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A report on the benefits of the interpersonal skills of listening,

feedback, questioning in the field of Information Technology (IT)

Report prepared for

Soft-tech IT Care

Prepared by
University of the Sunshine Coast
January 2018

Tutor’s name: NALINI LAKSHMI

Referencing Style: Harvard

Word count: 1664

A report on the benefits of the interpersonal skills of listening, feedback, questioning in
the field of Information Technology (IT)

Executive Summary

This report highlights the benefits of listening, questioning and feedback for professionals of
IT sectors. This report has also illustrated the challenges for the professionals have to face
acquiring the skills. This particular report has been limited to listening, questioning and
feedback in and put a limit on how many recommendations can be made which is limited to
one. Experts view is the main sources of this report as well as journal articles with relevant
subject is also used to prepare the report In this report, many writings are about the
importance of those mentioned interpersonal skills and how they can be related to the
discipline of IT sector. As reported listening is the primary, interpersonal skill one should
acquire. This skill helps to get a clear vision of an idea. Questioning should be encouraged as
it helps to go in depth of problem. Questioning helps to generate idea in complex situation
and broaden the views of solving the problem more efficiently. Feedback is a essential skill
which can be used in positive or negative ways but in professional world it has been used to
create an environment to grow and solve the problem more effectively. Feedback is a must
skill as it predicts the outcomes and help to change the outcomes. Professionals most of the
time face challenges for not having the necessary communication skills before entering the
workforce. So usage of appropriate methods of communication to interact between persons
has to be taught by mentorship programs by the experts.
1.1 Authorization and purpose 1
1.2 Limitations 1
1.3 Scope 1
1.4 Methodology 1

2. Analysis of the interpersonal skills of listening 1

2.1 The skill of listening 1
2.2 The benefits of listening in a IT sector 1
3. Analysis of the interpersonal skills of Questioning 2
3.1 The skill of questioning 2
3.2 The benefits of questioning in a IT sector 2
4. Analysis of the interpersonal skills of Feedback 3-4
4.1 The skill of feedback 3
4.2 The benefits of feedback in a IT sector 4
1. Introduction
1.1 Authorization and purpose
This report is authorized by CEO of ‘Soft-tech IT Care’ Dr. Jonathon Watson. How to
develop a good relationship between consumers and technicians by using interpersonal skills
and to build more co-operations among different sections of the company by growing the
skills of interpersonal communications to do projects more efficiently and effectively, which
is the more purpose of this report.
1.2 Limitations
This report’s content is limited to three interpersonal skills of listening, feedback and
questioning within the workplace of IT sector and has put a restriction providing only one
recommendation from the analysis of the three relevant interpersonal skills in this particular
1.3 Scope
This report illustrates the findings on the interpersonal skills of listening, questioning and
feedback in the field of Information Technology. The benefits of using those three
interpersonal skills in this following discipline explained using expert’s writings on
communication theory and journal articles. The challenges for IT professional while using
those communication skills discussed in the report by using relevant sources. To support the
writings in this reports all the references also added as evidence. Recommendation has also
included from the analysis in this report.
1.4 Methodology
This report completed by using different credible sources like published books by renowned
authors, journal articles from various sources and from the writings of knowledgeable experts,
recognized by other specialist working within the same discipline.

2. Analysis of the interpersonal skills of listening
2.1 The skill of listening
Listening is one of the primary interpersonal skills that help to understand by hearing words.
The process of listening are to respond to any messages either verbally or non-verbally after
information heard by someone and valuing them through interpreting, remembering,
evaluating (Solomon & Thiess 2012). Listening requires not only the sense of listening verbal
words but also visual simulation to get a complete grip of the situation and learn the
information completely (Eunson 2013). A full picture can be establish by analyzing the input
and react according to the situation, which will make them feel more respected in return
(Eunson 2013). Additionally, interpersonal skill of listening requires involving emotional
thoughts with using the facts to understand the whole point of a message. Therefore, to work
in any organization the workers need to know how to listen carefully as well as patiently so
that they can gather information to manage and give output deliberately (Horowitz 2006). So
to speak, to make a decision and deliver response one first should listen to all information
that will help to build an effective situation into the workplace.
2.2 The benefits of listening and Information Technology sector
Information technology (IT) means to use computers and other network devices to develop
data or information, store, retrieve and use them to make a useable system adequately. Like
other sectors of business, Information technology industries follow the same basic business
principles (Daintith & John 2009). Communication in any organization between professionals
and consumers build through primarily by using listening skills (Solomon & Thiess 2012).
Consumer’s major ideas and feelings discussed using listening skills by the professional. That
helps to get a brief idea of the of customers’ needs. By listening and then summarizing the
ideas a professional can react, plan and do work efficiently (Eunson 2013). The benefits of
this approach often converted into positive reaction. From this kind of interaction getting a
clear idea helps a lot where a variety of opinions exist and challenges occur frequently
(Andrews 1973). In the communication theory, this approach often mentioned as an
important skill among others. Which may explain why mostly the best listeners gain a lot of
success but they are mostly individuals and also they gain good reputation and respect within
their respective workplace (Allen & Cohen 1969). As written, Interpersonal communication
of listening skill has always considered a must for industries. Within workplace where
workers expected to become part of a community and have to work collaboratively to gain
this skill is must (Horowitz 2006). Concluding that conscious listening is a very important
skill for IT pros like other industries of business world to gain success as well as customer
3. Analysis of Interpersonal Skill of Questioning
3.1 The skill of questioning
Another important interpersonal skill is questioning which helps to highlights the
understanding of the situation and vital for all parties involved. Questioning is the main
weapon to get in depth knowledge of the project and its meanings (Eunson 2013).According
to Eunson(2013) Questioning is a very handy soft skill to gain insight of anything clear the
unsaid doubts. To the receiver, a message has also sent by the listener if he or she able to
learn what has asked whilst continuing to enrich the dialogue (Eunson 2013). Generally,
asking questions can be rewarding and it is truth that, that human nature is to seek the
unknown ,getting sight of depth and challenge them which of course motivate to get the goal
appropriately(Andrews 1973). Additionally it is also a valuable tactics to get to know the
unknown details and take the lead of the conversation (Eunson 2013). Now, the speaker gets
to know that he has listened by the receiver and interested to know more. It also give the
opportunity questioning can be used to indicate to the recipient that they are being listened to
and allow the opportunity to air differences of opinion (Eunson 2013). So it can be said that
Questioning is the ultimate way to clear the doubt as well as involve the parties more deeply.
3.2 The benefits of questioning and Information Technology sector
.Questioning is a one of a kind skill that helps to open more option and work more
collaborate. It is proved that Intuitive types tend to be open to more complex solutions as
questioning help to generate the ideas more broadly (steele 1968). IT industries and
companies have to solve various problems, recreate most complex ideas (Daintith & John
2009). According to Steele (1968) in industries or even in schools where laboratory kinds of
facilities situated, generate various complex situation and questioning in group conversation
helps to solve them rather effectively. In conclusion the facts mentioned above translates that
as IT industries have to face some most complex situation questioning can be more beneficial
in this sector.
4. Analysis of interpersonal skill of Feedback
4.1 The skill of feedback
One of the key skill of interpersonal communication is feedback. Outcome can be understood
by analyzing feedback and using feedback analysis data can help to get a better outcome.
Feedback is a must process that can be described as a discussion that utilized to get a better
result (Baker, Reid & Perreault 2013). In another context it can be said that feeding back
helps to realize the discussion that made via others means of communication is delivered
properly (Baker, Reid & Perreault 2013). Moreover, feedback is a key component of
interpersonal communication that does not go in only one direction. One can give feedback
verbally or non-verbally. As it is not reversible process can be go either way, one can take
positively or negatively (Baker, Reid & Perreault 2013). According to Baker et al(2013)
feedback in non-verbal way means writing feedback or any other means. The information
converts into a fact that feedbacks can either verbal, nonverbal and written communication
process anyway but it can enhance the chance of getting a better result.
4.2 The benefits of feedback and Information Technology sector
As per Wood (2014), feedback gives the chances to reform the project by opening up a
possible criticism and attack. It also allow one to from up a connection with one another
where sharing information or even criticism can be equally important as that design the
possible outcome (Wood 2014). Between professional and other feedback can be formal or
informal. In business world both kind feedbacks use to motivate and encourage people with
positive behavioral change (Baker, Reid & Perreault 2013).Top professional use feedback to
make a positive environment to encourage for developing new knowledge and a safe place
for people where they can get more success (Baker, Reid & Perreault 2013). IT industries are
the leading business industries that follows basic model of business, so this kind of positive
environment got through feedback can be very helpful to bolster the sectors growth.
5 Challenges
Communication skills are very important in professional sectors like IT. This skills has been
valued highly in this sector and also vital in professional life. So, the professional has to take
the responsibility contort this challenges and adopt professional way to communicate with
others and response positively (Eunson 2013). Therefore, the willingness needed to gain these
qualities in a certain way that would suit them (sundstrom et al 1999). Different surveys
indicate that graduates in every sector going to the professional career lacks communication
skills. A lot of time they needs to develop those skills. After working a long period of time
they may get them but before that negative reaction from others because of the lacking shift
the power balance within the workplace (Pelz 1960). In conclusion, in professional world this
challenges can risk the potential of an individual and very true for the IT professional too as
IT sector is one of the most serious professional business.
6. Conclusion
This report has outlined the importance of interpersonal skills in professional career and IT
sector is no exception. Lacking of this skills can cause trouble to anyone within his field even
one can lose confidence. This skills should be taught by the institutions before graduation.
That may not entirely possible but training people to behave professional way and to acquire
necessary communication skills before entering in the workforce would help a lot for sure.
7. Recommendations
As restriction provided on recommendation in this report to give only one recommendation;
the following recommendation has been made in this report-
• Usage of appropriate methods of communication to interact between persons has to be
taught by mentorship programs by the experts.

1. Solomon, D & Thiess, J 2012, Interpersonal Communication: Putting Theory into Practice,
Taylor and Francis, New York
2. Eunson, B 2013 Communication and thought (COR109), John Wiley and Sons, Milton Qld
Harrison, R 1965, ‘Group Composition Models for Laboratory Design’, The Journal of
Applied Behavioral Science, vol. 1, no. 4, doi: 10.1177/002188636500100408
3. Daintith, John, ed. (2009), "IT", A Dictionary of Physics, Oxford University
Press, ISBN 9780199233991, retrieved 1 August 2012

4.Andrews, J D W 1973, ‘Interpersonal Challenge’, The Journal of Applied Behavioral

Science, vol. 9, no. 4, doi: 10.1177/002188637300900410
5. Allen, T J & Cohen, S I 1969, ‘Information Flow in Research and Development’,
Administrative Science Quarterly, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 12-19, doi: 10.2307/2391357
6. Baker, A, Reid, A & Perreault, D 2013, ‘Feedback organisation: Feedback is Good,
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7. Horowitz, R E 2006, ‘Expectations and essentials for the community practice of pathology’,
Human Pathology, vol. 37, no. 8, pp. 969-973, doi: 10.1016/j.humpath.2006.01.035
8. Pelz, D C 1960 ‘Interaction and Attitudes between Scientists and the Auxiliary Staff: II.
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9.Sundstrom, E,De Meuse, K P & Futrell D 1990, ‘Work Teams: Applications and
effectiveness’, American psychological Association, vol. 45, no. 2, pp. 120-133,
10. Wood, J 2014, Interpersonal Communication: Everyday Economics, 7th edn, Wadsworth
Cengage Learning, Barlow.

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