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o Proceedings
Intern nal

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Close Er-rcorJ r-rfers
1947 - 1997
on tc cKer
lie nroslp0p!ar nlagaift in $e US llF0 naga

ese tvlo invesligato6 and journa isls

rcspoNible for setting llre standa
Alnerlcan uiology ihruugh the magazln
also hosts the l?dio proglamme lJFo
onite which has featured
ealth of researchers and
Iho6, i[ he pa!i. 80ll] Dfl and V ch arc efur
!lk0ned0llallaspecb0i 0 ogy dls i0lrsh di
maoazine researc

I mh [atf i00m0r lld l[ s0u$0n calflorflla llnds tr! ldm 0l llte I[ thGydldl'tirw rmml!0nnyltittur!lU lrrsst|tcrromct [g
outersmcc lrscln|lll!. S0fasclmtlru,ln lml $ttt,i! rlrl ldGa !l snrll r8i la!!llrl[g. nly hrcw tmlll ul n!0n5 c0mlru h tr0n
llylng sauccrs ald rllcns.lsllys glucs ticlld r fln [! Uu ult|ma|c flgn crc{l durlrg lt! htt days el til stc0ld wortd t n! r
nrystEry, ylu tGG,rxlti answcrthatc0[ld ci rm tm w0tld. lhtcrlcl C0nmafi con cted m htEnstu! G{lonn $ldy h 19|l,
lhc lruttr lt out u6rcl colcludllg t||at llrc plrcloltcmn mlgit !r lr Gr arcuty. lltllr rr-
TnE I maurcs, r{hll8 lror fascln 0[ !085lrMeruroune InE[, lonwlsKclod[rcla ordlrrd t! t! dcstroycd.
{n6n s[Es 8[ rddl, her hlerest suftccs agtll,lrkll! | lrolound 0l cour$ !y lgll $c rnrill! B0sr{otl lmtm h tg47 lad tcll
d scrlous un, slE llms r {c-mlm!dhurmllstrld$rnir cllccllrclys[ r!55!diyElnll nolcrnrmlyrlldUrol$|rnryllr
malarlrc on nerlavoiltE sublect f0rc!, tut s00[ $B mllltrry *ri t0 m!! many noru n !i!t[!
ThG llld ls VlcH CloDcr, Edltor rld Duills[Gr !t Ulo l{ata [!. llt nld$ncs flllr li! "n0[-!xlitl[f n9[! Sancc13
cdlr0rurldrr[drwrltlrtyI uru,lllcld rc lrltwnat slll a c Ilrc 10rc!n war !!!N[ ln lum !l t950. lt wN5 t0 t! I monum! rt
r0 brl[[ r0 tio lrlhct a l(n0ur 5ll! cmt d0 n dom. slrc rc- $r!$l! !!t !0[ Urc Sonmunhl lhc lal0tri 8[i tl. Irla Wottd
comocts r{ltlt flr old c0ll!uu!, sntrh sllfli nno 0rcstnB hcr [crd.duiytu unltc strtls am $! untt?d Ia[olls. s[ttrrh[
lnlnh an dd[s alld ohlrlourltll$lc rcsourcrs l0 [cl! [dn! Uto srltracl5 at llrst Urc ll.I. !n0n h ur w tmrd rnutld wilr 0lt,
ilagarlnc t0 lll!. c0mnNndcr h chlct GG[!]rt 0ougtrs itrc|niur tadld ti! [. s.
IhcyEarlil9E6.SylSm,tlonrgullrirsnadc60m0f,rlrsh$r lncr !tllctol,i! ld communlsllt[!s. uumatcly$tr ! trnI
s!.crllrd 010 conmunlu. s!rl0u: uru rlaGrrcnlll 8rr ]llln! n0b. mlllhry n8[ ull wrs t! draf, h ul! G0mmultst citllsr r[d trr-
lut r !||rst 0l lcw and nEcdcd clcny cnllwm Ul, mflrrn! iG[ l0r! li! uai, lut h t[! ston ru||' n rficctvlly 5t0!md ttt! co|||m[-
Uckl mcGti !0[ Icllr, a l0rnrr 00llc! dctlcuu! wU| nF 0{n llsMhultt wirllw $! ulo $crGt wrs, ttly 0llrrrud rrrl
lrsclmu0Fromcsay0Dscsslon-vilurlrma0lUr!0llc!! flcwto l !r6t!d l[ Ul! clmlct !0llg ut D0t0w.
C lrF0 l{ag|tnr B tlrls UmG, [0n ls Ur0[ly onG rt! ia! tnlly lullltous ruIotc 0l $ldl!rt' llc0ultclti {lII lDtrr! ty rcry !d-
$Er a to[rfldc lll0. ll0r'5 sl[itlu a5 r tccrrgcl lr0[!ls tls ft- I Cld Cnnlir! c!mm0l|l[ tmt ult "[o!flghts" littrllr u,$ r
l0lg lltGrcd l[ liG lrto nystGry ald dGurlrllrr00[ t0 [sr tlci 8[i l0r$ llgilcr lcls ild U10s trfir dlcumc !d ![d try! sumtltld t0
tsue rneu0ds 0l Iwlsdgau0l sllh llr! nrmrlm t0 dcllnc ! u! ti! !rusrnl 0m 0t $c Dlit rdtrlcld fl0hnnD !t l[! day, mF 6
tildr. SNDru let wrs t! [lc0m! l!!0rdrr| 0rci tlll sll6s !l X!r!& ![t ms
outiNrlllrd by tirr! u n0m5- Cr[Nhlr !l !lmo{ ilrct t h ! dlra
trlr 6lrcr I rrlllrcssrd Ul! uto DlEmmlm[ lacl In t960, I iara tlrc Sfir! wr5 r0u{[!ly bn lNr lchlld tlr! lllos h tirs! r.mnld
[cen lasclnatcd !y llrls lnllna, Dt wfi n mlgn D! d fiEt Il Il|rlnlE lut llr! il!!r51SlroCxf,m yrlt! c!m!.
mlg ncrll. 0l c0ursr, malt lusN rsslnc lltos ri! lrlm tr cul- luly,1952 rflr r r!ry not n0 ihWrsilrnol!.C.BulttHrsd!]
WG ald trlc lt fiom ticrE, 0r hl[r.0ulrs l[st c0[5ltcr lrtoE all Unld t0 lrt n[clt hollr, iccau6! 5$1d[! ,ult 20, llt! lrl0 !m-
lurt lmrul[ld Elula cs rnd 50lor[GtLn! llal [utr ls nncl mnenon uls b nafi! li! llrst !l ulrcr aDtmralcls r[oIc Uln
noru con Gx. nr 0['5 callt!|,lir WarlrlllIon 0rcrfll[itr siGd lr!ry 0fi0r
Hun b?ll$lnUe DCenslgnh! sllaruc d hEr0llcrbl! rl[$ lao[t{am $ory ofl uE [ctrslr[!ls, rld t0rctd ur Ptltr!m l0 ndl
ln tE s*y slnc! 0!r i0ccles ffrsl loolcd !t rly rcc0u t lnul u! laigEs lrsss [inflr! tllct ult scc0rd world [ll].lMtu 0$i
sur w , !oln! [mI t0 Dirtlstlry d comlng rlltlu t0 todrt $c Grlllol, ti! Ililt! fiorsr fld ti! tlrtlglFrll rGsNictld
Wrrllstiln tr[ lp lsllnxlr crlGddtl? t[strc!- ti! lrl05 f,01! stat mt orly 0! m[M ! lNd tGtt tt
l[lulc0l'lglt,l0l5!,ldat!iusllcssmalXG[[! rln0ldu83nyl[! iltlra l!crd0[g iut 8ts! iy ctr trn dt[! r[0b, tt5lnorE |n
hls filurt! rlic]m aI0rr tlll sta$ 0l W$nhllon ncfi l n ll!i, ti! !r0ud aM s0n! t0! nllltrry 0mccn lils cautld I stg nc t
trlirl i! clstirci rho Dooncr ! -t[tIGd craltllyll! r]wisl i! chan0! ln !![cy, dnwlr! t0!ctt!] s!n! 0l Ur most Dowllllt 10rc!r
Clllll[tcd!l[l[!rU 1,20! I'lPfll It tD! Um!, our t!! nlnfi II t h t[0 u0dd. Cldmlu ti! rl0lun$wlrc !0fi1n! m!rc $tn wi$0t
wrs orly DrDrDl! !l scllllullg 150 lull ln hycl nbft wnln Mnl[ nmrslom nhrmd 0n ildar iy n tlshd ultt li! rsll lflrdll!
taMoi a|ld told 0ticrl w[tl hl i8d slc[, "loollu lll0 I ttftlr lt d lrlcofii rl Urousrri5 !l Iasscrucrl lrcl dry, Ull i l!rE!
you sldtlcd ll 0llcr {atcri $i tlnn "B{[g sruclrE" {a5 htroficr[ dlsDcntGly 8tll|llcd ta shorcl u! ulo []0 Gm lmo fi! itct-
u m! lrodt. whl n wcEl{s, IGoDlc ![ riowd llrs wofld rcrc rcDln- lrouni. nn cn wrs l! com! u wm nc !fftcun st!!{tD
lng $esr oDhcb, ll0r{!vcr, hG cMllal rcllrtr, m naucr i!tr u[- iIlgtL
usu8l. werc mt ma y 8s lirmnrn at u! rcrolt5 mad! ir mllllrry lr h[ury,1113, [m!r Ulr rsltccs 0t Ul! c rd I tfltlcm!
trGrsolncl. . . lltd lltNll I0 mlstN*!: ml nlllnll Wl5 r!ry C0mlrlGd. llGlcy, t Scllmnc Dalcl {ts G0nrrnG hclldrd 5om0 0l hi
t0[ sctcnUsts l[ IttG lrorld and nGmlers 0l tic llrltcd sutesmlltary. Tio lllcod ollrcr nlllt!ry and sclen lc exlens ull lils s[Ilecl was iehg
gafie t|n lrsted a lltdc 0ucr{ wtel( IhG tollowlu ls a [rl!l cxcerutlrum hlidrn [y tlr mllltaru a lntolll[onci rgcnclcs, lld ullt lllc func]lcltl
ahlast uo excDllc datatasc 0n tio tgency mrlntillned l!, tortllEr cla 0e0[lc Ir r rlgil t0 lo!f, wiat was mlnn o[ ll tlll$ w|s utlllo ttlE ucrt
agenrBrhh MccltltoG. hGlltlt 0l ur! col! uar uttr tfic u.s.s.[-!e0[lc ar tio [mE rJllc cl0s0
nl|tdcd, s0tcd, rnd laramld.nel|' ar xcvn0! tlgmt0 m|l(c lnrotds lllt0
00t{tsTlc0p l r ullmnr g0al 0t c0[Il[cl[g conlrcss t0 hr]ld nca ngs 0[ ljr0s, m!
c0nuct!cs stc!&d lrlto tll0 trlctllt!.
tr ff pmflrrT rilr0 RE TAB ! - t0[Enrso]l mlllt llT Mlr lll 1953, [0c 0n l{oycnicr 20,1952, Cc0r!! ldrmsll ald 6omc asslclatls dron lrt0lic
nttusn urtm t0l|. nrp0nT lflclults lltscnllls rffil0lls ?HElloillll0]l dlsri tEMeen lo5crl cafltrr, crlltornlr d Pa cl, lltllnl t0 l00l lot
l0lluittllT mlt 5 illY5[ Ax InACH}lEllT 0l Tm t nt InIIG0rAlnl0n0l lll0s. acclrdlng l0ldansll r lr[g! clg shrDod crdt "strdovcd- l m, d
ptBs(l{tttt 00ilc$ re s0llltTlFlc a0llls0nY P$ nlPoRT 0ll uF0s. [arEI fitlcnnlslrlc st0 g0 h lcr0 lnl0 tltc dcsGn H! ullt tllliar rclon uat
'tlttl5r $lc} t0lt0wrllc Ptns0llltt [r ittHllt8 PlllllP $nlllc Dl0/c/sl, r"tcru ld smrllcrdt" l drd. dhD{rsmelbyrveryI ds0m!humal-
cll: l0SEPll t. [0l lll, $t tt'3; ll tS L lYltE, AlClil'IlA tlwllflCl I l0!Hn! bchg lrl r l0[! trlond [aI md a hlfi hrEnmf. Admsll cldmc
TIC[$. Sltls:I InfiClS ABCltl, tTlC:0l0l8t CARY, ttclslAlltlt C0UllClL [tcy conmulcSttd ush! 6l{n lan0urgr lnr0lvll! sorrt w0td5 tld nG$
0ll: ULr. lrX0W 0Sl, ClL lI 0t[llll0llll l n. lAtllllS0ll lT AGnEMl 0n l!r!5,lust i tenh! t0 irvc s0[o trlrstlr 0l lrrlr {i$ m, hl mio
IACI(IB tlr0ut0 lllswtn t0[ 0Cl l]10 lln SIn0I0 ntC0it]lEll!fl| crslcs 0l ur lllotlrlnb anct thG sa[crr cccu E bn a[ansxl clalmcd
purr e Pntss nttt$I lt utos, uTlllllrs Ptm '(IRCE [rtonT. ilal0l llllallD lr tmtu! telngst0ld lrlln $eyvcrollonlllnu! Ihls trlsti! b lnnlrg0Iuu
B0t E 0t uEtslrllvE U s0ll salll lT w0ut[ sarlsFY c0xGBtssl0Ml ntoulBt' a ansld llsGld,lirll|rllg ils lteul c0 rc$ ulll lir slllcol0cGuD tl
ilrxrs. ftPlnT srcllfll BYw,[ r0{0u cllltF ruED scltllcE [lv, sl. [lsTnl wrldDg solrral !00t5 trr$ally ticy uEri rll !h0$ rltll[), ldlmsll r!"
filr0ll tlsl lxcLulo 0nlc [ ,/C/Sl: CIAPII nSS I T0 TII nCD! CAIY (tEG. MrGdlys0undedurU!n!$rlxlo c![ld hrwl Iandlsoon tarti,llstlll(G
c0l,xstur S0/Sl nuilXtIl 0U 0ffl0lStCUIIII:0Sl/tS0WEttl{0W.t1tl53 lll! sluc.l lro !, ll w! ltumtni ll|st lcrmcd tc [Glwl. n! onrldlrg
sEt aBTtcrt lY llt{ [0ueffi ,'THt cll saucl[ wlTGH," lll aBrlcuTlllT fiinc 0l ti! lnllr! clntlcl ltovement ln tm$ iay5 wrs lll lx! trlnlu'rG
Nmnn H urT lssff 0t cnaw [0Y llaE.otralls lE0llsslfltt Gn nI- humrns sn0uld d0 rury wlti our flrclltl wc ons, flllt stulttg tlllll 0ll
P0nT "nIP0BI0t ilEITIll[S 0t tTllt] SCltllTtIlC l lls0nYP l 0ll Ulll0tllTl' blcal|s! wt f,eru uscun! fi! idancG 0l tlll unfucEcl-iol I mcsslgl
arl ltYlllE 0 tfiS, C0lwtll[I 8t (ltfl0t 0t SClfll tl0 lllTEt 0I ClL" I'ltEI- wc tlcclvcd lnlllllr$'l960sNnd lrrlylg00s
rt [ 0 ffo t/l& nu fl llll 53 all[ cal.llo noBmn0r PNIIL PAlllL 0l IlclP !0lntGd 0ut llm! rli tlmr rtaln tlnt tlrls nss [0]wtat ul0 lrt!stlsl-
PBISI|tl0USSCllll S$ll.P,n0[$TS0ll,CllIIISIITUIITtC[!ll0fi [$10ffi, Uo[s wcrc Nll r[out clnrllm lrt Dcult 1fi0 ldamsld dli n0[lhg iut
lssocll lt UIMnSlIlIS: Slillltl 00U0St'llTlL ll00XHIVIil IATI0[ll lAlS; icrlously irrm lr[ltlnlll lrl0 ]orlllcll lt 0[! !01 !n r tcldrlslu Ir!-
0rK0I PIGL 0lllft 01n$tln0il oPtnlTlol, i0llll ll0Pl(lIS Uj l,lltll u!m, Idanstl u rull!! lut ! II0IP rrrilrlil! c d, si!$[o il !!-
flYiltl(0fl10S TE U; tlt0tnlox C.0Un otlBlfiUnIlmll C. ]lETlXG lolgld t! tlcAt. xryh! 8lmlit w![l llotr]lcllc 8ri rnfi hwtuornru,
fi ltoEl rY uFftl cla lclltt0lls. sfltnal laYs splllt $ullYlll8 tltlls 0l tould ulal I rynlrtiltc *lltrr hrd sr tlt! Gtrdi l! fuiimllj a lovllll
ut0s, nEP0nrs w lln mncl t0lutB00[ tn0itcn ail! BtnEft lllsrlTuTt oliGr c0ntlctlll. Ilynm firld lrGl
cn tu! uTrlt tII tsl lll suBltct cla Plll{anltt lllII[$Il[ l0ssl8ll Ill0l! Grcltcnlnt vls 8ai. lt $rnGd l[ lllllsdlll, I'llcllllrn, !m hufucd
fttlSStlYSTInhAil[0nuTln[U lt[AllLlTYT0 P0SSlltIflllllY PSYCll0toGt lI5nsldcltr,rcolh!!rrdltsslud s,lll0llr t!rc!, tldlcl Blt a Bolt 0L l,
ctt lfittmt - ussn'silllllPulrrl0ll 0I slucln YTll.llltnff0n[P c0ll- L llynrt Nni . . . swrnl !r5. I scrlat rt ufo $![th!t rccumd lro[ld
CtUDt0 ttIUST 8I llll0 I'lll0n Alil8 ' nll llG lll! lElullXlllG.Iln runCI Hlllsdali. Tnc ums v{ara lhwci Dy rcrldcnt8 !l tlr rnr ll|d st[dlnE rt!
Btut000x tn0,rcT rn0 5l-09 0llE 0I stu-0tttAl collclc. lt med! tfi! !r!!n rnd fllr l00l vN5 n5[![ r rct lhlv $ ]n
Br.tlEt00t( 0[ra lt{ fiuY ullPnllclssl0. n mncl P[ollcT lls PrBr 0l clt tillr sclcnUllc c0nsulIrll !r. l. allllt llynGl t0 llni a {lral IllSIT !01[g
0Pl"[$l,lllcl]"UIoS.Pll{fl nlCoili!tll0 XIAIClllllG [0iltSTlCUto'wllGll 0n. llynll comllctcd mrt wr! t0 lccom! ! lrillc rd 0m dlsldGr rt !
c80[Ps. !r!ss c0trtlr0ft! [y su!!c6un! uut somr !l lha slghu[!3 c0[ld P0sslStY
!0 causGd !y "saamt !a$ 0i tlc dffry 0l t mamr $d liil Gl[sld t
?m![[ tsldE l0r I tmnGlt ttra rbov! corcluslolt ulll tll! ctA nd [0l lrest llrorosclnl !low. slrlllcrl l gncr cru lld u! ! !r! mll0n, r lutllc
h [r0a fiG notrtl0n tiar tir llr l0icc llu! loll lllcs wGlc unl|s'[ll Is ruacu0l rrnlci ullln|tnly .lsultcd ln $r lom lor !l $r cor[on Gommlt-
g0l0rld0 sudy.
{mldru. ior vGrE lll! ,[ll lcin lubtlc wa6 lc! l. lcllcvc ti|t uu 0.s. tlr lcc rld tr! ullur{ty 0l
torcr nad a nrm n! lr u lnr lll0 q[Gstlon lnclscly llctllsl !l Froltct Pr0 ?Irr iosd ti! c0[d0r lllort llmosN lr0n h! illlmlru. llc rnd
uG B00l( fin h lact n lj.s r t01c0 IGICI ha o0l! tifi crcl ! d0I0[ lp[0, llotrcr clr flr lll0 o]!rdrall0[, offE]cd t0 !3 n ln $F lulnllllllt
lG0Il! llrolrrcd lr "Du Ic' uto rcs?aruh lnGr cltt tm d llllIlft bn luliod sfirdy, ll0Dcs rNn hlglr unt ur c0mmlm! n!!ld Dr r[lr lr lNl! r ltll!
8lr! [00[ lt drwlvcd lnt0 n0tlrllg nor! n r lutllc rlllll0lls oflln b l00I l0t0 $r lrru !rc !n wlti0[i lovlmnc l[t!(ct!rcl- rcn0a Nr[
rssuNlr $! bllc'3 llt!ru$ rld lctll|lt !ll![ lDlrcn sl0[ owr tlll u]0 Itc[? rld n0 onlrid r !0![ nclrnbr l0r 11L ldwr]d c0[d0[ fid hls
lurs .n. h '196l, lr. S. lli lolc! GGlGnl 80lrm war [l!rd cxllal ru ti $500,!00.lund!d rtdy. lrl most !t 0m!, UtGv lould ollt lltll 0i. Coldon
"Nll uto Casrs hrolvlll! nr oml tlcudtv g0 l! tll! llr 10ru! lglncy tas*ld rld ils rldcs dl I t illlrlo l[ ti! trnclomGrol. 15 r matrGr 0t llcl lltc ll
$fi handllrtsucl cas!s.- til tytl ngE lud irltrEn?d fron l95l ulul1968 $! commltrc! mcnmlt l0! a ncn! lrom c0 0ll llio [!t!d l.l.0r
liatwcr!10 sirtrr ur! 01fl chl D0llcy 0n utoa ura h tug[st,'1966. h ur mrno,1,0f, sirLd Ilnl ll Dcy f,r]! t0 ulrdlF
h fir 19505, Mo nlmrs st00d 0[l wtcn lt c8m0 l0 lll dlscllssloll 0t utoE lrtru s []ohct "h! trlcl rl0uli Dr,I trlll( t0 dlsc !n $a lidlclt! llltl
and tour lldlvldrats hrd wl[![ r luntll !l i00lE 0n tft lullcct ltlv t0 llr! !u lc, lt wo d r!!!fl r totrlly 0tlcctrr $ro, lut t! ur! rcl0ldflc
HOr! lilrlor [0n8ld tcytro! nctd. rld "Pr0l0860r GGor[c lilmsK. c0mm[ ly, would !rc$!!t $! lm8!! 0l r troul !l mrlclldrcir tyn! ti!|l
ftyn!! uas r lg22 0nd[rlr !t lllc lr.s. llrrrl lcrdcmy, afi at llu tlmc ![ [!$ ta t! 0!hcurr! lul [rdn! ![ llnon r0l! !m!cl!d!n rl flndh! |
rldol0lrglndrrytlr c lot ciarles lhd[r]!i.lcvhol lccrmc I ilaim simar: wnan 0n! !l llll c0[tn[ clnmltlcl ltcnllll $m s! n!m! t!
trll0! lut rcIred 8tur icln0 [adly Inl[rcd ln tn i rccldcllt xclnm wffi !0[rld lcyn!0 tt IlG , xlyloa 5![1r c0 l0 Dr.llnlt ilclolllld, l
ce .itrcttodmvdurln!llr.l .ll,8[drmhrllc8sldhomSrnlmatulGlld 0ulslll(rn lrE ,r0!omnt ilc[emli n$ m ur ilri rl $! l$dtt$ 0l
0t lIc flri.w0 ln! !5 r urltrl, [a {rt rstld l! "l!0t lllt0' o! stllcGl Dllsl- tut0sDtlrlc Pnyslcs, lrllr!]slty 0l [lr!m. 0m 0l u! llosl lml0tu
ncss I[ 1g4t"49Iy ti! rdlt0i 0ITnuE mgtdlr, N rrdtrotr[hnuillclulll lc crlr]G tr !r!ay loh lnll t[! ulo lny, llclomli dld nd l00l $!dlv 0r
Ho v85 tlh t0 trD lls nlllury clntrcB, llld 5ulsclllclllly {r0ll !ll! 0l lll! r/fiat hr lclt mE l[c0m!!trm! tr $lrlunc dFlr0!!$v, Ifiln lar tlli
m.sN ra:clmllu al|d llDulfi 8t011!! li! n!!aIln! trll ltlfi 10 ruft [ ll{rt' condon lirl ti! ncm! i l!ax!d. c0du flrud $rrlrl st|fi nlm[l]t
nosG! rus Nrd !![! na|l, xcvt0r !ar! tt0lt ]llt l0 wtll {li a00r t0 r.m! rGsl0nrd rtd dr! uFo 0r!us lrllld srGll rullon contrlulllr l!g!d
[ecom! l||0fll at $0 'c0rt!cr!!" crua 0||1l![ til mn dlcld! lnd I nr[, rl0urd lil llohcl
gll $r nNd Goncludld t!10r0 lt! lll al ls6l. Pru$-
IG wrnt 0[ t0 {rlt! som! 0l ulr m05l lmmnrnt t00ll 0ll llloE iGc0mh! | nln f,as ! m$ t!
malormlnt0wiatxrtlro!Grllcdnr-sllclc!!r0uD"ril lllllcllllll|11lld dcnrclrct llctard lt. Ikon wri 8b0ut l0 !! l[Nu0lll!d. ll 15 t!ll!$i t0dlv
lnlclllqrm! rgrncl!3 llt [rs urgGlrd [y dlGs! r$rcht slllcrll umls lll tirl [! mEn nll t ! llt condln 0[ s! !rsv, llh!! lllu c![du fm lls
!nanrm l0 Grrirn8st ltllll alld $r orual[ttfi n! icsdld u[,llclL nsum0u t! lia ll0!s! ur{mric lctrlucr ltro! l[d c0ni0! dl$15!d
C[t, fi! llruolll llucsNllrutl! c0nmltrc! 0ll lirl|l lhll0nut' lld lrctotnr,rndi!m!hlttirtlttlr!!l0hdurr!dc0mll !d!!1010lnol
50n! !rurmcly ln[od,lll n8[ 0n ll5 [0rd; ul! vcly tlrst urcctol al ccnml t0 smr!.[rmht trt! ![ lltcrlst lusl0[] 0l3!l1r.ll0ulvrr, bv fi! lnd d
lnrcfltg6nce, ldmlrdl nosc0c lllllerl(o!tl!rwls otl!. ltlGtltlltlly l(Gyt0a c0n_ lgfl c0[d0n rcltalld ti! flml rllolt trnhi !l coust trlt t0ttllv Grldcsl 0l
UloaGr tr0uln h fi! [[at rctlrt olct s0%.t tho cascs ]Emrtncd ![- "scclltloucnmlnr[!
cllled U! I!
lc slllld '.s[Gillr," rm hslsad hG
lr0[L tlt! rrtt lnt $a rlal U i, Ut! dtfi rlyslt w! ucn
uls llta only onc t0 s0!
Tnc r F!rc! tras mf, ofi O! i0o|( nry closrd prolccl llur !0![ ctr|mlu herdlry lntot
ll Ir
m$mss a:s0ctrtGs (c mort!
trt0s f,llrtcvlr noy flcrc, dld nol tcDrcsclll t Ultc b m{0nal ioc!- Dou! om[r, tuo lotDwlod fitstdrrs M0 afi.nd
9!t tc[rltG trnrld
t0 "!rcl !" Go!trGt ti
rlu.IouGllcry0mlusNnolGdm $cuto5troltd!0r{ry. [13 mlss{gn $fl dlsg||s$d wti l m. a drultln ceorur crlsi hcn [! 0[!
nrcy dtdnL rllm i[d flcd b !n0n nr$Grrrlcs !t hts utts fi0n tn ![ nr0nt0 tulf
Pal lrs ! mlnldnt0l uas ilm smtser, at ut! tllc out ot nustan al ticm 0n 0l utc c![tac t! ird stgnld{lli $Gm [. lrrnfin8t![.dli?m
slclicr ia! sct uD r ncM0rt( 0t comrlIcr ![[GUn [orrd $Mccs IBBSI wlh muricr.lou mclntGd colutrtltr Hlrt uetr m cr dllrntna 5.
Nt0und Ucc0l|lrtry tfat l edlccd {lti fl18rn! ltectontc{al lul lll! lrl! s0n! glGS tlr !! e0cs0n.IIrnlstnccntfiruwortitIn s
t.lrGcIti!t0s'r hrs i!G[ dlsllrycd orcr M0 ltGtls lic rflm a!l![$y ntm 0l lay srnd l
c00!ersudrctd h latc s[mmEr 011988. [! nai ultladcd a story 0t trnd Cometllrlr B0!!.it0r. [0ls!l0llr ttic massE
llrls 15 lmmnanu I sulnrrtr!5 lncountEr ulll t llant lll0 [rt{rc[ ur llto rm{nr [$ c!lt!]cd r[ tits! slo eg rlld n0te. wtcn 0t(l flrst
wlsEmU.S.aldfiau t.Hc nr$dtd[0tctrtnt0[r0[iorrd.asionunfir llsic[,li! !n tsi!$|(n!l{ttatr0 onc h yGar: nrd s [!n h!ru tc ghl
laur, Ult st0ry yas hls !r{n trGtsonal ex[crl!nc!. lu:l I llw days attlt !l uuti 0[ urlt lssua 0u!r n! lrst iccrd!, ljt0 ilrg'Ino tns
! oadh! Ue sNlry tu clalnld nC nrd lEGl nro ttotltltsSt5,000.00sylar rcDrtrthlhrt!lll[!li!trr$rs{rfl L ! n!rcd r
tot [4a[sr ha !rol! hl6 sllelc8 "0n ti! lrlatcst covcru[ h hlnu nF- Wc lmof, wC nt!! mad! orcnlcs rttmli blcaus! ol 0[] ulc0ntronlsll0
tory." our tic courst 0l tlto [En c0!tr1! 0l no is, 8lolcr ]!tty!d ![ slflrcc, and Inl 15lI! ltty lt siould !r. lrld u ls ti! wsy lt t{lll [r. lcrrN
hctc ilc tllr d nau[! icir . lrn ol a llNral ldcflls tcam h HrUrll r wlilln Ulo rgdn. ts umei !!. dkrclotr L0ot Gtscrxt!ru tor fl@y TGct
mEm!0rolurcA mlnl'3slrtfm n0hsl . hto{lcdlc 0t ut! g0wmne . mod- 0r "smct br0ulf fi cnrGlallon! lut ll ylu aru l0oldn! l0r r tc!
secretUt0*[o{lcdS!, lllrldcrccs $! rlll 0l [o[sils!, u tefli n lurtutG ur n n, !y aI nra|ls
Al [rls Una conrulli uscrs ar0ud liG w!]td mru tetcnurssty irdgtfln! "IlElcon!,'
tcar a[on nb nE0ry !n wi wat n [ent[!. c0![!r r ld lhsltt utn
trar, cl mhl nt h! lncw at htst 50 tcrccrt !l Mrt t!!r ctatned w$ !0[Icllr
trul. ll|tEr ll tlcan! 15! ICtccnU cooDcr !G[a[ t0 scnd 0ll1 cr]lItc mrr-
s,gls rnd i! usod l'ltcct n|nls llirl i! srld m nad ltcf,ei $ t! ![ $r
hlllllgllcc lrlclh! t!an. Irtlr i! cnangld ani tmindcd, maHn! ru-
0!at0d tltdsl0ns altli $yln[ ctcll t{ts nc hsl utcl o|trstlomd rs to fity
hc sau n! rfls lusl trsung ft0[h,
Ttcn r lhglc l[ lglg i! chtnd $at mli ycrr$ !l slrlctttu nr fl[r y
l0ulld tli! [r!d n0 [!!drdl Ir wonld rc|.{sr lli! hlly !]a[ 0t c0wru!8-Uh.
ldllGd PrcsldG lom t. xclnedy. llls utn! drttc]t tld cooDlf! t[utc
trltsGtttttl0ns h! Uas 5[0$[g r gnlny c0 [ amn scven$ 0r chn$ gr[.
Entlon I 0l the llraiam l0!r[dG] fllm $0till[! Prcsldolt lGlrcdy as [o tr
n[ U a$srsslls'![lltla
Th6 nlm lhrlt its htcr!$!n! st0ry. trlu[d t98t-81, rssasstmuor
ruscrrciulalsll lsscflc,l[cl[t0c!ntrct$lllltwollx ttE!llcntriudt!
hld blln worl(ln! 0! $! ruhllvGly 0u anthn ul0ry tj|!t lrcsldGnl
fielnedys llmo ddr!], sG8rct sGlldc! alc w tam Grclr, ild nrud du lrht
ilads[!tlrtolbGtlrsld t[r[6sr[rni$lydrcldEdbtryt0chrnu!u!
l0urli !r [t$ lrnfildur c0!y 0t tir lmrudlr fllm ti.y ltrd. snd h.t[r
Ir!c!$mlyhadrlnlnuymsied!n $!c0l0r.
ney mtr lnd ! nuld{ cralh[ c0 titt xlit 5cl!0[!d tmlarei ta
5h0f, ! I!ry lid momr For Iust r spllt slcond iclora Xcllrdy ls rlrlt h
Uro lEadl 1001(5 lll! r "cnromc{lNlei .45 crlllcr llstll tlm 5 0lt!t Ulr
d wr'i si0uldrr' Tho lm{g! ls slddclly tilrl, ticl ll ls[t tatlr amlyslr
snorcd tlrc '[lsI!l't! bE lutt I rEnGc{0n 0ll lm lrlasl nom $C ndi 0l lI!
ltirrsacEtslrdc!m hti!c,nllyxoltonn|l.nllM!fi utls*tsutt
Brylcrcrm gc[.ndm c00!!rs "lnr d ycr ild I u&-urs all lma[lllrult!.
[0] sG[rnl yGaE, tu nt!, tltls ms t0 Dtont l! [c 0[l !l lI! n05l
d6structlollGcls 0l llslllorn|[on t0 Crcry $! tfc ll[il al dry. lanssG!
wantl! t0 ltt t0 mt s0m!0[l l0 nn ce nls rcs! ch, 5! i! lltcrrlly Ur!f,
lolGrirrrt ! trltlr llrls 5o[ur[cc ![ lL nrn d [!u tu nnuittt! ddyli
dld lt flld trol ]0!l 0ll l00ll[! l0r r su! drddy 0i m0mm[ lh l00l0d [!
LG anlrtcrdllg rD0[l lcrfs lrrcllla[0l ulth Ul0s fihHl! ioin lc nld
molcylnlllmoxlngtittilttaulrlllllt haddlslme nilonl|llrllssr[
!a!l! l0rrr cow 0lllllt8!!.wlti0n lskln[ llfli$s llltur5ddllll!coly
lI, [GridulllcrtcdIhrllDr flld5drlIc0 h llll c00[!r. tc00!!l nt3I l0[!
rnd uorcl l 5t01y 0l rhcG]hllg otlll] lrru rlsmruhrft lr ormadoL $Gr
clrlmlu lll rlllllrl0lrd ll0r 3NU Ur8lll0in m] lrrlalld tmy[ c
'[rlcfl[! tc c00!fi now lstd ll 3 mulu{Gntnuoml tr[! l! dn{ n01!
lld [10l! Grlud5 tl hlt hcllrGl
I0llrl a Diflrd Elrrll[g [rH unt ill l fla5 [01L-{rd utoI'lalrdr! f,8r
lclrn hrltcd m! dof,r h lar llgr5 t0 5!0lhr rddrlsr li! $50cl8u0q 0l
lormGl htclllrcm! omctrs 0n nl nllc 0l llt03 ll! slrotrci !r llrls tlDa,
hl[![! Ur m nad 00[ l] lrom ![ ll]lllllcrc! conl|ct lt! Uru !l
ar-slo0ls l0u0d h ard tc[ lGfi rslGd ritc h m! gr0!D troll! h,lr! l0l
IouGi 0id!l5 ll dlrlctnd l! hclD lssrssll r mr Drcslddrt mui 0t llll
n stlnfln [Ail[$
lut tils v{r5 Uro latg al lt Cootrcl lotr llllnc lur m01! strlll flrd
s8tdclt- rd dclour llumcroui !r0!l0l[ l!! 010 c0mnunlly !c!rq lt ru-
rlly !!r$!n c00[!1tuyorowt! rltrcr ircsllolld nm elmlntd ![t hls
ohrlol|s lrrlrs ot o[ruit 18! cttlonswGr! c[5liatbclrl!u tl lltill
au evereux
eret]t, c0N0ere0 lnal]yas tl]e l|iofld's [adt

ityon l,hesuhjedol eaillightl wiJl beoilemg

alions willtsuppoitive uvidencelorl,\e UlO

laryu lleistieconsultmleditorlolle journallleLeyllunhr

written numerous attichs and bools on the subi

he cleulypointr ou[tie iJlO conmunityhasneuerbem very


confirm the nhenomenon ofearthlioh

"&n llGHTS t0 THt nt- VH t0I 0t UF0t0Ct" By prut 0!vcrcu conldsc I smallEl lr0[01d0n UNI ltt! 0[!s tcc0lltcd lot U !t t
llgil lyn Dncl.mcm.
Wc now $tn U! sEc0nd s0-yerr EtrGtch 0l ulohgyt nli] cc[ur!.
ily c0n!ndo[ ls urt nc HGrs, utcys rli
lEfllfs ul't n r drtuat llow?uEr, I rm mt conllctlly rgrtl|st tlo tdlr Ulrt ! riry small
muci 0t mahsucam II!. flilt
utltolu 0u!r Dr flrst [rll-clnury l|um[tl tl slln Ur 8t! !t[[ttr!ly-!!tc!lucd alomrlo||s cran I
rtcd 0yltlnulln!, and u stc iar! tg tc-l[!t!t oul atrDtoaDn b [l! iau dsrf,tlr! cl$d (!lld rlrttr dcscrtic t[ tiB
ursentr 0n) my
suurct lils wlll msan dlol[t[! somG cicrtslod n0 0!l5, m!- oyln 1951IndrlcndGllly-{dmcss.d crs! 0tsrGt[! r ium, btac(
urlsln0omsrqrlld crlrth! ncwrmroacnlr, Drradtlm rM dalt dchlhd rfsnh firt a!0crrcd oul 0t noyricn rlld lrol dtsrllrlrsd
[rsrs. 0ucrf,lsG, ut0t00y h 20lt w I Dc !t mcsty, clnttssd rld fiUh mlrut!5. I donl rl n f,rs r[ lrdi lgnl I utsto!, 01st
Irultcssrslt15l[tgg],ItIsurufirsU|atton! a[ r5| lrycn0slclrl rDrradll. ln lot do I ltttnl( n
blt 0t t9405 tnd '5!s tmEttcal8, 8nd tt irs [0u ouutwd tt5 usctut- trloDlc 5!! fln $!y rhtlt aru tt craE rnd I I[.t l5 to [r n!
ll cran urs I
rtcss l[ llt! f0mrs w! cunlnw lllow ll Wfti nc n0s![Ell crsr, wr NrG Gxllrlatlon,tE[u,tatwr3myrlrsnbt nafilr,I Uttlt
wlue:sllg noshtgtr to h! 0rillmt |mertcrtla, sn! ultt.Grrys w! trl8le $!cl[ Um! d1tr5, u mfia[! som! tofllt 0t ouccul|sld lll
U 0e rtr
Ite wh!l|c$ln0 Ut cnartctGrls|lca 0l rlltGnmnry tnnGrlcrm. Ttt! rcry tnllslon, ciltyltl ![at0nim, !r naytc, i[![, tr! t]! s!!-
rEst 0l Ir! wodd shar0i Drtc ty t[ tils larad! .t tfilrlc|rr rs tt h[ lma!!8 wn n ue'mrm!ry d ur Ir i-, rl rir tdlNt natm
d00i trltlr lhc ontlds tEUl lGals, lolyr{old m0[t!5. r
s0 0!. mysuc, lormallll, mln eld ag cunurrt gltrtrg "tF IE!!n!
ilalnsE.rm ufoloo mwt lctrowtedgc tts socl8t Nnd nklortc ru0t5. wlllm nlssllll Chlln0d.lldloi, d|C mot! ![! sDtcltt 0[!.5 t!8d-
d ml|sl ru.lfllltt ltsctt, ot dl!. lruad Imut rl lll0mauor, ![d ti! mu! alc tr0td!$ e[!t G[l-
l[[rlr$!sa auoll' I ouUIlE my rlaiom tot ltttltdlg U a[IT0Et tulal 0 100|(, Ul! moru Gru0uE llta {lrot! E/utotoltcrl trtic
cxDlana$0l l0r ur05 h not ut! iGsl 50t[to[ b m! lntgml, .lld c!m!st0aD!!tt
[[d r wll l btllGte t0 [l'0[!' usctut stra h ti! ]lJtuenI0n 0l
ulolory - n |cly, 'sartll llgtti' rcsrarch. l |r sooI rr I sry tils. I
l(|low m ry d?dlcfled ulolontsNE wl stm lstrntn! lrcsusr ury
lw! GlNdrcod tftmsctlls Uut larfi lnE nayr l!utl[! t! d0 flltl
lluludy to rwld mlsuIiersl'l|dllgs
I d nl E!$ lrt0 n!0rE att lrst Utlt - tc[ont nrn !ru s 10!l
llrs0lsloi tficm, rld 0nly ! uty $mll !crt! rlt ]!las t! ![
0malousltltcttl ti! stht 0t dnt smrll !rrcr[t|!c,
lurlnl r !00d Dr0[!td0[ wflt Ir tltttr ltlttt twa Inenomlm: ltos
l[! lorynor ous t0rns by nldl - cnmt strllomr1 ar rulrur,
1 !ln! lruD llclllE lo rwcnt ya sacrlss- rnd sntty nrtr lE !]
lllcFt|.ct f0nn! !y day (rrd I nau lrrs0rrly $ blItr thdst, t]
15 llsslDlr, uougi lrot0udly ![[hty {tor r nn[c !t rrasols tin I

fllll lllnB! ltr ot DrclGltruol], uat ![!$rt lonlor 0r $! Ily

llrcam0r 0l lJt0 rcl0rl: llnl tchl t{ rc[lrt rn0mrtlu5 t!mm-
cm ao Il strlrcurcd crrn [ !rc[fintsts5!,l'drnllrU Uly
Dte Joroan, Iotllletry l(no$/n as MIIly uav6,Is tnffo0uc

lhe woild ofulology by nsearcherand world rcnowned aulh

udd Hopkins,She was lhe keyfigurc in the book lntrudus,

bie has bnved the wils olscience and psychology in lhe

rof lieded€ctortesls,attdmedicalexaminalions.Shehas
ncouraged many that claim to have had
imilar experiences to come foruard due to the
pen attitude she has shown
owards her own exoerience

Itl$ ls ny lof, hlmous rulllllry l 0llrcrr l $0ry hatl|lcl0lh 0n[!l l[nrs[lE tld !8llcr$. nly rc]! I tlout Ut! smr
Nrxr[d!] rclcrlld t0 h tcr lcmr b U! ldltoi 0l U|l Ir0$ r!c![t [!ltm ![d ylllilrni I hrd tir $n!$on latrc!]t It!
llllt0ll l0urnal filg I lrbn ldo 18 d|l 0xl.Y rIINr Erllltlry tryl[grr5lUrmrhattlyulnrndrt Utly f,lr! drh! t0 !t!
lntlolvcn! l nall crlr [!d.llllltr rxc n!! d llt! !un!r0ur r![tl|lyfl0rdtnt 5afi.llllyll tillr !y!s dlltEtrd t! rrd
urct illlc0rhr fiy-iys l1rl rxllrlurcld - rld u! don ilN y rlltlmcs d $!nd 1l ntts! ta !u!! t0.I n u!. nly {!r!
l(llou m0 uEy fir- yrt You sl!, lE !01s0 rulcl t0 lrdll llEtr rll lltrY !um! d !!mrl 100$n[ fid ltcy mia [!ll - dnlf
[r[[Grln!, utll*l ccndn Dllltlryf,turr wr 8ll lxrovj gl[! n! doun u|! nrll I||ld t0 tttl !D *t[t r$:m !!l rn drurt
I [ai [rcr l r0ducrd t! . mt! I slll Itll,'0r['. [! f,lr*d m ai s0mltl n!. I c0lldotsllnlo m|l! rrylcgttuf ! ! itlht
rung0!dlrlad!lml[!atrGll,h l[lldlammls[rt00l(r I c0!ldl0!cillnt ir nlli 0r tio fltll dtoEd$ !dh.
ll*l[0 tt !r! 8ri l0r ti|l rEn scrorNl n0nUls lni Dututd n! ltcr! flffi I llaDl lh! a[ tir [00t wflctr n! rr!E!! b i! l0l-
rGlcldlrsly. lovJllo wl l|nld 5!$r8l lrim rh!0ft rlld I cluld $r nlI
I llnslly 0ru h t0 ih rlqulst t0 sDrri a u0 crd nll! {[i n li! glass i8d Ury it cdls0nrsld t[ tt IIt! n htnrd !3
lli crbh SomG mllcss0utlr !l 10{n I wls fl.nlrld by 5 tft|} Tnry [0U {0n {tnl hD cotB d I t0u[d Eyslll Utllru,
uon 8[d u! m0r0 I !0t 10 l||ou nht ll ttrouthl rnywatl tm mor! Tnry mull t! d0cnrE - nr! 0m Di! Ott I rumln[rnd Ut! [!n
I llkelhllr. var slout 5'lC" tll rrd t!0hd l0 ulhi ti0ut 2!a !0uda
[c [rd r r!ddl$. ruddy ll8r, 5r0f, tr tc nr[. I !ut!0u8 [0$
llrolclldn![!snerna dsllld il8 rhlfr N1w0rl8!i f,! lndr d lrlgil, ltctu !t[! ty!s. I ![!ss!d itr Ua r !r $m!-
llrs 0r! [0!r drluc so[u t0 nF c lI. ly dr! umr w 8lrlrci, lt rhlr! l[ tl5 ul[.flnhi Ir i! rml!. I ilrfl ti n! i r $lr
f,rs dman drrt tE w! lllled !! r lI! lr0 0t nll Ctllr. I du! r0lc! d $ola rd& a rl1l 0illomcrd rautlln dnl|,
ti0u![t I srf, sonrln! drd lul lrm !! rd r t[{r !y Ur talt I!I8E Ctnl t! lllr(
douald rul nd t0 [ll tacl{ 0ldr! crth.lsf,! !01tln dD! |llcrm s!!n!d lll! r lon! mll u! t[!]!rri!! I tug! $I
cr],I $ld b'Drr','[cy,I n l $y $n0!m s[00Dlru r10u[d 0ld|0rl.llr $m|{ lld Dtr !m sonruh! t tIdlt|rUt!
y!& IlrDlr ll I rfimd l! l00I rrli Dr i00l rt Ul! c8r lt n ll yr n,nbUtdolrl i tr! d0015 sflh! |!!!. I rlr rudsri
Drc|mr rmarc Unt i! u85 sroh! surl[rll! ltrrt:cflld U! ta rla iofl !l! lI! aDltrlu wts I t00t!d [tt yfl ca[ti td||! I
llcfl a dnhrfi13n0[ti{lta0 Dnnaulumrcotrln! 0n t|nlUrorgllt
rld i! coulim n0u. lt I ttmld ll l00l Isclll ur l0!$, I lllt Its!u lnd U! r00tr, I couli t!! urt bon uln l8u ty
a Dhc[ drlun0[my8m dllllrn 0!f,![]thckltr mly r!0trs $urh llrF ra!!r, uc! rt!0r !d !y lhas yrllr rrd
mnfih! I i!c8 rd,I w8str ln! u0 tut I $|ll cor dql s!!.I !roi! xrld! s{lnllm iorr. I r!co!n[!d s!n! d Ir! ![llDlnnt
cluld llnl dfl I u83 m0$n0 h slnr llld al rllrlcl! lrd I could t! !rncdlcll! l!n! lsllchlD Sl lnnhrdu Ull! h Ur
nl|r &r ndlr r'un[|ru,I Drssrd a r! [n!nlnIn!Iutl mlddl! el !ac! r00[. San! tfitn I dnlt nc!flE! at tlL I c0!td
ut I colld llrl my:rll D!l[! dnleld !y my mrg ur![ !lh! ttt rly am llllcct0! h lll ghss wall rnd I ildl&i I f,tt lof,
ictdu!Nldhrlh!islllwtsn0!t[0dom flGlduwi l00hdlll!riu!!Drlcr!0m,mDlrsfioai dr
h ar !l!nt0L lllu lGGlhn wfi unml$ 8Dll. tmryom *mtrt m!fl lolrrt tu! I could 5!! !li!r D0Ulr h dr0ll rDfi 100nr
flirt tirl lccls llxr. I !r$rd 0ut, lrlclly, flld flidr I crm! to I liatwcl! drli€ld lu$ Il! Er.
cluliUmslo wnlr I f,aE I[ Ilft 100nl' Ut! t{]0 d0ct0ts dld l0B tl tutfr l0 n!.
I sccncd l! [r $ dl[! rl Ur urd !l r lurg, idg[[y llt hllt nly llol my !lc!d, lrur m! $08, clhlld !U idr Nni nallq
nrct! rtto sGrGr{l n stlndlr0 8tourd mG lll tl tiln f,lr! 5cnlrd rtlll !f, Dy stft lnd trom ny to!n!! ud tire ltly
t00kllrotos 0l me. Ticy sp0nt ttllat soemed llle h00ls, examlnln! nt lrum nflted.I[resG urlst0you [0wYou r08d wialI rcmemler and you lell m0
nord l0 Ioc. Tno wn0h Imc liey wcrs d0lng ti!s! [
ngr t0 nt, l coddnl sirt tou tlrlrlc wut d0cs llrls solnd lllc t! you, l[ llllrt 0l tllo tcst l0 nv
llght Den. all I c0uld d0 was slt 0r lay hEr! rnd d0 0s uey rsl(cd Il0. I lllr? I !6s rnyon! rrcoglto tils laclllty 0r $ls nrn I narrt dEscrlied?
c0lldltrcslstlwaltGdl0.lmsrrury.Eutllustcol dn'L
0me uc lhyslcrl Gxam wls ovcr, n0 mrn wltll lllc vllltc lulrSunoi talk-
tn! t0 mc. ll0 srld ncy nrd dlscolercd l nad r lluG [[[ ll mv G lld nl was
g0hgt0 Iaxc nouI. Hc Stld ulatwiEn [r t00l ll0lll llYollld lcclslotilnel.
tl{rtci0d as n! rlcl(Ed [! rJhrt lootcd llkr r lon!, tlllll sGt 0tMlGlcts rnd
ff0ccded t0 sn0u0 lt lr o my d0n rat. lt n! r.dly lad but I c0lldnl d0
alytlhg t0 slo[ l n. wDcn ic led 0 l! l lcrclg it ncld lll0lll u!
close t0 my lrcE s0l c0[ld s?G wirl ne lld tNl6llout0lmt.l uledt0l0cus
0n what I wr! s!61[[ lt looted ll*o a moslllltorilnwlnnlandlcgs [tltt[51
utcd t0locm nrldrr 0n ltti!whls and lcgr loldcd u! 8ni dlslulared.
wnat I Ur0ullrrwis r rcd lug [0w lookEd lll0 r tllv, 00dv, crustv B.B.
Th! docl0r lIm lrlcd l0 tcll mc [ovJ nls filu mt h ny !alt0 !Ggl[ {ldl lli
$G[ SuddcllySI0uld, smltld rlni ald chucllcd nl $ld,"l dolll Gllall
xn0w wfiy tn tofirrh! 1o tcll yol, lils !ec8us! youl! lot !0h! l0 ]llllGlll-

I lool(Gd uD atnlm ald rrli,"0n vr? l ll ncrc.lorllt vol|. lnd m ianmmr
Irts ltl nr h$ r ng I d0.' I d0[ 1 tll0w ll I llssld lllt lllh
0r It I uaE
lroctcd 0[tyinen I told trln $ls, [ut Uat w85 Ulo llfl$lllg I rlmlmili .Ill!
ncnd u I rcn!m[!r!d,l Hot! u h'[a['s Dlt !t0u ln hlsllulru la0m d
I could $r u0lrd llgilr comll! tr0n ils lollc! lcllllM.l llllbaclNsle!!.
wnrn I wolG !D agrlll l1was mon ua|ldI$tr$ ornu85Ir lll! t0
lery!, ll! lold mr Urt $m!filng [r!!lnld ali i! [8d t0 cn go llF dans
seomcdwlllGnlusa l s![sGd lometl nlwffi ut0ll! lut I dld[l Nrsu
Tnr iir mmo m5 rcrl !0lrt I lGlt ll*l I nai [! ilt !v I llrll. I ftlt
dts.rlrntcd. conluild |lrd lfvslcallv n I gd tit lccllu '!a[' could[l uslt
t0 !!1 n! 0 rl nF rer, whE[ ll! dlltlrld lll! all ll! lslcd n! r tlll l' l
r toldm!Ii mwul[crll,
I trld dom o[ ur! c0uc[ mi ncrd $lmh!. I c0uldll5il*! n! sIooxy
tGtllg $rl sonrfilng lrnlllr lrd na!rcmd fil nhnl [!101!. I l0ld mv
notilttt0[ttttlt I lllt15llt hrd [r w 8ll nllttlonlt I lcltlllllmnld d
ti I llld lilra trur !l!c! tv rllcc, ul! nlDod al ou tilu0uE
bv t0u1,
nlglrt i!!r! lrck ltllltr icnlnildll! lomrl dllans.lil hrulr
t0 com!
y al! llrat! l[! llis you llncllic( $r Doru I lsld tlcrq m 0m I
rcnsmDcrld.lyuulnd0lllr!d8y,lwr5fr lcsllyflrlul!d0wlulivufl!
rndtlllllunryfsnllyrlldldlndr.lllalu srnsicnlm ldwlll0uTltY
[yurodi ll!n! nEt!v!r. I Erlltd Eudi Ha!ldn5. {! r$ wolllu tll l[!
l rlsUgNI0[ 010[r crs! 8t th! llm!.I llli nm l[ d lilL
I uo[d!]!d lt I shluld rclon I t0 ttr! tr0llcc o ml tll iu] !$ryo[! D!n'
It[CGd nG llr|t lt uruld !! llrllcss. unlwould I 1lll tiul? | dldll !w0 1ry
ldsa uly trls lrrs nrlDclrlm t0 nr. I tl0ullll I f,lt 00h! ta tud I wl5
rlnld I trouldt0lnrstrdforrrmtlln!s0m!u [! | cludlll ll!ll!.0]u015!
y!! Id [r trt i! Dr l00nv Dl[. lrd t tc 0[ly uin!$ I ill solld u0llilv
ncrrrr!!rlt! m! llnl I csllrd mv 0lrhtrlclld, u! !m rdo ild hr0ircli
us I tlld ficr H at I rlnrDlcrsa. 3n! wffi ln ld. s[! trNs !!lll! l! tlll tl
'!r[' il u0rt fi! mn d!y, t!] [! mu!] 5!!u!d u!. lll dldlt llflu nF
!lr0m 0r s lu!r.n scrnci t0D! ti! lnd 0ltlrl ltld al lllyolllv lhlst
italyoo rslrtcr,[! lll! $owu mfi rdl0olld u nyftl!!d.8i! llld
m! t! uanlcd lr l(llow now I *i5,ll I u8i rxlv. si! slld [c tmnld f!]v
conclnld. sho rlsa tlli na $rt t! trd 30ld nF i0us!, !]!f, I t0tii, totllly
chrllci nb rDI! ]rc! !t lruru conucb r[d ln$ilclld llll0l bm ll!
rct[sld t0 rns{lr flt qulslhls 3i! nld 8!0lll $! !l t h q!$d0!, 3[l
$ld [c dldlt slry lon! rrd saomld uGlv mn!0ld b! mob un! dlly
tdxld. sto Srld n dl:c Gdlcrllt wrs li! lrdulla lnyom lrfi !! d
frD tlE
t n mt clrlnlllg i! [!i rn9ll[! t0 d! trltl lll [8Dl!ll!d tltt oht l!
INGL I t!l[l( flr !] irDlrnld scand ilm $ DUCn !l tro lnd !8f, l'm
att|ld ir {flll s0!!d lIc rlst 0l lrls llt! 100*lll0 0vrt tl5 sll0uldcl lcclusl !l
mr.I0rdrrtI8mr!rysoFf.Itl nx [! {ar lusl t! hn0cllll iy:ll0dli ll li!
nr0u 0lrc!, at ti! wr0n! un!, ulti tt! w0n! r!ma[
I0l tr! ffr 0t !r0, I c nlt uldc]slslld iou Ylcufl8lhrllldll c8! !tll!
n 0ru.Y c0[[Gcl rnythh! r!0!l $lls lncldcn] 8s t!l[! l!rud h nNuru, T0
d! 50, h ny olhlm ls tolrlly lrt lonll rnil trll5 ml u tltll! l!ll9 !l
50mct r! vrlld ![0 lrv $ory t0! 50n!0!! h i!] loslulll t0 luffl ml
0ersorllly hcaus! ar lt I ht! IGI rutcl rs I c0llllmrn0[ d|8t mlt I
rcmcnicl dll,lldlct, trllGn 15 I rGmemlu lt
I cal crGr . Ir tlll rrylnr wio ulll llslc! rhal I rcD!n[!]' flttl llll
seat|. l!!t d005rll llwlyi nral I undr]ittli I r lIoY wtlt llllly ilD-
tc e ern
Ltest International-He is tr|e a.tttTo
articles on the s.lbject o
f cover-utos-
ick lras successfu y proved, through
te ac<T.tisition of governrr'rent files
,aat the E ritisr't governritet'rt ,tave
een inv,estigtatir2g the ject o,
tFOs ttertin<l etosed doors-
iel< is ttte a.ttrtor of a boot<
ntitfed A eoveri .A,gtet-t<ta-
.te ottt ir', Septerraber it details
'ic t<'s i r', ves tt'gt a tlo.ts i n to th e
Ltbject of aJFos E ritis,
oven-r r'i, e.t x eove r-.tPs rx a ls o
'aet<s a ,tisXo4. of tt e -E rittstt
ve rr'r rra en t's in votverrt en t in tt, e
FO prrenorr2erton sirtc@ tt're end
f trre secot2d wvortd war-

tomh1964lllclncdlGrnnar[ll[l lrlsui l[ Ull lll0 sulJEcl l[ rcc0rd cc trIi $r lrltltf !0vlnmaili t ro ylrr ru[U',
rllcr u! lau t9t0r. Hls l ert$ ml lsrlcly sdnulstld !y hts u! lllllsw tl lldancll ctgnu 0eu flto u tu c&s! i$ ir-
l ier, $l. [ai $drd h tr! [0ytl r ]orc! l[ Ul 1g50i. rld c!!uy lcfi dlcl8$nrd rld l! notr auafl t! toi tns!!6d![ rl
w[0 rlcdlid rcrcnl hshncls f,ir! 0I0s hri [Grn [0n tlr, Plltllc nlclrds omc!. lf5 c0 ![tt ntt! tor htu!s[[!
Uacl{odtl|nd d cn$cd fld m'lccllrd [y noy llr ]orc! nadl[&
gnEl lhnes numoffs urat ilmltilu lxmordlnary ird !ftunld rt Dr
Ilcl hts c![cdrlrslrd il5 lcscflci ![ dcto]rrhll! flli8t n$ lasr sudtctd rln0g lnmril8tlly, hn n wrt [01 ! t mny
DGl|r lltncd 0I1tho llto suurct omDH lrUll ili l! h[u!'I 196l ti mrm]5 lscrtatrd. 0n trnmry gti,l{ftttld
datc, ir nlE slc[ird llll rclcrs! 0l moi! U flltltl Ul0u58[d lh[l!15 a ulo h$rdgrtu tron sufllid, [rd lio rm0mntty t0
mles d amcl8l d0cunE[l5ltom I hld 0l us !!$nn! tl!. r0!lt flm [!wfc[d l.l. lclry,ltro cltrllsh mt cost0n(llld
clcs lncludln! tI! Ccntl'l htclll!![c! tolncy, Ildl]tl lltltu duly out l! ilD | lum[lr al qu!$0G ntruw t0 utc t[.g!d
0t l[I!ld!.U![, Iruoml Slcurlty lq![Gr flrd !S llr l0nr. closl!m0! !L
h addld0! i! lft sm r !]ml dml !l llnr rcir c n! Ulr W! c [0t [l tll]! mat Ils tcurfiy srti dudr! U! c0ut5! 0t
slallau! lrru nlls at Ur 0! Ic ruclrdr offcc ln llw rld tlr dlll] i rl contllrrldu t!!t! Drr $!r ci t0
n !d t| loc ! rlmofl 2000 trgls el flclrlltdlhd I nflldly dltlrolt f,ty3l, lut I coltrllllr5y sr5 c]!rt!d mhI
rld lnlstr, !l 0chrc! flltt 0[ Ur! Ulo sulhct nlcd toi rm![l5
lllct iar Irn![ r [unt!] 0l ruDtlcau0llg l[ctmhg UIo nnl3 l! ff ftrll13lt 196{ htrlr u w !m!y llnnr, ldnu d IM[!
llt0 nUdI!, nr !t010!lst, lrl0 tlt![!tGri, nn l!f, Uhllgltt srrculn rf, nalldrn l{lllrld lrntctr tcI0rtcd:
![d IIr GioD Wrlchcr. ll! hrr tlst urlu![ l0] llo G00ds 'lrl0 'flIlln llrrul||tt llllry ruIlRci $ mlllcrt0! rt r n n!
[!!!rt:!rl!5 0l [0015llrd r6!rct5 el ib rusl!rc[ lll lrcr rluld srusr llll re! !i tI h ft filt! dllr htt h! f,tr
0uI Enrd h nn's [00ts lllcl llrlr0r' d'l!y![dl!t s!cl!t. rmtr't! fin[!! I E!!u!! lltlltt n! lbr tw! t{I r!n|}
xlcl nfi rbo !!IG Gi 0[ r unill d trlflhtru rri ndl! ncl} Ihtt h! t!r[y a[0!t !01t! !r t!Id[0 0 n d[ tat
filullrmls dlrcusslle tio llt0 mystory, lrclrdlru mr mct 5lCUrlUirddro c! rllit dafl! m ur rt!t! thh!'
'0[t !l lhls Ilodd'slrtrs l0r[F Drn nlr ![d lllnryr r!c![!cll0! uts sonlm aI.
m:rd t0 llrosr !l D||rllF.l lcmr lrlm lM|lg rmrli iI iolcrG
ln 1995, lhe Royal Ah Foroe lacility at Costord, n€at rt Goillld, l! ttrl lla nt i t tt w illrfl. str]ld ulllltlhl
Wolverhamplon, was probably known lor its huE€ lhl]lm [ur, 'ctt!0odctlty i! !t a[ strtlotlt3 r]-
mtsetm vhioh was home to an impaossive collection tltulld tr !ld. Ett!! onc!] t0[!nr tu nr dd.d Utt U!
ol vintag€ mililary and civil aircraft. More than thirty cirDlslr trl3 llrlady thtltnr 0t trtll! tcsal muo!.'
y€als a[lo, however, Cosford bccame bri€fly famous Ic ils cndll, tllr[nly 3ln n50ltr!d ta grt n u|! [![m tl
for an enlircly diff€r€nt r€ason. dll m!$!ry, r nrct il a !anr0! at trtrcn t !!o coriord
rriur! r llldstry.lE GlflNr !0lrtri oul lo ti! drn al c0st!nt,
fiollnd fl.34 [m fi fir rrlnlu 0l !cc![!Gr llur 196l, r srur $ rrdlclow lrDlrlrthft had !!![ !fl!]!d !y ur r[.
donH[rDrd lrt0 t0rcid dolll u dr! !$!, lrlicd dr! rur- irollUls ta !x!hh fir reurr|:'t0nh! r[', tya drunt
iou[ilng rila ln a [! [ 0l gr!r! lltlrt rm lrs $0n cl05! u!r!nuc!3.
tln E n lcrs tr! w $Dr!ndc$. lt llr llrsl irr [!llr sndlh! r nt Elur !rI! ur! llcldc lrldr !l Dlrcl lr $! lrn
ur alllDlld rl0ry for hr h$ til!! dlcrdls lrs!! tl tM[! S8!r!r ll{lcr, ![d w t! I llrlNiy ]tcl! ar tlt
casE lnlho feLsingt, xevt lnl west loqlon finescomnlnmg u $e
g0ronmcnrs 's!ll-c![lr8 lcton Gulamthng, Gl]van srErannat b IDat
$s r hlsfy lswlrs 5! csDlr Glvlonldd"
PrEfrrlru n *r lts nGsd d0w[ ur llr illDtsw tumcd brhhi closGd
d0or$ 0l Da lculNl c0[ccrnt0 ulollr lllnlsw, u! mcdll !lrsl$G! h tru-
notlno uc cisc: ". ... ,. ti! Erfi$t and slstllwolucaltlluton. h Srlt! 0l
seGkl[g ur stdtols {erc rillrted u! tovr' clrlln . . . . "' !rum!l!d ltri
i{nlstrl h m lntlnal mlmonmum et I'l cll l2tll 1964'
Byttlayotu srmcycfl,ti!c0ltr0v!13vnt [Cllllllodlidom dmrmsl-
lty lnd lrlurnEd l0 Mt cosf0ri. IhG tr0-ulo lactlons c0ldluri l0 clllul0n
$c crsr.wilhti! r lill[lstrvwas tamv t! llav $o l[!trll d0v/n
s0. rJtat lractlv dld !rm!q 0! lhat l0ll0 !0n! wlllt!/' ttlclllllg lll llcembcr
19G!? 0[ {lc urdd! wrus lGvSlrrE[wNsIl lcll llsrrEtld lntlddull'
o[*n0wll tor s dlltlGnl leslsachcs. h sddruo! wllflld [8lll!ls iad
sEnrd ln tis lll trly ulolllcl0l cartrh - 8! clmlly crldltlc solllcc.
til0rcowr, ll ls ! Ir0lut lsct that lic rli mlnl$y dld ollcr ! rN]lltr !t 60ntn-
dlctorycxllrnrdllsl[ltsrlcm t0dlsmlssli! cll!.
0[ ltrG 0tlt!1 ir[i tll! [GgrIlu! 85!GGl! 0l tto c8s! I8r! l! D! addrussGd.
Rlfit llcrlclart lllnrv tr45 tdama llrt [r i8d tlctl ltlls$lllld !v wlltrcd
Drnlrl$ llrs Iosslillu tt l m trl(lng lGgrl lcu0ll sr! llscussld lll lllt!]dl'
lrdnc[bl men05luttIllmora,I nant'wrltllll ll0l!' l rtr ullllltld l|lh
liD r-itlllslry, irtci $rt lni reslld h $! M0 artrcnuclt uio n!0rud
scBltro u! u!0:1 Drlllv! ul! tw! [oys l! [ucido! flltllld t0 !!t l 0l lll!
scrMc!"rm{!rn0uEultiru!bclns0 yt0rlctmm!!]
Itot{Grrr.lln0fill![m0v d lcclncd, flny du lho IliltlllNtvlcllul!mld
t! 0ll!r r r lltv !l clll{itlglu lxtrltntu0li 15 lt l0ulm te dfiflll! D0ti
IuillDr[dncdlrl fillt lll llls lllq|e
i[ ft nld rmlFls. rtstltrlllru$ lhr i! li! tllr!!! lg03 uIo ![.
cou rr st n|I GoslanL 0l otllt 0[! tlh0 m c!! [! trulv ccrul& u u u!
rrlras! ltnr G0$rflIrllt5 GhnW Ir!! nb balncldol|[dlld!c8&sold
cn tonlsv l00lt clrltll t! ]G$rlNcL
nan ar](e
nan ularKe, eoltor 0l Enrgma and s00n to be
ocior of lnkrnaUonal Relationals with a specialisaiion
n Intelligence speak aboutthe cover.up and Intelligence
nmunity. He s mostwellknown lor his appearance on rhe
ate night$ow Funky Bunker in which he played alictional
The |/lan inBkck, Brian has always had aparticula
ntereslin lhe pamnorrttalmd UF0s, howevel he has been abl
o research pa iculaaspecis oithe cover.upon liesubjectoiUt(
lueto his un l/elsilyyears, Bdan believesliatby siudying tl1e wo ingsr
he inielligence communlles we can have a be[er !ndemlartd tg ol lle rni]iir
le in the UFO phenomenon

Bdn! $l0d t0 fleal at r 8ulona Go[tcrclc! 15 n|rytilnlt EsIt- xec!$oolrylnu0lrcncntwlft tnlgna 8g3zr0 -tfinanrchotll
cltlly l! i [!!dc! c0rtcrcnct 5m 11 ll|cn ffi myscr nrsdy ll ls al|d 0Ilt r
d n - I {a3 rslld t0 a[Icrr fi I tll cmlactlt l!
lrEath!n0l|r rl rot 0m tll|t ar![ody snodd ftcett flgtUy. tttGr r[, llroun0 0
0t r! flnt 0l ti. flrsl sraso|l, B!c8u5! ,r/rnrtor
ffi a slml(lr t0[ w [l aDlcarlng ln r ffUnmn! 0l !u!n$ wntc[ ulei a NlsI0[ ald 8lsf,ei srsslon !y8ficm!$ 8! h Blrct lt
lIClUdeS S0mt 0l lllc lorcmort rEsEaruilr5 alld GSlllE l[ lllt flgld ms dicldcd I s[0[ld rlllrr h charmtrl !i in tn Btmt hr I !
0l utology. lti r.ficr ll*c lu6l tc&ltru t0 wdtani u
[rtn[ rshd slllcs lou nhmr clrls u clab cnrrlct. h ulr fl.3 scrlrr u!
lI Ia*c Im h r maranm You l{n0w ulnt t! d0 ![t s[slEct you lacl c0[!1!d ttcn totht tE lEtcu0lllll, lll0r,0no!b, cry 0r00l00y,
fi G SlNylI! !0{ t0 c0nDl0t0 II8 c0urso rrmtlrlg d 0t ti! [!tld,llrlt-8ol',.llrl|t ard,0l c0u$, m! rt
srcondlt lr3 scfiy,lt8 [!l s0 muci Iu hlldng ulc u8rc h ln lhca $
drmdng $ ti! trct tirt you 11! hllll! t0 srcfi r uoll-hl0med ls hr rs l uffi conclllcd li!s! tmb u!t! li!t! mrl(i I00It0 r
rudlclcG. nr! sMllr nld blurr nal!
r!tiatne[facts8.!rlgit cutl0|tsamnsr g!
lc[0m!nt dlcrn t![c!uuo8hf,t8
tlrclr gursslt l00lcal a
tlr€y car Drcl uD rrcndl ng stld ul sla[!. de som lollotr uD rldln&0[ trEry0ccrsl0[ | utcd t! rlasrm$!
ffter d[ 13 utol0glsls ur lrci nay i! r
l odd - brlwr d0 rot sfiler mo$u[.t!-dau mh U 0! li!i! Euthc$Utllst tlml nghc[ -
l00ls gladly. lilcchlly [0ry, umn unru F lucn 0l ellictrtlol rclcl- d dEallll!rl$ t ci
tet sclDuctt lutgooi{.tu]rd t[.
surruumh0 fi! nrysrcry d rerld Dncr0me[0[. ft I G0mnu ty, u! t0 lcuons llr rcsulll{t5 sonltitlt!f,tllhb I btdult ll itll !!
nrrG !r0wr llrcd 0l ti! ncdla lrEsonhuol 0l flyllg srucln'fld r[!
Ims[[!rl!,l o]maunandrmushl
dEmrnd null ti
$atsn0b 0l rll! latc$ llal ali ryl.xducss ac. Itmusl hau t€u !0[a d0flnvcl rs I iru r*!dt0 d0 lnouEr b!
coml mb F [0] t0 say u! inouu t0r0!t Ulr c0[rcUon 0t 5Ic[ 28 rr[|m[t5 t[ lll mn tlt t
iallllt dlctdli tt ht
lrrt![t ltr
culdclc!, iut ti0s! 0l us aucflh! sncflrtd aru, h ue n
n,ttruldy hl[! t0 d0 ylt Iow dth!lrd0tui!fltitslirsIhtlu!$0tur5
colUllcld uat 8[ EOr Imsstlal htDlllgrlcc lt lr Cr
rU u,lth l05h! l$r[ rnd I dllllltlu urnt l0 arotd n [nc0Dllg tir ruld
0uuorld dfllslrt! d0 moruti mtrulyGatrlo0uo0t0s!conIlctr. Iellct 0l ti! u!!r ht!. s0 [ un 8r l[ llrct d|r5 dtsr!D!& Fotr
In6 [uESNh! iffi [Gr!l i!0[ 'd0 lrI0S IXISP [[1n$ri lllixt ar! li! mrt slrlcs don't $sum! Ul! tumtnru iro liilld lL ltoulh ttly
mly an utat d0 lIry mmnp'tl! DfilDhns! Ctutcillt tan0$ ml[IlIr...,..,..,...
nEm0l. I[! rlrru I urs I[ t I0iluontolttc rtlllia ofiG. ot tun y tuorcf
s0, lllly a{rr! ti!
[0mur Ir [ol[! tsl{cd
0l a
ewl Doa! rlxfi! 0l uffi [rca$t !l t/rrr- ali ult rttsol I s!5 r0r u ufrltt rls
ti! lIIcGhUo[5lru0ltrld - | harr Ncc8ltcd 8ut0Bl'r !ffcr t0 nrl0 Iocrurr I wn iall I [u tshhg com$ry crltld t!y$t8rd tc8- !!
ny nd[c[ llt! tlll Nt Urls ycrls lttlt lof, tll lhtt I i8r! t0 d0 ts Il0[r Tiat l|ld liolactfiat I ltv! m uylall]lsltrctttlo$t!slr
oiE Nra $lt $GGc[ md flnd li05! tlctrlls| r
l0ur rsrccl5 !l !lol!gy. ullll! mlst 0l ti! I!0It! rtroldh!
B!hr! Ur i0urvcr,l irvr Dll[ $lrd l! Ir0 dr r leu nu rcd s[rltlrld, i0wrrllr,I trrrl nlt [!c[ t0l[!d lr lr $r dttlct lands rn' l
{0ids 0r flr cllln m0ir dlmcr l s[llccl uNn llJ03 - mysdL r!:!r]c[ 0l lrm ca$5. llt] d0 I !!tst I l0[! itstory at u]0 !r0ul
mlm[ln D I [rv0 i!c0l|l lruoh8i h uIo mshly trln N lllucrl
llr0r! 0l you f,m iaur llol[b slsrlll! 8t lElrl nry nr!! teEn D! r[dlnlclll[ c!Dor$!cur!.
0[$!lab ![] tcrdy D0r[la lslow lhefinbtaarety]lltclall I r!a[ l0l ny nrSI dllrll ln [Um8[lues rm S0chl Sbdlls flls l
cn lls lrE [0t lrd rt f8r 15 l0w.i[d!!l lrt!{rlln sn0xtl II g0rr h8r, $lldl0d slclehltll rrd lollo{c! tirt r tlw ylrn lrtlt $u u
rnd lt rrnlcl tt lltlrtsdn! mh 0l rtluslc, clllDdtt ![lltA lnd 50nl a l[ lrtllllgucr h l
lrlrthlrl [Glrd0nt. trty $rdtr8 conclned
ury odt muh. Slrcl I'd lol h lI! mrdc lrsl[rrs rlld rcmah laa iogna o[
fior tanous, you crl w0rl out l!] yoursllt flilcl crt!00ry I hll lltol
n0{flauu $tat8s llrcract 0[ tic glltal slam
d m0 hlgily lm-
I0na rolc Ilryod by tiE Intoffigcrc! agrnclEs undcnsInq such
a coursc 0l sludy rllowcd lllc t0locut 0[ sty6tal lnlelesun! $-
IGCIS 0l tltoI0st"IJ lerlod 0[ many occasl0ns [roldlt mG lnlo
srcrs dlrEctly rclslcd t0 t0li [I0s and thr ilGr{worldordGi.
lsl rs l wti c0lccncd tlnl uas ll[t. lt c0lncldcd ylu I rc 0d
ln my lll! wnln I vns lcavral(ll|ru my lntsrust ln lrt0s, secret
soclues htlllllrnco sen crs md srcrcl nFlory. llctrsstlld crel
tubllslci nro bs[es 0l l/r/r/rrlr/ agtdn8 la fia Eatly g0's
whlci dcrlt wlli nrly 0l IrE$ I rrsc{rch
$e [ed0d In cvery grerter deulll,I lrg t0 noucc rsvoral lnd
sl0l6 l[ urc n8l[stGtm [15t0ry 0l tll lost u8r lcrhd. l lclt ln-
crsrslngly um$I nal nuclr 0l li! atu nau 0l UE rrr - nlsslru
illd5 al|d ltclr rc$ ch lr0gnmncg ulc rtsc !l llolll 0rg ls&
ftns nc [!0lnnlu 0l ti! m0dGn ljl0 lrs! - rcll unqlcsIlomd
by most rto0lc.
l0r{ llmD I [ecamc ue]ymu lnuolued In $rmsshl! a$nda 0l
IIE liEn World 0rdcr and was not all Uat surl sc vrlrcl l[- Ic!
u0d r0 cross orcr l{lti lrl[5
st0rlcal redsl0r sm lcslcclrlly r[-
clent l 5t0nl, sccrll 5oclltlcs a[d dllmallu! trgy nsE&ch.
somc rc0pl! lm u s p0rlod - sufi aE lljllillm tllci - aul'nd
t0ll rll 0l tfrss t0!lcs. [y llrls Imr I ms flo m ny Ih.D, lu
lunlcl Gxrmlncs c0nsdncy [r60rhsl fld hllhg h wlu all UndE
0luelrd 10!018. s0 uimt cr[ you Gxlcct t0 i08r wicn y my
l6[s rlent|rlly calry ms [! tiro s$Is rm 0[ ml sllc! ll
tsse lrlly,]mntm holl atn ry 0l tiolmndlbl! Url[D trnlcn
iauo lcclred h out uoild slncl tlll 0I-:01 0l lt! scc0ld w0ild
W!r.nlld liEr! ls sucn I lol l! consldlt txouc t&lrl8lors,allltl
c0nl'ctcllllnwfi,a[dlErl llllthl0ry d o[! rorldEn lnm]
atEly llasi l! nhd. h lutlcular I wurt l0 0lulnl Ur rcrcllolE 0l
u8 lnldll!![C! 5!nICG5 l! l[! ulo !r0!lGm [0r h$rft1, Irc wry
lliey lEIr! r!! llruy tllol 0vcr lI! a0l! 0l lnllcrtl!8do! lrln lI!
mlllhryl tnd lhl n t! $c wry lr ul cn n
y !l llr0:0 8g![clcs
flera acudly crcahd. ll all !0Gs l0 ,r, I lntGld m legh wltr lil
vE clEs u! Irft rcru mrldl! 0[ tlwlrds or 0!d el tfi! ulr ud
mou! l0 adl 0l!0 smc!lgr wlu r dlscusslu 0lrim8!-
lrfir t0llruc D!0[ dlscorcrld 0[ srrcrd !l ti! n00!s d tlr&
I donl cldm t! [arr Uc amurls - [uIl d0 irw som! Illuy !00d
a lorrner civil servant who
lor the Crirninal
Unit of Clrstonr
f,xcise, Hc has been i
UtO phenonenon lor 7 yeus since
had his ovn prranorma[UT0
1990, Iilatthew has nadc numerous
onTY and radio and has
articler lor nany flew|tand nrgari
h tlc ioljrul Truthse*$N nfliet
0dit0! 0t the
which dehils th€ irNestigalio$
ba$r coueded sith tte t !0
Ils [rrsrlh[0[ u l [G mahl concGnhg nb hwsugruon 0t g0rc[r- lurrGntyunrcls lromti! 0mc!rsmrcl wcll mdlr l0[d0l| al|d mtf
mG fllos }ilrlci 5n0w Unl tlreit nar. !lc[ l
nh lGucl ll0[ l[!r!sIle8- cy![ ronftct t lh! nah london mml $rIrm tirt {outd [! lstd h
tl0m hll $r ufo !tc[0mc[o! - llrlsdtad0m vflllci fir
ll0[ deny. rlrlrlclcy !y mllllrry lnd dfl slnanta ncru ts r0 ntcn h ru
snicw at$ U8t nrough c0nbhrd l
rcsugruons wt!'i otilr U10 dlntlmw-md ofi tlxDryrEm0n!ylatitornc!! 5Gcr!b.
rlsr cncft unl ir [a3'risolnG Dr00l !l I SrlIlsi ulo cov!r-u!' . 0[! olcrlnsld! lf!md! iulldllgyouut lormdiy oc!d[]rE I0ltsrr! u
0l lltc noi! lntlrlslll! racrs 0l tltls hrls{[tum hvoluii !!ssul! slu ln .nd rr y0[] !Nss!!n er .lirl t0ms et tdrntflcrdm h sn0f,
clrcHrffi rrdGffon5h mtstcrd avir0v{cru0[UEra 0l[t0fl tcr. tiaty0u r a [rlusn cftG[ and hon y0! ! drcl y0U1 rordtng cfii.
ll! irs lrl(ll l[ITENIltdoIs t0 ncy dc0lm {nc[ iC u[c0vGrld dctall: Thls C d rlso Stflls ffi rn lnIrl crrd l0r tt! tun$ ll rnd [00$u
0l r nalol U liliol|nd liclllty ln Wllhl r!, callGd [[I nudhc lfarot, sulllr crrd l0r 0rdtilg lllts. I!! Gltry/0xlt systom !G tuly comln-
wnlci n$mtr lGcn trruvct 15 ntutt! [c!n hyou8d h t t0 ttl csltg] lrlsld and you flr l0g[rd conlru rnd g0ln!. itrny slcu ty canlrar
Io[s l[ llu trrst ll! wls sn0clld t0 flld n hsldr Itls uld.r[rou|ld lrslde ur i[lldln! rlld 0!!r your ncNd l[ th! ruadln! l0!ms ltovti! st
laclllly,ll!0 tttlllury lrt oIcratlru r conmrnd rnd controlctnll! am ren0 sensc !l $. 'il[ Da0m!/ ntnlrllty r1*0lt( ln u! In!.
llstenhg !!st I[ 35 nll$ 0l uldcrgr0u||d tullGls - I lNcll$ Idctlly s! s0m! 0l0u krm et uto rlsclrcitn, lmtflho chrrd colslty
sultc t0 Uto racljry. llafiG[ somclno: utos !!0!tr 0! trcl n[G lrom l0ndm ci s t0wlei fi0rlurct h m t0od'5 tatrn i0lttort 5
lng tours 0l iudlo! I'lamr, firlc[ ll UrCy fi! lucty llcll cr r cr n! r6Garch !r0nl1 lr0m cfldlfl, su! DlMontr lrum Nor$rmlt0[, 8Id
Gr[EdlIlon Uml|![ mtly mllEs 0l tuflrGls st tiat [G0Dl! ctl tt! tlt! nysrll, cnIei ur! tum$tll! Nru1 tlady t0 s ho lhclr crd: $r0l!i lic
snft 0l lll! nlllull cotrtlcx. rErdll, S0m! 0l ur fir $arc[.d ty lir Wrrda Tl s ts r c0mm0[
lll lt|t uNlellcd t0llrc lls t0 slu y sccrEl ltcllucs flrd grh ar untllr- Irocldur! 8n[ b lncdcrd |l rrndon Boryonl nlt l0 conlly Ildt
sltrdlng 0t ti! clllrctr! sllurflr. fic hri rlso rlsltcd t[! Ct!c[ t] smrch re!ulrt0[5 ufilci lr tlmli 8t ito![h! docum 8 ltsrlmrl-
tuillc h a Uf 0 rllcrrci crDaclty. ln! !lon! fltlr lthr $urlty lnt l[suncruoni
wlcn you !!lr .[try at 0.34, It 13 8 DIt 0l r tr!! l0r all l$ rlt s0 MIIr
lh! flrll hl[! | lo[[d 0 aiout iu ru lc ]!c0rdr oflc! ts dEt d|l I0 !d lrlr tli! calrlorh u! lr |l irldh! r00mr. ll llllt 0r! tromel8
llillc srcllol|s ! llrrll slturtld ln l{GU, lrst 1.0[d0[, I llai na Ir0!- flryfiEr! 15! 5 ru$ !m Nnor I day 0l holtlt Utl0u ti! tlcardi
llm llldlru tu nfldh! lrom $! I'l( 0n! $m[ly tmE !fl iton tio 0rr 5!!s lil r!8s0[ rs tl tl[y oiylous as Um Il $! * hr t!ct!r.
llammcrEmlllr rGt ricr0 rlqllosb ![ld! y!u, q l! wcll, rlmost r You cen0[ly081ontoru nhatr un! tcrn0 ytooto]!cal!Ic!.
tirc i00r. Imr lrggllg tunhd Ira 0tiltl0r lmlll!t0 lil r!8dlN r00m3 olt!
n0 [ltlldlng F !l 0ult! r mldGn dcslgn rrd iffi rmplr fr! c larl- Dcrso[ war h suci r lus! t! !d t! 0[ wllt i ]!c0l{ $rrdr! lirt I!
l[!.filr0r l[! $r nlldh0 | lelttl uma$ 0l !0rcrnme slcllcy msildllt0nrunftlc|nylurluluryott00irndutDrdt sl0natr
crcElln! [D !n [!O lt! rlcordi 0filc! tulldlr! iat rn !vl]it[!l[! sou all orci my *4rll! tl nucHlyIn lcnrng!!lclo n!ht||!
m I slcuu a[[ lt l00lr5 r I[ ln!!sl[!. 0m lels Ilr! lcEll[!, !r you cu.........
rlll0rcEdt0wtlltf!lon!dlstllc! dlwt tl0n!sldc u I0[! lwltr r! I$rG[ yu anlu! ulsulrl h $! crrdlng !||d bulh! 1i0m5 you rr!
slgls d [f! h5ld!] UEt dl! lou vrall lE t! m ! surr [nl y0u arc !l!on I lrglr flrlch DlsrDs rtlr you nl$ rru lcrdy l0r colhcdol.
bclng rlmlognlnci !y sEcurlucrm0ns Ir0m D00ld[! r lll!, l0 tir c0lllcdon ' 0!!' 0n yol|l !!!cr, c![ l'ln
rioul10-20n| |loaTnoIhU crl [r[umbudrli ult!rtu[!lr!5
I dld c0mmenl fi lliEt s!cl[! lir !ulldl[! Itrl o!1r fl$ nr way h your$t|n, d mrht nff il|nfuml' lt ls rlso qultl lnDanffislru r
ur g0rcrrlrlluqdllhly rld cMl rcnlc! llclrft !l [r! h5t to[llr !l $l a l0l 0l !h![t [!cllE! r!!ryom wll! lr tylll! b rrld h Mc!
huldird ycarl c0[ld !! illd ncr! h sucl r sn l rc!. l w8i hfonnd $ll!l y0[0nll|' yrri M !!!r ofl, uoBrl! Urtrtl u t! lug
mcru|ris tiat O! rbov! llluld md !l Ul! bdldilg ls orly ti! 5mdl- ticll lulr t! lurt tlr!!rd', r0 y0[ crn s!! r[0n $r lla0h luni-
lsi rrn d u c0mllrx. ll051 0l Ur! icc0ldr !ru illd ur !runund h r l[! l0r lir lrlurxdtclr ullr rDd[llYo! c 0 y!dtutt!!nl!rt|
l yrl [ 0l t|lllclsyitrlc[ slrctel c$lm d rcu nlllll Yri I dld llmr ![d cflr 0!ly !!!l $1!! rt orca I flft luglu !!l n! ttrt luEt
sry nlnlty mllar ll iad l0 nrllty cilct myscll uic! I rJar trld tihl, l0r [c u t! lir ]udh! i00mi0m I1rs0[f,r3 ]! rucl r rus[ tr gd
t0 0n wm nb rlc0rd Ullwllg Uat m rusnei hto mc nflsl crrylng I l[ll lClClG[Cos f,lrl0fi 8rl nll 0cl!d 0U Cfl !m! oncn hrd l0 dcad rndr
lay0ll00dr[dfurcd hlst0n8l0 souD rll0y!r ny firllo snln uc*lB I nld ll 0[r Ul! lrotrr Ulo rr[0r$ rhlch ! rrrllr ! l0r rlllr'ru rld
l0!l rll
r cmrul 0l clourllo l[ llll cfi. . . .. . . .. sllclcd Urlm 0m 0[ toD 0l emdur, ti! iutrdl! f,ould etyt b! r[ !$tnatcd
WiG[ ylu arN! lNlrlri h fir Grdlm d bo0lln! ruons you an !lu!n t I hcnlsu c[ ll t nI ltt hat !]!8t tltou 0t tltom lul01
m! yranr
[u!r rlch blellE Unon your llhs 0 ]c|dy l0r clllccllol. trum iooHng r 0l llrcrdglurm rnd rubIc rftords Irlilrlu 0n $r suu!ct
nh, lll ult collcctl0n '!lccl'o[ y0ur lrgcr, 6lI trl(a rtrorl 10-20 mhutas. flrls r0ulds ll ! lol(c I rm ilr!. vlt tt ts u!!. wr h.w tlcn ulry tucty ytti
ThoIIGGICa[b! nClo[dflld rlrc0nG[!l!r5youashnaMmal(lsy0r1 u|l fllrs tmt [llr! ictl llotncds0 f'r luctr ti0uln Isouldsltrlicr0 ts
nEffi lun!. lt ls rlso q ll cnbflnsrlru t0 lEl a l0l 0t !l0c0s lec 5! llu! wclgity lrldcncl t0 lrhc cttlld ttom ncs! flt.s [t!y i r [r abtr
GUGry0[t X rO ls lfJlnl lll rcad h rcrcc st Gs rt y!u. 0lttr, ll y0ur lrgl1 l0 sllotr us lllc Sctlt !l slut may [l ltl d![. l[ ti! ux ru ntu! m tiladon 0l
gors 0r, GUGry0n! d lll '
tlul lr lusl liclr l8[rr uat lust 00I0d" s0 you l ormrl0l rcl t0 f,! ctnnot rcqlcst t0 tn0u I tltcr! erc drlrlli irld l[
calsEE rloutrcnlc0llt lultbhg loi ue 0a!H sn[cn. 0ulta musll[l ol(rnw classlflcd !ll8s {hlcn r6lrt0 t0 u! subhcts w. rru l orrstod l[.
Iacn flh nkGs alcs t0 rcrd [r0!rrly d lll5l0rccr you t0 slGld lll t00 30 ll tIo deld-cnds md u lt Uat r rut u! crmot in r!{asl[rtci lflut I
ml|cll tlmc h tr8 i0ol{ln! h lrlrccdules fl uer tlE lucues l0 collccl y0ur lrcEdln 0l lll0nuuon lct tra 116 rt a lois t0 !o ly tuniir
illcsouGulngc ttllut0lcrmhutGs[GrfllG,andlntl sllm!youiauh ftlr lr {[y I {o[ld lllr t. icitfio rn! P! lc noco]dt 0mcl.s. 6!rL ll ls
snn ln llnos Y0ur lcls gGl lrcttg t rcd a: !0Gs yru iacl( wrcl you !!t t0 tilleonlyI0Drodd.llslcrcl?rclc!t0Ullllatlpco0lciut[0tt0!rurrd!u!
trc comtcrl0 c0ll0ctyourlllc y0[ may cler flni $atuErc ls 0rollcn d real trutis.I'llcr I nld s[c my lctr drys loold[g rI drc lr]lous llles I
$rctllc ls 0ul, mls[lolcd, mlsslng 0r stlllchssllled d notdl0l{rit!i. dEclicd t0 tGc0nclh mysEll l! lir lrct tiat ticrc {rr! [!l[[ t! io rmnus
rlcrlcd,Ihls cr[ ldsfate lic amatcur rcadGr flrd ts suci tlrcod $m! 0l rG{ulr0d lotue ryD$ 0lscrrcils wanrcd t! onducl lllcr! 15 n0lrcmyl0r
$o mny I wts urltf t0 trrlclaln "lia racords olllc! ls r l$5t! d Ilm!'. s?aruics t0 Dl donc on yolr iciall, s0 o[0 otl 0monui5!q lnL0 l![
snl mary [Gmsiflr! tcE[ glc|lcd out 0f uE lfirs 0t ri! rmoris olllcr. 0[r for m0$ lcoDlc would t! out !l lltc !uosua[.
Dasl mastfi lt lltl
mlcdom 8Id llocldffcl F I'lt lllcl nedftn. H! rEry [0wcrEr,0m mluUltldld dr0D lul Uro lr0rEatlrl irl uiln u! u!l! lltltc
,lllgcluy Gonts r0mc 0l $l mu|ly rclElsrd llles Ufl tGrr d slCldr 8r rdlsc0r/cry 0l rn Intcrcsur! fltl by
chtrd c![wry. nbtr8d lnlF
nudruds 0f muds 0[ lh0tocolylu $Glr,Iirlls t0 nb troil trr nor lralD dmld m! t0 li! !ulc rcc0rds oltlc! rlld du! t0 tltt cxlonlnc! h slarctt-
solld elld ce l0 n y $ln!g sftn !s Pi0u0$ ald Slcurlty Scctrllty S!t- ln! l0r lllrs Ir mrnalrd t0 !!t noH 0l r noli lroD Ptohct Bt[a Eoltdrlcd
llcEs mro lollcrl0r$ !l lir lnlc]srctums0llt00 tsttiltshm!ffil ntfln! 1965.Thc lGtGr asts Ut! 0[, rtwhttchrl, tllly nrn t stnlr] !r0l!ctt!
b!!n lnu0lucd I[ lio lllrcsug lol 0l uI05. P10u0st r sccurlu naw tllrlr Blui l00kTir relly llrt c0l[6 [act(ttom wh eir r!rd5 tirtit0D do [ot
lrcrdrutnersatludl0rfil 0r. r trhce uhlcI I Irue becn lnwlrcd In lrrGsu-hrtc I slnll
olaGt iul lEy somcumcs crll ltB lrln l.doli ot|
ga n!l0rilGwyGaE drprrunflls lsortrt ru itd lwcr icrrd 0t tcf0rut, t! lrstsl li!m. Th! 0!
(|nc c r slEnf lltEnlly drys ani {ays, snldlru l[ [m ani ]o|qitn! rll[- ficn c0c5 olt t0 rdmn uatlrrlr "[o[cy ts t0 d0f,nltry th! 5[u!ct tt ums
blsl t{lrh0n y scclr 0l ur! tyM 0l Inl0rm l0[ you r]r ffn! t0 grt l!. dt0 all0ld rmcnll!ulduo rmnu0n 0r[[![c[yl! lr
Tlro U0[ ! F lfn lms Unt fic rclcrscd I0 tlll rec0ds omc! .rl hardly ll
y0rdcr rll Inry ! hrldlEd t0gclilr r[d 5hl rdoul!rnassl. fi! l
'tt 2 rc ll yo iaw ISya l 80r 50 us fual essan t0 mwtt n t
Pu lc nGc0rds 0mc0 stlll0n son uen 0 drll ord l[t $ flr $ Iatlo scal,lotctuga on snct ts Inlocttllo to,I
c eg0dcs !0, ucrc ls [0 wry $ey co[ld [c r! sllclllc. s0 It you an 8tur Indee l,naflctttsonlytoor HEedhFst snq ln nohst60f tnaE
Uf0 rcmrts yol g! l0 ti! rou rr!. !l Bff tnd Uc[ t I flnhi Is $t atlt tndllenlnt o nottteiaMtoty *tY
nlch tcrli r{lti 010 rclona hsld! flc llhs yu car tlor Rld yoI]Elllrl
wadl[! ur0u![ mcmos, 1Gr0n5 d olllc! lro8cdunr 8[d rll non"Gs sIlrl lshockh!nmIm r! yoq{l[ rgrlr-t0flnd lulti.tti! tto[ i$trk![
0!lI. Tlr! llt0 rcloni d]00 0[1rt r[o[t r nl8 011 ln 50 0r!rr. It ulol ltlrll t! llry dof,l u! suDlcct at ut0r I rn sulr un u! [u0tNto!
0m ls tiel sur!flsad t0 hrn Ulll Dlr! ls ri! onln oulr Ulo rtrutu h you rsl ls fl|o !rr! llrln u!
Ut0ity t! d0 lhh 8n rtt![. ti nlnDols at
sEEmlngly lol{clatld nlcq .{ry lrom IIE alr 2 Gald0ll lt li! lroclst 0l tlrc Dubllc, lt 15 our rllit t0 !! tlld li6 truu 8[d t0 [!t ttacr d n!3 ltryld
lndclslNndlu m!8ys!m !0c50n yu !0110 flld $atuosr l,l0 rctlrtl c d0ur'. T0 d0 t0 Is olrlollsly !0tn! l0 cNUs! ! tc ldil tt t l[ur! td dil!
auear ln N[y ll|Gl lnm $c rnoh ftcoris olflca low srmcd ulti lltF rsl{stln lrosuon- nl dld lltcy lnow lirt ticy dldn't t0 usl
lntoimall0l you tiro{ ryrry y0ul y0!1 IlGcGs 0l mmr viilcl 10ld ylu uler! lleedlEsst!S8ytilsd00un! 15!0h[hb!USldmWff lmmu tan[yut!
t0 l00l( ler ll1l5 and drcldr Urat l8firN Ue llst slntlly Is l! !0tirouli lll0 r0s6rrchcl5 h Ullr illnt m sccltr llt! ln I l!o!t du au[hct lt m
cvGB slngh nh d $ll I'l0ll rnd l!0[ rt lrcndil[g. [e unt 0u !fl0nt at! il$ lorl|ld l[ l0llucrl csmlrtlli 1! totcr u! lssuc
louti calculs 0l: ![ l[5] iou l0[g lt ll0uld hl! h d0 tiE
cralr 0!t n tnd[rc$h]uullrND0!10105 Plrlals uel! Ismorut! !r lcrr d tron tI!
c$lmated 50yGr]E0lrcrdlu.llnnmn -ls It aU surDrllr ttrrl li.r! ar! ruulcr0c0rir0fllc!
[0tm yrGsE cnlrlrtlisluillcB6c0rds0tflc!......... noulnIll*!5rsmcl fieciI0 [0rilrl0l|nc0rGrt,..,..
Tbls c0[ld t! SGGI ffi I l0flI0l corcl-trI' ln I u8y I u0uld !l llctllcd t0
icllGro $aruc brd c0{rdlm 0[dmcfi u 0f rlmm h !ficlrtld fll8s llrltll lrrt rata ly iam l|r3uunanl.t tlr an!*|lr! tior! lc i! r covrru! cl lnlcF
d005 glu! trcl! tclrt r scls! 0l rl|!ru telu r hc* 0l orla $u0[ h tir nr0o0.llt Gnt hd !n r cruardo $nr n0 ir tla It$ ourlr raalarciara t[
0! lyfi tlrc suihcl 0l ll[0a Stll, I do['t mllrlr li
Ur it0ll wrs rrcr s0 rucmll !r l0crta Ura {itrart!uE .t fla |lr 2n6$8. lorodl[! t! tlr! lutllc i!c!rdt
0llli!, llrll llla r$ dmpu lo.r t! u! t(t{ iuitdtq: I itd i0.[ t[a$! n,l nta fltt
unc0-ordlmtcd orcr tlD sIUCct 50 I draw tlll c0llcusl0n tiet Urllls taU!
Ilr ln lil l[0o aauorllt tlcufl rccordtr! la lll tto conllrlllr llola nDltllt
0n! ulru wnb[ blds m! t0 iGlllu ln tih llm 0l ulnlln! ll ttrt li8l!
ra$8rc|rlF caroafll!!
tol all ltl,s mlsslru,lru$rtt f{,i tla anct tltu llsad !t
D. P8!,
lcvfiuas Icor0dln lon l0r lrt0 hlcsIgt[ols rilltll ft! lil0!. Thtyr]! lhui ir3 $!m lltt tllla ras r0l lta crt!,
uery clrucl t0 d! urk lacL ll lt f,lr! uu! tirl ual ncru ufi m - lllal I yall al lururucncl h ,n l[cnlt tt locrtr ura a, taalarcilr !r, Gclln
0rdln l0[, I u0uld lll l[ rlln flu $c l|lsr el lllcl P0Dc rld ils ld!8 unt nldurd tmrfla lrtarlatad h li. .$a . t[ colluftdc! $ti Xr[i { mni
dr! trl0! lad lcl li! UIo rcmrdru systcn crumil! lll0 d!c8y, I sry Urat li! Cida lorllr, llcirr! Carr,t tnd XtcI nldhrt i! flllr aul! ut,l X? ta0an UtIl
l0n!t aslo! r quaati,n h larllrmlol In rn antt l. racoyrr h! frustrelad ntt
lcwcl[GsII nrrcDGlr 016 !d r[out rlnost unl0|0m dcDmmc rnrl. Illla r.a .cil.v!d !llr! flb | ltlllc .0010!r !y ti! Pm $Utn , ta{ dryt at tia
I[! llhlrds l[ ul! subl0cl, would 00 r0 ml llr P0I08 f,ould {mau.nlalng aalad.Ir. $!l.lou atrrcnaa urau!! $e8 rnd 199l !r|I!d lrull-
rllrfi $a]{Iaty0! hsrc h N slrud 0f [u !10 lllcs lioruliout O! ty$cn la$asllalnoUhdl!racov llr, nh lrcn llltld! ltr rllll
iul l[ !0 grcrl [um!!rs,r0 as nolnnfialJ,,alaclt tuInatc ltcnE ttnt wr ul.ruaI,amdlIlroducrd rusrrra atonLltad la llnd n,Daa alI !th!r
logol la, do!8 nlnE tilrllra trtcrlatad h tttdtiry li! tttl lirmnanal turt!! 0a lgt0i
I v0[ld sumlsc Int ll ury dlla]tno hld a rcasm t0 hvlstilat! 0[l lrto flt! 0l liaa! dalrrtn L raLl tllllrnc, dllrnmlntr ltlollld rttt aalm ulrl
rfl0n$enllwouldl0ll$rli llclr u0uld Dl mtny fllct xot 0[! 15l! mn! al llll$ ifl! sulmluad rlloda an n! $tihct toll ltl! a ['rtlrm! rr!
uac! uro Dl$lory 0t ticsc 0lscurc det firc s sufi a5 0155 0r Prol0sl a[l rucsuo[ IS2t rtllrc!d ltr tlllDlrona acMca $lll fi rnay!rtior! tDlrstg! ravltl.
ln!rdl{nErc l!ltallf0lilllomanon.llttIeoodrl'aconudadlt adiar d
sECUrlu Senicls thtcrc6urg l0 [otG llrrt lic srcllllty sEmlc! 15 tttllr
f,sr lold 0l!r lia lmm lnd Iy l trarhaulu cB lBacords rntlrnanllafit.l[ra
to0{n rs ill5, a wlr dld w0 last imr 0l $Gm i{fln! ln0r0$ ll IllD nad l.qulrnd ut, llla rfim lt I|r ar|llaaad D !a latt Ind nltnld lt la o!
uI0s!! tirn oflv ur! urc 0r tl{0 rElo.b c l0urd.lntcnal rdlr c!5 l[0$drltllrr frulu,$f an llirlr aomlulrl 3y3tam I r!!arr. lll ttra tto
tnstdc tic rrr0rb &! qul$ 0nG[ flll(od out l0 ilrdr] tt! rlsorrchllr lrrraiao!olglrdll!li.!! lcr.grldin!tia*tarart0uBrlllhlll2ntgl8lllly
trsl(s0 s0m0tulvirslorct0 r lnl0trou r l0 nalr o[rlfr n d.Imtr{ irya ll:a rllarrail. mlalard fi lll
,erek ield
IIe avas edrtcated to rnatrlcrtlatio.!
starrdard at a lrrivate college a
Brornley, ICenG- Blr lrro esslorr he
avas a Prlnting Inl.' technologist,
rnamaging directof ol a c
deallng in int<-lralrer relationships in
the trrintlng lndtrsarlr. Ife has a
I'lELSA IQ oE 45i5; an lrite
classiflcatlon that puts hirtr irr tlie to
I7o of the potrrrlation- I)ereL Slreftie
aryas arl able aerobatic lrilot arrd for
13 lrears rvas thc chalffnan ol the 6
(City ol London) Sqrladron at Biggirr
it! Kent. Ilis interests are in the lield ol
aviatiorr. arrd
Hs lr Grc$N l[ tic Ul(| lhrllmonr Drg cfily h nls crrlli as r! lu 0l allen flslt0rst dclldh! llnt em mu$ nrsl tr0w lllr rxlntlr-
rutllol, llls llrsl D00l( ton [n[0s0![y) wt3 entllrd "[ 0[GsUu 0l rllldrl[rtt!ollraUlo!cl0t!sM aUWIlrtulyconrhGdl
ncas0n".lt[uestl0lcd m0st 0t IiE currcnttitorlEs 0r [l! Gxmnd- ll! dld llrF [y rcscrrcl [! ol nd qrldelcl; tc850nlu ul nd
llg ullyeEc, ne lrlstElco 0l tlrct lohs Nld lvu Ut l||l!ry d m ftom ltl mslly rlcolllsr ! tonallts wlll onlt detml ull
c[olltlo[. roflccllon 0l lh our trrrclenlu lrlm 8[ lihct .l llrclty rltd r -
lc t0 th rcldllnrou[ lollcrl stc$ ln ue dcucloDmcnt 0ltin 5lr[c!. nF {ould ll0tll tr. Ihy{crl !utd!m! el lrrci! otllcE. flt
ullltc$a-ftonDEloam l0[ 0l [rlaxlcs t0llu tllctltlc! al r d$ notlccd tin llstrucuMututm 0n Uc lan at tl! lltstry !t
0[ EarthRG[scdG0[cnttndmwc ulrtasonlrumlru!0uldllter" 0el cr. lhcy lnlUally nfirEld t0 rccE - dGslltl lt iGlng Dan 0t
nauv0 hymuosas c0lcenln! such Dncn0m![t tt stll lru stoltt oul dclclc! rysrcm - $! dclcndatlllty et rrd[ rs I d!$clo!
ln lurole, tlrc llncs 0l llucr, tiE sto[c iGads l[ Sollrdt al|d laslll syston.llllc lclcrl wEr! {rl[![ t!t0]l tily woutd flndty adr lr
Islrnd, and l!! lrcclslol crrlod mN!0ml nls0fit 0l ler!. ftr llrlr.
!rurd[l 0[ rollrGlcr c0u0r0d was lornldr r,rli nngsd lrom nr I red6w !l hls t00t 0[ BtC ndto rcsutted tn tctrert trln rtrlm
geolnll crl dls[ersd !ln0lklld !u!r $r [lm.tt0u!lmtrfit8l DlloE Ufto sdulrCi nm $at ir wo[ld lGl ro lreh fioD uu ll[tr fltd
comEIs m UrE It0. Padlculirly ti! Utol lrconmEndrd tlnt [l c0[trct dt! t0tlt l]r ]0rc! c0nctmtru ti!
h rGsGarcilru [lls !00* i! llrs hlru$ld iy M0 0f tm lrc e9 UDclrrncl 0l rr 0tlrcl orll 3ll!lun, u nld rut [Gm rclonsd
rstoplrlslclsts ol our una h lin lrl[sh [rus5.
Pr0lcssfi Ca S{an; $10 uscd lll !r c equlu0n t! .$lmat! Ihls rcsultld l[ rtuld|lct al Ir omrllln lrlm $! lElglrn rlr
rmounl !l Dlflrcls lrt our lrlrry Ga[rbh 0l s[ 0d[! lll! tld t0rc! - $rt lrovd !ult! cancll|slrrly tut urloum ltlrcts rl
Grolrdlgl[tElllgE Erllahrlsthlclrlllsr[ols som! H ird [m[ l[ ltddlnu .iot! lcldtn ln lgtgllgg! - a[d
md Fr0[c$0r lcnrrd l,0uclli vito [u0t0d u! 0 dsmour olltor c0lcrm $ MIy llls lrd n!] !!u r onldhu!S tdt !t!$$
0nuGGafi InuGUmruutw0lad-ut!nuram0ut!llryiiolln a5 lt ur! Dccoml$ !w[ morc lfldlrt Urst sl ilo! f,ll8 luadln!
rt0ms ln t|ll flsl r ullrEllr ls l0n5 r$ l0Hl0. 0i Gfilculllly lltl li! 155!1, llcrlf 8i!|fl!ld drcldrd tc rltroru[ | !r ti0tltyi
r0fcss0r sa!8[ c0[clldEi Ilrl trc mlli !l Dlantb h our gdafl t! conDllod I l! I l rlt0ll rsld[g tb! luro& mfllrnrrt ta
0[ ritci lrtclllgGrt rxtratorosutrt cMlsruom c0 d narr llsugrll !n llllull1, !n!r rccdntr! r0 rsst$8nc! tron ht5 toctl
cuoltreduro dnrw nunbereimllll0nsl lll!, tr rmllEd dlrocl'y l0 tt! msldllt d Ut! Iurollrn ltflt]
ProlGssor Loulll c0lchdcd, [nl crc! tlr0udt 0u1 lloluuu !y n t nlls Drlducld rcsutE Hr urs lltorDcd ul itt rr tcr[0[
GiancD 0[ G th wri In!0sstll! - tlto i!cau:! m fio mr! - nF muld D! rdlrrod u Ull c0mmnlc ![ Pclthns nly ceNld!ru!
lm!0ssltln cfiamC ml|st itu! iam0md.Inltc b n0wal!r, t nort ils rlDlbanll u D! !l colct]I t! Ul! nlmtlr shlli md !af! lt
Io0lcalans !rt0hlsconclusl0l.lllsslndyn 0u tolutut00l lh! d!d![NI0n gg0/ll. lt wrs m$0d tr ti! C0mnlmr ![ n]
lhce Elsewfierc lrfi r lfi l0[!cr lErlod 0t un!. $rrc[,Trcnmlo0lcrl IlftlU Glt 8[d lr!Oy l0l mtlt consldlrr
nat [Gln! s0, d dn lrcl $tt wc iruo [!w cnl0rcd lvGd [lt0 u0[ 8ri dlsclrslor.
ald srl6lllt! h ur sol systcm ald lsr[d mm c lr !l ru!- Itsoor DccrD! r llu !y ttrrtr rduda $atr nosN tu cdstld [r
Ioning lffr sullcsNr tllrt ori 0rl0l[ mu$ nr!! ltcn h $, tllar ullou5 nlmtl]l al Ur comDltrr! lrN0lrrd rltd dr3llt! nru l!t-
lhG cli[cncl el lllsdm rdlmb - tirt {r0uld trr! ilGr [lyem tlEnollrl[!f,rsi! d lll tyo ymrs !d!x $am!H urolr NSNII h
$ccamllllty0l!rcnbto c na[ t0 corsoucl- ls !]00101flr cfillri hllllge t0u! lnslmn lrDrissl[! [F cu6lrn thrt - lr'allg h
r/lslt 0f [y a[ lntslllgEnt lru crlcsu cnuu, un cluli hdtlc mhi [ut ti! tlvatcln! atl t0iflt nt t rtob otIann-a
ituG[lG[oulrBdEcG$lr. $cinlcrllty olld [! llutd ul { ct b lrml mt bsuc.l|td 30 [
I[ IrG lrst cir rl0l [0urs[0n 0l t!8:0[" olntstomGl[ Dor[} UlE- ytrll0 hn ln h0 daut! D00ls r1ti! llrd lrillrnut us
lnEd unl ll rr orlllnE rcru lldcld l! l!! slars, u r muit [! r dlcmldl0 [fl! !r lld -Ird llr! comntu! 0n l$r ci,l!c[r]
crsr l0r li! lllstEncc !l0I0s. H! {ls wrth h !cc! lrc mssltll- lollcll lllwlolnam ! Illrly rtrrd! $ra li nwrt.lutlilrb
not liE
cnd. xoulno whrts0cver nas DhNngd,ll|l srmc concarns.[dy rs nn0txalo.lllul0l0lltrr[0Illlm-
d xal0 dld [!t lnou etlut liGml -
dl bel0rc. 0er* slrllfldd nas mtr rslc
0r s !!UU0n t0 l i!
rlrulrcctld. ften f,lu N ndrr syslGm sllGgG y c a
! 0l irldllrg our drlomla lt lr
Tno wn?Gb ar! agdl h m0{0[. llc tas bcG[ lll0mrd iy t[!
S0crctary- lnc0ncGlurilrl!1un iloDt!stsE nturcydldrotlr0utr!0ut$Gml
Eenoraltist tls d0cunc trs tccl G[lGrGd l[ uD rcglstci !ltrElltl0[5a5 [s
s 0r{[ I'lP SlrlcltiS!!!d has ]dusrd 10 dacl hF maull tnn! llards
c0nmlrcc 0[ Peuu0m lllc ml|st now wllt l0r ull 0utc0m0. 0lullll]lhnlnuryconmlssloncrhrldmhlsNlru0n,nciarnouNslrd r
lto ?t3,/97 t0 lllE
0Erel(shdnrldIasGxrrG$Ed 5r[!rcicllslorst!L8[lllcrI 0n;Hcrd0l llum wyn l0[0s, lhld cymrl llP lor Y[ys ilol tl ]
ur$ti.P.rllrm! rry
0lrFlor l0r lcurlths 0l $rmD!rs: olrGctorar0 tur li! PrEsld cy. ll! irs 0mimsm t! olttll cht] fld ummilglour llrswcE l! ti! Orl l0!lt
sNId hat ![rrl trum fou l0[g y€anl navlu llssld -lollrlnl wirhulr n$ istcd tron Ur! mll$fi tld Uto L0!.
cirn[Dd ln l i !r
l0[ rnd tic re$lns lfi [ navh! !!![ drchrld 0t c![. lcrll sicmtu na5 rlso txlllssld concln iGcflrso !l li! lecl0l clutr-
cen u liE ilcmler slatos.llG lar sald tirl h urc Eftnt0lnr c0nmlull0I r!0 at ur! unl 0l lhr lGlllal lncldlltl [y m! B]ll5ll P]!rs unt u!ru I h
PeUU0m [Gclih[ nol l0 reler l s lcllllol l0li! conmltll! !n nesearcll ohrlol|s lan 0[ ally $
ous hvesdlruvr ]
oruu 0l $r s[ulct llls r0-
Tccilo|0llcrl 0crrlolmEnl a
Eruruy, tu Is rnuuod t0 an lxtrlNlallol $lv smrchi$lncllldcilflrcs|llrtingr odsat$cUmo$rtuEyIrIlGr0d,[y
-{i8nfi15waslnconclnI[1993-ltwouldnot lricnuylcs0l[lg9?? li! tw0 m{h irord-shGd lrltlsh nc!$[r!cls.
00rGt shelflsl ias
rsmd wrl0us ml stElE 0l uro c0lcnmclt d tll! !0snltltltolm0 ll5 d nont{t[! c0rEr8!! [y ti. conllmntitl !rc$ mtF
0ll lor $i rltsullE t0 M0 sltttll! lucsllltti liel nl$ [clll cllllllstllltly hg f,ls ncltloned 0l tl|c rcurl lmldc s 0l llr! i0/ltsl I'tlrci ll9!.lhcs!
eulldii. Gn[ul]lGs allo s[ow flt ldd sltrrrllol comrr ngtm[nssclmlldlEc0m-
ln!yarG:- mlsslorl lly5r dtntu! hsucs rtuln! fiad r 5ddldlottallf,lllrllllrc
m! conmlsslon llrGy lnu Gl[srd 0[ sh 0ccrihn!
Godr u nr Nm[[ 0l t
tll I tnr 0ct!nc! IxDrns 0l tlc il0D rJE]o [!t
lir r
lnf0]mld - as sry [0wueyw!ru l l! rcfth Url3 concluilolt' f,ncr n! [nr [ld li!
ctrlmed iyt|ir nlnlstcr - 8t $D llrnr !lthr lslgl IIT0 [nlde l- tssuli tial dltch5Gd to liGm.
llsdradardctGctl!n0lIr!30/31st arcl1990i!wYrGt0u0ya[lGt0
sNats - ll tiGy dld nol lft0yJ 0f t[em at th! m! -
lrl l[ls dettcthn
did [0I constltut! ttitGam
ml Is tir g0vcrnlng irctol ln rny [nldG iliod 18d0r dGtcctl0[ F hE
degtrc 0l tnlEat lnullvrd, l[ rhvl 0l tlo l0llowlng l|Gts w0uld tlt0
flill$er ald ti! ll0tr cxtlrlnw[yfi8y dld ll0] l(n0w 0ltlls unliGfltl-
liGd ilfi 0 rrdar {ctGctlonP

tur illTo rrdrr srt0tls tlour 0chlal rm 0[l Eemrllmaft clnlln|cd

txtcrlclcGt l{aT0 .id8r lDcnt0rl wlrc un|ll! t0 ldG ltv tlell dltlcuol5.
I tr Ir [0] Dossl ! t! ldqrllly r ndri dctGctlol lt ls drchrcd hoslllc. lllT0
radar 0[Grat06 dlclrrcd lirlr dcIccuons ioslll!, lh! Bclgl tlr
toicefitrolcal0nly!trcmltlltlrclllllns0n!nosulcdc{!n l0[.
Tn! lllgl rlr lorcltllATol - ill !ffrmetl]s l0r lr Grcclllom lelm nll -
nldG lnt!ruGtrthns l0r 0!rcr 0m nour.IhF conllmld ul! i05dl! dlElgn&
llm 0t fi! lriglt [!dtr'l0cl.on wrs acnlluGd lll 15 06cl5l0lls.
At 22:39 0[ Ir. [l0nt 0l l0/llst firrch'199!, IlT0 Fl6 alrcnfl 0l lltc Bclglal
tlr forcc wcr! h lul![lt ln sllGdt ltt dclss otl1000 l0l0l5, otl I wlstlrly
c0ltrsa 6 nl[utGsfrom l lslt lI smc!.
Et0nscncliln0 rrdarl Micl ctecl(cd llr0 stat! 0l tnflincrt !n Pcr- h
mlsslut0aurctlI0[!l{tl0rlrcr tnasrululslGd-
Thr XAI0llr oefelcc 810uld lrNlronmElt ll[DGO radll svslGn 18 8ll 80
strltm c0mtrlcx lirt c0relli tlll wnolG !l I[0[t.
Uldcr tils comrlGx - l[ ti! crclt 0l an ulldcnllllcd ll0sdll doslgnall0l -
nouflca{or ot hroma{0r t0 rllrci IAI0 radrr dru0[5ls nnldtt!ry llld
i 0nde. flllll-lllrtol)
Inls wri c0nn nrd[yElncral dot0! lromei
0x!5ma[ l0r tlll SGl'
gt|[ rlr l0rcc{IlTol wfo srld ualtilr lt ormrdol wolld llllr! iGl[ trisscd
auonr[cilly I0 lrt lltl0 ridti !t le3dsnord h llltolL
itril P0tc0tIrc li00 nrsslldtirtwc lllll! Ul ladar ctllbllltv 0l dctccdll!
r nelrl ollcct 1 sqllrn to0t al8 rarg. !l mllu nuldlcds ll nllGs. [|l u0uld
oild0usly m[0 tcrn lDtc lo dltoct llr! llal0 FlE llrcian fila[ld ln tils
flt!ttrcrlc ocl![c! l rlll! cl ftlrcy hsurd ! culnd drlr!I!n 0
days[!l0r!hirstollshllgIIGII50ll0/llsl l1ci1990lltlllulllllcdhl
![Glb al Ur! llrrlus tlrc! n0nus. lt na5 l$uld l! 29 s0urc6 h Ull
turom d tir us; hcludll! 12 sourccs h wrshllt0Non, tll Gonmatldll lll
Gtrlct 0lllcd Slrtcs lrw{uru!/l0nd!n, sulrcm0 llcldlmrurs lled Pcr'
sonnll lur![G, ![d lr3 nlsslol lls tato,Ihlr uould ln[lca$ I 0i kllul-
!d!! 0l tllcS! !!rG[B [y tlll llll[lsry 0l dllllc!.
tts !$iriflsnls iryond rll d0uit r comDlct! cnrh 0l lvc[tt llltt lllll llal0
$lll li! 0r!trc[ !!l! s ln lclllun, d lll! I'l0ll ln ll|ldoll
ftrct sllGlllGld hrs rlrcatcdlv tsl(ci lllcso lulsdlni t0 llll0us ! nl$clsi
rnd $G nhlsuy 0l drtcncc rhq drstrltc Dlotlslr!0m t! ull collllllv, [llt
nGrlr Droulrlcd llr! srys titl lt l! lol s[mc! l! sry fi8t dllv
rl5acri [c
{er0 ml rdrlsGd !y lla Brllllnsi rl mll0i d s d0l5 lllllstnt! li! GonllN'
dbdon i I itlr srI i 0rlcrm 8nd tirr llr dd c! lrtrGni' m0 flllc
lddr ty NilG tr Da$ lld0cncll tll t sullrct lirt tllcy n [l icGll tlld
Iisry5iutltrclisutcmcnls !llotllmnlrsultlcrlullllllactl.fllly !
erre tms
errel urms - named Ine Allen Hun
y some, has taken a hands on approach
) the subject of alien implants. He has
uccessfully recovered 7 implants from
bductees. He has regressed many
ubjects, and has been able to show
hat multiple abductions have occurred
rrel \ /as the first researcher to
iscover the 'blacklight' technique whict
as resulted in the finding of fluorescent
arkings on the bodies of witnesses.
n some cases these have looked li
mall handprints. Derrel will continue t
ress for answers using science as his
eapon. A fund has been set up by Derre
nd surgeon Roger Leir in order to finan

lllc[Gd llr flrls tsurdcally rum0wdl {lll [l rulllil! l0] you t0 qms 0f dcurmld!! mcurlr a Ms0r 13 tlltu ur trlo !1 rol
scr-ll 0llll lilt0n l 0X tF III[[[)SE! D! allcldod ll'lPt l$ BoSWlll ltrloum l!,l99rl-t$!sacot !rr$! rcild[tld tot 0:00
al|d IIYSICII nllllilCl 0[ uld00, slldos 8nd ul& y0!r osll ryli ts r.I1 Iuly 4'l!91 rl Ur! l!&ro[ lldltotlun 0! $! Iow trlldco ftllfi-
00riel SIms dlstlrys nr mat€rlals. llclli tE 0r0 s[0{[ tcr0!no. bry hslrut! Grn!u$! n0su0t[ Iow t'tc{c!, rlll ltos!fi Ur rliulE
tolr ts d 50n! surllcrlly U rDtlrr h !!
rolllouod lrnDlrnts 0l scHflflG Itsts llBt0titto 0x ctt6l 0tB s t0ut! um
nrnlllacurud oIICcIl li lrlgllll alhqld lm-
arc metlorlc h B0swflLIEwI c0 flfiy ytMs [G0I[[T oltct t0 t0[ lll pB0vflt
Ilrlhlt surllcally romouEd), llrd m crlSls r orudly lron ti! flltTTHI 00wxMEfl cu wls tfi $ lltlH 0 tH,
n0sl/clltrlld aruhE rcl0ncdcrs rt, ultl D! dtsohIsd. ftrfrtrdtcrl I l0soarcn sclE lsl lr0n r nd0r u urdty huotrod h ti! tcsJng
ald sclcnutu lclons aru Ir 8nd 0rrel ull rureal ufiat sntdll! wlll !! 0n lnld h dlsc[st ul mrl!0d0t0!y!y rld rlsutb 0t u!
ilms nrrc lnc0rocd l0 datc. Ti8 re!!rt5 aru lron Ih! urlulrsB 0l lsoI0Dlc rall0 tllls 0l llc llswrll d!irtss!D!0ru[! clmlustols tr[
Grlltorula, UnlrE.slty 0l [o[sltn, llrw I'l€dco ltcI, los llamog 8 r[lmBdhsllconductld!yutfilriltiEtrldmIt0[rllrlorrm !i
lrluat! laD h 8all85 Tlxas and sta ord. ff h! las timc De]rt| {lll {lll m lrolrldld tist co[ct[d! ur noluolt dc[rl5 ls I It IASItt[!!
alsosloseulderct 0[3Danl0l glastInEic tio rEl!fudalltlf,cltl lt[IlRtlt0IExIBtI ftS UIofl GDt.
mouh ti! IJlnd0IJ rld lElt lmrlG 0[ tf! glrsr, mruamnry. Y0[
cal 5r! lic lm8[0 0l snal nands ad l0rcarn 0l Ur! cilaur0tll h IAllt DlVlIS lllln0l]ll0tS Itnnfl, Sll'lS.
Ur! glrs&
Wotl(sn0l: tt/lftIcr 0l tlldlnts UIU afl UIU out fiyllosls lrrrEl !r ctlol hyeEulat0r llr yslctt rlld8nce 0lt Ecld hunrl,/r or
{ snow lnr/8$l!at0rs, neratbts, rld $8 grneral sudlrlc! [0r c0 Ncl,l lnl|rstjlal! rrdlacE rc!0dEdly l0und h t t0 rctr$d cr8[Ir
I! llld !fiyslcrl Eddclc! wllho[l slEclrl rlllls rld lrlElslu! l0[l& lrcrlly | [ cl!tt!d h u tmutru !l|!!t tial tflotlrd u|! $rltcrl
nE[tArGm! r[h drmllsInfel 0lhowIIU0I$IICI lsl0! 0[ r.D0val 0l I rllllcl rll!! ltlllsnti [r0m tir !0dt!5 rt 2 a[r!!d
son! alductcls trlli lf! !5! 0l Ur! Dlrslllglrl llotr t0 dsllcl me! , rlduct!!s.
I0r3!r tas id msslllo rocc[]lIloIaIlrll colt|ct (Ihyslcrl 0| Tr drllru n ! ltdlnnad I sucl surg! 0s ltui tlcl rfidlfi h
clslu fiom ur rll![ u8s!nc!. m fi laDs cl illt tr![tluot r!rcalld r$0u[dt!! nsutl3 som! !l
lnll lP.Itlslastlacd
[!u t! GicEl y0lrsell hr r r0rsltl! tir flldr llv0lm ur lllcltd lntlrnE t! [! Ertr0dc h |r|g|& n!
w0rlstu! rdll!! lEa$ r irll lon! r $ll lnll!l[0 t[! sul! n f,ln hlldl u eul modlcrl tmn l8lr!s![t {|U llt lef,.fttl
llour 8[d
[s! 0l nGmo'y rwrGly $ritcns 0l llyu0tlE lhlulslcs tm! ny!- 15 [y n! nlals 15 tm 0nu, [0f, ln all llt! t0od u! Dr$ 0t 0lli !rt-
nluc lEctrlqrEsl ![d llyt[0dD l0cirlques l cntid !y lhltcL ll donc!. ftl lum I mr llst, t: trD0n8d [y sot!! tt !! hdlcsdu! rt
s0m! alductlos c0n! lor'w d and ar! coml0ruil! xrlth Urclr dI!- i0mteltt! allthsrlrdldlo[lfirsc l['fl rth!s trcr too
rl c!, [Errol fllll worl Ulllt ticm 8nd s!0{ tl lotit 0!t dEllonstn- lslh! story:
Uon 0t flyrlorls f,lliout s8!t[g ! rord.
It ilt lll0ws: Watci rmfling dcnlllsIr 0n0li0wslmils
r r t0lrll trlul Droll! r10 lyl[g, lcllllle tt! trulll hallrclmuu,0] 0[ l8 Arg 1995, uhlh U!!r]tU tor luo surccrl!: 0[ uto !!n dU,
lnr0luu alhloi mnu/rllEr c0[rirct I l!c!l[od t ltcull0 100*lu
Srcnt surr It liEli cumti. slms can 0lt8[ d0 llllt vm0ut ull Darson
sayh! r rord.ll umo rnd l lcsl rll0ur s lr $blrcts {lll !0 oiloct lroD r soricc I l0urd t! [! t!lla !J[! luccl ru!0tudly
nr0uln $ls! lreclcdurs rld you rlll 5r0 lnmcdlat! rcsultr, l{llD Dfllc lron $! [!Srr!ll lllt cn$.ltlorc sccCIIn! ti! rlhct I cot]
tus! lcsulb y0u $ll D0 rDlo l! aI y s0m! 0l IIr srmr [$lc llclr. hchd a nrhll[i nn8thhmld m! 0l sutof, alti! [[uiu mis
0l liE s0 crllcd nos{rfl N trct0l lllr strclgll d &! slat0mc rd ti!
oui0rognmr Tlrcsr llollrmsmry hu0lw PElcIoloslcrl tcsll[g [y ltBn-
htrcst 0l n! meullulglst I r0rcrd l0 Irkr mss.sslor 0l tlrG lurcl
rl stt nrdlcrl rrrlra 0ll5, r[rglrlls lryDnouc lnrc$!5trr 0r oud modall-
dcclsle[ has lrd l! miny rrls
d nsts t0 ulcor0r m! u tuclrss 0l ti!
llcr t0 i! used. our r0rl ls lrsrd lrmr I1 d $! g![ll0$ rfionE 0l
oiMously manulacurod natc s[In! !m nlri E ![Ir0xlmatlll !n anmlorlrts$l!nu$la rlld o$ErsntolrsNv0ul [x!t0 kt0uat lils
1ll2 aloud nl{r 5/E" $ lrofiil 5[dac0 stotrs r cunturu ol lic[0ncflt lttb0ut
M0 lcrcls 0n tic tro Sldt.lhc lr0 al 00n10[ lltlus I ltltl c0b]allol lrom It! lm lcrtl0ns 0l ti!8! erlnB rctrllr! lls rll t0 cllNlult! tlGs! sltllluuls
lllr bouom sld! 5n0ws r lht sudacc 0f darl !ny. Thr llrc! carcl[lly. I[ir! ls [0t onc rs[lcl ullt crnnot [l lclt
lrdlqo l! grEE[. alom h tll! ltldurtlon
nas D!![ scrrrcd t! tssurc tltat $c rcmalnlll! tlrccs I l[ dlfillent l0ca- 0fllt!i!nl lrlnruflostarenltPG als Iolcllng 0l ull P0lrucaltrllclls
IoIs t0 rllow dr0s! uito clrlm lo [r ln ul lo0w, l0 ntun lmmmlu lrom ulll
llGrECy0ttltsp llthals t Mcwrl ol s rlual htGlcsri $ll l0c!5 !n tilsc
nallclllgsp w[al uc m br sGclu l5 slnetlrll! ult! oli, l[sl sGGn
lInREt til 00ucts 0n. ltssl t{Ancn ln. liroun youu, tcchnolo[lcil Eyes and u n I sc[s! 0l uond0mcrl lts
I0l[g t0 trke l|! rll t0 dlstoror whrl ls [r[Deltl[!. s0 lrs! lcll wclcon!
0r. j6ssc ilrrulll lr. yr0[ld lllE t0 gflt nb clmnGnB c0ncenlru mlsG to 15516l ln lrolcrslonal sldllr, $ln ru lodl rc{ lvldlnc!, 0r lust con-
0bltc$ nr firs rcullwld lnd $G lmlrct llcy ild 0ll lil Gell, Ns you mc ln!0[wn wa crn do b8[!t w? alo olcll L y0ut ulws and lslcclalll
may lo0w,lS lllE 5!n d ne t toui tllrlor lE*g! Nlcoll, udlo wrs told 10 yout0)(!t 6!.
cover u0 tll! B0luGll crlsn a 10ll tI! nGYrs rerflcci u
lll! cr$ild lll0 lm{ matldslsulll!! u ![ thc slto 0r t rlgularlasls. Tllcs! ua tElng
wis l[ l t a uoa$Gr t!ll00 hrt tatllull Dlln llrl ilalol !10[[it s0m! !l tdd.d:
tnG Gr!s[ dc[rlo: i0m! ind lct ils lamllv s!! rld h
dllulmau sExow I lhy{crl arldem! slto l0r 0tlEclr rnluflod rld l! !t .Illuatd I slu lot
[r.lGs$! rrcell llr c0nmG[tr: lcssc ltflcll !05crllC3tlll"!al!l[!" Knd $r ltlcgcd.lle! lmllsntr. ff !uos! 0l lrirlll docum. ldollllll0U!
!t mt! rl aM slrlcs ullrls 15 tir closrsltl ng u uEt il tas tGEn 8[dr0l!l[li!nly-strc!"c0 ncl tslfte ur ur]llnnr hcldonl {!md Dy uu
Irtt lirl wNs lll(! n! mltc rlnlheldf,lllli!ursIlyllll!ld. lllrclcr !t llls{ rm llarrcfl cirlshlner. socrecv loc[minE colccrlllll
la[s i!!rG c0[ uDtld I sGllGs 0l tc5l5 t0 dctrn m li! llnlq&lesl 0l tho ti! mcuods 0l [!uollts t[10 3] iro irldlcd. low ult Slcrlcvrrollam ls
0u!ct Tcsts rs[ nc trom Isoto c rrdoq trit cl alll sllou ll ti! otllcl ls to{orlhBrarll. ar!3m0r6t0c0m0...,,,..
ollUlorld unout0 luSlltrtlra rnd lnut ll! tmlyslSulil [lfornad lt
1a!5 2 nrl.r ullusnltlcr a[d r [rl$tc ll!. W0 fl! rrJrr! 0l tll! dolll (!rg dlslll[sloned. and $0 dEadlca$ m! rdll
lrrclm $[snEd I|II rny luldclco, !r Dr0cedulll,0t sclElllsE, !] au'
!tlt tltTn0[uc$ nn. nuss wnr0ilcunft tltlng !15! Ntuono csl d!. s0 tol lll0lll tr! iare I lcll {01d5 lr0n Inl0d0l0
Protcsslr luss flmolcl kr l3 hcrc i0 ll{ ull mdullo tlsts
aln 50n! 0l
ual rtr! [Gd0rmci 0[ d 5allccld ccc0ltmno${.llcnsi-lsImul '1T IS NOTTHE CRITIC WHO COUNTS; NOT IHE MAN WHO
Drcrl0rsly irarcd, lharc ri! lr! rnrlvsls stlll 0u0l[! 0[ hh lli oumr POINTS OUT HOWTHE STRONG MAN STUMBLES, OR WHERE
malcrlrlsllou Plolrrsor lusstlcnol0llll0: THE OOER OF DEEDS COULD HAVE DONE EETTER. THE
G0!d nor[lru.ity nrmr ls !r. nusscll tlcmolclarl( llrrl lr sldlcd nuss L CREDIT BELONGSTOTHE MAN WHO IS ACTUALLY
vElll0llGun[ I rm rsclent$curcllrlvGmllovcd Uul llllulrinv d call' ARENA, WHOSE FACE IS MARRED BY DUSTANO SWEATAND
totntr, sin lqo ald I nln r PL[. l[ clrml6lry.
f0r$r!r ycrr rnd | [8n I bw. iicl lrl!flrlv l l0Nrd ln ti8llsun! m! THE IN AWORTHY CAUSq WHO AT THE BEST KNOWS IN THE ENO
inatysls d ln. mltrrlsl 0rnrl slms d.scrl0ld t! vou I n !!ru t0d8v t0
IrcSGnl $! lAt0nlllf tlst tlsulti am t[tlyrlt collducud, s0 I , o! tills GREATLY, SO THAT HIS PLACE SHALL NEVER AE W|TH
mrtrrlrl [y sclcnISE ttllugholt llt! u[l$d slrltt THOSE COLD AND TIMID SOULS WHO KNOWNEITHERVIC.
tion ltr! t'sts tlt|t h!f! ilcI c!mDlcte4 urSr lmllld! ltliuclllllly c0uIlGd TORY NOR OEFEAT.'
Pla$lt - itrss sllclt0scoly ![d scclndflI l0ll lll5l sllcllosD0try' r!
[r$ ddln nrd $rt lils matlrlrl shlrfi d0lfilcr rlrlrullt fiom tio
nomal ls0lo[lG c0[u05lu0ns tlunl 0I tir lrdl rnd $ollld il c0[sldlici
lxttrtcnrsMrl h eddn. tmlrr, usln! hducllllly cou !d Plasnl ' 0 !
c Iml55l0[ s[lDuosc0 lt ms [ce[ dotlrnhcd Ul mF m E ll
6i0uld 0c coflsldcrcd $ mrrutrctrrGd .s lt ll ll0t llltlnllv 0ccurlu.
Tlti tllGr rntlysls d0rl! lltlrt l'm Svrrr! 0n m $l Am Gcll ltc:lll!
ie $iiGflrc[llt t0ld $at tlrts kom tlo n0swoll crSsnl hfic[rcly G0&
llEd Plr5m. - ilass smcu0mrln (tty rn|lvsls) lcp/[13, llsllul tor dd '
mlnln! llrmc[ltl com!0sldm rnd bot0trlc nllos llti N[ crulnEly wld!
Nnay 0l llGncnlr lrl ti! ca6! !l tia s8m0l! lun,lia ramlll {as dllsoltlad
ln. mmuru 0l [Mc 8nd nvd]0tlu0rlr rclds. Ii![ ti! llqdd f,at lctllhcd
lnd sfilycd lnt0 toorlolasnt unlci crrrtls somnto rIlmlc l0ns nc
lolls fi! lccllctatld l 0 ! Dlss srucr0mltlr loi Ellal l0[ lld dltlc'
tlon.Yao rro. ln Eltlct coultlm tI! nuntll: 0l ltomlcnuclll ulll c0nG
6l0nd Ir r sleclRc l5!t!D.
tno hll mert !r5 tt b! llld wfilc! lsot![!t t0 l00I t0] rld ltlls clllcE
t[G $lslUrlM lla lirrtlin! mmir] 01Is0tola ltr! lon!fi lrcn'strlct'
tir0ut llr! nur utls {|lbn rcsultslll llml 'Ef,!o$' l! I lltlm un!
tcrlrd. s0 tr! l!w!r nr sllsludMor rry llM l30l!!4. ll l[! it5 I hl!!
cl0ugh 5!mDl! iu!, $ftrll dlnor0nt lmrum td runl c8! !! lctlll]
lllstld t0 truudc r mon lncl$ alyslsl
fio Sclrntlsts lrurlrcd Ir lll! clndruln! t!$ln! dlls lillct tlnd onll
ouccEl fi! iucld [0t t0 dll[u! anv l 0rnNd0[ u[$l ul llnrl tcdln! ll
c0mllcEd rnd ti! rt$lltE arc ln ! c0llclllllt!. 11 F [0t lui losltlsl L
nrtr rry clslm rs t! $! rrlldlly ol rny 0t tll! oillcll ut nau ll51!i.
Tncr! lblccls rrr rcmncd rnd curlurlcd lll0o0d trlti. lt 15 $ l0 y0u' l!!
IUDIIC t0 drcld! r rly rl $G ltrms u! f,orl {lh rr! aNllllng 0l lmmrunco
Wchutm our!fl0nsyllll[!Nlrrccla$divtll norc15n!cnarmt! lv
0t $! rllEgld rtdtctcrs 0r y ona uno ![l!E [s m lrllll 1! llrllulll
lhcic lE: [0t rnd {lll not [! 8nv llmnclrl0!ll[8tl0n5 t0 r[yllll ullo !l lrl
ln xoDtnson, tounoer melnDel0l DHt,
as been involved in ufology and the paranormal
nce 1979. ||lalcolm has written numerous articles

nd done manyTVand radio appearances. lle has

rturedextensivelyonthes$jectof lJFOsandtie
nomdboth in and outof the Ul(, lle drewthe

of the media and the eyes of he world to he

malltown of Bonnybridge when he initiated an
igation tiere severalyears ago, after receiving

of manv UF0 slqhtinos in the are

l!! [G![ tltGl6st0d t[ ff0s md ue $amcwortd 0t li€ rtrr- lmriy tom !!cr$e urylad rul eul0l c0ltGo.I[! llflc uas
r0rnall0r$lon!$Ic rEmcmlcr, rnd h l9?9 1 lorm3d my fl0llnd l.!Etm. m ur lly li!10, t!!y lIslrlGi r lulc trlrlll
rwr rcsllrch $clrly ![Utlc0 SUaru! [hc[on!m hnsult- iudomry lllhl ln $! slg. lnltirlly ttoy utoulht iat d 5 ras
U0[s lslll lbc alms 0l SPl ar! msbrlhr t0 Dollrct riscNrcl rd rlficr rlrcralt r I DE c0!$r, [ut Ittct a tGu $c0 s nr
lutll5h tccotr s rGltun! 1o nofl 8s!!clt 0l !rn!l IhG[0m- trhitlltitsdlt h10 tn0.nlly si0lrcd $G crr, !010 . r u0r0
lnr dt0 rmcarour l0 W dc0mrWIItiion! suGtst0 lunirr lurd t! r trltitslout0lll tumtmtng h! !r0ud
accountlllnem ymystQrllsnt cittutst tlud! us.I tn I [e10ru mD.lll lit!! 0l t[tm $0[ 0tsrrvld r iulo it|ct Urn-
mEmtcr r[d rcrrcsllru!! 0t [r0 trtlturt ut0 xclw0rt [, ttox) luhr otlccl$U r runlcl 0t rcd llti$ ausctrcd t0 IL mer r tcr
fllo rr! Ur larlc$ Ufo itudy lrouI ln ti! *0rld, iatld l[ non ll.ll firdurllt drltud tway dtr8stlstl!{!w.
selulll Iexrs ll$. | !n rlso r mlmbll 0l tm &udr uto ru-
searchlsslchthl tllrt0[A]. 0[lidrl0uncybrcllrmUrs[0[th.y![s0 !d rll! san! 0r r
l{ clcs [y m0 irlr a cfiod h nrly 0t ur s0rtd'$ ufo rld slmllrr 0bhct aqrh, hlt 0[ llls mcasl0n I rltrGar!! t0 rus[
mr8[0]mal nalazhes. I lrirc rsslsted maly 0l Ur! Ufs utlo[tl tlward5 Ullrcar.l8urf,rss0 scarGdtiatb!t!m[ l0 clt, nb
and rc!10[ nEwslaDcE llc0nlllctlon tflllt stolhs c0[c0l n! scmcd t0 [r conlleyod I0 m! !!hclfor$s00[ ttll $ficd
ch06ta lolhrlGls$ rld t foa I twa dso lren tnte ef,ld [y Grtl[!, ll ulclly dctanld,llu0lln ucy uer! I$alo[[yth.
mrly 0t llc lrfs nahr n l0 strtlols rElanlh! li! liow I,Ui- rlliulg,fiary dl !wnrls!lnlrlgu0d.tscli0m!$tyt0td
lcct lllr!'r drllnrci s[san riout llnt fioy nad s8cr. si! ulounl
I narc Urrclhd rxtcnslrolyUr0u0h0uui0 UX 0[ rrscarcl tr0- dut hrr m0ucr rld ftllld f,!rc ha!l[! | l0ll f,l$ nei and
bcrs afi l lruG lGcurrod t0Ia ous cl[!s rld s0churs $rougl- rcfusrd h iclldr! lloni [owcuet, tntr mrci $asutsh[, th!
oulscld d d [[!h[d.l an trlmscdt0 sryurll Iaw ruDr!, dEcldrd t0 !0 lul lno U|l drrlnlghtflU Ucm l! s!.llD.rnrN
5en0d my coutul at lltcnau0nd llI0 conltrcrces li! tillg {rt s l [tot!.
lly tclGlrlll0rl tr0rl ias soctt nc lca ru m ScotIs[ TolEd-
sl0['5 "scouls[ w0m!r" l[, l8c Balo n! Sc0urld xcwi snls ls ti! c ras !!adh! 0m 1! mEro [rcy hrd fird b! hlual uto
sc0tlafl lodry Xew! tunrrlcan ftlerlslol'i 'Sllttngs' [r0- slghth!, lll0IUo[ h li! car ilcam! rmrr !l r r!mrm0$D
lnmmr, l sncs! ttlclrlrl0r, Gllmtl tclGrrtlol u[!1, cllctl Drlll flllt0 [!tl m ft Uol|nd losldc r lrllll 0t UGra ll!!
tclcrl5l0[, lctaGl ls!!l's "surng! lut fiurp". l urt als! ht!r- tisorYod[yuefl ulltol yrs lmmlm! ifllhtDlue llow
rl!rcd Ifir r1 U|l gillu sttdlos l[ l0[d0[ ty l0rralm lo[y ||td trlrlclrf,rsihlll r|I feu tlr! lrould rld r[1lir0!![ th. trlos.
lammu llolDis r{ltlr rc!8rd l0 r ![e5t cas! urlsPl ird !8 nly lllllld lt lr r !d! rc&chllgtt ft lt c0![[!cd lE td[.
uorKu0[I irl0rl50 dolc ourircllomlfll rn rwi [! tr0ulmo[E out tl]oulh li! trr!5.
ily drlly flor*ln! l0! 13lli lrlnEd W0IHI! lh55 ltd. h lll0r
Irtlr! | tr I tr0drct ciGckEr. It tld thss ltd. nr||Ilacnm lr! !fi0n te !d clo$r,ltly dltldld h dllI! dom I sma[
llass conlalmrt l!. trilsxy tuuli $ ln! io!t. s00n D! !lu! sDlurll! lllht f,8s lohld !y ilr
ily!0rlhlmI3t0D u[[crlsllrcl mcaslst rl[h! l0 ti! lldrti 0l rcd r[d !nar. Iart [h[!d t||lm l! r hsri [!it silu
rllrlm f,0rld !l llt05 d ti! rannlrmrl, rld r [o[llully !r0- rliwrsrcllrllymredt!h 5iyt[!m,
{dt iom!l0tn 0l msclt0 accou lotwlntStlrcsclttl[ ct

0[ uu Gvcnlng at 2ird settemlel lggE, I'lrry ll0rrl$[

ttscldoflylrt, rccon[mlld ty h!] t![-yc8r{ld s04 l!t!l ald
[Grfrlclld.lrlr,hscudonymsl.hnme[l mnoust l0 mrcl t0 r
si tt 8nfl s, unGt c0ilTt0lt Et dotr i!r$ sur! std tr so! I smr[ .l{nlr Dctu'\{ i t0b o rlgrd
trclrr" 100*ln! lltrlg n||[. Ihts'DGt[!'wrs trrc{!rd[!, ld trrs nll
sllndh! tu 0l tir l(ltc[rl t00t [! trti l0! $ndl lot Utrt tnlr r trr
lltils !01fl. ![cntt [e! b trl! a moru dtrmlUc t!m, totf,fltsttict s!co[ds, tils'[!l[!'lu{ sll[lty flo8tld slnl! uflrflr flti !rs!, d
ucr! all caDu{rlcd !y ultsl slhnhg lghlr, itr]y slddc[ty !!ctm! m3!0[! l[ slc0[d3lccoldl[!t0 Pctar, nlslirnd rls! rrwfi 15nnn[r
rwNrG olfl rurc5dlltou!trld h$llldlb-$mI gtrtflgur.trno{!lc 'b.llg'.
rumhl r]luld $rd uteared rc.y lusy dc|(tn! u, fltrt l00t!d fl|(a btcr 0[ lD $m! t arywrs .|l u! Ittol! ll Errry w!od,8 U]0
!0xe5 u crlcr, ,nd dso cyllld!]E fi c lstrri t[rtifi Drct t! l! ruslarcnli {lr! h8d hlmsclt had I uru utrdinc!. tu$ lttot t! ltlc
H00d, slll s8u mfl h0l(cd llll I darl olr[! ar $ucur! t0 am tr0m Inom crll, ilaryhsi ru I trt! torncrso[. fl8ryur5 lxltahtru l0 Garry
ntlci tiGs! small 'tGl[gg w!]c c0mh[ ld !0llg. B[1 mm rurly r||r- aton 50mt tlc![t 5trtlg! lventr ricr rll 0t I stdd shc hlrrd icr
filsrd ary m0 flas b! rlsit !l r u!ry laru! '[rh[' M0 urs !t r [0y scieamln! uu loD 0l ilslolc!, "iltmny,lilunry, c0m! lutc*t
dltlcrcm colouaton n! icst ftlr'[clr!'sn! irl0 urs ! son d "btl llors! c!m! !!blr ary lmmrdtauty ulrcw dolll lir [n0m h ntd
Ir0m"; nc w$ $rldlng | 5irn dbhlcl syly [r0n $0 rEsl el OEs! colrfiiauon rni rsild u! ue shlrs tir!! rl r uma sm rntlrei 6
'lGl[!s , a: Il h0 flrs h cnaruc. lndlei, at onc !01[t lils lal!0 [elru' lNtiro0m a l!!nd [0] son h slmn dlsltls5
0clurlly stctcnid d0trn l0wards liG qroud tld 0Dcrcd l s ! ilnd Ittcrrh! hld ca||!ld r dow[,i! lxltrtnlduatrshrnrd! rrudIlin
t0 '50mclrll[g'. lhcn hG slrtlqmcnld u and n0u0d llcl I!{ards lI! [rtiro0m, h! satr r smdt ritt! 'i!h!' strldhg nent. Ulc wtstHtr[d
trE!A ilsh alld I I. Thls '[!llg' al50 ird "r tow 0t lrglod trrUr' l|! ffi5
ln ue sly rrolni u s rm|rlg strEctnclc, {lr! iuldr0dt umn iu[- sllrll Nni tih .nd l00l!d rcry D e.lfier Pltir ir! 5cnrm![ utti
drGds 0l small shr.lllc'lfill$ unlcn wd! lu$iannh! I dorfllnfic tEllg'lnsl slm0ty vrntslEd. rry ia[ t0 orlrualy 0lbtda $r IaU!
alr. S[ddlnltN ltl0lrtl6am 0l ftn 6noE dom lron llie rky 8[d llluml- 100n d00r rll8 h0r 50[ t00l nh ! l|. lndeed [r was $lll s0 lrld c[Gf
lrtcd liE nrd ln fi! !l lIGm ll tlrl6, uEy tll lumlcd llcl Int0 Ul! cfl uEt rlrc lad t0rl0!! Iosldo hlm trlti ti! tcdr00m !ntln![ utloultt-
and clly SIGd tlflrytontn!sc!n!, 0[l tirt lhht
lrrl u llcl rl hn0'5 iousa trcy lold uro lNuefr nusl d r[outf,lnt
ildn rcncd.llr 0nul Gly i0 ta! t0 g0 t0 floll( [n 0ficrcd $cm tho
[s! 0l lrb ilnlculr]s snoln Uoy wlslr t0 !! lul ilt l!01 hr lficst 0[[tx0utnYc0il IUts
ll n!s' 0[m lg n ll$0[gh all Ue flll|css$ ftrc sllgttly dtrlcl !y
IiDSE Srents, Clrl0slty {as !ctll[! l[E [E[Er !t lrrcn, ld lllly ftcldcd Iiese e Dut s!m! !r li! lacls nl] SPI IlcorcrEd d[]t0! our t !nl!y
lnl ticy nould lrdrcd ulc! m0r! g0 !n lnh ti! r !n t0 l00l l0r 0r0 $tl ilaB ilotrlrur. y !$r Ders0ml 0llllon 15 lirt rh! ls t! t[! $r
'bcl[!s'8lallr tr i,rldI m c0nfllc0d olhlrtlrccrlu.sPtt0fi0trrdulr normrt tnGr-
u I d0lru s0, drry !n$ m0rE otsc.lled mrly sltau! slar.llt! llllss u[rtl'll Bocrdurns h lnont0 w I! flni outll$or! u!1! I n[aml
iarulru 10f, dour l[ th! rxt rfirls0 lmmemrly Irlln {nlll gnl axlhlrtl0l t0 rcc0u hi lrll slghUlg. W! rrotr t! mru 0.t rDorE
ncfi r t snnll rnlcn rrs nrsilru l[ | slluElc! rl orl!.lunilt rsl(ll! uen ll [rcy tld y atr mntc I[ ltlt sty ti mdculrrrllit
810[[ lio rold, tiry l[llcd u0 r[d rtr]lrd t! etscryo mal rusem ed r fienrrll 0[ lll!1. nly rluri ilDllcd $at $cy dtd [01 !1 trt Urts Ir cu
's rslrc! tall' llonlatld lrom t0! t0 [0tr0m. lt tras t [0t lltry 0r gG l8r !ahflt!mr!!tdd!tirltlurtsdtclt0l.
colour {lur ! lne! ar lndentslons h lt "lt hokcd rctlly silmmlrl," ne Pollc! f,cro ds! !0uncd t! sc! ll ![y mallill: !t ur t c iai
sald iltry. 0t0[cdhholrstrt|ol{ltislmllartcco[lt5,lutNtrDrr! lyuu0ird.
Idl0n! mer d 5. rll uE rdl||l$sls onm noru lch0ld smrll'!cl[$'ln l[[ {r lrcrurlly rccolrcd r trlty trom lI! iltltstn j lltcrcr tn l0ll-
lic w00ds ll0ueror, drls dmc, lu6nt5 tlol I moru rhrmlry un l0r ls iu tr *tbs e mr S0nlrt sEcrlh at utr Sl!fl, xtct p!!r'! otd $run
tio {turcssrs {tr! otscntrg tic50'icl[$'l[ itE f,lodg ll I r0tlccd ri!lnl0madutl l {u!1!:
r uu! nl $fltllg t0 c0n0 ton ul6 w00d5 rm hto ueli dlrEc[ol- "l i8r6 l00l{0d hlo llil lncldcn d nau! tound llrrt lvo lenrd0i rElo
C0[UlnGd wltlrh drls !e 'nlsl Uln rolcrNl smdl !rcy 'tEl[!J trio !!llru[! rom mI iltlim lotwtcl t.00ltn d mldntlnh ur Rtr
wcrr nd w0l [!, lut !01[! 'Drolcllcd' t0wards IIG|U h $! nlsl a] fica 0n I[0 2lrd 0l sc omlli 1996. lhcy wn u rnrK[! nt![t{tm!
r$s lI InEy had sGEn Elongll flll5 wrs t00 mucil lotdEUclflyllgualll[!.1hru s0 ctllct0dtirouln 0ustgiuu nNn
llan a|ld l l! flrd lllr two chlldrll dluld llto ull cri rnd $Ed rwiy. lll6s, rli c contlrm nEt [0 stgltln$ rrrr rcD0dEd tt Ii! lt0[ tor
H0f,EIer lusl !C10ru ncy hn I s lmulng 3ce[0, la[! rlsc]rcd, ! 0l 2;rd sr[rcntor1996tr0mtir flto !rEr."
tfir aE r crr rtndow, t rEnEndoll5 blrst rl lnhlls! iluo lllht slrlclr llt ln,'lvJ! llr[rdolcll" - r8lt [|8t routd lxllrtr I ttl f,ouldnt ul
ulh!{iolc !r llst lll0 daylltht ldlazhgly, Uroy U![ oDsencd sono 0i olrDwn Uu rturllsrs [rd rrcl hnlyolu[t nt!ftrai crnNhly
lrlos d slmr, slrlch had DcGn sluu ln ur l mlft neld, $molrow !0t 1w! lormdo10tl.' sPl rtrkGd closott utu two tocrt RIr !rrED8-
morc towflds ullr crr, d llst Deloru tfly lon, Susflr (1.[. t irulh- ICrl ld, d|rouglt llEn, U! t3CllICd I [Un[et at llltai irmrtt lron
tcd sb0uled Tlrclr ls onr standlru lrlmhg ller &d [! llcl rt {t[!sccE l0 lnusurl &rlrl ruUUo h Ur itdcs ttor ffr, dmlurdty
larc5 i0usr UrEy stry0d ![ m05t 0l li! !l l lxtrcncly sioct(ld rnd r0l rll ![ Ilr $m! lhnl !||1 clrl,llrly rl oulcts rlltll h Ii! n8h,
tnu!d. wrrctlrcl du?]rU lular


lurlru fi! c0[r5! llr0s!!al![ y! [lc0rorcd llr lact $at rll

0l our SPI
0r! umlssG3 t m fnn y0ur! Pru lld sllarur Ir[lsrs !r dl5-
cel0llrtu0ns m tllclr [0d18! lrnt lound tlro o
iGr dlit iuuocl( tic oulcr 0r0 {a3 u[dllnrali tll
dltt !l!a$ 0[
iGl ita Sustr tlmal dau! crl dlscolerd ! m (0nlli !l
del I ms 800[t llur lncils l0[g rld r[!!Nr!d ]0[gtly fl0und r rrd{
anlr droh slltdu,


0[ Surdry, octo[fi 20, (r n0 i sltGr tlt llcldcru, rm d lhdl

lrleldt !10||e llti ficr sor, crmr ll U$t Sm bn ili ron d your!
Prtcr Dlryltl! I$Dlly l[ ur! !!dr00n llof,Grcr, tillc5 trlr0 500[ l!
G[r[!o10r r $0n stlh lrlcr, ts Pllri loolrd 0rl1 dnb Dciro0m rdll.
arry arren EI er 0
iln;ss and researcherlolhe incidenls respectively have been on
e.qllyear long crusade t0lind oulthe lrulh oilhe Bentl]yale'tloodb dgr
'0 nciient. They tave encountered many p:tfalh alolrglie$ay in lhe fom
govemnenlsLpiression, accusaliom c
resea'cm5 ard ldicuh
heneoa.h'iivence\shen e lE i liis cise ard less t{0 l,'\ slh 0
esli0' srsd fsrseh$ is ytry cndible ai h0u!11[e g€]enl pJblic fial rud

0n r m0o[tGss [tdtt h tatr [cccmtrl, 1980, r nh0teen yra] old r[

tels/Woomdd[! Ulo llcuclL lts couei{D ald lltllsUg i0[ wal
t0rc! sccudu D0[c!nrt|, armEd vitu rn lt10 tlllc , stold ruard r1 co-ynmel u trrry wrrcll, tic nr$ 8Id l0udGst 0l ull NcllullIlls
remotcmrlmiterotntlSanlwrlcrgr[I'nGrlcaral asc ln Sullolt( rfilsllG-ilovrrr5. ft! ncrft 0l Ulli t00k lr [ls slory h ltls lrfl f,0ldl
trstlnllla. lGrG ic monlbtcd a[ u||usud se !30latdlotramls- ll mar*s tltc lltsl tnc N t0nnEd mllllary Hlucss irs co[l!
l0 lrd
rt0[r.InEy dec bod untdEntfied [0ib rto$ Ur t0r!!t slulnl l0 0[rG !5 s[ci r lully dcUlled tand m l ldd],Ulll M[Cn sccoull
nllcs t0 Ut! s! n Elst Ih6 gurrd {N5 s00[ ordErEd te clo6! dlxin 0l t ictvlc! lclitrd uto hcldrnt rlld lli dlrlllm! lr'nttfi. l_
s lost rni awrll Dtct-uD ! t|uck rdnEd r0r ilm sioruy rfur $rL $e lc n lllry {ltlcssls tr! um0mn0n il [cst lcrld fiEnlc
I sN00[Gd IltGtD rl ue m0t0r mot t0 rmcll r mnr r !n I Gr- mllltrry t{lur!ss!$ {i!sn stlrles can b! [GrlllDd t t !!sltl!! r.r-
5tty lt![t ulcl lol[td tfc rcnbtrs and Dcrsomrl slrtrdy Nsslm- lty. trly c0-au[0] 15 !n! 0l $l!n rlld ulc [!dv !l 0llr iool docullllls
ln0 tl BEnMNte]8 nrh !!l!. wn tl wrra mt0untc l!r' tIl lL
c!n!0ynllllad0 lnto ur!d llllcse
x0 orG 0r tlrc !urr$ uuct lmlw ufiat uffi g0llu 0ll solll! 50ll 0l I llrsl nGl tsny warrsn ln1984lEsstlnl r vclr anll n! md coml
w0r!Nn0p lot lltrly. Tnc lacl lirt mci urs c8rrvln! I loaicd lltwtrd tltci hli 0t[ tttlt!. l[G c0ntr0wr6lSl wltnlss, ny c!l-
rc 0[ md IIlr! rnnunlu0n olt [ar! ild rlimiy n ulGlu h dlrect llrlucr .nd I ktlvJ t5 ln lrallrc! 8ltcrrcdquGstlols lonr ougll, lld
uoltdon 0t lrnerlcrs ul|tv Hlti Sicat lfiNlll l!, tllls nal mt srcmcd t0 b! d0llc il5 tcd h rm{er lul hn I llloll t
lxGrcls!. llt! colrly Earellrd d!! 5!u$ l0r amul 5 Dllcr 15 ll lutncr 0l tios! tlsUltt fllta i![Gsl liE nal w$ ll wlclllsl ll
0accd lI8 u!st!l[ tGrlmcter 0t Sr Ynte/l dst0r ta$ lll m ua: cou.8gGo[s ll h! rts only ]lltlltu I dcllsl0n !l lud llll
Ir00d[ dla finerlcal r0ad tloct c!n! ht! llcs.nlywlntdd Mng,iawrscl]l nly lood rtlt
trlcfiy, $ rlgmllcd 0n [y t sccurltv D0!. m ordlr uts !filll t0 l{fiGr wr mct !0rh 4 ylrri ht!r, ti. BonM rn/w0!d[rld!l l[cl-
tlrl hlt 0[t0 r ruucd l0s[lrg r0rd l$l trvo ne l$l's !.sl !lt!, dcfl wrr lmcrlc! 3 lEst-htlwtl cl!s! uclunnt lhls !cs[n! $c
NniorGD![r,ucu8nlclrstrflrccldllllll0litf,00d5. lact$ rllau[rly nlclad lGfld 0n Ih liil$llLsoln lnir
sel,lnl imdrld yards al0n!, $6 rord rddomd l ! I lolgi cllchi uird8. la[v astld D! h rlllsldcr nrlum t D00l $t! hlm. fils filr
drlrcrs Dull0d ln rnd c molt ![gl[Gs.lll nG[ f,Gr! tllld l0 dlslm' yr5 $nlght loflard lmutt, rs l0ng ls [0
gd t0 tcl ill tldc 0l $l
t,rt sumldcr tlclr wmDo[5, rlld rsslgrGi [l loul-Dr! Ift0lL at0ry, I m$ lrlt ta lursu! rnd ! llsl Tfiltolrll fl[tltus I could
fi! mtrlls weru 0 rrGd dGcDCr lrt! ti! llrcsN t0 "llvll latl I tu[statlal!, !! r!x[!r now uty nlghl rtllcct 0! llllll.
ilslr am!', fic dlsurialc! 5rt ln a trnnlis nrld lusl lcyolld lt! llclner0lusm di ! dr! dlntto ftlls0rr tii oulcr, Istlvtrln!
s00 s,! n unld 0!l t0 [c r nrcl [! !t fidctlrmhGd lrlgll 0l u!nrdrn0uld[!slllt!!uallv.llottlllldld0lolitrvol| !!ctlrum
marutlctm. s0 m!a[ llmrn nr$ clrs5 ttwcml w rclll l[- i0n!0r! {lli slmeoln! r iu!. m numcd out ticr! Illlt u n05
rolsEmln h rist li nou conmolly rrgrnGd 15 lrltNhl m0$ slg- t0 was tcr!|ru lr0D l[c, r slul !o0d rctsln noy Nll cml 0llt ll
nlllcrnt mmrry[t0 erc 0[ Iccord- tmr: ffi lt IaSl Gat! t!!l t vctis t0 vllt!.ltt'lllc[l00f i0lllcolll ll
iurlcd l[ slcurtty trom ne $alt lI. Iruc mul! tl tla lllsom wffi Ui llr 10rc! slaru tlr ]Ihhg $clr crldllllltv. Itrn WNllut wll I
iulDiessrd snd clnlofldcd u!dc. $! ml]lcll muon icc[lltv c! r0vrNrl ltllsr llld I consldcrcd tr15 I'otrolil c ol[llv t!-
rct !t'1941 rnd llcr itrhsvt 0mcl sccrel' lct lt f,ls $0n ill!' r0r! d!cldl[!.ly 1911, [y c!-![ti!i nad drldv Yfi iendmcu!!-
lrlcd t! tIlc coloudul rrrhl 0t I8l1fiullan lolldor!, 8nd lu tll tlt I u0n5 t$0uqi ftrrl r ilt laclt 0l !dn! Nn lnllllslncl !!clt I
tctr d0ls h$sdlat0rg rcmrlncd s0. nrD 0[ 2ltd 0ctIcrlgll, l!! c0nrcr{rtlllllctc! alanl I dru! rddlct I llar, ldllt !iih'
iory lltrnlly lrDl0dcd ln $r tll0n$ [r!$: ra lolls 0l itry xlrl- flrsiGd. r lrnttrsll]l rrllriGa ll! rlt !t![ lcculci ll [ !l
1![5 lCCoUlt tU[dG] I t5Gtdonynl u!l! c! nl l! llll c0r!r8!a ly lNtdu $n!d h &! tlr loic! t0 !0gl[ trldr 15 l ft I rfi con-
tuolurs lrd mdlrment iad $hrssld illllly r0cll dlllll rll tl! clnrd, ll lnly !m |l $05! flnour3 Dr0[!d trur - lr t llr0ll lllll tl
sutlcct, rm ilild closed d00E ! lotlnt dhlon lc crl$t lld its tlvllrrcd Drnonrl 8ccourt dld n01 ciEcl 0!t I w0uld conl dorfl
[ern$llnDlll![. !n ntmhlrt lll! lG[ llns at [llcts.lty rturllu0r wrs [!t 00ln! tl
0nclrlly, nr maftr ils [cu!] D0![ dlcncd nlniv 0l l[rcld!8u!! !! drrglld dom fldr illi lt rat rll I t8d. sull crrrttllu aGcrlld t!
u rn! tnnch u 0nb0 0t tli! 1il00 $ ti! lcDlnn |] 0l lclGnca nru! !cG[ tirol|![ romlu n! trlumruc lr o! tlr hrc!, lld ldll
80fi actmvrhd!! ll trrlcnld, !r mlrttll fial wllltollli lt ull $Dmcd t0 !! at ltr rllrct
f,rs mt a uru t0IllG 5Gcurlu 0t GrGllBdtlll !i du nllltlry D$G: lrmchrlr rlscrrui crm! llril, m0!u5 0l lt llrry tNd c0llls 0l ll'
stlclr dollt n05t !rrryt [0 Ul ruill5tcd 0n l3[ atlF ald I ]l8d lt .lL nb
Inc hlrnd0n 0l tils brlet lslcl ls tou 0ld,T0l roirc!s0m!ol$c urs sulrlcmcn$d !y ltr! t Ylrl Nlllc llbr yl colllcll0n al
flldlngs 0t r rrcrnlty colcllldld llllllsNlgru0ll. t! lltl nr lndr!' nGwsDrIGn tn ulcrenlo !00ll r dllcs lll D!tt{ nFllrv'
nGnt ln lt t0 rcl[!{trd!! ti6 tdtrlss $l! sDlrxli u! lltllsNl!& u! lnldmn &!5![c! h lntlrnd and ul! M0 c0utrh3lltclllg c!
d0n, rld t0 dlsclss soncullu 0t t!! m mlct llsllllld lrum aui roclclcr. I rsdr comrd $lh sflcr8l 0l lh! tcscllcilll $llll
collrtonrthLlrn :!sl Gata 8lln hadn lccollllt0lUt! l Ml' llrcsNlladur mditcd !un, 5lcund unD[ Is[G! l[tcnlGtr! rlt!
!G[!n lr nsll
our rmulrlcs and mrdr llr|ts tor r flsll t! suffol|( D lrrry wrrcI. ln 1982, dlrrclly clndtulrd I! $l mm/s rdmsl
nalwastuG $5tt5 rm. h 1s83. h l9E4 trrtt suddcrlv !!gar bllldh! $rau[ nb i$! l0l
ar! lltslll. lh rlt ic]t00, ol lcdon t0uli lcc0llll l0r til
trl|ys !8l:0[al rnd tlt lorc! lta mle]s wcrG ![0tlt!r 50ucc 0l n0 !
lr* iioirnaton, no nal |{clt ltc r l!ri.ll! Nlsolcll llle lrmls [l! [100d, rld ils rll!,1 mrdlctl lrolcssloml.loslslld Ully diul tl ti!
rnotiinal scnt rum, rno strr 0f clursr had iltd 0n t0 trls. I01 0[ly lmrrgrncy non 0l hr norllttl sio wes imll.l d wfih Icru tu na:
iiit ni *tiuon n.r rfour rn! hctdGll fll utdlr r w!!b, i! nrd lxanlnld rnd qulsggmd Dv I small tGrm !t docl16 m0 !fi r
I aftr $! lad - rld b! 0[ h Ii! sGrlls el tGstr. fi! I!!! 0rl 11cs.[t i r.fllclr lilll m116l fill
ra.lionil nli atout I my ctn
iioiiss,iotriciirrclnnfnnckhtrfis d GNcn nad rwlllcls10 li!lornrl nnan itd IGln !xm56d t0 i nlcllll s0urc! lll0st lllllv
nr&lclc0lrGrsrtlor. m
IIG m0sI Gnlnslw slrhs d l[tcndlus lllln llnM Gl5trltlllssos
liuroust nii :cr"tce rccoro hrd brcn ctrsstflcd 5hc8 tttl
talll hid rltrhed 0l lt c0 lrmcd cruclrl d es Nnd dotrlls d nb t0 !!arh[rl
tnhlru, !osun[, duty arslgnn!fi5, rni mota lhls {as [] lfvl[!'
nuiiii]iicrenUonsirersi00rhth!5h|d0[0lolfitraficsElc'. I reulr{ 0l ti! orlshrl Ulss cnwnll ' ln dl0l ll5 llnnrlt-
grndung0urllrstulslttos[tl0lrrndc0nlluers|wlltc. tl![s'
iiiiiiiii-riij* tiie. rany wrrr trs ldtc lnrrrlu c[05!r I0 lut . rlalrl00tat$roucrhucs
Blnwaurs'lrteliGt[r [I0 llcldlrl
iii-iji iiini rritdrs tn [uEsIIo[ 0r trltl. tlc [r I cas!, lrt | sleclflcs 0l lir 1956

iiiiioirt isx you to ut" my y0rd tot tt lrlendty rnd [0slt0 l{tt_ . I sErtcs 0t cllmGnt5 t iarEnt [G!un to tolcn o[ iEru.
ncssc! [rr! !G!n lrcsuoncd, dt[0slu0[5 trkon. $!m iellsltcd,
rli0rl bllillrcedlltoGlldenc!.ItBse81!50m!enmllEs0lf,ial
*.-couii inl-mat rc nrrc uncoltrot Slnrr ue rolors! 0l lEfr n lsst 0rl! [!$ lriry ald P6tll [8r! tlcll
iniiriiioiiwmrrn-nronrr.Wn nadE ono ol lrrryp lllMnlllg. lmtrumr rl ln ]d5h! lrtllc 0l dlls crs! rlfilcll ll$ uolrli t! tu
cta;ctGt, rld tlmcly -ut! trlllll!1css t0 itNld u r rumatn ucnostcom cr dhl crt !tr1llllc$lshtlllu|(
$aldlru l0r uin yor tEllrllc ln, m Dltr!] ufilL lll lllll cls! I long
hlsl0n 0l uIo rclatcd rlllclEnces f,as 8ls0 8 llcllr.
why uer! lrrry, rlld 50me 0l mE oumr ncn Ic trrrt $roull ilslc
rahh! wlll ln tcrrs. ! nr0ugt rn rddltl0[rl Dattcry 0l Nycho-
bglcrltlrraonls lltcnlurlEdht0 l. suDlccb ol mlamrmrl d
UIt| ieln6dlnllrcsB rnd oxmrlEnccpwrs lt llst cohcldllc! dlt
sorEnl0l licse lmt duNls ondEd l|[ hsr$rrh $! nendh$8m

lulng hr llttt nlllrs cuEnts, &llMotels dclllty [8se mnmandci

cll0ncl C[rrlls I Hrlts tGan loulli llld neasuttd r $1105 0l lm_
0rcrslo0rh l! t0rc6t ll00r. fiGv rlso circkcd ur slt! lu r la{oL
lltlr rcadll! GoL llalts marorsndum, ! [0lG5i0r 0l sulmltln! ln
loronrll|' Uss[ (a0d .nc 0r u0 ccnrrl lNlcsuln0lt 0l tllst clvs
t9 lrldln! slte), lnl0rmed $uatnr lnldsl sialc8nd dlmensl0r
0l tussll drlrGsrlons Gtc lEdoctlv lie lcrl l! Ih! Iulsld 0llcs'
[. also nllcd ttlrl tlrr dslblr l0rm md dlmcmlu !l l0i0[0li 8!d
8c[M !]5 reblolls f,erc il50 rllt!. 30, nrvlr $!5! lrf0s u8l! 0l
ur5amc tyllllhc nusslan0[8abohnndl llnmcla
C0ruary I! !0!ular nlsrolccDlloll, brry wrrGr {ll !01tio lnly
$Illess t! ur s!c0[d r0!ll(i lwnt,E uio ls u llcord ls illllllg
sccl n0Glunm lntelllgrlccs Iy dlc sldl 0l ul! clalt
nr$[r1 ! Ireclsr s[0] {hcr0 s! cran sat [85 lftn drmllll'
cally rltrrcd.Ilr0 ac5[lti 0t llr s0ll alvsls, rs rcll lt iow
r nclltlclly d na slt! ras dctlrmllrd, rr! lully c0u!rcd. Pno'
l0or ns nl(cr r5 lr10 at tg90 clrtr[ snof, fi! rss[ll5 0l
tio 8ltll'
Iho do[rlEn[!:ltull !cro![t 0lumtmnsllrld,wt! c0ndlctEd lt
tnd{n fi8lrorcdaltEr arft,
brry drrcbled rva fiollcms lnmedlrtclv 8flcr U! lucnt Ihe tal'
fl!$ meilcrl tI!0l nc nr codd srcur! Ilas an 2lld tltru8ry
It8l. llls orlllml r[ t0rc0 an0ohl|trEll lorn [0tEs ut loulls 0l ils
lyGs tare lllncrld '[un lrDosue'. lfis nrd !c lnd0llltdc[llv

tt0u![ lomn y dlsclErlEd h ay lle !c0!0ny

tt lgll' I
tou larlyt8cl nb r[ t0rcr llcfllura $rtluumll. lut ia{lltfl
wrs tarrrd d $r rlcrultel c0uld nd dctcmh! Illy. I llcords
llnrhlm $ wancl, lawlrm! lrd [!cn cltstlnld. bryl c0ll-
lrossn lmulted u hls !!irlt, lld trrs hlomrd tln ilLw ru!
ursIl'|nrn! lv dlsqurllflrd iv ltl. rndlh! C0mrni gl'
0n sc rmtri ltttr 19i1, rour n0nu5 tnll lls dbcn [y rllsoll .
...llr crnlotlullyrxundnb gm m. [! cN[.

cot. lrlt lt$ lrrurry l98t nlnlirl|dun stlll $tnds $ ti! lnly
ofllclrl ultrGl c0 rmauon d tlc lulnts ]!alltv. m rcuotl lluahd
noa t uterwas lne ltlst tnvesioator on the
ne of he Rendlesham tncident:Alonq with
Street, oneof the otherauthors ofthe bo
(ycrash, she thoroughly investigated the case
aking a quick and decisive movementtowards
restioning manycivilians and organisinq ma
eelngs wrn mflrrary
eelinqs with w nesses hatwere
military wilnesses ulatwere aIegedty
volved in the incident in some wavor anothei
rey have both been instrumentali; putting the
ase in the eye of the British media
the testimony of Larry Wafien a
ered research of Peter Robbins this
sto be thefirstpublic appraisalof people
lside of he govemments llat know nore about ihis
ase than anvbodv else in the world

lHrslluy.rrl 0uwnen Illrstsruat F0. ttwas i0rcrho am!! hrr! !!on r iom?d nllr{rn stle Ir.Ihln ts !m!u[t 0t
n! 0[ r l m flncir I trsGd t0 tlll!. n msn't ut t taEr u l lyldenci t! l[[[0nul5lir!ry fiylll lwlnt o[ 1|dl0 t0 dts-
loall$d$rtltwaslIaDlanl d lirt I coutdlt ticnufy tt ctss ur! ctic lnd wial I Utott tt 0t llti Gvrrt afi ur wl|llssls
I s[!mr! Ort ulr ard ollGr slliunls rltd c0ntacts E sn l[ lomrat.wiGn I n![uo[?d rl! 0l| rt] mfl I w$ lnnnrhhg
[roug m! hto Ur! tntlGstllruru tlr Uto llrc[oncnon h 116i. nr llsrltlltynatInrllllt ! [0ti!G[ r ulol wrs !r0 ird
l[ IouEn[rr !9t9 I was hrolurd l[ r dgnung wtti tw da[ 0n UD tysolllclodylirt tdclutrd nsef rlttom ui tto!, m! nDr!
fumwtlatuBUsEdtolluo. nrndr nll0lsrylruu t why rtt tir tuss"3
f0[cmid 1970 w$
nat nonu D.t I xnt t[I0tl!d h r cas! lrywEy, umcl I sry, tW nln ndl0 !r0ldcltt ms cilc!ll![
wn!ruly sercrrl l0cal leotl! rlllnGd srctru I [F0 0[!t tl|r 0trl0lrJy$ltrrg!r!dm!gru dGrt ald t0lttF iry t,t! [0t r[rt
W00dbrld[G t15! h Smolk Two 0l ttcs! trlt|rssci t0 ti! stghl. u/iGlllli I lrlt N rrnr flti lir it00 !r Inrt tiry wGr! t]t[g t0
lrg wlr! blm clulllans worfilg o[ mr !rs! ttsctt Thsy toti lrlgnenmchondoh!rnytu nrt||Ulslttru0tr
iclortld to m! uat nai src[ tnl0 !!o r. at flruN tily nad !0ti
ur0[gil ti ti!s! trcrc chlldrGn Iut trlel srt{ $Gn [0aun! 0n I UInl m lnw uc flghtt0 tlt0f,uirt i|[lcnc rtiondtcslrm
wrml|! n0wn n0 lll(! ntiltl. I litnt yo[It r!]r! Utit liGsr lorcll tiatnt! tIll00. ttstu[[GlcdIntrthltltttirllnlrt-
wlra [roba y I cnlldre||. TlrGs! tuo {mcsses dld [0t t0t0w c llrd 0rllls[ g0ulnnnirts $yDa rFoi rru,0t I! !0t![c!
eaci !ti!r am worlEd at omostt! r s 0tu! [r5!. tts!c- slq flcrlc!" utcl why ur c!!tclrl[. rhd li!r! wr5 | c0M.{! 0l
currcd alo 0n! n![it mf0ru ut'tcndtGsian toicsl uto lnct- hfonnru0lUlItlil5rrsr.ttt00tmr 0D nHrty I yrars t| d[ly
defi,fltlc[ I iav! m0[ hlolvtd h lnvcsugrun! rt[c! rrnrary r$[![d ta Doslllv! rmnntuols tiat $mrlt [! t00t Dtrc! ttl
2nd l08l - 6 dtys rncl $r tlctdr ir rm0 trrldllsnrm l0rrst ! tfls w0utd['i iry! iululd h rry
IIls cr$ iffi mel llrhlro mystltto[s rli crct [! tot loli ca5l,ll lllcr! wts !0 !n!s!rt nom rrs!ficnrlthtttt |,3mat
myirll llot am !$!r3 colnlctld wltfi !8 ald ttr crs!. Wr i!I! wrucanmlg n!l0rutflrnncnll
mrt runlrlu! 0G0[l!, wtuttstl tlolh rltllal am mtfll,rrL 0ld r llt0 trcl l[ Xollntlr tglg Comr r trnd fi WoldD]tdlr
Som! 0l Ulr$ [r0!h hfll! dtrecty ttd rs dtst ornrth0 witcn lrs! com! i |rnd am ir r0m! a !c0 !p otd ttt! Uto
lE Clarly [r0r lc. oli8rs t{v! t0E mltt sl0ry t! tt! blrI 0t rltm ln [ec!mi!i llt0 t[ 01dEl lr rctur r trtcltilm utrp
$clrrillluGs.s0 ng oulr[ 0lm!hhmauuhmbc!s!t5r lld IIey lwt nEl[d$ tiltr trlldho llrclt flttr 15 $ iuly
clDrc h llsrll rli l! llnd ur tcrt t0ct5 rom ur smctrum 0t ild nlsluilr li! lamh! rlrc! $c[ tt u0utd sclm Uly flr]r
tlrulrollcrtiatu!tayclrdlu5t!!n8rc ttsk lttltcflclut rutm$dhla h mt 8lrMrllri fllts w0uti mrt! u! lrtust
c0mldl]r[on tm $0ry 0astcrly clmcs 0 m! ian! !d ttrt lrd Ilrc cal loulnnlnE faih l0 lrDtrh oltt rcthllr utu
l$. lvo sull irtrl [0 c0mdrt! ldrr 0t m urtt|dt0lU r rrcnl rlmfl t0 lilt c8t!.
lsliaycmlnmH0[sG[rntoccNstonstronmlmsry$l|lrssrs 0[! du ' mayi! rutl! s00[ - w! fl ttrlw ur ru$. I ttom u
llnt I [flra tll 0l tit! lt ormtu0l| at !u dlsl0srt lt wort rut flirt rincl uul dry c0m!5 I tm iN t ltrvGsNllaung fic cr5! ![d Utrt I
ir ![!dhtcemlertgS0. rm lh!rc flnlnw! flld 0m ryt! wrw t ![ !r tlt0ctld, nryt!
nats d, nrtl icluldDl{t!t ng. ttlr! t5 | rt0t ol sumon v! rll !r dlrr!!01[1!d. t[ tt! nrrnunr $! trulh ls toctri h dt!
l0rul lrcl tnrl lt lllllycd I um. Isllrlrlly shcr D!l! l8 !r mlmr duros! untf,ln uGr! d t0 Utos! t[ [l! h![3 !t l!filt
tcll!$tdllltcn ltom t[! !!r!rnm![t Ni t! {nal u$ ti! tEtflllrlullllldt!htls[ltstt !mru![.
w! tar! lomd ulr]n! 0n! $a0ryc8sn I nota you wlll mloy lur tcctm 0[ ut! [GndhrnrE hcldlnt
causr 0f ulb lncldent
encomDass t[! lcr n0 cs drlt w! [tM!!cl[!d.
rll 0l drlltlo[ nat F ur 0uutp'. I ifl! crlci tl litS tlcrus! rt a
lrudly0s h[!luc.lrur ny lolrt !l rlGwlr U! trctn Ic0[ld urastccEoflyldlrcrli r!n !co rctcird i
'avid Percy is an indepenclent m produce l
e is the co-author of the highly acclained boo'
'Two Thirds'. He has also produced videos on
on Mars and the Avebury connection, His
tct is the NASA Moon Hoax photographs. He
e many interviews for TV and print on
ubject and is currently producing a video
the NASA moon hoax photo
lauld hrcy nas !!c[ llsNrumGltrl h !0htru ofi $r dlscrcr- Curldl.
rnclGs {lti ti. INI m00[ [lr0t05 flld rr 5[ch hrs nrmgld t0 !rutds thr0rr b m8t u! tD! 0 it00[ trndtn$ mllo t00t ltic0,
D Id a !00d calr t! silw ulrt tlrEy wc10lrlld. urlrlrlllls loi llnl Ull fl lootrgl d rlctlrrGs ! l.lrd l[ r iudl!. ! ld
tic r!!so! $!y nrtr! ilGr trhd rr! mrlcd. ! dd h8r cn Cd ruUlstilirtdun !col0runy!n0rtrnd$rhusdl:crumlt
mucic0llr0$rsywftnurbUrdforccdti! grllr l[lllct!ull cllr [rMr![ ur! !hot$ fii tfr rlcordcd lI corcram 0l dl U|l
! 100* rt Ul! r010s ln r ncw lllhL ulo n v coltro[Glllal 5u!- fu0lla Elsslons. lrrdd hll $0ur brt Ii!r! F ch ltddrlr!
lc0ts lDhlonl fiC dlVllod 0[ ulGS! [h0t0s, [a9li [as [cl[ r] dEt rlul0ugi llsl i8r JuNyt 8dIrrld u nr tsct li h! un
clNed uGtl ty Dr[y rnr!fllncs d W {r0u5. ll! i.5 lullt ! f,83 $r unt $ucr lr ull trltffi!, tils ls cllldy r.t sa.
mod crs! xiltlclt ion! Ic![l! rru qul$ iaply ta siout dov{l ln tirs! dlslr cllr lrtGldGd? lrrtd Flrcy $ !x!ht[ $ry
lllsirndy, mdnly dur t0 Ur! tacl lirl urcy f,ltlcsscd tr! n00[ br lGllclll Ulm t0 tr h ils tocflr!. I[ tir dlr rt nany U r
trldlru .n Eh shn !t Ul! $n! lnd .rc rlt t r t0 !rNr[ lil ntt t! I curll fot manwl tcNlllt ln!!l[ld h trtcl tucr 2
conccDt thrt tic Dnobi nry m l rd. ll .nytil[!, 0$fld iat dccrdlsr[!.
succlsslully mrmlld l! c0llvlnr! mui 0l U! lllc Ulll $S{ laudticun! ly trortlu 0n r mw D00l lrollcl u r clruuor
hrm r nHd![ N!![dr.lhlr nty hru! [C![ mn $lh ib llary l mt fi! [0ol cllDri lr sth-lhulrl llll Lc[r a!
flrst lrolrclTnr [rc! 0n lilrBI| ch ll 00vrd corlct coul! t! $v!nl fi0illm al h0 i!0tle nl$t0ns. tt fll rll rurldoll rs
![r0lu!nostnoncllousoccrsl0lsI[uroilrl0110ln lh[ DrndErr0clcttGcil0logyull!00i 0u![ l! !! tll blf,Ny
ll lnrcd c0nlct lbout u! nou landh! ![0t!5,lt !!!t l! bb!m0![hfi!nrs!l au cd wlti tilr ls t!! ldcr lin thr
qrcsNloDm Fu!ntrcnofiuutlllsl !rfut! dc? ll nr$ 0ll0 ob5l0[ dldlt !r$ U! rllht silcldllB rrd wulill
ticy fi ! [olEyl[[ t! dr aDytihom F uu rlt!n!u$ lx !- mfr !!![ Nil! l0 l]ohct li! c]!f, lr0r[ cosmlc ndld![. lt {lll
mum tor dlr taUn! d ur. llotost rlr0 dlrl ufin ibcr clltl[ lir m0l0l hclldllc lnilonr
0[c 0t dr! trtcurlt h co[tc[ !! mr i!0[ 0nclrllv n6!![lsci u llr! Iln s{lnll Nnd clmcras llscd,ltc
rr T[! lsu0m collrclln[ I'100[ 8m!h3'. lt lr r llcttr! d ll
!c fialrn by !!1! Goflrdl 0[ 2!! 0cllDfi1969,ll D$DGrl
sckno{lcdlcd $Nt tirl! vould [l[! llcn arly t 0 !G![h ![
ue n00n |t lny 0rr unr. llrc llrEt rldous dlll0 ttolll tlls
!lr0l0 ls ttrrl lron Ili! r!flccu0l ln $! d50] rl tcin, c0llild
rortcd 0!l $a]ul! canln 0r 1la[3 Gt! nlt !l!n iffi !!Gl
ltcurrdrt0utsfi $s!lcltlrlntl0sa0n[[lt$miuEtltuE
ds0/s nflrcdr0 Imrg! lr !n vsld lltlr tlura lt I ltc0r!
smdov dr![ rfl !y &! lmrga al G0[rNd. ltl5 15 lltrli tll
drgrclr rf,ry trun l 5 lunrl slEt0u mslu!!. ll rllld rrctl'
urrahrr. tl[t tltct! lla tw! lltit $urcls coflm l]0n ![!0dt!
dlrlcd0m Urrt r !Mn! m 0 $ado{s.ll u! rlur lllht
ilurcls F clcr y ti! sun, riiat E $! efill llgil l0utct ll5!,
uG rlnc! i nllrl trll[! trli !y lr8[ rtDorrl t! ir$ !0
rnadof, 5ldo lt [rr llso [C![ r$lrld tnt ul nrucur! h l!!
latHrlrd cor rr 0l Ur! $rrlr lr r $oul[it lll[!! $a lllul lll-
tom ! clrclld ichnuicrlly, lt tltcrlt $8t tiry 11! Don
r*hlrr0odtllrb(tcc!!500f li!lllidru lltrlulilllllllld
l. Summary anI u!d 0 0l PlolecI llossdrlcn. Glllr0r Drcflrso lt dlcs notexlst0[ l tI or bccals! tt ts irlldtld !y
l5l[0st 0l ylu allrcldyl[owurc Dhen0mrlonh firssdalln SNlll 15 Ihlslcrl alld chmlcrl Drocc*scs{e d0 rut tn0l|ll
unsolred.IttEr ycrE yju $E DnEn.ncnol lttGffllus !rudlyyotll Tltlt!clEon, 0Igwlulssrc[-clmt0dtolti ec0mIl!t!lyu[loof,tl
0t scle lflc stufi tlli
ln li ulley and l0 [10 t ltrelstty 0t (|esd0td. l[ti0I0rueII r lrlst0ry, $ry hrr! lleler crjslrd, htt Ulr st0ry 00!r
l[ lgg4, 2' sclD[IsN5 usllcd Hcssdtlcn, r9u l0 son !
w[rl ti!
0n, nou uur sEnG[ dold allm bodlts. Tlr! tstrm cnrngrs tron
lhemmcml c0uld ic, [r. lruld ilrlcr lrom Stl lrd Untulrstty Sdtsleruel l0 ll0le0lsnd d s0 lrl 00 t htro t0 coldmlp
$ato: urt ti! D[6[0mc[0n llcatls ur! txhtclc! 0f ma!rcm
m0n0!0ler (Inc llessdrldr lrdcct ftas lstr lsllld leyond doltt B. Twoslslclsmcelst malhoms!!c!
tial tir ficssdrlar ll
h ar! rsal Ihyslcal Dlrslomcna. -JtGs! IiG IIl20.0t lugusll95ttiMoI0 G[ta[ststctsEdl$ jrcolsrlt2ll
mm!0t lbs ouIslm d afttdy k[ou[ liyslcs,r. fiifub
S0tuau t32t wEr! 0!t 0[ur m0untrtl ocyfltflGt rtcl(tU
llonfl ucll l[oH[ scleldst Pr0l l0rl5 sntrn0tl mlrhrtc!- icrrlos trlul Uelrmcl0 fl atrdal ttco!sc[.
nomlmled h liyslcs 5ty5 tist tlE lllGtronom canml t! lxdatncd lrs I
d t0 lcll llsl lr0{ lar tr|y Iie lltlcto s'ole rl u! um! lut
by one lilory rl0[ ir5 t[G cnaractlrlsucs 0l 50lld mat! rt slsnls had srnderc[ 0ll t0 w rnoticr [0td 0t ufld borrlrs. s[ddoty
llfirld,grs d lsma.(Ih!!ltG[0no[o[c0 alms!m!lu8lltrull! lltt ttw r m
tily tsslmcd Brs
0tltlr 0!ls0n Dlclllg [crlls tll
Gl6nall8Wcn UtIrcsentUmeI83[o8[rl0[uol[sclcnct.Ii!s Urlugi [E dld [!t carry ary.
llto 50luu0tt 0f lhls lrollem mllt lcrd lo IEU corce[ts l[ tcllltct Wiln Iuy md n! rercitd out trts ittd rs t0 llato, luuust stt0la
It last tio fiessdalol ![co0mcrun ls nmD {etc lt !Elo[!g w[i l sirm ualmt $e iud !t 0[. slsrcr. fl! Ielart0 s0!rttulm
0r0l0r sclsnll$t flrd !5lltly sltan utlr !r
ts!!cru 5 maurl slstell! cor d not uldenld r nord. Inry c0utd uldenald !0h
lic[t0[mc[onc0 [[!s t0 sn0w h firssdrlal0nly mt rs onc[ rs, ln0mn d 50rm slrdslr Iicy nrd at50 i!a]d s0n!
lir0llglr Iio loldln ylars 0l uc mrly rllnull, flelclr rld lrsslan 8[ u! ndl0,fitutsdtd nol50uld lnnnll! (!
Z Clltlcrslsln lorl{ry tlmlly Uc n0rmd tut ylt ruaur mrn dlssmeald, m!t[! ticn
almlst unhul{l 0nl$d0 ll0ruay, I ull [dn! you r handfd 0l crsrs lo0dtryr,h asal|ccrsirlad ltrl ctoutcllIrflGItEdIirmt!.
Drr rclab t! lll! tcrn cl0s! Inc0l,l Ers !l ut {[t [[d. Inese ll Ti6$lstorsagrecd0Il!0tt0tllltlnihct0rlrlody,trutUrmeirtri
0l ctsts atc ltti [c$r t0 urc lubllc8150 h x0rury, trut tflI irnG titl IiE sl0ry l{ts lut Jl! nes|sIrle||
0I0 told hCI h|lstrrnd aN
!ee[!!ln! 0nl0rsomc yEars rsyou utlll30t. somE oltics! c85ct v0nt cruy uld 500!t tlto tf}0lE rouul ![d ue rr$ at t!0 uiorld
are dnost ul[clleurllc ln l€llllrg, Du all0luese leollc lmolyod lnewuEsto Ttr6slsrcEu/toii I t!0s }ad a ht![ cr6dt! to utr
arE nrst rcllNtlE rld rc I ualy good lnlrosslll t! ul ts dotul t0 !!t!0d.r ! Iard ff$surc. A 1010, m0!to dtd [!Iic 0ur Ultr $ory
lafi, lrorasl ltodt, Iltoto tic tlsolutely m{ raasu llnt 50 lll tutmln! ouorsdld. rldsdtl to
t0nhl0ldollbrr !lr0rx!3 Ioday, 15 yrsn htcr ur ststrrs sUI detrnd ti€ yor sane story. I
I {lll rltci r s[0ft Dresenhu0l' mt uy t! lxtlalll lut rdira try t0 Illlld wlti licm l0ur ysars t!0 andtiadtd mI!0lacllll r[y Ul
undc]slald slmo rsDEctS 0l utcsc c8515. l[ hci lily larG m8 I rE]y l0slllu! lnlrosslo[ 0t tt0msolllos. 8n
Ucy ccnSl[ly rsls r0rry Uo st0n l t]o [r||/$rttd,
3"[Th8 SIlIstersEn{rrsh 0I1052 0m U U nu$ !! nE[ onad, lust ! lorlntlit !fi o 8!or!!
Thlsllrslcrsrhr.0llymtrcE-lycasE all htl l l{rltod t! mEluotr ld8msljs llrst !001 r{tt t8lltstd h loll{cclrl, fltd ultr !0cto lri
n t0. rll &l lltllclty n n$ cruarcd u[ lit0ultt Ulo tEars I s 15 U! rllr0rdy reld L Inly itd dlscltscd tits t00I rnoN tjta ttrrlo d
ulln !cm d,0a ltstslatrGr-ducl rs u! sty ln Xomry. nEr! ls r! uem !!Idcolltfllyc0nrccu0l.Ihr ulch dtdnotsro rotitu.
uni l[ urls sto]y all,lust a l 0l :ianld h &t
tcrnrl l6{slatcr Safifiiiclcr leltrl! 0[ Ulc 28. tl ,lllto tgiz W! G, tlor eqhl drtmade lle[nanl[I r rnh Stalr
nrrc ulcd t0 esI8illri l/[0 rroh lil adcl!, ct tu lttrsltt" I r0nNella[ lamlly 0l lou, lrrEls a[d l!i0 daughtcrs, {Era 0!t drlY-
l{lrtr0ut rU luck I[! 0cuslamr dldll nr!8 y matldal t0ldenuty lU h Grarullels, Slah 0m !uG[tI! t[ l[ty, t991lttls 15 rl0n
u! aullr. lu!] sl[cr Urls dlte h 5t0ry t$ cttclld uc vortd lllonltcrsn0 olBrrcltom.
sereral uols n $ems m ntr! chrMl If!. fiiy saf, r lot 0l arul blnllu gnls h ur sty ttrrt lit rtd
It thr cr50 [8r! som€ rg t0 d0 wlti ull cold w'r $ not u! d0[t t$ rcurlln! uc l0![g!$ slstfi s8v r iug! 0u0c1molrrh!
llor i nr !!0grafic losl 0n 0l svtllld 15 llt!tr$tr!. slttstll- 8!0r! UD c&Wi!! Uto 0tdlststs&r, tclr c ilt 0, sru uta g!
tG[lst[!tlgg€rt0lsrullallslaliscsllrd$alDard.It!r!15ll0] r- tlltd l0 comDrllcat0 tlleltuc. l0 hlt sulfflc! slt! $tccsredld. ll
gl8[ sollrulllty nt u! l0imei souet ud![' [0{ iu$318 t5 ttso [u sam! um! 5t! r0uld $! 1tr0 c]caluos t! a !t! utnd0y l00n[!
co0lmhln!nc Ctaro[[dl ![l5iur!. d0{[ 8l t!r. Sic asl(d t! c0m! 0!!0 d, [ul dtd [0r tarc {i!! ttr!
n0 arla 15 ml l lroD u! [ucl! t!s[[! lr0urds In ttu crrly t[srfllwaEyttlllll0llltomlsoccu0a t54uIttaltltllcl!,
RII]la hllr 0 found oul lfit r fow youngslErs .ll motll t(lr !!t Ursr
T[! Gemsl tualll [0us0r0cr lil, [8d r! rr cl! 0[ ul! 26. 0t luty ndtetdomncrnl u! lam umr, tils war rcfllctld h IsDltk[
l95l rJltc[ crcsted r hrgrr dcbat!. h a cltlld rc!0n lr0n u! r0rs!8lcrhn! vorlllld.
ll0r{!gla[ dclclc! r c0l0n0l Glnod llrfiyl dlclalrld tllrt {lta li! ui!l! mrmr $lanlodl[Urtsn ty rnd not [|Gld0[!d tri
crash 0n StlGlrig !8Irur8lot0tlr 0rr l0fin tullil|: {1115 - n0[m3
rnd yJ! tnud slEss lilS - nol tllld ty |lry md0! 0[ uls llfllll lll! Bnr firlryc ht!r, li![ ltt! $sEr tkcd l[ 0s10, Dry [8d ldc r
nrrcdrl Ir c0nllccly Ull0rom l0 Ur! lllcns $[ irs r[!ly$d ll - druNms. Ihi! 0r t0ui crlrums flcr! $r tU .r0md tit tt !,
d0l[g tG s{lllt lu[cs ln tll! lowcl Irn 0t ul?l] 5t0mach. lioudlt hll !y! {r5 lntlct d. h $! mtddh ot u! rteli tttorc uai r it[
I0l tloflh! Eachooln drc|ms 0 {! t0 s!! a doctot t0 ctlct e r dclrlsst0r, [l! rttlt r loot!, t[[ ltcy mr&r nofildtrlm fio 0yc.
llo0irysl fi atllarcd 0[ ltlc rcry sam! sIll nr ut! hrd lolc[rd h or 3m dm0d D|nlckrd iy nr u0ugil 0t stsyh! tl.r! rtsurl ntlil stto
drcrm,Thc doctulnst$rdUrlsirlad car Gd r rild 0r !t tcast [ad r trtr rxmctcd5u llcslllat uery lw[tru ani llhrd ollt doul l! ttrdllsrum a
rtord0[. sfi! dGntddtts drorgty, sstnl 5m, r1ur UmG, dtd [0t ttlrn nrll! lcw wEcls latlr slc lrlGd inmscs !gal[ t0 slct l[ ![sw!t aldn lnrgls
hai slxual tuerlrnc!.I ct0ss{hcct atanoutcr d0cloi commcd ti! llrit 0l rhltors uDcrrcd rm r slEctat dlytcc ras D[t ![ ltlt ttcrd {lu mclr c
mclo$dlaUosls. rnEunttrcntlnofuIn05!,!al!8nicloscdrt lt!tt.
a regrc$lm crnled out ln lscemicr 1994 c0lflmod ttMonemcrhe shc hrIC lrrd had ru sleiuro flt$ tits! GxIr lnccs,
0lrlGt uar sttrrur
ald u8 drc[m.fid $0 tacttlatsn! w|s latc[ u[ m ure! dcflGallt !cc!- lldrh l[ llr! Eky f,ifl! out diMn[ rld slctt.
slolls InsGmlnatl0[, cicct( td dcllrEry rnll |0 m0[oE
{, Whats&c swcr t! rlt Utls?
0. IhrlcwomGn dlclcdl[ tctr I 0yEr O! rottd s|mlrr tj nls r.r ftrurntrut Wtm ts Xlr a$uon |r! {!
0n fiE 2G. 0l tuoust 1095 n! itoss ulr!! w0mG[ lrlcrtlncld u ie! a 100ljn! h un rlgitdtncU0[p tr! u! 8nsf, !'s0rcscll t[
!ur !hystcrt pottd
smrll ruc*ltlllo Dlr[! ytlti smrll wtnls as ncti rs l0 m!to] ltom tll6 rrr rll? 0l d0 {! htutto l!0klcstdo o!. Piystcrt dtmo[6t0[. Ltryt! rltat ts
TI0 c8i dltd 0llt and ney lost !t8ut 0n! rfll a ir n0ut llyD[osa5 td lllly 50letr !c![l! tce lllcs! lltllls. !lcr||so tltly ! not dtyslcrl 0t rt
regrEsslon $0u!d a l0l m0r! 101M0 0l li! y0mcn Dut un ulrd oru was lmst semhtyslctl. W! ird a c$e 0l a mrn ln ll0taty y[0 s8r ! hlga
comdottly c Ioa onc 0l tlt0m IiErE {as s0 l[u0lr!d a $nrll filrrncy. (url[!,r i !l[g lI $! rtr 10 mot8rs r{ay afl t5 mlters u tlr tm r[. tt
loolcd lll(c r ih l50 nrlcrs totr!) old amritcan !.Eyh0u[d lus t o rum
t l !tlan!! ermdcncc 0n Uc wal h0m! hom ti! cu!-flnal sNill, ulut0ut I s0u[4 [ut r,lth flgn h rI Iu utld0{s rnd tolr !h [!nls
0[ Uc a0. !l0ct0tct tgg5, t0[r [00I]€ wel! 0[ tiotr uty i0m! trum tio ![dcr[!atffter I uill! rlolfiGr cal stots t[d ti! s,0nar ica li! sam!,
il0nrcglM c!0-llml h 0sl0.lhrylrdrcaci0d ssnr ptsc! crfied 1055 0[ slddcdyI[! l[usD sl0f,ly llldls d0sn !tou! ulo tiroEs Io{ald uu ctty 0t
O! u0$mn d l0ftay, rcfi Sergcl, $011mmc.Iw! xlrr! rslrc! l[ fir Ircldrl lr lctr lllomEtors r{ryl. Ti! uomal talcs otf ml0t0 Ucy cal latl(
I8C* Srtt WhC[ tlt€y dtolrE tfir0uh 50meu [! urt l0ot(Gd lll(! I Ir tcl. 8ut totr, unrt cluld ults lep I mcall, I a [us btls Uro stunc 0c!r llto tirca-
ilry wei. lul0l lt is s00|| as uoy drlus tnb L wn $ey $0I0Ed r low ntrs l! lct t0 torfl I DcllcUo N tot mor! trcoDtc u/outd mt! sDnod I sld
mhltEs lalfl uru! [0!r! ltad lassEd y/lli0{t I uaca all|l Ii! 0[r h utc Illl[ rfi0m.Ifu lcusla0elslcoutd lwc Ulls st0ty 0[ Ulo lroltIt!! rll
Dassan[Gls0aIildwGtlllsra s]tlti0utlt0yJl[0lt 0lrGl tll! c0ulrr, 01lD! u0rld tot uat mrftr. li0tillg hatlont Tho mfll
l s a ! mNtery t0 uem, 8[d to us. ll0re 0t tiem irro g0[0 tirough ary trl06 t0 !fi nou 0lllt0uomal lfir0ugi ti! llwslalEn n0 b s tis st0ry to
l0lllolhyD[0s0syeL uenr N0!0dy !l$ nt!. $G[ r[ytjltlgl
w$ lr0lusl at un dllttslolII ti! rleh uno dIi ils nl[dtueruD0 tt0tt
t Posslitr tm[talt trom Iad!/s t00t tn nc t0w[ 0l Ionrn lrc{ullcyI0 Dlcl u Uri Dirloncnolp
Iic Norir8[, 56 lears 0l 8[a lll0s h lie towl0l [0n0n. s[0 i0d mh am
asrny ln isr iEr rlcl u! 100 f0. tir tlst 10 y!aF. slc wen h u! docIol
Wh! t0llnd 0 r/MtU0uiled lcttoc, Utnout rry tuct Wh slo !r0ts
i8r l0!, ItE $rnnot 0t 95, tlto d0cI0r5 lomoted [Er loelall uyll[! t0 sllti!
u0 0rollcm [ut uE latn dtd n0t g0 rya!. a t8sda)s albr sle rsn0uod li8
llasler snE u0t0 $l lasI sfi n0 lls sls lollsEd s0m0ul0! [a[DElEd tr
tlr t00. somlll ru got stncl( I[ tft t0urcl riml ![! drtrd ier t0d anff r
sioxr lboIl!8! urs wEry small, &cultc rnd str![{a5 magm[r
rld carrlcd na s altlr t00ls 0n 0n0 stde rfld hotcd lll(c [tol(![ ctsuru 0n
uu 0&tt Ti8 IIecS ls I0I let Eramlrc{ Dul ut! uonNl xlas lllstrlt $tcll ll
nEr bo and lat mI lelt tny lah slnr0 u|o de lery_
llory ul!0slrc l0!t5ttul8llui8 !/ece slD !0s!m0s u!s!t![d stcl t! xcr
stomacl|.Thtr€15[0Scal0[hE toc,

G. Iitandat1380-190t
filsIs I
ota CHll cssa tutntie I ercslry a[yway, aff sU ![g0lh0.
sl[c8 1g8g m0r0 aM m0r0 !E0DlD havo rctroneed stralgE [g
s l[ u0 lmet
stcrrlcs 8oli 0!e! nl
led Ic0!t0 am seuero scrltjcE trau! so0[ lltls !ir-
n0mcr0[ 0utl00lr lll0 a !t! cll]tscslttr uli i0l5 0l 0[t5 unt suddElty
sllotu u out ol lorirlr0r& to llglts cal sudd€nty dlstueat, md sontEllm€s
nb nccurc€ ll0[t Mrrs [EE[ s[0n0t 0[ t8[ 0t ul! tslnnds al|d lrcl utrtI
tr6 ah Ugnua s fr$ !eE[ s€rl laMln! 0[ tie sudaco cl0s0 t0 lrlts !
{llflngraff tnlcoltrgdnan0laleuntnutEslt0usesafi iulthliolitct ly
la!0 exledcnctd suddol !0glcrcula Iu0!small lf-srb c0 tlctodt0 cat
li&rlrs llacts out ffter a l! ul0t tuncu0l n0rnafly. Io{efut scrrc&
llglb! [{Euu dayllglt flo &0 cr [s h tfo ddt!0tuentgit t
Stlll ru oru lEyo tr!rno I0 &tko 0[! sllull Dttol! 0t tdro 0l lto ID!-
n0n8n0n, olel ll llt! !8l30[t lllU0ltcd [aM8rled I clmer& fu ![ l0
t00ll8 [rw Hlurosssd utls sIr u0 dtommer0[

[. CosE ot t(ttc L
lns b r stnnlo ca$ {[i a lot 0t otcmc s. s$.lid w[ tat! ras l0
ycars 0ld, 0[! [Ent sm clnid uD 0[ [M00t t! uncl $r sl'rs slt! dld
nolsl!anyfilnnsi!ldlGmbsrld,D snrn a!r!atl0[[lml0llh!surs.
ln I nro}i[ u! Statc sle slancd l0 ml son lma[6i In |t!r i!d. 3ll! [stf,D
tlt! sltucur! nl tlt! ![irani! a[d clntrlox! n0llcllat $ruclurrs. Iil5
could tu u[ rxhllr sio xlts 0ccuIIEd ulut 0lifi t$! 0l f,orL s[! fir5 tlcl
fil nnn0lc s!5510[s, rm $m8ll lrcy lelrus lr sIscccr b hau 0cculo[ Ir
tl 5 $at!, UlrlUru nlr lrc{u l!y. S[! [ls sIrtud r !00t U!r! sn! U$ t!
!0tIall douL si! wclt t! r csiln u[ lr ti! x0flrllal nou rllr t0llnlslr
Illr l8t! 1996. Tlrorc flas m !c0!18 loi l0 lllonetcrs. IfiEr Iirr! dsys sio
- t{olc{D h ti. o0drllg h a 50flr0! filtiErcd mold ald rJln r su0llel
ry!. np crt slrc lrld []ount rhn! for c0mtrny mIGd lGry sfrlmly. Sh!

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