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Fuel 86 (2007) 3–16

Mechanical/thermal dewatering of lignite. Part 3: Physical

properties and pore structure of MTE product coals
a,* b,1
Christian Bergins , Janine Hulston , Karl Strauss a, Alan L. Chaffee b

Energy Process Engineering and Fluid Mechanics, Department of Biochemical and Chemical Engineering,
University of Dortmund, 44221 Dortmund, Germany
CRC for Clean Power from Lignite, School of Chemistry, Monash University, Clayton, Vic. 3800, Australia

Received 17 May 2006; received in revised form 26 June 2006; accepted 27 June 2006
Available online 7 August 2006


The mechanical thermal dewatering (MTE) process has been shown to effectively dewater high moisture content low rank coals via the
application of mechanical force at elevated temperatures.
Using mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP) as an investigative tool, this study examines how MTE processing conditions, such as tem-
perature and pressure, affect the compressibility, pore size distribution, apparent (skeletal) density and shrinkage behaviour of three low
rank coals sourced from Australia, Greece and Germany. As both pore filling and sample compression occurred at high mercury intrusion
pressures, all MIP data were corrected for compression effects by using compressibility values derived from mercury extrusion data.
The MTE process is shown to produce a low porosity coal, which, depending upon the processing conditions used, undergoes further
shrinkage upon oven drying at 105 C. An increase in MTE temperature (above about 85 C) led to an increase in mesopore volume,
which is caused by a hardening of the coal structure, leading to pore volume retention and a consequent reduction in percent shrinkage
on oven drying. The increase in measured mesopore volume is also associated with an increase in measured surface area.
The reverse trend is seen with increasing MTE pressure, where both the macro and mesopore volume decrease with pressure, causing
the percent shrinkage to increase accordingly. This effect may be due to an increase in capillary forces caused by a decrease in the average
pore diameter. The percent shrinkage increased up to a pore volume of about 0.1 cm3/g, beyond which no further reduction in pore vol-
ume was achieved. The decrease in mesopore volume is also associated with a decrease in measured surface area.
Compressibility values derived from mercury extrusion data show that the MTE process has little impact on the network strength of
the skeletal network structure of all three coals investigated. Likewise, the skeletal density remained relatively unchanged.
The reduction in water content, pore volume and the changes in shrinkage behaviour under increasingly severe MTE conditions are
suggestive of the physical changes that accompany increased coalification (rank) within the lignitic range.
 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Lignite dewatering; Pore structure; Mercury intrusion porosimetry

1. Introduction

Mechanical/thermal dewatering (MTE) is a process

developed for the energy efficient removal of water from
Corresponding author. Present address: Hitachi Power Europe, high moisture content lignites utilised in power plant pro-
Technology Center, Research & Development, Duisburger Strasse 375, cesses. During the MTE process lignite is typically heated
46049 Oberhausen, Germany. Tel.: +49 208 833 2948; fax: +49 208 833 to between 150 and 210 C and the water removed non-
E-mail address: (C. Bergins).
evaporatively by the application of mechanical pressure.
Present address: HRL Technology, 677 Springvale Road, Mulgrave, In the first and second part of this series [1,2] the mecha-
Vic. 3170, Australia. nisms of water removal during the MTE process were

0016-2361/$ - see front matter  2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
4 C. Bergins et al. / Fuel 86 (2007) 3–16

investigated and the process kinetics described by means of [1,2]. In brief, 100 g of raw coal was added to the MTE cell,
a rheological model combining creep and consolidation to which was added 100 g of deionised water to form a coal
theory. This paper focuses on the effects of MTE on the water slurry. The slurry was then dewatered via the appli-
physical properties of low rank coals. Of particular interest cation of temperatures up to 235 C and pressures up to
are the effects of MTE temperature and pressure on pore 12 MPa. Upon completion of the MTE run, a filter cake
structure, mercury surface area, apparent density and com- was formed with a diameter of 70 mm and a height of
pressibility as well as on shrinkage behaviour upon oven between 10 and 35 mm, depending upon the experimental
drying. This will provide valuable information for the util- conditions used.
isation of MTE products in current and new generation Investigations were carried out on three coals from Aus-
power plants, and give an indication to their suitability tralia, Greece and Germany (Table 1). Whereas the Austra-
for the export market. lian coal had a high moisture, but low ash content, the
Currently, there is no clear understanding of the basic Greek coal had high levels of both moisture and ash. The
parameters influencing the above described physical prop- German coal had a slightly lower moisture content, with
erties during the coalification process, despite some proper- ash level between those of the other two coals.
ties appearing to correlate with coal rank and carbon
content [3–7]. As studies undertaken by Chaffee et al. [8] 2.1. Moisture content determination
and Hulston et al. [9] have shown the chemical composition
of MTE treated coals remain relatively unchanged during The moisture content was determined based on a
the MTE process, MTE treated coals provide an excellent method similar to the DIN 51718 standard [16]. Since the
system for disentangling the effects of physical and chemi- shrinkage behaviour of samples was being investigated,
cal factors. In the early stages of coalification it is thought whole pellets were dried in an air atmosphere at 105 C
that conditions can to some extent be mimicked by those for 48 h to ensure complete moisture removal. The oven
found during the MTE process [10], so that the effects of dried MTE products were subsequently used for helium
processing conditions on physical properties will also shed density and mercury intrusion porosimetry experiments.
light on changes occurring during natural coalification [11].
The physical structure of dried porous materials, includ- 2.2. Helium density determination
ing coal, can be characterised by a number of techniques,
including CO2 adsorption experiments and mercury intru- The helium density, qHe, was determined by helium pyc-
sion porosimetry (MIP). Whereas CO2 gas adsorption pro- nometry using an AccuPyc 1330 (Micromeritics, Norcross,
vides information on the surface area, pore volume and GA, USA) Pycnometer. The unit was calibrated on a daily
pore size distribution of pores in the micopore size region, basis and measurements were carried out on oven dried
MIP provides similar information in the macro and meso- 1.5–2.5 g sub-samples. Prior to taking measurements, sam-
pore size region. Numerous MIP studies on coal have been ples were purged with helium 99 times to ensure complete
undertaken since the first experiments of Zwietering and removal of adsorbed gases. The helium density was deter-
van Krevelen [12], including detailed analyses of compress- mined from an average of 10 measurements.
ibility [5,13], reintrusion and retention of mercury [14], and
pore volume and mercury surface area determinations for 2.3. Ultimate and proximate analysis
coals of different rank and location [4–7,15].
Ultimate and proximate analysis was done by HRL
2. Experiments Technology Pty. Ltd. (Melbourne). Carbon, hydrogen
and nitrogen levels were determined on a Leco CHN600
A detailed description of the MTE dewatering device analyser, while ash yields were measured on a Leco
and experimental procedure used is provided by Bergins MAC400 analyser. Total sulphur levels were determined

Table 1
Properties of raw coals investigated
Country Open cut Water Water Ash yield He density Calorific value
(wt%, wb) (g/g, db) (wt%, db) (g/cm3) (MJ/kg daf)
Australia Loy Yang (Latrobe Valley) 60.8 1.55 1.0 1.393 26.7
Greece Ptolemais 60.4 1.53 14.1 1.517 n/a
Germany Hambach (Rhineland) 53.1 1.13 6.3 1.444 26.6
Country Volatile matter Fixed carbon C H N Stotal Odiff
(% daf) (% daf) (wt%, daf) (wt%, daf) (wt%, daf) (wt%, daf) (wt%, daf)
±0.7 ±0.7 ±1.3% ±0.12% ±0.1% ±0.05% ±0.14%
Australia 52.5 47.6 68.2 4.70 0.51 0.30 26.3
Greece 57.7 42.3 62.7 4.99 1.57 0.76 30.0
Germany 54.6 45.4 66.7 4.93 0.77 0.43 27.2
C. Bergins et al. / Fuel 86 (2007) 3–16 5

using an inductively-coupled plasma-optical emission spec- 1 1

V micro ¼  ½cm3 =g ð5Þ
trometer (ICP-OES). qskeletal qHe
When expressing intrusion volumes on a dry and ash free
2.4. Mercury intrusion porosimetry
basis, calculations were based on the mean values of the
ash yields and helium densities (Table 1). The density of
Pore size measurements were obtained by mercury intru-
the mineral matter was taken as 2.7 g/cm3 [4].
sion porosimetry (MIP), using an AUTOPORE II 9220
Pore size distributions were calculated from the com-
mercury porosimeter (Micromeritics). The instrument is
pressibility corrected intrusion data as logarithmic differen-
capable of applying pressures p between 3.4 kPa and
tial intrusions
414 MPa, which, according to the Washburn equation for
cylindrical pores [17], V iþ1  V i
LDI ¼ ½cm3 =g ð6Þ
log d i  log d iþ1
2r cos h 4r cos h
p¼ ¼ ½Pa ð1Þ
r d after interpolating the 240 experimental data points to 80
equates to a pore diameter d range of 0.0036–437 lm at a diameters, which were equally spaced in the logarithmic
surface tension r of 0.485 N m1 and a contact angle h of scale. Using the corrected MIP data, the surface area A
140 [6,14,17]. Experiments were carried out in 3 cm3 cali- (from the work of wetting)
Pd i ¼0:0036 lm
brated powder and solid penetrometers using about 0.5 g d i ¼50 lm pi DV i
of oven dried MTE product with a diameter of 2–10 mm. A¼ ½m2  ð7Þ
r cos H
All experimental data was corrected for mercury compress-
ibility and penetrometer deformation by subtracting results and mean pore diameters dmean (by volume)
from blank runs performed on empty penetrometers. All 1 i X
d ¼0:0036 lm

results are expressed either on a volume per gram dry coal d mean ¼ d V ¼ Vi ð8Þ
2 d ¼50 lm
basis (db) or on a dry and ash free basis (daf). i

During the course of an experiment, both the intruded could be calculated. To avoid errors introduced by inter-
and extruded mercury volumes were determined. This particle void filling at the beginning of an MIP experiment,
allowed the compressibility j of the coal matrix to be deter- the surface area and mean pore diameter calculations were
mined from the slopes of either a cumulative intrusion vol- based on intrusion data collected in the macro and meso-
ume versus intrusion (compression, ji) pressure graph, or pore size regions.
from a cumulative extrusion volume versus extrusion
(decompression, je) pressure graph 2.5. Pore volume and shrinkage determination
1 oV  oV mercury =msample  1
j¼ ¼ q  ½Pa  ð2Þ As part of this investigation, the pore volume of both
V op  T
op T
wet and oven dried MTE filter cakes were determined. This
For reasons described in more detail in Section 3.1, the allowed the effect of the MTE process and oven drying on
compressibility correction for the coal matrix was based pellet shrinkage to be determined.
on the slope of the extrusion, rather than intrusion data The pore volume V wet
of wet MTE filter cakes was
j determined from the difference between the total pellet
V corrected ¼Vi p ½cm3 =g ð3Þ
qHe i volume (determined from caliper measurements) and the
volume occupied by the coal, such that
The extrusion was measured down to at least 0.21 MPa
(d = 7 lm), up to which point the extrusion curve was p mcoal
V wet
¼ D2wet H wet  ¼ V water þ V gas ð9Þ
parallel to the intrusion curve. The percentage of retained 4 qHe
mercury upon extrusion could therefore be calculated via
where Dwet and Hwet represent the diameter and height of
the following relationship:
the wet pellet, and m and qHe the mass and helium density
V extrusion
7 lm  V intrusion
7 lm of the dry coal respectively. It should be pointed out that
R¼  100 ½% ð4Þ while the pores are predominantly filled with water, Vwater,
V intrusion intrusion
0:0036 lm  V 7 lm
they contain a small amount of gas, Vgas, which is pro-
The inter/intra particle boundary was taken as d = 50 lm. duced during thermal dewatering or introduced when the
The macropore volume (Vmacro) and mesopore volume pellet expands upon release of the applied pressure after
(Vmeso) were taken as the total volumes with diameters the MTE process [18].
ranging between 0.05 and 50 lm and 0.0036 and 0.05 lm The total pore volume V dry pore
of oven dried MTE
respectively. products was determined by two methods. In the first
The micropore volume (Vmicro) was calculated from the method the pore volume was taken as the sum of
skeletal density (calculated from maximum mercury intru- the macro, meso and micropore volumes as determined
sion after compressibility correction) and the He density from MIP experiments. The second method involved tak-
(Fig. 6), ing the difference between the total dry pellet volume
6 C. Bergins et al. / Fuel 86 (2007) 3–16

(determined from calliper measurements, ±0.1 mm) and product is known, the pore volume measured by MIP
the volume occupied by the coal, such that can be used to determined the degree of shrinkage during
p mcoal oven drying, an important parameter in itself and a useful
V dry
¼ D2dry H dry  ð10Þ index of physico-chemical changes occurring during the
4 qHe
MTE process. A more detailed analysis is provided later.
where Ddry and Hdry represent the diameter and height Furthermore, care must be taken when interpreting the
respectively of the dry pellet. The pellet shrinkage was then lower mesopore diameter range, as the high intrusion pres-
determined from the difference between the wet and dry sures required to measure pore sizes in this region may lead
pore volumes. to sample compression or degradation [13,14]. This would
lead to an overestimation of the total intrusion volume,
3. Results resulting in an underestimation of the micropore volume
and an overestimation of the skeletal density. Such an over-
Shown in Fig. 1 are the effects of MTE temperature (T) estimation of the skeletal density was indeed observed in
and pressure (pS) on the moisture content of the Austra- this study, where MIP determined skeletal densities (uncor-
lian, Greek and German coals. For all three coal types rected) were found to be higher than helium densities
the moisture content decreased almost linearly with (Fig. 6a). This trend is unexpected as the MIP technique
increasing temperature up to about 180 C. As a function is only capable of measuring pore diameters down to
of pressure, the moisture content decreased significantly 3.6 nm, compared to 0.16 nm for a helium atom, thus sug-
up to an applied pressure of about 5 MPa, beyond which gesting that sample compression is occurring.
further increases in pressure resulted in only slight reduc- To establish the significance of sample compression for
tions in moisture content. The kinetic behaviour of this the low rank coals investigated in this study, compressibil-
process is described in more detail by Bergins [1]. ity values were determined for all MTE products.
Since the pores are almost entirely filled with water
(though they do contain a little gas [1,18]), the changes in 3.1. Correction of PSD curves for compression effects
total pore volume of the wet MTE product will follow
the same trends with MTE temperature and pressure as Shown in Fig. 2a are cumulative intrusion curves for the
the moisture content. However, this relationship does not Australian coal, which show a sequential decrease in intru-
give any information on how the pore size distribution var- sion volume with increasing MTE temperature at a con-
ies with MTE conditions. To investigate the porosity of stant applied pressure of 5 MPa. Fig. 2b shows the same
MTE treated coals (Fig. 1) in more detail, samples were data, with the applied pressure axis as a linear rather than
characterised by mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP). logarithmic scale, to highlight the high-pressure region of
The advantage of this technique is that it allows pore size the curves. To assist in distinguishing the different experi-
distributions (PSD) to be easily determined over a broad mental conditions from each other, each temperature data
pore size range, spanning several orders of magnitude. set has been offset such that the maximum cumulative
The technique is however limited, in that samples need to intrusion volume obtained for each experiment differs by
be completely dry, thus allowing porosity and pore size dis- 0.015 cm3/g. In addition, a linear regression has been fitted
tribution data only to be obtained for oven dried MTE to the high pressure region of each intrusion (dash-dotted
products, which are known to have undergone shrinkage line) and extrusion (dashed) data set, from which the sam-
[19,20]. However, as the pore volume of the wet MTE ple compressibility (i.e. ji and je) could be determined

1.2 1.75
T [˚C] 25 ºC T [˚C] 25 ºC T [˚C] 25 ºC
p = 5MPa
S 85 ºC 85 ºC 85 ºC
1.0 145 ºC 145 ºC 145 ºC
Water content [g/g] (db.)

1.25 205 ºC 205 ºC 205 ºC

0.8 raw raw raw
0.2 Greece 0.25
Australia Greece Germany
0.0 0.00
0 50 100 150 200 250 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
Temperature T [ºC] Pressure p [MPa] Pressure p [MPa] Pressure pS [MPa]

Fig. 1. Effect of MTE temperature and pressure on the water content of Australian, Greek and German coal [18].
C. Bergins et al. / Fuel 86 (2007) 3–16 7

(a) Pore diameter [μm] (b) Pore diameter [nm] (c) Pressure [MPa]
100 10 1 0.1 0.01 64 16 8 6 5 4 3 0.01 0.1 1 10 100
0.55 0.8
Australia p =5 MPa meso
0.50 T [ºC] S macro pores

Log differential intrusion [cm3g–1]

0.7 pores
Cumulative intrusion [cm3g–1]

Cumulative intrusion [cm3g–1]

0.45 25
85 0.6
0.35 205
ext rusi 0.5
0.30 n
ru sio 0.4 0
0.25 int
0.20 0.3 0


0.2 0
0.10 raw data
raw data 0.1 0
0.05 intrusion fit intrusion corr.
extrusion fit extrusion corr.
0.00 0.0 0
0.01 0.1 1 10 100 0 100 200 300 400 500 100 10 1 0.1 0.01
Pressure [MPa] Pressure [MPa] Pore diameter [μm]

Fig. 2. (a) Cumulative intrusion and extrusion of mercury, (b) fitting of regression lines for compressibility determination and (c) compressibility corrected
pore size distribution curves for Australian MTE treated lignite.

according to Eq. (2). The corresponding pore size distribu- linear over a generally broader pressure region, ranging
tions, expressed as a log differential intrusion, are shown in between 200 and 400 MPa.
Fig. 2c. For each data set, the compressibility corrected Figs. 2b and 3a (left) clearly show hysteresis behaviour
data points determined from mercury intrusion (dash-dot- between mercury intrusion and extrusion data, which is
ted line) and extrusion (dashed line) data have been particularly evident in the high pressure region. The degree
included. For ease of interpretation the baseline for each of hysteresis increases with increasing MTE temperature,
temperature data set has been offset by 0.1 cm3/g. which is associated with an increase in intrusion slope, with
The mercury intrusion curves in Fig. 2b show a contin- the extrusion slope remaining constant. This results in a
uously changing slope, with a narrow linear region in the constant je and an increasing ji value with increasing
300–400 MPa pressure range, from which the intrusion MTE temperature. Similar trends in compressibility behav-
compressibility, ji, was calculated. The linear behaviour iour are seen for the Greek (Fig. 3, center) and German
reported by other researchers [6,15] for lignites and sub- (Fig. 3, right) coals. The increase in ji with MTE tempera-
bituminous coals at intrusion pressures as low as 100– ture is somewhat unexpected, since the compressibility of
200 MPa was not apparent. This may be due to the higher the skeletal coal structure is a physical constant which
intrusion pressures used in this study (414 MPa), causing changes only slightly (30%) with increasing rank and
the slope at lower intrusion pressures to become more obvi- chemical composition [3]. The fact that different compress-
ous relative to other studies, which only used pressures up ibilities are calculated from mercury intrusion and extru-
to 207 MPa. In comparison, the extrusion compressibility, sion data indicates that different processes are occurring
je, was obtained from mercury extrusion data, which was during the mercury intrusion and extrusion process.

(a) intrusion, κ i pS=1 MPa pS=5 MPa raw
2 MPa 7 MPa
3 MPa 10 MPa
Pa ] (daf.)



κ [10

(b) extrusion, κ e

5 Australia Greece Germany

0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200 250
Temperature T [ºC] Temperature T [ºC] Temperature T [ºC]

Fig. 3. Compressibilities of the three coals determined from (a) mercury intrusion and (b) mercury extrusion data.
8 C. Bergins et al. / Fuel 86 (2007) 3–16

solid-solid contact points

(after dewatering, shrinkage)

1) small pores (not

accessible to MIP)
2) ‘bottle neck’pores
1 which retain mercury
after intrusion

porous network compression

and deformation

coal skeleton compression

Fig. 4. Scales of compression and deformation.

Hysteresis is commonly associated with mercury reten- rise in the measured ji value. Unfortunately, the effects
tion and has been ascribed to a number of factors, includ- of pore filling and sample compression are not easily sepa-
ing the ‘ink-bottle’ effect, which appears as a breakage of rated [15]. For this reason, the compression effects on pores
the mercury column in a narrow neck as a result of non- and skeletal coal structure can also not be separated [21].
steady capillary pressure [14,17] (Fig. 4). Other reasons Consequently, while compressibility values for pore size
for mercury retention include contact angle hysteresis in distribution corrections are commonly determined from
conical pores [14,17], irreversible sample destruction and mercury intrusion data, this approach is not valid for the
reversible sample compression [13]. coal samples used in this study.
The increase in hysteresis with increasing MTE temper- In comparison, the more constant linear relationship
ature is difficult to explain in terms of changes in ‘ink-bot- seen for mercury extrusion experiments, suggests that only
tle’ effect or contact angle hysteresis, because there are no elastic deformations are occurring, where at high extrusion
plausible mechanisms for changes in these quantities with pressures, pore emptying occurs primarily due to the re-
MTE temperature. The increase in hysteresis may, how- expansion (i.e. decompression) of the coal structure. This
ever, be rationalised in terms of an increase in sample results in consistent compressibility behaviour with increas-
compression during mercury intrusion, including both the ing MTE temperature (Fig. 3b). Similar small changes in
compression of pores as well as the skeletal coal structure coal compressibility were seen by Schuyer et al. [3], who
(Fig. 4). Pore volume compression effects could be caused used sound velocity measurements to determine the com-
by a shift in pore size distribution from larger to smaller pressibility for a range of coal ranks with carbon values
sized pores, as well as an increase in the number of ‘closed’ ranging between 82% and 90%.
pores and pores which are too small for mercury to intrude It is interesting to note that while the degree of hysteresis
into. A shift in pore size distribution with increasing MTE in the mesopore diameter region increases with increasing
temperature is evident from Fig. 2c (also see Figs. 9 and MTE temperature (Fig. 2b), the percent mercury retained
10), which shows an increase in mesopore volume and an (relative to maximum intrusion volume) upon extrusion
associated decrease in macropore volume and mean pore remains relatively constant at about 45% at MTE temper-
diameter at progressively higher MTE temperatures. This atures up to about 200 C (Fig. 5). This suggests that at
would result in a more compressible coal structure, where
empty meso- and micropores (and possibly closed pores)
experience increased compressive forces during the mer- 60
Percentage mercury retention [%]

cury filling of macropores and larger mesopores (Fig. 4). 50

Compression of the skeletal coal structure in turn is
expected to become significant at higher intrusion pres- 40
p =1 MPa
sures, particularly in the mesopore diameter range. This S
30 2 MPa
effect is however expected to decrease at very high MIP 3 MPa
pressures due to an increase in the number of contact 20 5 MPa
points in the compressed network, causing the resistance 7 MPa
against further compression (Fig. 4) to increase. 10 10 MPa
raw Australia
For all three coal samples, the results therefore suggest 0
that the non-linear intrusion-pressure curve (and hence 0 50 100 150 200 250
hysteresis) is due to the combined effects of pore filling Temperature T [ºC]
and sample compression [15]. This effect is enhanced with Fig. 5. Percent mercury retention at the end of MIP experiments for
increasing MTE temperature, consequently leading to a Australian coal.
C. Bergins et al. / Fuel 86 (2007) 3–16 9

high MTE temperatures, the increased relative volume dif- 3.2. Coal compressibility
ference between mercury intrusion and extrusion at high
mercury pressures is compensated for by higher extrusion Based on mercury extrusion data, the calculated com-
volumes (i.e. higher gradients) once lower mercury extru- pressibility determined for all three coal samples was unaf-
sion pressures (e.g. 10 MPa) have been reached. This fected by MTE temperature or pressure (Fig. 3). The range
behaviour is thought to result from the reordering of the of compressibility values (0.6 · 1010–2.2 · 1010 Pa1)
macromolecular network structure [13], suggesting a obtained in this study cover the whole range of values given
reversible deformation of the coal network structure. This in the literature for coals with carbon contents between
result also indicates that an increase in irreversible pore 65% and 95% [5,6,12,13]. Several authors have drawn cor-
structure destruction during MIP experiments for these relations between compressibility and carbon content, and
samples is unlikely. This is in agreement with the work of showed the compressibility to initially decrease with
Spitzer [23], who observed no sample destruction for increasing carbon content and subsequently increase at
MIP pressures up to 100 MPa. higher carbon concentrations [5,6]. No such correlations
The results suggest that the use of compressibility values could be drawn in this study as the change in carbon con-
derived from mercury extrusion data is a more appropriate tent of the samples remained below 2% at the highest MTE
method for correcting pore size distribution data. This is temperature (230 C) investigated [18]. The results from
further supported by the fact that the use of compressibility mercury intrusion porosimetry however suggest that, irre-
values determined from mercury intrusion data, results in spective of the carbon content, the compressibility value
zero differential intrusion in the higher pressure regime can be influenced by the porosity and pore size distribution
(Fig. 2c, dash-dotted lines) and an underestimation of the of the sample. This possibly explains why investigations of
mesopore volume. In addition, it would result in positive coals from different countries or open cuts result in differ-
intrusion during depressurisation, which is physically not ent compressibility curves when plotted only as a function
possible. Furthermore, without compressibility correction, of carbon content (compare [6]).
the total intrusion volume is overestimated (due to com- This is also in accordance with the finding of Teichmül-
pression of pores and the skeletal coal structure at higher ler who argued that ‘the water content of the lignite stage is
intrusion pressures), resulting in an underestimation of a far better measure of the degree of coalification than the
the micropore volume and thus an overestimation of the carbon content or content of volatiles’ [11].
skeletal density. This is more clearly illustrated in Fig. 6a,
where the average helium densities are lower relative to 3.3. Skeletal density
uncorrected MIP determined skeletal densities. However,
upon correction (Fig. 6b), the He densities are sensibly The skeletal density (corrected for compression effects
higher than the MIP determined skeletal densities. Based determined from mercury extrusion data) for all three coal
on these findings, it was decided to use compressibility val- types remained relatively constant with increasing MTE
ues derived from mercury extrusion data for all pore size temperature and pressure. This is to be expected as the
distribution corrections (Fig. 2c, dashed lines). MTE process has relatively little effect on the chemical
It is interesting to note that MTE pressure had relatively composition of the coals [22]. Values tended to range
little effect on compressibility (je) (Fig. 3). This can be between about 1.35 and 1.40 g/cm3 for the Australian
explained by the fact that MTE pressure had little influence and German coals and 1.30 and 1.45 g/cm3 for the Greek
on the mesopore or micropore volume (Fig. 9). coal.

(a) calculated from raw data



(b) calculated from corrected data pS=1 MPa pS=5 MPa raw
[g/cm3] daf.

1.45 2 MPa 7 MPa

3 MPa 10 MPa

Australia Greece Germany
0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200 250
Temperature T [ºC] Temperature T [ºC] Temperature T [ºC]

Fig. 6. Skeletal densities calculated from mercury intrusion at maximum pressure (with and without correction for compressibility) and He densities. The
range of helium density results are represented by the hatched region for ease of interpretation. There is a higher degree of scattering for the German and
Greek coals due to their higher ash content, which in part is present as discrete minerals.
10 C. Bergins et al. / Fuel 86 (2007) 3–16

3.4. Pore size distribution decreases the total pore volume (including a small amount
of gas) [22] of all three coal types. Upon oven drying, the
Shown in Fig. 7 is the effect of MTE temperature on the MTE products shrink (discussed later), resulting in further
pore size distribution of all three coal types treated at a pore volume loss, such that the pore size distributions
constant mechanical pressure of 5 MPa. The corresponding shown in Fig. 8 are the result of both the MTE process
effects of MTE pressure for four different temperatures are and shrinkage upon oven drying.
shown in Fig. 8. All results have been expressed as logarith- As illustrated in Fig. 8 most of the pore volume for the
mic differential intrusion curves, where the intrusion vol- Australian coal treated under mild MTE processing condi-
umes have been corrected (using je) for compressibility tions is in the macropore size region, with a peak volume at
effects. Furthermore, for each condition, the baseline has a pore diameter of about 0.4 lm. Increasing the MTE pro-
been offset by 0.05 cm3/g, where the dashed lines (marked cessing temperature and pressure caused the distribution to
with corresponding symbols) represent the actual zero line flatten and shift to smaller diameter pores. The correspond-
for each experiment. For ease of interpretation, the pore ing mean pore diameter results in Fig. 10 show this effect to
size distributions have been divided into macro and meso- be more strongly influenced by temperature than pressure.
pore size regions, where the inter/intra particle boundary Furthermore, Fig. 9 shows the shift in pore size distribu-
has been set at 50 lm. To allow easy comparisons to be tion to be associated with a decrease in macropore volume
made between different coal types and processing condi- and an increase in mesopore volume with increasing MTE
tions, the individual macro and mesopore volumes, as well temperature. This finding supports the idea that larger
as calculated micropore and total pore volumes have been pores are being deformed during MTE dewatering, result-
shown in Fig. 9a–d. Additionally, the mean pore diameter ing in an increasing number of smaller pores. Both the
and specific mercury surface areas determined from the macropore and mesopore volumes decreased with increas-
pore size distributions are shown in Figs. 10 and 11 respec- ing MTE pressure (Fig. 9a and b). The micropore volume
tively. It should be noted that the surface areas calculated in turn was relatively unaffected by increases in MTE tem-
according to Eq. (7) have been corrected for compression perature and pressure (Fig. 9c). Despite a decrease in mac-
effects, based on compressibility values derived from mer- ropore volume and an increase in mesopore volume, the
cury extrusion data. Furthermore, the calculated surface total pore volume decreased with increasing MTE temper-
areas are only valid for pores intruded by mercury (i.e. ature (Fig. 9d). This is consistent with the decreased mois-
3.6 nm to 50 lm). No assumptions concerning the pore ture content results shown in Fig. 1. Similar decreases in
geometry are included in Eq. (7) since only the mechanical total pore volume occurred as a function of increasing
work of wetting the coal surface is calculated – even if the MTE pressure.
calculation of surface areas from the filling of cylindrical The shift from macropores to mesopores with increasing
pores would lead to the same equation. Also the error of MTE temperature is associated with an increase in MIP
compressibility correction seems negligible, since the same determined surface area (Fig. 11). The reverse trend is seen
trends with slightly higher or lower absolute values result with increasing pressure, due to the resultant decrease in
from calculations which have been performed without mesopore volume. In comparison, surface areas determined
any correction or with a correction using the compressibil- for Loy Yang Low Ash MTE products by CO2 adsorption
ity calculated from the intrusion curve. measurements, were about 20% higher and remained
As indicated by the water content values shown in unchanged with MTE temperature and pressure [20]. These
Fig. 1, increasing the MTE processing severity significantly differences are due to the MIP method measuring the

T [ºC] p =5 MPa T [ºC] p =5 MPa T [ºC] p =5 MPa

25 145 S 25 145 S 25 145 S
Log differential intrusion [cm3 g –1]

0.60 55 175 Australia 55 175 Greece 55 175 Germany

85 205 (a) 85 205 (b) 85 205 (c)
0.50 115 235 115 235 115 235
macro pores meso
0 0 0
0.30 0 0 0
0 0 0
0.20 0 0 0
0 0 0
0.10 0 0 0
0 0 0
0.00 0 0 0
100 10 1 0.1 0.01 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 100 10 1 0.1 0.01
Pore diameter d [μm] Pore diameter d [μm] Pore diameter d [μm]

Fig. 7. Effect of MTE temperature on the logarithmic differential intrusion of (a) Australian, (b) Greek and (c) German coals.
influence of larger sized pores (3.6 nm to 50 lm diameter), Under mild MTE processing conditions, the total poros-
while the CO2 adsorption method accounts for smaller sized
pores (0.16–2 nm diameter), which dominate the surface
area of a substance and which remain relatively unaffected
by MTE temperature and pressure.
It should be noted that surface areas obtained from the
MIP method are more useful for describing dewatering
trends, as most of the water is entrained in macro and mes-
opores, rather than micropores. In comparison to other
researchers, surface areas calculated in this work are about
3–10 times higher than values quoted in the literature
[12,23]. This is most likely due to the higher mercury intru-
sion pressures used in this work, leading to an increased
surface area contribution from smaller sized pores.
It is interesting to note that at 5 MPa, the increases in
mesopore volume (Fig. 9b) and surface area (Fig. 11),
began to reverse at elevated temperatures (>205 C). This
is possibly due to the onset of thermal decomposition, lead-
ing to chemical changes [9,18,20] similar to those observed
during natural coalification. In addition, there may be
some melting of waxes, which can block access of mercury
to parts of the pore system once the coal is highly com-
pressed. Decreases in mesopore volume and surface area
were also seen with increasing MTE pressure, again indi-
cating the possible blockage of pores to mercury intrusion.
12 C. Bergins et al. / Fuel 86 (2007) 3–16

Australia Greece Germany

0.6 (a) macro pore volume
0.5 p =1 MPa p =7 MPa
2 MPa 10 MPa
0.4 3 MPa raw
0.3 5 MPa
0.12 (b) meso pore volume
pore volume [cm3/g]

0.09 Australia Greece Germany

0.06 (c) micro pore volume
0.6 (d) total pore volume
pS=1 MPa pS=7 MPa
0.5 2 MPa 10 MPa
3 MPa raw
0.4 5 MPa
0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200 250
Temperature T [ºC] Temperature T [ºC] Temperature T [ºC]

Fig. 9. Macro, meso and micropore volume (dashed line for micropore volume gives maximum deviation for correction using the intrusion compressibility
ji) and total pore volume for all dried samples.

(a) (b) (c)

Mean pore diameter dmean [μm]

p =1 MPa
2 MPa
3 MPa
1 5 MPa
7 MPa
10 MPa
Australia Greece Germany
0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200 250
Temperature T [ºC] Temperature T [ºC] Temperature T [ºC]

Fig. 10. Mean pore diameter calculated from MIP data.

The observed increase in mesopore volume, particularly temperature. This latter hypothesis is further supported
for the Greek coal, with increasing MTE temperature by the fact that no increase in mesopore volume was seen
could be due to a number of factors, including the genera- with increasing MTE pressure. To investigate this effect
tion of pores during the MTE process. However, this mech- further, the shrinkage behaviour of all three coal types
anism is unlikely considering that thermal dewatering starts was monitored as a function of increasing MTE tempera-
at about 140 C, leading to a collapse of the coal structure ture and pressure.
due to water release. As the water content of all coals is of
the same order of magnitude for constant MTE process 3.5. Shrinkage
parameters, the data suggests that the increase in mesopore
volume is more likely due to a ‘hardening’ of the coal struc- Shown in Fig. 12 is a comparison of the total pore vol-
ture, leading to changes in shrinkage behaviour (during ume of oven dried MTE products measured by MIP and
drying prior to MIP measurements) with increasing MTE the direct measurement of pellet dimensions using callipers.
C. Bergins et al. / Fuel 86 (2007) 3–16 13

p =1 MPa

Mercury surface area A [m2 g –1]

40 S
2 MPa
35 3 MPa
30 5 MPa
7 MPa
25 10 MPa
5 Australia Greece Germany
(a) (b) (c)
0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200 250
Temperature T [ºC] Temperature T [ºC] Temperature T [ºC]

Fig. 11. Specific surface area calculated from MIP data.

macro pore limit 420 μm

the percentage shrinkage (difference relative to the total wet
1.0 pS=1 MPa
Dry pore volume (by MIP) [cm3/g]

2 MPa
macro pore limit 50 μm pore volume) are shown in Fig. 13b and c respectively.
3 MPa At a constant applied MTE pressure of 5 MPa, the dry
0.8 5 MPa pore volume of the Australian coal decreased continuously
7 MPa with increasing MTE temperature. In comparison, while
10 MPa
0.6 values for the German coal remained relatively constant,
dry pore volumes for the Greek coal increased at elevated
0.4 MTE temperatures. The corresponding percentage shrink-
age results in Fig. 13c indicate, particularly for the Greek
and German coals, a decrease in shrinkage at temperatures
above about 85 C. Thus, indicating that a hardening of
the coal structure is indeed occurring at elevated MTE tem-
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 peratures. For the Australian similar behaviour is seen at
Dry pore volume (by pellet dimensions) [cm3/g] various pressures (see below), although the effect is not as
Fig. 12. Comparison of total pore volumes of dry MTE pellets measured
by MIP and calculated from pellet dimensions. Coal hardening, and consequent porosity retention at
elevated temperatures, was also observed by Bongers
et al. [24], who investigated the effects of steam drying on
As illustrated, the pore volume from calliper measurements the pore structure of Loy Yang coal. Bongers et al.
is significantly higher, with the effect becoming more pro- observed that the use of steam drying at elevated tempera-
nounced at higher dry pore volumes. This is believed to tures (e.g. 182–225 C) with a low degree of superheat,
be due to the presence of cracks formed upon oven drying, resulted in little moisture loss, leading to the retention of
which are not being captured by the MIP technique, even if much of the bed moist porosity upon oven drying at
the maximum pore volume is set to 420 lm, which corre- 105 C. Bongers et al. argued that this effect was due to
sponds to the minimum pressure applied during MIP cross-linking reactions occurring, where pore collapse was
measurements. prevented by the presence of water inside the pores.
Since crack formation is dependent upon temperature, The conditions experienced by the coal during the first
which affects the binding strength as is commonly seen stages of the MTE process, when applied pressures are still
for briquettes, all shrinkage data was calculated using dry low and thermal dewatering occurs [1,25], are very similar
pore volumes determined from MIP measurements with to those of the low superheat steam experiments carried out
an inter/intra particle cut off diameter of 50 lm. by Bongers et al. It is thus feasible that similar cross-linking
reactions are occurring during the MTE process and give
3.5.1. Effect of temperature on shrinkage rise to the observed resistance to shrinkage.
Shown in Fig. 13a is the effect of MTE temperature on
the dry pore volume of all three coal types, plotted as a 3.5.2. Effect of pressure on shrinkage
function of the total wet pore volume, determined from The effects of MTE pressure on the dry pore volume,
wet pellet dimensions. Since crack formation occurs in absolute volume reduction and percent shrinkage for all
the later stages of drying, the error in the total wet pore three MTE treated coal types are shown in Fig. 14a–c.
volume can be neglected. The corresponding volume differ- For the Australian coal an increase in pressure led to a
ence between wet and oven dried MTE products, as well as reduction in the dry pore volume, indicating an increase
14 C. Bergins et al. / Fuel 86 (2007) 3–16

Dry pore volume [cm3/g]

0.6 (a) Australia Greece Germany

0.3 (T)
1.4 (b)
Shrinkage [cm3/g]

0.8 (T)
0.6 (T)
90 (c)
Shrinkage [%]

80 (T)
70 (T)
25 115 205
50 T[ºC]
55 145 235
(ps=5 MPa) 85 175 raw
0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5
Total pore volume wet (calculated from wet pellet dimensions) [cm3/g]

Fig. 13. Total pore volume of wet and dry MTE pellets and shrinkage.
Dry pore volume [cm3/g]

0.6 (a) Australia Greece Germany


0.4 1MPa (p) (p) (T)
0.3 (p,T) (T)
(T) (p,T) (p,T)
1.4 (b) T= 25 ºC
Shrinkage [cm3/g]

1.2 85 ºC
145 ºC
1 205 ºC
0.8 raw (T)
0.6 (T)
0.2 (p) (p)
90 (c) (p)* (p)
Shrinkage [%]

60 (T)
(p) (T) (T)
0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5
Total pore volume wet (calculated from wet pellet dimensions) [cm3/g]

Fig. 14. Total pore volume of wet and dry MTE pellets and shrinkage.

in shrinkage (relative to the original pellet volume) with shrinkage of MTE products with pressure could thus be
increased water removal. This trend was consistent for all associated with a shift from larger to smaller diameter pores
MTE temperatures investigated. Shrinkage studies under- (Fig. 10), which would increase the capillary forces acting
taken by Evans on raw Yallourn coal showed that due to on the coal structure during drying. While a similar shift
the action of capillary forces, shrinkage is mainly associated in pore size distribution is seen with increasing MTE tem-
with the removal of capillary and multilayer water rather perature (Fig. 10), the reverse trend in shrinkage (i.e.
than bulk water [26]. The observed increase in percentage decreased shrinkage with increasing MTE temperature,
C. Bergins et al. / Fuel 86 (2007) 3–16 15

Fig. 14) is believed to be due to the dominating effects of severe MTE conditions are suggestive of the physical
hardening of the coal structure above about 85 C. changes that accompany increased coalification (rank)
For the German coal an increase in pressure at 85 and within the lignitic range [11]. Prior investigations have
145 C resulted in an initial decrease in dry pore volume shown that differences in chemical composition (C, H, N
(Fig. 14), which at higher MTE pressures levelled out at and O) between MTE products are only slight [22].
about 0.1 cm3/g. The corresponding percentage shrinkage
results (Fig. 14) show an initial slight increase in shrinkage 4. Conclusions
with increasing pressure (p) which, as for the Australian
coal, is believed to be due to a shift in porosity to smaller The effects of MTE on the physical properties of low
(e.g. capillary/multilayer) diameter pores. At very high rank coals, sourced from Australia, Greece and Germany
MTE pressures the degree of shrinkage for the 145 C case were investigated. Of particular interest were the effects
(squares) decreased (p)* again, suggesting that a minimum of MTE temperature and pressure on physical properties
achievable pore volume (i.e. 0.1 cm3/g) has been reached such as pore size distribution, mean pore diameter, surface
under these conditions. This minimum appears to be pres- area and shrinkage behaviour. These characteristics were
ent for all three coals, and is consistent with the work of determined mainly from MIP measurements, carried out
Evans, who observed a zero differential shrinkage at a pore in conjunction with helium pycnometry measurements.
volume of about 0.1 cm3/g [26]. At a MTE temperature of Using MIP intrusion and extrusion data, compressibility
205 C, the shrinkage remained relatively constant with values could be derived, which were used to correct MIP
increasing pressure, which could be related to the harden- derived data for compression effects. To allow easy com-
ing of the coal structure at elevated temperatures. parisons to be made between different MTE processing
In terms of pressure dependent shrinkage behaviour, the conditions and coal types, the pore size distribution was
Greek coal showed similar trends to the German coal, with divided into macro, meso and micropore volumes.
the exception that the initial increase in shrinkage at 145 C An increase in MTE temperature and pressure signifi-
was absent. cantly reduced the moisture content and porosity of all
The results obtained so far suggest that differences in three coal types investigated. Upon oven drying the wet
pore size distribution between the three different coal types MTE products, shrinkage occurred, the porosity trends
result mainly from differences in shrinkage behaviour. of which may not necessarily follow those seen for wet
It is interesting to note that the percentage shrinkage of MTE products. For instance, while the total dry pore vol-
the German and Greek coals is about twice that of the Aus- ume for the oven dried Australian coal decreased with
tralian coal, despite the water contents of the MTE prod- increasing MTE temperature, the reverse was seen for the
ucts being of the same order of magnitude for constant Greek and German coals at low MTE pressures. For all
MTE process parameters (Fig. 1). One explanation for this coals, this was associated with an increase in mesopore vol-
behaviour could be the higher ash content and elevated ume at elevated temperatures. The overall decrease in total
acid extractable Mg and Ca levels present in the Greek pore volume seen for the Australian coal was due to the
and German coals [18]. These elements and other clay com- reduction in macropore volume being greater than the rel-
ponents are known to undergo significant shrinkage and ative increase in mesopore volume. All three coals showed
swelling [27,28]. On the other hand, there could be differ- a decrease in mean pore diameter, which was also associ-
ences in the origin of plant material and cell wall structure ated with an increase in mercury surface area. The
contained within the amorphous phase of the coals. increased pore volume retention is believed to be due to a
hardening of the coal structure with increasing MTE tem-
3.6. Relationship of physico-chemical properties to perature, resulting in decreased percentage shrinkage.
coalification For all three coals, the macro and mesopore volume
decreased with increasing MTE pressure, causing the total
Several researchers [29–31] have investigated the effects pore volume to decrease. The corresponding increase in
of temperature and pressure on the artificial coalification percentage shrinkage seen for the Australian and German
of peat, cellulose and lignin, subsequent to early experi- (at 145 C) MTE samples is believed to arise from an
ments of this type carried out by Bergius in 1913 [32]. Inter- increase in capillary forces, associated with a decrease in
estingly, the experimental apparatus employed by Rollins the average pore diameter. The decrease in shrinkage at
et al. [33] for this purpose was remarkably similar to that higher pressures in turn is likely due to a limiting pore
of the MTE dewatering device used in the present study. volume being reached (0.1 cm3/g), due to the resistance
Under relatively mild processing conditions, for example of the solid against further compression.
125 C/30–38 MPa lithostatic pressure for 8 days [29], it The results thus suggest that the pore volume of MTE
has been reported that physical changes, such as reduced products is a complex function of process parameters,
porosity, were particularly evident (although these were shrinkage and coal hardening. Generally mechanical ther-
not measured by MIP) [31,33]. mal dewatering produces a very low porosity product coal
Thus, the reduction in water content, pore volume and with a pore volume of less than 0.2 cm3/g for typical MTE
the changes in shrinkage behaviour under increasingly conditions (e.g. 200 C, 5 MPa).
16 C. Bergins et al. / Fuel 86 (2007) 3–16

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