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The C.I.A. Columbia, Obama Sedition and Treason Trial Transcript.
This historic document is the eternal fruit of the labor and sacrifice of some of America's greatest patriots.
This transcript contains the unabridged truth spoken and witnessed by fellow Americans who did so with their lives
4 and liberties under the threat of death.

5 You will find contained herein a clear portrait of the most insidious, mysterious and feared man in the history of our
Please use and view this document as a declaration of liberty from the failure of our government to protect and
7 defend the people called Americans, and the hallowed words of the U.S. Constitution.

8 God anoint and save this document.

God save and bless America.

In His Royal Service,

12 Dr. James David Manning














Neil B. Turner
Veteran, Capt. U.S. Army-Aviation (1957-1964) (NOTE: NOT Retired. I was in for only 7 years, and resigned my
2 commission in 1964)



5 760-431-8899



11 Introduction

12 (by The Transcript Committee, 24 October 2010 @ 1:00 pm PST)


14 It has been widely reported that our Government no longer operates as a Constitutional Republic, but
instead has become a Corporation, and that We The People are unknowingly conducting our affairs in that
15 environment.

16 However, the fact remains that all those elected or appointed to conduct the ‘affairs of State’ still swear an
oath to uphold and defend the U.S. Constitution (Declaration, 7 Articles, & 27 Amendments) as the Supreme Law of
17 the Land.

18 Therefore, it stands to reason that We The People, the originators of the ‘contract’ (The Constitution) between
us and those we hire for limited and/or conditional terms of employment under that ‘contract’, have the greater
19 responsibility to ensure compliance thereof and therewith.


21 Several key provisions of that ‘contract’ bring us to the how, why, and by what authority we reveal the
information that follows:

1. The requirements to make changes (Amendments) to the terms of that contract are well known, time consuming,
24 and laboriously detailed; they cannot be changed by the Judiciary simply enacting new Rules of Procedures, nor by
simply violating those terms and getting away with it for, say, a hundred+ years.

There is no statute of limitations on violations of that contract, and their actions become null and void whenever the
1 originators, We The People, deem it so. All complicit parties may also be charged with Treason.

2 2. Amendment V provides for a Citizens Grand Jury, and as Justice Antonin Scalia said in a 1992 ruling:
3 "Rooted in long centuries of Anglo-American history, … the grand jury is mentioned in the Bill of Rights, but not in
the body of the Constitution. It has not been textually assigned, therefore, to any of the branches described in the
4 first three Articles. It is a constitutional fixture in its own right.."

5 "In fact, the whole theory of its function is that it belongs to no branch of the institutional Government, serving as a
kind of buffer or referee between the Government and the people."
History shows that the Citizens Grand Jury was a common occurrence in the early days of our Constitutional
7 Republic, used as a means to correct the crimes of corrupt public officials. That ‘right’ and ‘duty’ of the People
continues to this day.

3. Amendments IX and X retain the rights and powers with the people. Hence, the rights and powers of the People
10 to form Citizens’ Trial Courts to act on presentments/indictments of Citizens Grand Juries exist to this day.

11 4. The Constitution provides for the specific requirements of the Office of President & Commander in Chief:
12 a. Article II, Section 1:5 says that only a Natural Born Citizen shall be eligible to the Office of
b. Article I, Section 8 says that Congress (under the authority granted by the People) has the
14 power to enforce offenses against the Law of Nations;

c. The Law of Nations says that a Natural Born Citizen is one who is born in the country of
parents, both of whom are citizens of that country;
Based on the understanding that: “With the privilege and honor of knowing of, swearing to, and living under our
Constitution, comes the responsibility and duty of defending, maintaining and adhering to it”, a duly formed
Constitutional Citizens Court Trial was held in Harlem, NYC at the ATLAH Church Sanctuary/Courtroom on May
18 14-18, 2010.

The Trial, known as The C.I.A. COLUMBIA OBAMA Sedition & Treason TRIAL, concluded with a verdict of
GUILTY ON ALL COUNTS – against Columbia University, past Columbia U. President Michael Sovern, and
20 Barry Soetoro/aka Barack Hussein Obama. The deliberations and verdict of this trial were used as some of the
evidence for 38 different States Citizens De jure Grand Juries, the ‘True Bill’ presentments/indictments of which
21 were served on the Joint Chiefs of Staff in June of 2010.

22 So that none can say “I did not know!”

23 So that none can say “I was just following orders.”

24 (Nuremberg Trials, 1945-46, Nuremberg, Germany)


We are now entering the ‘Sentencing Phase’ of that earthshaking and historic Trial of the Millennium - a trial
1 concerning the greatest fraud ever perpetuated upon the American people in the over 200 years since the inception
of our Constitutional Republic: the usurpation of the Office of President and Commander in Chief, by a publicly
2 acknowledged NON Natural Born Citizen!

4 Under the terms of our Constitution, our Nation can survive 4 (or even 8) years of anyone as President, but
it cannot survive without our Constitution!
What follows is a summary of the transcripts of that trial (to be available shortly here) – to include the
6 charges, the evidence, the summation, and the verdict.

8 A short summarizing video by the prosecutor, Pastor James David Manning, Ph.D., is will also be available
after his Press Conference at The ATLAH Church on 27 October, 2010, as well as the complete 400+ pages of
9 transcripts, for those who want detailed proof of the Crime of the Millennium!

And here is a link to a full article concerning the resurgence of the 21st Century Citizens De jure Grand Jury,
11 originally written in June 2009, but now updated for today:

12 The Citizens Grand Jury by NBTurner (Updated) 21OCT2010














Transcription of Grand Jury Testimony
3 May 14, 2010

Unintelligible phrases are marked with a question mark in brackets [?], followed by dashes representing
5 the approximate number of words that are unintelligible: [?----] means that approximately four words are
unintelligible in the phrase.
Participants: Rev. Dr. James David Manning
7 Mr. Judge _____
Mr. Counselor _____
8 Mr. Juror #1 _____
Mr. Juror #2 _____
9 Mr. Juror #3 _____
Mr. Juror #4 _____
10 Ms. Juror #5 _____
Mr. Juror #6 _____
11 Ms. Juror #7 _____
Mr. Juror #8 _____
12 Ms. Juror #9 _____
Ms. Juror #10 _____
13 Mr. Juror #11 _____
Mr. Juror #12 _____
14 Mr. Juror #13 _____
Ms. Juror #14 _____


Unidentified Speaker:
Mr. Judge _____ takes the bench.
Mr. Judge _____:
Be seated. Can everyone hear me? Okay. Let me just make it clear from the beginning that there is
21 going to be order here that will be imposed either voluntarily or involuntarily. We're not here to shout out
things and disrupt anything. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but there will be no tolerance of
22 anybody disrupting order, and if anyone does, they'll be removed forthwith. Hopefully that won't be
necessary and people will hopefully remember the manners they were supposed to have been taught when
23 they were five years old.

24 We can proceed. I believe that the first order of business would be to read the indictment. Everyone can
hear me clearly? Okay. Luckily I used Hooked on Phonics so I can read this to you as quickly and
25 expeditiously as possible.

We the People's Court, State of New York, County of New York, against Barack Hussein Obama,
1 Defendant; Columbia University, Defendant; Michael Sovern, Defendant. Count one, Treason. Barack
Hussein Obama, who owes allegiance to the United States, by virtue of his actual albeit unlawful exercise
2 of the powers of the presidency of the United States, and not by lawful citizenship therein, did commit
treason against the United States of America in that during time of war he assumed the office of President
3 of the United States knowing that he is not a natural born citizen and is therefore ineligible to hold that
esteemed office and to wit has exercised the powers of that office unlawfully, and more specifically has
4 availed himself by deceit to a continued access to the most sensitive intelligence of the government of the
United States in violation of Article 3, Section 3 of the Constitution of the United States and United States
5 Code hereinafter referred to as U.S.C. 18; U.S.C. 2381 which respectively read, Article 3, Section 3,
United States Constitution. Treason against the United States shall consist only in levying war against
6 them or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of
treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act or on confession in open court. The
7 Congress shall have the power to declare the punishment of treason but no attainder of treason shall work
corruption of blood, of forfeiture except during the life of the person attained.
18 U.S.C. 2381. Whosoever owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to
9 their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and
shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than
10 $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

11 Count two. Treason. Columbia University, a not-for-profit corporation in New York owing allegiance to
the United States by virtue of its being domiciled therein and having acknowledged that Barack Hussein
12 Obama is not natural born and is unlawful in occupation of the office of President of the United States
and that he holds said office in time of war and therefore has access to the most sensitive and top secret
13 national security information of the United States of America, has unlawfully committed treason by
concealing his identity and the fact of his not being natural born in violation of Article 3 Section 3 of the
14 Constitution of the United States and 18 U.S.C. 2381.

15 Count three. Mail fraud and swindles. Barack Hussein Obama did commit criminal acts of fraud against
the people of the United States of America in violation of 18 U.S.C. 1341. Said statute stating the
16 following: Whoever, having devised or intending to devise any scheme or artifice to defraud, or for
obtaining money or property by means of false or fraudulent pretenses, representations, or promises, or to
17 sell, dispose of, loan, exchange, alter, give away, distribute, supply, or furnish or procure for unlawful use
any counterfeit or spurious coin, obligation, security, or other article, or anything represented to be or
18 intimated or held out to be such counterfeit or spurious article, for the purpose of executing such scheme
or artifice or attempting so to do, places in any post office or authorized depository for mail or any matter
19 or thing whatever to be sent or delivered by the Postal Service, or deposits or causes to be deposited any
matter or thing whatever to be sent or delivered by any private or commercial interstate carrier, or takes or
20 receives therefrom, any such matter or thing, or knowingly causes to be delivered by mail or such carrier
according to the direction thereon, or at the place at which it is directed to be delivered by the person to
21 whom it is addressed, any such matter or thing, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than
20 years, or both. If the violation occurs in relation to, or involving any benefit authorized, transported,
22 transmitted, transferred, disbursed, or paid in connection with a presidentially declared major disaster or
emergency, or affects a financial institution, such person shall be fined not more than $1,000,000 or
23 imprisoned not more than 30 years, or both.

24 By seeking funds either personally or through authorized agents for his presidential candidacy, through
solicitations placed in and transmitted by the United States Postal Service and furthermore by actually
25 receiving either directly or through any political organization, incorporated or structured for the purpose
of advancing his candidacy for President of the United States or other authorized agents, said funds being

delivered by the United States Postal Service while knowing that he was not natural born and ineligible to
1 either seek the office of President or actually be President, Barack Hussein Obama did commit criminal
acts of fraud with each item placed in the mail soliciting funds and with each piece of mail received with
2 money induced by said solicitation and by each act of depositing said funds in any bank or other financial
Count four. Conspiracy to commit mail fraud. Columbia University did conspire with Barack Hussein
4 Obama to commit acts of mail fraud in that it did have knowledge that Barack Hussein Obama did solicit
and receive money from the general public for the purpose of campaigning for the office of President of
5 the United States and it did further know that Barack Hussein Obama was not a natural born citizen and
therefore not eligible to be President of the United States and by knowingly and willing, in collusion with
6 him, concealing the identity of Barack Hussein Obama, it did aid and abet him in criminal violation of
U.S.C. 18, 1341.
Count five. Fraud by wire, radio, television. Barack Hussein Obama did commit criminal acts in
8 violation of 18 U.S.C. 1343 which reads, to wit: Whoever, having devised or intending to devise any
scheme or artifice to defraud, or for obtaining money or property by means of wire, radio, or television
9 communications in interstate or foreign commerce, any writings, signs, signals, pictures, or sounds for the
purpose of executing such scheme or artifice, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than
10 20 years, or both. If the violation affects a financial institution, such person shall be fined not
more than $1,000,000 or imprisoned not more than 30 years, or both.
Barack Hussein Obama did violate said statue by soliciting and in fact either personally or through his
12 agents receiving funds for his presidential campaign and depositing said funds in banking and other
financial institutions, said funds, being solicited through the mediums of television, wire and radio, while
13 he knew that he was not natural born and ineligible to serve in the office of President of the United States.

14 Count six. Conspiracy to commit fraud by wire, radio, or television. Columbia University did know that
Barack Hussein Obama did solicit funds for the purpose of campaigning for President of the United States
15 and that he did commit acts of fraud and that he was ineligible to occupy said office not being a natural
born citizen and did in collusion with him knowingly and willfully conceal his identity as a foreign
16 national in violation of law.

17 Count seven. Obstruction of justice. Columbia University is guilty of obstruction of justice and the crime
of false statements pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 1001 which reads: a) Except as otherwise provided in this
18 section, whoever, in any matter within the jurisdiction of the executive, legislative, or judicial branch of
the Government of the United States, knowingly and willfully (1) falsifies, conceals, or covers up by any
19 trick, scheme, or device a material fact, makes any materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or
representation; or (2) makes or uses any false writing or document knowing the same to contain any
20 materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or entry shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not
more than 5 years or, if the offense involves international or domestic terrorism (as defined by Section
21 2331), imprisoned not more than 8 years, or both.

22 Columbia University did knowingly and willfully violate the statute in that it concealed the material fact
that came within the jurisdiction of the executive branch of the government of the United States. And that
23 by knowing that Barack Hussein Obama was not a natural born citizen of the United States, it had an
affirmative duty to release information that would otherwise be confidential. Specifically, his college
24 applications, report cards, and other information within his possession tending to show his nationality and
that he has continually committed the offense of obstruction of justice by said concealment from 10
25 February, 2007 when Barack Hussein Obama announced his candidacy for the presidency of the United

States to present thereby aiding one not natural born in illegally obtaining and operating in the office of
1 the chief of state of the United States of America.

2 Count eight. Conspiracy to defraud the United States government and obstruct justice. Columbia
University is guilty of the crime of conspiracy to obstruct justice pursuant to United States Criminal Code
3 371 which reads, to wit: If two or more persons conspire either to commit any offense against the United
States, or to defraud the United States, or any agency thereof in any manner or for any purpose, and one
4 or more of such do any act to effect the object of the conspiracy, each shall be fined under this title or
imprisoned not more than five years, or both.
Barack Hussein Obama, a foreign national, not natural born, did defraud the government of the United
6 States by unlawfully taking the oath of office as President of the United States and assuming the powers
thereof. Columbia University did willfully conspire with Barack Hussein Obama in violation of 18
7 U.S.C. 371 to create the illusion that he was a student at Columbia University and a natural born citizen
and maintaining that illusion from 20 January 2009 even until the present, even though they know that he
8 is not a natural born citizen thus enabling him to exercise the powers of the presidency unlawfully and
putting the national security of this nation in peril.
Count nine. Espionage. Barack Hussein Obama is guilty of the act of espionage in violation of 18 U.S.C.
10 793(e) which reads, to wit: (e) Whoever lawfully having possession of, access to, control over, or being
entrusted with any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative,
11 blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, or note relating to the national defense, or information
relating to the national defense which information the possessor has reason to believe could be used to the
12 injury of the United States or to the advantage of any foreign nation, willfully communicates, delivers,
transmits or causes to be communicated, delivered, or transmitted, the same to any person not entitled to
13 receive it, or willfully retains the same and fails to deliver it to the officer or employee of the United
States entitled to receive it shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 10 years or both.
By causing himself to be entrusted with information which he is not lawfully entitled to, not being
15 eligible to be President because he is not a naturally born citizen and then transmitting said information to
persons not entitled to receive it, Barack Hussein Obama is guilty of violation of Count nine of this
16 indictment.

17 Count ten. Espionage. Columbia University is in violation of 18 U.S.C. 793(g) which states, to wit: If
two or more persons conspire to violate any of the foregoing provisions of this section, and one or more
18 of such persons do any act to effect the object of the conspiracy, each of the parties to such conspiracy
shall be subject to the punishment provided for the offense which is the object of the conspiracy. By
19 knowingly and willfully in collusion with him concealing the identify of Barack Hussein Obama as a
foreign national, the Columbia University continually aides and abets Barack Hussein Obama in the
20 commission of the crimes delineated in Count nine and is subject to the same punishment.

21 Count eleven, Espionage. Barack Hussein Obama is in violation of 18 U.S.C. 794 which reads, to wit:
(a) Whoever, with intent or reason to believe that it is to be used to the injury of the United States or to
22 the advantage of a foreign nation, communicates, delivers, or transmits, or attempts to communicate,
deliver, or transmit, to any foreign government, or to any faction or party or military or naval force within
23 a foreign government or to any faction or party or military or naval force within a foreign country
whether recognized or unrecognized by the United States, or to any representative, officer, agent,
24 employee, subject, or citizen thereof, either directly or indirectly, any document, writing, code book,
signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, note, instrument,
25 appliance, or information relating to the national defense, shall be punished by death or by imprisonment
for any terms of years or for life, except that the sentence of death shall not be imposed unless the jury or,

if there is no jury, the court, further finds that the offense resulted in the identification by a foreign power
1 (as defined in section 101(a) of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978) of an individual acting
as an agent of the United States and consequently in the death of that individual, or directly concerned
2 nuclear weaponry, military spacecraft or satellites, early warning systems, or other means of defense or
retaliation against large-scale attack; war plans; communications, intelligence or cryptographic
3 information; or any other major weapons system or major element of defense strategy.

4 (b) Whoever, in time of war, with intent that the same shall be communicated to the enemy, collects,
records, publishes, or communicates, or attempts to elicit any information with respect to the movement,
5 numbers, description, condition, or disposition of any of the Armed Forces, ships, aircraft, or war
materials of the United States, or with respect to the plans or conduct, or supposed plans or conduct of
6 any naval or military operations, or with respect to any works or measures undertaken for or connected
with, or intended for the fortification or defense of any place, or any other information related to the
7 public defense, which might be useful to the enemy, shall be punishable by death or by imprisonment for
any term of years or for life.
Barack Hussein Obama by virtue of his not being natural born has violated both sections (a) and (b) of the
9 above statute by unlawfully communicating information obtained by virtue of acting as President of the
United States.
Count twelve. Conspiracy to commit espionage. By unlawfully and in collusion with him concealing his
11 identity as not natural born and continuing that concealment even as Barack Hussein Obama occupies the
office of President of the United States, Columbia University has unlawfully aided and abetted the same
12 Barack Hussein Obama in his criminal violations of 18 U.S.C. 794.

13 Count thirteen. Disclosure of classified information. Barack Hussein Obama did commit the crime of
unlawful disclosure of classified material in violation of 18 U.S.C. 798 which states, to wit: (a) Whoever
14 knowingly and willfully communicates, furnishes, transmits, or otherwise makes available to any
unauthorized person, or publishes, or uses in any manner prejudicial to the safety or interest of the United
15 States or for the benefit of any foreign government to the detriment of the United States any classified
information, (1) concerning the nature, preparation, or use of any code, cipher, or cryptographic system of
16 the United States or any foreign government; or (2) concerning the design, construction, use,
maintenance, or repair of any device, apparatus, or appliance used or prepared or planned for use by the
17 United States or any foreign government for cryptographic or communication intelligence purposes; or
(3) concerning the communication intelligent activities of the United States or any foreign government
18 knowing the same to have been obtained by such processes; (4) obtain by the processes of communication
intelligence from the communications of any foreign government knowing the same to have been
19 obtained by such processes shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.

20 Barack Hussein Obama has knowingly and willfully allowed classified information to come into his
hands knowing that he is not natural born and unqualified to lawfully receive such information in
21 violation of law.

22 Count fourteen. Conspiracy to disclose classified information. Columbia University did conspire with
Barack Hussein Obama to unlawfully violate 18 U.S.C. 798 in that by unlawfully concealing his identity
23 as not natural born, they have knowingly enabled him in the violation of Count nine of this indictment.

24 Fifteen. Government seals unlawfully used. Barack Hussein Obama has since 20 January 2009 and
continuing until present, violated 18 U.S.C. 1017 which states, to wit: Whoever fraudulently or
25 wrongfully affixes or impresses the seal of any department or agency of the United States to or upon any
certificate, instrument, commission, document, or paper or with knowledge of its fraudulent character,

with wrongful or fraudulent intent, uses, buys, procures, sells, or transfers to another any such certificate,
1 instrument, commission, document, or paper, to which or upon which said seal has been so fraudulently
affixed or impressed, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.
By affixing the presidential seal without authorization to all documents transmitted between the
3 presidential office and the Congress, Barack Hussein Obama did and continues to willfully and
knowingly violate law.
Sixteen. Conspiracy to violate 18 U.S.C. 1017. By knowingly and willfully concealing the identity of
5 Barack Hussein Obama as a foreign national, not a naturally born citizen, the Columbia University did
knowingly and willfully aide and abet him in criminal violation of 18 U.S.C. 1017.
Seventeen. Violation of New York State Education Law Section 224. Barack Hussein Obama did violate
7 Section 224 of the Education Law of New York State which states: Section 2. No person shall buy, sell,
or fraudulently or illegally make or alter, give, issue, or obtain or attempt to obtain by fraudulent means,
8 any diploma, certificate, or other instrument purporting to confer any literary, scientific, professional, or
other degree or to constitute any license or duplicate thereof or any certificate of registration or the certify
9 to the completion in whole or in part of any course of study in any university, college, academy, or other
educational institution. Section 4. No diploma or degree shall be conferred in this state except by a
10 regularly organized institution of learning meeting all requirements by law and of the university. Nor
shall any person with intent to deceive falsely represent himself to have received any such degree or
11 credential nor shall any person append to his name any letters in the same form registered by the regions
as entitled to the protection afforded to university degrees unless he shall have received from a duly
12 authorized institution the degree or certificate for which the letters are registered. Counterfeiting or falsely
or without authority making or altering in a material respect any such credential issued under seal shall be
13 a felony. Any other violation of this section shall be a misdemeanor. And any person who aides or abets
another or advertises of offers himself to violate the provisions of this section shall be liable to the same
14 penalties.

15 Barack Hussein Obama illegally obtained a degree from Columbia University without completing the
prescribed course of work or in fact ever being present on Columbia University grounds as a student and
16 has falsely represented himself to be a bona fide graduate of Columbia University without having fulfilled
the requirements for graduation.
Eighteen. Columbia University violation of New York State Education Law Section 224. The Columbia
18 University did violate Chapter 224, Section 2 of the Education Law of the State of New York in that it did
unlawfully sell and did fraudulently make, give, and issue a diploma to Barack Hussein Obama certifying
19 that he had completed a prescribed course of study and that he earned a Bachelor's Degree from Columbia
University. Furthermore, and in violation of Section 4 of the Education Law of the Sate of New York,
20 Chapter 224, Columbia University did falsely make a degree which was conferred on Barack Hussein
Obama and did by concealing said information aid and abet in his misrepresentations that he completed
21 the prescribed course of study and earned a Bachelor's degree.

22 Nineteen. Michael Sovern. Michael Sovern, who served as President of Columbia University from 1980
through 1983, was one of the specific agents of Columbia who colluded and conspired with the Columbia
23 University and Barack Obama and who actually oversaw the execution on behalf of Columbia University
of its crimes, delineated in Counts 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, and 18 of this indictment. Wherefore, this
24 indictment is returned against Columbia University, Barack Hussein Obama, and Michael Sovern.

25 Counselor, would you like to present?

Mr. Counselor _____:
(inaudible) member of the prosecutorial staff (inaudible) penalty of perjury. On or about April 13th,
2 2010, I caused to be personally delivered to the legal affairs department of Columbia University, which
occupies the fourth floor of (inaudible) library at Columbia University an indictment which was refused
3 by the person who I ascertained, through questioning, was responsible for the receipt of said documents.
The woman, who refused to give me her name, was approximately five feet, two inches tall, Caucasian,
4 wore glasses, had an (inaudible) shaped nose, no distinguishing marks, brown eyes, and brunette hair.

5 I completed the service of process by placing a copy of the indictment in the front door of the legal affairs
office. Furthermore, on said date, I caused to be delivered both by regular and express mail a copy of said
6 indictment to Robert Bower, the lawyer and counselor for one Barrack Hussein Obama, at the Office of
White House Counsel, by depositing the same in a sealed envelope and depositing the same in the United
7 States Post Office. The certified mail receipt is attached herein.

8 Furthermore, Michael Sovern was personally served with a true copy of the indictment, to be delivered to
his offices at Columbia University Law School on Amsterdam Avenue and 116th Street and was- and the
9 document was handed to his secretary, who was authorized to accept process on his behalf, the secretary
being named Mary Madag (ph) on 15 April 2010. This is made by affirmation instead of affidavit
10 because I am an attorney duly licensed to practice law in this jurisdiction, date 8 May 2010, Mr.
Counselor _____.
And just as an addendum, Your Honor, this day I caused to be placed at the defendant's table a true copy
12 of the indictment. And we also have affidavits pertaining to all of the witnesses who have been
summoned to this court, and we submit this as part of the record.
Mr. Judge _____:
So submitted. Do we have any counsel for the defendant here? Do we have our jury pool?
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
First, Your Honor, I want to take the time to thank you for accepting the challenge of presiding over this
17 trial and for having read the indictment and being a part of this entire process. Our heartfelt thanks goes
out to you, and certainly the members of this audience, I'm sure, must feel the exact same way for Judge
18 _____, taking this very valued position today.

19 Now we also would like to state that it is now time for the selection of the jury. We will have opening
statements after the jury has been selected. I wish to state that there are several charges within the
20 indictment that we wish to delete immediately, so that it might be easier for you to reach the decision to
serve as a juror, and also to reach a verdict. And those decisions, or those counts in the indictment, would
21 be the count of-- I think count number two, would be the act of treason, in the indictment- I'm sorry, count
number one and count number two, the act of treason. We're going to recommend at this hour that those
22 counts would be delineated from the indictment that was returned on the 24th of April, the year 2010.
Also the count of espionage, that would also have the same effect of a death penalty, that we wish at this
23 time to not have the jurors have to reach a decision on a matter that would indeed invoke the penalty for
We also believe that in going forward after a verdict is found, it is our intent as the prosecuting attorney
25 that we will find that the counts in this indictment are indeed true and that the defendants are both guilty,
of Columbia University and also Barack Obama.

1 And so as a result of our making further presentments, we're going to delete those charges of espionage
and treason, or any act or account with this indictment that would lead to the penalty of death.
Having said that, we now want to have a call of those who have been registered to serve as jurors, and we
3 will then question you as to whether or not you are indeed eligible.

4 Now, we have a list of people here, and I pray that all are here, and let me just move to this lectern, if I
may. And Your Honor, for the purposes of addressing the jurors, I'd like to turn the lectern in this
5 direction.

6 Well, first of all, let me just state, if you have volunteered as a juror, would you please stand. OK. Why
don't we ask you to, as the first 12 of you, would proceed to this jury box, take your seats, we'll ascertain
7 your names, and then start the deliberation.

8 OK, we have room for I think a few more in the rear. Now I have asked one of you who had decided to
serve as a juror to not do so, the young man that had-- we have possibly appointed to serve as bailiff, you
9 may go to the jury pool, please. Thank you. Is there enough seating there for everybody? Looks a little
tight over there.
OK. All right, inasmuch as stated by attorney Mr. Counselor _____, that both defendants, Columbia
11 University and Barack Obama, have been served with true bills of the indictment and they have chosen
not to respond, we wish to acknowledge at this time of the selection of the jurors that there is no
12 representation of the defense, and so the prosecution would move forward on what we believe will be the
best way to proceed with jurors.
Now, if we could- I have the name of Mr. Juror #1 _____ (ph). Are you here? That's you. All right, Mr.
14 Juror #1 _____, and I have your address- and let me also state, we had initially thought it would be
prudent not to have jurors on camera. We believe historically going forward that this case will be
15 debated, your pictures will be placed in some unsavory places, and in some historical and patriotic places,
I believe, going forward, but we want to ask initially is there any juror who would have concerns about it
16 being publicly noised abroad that you served as a juror at this trial? If so, please make that known at this
hour. By that, I mean if you are concerned for your welfare in serving at this time. You all look fairly
17 solid; you must be a real good Manning crowd. Don't do anything further. Thank you for that.

18 All right, our first juror, Mr. Juror #1 _____. Now you're a resident of the State of New York? Is that
Mr. Juror #1 _____:
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
Now, we have removed the charge of espionage, sedition, and treason, therefore, you will not have to
23 deliberate on matters of capital punishment. But do you believe that you can be fair on all the other
counts, as read by the Honorable Mr. Judge _____ here today, in reaching a decision about Barack
24 Obama and about Columbia's guilt in the matter read in the indictment?

25 Mr. Juror #1 _____:

Yes, I can.
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
Can I also ask you-- have you-- can you honestly state whether or not you are already convinced that he is
3 guilty of the charges in the indictment by virtue of information you've received regarding his citizenship,
and therefore, all things guilty flows from that? Or can you, if evidence is proven that he is not guilty,
4 can you reach a decision, that you believe that is fair?

5 Mr. Juror #1 _____:

6 (inaudible)

7 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

8 OK. So you haven't made up your mind, as of yet?

9 Mr. Juror #1 _____:

10 (inaudible)

11 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

12 It's the most difficult question, and we certainly want-- we'll make further statements during the time of
our opening statements, and this process, of why this trial is going forward. Obviously there's been a lot
13 of information about Obama but if you essentially believe that you can be fair, if tomorrow corporation
counsel walked in for Columbia-- for Barack Obama and Columbia University and began to demonstrate
14 evidence contrary to what I, as prosecuting attorney, will present here, will you be able to rule in favor of
not guilty for Obama?
Mr. Juror #1 _____:
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
So you feel that he is guilty already? All right, well, I think that, and I believe this court would agree, that
19 if you've already made up your mind, do you think that you could be convinced otherwise that he's not
Mr. Juror #1 _____:
No, I cannot.
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
Mr. Juror #1 _____:
(inaudible) I don't know, I've never been- served on a jury before.

1 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

2 OK. Well, Mr. Juror #1 _____, let me express this to you-- let me express this to you. I realize you're
being put on the spot, and I am purposefully putting you on the spot, as tightly as I possibly can, and the
3 reason being is that we want to conduct this trial-- I am convinced that the proceedings today and for the
next few days in this building will definitely not be ignored. In fact, they're being reported at present.
4 We want to be honest. We don't want to fall into the same trap of that which we are accusing Columbia
and Obama of, of being dishonest and illegal. And so it's very important that we find, at the very least,
5 even though you may have a strong sense of his guilt, we need to know whether or not you can find him
not guilty if evidence warrants that. And if you can't do that, then we can't have you serve as juror.
Mr. Juror #1 _____:
(inaudible) I just need it to be explained to me again (inaudible)
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
Mr. Juror #1 _____:
(inaudible) I want to be-- I want to serve as a juror.
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
Yes, I understand.
Mr. Juror #1 _____:
And everything is coming at me very fast, so--
Mr. Judge _____:
If I may, basically the question simply is this -- can you be fair and listen to what's presented, and factor
18 in and synthesize that information and fairly make a judgment, or are you just so biased that if he was
accused of robbing Chase Manhattan Bank, you would have already found him guilty?
Mr. Juror #1 _____:
I feel like I can be very fair.
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
So, that's what we're looking at; that's what we're looking for.
Mr. Juror #1 _____:
I'm nervous.
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

1 You're nervous? That's quite all right. We all are. Our country is nervous. We're going to settle it down,
though, here and now.
One other question to Mr. Juror #1 _____, and I don't mean to make matters more difficult for you, in
3 you're being nervous -- are you a member of the Democrat or Republican Party?

4 Mr. Juror #1 _____:

5 I am actually a member of the Republican Party (inaudible)

6 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

7 And how long have you been a registered member of the Republican Party?

8 Mr. Juror #1 _____:

9 (inaudible) since December of 2009.

10 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

11 How did you first find out about this trial?

12 Mr. Juror #1 _____:

13 Well, I was sent directly to a number of websites. Being on the campaign (inaudible) I was introduced to
the websites, and I saw some of your videos back in November, 2009. Ever since then, I have watched
14 the videos and I think right there-- that got me more interested, so I started talking about it with many
other friends of mine. So I've known about the case that's going up against him for approximately
15 (inaudible). I would say January or February of (inaudible) this year.

16 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

17 Just a couple of other questions. Do you have any political aspirations to run for any office, either
locally, statewide, or federally?
Mr. Juror #1 _____:
No, I do not.
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
And may I ask you what you do for a living?
Mr. Juror #1 _____:
Currently, I-- I've actually been in transition from one job to another, and right now I work in the solar
24 energy business, OK? Because it's such a downturn right now, I'm going--

25 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

Is that green energy- solar-- Is that green energy?
Mr. Juror #1 _____:
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
Obama is for green energy, so scratch that. Scratch that. So you're involved in solar energy?
Mr. Juror #1 _____:
Solar energy and (inaudible) that's correct.
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
OK. All right. Thank you very much, Mr. Juror #1 _____.
Mr. Juror #1 _____:
Mr. Juror #1 _____.
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
Mr. Juror #1 _____?
Mr. Juror #1 _____:
Mr. Juror #1 _____.
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
Mr. Juror #1 _____?
Mr. Juror #1 _____:
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
Mr. Juror #1 _____ -- pardon me.
At this time, normally it would be the opportunity for the defense to question the juror about whether or
22 not they can be fair in this matter, but we've had the Honorable Mr. Judge _____ assist me in phrasing the
question to Mr. Juror #1 _____ regarding his ability to serve.
Let's move on to the next juror, and of course, we have a number of registrations here, and we're not sure
24 that all of them are present. Do we have at present seated Mr. Juror #2 _____?

25 Mr. Juror #2:

That's me, sir.
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
Who's that? That's you. All right, Mr. Juror #2 _____. Very well. Let me ask you, Mr. Juror #2, do you
3 have any- well first of all, do you belong to a political party?

4 Mr. Juror #2 _____:

5 Neither one.

6 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

7 Neither one - you're not independent, Republican--

8 Mr. Juror #2 _____:

9 (inaudible)

10 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

11 I did.

12 Mr. Juror #2 _____:

13 (inaudible)

14 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

15 OK. Are you presently seeking any political office?

16 Mr. Juror #2 _____:

17 No, sir.

18 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

19 Any members of your family political office?

20 Mr. Juror #2 _____:

21 (inaudible)

22 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

23 Let me ask you the question I asked Mr. Juror #1 _____. Reading the indictment or hearing the
indictment that was just read, of the charges, were you aware of those charges before hearing them in this
24 courtroom today?

25 Mr. Juror #1 _____:

Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
No, no, not you, Mr. Juror #1 _____. Not you. Mr. Juror #2 _____ will respond. I'll get back to you a
3 little bit later, but-

4 Mr. Juror #2 _____:

5 I was aware that this trial was going to bring about those charges.

6 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

7 OK, but you didn't know the individual counts as read?

8 Mr. Juror #2 _____:

9 (inaudible)

10 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

11 Were you aware in any way of the matter of Columbia University or any statements that have been made
during the campaign regarding Obama's attendance at Columbia University? Were you aware of that
12 before this trial?

13 Mr. Juror #2 _____:

14 Can you repeat that?

15 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

16 Were you aware of any statements about Obama's having not attended Columbia University before this
Mr. Juror #2 _____:
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
Obama and Columbia University. Judge, do you want to help me out again. Looks like I'm failing to
21 communicate.

22 Mr. Judge _____:

23 Go ahead answer. You can answer.

24 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

25 You have the answer.

Mr. Juror #2 _____:
Yeah, I'm aware that he's (inaudible) is that what are you are asking?
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
Yes, I am.
Mr. Juror #2 _____:
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
Well, let me get right to the issue here -- do you believe that you can be fair and honest and integral in
8 this process, as a juror, if you are selected, to be able to render a verdict if the information fails to
demonstrate guilty as a verdict?
Mr. Juror #2 _____:
If I'm chosen as a juror and this court doesn't (inaudible) I would have to say no.
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
Let me ask you one further question - have you been contacted by any member of the Democratic Party,
13 any officer of the CIA, Homeland Security, or any other agency that is an appendage of the government
to come and register as a part of this trial, that you might report on it, and in many ways, derail it?
Mr. Juror #2 _____:
No, sir.
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
You have not? All right, very well. OK, thank you, Mr. Juror #2 _____. And again, the opportunity
18 would be for the defense to question Mr. Juror #2 _____. They've chosen not to represent, and therefore,
he will be unchallenged, should he be selected by this prosecuting attorney.
The next person we would want to talk to would be a Mr. Juror #3 _____.
Mr. Juror #3 _____:
Mr. Juror #3 _____.
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
Mr. Juror #3 _____ -- pardon me.
Mr. Juror #3 _____:
It's all right.

1 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

2 Maybe I've got some lasagna on my glasses, and it makes it a little difficult. You've traveled all the way
from Texas?
Mr. Juror #3 _____:
Yes, sir.
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
When did you arrive in New York City?
Mr. Juror #3 _____:
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
What do you think about our city?
Mr. Juror #3 _____:
I think it's a big city, it's got a lot of people, a lot of good things. It's rough in places.
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
OK. Why did you come to this event today? I know you've signed up as a juror, but beyond that, why
15 did you come? What's your reason for being here?

16 Mr. Juror #3 _____:

17 I'm after the truth. I think (inaudible) and I want to contribute and I believe in the saying that the only
thing required for evil to prevail is for good men and women to do nothing, so I want to contribute as
18 much as I can.

19 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

20 Do you know that there is, and all of the major news outlets and in places of tremendous influence and
also with many of our leading politicians, the continued statements that Obama is natural-born, and that
21 the people who are alleged to be birthers are simply pursuing him for racial reasons, or they just refuse to
accept the truth, that a black man has been elected as president. But he is, indeed, natural-born and there
22 is no question about it. Do you realize that a large number of people would consider you a racist, and that
you just refuse to hear the truth, and that your motives are to destroy a black man and the dreams of black
23 people. Would you--

24 Mr. Juror #3 _____:

25 I am fully aware of that, and the judgment of God almighty is the only judgment I hold sacred, and I care
what my fellow men care about me, but not (inaudible)

1 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

2 I think that what we'd like to try to do is hand the microphone to the jurors, thank you, so that I think their
voices are being heard throughout the auditorium, but we want to record them for the record.
Just one other question, Mr. Juror #3 _____, or two, perhaps, and I'll be through. Should the corporation
4 counsel or Cole & Perkins send an attorney here to represent Mr. Obama, and they bring in
documentation to the contrary of the things in the indictment, do you believe that you will be able to find
5 him not guilty if the information warranted, and documentation did so?

6 Mr. Juror #3 _____:

7 I'm willing to look at the truth, and be looking at the evidence, and I'm willing to shout it from the
rooftops, no matter who it pisses off, whether it be anybody in this church, or anybody in the world.
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
OK. Sound like a pretty brave fella.
Mr. Juror #3 _____:
I don't know about that.
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
Have you been in many fights in your life?
Mr. Juror #3 _____:
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
But, for the final question, if the evidence warranted, could you vote not guilty?
Mr. Juror #3 _____:
I absolutely could vote not guilty if the evidence has led me to that conclusion, absolutely.
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
Very well. All right, thank you, sir. And again, the opportunity for the defense to question the juror or
22 prospective juror is forfeited by them not being present.

23 Now I have two names on one juror application list, and Mr. _____ and Mrs. _____ Smith. Are they
here? All right.
Well I know that the next person is here; I know his name very well. The name of the person that's next
25 on our list of registration is a Mr. Juror #4 _____. Mr. Juror #4 _____, welcome to New York. Give him
the mike. This is--

1 Mr. Juror #4 _____:

2 Thank you, Pastor Manning. Can you hear me?

3 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

4 We can. Mr. Juror #4 _____, the first question I want to ask you, how old are you? How old are you?

5 Mr. Juror #4 _____:

6 Hold old I am?

7 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

8 Yes.

9 Mr. Juror #4 _____:

10 Old enough.

11 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

12 Old enough. And where do you reside?

13 Mr. Juror #4 _____:

14 I am residing in the State of Florida.

15 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

16 At present. And what is your profession?

17 Mr. Juror #4 _____:

18 I am retired architect. I was practicing architecture 'till 2005, when I lost my central vision, I had to quit.
That's when I turned to politics.
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
Are you presently running for any political office?
Mr. Juror #4 _____:
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
But you're heavily involved in politics?
Mr. Juror #4 _____:

1 I'm involved, trying to help to the decent and honest people.

2 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

3 When you were an active as an architect, what kind of properties or statues or-- did you design?

4 Mr. Juror #4 _____:

5 I had a design firm. I was designing from residence and educational buildings, hospitals, I even-- I was
involved in packaged power plants, used by the nuclear energy.
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
Did you work for the government?
Mr. Juror #4 _____:
No, I had my private office.
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
And that's my next-- you had a private concern, you did not work for a corporation?
Mr. Juror #4 _____:
No. I established my firm after passing my state examination and I had a one-man architecture of--
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
When were you involved in the design of a nuclear either plant or facility?
Mr. Juror #4 _____:
At the time I was employed, shortly after I arrived to the United States, since I had some nuclear energy
18 contact. And I was involved with just the detail work. I was using the magic name-

19 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

20 Where are you originally from, Mr. Juror #4 _____? I see you have a very heavy accent.

21 Mr. Juror #4 _____:

22 I am originally from Hungary, and I left Hungary- in Budapest in 1956, after losing the uprisal against the
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
Just a couple of other questions, Mr. Juror #4 _____. And this question I've asked all the jurors in
25 different ways -- but how did you hear about this trial and this event? When did you first become aware
of it?

1 Mr. Juror #4 _____:

2 I heard of this trial through listening to the Manning Reports.

3 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

4 Very good for you. If the evidence fails to be conclusive regarding the charges in the indictment, would
you be able to find the defendant not guilty?
Mr. Juror #4 _____:
For the sake of a just decision, yes, I can.
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
Do you have any fear or concern for your well-being or for your life, as this will be a highly publicized
9 event? We very possibly have-- may have people from the Secret Service agency listening to you at this
moment, in the courtroom, and one of the ways that tyrannical governments suppress justice is to bring
10 about fear to its citizens. Are you, in any way, afraid to be known as having reached a guilty verdict?

11 Mr. Juror #4 _____:

12 If I would have, I wouldn't be here.

13 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

14 Great question. I have nothing else for you, sir. Thank you. Best answer yet.

15 All right, the next person on the juror registration list is a Ms. Juror #5 _____ (ph). That's you? Very
Ms. Juror #5 _____:
Yes, I'm Ms. Juror #5 _____.
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
Now Ms. Juror #5 _____, right away, I've got to-- I've got to tell you, I-- are you a citizen of-
Ms. Juror #5 _____:
Yes, I am.
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
OK, very well. I had a very good friend of mine that I met, I could say, at Columbia University. His
24 name was Heinz Down (ph) and I think he was Heidelberg, Germany, invited me there several years ago,
and- to visit his home and church. You're from Stuttgart?
Ms. Juror #5 _____:

1 That's correct.

2 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

3 Well, welcome back. You are an American citizen, though you're living in Germany?

4 Ms. Juror #5 _____:

5 That's correct.

6 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

7 When did you arrive in New York, and obviously you came just for this trial?

8 Ms. Juror #5 _____:

9 Yes, I did. Day before yesterday.

10 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

11 Why would you travel all the way from Stuttgart, Germany, to be a part of this event?

12 Ms. Juror #5 _____:

13 I love the truth, and I want the truth to come out, and I want to be part of the truth, and I'm a patriot.

14 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

15 Are you suggesting that what we are presently hearing about our political class, more specifically our
alleged president, that we're not hearing the truth?
Ms. Juror #5 _____:
Yes, I would say so.
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
But couldn't that be said every president?
Ms. Juror #5 _____:
Just about, yes.
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
Couldn't it be said about every politician?
Ms. Juror #5 _____:

1 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

2 However, I think I agree with you, and you will agree with me, that we are looking at some extremely
threatening issues to our Constitution that have been overlooked, for whatever reason, and this trial is set
3 for the purpose of uncovering those reasons, and displaying that truth to America -- to the people,
actually, of the world.
Do you believe, and obviously you've come at your own expense -- we didn't pay you to come here, did
5 we?

6 Ms. Juror #5 _____:

7 No.

8 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

9 We didn't give you any expense money or anything of that nature?

10 Ms. Juror #5 _____:

11 No, no.

12 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

13 Out of your own resources, you are here?

14 Ms. Juror #5 _____:

15 That's right.

16 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

17 And behalf of all Americans, I want thank you for that, by the way, and everybody else. We've got some
people here from Hawaii. I think Hawaii is further than Germany, quite frankly, in many ways.
Maybe these people from Hawaii are the ones that are hiding the birth certificate; we'll have to find out.
Could you find Mr. Obama guilty, notwithstanding the fact that a number of people perceive as a hope for
20 black people, that he represents that god has visited them and that he is, indeed, their Messiah, to some
degree, not necessarily in the spiritual sense of Jesus, but that it was long overdue in the context of this
21 nation's history of slavery and the suffering that black people allegedly have gone through, that to raise
your voice against him is to join with the whole idea of oppression of people. Can you make a distinction
22 of that and find either guilty or not guilty, without those factors influencing you? And if that question is
too long, I'll try to do it another way.
Ms. Juror #5 _____:
Well, I don't think race influences me whatsoever. I'm very objective, and I don't care where he comes
25 from. The most important thing is, he's a natural born citizen. That's the most important thing for me.

Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
All right. Very well. And in-- of course, if the evidence warrants, and it is documented and presented,
2 that he is, indeed, guilty, you would be able to vote guilty?

3 Ms. Juror #5 _____:

4 I want to be as objective as possible.

5 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

6 OK. All right. Very well. Very well. All right, thank you for coming from Germany. By the way, how
did you hear about this trial?
Ms. Juror #5 _____:
Through your reports.
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
OK. All right, thank you. The next person that we would have registered juror is a Mr. Juror #6 _____.
Mr. Juror #6 _____:
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
Mr. Juror #6 _____, how are you?
Mr. Juror #6 _____:
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
Anyone ever tell you look like Senator Bennett from out in Utah?
Mr. Juror #6 _____:
I don't know -- is that good?
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
I don't know. He just got kicked to the curb, so I'm not sure.
Mr. Juror #6 _____:
Oh, I guess not. No, I don't look like him at all.
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

1 Where are you from, Mr. Juror #6 _____?

2 Mr. Juror #6 _____:

3 I was born and raised in New York City, but for the last 37 years, I've lived in Miami, Florida.

4 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

5 Where in New York were you born?

6 Mr. Juror #6 _____:

7 Queens.

8 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

9 Out in Queens.

10 Mr. Juror #6 _____:

11 St. Johns Hospital, Queens Boulevard.

12 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

13 OK.

14 Mr. Juror #6 _____:

15 But I don't actually remember being born.

16 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

17 What do you do for a living?

18 Mr. Juror #6 _____:

19 Most recently, I was a computer consultant for Hewlett-Packard, and they've had a reduction in force last
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
Are they still a viable company, Hewlett-Packard?
Mr. Juror #6 _____:
Oh yeah.
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
They are?

1 Mr. Juror #6 _____:

2 Yeah.

3 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

4 They're competitive in the market?

5 Mr. Juror #6 _____:

6 Very. Very.

7 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

8 How did you hear about this trial?

9 Mr. Juror #6 _____:

10 The trial specifically-- I don't remember when, but it was from watching your videos, which I had been
watching for several months prior also, so--
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
Were you a part of the march--
Mr. Juror #6 _____:
Yes, this morning? Yes.
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
Do you believe that it's possible that Columbia University would have done something as overtly
17 unethical as issuing a degree to someone who never attended that school? Do you think that's possible?

18 Mr. Juror #6 _____:

19 Definitely.

20 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

21 This question I want to ask you, Mr. Bennett, and I've asked some tough questions of everyone else --
most people that are in the jury pool today and in the audience as well have heard about this trial directly
22 from me, the Manning Report, or some other YouTube postings. Do you believe that myself, established
as a prosecuting attorney, and by the way, I'll explain all of that-- part of it will happen after we've
23 selected the jury, and a part will happen tomorrow, as we proceed with witnesses, but the auspices of this
trial is sanctioned by the 10th Amendment of the Constitution, that sanction has been challenged on a
24 couple of occasions. But initially, the Constitution gave citizens, we the people, the power to proceed,
and I'll discuss that in just a few moments. But I want to ask you, do you believe that somehow or other,
25 that I've got a personal vendetta against Mr. Obama, and I have been simply an instrument of hate, of
bigotry, of an ill-conceived, if you will, fraudulent action against a noble and a good man. Or, not-so-

noble but good man, but my actions are simply personal and I'm seeking some sort of glory and so that's
1 why this matter is proceeding? What's your opinion on that? And by the way, this question does not have
to be answered by you, but I thought I would ask you, at this point in the proceeding.
Mr. Juror #6 _____:
No, I don't think it's personal, although we can get more attached to our beliefs and it can become
4 personal, perhaps when we're in a time of recession, let's say, but no, not in this case. I think most of us
are here for the same reason that we sense a deception of some sort, all right? We're not exactly sure
5 what the deception is, or the facts of it, but there's something wrong with the way that Mr. Obama has
presented himself and the policies that he's put in place and the people that he's surrounded himself with
6 in his past, so no, I think you are after exposing the truth that we all feel is actually true.

7 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

8 I don't know whether you're still active-- and I know you answered your question. And thank you for that
answer, by the way. You didn't have to answer that. But I know you did respond regarding your
9 employment with Hewlett-Packard. Do you believe in any way that your livelihood would be
marginalized by your appearance here, because certainly what we will do here over the next few days
10 will, indeed, be known in all circles of our government. Are you afraid of that?

11 Mr. Juror #6 _____:

12 No, I'm not afraid of it. It would be-- I would be chagrinned, though, if it closed off certain government
job opportunities or something like that. I'm not afraid of it all, no.
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
All right. And you also can be fair regarding whatever the evidence presents, you would be able to act
15 upon?

16 Mr. Juror #6 _____:

17 Yes.

18 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

19 I also want to ask you one further question, Mr. Bennett-- Mr. Juror #6 _____. I called you ``Bennett'' - I
don't know if you heard that.
Mr. Juror #6 _____:
I know it.
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
Do you believe that this trial can be a fair trial, under the circumstances of my prosecuting, men of the
24 people that are in the audience, are very much convinced of what the juror-- what all of the jurors have
stated, regarding Obama's guilt. Notwithstanding what the evidence we'll present--
Mr. Juror #6 _____:

1 Can I interrupt you?

2 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

3 Yes.

4 Mr. Juror #6 _____:

5 The question of guilt of what charge? I think everyone on this panel is going to be fair, right? But these
proceedings are more than just sitting at home, thinking about Mr. Obama. This is a very specific and
6 precise set of procedures that we're going through, right? So the evidence has to be specific and precise
and overwhelmingly convincing, right, to be guilty. Whereas a lower standard of guilt, we all, like I said,
7 have some concept of deception happening.

8 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

9 All right. Very well.

10 Mr. Juror #6 _____:

11 So we may decide against our own will that he's not guilty, because the evidence was not properly
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
Thank you very much for that. I appreciate that greatly.
OK, again, the defense is not here to challenge or to question, and so we'll move on to the next juror, and
15 that person would be Ms. Juror #7 _____ (ph). Where are you?

16 Ms. Juror #7 _____:

17 I am here

18 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

19 You are a graduate of Union--

20 Ms. Juror #7 _____:

21 Yes, I am--

22 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

23 --Theological Seminary.

24 Ms. Juror #7 _____:

25 Yes, I'm a graduate.

Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
I'm sorry to hear that. She's a graduate of Union. 1990?
Ms. Juror #7 _____:
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
Year of graduation, with a distinction.
Ms. Juror #7 _____:
Yes, so my master's thesis--
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
What did you write about?
Ms. Juror #7 _____:
I wrote about the quantum physics concerning the locus of Jesus Christ's entry into the world and that
12 through God's agency, that he was manifested in the flesh, and I use the order of quantum physics to
establish that possibility in the natural order.
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
And what physician did you select to demonstrate quantum physics? Was it Hubble or was it-
Ms. Juror #7 _____:
I'm sorry?
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
What physician did you use to demonstrate quantum physics? I mean, who--
Ms. Juror #7 _____:
I was using the Bohr model. Not the bone model, which is actually a realistic. It's not idealistic
21 philosophically, but it's a realistic model and that was the one that I used to establish that Jesus Christ
could be incarnate in the physical world, and that there was no dichotomy, therefore, between natural law
22 and the spiritual realm.

23 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

24 Who on earth would have been your readers? Who read your thesis?

25 Ms. Juror #7 _____:

I had Dr. Lots (ph) at Union and also my physiology instructor from medical school.
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
OK. You are also a graduate of the college of podiatry of medicine.
Ms. Juror #7 _____:
Yes, podiatric medicine.
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
Podiatric medicine, 1983.
Ms. Juror #7 _____:
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
How did you hear about this trial?
Ms. Juror #7 _____:
I was watching your Manning Reports and also on YouTube.
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
OK. The question we've asked everyone else, Ms. Juror #7 _____, if I may, about-- do you believe this
15 trial possesses the actual authority to conduct itself in the manner we are now assembled for?

16 Ms. Juror #7 _____:

17 Yes, I do, because according to the 10th Amendment, we as citizens have the right of due process. If we
do not have a redress of grievance through the judiciary system, which I believe is happening now.
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
We are not registered with the federal or state government to conduct trials. The district attorney for both
20 the County of Manhattan and for the Southern District in the federal courts do not recognize what we're
doing personally. I am not a prosecuting attorney and I have never prosecuted a case before. Of course, I
21 like to raise the argument that Elena Kagan has never served as a judge, either before.

22 Ms. Juror #7 _____:

23 Right.

24 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

25 But she's nominated and that seems to be going quite well. And the Honorable Mr. Judge _____ has not
served as a judge, though he is a very esteemed and a very accomplished attorney. And having said that, I

agree, that we do possess the authority, under the 10th Amendment, to conduct this trial. And I'm sure
1 that the information flowing from this trial, the publicity as well, will encourage other Americans to
become ``We the People'' again.
Ms. Juror #7 _____:
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
In addition to finding either a guilty verdict or a not guilty verdict, I think that the American people are
6 going to see that our system can work, even though some people may be so corrupt within the system that
you can't get justice, then we the people must stand. Thank you. And you're a resident of New York
7 City. You live in--

8 Ms. Juror #7 _____:

9 In the Bronx.

10 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

11 And obviously you're not afraid to be known as having participated in this process?

12 Ms. Juror #7 _____:

13 No.

14 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

15 OK. All right, very well. How many jurors do we have left that we have not interviewed so far? OK,
we've still got quite a ways to go.
Do you mind if I just stop and get some water? Pardon me. The next juror registered would be Ms.
17 _____ (ph). Not here? Not in the audience? The next registration we have would be a Ms. _____ (ph).
Not here? Not in the audience? The next juror would be Mr. _____ (ph). Not here? The next juror
18 would be a Mr. _____ (ph). The next registration would be a Mr. _____ (ph). Looks like we're batting
1.000 now and not
19 finding people. Mr. Juror #8 _____ (ph).

20 Mr. Juror #8 _____:

21 (inaudible)

22 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

23 Mr.-- I am pronouncing your name correctly?

24 Mr. Juror #8 _____:

25 Mr. Juror #8 _____.

Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
Mr. Juror #8 _____ -- sorry. Where do you live, Mr. Juror #8 _____?
Mr. Juror #8 _____:
Riverside, California.
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
Riverside, California? Where is that near -- California is a real big state.
Mr. Juror #8 _____:
County over from Los Angeles. County east.
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
In the Los Angeles area?
Mr. Juror #8 _____:
Yes, next county over, east.
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
When did you arrive in New York City, and obviously you came just for the trial?
Mr. Juror #8 _____:
Correct. Yesterday.
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
Yesterday. Did you pay your own way here to--
Mr. Juror #8 _____:
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
Mr. Juror #8 _____:
Actually, because I was blessed to have the extra money.
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
He was blessed to have the money, is that what you said?

1 Mr. Juror #8 _____:

2 Correct.

3 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

4 Well, you know, I-- the questions try to go to the reasoning, political reasons, of your being here. Do you
have political aspirations? Are you-- or do you have some aversion against Mr. Obama or are a seeker of
5 the truth? Let's stop it right there and try to respond to those, if you can?

6 Mr. Juror #8 _____:

7 No political parties. It's actually beyond seeker of the truth.

8 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

9 It's beyond?

10 Mr. Juror #8 _____:

11 Correct.

12 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

13 Could you tell us where, if it's not too personal?

14 Mr. Juror #8 _____:

15 I'm looking for a way to-- for Americans as well as the whole of humanity to effect change for the better
on planet earth.
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
Who did you vote for in the last election?
Mr. Juror #8 _____:
No one.
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
No one. Are you a registered voter?
Mr. Juror #8 _____:
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
Are you part of a party?

1 Mr. Juror #8 _____:

2 No.

3 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

4 Who did you like in the last election?

5 Mr. Juror #8 _____:

6 I would have voted for Ron Paul.

7 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

8 Ron Paul?

9 Mr. Juror #8 _____:

10 Correct.

11 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

12 What do you for a living, Mr. Juror #8 _____?

13 Mr. Juror #8 _____:

14 I'm a student. I just graduated from the school of court reporting.

15 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

16 You graduated from the school of court reporting?

17 Mr. Juror #8 _____:

18 Correct.

19 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

20 How are we doing so far?

21 Mr. Juror #8 _____:

22 I take the state exam June-- actually, the 26th.

23 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

24 OK. And what will you be doing once you-- a stenographer -- is that what your job will be?

25 Mr. Juror #8 _____:

Correct. Depositions or work in the court.
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
OK. The question we've been asking all of the jurors, and the questions we need to be clear about, as
3 we've stated previously and will continue to state throughout these proceedings, is that we want to hold an
honest and fair trial. It is not my desire to, in any way, simply railroad, force information, or force a
4 verdict, that would seemingly address our concerns. There are times when people can be guilty but the
evidence just doesn't convict them. Would you agree to that?
Mr. Juror #8 _____:
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
There are times when people can be guilty and the jury can nullify that guilt. Do you believe that?
Mr. Juror #8 _____:
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
Do you believe that it's possible that in a matter such as this, where the Obama Administration and
13 government officials all, what we like to demonstrate, a part of the problem in America, that one of the
ways to deal with the proceedings that we have here would be to send some one to hang the jury. That is
14 to say no matter what is demonstrated, that they will never vote guilty, to make sure the process is
derailed. Do you believe that's possible?
Mr. Juror #8 _____:
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
Would you be such a person?
Mr. Juror #8 _____:
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
All right, thank you. Thank you very much.
OK, who do we have left? OK, we've still got a number of-- OK, here is Mr. _____-- by the way, Mr.
24 Juror #8 _____, I did not mean to infer that you were just-- I've asked everybody else all the other
questions. I thought I'd be a little bit more creative with you. Is that OK with you?
Mr. Juror #8 _____:

1 Yes.

2 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

3 Very well. And I'm afraid that the audience does not feel that way about him. Somehow or other, I've
got some secret beam -- not at all. It's very possible that someone could be sent just to hang up the
4 process.

5 Do we have a Mr. _____ (ph) here? Mr. _____? Mr. _____ (ph)? Now, Your Honor, we have a Ms.
_____ (ph) who resides in Lubbock, Texas, and she is unable to be here today but will be here tomorrow
6 with a delegation, mind you, and while we are not choosing jurors simply by their voice and by their
commitment, Ms. _____ has asked me very passionately if we would allow the opportunity for her to be
7 questioned as a juror and perhaps today's proceeding would allow one of the jurors to be alternate and Ms.
_____ be placed in the 12, and I'm- I could not guarantee her that we could do that. I'm not sure whether
8 we'll conclude with jury selection today, but I certainly am very much interested in her participation in
this trial, so I guess my question to you would be, how should we proceed with Ms. _____? She will be
9 here tomorrow.

10 Mr. Judge _____:

11 Well, we would have-- we couldn't swear in jurors if she was going to be questioned, so we would
complete whatever panel we have here, and then is she going to be here in the morning?
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
She will be here.
Mr. Judge _____:
So we could very quickly finish up by questioning her, so when we complete what we have to complete
16 with the panel that we have, we could adjourn, and then quickly question her tomorrow, and then swear in
the jurors and continue.
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
OK. All right. Thank you very much for that. So Ms. _____, we'll question her tomorrow.
The next juror on our registration list would be a Mr. _____. All right. Next registration would a Mr.
20 _____ (ph). Now I know this person, but I don't see this person on the list- in the box. Ms. Juror #9
_____ (ph). Ms. Juror #9 _____, are you in the audience? Yes, would you come and position yourself?
21 Yes, and you could use that seat for just a moment.

22 Ms. Juror #9 _____, I think we need to inform everyone at the outset that you are a member of this
congregation, is that right?
Ms. Juror #9 _____:
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

1 I'm your pastor.

2 Ms. Juror #9 _____:

3 Yes, you are.

4 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

5 And you have been involved with our ministry now for some time, so that we can be open about full
disclosure -- that you're not just someone coming in from Washington State. You are, indeed, associated
6 very closely with this church and the ministry.

7 There's something else I'd like to point out about you, that I think is very interesting in terms of American
justice, is that you are able to trace your lineage all the way back to the original descendants of original
8 pilgrims of the Mayflower. Is that right?

9 Ms. Juror #9 _____:

10 Yes, I am -- to George Sewell.

11 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

12 To George who?

13 Ms. Juror #9 _____:

14 George Sewell, who signed the Mayflower Compact.

15 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

16 And he was your great-great-great-great grandfather?

17 Ms. Juror #9 _____:

18 Several greats.

19 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

20 Now Ms. Juror #9 _____, I have to tell you this as well -- I know that you are a descendant of the
Mayflower travelers and signers of that Compact. But I have been informed also that your lineage also
21 uniets with the lineage of Barack Obama -- that you all have similar family members. Is that true?

22 Ms. Juror #9 _____:

23 That's true -- as well as George Bush.

24 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

25 Oh, then you really are in trouble.

Ms. Juror #9 _____, I'm your pastor and you hear what I do and you watch carefully. Do you believe that
1 you can be open and fair in reaching a decision on this matter?

2 Ms. Juror #9 _____:

3 I do. I think I can be fair, because if I back off from all the chatter from everywhere, wherever it's coming
from, in my own mind, I have a simple question -- why can't we see all these documents? Why are they
4 all sealed? So that opens a question to me -- if they- if that can be answered, I'm open to it. If not, I have
opinions, but I know in court those opinions get set aside and I'm willing to do that. I just need to see
5 more information.

6 I'm also a registered Democrat, by the way.

7 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

8 Are your family members aware of this participation in this trial?

9 Ms. Juror #9 _____:

10 Not in the trial.

11 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

12 OK. Do you think that somehow or another that you would suffer injury in your family, loss of status, by
participating in this trial?
Ms. Juror #9 _____:
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
You don't think so? Are you in any way afraid for your reputation -- jobs, employment, or anything else
17 that would be relative to what we would normally consider liberty and freedom and the opportunity of
free speech, because of your participation in this trial?
Ms. Juror #9 _____:
No. I am going to say that as an American, and it does-- just an American citizen, we have a system here
20 and we have a right to exercise and a responsibility as citizens to utilize and exercise that system, so I'm
used to swimming upstream. I think at this point in all the confusion and chaos and mystery, it's
21 important to just let's ask some more questions and get some more answers, so I don't have a problem--

22 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

23 Why do you think that Mr. Obama has sealed all of his records? I mean, just right out of your heart, out
of your own understanding of the world, why do you think he has done that?
Ms. Juror #9 _____:

I have two theories, and that's all they are. One is that he and the- who-- he doesn't stand alone. That
1 they're hiding something. The other is that perhaps they're creating chaos and it's-- they seem to like to
stir things up. This might be part of that divisiveness and chaos and an opportunity to label people
2 ``birthers'' or just more controversy, more-- there seems to be a lot of dust flying around them, so those
are just two theories I have. I've not landed anywhere. I don't know. I don't have enough information.
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
Do you believe that Mr. Obama is simply a puppet and that he has been chosen to serve out this purpose,
5 and that the powers that be recognize that he would not be eligible under the normal circumstances, but
they have such a controlling interest in politics and business that they can keep his records sealed forever?
6 Is that part of what you believe?

7 Ms. Juror #9 _____:

8 I know from mainstream news reports that there three or four dozen court cases brought before our legal
system, and whenever it gets to discovery, the defense somehow nips the trials.
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
Ms. Juror #9 _____:
That's what I know. I don't know if that answers your question.
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
It does. It does. Thank you, Ms. Juror #9 _____.
The next juror would be a Mr. _____ (ph). I've got to tell you, we had 65 people register as jurors and I'm
16 calling a lot of names of people who didn't make it here. Mr. _____ (ph) ? Mr. _____ (ph) ? Your
Honor, you can call for a recess or a break at any time you'd like. I'm just trying to get through this
17 process.

18 Mr. Judge _____:

19 I have good stamina.

20 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

21 All right, very well. Mr. _____ (ph) ? OK. Why don't we do this? Why don't we start with the young
woman here, tell us your name, tell us where you're from--
Ms. Juror #10 _____:
My name is Ms. Juror #10 _____ (ph).
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
Ms. Juror #10 _____. And what do you do for a living, Ms. Juror #10 _____?

1 Ms. Juror #10 _____:

2 I work in a golf club.

3 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

4 You work in a--

5 Ms. Juror #10 _____:

6 In a golf club, a prestigious golf club in Toronto.

7 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

8 In a-- where?

9 Ms. Juror #10 _____:

10 Toronto.

11 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

12 Toronto, OK. What do you do at that golf club?

13 Ms. Juror #10 _____:

14 I'm the bartender for 40 hours a week. A bartender.

15 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

16 And it's a very prestigious, elitist place?

17 Ms. Juror #10 _____:

18 It is.

19 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

20 Has Tiger Woods ever played at your golf club?

21 Ms. Juror #10 _____:

22 He hasn't.

23 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

24 He has not been there yet? Really?

25 Ms. Juror #10 _____:

Not yet.
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
Than how prestigious can it be? Scratch that. Jack Nicklaus, maybe? I guess-- you wouldn't know.
So you came from Canada?
Ms. Juror #10 _____:
That's right.
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
On your own dime, as it were?
Ms. Juror #10 _____:
That's right.
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
Ms. Juror #10 _____:
Because I think this grand jury may inspire a lot more grand juries and I would like to look at the
14 evidence.

15 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

16 OK. Well, you've heard the question that we've repeated over and over again -- can you find the
defendants, both Columbia University and Obama, or singularly either one of those, guilty if the evidence
17 demonstrates that they are?

18 Ms. Juror #10 _____:

19 I can.

20 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

21 Likewise, could you do just the opposite?

22 Ms. Juror #10 _____:

23 Yes, sir.

24 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

25 Have you made up your mind as of yet?

Ms. Juror #10 _____:
I have not.
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
You have not. How did you find out about this?
Ms. Juror #10 _____:
On YouTube.
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
On YouTube? OK. Was it something that I was doing on YouTube or someone else was presenting?
Ms. Juror #10 _____:
It was your report.
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
OK. All right. And of course, you can serve for the length of the trial, which will run approximately five
12 days, given the amount of evidence, even if the prosecution-- defense, rather, does not show up, you will
be available to serve those days?
Ms. Juror #10 _____:
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
OK. All right. Thank you very much. Yes, sir?
Mr. Juror #11 _____:
My name is Mr. Juror #11 _____ (ph). I'm from Clovis, New Mexico.
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
Oh, that's you.
Mr. Juror #11 _____:
Yes, sir.
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
How are you?
Mr. Juror #11 _____:

1 I'm good.

2 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

3 I didn't recognize you. I guess that would be natural. We've talked quite a bit, and I think the audience
needs to know that.
Mr. Juror #11 _____:
It's been a month and a half or so, I think, since I called into the Manning Report.
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
That's true. Now, you were once the mayor of a city in New Mexico. Is that right?
Mr. Juror #11 _____:
That is correct. I was the mayor of my community that I grew up in for 12 years.
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
And the city that you were the mayor of, were you involved in-- or was that city close to the immigration
12 problem going on now in the Southwest?

13 Mr. Juror #11 _____:

14 No, sir, it is not.

15 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

16 OK. How did you find the experience of being a mayor? How was that?

17 Mr. Juror #11 _____:

18 It was a council of eight councilors and one mayor, and I only voted in the case of a tie, and in over 12
years, I voted five times. So I had to be very objective and I had to hear both sides of the argument, and
19 in those five instances, had to make a very serious decision, but was always willing to do so.

20 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

21 Are you presently running for any political office?

22 Mr. Juror #11 _____

23 No, I am not.

24 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

25 You are no longer seeking, have aspirations to be-- to hold political office?

Mr. Juror #11 _____:
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
Let me ask you, Mr. Juror #11 _____, do you believe that this trial, having served in government yourself,
3 that this courtroom possesses the power to conduct itself at present that way it is operating?

4 Mr. Juror #11 _____:

5 That is my hope and my prayer that the efforts put forth here will render a positive outcome for our
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
Now you paid your own way to this event, is that right? From New Mexico?
Mr. Juror #11 _____:
Yes, I did.
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
And you will be able to stay for the duration of the trial that's expected to run four to five days?
Mr. Juror #11 _____:
Yes, I will be scheduled to leave on the 20th.
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
All right. Thank you very much.
Mr. Juror #11 _____:
Thank you.
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
We have one other person I believe. Two other people, I'm sorry. Oh, three, I'm sorry, okay. Ms. Juror
20 #9 _____, you may have to give up your seat again to-- since you're in your own home, let--

21 Mr. Juror #12 _____:

22 Hello, Pastor Manning, how are you doing?

23 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

24 Just fine, how are you?

25 Mr. Juror #12 _____:

Hanging in there.
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
Good to see you today.
Mr. Juror #12 _____:
Good to see you, too.
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
Tell us what your name is.
Mr. Juror #12 _____:
My name is Mr. Juror #12 _____ [ph] and ask me all the questions you want.
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
Okay, I have no questions.
Mr. Juror #12 _____:
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
Mr. Juror #12 _____, do you believe that there was a witch hunt in America for Mr. Obama because of
15 the color of his skin?

16 Mr. Juror #12 _____:

17 No. It was a witch hunt for the truth.

18 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

19 I'm not going to argue with that one. But do you believe that there are a large number of people in
America who genuinely in their hearts believe that Mr. Obama is a good man and that he has done no
20 wrong and that there are people who just have evil intents to oppress him?

21 Mr. Juror #12 _____:

22 I think that-- some of my family members like Obama. I don't know what Kool-Aid they've been
drinking, but my whole thing is that [?--] through ignorance and as the word says, my people perish for
23 lack of knowledge. And I think that's what's missing, the knowledge of what's going on in our country.
A lot of people were blindsided and they don't really know what's going on. They're too busy with
24 American Idol or football or whatever it is and not concerned with what's really going on in our economy
and in our situation.
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

1 Do you belong to a political party?

2 Mr. Juror #12 _____:

3 Well I was registered as a Democrat but I've never voted Democrat in any sense. I'm a Ron Paul
supporter in every aspect because he is about seeking truth.
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
What do you do for a living now?
Mr. Juror #12 _____:
Excuse me?
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
What do you do for a living?
Mr. Juror #12 _____:
Do music promotions and right now I'm reporting for GCN at Powwow Joyce Riley and that's what I'm
12 doing right now. I'm pretty diverse besides skateboarding and skate shop.

13 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

14 You're representing Joyce Riley at this event?

15 Mr. Juror #12 _____:

16 Yes.

17 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

18 Okay, very well. And you can do that, that's not a problem by the way. The verdict-- you've heard a lot
about Mr. Obama's eligibility, natural born citizenship. Have you reached a conclusion as a--
Mr. Juror #12 _____:
Well conclusions are not really-- you can debate, you can argue, but my thing is I want to let the evidence
21 that you present for us to speak to me and leave it to that. That's where I'm going this is.

22 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

23 Okay. Where do you live?

24 Mr. Juror #12 _____:

25 Huh?

Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
Where do you live?
Mr. Juror #12 _____:
Oh, downtown Manhattan, not far from Goldman Sachs, AIG, Lehman Brothers. I mean, I'm in the
4 cesspool of this mess.

5 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

6 All right. Thank you very much, Mr. Juror #12 _____. All right. I think we have the daughter here, the
woman here that was -- okay, we'll hear this gentlemen. Your name, sir?
Mr. Juror #13 _____:
Mr. Juror #13 _____ [ph]. I'm a Christian. I proudly serve as a deacon.
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
You're serving as a deacon?
Mr. Juror #13 _____:
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
I'm sorry, I misunderstood what you said.
Mr. Juror #13 _____:
I said I proudly serve as a deacon.
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
That's what I thought you said. Thank you.
Mr. Juror #13 _____:
And politically I started out as a Democrat. The Democratic party left me. I became a Republican. The
21 Republican party left me. I now consider myself a Conservative. I vote Republican and Libertarian. And
as far as rights and Obama, I have been in love with [?--] since the first time I heard the man speak. I
22 don't think there could be a better man in this country to sit in the White House.

23 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

24 So you don't have a race problem then?

25 Mr. Juror #13 _____:

No, Sir. None whatsoever. And as far as any fear of what's happening here, I'm 67 years old.
1 Statistically they say I'm going to live seven more years, so I don't have much to lose. And I have been at
the Waco Memorial for the Branch Davidians, and we know what happened there, for 16 years in a row.
2 So the government knows me and has a file on me I feel very sure about that. And let's see--

3 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

4 Where do you live?

5 Mr. Juror #13 _____:

6 I live in Texas, near Dallas, Texas.

7 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

8 Near Dallas. You mentioned Waco and I'd like to just raise that as an issue. The Branch Davidians,
David Koresh, died in that fiery event ordered by the Attorney General and President Bill Clinton and
9 Janet Reno. The American press presented that as an issue of a runaway preacher with a crazy group of
people that deserved to die the way that they died. I mean that's what my perception is. And that is how
10 the government should have the authority to behave if they determine you to be misled. Do you see or
think that perhaps the public at large would think that we are now, that I'm a runaway crazy preacher and
11 that you are a runaway crazy person for being here?

12 Mr. Juror #13 _____:

13 There's always going to be a small element that will say that. And of course the news media will also
because the news media is, I believe, the devil.
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
Okay. All right, so you're not afraid of the repercussions of things being said?
Mr. Juror #13 _____:
None whatsoever.
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
Have your family members supported your ideas abut Obama and about coming to this trial?
Mr. Juror #13 _____:
Yes. My wife strongly encouraged me. In fact, I have a concern. I'm here through Monday. She's
22 having surgery on Wednesday and I'm a retired postal employee so I can be here forever if it wasn't up for
that one thing. And I came here with the hope of sitting out here and to end up just being considered as a
23 juror. I consider it a great honor.

24 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

25 Okay. All right. And you of course could render both a not guilty and a guilty verdict?

Mr. Juror #13 _____:
Oh now, like I say, I'm 67 years old and during those 67 years there have been times that I would strongly
2 believe something to be true and find out I was just wrong. And if maybe I was, okay, just show me.

3 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

4 Very well. Thank you. All right, what time are we dealing with, if someone could tell me? 3:07, okay.
Your Honor, is there anything that you would want to add or say to what we're doing at the present?
Mr. Judge _____:
No. I think this gentleman is indicating that his wife is having surgery. You indicated your wife is
7 having surgery?

8 Mr. Juror #13 _____:

9 Yes, sir. Wednesday of next week.

10 Mr. Judge _____:

11 On Wednesday. So probably he won't be able to sit as a juror because he's got to attend to his wife.

12 Mr. Juror #13 _____:

13 The surgery is not extremely serious surgery, and I might contact her and see if I could not be there. A
man does have some responsibilities to his wife. I would consider that, contacting her if I would be--
Mr. Judge _____:
Well perhaps what you could do is, since you have to finish with that one juror tomorrow morning--
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
Ms. _____, yes.
Mr. Judge _____:
Perhaps tomorrow morning you can notify Dr. Manning whether or not you are capable of remaining.
20 And if you're not, then he'll just select someone else so that you can go home. Would you know by
tomorrow morning?
Mr. Juror #13 _____:
Yes, Sir, I would know by tomorrow morning.
Mr. Judge _____:
Okay, so that's what we can do. Because he seems very anxious to want to serve, but maybe his wife will
25 not approve of that because maybe she wants you home. So we don't want you to get in trouble with the

real authority. He asked you if you were afraid of the government, but he didn't ask you if you were
1 afraid of your wife.

2 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

3 Thank you, Your Honor. Mr. Juror #2 _____, you had your hand up, is that right?

4 Mr. Juror #2 _____:

5 Yes, I have a concern or a question--

6 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

7 Would you give him the microphone and then I will hear you?

8 Mr. Juror #2 _____:

9 You mentioned that there were a couple of charges that --

10 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

11 Hold the microphone up to your mouth please.

12 Mr. Juror #2 _____:

13 You mentioned that there were going to be a couple of charges that were going to be removed from the
list of charges, one being sedition and treason?
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
Yes, that is true.
Mr. Juror #2 _____:
Is that something that you could elaborate a little bit more on? That concerns me a little bit.
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
Yes. The charges that we made the decision to delete from the indictment, though they have been duly
20 voted on by a grand jury that met of 23 grand jurors and who reached a unanimous decision that the
indictment should go forward with those charges included, looking at the prosecution of this case and
21 considering a couple of things. Number one is, is that we're going to have to prove sedition and treason at
a very high cost of evidence. And I think one of the things that's caught the interest of a large number of
22 people regarding this case is the statement of Obama being involved with the CIA the years that he
alleged to have gone to Columbia.
Now when I was first made available, or apprised of that information, I considered that to be a noble
24 thing. At least he's done something good if he was helping to fight for this nation in some way. So that
does not constitute treason, sedition, or espionage against our nation. To prove treason would not be the
25 most difficult thing in this trial. I believe we could demonstrate it. But I am also convinced that the
results of this trial will be upheld by the American people. Now it may not appear at present that that is

the case. But I am convinced that whatever the jury finds in this matter will be upheld by the American
1 people.

2 People are going to take the proceedings from here and they are going to demand if there is a guilty
verdict that Mr. Obama be imprisoned along with members of Columbia University. They would also
3 have to demand that if he is guilty of treason that he be put to death. And a number of people, not that I'm
one of them, are anti-capital punishment. And when you have to-- when you try a case that involves
4 capital punishment, it's always a much higher standard that you must reach in order to be able to get a
guilty verdict. And for our purposes here, understanding that we have hostile witnesses, if I could have
5 the witnesses, if I could have Zig Lubrazinski [ph], and Condoleezza Rice and all those people that have
been subpoenaed, I would not remove the treason charges. But without their testimony under oath, it's
6 going to be a tall order.

7 More specifically, it might be a taller order going forward for the American people to think about
executing an American president. They may not have a problem with finding him guilty of fraud. I think
8 most people are willing to call him that right now. But when you think about the American people, that
they would actually execute an American president or at least one that had served as such under false
9 pretenses, it would, may work in his favor. Do you understand? And do the jury understand what we're
trying to express?
Mr. Juror #2 _____:
Yes, I understand that now.
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
If we convict him on the charges of fraud, mail fraud, and several other charges in the indictment, I
14 believe that he will have to leave office. And I think that the American people will consent to that more
so than the high standard of executing a man. That's why we've removed them. Any further on that?
15 Okay. All right. We're going to have the last juror state your name and where you're from, please.

16 Ms. Juror #14 _____:

17 My name is Ms. Juror #14 _____. I live here in New York.

18 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

19 Okay. And Ms. Juror #14 _____, what do you do for a living?

20 Ms. Juror #14 _____:

21 I'm a filmmaker and retired.

22 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

23 You are a retired filmmaker?

24 Ms. Juror #14 _____:

25 I don't work for anybody, I work for myself.

Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
Have you made-- you do independent films?
Ms. Juror #14 _____:
Little ones.
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
Little ones. Do we know of any of them publicly?
Ms. Juror #14 _____:
No. I went back to college at my-- about three years ago and started filmmaking. So I can make a film
8 from scratch. Writing, producing, directing, editing.

9 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

10 Do you live right here in New York City or you live--

11 Ms. Juror #14 _____:

12 Yes, I live in New York City, yes. On the west side.

13 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

14 And are you here alone? Are your family members here? Are they in anyway supportive?

15 Ms. Juror #14 _____:

16 No, I am here in America on my own. I have family members all over the place I guess. I'm originally--
I was born in Hungary.
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
You were born in Hungary, okay. All right. If we had left the charges of sedition, espionage and treason
19 in the indictment, recognizing that a guilty verdict of those charges would have automatically meant as
well that the guilty be executed, would you have been able to vote guilty knowing that that would be the
20 punishment for that particular crime?

21 Ms. Juror #14 _____:

22 Well if he is going to be found guilty, and I haven't heard everything you have to present yet, I have an
open mind, I think it is a horrible, horrible thing perpetrated on the American people if he is guilty of all
23 those things that were read today. I haven't heard all the charges yet. I knew some of the things through
the media, Internet, I have been following for some time. And yes, I would not have any problems voting
24 for that. If he's -- I mean if he's guilty and all those people with him, there's a lot of people guilty because
he alone couldn't have done this. There would be a lot of people involved. And you would have to, you
25 would have to give them all the death penalty. There would be a lot of dead people.

Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
You're absolutely right.
Ms. Juror #14 _____:
Unless you have like a tree in front of the White House and hang them all like they used to do in the olden
4 times, and that would be a good example for nobody ever to do this kind of thing again. Because I feel
this is an outrageous thing that has been done. Such lies, such connivingness. I mean nobody expected
5 anything like that. The American people are nice people and gentle people, and they can be pushed
around. And they knew that When 9/11 happened, I said, oh my God, after the second plane hit the
6 tower, it's a war. I was so afraid, because in Hungary when all those things happened, some horrible
things happened, similar things happened actually than what is happening here. And this is my country
7 now. I love this country. And I'd be honored if you chose me as a juror.

8 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

9 Do you believe-- thank you for that, I appreciate you very much explaining the magnitude of the crimes
that he has committed. And when you consider if he's guilty of the things that we've, this indictment
10 alleges, then the death penalty would be a small price to pay.

11 Ms. Juror #14 _____:

12 That's right.

13 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

14 For the struggles and what he has inflicted upon so many people, perpetrating this act upon all of us. I
appreciate that very much that you explained that. But let me ask you, do you believe that the people who
15 did not vote for Obama, and I'll assume that you did not?

16 Ms. Juror #14 _____:

17 No, because of all the things that were available to anybody who wanted to read or could use the Internet,
not everybody could use the Internet, so not everybody probably had access to all the information. But
18 when I knew that he associated himself with all those terrorists like William Ayers who tried to blow up
the White House and blew up downtown New York, Greenwich Village, and they were his mentors, and I
19 thought wow, how could I vote for anybody like that?

20 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

21 Do you believe that, and maybe explain, that the media has been wholly complicit in covering up the
Ms. Juror #14 _____:
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
Of Mr. Obama's guilt?

1 Ms. Juror #14 _____:

2 Yes.

3 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

4 Why do you believe that? And if you believe it, why do you think the media would do that for an
individual? Why?
Ms. Juror #14 _____:
Well I think the media has a responsibility to go and investigate and do investigative reporting. And they
7 didn't do that. The information was out there, but they chose to ignore it.

8 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

9 Why? Why do you think they did?

10 Ms. Juror #14 _____:

11 Why I think? Probably because Obama is a very charming person and he handed them all Kool-Aid and
they drank it.
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
Do you believe that race, do you believe that America is suffering through racial pains and that perhaps,
14 not so much Mr. Obama but black people in general, deserve a pass-- let me try to flesh that out. I was
talking with another graduate of Union Seminary regarding the question about Mr. Obama's birth
15 certificate. And the person was black and a trained minister who said that no one has ever asked a white
candidate for their birth certificate, so it is racial to ask Mr. Obama. But the person also believes that no
16 matter whether he is natural born, not natural born, that America owes black people something. America
owes black people a pass. And if this man is ineligible, he's been around America long enough that
17 America, and because racism has been so entrenched and black people have been so oppressed, these are
the thoughts of the person that I requested the question abut the birth certificate, that racism has been so
18 entrenched and black people have been so oppressed and marginalized, that this is a small price or a gift
to give to black people and this whole matter of whether he's eligible or not should not be considered.
Ms. Juror #14 _____:
Well not-- in Hungary there were no black people that I know of. And then I lived in Germany, there
21 were very few black people. I don't think of black and white, I think as people are people. And just
because you've got a different color skin, I judge you by your character, not by your skin. And I don't
22 think that white people or black people-- I mean horrible things happen in the past like with slavery and
everything. But horrible things happened in my life, too.
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
Ms. Juror #14 _____:

1 And I can't hate all those people that did those things to me and say, oh they owe me something. And
nobody even cares what I think about if they owe me something or not owe me something. I don't know.
2 I think a lot of black people are really nice and understand this, but a lot of them get swept with the
masses and they think kumbaya, let's get a black president and we're going to be in heaven. Which is not
3 true. Look what's happening. It's happening not just to white people, it's happening to black people and
brown people. It happened to all color people. What he is doing he is doing to everybody. He is not
4 choosing one race over another, but he's starting, he's causing problems. He's trying to stir up the races to
hate each other. I noticed that lately too. And I don't know, I don't know why he's doing that, but if he's
5 guilty of doing what he's supposed to have done with all these charges, I have no problems voting him
guilty. Or if there is anything terrific coming up and he proves that he is not guilty and he's a natural born
6 citizen, fine, I can change my mind. I have an open mind.

7 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

8 Okay, thank you very much. Your Honor, it appears that at present we've questioned all of the potential
jurors and it also appears that we've got 13 persons that have been questioned and there is a reserved spot
9 for Ms. _____-- 14 persons because we questioned Ms. Juror #9 _____ as well, so we've got 14 potential
jurors and 15 with Ms. _____.
At this time Your Honor, I would like to step back and see if there are any questions that you may have
11 for any of the jurors, any follow up questions, or questions you may have for me regarding the procedure.
I'm going to take a seat for just a moment.
Mr. Judge _____:
No, I don't have any questions. I just would like to compliment all of you for volunteering your service
14 and your time as well as the people that are sitting in this courtroom. I think all of us can look at each
other and realize that this is really what America is supposed to be. You are the best that his country has
15 to offer and it's not a question of black/white. We've got every possible type of person in this room. And
look how we have all coalesced because it's really a question of a love for the truth and a fear of God.
16 And that's what really binds us all together and that's why we're here, to seek the truth and fear God which
is the beginning of all wisdom. That's all I have to say.
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
Thank you, Your Honor. Your Honor, if I may, though we are not at the point of swearing in the jurors,
19 nor have we made a selection on any of these jurors, there may be some that we will reject, I'd like to ask
for the opportunity to reach a final decision on all jurors on tomorrow as the day is well spent and for
20 many of us who were up early today doing the march which we'll have to do again tomorrow. And if it
serves the court well, then we can make that final decision today or tomorrow. Why don't we do this--
Mr. Judge _____:
We're just waiting to hear tomorrow morning first thing from the deacon to let us know what he's been
23 permitted by higher authority to do.

24 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

25 Your Honor, you will allow me then to make some statements and then we'll consider the information
tomorrow. We don't-- only a couple will be I suppose not chosen, not so much by their failure to meet

standards, because I would not challenge any of these jurors. I think to the best of their ability and my
1 understanding, they have answered questions, I believe that they've been truthful and they're willing to
look at the truth. Even though they've heard a lot of evidence, this case has not been one that is kept in
2 the corner, it's very widely known, so it's very difficult for people to not have some sort of an opinion.
We understand that. But it appears that they would be willing to reach perhaps a different opinion or
3 conclusion of what they are presently experiencing.

4 So I am convinced that I would not reject anyone at present. However, we're going to have to make a
determination for just 12 and perhaps the other three, or four, could be alternates, if that would be the
5 appropriate thing to do. And the gentleman who would need to get permission from his wife to extend his
stay here, could serve as an alternate. However, I am very much interested in the process of Ms. _____.
If I also may, Your Honor, I'd like to just for sake of time, we can do the swearing in of jurors on
7 tomorrow if that meets your approval. But I'd like to do an opening statement at least now, having
questioned the jurors. And then we, if it's of course your decision, we can adjourn for today.
Mr. Judge _____:
Rev. Dr. James David Manning:
And if you don't mind, Your Honor, I don't want to turn my back to you, but if I could just kind of face
12 the jury and have some sense of facing the audience as well.

13 As Mr. Counselor _____ has indicated, the defense for the Columbia University and for Mr. Obama have
all been duly served with indictments that have been duly authorized by a grand jury that met in April and
14 voted unanimously to bring these charges. And so it is not that they are without the information that
would help them guide their decisions regarding their presence here and in defense of themselves.
15 However, they have chosen not to represent and not to be here.

16 And I think there may be several singular reasons why I feel it incumbent upon me to bring this trial, not
the least of which is the fact that in our American court system, that there have been numerous cases
17 brought before the Supreme Court and other law federal courts over the last couple of years challenging
or at least asking a question that is most legitimate and constitutional about the eligibility of Mr. Barack
18 Obama as a natural born citizen.

19 And as many of you probably heard me say in days gone by, that when George Washington and our first
Supreme Court Justice John Jay put in that constitution that anyone serving in the highest office of the
20 land, should be natural born owing no allegiance to any other nation or political ideology other than that
which is own and purely American. And I think in honor of our first president of this nation who was a
21 great general, George Washington, and also the first Supreme Court Justice, John Jay, who the two of
them were instrumental in that particular clause in our constitution that they had the wisdom, the vision,
22 and the foresight to guide this nation at a time most critical. And to date, according to my research, we've
not had a major issue regarding a president seeking office or being elected to office that did not fit the
23 natural born clause.

24 However, we now have one that's most imminent and one that's continuing to grow in America. I have
stated and will continue to observe and state that issues regarding Mr. Obama, his presidency, whether
25 legal or illegal, for the most part the American people, though they have heard about the natural born
citizen clause and how integral it is to our constitution and to our way of life. The young woman who

stated that whether or not he is a natural born citizen or not, he's American, he's been here all of his life,
1 and she believed in her heart that she was right. And that many people are racist and that I am whatever,
that category would fit into as a racist, pursuing the question about Mr. Obama's eligibility.
I tried to explain to her, this is not about racism. It just happens that Mr. Obama is alleged to be black.
3 This is about our constitution This is about whether or not it has been violated or not. Black or white.
And if the constitution has been violated, and we are no longer standing on the power of that document,
4 then we don't have a nation any longer. And indeed, if we allow one person to violate willfully the
constitution, then why don't we just allow everyone to violate the constitution? That is to say, when we
5 believe that people because of their race or their office that they are above the law, then we no longer are
a nation of laws and no matter what your race is, you must be held accountable to the law.
For too long now, Washington, inside of the beltway as it were, many of those people see themselves
7 above the law. They don't relate anymore to us as citizens. And that's why this proceeding is so
important. Because we the people need to take our government back from those people in Washington
8 who see themselves as elitists, as power brokers, and they really don't care about the welfare of the
American people very much anymore. And we see that in their deliberations and the policies that they
9 pass.

10 I have stated that, and many would want to, and others looking at us and calling us all kinds of different
barbaric names, to pursue Mr. Obama on these policies. For instance, on healthcare or cap in trade or
11 some of the other policies that he has put forward. And many people are vigorously pursuing him and
opposing him on these issues and they feel very energized in doing so. That somehow or another that the
12 best way to deal with him is to challenge his policies. But I've stated and will continue to state and will
continue to state throughout this trial, if you know that a man is guilty of a heinous crime such as rape as
13 an example, yet you don't pursue him on that, but you talk about what kind of coffee he drinks or does not
drink, I think is-- well it's psychologically not balanced to do that if you are able to do that and have no
14 concerns abut his guilt as a rapist. Mr. Obama is a criminal. And we're going to prove that here in this
I think the other thing that we need to be mindful of is this. As stated earlier, he did not get to where he's
16 at all alone. And that's not to state or to understate the involvement of some of the groups that we've
heard of, the Build a Burgs [ps], the Luminaties [ps], and other groups and cabals that are moving around
17 and influencing what's going on on our planet.

18 But more locally, he could not have succeeded to the office he has succeeded in without the help of
people like Howard Dean, the Clintons. And we have a witness here that will present in this trial, even
19 people like John McCain. That McCain's input and the way the campaign was conducted, was conducted
in such a way as to allow Mr. Obama to waltz into the White House. And so we want to demonstrate that
20 in this trial proceeding.

21 But I think in conclusion in my statements here, I'd like to express that I am convinced that because the
courts have failed and continue to fail to address a most imminent constitutional issue-- we're not talking
22 about whether Mr. Obama stole a car or not. We're talking about an article in the constitution that
qualifies a person to hold a sacred office that puts in jeopardy or in blessings the lives of all Americans.
23 We want to demonstrate that the courts have been complicit, obviously they know if you and I have the
knowledge that we have, we don't have conclusive knowledge, or you may not have conclusive
24 knowledge about his guilt, and you may want to hear more evidence before reaching a final decision.

25 We want to lay out in a kitchen table fashion in this trial and in this courtroom the evidence in such a way
that all American people can look at it, can hear it, and make a fair decision about his guilt. What has

taken place today is that the courts have stated we don't want to see the evidence. We don't want a fair
1 hearing about his guilt. We're not concerned about the constitutional issue. We are concerned about
politics and race and money in this nation and we're not going to allow you to challenge this man in court.
Well my friends, I want to tell you something. That is outright tyranny and we cannot allow that to
3 proceed in our nation. I have asked you the question about why you have come. I believe you've come
because you are incensed and angered at what's happening in our nation and the actual arrogance of the
4 politicians and Mr. Obama himself. Knowing that he is not natural born, but yet occupying that office.
That's our office, it's not his. That office belongs to all of us and we ought to be concerned about who is
5 there.

6 But I believe you've also come because you believe that this trial will have power, that we will not-- what
we do here will be heard throughout the American populous. I'm convinced as well, and I want to
7 encourage everyone to know, what we do and what we find in this courtroom over the next few days will
indeed direct the course of America. Now we've been marginalized, there have been people who have
8 laughed at our ideas of what we are attempting to do. But I can hear the determination in your voice and
in your spirit. We're going to reach the truth in this courtroom and God's going to let it happen in the
9 church. And this is what America is all about.

10 I'm honored to serve in this trial. I have to let you know, as many of you probably are very much aware, a
very important issue, one that has caused me some concern, not that I have fears. But I made a statement
11 to the tea Party people going back a few months ago now, perhaps as early or as late as June or July of the
year 2009, and I said to the tea party people as they were constantly fighting against Mr. Obama's
12 healthcare program and thinking that by stopping that they were going to stop him, I said a couple of
things. One is, he's going to pass healthcare because it's not about the vote anymore. This is about the
13 kind of power that he has amassed.

14 But the other thing I said to the tea party people was this. Was that you should pursue him on the issue of
his natural born citizen status rather than his policies. Because obviously if you convict him of being
15 guilty of fraud, his policies go by the wayside. They dismissed that as an idea. But I also stated that if
he's found guilty of treason and sedition, that he should be executed. There a couple of things about that,
16 and obviously we've removed that from the indictment. But we wanted it read in open court that that was
a part of the indictment.
The CIA came to visit me here once I made that statement, I'm sure you've heard about it, Homeland
18 Security as well, members of the local police department came to support their visit to question me about
whether or not I had any intentions of executing Mr. Obama. So as I stated earlier, one of the reasons
19 why removing those penalties so that it can no way be construed that I plan to execute him at the end of
this trial. Is that clear?
I believe that his quilt warrants hanging by his toes and flagged until he's dead. I believe that. But
21 however, wisdom says to me to remove that because I've already been labeled in some little package
down in Washington and the CIA and the Homeland Security as some sort of a person who wants to see
22 the president dead. I want to state here at this trial emphatically, I want Mr. Obama to live a long life. I
do. And it's in my heart to say that honestly as I stand in this holy place where I preside as the Lord's
23 servant.

24 I pray that no one will attempt to assassinate him or be successful in assassinating him. I want him to
live. And so I wanted to be clear that this is not about any attempt to destroy the man's life. It's simply to
25 restore our nation. That's what it's about. It's not about my anger towards him.

I believe that this court is empowered by the constitution. And as you talk to people going forward, one
1 would ask, well, you're stirring up a lot of trouble, you're creating problems within the races We have
some demonstrators outside today that you may have heard of. But I'm convinced, people, that if we
2 stand on the power of the constitution, we will keep this nation sound and moving forward. I'm here. I
believe I have the truth. I believe that truth has been deposited in me. And I believe the opportunity and
3 the responsibility of explaining it to the American people has become mine for whatever reason and I'm
going to try to execute that duty to the best of my ability as I stand before you as the American people and
4 before my God, who is my Savior and Lord, that the conclusion of this trial will set America in the right
direction once again.
Mr. Obama was in town on yesterday here in New York City. Some of you may be aware of that. I
6 believe that when we marched Columbia University on yesterday and today, and more specifically today,
that his presidency effectively ended. It's going to become our responsibility to be the most prudent, just,
7 noble Americans that we can find. I am an alleged black man, that's what someone would see me as. I
like to think of myself as American. I happen to have a little bit darker skin than perhaps some other
8 people. But Dr. King was right, and he was right in so many ways. What's in a man's heart determines
his character. It doesn't matter what color your skin is. It's what's in your heart. That determines who
9 you are, not the color of your skin.

10 Someone else may decide because of the color of your skin that you are this person or that. But I can tell
you now that if the spirit of truth lies within you of love, of justice, and of liberty, no one can take that
11 from you no matter what color you are. And if God has blessed you, which I believe he has done that for
me and for many of you as well, not all of you, no one can take that from you as well.
America has made some mistakes as a nation. We know that. But many other nations have done
13 likewise. But I believe in my heart that this nation is worth dying for. Someone asked me the question,
aren't you afraid for your life? That serving this call that someone will choose to take your life? My
14 response to that was this. If dying for this nation, should it be known that someone decides to harm me or
to kill me or my wife or loved ones, I would consider it an honor to die for this great nation because it has
15 given me so much liberty and life. And I believe that it will give that to so many others. I believe I see
that spirit in all of you as well. And we need to take that spirit throughout this deliberation and not be
16 afraid of life or death.

17 We should not be afraid of loss of our jobs, and I see that you're not, loss of friendship, obviously you
know that I'm not, or any other kind of loss when we are serving a cause as great as America. Isn't that
18 wonderful to be able to serve at the level which God has called us to serve this great nation? So I say to
you today, thank you for coming. I'm going to do my very best under some difficult situations to present
19 this trial and evidence in such a way as that you will realize that there is guilt. I have to tell you that I
have been working on this trial and witnesses and because of the nature of this trial and the authority of
20 this court, that a number of people feel that they can simply ignore us. People who could come under
normal circumstances that I could simply subpoena someone with a subpoena that they would respect, get
21 them in that witness chair there and ask them some questions, it would be over in a heartbeat and you and
I know that. They've chosen not to come.
However, I do need to say that I have spoken with a large number of people and we've got some pretty
23 interesting testimony that you're going to hear in this trial. I believe that one of the witnesses that we
have here today is Captain Pamela Barnett if she-- I think she's here, at least she was here earlier today,
24 the captain. But there will be others as well that will testify. And in doing so, I pledge to you to bring the
evidence in a way, and I believe even without the cooperation of those that should be here to testify, that
25 you're going to find without any reasonable doubt that this man is guilty and we're probably going to raise

some issues of guilt that you haven't even heard of that this man has been involved in for most of the days
1 of his life.

2 So let's go forward. Lets' conduct this trial And even with the handicap, we're going to be able to act in
integrity and honesty and great respect for the constitution. I pledge that to you, that I will not stray to the
3 right or to the left of what is American justice and what is the strength of our constitution. I'm ready to
throw down. I'm ready to go to trial and I pray that you are as well.
Those are my statements. I have an assistant here who is Mr. Counselor _____ who will be assisting me
5 in a large number of items. We had expected some other attorneys to come who had given their pledge to
commitment to stand with me at this hour, but unfortunately they are not here today, but I thank God for
6 this trusted assistant who will be assisting me. But he will not be acting as an attorney in this case, which
is what he is, because he has some vital information to share as a witness. But he will sit with me at the
7 attorneys' desk that we might be able to be guided by his legal experience.

8 Also need to let you know that the Honorable Mr. Judge _____, who is now serving as our judge, and we
are want to applaud him to the rafters for taking on such a tremendous responsibility to serve. And we
9 have called for this trial to go over the weekend because of the nature of the dates that are involved that
will correspond to a number of things that we have been doing over the last couple of years as a people in
10 this city and in this church. So the 19th is a very important date for us, the day that we should be
marching around Columbia University seven times what we did today. I pray you've got good walking
11 shoes.

12 But having said that, the Honorable Mr. Judge _____ must meet his religious requirements on tomorrow
which will be the Sabbath and therefore will not be able to preside. Now of course we're Sabbath keepers
13 as well, but we're going to hold worship tomorrow morning on 116th Street and Broadway. I'll have a
prayer, I'll read a scripture, and that will represent our Sabbath worship tomorrow morning. And I believe
14 that God will receive that. And then we're going to act like a great Sabbath keeper, in fact the son of the
Sabbath inaugurator in many ways in Jewish tradition, Moses himself, and Joshua, around the Jericho
15 wall. Our walk will be our worship.

16 I don't know how far I want to go as far as spiritual things are concerned, I want to keep all things legal,
but if you don't mind, and I pray that you not receive this as my inflicting myself upon you or in any ways
17 challenging you or threatening you in any way, but I want to tell you that God said to me that our shoes
are our weapons. That our shoes are our weapons. I don't know if you remember the bible verse where it
18 says that you shall bruise his head and he shall bruise your heel, but God says that our marching is a
weapon. So whoever came today and whoever comes tomorrow, and I believe it will grow day by day
19 until finally we're going to drive the people on Broadway crazy with seven times around. Now they were
able to deal with it today, but they won't be able to handle seven times of our shoes being our weapons to
20 the economy, to the credibility and the arrogance of Columbia University.

21 And I believe that from God that our shoes indeed are the weapons that we need to employ. Having said
that, the Honorable Mr. Judge _____ will not be able to serve tomorrow. We're going to ask America's
22 gubernatorial candidate on the constitution party line to be the alternate judge on tomorrow and that will
be the person of Ms. Judge _____ who will serve as the judge and perhaps at another date that perhaps
23 Honorable Mr. Judge _____ would not be able to serve. But we will have justice, we will have a judge,
and we also want to applaud Ms. Judge's _____ candidacy for Governor of the State of New York
24 sometime later on this year when the election I believe is held in November. This is Ms. Judge _____.
She will sit in the justice seat on tomorrow.

And so having said those things, I would like to defer back to Honorable Mr. Judge _____ to see if there
1 is any further thing that you would like to state.

2 Mr. Judge _____:

3 Nothing further. We can adjourn and then tomorrow morning the deacon will let us know the news.

4 Rev. Dr. James David Manning:

5 All right, we can consider ourselves officially adjourned. And Your Honor, if I may, this post script,
tomorrow morning we will meet at 116th Street and Broadway. We will have prayer. We will read
6 scriptures. And we will believe God, to worship him in spirit and in truth in that brief moment, and then
we will march and our walk will be an act of worship before the Lord. I'll have a whole lot of things to
7 say to you about that. I pray that you will be available and that if you've got friends coming in from town
or from other, that you would have them be available as well.
Jurors, thank you all so much for being as courageous as you are. And it looks like probably all of you
9 are going to serve. I can't imagine where we're going to get another 12 to throw you out. But thank you.
Thank all of you for coming today.

















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