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8mn 11mn 11mn 11mn

M078a 920512 love, and exchange of love vibrations

Orto Botanico Rome, Italy

We are having a class tonight, it was out of schedule, but I came because you came. What I am going to teach you today and
tomorrow, will be complete by itself. We human beings cannot live by philosophy, not by love, not by hatred, even we
cannot practice religion. It's not our fault; it's a lack of training. If we do not have vitality, we do not have our personal
strength. We cannot figure out things in a second. If we are numb, we lose the chance. Sometimes we are smart, sometimes
we are not. This is a human affair. We all want to be smart, we all want to be successful, I am sixty-two year old, I have not
met one man in my life who wants to lie, wants to be wrong, wants to be unhappy, and wants to be depressed and nobody
wants to be frustrated. So if you are frustrated you cannot be first rated.
Where is the problem? Problem is we eat too much, we exercise too little, we don't take cold shower, that's the main
problem. Because capillary through which blood is supplied to our organs and our glands is thinner than our hair. And if
that becomes forty percent closed it's a lot of problem. You can believe what you want to believe, you do what you want to
do. But that is what it is. And asking you to take cold shower I'll be committing a sin. Why? You have a hot water, why cold
water? When you take cold shower, it hurts, it makes you miserable and then you have to massage your body to warm up
because blood rushes to the capillaries and that is where comes the pain. Then you have to massage your body and go under
the shower four five times to open your capillaries. Then you have to take a towel and you have to rub your body till every
part of the skin becomes red. That is the first need to live, fulfill and complete. So your body and the glandular secretion can
be perfect.
Second part is you breathe, you breathe only shallow breath, when you are normally breathing you breathe one third so the
, which your body can get from the lungs is not there. Then to compensate that loss of that energy you take drugs, alcohol,
coffee, hard Turkish coffee and lot of smoke, all stimulants has to be taken by you because you are not normally healthy.
Then you eat too much. A food, which cannot come out of your body in twenty-four hours, causes disease. You have to eat
light and you have to eat just to be you. I do not know you know it or not in the beginning is you, in the middle is you, in
the end is you, that's what Nanak said, "Aad Pooran, Madh Pooran Anth Pooran Parameshwara" that's how he defined the
God. In the beginning is perfect, in the middle is perfect, in the end is perfect because it is God. And you are in the image of
God, I am not teaching you anything. I am just retuning in you.
Tonight will be hard class; it's going to be little rough. I don't promise you easy time. Because you must understand you like
me or you hate me, it doesn't matter. But if I don't do the job, I'll hate myself. It means I am a cheat. I didn't live to my
. I will like to apologize in advance. Because teachings are not mine, I just studied them and I can't change. That's my truth.
If I don't know something I'll say I don't know. If I know something I won't let you question. That's my strength. And my
weakness is when I see you suffering and depressed, unhappy, divorcing, commotional, it really hurts me. Because telling
you the truth I don't believe that can happen. I am a good actor. I emotionally involve myself with people. Because I am
basically blind, I don't see your figures and features. I see your arcline and aura
You can lie to me, but I know the truth, for years of practice, I simply have learnt to control my truth. It can hurt. So I say
indirect things, as you go round and round, I go round and round to wrap you up. That is the relationship. That's why God
is dormant, but God is potent. God is everywhere and God is not going to be not anywhere. We go little crazy, little
insensitive, less intuitive, more egocentric, in His large world we create our little hole and we just live by it. If you cannot see
God in all you cannot see God at all.
If you cannot enjoy the beauty of His creativity you cannot appreciate, you can't be happy, what you cannot appreciate how
can you be happy? When you meet somebody crazy, somebody terribly bad, somebody miserable, you avoid that. Why?
Don't you see God in that place? Don't you see God in that person? Don't you see God is crazy? Do you want to talk to
that crazy God with your peace, with your passion, with your kindness, can't you elevate God? Can you lift up that God in
that person so that God can lift you in return? You can. Bad is bad, good is good, big is big, small is small, aren't you crazy?
If you cannot see in a crazy person, a poor person, you see nothing. I tell you my personal story. I came to America and
everything went wrong. When I say everything, I mean everything. So bad it was I have one shirt, I went to clean it after
fifteen days in that machine, I don't know what wrong I did I never saw that shirt again. I came back naked.
(Students' laughter)
And they asked me, "What happened to the shirt?"
I said, "I put it, I put the money, nothing came out of it."
(Students' laughter)
That is how knowledgeable I am. That's how… I used to have six personal servants; one servant's job was to decorate my
dining table, that's it. Other orderly job was only to polish my shoes and put it on when I want to go. Take my uniform
shoes and give me easy shoes when I enter my office and after that I had two hundred tailor stitched suits for my body and
about three hundred pair of shoes like that Philippines Lady Madam Marcos.
I walked in Toronto in minus forty-five centigrade temperature wrapping newspaper with strings on my feet. Don't
misunderstand that I have not gone through the hell, but I used to smile. One day I was invited to give a lecture in a center.
I was very good, lot of people came, so the lady of the center said, "Our rule is whatever money comes, we give half to the
speaker and half the center keeps and then after the lecture we will take you to dinner." And my problem was I don't eat
meat; in America there was nothing without it. So for days and days there was no food. So I said, "Are you taking me to
some place where I can eat?"
She said, "There is a great restaurant but it is self-service, you can pick what you want."
So I gave the lecture and I got one hundred and twenty dollar and some cents. I remember she gave me in a envelope and
wrote in big letters how much is the amount. So I walked with her, go the restaurant. Before we enter the parking area there
was a tall black man standing like me with the pole and saying, "I am a blind man but I have children and family, I don't
want to beg, but in one box there are pencils, if you can take this pencil and use them whatever you want to use them for
and buy them and pay the money, maybe on the profit I can feed my children." I remember exactly what I heard. I took the
envelope in my pocket; I dropped in his money pocket, and I took that one pencil. I walked away. This lady was very
educated, she was doctor in Sanskrit, she was doctor in western philosophy, she was western doctorate in inter-religious
study, she had four-five doctorates. She saw me doing that, this is what exactly she said, she said, "You Indians, you always
give something to the beggars. I gave you a chance to lecture here so you can have some money and you gave it all and then
you gave it to somebody who does it all the time. What you got out of it?"
I showed her the pencil. She said, "That's worth two cents and you gave him one hundred twenty some dollars."
I said, "This pencil is great."
She said, "What you will do with it?"
I said, "I shall write my own destiny. One day I'll give you money more than even you have seen in your life." I said, "You
don't know me, but I know myself. Thank you very much."
She said, "I'll test you."
I thought it's going to be tomorrow. So we went to this cafeteria, normally she tells the cashier, these are five-six guests and
she comes last to pay the bill. But that day she stood in the line before me and we all took the food what we wanted and she
walked away and I walked away, and when I was sitting on the table cashier came, and put seventy dollars and some cents
on my plate. I said, "What is this for? Didn't this lady pay you? Give this balance to her."
She said, "No, there was a student of your here, she said my grand master is coming, I got to go, she left me with a hundred
dollar and she said whatever he takes and his friends take leave the balance with him."
I was very fast, I gave her ten dollars, I picked up the rest and gave to that great lady. I said, "You wanted to test me, God
has answered you." And I walked away. Hand of God unseen, kind and merciful is always with us. It has never left us. When
it leaves we are medically declared dead. The problem is when we are alive we do not recognize it, because we do not have
vitality, sensitivity, and projection to feel it. Tonight, I'll make some effort with your cooperation to bring you to a certain
level, I pray to that unseen hand of God to help you and help me so we can create an experience. I'll go somewhere tonight
and rest I have to do tomorrow, and my apologies, I have to fly day after because I have a obligation at home and that I
cannot cancel. Otherwise I could have spent the week with you guys. And personally should thank each one of you for all
the prayers and the love you sent me with Italian emotions. It was pretty good.
You know why I like Rome? There were two brothers here; they used to sing Gurbani
with such a note that it used to give me the status of ecstasy. But now I don't have them, I do have their tape. I never forget
Rome. Even when I was very, very medically ill the only tape I desired to listen was that. You have participated with me
quite a bit, in gratitude of that I couldn't say no. When I was told the Sangat wants it, they are asking you to come, I said,
"Okay we will go." Yesterday I was in the religious meeting and something I controlled. I am very good at it. Mostly I don't
say things, when I love somebody I am very rude and very harsh. When I hate somebody I am very sweet and comfortable.
It's a very unfortunate job because if I punish God cannot. But if He punishes I am hurt but I can't help.
Mostly I get mad with some people I love very much. They mostly hate me for that. But doesn't make any sense to me, you
start a sequence and you are not stopping. How can you avoid a consequence? Action has a reaction equal and opposite,
that's the law, which will never change. So once a while if you see me holding somebody by the neck and shaking that
person, I am not a mad man. I am doing my job. Please forgive me for that. I am very funny guy. You can't understand me
because you can't understand what you are doing most of the time. I have feelings too, you are my children in divine as a
father. There is so much pain when I see you ruining your life when you don't have strength to live as human, when you
have nothing in you, it bothers me and now my state has gone so heavy. I can't even stand it. That's why I kind of don't
work, I just retire.
The whole human race is in so much pain. It's unbearable and for their foolishness. I see God with everybody but I don't
see them with God. It's painful. And these religious people they are not strict, religion has fallen because it is not that
religion is bad but the enforcement of the discipline is not right. Because a teacher depends upon the student. So he doesn't
say most of the things. I have personal experience. Sometime I pick up a phone, wake up somebody, then I tell him in my
language what the hell he is doing, they get upset. Next day they spend money to buy that answering machine.
(Students' laughter)
So if I call sometime later I end up having a answering machine. Isn't amazing? Then I call during the day, I say, "Idiot, why
you put the answering machine when you know I am going to call you?" Now I have got another system. When answering
machine comes down it does announce who is calling, and then I say, "Idiot wake up, it is me."
(Students' laughter)
"I know your answering machine won't help. And if you won't get up right now tomorrow morning I'll abuse you to hell."
Normally they pick up, "Sorry sir, I couldn't recognize your voice." That is how we avoid truth. And these are realities of
life. But you know when you see people in pain and you don't find a real reason for it and you feel as the other person is in
it; it hurts deeper if you are sincere. So we will see tonight what we can do and how much we can do. Don't overdo it; just
use your honest effort. But I am sure if you put your best out you will enjoy tonight. All right? Can we now go straight and
work it out? It's okay? All right, let's work. (34,06) Please set down yourself and sit comfortably.
The religious reality is there is a God, right? Then next to God is the man and the woman. And normally the love affair is
between man and woman. But the religious reality of this woman is she gets pregnant, she delivers the baby, and she turns
her blood into milk and she brings you up from potty train to graveyard, she is with you in sentiments and emotion, and in
the majority of the religions she couldn't even be a minister. Do you believe that? The hypocrisy! That's what reality is. If I
say you cannot, if you cannot, you are born of the woman, if you cannot have peace with a woman you will never have
peace of mind. It is true. Let us see where our lunar is. Woman has eleven moons.
The Moon has twenty-eight day cycle. That is her period. On the fourteenth day or the seventh day or the twenty-first day
of the woman Moon, which can be a mother, daughter, sister, beloved, wife, man's ions in the neurons of the brain changes
the velocity. And, and when that change happens in men, they act insane. And there are eighteen hours on every man in one
month when he goes insane. Forget about woman. I am going to show you how does it work. Okay? This is Jupiter, this is
Jupiter, we call it index finger, lock it with your thumb and look at the tip of your nose so you can lock your optical nerve,
whenever you look at the tip of your nose and you lock the optical nerve your mind will stop running. That is the easiest
way to control the mind. Just remember it for memory. Now this is my hand and look what
(38,32) 1° Kriya 8 minutes: I am going to do. I'll use the force to move my entire spine.
And you will do the same. Ready, set, go! That will be the command, ready, set go! And do
your best. Gracias, see you tomorrow.
(Students' laughter)
Move, move, look what happens, it will happen, don't worry. See the spine is
moved by the centripetal and centrifugal force. And soon you will be under your
own magnetic field. You will experience don't worry about that. But don't stop. Go
lunatically crazy. It will all come out all right. Move, move fast, powerful, sincere, honest.
We are creating our magnetic field; this is how the Earth creates it. It is the magnet under
the Earth and it is the flare of the Sun, which is responsible. Just try to experience it. Go,
go, go, don't stop. You are a big man you got to do this, circle should be not this, this, this,
this is no good. Move your spine. (?) spaghetti, hurry up. Move, move, move, move, move,
move you will sweat, don't worry about it. But just move, move your energy. You are out
of tune and sometime you are not resting you are rusting. Just move. Put a fast tape. Any Mantra
you choose. (?) put that last. Aquarian Age, Put the Aquarian Age
Yeah. Now! Don't be gentlemen and gentle ladies, do it madly and angrily and get it all out. Yeah. (Tape "Sat Siri
Akal…" is played)
YB: (over the tape) Fast, fast, fast. This little won't work; your spine has to move. Get the hidden anger out. All you in the
back do it, I am watching you guys. Use force. You have to do hard because that will make you to change a different breath.
That is called optimum breath. You have to breathe that breath. Work hard to get rid of the normal breathing. It can only
happen if you do it fast. You have four more minutes to get that breath. (?) four minutes, get rid of ordinary breath and get
(?) kind of breathing. Come on, come on. Do it for experience, don't do it for just fun do it for experience. You have only
minute and a half left. Please, please, please try your best. Last minute. Forty-five seconds, thirty seconds, fifteen seconds,
get ready, inhale deep. (46,45) (Tape stops)
Stop and squeeze your body and (?) that finger tight. Exhale. Inhale again long and deep, hold it tight and make
your fingers like steel. Very quick (?) energy, squeeze, let the breath go. Third time inhale deep, hold it tight, now
synchronize the body, whole body, whole body, whole body, total, whole body.
Put your left hand on the navel point and let it go

and please put the right hand on your forehead and sit straight. Close your eyes and just go
numb. Just go numb. Practice numbism.
Inhale, inhale, inhale; now go deep silence, breathe very slowly, long and deep and contract your
navel point as much as you can and let the energy penetrate and change your entire neuron system
in the head. Please press your navel point with your hand and contract it as much you can and totally breathe very
long and as good as you can slowly. It's a priceless Kriya it's the most sacred Kriya of the scripture. You just do it
gracefully; it will give you divine strength. Contract the navel point and keep going.

(51) 2° kriya 11 minutes: Go silent, go deeper. (Tape "Ang Sang Wahe Guru…" is played)
YB: (over the tape) Meditate deeply, please cooperate with yourself, help yourself. It's a personal
help. There is a lot of energy, you go inside, it will follow you. If you go outside it will reverse
you. Choice is yours, make the right choice and get the benefit. Hold your head high, make the
connection proper, squeeze the navel point, change your life. Help your own life, your own
future, and your own tomorrow now. Body will start hurting and all the muscles and the nerve
will start changing. This is a very critical moment and from now to five more minutes lot of
areas in the body will hurt. It's normal and don't worry. Stay steady, keep going. Keep going,
concentrate, that's all and just go in deep silence, deeper you go, pure you will come out. You
have honored me by coming and participating. At the moment you have to honor yourself and
with that honor you have to work out to experience. Please try your best, you are going through
lot of pain and body changes, but dive deeper and deeper for a better result.
(Music tape continues)
YB: (over the tape) 1.01,18 [last 2 minutes] Now start breath of fire
fast, fast, you have only two minutes that's all. Not a second more. Fast, fast, fast, fast, open up your lungs by fast. You will
need to breathe deeper and longer, only one minute is left. Harder, harder, work harder. Please relax. Relax.
(Tape stops) Relax, relax, open up your eyes, and immediately talk to each other.
(Conversation) Please talk, you have to talk. (Applause) Your jaw now must move. (Students' laughter) (Conversation)
All right come back please. Back to work. Back to work. This is what we are going to do, we will work half today and we
will work half tomorrow. So everybody is okay? Feel good? You are supposed to talk when I say talk. That means this jaw
has to move. It only can move while talking and eating. Both you do too much. But when these exercises happen, energy
penetrates, the only way to subdue it is to talk to each other. It's very relaxing. Now the second exercise is called
polarization. We have two brains. Left hemisphere and right hemisphere. Men do not have left hemisphere equal
to right hemisphere. So therefore they are very projective and they want what they want and they listen very little,
they talk very little, and they get angry fast. Whereas woman wants to talk too much, wants to know everything,
wants to participate, etcetera, etcetera. I have counseled about over ten million people, they don't understand it's
a problem of the brain, it is not the people.
Need for the woman is different, like three days before menstruation and three days after menstruation, woman is totally
opposite to the poles. If three days before the menstruation she is upset, after three days of menstruation she is very loving.
If you don't understand the language of the woman, you are asking for trouble and she won't say a word. And when she is
little off and you do not know her calendar, you are asking for trouble. When she is very happy and you don't start dancing
with her, you are again asking for trouble. So men have hardly any chance to get away with lot of things. Woman has eleven
moons, her moons goes through her different part of the body. That keeps her attitude.
If you do not understand where she is at, she feels you don't understand her at all. Neither woman is at fault, neither man is
at fault, man says, "What's wrong with her, I love her, why she is changing?" Why don't you ask the Moon it should not
change? It weans and wax. So every woman. And men are asked to be bright and warm, they say why? We are tired. There is
no chance. Sun is always warm and bright. So that is what men are. When man is not bright and warm, woman hates him.
She wants something to talk about her man. She may tell you, you are no good. But the whole world she wants to tell, he is
the greatest! That lunatic but that's the way it is. So personalities, attitude, every man has a mission, every mission has a
magnitude and you need the manners and attitude to complete.
This exercise, which I am doing for you is going to balance your hemisphere. It's a very simple exercise and you will
hurt a lot because the nervous center is in the armpit. Some of you do not have hair in the armpit. But
unfortunately you all block it. You want to be sure that area remains dry. All the garbage of the upper area of brain
and all the neuron center is sweated out through the armpit sweat. That is why armpit sweat is very stinking and
very, very acidic. So it is natural. Armpits are the pits of the brain. You wax them to block them. It is just like
clogging the exhaust of the car. If the exhaust of the car is not good, car cannot keep the speed.
When the armpits are totally blocked by that wax and whatever that is, you have the problem in the head that is most of the
time we get extremely upset or extremely depressed and we do not know why. So keep the armpits open and please sweat.
That sweat if does not come through the armpit, creates all the problems of the brain, which you cannot afford to handle.
You will have psychological, mental, emotional, and behavior problems just by blocking the few pores in the armpits. You
don't have that information. You spend money to get sick. That's all it is. I want to be dry; your brain will get dry too. No
doubt about it.
This body is the most beautiful thing God could ever create. It has triple system to survive. Give it a
chance. This exercise will take the Saturn and Jupiter energy and the posture is very simple. Your
tongue will be maximum out your two fingers are the antennas of Jupiter and Saturn, your eyes will be
closed and you will put the tongue out and pull it out with your own force. That is where Shushmana
is. That is a central nervous system. You will find something happening to you don't bother, don't question,
keep going, and breathe as long and deep, preferably through nose if not through mouth doesn't matter.
Set, and go! Have no bent in the elbow. Eyes closed. And total tongue out as
somebody is pulling it out. Nobody is looking at you, so everybody is the
same. And just sit tight as you are holding the entire universe by your power.
Feel powerful, feel powerful, and just do it. We will be out of this in exactly
twenty-one minutes.
(Students' laughter)
Come on. Hey you are full-fledged human being, eat fifty dollars worth of lunch and
dinner. You have to do it in eleven minutes and eleven minutes, first eleven
minutes will be little painful, and second eleven minutes will be easy. But you
have to go through it twenty-two minutes and see what happens in twenty-two
minutes. Don't worry what I say. Feel yourself. You can get rid of heart
attacks, brain tumor, depression, mental disorders, and nightmares. Now what
you want? I mean to say is that not enough? Go through it. Pull your tongue out as somebody is pulling it. Yeah,
yeah, yeah, put the tongue out. As much out you do and as much you can hurt it that will be beneficial.
In this exercise get hurt. Pain is helpful. It's not bad. Not bad at all. Once a while. Come on prove it. Show me your
strength, show me your tongue, all out, all out and be strong, strong, like grand, grand, grand people. People of power.
Power, power, power, it hurts; I do it all the time. It hurts me, why should not it hurt you? Even God does it, it will hurt
Him. God is hurting Himself with you. Get even with your God. Hurt Him. He will never hurt you if you hurt Him today.
Cut out a deal! Come on, come on don't give up, get… well, the watch in this exercise moves very slowly. Because watch
also gets hurt. (Students' laughter)
You can keep doing. The problem is with the Jupiter energy when the Sun energy comes in it starts changing the entire
disease of the body to order. And you can never predict where it will be hurting, sometime it will be shoulder, sometime in
the rib, sometime in the… God knows what is going on. But if the tongue hurts everything hurts less. That is the central
nervous system. It's called Shushmana
. I know it hurts, don't yell and cry, I know it hurts. It hurts me, why not you? Even the Lucifer comes, he will be hurt.
Come on, come on. Go, go, go, go through it, go. Bravo, bravo, bravo! This is the experience, it's not talk, it is the
experience. Mama Mia put your tongue out! (Students' laughter) Pull your tongue… the best thing you can do for yourself is
pull the tongue out. Don't yell and scream, this botanical garden… the birds will fly away. Pull the tongue out, tongue out.
Hey you are great yogi, just think you are sitting on the top of Himalayas, and you are in ecstasy with God. Imagine
anything. Go hypnotic. Hurry up, hurry up, go hypnotic. (Tape is played)
YB: (over the tape) Pull tongue out, out, out. Come on mama, come on. Hey Christ was on the cross for so much time.
What kind of people you are, haa? It is easy. Come on, come on, there are few minutes left.
Don't give up! Up, up, up, up. One minute left, do it right. Tongue out for the last minute, try
pull it out. No, no, don't cry. We are not jackals, hold, hold, hold, hold. (1:31,34) Inhale deep,
(The tape stops) Hold the breath, synchronize your body, let the energy go to all parts, exhale.
(1:31,57) Please put your both hands at the heart center. Left under right over and sit
tight like meditating and think no thought. Conscious effort, like three monkeys. Hear
nothing, say nothing, and think nothing. If a thought comes, say get out. Say no to everything.
Shunya, shunya means it is Partahar, it means just zeroing yourself. Zero, zero, zero. That is
Krishna means, kare-shunna, kar means the creation, creation comes to zero, that is Krishna,
Rama means raaee-maa. One who created Sun and Moon. Yoga means, which unites the soul
and the God within yourself. Now you have practiced the most highest stage of yoga, it's called
Partahar. Bringing yourself to a status of zero. You can do it now… "Ardas Bhai Amar Das Guru
..." Zero, shunya. (Tape "Ardas Bhai Amar Das Guru ..." is played)
YB: (over the tape) Shunya, in your deepest silence, dive in your deepest silence. Deep prayer, shunya. Deep prayer, deepest
prayer, go dive deep. (Tape stops)
(1:42,45) Inhale deep, say your personal prayer. Hold the breath say your personal prayer. Say your personal prayer, say your
personal prayer, let the breath go, breathe again, ask the breath to give you all peace. Pray for peace, pray for peace, pray for
peace. Let the breath go. Inhale again. Now pray for the planet Earth and all the humanity. Pray for planet Earth and all the
humanity. Pray for planet Earth and all the humanity. Let the breath go. Inhale deep; pray for the God and the light within
you. Pray for the God and the light within you. Pray for the God and the light within you. Let the breath go. Inhale deep,
now please pray for your friend, loved ones, family, and entire neighborhood and your own self, for body, mind and soul,
for body, mind and soul. For body, mind, and soul. Let it go. Inhale deep, Sat Nam
Students: Sat Nam
YB: Inhale deep, now whisper. Students whisper: Sat Nam
YB: Inhale deep. In silence now speak from the navel point . Let your soul speak, let your soul speak, let your soul
speak. Exhale.
May the long time… (The class sings: May the long time Sun shine upon you…) (Song stops)
Blessed God, God of all, my God, your God and our God, unite us in love, give us peace of mind, give peace to the
humanity, stop the drums of wars, help the sufferings to please come through from our death, give us power of love, power
of prayer, grace, nobility and ecstasy. In Thy name we pray tonight, give us strength tomorrow to look and love all we can
see. Sat Nam
Students: Sat Nam
YB: Tomorrow we will meet again and we will talk about love, and exchange of love vibrations and why it is so essential for
the body and the glandular system. And how we can renew it. Actually love is a power, it is all what we have but misuse of
this power misdirect it, it becomes dangerously bad. So it is a matter of vitality and there is no fun in impotency. And when
we get senile, insensitive and we lack courage, it's not our fault; actually our inner system is not working. I know it myself. I
overworked, and worked overworked too much, mind was good, spirit was great, body said no. Too much is too much. It
can't happen. The balance is the way of life and tomorrow we feel and reality of love, love for ourself, love for people we
love and power to love. You will stay with me about eight o'clock and we will finish by ten or something but please do come
and eat less. Because tomorrow love means below navel point
and love means above chin. So both are sensitive areas, so this must not be pregnant with food. That will work right.
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Thank you very much for tonight, goodnight, tomorrow will be the last night, day after I am leaving, God willing as He
permits we may see each other again. As I come to you, come to Espanola, New Mexico, United States. It's a land of
enchantment, it's a beautiful place, you can come, we don't even need a visa, we have very friendly relationship with Italy,
why don't you come and see why we burned Los Angeles? We are very free people, we love the country and the
government, but once a while we get mad and that's what we do what we do. And forgive us for burning our own town.
Thank God we are burning our cities, and not showering atom bombs on the others. That's much better than anything else.
So come to America with lot of love and show them the emotions and feelings of love in Italian way, perhaps we can help.

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