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Global Warming Facts, Causes & Effects of

Climate Change
Global warming has been a hotly debated topic over the last several decades among
researchers, environmentalists, conspiracy theorists and skeptics.

As more and more pollution and carbon dioxide enters the atmosphere the earths ecosystem is
continually and gradually being negatively affected, which has caused some individuals and
groups to take a deep look at the possible causes and impacts our behavior is having towards
contributing to the declining health of various populations and habitats.

Because of this increasing amounts of research is being dedicated to understanding the

possibilities of global warming, the greenhouse effect, pollution and other forms of
contamination that may be plaguing our earth.

Whether or not the threat of global warming is real one thing that can be agreed upon among
those that believe or disbelieve the idea of global warming is that improvements in the health
of our environment (mother nature) can lead to a better, healthier and cleaner world.

This article will provide you with information on what global warming is, what the possible
causes, effects and consequences are of global warming, how to improve our odds of
minimizing global warming and provide you with plenty of additional global warming facts.

The Definition of Global Warming

Global warming is the persisting rise of the earths average climate temperature over time.

Global warming can be calculated by measuring both the air and sea temperature of the earths

Since the 1900’s and in particular the last several decades researchers are seeing a continual
rise in the earths climate temperature with around 90% of the increased energy storage being
contained in the earths ocean.

How global warming works

Since the beginning of time the world has been known to fluctuate in temperature from the
ice ages to warmer and more tropical seasons, however over the last century researchers have
observed unnaturally high variations in temperature and since the last century the climate has
spiked an average of 1.2 – 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit.

This abnormal increase in temperate has led scientists and environmentalists to speculate and
conclude that human activity is the cause of this increase in temperature.

During the rise of the industrial age power plants, factories and other resource buildings
began burning fossil fuels to power their operations.

Over time automobiles became more common adding to the use of fossil fuels such as oil and

The creation of these toxic fumes releases carbon dioxide and other potentially harmful gases
into the air and atmosphere.

These gases get released and contained near the earths surface through a process known as
the greenhouse effect.

The greenhouse effect begins with the energy the sun releases towards the earth.

A portion of the energy that is released from the sun gets absorbed by the earth, however the
other portion is reflected away from the earth and back towards outer space.

As the non absorbed energy begins to travel away from the earths surface and towards outer
space a portion of that energy reflected back towards the earth from natural gases in the

These natural gases help keep the earth warm and allow it to maintain a certain level of heat
throughout the year, however the creation of additional gases from automobiles, power plants
and other fossil fuel burning technologies contributes to the atmospheres natural gases and
further prevents the suns energy from escaping the planet.

The additional gases that are created amplify the atmospheres natural warming effect which
leads to increases in the earth natural temperature which leads to the creation of global

Global Warming Causes, Effects and Consequences

As more and more information is gathered about the causes and effects of global warming
researchers have become increasingly assured that the primary causes of our increasing
climate is due to greenhouse gases, especially carbon dioxide which has significantly
increased due to deforestation, the reduction of marine life such as whales, fossil fuel
emissions and the contribution/alteration of other carbon producing/releasing materials.

The continual increase in the earths temperature has led to continually increasing sea levels
which can lead to decreases in available land mass and cause changes in the earths
precipitation levels.
Researchers estimate that hot climate extremes appear to be on the rise which can cause
weather abnormalities such heat waves, increasing wind speeds, extreme storms, stronger
rainfall and longer droughts.

These changes in the earths temperature and atmosphere can have detrimental affects on crop
production/healthy crop success rates, habitat formation and the availability of various food

Other areas may see reduced ice levels and snow accumulation, which is especially important
to the survival of marine mammals, ocean dependent animals and other oceanic life.

In fact one possible impact of global warming that is frequently seen and talked about focuses
on how increasing temperatures are decreasing various parts of the polar hemisphere where
polar bears, penguins and other ocean dependent animals are finding it harder to sustain
living in their environment.

In areas where ice makes up part of the regions land mass the amount of available land may
continue to shrink making it difficult for some animals to remain in their habitat.

The climate changes may also scare of essential food sources that these animals rely on to
stay alive and healthy.

Destabilization of food resources may increase scarcity further endangering some animal
species or force them to move to new regions in order to find/maintain their food supply.

The decline of icebergs/glaciers and other ice formed land not only contributes to endangered
marine life but also causes rising water levels which declines the amount of land mass
available in other areas that affect the living space of non aquatic animals.

Causes of Global Warming

1) Greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, methane and other fossil fuel production)

2) Air, chemical, waste and land pollution

3) Deforestation and habitat degradation

4) Excessive use of gas and electric utilities

5) Declining animal populations that impact the earths ecosystem and create issues among the
food chain (read: whale poop)

Effects of Global Warming

1) Weather and environmental extremes such as sever weather storms, heavy rain, droughts,
increased wind speeds and possible earth quakes among other issues

2) Reductions in the polar ice caps, glaciers and icebergs (increasing water levels)

3) Lowered crop rates and other issues related to farming

4) Destabilization of the food chain due to endangering animal populations and the migration
of various food sources

Estimations of the effects global warming may have on our future vary from slight climate
changes and relatively little risk for future generations to increases in weather abnormalities,
decreases in water and food supplies and even war over particular natural resources.

Regardless of the level of risk we may face in our near or far future we can all agree that
changes need to be made to protect ourselves and those that inhibit this planet after us.

Minimizing global warming and improving the

As scientists and researchers learn more about global warming and the causes associated with
the unnatural increases being experienced on the earths surface methods of minimizing or
even eliminating the creation of fossil fuels and other contributing factors have been studied
and implemented and large scale fossil fuel producing companies are being educated on how
to produce less fossil fuels and/or use renewable energy to power their operations.

Both government agencies and organizations are stepping in to help educate and promote
healthy energy alternatives such as renewable energy, lower emission producing vehicles,
forest conservation and protection policies and habitat development and reconstruction.

In addition to this scientists are also looking at ways to remove fossil fuel gases from the
atmosphere and store them in safe underground containers where they can be managed

The implementation of reforestation can also help improve our ability to deal with global
warming by replanting trees, plants and other natural resources that can help offset carbon
emission and the production of other unnatural fossil fuels.

While these ideas and strategies are being taught and implemented it is not without its

Various economies would have to agree to make large scale changes in the way they operate
and the cost of implementing such strategies is extremely costly and likely to put pressure on
certain households that are already stretching their incomes.

Strict laws against pollution, large scale deforestation and hunting animals can all aid in
improving the status of environment.

How the effects of global warming can be minimized or even reduced

There are a number of ways large scale companies and organizations can reduce the use of
fossil fuels and create a healthier future for everyone such as:

 Using renewable/alternative energy sources that include solar energy, wind turbines,
bio fuels, hydro power and other nature friendly energy sources
 Reducing the amount of fossil fuel emissions being generated by coal, gas and other
fossil fuel producing materials/technologies
 Finding more effective and power efficient ways to create their products,
technologies, resources while minimizing energy usage
 Creating more power efficient and eco-friendly consumer products with recyclable
 Working with eco-friendly power plants, manufacturers, transportation companies and
other contractors
 Educating customers and employees about global warming and promoting healthy
energy alternatives
 Recycling plastic, glass and paper materials instead of throwing them in the garbage
can or dump
 Assisting with the creation of reforestation projects to replace trees and plants that
were cut down, lost and used

As you can see there are numerous steps that can be taken to minimize the use of fossil fuels
and possibly even reduce or offset global warming by implementing these and other

While companies, government agencies or organizations can play a large role in improving
the health of our earth and eco-system individuals such as you and I can also play a role in
creating a healthy environment.

How you can help

As an individual you can help improve the health of our land and oceans by implementing
some simple steps and educating others about the effects of global warming.

Some of the things you can start doing to minimize the usage of greenhouse gases includes:

 Turn down your thermostat, lights and other dives to reduce energy usage when they
are not needed
 Conserve hot water usage and use low flow shower heads and fixtures to minimize the
amount of water being used
 Use energy efficient light bulbs that help lower the amount of greenhouse gases that
are created from regular bulbs (this also helps you reduce your utility expenses as a
 Purchase water filters and heat your water instead of buying water in plastic cans in
order to reduce waste and the use of plastic materials
 Stop using air fresheners that release aerosol pollutants into the atmosphere and
instead focus on improving the airflow of your home, use essential oils, create your
own potpourri, use petroleum free candles and odor absorbers
 Turn off and/or unplug unused electronics in order to prevent them from releasing
unnecessary carbon into the atmosphere
 Use eco-friendly fabrics and cloths such as hemp in order to reduce the amount of
negative, polluting fumes that get released from
 Reduce unnecessary mail and instead opt in for email and direct deposits/withdrawals
to reduce the amount of paper being used which helps limit the amount of trees being
cut down to produce paper
 Consume local foods that help reduce the use of transportation that release carbon and
other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere
 Reduce, recycle & reuse your glass, plastic and paper in order to minimize waste and
get the most out of your materials
 Maintain your vehicle and limit your travel whenever possible or carpool to save gas,
money and the release of carbon into the atmosphere (Hybrid and electric vehicles are
becoming a nice alternative to modern day gas consuming vehicles)
 Recycle old clothing that you can give away to shelters or re-sellers rather than
throwing them out
 Use solar energy and/or other renewable sources of energy if you are able to

As you can see there are a number of things you can do to improve the environment and limit
the amount of greenhouse gases you release every day.

Even if you can’t afford to implement all of the strategies following 2 or 3 of them can make
a big difference in cleaning up our earth and minimizing our usage of greenhouse gas.

5 Thought provoking global warming facts

1) Global warming is the increase of the earths temperature over time which is considered to
be largely caused by human involvement and the release of greenhouse gases from created
and used products and/or services.

2) Increases in global warming can lead to heavy rainfall, longer droughts, severe storms and
decreases in the formation of ice in and around the arctic waters.

3) Since the beginning of the industrial revolution the creation of factories, power plants,
large buildings and automobiles have contributed largely to the creation and disbursement of
carbon dioxide, methane and other greenhouse gases into the earths atmosphere causing more
of the suns energy to remain trapped at the earths surface.

4) Researchers estimate that the earths current levels of carbon dioxide and methane are the
highest they’ve been in the last 400,020 years.

5) Over the past 3 decades the average global temperature has risen .9 – 1.5 degrees or
around .3 degrees ferinheight per decade.

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