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The Implemenation of Cooperative Learning by Using ''Students Team Achievement

Division'' in Writing




Cooperative learning is instructional use of small groups so that students work together to
maximaze the learning process. To make it more clear S. Balkcom (n.d) stated that cooperative
learning is a successful teaching strategy in which small teams, each with students of different
levels of ability, use a variety of learning activities to improve their understanding of a subject.
Each member of a team is responsible not only for learning what is taught but also for helping
teammates learn, thus creating an atmosphere of achievement..On the other hand, cooperative
learning have a purpose as a groups of learning is to make each other member a stronger
individual in his or her students. Students learn together so that they can subsequently higher as
individuals. It is also fillng each other their skills. In cooperative learning, students work together
in small groups on a structured activity. They are individually accountable for their work, and the
work of the group as a whole is also assessed.

Teacher did not applicate cooperative learning in classroom because of the preparation itself.
The teacher should do a lot of things before comes to the class, and cooperative learning should
take a lot of time to do the preparation. The gaps of this research is lack of initiative to make the
students more interesting with the subject meanwhile the cooperative learning have a lots of
advantages on attracting students attention.

The learning leads the students to boredom such as the interaction between the students and
teacher. It is better if the learning used a various interaction such the students and each students
in that classroom. Based on this statement, cooperative can solve this research problem.
By looking at the real life of the students, sometimes they are too bored with the same learning
teaching techniques. Moreover, cooperative learning can give a big impact to those students who
get trouble in a learning process. One of the types will be used in this research is Student Teams-
Achievement Divisions (STAD) method. The scope of this study is to investigate the
implementation the use of cooperative learning activities in English for junior high school

Research Question
In order to fulfill the analysis the researcher concern of this study which means focuses on the
following research question:

Can ‘’Student Teams Achievement Division’’ give a significance effects to the eighth
grade students of junior high school of SMP Negeri 7 Gorontalo?

Research Objectives
Based on the problem above, the purpose of the study is to find out the significance effects by
using ‘’Student Teams Achievement Division’’ technique as a learning process method in class
This research aims to investigate how the cooperative learning in class can improve their skills in
writing activity and also can be used as a basic information and reference for further researches
who are interested in conducting the same studies.
Chapter II: Theoretical Framework

This chapter presents the theories that related with this research. This research especially
concern to investigate the implementation the use of cooperative learning activities in English
for junior high school learners.

The subheadings are cooperative learning, the benefit of cooperative learning,the method of
using cooperative learning. To investigate the effectiveness of cooperative learning which
use STAD strategy, This chapter also provides some previous studies which support and relevant
to this research.

Cooperative Learning

Cooperative learning is one of the most remarkable and fertile areas of theory, research, and
practice in education. (Johnson & Johnson, 1999) stated that cooperative learning exists when
students work together to accomplish shared learning goals. This definition also related to the
previous study(Johnson, et al., 2008) he aims that cooperative learning is instructional use of
small groups so that students work together to maximaze the learning process. Cooperative
learning is ment to facilitate the students about the accomplishment of a specific goal htrough the
students working together in groups.

Benefit of Cooperative Learning

Previous Research shows cooperative learning helps to produce:

 Higher achievement.

 Increased retention.

 More positive relationships and a wider circle of friends.

 Greater intrinsic motivation.

 Higher self-esteem.

 Greater social support.

 More on-task behavior.

 Better attitudes toward teachers.

 Better attitudes toward school.

Regarding to this previous research, as we can see this method can give aa big impact to those

students who get trouble in a learning process. We a s a teacher that managed the class have a

role to looking at their utiily and the interest itself. (P. Olsen, 2003) also stated that there are

many benefits that can result from using cooperative learning strategies. The benefits consist of 4

and he aims that you will notice 4 of them after implementing the strategy itself:

1. Cooperative learning is fun, so students enjoy it and are more motivated

2. Cooperative learning is interactive, so students are engaged, active participants in the


3. Cooperative learning allows discussion and critical thinking, so students learn more

and remember what they have learnedfor a longer period of time.

4. Cooperative learning requires students to learn to work together, which is an

important skill for their futures.

By looking both of previous study about the benefits, the researcher thought that cooperative

learning the good instruction to apply for the eight grade students learning process in class.

Method of Using Cooperative Learning

1. Class Presentations. The teacher presents the material in front of the class in the classical
style that focuses on the concepts of matter to be discussed only. Furthermore, students are asked
to learn in small groups to work on tasks assigned by the teacher.

2. The formation of study groups (Teams). Students are organized into groups whose members
are heterogeneous (both academic ability and gender). The trick with rank students based on
grades or the last value obtained before the student STAD cooperative learning models. The
function of this grouping is to encourage cooperation in the group study the material and
complete the tasks assigned by the teacher.

Provision of test or quiz (Quizzes). After studying the group completed the test, quiz was held
with the objective of identifying, or the ability to measure student learning of the material has
been studied. In this case, the student was not allowed to work with his friend. The purpose of
this test is to motivate students to try and individually responsible. Students are required to do
my best as a result of group learning. In addition to individual responsibility, the students also
have to realize that businesses and their success will be very valuable to contribute to the success
of the group. This test is performed after one to two servings of classes and learning in groups.

4. Improved scoring individual (Individual Improvement Scores). This is done to give the
students a goal that can be achieved if they work hard and showed good results compared with
previous results. Manager scores the results of the cooperation of students performed in the
following order: score early, score tests, and score of the group increased.
5. Awards group (Team Recognition) award is given to the group to give a gift in appreciation
of the efforts that have been made during the study. (Prilatama, 2008)

Teachers Difficulties to Apply Cooperative Learning

Cooperative learning is one of the method that provide many things especially to the teacher.
Chapter III: Research Methodology
This chapter provide a brief overview of research method used in this research, data an the main

issues related to data collection data analysis is also outlined as follows:

Research Method

The method used in this research will be qualitative research. The researcher will collect the data

through the observation in that school. According to S. Jamshed (2014) the observation method

does not only provide the partipants observation but also covered the ethnoghrapy and the

research work itself.

In addition, observation is the probably one to collect the data that related with the research

problem. Another reason is because the observation method was an appropriate type to be used in

order to make the information more upgrade the information.

Source of the Data

The data source will be collected by the observation method in junior school of eight grade in

SMP Negeri 7 Gorontalo.

Technique of Collecting the Data


Data Analysis

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