnesses may ex -
grounded-given meaning and played out in perience uncertainty, intrusive regimens, medical
subjects' lives (Dawson & Prus, 1995; Prus, dominance) and viewers bring similar ques tions,
1996). Their meanings and actions take priority perspectives, methods, and, subsequently,
over researchers' analytic interests and method - concepts to analyze those experiences. Objec -
ological technology. A constructivist gro unded tivist grounded theorists often share assump tions
theory seeks to define conditional statements that with their research participants -particularly the
interpret how subjects construct their reali ties. professional participants. Perhaps more likely,
Nonetheless, these conditional statements do not they assume that respondents share their
approach some level of generalizable truth. meanings. For example, Strauss and Corbin's
Rather, they constitute a set of hypotheses and (1990) discussion of independence and
concepts that other researchers can trans port to dependence assumes that these terms hold the
similar research problems and to other same meanings for patients as fo r researchers.
substantive fields. As such, they answer Prus's Guidelines such as those offered by Strauss
(1987) call for the development and study of ge - and Corbin (1990) structure objectivist groun ded
neric concepts. Thus the grounded theorist's hy - theorists' work. These guidelines are didac tic and
potheses and concepts offer bo th explanation and prescriptive rather than emergent and interactive.
understanding and fulfill the pragmatist cri terion Clinton Sanders (1995) refers to grounded theory
of usefulness. procedures as "more rigorous than thou
In contrast, objectivist grounded theorists instructions about how information should be
adhere more closely to positivistic canons of tra - pressed into a mold" (p. 92). Strauss and Corbin
ditional science (see Glaser, 1978, 1992; Glaser categorize steps in the process with scientific
& Strauss, 1967; Strauss & Corbin, 1990, 1994; terms such as axial coding and conditional
Wilson & Hutchinson, 1991).²² They as sume that matrix (Strauss, 1987; Strauss & Corbin, 1990,
following a systematic set of methods leads them 1993). As grounded theory methods become
to discover reality and to construct a more articulated, categorized, and elaborated,
provisionally true, testable, and ultimately veri - they seem to take on a life of their own.
fiable "theory" of it (Strauss, 1995; Strauss & Guidelines turn into procedures and are reified
Corbin, 1990, 1994).²³ This theory provides not into immutable rules, unlike Glaser and Strauss's
only understanding but prediction. Three (1967) original flexible strategies. By taking
extensions of this position follow: (a) System atic grounded theory methods as prescriptive
application of grounded theory strategies scientific rules, proponents fur ther the positivist
answers the positivist call for reliability and va - cast to objectivist grounded theory.
lidity, because specifying procedures permits
reproducibility; 24 (b) hypothesis testing in
Given the positivist bent in objectivist ever, researchers frame their questions in ways
grounded theory, where might a constructi vist that cloak raw experience and mute feelings. In
approach take us? How might it reconcile both studies that tap suffering, we may unwittingly
positivist leanings and postmodernist critiques in give off cues that we do not welcome respon -
grounded theory? A constructivist grounded dents' going too deep. Furthermore, one -shot in-
theory lies between postmodernist (Denzin, terviewing lends itself to a partial, sanitized view
1991; Krieger, 1991; Marcus & Fischer, 1986; of experience, cleaned up for public discourse.
Tyler, 1986) and postpositivist approaches to The very structure of an interview may preclude
qualitative research (Rennie, Phillips, & Quar - private thoughts and feelings from emerging.
taro, 1988; Turner, 1981). Researchers no longer Such a structure reinforces whatever proclivities
provide a solitary voice rendering the dialogue a respondent has to tell only the public version of
only from their standpoints. Con structivists aim the story. Researchers' sustained involvement
to include multiple voices, views, and visions in with research participants lessens these prob -
their rendering of lived experience. How does lems.
one accomplish this? The conceptual level of coding, writing
memos, and developing categories likely differ
in objectivist and constructivist grounded the ory.
 Constructing For example, Strauss and Corbin (1990, 1998)
Constructivism stick close to their depiction of overt data. I aim
____________________________________________________________________ to understand the assumptions underlying the
data by piecing them together. For example,
"living one day at a time" is a taken -for-granted
What helps researchers develop a construc tivist explanation of how one manages troubles. Ev -
grounded theory? How might they shape the data eryone knows what living one day at a time is.
collection and analysis phases? Gaining depth But what does it assume? Ill people report living
and understanding in their work means that they one day at a time or having good days and bad
can fulfill Blumer's (1969) call for "intimate days as self-evident facts. Not until they are
familiarity" with respondents and their worlds asked what these terms mean experientially -that
(see also Lofland & Lofland, 1984, 1995). In is, how they affect their relating to time, what
short, constructing constructivism means seeking feelings these experiences elicit, and so on -do
meanings-both respondents' meanings and they start to define a form and content for "living
researchers' meanings. one day at a time" or "good" and "bad" da ys.
To seek respondents' meanings, we must go Objectivist grounded theory studies may of -
further than surface meanings or presumed fer rich description and make conditional state -
meanings. We must look for views and values as ments, but they may remain outside of the expe -
well as for acts and facts. We need to look for rience. Furthermore, objectivist grounded theory
beliefs and ideologies as well as situations and methods foster externality by invoking proce -
structures. By studying tacit meanings, we clar - dures that increase complexity at the expense of
ify, rather than challenge, respondents' views experience. Axial coding can lead to awkward
about reality. 25 scientistic terms and clumsy categories. Terms
A constructivist approach necessitates a re - and categories take center stage and distance
lationship with respondents in which they can readers from the experience, rather than concen -
cast their stories in their terms. It means listen ing trate their attention upon it. Processua l diagrams
to their stories with openness to feeling and and conceptual maps can result in an overly
experience. In my studies of chronic illness, complex architecture that obscures expe rience.
several people mentioned that they saw me as Any form of grounded theory can gener ate
someone to whom they could expre ss their pri- jargon. Objectivist grounded theory espe cially
vate thoughts and feelings. Sometimes, how - risks cloaking analytic power in jargon.
Making our categories consistent with stud- searchers can code and recode data numerous
ied life helps to keep that life in the foreground. times (see also Glaser & Strauss, 1967). Posing
Active codes and subsequent categories preserve new questions to the data results in new analytic
images of experience. For example, in my dis - points. I go back and forth between data and the
cussion of immersion in illness, my categories drafts of chapters or papers many times. I take
were "Recasting Life," "Facing Dependenc y," explicit findings in certain interviews and see if
"Pulling In," "Slipping Into Illness Routines," they remain implicit in other interviews. Then I
and "Weathering a Serious Episode." 26 go back to respondents and ask specific ques -
Coding and categorizing processes sharpen tions around the new category. For example,
the researcher's ability to ask questions about the when I returned to a young woman with colitis to
data. Different questions can flow from ask how the slow, monotonous time of conva -
objectivist and constructivist starting points. lescence might seem in memory, she understood
These questions can be concrete, as described by my line of questioning immediately and cut in
Strauss and Corbin (1990, 1998), or more ab - without skipping a beat: "It seems like a wink"
stract. Concrete questions are revealed in their (Charmaz, 1991, p. 92).
discussion of two categories -pain experience and Every qualitative researcher makes multiple
pain relief: "Who gives pain relief to people wi th analytic decisions. Foremost among these is how
arthritis?" "What gives relief?" "How is the pain much complexity to introduce. How much is
experienced and handled?" "How much relief is necessary to convey the story with depth and
needed?" "When does the pain occur and when clarity? How much seems like hairsplitting that
does she institute relief?" "Why is pain relief will irritate or confuse the reader? At what point
important?" (1990, pp. 78 -79). Here the does collapsing categories result in conceptual
categories take on an obj ective, external muddiness and oversimplification? To achieve
character-objective because these ques tions the right level of complexity, we must know the
assume answers that reflect "facts"; objec tive potential audience and sense the appropriate style
because the answers assume that the researcher and level at which to write for it.
discovers what being in pain "really is all about";
objective because the topic of pain now takes on
an external character that can be identified,  Rendering Through Writing
addressed, and managed. ____________________________________________________________________

In contrast, I start by viewing the topic of

pain subjectively as a feeling, an experience that
may take a variety of forms. Then I ask these The analysis of qualitative data does not cease
questions: What makes pain, pain? (That is, what when the grounded theorist has develo ped a
is essential to the phenomenon as defined by theoretical framework; it proceeds into the
those who experience it?) What defining writing (Mitchell & Charmaz, 1996). A groun ded
properties or characteristics do ill people attrib - theorist's proclivities toward objectivism or
ute to it? When do they do so? These questions constructivism also come through in his or her
lead into a question I share with Strauss and writing about the research. The image of a scien -
Corbin (1990, 1998): How does the person ex - tific laboratory comes to mind with objectivist
perience this pain, and what, if anything, does he grounded theory, reflected in carefully orga nized
or she do about it? My questions aim to get at and stated written reports of concepts, ev idence,
meaning, not at truth. As a result, a construc tivist and procedures. Constructivist groun ded theory
grounded theory may remain at a more in tuitive, spawns an image of a writer at a desk who tries
impressionistic level than an objectivist to balance theoretical int erpretation with an
approach. evocative aesthetic. To illustrate how analysis
My version of grounded theory fosters the proceeds into writing constructivist grounded
researcher's viewing the data afresh, again and theory, I provide several writing strat egies and
again, as he or she develops new ideas. Re - examples from earlier work.
As Laurel Richardson (1990) declares, writ - ential rhythm and timing allows the researcher to
ing matters. Consistent with the postmodernist reproduce it within the writing:
turn, I attempt to evoke experiential feeling
through how I render it in writing. This means From embarrassment to mortification. From
taking the reader into a story and imparting its discomfort to pain. Endless uncertaint y. What
mood through linguistic style and narrative ex - follows? Regimentation. (Charmaz, 1991, p.
position. This strategy removes the wri ting from 134)
typical scientific format without trans forming the
Days slip by. The same day keeps slipping by.
final product into fiction, drama, or poetry. I
Durations of time lengthen since few events
frame key definitions and distinc tions in words break up the day, week, or month. Illness
that reproduce the tempo and mood of the seems like one long uninterrupted duration of
experience: time. (p. 88)

Existing from day to day occurs when a Questions help tie main ideas together or re -
person plummets into continued crises that direct the reader. Sometimes I adopt the role of a
rip life apart. (Charmaz, 1991, p. 185) chronically ill person and ask questions as she
Others wait to map a future. And wait. They
monitor their bodies and their lives. They Is it cancer? Could it be angina? Pangs of
look for signs to indicate what steps to take uncertainty spring up when current, frequently
next. They map a future or move to the ne xt undiagnosed, symptoms could mean a serious
point on the map only when they feel assured chronic illness. (Charmaz, 1991, p. 32)
that the worst of their illness is over. These
people map a future or move to the next Immediacy draws the reader into the story.
point when they feel distant enough from A story occurring in the present as if now
illness to release their emotions from it. (p. unfolding draws the reader in. I sacrificed
191) immediacy for accuracy by writing about
respondents in the past because the events
Analogies and metaphors ca n explicate tacit described took place in the past. 27 Where authors
meanings and feelings subsumed within a cate - place their stories and how they frame them can
gory (see also Charmaz & Mitchell, 1996; bring experience to life or wholly obscure it.
Richardson, 1994): A mix of concrete detail with analytic
categories connects the familiar with the
Such men and women feel coerced into
unfamiliar or even esoteric. Thus I kept material
living one day at a time. They force it upon
in Good Days, Bad Days (Charmaz, 1991) that
themselves, almost with clenched teeth.
had been covered before, such as the chapter on
Here, living one day at a time resembles
learning an unfamiliar, disagreeable lesson in living with chronic illness. I took the reader
grammar school; it is an unwelcome through messy houses, jumbled schedules,
prerequisite to staying alive. (Charmaz, pressures to simplify life, fragile pacing, and
1991, p. 179) enormous efforts to function to the relief when
remission occurs. This de tail gave readers
Drifting time, in contrast [to dragging time], imagery on which to build when I moved into a
spreads out. Like a fan, drifting ti me unfolds more elusive analysis of time.
and expands during a serious immersion in Writers use a linear logic to organize their
illness. (p. 91) analyses and make experience understandable.
Yet experience is not necessarily linear, nor is it
Simple language and straightforward ideas always readily drawn with clear boundaries. For
make theory readable. Theory remains embed ded example, experiencing illness, much less all its
in the narrative, in its many stories. The theory spiraling consequences, does not fit neatly into
becomes more accessible but less identi fiable as one general process. The grou nded theory
theory. Several strategies foster mak ing the method emphasizes the analysis of a basic pro -
writing accessible. Catching experi - cess the researcher discovers in the data. Al -
though I pondered over organizing the book tales are often embedded in realist accounts. I try
around one process, I could not identify an to pull readers in so they might sense and sit uate
overarching theme. Experiencing illness con sists the feeling of the speaker in the story. Here, what
of many processes, not a single process that Van Maanen (1988) calls impressionist tales
subsumes others. Further, illness ebbs and flows. sounds exactly what Cl ough (1992) calls
Chronically ill people define periods of relative "emotional realism." Perhaps, however, por -
"health" as well as spells of sickness. Thus I traying moods, feelings, and views evokes an
chose to collapse time and experience to cover aesthetic verisimilitude of them.
Written images portray the tone the writer
takes toward the topic and reflect the writer's
relationships with his or her respondents. I aim  Summary and Conclusion
for curiosity without condescension, openness ____________________________________________________________________

without voyeurism, and participation without

domination. Maintaining balance is difficult ,
because I try to portray respondents' worlds and Given the analysis above, what conclusions can
views. Throughout the research and writing of we draw about grounded theory studies? What
Good Days, Bad Days, I tried to go beyond re - might be the future of grounded theory? First,
spondents' public presentation of self in illness. grounded theory methods evolve in different
Otherwise, the knotty problems, the fear and ways depending upon the perspectives and pro -
pain, the moral dilemmas and ambivalent deci - clivities of their adherents. I aim to move re -
sions do not come through. searchers toward an explicitly constructivist ap -
Writers makes moral choices about portray - proach. If we examine our epistemological
ing respondents, designing how to tell their sto - premises, we can acknowledge the limits of our
ries, and delineating ways to interpret them. studies and the ways we shape them. In this way,
These choices also lead to the researcher's as - adopting and refining grounded theory meth ods
suming a role as the writer (Krieger, 1991). In furthers the study of empirical worlds.
my book, I remain in the background as a story - Second, we can reduce or resolve tensions
teller whose tales have believable characters, not between postmodernism and constructivist
as an omniscient social scientist. My tone, style, grounded theory when we use the former to il -
and imagery reduce omniscience. How ever, luminate and extend the latter. In short,
because I stayed with the conceptu al categories postmodernism can inform realist study of ex-
and built the stories around them, my work perience rather than simply serve as justification
remains consistent with grounded theory and for abandoning it. The postmodernist turn has
much social scientific writing. forced renewed awareness of our relationships
Revising a manuscript can result in changes with and representation of subjects that will long
in style, possibly even of genre. Carefully crafted influence qualitative research, possibly longer
grounded theory categorie s work well as sign- than the term postmodernism itself holds sway.
posts in professional journals. A book editor may Similarly, the importance of situating qualitative
delete all the subheadings in one quick read. As research in historical and cultural context is
signposts go, the narrative style changes. A more underscored. We grounded theorists can profit
straightforward scientific style recedes as a more from the current trend toward lin guistic and
literary style evolves. Of c6urse, h ow one sees rhetorical analysis by becoming more reflexive
that style and whether one defines it as scientific about how we frame and write our studies. This
or literary depends upon where one stands. The trend supports constructivist approaches in
postmodernist may see this style as objectivist, grounded theory because it ex plicitly treats
realist, and scientific; the positivist may see it as authors' works as constructions instead of as
disconcertingly literary. I agree with Atk inson objectified products.
(1990) that impressionist Third, the future of grounded theory lies
with both objectivist and constructivist visions.
Scientific institutions and conventions are un - sics, she has attained prominence in the soci al sci-
likely to undergo rapid change. Granting agen - ences and other professions as well.
cies and tenure review committees may long fa - 5. To illustrate, when discussing conceptual -
vor objectivist work over constructivist craft. izing data as the first step in analysis, Strauss and
The qualitative revolution has o pened up pos- Corbin (1990) provide the following hypotheti cal
sibilities and potentials, but gatekeepers are example from a restaurant: "While waiting for your
likely to reward scholars whose work comes dinner, you notice a lady in red. She appears to be
closest to their own. Thus, we can expect to see just standing there in the kitchen, but your common
growing numbers of large studies with small sense tells you that a restaurant wouldn't pay a lady
qualitative components and more team proj ects in red just to stand there, es pecially in a busy
kitchen. Your curiosity is piqued, so you decide to
in multiple sites. Does this mean that
do an inductive analysis to see if you can determine
constructivist grounded theory will wither and
just what her job is. (Once a grounded theorist,
wane? No. The trend toward interpretive study, always a grounded theorist).
the quest for understanding, and the challenge to "You notice that she is intently looking around
the imagination impel us to take our inquiry into the kitchen area, a work site, focusing here and
the world. Through sharing the world s of our then there, taking a mental note of what is going
subjects, we come to conjure an image of their on. You ask yourself, what is she doing here? Then
constructions and of our own. you label it watching. Watching what? Kitchen
work" (pp. 63-64).
This example continues in the same vein. It re -
 Notes lies on careful observation of the overt behavior of
____________________________________________________________________ the woman in the restaurant, from the objective
observer's viewpoint. It does not take into ac count
1. For my comparisons of objectivist and what that reality is like from the perspec tive of the
constructivist grounded theory, see the section restaurant worker. Nor do the categories develop
below headed "Objectivist Versus Constructi vist from comparative study of other restaurants.
Grounded Theory." 6. Anselm Strauss critique d the draft of my
2. For example, in his definitive study of 1995 paper on grounded theory in which I then
natural recovery from heroin addiction, Patrick claimed that grounded theory is not verificational
Biernacki (1986) controlled his referral chains for (Charmaz, 1995c). He said that I was wrong.
obtaining interviews for sampling, theoreti cal, and 7. For example, when writing about "mu tual
verificational considerations (pp. 214 219). Some pretense," Glaser and Strauss (1965) state: "This
colleagues have placed Biernacki's work in the particular awareness context cannot exist, of
emerging postmodern ethnography. However, in course, unless both the patient and staff are aware
our conversations before he died, it was clear that that he is dying. Therefore all the structural
he saw his work as realist qualita tive research in conditions which contribute to the existence of
which the investigator tries to achieve accurate open awareness (and which are absent in closed
reporting of a world. We both agreed that my use and suspicion awareness) contribute also to the
of grounded theory is more phenomenological and existence of mutual pretense. In addition, at least
constructivist than his own. Anselm Strauss made one interactant must indicate a desire to pretend
the same assessment of my work relative to his that the patient is not dying and the other must
(Strauss's) as well. agree to the pretense, acting accordingly" (p. 67).
3. Lindesmith (1947) and Cressey (1953) both Corbin and Strauss (1987) also adopt a distanced
attempted earlier to codify analytic meth ods for voice in the following passage: "The impact of
qualitative research through analytic in duction. body failure and consequent performance failure
Their work has been preserved in the criminology can be measured by the impact that it has on each
and deviance literatures but has faded in general dimension of the BBC (biographical body con -
methodological discussions. ceptions). Since each dimension (biograph ical
4. Juliet Corbin has a strong background and a time, body, self conceptions) exists in a tightly
doctorate in nursing science. She has long been a bound relationship with the other, the conse -
leader in the establishment of qualitative methods
in nursing; since the publication of Ba-
quences of body failure with regard to one as pect terim, I came closer to integrating my realist in -
are further felt with the other two. It is the tention to study empirical problems with the rel -
combined impact of the three aspects of the BBC ativism inherent in constructivism (see Charmaz,
that profoundly affects biographical continuity and 1990). In addition, I worked on making abstract
meaning" (p. 260). Several of Corbin and Strauss's ideas accessible.
works on chronic illness, such as Unending Work 13. I use the term subjects not because I view
and Care (1988), read as if much less distanced them as subordinate, or subjected to inquiry, but
than other works. Two factors may contribute to because the term research participants is so cum-
the difference: Strauss's experience with chronic bersome.
illness and Corbin's direct in volvement in data 14. For guidelines in choosing a data analy sis
gathering. software program, see Weitzman and Miles (1995).
8. Stern (1994a) agrees. She sees recent de - 15. However, recent listserv discussions of
velopments in grounded theory methods as eroding qualitative computer analysis indicate that some
the method and the power of the subse quent users still view the programs as too mechanical.
analyses. For example, Aksel Hn Tjorca (MedSoc Listserv,
9. For a more developed discussion of how to November 17, 1998) found NUD IST to be useful
do constructivist grounded theory, see Charmaz in sorting data initially but feared that hierar chical
(1995c). categories embedded in the program might work
10. Grounded theorists work up and out from against the relational nature of the data.
data. Not every qualitative researcher does. Rena 16. To gain a sense of the whole on which we
Lederman (1990) observes that some an - are working, we may need to have entire docu -
thropologists avoid using their fi eld notes when ments, if not the complete data set, before us.
developing their finished work. She writes of how Yvonna Lincoln (personal communication, Au gust
anthropological field notes fulfill different 21, 1998) tells me that she works with all her data
functions for the researcher while he or she is away spread out on a large table. That way, she can gain
in the field and later, when the researcher is home. a sense of the whole and, simulta neously, plan how
Ethnographers write as both close to an d distant to assemble the parts.
from their respondents while in the field, but their 17. There are tensions between the con -
loyalties shift to the professional com munity when structivist assumptions of varied and problem atic
they reach home. Then the same field notes that meaning and objectivist assu mptions of the world
provided a concrete grasp of real ity in the field as real, obdurate, external, and predict able. A
impart a sense of doubt. Lederman argues t hat constructivist grounded theory acknowl edges
conceptions of field notes as fixed and stable data realities of enduring worlds and tries to show how
crumble at this point. Instead, field notes can they are socially created through ac tion, intention,
assume multiple meanings and are open to and routine.
reinterpretation and contradiction. 18. For a detailed report on how diverse
11. Strauss's remarkably facile mind could not scholars have responded to such concerns, see the
stop making comparisons. He taught students to 1992 debate in the Journal of Contemporary
compare unlikely categories of people, actions, Ethnography about reality and interpretation in
settings, and organizations to tease out the William Foote Whyte's Street Corner Society
properties of a category (see also Star, 1997). (Adler et al., 1992). Mariane Boelen (1992) chal -
12. The original memo was considerably lenges the veracity of Whyte's study and, by do ing
longer and contained snippets of data through out. so, challenges reifications made of it (but not the
The more distanced tone of the 1983 memo reflects notion of reifying ethnography itself). The
my earlier socialization in writing and in grounded responses to her challenge, however, range from
theory. It also reflects tensions between the accepting objectivist premises to questioning them
relativism I adopted during my first year of (see Denzin, 1992b; Orlandella, 1992; Richardson,
graduate school and the objectivism in my 1992; Vidich, 1992; Whyte, 1992). Vidich (1992)
grounded theory training (see Charmaz, 1983). By points out that Boelen assumes only one possible
1990, when Good Days, Bad Days went to press, view of reality and that Whyte missed it. Denzin
this material reads as less dis tanced and more (1992b) and Richardson
constructivist although it is es sentially the same as
the 1983 memo. In the in-
(1992), however, question the objectivist pre mises 26. It is important to distinguish when the ac -
that both Whyte and Boelen share. tor has agency and when he or she is acted upon. A
19. To my knowledge, those who raise these hazard of any inductive method such as the
criticisms have not resolved them through using constructivist approach is overemphasis on the
grounded theory. Their recommendations range individual. The constructivist approach leads to a
from abandoning empirical study to mov ing toward style that emphasizes the active, reflective actor.
narrative analysis. To the ext ent that narrative Yet larger social forces also act upon this actor. So
analysis focuses on or drifts into em phasizing the the researcher needs to learn how these social
type and structure of the narrative rather than forces affect the actor and what, if anything, the
respondents' meanings, I fail to see it as a better actor thinks, feels, and does about them.
alternative than grounded theory studies. Nor do I 27. See, in contrast, Catherine Rie ssman
see recording respondents' stateme nts in one-line (1990a) for presenting stories in the present.
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