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1. Rewrite the sentences using the 1.

Use your own ideas to

passive. complete the answers:
2 a : Sue is coming to the party tonight.
1 Somebody cleans the room every day.
B: Is she? I saw her a few days ago and
The room is cleaned every day.
she said she........................................
2 They cancelled all flights because of
fog. 3 a: Sarah gets on fine with Paul.
AIl......................................................... b : Does she? Last week you said
3 People don't use this road much. ...........................................each other.
………………………………………………… 4 a : Joe knows lots of people.
4 Somebody accused me of stealing
b : That's not what he told me. He
5 How do people learn languages? 5 a: Jane will be here next week.

How...................................................... b : Oh, really? When I spoke to her, she

6 People warned us not to go out alone. said .............................................away.
6 a: I'm going out tonight .
b: Are you? I thought you said
7 Ask about glass, (how / make?)
How is glass made?
7 a: John speaks French quite well.
8 Ask about television, (when / invent?)
.................................................... b : Does he? He told me

9 Ask about mountains, (how/form?) ……………………………………. any other

...................................................... languages.
10 Ask about antibiotics, (when / 8 a: I haven't seen Ben recently.
discover?) b : That's strange. He told me
………………………………………...... last
11 They are building a new ring road
round the city.
...................................................... 3 Put the words in brackets in the
correct order. All the sentences are
12 They have built a new hospital near questions.
the airport.
1 (when / was / built / this house) ...
When was this house built?
13 It is said that the company is losing
a lot of money.
2 (how / cheese / is / made)
............ ..... .............. ....
3 (when / invented / the computer /
14 It is believed that the company lost a
lot of money last year.
4 (why / Sue / working / isn't / today)
5 (what time / coming/your friends /
6 A:We won't see Lisa this evening.
B:Why not? (she / not / come / out with
Isn´t she conning out with us?
7 A:I hope we don't meet Luke tonight.
B:Why? (you/not/like/him?)
8 A: I’II have to borrow some money.
B: Why? (you / not / have / any?)
9 You need a pen. Perhaps Jane has got
one. Ask her.
Jane, you. haven’t got a pen, have you?
2 You have to move a heavy table. You
want Joe to give you a hand with it. Ask
3 You're looking for Sarah. Perhaps
Kate knows where she is. Ask her.
4 You need a bicycle pump. Perhaps
Helen has got one. Ask her.

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