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Transitioning from Steady State to Dynamics 1

Transitioning from Steady

State to Dynamics

© 2005 AspenTech – All Rights reserved.

02_Transitioning from Steady State to Dynamics.doc
2 Transitioning from Steady State to Dynamics

This module examines the process of changing a Steady State simulation into a
Dynamic one. The process for doing this is not difficult and will become much easier
as you gain experience with dynamic simulations in Aspen HYSYS.

Starting with the steady state simulation model that you prepared in Module 1, you
will add the necessary equipment information and Flowsheet specifications to permit
dynamic simulation analyses.

Learning Objectives
Once you have completed this module, you will be able to:

• Size equipment
• Define pressure flow specifications
• Add controllers
• Add strip charts
• Run a simple dynamic simulation and observe the role of the various

Before beginning this section you need to know how to:

• Add Streams
• Add Unit Operations
• Maneuver through the Aspen HYSYS interface

Transitioning from Steady State to Dynamics 3

Process Overview

4 Transitioning from Steady State to Dynamics

Design Dynamics
Aspen HYSYS Dynamics has been designed to permit a two-tiered approach to
simulation. With numerous options to supply different levels of equipment design
and performance information, Aspen HYSYS Dynamics provides modeling
capabilities aimed at both process design and detailed design activity.

For the design activity simulation, users typically enter basic design information and
Aspen HYSYS Dynamics estimates reasonable defaults for the detailed equipment
information. Typically these basic design parameters can be found on the Design tab
of unit operations.
Figure 1

Transitioning from Steady State to Dynamics 5

The default equipment information estimated by Aspen HYSYS Dynamics is

highlighted with a red colour coding. Generally, this detailed information can be
found on the Rating tab of the unit operation property view.
Figure 2

In the next few modules we will focus on design dynamics in order to illustrate the
fundamental concepts underlying the use and configuration of Aspen HYSYS
Dynamics. In later modules we will expand the design dynamics model by
incorporating detailed equipment and performance information and explore the
detailed rating capabilities that Aspen HYSYS Dynamics provides.

We will begin this module by loading the case that was saved in the previous
Module, Feed Heater Train.hsc, and prepare the model for dynamic simulation

6 Transitioning from Steady State to Dynamics

Transitioning from Steady State to

If you switch to Dynamics from Steady State, (click the Dynamics button and then
Yes to confirm the switch action), you will notice that some pieces of equipment
Dynamics Mode icon
appear red in colour.

Upon opening the Property view of the Valves and Separator, Aspen HYSYS
Dynamics will indicate that each unit is missing some information necessary for
dynamic simulation analyses. This is because the equipment is not sized. Equipment
sizing is a very important step in dynamic modeling.
Figure 3

If you clicked the Dynamics Mode icon, click the Steady State mode icon to return to
Steady State and size the equipment.

Before a transition from Steady State to Dynamics occurs, the simulation Flowsheet
should be set up so that a pressure gradient exists across the plant.
Flow in the plant occurs as
a result of the pressure-
flow relationships between This pressure gradient is necessary because the flow in Aspen HYSYS Dynamics is
nodes. determined by the pressure gradient throughout the plant. No pressure gradient
means no flow.

Transitioning from Steady State to Dynamics 7

The following areas should be examined when setting up a simulation in Steady

State and transitioning to Dynamics:
More information on these
steps can be found in 1. Adding Unit Operations
Aspen HYSYS Dynamic
Modelling manual, Section
1.5.2. 2. Equipment Sizing

3. Adjusting Column Pressure

4. Logical Operations

5. Adding Control Operations

6. Entering the Aspen HYSYS Dynamic Environment

7. Adding Pressure-Flow Specifications

8. Troubleshooting

These eight areas will now be examined as we convert our Steady State simulation
into a Dynamic one.

Adding Unit Operations

Identify material streams which are connected to two unit operations with no
pressure flow relation and whose flow must be specified in Dynamic mode. Unit
operations without a pressure flow relation include the Separator, and tray sections in
Columns. You will need to add unit operations such as Valves, Heat Exchangers, or
Pumps, which define a pressure flow relation to these streams.

Which stream in this case has no pressure flow relation and will need an additional unit


Equipment Sizing
All unit operations in the simulation need to be sized using actual plant equipment or
pre-defined sizing techniques. Vessels should be sized to accommodate actual plant
flowrates and pressures while maintaining acceptable residence times.

8 Transitioning from Steady State to Dynamics

Sizing the Valves

For dynamic operation, it is necessary to size every valve in the simulation. Aspen
HYSYS Dynamics automates valve sizing based on the:

• Linear valve type

• 50% valve opening
• User specified pressure drop
• Current flowrate

Aspen HYSYS Dynamics calculates the Cv that will allow the valve to pass 100% of
the upstream Flowrate through the valve at the design valve opening position.

1. Double-click the control valve VLV-100.

2. On the Rating tab of the Valve property view, make sure the default options
Universal Gas Sizing from the Valve Manufactures drop down list, Linear
from the Valve Operating Characteristics are selected. Set the Valve Opening
(%) in the Sizing conditions group to 50%. Click the Size Valve button to
complete the sizing. If you are using SI units the screen should look like the one
below. If you are using field units, the numbers may be different, but the Cv
value should be about the same as the one shown below.
Figure 4

In this instance the Size Valve calculation determines that a Cv of approximately

438.5 will pass 1.169e5kg/hr (2.577e5lb/hr) when the valve is 50% open with a
pressure drop of 70 kPa (10 psi).

Transitioning from Steady State to Dynamics 9

3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for the control valve VLV-101.

What Cv does Aspen HYSYS calculate for VLV-100?


Sizing the Separator

Appropriate vessel sizing is important for dynamic simulation analyses. The vessel
hold-up will affect the system’s transient response during dynamic analyses as the
user moves from one operating regime to the next. In addition, the vessel size affects
the pressure calculations that are associated with this unit operation.
If you do not know the
dimensions of your process
4. On the Dynamics tab of the Separator enter a Vessel Volume of 85 m3
equipment, calculate a (3000 ft3).
vessel size based on an
approximate residence Figure 5
• 10 minutes is typically a
suitable residence time
for liquid phase hold
• 2 minutes is typically a
suitable residence time
for vapour phase hold

Unlike the Separator, a

number of unit operations
have equipment volumes
that are defaulted – for
example heat exchangers,
coolers and heaters. When
adding these unit
operations to your
Flowsheet, care should be
taken to ensure that
reasonable equipment
volumes are specified.

10 Transitioning from Steady State to Dynamics

Sizing the Heat Exchanger

5. On the Dynamics tab of the Heat Exchanger enter a Tube volume of 33m3
(1165 ft3) and a Shell volume of 9 m3 (315 ft3).
Figure 6

Sizing the Heater

6. On the Dynamics tab of the Heater enter a volume of 33 m3 (1165 ft3).
Figure 7

Transitioning from Steady State to Dynamics 11

Save your case as: FHT-Sizing.hsc.

Save your case!

Dynamic Specifications and Steady State

Specifications: The Differences
In Aspen HYSYS Dynamics the simultaneous solution of the pressure-flow
relationships within the Flowsheet requires the user to make a number of dynamic
operating specifications. The possible pressure or flow type specifications for a
Flowsheet include:
Dynamics Mode icon
• Pressure specification on a material stream
• Flow specification on a material stream
Steady State Mode icon
• Fixed pressure drop across equipment
• Resistance calculation (for valves)
• Conductance calculations (for process equipment)

Pressure flow specifications are made on the Specs page of the Dynamics tab of
Unit Operations and Streams.

Some rules to remember:

Aspen HYSYS Dynamics
provides users with a great In the table on the following page are some rules that will help guarantee a
deal of flexibility in making consistent, properly specified Flowsheet all the time.
pressure flow specifications
to tackle challenging
simulation problems. As
such there are a number of
different combinations of
specifications that will lead
to a consistent solution and
solve the process

12 Transitioning from Steady State to Dynamics

Dynamics Specifications
Boundary Streams Insert a valve on all boundary streams
(feed/product streams) within the
Flowsheet that are not connected to
conductance devices (i.e., heat
exchangers, coolers, heaters)

Pressure Specifications Place a pressure specification on all

boundary streams (feed/product streams)
within the Flowsheet.
Distillation Columns Distillation columns with condensers
require an extra specification around the
condenser. Make a flow specification for
the reflux flow.

Valves Use the ‘pressure/flow relationship’ as

the dynamic specification for a valve.

K value Use the ‘overall K value’ as the dynamic

specification for coolers, heaters, and
heat exchangers and LNG exchangers.

Pressure gradients Be sure to account for pressure gradients

throughout the Flowsheet. Moreover, be
sure to specify reasonable pressure
drops/rises in the Flowsheet. Pressure
differentials are the driving force for flow
through the process Flowsheet.

Tray Sizing Use the tray sizing utility to estimate the

column geometry and pressure profile.
Mixers Use the Equalize All option as the
pressure specification for mixers.
Tees Remove Use Splits as Dynamic Flow
Specs on tees.
Rotating Equipment Use Efficiency and either Head or
Pressure Rise as dynamic specifications
(Pumps, Compressors, Expanders) for rotating Equipment. Compressor and
Pump Curves, if available, make
excellent dynamic specifications.

Hold-ups Be sure to properly size equipment with

hold ups.

Dynamic specifications can only be modified when the integrator is stopped.

Once the integrator is started the value of the dynamic specification can be
changed (its value appears in blue), but the choice of dynamic specification
cannot be changed.

Transitioning from Steady State to Dynamics 13

Making Pressure-Flow and Dynamic Specifications

Analysis of the Process Flowsheet
• For the current simulation, the boundary streams are NGLFeed, Sep Vap,
Shell-In, Shell-Out and ColFeed.
• NGL-Feed is connected to valve VLV-100, so the addition of a valve is not
required. See first rule on previous page.
• Shell-Out and Process-Out are connected to the conductance device Heat
Exchanger, so the addition of valves to these streams is not required.
• ColFeed is connected to the conductance device Heater, so the addition of
valve to this stream is not required.
• Sep Vap, however, is not connected to a conductance device. Therefore, a
Valve needs to be added to this stream.

1. Sep Vap is NOT connected to a conductance device. Add a Valve downstream

of Sep Vap.

2. Choose Sep Vap as the Feed and enter Sep Vap 1 as the Product.

3. Specify a delta P of 70 kPa (10 psi). Specify a delta P of 70 kPa (10 psi) and
size the valve as you did VLV-100 and VLV-101.

What Cv does Aspen HYSYS calculate for VLV-102?


14 Transitioning from Steady State to Dynamics

Make the Appropriate Pressure-Flow Specifications

All boundary streams in the Flowsheet must have a pressure specification. The
boundary streams are: NGL-Feed, Sep Vap 1, Shell-In, Shell-Out, and ColFeed.

1. On the Dynamics tab of the NGL Feed stream select the Pressure
Specification by checking the box Active.
Sep Vap is no longer a
boundary stream. Sep Vap Figure 8
1 has replaced it.

Make sure that only the

pressure specification is
active. If the Flow
specification is active, click
the active box to remove
this specification.

2. On the Dynamics tab of streams Sep Vap 1, Shell-In, Shell-Out and ColFeed
select the Pressure Specification by checking the box. Again, in each instance
make sure that only the Pressure Specification is Active.

3. On the Specs page of the Dynamics tab of the Heat Exchanger click the
Calculate K’s button.

“k” is the conductance to flow constant for the Heat Exchanger tube/shell side. The
value of k is calculated based on the current delta P, density and Flowrate through
the shell/tube side of the Heat Exchanger.

4. Once the k values for the shell/tube side have been calculated, remove the delta
P specification and activate the k (conductance) specification.

5. Select the Heater by double-clicking it.

6. On the Specs page of the Dynamics tab, click the Calculate k button.

Transitioning from Steady State to Dynamics 15

7. Once the “k” value for the Heater has been calculated, remove the delta P
specification and activate the overall k (conductance) specification.

8. Double click the Feed Pump.

Having the “k” value as the 9. On the Specs page of the Dynamics tab, ensure that the Efficiency (75%) and
active specification means Pressure Rise (1900 kPa (275 psi)) specifications are Active. Make sure all
that the pressure drops other Dynamic Specification options are inactive.
across that unit will change
with the flow.
Save your case as: FHT-Specs.hsc.
This is more realistic than
having a constant pressure
drop across a unit.
Save your case!

The model is now ready to run in Dynamics. Click the Dynamic Mode icon and start
the Integrator by clicking the Integrator Active icon.

Integrator Active icon 1. Pressure specifications have been made on all Boundary streams. NO pressure
or flow specifications have been made on the internal Flowsheet streams (i.e.,
To Sep, Pump Out, Process-In, Process-Out). Open the property view for any
one of these streams to verify that this is so.

2. Resistance to flow specifications (Pressure Flow Relations) have been selected

for Valves (automatic by Aspen HYSYS Dynamics). Open the property view
Dynamics-Specs tab to verify that this is correct.

3. Conductance specifications have been made on process equipment (Heat

Exchanger, Heater).

4. Process equipments have been sized (Valves, Separator, Heater, Heat


16 Transitioning from Steady State to Dynamics

Strip Charts and Controllers

While the Flowsheet is running dynamically, it is difficult to observe the simulation
variables. Individual variable can be observed while in the PFD environment, or
multiple variables can be seen on the workbook. All variables are updated constantly
as the dynamic simulation is running. Using a strip chart allows the user to observe
several variables in real time as the dynamic simulation runs.

Adding Strip Charts

The Strip Chart provides a method for easily monitoring key process variables in a
graphical environment. Strip Charts are installed individually via the Strip Charts
page. Variables can be connected to the Strip Chart via this page. Multiple Strip
Charts are allowed, and each of these can have an unlimited number of variables
charted. Now we are going to create a Strip Chart to monitor the flow rates of NGL-
Feed, SepVap1 and ColFeed.

1. Create a Strip Chart called Feed System. From the Menu Bar, select Tools-
Databook, or press the hot key CTRL D.

2. Select the Variables tab and click the Insert button.

3. Add the following three variables:

• NGL Feed Mass Flow

• SepVap1 Mass Flow
• ColFeed Mass Flow

4. Close the Variable Navigator View.

5. Select the Strip Charts tab.

6. Select the Add button in the Available Strip Charts group.

7. Aspen HYSYS installs the new Strip Chart and automatically names it. In this
case, the name is DataLogger1.

8. Change the name to Feed System in the Logger Name field.

9. In the Individual Strip Chart Data Selection group box, check the Active check
box for the variables:

• NGL Feed Mass Flow

• Sep Vap 1 Mass Flow
• ColFeed Mass Flow

Transitioning from Steady State to Dynamics 17

Figure 9

10. To view existing Strip Charts, use one of the following methods:

• Highlight the Strip Chart name in the Available Strip Charts group and click
the Strip Chart button in the View group.
• Double-click the name of the Strip Chart.

11. Click the Setup icon for the selected strip chart can configure the amount of data
available on the strip chart and the sample interval for each data point. For all of
the strip charts in these workshops we will set the Logger Size at 3600 points
and the Sample Interval at 1 s.

12. View the Feed System strip chart.

18 Transitioning from Steady State to Dynamics

Figure 10

If the integrator is running, you should see the Mass Flows of the streams updating.

13. Create a second strip chart called Heat Exchanger and insert the following
variables on this Strip Chart:
All strip chart variables • Process-In Mass Flow
must be added to the
Databook before they are • Process-In Temperature
available to the strip chart.
However, there are two • Process-Out Temperature
approaches to adding
variables to databook and
• Shell-In Mass Flow
strip charts at the same
• Shell-In Temperature
• Variables can be • Shell-Out Temperature
dragged and dropped
onto an active strip chart
from the parent object. Modifying Strip Chart Parameters
• Each unit operation has
a strip chart section on Right-click the Strip Chart to open the Strip Chart Graph Control view, from which
the Dynamics tab. A you can edit the Strip Chart parameters.
user can “Quick Create”
a strip chart using a pre-
defined subset of

Transitioning from Steady State to Dynamics 19

Controllers can be added to the Flowsheet using the same methods as for other unit
operations. The PID Controller button on the palette represents this unit operation.
Once the Controller has been added to the Flowsheet:

1. Make the necessary connections for the Process Variable Source and Output
Target Object.

2. Select the Minimum and Maximum values for the Process Variable. These
PID icon on Object Palette values should bracket all possible PV values.

3. Size the valve - controller range. This is not necessary if a valve was chosen as
the Output Target Object.

4. Select Controller Action, Reverse or Direct.

5. Input Controller Tuning Parameters.

6. If desired, choose the mode of the controller, Off, Manual, or Automatic.

Add the Proposed Control Strategy for the De-Propanizer

1. Add a Flow Controller that will control the NGL-Feed Flowrate to the
Controller Settings

Controller Name NGL-FC

Process Variable Source To Sep, Mass Flow
Output Target Object VLV-100, Actuator Desired Position

Action Reverse
PV Minimum 0 kg/h (0 lb/hr)

PV Maximum 250, 000 kg/h (600, 000 lb/hr)

Mode Auto

OP 50%
Kc 0.1

TI 0.2 minutes

20 Transitioning from Steady State to Dynamics

2. Insert a Controller Face Plate for monitoring by clicking the Face Plate button
on the property view.
Figure 11

3. Add another PID controller to control the pressure inside the Separator.
Controller Settings

Controller Name Flare-PC
Process Variable Source Separator, Vessel Pressure
Output Target Object VLV-102, Actuator Desired Position

Action Direct

PV Minimum 135 kPa (20 psia)

PV Maximum 415 kPa (60 psia)
Mode Auto

SP 310 kPa (45 psia)

Kc 2.0

TI 2.0 Minutes

4. Insert a face plate for Flare-PC.

5. Add a Level Controller to control the amount of liquid in the Separator vessel.
Controller Settings

Controller Name Separator-LC

Process Variable Source Separator, Liquid Percent Level

Output Target Object VLV-101, Actuator Desired Position

Action Direct

PV Minimum 0%
PV Maximum 100%
Mode Auto

Transitioning from Steady State to Dynamics 21

Controller Settings
SP 50%

Kc 2.0
TI 10 Minutes

6. Insert a face plate for Separator-LC.

7. Add another controller to control the temperature of the ColFeed stream by

manipulating the Feed Heater Duty.
Controller Settings
Controller Name Heater-TC
Process Variable Source ColFeed, Temperature
Output Target Object Heater-Q, Control Valve
Control Valve

Duty Source Direct Q

Minimum Available 0 kJ/h (0 Btu/hr)
Maximum Available 2.0e7 kJ/h (1.9e7 Btu/hr)
Action Reverse
PV Minimum 15°C (60°F)

PV Maximum 80°C (180°F)

Mode Auto
SP 50°C (120°F)
Kc 5
TI 20 Minutes

If you are already in Dynamics mode, start the Integrator. Otherwise, enter the
Dynamics mode, and start the Integrator. Observe the Feed System strip chart. Let
the Integrator run for a few minutes.

Does the System achieve a Steady State solution? ___________________________________

Save your case as: FHT-Dyn1.hsc.

Save your case!

22 Transitioning from Steady State to Dynamics

Exercise 1
Experiment with the Separator by increasing or decreasing the Flowrate or
temperature to the vessel. Observe the effect that a change in Flowrate has on the
vessel pressure.

If the separator feed flow increases with the product flowrates (vapour and
liquid) remaining unchanged, the level (hold-up), temperature (enthalpy) and
pressure of the vessel must all change from the steady state condition.

Exercise 2
Add a disturbance to the Feed and vary its frequency. See what affect the size of the
Separator has at attenuating the disturbance. In steady state we are not concerned
with separator volume. If improper sizes are used in a dynamic simulation it can lead
to processes that are difficult to control.

A Transfer Function operation is added to create a disturbance.

Try selecting NGL-Feed Temperature as the OP Target.

Use a 2nd Order Transfer Function.

Liquid Level Increases


Flow Liquid In – Flow Liquid Out = Liquid Accumulation (hold-up)

an increase in the feed liquid Flowrate with a constant liquid product Flowrate results
in the liquid level (hold-up) increasing.

Transitioning from Steady State to Dynamics 23

Vessel Pressure Increases

The vessel pressure would increase for two reasons:

1. As above,

Flow Vapour In – Flow Vapour Out = Vapour Accumulation,

an increase in the feed vapour Flowrate with a constant vapour product flowrate
results in the vapour (hold-up) increasing. Because vapour is a compressible
fluid, the accumulation vapour, occupying a smaller volume, will cause the
vessel pressure to rise.

2. Secondly, the increase in liquid level also causes the vapour hold up to occupy a
smaller volume within the vessel, causing the vessel pressure to rise.

1. Change the Feed Flowrate and see how the control strategy handles the

2. Change the Feed composition and see how the control strategy handles the

24 Transitioning from Steady State to Dynamics


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