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Yu. A. Gostintsev

!zv. AN SSSR, Mekhanika Zhidkosti i Gaza, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 1 5 8 - 1 6 2 , 1969

We e x a m i n e the effect of gas rotation on the flow characteristics L

d . = ~ dg. (4)
of a n o z z l e in the two l i m i t i n g cases of a d i a b a t i c swirling discharge:
isentropic and isothermal. In the first case the flow rate of the ro-
tating gas through the n o z z l e is less than that for uniform discharge, Since @ N defined uniquely by the stream function, it foIlows
w h i l e in the second case it is greater. Data of m o d e l experiments are from (4) that the quantity k/p = const for each streamline. In ac-
presented. cordance with (2) and (4) the expressions for the v e l o c i t i e s in terms of
The general system of equations for barotropie swirling flow of an the circulation w i l l be
ideal perfect gas is I O<D I OO
HzHsvl= k Oq.~ ' H1H~v~=-- 1~ Oql" (5)
I~ dp v~- \ cSp
$ / - + rot v x v = - - grad \~ -~-
, q- ~.- ) , ~-[ -k div pv = 0,
N the general case of h e l i c a l flow, X(qpq 2, qs) is too complex for
p = pgRT. (1) integration. We restrict ourselves in the first approximation to one-
parameter flow, when k = const and by analogy with the flow of an
We e x a m i n e swirling motion; i. e . , flow in which the vortex lines incompressible fluid we term such flow Gromeka flow. The system of
c o i n c i d e with the streamlines and rot v X v = 0 everywhere in the flow. equations defining a d i a b a t i c t w o - d i m e n s i o n a l Gromeka flow can be
(Potential, vortex-free flow with rot v = 0 is a particular case of written in the form
swirling flow.) It is known [1, 2] that swirling flow can only be steady
0 ( H2 Oq)) 0 ( [I1 Oq)) Z~.H~H9
(hereafter we consider just such flow) and for this flow the Bernoulli -F - qa=0,
1 0<D 1 0(1)
E = i "~-
dp -}- ~-1 v"~= const H,_H~vl-- )~ Oq2 ' HxHav~= ;% dql '

exists. These properties hold for both liquids and gases. In addition,, f 7dp- + za = E 0 ,
=-, p=pgar. (6)
swirling gas flow has certain specific characteristics.
We e x a m i n e on the basis of (6) the flow and thrust characteristics
1. In the general flow case, using the known r e l a t i o n
of a n o z z l e for the two l i m i t i n g cases of h e l i c a l swirling flow: isen-
t tropic and isothermal. We assume that for the a x i s y m m e t r i c flow of a
-~ grad p = grad i - - T grad s,,
rotating gas through a n o z z l e the r a d i a l component of the v e l o c i t y
can be n e g l e c t e d . Then the a x i a l and t a n g e n t i a l components depend
Eq. (1) may be written in the form [3]
only on the radius, and the equation of continuity is replaced by its
rogv • v = T grad s - - grad(/-t- t/2v~) 9 integral form

0 = I~pVzde = consb. (7)

Then, for swirling flow

T grad s = grad (~ + ~hv~), In c y l i n d r i c a l coordinates (6) takes the s i m p l e form

rot (T grad s) = grad T ~ grad s = O.
deq) 1 d~
dr e r dr @%"-q)=O, (8)
In other words, swirling flow m a y be either isentropic or isother-
m a I , or it may be a flow in which the surfaces T = const coincide whose general solution is
with the surfaces s = const.
2. Swirling gas flow is possible only with satisfaction of the con- o) = c0rJj ()~r) + c~rY~ (;r).
dition of c o m p a t a b i l i t y of the gas equations of motion and continuity Hence
with the k i n e m a t i c l i m i t a t i o n s imposed by the r e q u i r e m e n t for h e l i c -
ity of the flow (for incompressible fluid flow this condition is satis- v,~ = co71(b') + clYl (kr), v~ = Co]o@r) -t- clYo(Lr),
fied a u t o m a t i c a I l y ) . For t w o - d i m e n s i o n a l vortical flow Eqs. (1) may
be rewritten in the form For v o r t i c a l gas flow the boundary conditions (8) t a k e the form

0 [ It~ 09 "~ . 0 [ Hr 09~ <D = 0 for r = O , @ = @0 for r = Ro.

pH]H2 dO dE
@o JI0~r) (Do Jo(Lr)
% = R o J~ (~Ro) ' Vz = R0 J1 (;Ro)" (9)
a~ o9
H~tI~pv~ = ~ , H1H~pv~= -- ~ , It~v~ = q~ (9)- (2)
If the flow is potential (X = 0 and rot v = 0), the solution of (8)
w i l l be
Here r is the stream function qi are curvilinear orthogonal co-
ordinates, Hi are the Lam~ coefficients, and 4} is the circulation. On q) = d)o = const, v~ = q)0 / r, vz = cons~. (10)
the other hand, the k i n e m a t i c condition rot v = Xv yields [2]
Isentropic p o t e n t i a l flow was e x a m i n e d in [4, 5] and will not be
discussed further. In the following we present the solution for the noz-
Oql \XH1H~ " ~ ] -c-~.~ \ a ~ f s ~"-)+W q)=O. (3) zle characteristics in the case of h e l i c a l flow of a rotating gas.
Isentropie flow. The gas density in h e l i c a l flow is defined by the
We see from a comparison of (2) and (3) that the condition for expression
dynamic possibility of swirling h e l i c a l gas flow amounts to satisfaction
of the r e l a t i o n

'0"8~i0 i

0 020 c~qO--
Fig. i


0..70 3

o/0 0.zo o#o

Fig. 2

o.e \ "~'-

+ /


o 0./0 020 d#O Q~d

Fig. 3

<,'~ ....
' i

i ! /
./4 [
i l /
~00 0.~0
Fig. 4

In accordance with (7), (9), and ( l l ) the mass flow r a t e of the ro- The h e l i c a l flow model describes well the e x p e r i m e n t a l data for
t a t i n g gas through the n o z z l e is the swirl sources if the latter are located sufficiently close to the noz-
zle. This is probably associated with the facts that (a) a more plausible
Q = 2r~R.~pooaco% ]/"~x X rotational v e l o c i t y profile is obtained from the h e l i c a I flow model than
from the p o t e n t i a l flow model considered in [4] (in accordance with
t"i [ d ~ (,n~ + Jo~ (m~).] ~",ro(rn~) ~ ~
x l -- %~ ]{- ('O j ~ ~.~. (12) the vortex-free flow theory v~ --~ oo near the axis, while in a real fluid
'9 u ~ r near the axis and this condition is satisfied in the h e l i c a l flow
m o d e l ) and (b) the streams used in the experiments were character-
Here we have introduced the dimensionless variables ized by intense radial mixing, and the v e l o c i t y and pressure fields
in these streams are established more rapidly than the temper~ature
(15o 12X -~'&, r field [6]. The flow at small distances from the vorticity source may be
considered isentropic.
(R, is the radius of the n o z z l e throat). To establish the connection be- For a r e m o t e source the effect obtained above--reductton of the
tween the parameters c% and m we h a v e the condition for a m a x i m u m gas flow rate through the n o z z l e - - l e v e l s off because of vorticity decay
of the flow rate through the nozzle: and energy redis~ibution along the radius.
Isothermal Tlow. We e x a m i n e the second l i m i t i n g case of h e l i c a l
dm}a. __0.
(:3) a d i a b a t i c (but not isentropic) gas flow, in which there is redistribution
of the energy in the flow section and T = const.
We use subscript 0 to denote the gas parameters at the flow axis.
The result of joint n u m e r i c a l solution of (12) and (13) for y = 1.40 From the equation of state and the equation of motion for T = T o =
is shown by the curve in Fig. 1. For s m a l l values of the parameters it = eonst it is easy to obtain the expression for the gas density
is easy to find
lima.~ (m/a,)=2(•215 5'~ (• y +1).
P = Po~ (l - ~o~)'~-: exp L~-~] j ~ j , (16)
The ratio of the flow rate of the rotating gas to the flow rate for
uniform discharge of a gas with the s a m e stagnation flow parameters, where
or the ratio of the discharge flow coefficients, is ?--f
~3~ e ~ "
,4,, . . . . /•215 :boF, o yo~(ro2,) + dl~(m~)
Calculation of the flow and thrust characteristics of nozzles for
0 h e l i c a l isothermal flow- on the basis of (?), (9), and (16) with the ad-
dition of the condition for a flow r a t e m a x i m u m does not present any
9fo (m~)
X ~ :,dr.. (14) fundamental difficulties; however, it requires extensive n u m e r i c a l
computations. In this connection, and also because there are no ex-
The v a r i a t i o n of A r / A 0 with c% , c a l c u l a t e d using (14) with ac- p e r i m e n t a l data for such flow, we obtain the n o z z l e characteristics
count for the data of Fig. 1, is shown by curve i in Fig. 2. For c o m - for a simpler isothermal Now model. Assume that the gas rotation fol-
parison, the result of the c a l c u l a t i o n using the p o t e n t i a l flow model lows the solid body taw (u = c~r), the a x i a l v e l o c i t y is constant across
[4] is shown in Fig. 2 by curve 2. Total n o z z l e thrust is defined as the section (v z = const), ana there is no r a d i a l v e l o c i t y (v r = 0). At
m a x i m u m value of the entropy functional, variable along the radius,
R= I(p@pVz2)da@ fpdo--ph(%--q,). corresponds to such isothermal flow [7]. For a s m a l l m a g n i t u d e of the
d, aa flow swirl "quasi-solid" flow will be a good approximation to the hel-
icaI flow (9).
in the simplest case of a n o z z l e without an expansion section For the r e l a t i v e gas mass flow rate through the n o z z l e with account
(Oa = 0), n e g l e c t i n g the effect of atmospheric pressure (Ph = 0), we for yq~ = wr and Yz = const, we have
obtain the ratio of the thrust coefficients for h e l i c a l swirling and one-
dimensional discharge: i

x (e~ - ~) (].7)
J:' ( ' 0 ~ ?

Curves o f R r / R 0 f o r y = 1.40 in the h e l i c a l and potentiaI flow cases Applying the m a x i m u m flow rate principle (dQ/dl30)c~, = 0, w e
are shown in Fig. 3.
have the relation between the parameters c % and 60:
For an e x p e r i m e n t a l verification of these reIations we m a d e a
series of experiments using air in a n o z z l e without an expanding sec-
~o~=(t--eX) i 2 x e X @ ~ (1--eX)! 1.o, (18)
tion. The n o z z l e throat d i a m e t e r was varied from 4 to 15 ram. Rota-
tion of the flow was created at the entrance to the converging section
The variation of A r / A 0 with a , for y = 1.40 for the flow nature in
of the n o z z l e with the aid of a swirIer, s i m i l a r to a centrifugal i n j e c -
question is shown in Fig. 4.
tor with t a n g e n t i a l ports, or by t a n g e n t i a l i n j e c t i o n of an additional
In contrast with helical isentropic flow, such discharge leads to an
gas mass. Figures 2 and 8 show the results of these experiments (the
increase of the relative mass flow rate for the s a m e stagnation gas
quantity a . was c a l c u l a t e d with the use of the mass and angular m o -
m e n t u m conservation laws; points 1 were obtained with t a n g e n t i a l air
In conclusion, I would like to thank Yu. D. Shmyglevskii for dis-
injection into the n o z z l e w i t h a throat d i a m e t e r d . = 15 m m and a
cussion of this study and v a l u a b l e c o m m e n t s .
ratio of the total area of the injection ports to the throat area o i / a . =
= 0.048; points 2 are the s a m e but for o i / o , = 0.078; points 3 are for
d, = 10 ram, o l / a * = 0.185; points 4 were obtained using a swifter
with four t a n g e n t i a l ports d i = 7.5 m m and a l e n g t h - d i a m e t e r ratio 1. I. S. Gromeka, Collected Works [in Russian], Izd-vo AN SSSR,
L / D = 0.?0). Moscow, 1952.

2. O. F. Vasil'ev, Fundamentals of the Mechanics of Helical and 6. G. L. Grodzovskii and Yu. E. Kuznetsov, "The theory of a
Circulatory Flows [in Russian], Gosenergoizdat, Moscow, 1988. chamber for vortex cooling of a gas stream," Izv. AN SSSR. OTN,
3. R. yon Mises, Mathematical Theory of Compressible Fluid No. i0, 1954.
Ftow [Russian translation], Izd-vo inostr, lit., Moscow, 1961. 7. M. G. Dubinskii, "Rotating gas flows," Izv. AN SSSR. OTN,
4. A. Mager, "Approximate solution of isentropic swirling flew No. 8, 1954.
through a nozzle," ARS Journal, Vol. 81, No. 8, 1961.
6. I. N. Naumova and Yu. D. 8hmyglevskii, "Increasing nozzle
thrust by flow rotation," Izv. AN SSSR. MZhG, [Fluid Dynamics],
Vol. 2, No. 1, 1987. 28 October 1968 Moscow

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