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Allyarisna Novia R

Kimia Tekstil/1K1
Kesalahan, pembetulaan, dan sebab pada teks yang dilampirkan :
 False = my friends always call me adin
True = my friends always call me Adin
Reason = Adin adalah nama orang, maka ditulis memakai huruf kapital pada awal
 False = I was born in cirebon, 6th march
True = I was born in Cirebon, 6th March
Reason = Cirebon adalah nama tempat, March adalah nama bulan, maka ditulis
memakai huruf kapital pada awal kalimat
 False = Now i’m 19 years old.
True = Now I’m 19 years old.
Reason = pronoun I harus ditulis dengan huruf kapital
 False = My address in jl.saleh gg kedrunan 3 no 137 cirebon but now i live on
jl.labuan no 11A
True = My address in Saleh street, Kedrunan 3 137, Cirebon but now I live on Labuan
street 11A
Reason = Saleh street, Kedrunan 3 137, Cirebon dan Labuan street 11A adalah nama
tempat, maka ditulis memakai huruf kapital pada awal kalimat
 False = he is a collage students in UNESA.
True = he is a college student in UNESA.
Reason = “collage” tidak ada pada kamus bahasa inggris, subject “students” tidak
cocok dengan verb “is”
 False = She’s a students in junior high school 1 cirebon.
True = She’s a student in 1 Cirebon junior high school.
Reason = subject “students” tidak cocok dengan verb “ ’s ”, Penulisan yang benar “1
Cirebon junior high school”
 False = she’s a teacher in senior high school 5 cirebon
True = she’s a teacher in 5 Cirebon senior high school
Reason = Penulisan yang benar “5 Cirebon junior high school”
 False = nature is makes me feel relax when i go to the mountain and see the most
beautiful view in there.
True = nature makes me feel relax when I go to the mountain and see the most
beautiful view there.
Reason = verb “makes” tidak dapat berdampingan dengan “is”, “there” sudah
mewakili maksud kalimat tersebut
 False = i like drawing manga because when i was junior high school
True =I like drawing manga because when I was junior high school
Reason = pronoun I harus ditulis dengan huruf kapital
 False = I think draw manga is make me happy because there isn’t many people can
draw it
True = I think draw manga makes me happy because there aren’t many people can
draw it
Reason = verb “makes” tidak dapat berdampingan dengan “is”, verb “is” tidak dapat
berdampingan dengan subject “people”
 False = wherever i am. When i bored i spend my time with watching drama while
eating snack.
True = wherever I am. When I bored I spend my time watching drama while eating a
Reason = pronoun I harus ditulis dengan huruf kapital, kata “with” tidak dibutuhkan,
noun phrase “snack” harus terdapat determiner sebelumnya
 False = i have a stubborn chracteristic but i'm the type of person who becomes a a
good listener
True = I have a stubborn characteristic but I'm the type of person who becomes a
good listener
Reason = pronoun I harus ditulis dengan huruf kapital, “chracteristic” tidak ada pada
kamus bahasa inggris, pada penulisan “a a good listener” seharusnya menggunakan
satu determiner “a”
 False = And i the type of person who likes new thing.
True = And I the type of person who likes the new thing.
Reason = pronoun I harus ditulis dengan huruf kapital, noun phrase “new thing” harus
terdapat determiner sebelumnya
 False = Now i continue my study in bandung polytechnic of textile technology. At
first, i didn’t think to continue my study in this university
True = Now, I continue my study in Bandung Polytechnic of Textile Technology. At
first, I didn’t think to continue my study in this university
Reason = pronoun I harus ditulis dengan huruf kapital, Bandung Polytechnic of
Textile Technology adalah nama institusi, maka ditulis memakai huruf kapital pada
awal kalimat
 False = i didn’t know that there was an university whom enganged in textile
True = I didn’t know that there was an university which engaged in textile
Reason = pronoun I harus ditulis dengan huruf kapital, subjectnya adalah “a
univesity” jadi menggunakan “which”, pada pemberian determiner didasarkan pada
pembacaan awal kata“yuniversiti” tidak huruf vokal maka menggunakan “a”,
“enganged” tidak ada pada kamus bahasa inggris
 False = I know bandung polytechnic of textile technology from my friend
True = I know Bandung Polytechnic of Textile Technology from my friend
Reason = Bandung Polytechnic of Textile Technology adalah nama institusi, maka
ditulis memakai huruf kapital pada awal kalimat
 False = my mom didn’t allowed me to continue my study in bandung, because the
cost life in bandung is very expensive
True = my mom didn’t allow me to continue my study in Bandung, because the cost
life in Bandung is very expensive
Reason = verb “allowed” tidak dapat berdampingan dengan “did”, Bandung adalah
nama tempat, maka ditulis memakai huruf kapital pada awal kalimat
 False = So i registered in bandung polytechnic of textile technology unknown to my
mom. But after i said that i accepted in this university, finally my mom was approve
True = So, I registered in Bandung Polytechnic of Textile Technology unknown to
my mom. But after I said that I accepted in this university, finally my mom approved
Reason = pronoun I harus ditulis dengan huruf kapital, Bandung Polytechnic of
Textile Technology adalah nama institusi, maka ditulis memakai huruf kapital pada
awal kalimat, verb “approve” dalam bentuk lampau menjadi “approved”
 False = In bandung polytechnic of textile technology i join some organization
True = In Bandung Polytechnic of Textile Technology I join some organization
Reason = Bandung Polytechnic of Textile Technology adalah nama institusi, maka
ditulis memakai huruf kapital pada awal kalimat, pronoun I harus ditulis dengan huruf
 False = Organization than i join is himakit, kmi and hipmi. In himakit i classified in
departement entepreneurship, kmi is an islam organization, so i join in kmi for
broaden my knowledge in religion. And hipmi is an organization that engaged in
True = Organization than I join is HIMAKIT, KMI AND HIPMI. In HIMAKIT I
classified in department entrepreneurship, KMI is an Islam organization, so I join in
KMI for broadening my knowledge in religion. And HIPMI is an organization that
engaged in entrepreneurship
Reason = pronoun I harus ditulis dengan huruf kapital, akronim harus ditulis dengan
kapital, setelah preposition “for” adalah V-ing
 False = I will make those two things balanced and this is a challange for me.
True = I will make those two things balanced and this is a challenge for me.
Reason = “challange” tidak ada pada kamus bahasa inggris
 False = i want to be an entrepreneur especially in textile field
True = I want to be an entrepreneur, especially in textile field
Reason = pronoun I harus ditulis dengan huruf kapital, sebelum kata “especially”
diberi koma
 False = i join in hipmi and himakit because i want to increase my knowledge about
entrepreneurship in there.
True = I join in HIPMI and HIMAKIT because I want to increase my knowledge
about entrepreneurship in there.
Reason = pronoun I harus ditulis dengan huruf kapital, akronim harus ditulis dengan

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