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My topic involves the different social movements in history and how they were all

created, the outcome, and whether they were triumphs or tragedies. Social movements relate to

the theme of triumph and tragedies because many rights that people wanted to create were either

not reasonable or others did not agree with them passing. I learned about social movements

because there are many going on in today's society and a lot of the movements create problems

between different opinionated groups of people. Therefore, researching other movements that

took place and the outcome of them can help understand the frustration of those who are working

on passing certain rights.

The movements in history have created an argument of opinions between different

groups. For example, the rallies that take place around the country about certain laws that should

be changed and improved do not make peace, but hatred. When a group of protesters battle for a

certain law or right to pass, the outcome of most is not positive. For example, the Cesar Chavez

and Martin Luther King movements were completed with what they strived for at the beginning,

which was the success of the rights. Both leaders had to struggle to prove what change would be

like when equality was settled in. The erratic situations in today’s society are becoming more

critical every day with relevant movements like LGBT, women's rights, me too, politics, and

racism. Those current movements are strong examples of how laborious it is to persuade others

with reasons on why to have the same opinions and or the challenge of one defending themselves

about their belief on a movement. Lastly, rights and laws are exceedingly important in today’s

society and more movements that build off of situations become interesting to have an opinion

too and follow along.

Different movements can involve many tragedies or triumphs in the outcome. For

movements to work out and have their purposes, there must be a reason to follow. For instance,

if a protest has its organization, peaceableness, and a message about the movement, it would be

able to end on a result of triumph. The Cesar Chavez movement was courageous in the start and

concluded with a triumph change in our world. The Women's Rights Movement presently

continues to grow in the result of an agreement for it to be effective, therefore, there is still an

outcome yet to be determined. A tragedy is caused by violence and brawl actions, which lead to

movements not being represented enough. The main attraction to movements involves the

supporters who choose to be a part of it and help it rise to be bigger. When protestors gather to

become a group of people who aspire to fight for what is right, the world begins to notice.

Movements are the work of hope because they tell the work of hope, it is confrontation and

disruption from those who will rule the future. Individuals who choose to hold hope when justice

has slipped through their fingers allow various movements to be beautiful and triumph. Thus,

when there are activists or locals roaming the political streets marching for what is important,

that is when the triumph shows. Any movement that has a limited or immense crowd is what

brings triumph rather than tragedy.

With the research of movements, I was able to find my examples because of the many

situations that are presently taking place. The primary sources I used involved many videos of

movement leaders who explained their purpose and the sources helped to understand the

elements of my topic. I found many sources that led to others because of the information that was

helpful. There were sources that I used more than the others because they had more reasonable

material. Researching sources for movements were difficult because many sites had the same
reports and stories. Providing statements for my topic finished as uncomplicated because of the

news about protests that I was already aware of. Lastly, the sites that were listed on my

assignment allowed me to find multiple sources and receive details.


American History - Username .​ (2018). ​​ Retrieved 7 December

2018, from

- The article demonstrates the information about Cesar Chavez and how he lived while

young and older. Furthermore, it explains the purpose to his fight and proved why

workers should be getting necessary treatment. My reflection on this article is knowing

the challenges that Chavez experienced and what he did to strive to make a difference.

The source is reliable because it comes from a professional database that is written by

scholars and educators.

Demonstrations and Protests.​ (2018). ​American Civil Liberties Union.​ Retrieved 7 December

2018, from ​

- As stated in the article, it lists the challenges of protesting and what can help to have a

peaceful protest. My reflection on this source involves the understanding of what can

cause violence and or the start to a peaceful debate. This article is reliable because it

states accurate information and gives reasoning on why it is good to make the correct

decisions.​. (2018). ​Time.​ Retrieved 7 December 2018, from

- This article explains the process of Martin Luther King and his journey of

overcoming the tragedies of a protest. The goal was to make a change and that

was his aspiration during the time. My reflection on this is a great example
because he chose to continue fighting for what was right, which allowed him to

end in victory and fairness. The source is reliable because it matches the timeline

that MLK had and the information given by many others reliable sources.

Woman Suffrage · National History Day: Triumph and Tragedy · Jane Addams Digital Edition​.

(2018). ​​. Retrieved 13 December 2018, from

- This article explains the difficulties that women had to go through the time that certain

rules and law were not fair. The argument of women not being able to vote or freely do

things was unreasonable, therefore the movement of the suffrage that women experienced

had to change.

5 Social Movements That Have Galvanized in the Age of Trump​. (2018). ​​

Retrieved 13 December 2018, from


- The article explains how these movements have changed the rules and made a better

impact. It was harder for those five movements because there is the president and many

other oppositions along with him. For that reason, those marches and supporters get

recognition because of how well they turned out and overcame the doubt from the


Social Movements and Progressivism - Center for American Progress.​ (2010). ​Center for

American Progress​. Retrieved 13 December 2018, from


- The source demonstrates the importance of protesting and how it can motivate others to

become apart of marches. It teaches the significance of why everything that has to do

with movements matter. Many supporters of the movements truly become empowered to

do better and make the world recognize their purpose.

American History - Username .​ (2018). ​​ Retrieved 13 December

2018, from

- The video has a scholar speaking about the movement of chicanos changing the labor of

farmworkers. It was not a simple and the only way to help it grow was by bringing more

supporters to realize the attention of the movement,

'I've been to the mountaintop': an excerpt from Martin Luther King’s final speech - video​.

(2018). ​the Guardian.​ Retrieved 14 December 2018, from


- In this speech, Martin Luther King was discussing the issue about changing the world and

the importance of change. As well as, speaking about how we should all be apart of the

difference that he is trying to make and the reason on why he chose to do it.

Interview: Why Women’s Rights are Essential for a Lasting Peace.​ (2015). ​Human Rights Watch​.

Retrieved 14 December 2018, from
- This source includes information and a video that explains why it is necessary to have a

Women’s movement due to the unfair treatment that other women around the world


Asoka, M. (2018). ​Women and Black Lives Matter: An Interview with Marcia Chatelain |

Dissent Magazine.​ ​Dissent Magazine​. Retrieved 14 December 2018, from

- In this article, there are lists of people who explained their opinions on the Black Lives

Matter movement and the Women’s Rights movement. Each opinion is reasonable and

gives the main points about why they are important.

Nike releases full ad featuring Colin Kaepernick.​ (2018). ​YouTube.​ Retrieved 14 December

2018, from ​

- This commercial was made to explain that any individual is capable of doing anything

that comes to their mind. Kaepernick also stated that if there is a specific hobby or dream

to be chased, one should aim as high as possible.

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