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Archives of Oral Biology 84 (2017) 45–49

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Research Paper

The absence of an association between Interleukin 1β gene polymorphisms MARK

and recurrent aphthous stomatitis (RAS)

Zuzanna Ślebiodaa, , Anna Kowalskab, Marta Rozmiarekb, Ewa Krawieckaa, Elżbieta Szponara,
Barbara Dorocka-Bobkowskaa
Department of Oral Mucosa Diseases, University of Medical Sciences, Poznań, Poland
Department of Nucleic Acids Function, Institute of Human Genetics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poznań, Poland


Keywords: Objectives: Recurrent aphthous stomatitis (RAS) is a chronic, ulcerative disease with a probable polygenic mode
Recurrent aphthous stomatitis of inheritance and complex etiology with a strong immunological background. The aim of the present study was
Interleukin-β to determine the possible association between two single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of the IL-1β gene: IL-
Oral mucosa diseases 1β − 511 T > C (rs16944) and IL-1β + 3954C > T (rs1143634) and RAS susceptibility in a moderately large
group of patients.
Design: One hundred and four patients with minor, major and herpetiform RAS and 75 healthy volunteers were
genotyped at IL-1β − 511 T > C (rs16944) and IL-1β + 3954C > T (rs1143634) using the PCR-RFLP ap-
proach. The results were statistically analysed with chi-square test and test of difference between two rates of
structure, with p < 0.05 assumed to be a statistically significance level (Statistica 10, StatSoft®, Kraków,
Results: There were no statistically significant differences in the genotype distribution for the IL-1β C[+3954]T
polymorphism between the RAS and control groups. The frequency of IL-1β*T[-511]/*T[–511] homozygotes
among the patients was significantly higher when compared to our study control (p < 0.0347). The results after
stratification into carriers and non-carriers of C and T alleles did not clearly indicate which SNP may be con-
sidered a risk factor for RAS.
Conclusions: The genetic association between the studied SNPs of the IL-1β gene and RAS remains controversial
and requires further investigation.

1. Introduction with the minor type (Bazrafshani, Hajeer, Ollier & Thornhill, 2002;
Ślebioda et al., 2017). The condition is self-limiting in im-
Recurrent aphthous stomatitis (RAS; RAU-recurrent aphthous ul- munocompetent patients. Recurrent oral aphthae may also appear as a
cers; canker sores) is a chronic, inflammatory disease characterized by a component of several systemic syndromes like Behçet’s disease (BD),
repeated onset of single or multiple painful erosions and ulcers in Periodic fever, aphthous stomatitis, pharyngitis and adenitis syndrome
various regions of the oral mucosa (Belenguer-Guallar, Jiménez- (PFAPA) or Sweet’s syndrome (Akman et al., 2008; Alayli et al., 2007;
Soriano, & Claramunt-Lozano, 2014; Cui, Bruce, & Rogers, 2016). The Contrucci & Martin, 2015; Kolly et al., 2013).
lesions are shallow, clearly defined, oval-shaped, surrounded by char- Based on epidemiologic studies, the condition is relatively common
acteristic erythematous halo and likely to occur on non-keratinized, and affects between 10% and 20% of the general population with the
non-attached oral mucosa (Ship, Chavez, Doerr, Henson, & Sarmadi, second decade of life considered as a peak period of the RAS occur-
2000; Tarakji, Gazal, Al-Maweri, Azzeghaiby, & AlAizari, 2015). Ac- rence. It is more prevalent among females, non-smokers, white races
cording to Stanley’s classification, involving the basic clinical features and people within a high socio-economic group (Belenguer-Guallar
of lesions, e.g.: their size and depth, the number of lesions per one flare- et al., 2014; Cui et al., 2016; Tarakji et al., 2015).
up, their location and duration, three main types of aphthae can be The etiology of RAS has not been fully recognized to date. Current
distinguished: major (MaRAS), minor (MiRAS) and herpetiform evidence supports some variant of disturbed immune response in ge-
(HeRAS) (Stanley, 1972). Approximately 80% of RAS patients present netically predisposed subjects, precipitated by local or environmental

Corresponding author at: Department of Oral Mucosa Diseases,University of Medical Sciences, ul. Bukowska 70, 60–812, Poznań, Poland.
E-mail address: (Z. Ślebioda).
Received 9 February 2017; Received in revised form 6 September 2017; Accepted 17 September 2017
0003-9969/ © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Z. Ślebioda et al. Archives of Oral Biology 84 (2017) 45–49

Fig. 1. The structure of IL-1β gene and the localization of the studied
polymorphisms (own elaboration based on Drews-Piasecka 2011).

factors, including stress and anxiety, mineral and vitamin in- Dayer, & Manger, 2016; Vargas-Alarcón et al., 2015). Two separate
sufficiencies, hematologic disorders, food allergies and trauma (Buño, genes encoding IL-1α and IL-1β originate from a common ProIL-1 gene
Huff, Weston, Cook, & Brice, 1998; Eversole, 1997; Yakar, Serin, Coşar, and were probably formed via duplication. The IL-1 family cytokines
Arslan Taş, & Ataç, 2015). The role of genetic factors in the etiopatho- regulate immune and inflammatory responses to infections (Drews-
genesis of RAS was first suggested by Miller and Ship in middle 60-s of Piasecka, 2011; Eisenberg et al., 1991). Interleukin-1 is produced by
the 20-th century. They propounded the autosomal recessive or multi- tissue macrophages, monocytes, fibroblasts, and dendritic cells, but is
gene mode of inheritance with a modifying influence from the en- also expressed by B lymphocytes, NK cells and epithelial cells. It acts as
vironment (Miller, Garfunkel, Ram & Ship, 1977; Ship, 1965). This was a primary activator of the expression of endothelial cell adhesion mo-
confirmed in further studies of relatives and twins with RAS, where a lecules (ECAMs) which facilitate the migration of leucocytes into tis-
positive family history of the disease was reported in 24% to 46% of sues. Three polymorphisms related to a transition between C and T at
cases (Bazrafshani, Hajeer, Ollier & Thornhill, 2002). The genetic risk positions: −511 (T → C), −31 (T → C), and +3954 (C → T) have been
factors which determine the individual susceptibility to the disease described and associated with a risk of several systemic disorders
include various DNA polymorphisms distributed in the human genome, (Łącka et al., 2014; Chen et al., 2015). Pociot, Mølvig, Wogensen,
especially those related to changes in the metabolism of cytokines Worsaae, and Nerup (1992) found the −511 (T → C), and +3954
(Bazrafshani et al., 2002; Bazrafshani, Hajeer, Ollier, & Thornhill, 2003; (C → T) polymorphisms to be associated with the enhanced production
Guimarães et al., 2006, 2007; Najafi et al., 2014, 2015). of IL-1β while the increased production of cytokines increased the risk
At the beginning of aphtha formation a massive lymphocytic in- of RAS and Behçet's disease (Karakus, Yigit, Rustemoglu,
filtration in the epithelium occurs, leading to the development of oe- Kalkan, & Bozkurt, 2014; Lee et al., 2006; Liang et al., 2013; Pociot
dema. It is followed by the keratinocyte vacuolization and localized et al., 1992).
vasculitis, which clinically presents as characteristic erythematous halo Fig. 1 depicts the structure of IL-1β gene and the localization of the
surrounding the lesion. The area than ulcerates and is infiltrated by polymorphisms studied in this paper.
neutrophils, lymphocytes and plasma cells. Subsequently the healing The aim of the present study was to investigate the potential asso-
and regeneration of the epithelium is observed (Jurge, Kuffer, ciation between IL-1β c. − 511 T > C (rs16944) and IL-1β c.
Scully, & Porter, 2006). The direct mechanism of this process remains + 3954C > T (rs1143634) genetic polymorphisms and RAS in a co-
not fully understood. Both humoral and cellular types of immune re- hort of patients.
sponse in patients with RAS may become disrupted. The enhanced
production of pro-inflammatory Th1-type cytokines (IL-2, IL-12, TNF-α,
IFN-ɣ) with a reduced production of anti-inflammatory Th2-type cy- 2. Material and methods
tokines (IL-4, IL-5, IL-10, IL-13) and TGF-β were reported in several
studies of RAS patients, which may suggest the role of autoimmunisa- 2.1. Subjects and sample collection
tion in the pathogenesis of this entity (Buño et al., 1998; Eversole,
1997; Lewkowicz et al., 2003). Improperly initiated cascade of cyto- The study group consisted of 104 unrelated Polish patients (39
kines, which activates certain immune processes, occurs in response to males and 65 females) with RAS with a mean age of
some kind of not yet defined trigger factor, which may include viral and 35.08 ± 16.9 years and recruited from the Department of Oral Mucosa
bacterial antigens or stress. Initiation of the inflammatory process can Diseases at Poznań University of Medical Sciences in Poland. The
be induced by the effect of TNF-α on endothelial cell adhesion and its control group comprised of 75 generally healthy subjects (20 males and
chemotactic effect on neutrophils. Elevated TNF-α levels were found 55 females) with a mean age of 34.2 ± 16.4 years without a history of
directly in the lesional mucosa in RAS, while the expression of class I RAS. Both study and control groups had the same geographic origin and
and class II major histocompatibility complex (MHC) antigens was en- comparable socio-economic status. The study protocol included a de-
hanced in basal epithelial cells in both pre-ulcerative and ulcerative tailed medical history followed by a full extra- and intra-oral ex-
stages of RAS (Buño et al., 1998; Jurge et al., 2006). TNF-α is known for amination performed by a qualified dental team. Blood samples were
stimulating the expression of MHC class I. Meanwhile, the expression of collected for DNA isolation and IL-1β genotyping of all participants.
MHC in the phase of healing was undetected, suggesting the role of The diagnosis of RAS was established based on clinical criteria de-
MHC in targeting local tissue for attack by cytotoxic T cells scribed by Ship, Chavez, Doerr, Henson, and Sarmadi (2000). The in-
(CD8 + cells) during the ulcerative process (Jurge et al., 2006). De- clusion criteria for the study group were the presence of aphthae during
creased levels of anti-inflammatory IL-10 reported in RAS may disturb the examination and at least a 1-year history of RAS with a regular
the epithelization and prolong healing of the ulcers (Cui et al., 2016). mode of recurrences, defined as a minimum of two episodes per year.
The Interleukin-1 family, consists of 11 individual members, in- Patients with MiRAS, MaRAS and HeRAS were enrolled in the study.
cluding IL-1α, IL-1β and IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1Ra). These pro- Patients on immunosuppressive and immunomodulating drugs or suf-
teins are encoded by a gene cluster located on a chromosome 2 fering from any other oral mucosa disease characterized by the pre-
(2q14;2q21), which was cloned and mapped in 1985 (Schett, sence of erosions and ulcers were excluded from the study.
The study was approved by the Poznan University of Medical

Z. Ślebioda et al. Archives of Oral Biology 84 (2017) 45–49

Sciences Ethics Committee (approval code: 878/11) and complied with

the guidelines of the Declaration of Helsinki. All participants were in-
formed in detail about the nature of the study before consent was ob-
tained for the examination and genetic screening.

2.2. DNA isolation

DNA extraction from 200 μl peripheral blood samples was per-

formed with QIAamp DNA Blood Mini Kit (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany) in
accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and under standar-
dized conditions to prevent variation in DNA quality.
IL-1β c. + 3954 and c. − 511 polymorphisms were assessed by the
PCR-RFLP approach described earlier by Kanemoto, Kawasaki,
Miyamoto, Obayashi, and Nishimura (2000). Genotyping was carried
out by a two-step procedure, including amplification and digestion.
Amplification was performed with a total volume of 30 μl of reaction
mixture, consisting of H20 (2 μl), PCR Master Mix (Taq DNA poly-
merase, MgCl2, dNTPs) (15 μl), Primer 1 and 2 (2 μl each) and matrix
genomic DNA (9 μl) and included 38 cycles. The quality of amplicons
was tested by electrophoretic separation in 2% agarose gel containing
ethidium bromide and 1 × TBE (Tris/Borate/EDTA) buffer. A DNA size
marker (pUC19 DNA/MspIHpaII) was used to evaluate the length of
PCR products (249 bp for +3954 SNP and 304 bp for −511 SNP). The
results of the electrophoretic separation were visualized using UVP
BioDoc-it transiluminator. Digestion of the products with restrictive Fig. 2. Two genotypes of IL-1β C[+3954]T. The products of DNA digestion with TaqI
enzymes (TaqI for +3954 and Eco88I (AvaI) for −511; Thermo Sci- enzyme separated in 3% agarose gel. Lane 1: heterozygote 1/2; Lane 2: homozygote 1/1;
entific) was carried out with the reaction mixture with a total volume of Lane 3: DNA size marker pUC19.

30.8 μl, consisting of H2O (18 μl), 10 x buffer (2 μl), PCR product
(10 μl) and enzyme (0.8 μl), incubated at the appropriate temperature Table 2
overnight (See Table 1). The digested products were separated elec- The distribution of IL-1β C[+3954]T genotypes and alleles in RAS patients and control
trophoretically with 2% (+3954) or 3% (−511) agarose gel with
ethidium bromide. The IL-1β genotype evaluation was based on the RAS Controls p OR
analysis of DNA fragments pattern directly in the gel. Allele and gen-
otype frequencies were estimated by direct counting. Genotype
Fig. 2 shows the products of DNA digestion with TaqI enzyme se- 1/1 62 (59.62) 44 (58.67) 0.9016
1/2 36 (34.62) 28 (37.33) 0.7131
parated in 3% agarose gel. 2/2 6 (5.70) 3 (4.00) 0.6062

2.3. Statistical analysis C (*1) 0.7692 0.7733 0.9274
T (*2) 0.2308 0.2267 0.9274
The results were statistically analysed using the test of difference
between two rates of structure and chi-square test to evaluate the Carriage of C allele
Carriers 98 (94.2) 72 (96) 0.5872
compliance of the genotype distribution with the results expected based
Non-carriers 6 (5.8) 3 (4) 0.5872
on Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium with p < 0.05 assumed to be a sig-
nificance level (Statistica 10, StatSoft®, Kraków, Poland). Carriage of T allele
Carriers 42 (40.38) 31 (41.33) 0.9038
Non-carriers 62 (59.62) 44 (58.67) 0.9038
3. Results

The distribution of the alleles and genotypes for IL-1β C[+3954]T allele carriers and non-carriers was almost equal in both groups.
polymorphism in the RAS group and the control group is presented in A frequency of homozygotes for the 1/1 genotype was also similar
Table 2. in the two compared groups (59.6% vs 58.7%), as in case of homo-
The distribution of alleles in the study and the control population zygotes for the 2/2 genotype (5.8% vs 4%). Heterozygotes of the 1/2
was comparable. There were no significant differences in IL- genotype were observed more often in the control group, although the
1β*C[+3954] (*1) and IL-1β*T[+3954] (*2) allele frequencies be- difference was statistically insignificant (34.6% vs 37.3%; p = 0.7131).
tween the groups (p = 0.9274). The number of *1 allele carriers was Table 3 shows the distribution of alleles and genotypes for IL-1β T[-
similar in the study and the control groups. Also the proportion of *2 511]C polymorphism in the examined groups.

Table 1
Primer sequences, restriction enzymes and conditions used for IL-1β T[-511]C and IL-1β C[+3954]T polymorphisms.

Gene Primer sequence Restriction enzyme/Condition Genotype

IL-1β C[+3954]T F: 5′-GTTGTCATCATCAGACTTTGACC-3′ TaqI IL-1β [+3954]*C/*C (1/1)

R: 5′-TTCAGTTCATATGGACCAGA-3′ (65 °C/14–17 h) IL-1β [+3954]*C/*C (1/2)
IL-1β [+3954]*T/*T (2/2)
IL-1β T[–511]C F: 5′-TGGCATTGATCTGGTTCATC-3′ Eco88I (AvaI) IL-1β [–511]*T/*T (1/1)
R: 5′-GTTTAGGAATCTTCCCACTT-3′ IL-1β [–511]*T/*C (1/2)
(37 °C/15–20 h) IL-1β [–511]*C/*C (2/2)

Z. Ślebioda et al. Archives of Oral Biology 84 (2017) 45–49

Table 3 group, which is consistent with the Guimarães et al. (2007) results.
The distribution of IL-1β T[–511]C genotypes and alleles in RAS patients and control Some differences in the genotypes distribution may be caused by dif-
ferences in the qualification criteria used in the discussed studies.
RAS Controls p OR Bazrafshani et al. (2002) included only patients with MiRAS, while in
the other studies subjects with all types of RAS were recruited. The
Genotype genetic background of this condition may vary between the clinical RAS
1/1 54 (51.9) 27 (36) 0.0347 1.92
subtypes. Although Bazrafshani et al. (2002) demonstrated a slightly
1/2 41 (39.4) 40 (53.3) 0.0651
2/2 9 (8.7) 8 (10.7) 0.6509 higher frequency of IL-1β *T[+3954] allele in patients when compared
to controls, we did not confirm this observation in our study. IL-1β
T(*1) 0.7163 0.6267 0.0732
*T[+3954] allele appeared at similar frequencies in both the RAS and
C (*2) 0.2837 0.3733 0.0732 control groups.
Our study showed a higher frequency of IL-1β*T[-511]/*T[-511]
Carriage of T allele homozygotes among the patients when compared to the controls
Carriers 95 (91.3) 67 (89.3) 0.6499
(p < 0.0347). After stratification into carriers and non-carriers of *C
Non-carriers 09 (8.7) 08 (10.7) 0.6499
and *T alleles the results did not clearly indicate which SNP may be
Carriage of C allele
considered a risk factor for RAS. In Yakar, Serin, Coşar, Arslan Taş, and
Carriers 50 (48.1) 48 (64) 0.0350 0.5208
Non-carriers 54 (51.9) 27 (36) 0.0350 1.9200 Ataç (2015) study no statistically significant differences in the IL-1β T[-
511]C genotype distribution were reported, however IL-1β *C[-511]
allele was slightly more prevalent within the RAS group. The *C allele
Also in case of this tested SNP, the distribution of alleles in the study was previously considered to be associated with an increased produc-
and the control population was similar. The differences in IL-1β*T[- tion of IL-1β (Yakar et al., 2015). However, according to Bazrafshani
511] (*1) and IL-1β *C[-511] (*2) allele frequencies were considered et al. (2002), the differences in the IL-1β T[-511]C genotype distribu-
insignificant (p = 0.0732). The proportion of *1 allele carriers was si- tion among the RAS and control groups were significant. The IL-1β *C[-
milar in the study and the control groups, while the percentage of *2 511] allele was observed more often in patients than in healthy subjects
allele carriers was significantly higher in the control group compared to (p < 0.00002). Therefore, the IL-1β *C[-511] allele was related to a
the RAS patients (48.1% vs 64%; p = 0.0350). 2.5-fold risk of developing RAS when compared to the IL-1β *T[-511]
Homozygosity for the 1/1 genotype was observed significantly more allele, while the homozygous individuals with 2/2 genotype had an 4.5-
often in the RAS group compared to the controls (51.9% vs 36%; fold risk of RAS (OR = 4.5). Thus far such a strong correlation between
p = 0.0347). Heterozygosity was observed more frequently in the IL-1β *C[-511] allele and RAS susceptibility was demonstrated only by
control group than in RAS subjects, although the difference was not Bazrafshani et al. (2002). This genetic association was not confirmed
statistically significant (53.3% vs 39.4%; p = 0.0651). The frequency of neither by Yakar et al. (2015), nor in our study. Also Akman et al.
homozygotes for the 2/2 genotype was comparable in both groups, (2008) who studied the role of several IL-1β polymorphisms in Turkish
although they appeared insignificantly more often among the controls patients with Behçet's disease and RAS, did not confirm the previous
than in RAS group (10.7% vs 8.7%; p = 0.6509). findings of Bazrafshani et al. (2002). The IL-1β *C[-511] allele ap-
The distribution of IL-1β genotypes in the case group and in the peared slightly but statistically insignificantly more often in RAS sub-
controls were in accordance with the results expected from the Hardy- jects than in the controls (p = 0.09). No differences in the genotype
Weinberg equilibrium (p < 0.76 and p < 0.23, respectively). distribution were reported between the Behçet's disease group and
healthy people, which is in agreement with Coskun et al. (2005) and
Karasneh et al. (2003). In contrast the Alayli et al. (2007) study con-
4. Discussion cluded that the IL-1β C[-511]C genotype was related to a high risk of
In our study population we were not able to demonstrate a genetic Based on our observations the genetic association between the
association between the IL-1β C[+3954]T polymorphism and the risk studied SNPs of the IL-1β gene and RAS still remains controversial and
of RAS. The frequency of the 2/2 genotype among RAS patients was requires further examination. The clinical heterogeneity of RAS may
insignificantly higher than in controls (5.7 vs 4.0%, p = ns). However, suggest a polygenic mode of inheritance.
the allele distribution in this study was at variance with the results The identification of genes and their mutations involved in etio-
presented by other authors. pathogenesis of diseases seems to be a crucial goal of current human
Guimarães et al. (2007) observed a higher frequency of IL-1β genetics research. Defining the direct genetic etiologic factor in RAS
C[+3954]T heterozygotes among the RAS subjects compared with the creates an opportunity to develop individualized treatment methods for
controls. Moreover, the authors did not found a higher frequency of 2/2 high risk groups in the future.
genotype either among the patients or among the healthy controls.
Based on those findings it was assumed that the 1/2 genotype might be Funding
associated with RAS. According to Guimarães et al. (2007) the het-
erozygotic genotype was related to a 2.5-fold higher risk of RAS The study was supported by Grant No. 502-14-02209325-09854 of
(OR = 2.5). However, our results did support this thesis- the hetero- the Poznań University of Medical Sciences.
zygosity was observed in similar frequencies in both the study and
control groups (34.62 vs 37.33%, p = ns). Contrary to Guimarães et al.
(2007), the distribution of genotypes reported by Bazrafshani et al. Conflict of interest
(2002) did not indicate an association between the IL-1β C[+3954]T
polymorphism and RAS susceptibility in a Brazilian population. As in The authors declare no conflict of interest.
our paper, the authors observed an insignificantly higher frequency of
2/2 homozygotes in the RAS group. Bazrafshani et al. (2002) found a Ethical approval
higher frequency of heterozygotes than 1/1 homozygotes among the
RAS subjects, while the frequencies of these genotypes in the control The study was approved by the Poznan University of Medical
group were comparable. In our study there was a significantly higher Sciences Ethics Committee (approval code: 878/11) and complied with
frequency of 1/1 homozygotes compared to heterozygotes in RAS the guidelines of the Declaration of Helsinki.

Z. Ślebioda et al. Archives of Oral Biology 84 (2017) 45–49

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