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Social Studies S.B.

SUBJECT: Social Studies
TERRITORY: Trinidad &
Table Of Contents


Statement Of Problem

Reason For Selecting Topic

Method Of Investigation

Instrument Used To Collect Data

Procedure Used To Collect Data

Presentation & Explanation Of Data




I would like to thank my social studies teacher also
members of the social studies department of my school
for helping me on the completion of this S.B.A Most
importantly I want to thank the Father above for giving
me health and strength also my mother guidance
throughout this journey

Barataria South Secondary is a school centralized in the

heart of Barataria San Jaun Malick and environs. The
school entails a lot of industrial factories around also
small food places parlors and is not to far from the
police station. I have been a student of this school for 5
years, during my five year stay I’ve came across a lot of
negative influences,peer pressure and trying to be
someone I am not. However it did take some effects on
me but however I got the opportunity to find out the
reason a lot of male students attending Barataria South
Secondary are affected by watching pornography
Statement Of
Topic: How does pornography affect the academic
performance of male students attending barataria south
Reason For Selecting
The reason I chose to do performance downgrade of due
to the viewing of pornography amongst male students at
barataria south sec was because it was one of the leading
problems in my school. All over many schools in Trinidad
and tobago viewing of pornography are negatively
affecting male students. Increased viewing of
pornography are known to be the primary sources of
performance downgrade that has occurred over the past
6 years (2013). Pornography viewing discussion have
recently predicted that almost 100% 500k(2014). In my
school most students aren’t educated about harmful
effects in viewing of pornography. For example they drop
out of school due to uncontrollable hormones and
addiction and some of them get locked up for rape due
to viewing of porn. Sometimes the students ( in my
opinion ) abuse and overdo the use of viewing of porn. I
hoped that research can make students in my school
become aware of how viewing of porn can damage their
mind and also cause a negative problem to them.
Method Of
To investigate the problem I have printed questionnaires
and I intend to use questionnaires :
Instrument Used To
Collect Data
Dear Students,
I have prepared a short survey which is
being carried out the performance downgrade of
students in barataria south secondary school.You are
advised to answer the following and since your name
isn’t involved no one will know what your answers are.
To answer the questions just place a tick by the check
boxes below provided to you in the questionnaire.
Procedure Used To
Collect Data
The procedure used to collect data for this exercise were
carried out by walking around my school and asking
persons if they’re interested and have time in fulling out
a quick and simple questionnaire.
 Male ( ) Female ( )

 How long have you been attending barataria south sec ?

( ) 1-2 years ( ) 2-3 years

( ) 3-4 years ( ) 4-6 years

 How old are you ?

( ) 14-15 ( ) 15-17

( ) 18-20

 What religion are you ?

( ) Christian ( ) Baptise

( ) Roman catholic ( ) Hindu

( ) Jehoviah witness ( ) other religion

1) What is your ethinicity ?

( ) Afican descent ( ) East indian descent
( ) Spanish descent ( ) Mixed descent

1) How would you rank the viewing of pornography in barataria south


( ) Viewed alot ( ) Leased Viewed

( ) Scarcely ( ) Once in a while

2) Is viewing of pornography is a serious problem in schools today .

( ) Agree ( ) Strongly Agree

( ) Neutral ( ) Disagree

( ) Strongly Disagree

3) From where do you usually get information about pornsites ?

( ) Friends Phone ( ) Sibling told you
( ) Website cookie ( ) T V Show

4) Do you believe VIEWING of pornography Is important to school


5) Which of the following do you think will be the main consequences
of viewing of pornography ?

( ) Rise in school dropout due to peer pressure

( ) Lack of studies and everyday life activities

( ) Increase in health issues

6) What is leading students to viewing pornography?

( ) Peer Pressure ( ) Bullying
( ) Hormones change due to puberty ( ) others

7) What more dangers do you think viewing of porn has ?

( ) Endanger the lifestyle of young students

( ) Increase of students running away from homes

( ) others

8) What do you think is the main contribution to viewing of

pornography from the students in your school ?

( ) Poor parenting.

( ) Lack of supervision at home.

( ) Misguidance of peers
9) What do you think is the main reason why students may view porn
in your school or class ?
( ) Mis-education about the use of viewing of porn.

( ) Sexual pleasure.

( ) Other

10) Do you think the most contribution from students in your school
towards viewing of porn is caused by the students in your school?

( ) YES ( ) NO

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