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See the Editorial and the Response in this issue, pp 985–987.

J Neurosurg 96:1094–1102, 2002

Heme oxygenase-1 gene therapy for prevention of

vasospasm in rats

Department of Neurological Surgery, Okayama University Medical School, Okayama; Department of
Neurosurgery, Osaka Red Cross Hospital, Osaka, Japan; and Section of Neurosurgery, Department of
Surgery, Pritzker School of Medicine, University of Chicago Medical Center, Chicago, Illinois

Object. Hemoglobin causes contraction of cerebral arteries and is also believed to cause vasospasm after subarach-
noid hemorrhage (SAH). The goal in this study was to determine if overexpression of heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1), the
principal enzyme involved in the metabolism of hemoglobin, would reduce contractions of cerebral arteries brought on
by hemoglobin and decrease vasospasm after experimental SAH.
Methods. Injection of adenovirus expressing HO-1 (Ad5HO-1) into the cisterna magna of rats produced a significant
increase in expression of HO-1 messenger RNA, and protein and HO-1 activity in the basilar artery ([BA]; p  0.05
for each measure compared with vehicle and/or control virus, according to analysis of variance or unpaired t-test). In-
jection of adenovirus expressing -galactosidase (Ad-Gal) produced only mild, statistically nonsignificant increases.
The HO-1 immunoreactivity was localized to the BA adventitia after injection of Ad5HO-1 or Ad-Gal. Injection of
Ad5HO-1 and Ad-Gal increased the baseline diameter of the BA (measured directly via a transclival window) and
brainstem cerebral blood flow (CBF), measured by laser Doppler flowmetry, compared with vehicle. Contraction of the
BA after addition of hemoglobin was significantly inhibited, reduction in brainstem CBF was significantly prevented,
and carboxyhemoglobin concentration was significantly increased in rats injected with Ad5HO-1 compared with Ad-
Gal and vehicle. Vasospasm was significantly ameliorated in rats in which Ad5HO-1 was injected into the cisterna
magna at the time of SAH in a double-hemorrhage model.
Conclusions. These results show that overexpression of HO-1 inhibits arterial contractions induced by hemoglobin
and can reduce vasospasm after experimental SAH.

KEY WORDS • subarachnoid hemorrhage • vasospasm • basilar artery • hemoglobin •

adenovirus • rat

appears to play an important role in the cluding neurons.28 Induction of HO-1 after SAH in rats was

pathogenesis of vasospasm after SAH. Modifica- suggested to have neuroprotective effects in the brain,30 and
tion of the metabolism of hemoglobin and heme inhibition of HO-1 expression in these arteries was report-
may be important in the prevention of vasospasm. Oxida- ed to increase vasospasm in cerebral arteries.47 It has never
tion of the ferrous iron in oxy- or deoxyhemoglobin produc- been directly demonstrated, however, whether induction of
es methemoglobin, which more readily releases its heme HO-1 may be used to modify cerebral vasospasm. In these
groups from the globin chains.5 Globin chains are probably experiments we present direct evidence of a vasodilatory
degraded by intra- and extracellular proteases. The heme contribution of the HO-1–CO system in the major cerebral
group is metabolized into biliverdin, CO, and iron by HOs arteries of rats, as well as evidence that overexpression of
that consist of at least three isozymes: the oxidative stress- HO-1 in cerebral arteries can reduce vasospasm after exper-
inducible protein HO-1, constitutively expressed HO-2, and imental SAH.
HO-3.28,31 Heme oxygenase-1 (also known as heat shock
protein 32) usually is not expressed except in response to
stimuli such as hemin, heavy metals including iron, ultra- Materials and Methods
violet light, H2O2, sodium arsenite, lipopolysaccharide, and Adenovirus Preparation, Subarachnoid Virus Injection, and
heat shock in rats but not in humans. In contrast, HO-2 and Cranial Window Model
HO-3 are constitutively expressed in many cell types, in- Synthesis of a replication-defective adenovirus expressing rat HO-
1 under control of the CMV immediate early promoter was per-
Abbreviations used in this paper: ANOVA = analysis of variance; formed as described earlier.42 A recombinant, replication-defective
BA = basilar artery; CBF = cerebral blood flow; CMV = cytomeg- adenovirus containing the Escherichia coli -galactosidase gene un-
alovirus; CO = carbon monoxide; CSF = cerebrospinal fluid; HO = der control of the CMV promoter (Ad-Gal) was also prepared using
heme oxygenase; LDF = laser Doppler flowmetry; mRNA = messen- standard methods.14,20,44
ger RNA; NOS = nitric oxide synthase; PBS = phosphate-buffered
saline; pfu = plaque-forming units; RT-PCR = reverse transcriptase– Animal Preparation
polymerase chain reaction; SAH = subarachnoid hemorrhage. All procedures performed in animals were approved by the Insti-

1094 J. Neurosurg. / Volume 96 / June, 2002

Prevention of vasospasm with HO-1 gene therapy

tutional Animal Care and Use Committee. Male Sprague–Dawley cisternal injection of vehicle, Ad5HO-1, or Ad-Gal. The CO con-
rats weighing 250 to 300 g were used to examine the efficiency, loca- tent in the rat CSF was measured using spectrophotometry of hemo-
tion, and function of viral transgene expression in the subarachnoid globin and carboxyhemoglobin, according to established methods.43
space and BA. Methods for cisterna magna injection and creation Pure human ferrous hemoglobin A0 (final concentration 1 mmol/L)
of a cranial window have been described.38 Briefly, purified adenovi- was applied to the BA, which was exposed through a cranial window
rus (0.1 ml of Ad5HO-1 or Ad-Gal containing 1010 pfu) or 0.1 ml as described earlier. The CSF was aspirated from the window after
of 10% glycerol in saline (vehicle) were injected under sterile condi- 30 minutes and the concentration of carboxyhemoglobin was mea-
tions into the cisterna magna of anesthetized rats. One day after the sured as absorbance at 421 nm minus absorbance at the isobestic
injection, rats were reanesthetized and placed supine in a stereotactic point (480 nm). The established extinction coefficient of 58.7 mmol/
frame. The BA was exposed transclivally and its diameter was mon- L/cm was used to calculate the concentration of carboxyhemoglobin
itored using a surgical microscope equipped with a charge-coupled in CSF.
device camera, video monitor, and calibrated optical measuring de-
vice. Body temperature, blood pressure, and PaO2 and PaCO2 were Experimental Model of SAH
measured using a rectal thermometer and a catheter inserted into the
femoral artery, respectively, and values were maintained in the phys- A rat double-hemorrhage model of SAH was used to assess
iological range. The BA diameter was measured at baseline and after whether adenovirus-mediated HO-1 gene transfection prevents vaso-
application of pure human ferrous hemoglobin A0 in physiological spasm in vivo.48 Male Sprague–Dawley rats were randomly assigned
phosphate buffer. Applications were made so that the final concen- to three groups to receive intracisternal Ad5HO-1, Ad-Gal, or vehi-
tration in the window was 107 to 104 mol/L oxyhemoglobin, based cle. The investigator performing injections and analyzing data did so
on a volume of the rat subarachnoid space of 0.3 ml.38 Brainstem in a blinded fashion. On Day 0, animals were anesthetized and al-
blood flow was measured using laser Doppler flowmetry 1 mm later- lowed to breathe spontaneously, after which 0.25 ml of arterial blood
al to the BA. was mixed with 0.1 ml of Ad5HO-1, Ad-Gal (1010 pfu), or vehicle
and injected into the cisterna magna over 5 minutes. Rats were re-
Assessment of Transgene Expression anesthetized 2 days after the initial injection (Day 2) and given a
seond injection of 0.3 ml of autologous arterial blood. Seven days af-
The HO-1 mRNA was measured using RT-PCR 1 day after in- ter the first injection, rats were killed with overdoses of anesthetic
jection of Ad5HO-1, Ad-Gal, or vehicle into the cisterna mag- agents and their tissues were harvested, or the animals were fixed by
na. One day after virus injections, the rats were anesthetized and perfusion with PBS, followed by 4% paraformaldehyde in PBS at
decapitated. The BAs were removed and placed in liquid N2. The physiological blood pressure. Frozen sections of BA and brainstem
RNA was extracted and amplified using methods described previous were cut 10 m thick on the cryostat, and BA diameters were mea-
ly.29 Sequences of HO-1 and -actin (internal control) primers were sured using a light microscope equipped with a micrometer. Cross-
5-AGAACCCAGTCTATGCCCCG-3 (sense primer), and 5- sections of BA were obtained for measurement at three points: 200
TTGTCGATGCTCGGGAAGGTG-3 (antisense primer), 5-AGA- m above the union of the vertebral arteries, just below the anteri-
TCATGTTTGAGACCTTCAACA-3 (sense primer) and 5-GCA- or inferior cerebellar arteries, and 200 m below the BA bifurcation.
CAGCTTCTCCTTAATGTC-3 (antisense primer), respectively. The mean of the three points was used as the diameter of the BA.
The PCRs were performed in triplicate and radioactivity was deter-
mined directly by using commercially available software. Data Analysis
Translation of viral transgene products into protein was assessed
by immunoblotting of protein extracted from BAs used for PCR. All data analysis was conducted in a blinded fashion, and data are
This was compared with a positive control obtained by incubation expressed as the mean  standard deviation. Comparisons of levels
of cultured rat BA smooth-muscle cells with 106 mol/L pure he- of mRNA and protein, and arterial diameter and blood flow within
moglobin.29 Immunoblotting was performed according to previously and between groups, were made using ANOVA for multiple com-
published methods by using rabbit polyclonal antibody against rat parisons, followed by pairwise comparisons with the Fisher test if
HO-1. Signal detection was performed with an enhanced chemilu- significant variance was found. Paired or unpaired t-tests were used
minescence detection kit. Quantification of the density of specific for comparisons between two measurements. A probability value of
bands of HO-1 and internal standards was done using the National less than 0.05 was considered statistically significant.
Institutes of Health Gel scan program and standardized as density per
microgram protein measured using a protein assay. Sources of Supplies and Equipment
For immunohistochemical localization of transgene expression, The charge-coupled device camera and video monitor were pur-
BAs from rats injected with Ad5HO-1, Ad-Gal, or vehicle were chased from Hitachi, Yokohama, Japan. The optical measuring de-
harvested 1 day postinjection, after transcardiac perfusion of the ani- vice and the micrometer-equipped light microscope were acquired
mals at physiological pressure with PBS, followed by 4% parafor- from Fisher Scientific, Pittsburgh, PA. The blood pressure moni-
maldehyde in PBS. Cross-sections of the brainstem were immersed toring device was obtained from Stoelting, Wood Dale, IL, and the
in a graded series of sucrose solutions (up to 30%) and frozen PaO2 and PaCO2 monitoring device (i-STAT System) was obtained
sections were cut on a cryostat. Immunohistochemical studies were from Sensor Devices, Waukesha, WI. The purified hemoglobin was
performed according to methods described previously, by using the supplied by Hemosol, Etobicoke, ON. The LDF device was pur-
same HO-1 antibody as for immunoblotting.37,42 Alternate control chased from Transonic Systems, Ithaca, NY. The Phosphor Imager
sections were incubated without primary antibody or with primary and Image Quant software were acquired from Molecular Dynamics,
antibody alone. Slides were counterstained with hematoxylin. Sunnyvale, CA. The rabbit polyclonal antibody against rat HO-1 was
obtained from StressGen, Victoria, BC. The chemiluminescence de-
Assay of HO Activity and Measurement of Carboxyhemoglobin tection kit was supplied by New Life Science Products, Boston, MA.
To determine whether viral transfections altered HO activity, as- The BCA protein assay kit was purchased from Pierce Chemical Co.,
says were performed in transfected BAs.33 The BAs were harvested Rockford, IL. The spectrophotometric device (Spectronic Genesys
1 day after cisternal injection of Ad5HO-1, Ad-Gal, or vehicle, or 5) was obtained from Milton Roy, Ivyland, PA.
in normal control rats after transcardiac perfusion of the animals
at physiological blood pressure with PBS containing (in mM): 137
NaCl; 8.1 Na2HPO4; 2.7 KCl; and 1.5 KH2PO4; pH 7.4. The BAs
were ground in a Dounce homogenizer in PBS and then assayed for Results
HO activity by using a previously described spectrophotometric as- Expression of Recombinant HO-1 Adenovirus in the BA
say.33 To further assess HO function, a semiquantitative calculation
of the concentration of carboxyhemoglobin as a product of CO re- The BAs that were removed 1 day after injection of
action with hemoglobin was determined in additional experiments Ad5HO-1 into the cisterna magna contained increased
in which hemoglobin was applied to the BA of untreated rats or after amounts of HO-1 mRNA (Fig. 1), whereas injection of Ad-

J. Neurosurg. / Volume 96 / June, 2002 1095

S. Ono, T. Komuro, and R. L. Macdonald

FIG. 1. A: Representative blots showing RT-PCR amplifica-

tion of rat HO-1 (upper blot) and -actin (lower blot) mRNA from FIG. 2. A: Representative immunoblots of rat HO-1 (upper
BAs in rats in which Ad5HO-1 (first and second lanes), Ad-Gal blot) and -actin (lower blot) from control smooth-muscle cells
(third and fourth lanes), or 10% glycerol in saline vehicle (fifth and exposed to hemoglobin, 10 mol/L for 24 hours (first lane) and
sixth lanes) had been injected into the cisterna magna 1 day earli- from BAs of rats in which Ad5HO-1 (second lane), Ad-Gal (third
er, or BAs of untreated control rats (seventh and eighth lanes). B: lane), or 10% glycerol in saline vehicle (fourth lane) had been in-
Bar graph showing semiquantification of RT-PCR bands for each jected into the cisterna magna 1 day earlier, or BAs of untreated
group (three rats per bar). There is significantly more HO-1 mRNA control rats (fifth lane). B: Bar graph showing semiquantification
after injection of Ad5HO-1 compared with the other groups (*p  of immunoblot bands for each group (three rats per bar). There is
0.001 according to ANOVA). significantly more HO-1 protein after injection of Ad5HO-1 com-
pared with groups injected with Ad-Gal or vehicle, and also sig-
nificantly more after injection of Ad-Gal compared with vehicle,
but it was less than with Ad5HO-1 injections (*p  0.001 accord-
Gal or vehicle (10% glycerol in saline) did not result in ing to ANOVA).
substantial expression of HO-1 mRNA (three rats per
group). There was a statistically nonsignificant increase in
expression of HO-1 mRNA in the BAs of rats injected with tivity was detected in the rat BA 1 day after Ad5HO-1 in-
Ad-Gal that was significantly less than in the BAs of jection. Immunoreactivity was confined to numerous cells
rats injected with Ad5HO-1 (p  0.001, ANOVA). Signif- in the adventitia and to inflammatory cells that had sur-
icantly increased HO-1 protein, as determined on immu- rounded the BA and that were not seen after injection of ve-
noblot analysis, also was observed in the BA 1 day after hicle or around normal BAs. There was no detectable stain-
intracisternal injection of Ad5HO-1 (three rats per group, ing in the smooth-muscle cells of the tunica media or in the
p  0.001 compared with other groups; ANOVA, Fig. 2). tunica intima. Occasional cells showing immunoreactivity
Injection of Ad-Gal resulted in a low level of expression for HO-1 were observed in the adventitia of BAs of rats in-
of HO-1 protein in the BA, whereas injection of vehicle jected with Ad-Gal, although these cells were much less
did not. abundant than after injection of Ad5HO-1. Inflammatory
Immunohistochemical studies of BAs obtained 1 day af- cells containing HO-1 immunoreactivity also were seen
ter injection of Ad5HO-1, Ad-Gal, or vehicle showed around the BA of rats injected with Ad-Gal. There was no
negligible HO-1 immunoreactivity after injection of vehicle qualitative difference in the amount of inflammation ob-
(three rats per group, Fig. 3). Marked HO-1 immunoreac- served after injection of Ad5HO-1 or Ad-Gal.

1096 J. Neurosurg. / Volume 96 / June, 2002

Prevention of vasospasm with HO-1 gene therapy

FIG. 3. Photomicrographs showing immunohistochemical staining for HO-1 in BAs of rats injected with Ad5HO-1 (A
and C), Ad-Gal (D), or vehicle (B) and counterstained with hematoxylin. Omission of primary antibody resulted in no
nonspecific staining in a rat injected with Ad5HO-1 (A); similarly, there is no HO-1 immunoreactivity after injection with
vehicle (B). After injection of Ad5HO-1 there is intense immunoreactivity in the adventitia and in inflammatory cells
around the BA (C), whereas after injection of Ad-Gal, there are scattered positive cells in the adventitia and in inflam-
matory cells around the artery (D). Bars = 50 m.

Effect of HO-1 Transfection on BA Diameter and CBF 0.001, ANOVA; Fig. 5). For 104 mol/L hemoglobin, the
The baseline diameter of the BA and its diameter after CBF was significantly higher in the Ad5HO-1 group com-
exposure to increasing doses of ferrous hemoglobin were pared with the other groups (p  0.001, ANOVA).
examined 1 day after intracisternal injection of Ad5HO-1
(1010 pfu, five rats), Ad-Gal (1010 pfu, five rats), or an Activity of HO and Carboxyhemoglobin Formation
equivalent volume of vehicle (six rats). Physiological pa- To determine whether adenovirus-mediated HO-1 trans-
rameters were maintained within the normal range (Table fection produces active HO protein and CO, we examined
1). The diameter of the BA at baseline was significant- HO activity and the carboxyhemoglobin concentration in
ly greater in the Ad5HO-1 (423  17 m) and Ad-Gal untreated control rats (four for each factor) and in rats 1 day
(419  13 m) groups compared with vehicle (367  11 after injection of Ad5HO-1 (six rats each), Ad-Gal (HO
m, p  0.001, ANOVA, Fig. 4), although there was no activity in six and carboxyhemoglobin in four), or vehicle
significant difference in diameter between the Ad5HO-1 (HO activity in five and carboxyhemoglobin in three) into
and Ad-Gal groups. Application of 107 to 104 mol/L the cisterna magna. The HO activity was increased sig-
of pure hemoglobin led to contractions that started within nificantly in the Ad5HO-1 group compared with the ve-
minutes and that reached a maximum in 10 minutes. Wash-
out of the hemoglobin with PBS reversed the contraction to
baseline diameter in 50 minutes. Hemoglobin caused a con-
centration-dependent contraction of the BA in each group. TABLE 1
To allow for differences in the baseline diameter between
groups, the contractions to hemoglobin were expressed as a Physiological variables for effect of viral transfection and
hemoglobin on BA diameter*
percentage of the baseline diameter. This did not change the
overall pattern, however, which was that contractions of ar- Group
teries from animals transfected with Ad5HO-1 were always
less. The maximal percentage of contraction (Fig. 4) was Ad5HO-1 Ad-Gal Vehicle
significantly less (p  0.05, ANOVA) in the group injected Variable (5 rats) (5 rats) (6 rats)

with Ad5HO-1 compared with Ad-Gal. blood pressure (mm Hg) 132  13 127  16 130  17
For LDF-measured blood flow, the baseline CBF and PaCO2 (mm Hg) 39  2 42  1 42  3
that recorded after application of 107 to 104 mol/L he- PaO2 (mm Hg) 88  5 87  5 85  6
moglobin were significantly higher in both groups inject- pH 7.40  0.02 7.41  0.02 7.41  0.06
ed with virus than in vehicle-injected control animals (p  * All values are expressed as the means  standard deviations.

J. Neurosurg. / Volume 96 / June, 2002 1097

S. Ono, T. Komuro, and R. L. Macdonald

FIG. 5. Graph showing baseline LDF-measured blood flow in

the brainstem 1 day after injection of Ad5HO-1 (five rats), Ad-
Gal (five rats), or vehicle (six rats), and after application of 107
to 104 mol/L hemoglobin. Baseline flow and flow after appli-
cation of hemoglobin were significantly higher in both groups in-
jected with virus than in the vehicle-injected control animals for all
concentrations except 104 mol/L hemoglobin in animals inject
ed with Ad-Gal (*p  0.01 according to ANOVA). For 104 mol/
L hemoglobin, flow was significantly higher in the Ad5HO-1
group compared with the other groups (*p  0.001 according to

or second cisternal blood injection. The 19 surviving rats

(Ad5HO-1, six rats; Ad-Gal, six rats; vehicle, seven rats)
exhibited normal behavior and appetite after recovery from
SAH and anesthesia. Two additional rats, both in the vehi-
cle group, were killed before Day 7 because of dehydration,
anorexia, or severe decrease in activity. Expression of HO-
1 mRNA in the Ad5HO-1–injected group increased sig-
nificantly 7 days after SAH compared with Ad-Gal– or
FIG. 4. A: Bar graph of baseline BA diameter 1 day after in- vehicle–injected groups (Fig. 7). Immunoblotting showed
jection of Ad5HO-1 (five rats), Ad-Gal (five rats), or vehicle that expression of HO-1 protein was significantly greater in
(six rats), showing significantly increased diameter after injection the Ad5HO-1 group compared with the Ad-Gal and vehi-
of either virus compared with vehicle (*p  0.001 according to cle groups on Day 7 (p  0.05, ANOVA). Although HO-1
ANOVA). B: Graph showing concentration-contraction curves mRNA was detected on vehicle-injected rats with SAH,
generated by application of pure hemoglobin to the BA of rats in protein was not detected by immunoblotting with methods
which Ad5HO-1, Ad-Gal, or vehicle was injected into the cister- that detected protein in the virus-injected groups.
na magna 1 day earlier. Data are expressed as the percentage of Overexpression of HO-1 by cisternal injection of Ad-
change from baseline. Injection of Ad5HO-1 was associated with 5HO-1 significantly diminished cerebral vasospasm af-
less contraction to hemoglobin (107–104 mol/L hemoglobin, p 
0.05 according to ANOVA) compared with the other groups.
ter SAH (Fig. 8). The diameter of the BA 7 days after
SAH was significantly greater after injection of Ad5HO-1
(380  36 m) compared with Ad-Gal (282  44 m)
hicle and untreated control groups (p  0.001, ANOVA; and vehicle (287  31 m, p  0.001; ANOVA).
Fig. 6). The HO activity was also higher in the Ad5HO-
1 than in the Ad-Gal group, although this was significant
only according to the unpaired t-test (p  0.05). Similar- Discussion
ly, for carboxyhemoglobin, there was significant variance, The new findings in this experiment are that rat BA di-
with Ad5HO-1 treatment associated with significantly ameter and CBF can be increased by transfection of cells in
higher concentrations than in the vehicle or untreated con- the adventitia with adenovirus expressing HO-1 or -galac-
trol groups (p  0.001, ANOVA) and significantly higher tosidase. Overexpression of the HO-1 protein in the BA of
concentrations than in the Ad-Gal–injected group accord- rats specifically increases HO activity, diminishes contrac-
ing to the unpaired t-test (p  0.05, Fig. 6). tions of the artery to hemoglobin, prevents the reduction in
blood flow that occurs after exposure to hemoglobin, and
Effect of Ad5HO-1 on Vasospasm After SAH
decreases vasospasm after SAH.
Five of 24 rats died of respiratory arrest after the first Previous investigations have shown that injection of

1098 J. Neurosurg. / Volume 96 / June, 2002

Prevention of vasospasm with HO-1 gene therapy

FIG. 7. A: Representative blots showing RT-PCR amplifica-

tion of rat HO-1 (upper blot) and -actin (lower blot) mRNA from
BAs in rats with SAH and injection of Ad5HO-1 (first three lanes),
Ad-Gal (fourth and fifth lanes), or vehicle (lanes 6–8) into the cis-
terna magna 7 days earlier. There is expression of HO-1 mRNA af-
FIG. 6. Bar graphs showing HO activity (A) and carboxyhe- ter injection of Ad5HO-1 and Ad-Gal. B: Bar graph showing
moglobin (CO-hemoglobin) concentration (B) in rats that 1 day semiquantification of RT-PCR bands for each group (three rats per
earlier had received intracisternal injections of Ad5HO-1 (six rats), bar). There is significantly more HO-1 mRNA after injection of
Ad-Gal (HO activity, six rats; carboxyhemoglobin, four rats), or Ad5HO-1 compared with the other groups (p  0.01 according to
vehicle (HO activity, five rats; carboxyhemoglobin, three rats), or ANOVA).
untreated control rats (HO activity and carboxyhemoglobin, four
rats each). The HO activity was increased significantly in the
Ad5HO-1 group compared with the vehicle and untreated control function when the arteries were removed and studied under
groups (*p  0.001 according to ANOVA) and compared with the isometric tension in vitro.7,8,50,51 In most of these studies vas-
Ad-Gal group (*p  0.05 according to the unpaired t-test). Car- cular function, arterial diameters at baseline, or CBF in vivo
boxyhemoglobin concentrations showed significant variance, with were not assessed.
Ad5HO-1 associated with significantly higher concentrations than
vehicle or untreated controls (*p  0.001 according to ANOVA),
We previously reported that injection of adenovirus ex-
and significantly higher concentrations than Ad-Gal, according to pressing endothelial NOS increased the baseline BA di-
the unpaired t-test (p  0.05). ameter in dogs;46 arterial diameter was assessed 7 days after
viral injection. In the present study we have shown that
injection of both control adenovirus expressing -galacto-
replication-defective adenoviruses expressing -galactosi- sidase and of Ad5HO-1 increased BA diameter and brain-
dase,9,41 NOS,7,8,51 or calcitonin gene–related peptide50 into stem CBF 1 day later. This may be because injection of
the cisterna magna can be used to transfect cells in the ad- virus was associated with acute inflammation, which is
ventitia and arachnoid membrane of dogs, rats, and mice. known to increase CBF acutely.15,21 The increase in CBF
The finding that injection of virus mixed with blood does may be due to expression of inducible NOS in inflammato-
not appreciably alter the pattern of expression is consistent ry cells, with vasodilation due to the production of nitric
with our results.35,40,46 Injection of NOS and calcitonin gene– oxide.16 The finding that inhibition of post-SAH inflamma-
related peptide were associated with alteration of vascular tion by intracisternal administration of antisense oligonu-

J. Neurosurg. / Volume 96 / June, 2002 1099

S. Ono, T. Komuro, and R. L. Macdonald

crease in CBF in the adjacent brainstem. The vasodilation

could be due to several mechanisms. The CO produced by
HO-1 could diffuse from adventitial cells to the smooth-
muscle cells to mediate this effect. This also would be con-
sistent with the selective reduction in hemoglobin-induced
contraction of the BA and the increase in brainstem CBF
that was observed. Expression was achieved only in the ar-
terial adventitia, which is consistent with previous reports
on the results of cisternal injection of viruses.7–9,39,41
We previously reported that hemoglobin mediates vaso-
spasm;27 numerous mechanisms have been proposed, but
most involve the intact hemoglobin molecule.12,26 Thus,
a method for removing hemoglobin more rapidly from
the subarachnoid space after SAH might be efficacious in
preventing vasospasm. These experiments show that over-
expression of HO-1 can reduce the contractile effect of he-
moglobin. Numerous mechanisms are possible: overpro-
duction of CO could mediate vascular relaxation or could
FIG. 8. Bar graph of BA diameter 7 days after SAH in a double- bind to hemoglobin, preventing hemoglobin from scav-
injection model with injection of Ad5HO-1 (five rats), Ad-Gal enging nitric oxide. The HO could metabolize hemoglobin,
(five rats), or vehicle (six rats) at the time of initial SAH, showing producing more CO, which would have the same effects,
significantly increased diameter after injection of either virus com- and reducing the amount of vasoactive hemoglobin. It has
pared with vehicle (p  0.001 according to ANOVA). been shown previously that induction of HO-1 may medi-
ate similar effects in the systemic vasculature. Infusion of
hemoglobin in rats usually elevates blood pressure although
cleotides to nuclear factor-B prevented vascular contrac- this does not occur 1 day after animals are stressed and at a
tion 7 days after SAH argues against this mechanism.36 An- time when HO-1 is induced in the vasculature.34 Induction
other explanation is that both viruses were associated with of HO-1 is often associated with increased expression of
HO-1 expression and that CO produced by HO-1 led to va- ferritin.1–3,6 We did not assess ferritin levels but iron uptake
sodilation; there is evidence that CO dilates systemic arter- by ferritin could theoretically be involved in preventing
ies.18,23 It has been reported that CO increased CBF in rats,22 hemoglobin-related contraction, because iron compounds
although this phenomenon also could be due to the reduced may contract cerebral arteries.13 Iron chelators prevent ex-
O2-carrying capacity of carboxyhemoglobin. Brian, et al.,4 perimental vasospasm but it seems unlikely that iron re-
reported that CO did not dilate cerebral arteries, but this leased from hemoglobin would participate in its acute con-
finding is at variance with the accepted opinion that CO is tractile action.17,52
a vasodilator. After observing reduced contractions to hemoglobin, we
It is unlikely that HO-1 expression was a nonspecific re- tested whether Ad5HO-1 could prevent vasospasm after
sponse to the inflammation in the Ad5HO-1 group, because SAH. The rat model of SAH was chosen, which has the
the virus is known to produce HO-1 in rats,42 and there was benefits of simplicity, economy, and production of a de-
greater HO-1 expression after injection of this virus than layed arterial narrowing that lasts for up to 7 days. Two in-
after injection of Ad-Gal. It must be acknowledged, how- jections of blood were administered, because it is widely
ever, that we cannot differentiate endogenous HO-1 from accepted that just one injection produces vasospasm that
HO-1 produced by the virus, because both were of rat ori- lasts for only 2 days and that is not associated with other ac-
gin. On the other hand, HO-1 may suppress inflammation, cepted features of vasospasm, such as pathological changes
so it would be expected that nonspecific induction of HO-1 in the cerebral arteries.32 Overexpression of HO-1 reduced
due to inflammation would be less in this group.6 We ob- vasospasm after SAH. In addition to the mechanisms dis-
served no differences in the degree of inflammation associ- cussed earlier, HO metabolism of heme produces biliver-
ated with each virus. In our previous study we did not find din, which could be converted to bilirubin. The importance
dilation of the BA in dogs 7 days after intracisternal injec- of this compound in vasospasm is uncertain because it has
tion of Ad-Gal. One possibility is that the dilatory effects been reported to cause vasospasm,11,27 but it also is an an-
of inflammation induced by Ad-Gal are transient. The tioxidant that could reduce oxidative reactions that are sug-
CBF is elevated in the acute stages of meningitis, and when gested to mediate vasospasm.10,25,28 Our finding that over-
inflammation becomes chronic the CBF is reduced.24 Fur- expression of HO-1 reduces vasospasm is consistent with
thermore, inhibition of inflammation 7 days after SAH re- earlier reports of a role for HO-1 in vasospasm.
duced vasospasm.36 The duration of transgene expression We have reported that HO-1 and ferritin are increased in
also must be taken into account, although it was not inves- monkey cerebral arteries 7 and 14 days after SAH, at a time
tigated fully in this model. Christenson, et al.,9 noted that when vasospasm is resolving even in the continued pres-
transgene expression lasted only a few days when it was ence of SAH, indicating that there may be an adaptive re-
driven by the CMV promoter. There was increased HO-1 sponse of the cerebral arteries that allows them to relax
expression 7 days post-SAH, after injection of Ad5HO-1, in the continued presence of the subarachnoid blood that
although this did not appear to be as high as after 1 day. caused the spasm in the first place.45 Suzuki, et al.,48 showed
Production of HO-1 in cells in the adventitia was associ- that HO-1 was markedly overexpressed in the rat BA after
ated with an increase in diameter of the BA and with an in- SAH and that inhibition of HO-1 expression increased va-

1100 J. Neurosurg. / Volume 96 / June, 2002

Prevention of vasospasm with HO-1 gene therapy

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1193–2003, 2000 cal Center, 5841 South Maryland Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60637.
47. Suzuki H, Kanamaru K, Kuroki M, et al: Effects of tirilazad mes- email:

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