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SMITH INDUSTRIES, INC. ii TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE ‘Section A ~ Separators Introduction... ee : cece eee eee ee ee A Vertical Separators Aa Horizontal Separators : aeerees Aa GasSerunbors ... na SI As Free Water Knoskouts TT SLL IAAT Gas Coalescer Scrubbers cee DUT ae ‘Separator Dimensions & Specifications L . TILIIIITaso, Section 8 — Heaters » ie Introduction sees Sees wee Ba Water Bath Heaters. | Bh eeenee 3 Steam Bath Heators 837 Oil Bath Heaters Bas Sele Bath Heaters 3.49 ‘Steam Gener Pees PEs UTI ass Direct Fred Heaters aaa SI 361 Section © ~ Production Unite Introduction... cee 4 Prodivetion Separator Unit... +5 Section D ~ Treaters Introduction ore cee of West Texas Emulsion Trester ut 2-10 WIP Emulsion Treater : : Daz HSU Emulsion Troster |.) St erer) Seotion E ~ Dehydratore 2 Introduction . wy 4 Giyeo! Dehydrators Seeeees ot i 2 EHO Scotion F Bolted Tonks Introduction... cee see eee eee Sa Bolted Tanks oon FS: Section G — Engineering Design Services & Special Products lroduetion . ne Gt uipment Photographs : STE G4 it BE sum INDUSTRIES, INC. SWITH INDUSTRIE'S FABRICATION PLANT, COLUMBUS TEXAS HOME OFFICE HOUSTON, TEXAS 77008 « 8300 HEMPSTEAD HIGHWAY + 713/868.1421 BRANCH OFFICES Texas LOUISIANA, OK LAHOIWA cole 717867:3202 New Ores 604/524.2188 _Oklshors City 405/946.0530 Corpus Chri 512/898-4922, ateyee 318/2525902 ‘aller 2477489047 sear 915/563:0 Longview 214/753-4542 SECTION A SMITH INDUSTRIES, INC. ‘SEPARATORS SEPARATORS Introduction: ‘Separators aré mechanical deviees for camoving and collecting liquids from naturl gs. A properly ‘designed separator will also provide for the release of entrained gases from the accumulated hhydrocarton liquids A wll stream separator must perform the followin: a @ @ @ ‘Cause a primary.phase separation of the mostly liquid hydrocarbons from those that are mostly gas, Refine the primary separation by removing most of the entrained liquid mist from the os. Further rofine the separation by removing the entrained ges from the accumulated liquid Discharge the separated gas and liguld feom the vessel and insure that no reentrainment cof one into the other takes ple, I these funetions are to be accomplished, the separator design must — ow @ @ @ 8) 6 ” @ ® Control and disipate the energy ofthe wellstream as it enters separator; Insure that the gas and liquid flow rates are low enough so that gravity segregstion and vapor liquid equilibrium can occur; ‘Minimize turbulenes inthe gat section ofthe separator and reduce velocity; Eliminate re-entrainment ofthe separates liquid into the gos; ‘Accurnulete and control froths and foams Inthe vest Provide outlets for gsses and liquids with suitable controls to msintain preset operating pressure and liquid evel; Provide reliot tor excessive pressure in cate the gab oF liquid outlets should become plugged or valves malfunction; Provide equipment (pressure gauges, thermometers, and liqucevel gauge assemblies) to Visually check the separator for proper operation; Provide cleanout opening at points where solids will acumlate when solids ere present in the inlet stream,

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