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ep0RT No. 62 STRUCTURES AND MATERIALS RESEARCH SSeS SSS FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS OF TWO-DIMENSIONAL STRUCTURES ey EDWARD |. WILSON NATIONAL SGENCE FOUNDATION RESEARCH GRANT C1852 = JUNE, 1963, SSS STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING LABORATORY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BERKELEY CALIFORNIA Structures and Materials Research Department of Civil Bngineering Report No, 63-2 FINITE ELEMSNT ANALYSTS OF ‘TWO-DIMENSIONAL STRUCTURES by Biward L, Wilson Faculty Investigators Ray W. Clough Prepared under the sponsorship of ational Science Foundation Research Grant G18986 University of California Berkeley, California June, 1963 ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS irRopucrrIou Mature of Problem Method of Analysis Purpose MBTHOD OF ANALYSIS - LINEAR STRUCTURES Baste Assumptions Stiftness of a Typioal Blenent Strain Dieplacenent Relationship Strese-Strain Relationship Stress Resultants Element Stiffness Equilibrium Equations for complete Structure Solution of Bquilivrius Equations Terative Procedure over-Relaxation Factor Group Relaxation Paystest- Interpretation of Wethoa Boundary donaitions Nodal Foint oats Gravity loads Lave Loses ‘Thermal Loads Hlenent Stresses Nodal Foint Stresses Solution of Complete Problem Page b a 1g an 22 23 25

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