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MilaVidin, letter to Angela

Why FineArts Angela.

I will corect english version after 2-3 days, but now is draft here,
in sekond part is original letter on croatian-serbian language
Pictures of ACFA may touched You emotionally. When became allienated and not take notice nature
and natural phenomena, when you engage problems of life that nothing would touch it,
alienation begins to pile up. Young are as much as you feel the sound of leaves in the
boulevard while waiting for the tram, when you swallow, and inspire bravura td.
To return to the first feelings you help the AC images. The method of renewing
Larisa Fotina (Fotiu, on Greek pictur) overlooked the process of keeping the image you
most like yourselfs, usually one from the youth to seeing the place, that is 24 hours /
day you have in the wall field. The same are and with other pictures on the wall in your
work and living space, they talk about you. They may let you return to primal
experiences of nature: wind, ocean, plants. They can connect with your inner selves.
Some images appear to be associations, events, music. PICTURES THAT SPEAK!
When watching You think you hear "Italian caprico", Tchaikovsky, and "Dreaming with
saksafon" Ggershwin, "Fire" De Faljae. Conversely, listening to music, we think that we
see thesse pictures. It is an opportunity for active recreation. Some of us can be an
artist to express their feelings. It is no coincidence that it was a health worker, and not
by accident that she looked so sincere, spontaneous and young.
With the inner sensation she felt nature and natural phenomena (waves, wind, water,
flora, Women) and transferred to their art images .. While watching them - they sound,
and while you hear music just occur such images. This is the case with paintings by
Nikolai Reriha. Looking at his pictures in a snap to remember the legend of Konfuciju,
Jesus, Krishna, Durga and packed, in a moment you are in the Himalayas between the
endless peaks and spiritual teachers.
These images enrich, so I would ask you to be your promoter in the former Yugoslavia
or the Balkans. Possibility of their use are wide: decorate the walls of the apartment doweb design.
The concept's second letter
I. about her work and living biography.
1) Isaak Adzices " You cannot plunge a big boat in the Small water. So if home was for sale,
just had to happen.
2) We both are health care workers and can be easier to feel each other.
3) design of large buildings is truly exclusive rights of use of your art,
4) but it is good to have an understanding for cooperation with other professions in the field
dizajna. Realy, all possibilities are there.
Let me add my views and proposals on the application Vaseumetnosti:
1st.) Your art takes us back to the beginning of the creation of thoughts and emotions.
Reading the Ivon Kastelan, Freud, Jung zinteresovala I'm in the process stvarnja picture
concepts in the brain. The first pictures are fuzzy forms of basic geometric figures:
circle, paralelgram, lines, and even stains.
2nd.) Furthermore, we must acknowledge that the latest findings that the brain creates
an image of integrated and that the five types of sensation (sight, hearing, tactile feel
it, smell, taste) and I'd dodla and feel for the dynamics and time to spajuju in the
process of recognizing and occurrence forms.
3rd.) but I need to know that today is the application of scientific knowledge in this field
too wide, varied and plentiful (the treatment of genetic diseases, and autism (caused by
environmental pollutants, alienation of people, parents of children) and also records that the number
one cause of mortality and disability in the Balkans and the other in the world). There are also
poemećaji physical balance, as well as disorders caused by stress.
4th.) Images that are occasionally heard in the lobby or hotel
5th.) regenerative therapy
6th.) application for making art with an original signature.
7th.) web design.
It is necessary to the production of limited series, per year with a bar code, but I play
for the sale of ordinary people, that you still love the most I blagosljaju.
I pray that you find a mode that I am, after you prestvnik was exclusive to the Balkans
or the former Yugoslavia. He started the book fair in Belgrade, and my options were to
try to drive through the catalog I try to find consumers. We had a war 10 years and the
doctor lived at 100 euros a month so I was now 90% of people only a modest 10% of the
tycoons, but there are many corporations free krdita European Union to rebuild
hospitals and buildings. I will ask for legal options, Can not create a project proposal
with the professional literature on the use of stimulators of sensory sensation in
medicine and the supply of specialist opinion on the medical application, as well as
projects within the European Community KBB7. But first I need a letter of cooperation.
I greet you and Mr. Kery.

Original Serbian language

Zasto finearts Angele.Moze da Vas emotivno dotakne. Kad se outđimo I ne primećujemo
prirodu I prirodne pojave, kad Vas životni problemi zaokupe da Vas ništa ne dotače,
počinje otuđenje da se gomila. Mlad si onoliko koliko osećaš šum lišća u bulevaru dok
čekas tramvaj, kad te oduševi bravura lastavice I td.
Da se vratite prvim osećajima pomažu Vam slike AC. Metoda podmlađivanja Larise
Fotine (fotiu, grčki: slika) previđa postupak čuvanja slike kojoj najviše sebe volite,
obično onu iz mladosti na vidom mestu, da je 24 h./dan imate u vodnom polju. Isto je I
sa ostalim slikama na zidu u Vašem radnom I životnom prostoru, one govore o Vama.
One mogu da Vas vrate primalnim doživljajima prirodr: vetra, oceano, biljaka. One Vas
spajaju s Vašim unutrašnjim Ja.
Neke slike bude asocijacije na pojave, događaje, muziku. SLIKE KOJE GOVORE !
Kad je gledate Vi mislite da čujete “ Italijanski kapričo”, Čajkovskog, ili “ Sanjarenje uz
saksafon”, Ggeršvina, “vatre” De Falje. I obratne slušajući ovu muziku mi vidimo slike.
To je mogućnost za aktivan odmor. Neki od nas mogu umetnički da izraze svoja
osećanja. Nije slučajno da je A bila zdravstveni radnik, a nije slučajno I da izgleda tako
iskrena, spontana I mlada.
Pomoću unutrašnjeg oseta ona je osetila prirodu I prirodne pojave ( talase, vetar,
vodu, floru,
Zena) I prenela u svoje umetničke slike.. Dok ih gledate - one zvuč , a dok čujete
muziku upravo se javljaju takve slike. Ovo je slučaj I sa slikama slikara Nikolaja Reriha.
Posmatrajući njegove slike u trenu se setite legendi o Konfuciju, Isusa, Krisne,
Durgama I Dupkama, začas ste na Himalajima između nepreglednih vrhova I duhovnim

Ove slike oplemenjuju, stoga molila bih Vas da budem Vas promoter u zemljama bivše
Jugoslavije ili Balkana. Mogućnosti njihove primene su široke I najraznoraznije : od
ukrasa zidova stana doweb dizajna.
Koncept drugog pisma
I. o njenoj radnoj I životnoj biografiji.
1. Isaak Adzices: “e možeš uroniti veliki
brod u plitku vodu. Zato je tvoja prodaja kuće jednostavno morala da se desi.
2) mi smo zdravstveni radnici I lakše možemo da osetimo jedni druge.
3)dizajn velikih ekskluzivnih objekata je odista prava primena Vaše umetnosti,
4. ali dobro je da imate razumevanje za saradnju sa ostalim profesijama u oblasti
dizajna.Odista, sve mogućnosti su tu.
Dozvolite da dodam moje viđenje I predloge o primeni Vaseumetnosti:
1. Vaša umetnost vraća nas na početak stvaranja misli I emocija. Čitajući Ivon Kastelan,
Frojda, Junga zinteresovala sam se za sam proces stvarnja slike pojmova u mozgu. Prve
slike su nejasni oblici osnovih geometrijskih figura : krug, paralelgram, linije, pa I mrlje.
2. Nadalje moramo da uvažimo najnovije nalaze da mozak stvara sliku integrativno I da
se pet vrste oseta (vid, sluh, taktilni oset, miris, ukus) a ja bih dodla I oset za dinamiku I
vreme se spajuju u procesu prepoznavanja pojava I oblika.
3. ali treba da znamo I da je danas primena naučnih saznanja u ovoj oblasti takođe
široka, raznovrsna I neiscrpna ( od terapije genskih bolesti, do autizma (usled ekoloških
otuđenosti ljudi, roditelja od dece) I takođe šlog koji je uzrok broj jedan smrtnosti I
invaliditeta na Balkanu I drugi u svetu). Tu su I poemećaji fizičkog balansa, kako I
poremećaji usled stresa. 4. Slike koje se čuju povremeno u foajeima ili hotelima
5. terapija regeneracije
6. primena za izradu tatua sa originalnim potpisom.
7. web dizajn.
Neophodna je proizvodnja ograničenih serija, po godinama uz bar kod, ali I prodaja
reprodukcija za obične ljude, koji Vas ipak najvise vole I blagosljaju.
Molim da iznađemo modus kako bih ja, posle Vas bila ekskluzivni prestvnik za Balkan ili
zemlje bivše Jugoslavije. Počeo je Sajam knjiga u Beogradu I moje mogućnosti su da
pokušam da putem disk kataloga pokušam da nađem potrošače. Mi smo imal rat 10 god I
doktor je živeo sa 100 evra mesečno tako da I sada je 90% naroda skroma a samo 10% su
tajkuni, ali ipak ima korporacija mnogo besplatnih krdita Evropske Zajednice za obnovu
bolnica I zgrada. Ja ću se raspitati za zakonske mogućnosti, mogu da napravim predlog
projekat sa stručnom literaturom o primeni stimulatora senzornih oseta u medici I
dobavim mišljenje specijalista o medicinskoj primeni, pa I projekte u okviru Evropske
zajednice KBB7. Ali najpre mi treba pismo o saradnji. Pozdravljam Vas I Mr. Kery.
Dr Mila Vidin, on likedin profile Salu!

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