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Name _____________________________________________ Date: __________

Class _______ Time: 40 minutes
A. Match the words 5x1=5points _____
1. choir ____ a) an informal, fun game of football
2. founder ____ b) exhaustion
3. a kick around ____ c) a person who establishes something
4. evidence ____ d) a group of singers
5. burn out ____ e) proof
B. Types of communication 10x1=10points _____
Write the correct words under each headline:
____________________ _____________________
____________________ _____________________
____________________ _____________________
____________________ _____________________
____________________ _____________________
C. Fill the correct word. Be careful!!! There are too many words! 5x1=5points _____
genre; takes place; organizes; easy targets; table; candlestick; story; shocked; useful
1. The Notting Hill Carnival ____________in the Notting Hill area of London in August.
2. During the Hanukkah everyone lights a candle on a special _________ called Menorah.
3. The storyline of Manga cover every _________: romance, gothic, comedy, horror etc.
4. Michael Jordan _____________ everyone when he decided to leave the basketball.
5. Young people with mobile phones are _______________ for thieves.
D. Put the verbs in brackets into Present Simple or Present Continuous Tense 5points _____
1. Bill _______(not be) a chef, but he ___________ (work) at the restaurant in town at the moment.
2. What’s the weather like? _______________________(it/rain) again?
3. Ann __________ (like) parties, but she _____________ (not enjoy) this one.
E. Complete the sentences. Use: must be / can’t be / might be 3x1=3points _____
1. Who is that man with Ann? - I’m not sure. He ____________her father.
2. Tom is absent today. Yesterday he had a headache. He __________ ill.
3. (the doorbell rings) I wonder who that is. It _________Mary, she is in Paris.
F. Complete the sentences. Use the forms of: have to / need to /must 4x1=4points _____
1. We _______(walk) all the way home. we can get a taxi, it’s not too expensive.
2. Customers _________(use) this lift. It’s for the stuff only.
3. I’m so late. I ______ (call) my boss to tell him to wait for me.
4. Ruth __________(do) the washing up. She’s just bought a dishwasher.
G. Finish the sentences using the correct question tags 4x1=4points _____
1. Jill and Hellen live in London, ________?
2. She’s really beautiful, _____________? 4. He hasn’t called you, ___________?
3. I’m your best friend, ______________?
H. Complete the sentences with the correct adverb 4x1=4points _____
1. I didn’t sleep _______ last night. (good)
2. Lora is so tired because she’s worked ________ all week. (hard
3. Two people were ________ injured in the accident. (serious)
4. The baby smiled _______________ at his mother. (happy)
READING AND WRITING 15x1=15points _____
I. Read the text CHEERLEADING
Hi Luisa,
I’m feeling great! I’m going to be a cheerleader for the school football team! I know you don’t play American
football in European schools, but in the USA nearly every school has a football team. The football competition
is a big part of our school life. Cheerleaders don’t play, but they go to every match, perform in front of the
crowd and support their team.
There are 30 girls in our group. You need to be strong and athletic. Cheerleading is a mixture of dancing and
gymnastics and there are a lot of difficult movements to learn. So we’re working hard.
In the holidays we’re having a cheerleaders’ summer camp. We’re going to train together for three weeks
before the school starts. Then, from September to November we’re going to practice for an hour every day
after school. I’m going to join the gym so that I can get more exercises.
Some people say that cheerleading is a silly activity. But at my school we think it’s a real sport and we’re very
serious about it. There is even a cheerleading competition between schools in November - and of course we’re
going to try to win it.
Wish me luck!
Love, Antonia
Read the sentences and write true /false/doesn’t say
1. American football is a popular sport in schools all over the world. ___________
2. Antonia is going to sit in the crowd every week. ___________
3. Cheerleading is a dancing with very difficult movements to learn. ____________
4. Her school usually wins the football competitions. ____________
5. The cheerleaders are going to practice five days a week in the autumn. ____________
6. She’s going away with other cheerleaders in the summer holidays. ____________
7. She’s a member of a gym. ____________
8. She’s going to be in a cheerleading competition. ____________
9. People think that cheerleading is a silly activity. ____________
10. Antonia’s group will win the cheerleading competition. ____________
Match the words with their definitions
1. an organized event in which people try to win smth (par.1) ____________________
2. a large number of people in one place (par. 1) ____________________
3. combination of different things (par. 2) _____________________
4. to become a member of a club or organization (par.3) _____________________
5. not joking, thoughtful (par.4) ______________________
Vocabulary 20 -17 16-13 12-9 8-5 4-0

Grammar 20 - 17 16-13 12-9 8-5 4-0

Reading Comprehension 15 -13 12 - 10 9-7 6- 4 3-0

Total: 55 points Your points______ Mark:____________

55- 48-excellent 47 – 40 -very good 39 – 32-good 31 – 24 - OK 23 -0-try harder
ELT ___________________ Roditel: ______________
Teacher’s comment:
Name _____________________________________________ Date: __________
Class _______ Time: 40 minutes
A. Match the words 5x1=5points _____
1. display ____ a) successful
2. current ____ b)bump into
3. make you mark ____ c) a table showing different things
4. walk into ____ d) attacking and stealing from people in public place
5. mugging ____ e) happening now; at present
B. Types of communication 10x1=10points _____
Write the correct words under each headline:
____________________ _____________________
____________________ _____________________
____________________ _____________________
____________________ _____________________
____________________ _____________________
C. Fill the correct word. Be careful!!! There are too many words! 5x1=5points _____
celebrate; charities; festivals; solution; happy; determined; go; experts; problem
1. The Glastonbury Festival also supports ____________ such as Oxfam, Fair Trade and Water Aid.
2. I live in London but I come from Hong Kong. We _____ Chinese New year.
3. Many _________ think LeBron James could be the new Michael Jordan.
4. When Michael Jordan wasn’t chosen for a match, he become more __________ and trained even harder.
5. Mobile phones companies are thinking of using “phone bombing” as a _____________ to phone theft.
D. Put the verbs in brackets into Present Simple or Present Continuous Tense 5points _____
1. We all _______(know) that fruit and vegetables ________ (be) good for us, but ___________ (we /eat)
enough each day?
2. Why _________________________________(you/wear) your new red dress today?
3. Ana is in London and she _______________ (stay) at Park Hotel.
E. Complete the sentences. Use: must be / can’t be / might be 3x1=3points _____
1.He’s just had lunch, so he ____________ hungry already.
2. Where is Helen? - I don’t know. She __________ in her room. You can check if you want
3.Yuo’ve studied all day. You _________ very tired.
F. Complete the sentences. Use the forms of: have to / need to /must 4x1=4points _____
1. Tomorrow is Emma’s birthday. I _______(remember) to buy her a present.
2. Why ___________________(she/go) to school every day?
3. We have plenty of time, so we ________________ (leave) yet.
4. People __________(touch) the paintings in the art gallery.
G. Finish the sentences using the correct question tags 4x1=4points _____
1.He will come to the party, _____________? 3. I’m a good student, ______________?
2. She isn’t your girlfriend, _____________? 4. He bought you a present, ___________?
H. Complete the sentences with the correct adverb 4x1=4points _____
1. I had plenty of time, so I walked home _______ last night. (slow)
2. Don’t walk so ________ . I can’t keep up with you. (fast)
3. I cooked this meal ________ for you. I hope you’ll like it. (special)
4. This letter is very important, so please read it _______________ . (careful)
READING AND WRITING 15x1=15points _____
I. Read the text HAVE YOU EVER TRIED CURLING? By David Jones
I’ve just had my first curling lesson! Curling is one of the Scotland’s favourite winter sports. It’s played on ice
by two teams of four players. A rectangle 45 meters long and 4 meters wide is marked on the ice. At one end of
the rectangle there is a circle.
The players have to send a large stone across the ice towards the circle. It weighs about 20 kg. The aim of the
game is to get the stone as near the centre of the circle as possible. If team A’s stones are nearer than team
B’s , team A wins. The players use special brushes to sweep the ice in front of the stone, so that it goes more
quickly. They wear special shoes and warm clothes.
It’s very difficult to walk on the ice and I fell over several times before I even touched the stone. My couch,
Kay, told me that it was normal. “Everyone thinks it’s an easy sport” -she said. “But professional players have to
practice for years if they want to be really good”.
I was amazed when my first stone stopped next to the centre of the circle. Kay said it was beginner luck! Then
I fell over again…and again. After half an hour on the ice, I was exhausted. Curling isn’t easy. I think I’ll just
watch it on TV in future!
Read the sentences and write true /false/doesn’t say
1. Curling is a popular sport all over the world. ___________
2. In a curling match there are four players on the ice. ___________
3. The players stand in a circle and send the stone across the ice. ____________
4. The aim of the game is to send the stone in the centre of the circle. ____________
5. Each player has two stones. ____________
6. The players don’t wear ordinary trainers. ____________
7. David Jones isn’t a professional player. ____________
8. When David fell, Kay said she was amazed. ____________
9. Professional players don’t have to practice for a very long time. ____________
10. David doesn’t think curling is easy. ____________
Match the words with their definitions
1. liked more than any other (par.1) ____________________
2. something that you intend to do, a purpose (par. 2) ____________________
3. to clean the surface with a brush (par. 2) _____________________
4. to do an activity or train regularly (par.3) _____________________
5. very surprised (par.4) ______________________
Vocabulary 20 -17 16-13 12-9 8-5 4-0

Grammar 20 - 17 16-13 12-9 8-5 4-0

Reading Comprehension 15 -13 12 - 10 9-7 6- 4 3-0

Total: 55 points Your points______ Mark:____________

55- 48-excellent 47 – 40 -very good 39 – 32-good 31 – 24 - OK 23 -0-try harder
ELT ___________________ Roditel: ______________
Teacher’s comment:
Put the verbs in brackets into Present Simple or Present Continuous Tense
1. Bill _______(not be) a chef, but he ___________ (work) at the restaurant in town at the
2. What’s the weather like? _______________________(it/rain) again?
3. Ann __________ (like) parties, but she _____________ (not enjoy) this one.
1. We all _______(know) that fruit and vegetables ________ (be) good for us, but
___________ (we /eat) enough each day?
2. Why _________________________________(you/wear) your new red dress today?
3. Ana is in London and she _______________ (stay) at Park Hotel.
1. Ana ______________ (watch) TV every day.
2. She _______________ (take) Spanish lessons at the moment.
3. They ___________________ (not/have) History on Mondays
4. I ____________ (do) my homework. I can’t come with you.
5. My mum ___________ (not like) watching TV.
6. Look! It _____________(snow) outside. Let’s make a snowman.
7. My cousin sometimes ___________(fly) to London.
11. Our teacher _________ (not give) us a lot of homework.

12. My mum usually _________ (finish) her work at 4, but this week she ____________
(work) until 6.

13. They __________ (build) a new bridge in the center of our town at the moment.

14. My uncle ____________ (run) the marathon today.

15. Look! It _____________(snow) outside.

16. Ana _____________(never forget) to feed her dog.

17. My parents _________________ (stay) in a house near the sea at the moment. They
always __________ (stay) in the same house when they ______ (be) on holiday.

18. My dad always __________(go) to his office in the morning, but this morning he
__________ (work) from home.

19. He _____________(stay) with some friends until he _______(find) a flat of his own.

20. My teenage sister _________ (drive) me crazy –she always ______(take) my CDs.

21. Mary rarely ________(arrive) at the meetings on time.

22. Take the umbrella. - Why? ____ it ______( rain) outside?

23. Why ___________________ (you/ read) this book today?

Name _____________________________________________ Date: __________
Class _______ Time: 40 minutes
A. Fill the correct word. Be careful!!! There are too many words! 5x1=5points _____
retailer; recycling campaign; slow food; behavior; sweatshop; tastings; compete; conclusion, healthy diet
1. Some of the clothes people buy are donated to charity shops or __________________
2. Will Smith is called the Prince for his elegant _________________ and way of speaking.
3. Slow food organizes a variety of events such as ____________ or dinners with a particular theme.
4. Developing countries __________________ to win orders by offering low prices.
5. If you eat fast food as a part of a _________________________ it won’t hurt you.
B. Match the words 5x1=5points _____
1. landfill ____ a) four times a year
2. globalisation ____ b) breakthrough
3. quarterly ____ c) waste materials that’ll be put under the ground
4. the moment you start being successful ____ d) very large quantity
5. bulk ____ e) international influence
B. Types of food 10x1=10points _____
Write the correct words under each headline:
___________________ _____________________
____________________ _____________________
____________________ _____________________
____________________ _____________________
____________________ _____________________
D. Put the verbs in brackets into Past Simple or Past Continuous Tense 5 points _____

1. When they _______________ (leave) the museum, the sun _________________ (shine).
2. The students ___________________ (not write)a test yesterday at maths class.
3. What _______________________(you/talk) about when the teacher __________ (come) in?
E. Complete the sentences. Use: comparative, superlative or as…as 5 points _____
1. I can’t speak ______________________________ (quickly) you.
2. Yesterday was ________________________ (bad) day in my life.
3. Ohrid is __________________________(far) from Skopje than Tetovo.
4. The restaurant is _______________________ (expensive) than the last time I was here.
5. Is Skopje ________________________ (noisy) city in the world?
F. Rewrite the sentences in Passive 10points _____
1. He didn’t tell me that he saw Nadja yesterday.
2. Tourists don’t visit Macedonia a lot.
3. Emma always writes the homework after school.
4. Nowadays they show too much violence on television.
5. The gardener watered the flowers last week.
G. Fill the gaps with correct relative pronoun: 5 points _____
1. Do you know that boy _______ sister is a singer? 2. A panda is a kind of bear _______ eats bamboo.
3. The lady ______ is wearing a red dress is my aunt.
4. These are the photos _______ we took on our holiday. 5. I don’t like people ________ tell lies.
READING AND WRITING 15x1=15points _____
Hanging out at the mall isn’t the first thing most people think of for their next weekend break or short holiday.
But this isn’t just a mall - it’s the world’s largest entertainment and shopping center. The last section of it was
completed in 1998, and now it covers 493.000 square meters or 48 city blocks.
WHAT TO DO: With over 800 different shops, it’s a shopper paradise. Apart from shopping it offers
swimming, surfing, ice-skating, rock-climbing and much more - all year round, and all under one roof. The mall
also has the world’s largest indoor amusement park, with 25 rides, including a rollercoaster 14 storey tall. If
you prefer less active entertainment, there are 26 cinemas to choose from, plus a casino, a comedy club, 110
restaurants and food stalls and a huge complex of arcade and video games. There are plenty of facilities and
fun activities for young children, too, which makes this an ideal destination for family holidays.
WHERE TO STAY: There is a hotel inside the mall itself and one opposite the entrance. A range of good hotels
can be found in downtown Edmonton.
WHEN TO GO: Since everything is indoors, you can go there at any time of the year. You know your holiday
won’t be spoiled by bad weather.
WHAT WE THINK: For a weekend or short break, this is a great holiday destination for almost everyone.
Read the sentences and write true /false/doesn’t say
1. Edmonton always has good weather. ___________
2. It covers fifty-eight city blocks. ___________
3. The last section was opened in nineteen ninety-nine. ____________
4. There are more than eight hundred different shops here. ____________
5. Hanging out at the mall is the first thing people think of when they are on holiday. ______
6. The mall offers entertainment for adults and children of all ages. ____________
7. West Edmonton Mall is the world’s largest shopping center. ____________
8. People can go there whenever they like. ____________
9. There are 110 cinemas in the mall. ____________
10. The mall is a good place to go shopping. ____________
Match the words with their definitions
1. A door or gate where you go into a place (par.3) ____________________
2. ruined, destroyed (par. 4) ____________________
3. a perfect place (par. 2) _____________________
4. a place where somebody is going (par.5) _____________________
5. a place or building that enables you to do something (par.2) ______________________
Vocabulary 20 -17 16-13 12-9 8-5 4-0

Grammar 25 - 22 21-18 17-14 13-10 9-0

Reading Comprehension 15 -13 12 - 10 9-7 6- 4 3-0

Total: 60 points Your points______ Mark:____________

60- 52-excellent 51 – 44 -very good 43 – 36-good 35 – 28 - OK 27 -0-try harder
ELT ___________________ Roditel: ______________
Teacher’s comment:
Name _____________________________________________ Date: __________
Class _______ Time: 40 minutes
A. Fill the correct word. Be careful!!! There are too many words! 5x1=5points _____
compulsory; compete; environment; slow food; fair trade; tastings; breakthrough ; conclusion,
1. ___________ clothes are those clothes that haven’t been made under sweatshop conditions.
2. Retailers have come to a _________________ that low prices are possible due to buying in bulk.
3. Slow food is food that is produced in a way that doesn’t harm the ____________ or health..
4. Long working hours are __________________ in garment sweatshops.
5. His cinema _________________ came with the film “Six degrees of separation” .
B. Match the words 5x1=5points _____
1. counteract ____ a) people who sell things
2. retailers ____ b) a place where people buy tickets
3. tastings ____ c) garment
4. box office ____ d) go against something to reduce its force
5. clothes ____ e) where people sample wine or food
B. Reasons why is healthy food good/why is junk food bad 10x1=10points _____
Write the correct words under each headline:
___________________ _____________________
____________________ _____________________
____________________ _____________________
____________________ _____________________
____________________ _____________________
D. Put the verbs in brackets into Past Simple or Past Continuous Tense 5 points _____

1. We ___________ (wait) for Jane, when suddenly Louis ___________(come) around the corner.
2. I _________________ (cycle) through the park, when I _____________ (hear) a strange noise.
3. How fast ____________________ (you/drive) when the police stopped you?.
E. Complete the sentences. Use: comparative, superlative or as…as 5 points _____
1. The rat is ____________________________(ugly) animal that I know.
2. San Francisco isn’t _____________________(big) Skopje.
3. I wasn’t feeling well yesterday, but I feel a bit _____________ (good) today.
4. I didn’t want to wake anybody so I came in _________________ (quiet) I could.
5. Brad wants to be ___________________(famous) than Picasso.
F. Rewrite the sentences in Passive 10points _____
1. Children in my school usually speak Spanish.
2. They don’t deliver milk to your doorsteps in Britain.
3. Frank Robinson gave the name Coca Cola to the drink..
4. She didn’t write a letter last week.
5. People all over the world eat 35 million hamburgers every day..
G. Fill the gaps with correct relative pronoun: 5 points _____
1. A doll, ________ archeologists found in an Egyptian tomb, is the world’s oldest known toy.
2.An island is a piece of land _________ is surrounded by water..
3. Do you know the girl __________ father is an English teacher?.
4. A tourist is a person _______ travels for pleasure. 5. I’ve never seen a cat _____ sleeps so much.
READING AND WRITING 15x1=15points _____
I. Read the text EATING IN SILENCE
What’s in a name? Robert Keller finds out that “Silence” restaurant is something to shout about.
When I walked into Silence restaurant at 39, Highgate Road, London, I couldn’t believe my ears. It wasn’t silent
at all! In fact, it was full of sounds of people enjoying delicious food in a great atmosphere.
On the waiter’s recommendation I ordered curry. I’m a big fan of curry and I’ve tried many different kinds, but
I’ve never tasted a curry like that I had there. It had a wonderful aroma and was very, very hot and spicy. I
cooled it down with a refreshing vanilla ice cream served with chopped nuts and cream.
The staff at Silence is friendly and helpful and my waiter was happy to tell me that the place is very popular. In
fact, since it opened two weeks ago, it has been full every night. That’s hardly surprising, as a meal for two
costs only 35 pounds.
For those of you who like the sound of Silence, you can book a table by calling 020 7975 3777. I would strongly
recommend it to all food lovers.
Read the sentences and write true /false/doesn’t say
1. The restaurant is very expensive. ___________
2. It was the second time Robert had visited it. ___________
3. The waiter recommended him a curry. ____________
4. The restaurant was opened two months ago. ____________
5. Silence restaurant is a perfect place for all food lovers. _____________
6. The restaurant is named after its owner. ____________
7. Robert didn’t have a starter. ____________
8. People can go there whenever they like. ____________
9. Vanilla is Robert’s favourite ice cream flavour. ____________
10. The main course smelt good. ____________
Match the words with their definitions
1. pleasant smell (par.2) ____________________
2. reserve a place in a restaurant (par. 4) ____________________
3. I was surprised by what I heard (par. 1) _____________________
4. people who work in a restaurant (par.3) _____________________
5. highly (par.4) ______________________
Vocabulary 20 -17 16-13 12-9 8-5 4-0

Grammar 25 - 22 21-18 17-14 13-10 9-0

Reading Comprehension 15 -13 12 - 10 9-7 6- 4 3-0

Total: 60 points Your points______ Mark:____________

60- 52-excellent 51 – 44 -very good 43 – 36-good 35 – 28 - OK 27 -0-try harder
ELT ___________________ Roditel: ______________
Teacher’s comment:
Name _____________________________________________ Date: __________
Class _______ Time: 40 minutes
A. Fill the correct word. Be careful!!! There are too many words! 10x1=10points _____
influential , uninhabited, exploded, previous, clay table, tribes, fascinated, settlers, oppressed,equal rights, fascinated, vibrant, mammals
1. They discovered over 40 species of ___________ in the forest in New Guinea .
2. Bob Marley was the most___________ member of the Rastafarian movement and the voice of ________.
3. The first map was drawn on a________________ .
4. The scientists’ excitement __________________ when they came across the Orange-headed honey eater.
5. Their struggle for _________________ was achieved in 1962.
6. The ship came to that ____________________ island and stayed there for two years.
7. He couldn’t remember what happened __________________ night.
8. I enjoy discovering new things and I’m ________________ by volcanoes.
9. In the 18th century Vancouver was inhabited by 20 different _______________.
B. Match the words 5x1=5points _____
1. natural ____ a) people
2. indigenous ____ b) warming
3. abolition of ____ c) resources
4. bob ____ d) slavery
5. global ____ e) sleigh
C. Write correct words for these definitions: 5x1=5 points _____
1. Organizations that help in the third world ________________________________
2. made a map of ____________________________________________________
3. strongly criticized in the public _______________________________________
4. easy to remember and sing ___________________________________________
5. killed ________________________________________________________
D. Put the verbs in brackets into Present Perfect Simple or Continuous 5 points _____
1. I didn’t know you could speak Chinese. How long ___________________________ (you/learn) it?
2. The use of fossil fuels ____________________________ (increase)the amounts of carbon dioxide in the
atmosphere in the past ten years.
3. Sea levels _______________________ (rise) gradually in the last decade..
4. Mr. Peters ____________________ (travel) around Europe for 6 months, but he __________________
(not visit) Jordan yet.
E. Put the verbs in the correct future tense (Present Simple/Continuous/will/going to) 10 points _____

1. We ___________________(have) dinner at a nice restaurant on Saturday.

2. It ______________________( snow )in the mountains tomorrow evening.
3. On Sunday at 8 o'clock I _______________________( meet) my friend.
4. Wait! I ____________________(drive) you to the station. I _____________(go) to work, anyway.
5. I _________________________( see) my sister in April.
6. Listen! There's someone at the door. I ___________________( open) the door for you

7. As we want to get better marks in English, we ______________(study) harder in the future.

8. Soren ____________________(come) to see us tomorrow.His train ______________(arrive) at 7:30.

READING AND WRITING 15x1=15points _____
F. Read the text MEXICO CITY IN A DAY
Danny Spector, our Latin America Travel correspondent, takes us to one of the world’s biggest and most exciting cities:
Mexico City.
Many people travelling to Mexico pass through Mexico City but most of them never actually visit Mexico’s capital. If you
asked those people why, they would probably say something about the air. Mexico City is a very big city and the air pollution
is always the problem. But a lot of its inhabitants say that air pollution is less of a problem now than in the past.
I started my day in the historic center. Built on what used to be an island in an ancient lake, it’s the oldest part of the city
and includes the Zocalo, the largest public square in the Americas. The first thing I noticed there was an enormous Mexican
flag in the center. I spent some time walking around, but since I only had a day to spend there, I decided to move on.
I learned that the best way to see the most sights in the shortest time is to take the “Turibus”, a red, two level bus similar
to the double decker buses in London, except that the top level has no roof. This means that you can see the sights better,
but it also means that you need to wear a lot of sun cream. You almost never need to wait for more than 30 minutes and a
daily ticket allows you unlimited rides.
I took the bus to Chapultepec Park and saw the amazing National Museum of Anthropology, perhaps the most famous of the
city’s 100 museums. It’s also one of the biggest, but I only saw a small part of it. Other sights in the park that I didn’t have
time to see include an amusement park, a forest with beautiful old trees and a large zoo with giant pandas.
I finished the day by going to Plaza Garibaldi, which always has street musicians playing traditional Mexican music. There’s
also “birria “, a spicy goat meat soup sold at the self-service restaurants in a large building just off the square. I didn’t have
enough time to enjoy both. And I hope to have time for both the next time I go to this exciting, beautiful city.
Read the sentences and write true /false/doesn’t say
1. Danny Spector liked Mexico City. ___________
2. It was the second time Danny had visited it. ___________
3. The Zocalo is the biggest public square in the world. ____________
4. The “Turibus” is a convenient way to see the major sights. ____________
5. Mexico City is a perfect place for holiday. _____________
6. The air pollution is a problem in Mexico City. ____________
7. Birria is a type of Mexican music. ____________
8. People can see pandas in Chapultepec Park. ____________
9. The center of Mexico City used to be under the water. ____________
10. Danny stayed in Mexico City for a day. ____________
Match the words with their definitions
1. person who writes news or articles for a newspaper (par.1) ____________________
2. Tourist frequently visit these places (par. 4) ____________________
3. the town where the government is (par. 2) _____________________
4. places where you take the food yourself and pay (par.6) _____________________
5. place for having fun (par.5) ______________________
Vocabulary 20 -17 16-13 12-9 8-5 4-0

Grammar 15 -13 12 - 10 9-7 6- 4 3-0

Reading Comprehension 15 -13 12 - 10 9-7 6- 4 3-0

Total: 50 points Your points______ Mark:____________

50- 43-excellent 42 – 34 -very good 33 – 26-good 25 – 18 - OK 17 -0-try harder
ELT ___________________ Roditel: ______________
Teacher’s comment:
Name _____________________________________________ Date: __________
Class _______ Time: 40 minutes
A. Fill the correct word. Be careful!!! There are too many words! 10x1=10points _____
imported ,exploited,catchy, previously, rejoiced,numerous,sunny beach,property, oppression,booked, fascinated, vibrant, residential
1. I could remember the song because of its ___________ rhythm .
2. Vancouver is a young and ___________city with a spectacular location.
3. Cricket was________________in Jamaica during the English colonialism .
4. The scientists saw __________________ undiscovered animal and plant species.
5. The British _________________ the Jamaica’s natural sources.
6. The best place to relax is on a beautiful ____________________ .
7. He’s already __________________ a hotel in the _________________ part of the city.
8. People used maps to help them find their ________________ after the river flooded.
9. In “the garden of Eden” there are species _______________ unknown to man.
B. Match the words 5x1=5points _____
1. renewable ____ a) melodies
2. ill ____ b) communication
3. catchy ____ c) sources of energy
4. uncontaminated ____ d) treatment
5. written ____ e) forest
C. Write correct words for these definitions: 5x1=5 points _____
1. a thing that takes away your breath ________________________________
2. when water covers a dry area_______________________________________
3. a particular place _______________________________________
4. a traveler to unknown places ___________________________________________
5. a vehicle for moving across the snow and ice________________________________
D. Put the verbs in brackets into Present Perfect Simple or Continuous 5 points _____
1._________ ___ __________(you/finish) your game of chess yet. How long ______________ (you/play) it?
2.The waiter ____________________________ (forget) about our order. We __________________ (wait)
here for 20 minutes and he _______________ (not bring) it yet.
E. Put the verbs in the correct future tense (Present Simple/Continuous/will/going to) 10 points _____
1. This is my last day here. I __________________(go) back to England tomorrow.
2. Hurry up! The conference ____________________(begin) in 20 minutes.
3. Josh is very nervous, he has bought Annie a bunch of flowers because he ____________________(ask)
her out.
4. My horoscope says that I ____________( meet) an old friend this week.
5. What does a blonde say when she sees a banana skin lying just a few metres in front of her?
- Oh dear! I_________________( slip) !
6. He ________________________(receive) two Oscars on this year’s celebration.
7. I _____________________( stay) in a five-star-hotel. I booked it yesterday.
8. We _________________________(meet) him tomorrow at 9.
9. I love London. I _________ probably__________( go) there next year.
10. Our train_________________( leave) at 4:47.
READING AND WRITING 15x1=15points _____
F. Read the text A GETAWAY TO HEAVEN
A Unique destination
Niagara Falls is located between Southern Ontario (Canada) and New York State (USA). You really must see the natural
paradise! If you want to experience the best things Niagara Falls can offer and enjoy the marvel of nature Canadians and
Americans have protected for many years, this fantastic parkland in North America is the right place for your next holiday.
What to see
The most comfortable way to visit Niagara Falls is a boat ride on the world famous Maid of the Mist. The historical boat
tour takes millions of tourists to the Falls from the Canadian to the American side every year. Once you reach the basin of
the Canadian Horseshoe Falls you can enjoy the breathtaking view. There are also jet boat rides along the river or
helicopter flights over the waterfalls.
Don’t miss two other tourists’ attractions-the White Water Walk and the Journey Behind the Falls, Then, you can go to a
short journey through some tunnels which lead behind the Falls. When you are tired of the Falls, you can play golf
A quick historical view
The first inhabitants who settled in the Niagara Falls region were the Iroquois. They worked as a farmers and traders
along the river. In the 19th century the area developed a lot. The village of Manchester (Niagara Falls) become
an important center for manufacturing companies during the early years of industrial development. Tourists
started to arrive in the 1820s and they still visti the area after almost two centuries.
Shopping, Eating, Entertainment
After an exciting adventure, visit Niagara Square with its shops, movies, theatres and boutiques. Restaurants
serve locally grown products and regional cuisine. At night enjoy the local clubs with live music, casinos,
discotheques or cabarets. Don’t forget the firework over the Falls every Friday and Sunday!!!
Read the sentences and write true /false/doesn’t say
1.The text helps tourists who want to spend a holiday in Canada. ___________
2. You can see the Falls only on board the boat. ___________
3. Local people saw first tourists before the 17 century. ____________
4. The area around Niagara Falls extends over two countries. ____________
5. You can’t take up any sports in the region. _____________
6. The first inhabitants were white. ____________
7. You can only taste local food. ____________
8. People can walk around the Niagara Falls region . ____________
9. The center of the Falls is the most beautiful part. ____________
10. You must book to see the winter fireworks . ____________
Match the words with their definitions
1. a knowledge you get from doing something (par.1) ____________________
2. people that live in a place (par. 4) ____________________
3. big business organizations (par. 4) _____________________
4. objects that burn or explode in different colours (par.5) _____________________
5. interesting or enjoyable things (par.3) ______________________
Vocabulary 20 -17 16-13 12-9 8-5 4-0

Grammar 15 -13 12 - 10 9-7 6- 4 3-0

Reading Comprehension 15 -13 12 - 10 9-7 6- 4 3-0

Total: 50 points Your points______ Mark:____________

50- 43-excellent 42 – 34 -very good 33 – 26-good 25 – 18 - OK 17 -0-try harder
ELT ___________________ Roditel: ______________
Teacher’s comment:
Name _______________________________ Date: ____________Class________ Time: 40 min.
A. Fill the correct word. Be careful!!! There are too many words! 10x1=10points _____
casual; tirelessly; whirled; toddlers; in confidence; department; awareness; artificial; dedicated;
landmines; member; participate; resemble; stroll; ceremony; companionship; faculties;
1. At the age of two _____________ choose the friend who is the most fun to play with.
2. Studies show that people can have about 30-40 __________ friends and only 5-6 close friends.
3. Friends should ____________ in their friend’s joy and suffering.
4. The big shopping centres _____________________ real cities more and more.
5. You can ___________through greenery between fountains and benches in the shopping centres.
6. The “Selfridges” _______________ store is covered in 15.000 aluminum discs.
7. When my mum won the lottery, she picked me up and ________ me round and round.
8. After her divorce, Princess Diana ___________ herself to helping others.
9. Bob Geldof organized the concert to raise _________________ of the poverty in Africa.
10. The United Nations has 192 _____________ countries.
B. Match the words 5x1=5points _____
1. emergency ____ a) faculties
2. wild ____ b) waves
3. intellectual ____ c) aid
4. artificial ____ d) person
5. envious ____ e) lifestyle
C. Write correct words for these definitions: 5x1=5 points _____
1. sympathetic pity and concern for the suffering of others ________________________________
2. argue and not be friends with someone _____________________________________________
3. a long body of water curling into an arch ____________________________________________
4. extreme scarcity of food _______________________________________________________
5. a vehicle for travelling into space__________________________________________________
D. Put the verbs in brackets into correct tense (0,I,II Conditional) 10 points _____

1. If he______________ ( study),he ________________ ( pass) the exams, but he didn’t.

2. Most teachers are women. If there ____________(be) more male teachers, teaching ______ (become)
a better paid profession.
3. If you _______________(not give) plants sunlight, they _______________ (die).
4. If he ______________ ( have) a temperature,he ___________ (see) the doctor.
5. Tom never buys a lottery ticket. If he __________(buy) a ticket, he _________(win) the lottery.
E. Turn the sentences into reported speech 10 points _____
1. “ I don’t like my new car very much” -- he says.
2. “I can’t see you tonight” - she said.
3. “I’ll give you the money back tomorrow.” - said Adam.
4. “We are listening to music in our room” – the children said.
5. “It is really hot in here” - our teacher always says.
READING AND WRITING 15x1=15points _____
F. Read the text and circle the correct word for each space
Two thousand years ago English didn’t exist. A thousand years ago it was a language used by less than two
million people. Now it is the most ____________language in the world, spoken by more than a billion people on
the planet as their first, second or third language. English __________ dominates science, business, the mass
media and popular culture. For example, 80% of e-mails on the Internet are in English. But where will English be
at the end of the third millennium?
One view is that English is going to become even more important as a __________language, dominating the
world’s trade and media while most other languages will become localised or just die out. At present, over half
of the world’s 6.500 languages are in danger of_______________. Another view is that English is already
breaking up, as Latin did, into several separate languages.
Hopefully, neither of these things will happen. Although different varieties of English will continue to develop,
standard English will survive for international communication. In addition, the frightening prospect of a
culturally uniform world totally dominated by one language is impossible. Governments around the world are also
starting to protect smaller languages and recognize the importance of cultural and ___________diversity.
English will probably stay in control for a long time, at least while the USA remains the top superpower, but it
definitely won’t become the only language in the world.
1. A) influential B) effective C) successful
2. A) information B) currently C) first time
3. A) final B) popular C) global
4. A) extinction B) effort C) develop
5. A) different B) language C) linguistic
Read the sentences and write T(true); F (false) or DS (doesn’t say):
1. English is dominant language in trade and media. _________
2. More than 6.500 languages are extinct nowadays. _________
3. English, as well as Latin, are important for medicine. _________
4. All governments protect their own languages. _________
5. Standard English will survive for a long time for international communication. __________

Match the words with their definitions

1. a period of a thousand years (par.1) ____________________
2. aspect, sight (par. 2) ____________________
3. disappearing (par. 2) _____________________
4. except this (par.3) _____________________
5. variety (par.3) ______________________
Vocabulary 20 -17 16-13 12-9 8-5 4-0

Grammar 20 -17 16 - 13 12 - 9 8- 5 4-0

Reading Comprehension 15 -13 12 - 10 9-7 6- 4 3-0

Total: 55 points Your points______ Mark:____________

55- 48-excellent 47 – 40 -very good 39 – 32-good 31 – 21 - OK 20 -0-try harder
ELT ___________________ Roditel: ______________
Teacher’s comment:
Name _______________________________ Date: ____________Class________ Time: 40 min.
A. Fill the correct word. Be careful!!! There are too many words! 10x1=10points _____
casual; tirelessly; whirled; nursery; in confidence; universal; efforts; artificial; divorce; poverty;
member; participate; face; emergency aid; ceremony; companionship; notorious;
1. Friendship is indeed _____________ and most important human emotion.
2. They raised a lot of money for ______________________ to Ethiopia..
3. For many people the _________________ of a dog is very important.
4. In this shopping centre there is a swimming pool with _____________________ waves .
5. We usually tell our best friends something ____________________.
6. A_______________ is a place where people can leave their children while shopping.
7. People with lots of friends get ill less often, stay looking younger and ________ difficulties better.
8. Princess Diana worked ___________ for the campaign to ban landmines.
9. Bob Geldof used to be _________________ for his wild lifestyle.
10. At the age of 34 he was knighted for his _____________.
B. Match the words 5x1=5points _____
1. stroll ____ a) relief
2. famine ____ b) rink
3. skating ____ c) awareness
4. raise ____ d) friends
5. casual ____ e) between fountains
C. Write correct words for these definitions: 5x1=5 points _____
1. long seats for several people____________________________________________________
2. look like___________________________________________________________________
3. something bad or unpleasant __________________________________________________
4. concerned with or seeking to promote human welfare _______________________________
5. a serious, unexpected and often dangerous situation requiring immediate action ________________
D. Put the verbs in brackets into correct tense (0,I,II Conditional) 10 points _____

1. If she ______________ ( earn) a lot of money this month,she _________ ( fly) to New York.
2. If my friends ______________ ( come) yesterday,I _______________ ( be) very happy.
3. If you _______________(give) a bone to a dog, it _______________ (bury) it.
4. If Tom ________ (not hear) his alarm clock, he _______ (not catch)the bus, but luckily he did .
5. If I __________(be) you, I _________(call) her tonight.

E. Turn the sentences into reported speech 10 points _____

1. “Johny won’t come to my party tonight” – she said.
2.” We are doing a History project tomorrow” – they said.
3. “The government doesn’t give enough money for education these days” – he says.
4. “I don’t have his phone number, so I can’t call him” – she said.
5. “We study English at school, but we don’t study German” – they sаid.
READING AND WRITING 15x1=15points _____
F. Read the text and circle the correct word for each space
How many common words were invented by Shakespeare? How long did it take people to find the answer to this
question 15 years ago? And now? You can “google” it and find the answer____________.
Google is the most popular Internet search engine in the world. It was invented by two students, Larry Page and
Sergey Brin. They met in 1955 when they were both studying computer science at Stanford University, the
USA. They were also both__________ of the science fiction TV programme Star Trek. They dreamt of
producing something that could answer any question in a second.
At that time, Internet engines were slow and gave many __________ that weren’t useful. In January 1996
Page and Brin decided to make a faster search engine. They thought the result should be based on the
popularity of each website - the most popular ones have the highest number of “web links”.
Nobody would give them money for their project, so they used their credit cards and bought as much computer
memory _______________. They also borrowed money from family and friends. Then in 1998, they were
given a cheque of $1.000.000 and they started their own company. The company name “Google” comes from
mathematics. A “googol” is a very high number - 1 followed by a hundred zeros.
The Google search engine was soon used by thousands of people worldwide because it was fast, easy and
___________. By 2002 it was the biggest search engine on the Internet. Now more questions have been
answered by Google than any other Internet service, from sport to science, from music to medicine. Google
hopes that in the future the entire world’s information will be put on the Internet, so that everybody can find
1. A) immediately B) effectively C) patiently
2. A) members B) fans C) friends
3. A) information B) stories C) websites
4. A) as they liked B) as they could take C) as possible
5. A) accurate B) popular C) cheap
Read the sentences and write T(true); F (false) or DS (doesn’t say):
1. Larry and Sergey lived together while studying. _________
2. They came to an idea to make a faster search engine in 1966. _________
3. People invested in their idea generously. _________
4. Their idea was to invent a search engine that could answer any question in a second._______
5. Popular websites have the most web links . __________
Match the words with their definitions
1. not special, ordinary (par.1) ____________________
2.something that is made for the first time (par. 2) ____________________
3. the final situations at the end of a series of actions (par.3) _____________________
4. small plastic cards used instead of money (par.4) _____________________
5. all around the world (par.5) ______________________
Vocabulary 20 -17 16-13 12-9 8-5 4-0

Grammar 20 -17 16 - 13 12 - 9 8- 5 4-0

Reading Comprehension 15 -13 12 - 10 9-7 6- 4 3-0

Total: 55 points Your points______ Mark:____________

55- 48-excellent 47 – 40 -very good 39 – 32-good 31 – 21 - OK 20 -0-try harder
ELT ___________________ Roditel: ______________
Teacher’s comment:
4. If my friends ______________ ( come),I _______________ ( be) very happy.
5. If she ______________ ( earn) a lot of money,she _________ ( fly) to New York.
6. If the sun _____________(shine), we _____________ ( walk) to the town.

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