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Lesson Plan 2

I. Title and Grade Level:

Addition & Subtraction, Grade 2

II. Lesson Essential Question:

How can students learn the importance of addition and subtraction and how to use them?

III. Standard:
Grade 2- Operations & Algebraic Thinking- Fluently add and subtract within 20
using mental strategies

​IV. Objectives and Assessments:

Learning Objectives Assessments

SWBAT recall ​from memory all sums of TWBAT assess students’ acquired knowledge
two one-digit numbers. by observing students add and subtract

V. Materials:
● Number line
● Bingo Sheet
● Pencil
● Chips for bingo
● Cups

VI. Pre-Lesson assignments and/or prior knowledge:

The students will read a book about adding and subtracting within the number 20. After
they read the book, the teacher will show them with a number line from 0-20 and a
pencil, how to go to the number shown and count in their head to 20 and see how many
tries it took them to get there. After the pre-lesson, the students will be completely
prepared to dive into the lesson activity.

VII. Lesson Beginning:

To hook the children into the lesson, we are going to tell them that they are going to be
pretend mathematicians. They will have to use their super spells to help them win bingo.
Each student will have a different bingo sheet, so they will all have to try and see if they
have the number by using the number line.

VIII. Instructional Plan:

1. Students will stay in their seats at their assigned tables.
2. Each student will be given a bingo sheet.
3. Then the pencils will be passed to each child.
4. Each student will be given number lines.
5. Then lastly, they will be given the cup with plastic chip pieces to play the game.
6. The game is to be explained after all materials are handed out.
7. The game will continue until the first person raises their hand and says BINGO.
8. After the game is played a couple of times, the teacher will collect all the
9. The teacher will then have a class discussion on the activity and ask how they
used the number line to their advantage.

IX. Conclusion:
Students will share how they used the number line to help them get their answers on the
bingo sheets. They will talk about if they enjoyed the game and why. Each student will be
able to explain why the game was hard or easy and if they want to play again. We will
talk about the importance of adding and subtracting numbers and how they are used in
our everyday life. Explain the different jobs and situations adding and subtracting comes
in handy.

X. Citations:
Common Core State Standards Initiative (Ed.) (2016). Grade 2>> operations and
algebraic thinking.
Retrieved from

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