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Infoblox DNS Service

ou can confi ure NIOS a liances to rovide DNS services over I v (Internet rotocol version ) and I v (Internet
rotocol version ) net or s. ou can confi ure t e Grid member as a dual mode name server ca able of sendin
and receivin I v and I v ueries and res onses. It can serve DNS data in res onse to bot I v and I v ueries.
e a liance su orts aut oritative for ard ma in ones containin AAAA records ma in ost names to I v
addresses as ell as aut oritative reverse ma in ones it R records ma in I v addresses to ost names.
onfi urin a Grid containin an I v rimar server and I v secondar servers is not su orted. ou must enable
I v on bot t e rimar and secondar servers it in t e Grid to enable t em to communicate it eac ot er.
Infoblox i l recommends t at ou enable I v on our Grid a liances before confi urin I v aut oritative
e NIOS a liance su orts one I v address er Grid member. Infoblox inte rates I v address mana ement into
man of t e same laces ere I v addresses are entered. Data validation occurs on all I address fields and
automatic validation is done to ensure ro er entr of eit er an I v address or an I v address.
e NIOS a liance su orts t e follo in DNS functions for I v
AAAA records ou can im ort serve ueries dis la add delete and modif AAAA records on t e a liance.
An AAAA record is e uivalent to an I v A record rel in u on a for ard ma in one to ma a ostname to
an I v address. A sin le for ard ma in one can ma names to bot I v and I v addresses. e
a liance auto enerates AAAA records for an of its interfaces t at ave I v addresses.
osts ou can confi ure I v and I v addresses for osts. or information see on a e
i .ar a A s ecific domain for I v is used for DNS reverse loo u s called i .ar a. is domain ma s an
I v address to a ostname. en ou s ecif an I v net or t e a liance automaticall creates t e
a ro riate one under i .ar a.
R records Im ort serve ueries dis la add delete and modif R records it in an i .ar a reverse
one. e R record returns a domain name corres ondin to an I v address contained in t e i .ar a one.
e a liance does not auto enerate R records t e user must confi ure R records manuall .
DDNS ea liance su orts AAAA and R records for DDNS (D namic DNS).
or more information about DNS for I v see R 5 .

I v uses a 2 bit octet (eac octet se arated b decimals) addressin structure to desi nate sources and
destinations it in a net or . Since t ere are 2 bits t at ma e u t e address I v can su ort u to billion
uni ue addresses.
An I v address is a 2 bit number in colon exadecimal notation. It consists of ei t rou s of four exadecimal
di its se arated b colons (exam le 2ab 2 5 ab cdef). Since t ere are 2 bits t at
ma e u t e address I v can su ort u to . x uni ue addresses. e increase in t e number of uni ue I v
addresses is one of t e bi est advanta es of an I v im lementation.

552 NIOS Administrator Guide (Rev. E) NIOS .

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