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GEOMETRIC INEQUALITIES BY O. BOTTEN: Delft, The Netherierds R. Z. DJORDJEVIC Belgrade, Yugosivia R.R. JANIC Belgrade, Yugosiccia D. S. MITRING TIC Belgrade, Yugosia'ia P.M. VASIC Belgrade, Yugosic‘a WANT WOLTERS-NOORDHOFF PUBLISEING GRONINGEN 1969 THE NETHERL.NDS LTERS-NOORDHOFF PUBLISHING, GRONINGEN, No part of this book may be reproduced in any form by print, photoprint, micro Im or any other means without written permission irom the publishers Printed in The Vetherlands 1968 Table of contents |. Inequalities for the sid. , Inequalities for the sides and the radii of a triangle . . Inequalities for the sides, the altitudes and the radii . Necessary and = apenas adaieiaueeiauia Notations . . Inequalities involving only i sides of a triangle . . . Inequalities for the angles of a triangle... . . . |. Inequalities for the angles amd others elements of a Gene. Ce . Inequalities for the sides, the area and che radii of a drangle : |. Inequalities for the medians, the angle-bisectors and Giher clements Of Stusugle . Inequalities related to two triangles inscribed one in Sa NR a ee ean ge ee gece . Inequalities involving elements of two triangles. . . i Special tangles . Inequalities for the distances off a point to the vertices and the sides of a trian, atange |. Miscellaneous inequalities for the elements of a triangle . Inequalities for quadril . Inequalities for polygons. . - . Inequalities for a circle... - . ee index. ee ee eee

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