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Teacher Candidate: University of Ottawa Student Number:

Adam Green

School Name: School Board:

Roberta Bondar Public School Ottawa-Carleton District School Board

Placement Period: University of Ottawa Representative:

September 2018 - January 2019

Associate Teacher: Grade(s) - Subject Area(s):

Tahir Syed Grade 5 & 6 (Math & Language)

Number of days late: Number of days absent:

0 1

Please Note:
This evaluation should be based on the developmental nature of learning to teach. In filling out the report please
keep in mind the Teacher Candidate’s stage of preparation in the program. Teacher Candidates continue to develop
their skills through observation, guided practice and the constructive feedback and mentoring of Associate Teachers.

If a Teacher Candidate receives any ratings of “Does Not Meet Expectations”, the Faculty Representative and/or the
Practicum Coordinator must be contacted and a Letter of Concern may be collaboratively generated.

Under the ‘comment section’ within each competency the Associate Teacher is encouraged to add descriptions of
the positives that really stand out for the Teacher Candidate and/or to make suggestions in areas where the Teacher
Candidate needs improvement.

Please refer to the rubric in the Practicum Guide for a clearer description of each competency level.

Teacher Candidates are responsible for emailing the completed report to and your Faculty
Representative. The original copy is kept by the Teacher Candidate.
As a developing teacher, the Teacher Candidate:

Professional Interactions:
Demonstrates professionalism in interactions.
Demonstrates a positive rapport with students

Meets Expectations

Professional Relationships:
Interacts respectfully with members of school community.
Demonstrates an understanding of the Associate Teacher/ teacher candidate mentoring relationship

Meets Expectations

Professional Responsibility:
Fulfills responsibilities identified by the Associate Teacher and the University Practicum Handbook
(e.g., duties, reinforcing school rules, and/or other curricular activities)
Meets required guidelines (e.g., submitting lesson plans, marking, returning resources, attendance tracking)

Meets Expectations

Demonstrates that he/she is a ‘self-starter’ and acts on suggestions and guidance from Associate Teacher.

Meets Expectations


Adam demonstrates his commitment to pupils and pupil learning in the following ways:
- he shapes instruction so that it is helpful to pupils who learn in a variety of ways
- demonstrates a positive rapport with students and staff
- approaches lessons and the class with enthusiasm
- endeavours to understand the special needs and interests of each student
- provides support and encouragement for all students
- attempts to develop empathy among students by modelling respect, kindness, and support
- endeavours to build self-confidence in each student
- respects opinions/interests/suggestions of students
- uses a variety of teaching strategies suited to the individual needs of pupils
- utilizes differentiated strategies and individual educational plans to address learning needs
- demonstrates care and respect for pupils by maintaining positive interactions
- provides learners with appropriate opportunities for independent practice of new skills
As a developing teacher, the Teacher Candidate:

Verbal Communication:
Speaks clearly and understandably (e.g., pronunciation, modulation, volume, articulation).
Uses correct oral conventions (e.g., mechanics of the English language as well as subject specific
terms and symbols).

Meets Expectations

Non-Verbal Communication:
Uses effective and appropriate non-verbal communication (e.g., eye contact, facial expressions, body language).
Reads nonverbal communication and responds appropriately. (e.g., scans class to identify students who are not

Meets Expectations

Written Communication:
Uses correct written conventions (e.g., mechanics of the English language, as well as subject specific terms and
Writes clearly and understandably (e.g., appropriate size and script text, legible text, layout of board work,
overhead, multimedia).

Meets Expectations

Listening and Responding:

Uses appropriate wait time (e.g., gives student appropriate time to process questions before responding).
Uses probing and prompting techniques (e.g., rephrases questions; provides cues).
Models effective listening skills (e.g., demonstrates active listening; demonstrates comprehension).

Meets Expectations


Adam demonstrates his ability to communicate effectively to pupils in the following ways:
- communicates clear, challenging, and achievable expectations for pupils
- engages pupils in shared tasks with explicit instructions
- provides pupils with effective verbal and written feedback
- assesses pupil work or performance in an authentic situation whenever possible
- incorporates information technology into curriculum
As a developing teacher, the Teacher Candidate:

Subject Knowledge:
Demonstrates fundamental knowledge of subject matter for teaching the assigned grade level.
Provides clear explanations and demonstrates appropriate subject knowledge and related skills.

Meets Expectations

Developmental Nature of Learners:

Responds to questions regarding lesson content in a knowledgeable and appropriate manner.
Builds upon student responses to expand and extend the discussion and learning.

Meets Expectations

Demonstrates an understanding of the context in which the learning takes place (e.g., the rationale of the
lesson, how the lesson fits into the overall unit or long range plans).
Demonstrates growth in understanding the Ontario curriculum expectations specific to grade and subjects taught

Meets Expectations


Adam demonstrates knowledge of subject matter, the Ontario curriculum, and the rationale of specific learning in the
following ways:
- teaches the Ontario curriculum by exhibiting an understanding and ability to explain subject areas
- demonstrates mastery of subject knowledge and related skills
- presents up-to-date information
- implements and effectively explains statutes and regulations with regard to pupil safety and welfare
- knows the curriculum and curriculum development skills
- reflects on literacy and numeracy skills that are common to all curriculum
As a developing teacher, the Teacher Candidate:

Positive Learning Environment:

Demonstrates a friendly, positive, and professional manner. Promotes class safety and wellness.
Demonstrates a professional presence in the classroom that helps to ensure students’ attention and

Meets Expectations

Managing Classroom Environment:

Demonstrates consistency in maintaining classroom routines and expectations.
Utilizes appropriate verbal and non-verbal classroom management techniques (e.g., circulates throughout the
class, makes eye-contact, uses pauses and proximity).

Meets Expectations

Student Engagement:
Uses proactive and preventative strategies for engaging students
Demonstrates an understanding of student’s needs and responds in a culturally appropriate and flexible manner.

Meets Expectations

Collaborative Problem-Solving and Planning:

Demonstrates an understanding of the need for collaborative planning and differentiation to address student
learning needs (e.g., working with Associate Teacher, school staff)

Meets Expectations


Adam demonstrates his commitment to students competency in the following ways:

- develops clear and achievable classroom expectations with pupils
- establishes and maintains a positive learning environment
- maintains positive relationships with pupils
- reinforces positive classroom goals, procedures, and routines which reflect the school's Code of Conduct
- sets, models, and expects a high standard of courteous behaviour
- makes specific alterations to the delivery or content in order to re-focus and clarify student understanding
- plans activities to allow students to discover and learn fundamental concepts through investigation, exploration,
observation, and experimentation
- employs effective questioning techniques and questions which are clear, precise, and well distributed throughout a given
- uses questioning techniques which are in a language appropriate to the age and intellectual level of students
- assists learners in practicing new skills by providing opportunities for guided practice
- uses a variety of teaching strategies suited to the individual needs of pupils
- utilizes differentiated strategies and individual educational plans to address learning needs
- ensures that the physical arrangement of the classroom and the materials provided are appropriate to the stage of
development of various students
- provides students with various auditory, aesthetic, affective and kinesthetic learning experiences
As a developing teacher, the Teacher Candidate:

Development of Lesson Plans

Utilises a lesson plan template including appropriate reference to Ontario curriculum. (e.g., overall and
specific expectations )

Meets Expectations

Provides in lesson plan sufficient detail and timing for each part of the lesson. Uses appropriate resources to
enhance lesson (e.g., visuals, library/resources, technology, internet).

Meets Expectations

Incorporates a variety of appropriate instructional strategies into lesson plan (e.g., teacher-directed, student-
centered, cooperative learning, technology).

Meets Expectations

Incorporates techniques for student engagement into plan (e.g., topic relevant to students’ interests, appropriate
questioning, student participation, use of manipulatives, labs, hands-on activities).

Meets Expectations

Incorporates opportunities for consolidation (e.g., summarizes key components of lesson) and
application (e.g., follow-up activity, seatwork, homework).

Meets Expectations

Plans to gather evidence of student learning and next steps. (e.g., checking for understanding, summative and/
or formative assessment.

Meets Expectations

Incorporates strategies to address student needs. (e.g., Students with IEPs, students at risk, English Language

Meets Expectations

Development of Unit Plans

Demonstrates a continuity of plan and progression of learning (e.g., scope and sequence, culminating tasks).
Demonstrates backwards design and differentiation.

Meets Expectations

Implementation of Lesson Plan:

Ensures all materials are organized and ready for use prior to instruction.

Meets Expectations

Uses clear and effective instructional and questioning techniques that incorporate a range of thinking skills.
Promotes relevant purposeful talk and student dialogue.

Meets Expectations

Demonstrates appropriate pacing and timing. Makes effective transitions prior to and throughout the lesson
(e.g., starting the lesson, conducting the lesson, giving instruction, collecting and distributing materials).

Meets Expectations
Employs instructional strategies that engage all learners. (e.g., way one starts and ends the lesson, hands-on
activities, technology). Adjusts lessons to circumstances (e.g., able to resume lesson after interruption,
addressing student needs). Ensures consolidation of student learning and closure of lesson.

Meets Expectations

Assessment - Student Learning:

Assesses student work fairly, accurately and in a timely manner.
Encourages students to seek ways to improve responses when giving answers in class, and/or in assignments/

Meets Expectations


Adam demonstrates planning and implementation competency in the following ways:

- develops clear and achievable classroom expectations with pupils
- establishes and maintains a positive learning environment
- maintains positive relationships with pupils
- reinforces positive classroom goals, procedures, and routines which reflect the school's Code of Conduct
- sets, models, and expects a high standard of courteous behaviour
- makes specific alterations to the delivery or content in order to re-focus and clarify student understanding
- plans activities to allow students to discover and learn fundamental concepts through investigation, exploration,
observation, and experimentation
- employs effective questioning techniques and questions which are clear, precise, and well distributed throughout a given
- provides constructive criticism as part of evaluation
- aligns assessment strategies with learning objectives
- employs formative and summative assessments to check for understanding

Overall Comments:

Adam has demonstrated a genuine approach to his professional teaching practice throughout the practicum placement
thus far. He demonstrates a strong capacity to form positive and nurturing relationships with pupils in the junior division.
His understanding of curriculum content, lesson planning, teaching techniques, and classroom management are
supported by a continuous reflection and professional dialogue. Adam has shown a professional approach in developing
a learning environment which stimulates, engages, challenges, and comforts learners in the classroom. He strives to
provide effective feedback to pupils throughout a given learning process. Pupils have the opportunity to learn, grow, and
develop with classroom materials that complement their unique learning styles. Adam incorporates effective teaching
strategies while utilizing technology to introduce and develop literacy and numeracy skills frequently.
Moving forward, Adam will continue to design effective and engaging critical tasks which will allow pupils to show their
conceptual understanding in multiple ways. These tasks will foster the introduction, development, and application of
literacy and numeracy tasks, alongside the corresponding subject-linked inquiry pathways. Assessment tools and
strategies will be further developed with a focus on providing effective and ongoing feedback to students.

Signature of Associate Teacher: Date:

Tahir Syed

Signature of Teacher Candidate: Date:

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