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Host Defense Mechanisms: An Overview

Christine Grady

E VERY MINUTE our bodies are beseiged by

invisible enemies that could cause great
harm. Fortunately, we have a complex, highly in-
to 1,000 per day.’ Through immunosurveillance
they are effectively eliminated. When mutated
cells escape immunosurveillance, a tumor and ma-
tegrated, and efficient cadre of defenses composed lignancy may develop.
of nonspecific mechanisms and a specific immune
system. Bellanti’ defines immunity as “. . . all of NONSPECIFIC IMMUNITY
those physiologic mechanisms that give man the Nonspecific defense mechanisms respond to any
capacity to recognize something as foreign to self entity recognized as ‘ ‘nonself’ ’ . The nonspecific
and to neutralize, eliminate, or metabolize it, with defense mechanisms to be discussed include phys-
or without injury to its own tissues.” Nonspecific ical and chemical barriers, inflammation, and
immunity includes innate barriers and responses to phagocytosis .
cellular injury and invasion that provide first-line
protection against potential pathogens. When the Physical and Chemical Barriers
first-line defenses are overcome, the specific im-
Physical barriers are the body’s first line of de-
mune system comes into play. The specific re-
fense against the external world.3 The skin is a
sponses are adaptive and acquired by exposure to
tough, resilient barrier that protects against micro-
invaders that are specifically recognized. There is
bial invasion both anatomically and chemically.
a great deal of collaboration and feedback between
As skin cells slough, so do bacteria. Pathogenic
nonspecific and specific immune defenses.
bacteria are prevented from colonizing on the skin
There are three major functions of the immune
because of the presence of normal flora. The skin’s
system: defense, homeostasis, and surveillance.’
low moisture content and antimicrobial substances
Defense, the function most readily attributed to
create an unfavorable environment for pathogenic
immunity, is protection against invasion by micro-
organisms. Minute breaks that occur regularly al-
organisms, ie, viruses, fungi, bacteria, and para-
low only small numbers of organisms that are usu-
sites. Sometimes the immune system malfunctions
ally controlled by other nonspecific defense mech-
and becomes hyperactive against things that would
anisms. Larger breaks due to trauma, bums, or
not ordinarily be harmful. This hyperactivity is
invasive procedures create a more hazardous situ-
manifested clinically as hypersensitivity and is the
pathophysiologic basis of immune disorders and
Mucous membranes of the respiratory and gas-
allergies. On the other hand, a hypoactive defense
trointestinal (GI) tracts act as physical barriers
leaves the host susceptible to infection.
against organisms that are inhaled or ingested. The
Homeostasis is a state of equilibrium of cells
ciliated epithelium of the upper airways and the
and internal processes. The immune system re-
trachea, hairs at the nasal openings, nasal secre-
moves damaged cells that result from normal ca-
tions, and the mechanical reflexes of bronchocon-
tabolism, growth, and injury. When a hyperactive
striction, coughing, and sneezing all help deny en-
immune system attacks cells that are not damaged,
try of microorganisms. Respiratory secretions
and thus not an appropriate target for this diligent
contain mucous, which serves as a trapping mech-
“cleanup crew’ ’ , an autoimmune disease results.
anism, secretory IgA, which neutralizes microor-
Surveillance is a process whereby immune cells
ganisms, and lysozymes, lactoferrin, and
recognize and remove mutant cells from the host.
a-1-antitrypsin, which are bactericidal.3 The GI
It is probable that mutant cells arise at a rate of 100
tract contains mucus and secretions that trap mi-
croorganisms. Gastric secretions are acidic and de-
stroy most ingested bacteria. Normal intestinal
From the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD. flora, peristalsis, and rapid epithelial shedding and
Address reprint requests to Christine Grady, RN, MSN, CS,
3012 43rd St, Washington, DC 20016. evacuation inhibit the growth of pathogenic micro-
0 1988 by Grune & Stratton, Inc. organisms. Mucous membranes in the vagina, vag-
0749-2081188/0402-0001$05.00/0 inal secretions, the vaginal pH, and the presence of

86 Seminars in Oncology Nursing, Vol 4, No 2 (May), 1999: pp 96-94


normal flora control the growth of microorganisms have a critical role in response to injury. Two types
there. Other physical barriers include the eyelids, of leukocytes are involved: (1) the neutrophil, a
eyelashes, and lacrimal secretions that wash and polymorphonuclear leukocyte also sometimes re-
lubricate the eye surface. ferred to as apoly, seg, or PMN; and (2) the mono-
Chemical barriers include acidic gastric secre- cyte, a mononuclear leukocyte.4 Both are derived,
tions, acid urine, the digestive enzymes as all blood cells are, from the bone marrow stem
(lysozymes), and other antimicrobial substances in cell (Fig 1). Neutrophils are attracted to the site of
nasal secretions, saliva, tears, breast milk, and se- inflammation within minutes by chemotactic sub-
baceous and sweat secretions. stances released from bacteria and cells. Once at
the site, the neutrophils line the walls of the cap-
Inflammation illaries (margination or pavementing), and then
migrate out of the permeable vessel wall, a process
Inflammation is an immediate, aggressive re- called diapedesis. Neutrophils predominate in the
sponse by the body to physical injury (trauma, first two or three days after injury, while other
bums, frostbite, etc) or bacterial invasion.4 In- chemotactic substances are released to recruit
flammation is a series of cellular and systemic monocytes. Both neutrophils and monocytes func-
events that occur in an attempt to restore or main- tion at the site as phagocytes (Table 1).4.5
tain homeostasis. Immediately after cell damage,
vessels contract and fibrin-plug formation begins. Phagocytosis
Simultaneously, the vessels constrict for approxi- A phagocyte, upon encountering a nonself in-
mately 5 to 10 minutes. The vessel wall becomes vader, extends a pseudopod formed by its cell
lined with leukocytes, erythrocytes, and platelets. membrane to surround the invader. The invader is
After the brief period of vasoconstriction, vasodi- then enveloped in a vacuole, referred to as a pha-
lation occurs and blood flow to the area is in- gosome. Phagocytic granules that contain diges-
creased. This produces redness and heat at the site. tive enzymes then fuse with the phagosome, cre-
Capillary permeability is increased, allowing the ating a phagolysosome. The enzymes are released
leakage of plasma and cells into the interstitial and destroy the offending substance (Fig 2).
space, resulting in edema. The vascular changes Phagocytes also remove injured cells from dam-
are mediated by substances such as histamine re- aged tissues. Phagocytosis is enhanced by a pro-
leased at the site of injury. Histamine is a powerful cess known as opsonization. Several humoral sub-
short-acting substance that causes vasodilation and stances, known as opsonins, coat the invading
increased permeability. Longer-acting substances,
which continue the inflammatory response, in-
clude bradykinin and the prostaglandins, such as
The fluid, plasma proteins, and cells that leak
into the interstitial spaces are collectively known
as the inflammatory exudate. Although the inflam-
matory exudate causes swelling and pain resulting
in restricted function of the inflamed part, it also
has several very important functions at the site of
injury: (1) It dilutes toxins released by bacteria. (2)
It carries nutrients necessary for tissue repair. (3) It
carries defensive cells that phagocytize, destroy
bacteria, and clean up the debris.3
In response to inflammation, there is an out- eorinophils
pouring of leukocytes from the bone marrow and phagocyte
the marginal pool. This is seen clinically as a leu- monocytr
kocytosis. The WBC count may rise from a normal
of 5,000 to lO,OOO/pL up to as high as 3O,OOO/pL. Fig 1. Diierentirtion of cells from the bone marrow stem
The defensive cells in the inflammatory exudate Cdl.

Table 1. Stages of the inflammatory Response

Staae I stage II stage Ill

Vascular Phagocytosis by neutrophils Regeneration

Initial vasoconstriction Arrival of monocytes, and Scar formation
Vasodilation transformation into macrophages
Increased permeability Phagocytosis by macrophages
Hemostasis Migration of fibroblasts,
Platelet-plug formation endothelial cells and other
Activation of coagulation cells for tissue repair
Chemotaxis of neutrophils
Infiltration of the area
by neutrophils
Formation of inflammatory
Systemic leukocytosis
Initial chemotaxis of monocytes
Release of endogenous
pyrogen (IL-l)

Data from Jett and Lancaster,’ and Stotts.’

antigen and make it more susceptible to phagocy- known as interleukin-1 (IL- 1). It appears that IL- 1
tosis. Antibodies, complement proteins, stimulates both T- and B-lymphocytes and en-
lysozymes, and other serum factors act as hances their function. This is one example of an
opsonins .3 important link between nonspecific and specific
Monocytes/macrophages predominate at the site immune mechanisms. IL-l also acts as endoge-
after the second or third day. Monocytes transform nous pyrogen, inducing prostaglandin production
into macrophages (literally, big eaters) as they go that causes fever and interferes with bacterial, vi-
from the intravascular to the interstitial spaces. ral, and perhaps tumor-cell growth.6
Macrophages not only phagocytize bacteria and Monocytes and other leukocytes also produce
other cellular debris, but also remove spent and the cytokine a-interferon (EN-CY) in response to
dead neutrophils. Monocytes/macrophages have a viral stimulation. IFN-(r inhibits virus replication
number of important immune functions, several of and enhances antiproliferative activities. In this
which will be discussed later. way, it contributes to host defense against viral
The activated macrophage releases a cytokine infections and tumor growth.

pseudopod formation and extension

roward the antigen

~~lo~ure of the antigen.

formation of phagosome

fusion Of granules Iwhich contain

lysozymesl with the phagosome

release of granular ContentS

digestion of antigen

Fig 2. The process of phagocytosis.


SPECIFIC IMMUNITY lymphocytes are responsible for specific immune

system responses. Lymphocytes normally make up
The specific immune response is characterized 30% to 40% of the circulating pool of leukocytes.
by two properties, specificity and memory, which Lymphocytes, the smallest leukocytes, are mono-
distinguish it from nonspecific responses. Speci- nuclear, and are derived from the bone marrow
ficity limits the response of an immune cell to that stem ceI1 through the lymphoid lineage. There are
antigen for which it was designated. During devel- at least three types of lymphocytes; B-cells, T-
opment, lymphocytes acquire receptors for specif- cells, and large granular lymphocytes
ic antigens that commit them to a single antigenic (LGL). 1,2,4,6,7
specificity for their life span. Memory is the prop- T-lymphocytes are responsible for cell-mediated
erty that allows lymphocytes to respond in an ac- immunity (CMI). Approximately 80% of circulat-
celerated and augmented manner to antigens that ing lymphocytes are T-cells. The T-cell matures
they remember. Because of memory, second or and develops competence in the thymus gland (T,
subsequent exposures to an antigen result in a thymocyte or thymus-derived lymphocyte), and
quicker, more efficient immune response. This is then migrates to the peripheral lymphoid tissues.
the scientific basis for immunization. T-cells are further subdivided into subsets with dis-
tinct functions and surface proteins. One subsetis
Humoral and Cell-Mediated Immunity the TCcell subset, so called because the cells have
a surface protein (T4- or CD4-molecule) recog-
There are two main types of effector mecha- nized by the OKT4 monoclonal antibody. TCcells
nisms that comprise specific immunity, humoral function as inducer- or helper-cells in CMI. An-
immune mechanisms and cell-mediated immune other subset is the TS-cell. T8-cells function as
mechanisms. Each type involves different cells, cytotoxic and suppressor cells. Normally, T6cells
produces different products, and functions in a dif- outnumber T&ells by approximately two-to-one.
ferent way. However, there is considerable coop- The main functions of the T-lymphocytes and their
eration, interaction, and interdependence between products, lymphokines, are induction of other im-
them (Fig 3). mune components, cytotoxicity, and immunoreg-
Some knowledge of lymphocytes is helpful in ulation. CMI protects the host against intracellular
order to understand humoral and cell-mediated im- organisms (viruses, fungi, parasites) and tumors,
munity. Just as phagocytic leukocytes are respon- and is responsible for immunosurveillance and
sible for phagocytosis in the nonspecific system, graft rejections.

T cell


Fig 9. Humoral immunity Y cell-mediated immunity.


B-lymphocytes are responsible for humoral im- Specific Immune Response

munity. It is thought that the B-cell matures and
The immune response can be broken down into
develops competence in the bone marrow, but this
two phases or limbs. The afferent limb involves the
has not been definitively established. B-cells have
phases of recognition of antigen by the lympho-
different surface proteins than T-cells, including
cyte, and subsequent activation, proliferation, and
immunoglobulin and receptors for C3b (a comple-
differentiation of the lymphocyte into an effector
ment split product) and the Fc portion of immuno-
cell.’ The efferent limb involves the effector func-
globulin. Mature B-cells are found along with T-
tions performed by fully differentiated lympho-
cells in peripheral lymphoid tissues and in the
cytes and their products. Since the purpose of the
peripheral circulation (12% to 15% of circulating
immune system is to prevent harm to the host,
lymphocytes). Antibody is the product of B-cells
microorganisms, mutated cells, and damaged cells
that mediate humoral immunity. Humoral immu-
are recognized during the afferent limb and the
nity protects the host against bacteria and viruses.
mechanisms are set into motion so that harm is
Large granuZar lymphocytes, also known as nat-
eliminated or minimized during the efferent limb.
ural killer cells (NK cells), lack the markers of
either the T-cell or the B-cell. As the name NK cell AfSerent Limb: Recognition and Activation
implies, their primary function is cytotoxicity. NK
cells destroy nonspecifically without prior sensiti- Recognition of antigen by lymphocytes is a well
zation, and they have no immunologic memory.2 controlled and complex event, regulated by im-
The primary targets of NK cells are tumor cells and mune-response genes that are part of the major
virally infected cells. histocompatibility complex (MHC), also known as
the human-leukocyte-antigen (HLA) genes, lo-
Lymphoid Organs cated on the sixth chromosome.1S2V5 The HLA
Lymphocytes develop and mature in primary genes code for histocompatibility antigens that ap-
lymphoid organs, and are stored and activated in pear on the surface of all nucleated cells. The HLA
secondary lymphoid organs. The primary lym- genes are divided into specific regions, or loci,
phoid organs include the bone marrow and the thy- designated as HLA-A, HLA-B, HLA-C, HLA-D,
mus . Secondary lymphoid organs include lymphat- and HLA-DR. These are divided into two classes.
ic vessels and lymph nodes, spleen, liver, and Class I genes include the HLA-A, -B, and -C re-
patches of lymphoid tissue such as Peyer’s patches gions, and are the classic histocompatibility anti-
in the intestine. Lymphatic vessels are a network gens present on all cells. Class II genes code for
of small vessels that merge into increasingly larger HLA-D and -DR antigens, which are found on the
vessels, and transport lymph and lymphocytes. All surface of macrophages and B-cells. The DR gene,
the lymphatics except those which feed the right known as the immune-response gene, has a direct
head, neck, and thorax, eventually empty into the effect on the ability of an individual to respond to
thoracic duct. The thoracic duct and the right lym- an antigen.6
phatic duct empty into the large veins of the vas- Recognition and activation of a T4-cell takes
cular system. Lymph nodes are small, bean-shaped place as follows: An antigen is picked up by a
structures found at the junction of lymphatic chan- macrophage, processed, and presented to the T4-
nels. Lymph nodes are a storage place for T-cells, cell. The macrophages also release a cytokine, IL-
B-cells, and macrophages. The endothelium of the 1. The T4-cell has surface receptors that recognize
vein in the lymph node (postcapillary venule) is and bind to the presented antigen and to the class II
continuous with the endothelium of the lymphat- DR molecule on the surface of the macrophage.
its. This allows lymph to exit the venous circula- Binding with these two molecules plus stimulation
tion, filter through and be replenished in the lymph by IL- 1 from the activated macrophage activate the
node, and exit through the efferent lymphatics T4-cell. Without the associated recognition of the
back into the lymphatic system. Lymph is eventu- self DR molecule on the macrophage, activation of
ally transported back into the vascular system the TCcell will not occur. This is known as the
through the tboracic duct. A vitally important cir- MHC restriction. ’ Y276*8 The activated T4-cell pro-
culating pool of lymphocytes is thus made avail- liferates rapidly to produce many similar cells, and
able to act in any part of the body. begins to produce lymphokines. Lymphokines

send powerful signals to other cells of the immune The B-cell usually becomes activated by recog-
system. An important lymphokine produced by the nizing and binding to partially exposed antigen on
activated T6cell that enhances TCcell prolifera- the surface of the macrophage that is already
tion and differentiation is interleukin-2 (IL-2). Ac- bound to the T4-cell. At the same time, receptors
tivated T4-cells also develop IL-2 receptors that on the T4-cell bind to the HLA-DR molecules on
bind to the generated IL-2, resulting in enhance- the B-cell surface. This tricellular compiex acti-
ment of the proliferation and differentiation (Fig 4, vates the B-cell which then generates receptors for
top) ,6,* B-cell growth factor (BCGF).678 BCGF, a lym-
Recognition and activation of T8-cells is also phokine released by the activated TCcell, binds to
quite specific. The cytotoxic T8-cell recognizes the receptors, and the B-cell proliferates. Some of
foreign or altered class I MHC molecules on cell the new B-cells then generate receptors for another
surfaces. For example, a tissue graft that had a T4-cell lymphokine, B-cell differentiation factor
foreign class I MHC molecule, or a cell in which (BCDF). B-cells bind BCDF and differentiate into
the class I molecule had been altered by a viral plasma cells which synthesize and secrete immu-
infection or mutation, might be recognized by a noglobulin or antibody (Fig 4, bottom).
T8-cell, The T8-cell binds to the class I MHC mol- It is apparent that activation of lymphocytes is a
ecule via receptors on its surface, and then begins process that necessitates sequential cooperation
to generate IL-2 receptors, The IL-2 released by among several different cells. The macrophage is
the activated T4-cell then binds with the newly the major antigen-presenting cell and the source of
generated IL-2 receptors on the T8-cell, and pro- IL-l. The T4-cell is the inducer cell and the source
liferation begins.7 It appears that T8-cells need the of IL-2. The T8-cell and the B-cell are then acti-
induction signal (IL-2) from the T4-cell in order to vated in a specific manner and proliferate to form
proliferate and function (Fig 4, middle). a clone of defensive cells.

Efferent Limb

The efferent limb is the response phase, in

which the real defensive work is accomplished.
The processes described thus far prepare the way
for the effector functions of specific immunity. Ef-
fector functions include antibody production, lym-
phokine release, cytotoxicity, and immunoregula-
I IL-2 tion .
Antibody. Antibody is an immunoglobulin
synthesized by the plasma cell, the final cell of
B-cell differentiation. The immunoglobulin mole-
cule is composed of four chains of amino acids
held together by disulfide bonds.‘*234Y6-8One end
of the immunoglobulin molecule, termed Fub for
antigen-binding fragment, has a highly variable se-
quence of amino acids specific to the antigen for
which it was formed. The other end of the mole-
cule, the Fc, or constant fragment, has a sequence
of amino acids that remains constant within a given
class of antibody. In humans, there are five classes
of antibody: IgG, IgA, IgM, IgE, and IgD (Table
2v4v6-8 An antibody binds with the antigen for
self DR which it was made by combining at the Fab portion
of the molecule. This complex of antigen and an-
tibody is referred to as an immune complex. An-
Fig 4. Recognition of antigen. tibody participates in many different ways to elim-

Table 2. Human lmmunoglobulins

Serum Concentration
lmmunoglobulin and Location Activih/ Other

75% in serum; Opsonization Crosses placenta

intravascular, Neutralization Secondary response ab
extravascular Complement fixation
17% in serum; Neutralization Found in breast
also found in Prevention of milk
mucous membranes surface attachment
and secretions
7% in serum; Agglutination Primary antibody,
intravascular Complement fixation natural blood
group AB
bE 0.1% in serum; Release of histamine Involved in
bound to cells and other mediators type I hyper-
(mast cells and from mast cells sensitivity
basophils) “reaginic antibody” reactions
W Nondetectable in serum Unknown May function as a
Surface of B-ceils receptor on the
B-cell surface

inate antigen and defend the body. Some some are anaphylatoxins (agents that increase va-
antibodies neutralize the antigen, ie, render it sodilation and capillary permeability). All enhance
harmless by interfering with its ability to attach to phagocytosis.
cells and set up infection. Other antibodies act as Thus an antibody, produced by a fully differen-
opsonins, coating the antigen to facilitate phago- tiated B-cell of the humoral line of immunity,
cytosis. Still other antibodies form complexes that binds to the antigen that induced its formation, and
are removed by precipitation or agglutination. Cer- binds to another cell or substance (phagocyte, Fc-
tain immune complexes are eliminated by cells that
have Fc receptors and function cytotoxically. This
is called antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity
(ADCC). Sometimes antibodies work to eliminate
antigen by fixing complement, resulting in com-
plement-mediated lysis. ‘-476-8
Complement is the name given to a group of
circulating proteins labeled Cl through C9, inclu-
sive. When the first component of complement be-
comes activated by an immune complex containing
IgG or IgM, it sets off a series of biochemical steps
whereby, in a cascade fashion, each complement
component becomes activated. This is called the
classical pathway of complement activation (Fig
5). The ultimate goal of complement activation is
the destruction of the target by lysis. Lysis is ac-
complished by the C5 to C9 unit, termed the mem-
brane-attack component, which literally pokes a
hole in the target cell membrane, allowing its con-
tents to leak out and the target cell to die. Besides
cell lysis, the split products of complement activa-
tion function in other important ways to augment
immune function. Some complement split-
products are chemotaxins, others are opsonins , and Fig 5. Complement cascade.

receptor cell, complement) that will carry out the Induces T8 cells to suPPreSS

antigen’s destruction. 1-4*6-9

Induces B cells to Induces phagocytes
Lymphokine release. Lymphokines produced make antibody to phagocytose
by the T4-cell include those which (1) enhance/
induce phagocytosis, such as macrophage chemo-
Induces T8 cell
tactic factor (MCF), macrophage migration- to kill 0 T4 cell

inhibition factor (MIF), macrophage activation

factor (MAF), leukocyte chemotactic factor
(LCF), and others; (2) induce T-cell growth, dif- Induces NK cell Induces B cells to
to kill grow and function
ferentiation, and function, such as IL-2, and *
Induces T cells to
y-interferon; (3) induce B-cell growth and func- grow and funcrion
tions, such as BCGF and BCDF; (4) enhance cy- Fig 6. T4-lymphocyte-inducer function.
totoxicity, such as y-interferon and IL-2; and (5)
include others, such as colony stimulating factor (2) T8-cell cytotoxicity is specific and targeted.
(CSF), which induces the growth and differentia- There is recognition of and binding with nonself or
tion of monocytes; and tumor necrosis factor altered-self class I HLA molecules, resulting in
(TNF), formerly called lymphotoxin, which de- activation, as described above. The recognition
stroys tumor cells (Table 3).2q6,9 process, coupled with inducement by the T4 lym-
Lymphokines induce T4-cells to grow and dif- phokine IL-2, results in a clone of T8-cells that
ferentiate, some TS-cells to be cytotoxic, other T8- cytotoxically destroy the target cell. 2,6,8
cells to suppress, B-cells to produce antibody, NK (3) ADCC, described earlier, is a process by
cells to kill, and macrophages and other phago- which a cell with an Fc receptor binds to the Fc
cytes to phagocytose. The T4-inducer cell is often portion of an immunoglobulin that is bound to an-
referred to as the conductor of the immune orches- tigen. The cell with the Fc receptor is capable of
tra because, without its direction, all immune func- destroying the antigen and actually eliminating the
tions are abnormal, and the symphony does not get immune complex. *z6 ADCC is indirectly depen-
played (Fig 6). dent on Tbcell induction because of the coopera-
Cyrotoxicity. Cytotoxicity or the killing of tar- tion that occurs to induce B-cell to make antibody.
get cells is accomplished by three major mecha- Zmmunoregulation. T-cells play a crucial role
nisms: in regulating immune responses.1-3,6 The T4 sub-
(1) The NK cell nonspecifically targets tumor set of lymphocytes release substances that help the
cells and virally infected cells and destroys them. B-cell differentiate into antibody-producing
The exact mechanism of NK cell-mediated de- plasma cells that make antibody. The T8 subset of
struction is not known. NK function is augmented lymphocytes is capable of inhibiting and suppress-
by the lymphokines -y-interferon and IL-2, by the ing B-cell differentiation and antibody production.
cytokine a-interferon, and by certain bacterial T4 inducers and T8 suppressors also have a role in
adjuvants.296Y899 regulating other aspects of the immune response.
Table 3. Lymphokines

Lymphokine Function

Macrophage-chemotactic factor (MCF) Enhance phagocytosis

Macrophage-inhibition factor (MIF)
Macrophage activation factor (MAF)
Leukocyte-chemotactic factor (LCF)
Interleukin-2 (IL-2) Enhance T-cell growth and function
B-cell growth factor (BCGF) Enhance B-cell growth and function
B-cell differentiation factor (BCDF)
Gamma Interferon (yIFN) Enhance cytotoxicity
Interleukin-2 (IL-2)
Colony-stimulating factor (CSF) Enhance growth and differentiation of monocytes
Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) Enhance destruction of tumor cells

Immunoregulation is a very complex process that memory cells to antigen is called the secondary or
is still only partially understood. anamnestic response.


Both T- and B-lymphocytes appear to have im- It is clear that the immune system, or host de-
munologic memory. When T-cells or B-cells are fense system, is a multifaceted system of unique,
activated in response to a specific antigen, they yet highly integrated, responses to potentially
proliferate and differentiate into effector cells and harmful antigens or mutated cells. Nonspecific de-
memory cells. Memory cells remain in the host fenses provide the first line of protection. Specific
prepared and awaiting a subsequent exposure to defenses, in the form of humoral (B-cell) immuni-
the same antigen. Upon repeated exposure, the ty and cell-mediated (T-cell) immunity provide the
memory lymphocyte responds more quickly and in sophisticated mechanisms that help keep us free
a more augmented fashion than that which oc- from infection, malignancy, and autoimmune dis-
curred on the primary exposure. The response by eases.

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