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Name: ___________ Roll no: ________




Time: 90 min.

General Instructions:
1. All questions are compulsory.
2. Do neat and clean work.

Q1. Choose the correct option: (5 marks)

1. The backdrop of the stage can be changed using the instructions under the ________block.
a) Looks b) Sound c) Control
2. Indentify the word that is in 'Italic'.
a) Computer b) Folders c)Files
3. Which option will be written by using Superscript?
a) Ist b) Ist c) Header

4. To make the sprite wait for a few seconds, you can use .Where you can find
the instruction?
a) Events Block b) Control Block c) Motion block

5. Which option is used to make the text Underlined?

a) Bold b) Strikethrough c) Underline

Q2. Fill in the blanks: (5 marks)

1. _________________________ is the topmost bar in MS Word Window.
2. A worker who gets many letters but never reads them is a _________________________.
3. Changing the looks of text is called _________________________.
4. Darker text is called _________________________.
5. MS Word is developed by _________________________.

Q3. State whether the statement is True (T) or False (F): (5 marks)
1. Justified makes the text aligned to left. ( )
2. Header appears at the bottom of the page. ( )
3. The Shortcut key used to close Word application is Ctrl+F4. ( )
4. Italic button makes the text bigger. ( )
5. You cannot change the colour of the text in MS Word. ( )
Q 4. Complete the following Spellings: (5 marks)
1. J___STI___Y
2. F___R___AT
3. S___R___TE
4. S___A___E
5. U___D___RLI___E

Q5. Answer the following very short type questions. (5 marks)

1. Name the two tabs that are displayed in WordPad.


2. Write any two commands of Looks Block.


3. Name any one word processing software.


4. Which toolbar contains Save, Undo and Redo commands?


5. Write the Shortcut key used to save any document.


Q7. Answer the following questions in brief. (10 marks)

1. What is Word Processor?


2. Why do we use MS Word?



3. Name any four components of MS Word?


4. What are the different alignments of texts?



5. What is Program?



Q8. Answer the following long type of questions. (10 marks)

1. Write the steps to start MS Word?






2. What do you understand by Font and Formatting?






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