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GEO-LOK linometer Casing

Measurement of lateral movement and
deformation of soil, rock and structures
when installed in near vertical boreholes, or
settlement when installed horizontally in
boreholes or trenches. Applications include:
• Landslide monitoring.
• Dam and embankment performance
Patent Pending
• Determining movement of retaining
walls, diaphragm walls sheet
piles and laterally loaded piles.
Performance Characteristics
• Measuring ground movement due
Simple Assembly and Disassembly: Assembled
to tunneling.
without glue, rivets or shear wires. Disassembly is just
• Monitoring settlement of landfills, as easy if problems occur during installation.
tank foundations and embankments.
Spiral - 0.3° maximum, per 10 feet.
Description Tensile Strength - 3000lbs: Tensile strength is impor-
Geo-Lok Inclinometer Casing is ABS pipe with four tant for deep installations in dry boreholes and where
orthogonal grooves running longitudinally along its settlements at depth are greater than at the ground
inside surface. When installed in a borehole, one set surface, applying a high tensile load to the casing.
of grooves is aligned in the anticipated direction of Collapse Strength - 270 psi: Collapse strength is the
movement. The grooves act as guides for the wheels external pressure that can be applied to the outside of
of the inclinometer probe, maintaining the orientation of the casing before failure. The higher the collapse
the probe as it traverses the casing. strength, the greater the depth of grout that can be
Geo-Lok Inclinometer Casing’s proprietary joint re- placed before stage grouting is required.
quires no glue, rivets or shear wires to connect Bending Strength - 230 lbs.ft: Bending strength is
adjacent sections of pipe. The joints are made by particularly important when installing casing in hollow
pushing two sections of pipe together and rotating the stem augers. When the borehole is grouted the
pre-installed locking collar. The coupling ensures that buoyancy of the pipe must be overcome to prevent
the grooves of adjacent sections of pipe are aligned to the casing rising out of the borehole. If the casing is
form a continuous track for the inclinometer probe. counter-weighted from the top, a large diameter
O-rings at the joint prevent the ingress of water and borehole will allow the casing to bend excessively.
grout. Torque Strength - 70 lbs.ft: Torque strength is impor-
Telescoping sections are available for installing tant to prevent accidental misalignment of grooves
inclinometer casing where large amounts of settlement during installation. This is particularly important where a
are anticipated. hollow stem auger is used and the auger has to be
Spiral surveys are performed on deep installations or rotated to remove it.
where high accuracy is critical. Spiral data allows Groove Profile: Our groove profile is compatible with
inclinometer data to be corrected for twisting of the all inclinometer probes. The proprietary profile pro-
casing that may occur during installation. vides for better tracking of the inclinometer probe as
the casing bends due to movement, decreasing the
likelihood that the probe will leave the grooves.

Pe rfo rmance Sp e cificatio ns Item Part Number

1360 kg 2.75" Ge o -Lo k Inc lino me te r Cas ing (10 fe e t) 0201-0300

Te nsile Stre ng th
3000 lb
2.75" Ge o -Lo k Inc lino me te r Cas ing (5 fe e t) 0201-0302
18.6 b ar
Co llap se Stre ng th
270 p si 2.75" Ge o -Lo k Te le s c o p ing Co up ling 0201-0321
305 N.m. 2.75" Ge o -Lo k Bo tto m Cap 0201-0325
Be nd ing Stre ng th
230 lb s.ft
2.75" To p Cap 0201-0326
93 N.m.
To rq ue Stre ng th
70 lb s.ft. 2.75" Lo c k ab le To p Cap 0201-0327
Sp iral <0.3° p e r 3 m 2.75" Ex te ns io n Co up ling (re p air d amag e d c as ing ) 0201-0322

2.75" Alig nme nt To o l 0201-0911

2.75" Ge o -Lo k Gro ut Valv e (Quic k Co nne c t) 0201-0330

Casing Dime nsio ns
2.75" Ge o -Lo k Anc ho r/Gro ut Valv e (Quic k Co nne c t) 0201-0331
70 mm
Casing OD
2.75 inch 2.75" Ge o -Lo k Gro ut Valv e (Gas k e t) 0201-0335

59 mm 2.75" Ge o -Lo k Anc ho r/Gro ut Valv e (Gas k e t) 0201-0336

Casing ID
2.32 inch
2.75" Ge o -Lo k Anc ho r 0201-0339
72 mm
Co up ling OD
2.85 inch Quic k Co nne c t fo r Gro ut Pip e 0201-0901

Making Casing Joints

Ensure that o-ring is in place and Line up alignment slots with buttons Rotate coupling ring clockwise
lubricated. Lubricate if required. and push casing sections together. relative to casing until joint is tight.
To undo joint, reverse procedure.

22411 36th Avenue West, Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043
phone: 425-672-4246 fax: 425-672-3914 email: web:
©2001 All rights reserved. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Refer to warranty information.

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