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// AppOctetStream.cpp: implementation of the CAppOctetStream class.

// Author: Wes Clyburn (


#include "stdafx.h"
#include "AppOctetStream.h"
#include "Base64.h"
#include "MIMEMessage.h"

#ifdef _DEBUG
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[]=__FILE__;
#define new DEBUG_NEW

// IMPORTANT: The number of bytes we read must be

// a multiple of 3 because CBase64's Encode()
// method will append padding characters ('=')
// to make the output's size a multiple of 4.
// (Base64 treats 3 8-bit bytes as 4 6-bit 'bytes').
// MIME decoders are free to treat '=' as a signal
// that there's no more data, so we don't want to pad
// until we're supposed to.
// When at the end of the file, the # of bytes read
// may not be a multiple of 3, but that's okay
// because we DO want the padding chars then.

#define BYTES_TO_READ 54 // This number guarantess output won't

// won't exceed line-length limit

// Construction/Destruction

CAppOctetStream::CAppOctetStream( int nContentType )

:CMIMEContentAgent( nContentType )


BOOL CAppOctetStream::AppendPart(LPCTSTR szContent,

LPCTSTR szParameters,
int nEncoding,
BOOL bPath,
CString & sDestination)
CStdioFile fAttachment;

ASSERT( szContent != NULL );

// This class handles only file attachments, so
// it ignores the bPath parameter.
if( szContent == NULL )
return FALSE;
if( !fAttachment.Open( szContent, (CFile::modeRead | CFile::shareDenyWrite |
CFile::typeBinary) ) )
return FALSE;
sDestination += build_sub_header( szContent,
attach_file( &fAttachment, CMIMEMessage::BASE64, sDestination );
return TRUE;

CString CAppOctetStream::build_sub_header(LPCTSTR szContent,

LPCTSTR szParameters,
int nEncoding,
BOOL bPath)
CString sSubHeader;
CString sTemp;
TCHAR szExt[ _MAX_EXT ];

_tsplitpath( szContent, NULL, NULL, szFName, szExt );

// This class ignores szParameters and nEncoding.

// It controls its own parameters and only handles
// Base64 encoding.
if( bPath )
sTemp.Format( "; file=%s%s", szFName, szExt );
sTemp = _T( "" );
sSubHeader.Format( _T( "Content-Type: %s%s\r\n" ),
(LPCTSTR)sTemp );
sSubHeader += _T( "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\r\n" );
sTemp.Format( _T( "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=%s%s\r\n" ),
szFName, szExt );
sSubHeader += sTemp;
// Signal end of sub-header.
sSubHeader += _T( "\r\n" ); // Warning: numerous concatenations
// are inefficient.
return sSubHeader;

CString CAppOctetStream::GetContentTypeString()
CString s;
s = _T( "application/octet-stream" );
return s;

// Caller is responsible for opening and closing the file

void CAppOctetStream::attach_file(CStdioFile* pFileAtt,
int nEncoding,
CString & sDestination)
CMIMECode* pEncoder;
int nBytesRead;
TCHAR szBuffer[ BYTES_TO_READ + 1 ];

ASSERT( pFileAtt != NULL );

if( pFileAtt == NULL )
switch( nEncoding )
// This class handles only Base64 encoding, but others
// may be added here.
// Fall through to...
case CMIMEMessage::BASE64:
pEncoder = new CBase64;
catch( CMemoryException* e )
delete e;
if( pEncoder == NULL ) // Old habits are hard to break
nBytesRead = pFileAtt->Read( szBuffer, BYTES_TO_READ );
catch( CFileException* e )
delete e;
szBuffer[ nBytesRead ] = 0; // Terminate the string
sDestination += pEncoder->Encode( szBuffer, nBytesRead );
sDestination += _T( "\r\n" );
} while( nBytesRead == BYTES_TO_READ );
sDestination += _T( "\r\n" );
delete pEncoder;

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