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Packaging and Reproducing Test Items

1. Put items with the same format together.

2. Arrange the test items from easy to difficult
3. Give proper spacing for each item for easy reading.
4. Keep the questions and the options in the same page.
5. Place the illustrations near the options
6. Check the key answer.
7. Check the directions of the test.
8. Provide space for name, date and score.
9. Proofread the test.
10. Reproduce the test

Administering the Test

- Test administration greatly affect the performance of the students in the test
- Test administration is not limited to giving the test questions to the students and collecting
the test papers

Guidelines Before Administering the Test

- Try to induce the positive test taking attitude

- Inform the students about the purpose of the test.
- Give oral direction as early as possible before distributing the test
- Give test taking hints about guessing, skipping, and the like, are strictly prohibited
- Inform the students about the length of time allowed for the test. If possible write on the
board the time in which they must be finished. Give warning before the time.
- Tell students how to signal or call your attention
- Tell students what to do with their papers when they are done answering the test
- Rotate the method of distributing the test papers
- Make sure the room is well lighted
- Remind students to write their names
- Make sure students write their names in each of the page of the test papers in multiple pages

Guidelines During the Examination

- Do not give instruction or avoid talking while the examination is going on to minimize
interruptions and distractions
- Avoid giving hints
- Monitor to check student progress and discourage cheating
- Give time warning if students are not pacing their work appropriately
- Make a note of any questions students ask during the test so the items can be revisited for
future use
- Test papers must be collected uniformly to save time and to avoid test papers to be misplaced.

Guidelines After examination

- Grade Test Papers, Do Test Analysis

- Record first in pencil; if there are errors easier to check
- Return test papers in timely manner
- Discuss the test items with the students

Analyzing the Test

- Item Analysis data provide a basis for efficient class discussion of the test results
- Item analysis data provide a basis for remedial work
- Basis for general improvement of classroom instruction
- Increase skills in test construction
- Basis for Constructing test bank

Types of Qualitative Item Analysis

1. Difficulty Index

Index Range Difficulty Level

0.00 - .20 Very Difficult

0.21 – 0.40 Difficult
0.41 - .60 Average/Moderately Difficult
0.61 - .80 Easy
.81 – 1.00 Very easy

2. Discrimination Index

Index Range Discrimination Level

.19 and below Poor item, should be eliminated or need to be revised

.20 - .29 Marginal Item, needs some revision
.30 - .39 Reasonably good item but possibly for improvement
.40 and above Very good item

a. Positive Discrimination – more students from the upper group got the correct answer
b. Negative Discrimination – more students from the lower group got the correct answer
c. Zero Discrimination -

- Item analysis data provide a basis

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