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2012 IEEE International Conference on Power and Energy (PECon), 2-5 December 2012, Kota Kinabalu Sabah, Malaysia

Reactive Power Dispatch Using Big Bang-Big Crunch

Optimization Algorithm for Voltage Stability Enhancement

Z. Zandi, E. Afjei, and M.Sedighizadeh

Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Shahid Beheshti University, G.C., Velenjak, Tehran, 1983963113, Iran.

Abstract— This paper proposes a Big Bang-Big Crunch (BB- for improving the system security with respect to this index. A
BC) optimization algorithm for voltage stability nonlinear least squares optimization algorithm and a reactive
improvement. The voltage stability index is used to rank power dispatch algorithm using LP technique based on the L-
the load buses. The proposed technique is based on the index proposed in[8] for improving the voltage stability
minimization of the maximum of L-indices of load buses. margin was proposed in [10] and [11] respectively to improve
In this study the BB-BC determines settings of control the static voltage stability. A numerically stable sequential
variables such as transformer tap, reactive power Primal-Dual LP algorithm was used in [12]. Thanks to
compensating devices, and generator voltages. The significant improvement in computers’ capability in recent
simulations have been carried out on IEEE 30 -bus and years, Many salient stochastic methods such as such as
118- bus test bus systems. The results of the algorithm are Genetic Algorithm (GA) [13], particle swarm optimization
compared with the results obtained by PSO, demonstrate (PSO) [14], Evolutionary Programming (EP) [15] and
the efficiency of the BB_BC algorithm. Evolutionary Strategy [16] have been applied for solving
Keywords Big Bang-Big Crunch; voltage stability; L-index various complex ORPF problems. K. Vaisakh and P. Kanta
;reactive power dispatch Rao [17] present a Differential Evolution (DE)-based
approach for solving optimal reactive power dispatch
including voltage stability limit in power systems. The
I. INTRODUCTION methodology of monitoring for voltage stability is based on
Nowadays, voltage stability has become a major concern in the L-index of load buses. An improved Genetic algorithm
power systems planning and operation. This problem has (GA) approach for voltage stability enhancement based on the
become very complex due to the continuous growth in the minimization of the maximum of L-indices is suggested in
demand for electricity with unmatched generation and [18]. This study proposes a novel optimization method that
transmission capacity expansion. Stressed system operating at relies on the Big Bang and Big Crunch Theory [19]. An
a higher loading condition may often result in voltage optimization algorithm is constructed inspired by this theory.
instability. In such operating conditions some of the system It will be called the Big Bang-Big Crunch (BB-BC) method
parameters will be operating close to their limits and these and generates random points in the Big Bang phase and
parameters by following contingencies such as unexpected shrinks those points to a single representative point via a
line outages will violate the system limits, which may lead to center of mass or minimal cost approach in the Big Crunch
voltage collapse. The main factor causing voltage collapse is phase. Encouraged by properties of this novel algorithm the
the inability of the power system to meet the demand for authors utilize this method to solve ORPF problems where the
reactive power to maintain normal voltage profiles in stressed purpose is to minimize an objective function that is the
situations. There have been many papers by different authors maximum of the L-indices at load buses. This algorithm is
in comprehending the phenomenon associated with the voltage applied to obtain the optimal control variables so as to
instability. Also offering the modification measures to improve the voltage stability level of the system under the
safeguard the power system networks against such failures [1- base case and against the critical single line outages in the
7]. Numerous approaches have been proposed to find the most system. The performance of the proposed method has been
effective method to improve the voltage stability. Kessel and tested on IEEE 30 and 118- bus test systems. Observations
Glavitch [8] developed a voltage stability index based on the suggest that the proposed method can work more efficiently in
feasibility of solution to the power-flow equation for each both cases, when compared to PSO .This paper is organized as
node. Tiranuchit and Thomas [9] have proposed minimum follows: Section 2 introduced voltage stability index. In
singular value of the Jacobian of the descriptor network section 3 a brief description and mathematical formulation of
equations as a voltage security index and discuss techniques ORPD problems is provided. Along with a short description of
the algorithms, the BB-BC approach is described in Section 4.

978-1-4673-5019-8/12/$31.00 ©2012 IEEE 239

2012 IEEE International Conference on Power and Energy (PECon), 2-5 December 2012, Kota Kinabalu Sabah, Malaysia

Section 5 describes implementation of BB-BC in the ORPD

problem. Simulation results are presented for different cases in
section 6. Finally , in section 7 the General conclusions are The problem of reactive power optimization is constrained by
drawn. the following factors:

Equality Constraints
The equality constraints represent power flow equations, and
The voltage stability analysis of a power system can be are satisfied by running the power flow program. They can be
determined by an index of quantifiable voltage stability, there expressed as follows:
are a variety of indexes that help assess the steady state
voltage stability. In this paper, the voltage stability index ( L-
index )is used [8]. It is based on a load flow analysis and
varies in the range between 0 (for no load) to 1 (voltage
collapse point).This index is able to evaluate the steady state
voltage stability margin of each bus. The L-index calculation
for a power system is briefly discussed below: If a power
system has N number of total bus, number of PV bus and
number of load bus, then the relationship between voltage
and current can be represented as:
Where and , are number of load buses and total
number of buses excluding slack bus respectively; and
are the generator real and reactive power respectively; and
Where are the current and voltage at the generator
are the load real and reactive power respectively; Gij and
buses. are the current and voltage at the load buses.
Bij are the transfer conductance and susceptance between bus i
and bus j respectively.
Rearranging Eq. (1) we obtain
Inequality Constraints

The inequality constraints represent the system operating

constraints. Generator terminal bus voltages, transformers tap
setting, and reactive power generated by the capacitor bank are
the control variables which are self - constrained. The active
The L-indices for a given load condition are computed for all power generation at the slack bus, reactive power generation, load
load buses. The equation for the L-index for j-th node can be bus voltages, and line flow limit are the state variables whose
written as: limit is satisfied in the objective function by penalty

These constrains are as follows:

(iii) real power generation of slack bus limited as follows:

(iv) reactive power outputs and Generator voltages

are restricted as follows:
The values of are obtained from the matrix  .The
indicator is a quantitative measure and is used to
estimate the distance of the actual state of the system to the
stability limit.
Where, is number of voltage buses.
This paper presents an algorithm for reactive power (v) Load Bus Voltage (VL):
optimization to improve voltage stability margin based on L-
index minimization. In this case, the objective is to minimize
the maximum value of L-index of a system, The function
optimized while satisfying equality and inequality constraints. Where, is the number of load buses.
This is mathematically is represented as follows:

2012 IEEE International Conference on Power and Energy (PECon), 2-5 December 2012, Kota Kinabalu Sabah, Malaysia

(vi) Capacitor bank reactive power is limited as: Where stands for center of mass, u is the upper limit of the
parameter, r is a normal random number and k is the iteration
step. Then new point is both upper and lower bounded.
The center of mass is recalculated after the second explosion.
Where, NC is the number of capacitor banks. These consecutive explosion and contraction steps are carried
repetitively until a stopping criterion has been met.
(vii) Tap settings is limited as follows:

Where, is the number of tap-setting transformer branches. The implementation of the proposed algorithms for the
optimization problem includes finding the optimal value of
(viii) Line flow limit: Line flow limited as: control variables namely, generator bus voltages ( ), the
transformer tap-setting ( ), and the reactive power generation
( ) to minimize the object function while handling the
constraints. The implementation process of BB-BC to the
Where, is the number of transmission lines. optimal reactive/voltage control problem is described as
Since transformer tap ratios, and capacitor bank reactive
power generation have a discrete nature, while generator Fitness Function: In the reactive power optimization problem
terminal voltages are on the other hand, continuous variables, under consideration, the objective is to minimize the of
the voltage stability enhancement problem can be exactly the system satisfying the constraints given by equations (11) to
formulated as a nonlinear optimization problem with a mixture (17). For each particle, the equality constraints given by
of discrete and continuous variables. The next part describes equations (9) and (10) are satisfied by running Newton-
the proposed approach for solving this optimization problem. Raphson algorithm. Moreover, the inequality constraints on
the control variables are taken into account in the problem
IV. BB-BC METHODE APPRPCHEA representation itself and the constraints on the state variables
are taken into consideration by adding a quadratic penalty
The   BB–BC   method   developed   by   Erol   and   Eksin   [18]   function to the objective function. Provided that the penalty
function is included, the new objective function then becomes:
consists  of  two  phases:  a  Big  Bang  phase,  and  a  Big  Crunch  
phase.   In   the   Big   Bang   phase,   candidate   solutions   are  
randomly   distributed   over   the   search  space. Erol and Eksin
[18] associated the random nature of the big bang to energy
dissipation or the transformation from an ordered state (a
convergent solution) to a chaos state (new set of solution where , and are the penalty factors for the
candidates). The Big   Bang   phase is followed by the Big reference bus generator active power limit violation, the load
Crunch one which is a convergence operator that has many bus voltage limit violation, generator reactive power limit
inputs but only one output termed the ‘‘center of mass”. The violation, and the line flow violation respectively. In the above
term mass refers to the inverse of the fitness function value objective function , , are defined as:
[20]. The point representing the center of mass that is denoted
by is computed as (18)

Where is a point within an n-dimensional search space

generated, is a fitness function value of this point, N is the
population size in the Big Bang phase. After the Big Crunch
phase, the algorithm must create new members to be used as
the Big Bang of the next iteration step which can be done by
utilizing the previous knowledge (center of mass) by
spreading new off-springs around this center of mass using a
normal distribution operation in every direction where the
standard deviation of this normal distribution function
decreases as the number of iterations of the algorithm
increases [20]

The BB-BC approach takes the following steps:

2012 IEEE International Conference on Power and Energy (PECon), 2-5 December 2012, Kota Kinabalu Sabah, Malaysia

TABLE I. Best control variables settings for IEEE 30 bus

Step 1: Form initial particles in random manner system
Step 2: By running Newton-Raphson power flow, calculate Control variables BB-BC PSO
the fitness values of the candidate solutions 1.06 1.06
Step 3: Find the center of the mass according to (18). Best
fitness individual can be chosen as the center of mass. 0.9510 0.976
Step 4: According to (19) calculate new candidates around 0.9911 0.9975
the center of the mass. 0.9717 0.9834
Step 5: Until stopping criterion is met, return to step 2.
0.9767 0.9824
0.9515 0.9833
BB-BC algorithm has been implemented to on IEEE 30 - 0.3 0.2
bus and 118- bus test systems. These systems are optimized 0 0.1
using the optimal reactive power dispatch method for two 0 0
states, the first is under base load condition for 125 % load
level and the second one is under contingency states. 0 0
Simulation performed in MATLAB-7 and executed on a 2.53 0 0
GHz with 4 GB RAM. 0.94375 0.94375
0.93125 0.9625
A. IEEE 30-bus test system
0.9375 0.95625
The IEEE 30-bus network used in this study consists of 6 0.90625 0.91225
generators, 24 load buses and 41 transmission lines of which 4
branches (i.e., 6-9, 6,10, 4,12, and 28-27) are with tap setting 0.1326 0.1389
transformers. The system data of this power system are
available in [21]. Tap settings are in the range of [0.9, 1.1] in
Simulation 79.6 94.2
32 steps (0.0006) p.u. for each step. The reactive time(s)
compensation devices are considered within the interval [0, Iteration 63 91
50] Mvar in 5 steps (0.1) p.u for each step. Also the voltages number
of all bus buses except the slack bus are limited to [0.9, 1.1]
p.u. The slack bus bar voltage is fixed to its specified value of
1.06 p.u. For the proposed algorithm, a population of 30 TableII.    Comparison  among  different  methods  for  IEEE  30-­‐  bus  
individuals is used for all the examples. Also, maximum system  (Line  outage(  28-­‐27)  (125%  loaded  condition))  
iteration number is set to 100. The value of the constants , Maximum L-index
and are set to 1.0, 0.95 and 0.68, respectively . The base Before optimization After optimization
power value is 100 MW. First for the 125 % load level L-
index is calculated for all the PQ buses. In this case, the
objective is to minimize the maximum value of L-index that is
calculated to be . Hence 5 load buses with BB-BC 0.3601 0.  90
0.5829 0.767
higher value of L-index are chosen as reactive power supply PSO 0.3615 0.922
( ). The optimum settings of the control
variables for this purpose as obtained from the different
method are given in Table I. It is clear from Table I that the
maximum value of L-index achieved using BB-BC is 0.1326 Table  III:  Comparison  among  different  methods  for  IEEE  30-­‐bus  
which is less in comparison to PSO. From Tables I, it is clear system  (Line  outage  (27-­‐30)(125%  loaded  condition))  
that the BB-BC approach is also efficient as far as Maximum L-index
computational time is concerned. Time requirements as well Before optimization After optimization
as iteration number are much less than PSO. To investigate
the system under disturbance, contingency analysis was
conducted at 1.25 times the base load condition. From the
contingency analysis, the most severe case are found for line
BB-BC 0.2205 0.984
0.3227 0.890
outages (28-27) and (27-30). For these optimal values of PSO 0.2245 0.990
control variables Table II and Table III show the system
performance before and after the application of BB-BC and
PSO technique when line (28-27) and (27-30) were removed.

2012 IEEE International Conference on Power and Energy (PECon), 2-5 December 2012, Kota Kinabalu Sabah, Malaysia

problems. Another advantage is that the computational time   as  

Using these tables, it is found that the value of decreases well   as   iteration   number is reduced. Again a network
and voltage stability has improved after the application of the contingency is considered in this system. From the
algorithm. The voltage profile of the system before and after contingency analysis, line outages (34-43) and (45-46) are
the application of the BB-BC algorithm under contingency found to be the most severe cases. As indicated in Table VI
(28-27) is displayed in Fig. 1. As it is seen in this figure the and Table VII, by using proposed algorithm improvement in
voltage profile is improved. voltage stability was achieved and the maximum L-index
value is decreased.

Table  V.  Comparison among different methods for an IEEE 118-bus system
after 50 trials (Maximum L-index)  
Methods Max. Min. Average Simulations Iteration
time, s number
Before optimization BB-BC 0.0998   0.0592   0.0616   580.4 64
After optimization
PSO 0.0946   0.0608   0.0620   602.7 92
Voltage Magnitude

Table  VI.  Comparison  among  different  methods  for  an  IEEE  118-­‐  
bus  system  (Line  outage  (34-­‐43)  (125%  loaded  condition))  
Maximum L-index
Before optimization After optimization
3 4 6 7 9 1012 1415 161718 1920 212223 2425 262728 2930
Load Bus NO
BB-BC 0.1800 0.934
Fig. 1. Voltage profile under line outage 28-27. 0.2446 0.914
PSO 0.1946 0.914

B. IEEE 118-Bus System

The system has 54 generators, 186 branches, nine

Table VII. Comparison among different methods for an IEEE 118- bus
transformers. The system detailed load and branch data are system (Line outage (45-46) (125% loaded condition))
given in [21]. The voltages of all load buses have been kept Maximum L-index
within 0.95-1.05 p.u. The upper and lower of tap and reactive Before optimization After optimization
power compensations are similar to the previous system. Methods
Firstly, the L-index of all load buses are calculated as stated in
the previous sections. Hence 19 load buses with higher BB-BC 0.1253 0.934
value (>.04) as shown in Table IV, are chosen as reactive 0.1726 0.916
power injected. By calculating L-index it is found that PSO 0.1328 0.916
Table IV. The selected load bus for reactive power injected
Table VIII gives the voltage magnitude and L-index values for
13 20 21 22 43
a selected list of buses for contingency (34-103) when BB-BC 44 45 51 52 53 algorithm is implemented. Improvement in voltage profile and
58 82 83 93 94 reduction in L-index values at the load buses are evident from
95 96 97 117 this result. The simulation results in the IEEE 118 bus system
demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed
Table V shows that the average and minimum value of the BB-BC method in minimizing maximum L-index.
objective function obtained from BB-BC technique is very
close to its minimum value. These trends in the results only
indicate the ability of these algorithms to reach either optimum
value or very close to it in each run. This is an indication of
robustness of these algorithms in solving these types of OPF

2012 IEEE International Conference on Power and Energy (PECon), 2-5 December 2012, Kota Kinabalu Sabah, Malaysia

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