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Name _____________________________

Genius Hour Project Assessment Rubric

Criteria 4 3 2 1
Planning & Project showed Project showed Project planning Project was __ x3=___
Organization extensive adequate planning & organization poorly planned or (max. 12 pts.)
planning & & organization. was lacked
organization inconsistent. organization.

Content Advanced & Shows Shows some Shows little

shows deep understanding of understanding understanding of __ x5= ___
understanding the topic. of topic. topic. Project (max. 20 pts.)
beyond grade Related to Partially does not address
level. On track Inquiry Question. related to Inquiry Question
with Inquiry Inquiry
Question. Question.

Creativity Strong evidence Evidence of Some evidence Little evidence ___ x3=____
of divergent divergent of divergent of divergent (max 12 pts.)
thinking thinking thinking in thinking in
throughout throughout project. project
project. project.

Product Is highly Is engaging, Some parts are Is not engaging, ___ x4=____
engaging, professional, & engaging, professional, or (max 16 pts.)
professional, & interesting to the professional, & interesting to
interesting to the audience. interesting to the audience
audience. the audience.

Stretch Product is a big Product is a Product is a Product is not a ___x2=____

stretch- stretch- many stretch-a few stretch-NO new _
completely new to new elements for new elements elements for (max 8 pts.)
student! student! for student! student!
Writing Exceptionally well -Writing is good! Writing is Some writing is
Style & written! satisfactory fair. __ x3= ___
Very few errors! Some errors. Multiple errors. -Important (max. 12 pts.)
Great job on Good job editing. Needs more points
editing. editing. incomplete.
proofreading &
Presentation Speaker was Speaker was Speaker was Speaker was
clear & confident. usually clear & sometimes clear unclear &/or not __ x5=___
Presentation fit confident. &/or confident. confident. (max. 20
allotted time. Presentation fit Presentation Presentation pts.)
Audience was allotted time. almost fit didn’t fit
highly considered Audience was allotted time. allotted time.
considered Audience was Audience was
considered. not considered.

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