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Aerodinamica- Politecnico Di Milano

Equation of motion. Mach Number: subsonic, transonic and supersonic flows. High Reynolds
number flows. Incompressible potential flow: Laplace equation, elementary flows (uniform
stream, source, vortex, doublet.velocity potential) stream function and complex potential.
Circulation and lift around a cylinder, Kutta- Joukowski theorem and Kutta condition. Finite
wings: induced velocity, effective incidence. Induced drag. Lifting-vortex line and Prandtl's
theory. Compressible flows: Mach and shock waves. Full potential equation. Incompressible
flows past airfoils: thin airfoil theory, Prandtl-Glauert transformation. Airfoils in compressible
flow. Three-dimensional boundary element methods: Green function, panel methods, vortex
lattice methods. High angle-of-attack aerodynamics. Separated flows. Low aspect ratio wings,
delta wings and canard configurations. Vortex breakdown over delta wings. Bluff body
aerodynamics. Separated flows over bodies of revolution. Vortex shedding and Strouhal
number. Environmental aerodynamics: elements of meteorology, planetary boundary layer,
atmospheric turbulence.

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