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How to use digital camera

1. Find the “on” botton on top of the camera and press it.
2. Look into LCD screen on back of the camera at whatever your target is. Zoom in or out if necessary. And
then press photo button on top right of the camera
3. View your picture by using the playback button on the back of the camera
4. Insert your memory card or attach your USB cord to your computer and uploads your pictures onto
your computer to print or save.
I. Read the text then answer these questions!
1. What kind of the text above? What is the purpose of it?
2. What are the generic structures of the text?
3. What is the second step to take pictures with digital camera?
4. What should we do before pressing the button on top right of the camera?
5. How do we see our pictures?
6. Find five action verbs from the text above!
7. Find the synonym of the word”view”!
8. Find the “on” botton on top of the camera and press it. The word “it” refers to...
9. Where do we look into our target?
10. How many steps are there to operate a digital camera?

Aloe vera

Aloe vera is also known as the “crocodiles’s tongue” plant in indonesia. It is called so because the leave
is thick,long, and sharp and the sides are serrated like the body of a crocodile. Aloe vera is planted in dry areas
and in warm climates. It takes little water to grow.

Aloe vera is short stemmed succulent plant growing to 60-100 cm tall. Spreading by offsets, the stem
are thick and fleshy, green to grey -green, with some varieties showing white flecks on the upper and lower
stem surfaces.

Aloe vera is multifunctional plant. It can be used to cure a wound caused by burning. Using aloe vera to
heal the wound is easy and simple. Just pick the leaves, peel the rind, then squeeze the sticky liquid. It can also
be made to be a “ healthy drink” to heal the diabetes because it contains vitamins and minerals. Generally, the
drink helps to repair the damaged cells and makes the organs of the human body work well. Aloe vera can also
make our hair thick too. Apply it over the scalp and massage it gently so it could soak thoroughly. Ten minutes
later, rinse the hair.

II. Read the text and answer the questions!

11. What kind of the text above? What is the purpose of it?

12. What are the generic structures of the text?

13. Which paragraph is the general classification?

14. What is the main idea of paragraph 3?

15. How can we use Aloe vera to heal the wound?

16. How can we use Aloe vera to care our hair?

17. Why Aloe vera is good for our body?

18. Apply it over the scalp and massage it gently.... The word “it” refers to?

19. Why do people call Aloe vera as crocodile’s tongue?

20. Find the synonym of the word ”heal”!

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