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Research Article

Advances in Mechanical Engineering

2017, Vol. 9(4) 1–23
Ó The Author(s) 2017
An emergency exits choice preference DOI: 10.1177/1687814017693541
model based on characteristics of
individual diversity

Zhihong Li1,2

Previously compute models usually applied the assumption that people would adopt the shortest route to escape, or be
given fixed destination. But the diversity of characteristics mean everyone has an individual determination based on opti-
mal utility including distance, crowding level, and personalized cognition. We focused on the correlation between individ-
ual feature and their initial exits strategy in crowded places. By carrying out a questionnaire survey about individual
characteristics, spatial cognition, and personalized decision in a market, we found that each pedestrian held different pre-
ferences and probabilities of choosing a particular exit for evacuation due to diversity of social background. An emer-
gency exits choice preference model was proposed to analyze escape behavior and to determine the initial preference.
The model could balance the influence of differentiated cognition of various pedestrians against the practical evacuating
state and surroundings. And also, it could predict the destinations choosing probability in emergency. The result showed
the evacuation duration, maximum density, and highest density were more optimal. Applying this model, the pedestrians’
averaged density of exits decreased obviously. Stampede risk was significantly reduced. We expected to make a step that
the pedestrian behavior simulation will advance on integrating the human social behavior from theoretical precision.

Exit choice, personalized behavior, spatial cognition, evacuation, individual characteristics

Date received: 7 September 2016; accepted: 16 January 2017

Academic Editor: Francesco Massi

Introduction familiar with the responses in case of an emergency by

the pre-designed evacuation schemes. It is particularly
Safety issue in public place has been closely related to important how to analyze the pedestrian escape beha-
everyone, especially considering the disasters frequently vior in emergency.
occurred in recent years. Many pedestrians lost their
lives in the building, transit station, stadium or super-
market, where many people with different characters, Key Laboratory for Urban Transportation Complex Systems Theory
targets, and behaviors usually gathered. Taking the and Technology, Ministry of Education, Beijing Jiaotong University,
Beijing, China
Beijing Panjiayuan Antique trading market as an exam- 2
Beijing Engineering Technology Research Center of Urban
ple, the management committee employs 50 persons in Transportation Infrastructure Construction, Beijing University of Civil
charge of the on-site patrol to 47,600 passengers and Engineering and Architecture, Beijing, China
4000 merchants each weekend. The area of the antique
trading market is only 48,500 m2. Managers should Corresponding author:
Zhihong Li, Beijing Engineering Technology Research Center of Urban
make great efforts to improve crowd controlling to Transportation Infrastructure Construction, Beijing University of Civil
maintain safety for all the public members involved in Engineering and Architecture, Beijing 100044, China.
the crowded public places, and be well trained to be Email:

Creative Commons CC-BY: This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License
( which permits any use, reproduction and distribution of the work without
further permission provided the original work is attributed as specified on the SAGE and Open Access pages (
2 Advances in Mechanical Engineering

Many researchers simulated pedestrian behavior,

that is, leaving a building in the fire emergency and
produced quite meaningful outputs like evacuation
time estimate,1,2 individual evacuation behavior,3–5 the
network-based pedestrian evacuation model,6 and bot-
tleneck analysis.7,8 Many investigations were discussed
of pedestrians’ routing choice behavior in unfamiliar
buildings or environment by acquiring cognitive maps.9 Figure 1. Daily flow of Beijing Panjiayuan Antique market in
T Nagatani and Nagai10 discussed the statistical char- April.
acteristic of evacuation without visibility. T Hyoung
and JoonhoKo11 analyzed the effects of individual and
built environment characteristics on the route choice. are that pedestrians with individual features and rational
K Arai and Sang12 and M Goetz13 presented an alloca- judgment ability prefer to choose their evacuating routes
tion model to rescue disabled persons in disaster area based on their visual condition and personalized cogni-
with volunteers help using integration of geographic tion. Therefore, this article was supposed to provide assis-
information system (GIS) and multi-agent-based tances to the managers of the general crowd gathering
model. G Sokhansefat et al.14 discussed the simulation places during an emergency evacuation.
of crowding, panic, and disaster management, and
there were more research works in depth based on Methodology
Agent-Based Indoor Evacuation Simulation of way-
finding.15 A prior assumption in most literatures was To investigate the relationship between individual char-
the completed spatial knowledge in these simulations. acteristic and an emergent decision, a study was carried
That means each road or exit could be taken into con- out to identify the impacts of individual cognition and
sideration by each pedestrian, which means the spatial characteristics on route choice and emergent judgment.
knowledge from individual experience was not well A survey of random samples in a large market was
considered. Compared with the perfect information conducted.
hypothesis, D Canca et al.16 proposed the individual
characteristic and behavior based on uncompleted spa- Target
tial cognitive hypothesis in an international firework
display and exhibition event. In this article, a supermarket named Beijing Panjiayuan
However, the pedestrian’s behavior is a complex and Antique trading market was chosen to carry out our
dynamic process, and these decision-making processes questionnaire survey in August. There are nearly 40,000
are mostly based on subjective streamline design, which customers, 4000 merchants every weekend, and 10,000
will seldom consider the individual judgment, probabil- customers every workday (Figure 1). It is the largest
ity of keeping rational, personal feature, and persona- antique market in China. It covers 48,500 m2 and
lized spatial cognition. Some pedestrians would not accommodates more than 3000 booths or merchants. A
know other exits. A phenomenon is likely to occur that great population density makes the region with many
most pedestrians only run to a few limited exits, hidden dangers.
whereas other exits are used by much fewer pedestrians.
Also, the proportion of people familiar with the surround- Experimental design
ing environment in the general crowd gathering places
(station, mall, etc.) was much higher than that in those Aiming at the relations of individual characteristics,
special events (concert, stadium, etc.). The survey also personalized spatial cognition, and so on, this article
found that not everyone chooses his individual route by carries out a questionnaire survey and meta-analysis.
his own decision, some people would follow the crowd The questionnaire includes 33 questions and contains
pouring or conductor. It may increase the average evacua- three aspects: individual characteristics, spatial cogni-
tion time of all pedestrians, especially when pedestrians tion, and personalized decision (Appendix 1). In total,
are initially distributed in concentration. Parts of pedes- 4000 formal questionnaires were assigned in the super-
trians who are familiar with the location of the evacuation market, and respondents were asked to complete all the
exits consider not only the distances from the current posi- 33 projects.
tion to the nearest exits but also the crowding degree
along the possible evacuation routes. Individual characteristics. In the different external sur-
We proposed an emergency exits choice preference roundings, pedestrians can form variant psychological
(EECP) model based on the individual judgment, prob- characteristics in emergency. The route choices are
ability of keeping rational, personal feature, and perso- relative to the individual characteristics. Various char-
nalized spatial cognition. The key points in this model acteristics and impact factors of respondents, like
Li 3

gender, age, education, and residential zone, were col- meaningful outputs for practical application on crowd
lected in the questionnaire survey. People with different management and evacuation planning have been pre-
gender, age, and background had different cognitive sented with evacuation time estimation and analysis of
ability and self-awareness, while the factor of different bottlenecks.
living area had a subtle influence on the individual
judgment. Incomplete spatial knowledge assumption. The complete
spatial knowledge assumption has been applied in most
simulation studies, but it may not be suitable for some
Spatial cognition. In addition, we also took consideration events in which most visitors or customers may be unfa-
of trip mode chosen by respondents, the route, and the miliar with the surroundings, just like a large stadium,
familiarity degree of the market. Judgment and ability large trading markets, and the railway station and so on.
to adapt would decline sharply in emergency, and space In contrast, the incomplete spatial knowledge
cognitive ability can dominate to induce people to assumption, which thinks that only part of the entire
choose themselves familiar route and form individual road network or landmarks could be recognized and
escape routes. available by the evacuating pedestrians, was employed
in some simulation studies. These are the most distinct
Personalized decision. To analyze the personal decision, routes in the cognitive map retained in people’s minds.
10 questions are designed for emergency perception. Meanwhile, the differences in recognizing various pas-
For example, How to tell that there is an emergency if sages or landmarks were identified. The diversity of
the following conditions occur? Once there is an emer- spatial knowledge structure implies the possibility that
gency, what will you do? Which kind of routes do you different roads or landmarks contribute different prob-
prefer to choose in emergency? Finally, an escape map abilities to look for an escape route during evacuation.
is required to draw so to get the information of each Feinberg and Johnson17 found that the spatial knowl-
respondent’s possible escape route. edge assumption should be considered seriously for
practical evacuation simulation models.

The EECP model

Personalized spatial cognition assumption. In case of a
Model framework supermarket evacuation taking place in the city, a large
We have developed a model, called EECP model, which population of attendants may comprise diverse groups
reduces route complexity by creating user-specific with different background, such as male and female,
routes based on a prior knowledge of being familiar teenager and elderly, and living nearby and afar off.
with routes or landmarks. The model can also judge Consequently, a wide range of the attendants’ spatial
which routes might be chosen based on practical visual knowledge may be displayed. Thus, we assumed that
condition, personal feature, and spatial cognitive abil- different pedestrians hold different spatial cognitions in
ity. The social psychological factors influence route pre- their minds in accordance with their backgrounds of
ference together with the practical conditions, such as socio-economic situations, and therefore, each one
tender, age, education level, living region, trip mode, derives his or her individual passageway sub-network,
and visit times. which may greatly have varied from one to other.
Model operates in three steps. First, collecting
known exits and route data into a personalized attri- Incomplete rational decision-making. In emergency condi-
bute. Second, identifying the linkage between known tions, many people do not acquaint the environment or
exits and pedestrian’s individual social and economic own less psychological quality, and may lose the ability
factors by logistic regression. Finally, using the perso- of decision-making and the basic judgment in the eva-
nalized attributes to undergo route compression and cuation. Once it happened, the evacuation destination
rerouting. Then, it will give the best route by a cost will be unconcern to the person. He may run to nearest
function and suggests this route to the user. door, follow someone, or run along with the major.

Assumptions Model
To facilitate crowd evacuation management during It is supposed that pedestrians are diversified decision-
potential emergencies, we seek to find typical behaviors makers who seek maximum utility (minimum time,
of pedestrians in the evacuation at the microscopic shortest distance, or level of recognition) through con-
level, which has been widely used to simulate pedes- tinuous evacuation choices (Table 1).
trian evacuation behavior in escaping from a building Traveling on a familiar route may be longer in dis-
in a fire, hurricane evacuation, and so on. And quite tance or time than traveling on the most direct one.
4 Advances in Mechanical Engineering

Table 1. Description of variables.

Variables Elements define

Pmn Probability for person n choosing the route m

Ro Probability of the reliability of escape route (RR)
Co Probability of the cognition (Co) for person n
perceiving route m
ar , ac The weights of escape route reliability and cognition
Relative subjective visual distance in route m
for person n
Subjective visual distance in route m for person n
Dmn Real visual distance in route m for person n
LOCmn Crowding level for person n perceiving the route m
bd , bloc Tradeoff between taking distance and crowding level
Comn Level of cognition for person n perceiving the
route m, m 2 An
Cojn Level of cognition for person n perceiving the
Figure 2. The meaning of some variables.
route j, j 2 An
Di Real distance of link i
L Maximum perturbation of real length
voi Initial velocity for pedestrian i ar + ac = 1 ð4Þ
f Projected area for one person
rlo Density of location area for ith person bd + bloc = 1 ð5Þ
rad Density of adjacent area for ith person
w The width of passage The Pmn factor represents the probability for person
Dad Length of adjacent area n choosing the route m. Where An is the set of destina-
vM Maximum velocity of pedestrian tions for person n. The a coefficient represents the
i Level of familiarity weight of each factor in relation to other factors, and
tk , t0 Regression coefficients for level of familiarity the tradeoff between taking unfamiliar and familiar
gk , g0 Regression coefficients for cognition
routes. b is the tradeoff between taking distance and
crowding level. The Comn is the level of cognition for
person n to route m. The bd value below 0.5 indicates
Pedestrians prefer both familiar routes and shorter that the level of crowding is more important than
routes in emergency. We resolve this conflict through a distance.
linkage a between the probability of reliability of escape
route (RR) and cognition (Co) of route m. The RR is a 1. The coefficient of reliability of visual escape route
function of crowding level (LOC) and subjective visual (RRmn)
distance Dsub
mn .
The RDsub Every pedestrian perceives the travel time of links in a
mn is the relative subjective visual distance
of route m, and it can be represented as RDsub different ‘‘subjective’’ way. To do that, the length of
mn =
Dsub sub each link is perturbed in a maximum of L around its
mn =Max8 (Dkn ). The meaning of these variables is
shown in Figure 2. In the line of sight, there are k visual real length as follows
roads. The exact distance of these roads was, respec-
tively, Dan , Dbn , Dcn , . . . , Dmn , orDo1 , Do2 , Do3 , . . . , Dok Dsub
= Di (1 + RND(  L, L)) ð6Þ
just like those in Figure 2. The subjective visual dis-
Crowding level (LOC) is the extent of pedestrian
tances for these routes were Dsub sub sub sub
an , Dbn , Dcn , . . . , Dmn .
sub traffic congestion in evacuating case for some links
Dmn and Dmn means, respectively, the visual and subjec-
tive visual distance in route m for person n 0:8
1 v0i rlo w r
LOCmn = + lo ð7Þ
Pmn = ar PRR Co
ð1Þ 2 4vM rad
mn + ac Pmn

PRR sub Nf
mn = bd RDmn + bloc LOCmn r= ð8Þ
Dsub WDad
= bd mn  + bloc LOCmn ð2Þ
Max8 Dsubkn where f is the projected area for one person. rad and rlo
expðComn Þ 1 factors represent the density of adjacent area for ith
mn = P
 = P   , m 2 An person. w represents the width of passway. vM variable
exp Cojn exp Cojn  Comn
j2An j2An represents the maximum velocity. Dad is the length of
ð3Þ adjacent area.
Li 5

2. The coefficient of a Af = ½ j1 j2    jk , if jk has the J level, we

deform jk into J  1 dummy variables cku
The a is the linkage between the probability of reliabil- u 2 (1, . . . , J  1), then
ity of escape route (RR) and cognition (Co). The famil-
iarity with traffic condition could affect the choice of X
m JX
k 1

Comn = g0 + g ku cku ð13Þ

escape route in emergency. Based on our investigation
k =1 u
data, the familiarity was strongly related to pedes-
trians’ social and economic backgrounds (age, tender, The g ku coefficients are calibrated by binary logistic
education, arriving mode, residential zone, etc.). The regression based on the data of personalized
linear regression was applied to identify the values of recognition.
Fm, i
ar and ac . We made four different levels of Umn , as
very familiar, familiar, unfamiliar, and quite unfami-
liar, and assigned the values 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, and 1.0,
Model implementation
respectively. The ar values below 0.5 indicated that The model was used as a simulation tool to analyze
the level of cognition is more important than practical Panjiayuan fairground for evacuation planning, engi-
traffic condition neering design, and operation analysis from a pedes-
trian circulation. Here, we use that realistic experience
J 1
to illustrate how the microscopic cognition-based simu-
Umn = t0 + tk jk , i = 1, 2, 3, 4 ð9Þ lation approach proposed in this article works in
k =1
The tk coefficients are calibrated by regression with
the data of personalized familiar level
Model calibration and validation
1 Practical applications require calibration and validation
ar = PFm
mn =
1 + exp Umn of the model. At the first step, an analysis is performed
using logistic regression to calibrate the parameters of
ac = 1  ar = 1  PFm
mn ð11Þ model, minimizing deviations from the outputs with
respect to the known real values. The calibration
involves several parameters: g 0 (the constant) and the
3. The level of cognition (Co) g ku (the coefficient). At the second step, according to
the personalized familiar level to road network, the a,
When searching a familiar route, we usually try to b, and L (subjective length perception) coefficients are
look for some landmark in the way to the destination. calibrated.
So, those landmarks are also the parts of destination
attribute. Everyone has his individual collection of per- 1. Coefficients a, b, and L
sonalized landmarks. The route from the starting point
to one’s personalized landmark is considered as famil- The coefficient a is the weight of each factor in relation
iar, and the way from the landmark to the destination to other factors. ar and ac are decided by the probabil-
is considered as unfamiliar. Fm, i
ity of familiar level (Pmn ). By the linear regression, we
To a pedestrian with several socio-economic attri- get the values of t0 and t k
butes with the construction of its spatial knowledge, the
independent variable was a vector related to the poten- Fm, i
J 1
tial attributes of a pedestrian. We supposed that the K Umn = t 0 + tk jk = 0:652  0:023DG + 0:01DAge
is related to the probability of landmarks or destina- k =1
0:088DTC + 0:017DGroup + 0:011DEdu  0:004DZone
tions being selected. Therefore, for a given landmark or
PFm1 mn =
1 + exp½(0:652  0:023DG + 0:01DAge  0:088DTC + 0:017DGroup + 0:011DEdu  0:004DZone)
ar = PFm1
mn , ac = 1  ar = 1  PFm1
destination, the probability of m being selected in the
condition of cognition factors is determined by the logit The value of coefficient b depends on the preference
function as shown in following equation between length and crowding. We assigned 0.6 and 0.4
to bd and bloc , respectively, by our experience.
J 1
Comn = g0 + g k jk ð12Þ 2. Calibration of g ku g0
k =1
6 Advances in Mechanical Engineering

Table 2. Variables in the equation for exits P1\P2\P3\P4.

Attribute Detail P1-B P2-B P3-B P4-B

Gender DG Male = 1, Female = 0 0.003 0.113 –0.065 –0.065

Age DA1 Below 18 years 0.217 0.354 –0.331 –0.522
DA2 18–30 years –0.065 –0.235 0.009 0.107
DA3 31–45 years 0.168 –0.355 0.106 –0.120
DA4 46–60 years 0.006 –0.186 0.071 0.021
Group DG1 1 person –0.017 –0.145 –0.008 0.241
DG2 2 persons –0.077 –0.079 –0.167 0.190
DG3 3 persons 0.181 0.074 0.044 0.117
Education DE1 Below undergraduate 0.337 0.136 –0.154 0.194
DE2 Undergraduate 0.580 0.053 –0.155 0.188
Zone DZ1 Within 5 km –0.680 –0.041 0.186 0.152
DZ2 5–10 km –0.362 –0.039 0.212 0.060
DZ3 10–15 km –0.659 0.012 0.183 0.223
DZ4 15–30 km –0.462 –0.027 0.316 0.120
Mode DV
DV(1) Car 0.397 –0.428 0.705 1.395
DV(2) Subway 1.372 0.403 –1.132 –0.638
DV(3) Tricycle 0.287 –0.109 0.158 0.378
DV(4) Bus 1.336 –0.173 –0.998 –1.105
DV(5) Bicycle 0.525 0.053 –0.250 0.283
DV(6) Electric bicycle 0.455 0.028 –0.050 0.299
DV(7) Walking –0.122 –0.095 –0.108 –0.237
Year DTC
DTC(1) Below 1 year –0.767 0.697 –0.609 0.341
DTC(2) 1–3 years –0.024 0.007 –0.214 –0.070
DTC(3) Above 3 years –0.079 –0.057 –0.017 0.009
Constant –0.044 –0.875 –1.154 –1.234

Variable(s) entered in step 1: DG, DA1, DA2, DA3, DA4, DG1, DG2, DG3, DE1, DE2, DZ1, DZ2, DZ3, DZ4, DZ5, DV, and DTC.

Under emergency conditions, pedestrians’ route choice cognition. Contrary to traditional approaches, more
may be different when they are facing different passa- subjective and personalized factors were considered in
geways, it is crucial to estimate which social and eco- the model. Applications of the model will be manifold.
nomic factors determine the pedestrian route choice For one thing, the approach can model choice behavior
preference. in pedestrian simulation. Stand-alone applications of
First, we choose some socio-economic factors (age, the model will be possible to predict choice probability
gender, times, group, education, arrival mode, and resi- of destination in large public places, such as railway
dential zone) as the alternative independent variables. stations, exhibition centers, and stadiums and super-
The destinations or landmarks are chosen as dependent markets. Such a model is not only valuable to know
variables. To solve Comn , we turned some factors into emergency decision-making behavior but also to reveal
dummy variables according to every factor’s definition. the bottlenecks in infrastructure design. For instance,
For instance, in the questionnaire, the factor ‘‘age’’ is the example of Panjiayuan Antique market shows the
divided into five categories: below 18, 18–30, 31–45, 46– ideal passageway width for emergency. In this way,
60, and over 60 years. So, we turned the factor ‘‘age’’ infrastructure layout, escape signs, and method of
into four dummy variables cku (DA1, DA2, DA3, and organization can be optimized. This pertains to regular
DA4). Then, we choose SPSS to analyze the correlation circumstances, as well as to emergency conditions.
between socio-economic factors and their routes. The Practical application of this model requires a supple-
chi-square test is chosen to measure the correlation mentary investigation to personalized cognition and
scale between the dependent variables and independent calibration of the model. This can be done by current
variables and to tell which independent variables are empirical studies, which show the importance of differ-
obviously relational (Table 2). ent route attributes for differential personalized cogni-
tion, and subsequently estimate the relevant weights
and the final choice probability based on objective envi-
Model application ronment and subjective cognition. In fact, distance
The model describes pedestrian activity and route (travel time), level of crowding, and cognition are quite
choice for different types of pedestrians with distinct important in our investigation, and we expect to
Li 7

Figure 3. Nodes and links in a scenario example.

Table 3. The feature of the nth person.

Gender Age Group Education Zone Modes Duration Original location

Value 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Dummy VA DG DA3 DG2 DE2 DZ1 DV4 DTC2
Category 1 3 2 2 1 4 2
Detail Male 35 2 persons Undergraduate Within 5 km Bus 1–3 years Node 16

Table 4. Brief calculation for the nth person.

Exit Co RR Probability Route

P1 0.629 0.575 0.600 16-M2-15-14-13-M1-P1

P2 0.285 0.477 0.386 16-18-M3-P2
P3 0.237 0.240 0.238 16-18-19-20-23-25-M4-P3
P4 0.251 0.431 0.345 16-18-19-24-M5-P4

classify the public places based on pedestrian attribu- Panjiayuan Antique market. Two simple testing
tion and pedestrian agglomeration feature. schemes were built. We simultaneously loaded 4750
To solve this problem, we simplified the large trad- persons in the market based on the data of our investi-
ing market into a network diagram (Figure 3), which gation. Scheme 1 (S1) simulated evacuation based on
included common nodes, landmark nodes, links, and shortest route and supposed that 30% persons would
exits. The circle shape represents common nodes, and think about the crowding. It was more ideal simulation
the square shape denotes landmark nodes. The triangle in S1, because every person knew the shortest evacua-
represents the exits (P1, P2, P3, and P4). The gray areas tion route. By contrast, scheme 2 (S2) was built based
mean the market trading area or hall. on our EECP model.
In the present brief calculation, we chose the nth It was demonstrated in Figures 7 and 8 that the way
person, who had the social and economic feature (in the pedestrians choose their routes toward their desti-
Tables 3 and 4) nations. And it was demonstrated that the place of the
maximum density in evacuation was disappeared for S1
and S2 in Figures 5 and 6. From Figures 9–11, compar-
Simulation result ison of flow rate, averaged distance, averaged speed,
In order to estimate the effect of modeling evacuation, and journey time between S1 and S2 were listed.
we took the simulation of evacuation as the example. In Figure 12, the journey time distribution was
Figure 4 shows the distribution graph of Beijing demonstrated for S1 and S2. We chose the north door
8 Advances in Mechanical Engineering

Figure 4. Layout of Beijing Panjiayuan market, 2013.

Figure 5. Cumulative maximum density for S1. Figure 8. Evacuation for S2 (EECP model).

area (toward P1), the northwest door area (toward P2),

the west door area (toward P3), and the southwest area
(toward P4) to research the risk area in an evacuation
(Table 5). In Figure 13, it was illuminated that the evacua-
tion density and speed change over time for S1 and S2.

The classical algorithm of way-finding based on the
Figure 6. Cumulative maximum density for S2 (EECP model).
direction and optimal utility to the destination or land-
mark sometimes failed to give a reasonable route at the
macroscopic scale. As the simulation results shown in
Figures 5–14, we found that although most pedestrians
expect to find the shortest route to escape, they pre-
ferred a familiar and uncrowded route, while most
routes usually had less difference to each other. By con-
sidering the personal factors, the EECP model can bal-
ance the influence of differentiated cognition of various
pedestrians against the practical evacuating state and
The durations of two strategies of evacuation simula-
Figure 7. Evacuation route for S1. tion were 1564.8 s (26.08 min) and 1125.6 s (18.76 min),
Li 9

Figure 9. (continued)
10 Advances in Mechanical Engineering

Figure 9. Averaged flow rates for S1 and S2.

respectively, and in both of schemes, 90% people Based on the layout of exits, if only in consideration of
escaped the market within 720 s. the trip distance, exit P1 may be better for most people.
By simulation, 57.2% of people chose exit P1 to be an
1. Journey time and averaged journey time evacuating destination in S1, and the percentage of
people choosing exit P4 was only 6.85%. It made the
As illustrated in Figure 12, pedestrians’ averaged jour- passage in southern area of the market to be seldom
ney time toward P1 was significantly higher than other used in emergency, in contrast, exits P1 and P2 were
exits in S1, and the largest journey time was 723 s, and hot points and very crowded. The averaged maximum
the highest averaged journey time was 382 s. The pedes- density reached 1.95 p/m2, and the local instantaneous
trian averaged journey time in exit P2 was 220 s, and it maximum density was 4.15 p/m2.
was much less than 130 s in exits P3 and P4. For simu- It was obtained from our EECP model that pedes-
lation of S2, the averaged journey time among four trian route choice could be optimized. 36.09% people
exits was well balanced. The pedestrians’ averaged jour- chose exit P1, and 25.15% and 22.42% people chose
ney time in exits P1, P2, and P3 were 250, 212, and the exits P2 and P4, respectively. The percentage of peo-
208 s, respectively, and it was 344 s in exit P4. The main ple choosing exit P3 was 16.34%. In the simulation of
reason was that parts of pedestrians at southeast area S2, the maximum density was 3.94 p/m2 and was little
chose exits P3 and P4 to avoid the crowding and panic. lower than that in S1. According to the high density of
S1 and S2, the exits P1 and P2 were very crowded and
2. Density and risk analysis the duration of high density was 249 s in S1, but it was
only 179.4 s in S2.
Li 11

Figure 10. (continued)

12 Advances in Mechanical Engineering

Figure 10. Averaged distance for S1 and S2.

For S1, the dangerous places were the area of exits areas of the north door and northwest door sharply
P1 and P2, and the averaged density was 1.98 p/m2 that increased, evacuation was much easier than others.
far exceeded alert threshold of 1.33 p/m2 (0.75 m2/p) in
outdoor events. Once there was any emergency, stam-
pede may be happened just like historical bitter prece-
Summary and future work
dent. These events and states should be avoided at any In our article, subjective and objective factors had been
time and any place. By the simulation of S2, parts of integrated to judge the possibility of exit choice by the
the pedestrians prefer the most suitable routes rather pedestrians. This article put forward an EECP model
than shortest one basing on their personalized factors based on the assumptions that each pedestrian had his
and cognition degree to the surroundings. This conclu- own subjective cognition, incomplete spatial knowl-
sion was consistent with the fact, showing in our inves- edge, and incomplete rational decision-making. The
tigation that 62% of people would choose the most principles of an algorithm for personalized route choice
familiar routes rather than the shortest ones. Compared preference calculation were then proposed. The algo-
to S1, the pedestrians’ averaged density of exits P1, P2, rithm used additional data supported by our question-
P3, and P4 in S2 decreased obviously, the maximum naire. In emergency, people would choose their routes
density was only 1.18 p/m2, and stampede risk could be by diversity of spatial cognition. They correspondingly
significantly reduced. Also, the evacuation speed of searched their personalized spatial cognitive pathway
Li 13

Figure 11. (continued)

14 Advances in Mechanical Engineering

Figure 11. Advanced averaged entity speed of exits P1, P2, P3, and P4 for S1 and S2.

Table 5. Evacuation data contrasting S2 with S1.

Scheme 1 Scheme 2

Exit Percent Speed Distance Journey time Percent Speed Distance Journey time
P1 57.24 1.57 125.68 189.78 36.09 1.61 118.43 159.23
P2 24.33 1.46 78.84 131.61 25.15 1.52 115.39 156.37
P3 11.59 1.83 60.39 103.63 16.34 1.80 140.80 169.20
P4 6.85 1.77 85.41 114.03 22.42 1.68 206.51 232.43
Averaged 1.59 103.96 160.46 1.63 140.62 175.99

network to look for a route to the destination by their Frankly speaking, many participants in those places
practical visual condition and personal behavior pat- are not familiar with the district, because they are just
tern. The multivariate binary logistic regression method visitors or newcomers to the areas. Only some obvious
was applied to identify the linkage between the selected landmarks or passages could be available from the
factors and the response variable quantitatively. The selection set. When walking to a destination, you could
EECP model could predict the choosing probability, only be acquainted with some intermediate points, and
while someone was in a certain position and going to each one would have different choice. In future, differ-
choose some destinations or landmarks in emergency. ent questionnaires should be carried out in different
There are many public places with crowded pedes- places. The EECP model still needs to be improved in
trians, each group of them owns distinctive feature. studying the practical route finding logics of human
Li 15

Figure 12. (continued)

16 Advances in Mechanical Engineering

Figure 12. Averaged flow rates for S1 and S2.

Figure 13. Frequency distribution of journey time for S1 and S2.

Li 17

Figure 14. (continued)

18 Advances in Mechanical Engineering

Figure 14. Speed and density contrast in area of P1 (north door) and P2 (northwest door) for S1 and S2.

beings and conducting pedestrian behavior rules. Also, References

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20 Advances in Mechanical Engineering



1ǃᙗ࡛ Gender
A ⭧ B ྣ
2ǃᒤ喴 Age
A ሿҾ 18 ኱ C 31-45 ኱
B 18-30 ኱ D46-60 ኱
E >60 ኱
3ǃᛘⲴ≁᯿(nationalities) ᡧ㉽ൠ(domicile) ൘ᵜᐲ൪㓿㩕ᒤ䲀
(operation years) ᒤ(years)
4ǃᛘᱟ˖ Aǃ඀ᓇ୶ᡧ Bǃ᩺ս୶ᡧ
5ǃа㡜ઘ‫ ࡠ⛩ࠐޝ‬When do you work until in Saturday˛         DŽ
6ǃ֐а㡜ᱟࠐњӪа䎧ᶕᐲ൪˛How many people do you arrive at the market together with?
Aǃ1 Ӫ 1 person
Bǃ2 Ӫ 2 persons
Cǃ3 Ӫ 3 persons
DǃަԆ other
7ǃᮉ㛢≤ᒣ Level of education
Aǃ儈ѝ৺ԕл High school Cǃ⹄ウ⭏৺ԕк Postgraduate
Bǃབྷᆖ Undergraduate
8ǃ֐ᡰትտ४ฏս㖞 residential zone
෾ᐲ(City)˖ ४৯(District)˖ ሿ४ᡆ䚃䐟(area or road)˖

9ǃᛘ⇿ཙࡠ䗮ᐲ൪৺䘀䗃䍗⢙䟷⭘ⲴӔ䙊ᐕާ˖The vehicles which you use to reach the market

Aǃሿ⊭䖖ᡆ䶒व䖖 A car or a van Dǃ‫ޜ‬Ӕ䖖ˈ㓯䐟˖䐟 Bus line
Bǃൠ䫱żेĺইᯩੁ Eǃ㠚㹼䖖 Bicycle
żইĺेᯩੁ Fǃ⭥ࣘ㠚㹼䖖 Electric bicycle
Subway (different direction) Gǃ↕㹼 Walking
Cǃй䖞䖖 tricycle Hǃࠪ』䖖 Taxi
The main roads you pass, when you arrive at the market.
Aǃ█ᇦഝ䐟 Panjiayuan Road Eǃ↖൓䐟 Wusheng Road
Bǃॾေ䐟 Huawei Road Fǃॾေই䐟 Huawei South Road
Cǃьй⧟䐟 East Third Ring Road Gǃᶮᾶই䐟 Songyu South Road
Dǃᶮᾶे䐟 Songyu North Road Hǃ█ᇦഝь䐟 Panjiayuan East Road
How are you familiar to these inner roads and exits of market?
Aǃ䶎ᑨ⟏ᚹ Very familiar Cǃа㡜 Ordinary
Bǃ䖳Ѫ⟏ᚹ More familiar Dǃн⟏ᚹ Unfamiliar
Li 21

How are you familiar to exterior roads of market?
Aǃ䶎ᑨ⟏ᚹ Very familiar Cǃа㡜 Ordinary
Bǃ䖳Ѫ⟏ᚹ More familiar Dǃн⟏ᚹ Unfamiliar
Which of the following conditions occur, you believe that there is an emergency?
AǃᴹӪབྷ༠બ஺ᣕ䆖 Someone shout loudly and alarm
Bǃᣕ䆖ಘ૽䎧 Alarm rang
Cǃ㠚ᐡⴻࡠᴹ✏䴮ㅹн↓ᑨᛵߥ Saw smoke and other abnormal conditions
DǃⴻࡠᖸཊӪੁ䰘ਓ䐁 Saw a lot of people to run to the door
How would you react if you realize that there may be an emergency?
Aǃ䐏䲿㴲ᤕⲴӪ㗔а䎧䐁 Follow the rushing crowds
Bǃ䐏䲿䆖ሏᡆӪ㗔㇑⨶㘵Ⲵᤷᕅ Follow the instructions from the police or the crowd
Cǃቍ䈅㠚ᐡራ᢮䚃䐟 Try to find ways by yourself
What kind of roads you would prefer to choose to evacuation from the emergency?
Aǃᴰ⟏ᚹⲴѫ㾱䚃䐟 Most familiar major roads
Bǃᴰ⸝Ⲵ䐟ᖴ Shortest route
Cǃᴰ䘁Ⲵਟ㜭ᱟ䶎ᑨᤕᥔ䚃䐟 The nearest, and probably the crowded roads
DǃᶕᰦⲴ䚃䐟 The roads through which you came here
16ǃᖃ֐䶒ሩ 2 ᶑਟ䘹䚃䐟ᰦˈ֐ਟ㜭Պ䘹ᤙଚањ˛
Which could you choose when you are facing two available roads?
Aǃⴻ䎧ᶕ䙊ᖰࠪਓᯩੁⲴаᶑ䚃䐟 Bǃḷ⌘ࠪਓᯩੁⲴ䚃䐟
The one looks like leading to the exits. The one heading the direction of the exit
Cǃԫ᜿䘹ᤙаᶑ䚃䐟 DǃӪཊⲴ䚃䐟
Any way. The road using by a lot of people
How do you do when an emergency occurs in the areas closest to you?
Aǃ᤯кབྷ䜘࠶䍥䟽⢙૱ˈ❦ਾࠪ䰘 Take most of the valuables, and then go out
BǃӰѸҏн㇑ˈⴤ᧕䐁ࡠ䇔Ѫᆹ‫Ⲵޘ‬ൠᯩ Escape to a safe place right now
Cǃ䲿᡻᤯к䓛䗩Ⲵ䍥䟽⢙૱ࠪ䰘 Pick on the valuables and go out
Dǃ䬱кᓇ䶒ˈ❦ਾࠪ䰘 Lock the store, and then go out
Once the emergency occurs, where is the most safe place do you think?
Aǃ䘳ࠪᐲ൪བྷ䰘ਓਾˈ㿲ᵋ Get out the exits of the market, and watching
Bǃ䘹ᤙԫ᜿ᯩੁˈ䗵䙏⿫ᔰ४ฏ 500 ㊣ Escape toward any direction, and leave area 500 meters
Cǃ䘹ᤙԫ᜿ᯩੁˈ䗵䙏⿫ᔰ४ฏ 1 ‫ޜ‬䟼—2 ‫ޜ‬䟼 Escape toward any direction, and leave area
1-2km quickly
Dǃഎᇦᡆ㘵৫Ḁњ᰾⺞Ⲵൠᯩ Escape toward home or some special place
22 Advances in Mechanical Engineering

How do you do when you got separated with you partner in emergency?
Aǃ㠚ᐡ䗵䙏⿫ᔰড䲙ൠᑖˈ⴨਼ؑդҏ㜭ཏᆹ‫ࠪޘ‬৫ leave the danger zone quickly, and
believe that companion also can go out safely.
Bǃ䘄എራ᢮਼դ Return to looking for companions
CǃԫࠝӪ㗔ᤕᥔˈ൘৏ൠબ஺ㅹᖵ Cry and wait in situ
What do you do when you are facing that people crowded in front of the export in a crowded
exits area?
AǃᴽӾ㇑⨶ӪઈⲴ⮿ሬˈ亪⅑䙊䗷ࠪਓ Obey the management guidance, go through exits
Bǃҹਆ㠚ᐡ‫ݸ‬㹼䘳⿫ࠪਓ Try oneself best to escape from exits
Cǃབྷ༠બ஺ˈ䇙བྷᇦߧ䶉ˈ㓴㓷བྷᇦ亪⅑䙊䗷 Cry out, let everybody calm, and organize crowd
go through progressively
Which of the following security measures are the most important in an emergency?
Aǃᒯ᫝⮿ሬˈᤷሬབྷᇦ⮿ᮓˈᒦ᫝᭮ᛵߥ Channel crowd by broadcasting, guiding people to
evacuate, and broadcast stats
Bǃᴹу䰘Ӫ༛ᤷᥕ⮿ሬ Special command guidance
Cǃᴹ᰾⺞Ⲵࠪ‫ޕ‬ਓ⮿ሬḷ䇶 Clear exit channel marks
What might you do when an emergency occur?
Aǃᜣ࣎⌅ቭᘛ⿫ᔰড䲙४ฏ To find a way to leave the danger zone as soon as possible
Bǃᢃ⭥䈍ᣕ䆖ᡆ䙊⸕ᐲ൪㇑⨶Ӫઈ Call the police or inform the market management
Cǃ᣽➗ǃᖅ‫ۿ‬ᡆਁᗞঊ Photo, video, or twitter
Dǃ⭥䈍䙊⸕㠚ᐡ୶ᡧᴻ৻ቭᘛ᫔⿫ Call their merchants friends leave as soon as possible
In the evacuation, what factors can hinder you evacuate speed, and how do you deal with it?
Aǃ䲿䓛㛼व䍏㍟ˈᢄᦹ㛼व A heavy backpack, threw off his pack
BǃᴹӪ䐁Ⲵ䗷ធˈ᧘ᥔ䈕Ӫ֯㠚ᐡ䎵䗷 Someone ran too slowly, I might push and past him
Cǃᴹ䍥䟽⢙૱Ⲵ㛼वᦹҶˈ‫ڌ‬л䘄എራ᢮ Lost the valuables backpack, return for it
DǃḀ䙊䚃䰘ᵚᔰˈ֯⭘᳤࣋⹨ᔰ Using violence to hit closed door
Eǃᴹሿᆙᆀ᢮нࡠᇦӪ൘ଝˈᣡ䎧ᆙᆀа䎧䐁 Looking some small crying child who can't find
the family, you may pick up the child run together
FǃⴻࡠᴹӪӽ൘䘶㹼ˈ࣍䱫Ԇ䎦㍗ੁཆ䐁 when seeing someone still retrograde, dissuade him
to run quickly

33ǃḷࠪᛘᡰ൘Ⲵս㖞ˈ⭫ࠪ㍗ᙕᛵߥਟ㜭Ⲵ䘳⭏䐟㓯ˈTo mark where you are and draw possible escape routes in the emergency.
ᒦḷࠪᛘ䇔Ѫᆹ‫ⲴⴞⲴޘ‬ൠս㖞DŽMark the safe destination position that you may perceive.



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