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Site Analysis: Climatic Analysis

Mahoney Tables Indicator Totals From table 2
Indicator Totals From table 2
Comfort Limits AMT over 20 0 c AMT 15 0 c - 20 0 c AMT Below 15 0 c H1 H2 H3 A1 A2 A3
H1 H2 H3 A1 A2 A3
Day Night Day Night Day Night 0 0 1 11 0 0
0 0 1 11 0 0
Humidity Groups 1 26- 34 17- 25 23 - 32 14- 23 21- 30 12- 21
TABLE 1 25- 31 17- 24 22 - 30 14- 22 20- 27 12- 20 Layout Recomended specifications
Location KISUMU 3 23- 29 17- 23 21- 28 14- 21 19- 26 12- 19
0- 10 Size of opening
1 Orientation North and South
Longitude 34 0 48 ' 4 22- 27 17- 21 20 - 25 14- 20 18- 24 12- 18 5- 12 (Long axis East and West ) 0,1 1 Large 40 - 80 %
Latitude 2 1- 12
0 0 6' 0- 4
(Compact Courtyard Planning ) 2 Medium 25 - 40 %
Altitude 1146 .0 Metres
TABLE 2 0- 5

Average annual rainfall - Air Temperature 0C J F M A M J J A S O N D Diagnosis : 0c J F M A M J J A S O N D AMT

Spacing 6- 12 3 Small 15- 25 %
High AMT 3 Open spacing for breeze penetration
1245mm falling in a Monthly mean max 0C 30 .80 32.5 0 32.8 0 31.5 0 28.7 0 29.6 0 29.4 0 31.60 31.4 0 31.5 0 30 .4 0 30 .5 0 32.8 30 .9
Monthly Mean Max 30 .80 32 .5 0 32 .80 31.5 0 28.7 0 29.6 0 29.4 0 31.60 31.4 0 31.5 0 30 .4 0 30 .5 0 30 .9 2- 10
4 As 3 But protection from cold and Wind 11,12
0- 3 4 Very small 10 - 20 %

bimodal form of Monthly mean min 0C 14.70

0 C 16.10
14.80 16.90 16.90 17.10 15.10 15.3 0 15.0 0 16.0 0 15.70 16.20 15.20 14.70 15.70
Day Comfort Upper 31 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 0,1
5 Compact layout of estates
4- 12 5 Medium 25 - 40 %
Monthly mean range 17.70 15.90 14.60 11.60 14.5 0 14.10 16.60 15.4 0 15.80 14.20 15.3 0
distribution, long rains Relative Humidity %
Lower 25 23






15.3 0

15.0 0

16.0 0


16.20 15.20
Air Movement Position of openings
Monthly Mean Min 14.70 3- 12 Rooms single banked permanent provision
and the short rains. Monthly Mean max . a. m 55 57 64 65 69 65 65 64 56 58 59 57
Night Comfort : Upper 24 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 0- 5
6 for air movement
3- 12
In North and South at body height on the
Monthly Mean min . p. m 44 44 51 55 62 52 51 49 45 49 50 45 0- 5 Windward side
1,2 6- 12 Double banked rooms temporary provision for
Lower 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 1- 2
Average 49.5 50 .5 57.5 60 65.5 58.5 58 56.5 50 .5 53 .5 54 .5 51 7
3- 12 air movement 6- 12
7 As above openings and also in internal walls
Average annual Thermal Stress : Day o h h h o h h h h h h h
Humidity Group 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
o 0,1 8 No air movement requirement 0 2- 12
c c c c c c c c c c c
temperature – 23.50C Humidity Group 1 If Average RH is: below 30 % Openings
9 Protection of openings
0,1 0 Large openings - 40 80 %
2 30 % - 50 % Indicators 0- 2 8 Exclude direct sunlight
3 11,12 10 Very small openings 10 - 20 %
The annual mean
50 % - 70 % Humid H 1 9 Provide protection from rain
2- 12
4 above 70% H2 Any other Conditions 11 Medium openings 20 - 40 %
minimum and maximum Rain and Wind H3 X 1 Walls and floors
temperatures - 170C and Rainfall 95.3 53 .9 155 .3 202 .5 158 .2 61.3 59 .6 95 .7 159 .05 78.5 155 .2 80.4 Arid A1 X X X X X X X X X X X 11
0- 2 12 Light walls short time lag
0- 2 10 Light low thermal capacity

300C respectively. Wind prevailing

3- 12 13 Heavy external and internal walls
3- 12 11 Heavy over 8h time lag
Wind secondary Roofs
J F M A M J J A S O N D Roofs
Mean humidity – 70%. Applicable When 0- 5 14 Light insulated roofs
10- 12 0- 2 12 Light, reflective surface ,cavity
Thermal Stress Humidity Monthly 3- 12
Meaning Mean Range 15 Heavy roofs , over 8h time lag 13 Ligtht well insulated
Indicator Day Night Rainfall Group 6- 12
0- 5
Air Movement essential H1 H 4
Comfort Limits AMT over 20 0 c AMT 15 0 c - 20 0 c AMT Below 15 0 c 0- 9
Heavy , over 8h time lag
H 2,3 Less than 10 o C 6- 12 14
Day Night Day Night Day Night Outdoor sleeping
Air movement desirable H2 O 4
Humidity Groups 1 26 - 34 17- 25 23 - 32 14- 23 21- 30 12- 21 Rainfall Protection necessary H3 Over 200mm
2- 12 16 Space for outdoor sleeping required
25 - 31 17- 24 22 - 30 14- 22 20 - 27 12- 20 Thermal capacity necessary A1 1,2,3 More than 10 o C External Features
Outdoor sleeping desirable A2 H 1,2 Space for outdoor sleeping
Rain protection 15
According to the Köppen-Geiger system (2014) the climate in Kisumu can be 23 - 29 17- 23 21- 28 14- 21 19- 26 12- 19 1- 12
H O 1,2
4 22 - 27 17- 21 20 - 25 14- 20 18- 24 12- 18
Protection from cold A3 3- 12 17 Protection from heavy rain necessary 1- 12 16 Adequate rainwater drainage
C More than 10 o C
classified as Af which is humid tropics. The climate of the whole county is modified
by the presence of the lake. Conclusions
Layout Openings Roofs
The analysis recommends the use of courtyards in organising of Small openingshave been recommended for the Kisumu area so as to prevent
Sun Path and Wind direction: the dwellings being designed. excessive heat build up from entry of direct sunlight
The roof covering recommended for this area should have good thermal properties
that allow for prevention of heat gain.
With wind speeds reaching maximums of 40m/s, naturally cool lake breezes offer a From the analysis, in terms of spacing, a compact layout of Walls and Floors
viable cooling option from the relatively high temperatures that reach 350C. buildings is recommended External features
Heavy external and internal walls are recommended for buildings in this area to
increase the time lag in penetration of solar radiation and maintain thermal comfort There is need for provision of adequate drainage for rainwater due to heavy
Air Movement
This provides an excellent opportunity to exploit natural ventilation using cross- convectional rainfall experienced in the area.
ventilation by placing large openings on opposite sides of the room that allow air to The analysis recommends that no provisions be made for air During the night as temperatures fall below the comfort zone, there is need for the
circulate within and flush out any accumulated heat. movement such as single banks since there is a natural breeze in internally generated heat and that gained during dayime hours to be retained within
the area. the dwellings.

Prevailing Wind & Sun Path impact on Design: Psychrometric Chart Design Radiation impact on Design:
Recommendations: Highest levels of ground radiation received falls between the months of January and March,
The prevailing wind on site blows from the NW to SE during the day for the onshore breeze that blow from drops
the Lake towards the land mass causing a natural cooling effect. in mid-year when the region experiences long rains thus, high cloud cover and peaks again
Using the ASHRAE system that bases thermal comfort on DBT, clothing levels, between September and December.
As for the sun path, due consideration should be given in line with preventing heat gain from direct solar
metabolic activity, air velocity, humidity and mean radiant temperature.
insolation into the habitable space/ external walls. Amount of solar radiation received on the earth's surface directly corresponds with ground
i.) To capture natural ventilation, wind direction can be changed upto 450 toward the surface
If any long facades with openings are to be designed, they should fall along the N-S axis to minimise heat
building by exterior wingwalls and planting. temperatures. When covered with vegetation, the ambient temperature reduces with upto
absorption and accumulation.
ii) Windows should be well shaded and oriented towards the prevailing breeze
iii) Locate door and window openings on opposite sides of building to facilitate cross-
Temperature Readings and Precipitation Design Impact: ventilation, with larger areas facing upwind if possible.
iv) Screened porches/ verandahs can provide comfort cooling by ventilation and prevent
The site experiences high monthly average temperatures and low relative humidity. This creates a hot, semihumid insect problems.
environment that is slightly uncomfortable but passively manageable.
v) Provide vertical distance between air inlet and outlet to produce stack ventilation
Wide overhangs to protect external walls from the high precipitation experienced throughout the year. when wind speeds are low

With the high day temperatures experienced by the high solar radiation experienced with relatively low humidity as vi) In warm-humid climates, buildings should use high ceilings and high operable
opposed to the Coast region which experiences higher RH levels. windows protected by deep overhangs and porches.
vii) Well ventilated pitched roofs work well to shed rain and can be extended to protect
The Lake Region is relatively more comfortable because of less humidity. entries, outdoor porches and verandahs.
Psychrometric Chart as developed by Ecotect Climatic Analysis
viii) Shaded outdoor areas, Openings, patios oriented to the prevailing onshore/ lake
ix) Where need be, provide sufficient North Glazing to balance daylighting and allow
cross ventilation (about 5% of total floor area) Dry Bulb Temperature and Relative Humidity graphs as generated using Climate Consultant Software.
x) If soil is moist, raise building high above ground to minimize dampness and maximise
natural ventilation.
xi) Use low mass, well cross-ventilated structures to provide for cooling.
xii) Minimize or eliminate East-West facing glazing to reduce heat gain especially in the

Bio-climatic Chart Analysis:

The bio-climatic chart defines the comfort zone using two main parameters i.e. Dry Bulb
Temperature (DBT) and Relative Humidity (RH)Dry Bulb The comfort zone falls within a
DBT of 20-300C and RH 30-65%.
Two months of extreme weather have their data plotted i.e. February being the hottest
month represented by the red line and July being the coldest, represented by the blue line.
Wind wheel graph illustrating wind direction, temperature and humidity levels as generated using Climate
Monthly diurnal averages Comfort analysis percentages Consultant Software.

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