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Is there a role for exercise in the prevention of

osteoporotic fractures?
OM Rutherford

Br. J. Sports Med. 1999;33;378-386

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378 Br J Sports Med 1999;33:378–386


Is there a role for exercise in the prevention of

osteoporotic fractures?
Olga M Rutherford

Abstract One of the major demographic changes occur-

Objectives—To examine whether there is a ring in developed countries is an increase in the
role for exercise in improving bone min- number of people over the age of 60. With a
eral density (BMD), particularly in post- shift to an increasingly elderly population,
menopausal women. The eVects of diVer- there is a growing need to maintain health and
ent types of exercise are examined independence in older age. Within the older
together with their eVects at selected skel- population, osteoporotic fractures, particularly
etal sites. The role of activity in reducing of the hip, are a major health problem.1
falls and hip fractures will also be consid- Osteoporosis is a condition characterised by a
ered as well as the potentially negative low bone mass and poor bone architecture.
eVects of excessive exercise. Trabecular plates thin and develop holes and
Methods—A literature search over the eventually whole plates can be lost. Cortical
past 20 years was conducted and landmark bone also thins, and these processes render
papers selected. bones fragile and prone to fracture after mini-
Results—Certain types of exercise have mal trauma. In the United Kingdom alone the
been found to exert moderate benefits on problem aVects up to one in three women and
BMD of the wrist, spine, and hip. Most one in 12 men. There is estimated to be an
studies do not detect a diVerence between osteoporotic fracture every three minutes, and
the eVects of endurance activities and the associated morbidity and mortality is very
strength training for BMD of the spine. It high. The total cost to the NHS is in the region
has been more diYcult to isolate the opti- of £940m per year and is increasing by 10%
mal type of activity for eVecting an osteo- per year. The major fracture sites are the verte-
genic response at the hip, but recent brae, hip, and radius. In men and women, frac-
evidence suggests that high impact work tures of the hip and spine rise exponentially
such as stepping and jumping may be with increasing age, particularly in women after
eVective at this site. The combination of the menopause. The incidence of wrist frac-
hormone replacement therapy and exer- tures starts earlier but levels oV after about 60
cise would appear to be more eVective years; this is most probably due to slower reac-
than either intervention on its own. Cer- tion times in the older person which prevents
tain types of exercises have additional them from extending the arm to break a fall.
benefits, such as muscle strengthening, The incidence of osteoporotic fractures is
which could reduce the incidence of falls. about double in women compared with men
Excessive exercise can lead to menstrual which is due in part to a generally lower bone
disturbances in female athletes and this in density across the age span.
turn can cause bone loss, particularly Many fractures arise because of a fall, and
from the spine. nearly one third of people over the age of 65 fall
Conclusions—Exercise across the life span each year. Falls account for 82% of all acciden-
should be encouraged in order to maximise tal deaths in the home in the over 75s,2 and
peak bone mass, reduce age related bone
many of these deaths are due to fractures.
loss, and maintain muscle strength and
There are many factors, other than bone
balance. Although the eVects of exercise on
strength that can predispose someone to falls
BMD later in life are small, epidemiologi-
CIB, Biomedical and fractures. These include low muscle
cal evidence suggests that being active can
Sciences, Imperial strength, poor balance and eyesight, stiV or
nearly halve the incidence of hip fractures
College School of painful joints, slow reaction times, poor
Medicine, South in the older population. This eVect is most
nutrition, psychoactive drugs, and poor func-
Kensington, London probably multifactorial through the posi-
SW7 2AZ, United tive eVects on bone, muscle strength, tional ability.3–6 Several of these could be
Kingdom balance, and joint flexibility. Younger improved with an appropriate exercise regi-
women should be aware of the dangers to men. It is therefore the purpose of this review
Correspondence to:
the skeleton of menstrual disorders. to look at the role of exercise both in maintain-
Dr O Rutherford.
ing bone density and reducing the risk of falls.
Accepted for publication Keywords: exercise; osteoporosis; bone; fracture; hor- The potential adverse eVect to the skeleton of
23 September 1999 mone replacement therapy excessive exercise will also be considered.
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Exercise and osteoporosis 379

Methodology Measuring the problem

The studies were selected from a Medline In the past 10–15 years there has been an enor-
search over the past 20 years and from material mous increase in research into osteoporosis.
already known to the author. Intervention This increase in attention is partly due to the
studies had to meet the criteria that there was a advances in the technology for measuring bone
suitably matched control group and that details density in vivo accurately, quickly, cheaply, and
of the exercises were given. with a low radiation dose. Bone mass or density
is an important measure as it is one of the
major determinants of bone strength. The
Muscle strength in older age World Health Organisation recently issued
The importance of muscle weakness in older guidelines for the diagnosis of osteoporosis or
age cannot be underestimated. In a cross osteopenia (low bone mass) for the postmeno-
sectional study of healthy British women, pausal population who have not already
quadriceps strength decreased on average by sustained a fracture. Osteoporosis is defined as
40% between the third and eighth decade.7 In a bone mineral density (BMD) more than 2.5
frail older people the loss may be greater. Part, SD below the mean for the young normal ref-
but not all, of this weakness is due to muscle erence population, while osteopenia is a BMD
atrophy (sarcopenia). The quality of muscle between 1 and 2.5 SD below the young mean.11
also appears to be aVected by age such that the The most commonly used technique for
normalised (or specific) force is also reduced.7 8 measuring BMD is dual energy x ray absorpti-
The decrease in specific force is particularly ometry (DEXA).12 Although invaluable as a
evident over the menopause and can be diagnostic and research tool, users need to be
prevented with hormone replacement therapy aware of some of the limitations of this
(HRT).8 9 In women with osteoporosis, the technology. The scanner creates a frontal
specific force was found to be extremely low for projection of the skeletal site of interest and
their age.10 This suggests that the factors impli- calculates an areal density. At sites like the hip
cated in skeletal loss aVect the ability of the and radius, it is essential that the orientation of
muscle to generate force. The muscular forces the bone is the same on each scanning occasion
exerted on bone are probably one of the key to ensure the same areal projection. When the
factors in maintaining bone health. Strategies lumbar vertebrae are scanned, caution needs to
aimed at preventing bone loss should also aim be taken if vertebrae are damaged, particularly
to strengthen muscle. Aside from the potential if wedge or crush fractures, which may not be
importance of muscle strength in fall risk, a apparent on the frontal image, are present (fig
good muscle mass may also be protective 1). Damage or arthritic changes to the spine
against fracture after a fall as the tissue can act can artificially increase the calculated density
as a cushion absorbing some of the impact and this is particularly common in older
forces. people. DEXA gives an integrated measure of


Region Area BMC BMD Region BMD

(cm2) (g) (g/cm2) (g/cm2)

L1 12.45 11.69 0.939 L1 0.349

L2 13.84 14.05 1.015 L2 0.525
L3 15.09 16.37 1.085 L3 0.632
L4 17.14 18.18 1.060 L4 0.888

Total 58.52 60.29 Mean 0.628

Mean 1.030
Figure 1 Dual energy x ray absorptiometry scan (Hologic QDR1000) of the lumbar vertebrae for (A) a healthy young
woman and (B) a patient with osteoporotic crush fractures. Note the higher bone mineral density (BMD) values for L3
and L4 because of the focal areas of high density. BMC, bone mineral content.
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380 Rutherford

both trabecular and cortical bone, and it is the values: the most benefit is likely to be achieved
former that may be more informative. Dual in those with the lowest initial BMD. For this
energy computerised tomography (CT) does reason it is extremely important that the
give a true volumetric density, and trabecular control and exercise groups are matched for
bone in the vertebrae can be isolated from the BMD before intervention. (e) Principle of
cortical shell. CT is, however, expensive, not diminishing returns: individuals appear to have
widely available, and has a high radiation dose, a biological/genetic ceiling that determines the
and for these reasons is not commonly used for extent of improvement. As training progresses,
measurement of bone density. Any radio- this ceiling may be reached, and gains in BMD
graphic technique needs to have a very high will slow and eventually plateau. Many of the
accuracy and precision. Changes to bone occur intervention studies are too short for this to be
slowly, and after one year of treatment the clearly observed.
increases can be in the region of only 1–2%. In
the future, magnetic resonance imaging may Cross sectional studies
provide a valuable tool for looking at the struc- Some of the strongest evidence that exercise
ture of bone which may be more informative can increase BMD comes from studies on
about bone strength than density alone. highly athletic groups. Comparisons have been
Other non-radiographic methods for moni- made between the bone density of skeletal sites
toring the impact of treatment on bone include in diVerent types of athletes and sedentary
blood and urinary markers of bone turnover controls. Nilsson and Westlin18 measured
(for a review see Calvo et al13). Current markers femoral bone density of male athletes including
of bone formation include bone specific weight lifters, throwers, runners, soccer play-
alkaline phosphatase and osteocalcin. Bone ers, swimmers, active non-athletes, and seden-
resorption can be assessed from breakdown tary men. Bone density varied with the amount
products of type I collagen such as deoxy- and extent of loading placed on the femur, with
pyridinoline and the telopeptides. In post- the greatest density occurring in the weight
menopausal women, bone turnover, particu- lifters and lowest in the sedentary group. This
larly resorption, is very high. These markers are pattern was reflected in leg muscle strength.
used widely for monitoring antiresorptive Similar studies have been carried out in
treatment such as HRT and bisphosphonates women. Heinonen et al19 showed that bone
but have been less commonly used in exercise density of the hip and spine exhibited a
intervention trials. As these markers are stepwise pattern in female athletes, with the
susceptible to circadian, menstrual, and sea- largest in squash players followed by aerobics
sonal rhythms, care needs to be taken when participants, speed skaters, and sedentary con-
choosing sampling times. trols. The importance of impact loading was
shown by Fehling et al20 who compared
Exercise and fractures regional BMD in female athletes participating
The evidence that exercise may have a role to in impact loading sports (volleyball and
play in reducing fractures comes from both gymnastics) with that in women participating
cross sectional and longitudinal studies. Many in active loading sports (swimming) and
studies have been carried out and it is beyond sedentary controls. The impact loading groups
the scope of this review to include them all. had high BMDs at most skeletal sites whereas
Rather, key examples will be used to highlight there were no significant diVerences at any site
the eVectiveness of a particular type of exercise between the swimmers and controls (fig 2).
or eVects at specific fracture sites. There are a The criticism about such comparative stud-
number of excellent reviews on this subject in ies is that the high bone density may simply
the literature.14–17 The term exercise covers reflect a genetically determined strong
many forms of activity. These can be broadly musculoskeletal system which favours the par-
divided into endurance training, strength/ ticipation of these women in high level sports
resistance training, high impact work, walking, rather than the training itself leading to an
and aerobics/keep fit classes. Much of the
initial work aimed at improving BMD concen- Volleyball
trated on the types of endurance activity that Gymnastics
had been shown to be beneficial for cardiovas- Swimming
cular health. We are increasingly becoming 18
aware that the same type of exercise may not be 16
optimal for bone health or reduction of falls. 14
However, some of the basic principles of train- 12
% Difference

ing still apply and these have been summarised 10

by the American College of Sports Medicine. 8
(a) Principle of specificity: only sites loaded by 6
the exercise may respond as the eVects are 4
localised. (b) Principle of overload: the training 2
stimulus must exceed the normal loading 0
experienced by the skeleton in everyday activi- –2
ties and, as the bone responds, the stimulus
Spine Neck of femur Total body
must be increased progressively. (c) Principle of
reversibility: any positive eVects of training on Figure 2 Percentage diVerence in bone mineral density of
the spine, neck of femur, and total body in athletic women
BMD will only be maintained as long as the compared with sedentary controls. Redrawn from Fehling
exercise is continued. (d) Principle of initial et al.20
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Exercise and osteoporosis 381

increase in BMD. An argument against this have significant eVects on bone density at the
comes from studies of asymmetric activities, spine and hip. It has been diYcult to isolate the
such as tennis, where the playing arm has a type of exercise that places suYcient strain
larger bone mass than the non-playing arm.21 magnitude and of novel distribution to alter
The diVerences observed in bone density significantly bone turnover and remodelling,
between athletes and non-athletes can be large particularly in older age groups.
(10–15%), and are often much greater than the
changes measured as a result of prospective WALKING
exercise intervention studies. There are several One of the simplest and most accessible forms
possible explanations for these observations: of exercise is walking. Unfortunately the avail-
(a) high levels of activity early in life may be able evidence suggests that this form of activity
more beneficial than activity adopted later; (b) is insuYcient to improve BMD at the spine or
the intervention studies are often of much hip. It should be noted, however, that the sub-
shorter duration than the training history of the jects included in the studies have largely been
athletes; (c) the athletes may have a genetic fairly active, ambulant, and healthy. It has yet to
advantage in that their response to training is be shown whether more inactive frail groups
greater than that of many sedentary people. would show a more positive response. A one
Not all athletic groups, however, show benefi- year study of treadmill walking at 70–85% of
cial eVects on bone and this will be discussed maximum heart rate together with calcium
below. supplementation found no eVect at the spine or
forearm in postmenopausal women26 despite
Exercise intervention significant improvements in aerobic capacity.
In order to show conclusively that exercise can In recently menopausal women, walking did
slow bone loss or cause bone accretion, it is appear to attenuate the loss of bone at the spine
necessary to perform longitudinal randomised when compared with controls. Nelson et al27
intervention studies in the population of inter- compared supervised walking and either mod-
est. Problems arise when trying to compare erate or high calcium diet on BMD of the spine
such studies as there are large variations in the and hip. The spine, but not the hip, showed a
type, intensity, and duration of the training. moderate improvement independent of cal-
Additional confounding factors include wide cium intake. A similar exercise regimen, but
diVerences in the age range of subjects, with no dietary supplementation, showed no
concurrent treatments, calcium supplementa- eVect on trabecular bone density in the spine.28
tion, and skeletal sites investigated. Precise In a seven month trial, Hatori et al29 compared
details of the exercises carried out are often walking above (high intensity) or below (low
scanty or missing. Despite these problems, we intensity) the anaerobic threshold on spine
are beginning to understand more about the BMD. The moderate intensity group showed a
types of activities that can provide benefits for similar loss of bone to the controls, whereas the
diVerent skeletal sites. As yet we are not in a high intensity group showed a small improve-
position to give definitive recommendations for ment. Although the results are encouraging, it
the optimal type of exercise for the prevention is unlikely that women would naturally adopt
of osteoporosis. Recently guidelines have been such an intense walking pace without continu-
produced for physiotherapists dealing with ous encouragement. Although walking does
patients either at risk of osteoporosis or with not appear to be particularly beneficial for bone
diagnosed osteoporosis,22 and the National health in the groups studied, it may have other
Osteoporosis Society has produced a booklet benefits that could reduce the risk of fractures
giving advice on exercises that could help pre- and should not be dismissed as an important
vent osteoporosis.23 Both publications are activity for many other aspects of health.
based on the findings of research studies.
Strengthening the wrist Many studies have investigated exercise regi-
The Colle’s fracture of the wrist is one of the mens based on those recommended for train-
first injuries to show an increase after the ing of the cardiovascular system; these have
menopause. Because of its accessibility, the mainly involved some form of repetitive low
wrist is one of the sites that responds well to force activity such as general keep fit classes. In
training, as long as the regimen is tailored to one of the earliest studies, Krolner et al30 com-
load the forearm. Squeezing a tennis ball for 30 pared the eVect of an eight month varied
seconds a day for six weeks showed significant programme of walking, running, floor exer-
benefits in the non-injured forearm of women cises, and ball games on the spine and forearm
who had already sustained a Colle’s fracture.24 bone mineral content (BMC) with an age
Alternatively resisted exercise involving twist- matched non-exercising control group. The
ing, compression, and bending resulted in exercise groups had a small (3.5%), but signifi-
increases averaging 3.8%.25 More general keep cant, increase in BMC of the lumbar spine
fit and dance classes often fail to show benefits when compared with the decrease in the
at the radius simply because the exercises were control group. No eVect was seen at the
not tailored to stress that site. forearm, probably because of a lack of loading
at this site from this form of activity. The
Increasing the bone density at the spine women were postmenopausal and had previ-
and hip ously had a Colle’s fracture. Chow et al31
More challenging to the researchers has been carried out a similar training programme but
defining the optimal form of exercise that can included an additional group in which light
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382 Rutherford

weights were attached to the wrists and ankles BMD of several regions on the hip: the
during the exercise classes. They measured trochanter, intratrochanteric area, and Ward’s
total body calcium and this was improved in triangle. They found no eVect at the neck of
both exercise groups when compared with femur and no eVect of low intensity (endurance)
controls, but the group performing with the strength training. Their population were all
weights showed no additional benefit. The postmenopausal and ranged in age from 40 to
measurement technique was unable to detect 70 years. Both types of exercise improved
any site specific eVect. muscle strength to a similar extent, and these
In a more complex study design, Dalsky et improvements correlated with the bone changes
al32 carried out a study in which the training at several sites in the high intensity group.
included walking, running, and stair climbing Nelson et al38 also found small, but significant,
in women aged 55–70. Calcium supplements eVects of a one year high intensity strength
were given at a dose of 1500 mg/day regardless training regimen on BMD of the spine, hip, and
of dietary intake and subjects were randomly total body in 50–70 year old women. In
divided into exercise and non-exercise groups. addition, there was a significant improvement in
In the first stage of the study, exercise was car- muscle strength, muscle mass, and balance, all
ried out for nine months. Some subjects in the of which are implicated in fall risk.
exercise group then stopped training and the As with much of the literature in this field it
others continued to train for a further 13 is diYcult to reconcile the diVerent results
months. After this second training phase, the from similar regimens in seemingly similar
exercise was stopped and subjects were fol- populations. The overall message, however, is
lowed up after a further 12 month detraining that, at least for the spine, strength training can
period. After the first study period the exercise be eVective but has no added benefit for BMD
group had a significant increase of 6% in spine over the more endurance based regimens. The
BMC. After the second phase the exercise added benefit of increased muscle strength
maintained this increase but did not improve it may, in the longer term, result in a greater
further. Those that had stopped training had eVect on fracture risk. As yet this has not been
returned to their baseline BMC. This study assessed and most of the studies only last one
highlights many aspects outlined in the general year; a much longer follow up would be
principles for training discussed above. Firstly, required to determine eVects on the incidence
within the exercise group some did not benefit of falls and fractures.
from exercise and carried on losing bone while
others had very large increases of up to 15%. HIGH IMPACT EXERCISE
This could be due to diVerent intensities of Many of the studies so far discussed have been
training, diVerences in initial BMC, or diVer- ineVective at increasing BMD at the hip. As
ences in genetic potential to respond to this is the most serious fracture site, it is
training. As with any intervention treatments, it essential that safe, aVordable, and accessible
highlights the need to monitor response and exercise is defined. One of the first studies to
not assume that every person will respond be eVective at this site was by Bassey and
positively. Secondly, it demonstrates the pla- Ramsdale39 in which they used jumping to
teau eVect in that the response was maintained impart high impact forces to the hip in
but not increased in the second training phase. premenopausal women. After six months there
Thirdly, the results show that once exercise is was a significant increase of 3.4% at the
stopped, the normal bone loss continues and greater trochanter, but no other site at the hip
the benefits are not maintained. and no change at the spine. Initially they
modified the exercise before extending it to an
STRENGTH TRAINING older age group (50–60 years) and instead of
In the 1990s attention switched to the study of jumping the women carried out heel drops.40
strength training. The rationale was based on After one year no eVect was seen at any skeletal
findings from animal studies.33 34 These investi- site and the study was then repeated using
gated in detail the type of mechanical strains that jumps.41 Again, no eVect was seen, so the older
could maximise the osteogenic response. The women were showing a diVerent response to
greatest eVects were seen when the magnitude the younger group, which may be related to the
and rate of strain was high, but required few oestrogen status of the subjects although those
repetitions, and when the strain was novel in on HRT had a similar response to non-HRT
magnitude or direction. The human equivalent users.
of this type of strain exposure is strength, as In the light of the initial encouraging findings
opposed to endurance, training. Pruitt et al35 36 of Bassey and Ramsdale39 in the premenopau-
conducted two studies on strength training, one sal women, another study incorporated jump-
in early postmenopausal women and one in ing, stepping, marching, and side stepping into
women over 65. In the first study on the younger an exercise class designed specifically for the
women, there was a significant eVect of training over 50s.42 The study involved both postmeno-
at the lumbar spine averaging 1.6%, but no pausal women and men over 50, none of whom
eVect at the hip or forearm. In the second study were on calcium or HRT. After one year there
on the older women, they compared high and were significant increases in hip, but not spine,
low intensity strength training. Despite improve- BMD. The increases were in the range
ments in strength in both exercise groups, there 1.6–2.2% depending on the site on the hip.
was no eVect on BMD at either the spine or hip Some of the subjects continued for a second
for either group. Conversely Kerr et al37 did find year in which the spine BMD increased signifi-
an eVect of high intensity strength training on cantly and the changes in hip BMD were
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Exercise and osteoporosis 383

maintained. This type of exercise also com- eVects were not seen in the other two groups.
pletely reversed the age related loss of muscle In the follow up period, those women taking
strength, with the training group increasing HRT maintained or further increased BMD,
quadriceps strength by 10% and the matched the eVect being greater in those who exercised.
controls decreasing it by the same amount. Hip Some of the improvements were maintained in
and shoulder flexibility also improved as a those in the exercise alone group. These results
result of the training. Urinary excretion of show that, in the oestrogen replete state, older
pyridinoline and deoxypyridinoline were women show a greater response to exercise. In
measured to assess the impact of the exercise addition, exercise had additional benefits
on bone resorption. Both markers significantly which could help reduce the risk of falls.
decreased during the first six months of Further studies are required to investigate the
exercise and then returned to baseline values. interaction of exercise and other treatment
This suggests that the exercise was suppressing options such as the bisphosphonates.
osteoclastic bone resorption. Similar findings
on the response to high impact work have been Exercise and fall prevention
obtained in younger subjects.43 These studies Certain forms of exercise have been recognised
lend support to the idea of high impact work as an integral part of multifactorial interven-
being a good osteogenic stimulus at the hip. tion programmes for the reduction of falls.
Extreme caution needs to be observed, how- Despite the recognition of the importance of
ever, when recommending this form of exercise exercise, there are no specific guidelines on falls
for a frail population. High impact work would management exercises for the older person.
be contraindicated for those with impaired bal- Many of the studies that have looked at the
ance, osteoporosis/osteopenia, osteoarthritis in impact of exercise on falls have had inherent
load bearing joints, or artificial joints. Even in design faults. Many have relied on subject’s
relatively healthy older subjects, the exercises recall to document the number of falls in the
should only be introduced gradually into preceding year, and in an elderly population
classes after an initial progressive skill specific this may be very inaccurate. Others have
training period to allow soft tissue adaptation included subjects with no history of falling, and
and the requisite safe technique to be learnt. it is therefore not surprising that a reduction in
falls was not observed. Several trials have used
Exercise and HRT exercise of insuYcient intensity or duration to
Many of the studies discussed have used eVect meaningful adaptations, and often the
calcium supplementation to bring subjects up exercises are not targeted specifically at the
to the recommended daily allowance. Less well factors that increase the risk of falls. Some of
studied has been the interaction between HRT the key risk factors are poor gait, balance, mus-
and exercise. Several studies have shown that in cle strength, and confidence. In a one year
the oestrogen replete sate, the response to home based study, Campbell et al45 found a
training is greater. In the most comprehensive reduction of 20–30% in falls in women over 80.
study to date, Kohrt et al44 compared four Each subject was prescribed a particular set of
groups of women aged 60–72 years. The first home exercises by a physiotherapist and were
acted as a control, the second took HRT, the regularly contacted by phone to monitor
third exercised, and the fourth took HRT and progress and maintain motivation. Another
exercised. Variables studied were bone density successful intervention was Tai Chi,46 which
of the spine, hip, and total body, bone resulted in a halving of falls.
formation (osteocalcin), body composition, Recently a falls management exercise pro-
muscle strength, and estimated VO2MAX. The gramme47 was specifically designed to provide
exercise programme involved two months of practitioners with a framework of specific
flexibility exercises followed by nine months of tailored progressive exercise guidelines which
walking, jogging, and stair climbing/ascending. could be adapted to suit older people with a
Calcium intake was adjusted to about 1500 wide range of abilities. The activities include
mg/day. After the initial 11 months, there was a three dimensional Tai Chi based movement
six month follow up phase in which those on patterns, targeted strengthening and stretching
HRT remained on treatment. Women in exer- exercises, dynamic postural and gait training,
cise groups were encouraged to continue exer- and functional floor and standing activities to
cising but most reduced both the number of improve neuromuscular skill and confidence.
exercise sessions and intensity during this In addition to supervised classes, the subjects
phase. Both the exercise and HRT alone are also encouraged to do home based exercise
brought about increases in BMD of the total aided by an exercise booklet. The women are
body, spine, neck of femur, and Ward’s also taught how to get up from the floor after a
triangle. HRT plus exercise increased BMD at fall and are encouraged to wear hip protector
all sites measured (spine, hip, total body) and pads in the classes. The eVectiveness of this
was more eVective than HRT alone in increas- regimen in reducing falls is currently being
ing BMD at the spine and total body and more assessed in a group of frequent fallers. In addi-
eVective than exercise alone at the total body, tion to falls, the other measurement outcomes
spine, and trochanter. Serum osteocalcin was of the study include lower limb muscle strength
reduced in both groups taking HRT but in no and power, functional ability, reaction time,
other group. HRT is known to be antiresorptive balance, and bone density. Examination of the
and reduce bone turnover. Both exercise baseline data has disclosed that there can be
groups had improvements in lean tissue mass considerable lower limb asymmetry in strength
and VO2MAX and reductions in fat mass; these and power in frequent fallers; this is particu-

larly evident for the eccentric strength of the

quadriceps.48 49 In some the diVerence between
legs can be as great as 50–60%, and overall the
frequent fallers have a reduced lower limb
power compared with age matched non-fallers.
All of these factors could be implicated in the
higher incidence of falling in this group and
could be improved by regular exercise.

The downside of exercise

An important determinant of future fracture
risk is the bone mass accrued during the child-
hood and teenage years. Peak bone mass is
reached in the second to fourth decade and it is
important that this is maximised. One of the
factors that is important in determining peak
bone mass is physical activity. An active lifestyle
should therefore be encouraged throughout the
life span. It has been shown that the benefit to
bone is much greater if exercise is begun before
puberty rather than after it.50 There are,
however, younger people who may compro-
mise the development of bone density by the
adoption of extreme levels of exercise. With the
increasing participation of women in endur-
ance sports, a condition known as the female
athlete triad has been recognised. The triad
refers to the condition in which there is amen-
orrhoea, eating disorders, and bone loss. Men-
strual disorders are very common in certain
athletes, most notably gymnasts, dancers, run-
ners, and triathletes.51 Intense physical train-
ing, particularly aerobic exercise, can disrupt
normal ovarian function by inhibiting the pro-
duction of gonadotropin releasing hormone by
the hypothalamus.52 The mechanism by which
this occurs is not known but a number of
factors could combine to alter hypothalamic
function. These include low body weight and
fat mass, endocrine changes associated with
chronic exercise such as raised levels of cortisol
and endorphins, and inadequate energy intake.
Many of the women who develop such
disorders have a later than average puberty
which may be associated with the adoption of
intense exercise early in life.53 54 This in turn
may prevent the establishment of a strong
hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis leading to
disturbances later. In this condition there is an
alteration of the normal pattern of sex steroid
production with a reduction in oestradiol
and/or a shortening of the luteal phase of the
cycle. Several studies have now shown that
many amenorrhoeic athletes have reduced
bone density of the spine compared with
sedentary controls and fail to show an
increased BMD at the hip and total body which
is normally found in their eumenorrhoeic
counterparts55–57 (fig 3). It would appear that
the normal osteogenic response to bone
loading is compromised in the oestrogen
deplete state.
Low oestrogen levels and bone loss are com-
mon to both the amenorrhoeic athlete and
postmenopausal woman. In the latter, bone
turnover is raised, particularly osteoclastic
resorption, and it has been assumed that the
same would be the case in the athletes. This
was investigated by measuring serum and
urinary markers of bone turnover in amenor-
Downloaded from on 15 August 2005

% Difference





Neck of femur

rhoeic and eumenorrhoeic athletes (runners

and triathletes) and sedentary controls. Nei-
ther the formation (osteocalcin and bone
specific alkaline phosphatase) nor resorption
(deoxypyridinoline) markers were increased in
the amenorrhoeic group.57 The physiological
eVects of oestrogen and mechanical stress on

be exerted by an elevation in nitric oxide (NO)

synthesis. Postmenopausal women have re-
duced NO levels, and both short and long term
HRT elevate these.58 59 Administration of NO
donors to oestrogen depleted rats prevents
osteoporotic bone loss,60 and inhibition of NO
synthesis suppresses the bone conserving
action of oestradiol replacement. It was hy-
pothesised that NO levels may also be low in
amenorrhoeic athletes. The 24 hour excreted
metabolites of NO were significantly reduced
in this group despite having a significantly
higher dietary nitrate intake.57 The amenor-
rhoeic athletes therefore resemble postmeno-
pausal women in having reduced NO levels and
spinal osteopenia but do not have raised bone
turnover. The mechanism of bone loss in this
group still remains to be clarified.
Less attention has been paid to elite male ath-
letes. A pilot study found that male triathletes
did not have increased bone density at the spine
or total body compared with sedentary controls

Total body
Figure 3 Percentage diVerence between bone mineral
density of the spine, neck of femur, and total body for
sedentary controls and athletic groups (eumenorrhoeic and
amenorrhoeic) compared with predicted age matched data
from the Lunar database. Redrawn from Stacey et al57 and
the author’s data.

bone turnover are thought, at least in part, to

despite their high levels of activity, and the testo-

sterone levels were significantly lower.61 EVects
similar to those seen in the women could be
occurring to the male hypothalamic-pituitary-
gonadal axis leading to a reduced production of
Injuries to the musculoskeletal system are
much more common in amenorrhoeic athletes,
in particular the development of stress
fractures.62 There has even been a report of an
osteoporotic fracture occurring in a young
female athlete.63 It is important that the athletes
Downloaded from on 15 August 2005

Exercise and osteoporosis 385

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The GP training all the time even really slowly

(TATT-ERS) runners
Most of us have given up making New Years using a complex dataset that includes the
resolutions. However, this year, one person’s runner’s age, number of children, post-run
resolution to run the Bristol half marathon beer consumption, pre-run pasta loading,
has spread to many. In the inaugural run, partner support, BMI, cost of running shoes,
there was a small core of hares in our pack but kit, and accessories, and the ability to know
most of us broke into a sweat after 100 how to adjust the pace of running in relation
metres. An unforeseen benefit of the running to things like pulse rate and hills. The exact
pack is the conversation, with a mixture of formula is still in development; we are confi-
cocktail party tattle, primary care group busi- dent that the handicap times should enable us
ness, and straight continuing medical educa- all to adjust our actual times in the half mara-
tion, interspersed with stretches of quiet on thon to the 45 minutes that we all could do in
long uphill grinds. Initially 40% of the session ideal circumstances.
was spent running and talking followed by As dedicated self directed life long learners,
60% talking and drinking. we are absorbing all the jargon, uniform, and
We take our drugs after the event. The bal- technology that goes with being a modern
ance is shifting in favour of the exercise as running. After the jargon comes the injuries,
deadlines and our first competitive event, the and the saying “There are 2 types of runners,
Long Ashton 10 km road race, approach. So the injured and the seriously injured” trans-
far, no major life or relationship threatening lates into our jogger’s nipple, chapped thighs,
disasters! and anterior knee pains in rotation. We have
Competing against the clock has made us started our final altitude (and attitude) train-
wiser: the sensible carbohydrate loading pasta ing and we will let you know how many of us
meal is now taken the evening, rather than the make it to the finishing line in one piece.
hour, before the race. A handicap, not quite,
lets just say we award ourselves a bonus for MATT HOGHTON
good behaviour. Hence, our true time is TERRY KEMPLE
adjusted using a handicap formula calculated Brockway Medical Centre, Bristol

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