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A. J u KE S, M. R.C.S., L.R.C.P.,
11Hrsz'ona1J1 of the Church J.~1isst'onatJ' Socz'e~y,


-- : ~----


On Sale in Europe by

I 900.

1. Object.-In attempting to compile n. Dictionary 0£ the .Jatki or Western

Punjabi language, the .Author's first object was to provide himself with such
a Vocabulary as would em1b~e him or others to make an intelligible
trauslation of the Word of God for those w:ho have hitl1erto been ignorant
of it. For this purpose an English Vernacular Vocabulary was necessary,
and pari passu the Vernacular English p~1rt came into being, and is. now
issued in the hope that it may be useful to all whose work, or pleasure,
leads them to study the 18:nguage.
2. Assistance received.-The only Vocabulary the compiler has had to
avail himself of was that written by Mr. E. O'Brien, for many years Deputy
Commissioner of Multan, this eont.ained about 1,800 words mostly agricultural
terms, enriched by several hundred Proverbs, Dohras (songs) and idiomatic
expressions, and of little or no help in the work the compiler had in view,
i.e., translation into the Vernacular, as there was no English Vernacular
Voca.bulary. The whole of Mr. O'Brien's work has been incorporated in the
present Volume in so far as words and definitions go. This Volume comprises a,
great part of some eighteen years' work of study in the language, but the English
.Vernacular part is not yet complete. . To Mr. J. Wilson late Deputy
Commissioner, Rawulpindi and SMhpur, I am indebted for a very considerable
number of words used in the Salt Range, all words marked Sh. were supplied
by him, and while the compiler has done his best to make nse of M.S.S..
kindly lent him, he has been unable to check or confirm in any way the
definitions or orthography of the words supplied to him, should any uninten.,
tional errors have crept in ~e craves Mr. Wilson's indulgence for the. same.
3. With the exception of the help afforded by Mr. E. O'Brien and Mr.
J. Wilson, and a comparatively small contingent collated from the Punjabi
Dictionary of Bhai Maya Singh 1895, all of which are acknowledged by the
letters P. D. after the word, almost the whole of the rest of the Volume
has been written by Dr. .Jnkes with the assistance of Munshi Mul}.ammad
l;{asan bin Sher Mul;tammad of Dera Ghazi Khan and is original in the sense
that he is not indebted to other workers for the material whfoh has been
collected with much labour; technical words having been gathered f~om
artizans and others connected with the work in which they were engaged.
4. Literature.-The amount of literature in the Jatki language is
exceedingly limited, but all that the .Author has been able to get and
.many stories which he had .written for the purpose have been carefully

5. Only Jatki.-In order to save expense in publisl1ing, all words found

ju Mr. J. T. Platts' Dictionary 0£ Urdu and Classical Hindi 1884 have been
excluded unless to admit other senses, or for the sake of other compounds
not give~ in that valuable work. A reference to the Urdu Dictfonary is
!!enerally given in these cases. By this means the bulk of the Volume has
been reduced by about half, shewing how large a proportion of words in
common use are common to it and to Urdu. When the English Vernacular
part comes to be printed, it is hoped that all the Y ~rnacular equivalents
available, of the English words, whether peculiar to Jatki or common to
ih and other languages, will be included in it.
6. Character.-The Persian character is used with its equivalent in Roman,
as t:bere are comparatively few readers or writers of Hindi and Gurumakhi
in the Southern Punjab and all Educational work is, I believe, carried on
in the Persian or Roman character. The Persian however very imperfectly
supplies the place of 'many sounds, as the Sanskrit or Prakrit appears to
have be&n the foundation of the language although many words from Persian
and Arabic and some Biluohi and Sindhi have found their way into
common use, since the original Hindu inhabitants were conquered by
Mul}.ammadan invaders between A.D., 664 and 15241.25. The arrangement of the
words is according to the letters of the Jatki Alphabet.
7. Etiology.-The time at the disposal of the Compiler was insufficient
for him to do his ordinary work, of carrying on a large Medical Mission,
without for many years the assistance of a European colleague, to enable,
him to go into the etymology of the words. He has therefore left this
for future workers.
8. Geographical Range.-The Western .Punjabi or J atki language has
many local names a~plied to it, Multani, Derawal, .Jagdalli, Sbahpuri Banuchi,
Paehawari, Po~hohari, Hazari, Babawalpuri are all names of dialects of the
language, which is spoken by the J'afir Pathans and Khetrans on the West
of the Dara Gh8.zi Khan district to Bhawalpnr on the East and from Sindh
in the South to. the confines of Kashmir in the North, covering an area about
the size of Il'eland and with a population variously estimated at from three
to five millione, the latter is probably near if not 'under the actual :a.umber.
There · seem to be three well il'efined dialects. ,
(1) Sonthern Pnnjabi, including Mnltani, Derawal, Bahawalpuri spoken
.from Sindh to the Dara Ishmael Khan district.
(2) The Sali Range Dialect, called· in Bhai Maya Singh's Dictional"y
Poyhohari spoken in Rawalpindi, Jhelum, Shahpur, Gujrat and Salt Range.
(3) · The Hazara Dialect.
Each distriot seems to have its own local name for the language, which
has dialectical differences of pronunciation, meaning or idiom varying more
or less every few miles, or even in different quarters of the same city. This
is mo1·e or less the case with every unwritten language.
PB E FA.C 111.

. 9. Changes.-Jatki has undergone many changes and will eventually be

absorbed in one or more of the languages, in which Education is given.
This is well seen by comparing the Saharanpur Version of the Gospels by
Carey and Marshman with the language as now spoken. OarBy got a resident
of Multan to make his translation which, according to the Rev. T. Bomford
is ·not now understood by the residents there, but is readily understood by
villagers far removed from the influence of schools and educations.
10. Hindus and Mub.ammadans.-TheTe _is probably considerable difference
in the language as spoken by Hindus from that used by Mu];iammadans, the
former being much richer in words having a Prakrit origin, but I have
not been able to study that aspect of the language. The proportion of
Hindus to MuQ.ammadans in the towns is, perhaps, 50 per cent. ; bat in the
country which contains much the larger population only about 10 per cent.
in the Dara Ghazi Khan District, in which there are only two or three villages
outside of Dera Ghazi Khan city having a population of 5,000 or more.
Women speak a much purer language than the men having fewer
educational advantages.
11. Different from Punjabi.-The Western Punjabi or ..Jatki language is
quite a different language from that spoken in the Eastern Punjab. Dr. H.
Martin Clark, who corrected the proofs of Bhai Maya Singh's Dictionary,
a complete master of the language, found only about two words on a page
of this dictionary with which he was familiar, in looking over some of
my proofs.
12. Not Exhaustive.-This work does not pretend to be more than a
contribution to a very widely spoken and full language. No one man could
hope to complete a dictionary of dialects spread over so wide an area. The
compiler has worked entirely in the South of the Punjab and valuable as
is Mr. Wilson's glossary, it only shews how very full and large the
vocabulary of the language will be when complete, which, while :furnishing
so many thousands of words in the south o:f the Punjab, has hardly touched
the dialects spoken in the Salt Range and Hazara. The dialects are however
not so different, but that a man familiar with South Pa.njabi can make
himself well understood in
13. consists of thirty-eight letters which can for the most
pa.rt be correctly rendered by the Persian character, but J Zh. has no place
in Jatki and , hamza is considered as a diacritical mark rather than a letter.
There are in addition to the other Persian letters four or five sounds which
cannot by it be correctly .rendered, and whioh I have ventured to represent
by Persian letters with an additional diacritical mark.
~ Ba = 9 equivalent to Sindhi ':-'
Q' Dj1m= J
~ ~ah = ~ Equivalent to Sindhi S
J .GB.£ =- g
vi l' R l!J FA 0 :m.
The. Pushtu ·Run has been represented by j;· which gives the correct
sound and is found as the final letter in all verbs in the Infinitive .
. The Punjabi 1l Nya.nya has been rendered by rf which is, at least, as
correct in the sound as ny and more correct than u; • The sound is
something between nj and ny, sometimes leaning more to one side, some-
times to the other. It rarely occurs except in the word ~' wanjal?r to
go and never as an initial letter. In the Imperative tf_, wal}j the j sound
is pronounced; in the tenses as Present l~I_, wal?iet?da the pronun•
oiation is more like wa.QyeI}da. The letters are
.Ali:f a ~ :Qah d e_' 'Ain
y Be b ~ J?ah 4 E Ghain D"h
~ J?a ~ ~ Zal ~ u Fe £
Pe p .) Re r u Q&£ q
~ Te t J.
) J;ta r w KM k
J Ga£ g
~ q:'a ~ ) Ze z
JG-&£ g·
I..!,) Se § LI"' Sin s J Lam l
~ Jim j U"' Shin sh r Mim m
Q Djim j ~ Swad ~ 4:.1 Nun n

'L I}:e J.t ~ Zwad ~

_, Wah w, v, 0

t:' Khe b Toe t ~ He h
Dal d l; Zoe Ye y,i, e
..,) ~ ...s
u Nun without the dot is the so called nasal n and is no'.t considered
as a sepa:rate letter; when occurring in the middle of a word it retains
its dot bu~ has a reversed jazm over it as in y~s,
14. Notes on the Language.-With a view to facilitate the student, the
Present, Past and Future tenses in the 3rd Person singular of most of the
Transitive and Intransitive verbs are given, as from these the other tenses
are formed, especiall.Y, in Irregular verbs. The rules for the formation of
the tenses, Passive and Causal verbs· belongs rather to the grammar of the
language and will, doubtless, be given in the forthcoming grammar of the
language to be published by the Rev. T. Bomford.
. In a few compound verbs .only are both the verb and its auxiliary
declined, for the most part the root of the verb is retained and the auxiliary
declined as in U :t;du e. g.
. y.<-:--- ;;;~-to b~ ready-makes its Present ,~~ lJ)..-Past tense ~(-?- 4.f.
Future ~ l...Sw~; whereas the majority of compound· verbs like );.~/.:-
PREF Ad E. vii

to be able-only decline the latter part, the root } being retained

throughout. Present 1~;5 Past ~Li Future WM>o11Nj
Like Hebrew and, I believe, Pushtu the Personal Pronouns o:ften :form
part of the inflected verb and, occasionally, ~f an adverb e. g., uN.....; not
I. They generally appear· as Post-positions and are often indicate"d by
a single letter only. A few examples may be of interest.
i-~1 lf.\~ OhaJ?ga lagdim. Does it become me? ·Here the final ~
represents the accusative of the personal pronoun I = ulJ.-1;.-o·

u ~J..l.>.ai~
" Ji.~/t.J~
... As now it is to be obtained by yon. You, is here
~epresented · by ._} hamza ye.
W--t lc.).-vfT ~ Another was saying to him. Final v .here represents
the u;du ~t'
~t ~J)i~ ~If c.J We were hearing these words. The ~ represents the .
1st Person Plural ul,.,.,\ we.
~_,;~ o:; y_,~\ uJ~-c· Yo~ d:ld not allow me to speak. The , here
indicates the 2nd Person Plural.
~ ,~y.S'i <.%-lb !J ~J' Crying out they said. ~J shews the presence of
the 3rd Person Plural.
There are two forms of the Passive ,Voice, one formed. on the sam·e
plan as in Urdu by adding the Auxiliary verb-to go ~J to the. root
of a transitive verb. As ~-' J-to be done; but the more usual way
is to substitute the letters )-1~. for the final J
of. the transi~ive verb, e. g.,
YJ to .do; Passive ~j-to be done. Some Intransitive verbs assume
the Passive form as j~-to be weary, the other form· ·of the same
verb j,il4' having the same sense.
Most Passive Verbs have no Past tense, but when used it is formed by
the addition of the word Yf• w~ich is the irregular Past tense of ~;
t·o go.
There is no regular formation of Comparatives and Superlatives, as in
Persian, the post-position u'4 being used in the same wa.y as tt!:' is in Urdu.
The Plurals of nouns are not infrequently irregular, e.g.
-@ a.. limb Pl. ~ ~\
.i~ a. cow '!~
U..]i,) " d,.~
~~ a rope ,, J~
u~J a. year ,, u-P'JJ or uY:'fb..)J
1iij a daughter-in"law ,, ~JJ; or d~i or u\tr}
viii PB E FACE.

Feminines are formed in a variety of ways

~~\ ~·~'
a gardener F

"14:- oil~presser ,, J..;\ij~ y

r-'4) musician ,, c..SJoJ~

VLo~ astrologer
" ~l:;
? Spiritual guide ,, ,,. 11 /
u4;~Zt> elephant
" c..SJ~
a boy )~,~~
fJt~ "
Final c..S is by no means a constant sign 0£ the Feminine, but is
often added to .signify "maker" "doer." ~} a plan, ~)i maker of
a plan ; Slt'e deceit, ,_Ji~(; hypocrite. Sometimes it is added to transform
a noun into an adjective, as~ leaven, adj~ v.ft...;,,. leavened. Sometimes
it is added to an adjective to form. a noun, as )_,> defamed, noun i..S)j--
' .
. .
to form a diminutive, as l>J
a . box U·L J a little box.
Sometimes the diminutive is formed by ·adding ~J, as ~:;=>- a tank i..S_}J:;::t-
a small tank. ·
The Present Participle is formed from the Present tense by adding
the Past tense of the verb, to be, }J~ Past 4.~ ''"~} 4,}ll) doing.
But there is an irregular Present Participle•
coming, from y,T to come·

to turn back.
.)~) returning ,,
... ~ going to go ..
) , ··-'
The Past Participle is formed by adding j - ,I_ - or ~ !J to the root
·of the verb.
·Notwithstanding the objections of both English and Indian Grammarians,
there are words compounded 0£ two wholly dttferent languages e. g., ~J 1
from Hindi ._s} a saw, and Persian c:JJ..~s.S to draw, and a large class of
words are compounded with ~I_, Hindi= owner, etc., and with many Persian and
Arabio words. A.n endeavour has been made to supply _,,,. zer and ..L pesh
whHrever required and where these are not found, ..:::.. zabar is generally
understood.. but it is hoped that the Roman character will supply the key
to the pronunciation to English readers. ·
tJ ye m 'aru£ is usually pronounced 1.

'- Ye majhUl is pronounced e.

I have finally, gratefully to acknowledge the assistance given me by
Mr. E. O'Brien, Mr. J. Wilson, Mr. Baden Powel, for his Punjab products,
. Dr. G. L. Stewart, for Punjab Plants, Mr. W .. Coldstream, for Grasses of
the Punjab, and especially to the Rev. E. Sell, of the Church Missionary
Society, Madras, who has devoted much time and labour to reading and
correcting the proofs, and to the Government of India who made a
considerable grant towards the expense of printing.·
It is hoped that many miStakes, which cannot fail to have found their
way into this volume notwithstanding all efforts to exclude them, will be
looked upon indulgently by those who may be called upon to use it.


Adj. Adjective. Pr.P.F. Present, Past, and Future

Adv. Adverb. tenses.
c. v. Cansal verb. Prep. ~reposition.
cf. Compare. Pron. Pronoun.
cor. Corrupt. Pl. Plural.
conj. Conjllnction. P. D. Punjabi Dictionary, by
dim. diminutive. Bhai Maya Singh,
D.G.K. Dera Ghazi Khan. part. Participle.
Eng. English. P. P. Punjab Products, by
Esp. Especially. Baden Powel.
F. Feminine. s. Sindhi.
gen. generally. Ss. ~anskrit.
Raz. Hazara. Syn. Synonim.
Interj. Interjection. Sh. Shahpur.
irr. Irregular. S. R. Salt Range.
Lit. Literally. u. . Urdu.
M. Masculine. v. n. Verb Neuter.
Mah.· Muhammadan. v. t. Verb transitive.
Met. Metaphorically.. v. P· Verb passive.
N. Noun. W. P. Western Punjabi.
Obs. Obsolete.

The Four Gospels in Jatki or Western Punjabi
are now to be had from the Christian Book D~pot,

The English Punjabi Dictionary which it is

hoped .will supply the equivalents of the English
words in both Eastern and Western Punjabi is in


1 Alif. The first letter of the 411 Ubbha, M. The North. In

alphabet: for pronunciation ·• Sh. East.
consult Platt.
~ ~l Abbha tabbha, F'• .A:n expres-
T A irrip. 0£ AwaJ:!r. To come. • sion 0£ scorn.
4.T u~i Aji aya, l Yf ~ ~l Abbha ta.bbha karalJ.r, To
J.~ ~_,T Ao ji aie, welcome. Sh.
J.I ~-?·-_,tl Aho ji ae,
J speak with contempt.
J\,J1 Ubhar, M. A rising, revolt.
2. A boiling over..
S. East. Sh.
~~\ Abasi, F. Marvel of Peru
(lt1irabilis jalapa.) Root pur-
y}~1 Ubharaw, v. t. u. Ubb6.rnB.,
gative dose 1 'l'olah. Bruised Ca.osal of Ubhranr. To
cause to rise, to excite, incite,
leaves used as a. poultice to induce, inflame, move, pro~
voke. pr. J~-#1 p. ~)~1
JI~\ Abdal, ailj. Mad. Sh.
:F. ~#1
}.I Ub bar, v. n. Speak. Sh. t:J4!1 Ubhan, M. A tree (Populns
l JI Abra, ]f. The upper leather of ., Euphratica.) Syn. cJ1-TJ
')· a shoe. lc.>ftt Ubbharda, Jf. East. Sh.
~~I Ubrala, .M. Voice. s. R. v 2. Rising sun.
Yfii Ubharaw, v.17.. To rise, to
Jl~) Abbar bha:Q.d, ailv. At once. swell, boil over, e:ffervesse,
J come up, as stars, Met. to be
~)\ Abbarg}!ut, cvl'V. Suddenly. angry. pr. l~i P. ~ft1
In Sh. ~~l F. ~ft.1 Syn.. y_;f;e1
y ~
~)j. l Abroh, F. Honour.
t d
w;.T Abh~, M. Unripe ears or
grafos of oorn of various
Ji..Y ~-'f.' Abroh :ewaw, To bestow
honour on another. 2. To kinds. 2. The same roasted.
lose one's own. ~j Ubhecha+, adtJ. Of or belong..
~_,y isJ} Abroh lahawaw. To dis· ing to the Norlzh. Northern.
honour, disgrace. Syn. fi'""_,e1 2. Belonging
to East. Sh.
lJ.l~ j.l Abar bhaIJ.da, adj. Confused,
indistinct. \.${b ~1 Ubhe sahl, f. Asthma-adj.
- Short of breath.
~l Ab~al, adj. Very good, most
excellent. ~1 Ubhek, M. Nausea, qualm,
retching, vomiting.
f!! l Ablakh, M. Lime obtained
j.('i:1 UbhekaJ].J, v .. n. To, retch,
from burnt shells used as a
cosmetic. 2. Ta.le, mica. vomit, have a qualm. F·

Ablakh, adj. Pie-bald, party \~1ana\~1p.·~1

coloured, spotted~ J!. ~1 and ~1
'->T v
ASl:HT Abiana, M. Water revenue. ~~i Upat, F. Produce.
,41 U',t>a, M. Malaria, miii~m~~a~ .. }~JIJJ ;1~1 Upatr sup.atr, adj. Topsy
• ·vapo11r arising from flood~~· turvy, mixed up.
lands. 2 . .Alluvial silt, · •
ui.1.1~1 Ul;>asi, F . .A. yawn, gape.
y 1 Upatraw,
') v
~J v. t. To turn over
as clothes, chapatties,to over·
YJ~.~ 1,:5i.1.1~1 Ul;>asi qewaw, v. n. To yawn, turn. pr. !~.;°J;1 4.};1
gape. F. ~"""!};l v. p. ~f.l
J~1: Ubal,
· J . b01·1·mg.•!
M. E bu11·lfaon, ~:J~1 Upatrijaw, v. p. To be over-
~~1 u9a.1a, ,. turned, turned over. Pr.
jl~1 Ul;>alaw, v. t. To cause to l~:J~l
P.-F. ul.IJ-01
boil, to brew. Pr. ii.J'.:;'-lil
~-' ~~ TApat vich. adv. Among our-
P. l.>.ll>l
F. u"""f--~
l ~ your-or themselves, together,

1 .

v. n. )l~l o. v. y_,~~1 in concert.

,),J~1 UJ;>alwa~, adj. Boiled. gen.

prep. Agamst,oppo-
used in the plural. +~~1 Apu~h I site, upside down,
l~41 Ul;>alha, ailj. Quick, hasty,
~l Aputha J backwards.

;~l Uppar,
' iropulsive, precipitate.
M. Head and feet of a.
isb ~41 UM.Iha sah, Quick breathing. ' goat or sheep.
• • l

J !tl~! " ;h l ) F. Haste; hurry,

J.S;~l Uparal}.d, Post-position Above~
U'~a a ' t quickness. adv.
J~1 Ubalh .\ Suddenly. (Bom~ used with abl. fl)
-ti: · ' ) ford.)
~1 U}tatta, :J.I. Nausea, qualm, u~l Ap:ra~. Pron. One's own, be.. '
• retching, vomiting. longing to self. pl. LJ..Jv.'
)3) T ~~1 Ul;>atte awaw, v.n. To retch, F. u4)l Syn. u~l
• vomit, to be nauseated, have
a qualm. ~~~1 Ap:ra'ei;i.t, F. Fa.mily conneo-
_;.t;1 Ul;>assaw, v. n. To become v tion, kindred, kith and kin. ·
' mouldy, musty. Pr. l~NJ,tl JJ;l Ap:raw, v. t. To apprehend,
arrest, catch, lay-hands on,
p. l;;'-4l F. seize. 2. Arrive at, reach. Sh.
t;t-,;1 Ul;>assia, aa:j. Musty, mouldy. Imp~l Pr. l~.4,jvl p.
QI "

Y1!I UJ;>law, v. n. To boil, bubble F. U~·Jv'
. up. Pr. 1~1 P. ~l }) ~)1 Apa:rwawaw, v. Casual of
F. um.1~1 . v. t. _;]~1 Apara~!· To betray. pr.
o. v. ;3, i,~I l~_,)l P. ~~)l F. ~J);l
J~1 Ul;>hal, F. Haste, hurry. ~)1 Apa:rijai;i.:r, v. p. To be
II ""
,. seized, caught, arrested. Pr.
~ ~ i.,;;t~ ut I Al;>~i khal;>l;>i wala. A simple,
straight forward person. l~.j~l P.-F. ~_);1
l..yJl Ap hor:l~. respe~t,

d..J)'( .A. title of

Sir, Your honour. Pl. j A 0 {pron. By or from
Yv_ ,. P ' herself, himself,
Syn, u~ T - ~T uiv I Apul}, . itself, yourself..

'-50 l_, (!}XT Apun wanri

/ v • • • himself or
one by u_,yl UtrnI)., ?Jf. Choking, violent
coughing, caused by laugh-
<JY~ (!}_,; T Apul). ha:q.:ri itself, etc.
., ing when drinking•
ft T Aphar, adj. Swelled, distend-
ed, as by gas, putrefaction,
j_,T u_,yr Utrn:g. A.waw. To choke.
etc. c:;l~.;l Ittifaq. See u.
yv - ,,,.
fl l Apharaw, v. n. To swell out,
be distended, gorged. Pr.
f~;~T P. 4,fiT P. u""fii

w:)-5 LJ'.iil Ittifaq kan.Ul).,

J 'v~ u:..s:i..t...
..1... 1 Itt:.&:,.
uaq na"l,
l by. c~a.nce,
v ....
v. P· ~fi; l ~l Itla, l adj. as, as mn~b, so
~l Itli, 5 mnoh •
j~I Upharai;rr, v. n. To rise as
dough, bread. Pr. \..>)~1 P. lti Utla, adj. That mncb, so
much. 2. Upper. 3. Extra.,
4.)~;1 F. u~):;l incid eutal.
J" J_;j Utle dil,
.:::;T Ape,
Pron. By itself, himself, ' ,. {5Sn~erficia1Iy
,l$~, JJi Utle wah, 1• in-
smcerely. m a.
light manner.
~T ~T Ape ape, Of one's own aceord. }lti Utlal,lgar, M. Cover of pow-
der pa.n of gnn. Sh.
IJT At&; adj. In want, needy,
necessitous. \£-' JJ! Itle vieh, adv. Meanwhile.
.,.. v -
_j'Si Utar, M. Upland. Sli. )ii I Atal].+, llf. A pn.rty of women
collected to spin, a. spinuiug
uY'.jf Utal].:ral}.,
,.,,. } 0 nteao.
h b k bee or mcctiug-Syn. A.ttun.
Sh. .
~"-'~'Si Utarai:i sumai;i.r, v. n. To lie
y> Utnra .. '
!_r)f Utra,
~adj. & mucb. Sh.
on oue's back:.

Prep. From a.hove,
)r Uttar, North. ff Uttu, from on, from
~~yi Uttaradhi, adj. Belonging to
uff uttnl)., over.
"' the Nor th. Sh. ~\jl Itwari, atlj. This time, turn.
ji Uttar, M. When ma.res, •'-'J ~f U twari, adj. That time, tnm.
bullooka, etc., eAcha.nged,
'' uttar" is the price given
t-0 make t.he exchange equal. ~). . Ith," ·t ad11. H ere, h·J,,t..
,)'f;l Ithal},
!fl Itra, So muoh (Thal) and
u#~l 1tha'iIJ. ~ adv. Exactly here.
J:J. R.
4~jT Atarbha, M. Re~pect, hononr1
~l !the, \
courtesy~ a.tten&ion .. ~} Uth, ~
u~1 Utha¥, 5adv. There..
jj \.ejT Atarbha karaw, To shew
respect, e~. 1~1 Uth&ra, M. Nightmare.. 81&..
2. Make art"angements for
guests or friends. 4)~1 Utthal]., ail'D. Above, n.p. 8li..
~-i1 Utha'il}., ':.'1'8· Exa.otly there..
\S_,jl Itroka, adj. Of this time> of BA. &1
this year. ;iT Atha!', M.. A donkey's saddle..

).T Athur, M. sh. Bullock's gear. Jfl Atak, F. River Indus above
Kalaba~.h· sh.
Atthra, ad}. Restless. Sh. .
~l Atka, M. Stoppage, hindrance,
u_,e!I Athok, M. A portion of gram impediment, interruption,
of which the tenant gets it of prevention.
the proprietor's half shar?,
a kurnal of standing corn is ~I Atkar, ]f. Irritation from
sometimes given instead of it. ) foreign body in the eye.
u)i;'l ItthuJ;J., adv. Henlile, from here. "S v.\o\ Atka wanr, v. t. To stop,
J)\:>.) • ..
u)~l UtthUl}., adv. Thence from binder, impede, check, retard,
interrupt, restrain, prevent,
rl Ittl' mlv. So much, as much,
u.. very
detain. Pr. l~l P,°I
much. F. ~;!-d'l v. n. ydl v. p.
uil IttiJ;J.~ Pron. So big. Sh. Syn. v /-lo
~~lo. v 1<+1
. ~...
J'.SI Atkal, F, Guess, conjecture,
J.\.., Atte ~ oon;J.. And, a1so. opinion, about, eto. U•
~I AtteJ;J., 2. Size. 3. Way, manner.

Atti Sar, M. Diarrbcea,
sentery, bloody flux.

_,::s:.: ~I
Atkal bachc~~' One who
" forms an opm10n or guesses
without grounds for his con-
j) Utte, Above, upon, jecture.
u;l UttelJ., ~ more.

)~·~ l
Atkal pachchU., aclv. By guess,
'1:.,,) At, F. Alluvial deposit, loamy approximately. Sh.
silt. In Sh. Sediment from a
well. 2. Trouble. 3. Verse.
y/ ~I Atkal kara:i;i.:r,
To make an
f~s_, ~' At wa:i;i.jaw, To be soiled by JU J'.S! Atkal nal, Carefully, wise1y,
dust. with arrangement or discern·
yi..., l::!!,,\ A~ millaw, To fall into trou-
jKfl Atkalaw, v. n. To guess,
... bl es.
judge, think, conjecture. Pr.
~1 It, F. Brick. S. B.
~I Atta, M. Meal-AHamallaw. 1J..i~lJl P. ~Kfl F. c..s~I
Ill Ill
To knead. ~l A~kali, M. A guesser.
~ lSl Atta satta, adv. About, near, jd'I Atkaw, v. n. To be stopped,
with respect to number, restrained, prevented, U.
quality or price.
Ill Ill ud'l 2. To stay, remain,
t:!t\fl Atta ghatta, M. A vow to falter.? 3. To quarrel. Pr.
give flour and a sheep at a
shrine, i£ the wish is granted. IJ.d'l P. ~fSI F. u~l
Lit. flour and male sheep.
j) ~d'l Atakwawa:i;i.:r, v. To cau~e ~
ul~fl Atali, F. Land on which silt stop, restrain. Pr. lJ.4P I
has been deposited.
1. ~ P. 4,\_,d'l F. u~ft\
'-)-"~::i c....Y.l.l Atre ghatre, M. A wooden
toy. ~~l Atkijaw, v. Passive of At-.
.) • ..... v .b 1
~l Itsit, A grass, fodder for kapr. Pr. \~91 P. l;tf)'I.
~ camels. S. B. F.~~l
y I Atalfr, v. n.
To be sprinkled ;r) ytr Uthlawawaw, Causal 0£
with dust. Pr. \~I P. 01 l~}.tt
nthalal)r, Pr. P.
v .l,l
4. l}ti F.
~Sl U th, M. A camel. ~:t-;Ji Uthlijaw, ; p. from ;r)~i
u~lt1 Atharal}., adj. Eighteen. ul_,tl Athwal}., adj. Eighth.
ulJ!}tl AtharhwaJt, adj. Eighteenth. j)~I Uthwawaw, Causal of
)]ltt Uthalaw, v. t. To raise up, utha~r. Pr· l~;ef1 P.
lift. 2 . .A.rouse, awake, Syn. ~ 1_,JI -F. ~;1
j) ~1 Er. l~~lJf P. ~ltl _!j'_,JI Atho+a, adj. Eightfold or
u.w.~J.t!F. times.

~ltl Athal}.ga; See J)'l w)tl Athog, F. An eighth share,

especially of land called also
~s~I Athal).gla, M. One who has Aphat)ga.
eight fingers on one hand.
2. A boar's tusk of eight lf~JJr Athwal}.jha, adj. Fifhy-eigbt.
.fingers' breadth in length.
VIJ,tl Atho-wara, M. A week. The
d;ltl Athanme, adj. Ninety-eight. eighth day after marriage
when a girl returns to her
j)lJI U1hawaw, v. t. To lift, raise parents.
up. 2. 'ro arouse, awake.
Pr. l~tl P. 4.lJI F.
uJl Athi, F. The ejght, at cards.

u.w.Wf This verb is not ~~i U~hijaw, v. p. from YJ'1

used for taking with the pur- ~JT Athia, ]f. A plot of land fit for
pose of carrying away for
which chawanris the correct cultivation having bounda·
word. ·· ries, called also. ~~l .A.ethia.
~Jltl Athawi, adj- Twenty-eight. In 2. A part of a well or farm
set apart to be fallow, or for
Sh. <-~}~I some other purpose•
..t~ltl A.thaith; adj. Sixty-eight.
...;J,-I At1, M. .A companion.
~ ,

~}ti Athattri, adj. Thirty-eight.

jl Itti, F. Foot of a vessel. Sh.
Jutl Athtali, adj. Forty-eight. 2. Ornament work on the
neck. Sh. 3. tip cat. S.R.
~ Jl Ath pakh, } adJ.. Octagonal,
.h 1: .J .1, ... ~\ Atijaw, v.p. from j1'1 To
l ~ ~ l Ath chul}.ga, eight cornered,
" be covered with dust. P1'.
t.t-,~ Jl Ath gosha;
J l~I ,,. P.-F. ~l,,.
u~;tl Athrnal}., M. Sitting with
elbows on knees. Sh . j~l Ateral'.}.r, v. t. To wind thread
.J on a spindle, to reel. cf. U.
~j:!-~ wb;tl Athruhal). baitha,
Sitting 2. To do, or eat quickly1 to
with buttocks on heels. Bk.
gobble. Pr. !~.}l P. ~_r-tl
Wt Uthalfr, v. n. To rise, get up,
./ .. sta.~d up, U. l\ySl Pr. \~1 F. ~}I v.p. ~}I
P. ~f F. ~j 2. To causal j_,t_,yl 3. M. A~el.
. rain. Sli. 4. ltf. A twister. 8h.
)1 A~ar, M. See U. Effect, influ- ;J, l_,)?"1 Uja:rwawaw, Causal v. of
;3;r1 1~.,)r1 P. t~.~)?-1
~~}l A~ar wala, adj. Affecting, F. u~J)rl
~j:--1 Uj:rijaw, v. p. of )3J:1 Pr.
~.t7"' 1.Ajaya, ad}. Vain, useless,
unnecessary, abortive. ' l~~:)rl P.-F. ~~~.)?"1
; ..,
)7"' l Ajar, M. A flock of goats or
sheep. Ajaw, adv. Still, till now, yet,

'-iJ ~7"' 1 Aj:rawi, F. A shepherdess. as yet. Syn. _,~I . - ult;--1

Ajoka, adv. To-day's, of to-day.
'-'d-?-T ,Aj:ri, M. A shepherd, goatherd.
c·?"\ Aj'e, ad·v. As yet, this very
)~~ l Ujjhar, v. n. Be completely day. Ajje. Sh.
divided. Sh. Imp.
.. ~1 Uoh, See U.
J4-?-- l Ajjhak, v. n. Stop, wait a bit.
Sh. " d~7"' '('£I Uch jhik, adj. Up and down,
., . abrupt, steep.
)t-?--1 Ijho, adv. Here, yet, now.
c.:.--?'-1 Aje, adv. As yet. Sh. l.:_1 Uchcha, adj. High, lofty, talJ,
" eminent; of voice, loud thin
l~;!-.;-l Uje4a, Correl. of l~.!-7'" So, . h, F. U chcbi. :2. M.' De-'
like. pilatory forceps. S. R.

4.t-7"'1 IjeM, Pron. Like this, such ,..~:-.)..e--l Ucha.pat, F. Debit side of an
as this. Sh. " ., account. Of. U.

ly;!-5' lt:!-7'" 1 Ijeha keha, So ('l'hal.) 1...!!.--:!-~lt;;"' l Achachet, adv. Suddenly, un~
a wares, unexpectedly.
Q'\ Aj, adv. To-day.
(!).;--1 Achari~, M. ..A. :3-indu who
Aj o aj. This very day. .- superrntends burial obsequies
'Yg Q' Aj kalh, aav. Now a days, of Of. U. if.~.J l~ l
late, in a few days, in these
days. j7"'}.;--I Acharjii;rr, F. Wife of the
, above.
jl.t?-1 Ujar, adj. Abandoned, deso-
. late, deserted.
.Jl::-1 U char, M. Ascent. 2. Elevat-
~'"t1 Ujara, M. Oonsumpt.ion, deso- ~d. o~ high land opposed to
Jhikar, low lying land.
lation, Of. U. jt~ 1
~~l::-1 U oha'i, F. Altitude, height,
yJ'-t?-1 Uja:raw, v. t.To caste away,
loftiness, steepness opposed
• consume, demolish, make de- tojhikcb'i. '
so1:te, ruin, U. ~l~ J Pr.
;~ ;~ 1 Iohar biohar, F. Indecision.
l~~)tl P. 4Jltl F. ~~.)tl ... Sh. ·
.. v ~>l Uohakka, M. See u.
c)""tl Ajjal]., See )i:;l " adj. Mischievous, given to
practical jokes.
J)?-1 Ujra1~r, v. n. To becoµie deso-
~~~1 Achalchet, adv. Suddenly,
late, ruined, Pr. !Jf:--l P.
unawares, unexpectedly. Syn.
4)tl F. ~~1 \.::.....~=--l> I In Sh. ~..>.~"
,, 11 "v l
~;.:;--I, M. A wonder, i--i.)1 U dam, NI. Effort,. endeavour.
marvel. .. 2.. Care, anxiety.
'-1)~ I .Achvi, F. Restlessness, pain
in the limbs from fever.
)JIIddo, Prep. On this side. s. R.

J'~;-- l Achhar M. Sediment.

tJl Udha, lil. Boar. 8h.
J~Jl Udhar, M. See U. Trust
Jle.;--1 Uchha:r, M. A cloth to spread . credit. 2. Loan. '
over a corpse, pall. (Mahn.)
J.Ji;--1 Achharaw, v. n. To be
j_,4-- J~"1 Udhar chawa1g·, To borrow.
refined. Pr. 1i.)r4=--, P. L 11>-l ~J~Jl Udhar ghinna1g·, To borrow.
,,;~v ·~""•
Jjl• i..,.5MI;t;"-, 1~J1 Udhara, adj. Borrowed.

jii;-1 Uchhlaw, v. n. See U. ~~1 i..S)~Jl Udhari, adj. On loan. Sh.

2. To spring up, overflow, ~'Ji:iJf Udhala, M. Elopement. Sh.
boil. Pr. lJ.lf~ f P. ~~ 1 Ji'~J 1 Udhala:Q.+, v. t. To carry
1!'. Wi~e.;:--1 off, elope with a woman
~~~ 1 Ichhia, F. Wisb, desire, will, Pr. l~Jf P. ~ 1J!>Jl F.
used by Hindus.
~-;--1 Uchi+,, M. Clear sky after ufil.l!>~ l Adhamfu}., M. Bass-relief, low
.,.. storm. relief in carving, when the
wood work is not pierced,
0~>-l El;lsan, See u. High-relief is not in nae.
v .
y_, i ,,}Mh=--1 El}.san lawaw, v. t. To Sy1i. Adh mun.
fa.vour, benefit, oblige treat JO~ ...a:>i.)1 Adhpohr,About7-30.A..M. Sh.
kindly. '
~1 ...a:>Jl Ad.h rat, F. Midnight.
Li;..\ Akhta, adj. Vexed, distressed,
~~ ...a:iJl Adh sera maw, See ii~

jj ~ l Akhta karaw, To ve.x:, tease,

distress, persecute . jl);ei.)J Udhrala:Q.:r, v. t.
To remove
the flour from hand-mill.
..Jo...T Akhar, adj. Vast, excessive.
• Sh. l~fJ1
Pr. P. ~~Jl F.
IJ l Adda, M, Brother. ~~J1
. IJ I Ada, F. Habit, custom.. See U JJ-'r"' l Adhro+aw, t. (from udh~­
a.p:r) To unravel, undo, unroll,
jj lJ' .Ada karaw, See U. To per- unwind, rip. Pr. IJ.1~Jl P.
form. 2. to offer.
.JJf Udr. M. An otter.
4J'Jj!>Jl F. ~~Jf*
)Ji U dra, M. Agitation, alarm,
JrJr Ud.h+aw, v. n. See IJ. U dhai:-
na, to be taken off. Undone, of
fear. things rolled up or sewn. Pr.
j_,~JJ Udrawaw, v. t. To confuse, 1J_)?bJl P. ~J1 F. ~)ltJI
co,;i:found, perplex. Pr.
l~JJl P. ~1J1 F. ~::]JI * N.B.-yJ_,~J\althoughde1ivedfromj~J1
vv.,.. v'h fir
~3JJ"-' l u. n. fJ"-' I . as . st J without diacritic mark,; not J the
'V. p.
, future and Present of same verb have J not../.
f..Jf JI Adlu:.Q., M. The reservoir into
· which the water from a well while . past tense has.) (Munshi M~rMiJ...
faJls. · Husst1;£n.}
8 l~\
~"lbJI Adhrai;ig, F. Palsy, hemiple- 1_,.!bJI AdhUra, adj. See U.. Balf-
') gia, facial palsy. done •

~~ ~!..d)?~J I Adhral}.g wala, M. One ;!J_,i:;--1_,lbJ l AdhUra chhoraw, t. . To v:

afflicted with palsy. leave undone, nnfimshed, to
... £ail.
1"ltlJf Udharwawanr, v. t. Causal
Yrn; "..1. .. wJ_,.!bJl Adhau:ri, F. Coloured leather.
of YJ)J.!l)Jl
WlbJ 1 Ad.he!, F. A board on inside
~S_,"ltlJl Adharval}.ja, M. Fastening of a boat corresponding to
') one end of a ga.rment ( ohad- ., the weather board outside. ~
dar) round the waist and
throwing the other over the Ill L4.lbJ1 Adhel ghatta, M. One
shoulder. (a preliminary who represents himself as
to cooking among Hindu siding with the person he
women). speaks with, unreliable
.. person, changeable.
'-'JJl Adhri, F. Eight anna piece,
half a rupee. "J"' l Idde, ~ adv. H'th
i er.
'"~l"' IcJ.Q.e,
)¥;)~.ii Udhrija.~r, v.p. from j; ..
i...>J 1 Addi, F. Sister.
Pr. l~J:Jltl~r P. F.

'"~"'1 Udde ~ adv. Th'th er. Sh. I
'-~! UMe
b:S' _l'llJl Adh k;chcha, adj. Half ripe,
~~l I4ha., M. A boundary in game
., ha1£ cooked.
of Prisoner's base.
"~~ ~J1 Adh khar, adj. Middle-aged, u ~wl.!b~l A~Msiral}, M. .A support,
) mature in years. bolster.
Jl'llJi Adhal, } adj. Half, in rela- J~~l A~hai, ad}· Two and a half,
~ few.
JlbJ T Adhil tion to land.
• 1Havingtwohnn-
"',,. ~~l A4hissa, M. dred and a half
~~ flbJl Adh lapi, F'. A contraob by • .,,. ( 25 0) threads
"; which a person becomes pro- ~~I A4hissi, F. in width of
prietor of half a well or ,. J cloth.
estate. Syn. A.dhlapa. v .1:.-1 .,#

J.!b~ A4hai;ir, v. t. To rub the body

)llltlJf U dhlarg-, v. n. To elope, of
women. See U. udhalna. Pr. with
oil. Pr. 1~~1

l~ltlJl P. ~llbJl F. ~~Jl •' • l.t-lb~T F. ~lt>~l

~~.-4) ;lt>~f UQ.Q.ho muQ.Q.ho, adv. From
ui,~ _lbJl Adhlopi, See adhlapi. the very beginning. Sh.
Jr fltlJ\ Adh mul,M. Excitement, resb- ~1 Aq, F. An irrigation water
lessness. Sh. . course, small.
;;s-_lbi.>l;ltlJl Adho-adh karaw, v. t. To jl45'1 ~l A~ akhala:r;q-, v. t. To clear
halve. I a water course.
c...sJ~_,lbJl Adho pari, adv. About half. l~T Aqa, M. Cloth cut diagon~Uy.
Sh. I l~I A~qa, M. A perch, or roosting
"'V' ~~l Adh vich, Prep. A.midst, be- place for birds. 2. A. stand for
<t,... ""° tween, in the middle, midst. vehicles, etc. 3. Horizontal
~~lbJ l Adhwa:ra, M. A half or small beam of boat through which
the mast goes. 4. A piece
bottle. 2. Half 0£ a skin 0£ of wood used to support a
sheep or goat. Sh. branch when being sawn off.
j; l~I U 4araw, v. t. Causal of Hath aQ.a~J, To extend the
u~rai;ii;:,To cause to fly, let hands in prayer or begging.
fly, toss up, uncage, squander,
dissipate, waste, explode. JJ~~l Uq.wawaw, o. v. from U~a??i:
Pr. l~::J~I P. G::Jl~1 J?. To put to flight. Pr. 1~J~1
~::)~ P. 4.1,~j F. ~._,~r
_j_,l~I U4awa!].:r, v. t. See u1arat:r· jJ~~l Aq.wawaw, c. v. .Aqal;;l~
Pr. l~.~l P 4,1~1 F. ~.~1 To hang, spread. Pr. l ~J<t
v .b I
i..SJ 1~1 U 4ari, F. Flight, flying, run- P. 4.~~I F. ~J~l
ning, U. n:ran.
~~_,~r u4wal).jaw, v. n. from y~1
J}-'(J ~)~I U4ari maral].f, v. n. To fly,
. To be flown. Pr. t~-'~.i..1
run away. n I .Jtkf .lo-f
J r. ~}~IF. ~Jitl
.s\~i, M. A spendthrift, pro-
-'. . di gal. ~~) Aq.h, F. .A. main irrigation
channel. P. D.
~1~1 I4ahi:q., Prep. This side.

u:!'!l~j tr4ahi?>, Prep. 'rhat aide.

i..SS,1 Aqql., F. .An iron rest for
supporting tools in turning.
)_,;~I A4tawar, M. Sunday. Of. 2. Th,e hte). Sh.
Ss. aditwli Priority, prece-
~~l AqiJaw, v.p. from a?a.12:r· 70
be spread, etc. Pr. } ..~
~1,liJJ~i Ugdi-awai ~ 1!'. Report, ru-
.i.. · mour, doubt- P. F. ~.~l'-'yi Uqdi hawai, ful news.
j(~.~1 Uqikaw, v. n. To for,
ul ~1 Udrak, adj. Fledged. Jf. "' expect, look for, abide.
:; • I

Fledgeling. J~.~1 U qil,M. Similitude, likeness,

j_,l_,}1 U4arwawaw, o. v. of U?- "' appearance, apparition.
ra.J.:lr. To put to flight. ;T Ar, 1!'. A sboe maker's awl.
Pr. l~J)~l P. 4.~)~1 F. 2. An affix meaning, like.
.i..1 Sh .
L5""!~J y
Aq.lUlh M. The reservoir into
1T Ara, M. Higb-Jying land only
occasionally reached by river
which water :falls from the
well, and from whieh the aiJ
takes water to the field 11 Ura, M. A term used in
called kMda Syn. l~l~ ploughing; when concentric
circles become too small
iJ ~} Ugra:q.r,~, v. ti •. To fly, move
./ "»i · rapidly, to explode,
another circle js begun at a
distance and, returning to the
J'i Uqa1-g~, eva.pora.te. piece left nnploug-bed, is
Pr. lJ;~l P. 4)1 F. ~)l caJled Ura. 2. A frame for
Er. \Jitl F. 4.~I F. ~~
~{ kr winding thread. Syn. 1 1)
~T Aram, M. See u. Ease, rest.
j~I A~aw, v~ t. To spuead, spread r ,2. (Imperativ:ely) Stop, leave
out, as nets. 2 To hang-, as off, be q niet.
! kl
swing or cradle. Pr. ,ylb i- ~T A.ram ~alab, adj. ,~tf~ina.te,
P. 4,~l F. ~~l .Jux:nr1o'QB. ,
)~~' Arail}.r, F. 'A female gardener, )S; l Ariw, F. An anvil.
wife 0£ a gardener. Sh· J:;; l ""
'C ~)I Arwal}., F. Soul or Spirit of
u~~~ 1 Arail}., M. A gardener. one dead, in W. P. it is used
as a singular. In U. it is
~~f; l Arbela, adj. Simple, innocent, Plural.
demented. )_,) Urwar~ p:ep. The near side,
}~} Arpar, adv. See U. Across. on this side.
2. To and fro. '
J~)\_,J1 Urwar par, prep. Eitberside1
\.!!..J} A.rat, F. Sale by commission. both sides. 2. Through to
~\; ' Artab, M. A barley mash, the other side.
· ') meal mixed with water.
~J; l Arora, M. A Hindu caste,
~}~ l Artali, M. An orderly, police- J

,. man, soldier on duty; (corr. ....sJ)J l Arnri, F'. A dunghill, heap of

Eog.) but of. H. Art~Ia. refuse.
~@~ 1 Arth, M. Annual festival at a t.:JtJ 1 Urhal}., On this side. s. R.
saint's tomb. Sh.
u~ I Arhi, F. A mirror. A thnmb-
~ T Arti, F. See U. 2. One wbo J
ring with mirror in it.
U') se11 son commission.
• •
u)I.-~ T Arhinl}., F. Mustard (Brassiea
u~J~d; i Arti Sad.hat}., Going on pilgri- jitnoea) also called Akur.
mage among Hindus. '-) Ure, adv. On this aide, here.
~) Art, M. The persian wheel
(whole woodwork) Sh. '-ft c:._) Ure pare, adv. Out of the
Artt, ··p, Engagement, pro- way, hidden. Slt.
mise. Sh. '-)) Urere, adj. Oomp. Nearer.
l~} Arja, F. Ag~, li£etime. t_?(9l Arikash, M. A sawyer, from,
u~1JJ1 Ardasi, M. A suppliant. ,, ari, saw, and kashidan to
t.:J ~J l Arzan, M. Loss, harm. 1:iy1i I Ar eral).f1
i/.J 1), t. T 0 fix rungs of
1.i:J1 Arga, M. Harm, damage. wood in the rope ladder,
~! Irk, F. The elbow. In Sh. (malh) to which are attached
Arak. M. A young bullock the cups (Iotas) for raising
not broken to the yoke. water by a Pel."sian wheel.

)S}<Q ~1 Irk ma.raw' To jog with the Pr. '~J) P. 4)'::Jl F. ~J}
elbow, nudge.
c.-:)~' Are:ri, JJ'. Transverse pieces of
LS.1 Arga ) M. .A. copper dish in
';J · ' l
which is
l~) 1 Argha, J offered to idols.
wood forming rope ladder
(malh) of a Persian wheel.

~ J Urla, M.
A yokei for a single Jr Ur, v. n. Imp.Stand with head
bullock when working a well. bent and hands on knees. Sh~
The double yoke is called
panjali. 2. Adj. of or belong-
) T Ara, M. A sandhill. 2. A
ing to this side. seat in'1:l. boat. 3. The tract.
between the and Bar
u~ l Arli, F. A wicket gate. uplands.
4JJ~ l Arman, inter. Alas, oh that!
)I Arra, ·interj. Oh, o ! .
2. See U. Grief, sorrow.
\....;,'"VI Armosh, M. Camel after 13 J.S31 ura:t;t.d,F. Flig b t, flying. 2 ..
years old. Sh. Above full ~eight.
\,'! l.b' A,,.
J)JJ 1 rawal,lf, v. t. See U, to stop,
embarrass. 2. To arrest, ~~l Azari, adj. Ill. F. u~;J1l Sh.
entangle, cumber, restrain.
~Vl Azai:Q., adv. In vain, useless.
JI Pr. li.Jj'l P. 4.)l F. ~JI .. S.R.
u_,iJ' Arathul}., adv. Three Clays ago. ~~) Azgaib, adv. Mysteriously,
li:JI Urda, M. Excess in weight
more than the amount agreed Jj l Azal, F. Eternity. U. 2. Fate.
to. )1Jt.-c) Azmawaw, v. t. See u.
t.)~1 Ardali, M. An orderly, police- Azmaua. To try, prove, etc.
man, peon, (Corr. .Eng.) See Pr. l~,,1 P. ~l.ojl F.

v' ~~'
u~I Arm;tg, M. Cloudy weather, is~,~) Az muda, adj. See u. Proved,
promising rain, . Sh. tried.
uJl Irk, M. A young untaught fl~! isJfi} Az mu~a bhannaw, v. t. To
v examrne, prove.
bullock also written "--5;1 \,' .M?·1
y~ .. ~ Azm1Jaw,v.p.
'' 0£A zmu.warrr;.

and in Sh. U)T

V.1.1 A rat;tr' 'V. n. T0 stop one's self, wjl Izzan, M. Permission, autho-
)~ rity. Sh.
come to a stand, be stopped, ~j As, F . .A piece of metal filling
arrested. Pr. l~l P. 4Jl the mouth of the mould when
molten metal is poured in,
P. c...s~JI the last to enter the mould.
~_,)\ Arwalla, adj. Crooked, erring, ~l Us, Syn. of JI That (Bom-
perverse. ford.)
u>) I A:f~~'
( I'
!f: A peach. In Sh. C:l Ussa, M. A heap of grass or ~
.A.~udai,:u. fodder.
)~rJ)i Ar wav.jaw, 'tr. p. To be bT Asa, 111. Nameohtimeappro·
stopped, arrested, entangled. priate to sunrise. Sh.
I ~ .I.\ I ::e.1.1
Pr. '~JJ P. ~:>) F. l~b ! Asaqa, pr. Of us. our, Gen. case
~ .J) of .u\:l In Salt-Range 1%. . \
~i Urh, v. n. Imp. Be ploughed. ~b I usara, M. A builder' maso;.
)S}~1 Usaraw, v. t. To build, con-
~. .t,T A:rhi, M. A companion.
~)\ A:rri, interj. Oh. 0 ! ·
stl'Uot, erect•. Pr. ,~:r'1 P.
1..5)TA:ri, F. A billock where pot-
t;.,~1 F. c..s~ri v. n.)Sr1
• tery is burnt. 2. A sandhill. v. p. #-';i.u1 c. v. )J~~r1
'-'~! Arri, F. Restiveness. 4.S}i.M1 Usari, F. Building, repairing
a.lte1•ations, bricklaying, con·
j~ t.S)l Arri baz, adj. Restive. struction.
J} '-'JI A:r:ri karaw, v. n. To be
obstinate, to jib as a horse.
U'"~1 Usas, M. Sigb. Sh.
,,}/oJJ) AssaJ;t, pron. We, Pl. o~ Main.
UJ'l A:rek, M. A kind of fall in
wrestling. In tbe Salt-Range ~! ..
1~ l Izara, M. · The lower pa.rt of a u)!~ I Asanut;t, Dative Case of w~ I
wall not under ground. in Thal and Jhelum.
Ill .:,
o:3~\.Asal}.h, Dative Case of u~l u}..u l U SSU:Q., M. A plant. (Brassica
in Salt.Range. Eruc:a) from which the com ..
J "' mon oil nsed for light-
..J,tL.l Assahur, 3 o'clock A. M. Sh. ing, and rubbing on the limbs
and hair, iA obtained. 2.
Assahnr ala tara, Morning The seed of the plant.
Star. Sh.
1.~ I .A.stawa, M. A water vesRel u~J Ishan ~ Pr. s. R. = u ~1
utied for purifying before u~l '~ to him, etc.
1l:s:~'-1Jl Istikhara, M. Augury, omen,
~~T Aseb, M. Demoniacal posses-
~~ ~ T Ase-pase, prep. adv. Here and
~t~i.>Jl Istikhara 4ekhaw, To con-
there, about, near, with it:...~
bj (,~ sultan omen.
surrounding, neighbouring.
J ~ .. ~
~""\ Asisa, F. Prayer, well wish-
)~t -~}~'->Jl Istikhara karaw, v. t. To
augur. ,,. ing. 2. A Hindu religfoua
ceremony of cooking flour
)r_,~ ;l..i1 Astar lawaw, v. t. To line a and gbi by the river side.
garment from i""' \M. Lining. ~~ 1 Aseha, adj. Of its.e1f1 Sponta-
~.P.f.-~l Ist'ifa, M. Resignation of office. . neous. Sh. Of crops=Self
See U. sown. S. R.
)5J?.~·.O.::-~l Ist'ffa ~ewaw, To resign. $-~f Usha', M. Light, glitter, glare.

)l~~;~] Ist'U:a m~l].gazg-, To require ~~,,±.l lshpawa, M. Fork in which

res1gnation. gun is rested in firing. STt.,.
v ;.~~! Ist'ifa manzur ~ To accept ~,a.! Ishtant, M. Deceipt, t:re&...
y} JJ';:,.Jw karal}.+, ~ resignation. chery.
N ~1,1.jT A.sra rakhai;t.r, To ]ean, l'ely
j, "Jo J
~ ... Ish~al].p, M.
A traitor.
v upon, trust from~ JM.Trust.
_;~1 Ishkar, M. Sport, hunting. Bh.
Yr1 Usral).'f,ii.rn.. rro be bui1tup,de- Corr. from U. .J ~
velop, to be finished,of build-
~l Ishkal}.ja, M. Ca.~ch in gun
ings. Pr. L.~ri P. ~rl JJ'. for steel. Sh.
u..wri v. ti )~~i v. P· ~~' Ashke, inter}. Bravo, well-
v v ., done.
J..._(~ l Ashkel, M. Plot, treachery,
JJ~r1 Usarwawaw, c. v. of Usarai;i!
deceipt, a. false suit.
Pr. l~,r1 :P. 4.lJri F.
~J..1 .Ashkeli, M. A conspira.tor:r
'V v {
~.,r1 . .
µ 1 Ashm.attar, adj. Like us, our
y~_,;~' Usarwal}.jal):J.\'V.p.of Usara-pr. folk. Sh.
fa 1 Askar, adj. Most. Sh. WU~i Ushnak, M. One who is dainty
Askar, adv. Generally, as a in food and dress, etc, adj.
Bha.rp, clever, used ironi-
rule. Sh. Corr. fr(}m . i()
v - ,,, r cally.
y~ I Asal}.f, M. A nest. See U.
:=. ~u.t:.1 Ushnakat, F. Daintiness in
r 1 Assn, llf. The month Sept. food, dress, etc.
15th to Oct. Hieb. In Sh.
~ \ A~al, F.. See U. Origin,
~l essence, ete. .
t!' J,.,) A~al vich, Really. ~i Ukka, M. The whole lot, all ..
J adv. Quite, at all. Sh
uJ~ \ A~lul}., adv. By an rnea:ns " "' Ukka vechalfr, v. t. To sell
Y'f.J ~l
altogether, entirely but w he~ w.bolesale.
used with a negative. By " 161.. Ukka ghinnalfr, v. t. To buy
no means, never, not at all.
" wholesale.
',.;, 1 U ~ti, M. Washing
prayer: Sh.
;J51.Sl A.kalaw, See Jllii
.) '6i Uk~l}.h, M. A tree, the Tama.-
{.lll:,l I!tila', F. See U. Information, risk. ( %.marire Orientalis).
etc. ~;\Sl Ikcinme, ad;'. Ninety-one. Syn.

)~)~.~ ( I!~ila' qewal).r,'To give notice, ~_,3'61 .

m£orm, warn, certify, report.. .j_,'b1AMwaw, v. t. To affiicf, bore,
)iy1; (~l
.. It.P,ila' pavhaw,
persecute, plague. Vex. P·r.
To send a \~1;!-~\" P. 4.\S\ F~ ~Sl
v. p. J~-0~\ v. n. )ill
"'}~T}., M. Master, Sir, Lord, <../iSl Ikai, F. A digit, unit.
~l)'l !Mith, adj. Sixty-one.
Ji·' Agarai, adj. Red brown (of <..Sll.:.Ol lktali, adj. Forty-one.
, J colour.) "'
}~l Ikattar, adj. Seventy·one.
w~ .fl Agn.bagnl)., F. Babble as
"')fl Ikattri, adj. Thirty-one.
a child.
4u.;' Aftaba, M. A water jug of
J ;
d>J\ Ukk chukk,F.Mistake. 2adj.
brass o~ copper with a spout. y Missing. Sh.
P.D. Uti/i' Ak~r. karhci, M. A
(Spilantbus olenacea)
u\J.:ili A.fatnak, adj. Disastrous, gogue, given in head-ache
fearful. See U. 1...::-j T tooth ache and paralysis 0£
Afrad, adj. Too much, unpro-
j ji Ukral}:r, v. t. To carve, engrave.
fitable or useless by reason of 2. 1'o scratch out, erase. Pr.
abundance, plentiful.
Afriqa, M. Africa.
1~.}l P. 4jt F. u~/l
;~_,l,jl Ukarwawal}f,v e. v. from Uk-
)il Iqrar, M. See U. promise, ra:i:i~· Pr. l~,,ji P. l~.~}f
; F. ~~._,/1
~; {~i 1 Iqrar fask1 To ~reak a pro- vJ/l Ikrtil}, adv~ In this way. Haz.
y·,'.T( karanr
.. '
u1 Ak M. A ·plant. ( Oalo'tropis )~:}i Ukrija:r;t\, v. !P• from Ukrat;i~·
' .
prooera.) The milk or sap is .. Pr. l~.}1 P. F.
poisonous, used in manufac-
ture of leather, bark used for ~~}l ;
· making rope.
;n Akar, ...F. See U. Pride, arro·
1J, 1\J ·u\ Ak da ghora ~ M. A m~ntis ga~ce. 2. Rigor mortis, con·
~~ . . · ' (Mantis re-
fa u\ Ak ma.kar, ligiosa,.)
;.n Akar wanjaJ.J.r, To become
\S'"' l !kka, See U. One, singie. hard, and stiff from dryness.

M. An Ekka, one horsed

Akar ke 'Qaith&, Sitting stifily
with ~ef).d b~c~. ,81;,/
na:tiye ·v~h,icqe'.
~S"T Akra, M. A disease of a.nimals, -iS'l Akh, JJ'. An eye. U. ~H
in November and December 2. A bud, of branch or root.
the £rorit legs get stiff. A sort
of. i·he.nmatism. P. D. 2. ;s_, T-iS'l Akh .A.wanr, v. n. To have
ad;. Stiff (as dough or mud) intlamed oi· red eyes.
Sh. v
v ,,,, ,. 1>3 .)' > 1.,1 Akh Uchi Karanr ) Tolook,
y,, )S'I Akrawaw, v. t. To convulse. )') ~... · · '~ look in
Pr. lulJ.~.0 P. l)Jli)\ F. , y_,L 41 Akh Milawaw, £ace, 5
·:..r " look proudly. 2. To open
u~.)S'l the eye. 3. To be blameless.
4. 1'o be successful.
;s;)T Aka:raw, v. n. See aka!n~
u. )SJbf. ~I Akh-bachawaw, To avoid
To be proud. Pr. lJj 1 the eye.
P. l~fT F. ~jT ~~ ~l Akh-9adhaw, To blindfold.
)~fl Aka:rijaw, v.p. from aka?~!
41 Akh-phurkaw, To £eel a
.. with sam~ sense. Pr. 1~.jl pulsation in the eye.
P. · F. u~.Yl ' ;s_,~~ .~l Akh-jhimkawalJ.r, To have
.. the eyelids joined or glued
'-')~11 Akri, F. A plant, called also together.
panir, (withainia coagulans) lii< ~<\
used fo coagulating milk in r~~~ ~ Akh-jhimkaw, To fear.
making cheese. "
~114..S~ .11 Akh-di lukri, F. Hide and
.J~;.)'l Aksir, F. See U. Alchemy, seek, a children's game P. D
etc. 2. adj. Very good, first Jli~~~~ 41 Akh-d:ikhalaw, To rebuke:
class. - shew displeasure, reprimand,
Ukal, M. Refining ~ Terms
J$'1 look angry.
vj used v.i, .
)~ Ukalaw, v. To refine in wa· ~SS 41 Akh-ka~haw, To look proud-
shing and cleaning to convey ly, manace.
sense of separation from dirt, v
or :fitness for separation after Y~ .~l Akh-lagal}.+, To fall asleep.
boiling or treatment with 11 Akh ' T
)~\..o -i.)
v 1
chemicals. 2. To suffer from -maraw, o hint with
eye, to wink.
heat : written also jl~l Pr. ·
t).~l p U.~i F ~1 u:!-~ ~~I l
Akhil}. tenrat To pass the
· .. ·u li Y .I? r .. kadhanr, 5 night awake.
<..l"~n lklas, M. Love, affection. ~,~ l.!:.J~ • ••

;Ls-1 Akal}.+, v. n. To be vexed. ul1~#1 Akhil}._de,.aggnl).}To.ignore,

Pr. \J.~\ P. ~~l F. u~l ;s_, T~... mel}.Jh awar,i.r, wmkat.
v. t. )JJ '6'1 ;1tl w:!-~l Ak~il}. l~gaw, To contra.ct
Y~t , •I 'f friendship or afiection for
\>l.> 1 Ukkan.r, v .. n. See· U. w._ 1 .J any one.
To miss, :fall short. Pr.
\J,.)'j P. ~~j F. u~j ~-' L):!-~l Akhil}. vich ret ~ To th:ow
v '-!. .... h tt dust mto
Ly~3_,~! Ikwal}.jha, ad}. Fifty-one.
y1~ i...:;_,.~.J g a aw, the eyes.

Akhin korhian ~ To protrude

~J! Ikwi, adj. Twenty-one. In
Sh. Ikoi or
Jl ~}:;'-.!bj_,5'
J. ()
w.. Y' ·
· · the eye
Ioo k a;~
lil.!b-35 gri11 .
u 1_,~_,)l Ikwiwan, adj. Twenty-first. v )
... P. D .. )3)..o ud'Etl Akhil}. mar~n~1r, To ogle.
15 J}I
v - ,,,
4.s'1 Akkha, M. One side of a )-45 \ A~aw, v. n. '110 say, tell,
kajawa P. D. mfol'm, allege, call, discuf;s,
rehearse, rema~k. Pr. \JJI) T
~le)1 Akhara ~ M. See TJ. An
t. .b\ /) Akh, · ', arena. 2. A cat- or \J.~T P. F. u~T
U -t.> a+ ha, tle track. Spelt
2 M. A word, speech, com-
also without an initial 1 alif. mand.
3. A. set 0£ indigo vats and
place where indigo is dried.
)J_,1_,.~fl Akhwawaw, o. v. from

Syn. ~Jlef
Akha1)! 1 To say, Pr. )~·-"'\
P. 4.S~.s'l F. ~.,~S'l
jJ45"1 Ukha:raw, v. t. To root up,
eradicate, pluck up. 2 To )1_,.~S'\ Akho:raw, v. t. To· separate,
dislocate. Pr.l~~)p1 P. take to pieces, undo, open, to .
\ij .e{i
F. u~)~5'i v. n.j)~S'I root up, pull np. Pr. 1~.)~1
c. v. )J_, l_,)tf1 P. 4J,~l F. UIM~)eS'l
)n4~1 Akhalaw, v. t. To clean out a l:!-~T Akhia, M. A word, command,
watercourse. Pr. 1~~45'\ P. speech cf. U.

l:tJl~fl F. u~lpl see H. )b!~~~l

Akhijaw, v. p. from .A.khai;,it:.
l v
Akhalna, To throw up. c. v. To say. Pr. ~~l P.-F.
)3_,1µ1 UUJ.~f\
)1 1'i~\ Akhaw, M. Adage, saying, .:::::-~?.-~\ Akhije, adv. As if to say,
legend, proverb, axiom . ,,. namely, though, like as.
. ).~~5'1 Ukher, F. A. term in wrestling .
.;#I Akkhar, M. A letter 0£ tbe
Alphabet, a word, signaturn. YJ ~ )1.-~~1 Ukher maraw' To lift and
throw down an adversary.
ul;..;~5T Akhar khal}., Proud, conceited.
Sh. '-)~~1 Akere, adv. Before (Bomford.)
~- ~
J'P I Akhur, F. Buttermilk, used in JI Agg, F. Jl,ire. Sh.
is~l Ugah, M. Witness. Sh.
Khetran country. . ,
~)~)pl Ukhrawi, F. A trough. Sh. ~l Agujj, F. Percolation. Sh.

J)~i Ukharaw, v. n. To be rooted uJ~\ AgfOl}., adv. Formerly, before.

, Sh.
up, dislocated. Pr. IJ)esl P. uJ?tiJjT Agardhu:rh . adv. Suddenly.
4)~S'i F. l..S~J~j v. t. )~~S'i Haz.
u)~\ Aggal}.dUJ}., adv. In future. Sh.
j_,~)~1 Ukha:rwawaw, c. v. from
Ukharat:tt:, Pr. l~l~.))~i P.
ii! .

Aggu, M. The man who takes

crushed sugarcane out of the

4.1);~1 F. ~))Pi . press, Syn. /1
Ukhlal}.+, v. t. To pound, beat, isl}! Ugwah, M. A witness.
bray in a mortar. 2. To kick.
ut i1
1 Ugahi, ~ F. Evidence, wit·
Pr. l~~lt.s'i · P. l:!-1~5'1 F. f ~1 Ugwahi, ~ ness.
u ~-(I
.. t1 v k UL '.'.I< ;h· d
y,~.<;) ul~)I Ugwa l :ewaw, To attest,
j_, Sl~l Akhalwawaw, c. v. from witness, record.
akhala~!· Pr. l~._,iES'\ P. ~t~Js\ Agobhra, a~j. forward. Sh.
J,~I Agol, v. t. Imp. Search. Sk.
4,1_,i~l F. l..S~·~S'l
•t~I Agh, M. Market price, rate, jJfi Ugaral}.f, v. t.To co11ect or
price current. recover revenue or debt. Pr.
)1-'i~ JI Agh bhanna:rg-, To :fix: a I~){! P. 4J'.S1 F. u~)~
price current. v. n. jji v. p. ~j1
jtl JI Ag~ lagaw, To fetch· a good c. v. j_,~j1 ,
price. ·
y,~~_, JI Agh w.adh~waw, To ad-
'-'Jlfi Uga:ri, F. The collection of
vance m pr10e. money, whether for revenue,
debt or charity. Offertory.
~l U gha, M. A wiper, Esp. J

collector 0£ opium. '-'-'ll>lfl AgahtiJJ., adv. In advance,

before, :from the first, or
Y~~1 Ughara, adj. Naked, uncov- beginning. M. Advance of
ered. money.
)~~ti Ugharaw, v. t. See u. Ug- ~~T Agat, F: Credit side of aooonnt,
harna, to uncover. Pr.
opposed to. 1..:.,..~l;:--
l~~.)~~1 P. l~J\I! F. 1..5)w.~.;11 h3 f ~~T Agat karai;i.r, To enter on
v. n. y)~l ) J credit side of account.
;11 ,ll
Aghalaw, v. t. To rinvse a ~1 Ugachh, M. Vomit of birds or
vessel, cloth. Pr. l~l v animals.
P. ~I.ti F.·~ )VI Ugchhaw, v. n. Tornmina.te,
v vomit, used of animals. Pr •
. j_,~l Aghawai;i.r, v. t. To fetch a
l~l P. ~1 Jl.
good price. Pr. l~tll P.
wlF. ~~I
l1lf Ughla, M. Sleepiness, drowsi-
~)fi Aga:r pichha:r, aifo. One after
ness, a doze, a naip. .. another, one behind another.

ioJ_,~~I Ughlawaw, v. n. To doze, jy 1 Ug:raw, v. n. To be colleoted,


J nod, slumber, droop. Pr. recovered, P·r. l~f'i :P. 4_)ti

\~~l1 P. p. ~~l F. ~y 1

Agharg-, v. n. To be sold. 2.
To be granted. 3. To be jJGli Uga:rwawaw, c. "v.
successful. Pr. \J.ll P. ~1 Uga!&l)~, Pr. h.\~J)!i P.
.F.~I 4, l,y1i F. ~~yi
)li{f Ughai;i.r, v. t. To wipe, wipe fe yi Ug:rija1g,.v. p. from Uga:an:
out or up. Pr· l~tf P. ... Pr. l~yi P. F. ~.j1
.... .....
~11 F. ~ti V. P. ~11 J1T Agal, f
·ull Ughi, F. Act of wiping. Esp. J!i Agil, SPrep. Before, first.
collecting opium.
~fr Ugh~al}.f, v.p. from UghalJ~.
J1i Ugal, M. Chewing the end.
P.-F. ~1 j_,~)~ Jf1 Ugal ch.a.:rhawa:Q.:r, ( Tochew
- ,
Aga, M. See U., front. jJ} J:f Ugal karaw, Sthe cad.
~If I Ag·a:ra, M. The front of a. llfl Agla, adj. See U. ll5l Pre-
ceding, former, next.
c.J~ ii4 l Agla jahan, M. The future /1 Aguhh]., adv. Forwards,
state, next world . u~ before, of time.
• .J
li 164 1 Agla pahar, 9 a.m. Sh. _r.;. c..Jtof\ AguhiJ.J. khabar 4ewaw, To
) t y
ji.t . prophesy, foretell.
~l Uglan:r, v. n. To chew tbe
c:...p!'~l Agere,prep. Before, further
cud, rnminate Pr. 1~1fl P.
~lF.~l ~fl Agel}., prep. Before, with
~T Agli, F. A piece cut from one reference to time past, once,
U joint to another from certain ever. Sh. Agge. S. R. w~l
reeds, as sugarcane, millet, Jl All, F . .A. title, nickname. Sh.
JT Al, F. See
#i Ugmal}.+, v. n. To sprout,
come up. 2. To quarrel. 3.
U. but in W. P. has
to daughter's
family, 2. A post-position or
To break out, as an eruption. suffix, signifying " descen-
4. To appear suddenly, Pr. dants of" Sh. 3. Yellow
orpim.ent, kings yellow,
ldi P. ~L1 F. ~1 trisulphide of arsenic.
y~ ~l Agan }Jaw, M. A fire arrow. JI Al, A preposition attached to
many words and signifying,
tn JI Agan hom, M. A burnt offer-
ing, a ceremony used by
Brahmans. Jl Al, ?Post-position. Towards
/i Agu, M. A forerunner, har- _,H Alo, ) (Bomford.)
binger. 2. The man who take8 ~ 'J1 Alpal F. A minute, moment.
crushed sugarcane from. the
'(!'' ~ J1 Alpal Vich,adv.Immediately .
.J press.
" ~I Ala, }f. Voice, cry, of man.
u,fl/\ Agwatul}., See u.n.111 2. Speech. Sh .
u/1 Agul}., prep. Before, with j_,T ~1 Ala Awai:ir,
To become audi-
reference to place, forward. ble, to be heard .
y) Tu/1 Agul}. .J
awaw' To come before
2. To reap what one has
;4! ~\ Ala 'Qahaw, To become
· hoarse, to lose one's voice.
.J ~T Ala, M. In S. R.==doer,
u~ u/1 Agnl}. pichhul}., One after possessor.
"' another.
.J J~l Ulad, F. Generation, offspring,
JI_y:l Agnl}.te, } prep. Before, with race, descent.
,_r.;;u/1 Agnl}.tel}.,reference to both ~1 Ular, M. Food 0£ animals
.. time and place, ahead, for .. ) which is left or spoiled.
Ular karaw, v. t. To leave
~iL?" f 1 Agnl}.
.J ,
jnlaw, To follow one or spoil food •
.r:. u after another.
j}1 UlaraJ.J.+, v. t. To.raise the arm
u!l uf \ Agul}. lag ~aw' To go to strike, to threaten. Pr.
..,,Y :C before. l~jl P. 4.}l F. ~)1
YJt/1 .J
Ag:ihal}. , ,
F d
orwar s, o
£ cJLo~I .A.lamal}., M. An orator~ one
u time. good at repartee.
j~l Al&ni, adj. ·without a saddle,
j#w~/t Aguhal}. thiwaw, To be
- forward inone's work. t.,.5 Sh.
t.Jll 18
~l ~l Alag alag, adv. Separately,
r ~1 Ala"wanr v. n. To speak, cry
.T) out. .•Of' man and anuna . 1

Pr. 1~~1\ P. F. u/.1,1.1.'!1 J.Jl Ilmilyaqin, adj. Capricious,
~.. .. " ... oha11 geabl e, onstead y, unreli-
past tense is sai.d to be also able, fickle-minded.
\l>~~\ but not used with the
W') • w~I ~\ Alal}.g, F. Rampart, battle·
instrumental case, as JS .. ment· See U.
. ~J~l Alawani, F. A dirge, mourn- jl Allo, F. Sleep.
~ fol song sung at fnnerals
P.D. Allo karal}.+, To sleep.
u!I Alta, 'fi!I. That which is g~od Alwawal}.+, o. v. from Ala-
in a quantity of material,
opposed to Phog, that which waJ')~" Pr. l~}l P. 4)}\ Il.
is worthless.
1,tl}1 Ultanr v. t. To overturn. ~.}I
) . ..' l>(I) Alogar adj. Ownerless, bns-
Jl~~J Alkhaliq, F. A kind of silk ; )' "
,,. material for garments. handless.
i.3)1 Ulraig·, v. n. To grow up, J_,ll Alol M. Affla.enoe, abo.oda.nce•
) grow tall, !>f crops. 2 .. To pr~fusion, a condi:ion _of life
spdng up, rn order to strike. in which self~dE'nia.1 18 :not
To rush at one in a rage, to necessary. 2. Affection, of a
strike. Pr. 1Jjl P. ~JI obild.

F. u~)1
jj J_,ll Alol karaw, v. n. To live in
u!.jl Al~il}., F. Invitation givea by J J
court.esy, not intended to be Jh J_,Jl Aitil jahil, M. A sloven. uilj.
accepted. • Slovenly.
~T Alas, F. See U. Indolence. u}T Alnl}., M. The potato (Solanum
"~ u--lT Alas bhanna~r, To stretch T't'1berosu.m.)
) one's self, arouse one's self.
J . ~LS::
u}T Alnl}. bukb.ara, JI. Bokbam or

~ ~!
1 .. Alghurza, M. A whistle, pipe,
small flageolet.
Plum, (l'nt1ou
fresh or dried.
ua;il! Alghara~, adv. Bee U. In short. w}i Ulln1}., M. An owl.
adj. Thoughtless, without I
covetousness. wl\,s;ll Alnwal}., adj. Insipid, taste-
) lea.a, without salt, ( neg-
1....-.J.~ll Alghaib, M. See Tl. Secret, v,
· " invisible. Part. l and J>i Salt.)
uJil' ~t.~l Alghaib kaun!}., Suddenly, J

unexpectedly. wbll Altihal]., aifj. New born.

u~I Alghaibi, aclj. Unexpected. .y}\ Allah, M. God.
ul Alif, M. The first letter ia the J.J~ ~l Allah bhawelf, Would to
alphabet. God, may it please God.
v •
YJ:!-t~ Ull Alif thiwa~r, To become u~! ~J Allah l)eli, } Adien, fare ..
erect, to rear. · ~b.. -t11 Allah ~afi2, well, may God
-ifli Ulaggh, v. t. Imp. Pass over. be with you.
.:t.ilJ:; ~~I Allah jall-i- Shana.. God
t-J!l1 Alag, adj. See. U. Separate. whose glory is great.
Lr '.:i.hi\
. 19
u"'~ -t1l Allah~£;f, God is my all. l J.~i Ambli, ·p. A small unripe
mango. 2. Tama.rind tree
Li} ~I AJ.lah lok, Jf. Demons, proba- 1
a.rid fruit. (Tamarinrlus
bly ao called from fea.r of I indfra.) 8. A. tree having
offending them. Lit. God's I
people. I hard wood and very sour
berries about the size of
goop;e berries (Emblica o.tfici-
'WT Alha, iJ.f. The udder, ma.mmaey. , nalis.)
. ~~~ I
J-*'° l Amblir, 3[. Forceps.
\Jf> '.JT Alha mruha, 3'!. Male
of generation.
~ T Ama.d, P.
J See U. Com-
fog, a. r r i-
u \)41i Ulhal}.Wal}., adj. Long, need of ! .1" _ ,, •• val. 2. The
?* l tf.)>J...ol Amda:rnig., future.
faces, opposed to Jy ronnd- j
J./.ltlJ....1 Umdhawa.:g:r,
fa.cad. ! v. t. To invert,
tum upside down.
)~I Alhar, ailj. See lJ. Alar. Un· l
(,.$J)k\ Amuradi, a1fo, Unnecessarily,
taught. unskilful.I uselessly, P. D.
ul~T Al.ha.+&I;L, } Jf. A bird's nest.' Amrf, a1lj'. Natural, not
Ut\T .Alhni., In Sh. ullal I artificial, Sh.

j1 Ulli, 'Jt1. A bt.11. I yjol Am;i, E'., lra. Dim,

from: t._}..,l
~\ Aleti, F.. A. low ha,rdy, j
uaofnl in draught. P. D. not l
in Goldstrea.m'a Grasaoo of l
v..;.. T Am;ezt S&mhreth ar'lj• .Oppo ..
sitt~, in front. face to
R.P. I J..r.--
"' 1

~....Jo\ .A.muss, t~. n. To become aligbl-


t~ rT Am sh&m, Ii'. Protection. ly putrid. high. Sh ..

"r?JL.l Imari, F. A covered litter, 1 ~i Ummak, F. Reliance, hope of
oa.rried by a.n elephant. j help.
• 1,.., l .A:m&n, F. Bee. U. Security. j ~l Am.Uk, v. n. Imp. Ferment
2. Depoaiti what is ginn on !
trnst. . l jlof Umla.~:r, v.
(u grsin) Sb..
n,. 'ro writhe as
5L;i Um.·'a,n, adj. Flowing (wat&r)I !:,
one paue.ed. To. wander as
Sh. . a. madman.. To wa.Uow.
Pr. \al.of P. ~1 F .. ~j
h..,\, M. Granary (Sh.) II
0 U..T .!.mn&l}, M.. Order,,, (ob&} used
c:..d.~ t Ambara.t, F. Building, strno-1
..I • ture, edifice. , on1ywithverb ;u..- mann&l}f*
I To be subject to, obey.
.i. ~l A.mbchu:r, F. Mango parings
.JJ.,,.. dried in the sun. t.)J... l Ama.nna:g,, adj. Ac o e pt e if,
received, believed.
\' ... ,
~~.· l Ambrassa, } M. A aweet- yj wU..1 .!m.a.nn&J} ka.ra'.Q.f, •· t .. To
Li.f."° l Amb&?Sha, meat of aooepb, believe.
• rice, ftonr and sttga.l"..
¥...l_,41 Amii.dh&, ailj. Lying on face.
ti\~·' Ambalt&s1'}F. A tree (Gama
u-~1 Al}.balt&s, } Indian . 1 ~l A.mti.i}:da, adj. Upside down,
La.bumum. U. ..........UL.\ pl'ODO..
fj ~~s,~l Anrnl}.da karaw, To turn
upside down.
JUI Ana,i, F. Drought, failure 0 £
rain or canal water for irriga-
tion. 2. Turning over a.
Yt·-o1 Umhaw, v. n. To be used. chappati to cook the other
B. I?i. side, also written u1Y \
d."° T Amil}., inter. Welcome. Sh.
..e~Lll Unai~h, adj. Fifty-nintl.
~1 Umel].d,} F. Hope, expecta-
~~1 Umed, tion. See U. AI].b, M. Mango tree and fruit
(Man?ifera Indica) U. 2. An
j,Y ~ 1 Umed lahawaw, To give up, eye disease, Pterygium.
lose hope. J v
;1_, ~1 Umed war, M. Applicant,
),:;- ~)
·1 AI].b chur, F. Parings of man-
suitor, candidate. U. adj.
goes dried in the sun.
c..:.;j~5l AI].barat, ~ F. Building, edi-
"r')J ~I Umed wari, F.
apprenticeship. U. 2. preg- ~) l~..o l Ambarat, i fice, structure.
•._,,...,UiJ.5• l Anbaltas I M. and F. A tree
'-t?JI_, ~f--"°1 Umedwari thiwaw, To con- • ' I
llli l Ambalt" } (~assia fistula)
j,~ ceive. l.J" •~ as, Indian Labur-
uT AI}., Post-position of accusa- num. U. Ul.-o \
v • '....r
tive. Sh. ::::::: uJ~ u~~,; l AI).bali, ~ F. Small unripe
U..O 1 A b li n;ango. 2. Tama-
AI)., 2. F. one-eighth of an C...S • Dl a ' rmd (Tamarinilus
acre. It is the unit of area Indica.)
used in talking of cash rents
and is measured with a reed Jwl Untali, adj. Thirty-nine.
(Kanan) 6~ft. long, of which
it is 15 in length and 12 in filil•. Anantar, ~ adj.
A t
endless, eternal
breadth. ( =845 Sq. yards) ·
~.o 1 nan ' infinite (of God)
See.~;"" P.D.
,) Un, F. Wool. ...s_?i Unatri, adj. Twenty-nine.
j) l Amir, ad}. Three. dl lI].j, adv. In this way. S. E.
,.} Inal}., Pr. These, P.
ulil UnalJ., Dative of _,' in the
di UI].j, adv. In that way. Sh.

A.IJ.J, l aclJ. Sep~rate,

v- ,,,/"' • •
Hazara Diflt,rict. In R. it s. ~vi distinct
is Dative Pl. t31 A.Jfj, \ apart, aside.
c.).iT AnalJ,, M. An egg. 2. Eyeball.
3. TI- of a rupee=four pice. 'jj dl A:tij K~raw, To put
or aside, separate, disunite
Anel). di bagal}.d, F. Albumen, exclude.
;3y.;.~ dl A:tij thiwaw,
white of egg.
To be sepa.:rated.
'\JI unanme,
1:...~ ,. adJ°. Eighty-nine. I ~l ~51 AI].j-o-al}.j; Each one separate~
Syn. '-jlil v v
~J tt_ l AI].j _val}.j, M. Pl. Limbs, Sing•
..ysUi Unal).h, Dative Pl. 0£ J 1in the [ 0 Sh.
Salt Range. Syn. u~;f
t~l AI].jam, M. Peace. 2. See u.
'-!:.J_,Ur Unawat ' } F · Ch~rge for
..,_,Ur Unawi, weavmg. Sh.
J} ~~sl Anjam k&raµ., To make
)~l A:r;i.jabar, A plant (Berberis J ~J.! I .A.:r;i.dha khn, '.M. A dungeon,
Lycium) The dried extract deserted welL
of the root is used as an
application in opbthalmia and /~w.!l A:r;i.dhar,M. ~ Obscurity 1
is said to be good for snn-
blindness (?) To be distin-
I Andharl,
F. gd
~ 0 smto,rm.
guished from the plant of this 2. Anarchy, tyranny. 3. Dark-
name in the Punjab. (Poly- ness, in a spiritual sense.
gonum bistorta) which is 4. A blind over a horse's eyes.
astringent, whereas the Bar-
berry is laxative and diaph- A:r;i.dhara, M. Darkness, obscu-
oretic. It is given in rheu- rity. 2. Tyranny. adj. Dark.
matism. .JV

~~J..>\ Alfdhlira, M. Dimness.

(,J'f.~3 l ll}.jeI]., adv. In this way, S. B.
Syn. J):l ~.ltJJ.SI
1.:...:' .Anclhei,
• .., M. Blindness, aark-
~1 U:r;i.jel}., adv. So. S. R.
{'1J.jl Andam, M. Member of body, p-it>i.>.S\ Al}.dher,. lJf. Tyranny. See. U..
v• v
joint, limb, organ. S. R. ~ _F.ltJJ.31 Al}.~her ghattaw, To tyran--
Ju.rT A:r;i.dr, F. Intestine, bowel, mze.
entrail. Met. A child Syn. ls.JI .!1}.4a, M. The load on one side
1~T Sk. of a. camel; orhJa. a~daJ the
near load ; parla. a~d!i, the off
c..SJ~i)-'J~T Al].d.r wadhavi, F. Hiccough. load.

) u.31 Indr ~ 1 • A female goat that J}~ 1-s.J I .AJ2.Q.a mara:r;i.;, u. t. To trip up.

./ · ~ gives milk before

t...S) J..i I I:r;i.dr1, bearing young. 2. A. in wrestliug. Sh.
malformed woman, incapable
of bearing children. 3. A
}H Anqa.r, adj. Entire. Sh.
kind of black thin barley. J.,bVl l ,
~ c)..) al}..q+a, M. An egg. 811.,
JJ.Jl A.I].dar, Prep. Within, inside.
j \ Aw, A prefix of n~ation
See U.
answering to un, im, in, in
;~ JJ.ll A.i;Ldarwar, ad'V. Inward. English, and to cJ l in U rdn.
~ ;ull .A.I].darla, adj. Inner, interior,
inward. C-:.JJ~i Uwawa.t, ~.· F. C~arge.. for
I "1 u , . We&Vlng~ Si.
c.J~~ JJ l .A.:r;i.d.ra, in, F. A gourd ( Oitrul- r..;, y l].J&Wl,
lus colocynthus.)
J~I Al}.ra,f, See Ana.1...
~JJ.H 11}.darjau, M. A plant (Hol-
arr h en a anti-dysenterica) 'j: j l A1}.r b&l].f, F. Disagreement,.
seeds officinal. ln Sh. A:1!1 ~~·
u!JJ.!I A.I].drash, M.A lining. 113 j I Aw . tara, adj. Unable to
4~~ I Al,ldarakha, M. A kind of swim.
jacket for man. In Sh. And-
u~ jl AJ}.t cha.lJtaJJ., adj. Unwell,,
~~T Al,ldri, The left hand bullock
.. when yoked. Sh. 2. Player J>JI Aw ], adv. Unjnaly.. In
on inside of pi~ k&n~i. Sh.
Bh· ~) S. M .. Wrong,,
.b v- (
_;'"I Al}.clif, F. When coming.
.b • t
UbJ) jl ~r&dha, aitj. Uneult.iva.tei·
J, \I
cf-.J""J -;~,
22 ;!_,l).il
------------· - - - - - - -
....... -------
j*~l AW Sikha:Q.dar,. adj. Clumsy,
1l~Jl AI.lgara, M. See u.
Live coaJ,
:fire· 2. Rage, wrath.
· Awkward, untried, untaught,
M. A novice.
~lGl Al].gasi, F. An aITangement
,j.'l>;j\ Aw stihan,., adj. Unac- by which water is raised, by
quainted. a. persian wheel to a height
a.hove ground, as for filling
~y\ A:t;rr khut, adj. Inexhaustible. tanks for the railway. 2. A
forked piece of wood.
;)!:'*y\ Aw giwtar, adj. Countless.
i4Jil A:Q.r mull&, .aaj. Without pay- -ir_,;tJ 1 Al].g:ro~h, A Walnut ( Juglans
ment, gratis. regia) U. c..!;_,jl
jy1 Uwaw, v. t Weave. Sh. v'
J,~ujl / UJ.}.g Shm.].g, F. A trace.
w.;1,,~I AW waqif, adj. Ignorant,
· unknown.
JCl AI.lg li, F. Toe. Sh.

l~l_,jl Anr wahnda M. .A share in i.iC l AI.lg ani, F. Grains left on the
the crops given in lieu of threshing floor after t.he
interest, etc., when the removal of the heap, it is t.he
receiver has had no i::hare in perquisite of the mochi,
the expense or labour of called also kuqhi.
working the land (Lit. with- J
out working) Something tJ/31 Al].gntha, M. Thumb, great
unearned, such as water toe.
rent. .P
~;lbjl Aw ho:Q.d, adj. Non-existant. ~)_,Cl .A.I].gnri; F. Shoot, sprout,
F. Non-existence. " h!ade, granulation. 2. Grape,
' .-\ t . u A t . tb vine.
~J Allfl, L'. sy m e eye. .P
2 A.ntimonyboxorreceptacle, 1iJ lo..
) -' : ~)J,
Cl Angnri J""awanr T •
for the eyes.
1iY .!? t _'(Y\ A
,- ·
~;b{sl 11].kari, M. One who denies, Jlbc.}.J 1..r~r> I.lgur1 kagha:Q.r,
..' ogranu
Sprout. 1
45'_f.s l AI.lkhrakha, M. A one-eyed
..yCl AI].ga, M. Vaccinator. Sh.
person. 4,-C I Al].gia, M. A female garment
Y.~I Anakhari, F. Fallow land. Sh.
uJI A:r;ig, Jd. See U. Body, limb, ii:~11 Una:Q,ja, adj. Forty-nine. Syn.
member. 2. Fork of a tree . ~~Jjl
or branch. 3. Mark. '
A:Q.g-lawaw, v.t. To mark. y; I Anaw,
v- ,,
v. t. To bring. Pr.
JJl Al}.gg, v. t. lmp. Vaccinate. 1~11 P. 1'-'H 4. ~T F.
Sh. ~I The root T is used
.l..:i- .. -
~JI Al}.g Q.hal].g, M. Good appear-
in composition with other
~lt)~ anoe. See H. dhing. verbs as an intensive.
<....t.LuJI Al}.g Sal}.g, Relationship, kin •
~)~l Invari, adv. See ~1_,;l P. D.
.)lll ull Al}.g laga:Q,r, To be confirmed
in an opinion, to understand
have effect. ' y_, ~,;1 Anwawaig-, o. v. from j;i
t~Jl, v. t. Imp.
nated. Sh.
Get vacci-
.. ·t
Pr. 1~. ) ;} P. Gl ,, F'•

Anvat, M.

(A toe ring
having a
y1 Annha, l
~ty;IAnhara, (
Anva~1, F. 5sh i e 1 d
silver or enamel on upper
j~~ I Anhera J
Adj. Blind. Sh.

side. cf. U. ~);\

~}~;I Anhari, { F. Darkness, dust
lJ'_,~l Ami~ha, M. Thumb, great toe. Y-/-·~·jl Anheri, S ofatorm. Bk.
~~~_,;\ Anokh:ra, ac7j. Singular, un- ~yl Unhala, M. Rot weather. Sh.
common. Sh.
~T Anhar, lYf. A bridegroom's
~)H Al}.wala, M. .A. tree (FJmblica best man, called also Sabala,
offioina/.is) the fruit, leans 2. An entire, uncastrated
and bark of whic:p. are medi- male a.nimal opposed to
cinal, as febrifuge, and as- khassi, a steer.
tringent in diarrhcea, dysen-
tery, and as a. decoction to .JJtH AIJ.hwar, F. An uneven, one-
the eyes. sided load.

u}! lntil)., Prep. From this side.

NJ. - ,,
u:!3l Anel]. te 1;>ahaw, v. t. To incu-
,{ , I , , bate, hat.oh.
u'°J l u} 1 llUl). UllUI}.,Prep.Round about.
-' l 0 P_ron. He, she, it, that,
u)~1 UnU.1)., Prep. From that side. they, PZ. unhen. 2 Inter.
Ho. used by men to women.
J_,;1 Amini, Long drawn howl of
dog or jackal. Sh. l_,T Awa, M. A potter's kiln, brick
kiln. A sma.ll one is ca.Iled
Ly~s_,;j Unwal}.jh~, aaj. Forty-nine. .!wi.
Syn. d:~l

:s~_,j\ Anwanda, A small water cut,

1i_,1 Awara, M. See u. ,1,1
Wandering, r a. y. adj.
. au pplying a single field and desolate, waste.
taking off from a diatribu-
tary channel. iJj j ~\ Awara gard, M. Wanderer,
vagabond. ailj. gone a.stray,
c...S_,if U nwi, adj. Nineteen. In Sh. useless, vain. adv. wandering
j ~ \ A waz, F. See U. Soundt voice.
u~)H 11}.Wel).,
Locative case of .i:...\
This (Bamford). y_,T j~l Awaz awat;tr, To become
audible, to be heard.
ajl 11}.h, Syn. of J.,1 ~j ~ 1 Awaz l}ahaw, To become
' hoarse, lose one's voice.
~l Unh, Sy'n. J 1 in S. R.
.Jy,1 Awazar, adj. Discontented,
~T Ana, M . .A. weight= 5 tolas or diopleased, angry.
1 chha~aki. Sh. hy.J~\_,I Awazar
; herit.
karal].:r, To disin-
A.ily;l Unhal).h, Dative of J\ ins. R.
JLu~1 Awasar, ad}. Without owner.
uj;Lyj1 Unhamh;i, Dative 0£ _,l in adv. Thoughtlessly, careless-
Thal and Jhelnm. ly.
lySl Anha, .M. Thong fastening ~""Jl_,l Awal].dha, M. The h~ad of a
plough toy~ke. Sk. wa terco u.r:se.
24 U)it>J~)\
,,,,_,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,----·~-- ,---------;----:---------------
.:;.,~ ~.iJl;l Aw&i;idh& l&waw, To open ..J';I O~hi, M. A camel driver.
v v watercourses. v le~_, 1 Ojha~, } ad1': 0£ that kind,
~~~.l..;1_,) Awal}.dha Qadhairr, To close , ,}t~J1 Ujihal}., hke that.
watercourses. ~
U,.}ll;I Aw&i;idh& valei;idli, One who ;t.;>-Jj Aujhar, adj. Astray, a. place
1.i.1J turns •treams of bribes on where the way is difficult to
.. '. ) himself. find.
Jl~I Awlii;ir, Jf. A caste of men '-'ftJl Ojhd, F. Tb~ stomach, maw,
who make matting from gizzard of birds, the ventricle
palm leaves. in which food is digested
used of animals only. '
~Jr Ubhek, M. Retching, vomiting. l.~._,,1 u cha, adj. High, lofty.
~;f '\'l'bhekai;ir, v. n. To retch, r.) 1Auchar, M . . Sickness caused
vomit. by over£eedmg in cattle.
"'-' 1 Od, F. A layer, pressing a
~_,I Ol;>a, p1·on. That one, pointing branch of a plant into the
· out which. ground to form a root and
fresh plant.
l.:'t_, I Ol;>atta, !tf. Retching, vomit·
ing. 1JJi Audra, M. Agitation, £ear
fright, perplexity, alarm, dis:
JJv -J dt_,l
Obatte awaw, To retch, may, dread, confusion.
vomit, be disgusted.
j_,~'-'_,T Audrawait:r, o. v. from
!fv_,1 Opra, adj. Strange, foreign, Audranr.
a.lien, unknown. . v - . ••

~L~j1.i_,l Utal}.walasah, Short breath.

JJ'°'-' I Aud:al}.:r, v. n. To be confused,
ag1tatedd,da~armed, perplexed,
ing. , amaze , ismayed, to be in
ysJ I Utta;, adj.Excitable,quick, doubt, ~o JJ
dread. Pr. l'-' 1
hasty. Sh. P t., I - _,,
· -'J'°'' F. ~ti.)) I .Audria

JJ 1 u~_,li)I Utawalal}.-nal, adv. Quickly. aa·J· Confused,/ agitated '

perplexed, alarmed. '
!f_,1 Autra, M. A childless man.
J!~J_, r Ud . ka:fir, M. A giant.
adj. In Sh. childless.
LSj _, i Autrak, adj. Childless. In
fJ_, r Udha, M. Boar. Sh.
Sh. y_,i )JJ 1 Udhar, M. Loan, debt.
iJJ_,1 Udi, F. A bo1e dug fa the
}yGj,1 Autrnikhatr, adj. Childless. ground from which to shoot
v}_,i Aritri, JJ'. A childless woman. game, a pit.
y, i Auta:r, v. n. Imp. Disagree, ;Zb~-' 1 Oghar, ~ M. A screen, shelter.
quarrel. M. Quarrel. Bh. it>~ l Odhir adv. 9ut of sjght,
) ....'.j • ' b e h l n d one's
wf,f Uttol}., M. Vomiting. Sli. back.
~tir_,I Uthar~, M. Nightmare, sleep WD~J 1 Oqhna, clothing worn round
walkrng. Bk. ,
the shoulders. Sh.
)J'~s, r, M. Fit of choking. ~_,I 0~, M. A caste of men who
make mud walls. 2. A block-
~_,I ~t, F. Support, Shelter. Sh. head, fooJ .
.flJ1 U~h, M. A camel. 1~_, I O~aj adj. So Jarge.
l4S_, I Otha, adj. Of: or belonging to u)ltil~_, l 04ahnl}., adv. Thence, from
camel. that direction.
25 i, I
----··· -·-····-----
~ti~_, I O~ahiI)., adv. Th1we, in tl!at · 45)\ Aukha, adj. Difficult, arduous,
- directfon. dark, formidable, distressed.
adv. hardly.
u)~Jl Oqnl]., aav. Thence, from that /_,l Okhar, M. Leavings of cattle'B
·direction. 1 fodder, refuse. Sh .
..:}, I 04e, adv. In that direction,
that side.
II i~·~J l Ukhal}h, M. The Ta.marisk
tree (T11.marfa orientalis)
j ~.

1'1 Ura, M. A spinning frame. I Syn. .JS _~t'..1

• ,./ .J

• <...J:l Og l
F. A wedge fixed inf,o
.; Oral}.h, ~
adv. Th'is n. R Cl '·
i.. ,
' t
~\ Og,
s· the sole of a plough,
kur. to keep the np-
ut;' I Orha:Q., . j :right driving stick firm in
cJit>J' I Orhte, arlv. Dn this side, op- 1 its place.
posed to paurte, on that side. I zV., \
Ugrah, { i·. t. Collect ( reve-
Orhla, adv. On this side. jb~ \ Ugahr, S 11ne.)
~)~l Ugrahf, F. Collection (of
u \Jit>)J l Orhwal}., adv. Belonging to 1t!Venue).
this side.
~Jl Aughra, M. A niol1e in the
_,ii>;;I Orho, l atlv. Nearer tbar1, bank of a eamt.l, or side of a.
w·ell> where & mn.n stands to
u~JJ l Orhol}., 5 from on this aide. p&M on earth thrown up

'-':;) i Urf, I!'. A windln.RR Ufiotl in

ma.king nn<l cltHi.uinl{ wt·ll"',
Il from below.
)~,1 Ughir, ~Be coll<.mtied. Sit•.
for lt•ttiug down mun and · y.~,1 Ughir, ) e. n. (\•. p.) Sl+.
Li-itigiug up t.111.l'th.
'iy , ri A ugra,
. " '\~. un.1.
,. 'tl •
u.M•mg rm as-
..J •• \
4 -.;••,!,/ Urere, a.di:. Nearer. Sb. ~.t, 1 Ogra. } triugtmt taste.
j,,\ Or, •
A. fut'row made by a
:£:1 I foiilJ 1Auga:~r, lf. Blemish, demerit.
plough. deft~ct, worthle3&ness, vice,
1 ~ see g_ avagun.
ls I h T
.Jl4!J-' O+ b &llnalff,
o break np ll· J,l Aogi, F. A small knot of
"' cotton prepared for wa,.'Ving.
-t t.5'.J./J, l Or ghidhi a, keep to the j . of u~
Dim. !•

- ~ _ fur1·0 ..v. j J, 1 OIJ F. Cnstom, habit, passed

~-' i Aura, M. in shape ! on from one generation to
of a. man. Bh. !
i 1;1 01&, M. Covering, protection.
L.5);1 O+a.k, ~ a.dv. At last, finally. See U. In Sh. h.1..;
adj. Con-
~)., \ O:rik, ) M. End, limit. cealed, covered. axlu. Beliind.
JY-~ J_,\ Ola-~ewaw, v. t.. To screenf
ut 1
w.i f U sahaJJ.,
u shal}.,
J To h.1m. S . .LL'.
n - protect.
1,)-'r•l l j41_,\ 01& g~nn~, To claim pro-
- tectmu.
~-'1 Uka, adj. Single, alonet only,
without expense.
''' Ava.Ila, adj. Contrary, bad,
diftlcult1 topsy.turvy.
~JI Ankh, M. Diffioolty, diskess, u'}JI 01.falk M. Dia:rrhrea, mp~
drawb$ck, hardneas. to be ca.used by refteoted light.
1..5_,T 26
u~l Olag, F. The service rendered l:.) l Oya, }f. A. cotton picking turn.
Ripe cotton is picked every
by smitb, cobbler, barber,
8th day and each turn is
weaver, carpenter, etc. who
called Oya.
have a right to a share in
the harvest. ~!._,l Awe+a, adj. Contrary.
u~-'' Olagi, M. A person having the ll~._,l Awesla, ad_j. Careless, neg-
i·ight of o1ag. ligent, without concer·n.
lJ_, l Olha, adv. Behind, Syn. f ~-' 1 LH.,1 Awel, F. Delay, procrasfina~
WJ1 Ul}., pron. He. Instrnmental tion, dallying. adv. Late
case £rom)l = U. Usne· ~l nnseasona bly.

u:!-~_,l Unjel}., In that way. S. R. ISj Ah, adv. Yea.

j_, T Awal}.r, v. n. To come, IS TIS T Ah Ah, A term used to oxen
approach, arrive, become, ap· when they have to turn to
left. Sh .
pPar, Pr. l~H P. l~.T F. ~MJ T
• Vv
Y~)) y, l V--'
AwaIJ.:r wa:t;tjaw, Intercourse, tT Aha, adv. Yes, M, 0, aha.
coming and going.
F Aha, Be was l T h i rd
. ~ T Ahi ' ~ p~rson,
)""'lU, I Am;i.lasar, Vitreous sulphur. She was
1..> - smgu-
w}J l Unul}., M. Pad on head :for ~T Ahe, l They were la.rand
carrying burdens. s. R. l:l1T, F. 5 ) .pl ura.l
u5tS) l UI}.hU!), interj. denoting re- of a su11st.antive "\>erb. the rest;
of which is lost. (O'Brien.)
fu~m.l or negation.
See tf.\' according to Rev.
dJ~J l Ul}.W0l)., In that way, thns. Syn.
T. Bomford, this is the
u~l_,l definite tense from JJJt' See

~_, l Uh, Syn. ) i That (Bomford.) Grammar.

bl Oha, F. ) Jt l Ahali, 'Af. The bullock whioh
.lb ) Oho M. ( The same, that very ca.rries a. scavenger's muck.
-' -' ' \ one.
•,l Ohi, F. ) j ~I Ahtara:fi, F. A tax on shop-
;.lbJ 1 Ohr, M. Place where stolen keepers. P. D.
cattle are hidden. Sh. .J

~ltl_, I Ohla, M. Shelter. Sh. _Ill Ahur, F. :Mustard (Brassica

.J juncea.)
u.-'~ _,I Ohlnl}., M.
Pool in which water
. first falls from a Persian f I Ahar, }I[. Adventure, venture,
_ wheel. Sh. enterprize of hazard.
)t_, I Auhra, adj. Uneven, harsh. Sh. _llT Ahar, M. Incitement, l
~JI Oho, interj. An exclamation of encouragement, Syn. }
regret. Heig ho, alas.
~~1 Uilla, adv. Near, hither. 8h· T-'1 ~ Sh.
· auJ
i...Sf l Ahan, :1·
• " t• •
m- II
dJ)l) .B.C
d ustrious, earnest. 2. l
J_,1 Oe, interj. Ho. Used by men to M. Adventurer. )
c..S)T Awi, JJ'. A small potter's kiln
J~\ .Ahrti, Broker. Sh.
brick kiln, val Ahgas, Ji'. Ability, power. Sh
Jzt>T Ahal, M. Manure. cf. H. J~I l~.l Eq.a, adj. Thus large, so big,
8h . .Auhl. derived from .:...I this and l~.

1.}~ T Ahali, F. The price paid to a a contraction of J~_, large.

shepherd for tethering hiA
sheep or goats in a field at. ~l EcJ.lil]., pre..p. From this side.
<.)) •••
night to manure it. The rate J ,
iA f seE;r of wheat per score u'~) l U)~.l Eqlil}. O~Ul}., Round about
of sheep or goats. 2. A around, either side.
village scavenger. 3. Site of
a deserted village. 8h. '-~.! Eqe, adv. This way, this side,
~T Aham, Given by Bomford as hit,her.
lst Person Sing. of Past tense
v i·l Air, U. Sign, mark.
of auxiliary verb JJJt but
nearly obsolete in. S. W. ~.T Aira, ( M. .A foundation,
Punjab. _ 5 basis.
J:.., L ,J?i T Ahmu Samine, adi•. One in
front of the other. Sh.
~i' ~:.1 Aira wagJ.!aira, See U. Aira.
J gh_aira, Auy one.
l!!(l Ahin, F. Hail. Sh. uJp~; uJ;:.1 ErUI). pherut}., pr;,p. Round
.A -
Ja(Zv. Yes.
about, around, cf. U. ~f:;~.I
u .. t 1 A 11]., J/ ~w.:.1 isabgol, M. Flea wort (Pla1i-
);1 Tho, adj. Emphatic. This very. tago Isphagula) and other
)lb1 Uho, adj. Emphatic. That very.>T Ahwel}., v. n. Be pleacied to go, ~ ~,T Aisi taisi, A term of abus~ or

it should be gone. Sh. . dishonour.
~.I Aishia, M. Asia.
u~l Ail]., adv. Yes.
cf!.\ Ek~n, M. Digit.
~T Ain, F. Law, regnlation, rule,
common law. ~,l Elsi, F. Linseed. (Linunrnsita-
. _ 1 E, pron. This. tiasirnuni) .
,,,, / '
.:...l E, jitti,
As mnch as this. ~}/ u:.l~l E:Q. 81]. karaw, To hesitate in
u ... Li T Aya .. . ya, Either ... or. speeoh, hem.
·· .. (Bumford.)
t.i! ll}., pron. This.
.}!.\ Aiyyar, M. A flock. Sh.
e~ J.,1 I:g. pase, ad'IJ. Hither.
c)~\.,\ Eyal}.tal}., M . .An infant, Met.
,) " 0 n e without knowledge. uJIS~J..1 I:Q. l}.ad-ta'il}., To this limit.
Silly, simpleton, fool. ~ JJ kite, Therefore. hJ.
~J A.eta, ~ M. The area. watered-i~l Ail}.th, F. .A. guess at weight
lo - · by a well (Dames)
~~1 Aithia, a part of such land or measurement.
"" s~t apart for a definite pur- ~Zs ~.\ Ail}.th kaQ.haw, v. t. To esti-
pose, i. e. to lie fallow, etc. mate roughly, guess.
(O'Brien). ~1 Ainak, F. Spectacles.
);4.l Aitwar, M. J..,,l:J
u~\ Ejihal}.,

u 1~l Ejha)1.,
1 Sunday.
adj. Like this, of
this kind.
fl}.Wel}, adv. Ca.useless, even,
in this way.

Eh, Syn,. ~J 'l:'his


;4 28
~ pron. rrhis very one, Bar chawaw, v. t. To un a.
le.I Iha, load. 2. :&iemove corn on
~ this, same.
threshing floor.
)t!.l Iho,
ult-?'-)~1 Ihojihal]., adv. Of this kind, Bar gewa:rg, v. t. To be
" like this. chargeable, la.y a burden on.
2. To honour, respect.
cJft~.1 Aihran, F. An anvil.
~t,~ :Bara,~ ad.f. Loaded, heavy,
y Be pcmderomi.
..;)4 :Bari, 2. M. Barf, a Bat'
\...J Be, The second Jetter of the camel.
· W. P. Alphabet..
)S_,l~ 1l~ Bara chawai;i.:r, v. n. To
~4 Baba, ) M. Father, etr. See undertake, be responsible.
· J' ~ U. 2. Brother,
_,~l~ Babti, \ friend. u~4 Baral]., adj. Twelve,-Syn.
J~I.~ Babal, ],f. Father. u)St>l~ Sh.
l)u Bata., A. leafless plant (Peri- }~ Baz, M. Falcon, U. Baz katta,
. ploca .Aphylla) Sh.
Large falcon, catches hat«>s7
~;4 Batla, "!if. A stammerer. P. D. value Rs. 40. Sh. Baz jnrra,
Small falcon, catches par-
~Sl: Ba~a, J,1. Flower of kari. Sh. , tridges, value 25/ Sh.

~~4 Bajh, See .f~~ )j~ Bazu, lrf. Arm, wing. 2. Re-
~,;l.>..e-.l.> Bajyafat, M. Rent paid by a
• .. '* •
mort.gagee to a mortgagor to w)4 :Bazi, F. Play, etc. See U.
keep the right of tbe latter
alive. P. D. 1t amounts tot Bazi khawai;i.:r, v. n. To be
or t of the rent (licbb). chi:iated. 2. To stand on one's
'J head.
Ji.)4 Badur, M. Account, worth
used with a negative. L:.Jlol~ Batin, adJ. Hidden, within,.
,,.. ,
J_,=*"° Jl~ Bad makhaul, M. Hysteria,
etc. See u.
melancholy. Dem on iacal Ba tin ~afa, Conscientious.
Ba~in ~afai, Conscientious-
cJ1_,J4 'Badwan, M. Venetian blind. ness.
~i.)4 Badha, M. Dam. Sh.
t4 Bagh, M. .A coarse cloth em-
)4 Bar, M. Load, etc. See U. 2. broidned with silk, worn by
women. 2. .lfirework in form
Uncultivated land, sandy of a tree.
waste. Dry uplands between
river Ohinab and Jhelnm. Sh. cJ~.c4 Baghwan, !if. Gardener.
3. Heap of grain. 4. Sense,
intel~igeuce. 5. Re s p e c t, u~4 Baqi, F'. Customs, revenue.
gra.v1t.y. 2. Balance of account. Sli.
Bar. pak:raw, v. n. To be
grave, sober.
454 :Bagha, llf. A dan~e. 8li.
~4 Bala, M. Sweet cane, Lemon
Bar pawaw, v. n. To receive
grass. (Andropogon, m'ILria-
honour. ticum or Oymbopogo'li.
Bar thiwaw, v. n. To be Iwarancusa.) 2. Squared
ohargeable. rafters for roof. 8. R.
~l~ Balakh, M. A young man, J~~ Babbar, llf. A large bit of
adult. adj. 0£ age. broken vessel. Sh.
u4 Bar}, lrf. A large kind 0£ dog. ~J~~ Babbri, F . .A pot-sberd. Sh.
Sh. .~.;t~ B11bba, M. A breast, mammary
.c....)~34 Bal}.b+e, adj. Orawli11g. J
i..:,:....,~ But, M. Body. Bee U. idol, etc.
Bal}.b:re qewaw, To crawl.
Ju~ Bita.H, adj. Forty-two. Sh.
L.l-h~ Bal}.da, M. A male 8lave, Syn.
l)u~ Batawa, M. Doubling; in the
~}·1/~ chase, turning back or to one
side to avoid pursuers ..
t.:J~,~IJJ ,:}~ Bansalochan, M. A medicine ;'j,~~ Battittar; M. Sand grouse.
(inert.) derived from Bam-
busa Arundinacea. ,_s)!,? Battri, F. Line of teeth. Sh.
~~ Battak,
M. 'l.1ame goose. Sh.
lf3l~ Bal}.ga, M. Crier for prayer.
2. '11 he long head at the end
(? duck).
of a string. Sh. Lu: Bitna, lrf. ( A young donkey.
~ ( Sh.
il~J 1._dl~ Bal}.gvela, M. Cock-crow· L.S~;J~
Botni, F. J
About 4 a. m. Sh. l~? Buttha, adj. Rotten, old.
~}4 Bal}.wila, M. A mad man. Buttha mUJJ.h, Broken spirit-
1.)}l~ Bai;i.wali, F. A mad woman.
2. A large well. ~ Bitti, F. A cake of indigo.

2. }food of bulbul.
"jl~ Banwe, aclj. Ninety-two. u~ Hutti, F. A boundary pillar .
..y34 Bai;i.h, Proprietary right in a ; Sh.
woman by bet.rotha1, or in -~1? Bath, inte1;j. Be off, bad luck
exchange for another, or £or to you, away. 2. M. A large
money. oven.
u4;l~ Banhal}., M. A male slave ~~-> Battha, M. O~llus on but-
. tocks occasioned by much
sitting. 2. Hole in the wall
~4 Bawa, Cholera, said to be due of: a well nuder the water
to bad air. Sh.
~L@~~ Bithara, M . .A cook.
Y.J,~1)4 Bawagori, M. Agate. Bithari, F. A cook. 2. Mid wife.
~Jlbl~ Baharla, M. A boar. Sh. \)ti: Bithna, "Af. Small scorpion
i1~4 Bahla, adj. Much, many. Sh. very ready to sting. 8h.
.... Bathi, F. A brick kiln, furnace.
~)'lb4 Bahri, The '' off" or right 1
2. A place or cloth on which
hand bullock when plough-
ing ; opposed to a17dri, the indigo iA dried.
left haud bullock. Sh. cf. Ba.thi bharaw, To spread
;t~ without )~r1 wibhin. .. indigo out to dry .
u;.t.lo B1tt1,
' " F. Gold en com.
. Sh .
_,lb~ Bahu, ]£. Shoulder of horse.
ff Baj, F'. Stain, blot. 2. llL The
· wood on each side of a cAmel
~it4 Bahil}., F. Side piece of ladder saddle on which loads are
er frame. Sh. tied.
.... 30
Baj lagaw, To be staiued, u~~ Buchki, F. A small J bundle of
blotted, to find fault.
clothes. 8yn. ~~
~ Baja, ad'V. Fit, etc. See U. \I

~ Bachai:tr, v. n. To remain,
Baja anal).!", To obey, perform. escape, to be left, to be saved.
Pr. l~ P. ~:;f: F. u~
l~ Bujja, '!if. The act of spreading
the band before anothe1·'s )3Jl.if. Bachwawaw, c. v. To cause
face with palm before him.
It is a very grave offence. to escape or save. Pr. l~ff.
2. loss. 3. Sh. Menstrnous
cloth~ 4. Sh. Stopper for any P. l~1Tf. F. ~~.ff.
-~:'!f. Bachh, F. Setting dogs on,
u~l=:=: Bajaji, F. 'l'he business of a baiting.
bajaj or cloth merchant.
yn~7. Bachhalaw,
v. t. } To set
11.~t Bijara, "!ff. A seedling. y dogs on 1
))~~ Bachhawaw, v. t. to bait.
Bijara lawa1:rr, To plant out Pr. 1~"4le!f. '-::J~ F.
~"""~!f. Pr. \~~ P. 4,ttLf.
~~~~ Bijrahi, F. A present of grain
made by farmers to his F. L5~
servants a.nd art.ificers at
sewing time. · Carpenter, ;3.,lJi~ Bachhalwawaw, ~ c. v. Of
potter, bal'ber and smith get v BacbhO...
6 seers, cobbler 3 seers and y_,1_,~ Bachhwawaw, wa:w-.
farm servants 8 seers for
each pair of bullocks working u=f. Bachchi, F. Middle part of
on the estate. shaft of plough. Sh.
~~ Bujha, v. t. Summon by ex- i..S;:S:: Bal}.ri, F. A kind of falcon
tending palm and moving (Falco calidus.)
fingers inwards. Sh. 2. Hold- ~ Bakha, M. Chain stitch in
ing palm outwards and
shaking hand to forbid. Sh. sewing. In ,S. R. ~ 2. The
~ Bacha, ]f. S~fety, protection, ~pper leathers of sh;es before
they are made up.
esc, defense, reserve,
saving. 2. foil, a term in ~~ Bakht, M. Fortune, etc. See
.J) \" ac h"k
a araw, v. t. .To £011,
Bakht lagaw, To prosper.
frastrate, fence, parry.
~ Bakhsh bakhshij, F. Grant,
\,J l..s."'
; ) v. Bac h"
awa:Q::r, v. t. To save, ' .
esm1pe, rescue, preserve, ~· · gift, remuneration.
defend. 2. To lay by. y
'b'" •
fl.MZ:: Bakhshaw, v. t. To give,
Pr. 1~4~ P. l~.1-~ F. uw.~ bestow, grant, impart, remit.
y -

Ylb) ff. Bach rahai;rr, v. n. To remain 2. To pardon, forgive. Pr.

over, to be left. 1~
.. . p . l.J."'
-~ P.
J A• I

ls:~ Buchka, ~I. A larp-e bundle of ~ The Past tense of

following verb is commonly
clothes. 8yn. \s:,.t~ used.
)~ ,:.~ i,_J;S: Bakhsh ~ewaw, See Bakh- o:.iiJ\j J.~ Bad za,iqa, adj. Disagreeable.
~J.~ Badra, M. The month from
;J,L::.,,ds:_ Bakhsbawaw, c.
v. from Augt. 15th to Sept. 15th.
Ba~~sba:J?r, To procure
pardon for another. Syn. )3J~( is~u.~ Badrah thiwaw, v.p. To be
lead astray.
;J_, l,~:S:: the
tenses of which
are commonly used. j} is1J.~ Badrah kara1;rr, v. t. To lead
)y~S: Bakhshaw har, M. Giver,
forgiver, pardoner. ut~u.~ Badrahi, F. The act of leading
~ or going astray.
;J_, 1J~ Bakhshwawaw, c. v. from
B11.kbshanr and more com- ~y}.-! Badri, F. Skin for carrying
mo~iy used than Ba.khHM· flour. cf. U.
warn. oT procure pard-0~1 for
another, to cause to give. Pr. ~.;~~ Bad 'amla, Evil doer.
l~-_,~:S;:: P. 4. lJ~ds;: F. u~ Badak, F. Duck, drake,
. , mallard. Syn. U~
y~1,-J:i.S;: Bakhshijal}:r, v.p. from Bakh- ) t~ Budgar, '!YI. A dumb-ball, a.
ehaJ;Li: Pr. l~~~~ P. heavy piece of wood, so

F. u~~w-:::0::
" ... ~
used. P. D.

v·;,. ~
... .J.. f,
w. •
B kh h' h F
a_s lS ' I. Grant, gift,
'cJLS' ~ Bad guman rakhanr To
distrust, mistrust. ..'
remuneration, U. ~~ y} Ji'"'~ Bad goi karaw, To slander.
4-:.i.:S:: or U.~~~
Syn. ~;.. ,,..
Bakhshish ~ewal).:r,To
~~ Badla, ]f. .Exchange, revenge,
etc. See U.
remunerate, make a present.
Badla ghinnaw, To revenge,
J.-t..S:: Bakhmal, F. Velvet. retaliate, recompense.
u~....:S:: Bakhmali, aJj. Velvety. ;J_,~u.~ Badlawa:i;i.:r, v. t. To change,
alter. Pr. l~Jc..1,,,
.. . p . ~~~
i) l ~ Bidad, adj. Unjust.
F. u~~
(" t.).s Bidam, M. Almond (Amygdalis • " ~
jl~ Badlaw, v. n. To change,
coinmunis vel .Am.aris.) alter, become foolish, stn pid,
l..S'° 1~ Bidami, Almond coloured mad. Pr. l~JJ . P. LJ~ .. .
or shaped. F. ~~~ -

j~~ Bad challaw, adj. Ill-manner· )SJ~!~ Badalwawa1g·, a. v. 0£ bad-

ed, immoral. la~!· Pr. 1~_,l~ P. 4.1}~
F. ~)~
1..sll.;-- ~ Bad chalni, F. Misconduct,
bad living. y~~ Badlijal}.:r, v. p. Of badlawal'}:r-
. ... Pr. laj~ P. F.
J)~ll ~ :Bad dastur, M. Evil custom, ~~~·..-
v J J
c...$~?.---;:,J.~ Badna~ibi, F. Misfortune. 'jj )V~ Bn:r bu~ karat).+, v. n. To
mumble, mn tter. 2. To bub-
ja)J.~ Badnazar, ad}. Ill looking. U. ble up, as air from a bottle
2. Having the evi1 eye. i. e. thrown into water, or from
casting evil eye 011 another, drawing huqqa.
or receiving its effects.
~j Bartha, jJJ. Boiled or fried
u1.f.)J.~ Badniyati, F. Greediness. veg:etables. 2. The egg-p1ant
... ,.,. J frmt roasted in hot ashes
'lSJ.~ Budh, M. A river inlet P. D. and . eaten with salt and

)J~J.~ Bndhwar,
'lSJ.?J Bndh, · 1 See

Barthi, F. Enlistment, engage-

~ll)J.? Badhra, M~ Hindu 5th month v
Augt. 15th to Septr. 15th. 'j~; i..;i'/ Barthi thiwal}.f, v. n. To
Syn. ~J.~ - c..JJJ'""'~~ In Sh.
b~ ~
Y; iJfl..J·J Barth1, karal}.f ,-v. t. To recruit.
employ, engage.
uJM~ Badhul}, .A. lawless Arab tribe. J
.J -;ri Burj, lrf. Tower. U. 2. Cylinder
,~.f.M~ Badhelu, See Jl;!-lti~ Tied up. 0£ well. 3. A dome. 4, A paper
uJ.~ Badi, F. Evil, etc. See U.
2. Theft, robbery. 3. Stolen ~j. Barra, acZj. White-eyed (of a
property. h orse) 8/i. 2. Squint eyed.
Sh •

)1,?.~ 1..5J.~ ::Sadi 4ewaw, v. t. To blame.~

.,.,J jj. Burz, JI, A tower. 2. A fire
JJ.~ Bttddi, F. Pudendum, mu1ieris. balloon.

S! Ea4, M. Virtue, excellence. 1.S)j. Burzi, F. Boundary pilla.r. 2.

A mud platform on which a
IS,; BiMa, adj. Jflat nosed.
v J
watcher stands. P. D

wJ J
b. ~.
Burshai;tr, v. t. To trim
)S~ BuMaw, See ;l~ To sink. leather. 2. To cut up an
animal as a butcher.
b Ba4hil}g, 'lt:f.. Adjutant bird.
Sh. ~j.
Burqa, 3I. See U. e.r. a veil ..

l Barr, F . .A disease peculiar to lli>j Earkata, F. Blessing, abun-

horses. P. D. dance. 2. One.
r.}Sf. Barkati, M. A rich man, adj ..
~? Bara, M. Fever of a severe Rich.
J· lJ.JS>j Barkandaz, AL. An armed
~~ Barat, F. Pension or reward policeman.
· in land or money or kind for dj. Barki, F. A. large sack for
service done. Bounty, grant
0£ land. 1 cotton.
~j Buramba, M. Colooynth.*
i.)~ :Barati, l • !Oucumis colocynthis) 8p...
" { M.A Pensioner.
J-'~ ~!r.· :B~rat-khor, 1 W»<
. ~r
...SJ~ 33
wt,~ :BirmuhaI)., Ugly face. u. J~ :Bashk, M. Bestowing, for..
giving, U. Bakhsh.
~rf. J
l~ Barna, M. A tree ( cratreva ~~? :Bu.shka, M. ~ A bundle of
religiosa). ' clothes.
~ :Bushki, F. A 1a o written
v J ' I
'-1.Sj. Bural}.g, M. A blnck pulse ~~-~
(Paseolusmaz) I'. V.
J ~ :Bashka~:r, See Bakhsha13r.
!.)Ji Biruta, Ber tree. 8h.
J JJ~ :Bashkwawaig-, See Bakhsh·
,,)-'/. BarU.d, M. Gunpowder, wawa1;1r-
J.~ :Bishalli, F. Scone of bft,jr4
~'.:>.. i.))j Barud k,hana, M. Magazine meal with ghi, o:r ghi and
for powder. sugar. Sli.
'-V)/. Baruri, F. A bRcess, boil, blain. ~ Bagha, M. Coward, runaway.
Given by Col. Milhit a.s a. :Bagha powaw, v. n. To ba
name for Ginnea Worm in afraid to fight. 2. To be
Mult.a.n district. worn out with fatigue .
u)~ Birhnt}., M. Pain of separation. Bagha karaw, To defeat..
between lovers. cf. U.
Birha.n. ~ Bugh~!, a<7j. Imp 1 ao a. ble,
spiteful, maliciona.
~j.,, Bireti, F. A sandy island. Sh.
~ Baghlam, Jf. Phlegm,muaona
~)! Burhk, Bubble (from month discharge from nose or chest.
of camel) Sh.
~~ Baghla, M. A bird of tba
J .-1:.. :s·,,.
izar, NI. s hoe. heron tribe probably same a.a
U. Ba.gla (Ardea. tarra and
;~ Bazar, M. Milky way, con- Butea.)
sidered to h~ a crack in sky ;
thought t.o be dust of Mabo-
..t~ )~ Baghncha, ill. ~
med'~ horses feet when he - ( Small garden.
went to see God. Sh·
u~ ~ Baghnchi, F. J
~Y. :Baznrg, M. See U. Venerable. J
~ Bnk, M. A doublehand!nl. Sh.
Ba.znrg jil}.raw, To exalt, 2. Kidney. 8. R.
magnify one'rl self.
J ~ Bakarg·, 11. n. To chattel',
J;y. Bazurgi, F. See U. Dignity. prate, jabber. Pr.\~ P. ~
2. Wonderful work, miracle.
jy, J
Buzkar, M. A clnb. F. ~
-'~ !Jasakh, M. April 15 to May ~lfa. Bakwat, F. Talka.HveneH,
. foolish talk, delirium.
15th. Syn. ~)'!"""'~
~ Basta, M, See u.
A cloth .Jl?. Bakwati_, M. ~ Prnter, cab.
.;' bler, gosai•
wrapper. 2, Food, quantity
y:~ Bakwatiig·, F. peii.
given to a.n animal at one
time.. 3. Provisiqn, daily
~ Bukh, F. Hunger, nppetite.
food, ration.
J J :Bukh lagaw~ i'. n. To bt.
rJ~ Busri, SeQ ':fJE A ~ty. hlingryt
.,,, 5 .,.
34 ) J.1i.

Bukh mara}f:r, v. n. To die of
hunger. Bilmuqta, arlj. In the lump,
J by the gross, for the job, by
l~ Bukha,. adj. Hungry. contract.
~ ..... '
Bilal},gu, M. The seed o
~ ~J. bukh, ~ 1lLAnoffer1ngof
·... ; food to those D11acocephalum Royleonum.
+~ ~ Bukh bakh, au pposed to It has cooling propevties.
be possessed. After certain
J1ites performea in the jungle ~1~ Balla, M. A cricket bat.
these are thrown away.
~.)h :Silora, M. }
~~~ Bakh:ra,
]f. A kind of grass .. :. . { Claild. Bh.
Fodder when young. S. R. ujjl.~ Bilo+i, F. S
2. adj. 1fottleyed,. dappled. ...~

~~(~ Bikhra, adj. Uneven. Sh. I.SJ.~ BulH, F. Penifl.

)~(~ Bakhaw, v. n. To smoulder. J0l~ Baled, } M. A herd of

Pr. !..).~(~ P. Y,~(! F. i.;~~ ~4.~ Baleda, buffaloes. 8/L
L~~(s Bikhia, 'llf. Alms. ~~ Bumb, F. A beating. 2. M..
~~~ Bakhe:ra, M. .Amusement, Shafts 0£ a carriage ..
irony, mocking. Sh. In ~ Bamba!, llf. A fringe. Sh. i ..
S. Pan jab as in U=conten- Blossom of Indian COl'D~
~~ Bann, M. Em bankme11t of
J. Bagg, M. Scarletflamingo. Sh.
~. tlap wood~ field. Sh.
~ Bagga, adj. White. a,
~ Ban 11!. A share in. a weU..
P.D .
..).ll!'.! Baga11d, F. Whiteness.
, J~-4 Ba).fbal, JI. 'Misfortune. i'.
.J~~ Bugdar, llf. A heavy piece ef Bail, responsibility~

wood used as a dumbbell. Sh.
Bigil, F. Bugle corr. Eng. •
YJ "="~ Binti kara.w, To snbma..
2. To worship .
.,..,.,. Bigil wajawal}.r, v. t. To '-'~ Ba}fjri, F. Land irriga.ted by
sound an alarm.
canal only. cf. U. B&nja.r..
? , b '
v~>--~ Baghul}., M. The snn -µosed : Waste land.
crocodile ( Orocodilus palu8· . ~ Bal},d, See U. Fastening, etc.
tris) P. D. · 2. A field embanked to catch
JY.t; Bighiar,, ~I. Wolf. Sh. water from hill streams.
3. A share. 4. In poetry~, a.
llt Bila, P·rep~ prefixed to, word13 single line.
in sense of' prefix un,-in;- Bal}.d kara!f+, To fastent bind.
or as affix, less,. without. close, shut, stop, obstruct;.
Bila nal}ga, aclv. Oeasele.ssly, constipate, disoon"tinu&,
continually. ' enclose (a letter), pu,tl ~
1~ Bilara, M. An island. P. n~ l3a}f d vich, Under control•
•/;~~ Balal}.gh, F. J umping,Ieaping, Balfd balfd karal}.f, To
jump, leap. P. D. member.
• p~
~tl.vy. ~ Bulbul bosta).f, JJ1. A night-
,Iv ,

_;~ l3al'.}.dnr, I . . .. .
.. inga1e, t1at mimics other ../ ~ M. A crib,. Dt:llllpr~
birds. _;ill; l3u1J.dur,).
J~~ :Bal).dish,F. Ooni;tipation. 2. ulblJ 1.., bIJ Ban.r. ia ban.r.aya, ad~.
· · ) . . .;_ • "'
Prohibition, forbidding. macle.
,._/~ Bandki, F. Service. Sh. ~.iiJ.: Banaqsha, M1 Violet. (vi0lt£

J~ Bul).dul, adj. Stout, fat, strong. ailorata.) U. "t~lt is alsG

• S. R. used .
<1.J.-4 Bul}.da, ltf. Earring drop. Sh. ~ Bannh, F. A pond. 8h.
Bal)di, F. A woman. 2. Ac-
~ Bannh, v. t. Imp. Bind, tie,
count-book, ledger.. 3. A'lt-hn,nd, used when a.t ,make, stop. Bh. P. l..!b~
play. S. R. d~.1:· Buniad, F. Foundation.. U. 2..
~-~ Bal).dia, M. Thread used in- A superior proprietary right
, stead of r~ecls to keep threads J in laud. P. D.
.sepa,rate in weaving. Sh. )J~ Buniadar, F. A woman tb&t
w~ <J'~ Ba"Q.diwan, M. .A. prisoner. ~
owns buni£1d. P. D.
~ ]'f . see 11~
1'1~. Bm4a,
. . a bag f or ~"~ Buniadf, adj. From the
foundation. 2 . .Ancestral.
protecting- <la.tea. 2. A
cricket. Sh. ~ Banera, M. Cornice, top of
~J~ BunQ.:ri, F. Buttock. Sh. wall projecting above roof.
)~ Banra, M. Arrangement. ,~ Bo, F. See TI. SmeII. 2. Tra.oe.
~_,~ Bawawat, F. Make, fo.rma- 3. Ji[. W af;er (Spoken by
tion, invention, fabrication .
.lo I v
Bo dar, adj. Fa~tid,
.d,~ Bawawati, adj. Artificial. cf. U •

J)~ Bawawaw, }v. t. To, Bo al};la, culj. Fcotid, rank,

v - v ma.nufaO"tm·e, rancid.
y_, I Y! Baw Awaw, do, fashion. J

frame, mend, prevail. 2. To ~y. Buba, F. .A. woman's breast.

c o m p i 1 e, e r e c t, reduce. P.D.
P,-. I~)~ P. 4,~~ .F. ~.j t'y. Bota, M. .A figare, likeness of
Y?. v "
Bawaw, v. n. To be made,
any thing in any material,
image, idol. 2. Scaffolding
mended, fashioned. Pr. !~~ of -arch, cinter.
P. . \..,~~
F ·1:.~
. If';.!..! ~ :Botna, .M. Ayonng donkey. Sk •
v v v v
))ii )3)-4 Bawaw tawaw, v. 'nt. To "
)le-f. Bojhaw, v. t. 'l'o load, be
be adorned, both verbs are ,, encumbered.
declined in tenses according
to rule. _ft"':}! Buchar, M. Hnsk of the great
millet (sorgum vu!lgare.)
_j_,)_,.J!' :Bawwawa:I}l'.', c. v. of Bai:ira- P.D.
wal2-r· Pr. \~)~ P. 4.~j. "
ye~,i Bochha)J.f, M. A. piece of cloth
i.· worn by women. over head
and shon.ld-ers, or roll:nd the
Jb~ Ba:g.:rwai, F. The price paid
waist. ,
for making.
t}"'.Y. Bnda:Q, J!_ Pl. of ~y. used in
~~~ Bawwasi, M. Dweller in :the Pl. number, Hair covering
forest. priin.tes~
f..))~ Bodhar; M• .A. ram from 6 to 12 Bha, F. Fire. In Sh. is 1~
months old. P. D. Bha; adj. Bot.
~-'~ Bura, adj. Light brown. Sh. Bha bhark uthal].:r, v, n.. To
break out, as fire.
u~J'! Bawarchi, }f, A cook. Bha lawaw, v. e. To kindle

Bawarchi khana, cook house. a tire or strife. ~. To let bei;

let go.
Ji Bor, M. Sultriness. Sh. Bha laga1;q·; v. n. To take fire,
j)~ Buz, M. Ba.rbarian, savage. kindle.
Bha Q.i4h bha, A share and a
..\.i.>jJ~ Bozgal].d, M.
""' Galls)
Pistaohia terebinthus.
share and a half which equals
the share due to the land·
E)~ Bogh, ';1![• .A. barren date tree. lord;
~ 1 ~t4~ Bhabh+a, M. A caste of Jains,
u_,.~ Bok, Ory of rams or he·goate. chiefly employed in traflio.
Sh. cf. wG ..,
uh~~ Bhati, F. A renli free grant of
\?i Bogga, '
M. .A.
kind of pulse land to a Brahmin. P. D.
(Phasdons aeonitejulz'us). P.D. ~4~ Bhaj, bf.. .A threshing floor.
' JI F.

.A. nose rfo.g attach-
ed to septum of
t;:t~ Bhaj~ P-r. Without.
):;---4~ Bhaja+, I
~J~ Bpla, aclJ.
Having white spot

on forehead (of buffaloes).
Sh. )"~le
.' lM.
r A

Jr.--~ Bhajwar,J
i.)J~ Buli, Ji'. A sbare in the wat·er,
uT'"~~ Bhaji, F. A share of food given
or land irrigated with it.
P.D . . ~ at marriageR. 2. Cooked
food ea.ten with bread~ pot-
l)Y.:Boll, F. Pebble. Sk. tage. li. Present, contribu....
ti on.
1oJ)"~lb)~ Bauhtr1, P. Bride, newly
married woman. Sit~ )ly~ Bhar, s. r. See)~ A load. B. B.
t~lb_;~ Bohja~ M. Pooket. Sk, Syn. v,~ Bhara, adj. Heavy. Sh. 2.
"Jr[. F1ee paid for catching fish.
~)~ P.D~

'.,,J~'/JJ~ Bauhll, M. Th.a action ·of arms )1j~ l3haraig, iJ. n. (Sic.) To spread
in swimming, Syn. 0 ~4
or bring out from & kiln.
P. D. (rt should be v. t. noi,
2. The milk of a cow 1)'e~1; v. . n. Ed.)
calved, cooked and eaten
, with sugat-. Sh, )'.Lt_~~ Bha:r, Jf • .A.n oven. P. D.
VU,-'~ Btihni, M. The first ~mle made· ll
t.S) 'i~ Bhar1, lYI• .A. camel rlriver.
in morning by shop-keepers .
it is always for cash. ·J~ ::Bhag,, M. Good fortune, luck.
J)? Bli,i, 1J1. A plant eaten by cows ' Bhaglagaw, v. n,. To beeome
and sheep nort camels, Sh. fortunate.

lt! :nha., M. Price, rate. 2. .A. ·

11 ~ Bhaga, ad,j.. llad, VlCIOEIS)

g r i e v o us, noisome.. 2.. A
vicious dog,.
..Bha, Pri With respoo·t to. "Bhaga lagal).t, To resenl.
c8flE~ Bhagwan, adJ. Rich,
honest; y_,l~ Bhawaw, v. n. To be pleased
to like," b. lJ.lle~ P. u ~hi~
.~JllE~ Bhagwal}.d, adj. Fortunate}
F. u>MS te~
lucky, rich.
J4~ Bhal, JJ. Expectation1 waiting. uJ4! Bhawi, M. Misfortune, fate,
2-. .A.n exclamation. Lo ! look. destiny, cf. U.
_;]4 Bihalal}r, ~- v. from~ to
Bhawel)., conj. Ahhough
either, whPther. O'Brien
sit. Syn. yJnyt gives thiA as 2nd per. sing.
jl~ Bhalal}."f, v. t. To open the , .A.or of )~-'~~ to be willing.
eyes, see. In Sh. Search. 2. BMu, M. Father, sire.
To expect, wait for, abide.
J~ ,_/~ BM,iwal, M. Partner.
Pr. l~~lf? P. Y.Jlf~ F.
J~ ,}~ Bha,iwali, F. · I Par.tner-
,,. Pass. )bl~d-lf~
,.,. ~ ah1p.
U~ 13hana, M. A cattle pen. t~~_, 1••/·~ Bha,iwalapa, M. J
)~~lt~ l3ha:Q.bhar, M. Conflagration. Bhabhar, M. The chest, fore-
d4! :Bhal}.j,

M. Small change for a
rupee. Syn. Jf.-o
part and sides of body from
lower extremity 0£ ribs to
w:f~ ,~~ 13hal}.jil].; F. The share of BhabhUt, F. One ijtained with
cotton given as wages to the ashes. cf. U.
woman who pick it. BhabhUI}., A humming insect
i).l lE~ Bhal}.4a, M.A store house for that bui Ids llests of eat'th on
graiu, granary. 2. Any vessel wa.lls of houses for ita eggs.
for food. Sh.

jt~ Bhaw, M. A tree (Populus ·~~e~ 13habba~, llf. A Moth. 8h.

Enphratica). ~. She 1 t er, 0-fi~ BhaJ?ak, Ji1. A bad smell.
sitting place, lodging.
~e~ Bhat, M. Boiled rice or dallia
u \)h~
~haig-al}., "llI. A pen for cattle, (b1·aized corn).
:fold, cote.
J.} ~ 13halg"el}., Prep. With refer- ~ Bhatta, M. See. u.
ence to, in :favour of, in the allowance of pay. 2. Dresising
., in cloth.
est.imat.ion of.
~~ 13hal]..S, M . .A.Bamboo, various c.J~~ Bhutan, M. A fool.
kinds. J~~~ Bhatittar, M. Small pariridge,
~Jl~ Bhal}.sa., M. The name of a Risa (ammoperdiw bonhamie).
medicinal plant, from the 2. Sand-Grouse (Pterocleg
leaves of which a red dye is e;vustus).
extracted. (.Adhatocla. Vasica.)
~ft Bhatrija, M. Nephew ,
~W~ B4.~nsali, M. A brazier. P. D. " brother's son.
lrl~ Bhal}.ga, M. .A. sbat'e. ~&- Bhatriji, F. 'Niece, brother's
1_,$~ :Bhal}..wa, v.. c. Imp. Tnrn, re- • daughter. Syn . ....sfa.
turn, send back. Sh. lt~ ~~ Bhatra chhalla, M. A ringed
·~.):~ Bhawali, F. Division of the snake said to be poisonous.
crop. 2. The share dne to
Governm.ent. 3. Snperintend- ~
. Sh.
Bhattal, F. .A plant, it has
ing the cutting of crops raised
by partn-ers. P. D. cooling properties.
~~~ Bliat, See -~1~ Sir de bhar gahaw, "-'· n. Ta
~~ Bhatt, M.j A grain par- fall on one's head or head-
r; ~ c hcw's o v e n. long.
u~.\~~ Bhatthi, F.j Sh. ~~ Bhira, U. A brother, associate,
~~ Bhit, F. Defilement, unclean- comrade.

Bhitta, adj. Defiled, unc1e'an.
YJ~~~ Bharawai:rr, 1 c. v.from )~

\,y 1.b • ,. yJ 1,1t! Bharwawaw,J Pr. l~J;t-r

i ,-:~ Bh1tawaw, v. t. To defile.·
P. L~.',;e~ - l~.~~ F. ·~J;~
)h~~ Bhittaw, v. n. To be defiled.
~ei,)~ Bhirbhat~a, M. The eye-brow.
~t~~ Bhatth, M. Mirage. Sh. In .].,

S. R. Rnrifif'd air rising from In s. R. 'ir),.~;e~

a heated surface. Bhirappi, F. Association,
u;.i.~~ Bhathi, See u~J;.~ frat.eruit.y.

y_,L~~ Bhajawa1g·, c. v. To canse to

. Bhirappi karaw, v. t. To
'I/ assocjate, fraternise, coalesce.
l' un, to race. Pr. LJ...i.~*f:
~~;e~ Bharja,i, F. Brother's wife.
P. l~.LT~~ F. u~?.-T~: · J J

Bhaja,i, F. Sister~in-law,
J?";e! Bhurjul, M. The axle of the
horizontal, lantern wheel of
brother's wife. In S. E.
1\ a Persian well. In. S. E. ~
Jl~;~~ Bhar4a1,

jl~ Bha.jjarg, v. n. To run, run F . .A. crack in the

away, race. 2. To break. ground or wall.
Pr. I~f~? U@: L~. 'l:!-T@~
P. )S;e~ Bharaw, v. t. To fill, pack,
measure, mete, repleni~h,
v ... J F. UMl.T~
load a gun, or dice. "-· 110
Yft! Bhu.jjal}.:r, v. n. To be roasted, pay, satisfy. 3. 'l'o soil,
fried. 2. To be heated, with besmear. 4. ~o impregnate
J J (of birds). 5. To repeat the
anger. Pr. ·'·1J.*~ P. - L:;'-~;:t ~~~ Kalima. Sh. Pr. 1.J..i:~ P.
J J • J i,,:_

. L:t-'f@~ 4. u~~ F. uMl.T~~

J 4:1~ F uMl.~J~
)!JIJf~~ Bhajwawaig-, c. v. ·ro cause b"
J;e~ Bhurraw, v. n. To crumble,
to run, to race. Pr. "
1.J...i.~Jf@~ Pr, \JJ~ P. 4.;~ F. uUJ~
4, l_,~~

F. uMl.?J*~ Syn.
• wf.~@~ Bharnel}., See Syn. ;~
b3-l,cS:IZj ,
) .) ,'li' • ~;e~ Bharua, M. Cuckold. Sh .
.w~J~€~ Bha~~el}., F. A cow in calf ~
c..:s~Jfit, Bhirochi, adj. Belonging tO
,, soon after calving. Sh.
1_, ~ Bha4ura, M. A Iamb. 'I/ ~~
/.JJ;e~ Bh· aro:ral}.r, ") '1.1. t. To crum-
;~ Bhar, adj. and adv. Affix or • v r ble, rub in
)~J)e~ Bharora1g, ) hands. Pr.
prefix:. See TJ, Syn. u:!-~e~
" ' > " J
·.JJe'. \.,:·,, \J..iJ"'.).4)~· p . G
l.J.k" 1 F•
Bhar awal].f, v. n. To heal up. .;.J))~

l3har qewaig-, v. t. To repay. i..s~~

~-'J~~ Bharwanni, IF. The beam )S_,Li.~~ Bhasawaw, v. t. To over..
.,; ~
b e l o w the
u,;;~~ Bharunni, j horizontal come. Pr. L.df.-.w-~~ P. 4.l.w.E~·
wheel of a Persian well on F, u"""~~~
which the axle rests. P. D.
Bhusri, F. A kind of pasty
J~)J~~ Bharohal, I ~f. The axle of a made by cooking two cbap-
cnakU (hori-
J_,;~ Bharol,
J zontal wheel)
paties unitE>d at the edges•
with sugar bet.ween. A.
favourite cold weather food.
Ill J

c..SJ~~ Bhari, F. A small bundle of ~t.M~ Bhussa, aaj. Grey (of colour}
wood. 2, A head load. Sh. Sh. 2. Sand stone. Sh.
4;~! Bharia, adj. Fun. v
'Oh ,.
.o as1Jal).:r, v. p. from Bhas-
.,, awa~1r. To be overcome,.
~;4~ Bharijaw, v.p. fromBhar~~!'· exhausted, broken winded,
"' To pair .(of birds.) Pr. l..).~.;~~ to lose heart. pr. b~~~
F. u:~'-!,~~
p. l~~~~ F. c_sM>.:!-M.>.f!
I ...

v ~~~ Bha:ras, F. Fermentation. 2. U~t Bhik, F. Alandshipon river's

Rumour. 8. R. bank, used of the piece that
c.J~~t Bhi+al}.d, F. Fight, quarrel. falls, ~~ is used for the act
of falling. 2. A high bank.
j_,~i~ Bhi:rawaw, c. v. :from )S)~t 3. A chappati given in alms.
J S. R. ad}. Heavy.
Pr. l~)~~ P. 4.~~ F.
~'6:~~ Bhuka~, M. An onion like
~:); weed. Sh.

YY)J\1.~ Bharawaw, v. t. To help,

v ... .,, y~~ t)'.~~ Bhuka Sattan:r, 1 To fling
assist. !"r. \i..U~)~~ P. 4.,~~ F. )~l~ l)'.~~ Bhuka maranr, j away.
UA.IJ,~)~: v J
y_,~~~ Bhukawaw, v, t. To throw
J\s')f~ Bha:rkar, M. Roaring of flames.
,,. violently.
~. Flame, blaze.
j_,\s')f~ Bha:rkawaw, v. t. Toblowinto ~~fa~ Bha'krain, M. A. mallet for-
breaking lumps of earth.
a flame. 2. To make angry,
""5J~~ Bhak:ri, F. A disease in barley.
incite. Pr. \~~)~~ P. t~'6~ P.D.
F. LlAAA~{~ "'
+~~ Bhakkh, v. n. Imp. Burn well.
~)a.! Bha:rkaw, v. n. To blaze. Pr.· Sh.
I~~ P. l~o~ F. ~.s')~ r.."'.),( Bhukijaw,
v. . P· From

yJ,)~ Bha:roraw, See )U''J~~

J .•

"-5)~~ Bhugri, F. D1·ied £ruili of Ber

v ' .,. tree. In Multan it is also
J)t Bhi:raw, v. n. To fight,, used of the dried date. 2,
quarrel, wrestle, contest, 'l'he refuse after boiling down
conflict. Pr. l~)t P., 4)~ J
the tail of sheep for the fat.

JJ'. um)~ .c...)~~ Bhug-re, Pl. 'Parcbed gTam.

~~ Bhns, M . ..A.ncemia. 2'.
Inspira- ,~ :Bhaggal, I M . .A. dark colour-
tion,evil suggestion. 3. Earth " . :4 ...... _ . r ed blanket. Sh.
"ating (of chHdren). Sh. J~ Bhaggal, J ·

u~~i~ Bhagli, M. Pretender, cheat, Bhalamansai, F. Good breed..

hypocrite. cf. U. ing, honourable conduct.
~~ Bhagwa, M. Cloth dyed with
red ochre Bh1\.g we da sbikar.
;5_,~~ Bhilawaw, c. "v. From Ytt
Prey caught by th~ bunter ~ill~
to sit. Syn. ..}'- .
J ~
covering himself in a red
ochre-sheet and gradually )~,~ir Bhulaw~:Q.~, c.v. F~om bbula1Jr
, approaching it. Pr. l~~~ P. 4.~ F .• .1 -~ 111>JJ,
J_, 1,~ B h u. g w aw a :tH , c. v. 0£ }fl
Bhulur, M. Chaff, husk of
Bhogal)!· grain.
u4. Bhaggi, F. Haste, hurry, u)jkl~ Bhalka:ig-u:Q., conj. But. (Bom...
panic. ford).
Bhaggi powaw, v. n. To fly
~t~~ Bhalke, adi.. To-morrow.(Bom..
helter skelter, to be stricken
with panic. v ,
Ji~: Bhulaw, v. n. To forget,
:Bhaggi lawaw, v. ri· To
haste, hurry. . k ,
m1sta e, err, miss. p,,., }~
" ,
~ )1#~~ Bhugfjal).r, Said to be pa;si ve t.L.

, "4 " ~ P. ~F. , 111 ~

of y~ )f! Pr. IJ.4~~ F. J - •
J ,
)SJ'f~ Bhulwawaw, See Bhnla..
u~?.-~~ ... J wa?r·
J~ Bhal, conj. But., except, more·
~ Bhulli, adj. Astray.
over 1 rather. Interj. Bravo!
Well done! Bhnlli powa:Q.r, t1. '1. To
wander, go a.stray, lose one's
Jf~ Bhul, F. Mistake, error, fanlt, way.
forgetf ulnesA.
~ Bhalijaw, v.p. From Bhalal).r~
Bhul ohuk, F. Blander, omis- To have one~s eyes opened.
sion, oversight, mistake from ! I
carelessness. Pr. l~:~P.
Bhul wal).jaw, v. p. To be Y~ Bhalera, adj. Good, well.
forgotten. .J
~ Bhulekha, M. Error in ac- Bihal, M. A second ploughing. counts.
J ~~ Bhamb, M. Earthquake. Sk.
Jy. Buhal, 'Jr[. The yearly gift
made to a spiritual teacher. ~ Bhambfra, JI. An insect which
"' at.tacks indigo and rnoth.
~ Bhala, adj. Good, kind, ex-
cellent, benevolent, virtuous, ...Sft4~ :Bhambfri, F . ..A. buUerfly. Sk.
well. , "' ..,. 2. A tee-totum. S. E.
Bhala, M. Goodness, excellence. c..S~, Bhami.ri, F. Butterfly. Sh.
Bhala, Interj. What, indeed, v v
· yes, well. ~ Bhal}.bhh}.+,F•..A. waipwithoui
' shln~ • ·
;Bhal6,manis, aaj. Respectable, J v v
In Multan used metaphori- v*- ~ Bha:Q.bhaw bh~, M. F. Deso-
cally for evil liver. . late unmha,bited place.
(~ Bhai:ij, M. A curl, ringlet. " Bhai:iambiri, F.
v.ft:'.t.-4? A dr~gon fly.
Bhai:ij khawaw. v. i. To be "' .,. 2 . .A paper play thing.
curly. "
yi~~ Bhannaw, v. t. To hreak,
)SJ~, M. A collection of break iuto. 2. To pass the
time. 3. To correct.
women to spin. Sh.
:t i,,j Bhandrial}., JJ'. Pl.
wl):;;-T. Raviny
.Agh bhanna~:r, To fix a price.
ground. Sh. Da:i;irr:i;i bbannaw, To borrow
\,y.}, y ~~nPy, ~romising to repay
l ~~,
M. Mourning. it lll gram at a :fixed price.
j, y
Lamentation. Grief.
cJ~ Bhai:iQ.i, JJ'. (nfamy, dishonour.
;r. 1~-4: 4. 14.\1:;'~ l,,.. 1..,.$......,.·
"' lAJ
P. Y,.~~
. . . . ff"'·
• I .,l.JJJ...).O.J
In Sh. Slander, abuse. " ,
Bhai:iQ.i lawai:ir, v. t. To )~~ Bhunnaw, v. t. and v. n. To
defame. parch, grill, broil, toast, roast,
" J ,
" Bahaw, v. n. To sit. Pr. l.Jy~ fry . .Pr. l~~~ 4. L..\-4! P.
, J J
"i;..~~ JJ'. uw.t~ c. v. }->t~
P. 1_.lo Y.--'~ JJ'. ul.M:!-l~ 4. u~~
J ,,
or y;nt~ Syn. )ltt .
\I \I Jlt~ Bahnu, M. A' kind of shawl
~~~ Bhaw bhai:ir, M. Bnz, bum.

worn by women. P. D.
Bhaw bhal}r karai:i:r, v. n. )S;~~ Bhanwawaw, e, v. From
To burn.
Bbanna:i;i:r 2. To twirl. Pr.
u;I~t Bhiwk, JJ'. Inkling: Ins. R.:
1~.)l~~ p. 4.1)~~ JJ'. 1...5~.,~
)\·t " J

Gy~ YJ'J-'~~ Bhunwawaw, c. v. From

. \,!
Bhawwia, M., " J
Sister's husband. Bhunnalf:r. Pr. 1~.~

Bhaweja, M. Nephew, Sistet'~ P. 4.1Jl~~ · JJ'. ~1.M~.,1~~

son. Syn: (!:~~.~~ ... l~Yt~ '-·.b~~ Bhanoti, JJ'. The act of fixing a
price ... 2. Borrowing ~ooey
Bhaweji, JJ'. Niece, Sister's prom1smg to repay it in
daughter. -v grain at a. fixed price,
l~.i:~ B1mi:iga, M. A rewa1·d or .J_,.l4~ Bhai:iwar, M. See U. Whirl-
gift offered to recover atolen pool, eddy. 2, .A large black
property, ol! made by tbe bee. .
thief on discovery to prevent Bhai:iwar vich powaw, To
the law from punishing him.
Blackmail. fall into trouble.
~)1€ Bbi:iwari, JJ'. Whirl of date
(!:jl> fo~ Bhai:igar khana, '!YI.A place
. palm leaves or branches.
where hemp is sold or drunk.
J" ~.~.ii/ Bhanwia, ¥· .A sistet·'s hus-
Lf"(i~~ Bhai:igus, M. An aboriginal
tribe. P. D.
\.S~~ Bhanrii, JJ'. Defeat.
~~ Bhai:iambira, M. An insect
which attacks indigo .and Bhanni khawaw, v. p. To be
unseasoned W:ood~ Syn. defeated pr .broken.

!Ft. .~~~­ i..,slf~ Bh;anx:ii, F. f'~J;l)a.

~: Bhaneja, }([. A sister's son. V)~~ Bhush, adj. Barbarous, with-
F. ~l~ P.D. , out wisdom. M. Barbarian.
v . . U.*- Bhuk, F. pl. BhukB.1:,1., onion
Y~~ Bhanijaw, v. p. From Bhan- leaves.. 2 .. Small payments
' v •
nal}.:r, To break. Pr. 1~ of gram g1 ven as alms at
J ,, harvest. P. D.
\, !
. J
P. F. u~~
BhuniJ'anr, v.p. From Bhun·
..,,. },/; Bhukar,
\.!" J
Khan district .
.I .. •.
VJ Jf:' rF.
A plant with,
To roast. Pr.
J ,, , I leaves like the
~)t:' Bhukli, j onion, but with-
P. F.~~~ out a. bulb or smell of onions
. . . to crops.
very lDJUr1ous '
Ji? Bhan, M. Fear.
~ls lJ~7'
Bhnal}.li, F~ Giddiness. J fr., Bhtikan, F. The tube
with which a drill is worked.
Bhnal}.li khawaw, v. n. To v ,I
P. D.
spin round, become giddy.
y.>~ Bhukaw, v. n. To have a
)1_,TJ€ Bhoawal}.r, v. t. To whirl singing in the ears ..
round the head.

;~J@~ Bhobhar, F. Crumbs .

Jk~ Bhokaw, See Jhl~
)>,~ Bhutar, M. A land-owner.
uJf! Bhog, 'It[. S u ff e r i n g ..

..;)JJ~ Bhutari, F. Ownership of

cf. U. W;t: enjoyment•
land. 2. Rent.· r ;e Bhoga.w, v. n. To suffer, re-

!f~ Bhutra, M. A pinna of date ceive punishment. Pr.. 1~'

, palm.
J...*- Bhute, Pl. of BMta. M. Butt,
thrust with head. J~ Bhol, M. A doubt. 2. Tempt&..
Bhute Q.ewaw, v. t.1 To butt. ti on.
Bhol bha.nnaw, u. t. To teat,
;;,~ ·Bhochaw,} M .. A ~heet.
try, (lit. 'fo break a doubt,).
)"J.~~..r. Bochhanr,
P.D . ..
Dim, ~~
~)~ Bhola, adj. See U. Simple,

· IS.)fi Bho~B., adj. Hornless. Sh. I artless, daft. 2. .A doubt,

see bhol.

)J~ Bhor, F. Crumbs. jJ ·li1

u ~ Bholni, F. A female monkev
J J J•

1_,~ Bhnra, adj. Brown, fair.

uf;t! Bholu~, M. A monkey, ape,
2. M. A blanket. met. block head.
~Je Bhora, M. An underground

dwelling, cellar. 2. Frag.

iJt! Bhum, F. Knowledge, ae.
ment of bread, crumb. qnainta.nce with .
)~J~ Bhoraw·, v. t. To crumb, crnm- u't"! Ba.hut}., adj. Much. numy1
v J
ble. Pr. 1~:ft! P. ~:).*'
. great. Byn. um.

F. ~~#
u}f! Bhnl}., ilf. Chait, straw.
Bagg& hht'i~, Straw of wheat
ll~_,~ Bhusla, adj. Brown. Sk. a.nd barley.
Missa bbui;i., straw of peas, Ehu,en• amb,
M. Earthquake.
gram, etc.
J J Syn.~
uJf:' u,,~-! Bhul}. bhuIJ., F. Humming,
sound. Ehli,eI). pho:r, M. The earth
splitter, a worm.
Bhu:.Q. bhuIJ. karaw, v. i. To
hum.· Ehn,el}. phoT, 2 A plant
growing in Sandy districts
u*' Bhanl}., M. Giddiness, dizzi. (Plieliprea Oalotropidis).
ness, vertigo. :Bhu,en tittar, ·M. Sand
Bhaul}. awaw, To be giddy,
grouse, (Pterocles e~ustus) •
dizzy. :Bhn,iI}., M. The orientalplane
v •
)3;:!-::;f)f! Bhonchiraw, F. Sand-lizard. (Platam.ts orientalis). 2. A
' Sh. small shrub (Edwardsei
11wllis) with fine yellow
flowers. Common Trans-
Indus and Salt Range.
Bha,o, M. Fear, teITor, ala.rm,
dread, a.we, danger, hazard.

v ,.. Jl_,~ Bha,i wal, 'JII. A partner,

U"';)f! BhaUI).s, Heap of trodden sharer, partaker, associate.
wheat-grain and bhusa Eha,i wall, F. Partnership,
mixed. Sh. association.
v J
WJf! Bhul}.sla, adj. Brown. Bk. Eha,i wali karaw, v. t. To
1.TC BhoI).kat:rr, v. n. To bark, howl, club together.
S. R. fa)f! Pr. \i.}.~!)f! 1?. l&J ~ Eha,i ~~lpa, M. Partnership,
I .Iv v
asaoc1at1on, company.
~3Jf! JJ'. u~-'f!
v v
i.· •
~ :Bhe, M. The root of the water
J.YJf! BhaOI}.Wal').l", v. n. To be giddy, lilly.
to go round and round. 2.
To wander about. 3. In S. R. ~IU~ :Bhi-allah, interj. There is a
God at all events, never mind.
. To return. J?. J?. Yf ~ ~:!-f: :Bhat, M. Mystery, secret ..
l.S~ Bhauni, JJ'• .A well pulley. .1

~)f! Bhoh, M. Chaff, broken straw.

J1.;:f! Bhatti, M. Whoremonger,
uYlJ~ Bhi-dawaIJ., M. The round
;tJf! Bhohar, JJ'. Level light soiJ. wbite fruit of the mulberry.
J Sh. 2. Quince seed.
;t~ ,Bhuha:r, JJ'. Soft rain, drizzle. J,
~~ Bheq, F . .A. sheep, ewe.
In S. R. ;t~ l~ BheQ.a, adj. Belonging to a
Bhuhar 4ewaw, v. t. To sh~ep. Sh.
squirt from mouth. J~ \~ :Bheqa, M. A ruh, work-
J...}f! BhoiI}., v. n. Imp. Turn. pp.
ing in ruts .
Sh. LS'~ :Bhequk, M. A white soft stone
s , ,,
u:f'Jf:' Bhn,eI)., F. The earth, ground, of which marbles are made.
land. ~ ~ Bhe4 kashl F. Bawdry.
44 l'..J.J

~F~ Bhairm.1, F. A morning song. ~ Bfba, }f. A term of endearment

: addressed to a little boy.
~:!-f~ Bhaira, adj. Bad, Miserable
~~ Bait, F. Cane. U. 2,. M. Cou-
(of men). In Sh.Ugly. 2. Ill
omeaed. Sh. plet in poetry.

w·.H? Bhe!)., v. n. Imp. Return, come Bait bawawaJJ.r, v. t. To

v I vi compose poetry.
back. Sh. Pr. lJ.j)~ P. l.!.)3~
.], ~ :Bait mar&l].f, v. t. To cane
i).J.~ Bhe:Q.Q., ]![. Clod of earth. Slz. flog.
Bhen, Sh. fSister. . y'J ~ Betab, F. Disgust.

· y:!-e~ Bhew, F. ;IJ d. :Be tar, M. Discord.

J~-Y.-e? Bhai!fsar, F. A nose-ring. 2. ~ Bfti, F. A thin pa.p of
Female hunting hawk. - grain for feeding birds. P. D..
v_rwY.f~ Bhai!fsari, F. A flute, pipe, ~ Bfja, llf. A sugarcane cutting.
If'~. 13ija rahi.wa.w, To plant:
~f! Bhe!).ga, M. Squint-eyed per- onttiugs.
son. U. 'Y
~ Bijaw, 11. t. To sow.
Bhe!).ga gekhaw, v. n. To
squint. · ~~ :Bfjo, :JP. A fems.le monke1 ..
l3. B.
;tf.-f~ Bhehr, M. Large kettle drum
made of earthen vessel with _r.>. ~ Be khab&r, (J,l,lj. Unoontcioua.
a. bullock's skin over it. Syn.
~.r.> d. Be Jma,brl, IP. Unoonecitnus..
~li.i Sh. ness.
ut 13i, ¥. Seed. Sh. 2. Second, ~ :Baikh&r, Jl. One who bnya
another P. D. the da.te crop while unripe.
watches, dries, and sells it,.
d Be, A prefix, negative particle.
Be abroha, adj. Dishonoured. \~ Beq&, a.ilj. Belonging to
plains. Sh. 8. B. Having
Be ustada, M. Amateur. soft hoofs unfit for hills.
Be bara, M. Dishonour, disres- A ·Bir, F. Line of teeth. BhA
pect. ....
~ Baira, M. A piece of wood
Be bara karaw, 11. t. To dis- fixed iuto crooked rafters to
honour. prevent them from turning..
:Be bara thiwa:r;ir, v. n. To be ~ Bera, See ~ M . .... Piece or
dishonoured. flesh. S. R.
~ Bia, adj. Other, anotber. adv. ~~l Birbali, F. An ear jewel for
Second, again. Syn. ~
. men .
~~;:H Berh&q.g:f, F. Splint on horse's

,J~1 :Biyal, F. Cracking of heels legs. Sh.

from cold. 2. Seed time.
3. Grain given by farmers to ;~ Bezar, adj. Aloof, relinquish-
carpenters, etc. at seed time. ing, surrendering.
:Bez&r thiwaw, To fall off,
•.}~ Bia,i, F. Sewing. Bk. hold one's self aloof
~ Bai'khar, M. A broker. One v*- Bewas, adj. Helpless, with.
who buys the da.te crop. ant power or authority.
c;1..,;;;i!:~ Be farman: adj. Disobedient. Bewas karaJJ.:r, v. t. To dis-
Be f'arman thiwaw, i;. p. To
be disobedient. Bewa.s thlvaw, v. n. To he
~t~;,.~ Be farm.ani, F. Disobedience.
tf"}"H Bewasi, F. Helplessness.
Befarmani karaw, v. n. To l~ Beohda., M. Fet;ching the bride
home after marriage. Sh.
j ~ Bekar, t'- t. Imp, Bk. Sell.
r.,S}-H Biwl, F. A lady. Bk.
~ Be~mi, F. A superior kind of
nee. ..y:H Beh, !l. Seed. P. n.
~ Begha:r, See Jy:H . ./Y \c.) 'i":H Beh(Ogdonia
daw&l]., lf. Q n i n c e
~ Bel, F. Creeper, tendril. 2. A
~ Beha, adj. Sta.le. Bh.
seoond ploughing. Syn. ~
3. A dangerous iu ft:H Behar, M. Byn.~ Beghar.
camels, few escape. It ooours A set of two Persian wheels
at any time, said to be ea.used on the bank of tha river.
by not ba.ving the requisite The lower wheel raises the
condiments. The swelling of water to a height fl'otn which
the reotam and the whole the upper wheel onn raise it.
body up to the hump is the to the level of the land.
moat eonspicuons symptom.
~ Bila, lif. Itea.dy to cry in play,
"' timidt cowardly. J>. IJ.
~ \aJ d Be li~~' adj. Immodest, re- ":-' :fla, the third letter of JV. p.
,,, g:ardless. alphabet. It has a harder
sound than y
t.f'~ d :Be ~qi, F~ Immodesty.. b.
y is found ae a prefix in
\~ Bfiw&, aiij Fretft>;l. p
some words having the senre
of dnpli~tion e. g. 9i~ 8,, two
J.:H Bali, See ~ hanks; ~nfh, a double skein
9isa\lgi ; a. bifurcated stick:
.J..c: Be le, '-'· t. Imp. pledge, mort..
gage, f3h. See also ~ - ~ - ,;*=
;~ Bimar, adj. See U. Sick, etc. ~~ ~\>&, M. .A tribe... of faqirs.
... 2. Ont of order (of wells.) See u. v~
Bim&r, M. A patieni, etc.
l>• ' llat&, M.") A who
* .
stammerer, one
. ·~
speaks in-
c,$'~ ¥ati, F. J distinctly.
Bim&r phal&waig,, To ma-
linger.. \.14 ~l&, Af. Unripe mulberries.
• Bh. 2. A leafless shrub. 3.
t.S}....·8 Bim&rl, 'I!'. Sickness, disease, Plowers of Karl. Sh..
- malady..
,_.,>~ ¥a:P,
F. A mete.I dish or pen
y*"J_t; B&insa.r, F. Nose-ring. used for preparing food.
1\td_.a.'.": -P."~ lJ&jh, F. Pity, mercy, oompu-
v~~ Baiwalh adj. Purple, colour: .. sion, used with God's name
of egg-pla.nt-!roit.
aa a pm7er1 ironically to de-
<.fl*- Bewakl, F. Disagreement. Sil. note an imprecation.
~ci-G Bajh I Prep. Without, be- J~ :-pal, M. F. Infant, child.
·, : • ' ~ sides, except. cf.
~,,~~tt :-pajhnl]., J u. Baj. :-pal l>acha:rdar, Having a
~~4 ~ajhri, F. Millet, ( Panioum
,· Spicatum.) ~al jatti, From childhood.
w~::i--l~ '.\lajhuI}., See ~ajh. ~al jal}.l'al}.l', v. t. To bear a
)~ ~ar, F. A heap of corn on the
threshing floor, threshed or ~al Q.ahaw, v. t. To abort,
not. miscarry.
~ar chawa1;q.·, v. t. To remove :Pal sataw, v. t. To procure
tb.e heaps of corn. abortion.
u~)t ~arhal}., adj. Twelve, a dozen. ~al sa~wawa~r, I c. i 1• To
In Sh. u~4 - u~t4
:-pari, F. A small window,
:-Pal ka~hwawaw,

lattice, casement. 2. A term

in wrestling. The wrestler Jtl~ ~al~i, F. A pail, bucket.
being caught by his opponent
from behind, the front man vf! ~alri, F. Girl, daughter.
twines bis arm round his ~4 ~alka, M. }An adopted child,
opponent's arm, strikes his · disciple, pupil.
leg on the same side with his
own leg and throws him.
u9'i ~alki, F.
fi~ ~alaw, v. t. To kindle, Iigbh
j4 ~ar, F. Hunger or thirst, a
' or set on £re 1 to burn. Pr.
· longing desire for food or
drink. l~P.~'iF·~
~4 ~ara, adj. Alkalines saline, or ~alaw, M• .Fire-wood, firing,
· bitter. £uel.

L5li ~ak, F. Baa, Cry of sheep or uf~ ~altl.l}., M. Fnel, firewood. Sh.
: goat. ~~ :{:Jalhi, F. Action of arms in
,. · swimming.
~i4 ~akra, adj. Of or belonging to
· a goat. ~alhi m&raw, v. t. To paddle.
"il~ ~akaw, v.n. To baa, bleat, low. )Si ~aw, M. An arrow. 2. At-
) : 2. To talk foolishly. Pr. tempt:.
lw\~~ P. ~5~ F. u~~ :-Paw maral)l", To shoot an
arrow. 2. 1'o try.
w}4 ~agul}., I M. The snub-nosed
, ·
u'i~~ :-Pag hU'Q.,
j codilus
crocodile (Oro-
..ylYu: n~
.paV.h , F . cf. U. Arm. Pl. ul~

or wl.r34 2. Relative, wife,
u~~ :-Paghi,F. Striking the arms woman 'after betrothal. 3.
,,,. against the sides to manifest Side pieces of bedstead. 4.
joy. Betrothal. 5. One of
a city wall.
~aghi maral,11", v. t. To flap ~al].h \lad.hal}.r, ~o fold the
the arms against the aides, at arms.
the same time making a loud
~a'Q.h Qeli; A helper.
tremulous sonnd (done by
beggars to excite compas- u~~ ~anha:t]., lrI. Slave1 man-ser-
sion.) . vant.
~al).bhal).f, I M. A Brah· i..S}i ~atri, adj. Thirty-two. 2. F.
~ man. Line of teeth. Sh.
~al).hambaw ,J
~atri dharal)., F. Mother's
~al).hambal).ril)., F. Wife 0£ milk which is supposed to
Brahman. flow in 32 streams.

~~4 ~anhi:Q., F. A slave, handmaid, J~ ~utha:r, M. The face, mouth.

... . concubine. Syn. 0'1 ~utha:r bhannaw, v. t. rro
break or spoil a ma.n's face.
~J'4 Bal).hil}., F.
The side piece of a )'lt4 ~uthara, ]f. A mask, cover-
' · bedstead~ ~ . ing one's face with a shawl.
~aWal).ja:r, adj. Not in a llutha:ra }tadhal).J, v. t. To
straight line, not perpendi- J mask.
cular, oblique, bent, wry,
· ~ '.llut, F. Sultriness.
written also ~JJt .J
~ ~ut, Fastened, packed up.
~awi, adj. Twenty-two.
~ahir, prep. See U. Out., out- ~ lli'~, JP. A pair, couple, in pairs,
side, etc. 2. Country, as ... by couples, two united in ono,
opposed to town. as a. monstrosity.
~ahirtel). wal).ja~-r, To go to ~ ~a1, F. See Bayak.
stool. ~ lJita, M. Two hanks of cotton.
~4 ~ahirla, adj. External, ~
-· exterior, outer. ~ lluta, aclj. Spoiled, damaged,
· used of chipped or damaged
~~ ~ahli, adj. Much, many. 8. R. crockery. 2. Hare-lipped,
having one ear. 3. Unadorn-
~i ~ahaw, See~ to sit. ed with jewels.

J'i ll&,i, F. See U. J4 Mistress,

ulJi lJatak, F. Boasting, affectation,
LS~ ~atalrl, M. A boaster.
~i ~a,ith, adj. Sixty-two.
, u~ lJat!;al}., F. pl. Conversation,
'9S;f: ~a.9rf, F. Sweet basil (Ocimum . talk.
basilfourn). 2. A sher d,
~attal}. maral).t, To ta.I k,
broken earthen vessel.
lla.ltri da
bij, Seed of a.hove
~a.ttal}. sa.tta:Q., F. Conver-
plant, it has cooling pro-
perties. sation.

lla."Qiha,M. Sparrow hawk,

J4 llu1aw,
v. t. To stop, close,
used of eara or nose. Pr.
cuckoo, U. Pa.piha. ( Ouculus 'Y J , ,
~ llapha, M. u; llaltlll}., M. A weed (Ohenopo·
Dander, dandruff,
scurf. 2. Pa.ff of smoke from
engine. • dium-albztm) obno.x:ions to
cold weather crops, eaten by
~ lla.pha.l, adj. Unfruitful. , poor as a pot herb.

J~ llitali, adj. Forty-two. ~;4 ~atnha, M. A purse, . small

,,,. bag, closed by pulling a.
~ B,atra, M. A stammerer. double string.
. ,.t:!t ~i~h, F. A double skein of ~ ~achchn, D i min u ti v e of
.. cotton thread. 9achcba.
l.),le1! ~ithawa~, adj. Flat. rll.f
"' _,~ ~uohchn, M. One with a scanty
uj:~ :tli~li, F. A gold coin.
beard, or only a tuft of hair
:tlu~ijaw, v.p. on the chin. In. S. R. ~
.) ,,,. . From Buf.a:r;ir,
'!10 be stuffed, as by a cold,
to be closed, stopped. P.t. ~~ ~achcha, Same as {:>achcba.
v Jo . .lo
lJ..¥,:1 p. F. 1..5Ml-:;'-:t ~achcha baz, A sodomite.
;. J
)1.-~t ~a~era, M. A quail (Perdiw i...s~ ~uchchi, F. A scanty bea.Td.
, Olivacea.) ,
I.!:.))~~? ~ujhara t, F. Riddle, enig- l is~ ~udh, F. Wednesday, Syn.
"' ' . ?- ma, conun- 1
l)'.~t ~ujhakka, j drum. ) ~is~ · 2. K n o w l e d g e,
~t ~ajhaw, v. n. To be tied, unders tan ding.
bound, fastened, to adhere,
J ~J.t ~adha,i, F.Price paid for tying
as by glue. 2. To be congeal-
ed, coagulated. 3. To be con- up, also written !Jadhwa,i.
structed, of a dam. 4. To be
closed, confined. Sh. Pr. u ~~ ~adhJ"alJ., M. Infant's clothing
IJ.~? P. ~~. F. u~t "
111.I r~ ~adhaw, '/). t. To tie, bind np 1
b. "
f i~ ~ujjhai:q.-, i1. n. To understand, fasten, do up, gird, moor. 2.
guess, find out, reckon, To dovise.
comprehend, discern, infer, 3. To finish off. P. D. Pr.
repute. 2. To be extinguish-
' , I~~• P. ~~• F. u·--...--
- ··~~
v v
ed. Pr; le.>.~ P. ~~ F. Syn. ~~ v. p. ~J.t
J ~~ o. v. y_," I~~ or y,~4
v I

uJ4~t ~ajhul}., See Bajh. ,, J

Yi~~ ~ach 9ach karai:q.-, v. t. To ~~ ~udhti, M. A fool, stupid per-

111 crunch, to smack the lips. son. U. -'~
~t ~ac~cha, M. F. Also written J

c; I~~ ~udhwan, M. A wise, learned.

~1 the young of any animal, man.
commonly birds. 2. Child.
~~! ~ach:ra, M. F. Son, child. Iu
j_, l~~. ~adhwawaw,
c. 11. Of :(lad-
Sh. Darling.
u5~~ ~ad.hwa,i, See 9adha,1.
J~).~! ~acharwal, M. One with a
family. u:tJ.t ~adhi, F. A mutual arrange...
;IS:~! ~uchkar, M . .A sound made by ment to buy up produce, etc.
drawing in the air between and sell at high priees, a
~losed lips, used to animals. ring.

~UC'hkaralJ.r, v. t . .To call or ~adhl karaw, v. t. Tn make

stop an animal by ~mchkar. a ring.
~achkana, M. Small tight ~J.? ~adhej, M. Retention 1 stop..
shoes writben also ~~~
.,. t ' page of flow of phlegm. eto..
v J
,,. :\3adhijaw, v. p. From ~ad- \,. '1bJi :\3urhwawaw, c. v. from )SJl~
Jn v I.

haIJ.r, Pr. l~!b~

,,... P. '-5~-'~ Barhochi. 'lrf. One living in
,, . country not in town.
,~~ :\3adhelu, adj. Tied up, (of /~..~ :!-~.J .purh"lJaw, v. p. f rom ;~r)!
_,;:•. "Tl by f.

cattle,) stall fed. J

~ :{Ju:pt, M. A oressing for
jb~ :\3adhar, M. A poor thin woundA. 8. R. 2. Interj.
animal for slaughter, B. R. Oh. 3. Identification mark,
v1/ a cut on one ear. Bh.
)3~ :\3uqai;ir, v. n.
To sink, drown, J J

choke. 2. To be insenaib1e, ):): :{Jur l,mr, F. Bubbling. See U.

1' j,J burbura.
to faint.
Pr. lrJ~
.P'"': \.Jc).J
••• :
j, ls') ~af ka, ]f. Babbling, boiling.
J y) ls'Y:
~a.rkawaw, c. t•. of ~rnrka'.9r·
Vt,~ :tluQ.ha, adj. Old, aged, elderly. v I
• J
f-''6'): ~u+kawaw, v. t. To try a pipe
In 8h. ~It>~ 2. '!Jf.. An old to see if the right quantity of
man. water is in the bulb.
~~ :\3u4hra, arlj. Old, after 8 or Y)Y:
:\Jarkaw, v. n. To bubble, boil.
, 10 yrs. Sh. (of horoes.)
Pr. l~)t P. ~): B'. ~~
~-st :tln4hi, F . .hn old woman. 2. c.
v I/
v 1
~)t?~ or\.>) 1.(1:.?
A deserted channel of river ~ ~. /I ) ~:
Chiuab. 8h. \.~,S\
Y 1: ~ur kaw, 'V. n. To cry, as an
~~, :tluc}.hepa, M. Old age. animal in the rotting season,
URed especially of goats and
.I: :{3ur, F. Nap on cloth. 2. A cameJs. 2. To draw, of a pipe .
' J J
fringP.. 3 A ra.g t.orn off a
faqir'd clothes, a.ud given to Pr. l'"°J: P. ~j F. ~):
his diRciple aR an amulet. 4.
A wood Fhaving. 5. In Sh.
u~Is') ~arkal}.Tal}., Cry of bullooks
in rutting season. S. R.
Long hair of dog. 6. Hair of
caterpillar. Sh. y_,)(j; :t:Ja+kwawa:rg, c. -v. Of
~ :tlarra, 1\I. Fever, a.gne. 9arkalfr·
~~ :\3ira~, M.
.i. ,,..
J An. island in a
y_, , _}: J ,.
See 9ora.Jfr•
c. u. o~ !,
,,..; !n :\3ira~i, F. l..J"i :tJas, aaj. inteTj. See U. V'~
Jk.1: :\3nrka1g·, v. t. To sprinkle as
v J
Enough, plenty.

pepper, salt. Pr. \~~ P. ufj~, F. A bifurcat.ed

J J ~: ;. stick or weapon. c.f. U. Sa~g.
~}: F. ~.I:
, ~ Buk, M. The open bands put
~Jj :\Jurki, F. A Sprinking, pinch. • together to receive alms, etc.
!. , , double handful.
c.l-'.I: :tJarUll, F. A sma.11 ber tree.
2. A bundle carried on head. J: :\lak, M. A fawn. cf. U., 2.
,, S.R. · Slapping the thigh.
;'./; llarnr, M. A rash, dry effiores- ~ak mar&l}.f, v. t. To slap tho
ceace on the skin. thigh.
) l(~ ~akar, M. Calling aloud, shout- uf.;~ :f)ilfoi:Q, F. A female friend,
ing. 2. baa-ing of sheep, ,,,.: lady love, mistress.
,_},~! '.lJalawa:Q, M. Childhood, boy-
l.i&! ~akani, F. Baa;, bleat of sheep hood.
and g,oats. S. R.
:{la.lawa:Q, adj. Of or belonging
~~ '.{lakra, M. A goat. 2. Rudder
to childhood.
1~~~ '.lJalda, adj. Alight, burning.
r..5J~ ~akri, F. .A goat.
~~ ~ukil, F. The way in which a . ~~ '.lJalakka, M. Childhood, boy-
;' s-l1awl is worn by women, the hood. 2. Anger. S. B.
end carried aeross the breast
and thrown over the shoulder. u1~~ '.lJalka,i, F. Infancy.
2. .A.. weed of aandv soil which
chokes the crops.· P. D. u--:
(i, Balakkf, adj. Childish.
)kt l)ikaw, v. n. To flt closely. y~ '.lJalal].:r, v. n. To burn, to be
·" 2. To become· one with, to kindled, lighted. Pr. 1~
asRocia.te.. 3. To a d h e r e,
cling to.
P. l:!J! F. u4
US..~ ~u.kkir F . .A handful of grain ~D.~ '.lJillu:Qg:ra, M. Kitten. Bh.
' put into a. hand mill: dim. of
~mk. 2~ A kidney. 3. The

side ot· the hand next the y_,,1_,l! '.lJulwawaw, c. v. from ~ola~r·
little finger. ,
4~ '.lJulha, ~f. Inflation.
JY,.~ u~ ~altl-qewaw ,. To wrestle. Sh.
:\lulha ~ewaw, v. t. To inflate
)~),~ ut!-~!· '.{laket}. pewal}.r., v. t. To fight, the nr°inal passage of a cow, to
, with the; fists. make it let down her milk.
, ~~ ~ugh:, M. .A. kind of red ;J_,tf~ '.lJilhawaw, c. 'I). :from flaha~r
woollen cloth. .... irregular in formation, also
~ ~~ ~ag hr al}., M. An earthen pot written j_, l_,~ To cause to
for drawing water from the v"'" \I

well.. ~;. The string by which sit. Pr. l~t

4. l~~ P.
,,,,. .;"
it is caTried or filled.
4.~~ 4. 4.G~,..,, F. U~·~-
lt::'~~~ ~aighela, .M. A's whelp. ,. .,,,,.

' 2 . .A. cannibal. u~~4.

Jr ~l:tl, M. See U. J~ Ability, ~~~ '.lJ i 1h a p p a ,
Jrl. Friendiship
etc. 2. Stacked firewood. amoug women.
v J
.. :\iJal wala, adj. Able-bodied. )¥~ '.lJulhiw, F. A porpoise,

~/ ~ma, M. A medal. 2. A cat.

r. "'.
. (Platanista gangetica) Sy1i.
, "'~.,, .
_. ii. Stripes' of office on arm.

1~ :\lu~ara,,M. T~lking, vocifera- ;J_,1,~ :\lilhwawal}.:r, See ~ilMwa~r·

tion, altercation. 2. .A decoy ~ V' ,,
bird. Sh.
Y·~I.-~ :\lilhijaw, v. p. ~from _W:
.jXllt,,, :\ilila}fg, F. Step, pace, stride.
.,,_.. to sit, to be seated. Pr.l~
~ila}fg ~ha1·aw, To pace, "' ;.
stride. · P. F.u~
u4 ~alli, adj. Strong, powerful. ~ ~anhaJJ.r, v. t. To bind, fasten.
· S. R. 2. To Make an embank-
c.}~ ~illl, F. A cat. 2. An anchor. ment. 8h.
:3. Horizontal poles for exer- u:t-e1 ~inhelf, 0 tbers. J?l. of ~
cising. ..
u~}~l~ ~iliawil)., F. A mistress. Syn. u4" ~a)J.l).i, F. High lying t.racts of
land infringing kur or old
.., uj~~ Indus bnnk. P. D. A. strjp of
land at foot of ~uleiman bills.
_,jt::'-lt ~iliaro, F. A kind of wreAt.1~
uf-4 ~annfl}., F. See T;>a:i;idh.
~annil). tharaw, To rrpAfr a
~}.it ~annal)., "lif. Ronndnry, land- boundary, darn, erubarkment.
rna1·k. 2. Coping. H. A J
narrow path in the plains. ~J-'~ ~nth, }f. A term in wrestling.
2. Face 0£ a quadruped. Sh.
~annel). ~ha.ppal).r, To repair " J
the boundaries of a field. Y~~ ~uthaJJ.r, v. t. To flll up to the
~ an n e I}. s aw al]. d r i, One
owning adjoining land, ufJ~ ~uthi, F. :Mouth o1 man,
neighbour. muzzle of animals.
1~ ~Ul}.da, kl. An ear ornament ~lithi, v. ·t. To gag.
• for children.
~_,~ ~ot, M. A large .piece· of flesh.
2SJ.~ ~al).dh, F. An embarkment J

for keepiug off or retaining lJi: ~u~a, M. A plant of any kind,

water, dyke, dam. bush, herb. 2. Flowers on
cloth, paper, etc. 3. Reed
u~~ ~al}.dhli, F. Dim. of 9a:gdb. ~rass (Saccharuni sara) =
2. Coping. .lo ,, •

c..S~ ~Ul}.di, F. Dim. of lJuJ,.1.dli.

'--"'i: J
~011, F. Dim. 0£ 9ot.
, }y._ ~uti, F. Dim. of ~mta.
" ~il).di, F. A dot.
u~ J, J ,, ,
_, ,,.. Lo d~ ~n.te mar, M. One who clears
1~ ~il}.4a, M.A. bag made of grass ) :.1:
t h e JUDg
. Ie an d so acquires
. a
;. matting or date leaves, used tenure on the land.
to protect date~. J,~ , ,,,
~ i..S)~ di;· ~utemar1, F. The act of
) ~ :Bundar, M. ~ clea1-in~ a jun g I e . S,tJn.
J:, "~ • • • • Buttock. Mu:i;i.dhima1·i.
uJ ~ ~u114:ri, F.
u~ ~il).gi, F. A. dot. 2. A bag of
uJ~ ~odi,
; . RR
F. Top of a tree. 2. E air
worn by children. 8h. 3.
;. grass matting or date leaveR Forelock ot horse. Sh.
used to protect dates. 3. »
~)t ~oq., F. Flood, deluge, annual
Sitting board of swing. S. R·
4. A ladle for removing water rising of river. Syn. J_r:
from boats. Bor and Je-- c b h a I . 2.
./ Deep water. ~S. R.
,),~ ~uwwal}., M. Dassil of cotton,
· pledget, a dressing of oint· l~Jt ~oq.a, M. An ea.r jewel. 2. A
ment on lint for wounds. • ciuster of fruit or flowers. ~.
~ ~anh, F. A. border, boundary. faintness.
'-Yi: lJo~e bhannaw, To p1uck jlJ! :\lolaw, t'. n. To Rpeak, talk.
" J J ,
tobacco flowers.
J Pr. \~ P. ~i: F. ~
JJ~ lJur, M. The buds or blmisoms
of fruit trees, greenR. 2. Ji: 1Joll, See U. boli, Speech!J
Wood shavingfl, sawdust also language.
called bura. 3. Pollen of
grain. Sh. 4. F. Pride, conceit. 1Joli gewaw, To bid ah sale.
~Jj ~awal}.jal, ailj. Oblique. bent,
j_,~ :\Jora,!!. .A mea1mre of grain wry,. not perpendicular not
= 8 m1tnr 640 to 800 10~. in a. straig11t liue. '
2. A coa~~e sack for loading· l ,3.,.) • ,, culj.. E1ff.y-two.
bullocks anil non keys. i3. ~ .1: ~aW&l}.Jha,
0Mwse net for grass o~ st.raw. v J

S. R. • 4;~ ~Ul}.gh, F. A roar, roaring of

J a liou.
~-'t :\Jura,
M. Turnings, shavings,
sawdust, iron filings.
". vJ
, ,
J.)~..>Y: ~Ul}.h:pl}., F. Tho firflt sale in
the day, the first cash re..
'Y J
, ce~vcd.
iJ'~ :\Jural).f,
v. t. To turn wood
1Jnl}.hrll}. ka.raw, v. t. To seU
'-VJ~ ~ori, F. Dim. of 9ora. .A small fo1· cash. It ia a. custom to
sack. make the first sale every d;iy
for cash, lest n.ll Atd>i&<~qut•ut
J. , dealings should ha for credit.
Ji: ~Ol', M. Cooked meat, pottage.
2. See <:)~
t~ lluha, Af. A threshold, door..

;lJY: ~o+aw, v. t. To dip, immerse, Syn. b-?

steep. 2. To cause to dive,
drown, sink. 3. To over- llnha mar, ')
whelm. , ,. ~ Shnt. ihe cloor.
Gira!}. l;>ora:gr, To dip bread
lluha 1e cha,) Sh.
into a dish. llnha Ia.h, Open tl1e door. Sl.
na:g l;>ora~r' To forget one'l::l
v J J llnha latth& fea, The door
self. Pr. IJ-.4.): P. 4.Jr: F. stood open. t:Jli.

u~): Jti; :\lo~ar, M. 0 ff scouring.

i..J'i: 1Jok, M. :Lust, lasciviousness. ·
~~J! 1Johara, ill. Frnit stalk of date
~Y: :\loka,
M . .A bucket or vessel palm, after the fruit is pi<·ked,
for drawing water from a ofte11 u~ed as a. broom, heuce.
well, written also l~)i 2. Brush, broom, besom.

)UJ! ~okaw, v. n. To bleat, cry, )}Y: 1Johara.w, v. t. To sweep. To

make a. clean sweep. Pr.
make a noise. Pr. lJS)~ P. " ~ , :I

~fJt F. ~~)! l~A P. ~Ai: F. ~.I:

~haral}.:r makes,
v. p. Bnr-
4(~ :\}okha, See poH. a.nd c. v. !>nrhwawaw.
JY; ~ol, M. See TJ. boL Speech.
'-Vt_,~ :\)oh&ri, F.Dim. 0£ 9oh&ni.• Bgs..
:2. Promise, enga~ement.
.A line, verse. Sh. fay,
&){ ~ohatta, M. A charm worn on ~~ ~eya, adj. Other, another.
· the arm. A jewel. second, else, further, makes
Jt -'~ ~ohir, F. The Banyan tree 1 •
p11. ~ - u~ F. ~~
I •

- (Ficus Indica.)
~eya, conj. And.
~ohkar, See tJobari.

~ohal, F. A yearly gift made

;Y:t ~iar, M. Woman's clothes,
kurti and bocltharyi:.
by MahammadanR to their
M.n.rshid or spiritual adviser. ~~! ~eyasi, adj. Eighty-two.
~Y: ~uhli, F. A sleeve.
~~ ::\3eyanme, aaj. Ninety-two.
l}.n ~u,i, F. A plant used for c..::.,,_,~ ~eyawat, adv. Besides.
fodder for goats and camels.
Its leaves are applied to
~ephli, F. A shrnb (Oorclzorus
the gums of children a.nd
used in treatment of ophthal- olitorim, depress'US or acut-
mia for man and beast. angula), febrifuge and vege-
(Ballota limbata). 2. Muzzle. table.
J~t ~etalf, adj. Fortyptwo.
u~ ~hal]., M. A temporary dwell.
· ing in fields. Sh. 2. See ~ :\3e~, M. Land cu1t~vated by rain-
fall or river overflow, not by
irrigation, moist, a 11 u v i a I
tis~ Bihanta, "Af. A young donkey lauds, islands in river.
.:. • aft~r weaning. 8h.
f-1 ::\3er, F. A tree (Ziziphus Viztl-
· ~41 ~ihaw, "/Jf.
A colt, foal. garis). 2. (Ziziph'U.s N'u,mula.)
6. The fruit of the above •
~ihaw, F. A filly. Plum.

}tj :{lahattar, ailj. Seventy-two • !r--t :{Jera, lrf. A piece of fish-

v perhaps sometimes flesh. Jn
~aw, v. n. To sit, perch .
.N v v y
S. R. any piece of flesh small
in size.
Syn. _W- -Yt~ Pr. ~~~
L-'!- •.
or 1~ P. ~ F. \...)~
,, ...
~ :t3air, Jf. The wheel on which
the rope ladder of a. Perdian
Imper. +.!"! or is.i: makes well turns. 2. Threads join-
v v
ing two wheels of a epinning
v. p.~ and c. v.y_,~
.I .,..,, .,.. jenny on which the thread
u}tj ~ahUI].,pron. adj. Much, many, is wound.
great, immoderate, abnnda.nt, ):!1 ·~ir, F. Line of teeth.
copious, deal, common. ...
~ahUl].. adv. Greatly, very. ~ ~ira, M. The notch of an
""' arrow. 2. A loop. In S. R.
~hUl]. ka,f, Many.
a country button. 3. Gouge.
~ahUl}. sara,
Very much,
~~ lJe:ra, M. A regiment. 2. A
many, too much, abundant,
copions. • large boat..

~ ~a.he:ra, M. Frnit of ('.J:ermi- ~e:ra t>ucJ. wa.l}.jaw, v. p. To

. nalia Belerica), used as be rafued, lit. The boat to
medicine. be sunk.
54 )

~i:ri, F. The colour t,bat Courage, confi..

adheres to the lips from dence. Byn. ~~
chewing betel. 2. A certain
composition which being
rubbed on the teeth makes ;JS~ Pa~aw, v. n.. To be ;orn, rent.
Ft~in~ of a, -red colour. 3. A S. R .. In S. P. ~.);is in
thread to keep jewels in
i>Y.Ll "
placE'. Sh. use. v. t. J) ~

c..S)!.-~ ~eri, F. A boat of from 50 to

l~~l; Pachha, M. A Eicarifier, one
300 or 400 m:rnr burden. 2 who incises poppy heads:. :?.
A gallery. 3. A' fetter. Oue side, or a leg of pajama.
~J'eri l~rnqq.alf:r, 'To founder.
u~.;--~ Pachhi, F. The act of scarify-
•.}~~~ u~ ~a,i sabb.a:Q., The· day after
to-morrow. ing poppy heads.

~ ~el, A second ploaghing. 2. ~JG Padhi, F. A variety of wheat

A man who rides behind in Moutgomery di at r i ct ..
another on horseback. P.D.

1::'-~ ~ela, },{. Moist low I a n d , .J~ Par, adi Beyond, a.cross. See

· marsh. u.
J..;.:~ ~ell, !If. A frit>nd, servant, Par utaraw, ii. t. To ferry
· hired pe-rson. 2. Protect.or, over, or aoross.
term of endearment. P. D. li1.
,,. . Par julaw, v. n.} To go ove>J\
)'~ ~·ewmr, M.. A snit of two
Par wal).janr, cross over.
ga11ment&, for women=chola, Par puchawaw, v. t. To ferry
t~JJ:!-t ~ewarl).ja, adj. Fifty-two. ul~~ Parall, F. Straw of rice o'r
lv:!-~ ~eha, M. ·Food cooked yester- china.
day. S. R. ~~ Parat,, F. Recommendation,
entrusting any thing to
Pe another's care, trust.
'--' Pe, the fonrth letter 0£ the u.v~ Parnl)., prep. For sake of, in
v W. P. Alphabet in Roma.n C()tisequ~nce of. 2. From,.
character P or P. beyond.
~ Pa, NI. i of a seer;:::: i: lb. ~~ Farha, M. A watch, sentinel.
4~ Paba, adj. Belonging to the Farha q.ewaig, v. t. To wateh:t
hills. Sh. In S. R. HoofR guard.
become hard by contact with
stones. ~I) ~J~ Parhewala, M. Watchman,.
u~~ Pal;>i, F. A kind 0£ gourd or guard.
" cucumber. (cibciimis utili.
)~ Par, F. A root.
tissima) Syn.}
'-')~ -Pa:p:ri, F. The lobe of the ear.
Par patal:J;r, I
~To root np,,
2. Cake of silt. Sh. Par ka4ha.w .) exterminate.
Par niklaw, v. n. To be rooted 4.r~ Pashoya, M. Rubbing the :feet
up. with ghi or butter. Washing
Ot' soaking feet in time of
)~ Par, M. In Multan, the first sickness.
ploughing 0£ land for which
"gher" is used in D. G. w~ Pak, F. Matter from sore, pus.
Khan. It is derived from J)~
to tear .. 2. A pib sunk to the fi)~ Pakhar, M. Saddle, gear. Sh.
Eland in which a well is built. 2. A net for trapping hares.
P. D. 3. Hole in a hedge
for thief. Bh. ~~ Pakhar, F. Spiritual help
derived from a saint.
Par paralfr, v. t. To make a (Multan.)
first ploughing.
~ Pakh:ra, M. A camel saddle.
~~ Para, M. Neighbonrhood. 2.
,_}~ Paki, F. Olean1inese, etc. See
A piece missed out in plough· u.
ing. Sli.
Paki chawanr, v. t. To shave
l~-;---J~ Parchha, M. Tbe wooden the secrets. · ·
trough foto which the vrnter JI~ Pal, F. Arrangement in line.
from the Persian well falls. :L Setting nnripe mangoes
apart to ripen. 3. Leaves
)l)~ Paranr v. t. To raven, pull to and crushed stalks of sugar-
pieces: rend, tear, split, rip. cane.
P.r. 1~.Jv P. 4J~ F. ~.); Pal ghattaw, v. t. To mellow
Para, A large ravine. or set asidt;) (mangoes), to
)5,~) Parwawa:Q.r, c. v. £rom Pai·al)r, ~~ Pala, M. Frost, snow, cold.

~? Parija:Q.r, v. p. from Paral)r· Pala :powaw, To snow. 2.

U"'~ Pas, F. Favonr, favouritism, perhaps also nsed in
sem1e as pir powa:r;q·, to fall
partiality. 2. M. A written into bands of.
order or permit. J

Pas kara]ff, v. t. To pass an }~ P~ltn, adj. Fattened, nour.

examination. 2. To shew
favouritism, pl'efer, be partial
, ished.

to. 3. To hand a dish round. }l'~ Paltu, ailj. Cast, in a mould,

not wrought.
b~ Pasa, M. Side. In Sh. 1}u.~ J~ Falaw, v. t. To nourish, bring
2. dice. up, fattE>ri, feerl, maintain,
rear, protect, breed, nnrse,
Pasa karalfr, To move to one
Pr. I~ P. Ult,,
sidE>, get ont of the way, Perform. " ~ .. y
refrain from, hold alo9f.
Pasa upatraw, I To turn lJL Falha, adj. Disengaged,, at
~ overon '# leisure.
Pasa walawaw, ) one's
side. Palha karaw, To empty.
,~~ Paskn, M. Weight put in u~ Pa]f, F. A skin disease fo
light end of sea.lea to make animals, with itching and
even. Sh. scab in sheep, faUing off of
hair, mange ? 2. A measure
~'-; Pase, prep: By the side of. equal to from i to ! lb.
i.J'~i ~~ Pan piddi, F. A bird that eats J, l; Paoli, F. A four anna piece. l I
insects out 0£ jand logs, male
bird dark blue. Wren? (Col. of rupee. Ji.f. .A. weaver ,F. J~
.. y
PaI].ja, adj. Five.2. Few, used v I ,,.
by t.hose beneath a date tree, y,~ Pawan:r, v. t. To throw, pour ..
when one is collecting the 2. To put on, wear, attire,
fruit. 3. To find, obtain,
• 1'! , ..,
PaI].d, M. The end, extremity. discover, P. ~ P. \.)"t F.
'l'he tail end of a canal,. \,! \>! l
~ v. P· _rf.~ c. v. YJ'~
oppoAed to "mun d h" or
"muhan", head or source.
2. Border or skirt of a gar- ~~ Pah, F. Dry pulverized oo¥ls
ment. 3. Top part of sugar· or buffalo's dung, manure.
Pah jhalo, The board which
t.>.Sl~ Pal}.da, lf. A stream of milk preveuts ma.nnre, etc. falling
from the teat of a buffalo. into the well.

Pal}.da piwal}.r, To drink tbe ll~ Pah, I F. Path for caHle

milk of a buffalo from the ~ between two
teat. ~l_,; Pa.vah,J hedges. Sh.

._,~J~ PaI].Q.i,"lrf. A carrier, especi- Jt~ Pahar,I M. A watch of 8

ally of grain.
JtYv Pohr, J hours. f3h.
j~ Pal}.+, F. A measure for dry
goods of from ~ to ! of a lb. Pohr rat rahndi, Eo.rly morn..
Syn. u~ ing. 3 A. M.

j~ Paw, F. Paste made with Pohr rat gai, About 9 P•••

wheat flour used in preparing Bed time.
cotton for 2. Ma..
terials used in t.he prepara- ~1~ Pahi, M. Alum miner.
tion of iron and steel tools to
temper them. $~ Pa, 1!. See Pa.
Paw ~ewaw, To temper me- ~t:s;:"r.¥
L Pa i khana M
,_ ' .
c lit.
tals. house, privy.
SI P",
a,1 F. A meru<ure o f cap11c1t.y.

-w~.jt~ Pal,lflI]., ll-I. Water.
varyini;t in difff'rent pla~'S
PanriIJ. la waw, 1•. t. To water. from :)2 lbs. t.o 50 lbs. In Bk ..
Panril]. thivaw, v. n. To melt., = 4 tope or 8 lbs. 2, -l: of an
anna or penny.
PanriIJ. bari, Hard water said ~ Pa9, F. Ball, or front part of
to produce indigestion. • the sole of the foot or shoe..

Pan+il]. haula, Soft water ~ Pa9il].r, F. A water lilly11

Siu pa:i;i;·iJ,.1, River water. "' (Nelumbium specioaum) Sya ..
Pa~wil, adj. Having itch. See ~
u~ ~ Pip, }
Fruit of FiCIM
r religiasa a. n d
l_, l~ Pawa, pl. pa we. Foot of sheep, u~ Pipul}., pl. Fi<;u.s Indica~
~oat,etc. below tbe knee. 2. 2. An edible paraaite from
A leg of a bed> etc. the root of the k&ri bush.. SL
)t; Papar, Box tree. (Buxus sem- y; Patra, M. Almanac, etc. Sea
pervirens. Sh. U. 2. Share, portion. 3.
J Page. 4. An iron band,
~ Pipul, l!rf• • A tree (Ficus ferule. 5. Dry leaves of
.. religiosa.) 2. Daphne, very malla. Sh.
common on the 8 u 1i m an ~~ Patrala, adj. Leafy. 2. M.
Mountains. It is not eaten Small earthenware vessel.
by goats.

~ Pipla, ]£. The pointofa.sword.

lS_,fi Patrota, M. An earthenware
kneading dish.
Pipla mul, .A native drug. u}!. Patri, F. Leaf of (1) a note
" or letter. (2) of moth or
~ .Pipli, F. An eyelash. 2. Long sugarcane. (3) of cotton or
pepper. its capsules.
~~ Pit, F. Prickly heat. 4.~ Patriya, '/J1. Uncle, father' a
~; Pat, F. Good name. See U. 2. "'
brother. In S. B. 4. r'.A;
~ ~
Treaole. 3. Trust, confidence.
~ft Putreta, M. The relative of a
Pat dar, One possessing cre- bridegroom.
dit, being well reputed of.
.f.}; Patrer, M. A father's brother's
Pat maral}.f, v. t. To betray a. son, consin. S. R. fl.Ji.
14A Putrela, '!II. An adopted son.
~ Pitta, '!vf. Water-melon. Sh. Putrela karaw, v. t. To
U, Patta, M. Sign, etc. see U. 2. adopt, affiliate.
v Trust. v.f; Pat+i, F. A :fiat fish. Sh.
Patta lawaw, To direct a
letter. ~ Pattal, F. A mat oc screen
made of reeds.
Patta qewa.w, To tra.cef give
a clue. lti., Patla, adj. Thin, etc. See U.
" 2., few, weak, ha.rd up.
~ 1.1; Patasa, M. A lump of purified Sh.
sugar, a sweetmeat.
Patla thlwaw, -v. n. To ema-
JLi; Patal, M. Abyss. ciate, become thin.
> ; ; .
_,J~Patalu, M. A testicle. u'"'°~ Pitlamal}., M. Liver and ligbts.
1u., Patawa, M. Loose sole, for a ~ Patlera, adj. Rather thin. Sh.
~ " shoe. I from~
~'-;~; Pitpapra., M. A Rmall. :flowere~

• fumitory.
(Fumarw, parv,,,~
)4 Pital}.dar, M. A step..fatber.
}b; Pataw, M. A ferry.
,;.,..,.- Patchir,M- A cnltiva.tor. P.D.
2. Acquisition of land by ori- ~ Path, M. A :nieasnre of grain
ginal tribal division. v from ~5 manr 24 seers to 40
manr =
18 ~wt. to 27 cwt.
)~ Patdar, See Pat. 76 iis.
;i.; Patr, M. A small quantity, ~ Pith, A gall bladder.
about 1 oz., used of wine only.
2. Ea.r drops. P. D. ~, M. A stone. See U.
Pathar qilla, A fire lock. u)1; Pa~ri, I
F. A narrow strip
j; ~
of bard bad soiL
Pathar di..khanr F. A
u~ Pa~ti, ) Strip of hard soil
quarry. ··
betMveen sandhills in Thall,, v. t. To spread, does not crack after 1
turn over.
like r......:j; having more sa.nd
Aita :patharaw. To lay a
in it. Sh.
foundation. Pr. l~~:J~ P.
)~ Pitkar, M. Beating the head
.4~1; F. i..>~:Jii; or breast for grief.
Pa tthali, F. Sitting cross
...j.~ Patkl, F. A small tnrba.n.
legged. Sh.
\.!Jo p t
~ a.a:tfr, v. t. To,. tear, rend,
u:A~ Patti, An affix signifying bite, as a dog. 2. To pick,
possessed of, e.g. cror :patti, pluck, draw out, protrude.
having millions. 2. See U. 3. To dig open, ''e:xca.vate,
A share. 3. Subdivision of open. 4. To pull up,, root up.
an estate. Sh.
Pr. l~ P. lJ.t JP• U ~
- ..,
)"' uj Patti-dar, M. A sharer,
v'" v
.. v
.lo v \ j,

.. partner. .. v.p.~ c. v.y)~

\,~.lo p·
~i"' u~ Patti-dad, F. Having a. share. f1 ittalfr, v. t. To curs,e. 't!. u,.
1\o mourn, beat or strike
~)~~ Patiri, ad}. Unleavened. one'a head with grief. Pr.
I~ i . .i.. i.
.. ? P.~ F. ~
~~ Pat~, F. Beam (of roof) Sh. "!'\.lo ... ...
2. M. Thigh. Sh. c. v. yn.>{
u ~~ Pita:rgal]., M. Mo u. r n i n g :r
~~ Pat, M. Silk-manufactured or
raw. wailing. Syn.~

~~ Pit, F. Beating the breast, J)1~ Patoli, M. A silk w~ver.

~ Path, F. A female kid. :2. A
1-1; Patta, M.

See U. A dog's
collar. 2. The web between ~ Puth, M. Back. 2. Wrong
the two strings of a pellet side of cloth.
bow. 3. Lease. Sh. ~~ Patha, M. A fatal disease
t -1; Patakh, M. A crack, whack.
1 which attacks cattle fed on
immature tornipa, or inenffi-
ciently watered jou:ar, when
\Sl1~ Pataki, M. Husks of grain.
green. 2. A young pigeon or
2. A shrub, (a b u ti lo n chicken.
Indicum). P. D. J

.. Jo
J ~ Pntha, adj. Opposite, back-
A4-\~ Pu1th, F. Solution. Sh. wards, converse,. counter. 2.
\, "!' ,Jo M. Crupper of animal. In Sh ..
;~~ Patkhaw, "'· t. To throw down hii:d q na.rter. 3. A liead,
violently. as in " so much a. head" used
in sale 0£ ca.tYe, a. piece, in
r..i'J.J Pa1rL F. A gold or silver locket same sense. 4. Blade bone,.
') 'Y

hung round the neck by thick .scapula of man.

silk, or· worn by women on Putha kara:rg, 11. t. To
the forehead. Often worn in
sets of three. It is intended
to contain an amulet. 2. Pulhikalam pa.rhalfr, To
Bank of a canal. Sh. read backwa.rds.
4\ Pattha, M. Dwarf palm. 2. v J
)ill~ Pujalaw, v. t. To burn, set
Fodder. 8h.
'-ty Pattha, M.j .A young donkey.
on fire. Pr. l~l~ P. ~ ~



r..Ji-£; Patthi, F. J Sh. J

F.u .. ~
;J_,l'*; Pujawaw, v. t. To fulfil,
l,l~t Pathara M. The cross stick of
_, y • ' ' finish, perfect, complete, mied
a rake into which the teeth mostly of reading books. Pr. set. v J .J J

.!o-' ,. ' F C . l~~ P. 4,l~ F. ~~~

c..S)~ ..e~ Put~h bharav1, . omm1s- J • • •

' , aion for endorsement. Sh. ·i..Sj_,l~ Pujawawi, F. The end, used
' only of place, not time. 2.
~~ Puth kal}.ga, lYI. .A plant (aohy- What is paid to a maulavi
ranthes aspera) an astringent, for teaching the Quran when
used in colic and gonorrhcea. it is finiE;hed.
v Ji.
Pathal].:r, v. t. To send, des-
IJ.~ Pujda, M . .Agreement, will,
'! .lo . Li. .lo
patch. Pr. l J...i0~ P. .. ~~ • ability •
.lo b'! .lo v .J
F. u~~ v. p. f~-:!'!.>.; \.iL.. 1 PuJ"'lanr, v. n. To be bnrnt..
1iY J .lo T'f"Y .. , J .I
c. v. Y-' -'4~
Pr. I~ P. ~~ F. u.w.1~ . .
Y"r_,1_,i~ Pathwawaw, c. 'l'· From
y~~ Pujal].r, v. n. To arrive, reach,
patha:t;J.,!-.Pr. 1~.Ji~ P. '-:'.~.>.;
v .lo .lo

· come to an end, to be finished,
F'. Uu.i.~.,E~ J ,
fulfilled. Pr. lil-T~ P. ~~
~)f~ Pa thora, 11[. } A young goat, .I .J
.i.. h , F' kid. ~4. F. u~~
c..SJ)'f-'-; Pat or1, ' .
v .I -
~~t ..~ Pu-Jwawanr, c.v. From puJaw
c..;fl; Pnlhi, F. Felloe, of a w~eel. .)J.J;v .;• J .J

Pu~hi ghattaw, v. t. To
Pr. , .
1~.J~ P. ~~ F. .
endorse. u~.J~
Pnthi mat, Abberration of .JbJl:s:' Pachadh, F. The west. 2. A
mind. v" tract of land at the of
~~ Pathijaw, v. p. From pa~h­ the foot of Sulieman hills.
a~r· ~Jl.5:- Pachadhar, I ·
.J · .,., }-adj. Western .
.b Patti F. An estate dependent ~J~ Pachadhi, )
~ o~· ~anal water for its culti-
vation. 2. A strip of cloth, ts- Pachar, F. A proposal for
land, etc. 3. A: narrow strip .J vY. marriage, betrothal (used
of hard level soil. Sh. only by Hindus).
~ Pa tila, M. A fla.~ boa.rd :fasten-
,, · ed to the driving seat of a J.).t!!f., Pacharakki, F. A silver chain
well which serves as a. back ornament.
boa;d for the driver.
"! t:s: Pachawanr, v. t. To digest.
Y ' VY • •

~ Paleli, adj. Ma.rked with a 2. Embezzle, defalcate, to be

unfaithful to the trust oom-
, band.
m1tted to •one.. p.r. IJ.1.J5'
~1.~ Pujala, JI.Ability, power. 2.
•"' Maintenance, living. 8. R. P.4.~F.~~

;t~ n~. Pichhla pahar,

J .
\iS,_\.s:' Puchawanr, v. t. To conduct, The last
) .I yY • • 'Y
watch, of day or night, used
escort, transmit. Pr. l~=;f... ~ .b or ~ ')
· h "t"'-?.'f
wit I
•• YY
F. 1 cw..A~,
,._,,_... .,,.,
'/). P•
~~. Pichhl_ag;, M. F, Stepson or
~c.V./)TvY "yl~ daughter. Sh.
'Y J
~.,,,. Pachka"',lYI. Prevarication. )~. Puchhaw, v. t. To ask, en-
y~ Pachaw, v. in. To be digested.
quire> question, demand. 2,
To visit the sick. Pr. 1~
To be spent, disposed of, J J ".
embezzled. Pr. l~ P. ~=f.:. P. t.J.""¥"'\•
..iOC:' F. 1SVY V•
I P·
v ) v J
J F.~~ f-:-::-r:;\. a. v. y\,"J I~ N a agh
\.'<'!. ,,,.c>

;JJ1,~. Puchwawa~r, a. v. From puchhla na ~agb == without

puchawa:r;tr. delay, without asking ques-
tions .
• ""'!C
'r'Y"'\• Pichh, F. Rice water. 'Y

Puchh, F. Enquir.v, question-
Jffv Pachhaw, v. t. To incise, cut.
"'" J , J J bleed. i. To scarifythe poppy.
ing. sun . ..f~~~~.-ef~.-~ cf. U. ~ Pr. 1~. P.
ii~ Pachh, M. Scarification. ~~F. ~::'-~
'Y J
l~~. Pachha, M. Scarifier of y~:!~ ~@~ Puchhwa pathaw, v. t. To
poppy heads.
,· refer.
~. . Pichha, Back, late. U.
1~· Pichhura, M. A track leading
Pich.ha k a r a l}. r, v. t. T o " backwards. Sh.
uf~J'.;~. Pichhorachhi, adv. Close be-
,).ff,.. Pachhal}., F. Evening twi- .. " hind.
light; dusk, early night.
Morning twilight is called Pichhorachhi awaw, To
"Wa1a wela.'' follow.
yll~. Pachhal}.gra, 'JJf. A large, Pichhorachhi bhar chhor,
·basket. P. D. To fill in with earth the
vacant space outside a new
~.}, L~ Pachhawal},
M. Shade,
~~-'~ Pichhorakkl, I
built well. S. R.

u~~ Pichhaha:th adv. Behind, at J ,, r Ty·i ng

" the back. Bk.
J J ~.i;e~. Pichhur~i'. . ) hind the
J.f J .~ Puchh pnchhij, JJ'. Enquiry. " back, prn1omng.
~~. ~...
1;... ,
Y'' ·2 • D eman d .
Pichhurki 'Qadhaig-, v. t. To
Puchh puchhij karal}.r, To J
. u~ Pichhu1h I Behind~
)f~. Pachhar, F. A ·cow. neither J ,,. rprep.
after, astern,
J givipg milk nor in calf. u~ ...,_,~ Pichhul}. tel}.,) back, (used
)~. Puchhar, M. A. tail. "" only of place).
J )
,.f~~ -i~. Puchh guchh, F. Enquiry Pichhul}. powal}.r, 11. t. To
~· ~ qu"stionirig, examination. persecute.
Puchh guchh karal}.r, To ~~J;~=f.:. Pachhwal}.ja, adv. Fifty-five.
enquire, examine. Sh.
,,. Pichhuhal}., aclv. Backward. ~J.; Piddi, F. Tomtit, robin,.
U~· Pachhi, F. A small basket - honey-sucker.
.... made 0£ wheat straw, palm
leaves, or top ends of reeds.
~ PacJ, M. .A. breaking of wind
2. Sugarcane that bas passed f~om the bowels.
through the press. 3. The Pa~lawaw, i To break
act of scarifying poppy heads.
PacJ• maraw, wind. J
L~~~. Pichhea, adj. Late. is):Mi~ Pa~ Qahera, M. A kind of
u?.-~. Pichhe~, aclv. After, so, , fungus.
v j,
.... again, used only in respect Y~~ PucJaw, ~. n. To prick, pierce.
of time. • v J j, J 1'
In S. R. )i_)~ Pr. IJ~~ P. 4,~~
Y,:f., Pacher; F. Ache, fever. ,
t: Pa}Y!, M. Corner, angle. 2. F. u""" ~ The transitive verh
Bevel. • 1iY.r.
IS iJ.}~
Pakh ba~rawaw, v. t. To )l ~, v. i. To break wind.
J . Pr. IJ~ P. 4,~ F . .~Ml~
~~. Pnkht, adj. Ripe, perfect. ,,,. ....
J ' fl Par, M. See U. Wing, etc.
J~ Puk~ta,i, F. Firmness, tight- Par, M. Last year. 2. A wart.
J (?) on inside of horse's fore-
J:~~. Pukhta, aarSee. U. ripe, , leg. Sh.
dressed, etc. 2. Tight, perfect,
.f) fl Pur karaw, v. t. To replenish.
!fv Para> M. Broken cultivation
Pukhta karaw, v. t. To in ravines. P. D .
harden. ...
~ Parra, F. Day dawn. 2. Line
Pukhta thiwanr, v. p. To be of beaters (hunting) Sh.
hardened, confi;med.
~~ Padam, M. .A. small very
Parra bakh, F. Day dawn.
y p o i s on o u s snake. 2. A Syn.~~);.
thousand billions.

, J.~ Paddti_, M. A mean name.

Parr~ bakhaw, 1v. n. To
, Parra.. phutt
.. a:tJ.r, ) dawn.
Paddu da Padman, Ex'ag-
geration. ~ Pura, M. East wind. Sh. ·
Paddu da Padman bawa- J tu.. ; ); Parar-sal, M. The year before
-last year.
wa~r, To exaggerate.
~~ Paddh, M. Distance (used of
&..J~ Para!, F. A female came], one
to two years old.
long distances) Sh.
'"-5~ Pirak, M. A kind of sweet-
)~~ Paddhar, M. An open plain, .. meat.
without trees.
\S'!fv. Paraka, ~I. Buttermilk.
;;21r~ Paddhar~l}.l", v. n. To spread.
J~ Parali, F. The straw of rice
Pr. le.>.~~~ P. 4.r~ F. ·or Ohina. 2. Ground left
~.fJ.; fallow in cold season. S. R.

~;~ Paddhi, F. Steep place, brae. vi' Pural}.r,

)3;,; ' F. Branoh of river,
Bh. Sh.
v J
u~.i ~~ PurawaJ?., adj. Old, ancient, Purchak 4ewaw, v. t. To
and in 8. R. of Samukha or persuade, instigate, egg on,
lcai:grf, (kinds of grain.) incite, induce, move, us.ed in
a bad sense.
... J
ili~ Parahna, l
. l ~M. Guest. Sh. ~fl Purchakkf, M. .A.bettor, in-
~ ~ Pirahna, ) stigator.
J i,,·

'-:-'fl Purb, M. Festival, holiday. · Y:::-fl Parchaw, v. n. To be sati&-

fied. Pr. \J.::-fl P. 1~,;
~~fl Parbat, N ortb. 2. Hill. Sh.
F. I ,,.>M!!>.,.,
\..,;:o •r .)Y
~.fl Parbati, adj. Belonging to
the hills. cJJ~fl Parchun, F. Day book. Sh.

~;4;; Par\>arha, ad11. Witbout de· ~~fl Parchha~ M. A mat of palm

' Jay. Straight, immediately. leaves for lying on.
Yfl Parap, F. A camel of four u1e.;--;; Parchhati, F. A receptacle
years old. P. D. for goods, made by placing
a. beam across a. room and
A Pirt, F. Custom.
t..:..' Pl. 1)-Sh. flooring the interval be-
tween it and the wall.
'-=-'fl Part, v. n. Imp. Retnrn. Sh.
t~Parta, v. t. Imp. Return. Sh. "
~~;fl ParchijaJJ.r, i·. p. To be atisw
JI;fl Partal, 1!1. Proving of accounts, Pr. 14.fl P.
. }"'.
audit, enquiry, scrutiny.
Partal karaw, To look over, ~Jfl Parda, M. See F. 2. An e.x ..
,scrutinize, to scan. clam~tion of astonishment.
Ji;f, Partawaw, v. n. To regret. l~l~.fl Parqaqa, .ill. A great grand·
2. To turn over. Sh. Pr. father.
IJ.SIS;~ P. 4.t_;; F. ~tJ; i..S~l~fl Parqaqf, F. A great grand..
u ...~J~ Pirthami, F. The earth, world. mother.

)l)T ~~;; Partij-awaw, v.n. To return. ,

) 1; Paqa, M. Leopard. STrt.

l~fl Parcha, J.f. Friendship, ac- 4fl 4fl Purze-purze, adj. In pieces.
qna.intance. 2. A sheet of
paper. JI~;; ParsaJJ.g, 1
,::::v, J , I
'}Jl:::-;; ParchawaJJ.r, I v. t. To con-
so le, used

~~w.ifl Pursaitg, rF. A ladder.

)5Jlf~fl Parchhawaw,J of visits of '- ~ ""') Parsang, Sh. J
Aymµat.hy ou account of loss
by death.· 2. To tame. Pr. ~AA!/, Pa:rsan, adj. Happy, weU
IJ.J:!-~;; P. 4,l~fl F. ~.fl cf. U.

v. c. y_,l~fl ~fl Parse, M. Sweat. Sh.

t..S)JJ \~fl Parchawawi, .F. A visit of ~S"fl Pa:rkat, M. A child born in
consolation. step-father's house. P. D.
~:;-fl Purchak, F. Persuasion, in- ~~fA Pir kauQ.i, F. A game milch
stigation, incitement. played in. Sh.
~~j.. Parkhra, M.Oalm, with a clear isl_,;~ Parwah, F. Oare, concern,
sky after storm. anxiety. U. l_,fl
;¥;; Parkhaw, v. n. To ascertain, Paxwah rakhaw, v. t. 'ro
inspect, test, examine, essay, regard.
ParkhaIJ.+, t. To prove.
Kujh pa.rwah nahi:r.i-· No
assay, of metals. 2. Impreg-
nate (0£ birds). Sh. Pr. Ka,i parwah he. .Abundance.
l~~fl 1~_;; ~~fl
or P. \#_,fl Partitha, ]J. Food cooked last
F. ~fl or ....r~.fl c. v. night.
v v _(
y)1~fl v. p. Y~~efl Partitha mUJth, B r o k e n
~ Parla, 0£ or belonging to spirited.
that side. \:)'Jfl ParoM, adj. 0£ or belonging
~fl Paramba, M. Piece of wood to last year.
built into wall on which to " Partiw,
J-'fl M. A sieve, of brass
support door frame. Sh.
or iron.
U"°A Pirmi, adj. Hereditat'y. Sh. wt;~ Parhal}., a£fo. Fa.r, far off, be-
~fl Parm.eshar, I M. God. The ·, yond. Sh.
.. v ?- .Almighty.
)~fl Parmeshwar, ) ~~t/v Purha,it, A. diligent person.
~)Jfl ParnaI]., M. Marriage. Syn. ~~.~;, Purhayat, I M. One who
~ } labours for
I~;; -'~fl Parh,iatn, wages.
j_,'J;; ParnawaJt:r, v. t. To marry, '9.Sfi Pari, F. .A fish (Kotopterus
esponse. Pr. \~fl P. ..,. Ohital(i) lt has a nnmber of
Lil. . eye-Hke marks near tail.
.. ufl F. ~fl F.D.
f..S'fl Parni, F. A married woman. {..)'A Pir1, I A place where wre~t­
~>;; Parnia, M. .A married man.
r lers contend. P. D.
i..S~ Pi!i _J
Parnia, adj. Married. '-fa Pare, I adv . . See U. Pare.
v • ~ D 1 s ta. n t, f a r,
~fl Parnija:IJ.r, v. p. To be mar- J..fl Pare:JJ., ) remote.
ried, espoused. Pr. b.,4jv Parel}. kara:JJ.+, To remove.
P. F·~,_fl '-l·fl Parere, adv. Further off. Sh.
Parnewa, M. Marriage. Syn . ~fl Purijaw, i .. p. From pt'ira~.
1j.., ..,. 'l'o bury.
I.) ,/Y
w'-t?.;; Pa:reha:JJ., M. Meeting, pancka-
-'fl Paro, I From is tdan c e, yit. Sh.
, }- from eyon .
uJfl ParnIJ., J Jv Par, A cupboard, recess in a
boat for concealing things.
\:J1,fl Parwan, m7j . .Acceptable. cf. 2. Flagstone on a grave.
u. ] Pi:r, M. .A. threshing floor,
., .1
"" corn floor. 2. Platform on
J;',fl. Purwawaw, c. V.; Fr 0 m
which bullocks goJ when
turning a well. S. Halo round Pa:rhwawaw, c. v. From
the moon, (or sun, sig-n of
rain. Sh.) 4. A plain. Sh. )llb) .Pr. l~.J~ P. l~.~Zb)
F. u~Jlb)~
Pi:r powaIJ.r' To f a 11
r into the "
~)~ Parhijal).:r, v. p. From J'Zb}v
Pir ghattaw, J hands
of, to come into possession of.
Pr. l'-'4~_Yv P. - F. "'5~~Jv
Pi:r kau4i, F. A popular v)~ Pa:rl, F. Rock. 2. Flat clod
game. Sh. made by cracking of a deposit
J of silt. Sh.
)~ Pur, M. .A mill stone.
J ._~ Pir:ri, F. Drying ground for
~; Pura, M. Skin or parchment dates. 2. The limit of a
of a drum. wrestling ground.
,,,vi p·"
.w:j)} iral}.g, M· Arrangement, ~)~ Puri, F. A small parcel, a.
.. opportunity. powder, or dose of medicine
wrapped in paper. 2. Wheat
z~~ Parah, M. Stage, day's jour- threshed, but not winnowed.
ney, marcb, halting place,
encampment. u~~ Pirial)., F. pl. Small-pox. Sk.
...,.v)v Pa:rchh, F. A mat. P. D. Y~~.J~ Pa:rijaw, v. p. From para:rg· •

zJ"> Pardah, See parda. Curtain, To be torn, rent. Pr. I~.~

')v screen. 2. An exclamation P. F. u~~ ..
of astonishment. · .... .,,.
J ~ Passa, M. Stack, heap of grain
\.:J:!-Itii)}v Pu:rdhen, F. A cow in calf
in straw. Sh.
again soon after calving. Sh.
~~ Pasara, M. Expansion. See U.
W~~)~ Pa:rdil}.g, }tf. Crupper. Sh.
Pasara karaw, v. t. To
_,~)~ Para440, F. Echo. amplify.
yJ ~v I J p usa"W&l}.'f, v. t.
~) Parkatt, M. F. Step-son or To wet, soak,
v J ,
daughter. Sh. . macerate.Pr. l~P.l.Jk
... .,. ,,,,, -
J) Puraw, v. n. To prick, pierce.
F. uAAI.~~ v. n. ~ v. p.
v J

S.R. '¥ J ·v J
~~..Lw c. v.
,,/' ";Y )
\,s,L. i.u.,
J y

·~~')~ Pa:ropi, F. A measure of uf~ Pistaki, adj. Of a light green

ca}_.lacity equal to about 3 its. .. colour.
Four uli~ = one ~-'J~ J,4 Pistol, M. A pistol, car. Eng.
Pa:rhawaw, v. t. To teach,
~4 Pista, M. A lap-dog. Sli.
instruct. Pr. l~lb)~ P. 4.~Jv
\,'" J
pusal).:r, v. n. To be wet. Pr.
F• LS.AAAJ.lti\J
.. /II 1i. n. ')y ;~
" J J
b'! \,
v. p. fi'~~_F \,y ' \,
c. v. J)nlb). l~P-~F.·u~
v v J .
~) Parha1g·, v. n. To read, repeat, y,,1_,~ Puswawaw, c. v. From.
learn. Pr. 'J.ll)) P. l:!-!b) pusaw.
F. t..Sm.l'>Jv vn Pissnl}., M. A flea.
.,,, 1Yu•
u~ Pussi, F. Moisture. 2. Hot c..>~·) ~ p ald ~ Ii'. .A r;l1ort cut.
~ : al}.q.l, In
fomentation. Sh • .A raised path.
'-,.:l4 Pissi, F. Fine flour. u !i·; Pakra!)., F'. A boil, or in
Passe, M. Sweat, perspiration. fiun11uation wit.h suppuration,
suppoHed to follow putting a
·Y.~~ Pusijaw, v. p. from pusaw. wound or inflamed lirub into
rro be wetted, drenobed.
JM Pase!, F. Side beams of roof. j/~ Pakra:t].f, v. n. To be service ..
Sh. . able in difficult.y. Pr. 1Jj~
4/.M~ Pasila, adv. On one side, P. ~~.J,~ F. ~+-
" apat·t, aside. 2. Bent.
'-r~ .Pishap, M. Urine, piss. 2. )~ Pakar, F. .A. round, at wrest-
... ~emen, hence offspring. P.D. l~u g .. Cf. U ~·.A seizure, by
sickness or spmts of evil.
Pishap karaw, v. t. To piss,
urinate, make water. Yf~ .Pakra~r, v. t. To catch, lay
J hold of, seize, take, capture,
c....5~ Pushak, I F. Dress, gar~
. , ment, raiment,r · a pp te h e n d. Pr. - l~f~
1._ll~ Pushaki, ) robe, apparel, or L.>.l~.)(~ P. 4.fa F. - If~~
· attire.
. -1>JJJ..; b(iy v • p ' )i,Jcs;
or c..:i 1>(i
" ) y o. v.
Pushaki watawanr v. t. To
change otie's ~iothes, to j)i,_~ ,,
attire, robe.
/J h(~
b' ''J Pakarwawaw, c. v. From.
j_,~ Pashtawaw, v. n. To regret, pa~:raw. To bet.ray, cause to
·: -- Pr. l~~
repent, U. IJI~\· y catch. Pr. I~,)~ P. 4.~)~
P. 4.u~; F. ui.ullt~ F. uw.!,)f
J ;
Uj~~ Pushtak, F . .A term in wrest- ~ Paksa, M. Built of mud only
ling. cf. U. not 'bricks. Sh.
u~ Pushti, F. Support, prop. See ;k; Pakaw, v. n. To ripen, be
U. 2. .A plinth. S. R. cooked. 2. To fester, gather.
3. To a.gree, so as not to
Pushti bharaw, I To sup- admit of further dispute,
r port,
honour bright. Pr. 1~ P.
Pushti ~ewaw, J prop
up, used of walls. ~~ F. u~
u; Pak, M. Hard ground. 2. )3_,,_,(~ Pakwawal).r, c. i•. From
Certainty. Sh. paka:r;w. Pr. 1..).1~.,.,(; P. 4.1~
Pak karal).l", v. n. To know F.. ui.u.~.~
cerbaiuly, to ascertain.
-~ Pakh, M . .A sail.
\{, Pakka., adj. (Of land) too
v high for irrigation and there- Pakh ve:rhaw, v. t. To furl a
fore hard.
j_,~~ Pakawaw, v. t. To cook, to l~ Pakha, M. A fan. 2. Honey
ripen. Pr. f¥; P. l~.~; F. J
comb. Sh.

uw.~. v. rh. ;J(~ o. v.

. 9
y, 1i~ l~ PukM, M. .A lot.
Pukha satanr, I v. t. To J~~t~ Pigghiar, ll"f. A wolf. Sh.
• ·· ~ cast lots,
Pukha Q.eW&l}.f, J di vi de ~ Pag, F.Aturban. 2. Payment
made to a landowner for
by lot.
permission to sink a well.
)~~ Pak"khtt:r, M.P1atea.n between
Sakesar and Tallagong. Sh..
Pag 9adhawal}.:r, v. t. To
instal, invest with office.
_,~ Pakkhri, M. A resident of
Pakkhur. Sh. ;3_,l~ Pugawal}.r, v. t.
To fn!fil,
~~ Pakhal}.(J., M. Deceit, hypo- finish, complete. Pr. 1~
crisy, wickedness. P.4.~F.~
u-W~ Pakhal}.Q.i, M. A hypocrite, v l~~ ,
t.l·Y-' ~ Pugawal}.pl)., I t•
F. Comp e mn
deceiver. ' end, conclusion.
_,~~ Pakh u, M. Sh. See_,;!:~ )~ Pagar, M. A turban. Syn.~
u~ Pakhi, M. A bird. Makes pl. V~J •
yJ..-; Pugal}.f, v.n.
To reach,,
u~t~ 2. The reed shed in come to an end, attain
which Gypsies and other maturity.
wandering tribes live. 2. Win (a game). Sh. Pf' ..
Pakhivas, A tent dweller. lJ.~P. ~~ F. ~
Sh. J~ Pal, ·F. S~ow. Sh.
-'J:!-4~ Pakhern, M. Bird. Sh. J; Pal, ~ M. Concentric walls of
)_, u~ Pakhiwar, M. A fowler. ... grass ropes, placed
~ Palla, on the masonry
Jl_, ~ Pakhiwal, People liv3ng in cylinder of a well, between
reed sheds. See pakhi. w bich the earth ta.ken from
~ Paggu, M. A drain, gutter, below is placed, in order by
weight to sink the maaonry
y inlet. Land irrigated by . walls.
canal flow. P. D.
6:~~ Pngga, adj. Having an its 8
Palla Qadhaw, To erect the
above apparatus.
teeth, 5! to 6 years old. Sh.
)S}?,, Pag haraw, v. t. To melt,
~ Palla, M. A receptacle of
wattled reeds for holding
· fuse, flow, become liquid. Pr.
grain or straw. A garne-r.
'~.,ft~ P. 4.}~~ F. ~~·~ 2. Corner of a garment.

~t4~ Paghara,
t, p ag h ar,
M. Sweat, perspi-
3. Sap exuding from trees.
S. R.
Je y
Palle rakhaw, ~To have. in
Paghar-o-paghar, All of a Palle howaw' \ possession.
)Sfi~ Pagharaw, v. n.- To melt, JL Palal, M. Vain, idle talking
v Speaking at random. 2. In
fuse, liquify, sweat.
S. R. buying and selling a-&
j_,~J~~ Pagharwawaw, £\ v. From a loss.
1~.J;t~ P.
pagharai;i.r, Pr. JL PalaH, M. A babbler. 2# Ji'
. 4.~;~ F. ~~J;f~ y Straw of rice or olt?lrta.

Jt:f./f-4 Pagharijaw,
v. p. From ;3~ Palaw, M. A camel's pack
u,;~ Pulani, F. of JJ l~ a weaver· Palaggh pih:ra, M. The con-
l,~ Pilawa, M. A cotton dresser. stellation of the Plough. Sh.
"y' ~~ P'l'
)l~ Pallaw u. n. To be reared,
/ 1 awal}.r, c. v. From piwa:i;t:r
to drink. See U. Pilana. 2. To nourished, brought up. Pr.

dress cotton. Pr. l~~ P. l'-'1.~ P. t..!-i~ JJ'. ~

4.~ F. ~1~. fi, Pallo, M. The border of a

$~ Pula, M. A
dish of rice and
shaw1, the end used as a
purse. Formative~
meat. y

~ ~ Palpal, adv. Every moment.

Pallo paWal}.:r. To invoke a
-~ Pilatiw, F. Yellowness, pale· I )JJ ~~ Palwawai;i.r, v. c. From pala:r;i:r
ness, sallowness.
to be reared.
~~ Palattha, M. Sword's play,
t';~ Palnta, M. An evil wish, curse,
fencing. Stick exercise.
imprecation, malediction.
Palattha baz, M. Swords- Palute ka4ha1m v. t. To
man, fencer. curse, imprecate, execrate.
Palattha khecJaw, v. t. To Y~ Palotra, ~ M.child.
A great grand-

. cross swords, fence.
Palatthi, F. Sitting cross·
'-'i~ Palotri, Ji'. Ins. R. y_,.fl
v J
.. legged. Y~ Pulha.w, M. Breadth, width
Palatthi mararg, v. ?i. To
sit cross-legged. u 1)~v,1.~ ; ;
Pulhawal}., M. A custom
among at Hindu wed·
;I~ Paltitg, F. Regiment. Corr. · dings of calling one another
of Eug. battalion. bad names in fun.
Pallaw, v. t. To pour from yfit; Palhraw, forego.
v. t. To forgive,
vessel to vessel, cast, found. J

Pr. \~ P. ~~ JJ'. W-'~ Pilhnl]., F. The fresh fruit of

_.lo\ "~ .~\.
... JB.l.
~~ v. p. J~ a. v.
u~ Palhinl]., M. A quicksand.
;J)l_,:!l~ ...
u~ Palli, F. The green leaves of
u ~1:!4 Paltal}.fal}., !JI. A brazier's tool channa cooked as a vegetable.
£or turning vessels in the
furnace. ~~ Palia, M. A. grey hair when it
"' first appears.
-ill~ Pali1h, F. Primipara.
Paliye powaw, v. n. To shew
" ,,,
Y*~4 Paltija1n·, v. p. From paltaw. grey hairs.

~~ Puls, F. Police. Corr. Eng. Jl~ Puliani, F. Of JJl~ a weaver.

,,, . ·~
1~Pilkara, M. Song of bulbul. Syn.~ ...
)~ Pilkai;tr, v. n. To sing, of Pallt, adj. Impure, nasty, nn·
.. bulbul. clean, foul, polluted.

~ Palaggh, M. A. large bed-stead Palit karai;t'f, "· t. To defile,
with cofoured legs. Sh. foul, pollute.
v v
E ,. 68 I
. ~_,~

l:t:tl~ Palita, ll:f. A piece 0£ paper Pal).j kalaI}.,

adj. A11 four feeh
" on which a ~forshid writeR and forehead white, of buf-
words or marks and it is faloes and horses. Sh.
Hahtf'd anc1 burnt with bran v
a~<l lwr;nal before a person UMlt~~ Pal).jasi, adj. Eighty-five.
posF:Jessed with evil spiritEl,
t.o ddve them away. See. U. Jl~~ Pa:g.jali, F. A yoke for a pair
2. A oloth for covering the of oxen. 2. Grapple, in
dead \'i'hiJe being washed. wrestling.

Paliti, F. Defilement, nnclean- Pat;tjali pawaw, To close
... .,.., ness. filthiness. with .

41.AL Paletha, ) · ~l~~ Pat;tjaI}.me, adj. N1nety-five.

~ y • ( adj. First born.
L) u~~~ PalethlRda, J 1
c.,.. t~~ Pat;tjahi, About fifty. Syn.
uc;~~~ Palethi, F. Primipara.
-ft}l~~ Pal].ja,ith, adj. Sixty-five. Syn.
ltf.-~ Paleha, M. Juice, sap. P. D.
.k •

" ,
Pamba:i:i:r, M. A variety of +'-~~
wheat. (Tritioum d'l~rum.) ull~~ Pal}.jtalf, adj. Forty.five. Syn..
u~~ Pam bf, JJ'. Fine particles 0£ .\:il.A.)
•• .,
.,,. chaff, and refuse of sugar
cane. _,~~ " PaI}.jdu, M. {th of crop due to
~ Pin, M. .A lump or cake of the proprietor. Syn. ~ lS~~~
dried fruit, pressed together· v
~~ Pii~.jar, M. Skeleton of body of
~U~ Fanara, M. Hire of goods. ,,. animal.
Pana:re tel}. qewaw, To let ~~1 Ph}jra, M. A cage. 2. Chest
out on lease. · !t thorax. 3. Pierced wottk in
wooa, stone or metal for
ull; Panak, M. Thin buttermilk.
P. D.
,_,,U; Pana!}.·, M. .A sheet, leaf of cJ~~ PiI}.jan, M. Cotton carder's
paper. 2. Change of face bow. Sh.
caused, by sev~re sickness, v "
anxiety or pain. 3. Upper )~~ Pil].ja:i:ir, v. t. To card cotton.
~ v v v
part of shoe. 4. Sand or clay Pr. l~~l.> P. ~ F.
from canals to be used as ". ... . v
.. v v
• l:i• l .
manure. 5. The fine soil to
which loam can be reduced
c..s~~~ c. V-lJ~"i
v v ...
-v. P·
by ploughing, raking, etc. .) .--..
:,, ~

,}l! Pimfa~, M. A knot of· cotton Pi1).jat;tr tara,

M. A bow for
prepared for weaving. cleaning cotton.
Ju~ PintaH, adj. Forty.five. .b
A rate of t paid
PaI}.joth, ·JJ'.
by a borrower on every 1
~ Pal].j, ~dj. Five. Syn.~ - that he borrows, used of
L)~~~ grain. ·

Pal].j ishtani, F; Washing of !j_,~ Pal].jo:ra, adj. Five fold. Syn:.

hands and face. · u v
yj P
Pa:Q.jwi,adj. Twenty-five, Syn. )bxb~ mgaw, v. t. To abuse hy
'Y words. 2. To strain. S. R. 3.
inSh. ~~ · U,,ed of wells, when t,bey 11re
l~l~ Pa:Q.jha, adj. Fifty. bl'iug worked day and ujght,
the water gets very low, and
14~~ Pa:Q.jhara, About fifty. sand is brought up from
.. 'Y below the foundation. Pr.
)"'~~ Pa:Q.jhattar, adj. Seventy- V1
. VJ
P. I bj_, F
five. ~
... 1, i_;""JY
l:!-~~ Pa:Q.jia, M. t c. v. y_,~~

of an anna. Sh.
of. Balochi u~~ a pioe.
Pins, 1 F. Pension. Corr.
~J~~~ Pa:Q.jiri, F. A kind of sweet- l!J~~ Pinsin,
~ Pinak, v. t. Imp. Milk with
u~J~ Pa:Q.drahal)., adj. Fifteen. In .. difficulty. Sh. .

Sh. ~1~ l~ Pankata, F . .A kindof shawl

'Y worn by women. P. D.
~~ Pa:Q.dh, M. A stage, journey.
adj. Distant, far. bs l_('
f-' ti ~~.) p·1ll kh"'awal).J, v. n. To beg,
to eat that received from
Pal,ldh kara:Q.:r, To travel, begging.
make a day's journey.
Pin khawawalJ.,adj.Begging.
Sa4 pa:Q.dh, .A.s far a shout
'can reach. u~ Pii].lrhi, F. A red striped wrap.
Tufak pal).dh, As far as a J, J 'Y ,,. ,,.

gun will carry. 1_,~~ Pal}.ghu:ra, M. A cradle. Syn.

,, 'Y I J' y
)J~it>c.).l; Pa:Q.dhe:pi, M. A traveller. ~>.~~

~ Punal, Nf. A friend. adj.

lL~ Pa:Q.dila,M. The bear:n on · Behved •
.. ,,,. y which a weaver winds his 'Y
cloth. W; Pinnaw, v. n. To beg, as.k alms.
,) .. v
t; Pi:Q.g, F.Ripe dates. Pr. lJ..i.>y P. W~
.. ~
F. ,"--". .~~
.. 2. M. Village. S. R. 3.
Large high deserted site. Sh. J~~ Panwal, M. An associated
Cf. U. cultivator holding t share.
L u:Q.:ri pi:Q4, I P. D.
rSalted dates. .~ Finni, F. The calf 0£ the leg,
Nap di phJ.g, J .. leg below the knee. 2. A ball
Vaw-di pi:Q.g, Dates that ripen or hank of cotiton. 3. .A sweet-
meat, balls of rice fl.our and

on the tree.
u.~ Pa:Q.4, F. A load carried ;:f-~; Panir, M. A plant called also
.b1 y on the head.
Ak:ri (Withania coagulans.)
~)~ PalJ.4:ri,
u~~ Pal).Jal}., M. Earth. Soil. )~ Pau, F. Dawn.
• 'Y
'<!:'Y~ Pawj, F. .A. bough, bra,ncb, ~~I_,~Powadh, F. East.
twig. . u1i.) l_,~ Powadhi, adj. Eastern.
~~ .Pal).:rk, F. .A. poiI1ted ~tick for
· keeping a web from shrink-
Powadhi pase. In an eastern
iµg. direction,
v- J
r...f;-l 1,,; Poal).di, F. Foot of a bed. ~J':J Pujh, v. t. Irn:P. Wipe. Sh.
;r_,~~ Pawawal).:r, c. v. From ~_,; Poja, M. Ability, power.
pawa:i;i.r. '£0 cause to wear, zt ,,; Poch, M. Generation. Sh.
(to clothe.)
tl.,; Pawaha, M. Land close to a ~_,; Paucha, M. Paw 0£ dog, cat,
_ village. Sh. talons of kite, etc. Sh.
l~,; Popa, M. A nose ornament, _ft:;--~ PU.chhar, M. A tail.
jewel. J
~):;--J':J PU.chhri, F. Tail of a snake,
~,; Popai, M. A
butterfly, moth. end of a. rope.
2. Serrated border of a gar-
ment. .
~;J Pnchhal, M. Tail. Sh.
'9.SJ~~ Popri, F. A fish. (Baslums J.r.;-_,.; PU.chhli, adj. Having a long
; Sarama). P. D. tail.
~,,; Pot, M. Width of cloth. 2. . '
1.Ji)y-J P"n.dna, M. Mint. ( Mentha
Husks of rice without grain. Sativa and viTidis.)
P.D. · J ,
J.}";l Pn.r, M. A sufficient number,
IJ_,; Pota, M. Sand hills (in Daman i. e., of people to cross by
and Pathan tract) P. D. ferry in a boat, or los.ves
y_,; Potra, M. A son's son. Grand- for a.n oven. 2. Waves of
trouble, or 3. Cotton,
son. not new, previously used, old
ui% Pothl, F. A book used by flock.
wizards or magicians for
telling fortunes. 2. Religious PU.r bha.ral}.J» v. t. To com-
book of Hindus. plete the number.
8. A. fleece. Sh.
Pnr-powaw, v.n. To brood
~~ Pota, M. High lying land over, ruminate, on one's
beyond the reach of river trouble.
J.J;, Paurte, adv. Off> back, distant,
tJ°~ Poiha, M. Furrow and ridge, far, bttyond, on that side.
used in agriculture. .. ;I
Polha bawawaw, 'V. t. To Paurte thf, Be o:ff. Syn. ~F
make farrows and ridges.
.lo Paurte thiwaw, To stand
~ _,; Poihi, M. A riding or carrying back.
bullock. v J
2. Any animal broken in for f.JJ:i Ptl.raw, v. t. To bury, inter.
work. 2. To fasten in gronnd as &
tent peg. 3. To fill up a. ditch
Pothi kaqhaIJ.:r, v. t.To break v J ,
in, as bullocks, horses, etc. or pit Pr. \~~ P. Li-:),.; F.
J v J v 't . J
d .lo,; p ot1,, F. A fleece . r..r!._rf 'V·'P· Y=Ff- c. v. f)'.}ft
.. ~ p'·
UJaIJ.r, v. t. To worship, ~Yv 1~ Pwara pwara, Sounds used
v J
to call camels to drink. Sh.
adore, venerate. P'f. 1i.)..J.~~
P . ... ,_; F. u~~":.! c. v.
J;Yv Porh&yat, M. A labourer for
v .., .,,
wages. P.D.
f-' ~~ v.Passive not in use.
except with auxiliary verb. ~.% Porhi&, M. Labour, for wage&

~) Syn. ~J1% B. B.
w~Sr.J 71
r..S;~ Pauri, F. A variety of wheat. u~_,; Pauwal}., ~ M. A quarter 1eflB
P.D. v - than= f, used
l J..'jJ:J Pauwel}., with any nnm-
)Yv Pau:r, M. Foot of leg of cot.
ber above one. adj. Inferior,
Sh. bad.
)~_,~ Po:raw, v. t. To vst~b, prick, v J ;>

J.)3r.J Pu:r;].,

F. A dossil 0£ cotton
pierce. p r· 1..>..ti..;-.·
. b.J p
. IJ.L
·~~ prepared for spinning.

F. ~·fl
".J ~'Lu ;J~ Pnw sala,1, F. A distaff.
,_sJYv Pau:ri, F. Steps, rung of ~-d~ Pnl}.g, Jrl. F'. Young of fish or
"" ladder. 2. Sitting board locusts.
of swing. 3. Ropes for tying
feet of animals. S. R.
.f]J; Paul].gar, M. One who prints
clothes in various colours.
~Yv Posti, M. Drinker of an infu· ~J~x Powadh, F. East.
· sioa of poppy heads.
~J~_,; Powadhar,I .
~-h~ u!Yv Posh posh, Interj. Give way. ~ adJ. Eastern.
Posh posh karal}.r, v. t. To u.!b~ ~x Powadh1, J ·
clear the road. Powadhf pase. In an Eastern
b~,., Pokhar v.?1. Imp. Stumble. Sh.
) l" ·'
u~Yv Pokhul}., M. An omen, augury,.
jJ t_,,~ Powaw~l].f, c. v. from powa:i;ir
Pr.. l~JX P. 4.~~ F. ~J~
uefYv Pokhf, ad}. S~lf sown, of crops. v
J-'X Pow&l].f, v. n. To fall, happen,
~.% Pola, M. One shoe. lie down. Fr. lJ.Sx P. ~~ F.
~.% Polha, adj. Wide, open, of
" place. 2. Broad, extensive,
large. Pale powal].r,1 To faU into
j .f.% Polhaw, M. Breadth.
Pi:r powal].r, the hands of.

u~.% Poliai;i, Seed of u~ Saffron. )S_,~ Powal].+,} v. t .. To thread, or

J+.o~ Pumbal, 1 BI 0 8 B0 m , Syn. v
y~ Poaw,
strmg flowers, etc.
I ! ,
J.~J~ P.
d , P'Ul}.bl'
a1, ~ li ,
~ F. ~)~ v.p. ~X
i,· ,

v ,;
\,' l
~;,. Pumli, F. A bud, young shoot. o.v·JJ-'X
lSYv Poh, M. The Hindu month
u,; Paul]., F. Bastard saffron, from Deer. 15th to Jan. 15th.
(Oarthamus Tinctorius.) ""~
~ '!>~ Pauh phuttf, 5 o'clock A.M.
u~ PU1h F. Pus, matter.
ll!.J}·•..;--jW~\S'= 5-6 o'clock.
~dy.F , 'haw, '/). t. T 0 w;p:.
v ' PUl}.J . p r.
,I ~, • V U ,
VJ f :f., Pohr, 3 o'clock P. M. 2. A
l~ P. ..~,,)':;? F.
V.J V 1 'fJ watch of 3 hours. ;~~ Bk.
~~o. v.y)~
,_sJ}; Pauh:ri, F. Step, stairs: Sh.
..J.% Paul].d, adv. Just at first. 2 . .Epic.
4~ Pha, M.
w!Yx Powai;i, adj. Bad. The l'ope by which a.
man is hung. 2. Ointment or
v ,
u~Y-i ' '
Pnwai;i, ~,r
A s k'immer f or oil applied to a wound on rag
milk, etc. or.lint. S. B.
Pha ~ewa:i;i.r, v. t. To hang. \;I~ Phana, .Jl.l. A wedge.
l.:!J~ Phat, F. A narrow branch of a
river. Cf. U. j_,~ Pahawa.:rg-, See j,'~
U"-'. y'...-'("~
d p·h' ' F.
I a,on1, "'l1
J. 10 i.11.ct, and

)lf4; Phataw, v. n. To bur!t. 2. price for grinding.

Beat soundly. Pr. \J.) 4; P·
.lo .bl ~~ Phah, M. I
... F.1..,5,w,,,, ~
tle; Phaha, Jf. ~Noose, eye for
C::.~; Pahaj, F.
A rival wife. 2. I button. bk.
Country woman. P. D. '4~ Phahf, F. J
'-1 ,. , .
v.1.L. "'d
Pha:al}.f, v. t T o set £ rm1y d"f; Pha.,1, F. A noose, net, snare.
in the ground, fix in a wall.
~.1 b j,
Pha,f W ara, A snarer, bird
Pr.1~.~ P.~.ti~ F.~.~ catcher.
br 1 c.v. Jn~
"! l 1
v.p. ~·~ Pha,i J.3:ira, Jf. A rur:mfog..
..v~ l?aharu, M. A. single sheep v
or goat. Pl. head 0£ cattle ~ Phal;>S.l}f, 11. t. To fix finuly.
-used only when speaking
of beasts for slaughter. as & screw, cork. l'r. l~
J~ PaMr, llf. See U. Mountain, P. ~~ 1?. ~
hill. 2. Hernia. 3. Inter-
nal wound. Bh. ~ Ph~pa.r, Jf. Hn.sbaud of pat«f..
nal aunt.
J~ Pha;, M. .A. broken hood.
Ph81~ pOWal].J, To have a.
~ Phipr&,
~ Plrlphu:r,
1 , ;.lf. The lnnga.,
bl'oken head.
'""J~, M. Pl. Mnltiplica... lS~ Phiphira, J
tion table. Sh.
J~ PhaphJ'&l}f, -o.n. To bnd~grow
;L~ Phas~:r, u.n. To be caught, out. I'r. )c)~ P. 4~ }1•
entangled, fixed. To stick. Pr.
~~ (Esp. of wit.heired
- \~~ p. 4i'i:! F. ~4; crops. Sh.)
irr. written also ~ and
~ Fhn.pher, Jf. Son of a paternal
v v L.~. or
,'ft~ phaha~r,v. t. _:r,~ aunt, cousin.
j_,4; or j,~ · j_,~ Phatkawa.JH', v. i. To agitate.
J4; Phal, F. Omen, divination,
augury, presage. ~ Fhatka:Q.1» v. n. To struggle
Phal pawaw, To augur, con- be agitated. J>r. 1~ P.
sult an oracle, divine. t J"':. m /.. 1'- • v~
~ .l!.~r-1.y;~
~4; Phala, M. Centre of plough.
Sh. 2. A board. ~ Phat, M. A sore, nlcer, wor.uid_
J~ Phali, F. Circuit, circnla.ftion J'·~ FhuFii"' F . .A. omck in ao
"" turn. 2. The felloes of a earthen vessel. 2. .A. cracked
bair wheel. n. The wood on melon. 3. Cracked heeL
which a M 1ehi cut:; ]eat.her.

4. Stavo of C(U;k. I ~ Phit~k, F . .A. CUl'tiC. Sia.

73 \h.i,.I

Phi~aw, v. n. To turn as milk.

2. ·ro
be cross, sour. 3. To
cohabit. 4. To become bad, v,. J
spoiled, lost, injured, deterio- _Jbft Phnrkaw, 't. n. To vibrate
.l:r • (_Jo
rated. Pr. 1~ P. ~~ F. 1:;r. \'";'bl
/' ,9
.!o d . "" .......... 1...
p_ ~fi F. <.r5ft

~ use m comp. w1tu by v ,9

C. 'lJ. y~ Dj+.J

j;~ v
Ph"rra~r, v. 1i. To turn, walk,
y~ Pha~aw, v. n. To wound. Pr. travel, get about, wander, go
round, to be est r a. n g e d ,
l~ P.~F-~
b '! .!o b'!. l .!o perverted. Pr. )(.)~ P. 4.~
v v.p.~~c.v.y;~
•.• .\, J
JV+.J Phnlaw, v. n. To burst, be F. CJ~ v. t. j~ orJJ~
b~ i.
broken. 2. In Sh. Sprout, c. v.' YJ JA,
shoot. 3. To turn Queen'i; v
evidence, to inform on a.n-
1 .!o J
Yft Pharaw, ·1.:. n. To be well to do,
other. S. R. Pr. ~ P. powerful. J>r. l"J~ P. ~fi
,,. ....
.1oJ •
F. ~;f; ,
c.).+;·' Phuttf,
F. Uncleaned cotton, Jfii Phirnf, F. A biookfor ropes.
with seed in it.
~ Phad, .Of. Toothless.
)Jnfa? Phirwawal}.+, c.-o. From YA

v v
... 1 ,.
,~ Phuddu, .i1f. A worthless man. ~~-'Pi Phirwal).jaw, 'V. p. Passive
form with t-1enRe of Intransi-
<-S~ Phiddi, F. of a bird tive or nentl1r verb. To turn
.. ( Gerthia tt1,ta.) a.side from one's promise,
retract, hackslido, forsake.
14 Phida, adj. Olub footed. of. u.
- ... i J_,A Phrn,i, JI'. Abscess, hoil, blain~
v~ Pha~q.l, F. A term. in wrest.. ... B. ll.
ling, tripping up by striking,
the leg behind the opponents '9Sfi Phan, F. Shoulder, of cattle
leg. 8h.
~ Phara, M. A wooden scraper· JJ c....]Yt. Pahre talle, U oder constraint
P.D. or control.

JJ ~ Phirawa.w, v. t. To tnrn, _)f; Phar, t 1

• t. Imp. Seize, catch,
twist, whirl. Pr. \~~ P. Sh.

~~ :· ~~ v. n. y~ ~ Pha.r, Jf. Crying and weeping

without sufficient cause or
c.v. y,1_,~ for shew.

\.St~ Phirahi, F. A town crier, ~ Ji; Phar pha+, F. Fldter.

- "" drummer. P. D. Pha.:r pha.:r ka.ra.w, To
l~fi Pharda., M. A rich, well to flutter.
do man. ,
p; Phnr, M. Snort (0£ a horae).
l"A Phlrda, mlj. Moving, move- Bit.
... able.
Phird& ghird& awa.w, To be ~ Pihra, JI. Stool with a. back.
movable, ll8ed of festival. 81',.
\,;)~ Phi:rta, M. A piece of wood Is:~ Phakka, M. 1 ossing food into

which separates the st.rings v one's mouth from palm of

of a pellet bow, or t.he thread8 hand.
of a web in weaving.
Phakkci. maraw >v. t. To toss
a.i\.;)t~ Phi:rtana, M. Compensation food into one'ti mouth.
for dis honouring of bill
varies from Rs. 1 to 5 per Jl<ie~ Phakaw, v. t. To chuck or
cent. Sh. tosB food into one's mouth.
Pr. l~~~ P. ~(~ F.
JlS')~~ Pha:rkar, lrf. Pulsation.
~\5)~~ Pha:rMrf, F. Fluttering.
Pharkari maraw, v. n. To y_, l_, ~ Phukwawaw,
v ( J
o. v. From
flutter, palpitate, beat. y_,~
; ~~ Pha:rkaw, v. n. To pulsate, J~~ Phakki, F. Anything reduced
palpitate, beat, fl.utter, pant. to powder and taken down
at a gulp with water.
Pr. lJ.S')~; P. Y,-0~~ F. '-'i.v-5')~
( _J
Phukijaw, v.p. From JK_,~
" ,
)1.,li)~~ Pha'}.".kwawal].r, o. v. from
v (_~
pha:rka:i;ir Pr. 1~)~~~ P. To be blown. P·r· '~4~
l~ S~)~~ F. u~f)~~ P. F.~...~ c9
"-")~~ Pha:ri, M. One who cries with- j~ PhagaI}.r, M. Name of Hindu
out cause or for effect. month from February 15th
to March 15th.
c...S)~ Phi:ri, 1?. A quantity of squared J
stone in heap for measure- ~ Phul, ]{. A flower. 2. That
ment. S. R. part of a pipe which holils
the tobacco and coals. 3.
)1}.v""~; Phasawaw, v. t. To catcb, Amulet, charm. 4. Boss,
trap, noose, entangle, involve, knop. 5. Bones left after
written also ;J_,ly;Pr.1~ corpse of Hindu has been
burned which are carried to
P. l~.l"""~~ F. ~ v. p> the Ganges.
b' by I Phul dhaga, M. Amulet,
i~f.~~ o. v. i-' ,,~
)SJ»} Lr~ Phis-kar-rowaw, v. t. To
Ma~i-da phul, A charm to
weep bitterly.
v v produce much better.
Y....,,~ Phasaw, v. n. See
y.wl~; SiI).hari-da-phul, .A. cbarm to
r~ Phisaw, v. n. To be ground, attract butter from your
reduced to powder, bruised.· neighbours churns into your
2. To discharge matter. Pr. own.
l~~.. P. ~1~... P. u~... 1:. t.· Phul chuwaw, To pick
;Ir1.-~ o. v. ;sJ l_,~ flowers.
Phul sher, M. Enchantment.
W'_,MI.~, Phisok, M. A plant (Suseda
.. jruticosa) eaten by camels. Phul sher karaw, To practice
Used by pregnant woman to magic, enchant, bewitch.
relieve load on chest. P. D.
~ Phulla, M. Lamp black. 2 ..
~~! Phissi, F. A poisonous snake Burnt part of wick. 3.
(Eckici cetrinate.) Sh. Parched jowar.
. Phulla lahawaw, v. t. Tu JSJ)i~ Phaloraw, v. t. To search •
v v J
snuff a ca.ndle, cut the wick. See yi_,~~ Pr. b.-4.}f::l
.. P.
~~ Phalla, M. See ~ 4.)Jle; JJ'. UIM~.}i~
$-~~Phula, M. A tree ( Aca-) l )'( _,4; Phalohir, M. A. mallet for
- breaking clods. P. D.
<..Stll~ Phulahi, F. Sh. 5 c1'a Modesta.
' Pahlnl).,
0_,l~ adv. From the first,
j_,~~ Phalawal).f, To come totermr- :firstly •
about the possession of an
animal held by several share- ('
.:::.~ Pahle, See U. lt.y; first, etc.
holders. Pr. !~1~~ P. 4.ll~~ c..s;i; Phalli, JJ'. A seed pod. See U.
2. Fibre of meat.
F. u~1i~ ..,· J

1.}~ Phulli, JJ'. Instigation.

Bimar phalawaw, To malin-
~l~ Phuleli, M. One who sells
ger, sham.
perfumed oil (phulel.)
! i ~ , • J ,
'-'"Y~ ~ Phufohaw1, F. A fire work. w. . . . t.;:! Phumni, JJ'. Blm:som or ear
' A. taper for lighting the. ~ -0f grass. 2. Tasl.'lel of silk.
others. cf. U. phaJchari. Sh.
v ~

'j}i~ Phularal).r, v.v n.J To be sea.rch-

l:.1~; Phan, M. Sham, feint, hum~
ed. See yi.t;:! Pr. lJ}t::! P.
I J · t J
l?.;i.f:J F. u~J.t.; v. t. J~)1~~ Phan maranr, v. n. To
sham, malinger.
by 1 I I by I J
c. v. Y-' '!.f;:!. v. P· f~~:~~ v v;
)5 J.l~-; Phul).daw, M. A tassel.
~~ Pahlra, adj. First. v v; ,

~~ Phulka, M. A kind of cake.

uY J.~ Phul).dal}pl)., 1! 1
• A. fringe.
· See U. 2. A light headed, .J ~-4; Phal), JJ'. A cow or bu:ffalo
thoughtless fellow. too old to calve or give milk.
In Sh. not used of buffalo.
)~t~ Paihliw, F. After its first: vj, v J
calf. Sh. (of.cattle generally.) y ~t.:! Phul), v. n.. To swell,
JD.~ Phalaw, v. n. To bear fruit.,
expand. 2. To be puffed
up, proud. 3. To be lifted
produce. Pr. lJ.i~~ P. l.!-i~~ F. 'h ted. Pr. lj,y.P
np, uelig
lj, VJ j,VJ •
'-5~1~ P. ~~~ ]J1. UMI~
v J
jllf:J Phulaw, v. n. To be searched, l/ \' J
Jt>Yt.; PhUJ.J.:rkar,
,. ]{. A snort.
written also phularaJ?..l'. Pr.
Phuwkar maraw, v. i. To
IJ.Lt.;J p. l:!-lt;' J
1J'. ul.IJ.lf;:! v. t. snort.
v v J v J
)ll)~~ v.p.)J.~~lt.;!a. v.y)~
~ Phanil, M. A malingerer,
J ~
/ humbug.
T)~~ J>halua, lYf. A. blister.
u l)L~ Phalwal)., JJf. A good kind of ;~~~ Phanyar, M. A flat headed
snake, cobra, (1.Vaga tripu~
grass ( Andropagoq~ Blaclhii).
~ dians.)
~J;4; Phaluda, Corn (wheat) soaked
in water, tbe husk being j_,~~ Phawawam~, o. v. From)_,~
removed by treading and the To noose, trap.
remainder dried and used for
~~ Phut, JJ'. Boasting) affectation,
food. ~n~ dressing sil]r. Same
as Maya. airs.
Phut or PhutaI). mara:q.:r, jl_;e Pholal].!', v. t. 1
'1 0 &earch, look
v. n. To boa1:1t.
for, enquire. IJ7. \~
v '
..j,~ Phil.ti, M. A boaster.
I.:!,,_,~ Phaut, interj. Curse you.
~~ Phalll}.~, .3I. A bubble. P.D..
I.:!,.,_,~ Phot, F. After math, 2nd crop '¥ v
~3,,.; Pahonchal}.+, 11.n. To arrive,
coming up the first has
attain, gain, rea,ch, receive ..
been cut. S. Pv.
Pr. l,~;_x.; y
P. - u.J.;,
\J')~; '.Phota, "l.I. A bubble.
_t;""' - lJ...,..>
F·• .~~. -l~
JJ"<~ Pahor, "Af. A watch of 3 hours.
Jt~ Phanhar, P .. Waterfall. Sh.
Phorui1:;i, B Pimple. 1

13t~ Phohal].ra, M. A fountain.
~JW Faho:ra, M. A wooden tool for 2. Watering pot.
removing dung.
J JtJ~ Phuhar, F. Soft raini drizzle..
t..S)JW Phuri, F. A mat of palm ,
leaves. /3. R. )t~ Phnh:rf P. Matting. Sh.
t_?fi; Phosi, If~ Fresh dung of cattle c....s)oi; Phuhri, J?. lUat (for sitting
,,.. and buffaloes, excrement. "" or kneeling on.) Bh.
Phosi melaw, v. t. To make "-5~ Phivvl, F. Jackal in beat,.
cakes of duug for fuel. ... Sh.
~'~ Phusi, F. Wind escaping from
" bowel without noise. y_,~
y '. "'
Phahawa.?Jr, Sec
I; '

lS~ Phuka, 'Jrf. A pofl\ blowing, ~· Phah&lfr, See ;L'i!1

· blowiug up as a fire.
~ Pha,e, lf. A hangillg.
Phuka 4ewaw, To blow out,
as a candle. Pha.,e qewa.w, To hang.
u?.j~ Phuk:ril)., F. A blow pipe, ~ Phita, lf. A wheel, tape for
"" bellows. measuring-

.r-'f; Phukaw,
i.I( .9 , v. t. To blow, blow ~ Pher, llf. See U. Tum or twist~
up as fh-e. .To inflate, puff. 2. Whirling of a whirlpool.
Pr. 1J..Li
.. ~ J
P. W'
.. ~.9 F'.
~ Phera, M. ~ Ti::xie, * t u. r n,
~ 01rcn1t, cmu-
'-'fi Pheri, F. Sh. lation..
J~ Phog, M. Name of a tree v
(Oalligonurm Poligonoides.) Jfi Pher&Jg, v. t. To tnrn, return:ic
The fruit is called ub,,g~ go round, tnrn over, compass,
Phogli. 2. Dregs, refuse, estrange, avert. 2. To applyi
grounds, lees, what is left of colour. Pr. 1~..fii P.,
after extracting the essence.
~. Foreign matter mixed ~F.~~
with Indigo in the vat.
Talwar pheraw, -o. '* 'lo
~~ Phola, M. Yarn taken off bra.ndishasword, t~.c. j_,~ft.l
spinning frame. skein. 2.
Opacity of cornea. 3, Staphy- t..?fe, :Phekri, P. Unripe fruit of
loma. "Va.w-. Sh.
J.-1:~ !'hell, F. An earthenware dish Pich, J1rf. lITigation, v. n. Imp.
for serving up cooked rice, Be irrigated, moistened.
saucer. tu>::: Bk.
P ...
~ Phen, F. A game-like hockey,
played in Bar. Bh. rJ;{_~ Pech kash, M. A screw driver,
u~~ PhiwaJJ., adj. Flat-nosed. v
S.R. y~~ Pfohaw, v. n. To be hard and
tight, of knots. 2. To be
~ Phel}.g, F. A drop, minim. irrigated.
V..~ PheJJ,gfllJ,, F. Dung of sheep y~~" Pechal}+, v. t. To twist to-
,.; v v
v and goats. Syn. J..~ gether broken threads. Sh.
b. • ,,..
~~ Phinhal}.f, ·~ v. t. To ~rush, ~ Peohha, M. State of account,
\> ! reduce to pow- balance. Sh.
~ Phehaw, d er, squeeze.
v v I~ :Paida, See U. Born, produced,
Pr. I~
See . ~~
P. etc.
~F.~ .-
Paida wari, See U. Proceeds
~ Pa,e, M. Husband.
harvest. 2. A creature.
~ Pa,1I]., adv. After, used only in
respect of time.
A Pir, M. Saint, etc. See U.
Piren da vela, Early morning,
~~ Pia, M. A lover, sweet-heart, prayer time.
... husband, dear, beloved.
Pia, atlj. Horizontal.
f.~ Per, "fl{. .A foot. See U.
~~ Pipa, M. See U. Cask, barrel, Per pawaw, To place or pnt
... pipe. 2. Iron or tin box. one's feet in, i. e., to enter.
~~ Pit, F. Love. Per powa:it+, To fa.11 at one's
~~ Pita, M. Spare threads (weav- feet, to prostrate one's self.
... ing.) Sh. :Per j'ammaw, To bold pos-
~:!-~ Pitil, F. Cowri, broken for session, to maintain one's
use and play. position.
~ Pet, M. See U. Stomach, belly.
~ Pera, M. Foundation. Sk.
2. (of river.)
Pe~ thiwaw, To conceive, l,~~ Pir-pawa, ~ M. . A column,
.. p1llar.
be with child. IL'"Pil''
~v~ -pawa,
~ Peta, M. Breadth. 2. The k-
wool of any thing woven.
<./"i) l)fl; Pero aQ.hi, M. A tracker.
,,.. J

~ Paith, acZj. Sixty-five. Syn. uJ7"; PerfuJ., ~· ( Dancer, prosti-
.l>?.t v S tnte. Bk•
~~~ cJA Perni,F.
d::!-~ Pe~e, prep. In charge of, under
responsibility of. Sh.
y~ Pir, F. A pain, ache.

J_, ~. :Pete wa.1, aclv. Across, from Piral}. laga1.n~, To labour in

side to side. birth.

~ Pejo, adv. At all, entirely, ~ Pa.i:ra, »I. Ropes for tying~

often u.sed with a negat·ive. a.nimal'a feet. Sh.
~ltly~ Pi:rha, M . .A low chair. S. B. ~~Jt; Pilpawa, See pirpawa.
u~Y~· Pirhi, J/. A generation. See
' ~
_,l.!:; Pelu, M. An uninvited guest
.. U. ~- ::3 tool. Sh. at a wedding who gives no
present. Sh.
Pi:rhi nal}.Wal}., ?t:f. .A pedi-
-A!-~ Pilh,
The fruit 0£ the j&l
Pis, F. The dwarf palm, tree. Syn. )l:!-~
( Ohamcerops Ritohiana.) ~~L...:!-; Paima,ish, Se; U. Measure-
Pesak lani F. A kind of
" lani" f:om which sajji is Paima,ish karaw, To meas-
m1:1ide. Sh. ure, measure up.
~T ~d-; Paise ala, adj. Moneyed. Sh. ...
CJ:H Pain, F . .A pelican (Pelicanv,s
~~~ Pesh, See U. The short U .L•
CJ~~ Pen, !Yf.A bole in the iron of
Pesh thiwaw' To be brought
a mattock for a '' gan" or
before. handle to be fixed.
Pesh na wal}.jaw, To be use- Ju!,H Pail).taIJ, adj. Forty-five. Syn.
,,. 11 ·~
less. u ...'-'~i
~it:!-; Pesha, M. See U. Craft, '--';:U~~ Pail}.tri, adj. Thirty-five.
trade. 2. Adultery.
~~14; Pail).th, adj. Sixty-five •
.Pesha karaw, To commit
.4~ Pail).tha, 'kf. A pumpkin
adultery. · (oucurbita pipo.)
Pesha gar, .Adulterer, adul-
1~ Pail).da, M. Distance. S.R.
Pesha karawaw, To prosti-
l~ Painsa, 500 Ji,f. ~ H av i n g
" ··" · in t h r e a ds
tute another. UMI>~ Pail).si, F. ·the width. 2.
d,4.~ Peshil}., F . .Afternoon, =before Thick, good country cloth.
' evening. Sh.
~~~ Peka, adj. Of or belonging to a ~# PiI].g h, F. ~ A swin~.
parent, from pio, a father. " ~ Pingba., is used
~~~ Paika, ad}. On foot. Sh.
lt4; Pil}.gha, M. when there is
.- an arrangement to prevent a
u}~; Pekri, F. Unripe fruit of J) person swinging from falling
out. 2 . .A cradle. 3. Rain-
tree. P. D.
bow. Sh.
w!.-(1.-; Pekel)., Pl. Parents, parent's
house. In Sh. confined to
Bibi 'Qa,i di pil).gh, A rain bow
(Lit. Swing 0£ Lady Bai).
father's house, ~.ilJ being .b J f'! , ~ ~
mother's. l
.:.JJi~..l.f.~ P11).ghura, M. A cradle.
-44~ Pigh, F.
Sh. See ~d~; ~
;1:i!Jl_,-ylf.; Pil}.hwawaw,o.v.From
M ...

J~ Pail, F. Dancing like a pea- u~l~~ Pil}.hwa,i, F. The price

cock, vanity. Sh. .. for grinding~

1;!-; Paila, adj. Further, next, ~~

Pio, ~ . .
M . .A father. In Sh. 1~
beyond. Sh. )~; Pin,
Pio qaq.a, Forefather, ances- yll Tab, F. Power, endurance.
tor, progenitor. See U.
Pewa, M. Cotton seed. Tab anaw, j v. t. To bear,
by l stand, en-
/J~ P:iwawa!).+, c. v. From piwaw Tab lawaw, dure.
to drink also written - )"3_,I)~·
.. Tab jhalaw, J
?:ti; Tabi', M. Obedience, etc. See
P:iwaw, v. n. To drink. 2. To
refrain, restrain. 3. Absorb. Tabi' thiwai;t:r, v. n. To sub-
Pr. lu.1.) P. W.) F. clo>JJ.~ mit, give in.
··::' ":£ ~ .. ;.
Peha wanri, F. Gr in d i n g , tlS Takh, adj. Sharp, clever,
wages£~~ grinding. Sh. written also ~l;'
P:ihr:i, F. Seat of stool. Sh. .)":; Tar, JJ'. Wire, etc. See U. 2.
Elation due to spirits. Sh.
4J1t~~ Paihria, M. Call for help (used add. Deep, used of water out
with ha.I). Sh.
of one's depth. (Syn. _,jJ
lty:!-; Pehla, M. Large black ant. Sh.) 2. Absorbed in thought.
S.R . S.R.
PehlUI]., adv. Just at first. 11J Tara, M. A star, etc. See u.
ul-v~; Pehl:i, F. Small red ant. S. R. 1l;~~.) Evening star. Sh. 2.
" Pihai;tr, v. t. To grind, pulve- A swimmer. Syn. ,)~ 3.
A white star or blaze on
rize, reduce to powder, also forehead of a horse. P. D.
written)1~; Pr. lc.}.yl:!-; P .'
I_ .la .. " ..
Tare gawai;t:r, v. n. To count
"\";.?.-~ F. ~~.i.~~
.. . the stars, i. e., To get no
b' sleep.
Jff Pehanr,
,)~...>.:! •• v. n. To enter.
U-'t~~ Pihui;t, M. Flea. Sh.
J} Tara:rg-, v. t. To e~alt, lift np,
promote. 2. To float. 3.
e-1; Pa,e, M. A husband. To pay. Sh. Pr. l~~j P.
t.::..) Te 4v is F. .lM!,} 1

'-!:.J Te, The fifth letter of the Jlj Tar, F. Understanding, etc.
W. P. a1phabet. Written in See U. 2. 0 b s e r v a t i o n,
Roman T. or t. watching, aim.

\; Ta, M. Heat, warmth, of sn.n Tar Mz, adj. Intelligent. See

or fire. U. 2. Quick to seize an
Ta qewaw, To heat. Tar baz, M. .An observer.
Ta maraw, v. n. To cool. In Tar bazi, F. Intelligence, etc.
S. R. to be quick. See U. 2. Close observa-
tion, spying.
Ta maraw, v. t. To join
pieces of iron, when heated. _!jl.) Tara, M. A cotton cleaner's
mallet made of Sbisham or
I.) ~a, See ul:; In Sh.=from. jaJ;t~· Sh.
)~l; Ta+aw, v. t. To conceive a ufL; Talul}., M. The palate. 2.
thought or project, to guess, Crown of head, pate, cf. U.
look through and through,
take one's measure, com- u~~lJ Talhel}., M. Cor. Arabic from
prehend, apprehend, under-
stand. 2. To watch closely, cl lb fortune, destiny, decree.
observe carefully, gaze, fix
the eye upon, descry. 3. To ;~JIS Tali-Sar~ M. .A plant and
hang about, loiter. Pr. \i.>.~,Y drug. (Rhododendron Lepi..
do tum.)
P. l~Jl) F. UNJ,~.y
~""IJ Tamra, aclj. Copper coloured,
v-JIS Tari, F. Clapping 0£ bands. 0£ pigeon. U. tamrh .
.,,. 2. A. piece 0£ flat wood in a
spinning wbee1, three pieces wlJ Ta!}., 1interj. Indeed, so,
go to form a wheel. v even, then, as, yet,
~li Tal}.h, certainly, that. It is
Ta:ri wajawarg-, } To c 1a p often used to connect two
hands, a
Tari maraw, sign of nouns, as j.;,...wlJ,r.> news
pleasure by children, of dis- indeed, why such a thing
pleasure by adults. has never been tho·ught of.
Yf: ul.;)~ Sitting indeed,
Lrl.l Tas, M. A. large brazen
why there is not room to
or copper dish. stand=not at au.
lL.vis Tasla,
Tal}.h jo, In order that, for.
L..SIJ Tak, JYI. A door, one leaf of a
double door, less commonly
Tai;i.h wi, Moreover, still, yet.
one of a pair, odd number. In Sh. u~~ wlJ
u-~ Tak+i, F. Window frame. Natan, Otherwise (certainly?
4\J Takh, See t;IS 2. F . .A vulture.
Sh. ·
jt.s Tai;i.r, v. t. Imp. Prepare waTp.
w*'IJ Takhni,., M. A. glutton. YJ.&)
v vl" ,.
Tai;i.raw, v. t. To spread. Pr..
l~J; p l,bJ\J F
,,}l'j Taki,
F. Door of a cage or
".) . ··) . b!..
J.jLJ Tai;i.rii,., F. The warp, long
JU' Tal, M. Time in music. See " threads of a web.
U. 2. A term used in w1·est-
ling for moving a.bout the Tai;]. vich gaQ.han, A
ring. :J. Bottom of a drum. donkey in a web, ~ man ouf;
. Sh. of place.
TalaI).+, v. t. To Rkim, cream, ,_.Ci:; T"al}.g, ""1 F. Desire, expect-
remove grn.1n from a heHp AO j
as t.o get it frfle from dirt, io ~J!J Tal).gh,J ation. waiting for.
remove one thing from the
top of another. Pr. \J..41:> Tal}.gh lahawaw; To cease
to expect.
P. ~il; F. UNJ,~~;
. ... ,..
J y~fa Tal}.ghaw, v. t. To expect,
)llS Talu, M. Swelllng of p::i.late desire, wait for, long for,
or .horAe. Sh. SwelJing like v _I"':~
abide. Pr. l~~ P.
a blA.dder from mouth of
camel. 8h. F. u~~.(.A;'
)~ 81
~IJ Tal}.h, Dative of u; Thou. 111 Tabhar karaw, To destroy,
make havoc, spoil, ruin,
S.R. overthrow.
\,SilJ Tanf, F. Warp or threads fitted Tabhar thiwaw, v. n. OT P·
lengthwise in a loom. To be spoiled, ruined.
_,s.IJ Ta,o, M. A disease of cattle. c.SJlt.U Tabhari, F. Ruin, destruction,
See P. D. .,. perdition.

c:J~IJ Tawan, M. Indemnity, repa.- ~:!-~ Tabela, M. Stable. Sh.

ration, restitution, restor- ~ Tap, M. Fever. See. U.
ation. In S. R. u lj Tap cha:rhaw, To have a
Tawan bharal}.:r, To in· fever come on.
demnify, restore. Tap lahaw, To have a fever
'IJ T"'awa:r1,, F. A cooking or become less.
JO dyeing vessel. Tap da mutar wal}.jal}.:r,
Herpes labialis caused by
J,IJ Tawal, adv. Quickly. Haz .. fever.
)S_,IJ Tawaw, u. t. To heat, warm. Diq tap, Hectic fever.
2. To vex, fret, annoy. 3.
v ... Sia tap, ~ An ag u e,
To regret. ·Pr. l~ P. ~.\j intermittent
... ari da tap,
. wTappa, fever, a rigor .
F. ~:;Irr.
~; The east.ern valleys of
¥1.i isti Tahh tahh, A term used by Sha.hpur. S. R. tract. Sh.
an agriculturist when he
wishes his bullock to tn.rn to j)~ Tapawaw, v. t. To h~at,
warm. U. Tapana. Pr. 1~
right opposed to, isT isT to the
left. Sh. P. ~W . --UJJ.>.'•1 l c. v.;"'j"..I '.JV
F . ..., ...U
•• 'Y M

!Jl~IS Tahl}.:ra, M. Credit, debit

y.':.~ Tappashiw; F. A female

due. Sh.
Tahe, conj. When. Haz.
. '
v¥ Tapashshi,
devotee .
M. A devotee,
9 .,. ascetic.
~~IS Ta,ib, M. A penitent. adj.
... Contrite, repentant. U. li..U Tapla, aaj. Angry, hasty,
v short tempered. 2. (of soils)
c..ft'm Ta,el)., prep. Till, to. hot, sandy, requiring much
u:!·m Ta'in, I ;
')4:> Tapaw, v. n. To glow, be
c...J,:; Tore, j prep. Up to, as far as. heated. 2. To burn with
.. Tori,, }-j Haz. shame or grief Pr. l~) P.
,,,. or l:U F. i...sw.~
'"jlJ T~we,J .,.

~.f.l TabUt, M. An ornamental

I.ii Tatta, adj. Hot, etc. See U.
2. Vexed, dist.reseed, heated,
bier used in commemoration
annoyed, bothered.
of death of Imams Hasan
a.nd Husain. U. tabUt. Tatti wa,Lit. Hot wind,
used in sense of trouble.
)~ Tabhar, adj. Spoiled, ruined.
}J:; Tatar, F. Land in the sailab,
v ~

y_,1_,~'°f Tachhwawaw, c. v. From

or inundated districts which v ff y ..
has received no alluvial ~ Pr. b.i-J.~ P. 4.~:#
~\A; Titala, M. A rope cracked i_;~~-'~ F.
· .... like a whip to scare birds v .. "
Y~-l-~ Tachhijai;q-, v. P· From ~
Pr. L.).L~~ P. - F . . ~,,,...;
;~~'jj Tatbir, F. Advice, ·counsel, .. ", """'-- .. ~
~; deliberation, arrangement,
device, expedient. ~~ Takht, ]f. A throne, etc. See
U. 2. Stern of a boat.
Tatbir karaw, To divise.
means, U. Tadb!r. Takhtte ~dlh aw a I}. r, To
Tittar, ]f. A partridge (grey) enthrone.
0 rt i go r n is Penticeriana. Takht te 1;>ahaw, To reign.
(BI ack) Fancolinus, vulgaris
"' ~ Tukham, M. Seed. See U.
;~~ls' -(Little) ammoperdix.
Tukham. 1}.aram, .An evil
bouhamie ~ -{Mountain) disposed person, base, bastard,
Oaccabis chal~or Jf.:::-
ti~ Titla, So much. Tukham l}.alal, A good ma.n.
well disposed.
~ Tith, ~
...... ( So many • ~ l.;s Tudda:Q.h, Dative of w} Thon,
. J;· Titte, J In S. R.
}:sf Ta.jar; F. The second growth ~-m~ !,).) TadkarulJ., adv. So long, till
, o:f a crop after it has been then. Haz.
cut. ., t
. :s'" Tuddh, Agentive case of uY,
... ;:sf Tajjar, F. The mound over a
grave. 2. A domed roof with~ In S. R. andJhelum. Syn.~
out a pinnacle, if made with in Haz.
a pinnacle, it is called roza. ~; Ta~, F. Opposition, perverse-
Y..,tf Tajwiz, F. A plan etc. See U. ness.

Tajwiz karaw, ~ Ta4 karaw, To oppose.

To plan.
Tajwiz ka4haw, Ta<}. lawalJ.+, To use a level',
a~ a crowbar. 2. To support.
'-1).J~ Tajwl.zi, M. A designer, one
" who makes a plan or ,arrange· Ta<}. laggaw, To fix. a sup-
menh. p~rt, get a purchase on.
(i Taj,F. Bay(Lauruscassia)U. i_ ifu. Tadda ' M.: :
Matting made of
2. The quality of pulling palm leaves.
out into threads, as birdlime, 1.fu· M. A grasshopper,
thick gum. .' Tidda
: : '
cricket. 2. A fire work, a.
Tachhaw, v. t. To straighten sort of cracker.
timber by cutting off redun·
dancei:i, to rough hew hence ul~ Ta4al}., 1
to chR<:lt.ise, beah with~ stick.
1~~~P. l~~ef F.~~=f
)S~ Ta4al].l', ~ adn. At that
Pr. l time, then.
\,~ v I "
w~~ Ta4hal}., J
v.p. /'~~f.-~ c.v.y) }ff
i.:sii TaQ.Q.i, F. Matting made of u~Y Tarawa!)., M. %e cords of a
p~im leaves. adj. Perverse. pair of scales. P. D.
~ ~ Tazkara, M. That which is ~).~i Tarawat, F. Freshness, eta.
mentioned or related, dis- See U. 2. Happiness, derived
course, lecture. See U. from increase.

;! Tar, adj. Fresh, etc. See U. ~ ~r Tarah, M. Stampede, panic

of animals.
Tar, F. A gourd also called
upabi. ( Ououmis utilissimus.) j1>~r Trahai:ir, v. n. To shrink from
2. Out grass . to fear. Pr. l.>-\~.i P. ltj F.
.!} Turra, M. The end of a turban \.?~)j
which hangs down the back.
2. A draught of hemp. J_~; .Tra,e, adj. Three. In Sh. '-}

'. Tarabi,F.
.uf.~ Certain extra prayers
offered by devout moslems,
A g e n ti v e ca s e u*~~
Tri:i;i. icb ana=one ann~
always repeated during interest pt>r mensem on three
Ramzaa, but by some pious rupees. Sh.
people every morning. U. f' !.
Tarawih. u~>il Turhatiun, adj. Soaking.
~'!f Tarap, F. Moist lands near a y~} Turhal).+, v. n.To cast young
river. prematurely, used of animals.
~y Tarat, F. A whip and goad Pr. t&) P. Y:t} F. um))
combined. P. D.
4-..Ji Trapp., Sh. )
~ A leap, jump.
~Y Tara~, F. A beating pain as in T

inflammation, a shooting pain ~} Tarappa, NL ~ ..

in head or eye.
y_,~j Tarpawaw, v. t. To leap,
~Y Tara4, F. Bellowing of a. bull
jump. Pr. \J-1~N} P. ~.'ij
or buffalo.
y~y Tarashaw, v. t. To cut, clip,
F. u~}
hew, bark treeA, square tim· ':i;i Tarappa:r, M. Goat's hair
ber. U. Tarashna. matting used to pad the
backs of donkeys, etc., or fol'
JS'!f Tarakal, M. A third p~rson sitting on.
stranger, P. D.
~} Tarap.Paw, v. n. To leap,
u'-Y TaramaIJ, M. Copper. jump, bound. Pr, }~j P.
u"'° YTram:l, F. A kneading vessel. L.1..\F. , c.l>W)r
.... ~...
;; "'-"" y

Sh. ;J_,~~} Ta;apwawaw,. o. v. from

u ); TaraIJ, v. n. Imp. Set (of sun
only). Sh. ':fti
c:,.))~j Tirpot, adj. Having three
u Y Tral)., F. Strength. Sh. cf. U. ,,,. breadths (CMdar) Slz.

SJ!J Taral).4, F. A sho_oting pain in ,.)tr; Tirtali, adj. Forty-three.

head or eyes. P. D. v k .. 1
y~~.~) j .Tur tur 4ekhaw, 'V. n.. To
J.C!)! Tral).gal, M. A wooden fork for gaze.
collecting straw 1 sheaves, etc·
A pitch fork. '-:--~J) Tartib; F. Order~ etc. See U
.. 84
Tartib nal, In order, methodi- L.ij Tirissa, adj. Thirsty, athinsi,
cally. ..- Syn. Trihaya.
iJ.t J Trutanr v. -n. To be broken,
~ Tirissa, Jf. I
.) ,) • ··'
rent. Pr.
.i. !.

"rJ. ..
l;Pj F.
lJ..}j P.
•,) l J. !.
,. ,
--,;; Ti . ,
J H a vi n g 300
threads in the
~j v. t. lJJj o.v. JnJJ
,,.,.. ?1881, ..c:.

J; Taratti ~ F. .· '
Loss, destruc-
tion. See U.
jJL.uj Ta.r:sfi.waw, t'. t •. To make
thirsty, create a longing far,
.lo, ,
...;} Truti, tantalize. Pr. l~j P ..
Truti chaur karal}.f, v. t. To ~l.mj F. ~j
annihilate totally.
Lj Ta.rsa.11.&, Jf. Comfort, COIJl8()..
Truti chaur thiwaw, } lation, encouragement..
· v.n.
Truti nas thiwaw, Tama.118...k&.ral'}..r., } To calm,,
To suffer loss, be totaUy comfort,,
annihilated, to be entirely 4ewa'Qf, c bee r,
destroyed. console, animate, enoo:arap,
exbila raJ..a.
T:rn.ti chaur, adj. Utterly .,
bad. Sh. ~j Ta.rsa'Qr, 11. n. To long for.

w1_,4~j Ti:rchhawal}., ailj. Acroas,

desire. rr. l~j P. Lf-j
,,; oblique, bent.. F.~j
..J.r"j Tarswa.~d, mlj. M er c if tdit Iaggaw, To
pitifuli bnmane, oompu..
strike obliquely, glance, aiouate.
graze. ...
aGj Tarfak.ka, lf.. Separation, d._.
'") Tarda, adj. Afloat. union.
JL. \~j Tarda-mal, v alna.ble goods,
Ta.rfa.kka powa-q;, t'. ""' l

l~ TriQ.4a, M. Cricket,

Ta.rfa.kka Ghatt&w, v. n .. S
To divide, di$unite, &e~le.
,.. hopper. Sh.
Jj Taraqqi, F. Progress, promo-
jj Tarar, M. A grass during tion. See U.
rains, much liked by horses.
P. D. (Dioscores deltaides.) Ta.:raqqf k&r~r, To promote,
Jj )j Trir tr4', F. Pop, crackling.
Ta.raqqi thlW&!].f, To he edi-
.,..,, ,,.,,,. Trir trir karaw, To pop, fied, promoted ..
Ui TiraJr, F. Strip.
VA .. T .
JJI n.Jaiµ., n. To blossom.
Uj Tiri111 M. Crnpper of anima.1&.
' expand. Pr. l~i P. ~~ ,,,.,,, Waisi, loins, of ma.n..
J. ..
F. ~J_.t \9 Tarn, ~- W eaUb,, worldly
v-j Tars, M. Pity, etc. See U. poese88lons, goods, cha:itel8w
estate. karaw, To commiserate, u~l9 Tarkala1.h F. DllBk of evening:t
pity. twilight.
,)/:;.,.; 85
------ v"
!iJ Tar]qa, See~ 2. A. gimlet y~; Trimmal}.+, v. n. To drop,
a.wl. P. D. ' distill, dribble, leak.Pr. l~i
,,_;'jj Tarkrf, F. A. pair of balances P. ~j F.~.i ...
"""' ,,,,. /,,,,.
scales, one sea.le is called,
tnl&wa.r&. r) Trimm o , F. Distillation,
t$j Trikkal, F. Back. Sh.
' dropping1 used of dropping
springs, lea.king roofs, etc.

15'j Ta.rill~ M. The spindle of a.

uL-J Tirma.,i, adj. 0£ or belonging
"" " to copper~
spinning wheel. Syn. V ah.U.
2. The green pinta.iled Hy v
catcher. wi Trin, See Jl:.j
'J5j Tara.kka)J.:r,
n. To ferment 1
c:Jj Turan, F. J owar stalk: of which
leaves are green and silky.
rot, become putrid, stink.
)fsj Trika;q.+, t1. t. To wink the y ..
" eyelids. ~.I Tara~jbln, Jf. A sherbet made
with lime juice or pome-
~j T&rkh1 M. Hyena (Hyma, s w e e ten e d. 2.
BWiata.) Me.nna found on j u n g 1 e
• thorns.
t.Sj Trikkh&, adj. Quick, swift. Sh. vj, ~ .I
)l <)Jj Tru.1}.48.JJ.f, tt. t. To pilfer,
~j Trikhi, adv. Quickly, at once. abstract, crib, filoh, peculate,
Jj Tarki, F. A triangular raft of • }, \ '! 1 y ! . I .b '!' t.
purIom. : r. ~..)..>j I>.'"?.~/
1 .. ,
roeda supported on invertecl
glrn.n&s. or waterpots, from I I!'. r...~:::-:. ~j
which fishermen throw their
nots. ~SJj Trtl.Jt4hf, F. Indigo in its Srd
Jj Tirkl, F. A small narrow strip.
'"' Sh. ~SJ) Tara.~4£, F. Soo 'f_j
,fl.j TarkiM, M. One who makes "! - T ara~r, v. n. To swim, float ..
a. plan or·ement. 2. To be paid. Pr. \£lj P .. ~j
Ta.rgu~ha, Jlf. Dal wrs.pped
-- ..,..
up in a. thin cha.ppatti and
._-P. ..
cooked in ghi. JV .T Tr&JJ.g&'f, lL A net of large
Jj Ta.rli, F. A kind of gourd. mesherri, used to earry grass.
stra;wt leaves or a nnmber of
(Lagenaria- Vulgaris.) small boxes,. etc. 2. The
ti.,f Tu.rum.ta, Jf. A ha.wk, doubt-
great Bear. 3. Orion. Bh.
ful species perhaps (Tinnun.
cultts .Alanila:rim), but Platts T~a.1, JI.. Piteh fork. P. D.
gives two other species, as Jj Tirnl, P. Tax for grazing on
the . eqnivalent of frumtr, ' Government lands.
probably the name is given _,
to all three varieties as
natives are net clever at 1,j Trtl&, ") J{.. A coarse matting
determining species. 1 }- made of "sar" the
,)p..,.; Trlmt&wa~,adj. Of or belong- f,j Trih&, j leaves of Bacclw-
... ing to WOJIUt4·
111m 86.ra. Jmigle grass,
used for roofulg.:
J~,j Trobal, F. An animal that u~ Triha:Q., M. A male camel up
JJ casts its young prematurely. to 3 years old. P. D.
YJ;i Turup,
~ F. Turning sheaves
from bottom of
Jv... Triha'i, F. The third part ..
YJ;-' Trop, threshing floor
to the top, to get trodden on ~.t;l Trihaya, adj. Thirsty.
by the bullocks.
t.,. . J.f•. T ropa,
,. M. Sewing. ;1.c:....j Trear, See Trewar.
" ... T ropal}.:r, v. t. To sew, stitch
~J, Tirhattar, adj. 73. Seventy-
! , ~ three.
Pr. lJ..Y..V P. l:!-~J} F.
, v , ".
Ff Taraha:r, .Adj. Timid.
ulM-!:;} c. v. y, ~j
" ..
~)} Trophla, ad}. Thick or tangled.
;ay \,'
Taraha:Q.r, v. i. To be timid to
be fearful, to be panic stric-
Used for a division of land
in which sharer gets a share ken, stampede. Pr. l~j P.
in each field. P. D.
J. ..
~~ F. \.,S'::t}
t.:;:,)))J Trot, F. Loss, deficiency, harm.
i.::>} Tari, F'. See. U. 2. Pride.,
Trot bharal).r, v. t. To make
good, restore, make restitu- Tari awaw, v. i. To be puffed
tion. up.
IJ'-'.f.. Trota, M. ~l~}

J. ..
Loss, deficiency,

, - Triasi,
Tri yak u 1, M.
adj. Eighty .. three.

)Jj Tror, M. A main distributary
..,. media.tor.
from a ~ill stream, but it
has. no r1gbts till the dam
above it bursts,
'--,;4j Tri.anwe, adj. Ninety.three

11 ; Trora,,. Syn. diY. .

!JJJ M. A quick match.
-iJJ~j Tria,ith, adj. Sixty~three. Syn.
Troredar banduq,a matchlock .l. ..
gun. 2. A flint lock P -PV
"~l l .. 1.:J~} Tarijan, }F. A cow tha.t
JU'MI)Jf Tro:r satta:Q.:r, v, t. To break
1:i ! - .. ha~ produced a.
down, rend.·
~f Tarijhiw, third ca.If. Sh.
1:.!..b ..
YJ-'r Tro:raw·, v. t. To break, rend,
das.h. 2. To p1uck, gather k's;_/ Tarija, adj. Third. Sh.
fruit or flowers. :1. To weary. J, "'..
.) )f Trokar, F. A cow that gives
'6~.J Tare~h, F. Crookedness,
perverseness, ob s ti n a. c y •
n~ilk uncertainly or with P. D. 2. Ma.king a. round to
difficulty' or when her milk look for lost track. Sh.
begins to lessen.
litij, ..

U,,} Triona, adj. Three-£old.

i).J::T Tre4ha, adj. Crooked.
Tre4ha 4ekhaw, t. To
Tirwai;i.jha, adj. Fifty-three. look askew, squint.
b} Truha, See T_,) ~I..>
..1·'.Jl' Trera"h , M . ~A p1ace where
~l ~
1V Trihar~, About thirty .. }.r..f Treraha,
three roads
Tre:r,F. Dew. 2. Arrogancy J.b ..
:.;Y.:i Treo:ra, adj. Threefold.
pride. 3. A. crack in wood or
vessel. 4. A fodder grasR. i..Si,.} Trewi, aclj. Twenty-three.
(Eleusine flagellifera) S. R.
5. A. third ploughing. P. D.
-i?.} Treh, F. Thirst.
ut)!J Tre:rhi, ~ F. A. wrinkle on the
- brow from frown- Treh laggaw, To be thirsty.
u'J..} Tre:ri, ing.
Treh lahaw, v. t. To allay
JJ~ ...5J} Tre:ri-pawaw, v. i. To scowl, thirst.
' frown.
-i?.j Trih, adj. Thirty.
J~.) Tariz, F. A. strip or rag of
"' paper or cloth. cf. U. Trili da tap, Ague, Qua.rtan
L.}~} Trekre, prep. Near.
u~ly?} Treha,e:i;t, I
~_,~ '-;'l Tre kora, M. A three cor- ~adj. Three.
nered file. u:ft ll?/ TrenaheIJ., )
J.!) Trel, F. .A. third ploughing, ;~} Trehar, 'JL A third ploughing.
the first is called " pa:r " the See " trel."
second ~ -
2. Dew. Sh.
Syn. .ft?.} tt:::ti Trihe, adj. All three.

i..::.,.,,..._~} Tremit, F. A woman, wife. y Tir, M. A sloping bank cut

.b ~ .9 ..
' out 0£ the steep sides of a.
u.!b ~:I Tremm;i.Q.hi, F. Third year's river or canal to facilitate
crop of indigo. landing or watering cattle.
Land~ng place .. 2. A ford,
Jil~.j Tri,i:r_i.r, ~ F. Having its 3rd cros!:nng, of a l'lver or canal.
" v,.. calf. Sh. 3. Place, house, dwelling.
~i TriIJ.jiw,
.,, Tir laggaw, To reach a good
y~} Trew, ~ La,.ge herds of landing place. 2. To attain e.
.,, bullocks or bu£fa..
good position.
J.'j!.j Trel}.l'il}., 1 o es imported
" into the Punjab from Sinc1h ~) Ta:ra, adj. Fat, Jazy. Sh.
, 1Y ..
and Bahawalpur. Syn. r..>~f..
y~; Ta:rata:r, w:lv. Quickly.
c.J}, 2. Tax on ditto.
. j)~J T:t:rpawaw, I v. t. To ag!-
L.S~~ .:....} Tre wari, Thrice. r ta.te, pnt m
JJlfJ.;j Ta:r~hawaw, ) aflutter. Pr.
Trewar, ltf. Syn. /=-;;
1~;!-~Y P. 4.~y F. ~.;y
complete set of woman's v
clothei:i, consisting of, (1)
'' boch banba.d" A sheet, Rbawl
v. n. Ji;J
or chad~, (2) " cho1a " A
chemise, (3) "ghagra" A
~~ Tarpaw,
.J "/
}v. '!o
n. :flutter,
palp1tare, to
petticoat or else " sutha:i;i.r " Tarphaw, be agitated.
loose piejamas or trousers or
in 8. R. Majhla i.e. a waist .Pr.l~j P. ~iJ F. ~y
cloth as used by men.
,.f;J Ta:rph,, F. ~ Per.p1~~if.y, irri-
tab1hty. See
~y.j Trewara, M. Fat or grease on
broth. 4;y Ta:rpha, M. u.
.Jil£ Ti:rkaw, v. n. To fly, burst,
r •. , • -
h, , a':ff• Exaction.
crack, make a. crackling Tagha~a ka.r.a.w, v. t. To
noise, as parched grain. 2.
To be displeased, fly into a
passion. Pr. lJJ'j P. ~)~ ~ Tafaq, ad11. OnJy.
F. ~ 1. U. Tarak na.,
••• (~M
~ Tnf.ak, F. A gnn, musket. By·n.
v .. Uhl
Ta:raw, · } v. t. To shove.
~ Tuf1d, .3[. A musketeer.
j, T ~y Tari A.waw,
y_,~y Ta:rhawaw, v. t. To drive off ~
,. Ta.fa.ncha,, Jf. A pistol.

tresspassers. J.J,~ Taq¢rW&I}.d, ~ Jf. A,

I .... culprit,
W Tassa, M. Thirst. ) ')~ Taq~&r, · offender.
adj. Thirsty. Sh.
U> Tak, ·p. A balance. See ll.
'"'·~W Tusade' ;
Pr. Your, Genitive
1.1:. ,
. Ta.k poW&l;lf, Ia nh•t8Ja f
PZ. from uf in S. R. ~ belie\•c tu1.t•d in a nep.&iYe
sense and ffismi~uil\ not laving
In Bah8.wa.lpur IS~, in Ha:. &n «jttal. Or ttll u~d b1 one
so priding himsclt
. Ill
~ Tik, F. (Settlement Report).
4.JW Tussal}., Pr., You. Nam. Pl.
, .i- ~ A tax of R. l per ~
from 4.Jf In, S. R. ~· of grain piid to hmu.uid!r.' ..,
inHa.z. ~ ~ Takra, a-tlj. St:-oxig. ~ u.
utW Tus&nnl]., Dative of uW in Syn. ~j
Th.a.I and Jhelum. Takr& thiwaw~ To be ooU~L-­
~W Tusal}.h, Dative of uW in ed, strong, oon.rageou.
S.R. Talqa k~r, To hold fui,
~ w
oo strong.
W Tasalla, See Lj
... .J

i_fi Tush mattar, adj. Like yon,

J'.JC Talqa,i F.. Strengt.h.
your folk. .)-id Tukl&m&r,/ A diuau of
\.....d l cro~. J>-. .D..
(.) Ta~adduq, For the sake 0£. J Tnkmar, J Which Mte.

Ta~adduq Q.ewaw, To become vt,.tj Tu.JmuiJJ., M. A bnUon. 2 ..

devoted t~ heart and soul. Medal. 3. Ear jawet., a
card of silk bun~ from fobe
Ta~adduq karaw, To give of ea.r, with a ball o:f gold or
alms. cf. U. silver at the end.

~ Ta'ajub, a<lj. Wonderful. M. ·yts ~' ~ tt. t.. To wa.tch.

Sea U. Astonishment, sur-
,.. gaze at, eta:re..
prise. ~ T~, ·. 2. To cut the
evil 8J'8.
t.:..'U ~ Ta'fnat, M. Superintendent,
overlooker. +!_ Tikh, M. Rapidity, &emea..
Ta':lnat ka.raw, To appoint ltl' Tildi&, adj. Sharp, quick, rapid
as overseer. "' swift,, fleet, keen..
Tikhi Sharab, Strung drink. ~'~ Tulavpi, JL be1:d~,of the
J balance, or wei gh i ng
fiJ Takhnr, J.f. A boar, F.ft; Sh. machine.

~ Tikhe, tulv. At once, quickly. j_,t Talawaw, Syn. Talwawa~r.

,.,. c. v. From Tala~!r, to i:;kim
J; Takki, F.
Watching, vigil,
or tala!it, To fry. Pr. \~_,)S
wake. Sh. 2. A. web folded
up. '1'. '~JI.; or ~'f' F. ~.,JS

~Ta.kid, See U. ~·s Injunc- j_,JS Tulawa.w, Sy~. Tulwawsl}~,

tion. c. v. from jtf To weigh.
Pr. \~$ P. !wlG or \J\JS
jJ'.fs Tag&wa:g.r, v. t. To ca.use to ·".I
.. -.1

last, keep. To preserve. Pr. Ji'. ~.p

... p • ll.!.-A.J
•fl':" F
• ~fl .. ~I; Tilahil]., adj. Responsible.

j/J Tagaw v. n. To, endure,

c.liJ Tula,i, Ji'. Qt1Ht used a.a
mattre1u;. Sli.
continue, remain, sta.nd. Pr.
l~P.~F.~ .;4 JS Tal }]&r, F. What remains of
• oorn ou the Um:>shing Bo.or certain flhart!B have
Js TaJ., M. The neighbourhood, been 1·muovod, w'.. e. (1) the
oonntry round abont, envi .. "mah~t'il, 17 01· (hive>tnmtmt
rons. 2. hnttm:n, etc. SN) l/. alial'i\ (:.!) "rahktim 11 the
3. In Sh. for saddle. culthnth1t'.t'I 1'liart• ('~) li<•hh
tho 1< of the inft:i·k,;.
Tal nal, atlj. Aground. proprit!tHr i tho rtmmimlert
tal t>a1·, lit. bottom of the
Ji.,,. Til, 3f. A moment. heap, is d£>rnted to paying
the village servants, superior
Til jitti, i\. little. proprietor a;,nd other small
claimants. Sometimes only
the mahs{ll and rahktim are
i; Till&, M. Gold coin. Sh.
taken aud tilf1' lichlt is takf'n
from the tai ~)ar (O'Brit•n).
i;- Tall&, M. A kind of grass
(oyrwd(}1z, dactyl<m) very tJ~~ Tilchh&wal}~ a'U. Slanting.
valuable fodder. 2. Sole of ... Tilchhawa!}. l&ggaw, vt. i.
a. sh0oe~ bottom of anything. To reeochet, glance off.
3. The rectnm, anns. 4. A
portion of the crop reserved to ~ Tilka.w~ t:. r~. To slip,, slide.
pay menials:. P. D. 5. Claay
low lying soil. Sh. ,.. Pr.; P. ~f!; F. ~
, .II* ,,...,, .,,.

J; Ta!&, lf. A tank, reservoir.

~ Tnhi, F. A. disease of crops


ulJ:; Tal&thi, F.. The stalks of till

left standing after the pods
have been removed.

,Jfii Til&~ F .. Courtesy, politeneBF.

""... ef. V'.,
Tulal].f, v. n. To be weighed ~J~ Talewara, llf. 'rhreslied gtain
Pr. l~ P. ~~; F. ~ remaining at the bottom of a
stack after divit~ion. P. D.
y! .. v ii~ v ! \~
v. t. y)~ e. v. y_,JJ..> or y_, r
uY.:l; Talliu!}., From below.
-~ }j
11.p. J'~ ..
W Tama, M. Covetousness.
,,),J.i Talwal}., adj. comp. Lower,
nether. super. talwal). tal wa.i;i. uj-'....J Tamakhul]., M. T ob a o co
lowest. },f. Land at the head (Nicotiana Tabacum) See
of a canal and distributing article TamS.ku in the Pnnj&bi
certain 0£ its supply 0£ water. Dictionary, edited by Bhai
:May& Singh, 1895.
j_,l)~ Tulwawa:Q.r, See Tulawaw. ....,
, ,,}..S Tummal}., Jf. A creeper ( Oolo-
J}; Talur, JJ. The bu at a rd. cvntlms citri,llies.) Sk.
(Ho ubara Macqueenii.) 'Y ,
~ Tn.mbaw, v. t. To repick old
~)l.i Talola, .M. A wart. cotton. 2. To be repee.tedly

-S.~ }J:; Talwil}.cl, M. A kind 0£ sweet~ stung by wasps. Pr. }IJ ~ ! J

~ !
.,, meat. P. ... F. ~ ii. p ..
.. , 'Y •

W~Jl3 Tilwa:Q.g, M. The ring of wood ~~~....; c. 'V. f)~

.... formiug the foundation £or
the masonry of a well. J ~ Tambov1, F, A ama.ll tent.

'-;'~}J Tilwetre, Mi A marriage ens- J~ Tambmli, F. Midge. Sh.~

, tom of giving gur to bride
and bridegroom and putting
jltJ Tamtara, M. A kind of bird.
cottou wool on their heads.

~ Talh, M. The bottom, 2. Felt ~, v. i. To fiy into a

put b~low saddle, namida. passion. 2. Of pigeons, to be
u~ Tallia!)., adv. Below. Sh.
t.:J...i Tuman, M. A tribe.
~l.yG Tilhara, M. A ·rope, head
"' balt~r.
)J..L.3 Tuma.nclar, M. The head of a
J tribe.
JJ\'t· Tilhur, F. Bnata.rd. Sib. Syn.
... , ~ Tamil, F. Putting in force an
;Ju ,,,. order, decree. U. Ta'mil.
J;i Talle, adv. Beneath, below. Sh. ,,} Tan, M. Body, person. See U.

ur; Talli, F. The palm of hand, or Tan ba.khshi, F. An informal

sole of foot. mar1·iage ceremony among
l~ Tilya, F. A red kind of jowar.
... P.n. i .! ;J.; Ta:Q.bela, M. A stable. By'llf ..
. ..
ultJ~ J; Talle "Qadhi, F. A kind of J..ij' Ta:Q.d, If. A fine cotton thread,
threa.d being spun. 2. The
b~~li Talijaw,
,,., fry.
v. p. from ;ill To J'Y
string of the tongue.
Y_,u..E T8,lfdrua, M. A herb. (Tigt!ln&
~~ Tulijaw, v.p. from jl; To aroemis.)
J) J1; TaJtdoli,. M. Black water. P .D..
91 J, ..
Tal}.di, F'. Dried gut. 2. Strip
of buffalo Akin. 8h. 3. St.ring
wy;,,. TinhaI}., :d-f. ~ N om. Pl • of
0£ cotton carder's bow. Bh. ~ Tinhfl]., F. correlative

Taw, M. The warp opposed to
pron. ~ That, they.

f) the woof. _,~ Tinhao, Thence.

u ~ Tawa:Q., M. A line for hanging ~ Tanhar, M .. The belly, abdo-
clothes on. 2. Fillet. men.

u1_,~ Ta:Q.:rawaI}., F. Pl. The cords f To~ Posbposition =from. Sh.

of scales.
~f To bhra, Jl.f. A nosebag for
\S~ Tmrrka, M. A sprinkling. a horse. 2. A share of grain
taken by the proprietor of
TuIJ.rka karaw, To sprinkle. Ia:nd on pr€tence of feeding
his ~orse, in addition to rent.
Syn. j)\S~
JlS~ Tiwkali, F. Famine.
J;j Tutak, M. Deck of a boat.
l .b, d,,
y 1/ Y,l itf To: a, M. ~ A young camel up
_)))t)JS TUJ}.Jkawaw, v. t. To sprinkle .h to one year.
c..S~f Toqi, F.
v "
Tal}.fal).f, v. n. To arrange the
cotton threads for forming 1~f Toqa, M. A wooden beam let
the warp of a piece of woven into a wall to support a.
materfo1. Pr.
\i)j; J>. 4.,0 verandah on the 1st or 2nd
story of a house.
;f Tor, adj. Angry, dissatisfied.
c.f..~.h' Tawf!f, F. A. fastening, latchct.
Tor thiwa1g·, To be angry.
J.,;U Tanazul, M.
See U.
Abasement, etc. vf Tora, F. Law, as given by
Government, o p po s e d to
Shari'at Religious law.
Tanazul karaw, To abase, .I
debase, depress. J); ))f Twro twru, Sounds used to
call horses, goats a.nd sheep.
y.u; TaI}.gaw, ~. t.
To hang. Sh.
~ Til}.gi, F. A draught., what is t..S_Jf Turi, F. A kind of encumber.
"" swallowed at one time. (Luffa Acu,fangu1a.)
Thtgi ~ewaw, To swallow at ';)j Tore, con. Although, whether,
a. draught. or. Haz.
~ TaI}.gi, F. See U. 2. A defile, Tore tore, con. Either, or. HllB.
pass in the mountains.

~l; Ta.I}.gijaw, v. p. from~

Jj Tot, M. The end.
....,,..., Tot charhaw, To end, :finish,
...Y-" Tunnaw, v. t. To stuff, cram. conclude. To share one's loi
to the end, to go the whole
_,l}l Tal.}.war, F. News, (in poetry).
J~ Ta.nhal, JI. Iron shoe for
horse or cattle. Sh. t...S)} Ttiri, F. S~w (bn,ma).
, ;
'"j_,:; Tore, I adv. .A. I t h o u g h ' u.f TUl}.~ Pr. You, t~ou, Inst. case
. r
whether, a 1be it,
j"!"° -=..-jJ'l Tore jo,J however, either. wi tau:g or ~; taiJ]. 2. F·
conj. If. prep. To, as far as.
Anus 3. Syn. of u_i1 prep.
c::~ '""'Ji Tore je, conj. .Although. Sh. From on, from above. 4. Post.-

J./;.;J; Tosha, M. A kind oi sweet- position, from= U ~

meat. 2. Provision. See u. , ;

u.f Tun, I
}-prtp. From. Haz.
uf Tof, F. A cannon, gun. ~Thin,)
Tof khana
- ' Arsenal, artillery, c.i.i Tiun, adj. Salted, saline. P. D.
J..)S; Tawil}., prep. Till, to.
,_j}f Tofki, M. Hunter, gunner. Sh.
USf Tanl}.g, M . .A. basket, or box
.Ju!;):; Tauflq, F.• Authority. 2. See made of reeds.
U. Pow er, grace. "'
w)f Tavvin, F. The flour ground
Taufiq ~ewaw, To enable. "' each day, for the days use of
a household.
1..s~i Tawakkli, M. One who puts
lf.~} Tawela, M. A stable. Syn.
his trust in God.
~~_,:; Taukhla, M. Fretting, anxiety,
i; Tah, F. A. fold 0£ paper, cloth,
etc. See U.
wj; Tog, llf. A big bustard. Sh.
Tah nal, Heartily.
Jf Tol, M. Weight. 8ee U.
t; Ta, = u IS interj. Indeed.
Tol karaJJ.:r, To weigh.
u;~ Thapi, F. Pat of dried cow
J} Tul, JJ'. A mattress for the dung. Sh.
nuptial couch. ,
; '"~y Tuha~e, Pr. Gen.Pl. :from u}
~)'.) Tula, M. The handle of a you.
churning stick. S. R.
0~ Thari, F. Side of arch of camel
~_,;- Tola, M. One rupee weight. saddle. Sh.
See U. 2. A raft.
~~~ Thakbast, ilf. A map shewing
jJ,,; Tolal}.r, v. t. To weigh, balance, vil boundary, principal
road and salient features of
ponder. Pr. 1~41s P. ~li' F. village. P. D.
r · i.lli "~ p!
v.n.J~ v.p.~~J..)
YJJ V; '" J~ Thali, JJ'. A dish. See U.
c. v. y)ili or y_,l_,ll
Thali vichnl}. kaQ.haw, "· t~
u 1,l_,:; Tolwa:Q., adj. By weight. Sh. To excommunicate, ostracize.
c.i~ Than, M. Piece goods. See U.
~Ji Tomba, M. ~A gourd hollowed 2. A. stall :for cattle.
£ o r carrying
u~.i Tombi, F. water. 2. A wl!J'~ Thal}.ta:Q., For this and its
musical instrument made.
partly· of gourd.
,1 compounds, See U u\.p A
~}l~; Thal).wala, M. A nest, more
particulaF]y the part on
which the bird sits.
uJ4i Thaut]., An ablative suffix. Sh.

;sJtt; Tahawal).r, v. t. To fold, ,..

· wrap. U. u)~.¥ Tha44iuI)., From the beginning.
~ Tali};iha, M. An armful. )S))i; Tahrawa:i;i:r, v. t. To stop.
2. To impute, ascribe, deter-
Tal;>l;>ha bharaw, v. t. To take mine. 3. To make, appoint,
an armful.
ordain. Pr .. 1~:.Jii P. l~.~~
\S~ Thal;>aka, M. A straggle in .. v ..
the water.
F. Ui~.:l~~ v. n. )fil v. c.
Thal;>aka maraw, v. t. To
struggle in the water. To ~~f Tharthal, M. Confusion.
~ Thapp, F. A blow with the
j,;f Tahra.JJ.r, v. n. To stop, cease.
y hand, especiaily on the Pr. IJ;~j' P. 4~~ F. ~w_;#
Thapp maraw, v. t. To strike j)l).J Tnhrwawaw, v.c. From )~Jvi
the mouth with the band. '11 0 cause to circumcise. Pr.

lJ.~·-'J~ P. 4.S;t; F. 1..5~,.J

)~ii Thappaw, v. t. To pat. Pr.
l ~¢~:; P. ~~ F. ~l.M#~:; v , v
~~ Tnhrijaw,v.p. From JJ~
y_,~ Thatlawaw; v. in. To stam-
mer, to have an impediment To be circumcised. Pr. L.l-L}
in speech. Pr. \~3 ~ P.

P. F. ~~~ Sh.
,,,. ,
l~ltt# F. UMJ~
~ft Thiri, F. Cream. Sh.
~ ~ Tih tih, interj. Spoken to ,, "'
""' ""' bullocks, when they have to
turn to the left.
)!J~J Thurawaw, c. v. From ;3'j
Thith, F. Appointed time.
~ P,~~ Thar that kal;lbaw, v. in.
~ To tremble, shake, as with
~ -~ Thuth muth, aiJj. Incomplete. £ever.
~~ Tahajat, F. Prayer before
dawn. rr. ~
js'j Tharkaw, v. n. To tremble,
shake, as with fever: Pr.
~ Thaq4, F. A cold, of man. \JS)~ P. ~t}fi F. ~~
, ,

l~ Thaq~a, M. A cluster of date ;Js~ Thi:rkaw, v. n. To slip, make

... trees, growing from one root. a slip of the tongue. PT.

I~ Thuq4a, M. A stumble, trip. lJS~ P. l:P'~ JJ'. ~)@i~

Thu4~a khawal}-1, v. n. To }s)J Thurkaw, v. n. To be dis..
stumble. located, to slip out.
94 )~
)S)~ Thi:n~aw, v. n. 'l'o be wantmg, Tham waJt,j, Wait a minute.
b" p 1.j,"
crazy. Pr. 1J;e: . ~.~ r~; Tham, I
F. LS~')b# .. , }-11.f. A prop. Sh.
,,. ,,. l~ Thama,J
)3): Thunaw, v. n. To be, in t~ Thim, M. Spot. Sh.
want, helpless. Pr. 1J)~ P.
J J v , "-=-"'~ Thamb, M. Bread collected or
4.)~ F. u~)# o. v. JS;~i cooked in abundance for
1.-f..~ Thuk, F. Spittle, saliva.
Thuk Sa~aw, v. t. To spit. ~ Thambhaw, M. Glue.
~~ Thukaw, v. t. To spit. Thambhaw Iawaw, v. t. To
;3)~; Thakawaw, v. t. To jade,
weary, tire, £atigne. Pr. ~
. , Thunn, glue.

M. Thick lips ( oppro-

I~~; P. 4.~ F. ~~ v
prious). Sh.
~ Thakkaw, v. n. To be weary, ~ Thal}.j, F. Woman's milk.
fatigued, tired. Pr. I~ P. Thal}.j shank, A foster bro..
ther or sister.
~ff F.~
~~ Thakera, }M. F~tigue,
l~ Thil}.da, aclj. Greasy, bnttered 1
"' fat with." ghi." Opposed to
,}~ Thakemal}., wea.rmess. '' rnkh8. '' dry ..

~~ Thigpt, M. Cloth. Sh. Thi:Q.da lawaw, To anoint.

,,,.;)~ Thigri, F. A rag-patch, a rag. J\~ Thi:t;i.da,i, Il. Fatness, grease1

.,,. ,,,. .,. ... :fat .
Thigri lawaw, v. t. To mend v
a garment, to patch. yP Thaw, M. The breast, dng,
~ Thal, F. (In the plains) Sandy v"'
soil, generally uncultivated. )il~ Thannal}.r, v. t. To press down,
Country between Jhelum and make £rm by presaing as a
Indus. (In the hills) a valley post in the ground.
or plain fit for cultivation.
4~ Thoba, M.) Lump of mn d
)~~ Tb.alooha+,\ aclj. Belonging
r r used in bn ild-
to Thal, Sandy t..s!Ji Thobi, F. ) ing. Sh.
u-:;-f~; Thalochi, ) deser!· Sh.
.., , ~Ji Thol}f, F. A cooking pan of
~ Thulla, M. l of a pa":oPi called stone or clay.
~_,); in the Bar. Sh.
~_,# Thopra, M. Slander. sn..
~ Thalia, M. l .A. platform. ~~ ThoQ., M. I
J.~ ·Thalli, F. 52. A range or k• }-A lip.
staud for pots. ~~~ Tho4i, F.)

lei~ Thalha, M. Platform. Sh. J~ Tahor, F. Circumcision.

t~ Tham, M. Collected, gathered, JJi Thur, M. Effiorescence of salt,
together. kallar. Bk.
~* Thora, M. Favour, kindness, ;k:!-~:; Thekaw, v. t. To sheathe,
hy ..
pnt np sword. Pr. l~~j,,
;J;J¥ Tahorar.n·, v. t. To circumcise.
P.~~# F. ~~
Pr. l~.ft~ P. 4l~ F. ,,.
, v , ~# Thaila, .M. A fish of carp tribe
1...$~,r; v. p. ~~ c. v. :found in lagoons and rivers

j~l_,~ , (Oalta Buchanani.)

u~ Thilnl}., "Jrf. Juniper, (Juniperus

r...Syi Thok or L.5~ ~hok, A valleyin ,,.. Oomtnunis.)
the Dera Ghazi Khan district.
The Suleiman mountains are .j..J:~ Tham:, F. A purse or bag tied
broken up into a number of round the waist.
ranges with valleys between,
for the most part void of .... ~.. Theli"aJ;l, '!Jf. P. D. See
u UJ.;. '-.Sl~~
cultivation, these are called
locally LS_,~ but the word is ~ TihllJ., Correla.ti ve of ~t~
nnknown to many natives of as-so. ,..
D. G. Khan. 2. M. Thing, ~ Tihfl]., Pr. That very one.
party, _kind. Sh.
Tihfn· sa'it' } That instant
J.,J Thul, M. A tower, walled Tihfn welhe immediately.'
village. P. D. . '
~f; Thena, M. A large cowrie. Sk.
~,,~ Thola, adj. Little, less, few,
cf. u. thora. Thena mar, A game played
with cowries. Sh.
Thola 'Qahul}, More or less, v
\," .. ,
somewhat. l~ Th1waJ;l+, v. n. To be, become,
exist, to be done. Pr. I~
Thola jihal}, adv. Justa little.
,,.. ,.. ,..
r~ Thom, M. Garlic (.tillium
Sativum.) Thiwaw· ~eo, Let be.
uJi Thnl;l, Postposition, from. Sh. J. Te, interj. An expression of
.,.;)S~ Thuw~ F. A prop. Syn. contempt. Sh.

~ cf. U. Thuni.
J. Te, Syn. u.fl tel}. and ~I
b~ ThUha, M. .A. thorn of a. date ate~, or .J.\ ate. conj. And,
tree. that, in order tha.t,
v ,
)lc_,i Thuhw' M. 1A post, stake.
J. Te, Syn. ~ te~ ~1
r...>fui Thuhwi, F. J Bh.
ute~, prep. Upon, on, along

Thet, F. An arrangement or at, in, till, towards. In the

contract £or supplying milk. last two senses used a.s anti
and post-position. It corres-
Thet1, .3f. One who contracts ponds to the English affix
for giving milk. '' wards " as .Agunte forwards
piohliu·nte backwards.
~ Thek, M. A sheath, for knife
or dagger, etc. 2. A sheaf of Te tam,· 1j Till, then. So fa.r.
wheat maife np for carriage
from field. P. D. Te toJDh
Te jihal}., Like that, so, o:f
v' Tikm.g·, adv. Till (Bamford.)
that kind.
~S:~; TekM, M. Debit. Sh.
;1KL}~ Tiagaw, v. n.. To forsake,
abandon, give up, abdicate. lt~S Tila, M. The final ends of reeds
... of jungle grass (Sacchar'um
r..$}·-!:j Tetri, ad}. Thirty-three. 2. Sara) of which mats, baskets,
]f. A man who keeps and brooms are made. 2. A
partridges as decoy birds. straw of wheat.

\~ TaiQ.a, Pr. •
Possessive case of
Till, F. The same as above,
but shorter bits. 2. A match,
2nd Personal Pr. uf ·Thine, lncifer match. 3. A twig
j, ! -:'. held in left hand of drummer,
thy, of thee. Syn ... l ~~ on the bottom. Sh.
! :: .
m Salt Range, and l~l~; Teliya, M. A gnat.
~j in Jhelum.
u:!-; Tel}., See J.
;-tj Tir, M. Spoke of a wheel. 2. ...
.,,. See U. 3. Axle of Hori- u~j Tail}., Instrumental case 0£
zontal wheel of Persian well. .J

s. R. ui yon.
Tir wah, A bowshot, range of Tail}., 2. Inst-case or nom. 0£
an arrow. Corr. pron. ~ =He, she, it.

u~ TiraJt, See u~~.J Tail}. Welhe, Then.

1)-ki;-!:j Terhal}., adj. Thirteen. In Sh. J.4:; Til,ld, F. A line, thing placed
u ~~ - u ~)'!(-!:; ... in line.
J , .J

Terhal}. tezial}.,T h e fi. r B t u# Tainnl}., Dative of uf Thon, in

thirteen days of the month the Thal and Jhe lum.
;~ which follows Muharram
~.J:t-2 Tiwel}., Elven, as, correlative of
and which are e s t e e m e d
unlucky. t.I.~~
wl_,~y.j Terhwal}., Thirteenth. rr::'-~ Teh, inte'fj. Get away. Sk.
.~;~j... .:...;-l-! Tire tire, inte1j. Used to drive u:!-~:; Taihil}., Emphat~c form of ~
away crows. Sh.
Agentive of u.f Thon. Sh.
~;.J.S Tiri, F. The wood between
... panes of a window. S. R.
I~ r-JY,; Teri kal}.c}.a, M. A thorny back-
ed fish. Sh. ~ ':ra,The sixth letter of the
Western Panjabi alphabet,
):!-:; Ti:r, F. A ford crossing of river written in Roman ':r. or t.
... or canal. P. D.
)~\j '.fapal}.l', v. ~~ To dig over the
~:; Tessa, M. Carpenter's heavy ground of a wrestling ring.
v J..
cutting tool, adze. Sh. 2. To paw, etc. Pr. l~
" .. T esh"'a, M~
. A mas~n's to~l £or ~\j
P. F. ~~ 11. p.
.r I
,. .. T h' F
es i, •
sha prng brwks. ~~ o. v. y) )~.)
v .b
~IJ '.J,'aQ., F. An amulet in form 0£ w~}Ll'u~}d' TctlJ.WelJ. ~alJ.wen, adj. Very
a ring. P. D. few, scattered. ·
t)'lj '.J,'aka, M. Finishing off in ~ '.f.'a~, "lit[. .A. git·dle, waist band~
tf +il;>,1;>~, ]!l.ground,
A mound, height,
i·ising sand hill.
',faka, 2. A vaccinator, innocu-
lator. ~
1 u.1.
i .)
T• u.b"a,1,~ F. Wages £or diving
and cleaning wells.
Taka lawaw, ~ To finish,
(of sew.
Taka bharaw, ing.) ;f Tal;>l;>ar, M. .A. family, house-
t:-j!J 1ahe, M. pl. Sh. Character v""'
)0' '.J,'ul;>l;>aw, v. n. To .Qive1
used in account books by
Hindus. plunge. 2. To clean a wel I
J 'I
\,!ti.Jo " by diving. Pr. IJ...d' p Li.JS
/.lt.J '.J,'aka:Q.:r, v. t. To cut, vacci- J ; • ··:

l~d' P. ~~lj F.
nate, Pr. F .. ..JJ.J.J.)

d" \,! sJ .,,, \,,;i,,.T

~./: v. 1?· ~.... o. v.

urJ '.J,'ul;>l;>i, F . .A dive, diving.
yj1;; 'ful;>l;>i mara:t;q.·, To dive.,
Jlf '.J,'al, M. .Evasion. See U. 2. plunge.
.An escape to let off surplus 1 •
water from a canal. ~.) 'f1pp, F~ · .Appraisement 0£
... crops. .Sh.
~IJ' '.J,'ala, M.
A letting off, forgive-
ness, not dealing with another
0 '.J,'appa, M. A spade or mattock
after his deserts. c£ U. ri'alna ... full of earth. 2. Spring,
bound. See U. Syn. '--'S
Tala karaw' To let off, for-
give. 3. Range of a rifle or ho;.

)]IJ '.J,'alaw, v.t. To evade, to shirk,

"rd +aJlawaig-.,
J'T-:';' ~ v. t. To dandle. 2.
cause to pass away, disap- To curvet._b Pr. !J.1.Ar P. lJW
-.. 'I ·•• •.i-
" .b .!.
t "
pear, from )ill Pr. 1 F, u"""#.)
P. ~IJ' F. ul.IJ.~JS "'.1,
;f '.fappar, M. .A. piece 0£ felt to
~llf r_i'alhi,I JJ'• .A. tree (Dalbergia put under the saddle.
"'.1. r
Sissu) It affords the \,'Y .b
~.) +aJlaw, v. n. To leap, jumJ.ll
_)\J '.J,'ali, j best timber grown
jump over. 2. To prance,
in D. G. Khan district. In Sh.
cnrvet. Pr. lJ.J P. uJ R
Jtlf .b ... 'Y \ \ ""'v ~
.~ u~ v•. c. y_,1_}f v. t. f)~~
'.J,'a:Q. ta!].,
" "
F. Inarticulate
sound, babble. #, Tipaw, v. t. To obliterate, blot
'.fa!]. tal}. karaw, v.t. To speak out. 2. Mark off an item in
nonsense, to prate, babble. an account book, to dot off,
cross out. Pr. !~J.J p. •• 'l,, uJ
1-8.JIJ '.fal}.qa, M. Jomtr Stalks. .. '•*.,,,.

}JIJ' ', M. Looking out from
a high place or tree in the
jungle. 2. Shouting from
such a place. Sh.
.'.bf +at~ar, M. .A large iron 'y.} +re;r, F. Crack. Sh .
f caldron for cooking sir6, (Meal
~ ':(:a+a, v. n. Prate, wrangle. Bk.
and Gur) at weddings.
u :tr Tatri, F. Baldness. cf. U.
'.) w} • •
'-"d' 'fik, F. A jewel set in a ring.
~- A tax formerly laid by
y~r Tutti:Q.r, F. A small dove. the Naw&b of Bahawalpur,
to re*imbnrse his concubine
wJH Tattun, M. } A pony. J.(Sh. for the loss 0£ her jewelled
.1o.i.. ' • F
Tatwaw1n, ·
.J.) )
i.-<! ':(:ak, M. A cut. Sh.
;]J:tf Tatolaw, v. t. To pass fingers
ts:J' 'fika, M. Rest. 2. Be quiet,
over, feel, sen.rch for, as ~
v \ Jo..b leave off, stop.
blind man, grope. Pr. l~J..)..J
I .I Jo.I.. 1..b~ ~ ':(:aka, M. A coin=2 pice. Pl.
P. ~),;.J F. u~~ is used for money.
#j:f Tatihir, F. The sand piper +ake lagaw, To a p e n d
,,,,, "" (Tringa goensis). 2. Lap- money.
wing ( Tringa V anellus).
~ 'fikka, !f. A stain. · 2. A
y~s 'fakhara, ]£. Sound of laugh- mark on the forehead, or
ing, loud laugh. between the eyebrows as a.
sectarian distinction, used by
J~f +ar tar, M. Chatter, foolish Hindus.
talk. ... J
~ 'fukka, M. A cut, incision. 2.
Tar tar karaw, To chatter. Flow~irrigationfrom a,
l.b J. so called because the canal
Ji +ar:ra, adj. Unstable. 2. A bank is cut. to let out the
cock that fights, bnt soon d

runs away . water. Byn. ~

.Jlv .i.. , , A
_,cj +arka,u, M. glutton. 'fukka 4ewaw, To cut or
)SJIS} Tarkawaw, v. t. To swallow. open an abscess, to incise, to
v .b lv.b
Pr. lJ.4y P. ~·l)f F.
w:JSts:f ':(:ika:tg"al]., M. A dwelling
~>JJ.-!~ " place, place 0£ rest, lodge,
bk f
J) Tarkanr,
. .. v. t. To chatter, haunt.
prate, babble. Pr. !'"'} P. +ikawal]. karaw, To £re-
J. t ..I.
l:!-& F . ..,~:>j
.; .....
q uent, haunt.

)3} Tural}.:r, v. n. To go, start, set j_,lct +ikawa:i;q-, v. t. To retain, fix,

off, repair to, journey. 2. ., stop, lodge, station. Pr ..
} } 1~ lJ~
.. .,,,,.. P ... ...
F.~ 1<t
To die. Pr. l~} P. 4} F. .,,.. ,,,,,.. .,,.

1 v 1
o. v. JJi and y,~.I
v ! !ft Takr&, M. Meeting. 2. Qua.rrel;t

i'ural}.:r phirraw, v. n. To j, !Jd' Takr&wal}+, t. To knock 'V·

walk to and fro. together the heads of two

J peop1e. 2• Compare, -v.n* lot (t
~1.J_, l~ 1 +uria wal}.jaw, v. n. To get i.! "! L d
<t c.v. Y-''r
J · .; away, remove. v.p. ~.r
J!1.fJ Tukkar pir, M. A beggar who ',rikki thiwaw, To gaze at.
blesses and curses according
'fikki a:ru, M. Flat peach.
,, to his receipts.

~~fl Tukkar paraka, M. A light

.]~ . igg h, .JJ.
. .~ T' n Ootton plant. Sh.
meal, usually bread and but·
termilk. u~ '.rigg ha.I}., pl. Cotton crop. Sh.
wp Tukrak, M. A lithle piece: ~ 'rig, M. A heap. 2. A pile of
"' sugar cane covered w i t h
JJS Takral).:r, v. n. To meet, come
together, agree, co 11 id e,
earth, intended for cuttings
for nex::t year's crop.
knock against, fall foul of. Jf Tal, I M. A large brass bell,
Pr. l~.JS P. 4.jJ' F. ~/J J:> ~ cattle bell. 2. A loud
J.3... 'fil, ) voiced person.
b! ·<+
v. t . J"''!J T1<t
v .l.
v. p. r=f"'-:r
.... J! '.{.'ill, M. Force, violence. Sh.
, c. v.y)l_,JJ . ir ',ralla, M. A float, raft.
)"d'.f Tukar
• •' } M. A small .
is',, ':J,1illa, F. Hillock. Sh.
!.P Tulqa, cake ( chappati).
'1.$.p Tulqi, F. A flock of pigeons. yl.f
',ralla:Q.:r, v. n. To overlook a
fault. 2. To pass away, dis-
""' 2. A pane of glass.
appear. 3. Be dislocated, go
yd Tukaw, v. t. To cut, clip. Pr.
J ,, J
ont of joint. Sh. Pr. lJJ.!'

lJl~d' P. W F. ~ P.~F.~
J ,,

v. p. b!
(5' c. v- b'! \-<~
/Jr~ Jj ':falli, 1 F. A sma11 brass bell
b ~ for hanging on
"1d T1'ka:Q.:r, v. n. To stop, remain,
~ u~ Tilli, ) necks of cattle.
lodge, reside, rest, continue,
dwell, live, put up. Pr. rr
J, lo
Tam.tam, F. A two wheeled
l~... P. ~a... F.~... u. , spring cart.

;4J' ',rumbaw, v. t. To impale,
priok, stick, run through.
r1old Takal}.!, v. t. To mark by ,} J 'fantan, F. A sharp note often
cutting, to vaccinate, scarify, repeated, as notes of birds,
inoculate. p r. P. \~ · ! J-!> striking a gong.
~F.~ Tantal}. karaw, v. t. To pJay
on an instrument with small
;fJ +akor, F. A fomentation. variation, to tinkle.
Takor karaw, To foment. SJf f'i:t~4, F. An earthen pot on
1.P +akora, M. A knock. Persian wheel. Sh.

Js +akki, M. A water-cut from liJS


Without hand.
adj. Branchless. Sh.
a. ca,nal, with a. small head.
1SJ'S +al}.4&, M. Jowar stalk.
J!s 'fikkl, F. A medicinal lozenge. ls.Il Tinda
., . 2. See U. A small cake, . . . ' M. A small round gourd
( Oitru lfos Vulgar is.)
food, meal.
u~Jltl! 'riIJ.4awaIJ., }111. .A. fire :B.y. )!} +otu, M. A kind of dove.
Lil1 Y.f Tindana Glow-worm.
c)...t.. ,...
"' • • ' l~} ':{.1oga, M. Strawberry colour.
vJ, v.i. P.D.
) , . 'fiIJ.4aww.,,
bj ~
· ·· ··' J
y1 Y.I:.
Tindanr M. I
• , ]!1
A gen e r a I
name f o r
• t
rnsec s o
f )_,f +or, F.1 Gait,, movement,
.h pace.
,... the beetle tribe. 1,.) T,ora,M.
r_tJ± 'fa:g.g,. F. A leg. Sl•.
+ora phera, M. Walking, a
ul!> 'fil].g,. F. A branch. beat.

r..Sfl! 'fi.Q.gri,. F. Branch, twig. P. D. ':{.1ora phera karaw, ~ To ?x-

Jt.w.~lf r.J.'aI).gsal, F. A mint for coin- +ora karaw' walk.
ing money.
~} ':{.1ora, M. A bag made of date
tilf fal].gna, ]f. Clothes line. Sh. leaves or jnngle grass, to
protect dates from birds.
•ltlf Tanganr,
7·-~ ' • ''
v. t. To hang, sns-
V VJ, 6 V,b Syn. Bil}.~8..
pend. Pr. 1~.b.3 P. ~ ,
•fr!> ! .b
F. 1..5"""?.-.(J v. P·Y~ c. v. Yd
v .h
':{.1oraw, o. v. From )>j, to
causeto go, tomove, despatch.
)3Jl_,W p p ,
v .b .b ..L.
y~Jf ful}.ga~;r, v. t. To tie np, to Pr. l~~ P. ~.;y F. u~f
fasten with tacks.
U} ':{.1ok, F. Jest, joke, fun,
T} r_i1oa, M. A hole in ground, pit.
'fok karaw, v. t. To make
~} ':'(.1obha, M. A sma~l pool or fun, to jest.
pond. In Sh. ~-'.)
':{.1ok baz, M. Jester.
4_,! r_ro9a, M. A man who dives and
· cleans wells. 2. The grey \s'} ':{.1oka, M. Wood pecker. Sh.
king-fisher. 2. Cutting stalks of jow 8.r,
etc. for fodder. 3. Ratchet.
ub! To9i, F. The act of cleaning
a well. ~{} +okra, M. A coop. 2. See U.
~_,! fopa, M. A measure of capa- )is} +okaw, v. t. To falsify, render
city equal to, from 8 lbs. to n n tr u s t w or th y • 2. To
12t i'bs. In Thal =2 ftis. 2. reprove.
The fonnel shaped mouth of.
the "N ali" or tube used in ~} +ola, M. A company, gronp,
drill sowing. assembly, band.
j, ,
u~-'.) 'fop1, F. Head of the leg of a f
- bed. Sh. ~i 'fulM, M. The Tamarisk tree
( Tamariro Orientalis.) Syn.
Lt} ':{.1ota, M. A piece, bit, patch, ~y-_,1
'fote karaw, ·u. t. To beat, *°} ':{.1ombti, M. An order for
b1·eak Ol' hew in pieces. money, deed, bond.
V,.b ..b
w.,.) Totanr, M. ~ 0 rown
..J .1 • • • • of the ,)j} T 0 I]. :r al}. ' M. Enchantment,
h d
i 'fotal).ri, P. ea
charm, magic, witchcraft,
fascination .
+'owalJ. karaw, v. t. To be. +happi lawaw, 'J.10 fix a
witch, enchant, fascinate. . price by mutual agreement .
.r; .lo
+'~ +hatth, M. Pomp, splendour .
~} +'ohl;>a, See l~~} .b .b •
~;.~ l"h1th, F. A noisy party.
~_,.> •0,1, F. Dim. of l.b
_,.> A small hole ".9
.b .b
in ground. 2. A hole in a ~J.f' +huth, M. Holding up thumb,
stack of straw for storing meaning £at refusal. Sh.
e..1.~ Th
) l.b1 .'ar, M. A coppersmith,
~lJ° +iha-pha, ~ a dV. QUlC
. kl y, brazier] bell founder.
~J +'ah-pah, immediately. .9

u.dl cJJ ~1t +hatharin, F. A Plaid.

JlJ 'fhath, F. (pl. 4.) - )· Waves. ,, .»
.... j,

. Sh. Yi) · · Sh.~ F · 0 o1a, coo1ness,

is~f Thadh coldness.
;IJ +'har, F. Severe cold. Sh. .9 • • '
Cf. U. Frost. !SJ 'fhu44a, M. Trip, stumble. Sh.
i.Y lf'J:.
;JJ Th"
. aral}.f, v. t. T o cool. Of. H. 'fhu44a lag, v. n. Imp. Stum-
)"t' Snow. Pr.
v .b
P. ble. Sh.
t., .f :lo
..j"t' F. ~#
v. n. Y;t'
v .lo
Thu44a le, v. n. Imp. Be in
J- ~.> +h,.akal}f, M. Awooden catch habit of stumbling. Sh.
which prevents the wheel of ~~ +ha4ha, adj. Cold, cool.
the Persian well, turnfog
back, from weight of full
waterpots. Syn. l_,Li_,
Tha4ha thiwaw
'}To be-come
+ha4ha powaw, co o 1 ,
~~f 'fhala, M. Small herd of cows. abate one's anger:
+1ha4ha karaw, To m a k e
y_, lt'
v ..b ,.
'fhawaw, v. t. To adorn, cool, damp, pacify.
arrange, dress, fit up, furnish,
Pr. '4J P. 4.lJ'
'fha4ha . shukara bharanr
To heave a sigh.
..' ·
F .~v.n.~
~~~f Tha4ha,i, F. Coolness. 2. A
Jttt 'fhahar, v. n. Imp. Hold (to · refrigerant. 3. An intoxicat-
the bull.) Sh. ing drink made from hemp.
~t ihappa, M. A wooden seal
w4.~f Tha44ia:Q., F. Pl. Sma11-pox.
for mn.rking heaps of corn Cowpox, it attacks sbet·p.
on the threshing floor. Sh.
j;t 'fhappa:tg, v. t. To stamp. 2.
is~ i-!~ 'fha4i sah, F. A sigh, sigh of
To fold, shu.t a book. Sh. 3.
To beat clothes by mallet. despair.
4. To strop a razor. 5. To
renew edge of axe, etc. by Tha4isah bharaw, To sigh.
heating and hammering •
.;t +ihappi, F. A price fixed by
agreement, without respect
+'haraw, v. n.
stay, remain. Pr.
To stop, reRt,
lJ} P.
to market rate. 2. Earnest l.J .lo .b v .b
F. \..S""'J~
c. v. YJ~~
;l1~5 '.J.'haraw, v. n. To b~ cold, b~ ,_/'5 'fhaggi, F. Robbery> See U.
benumbed. Pr. IJ;€.) P.
.!:. J>i!J
F. ~w..J~.)
JiS i'hal, F. Stoppage, obstruction,
vi ..1o '.J.'harawal}.+, c. v. T o cause t o hindrance.
)1>3, .:;i.)

v.l, lv .l:.
stop, from )3..Je-> Pr. ~.;o/ W Taihl, F. Service, nourishment.
t J
P. 4.!I F. i.f"~.;t ' Sh.

J~ '.J.'huk, F. Due, right, by Ji""~ Thul

· ' } M. A tower, wal:red
virtue of custom. . \ .~ Thulh village.
'i""'t"' • '
.u.~ T• hull'a, adj. Fat, great, large,
broad. Syn. W
J~J.t '.J.'hak phak, adv. Immediately. Thulla ta:ra, M. E v e D i n g
star. Bh.
J~.f '.J.'hakur, M. An idol, deity.
J4./i.t '.J.'hikrial, F. Place with many ).ilt ':):'hilaw, v. 1'Z. To set san,
_.. "" potsherds lying about-from ' put off, launch, start, Pr.
c...s/:t-t-potsherd. Sh. IJlt, P. W .,. F. ~.,,. v. t.
.,,. .,.
;kyS' '.J.'ahkal}.+, v., i.
To be fresh, ~
revive, to open as a flower,
·flourish, to be deUgbted, to W Tahlia, M. Servant, attend-
be cheerful. ,,, ant. S.1~.
v .b
" !.
)~ Thukal}.:r, v. n. To be beaten. ~ Thambaw, v. t. To brand ..
~t ~ ~ +hamik ~hamik Vn.ra.JJ.r, v. t.
Pr. lu.(J' P. Yf.t F.
v 1 )S} To taber, mince, trip daintily.
f-' ~(~ '.J.'hukwawaw, v. c. To cause
to beat, strike. Pr. lJ.l:f~
" J 1 'jt ':):'haw, "· n. To become, be-
seem, he suitable, befit... Pr.
.9 J

P. 4, l_,~t F. u~Jt l~P.~F.~

y~ft l'hakijaw, v. p. To be dumb eI.t Tha~ar, M. Vitrified brick.
from :fear or weakness. 2. Hard barren soil Sh.
.b ~.!,
w~ Thag, M. Robber, See v. ~ ~~!,
Lt Th"'Uth'a, M. An earthenware
)~~~ l'higalaw, v. t. To make
" happy by false promises,
allure, cajol, delude, entice,
utJ Thtithi, F. Dim. 0£ above.
JS~ Thokalf+, v. t. To beati strike,
j~ ':):'hag aw, v. t. To cheat, rob, . v ,

deceive, lure, over·reacb, steal hammer, Pr. l~ P.

.9 ,

one's heart. Pr. tJ:!>Q P.

.. ~.b F. ... • (:~
~ "'k...t
v. n. }-r
v , ,.
~ .1
~~ v.p. v.p._r~
i.· . •l'.-f>
c. i.! if~~
v ii j,
Y-*:t-:~ bk~.b '+'h Oka1}.fll}.,
V,.__r ,, F. A mallet.
~)~ Tholh, I
' rM. Fat, fatness.
w*: 'fllf t".llt, .B Screech 0£ parrot.
.\, ,, 1

~~ +hulh,) +il]. til}. karaw, v. i. To

Thulha, M. A measure of J .Jo J .Jo •, •,
capacity equal to from ! to u_,-;P.. uY-?. 'fIUlf ~lUI}., F. Chirp.
£ lbs. in weight. 2. adj.
Coarse, thick. Thil}. ':rill.I}. karaw, v. i. To
v 1 bv ~ chirp.
lt.3~ Thnl}.ga, M. P. D. See \~_,_,
~ Thanh, adj. Quick. Bh. I.!.> Se.

Ytt Tha.hal}.:r, See yJ° ~ Se, The seventh letter of the

W. P. language used only in
).f-t +he:r, M. I words derived from Arabic
.i. ~A ruined city. a11d Persian, or borrowed
u)~~ Theri, F.) from those languages. Iri
i..$ftt Thikri, JJ'. A pot.aherd, broken Roman character Bor~·
" ., pottery.
'[' J.
"lL... 11~.1. +he1al}.:r, v. t.
.r••T" To cast off £rom
shore, shove off, start, launch, ~ J, The eighth letter of the
W. P. alphabet. In Roman
eetaail. Pr. l~
... P. ~t... character J or j.
~ .b b.u .b
F. ~:H:_ v.n. 1 ~ 4>- J a, F. Place, estate, station.
~ +hel}.ka, M. Tax on land. 2.
Contract, or contract work. Ja bawawaw, ~To make
+hel].ka chawal}.:r, v. t. To , . hh, a bed.
J a VlC aWal}.+,
'+1hel}.ka dar, A contractor. Ja milaw, To find service.
~ 'febhak, F. A form of knot J a khud rah aw' To set OD
used for fastening a ~e4M one side, apart.
round the loins. The ends
are used for carrying money.
J a paja, Everywhere, here
~ Tit, adj. Very sour. and there.
dj:} 'fitak, M. A kind of gourd,
.. ..,. (Oircubita lagenaria.) J;4>- Jatak, ~f. Boy. Sh .

~ Taira, 1~ A pony. F. J..} '--:r~ J atakrf, F. Girl. Sh .

Syn.p Sh. '(£~ Jach, F. Estimate, trial, skill.
i...s;/! Teri, F. A lump 0£ clay. Sh.
J./r 'fek, F. A prop, support. 2. j;.-4>- Jachaw, v. t. To inspect,
The thorny part of a date examine, prove, test, assay.
palm branch.
~ J./r 'fek-lagaw, v. n. To lean, Pr. I~ P. l.J.>.b. F.
.. ... .. y •

recline. ~c.v.'j)~
jt...:t Tekaw, v. t. To prop, support.
w1~4>- Jadal}., JJ'. Hair of sweating
Pr. l~ .. P. wt
F. p1ace of camePs. Sh.

~ 1
~ -7- Jara, M. A twin.
J l:;.- Jag, F. Wakefulness, sleep• w~~
i ~ ·
-Sb... J al}.JeJ.l, .""I F • Members 0£
lessness. 2. Rennet, what
is used to coagulate milk. ~}_,k~s~ J ai;ijial.l, .J :e:~!~,gbriPJe~;
lfl7'" Jaga, M. The night before guests; Pl. of u~4> but
marriage. singular is not commonly
J agaw, v. n. To be awake, v v
keep vigil, kindle. Pr. l ~~~ ;h~Sl:i-. Jai;ichaw,
v. t. To examine
into, enquire; prove, ponder,
P. l;!-~l-:> F. ~l:;-- v. t. discnss. cf. U. Janchna. Pr.
v v • v

;s,lf-7'",. c. v. y) i/~,. l~..t~

••t- •
P. ~.>.~Sl=--


J~ Jal, F. The condition or cir-
cumstances of life, existence. 1.SJ~S~ Jai;idri, M . .A. miller, at a mill
turned by water. Sh.
, Jl7- Jal, v. rz. Imp. stop, go
slowly, be late. Sh. '-'')S~ JawuJ.l, M. Afriend, acquaint-
~l7'" J ala, M. A recess in a wall,
)Ill:;.- Jalaw, v. n., v. t. To be
uJY~ JaJ.lrUJ.l, }con.SoAsandit so.were,The
Jl~ Jane, Sh. same as, namely.
patient, endure, live with,
pass the time, or one's days. d~ is used in Sh. to mark
Pr. l~~~ P. l~l7'" F. a quotation.
uMl.~17'" Tenses of v. t. Only
ojane, = As he thinks right.
t~ Jam, M. A title of respect
given to descendants of those ~~ Jah, Imp. of 4-- go. Sh.
Ja~ tribes which origina1ly
came from Sindh, as the Lar tl7'" J aha, M. 1
Unar, Sarki, Drig and Jha- l ~Hedgehog. Sh.
bels. In Sindhi J amu means '-1 7'" J ahi, F. j
prince. Syn. j ~
Y~ Jabab, See U. ylJ~ Answer.
~}-<il~ J amaJ.l, M. Garment, robe. 2.
)~ Jabdar, F. Weeds found in
Cloth. Sh. Pl. L..1?"'
wh1,at fields, deteriorated
ul7'" Jai;i, adv. When. wheat. P. D.

c;~ Jan, F. Life. See U. ~ J abal, M. A crow bar.

Jan powai;i:r, To be renewed, y.¢-:> Jappaw, v. n. To count one:'s
refreshed, iu vigorated as by beads, to repeat the names
good news. of God. Pr. I.,.\A:>. p. U~==--
'•'. .... v ..

Jan vich jan awai;ir, To be F. l.J~~

satisfied, comfortied. "~ J
y.¢7"'- Jupaw, v. n. To be yoked.
~l~ Jai;ij,
J J .9
F . .A ':adding proces- Pr. l.,.\~7"'- P. ~~ F. ~
sion. Syn. ~~ 2. .A. woman. b.
v. t. ]))~

t~~~ J appha, M. Seizing, embrace u;""' u~~ Jatti-satti, A continent man,

(used with J~ or l~) Sh. faithful husband.

~~ Jat, M. .A camel driver, a class 1../.i7- Jatni, F. 0£ c.::.,...~ a camel

of Muhammadans who rear
.b J •
and drive camels ..F. u·Ho:;>- ~?- Jut, 1.1. A pair, couple, brace.
b Y.i,J
In Sh. i.:;.....y~ /';.::;-- Jutaw, v. n. To be enga.ged in
any work, or close com bat,
u~u~ Jitamal}., M. .A wild animal,
P·r. lJ.l~ P

,.. esp. snakes and pigs. ·to be Joined.

.i,J .i,.9 • •
t~::?- F. 1...S':"'~
'jh Jitraw, v. n. To wait, be
patient. Pr. lJ;~
.,. P. 4fr., ~!;.. Juth, If, Leavings of a meal,
F.~}=;-- v 1 _.i..J
y_,~;.::;-- Ju~hawaw, v. t. To defile
u; ·,.. J•t
'i.1!!1- " ""1 adj. As much, so
1 :ral}., food by eating part of it.
~1.. J'tl,.
JU~ 1 a, r
f much, equal to.
. u? Jij1, M. Inspissated n as a 1
~ Jitli, . J Syn . .}=: I " mucous. P. D.

l_,1~ Jitwa, adj. .As large a share. C J akh, ~ F. Nonsense.

,.. Sh. )~~ J akhar, ~
J'.f7- Jatwal, M. Camel driver. Jakhar na mar, Do not talk

~1~ Jith, l nonsense.

Jakhar maraw, To ta 1 k
. . . . Jithan.' Ladv. Where.
f nonsense. 2. 1.,o sow wild
c-~~ Jitthe, Sh.j
c...~ Jidde, conj. acZ.V. Whither. Sh.
w-~,. 1J l"
l:i)' . ,. kithal}.,
~~ J1thal}. . " '~adv. Any-
~..l-7"' Jad:id, adj. Fallow (land) more
~ ~ Jith kith, j where. .. than one year. P. D.
,.. ,,
u:?-'>l~ Jitha,il}., adv. Where-ever. Sh • I~ J a4qa, M. A maimed or lame
.... J ....
person, one with a broken
u!.'1~ IJ}~ JithUl}. ta,in, As far as possi- limb.
,. " ble.
~)~ J aqalJ., I
~ Jutti, F. A pair of shoes. In 1 I
8h. .A shoe. cJt>7"°, }-aclv. When.
y J, . I
Jutti gal).4haw, v. t. To );~~ Jaqaw, )
'-'-'¥.-- Ja4ul]., adv. From which time.

Jutti da sadqa, For the sake '-');7"' Jir:ri, F. Obstinacy, perversity.

,.. ..,.
of=~~ Jirr:i J;Jadhaw, To be per-
• verse, obstinate.
~ Jitti, adv. As much, as many.
Ho w e v e r m u c h . Syn. tf. Jti..rm, ~{. Crime, etc.. See U.
2. A fine, penalty.
106 Ji r wan, 'ltl. A graveyard, ~ Jnka:r, J?. 'I'ho rope or thong
by which the yoke is ra~tened
cemetery. ( l) to tho uprig-ht pole of
Pt.:r:>ian whN:l, (2) to the
~ Jar, F: That pa1't of a staple beam of a plough.
which goes throug-h the wood
and is turned back. j~ Jakraw, t·. t. To chaw tight,.

.. I~ fa-ten, bind, tie, pinion. Pr..

i:.$) ~-'?'- Jn:rawati, adj. Fai1se.
rJ.L··.J~>• P. '-->rt:-/>
.. •
J)7"' Ja:raw,
v. t. To set jewels,
~ Jakkh, F. Village miners fee ..
inlay, plate. To apply the
l3h. 2. N&nsenn. P. D •
. stick, beat. Pr. l.>.~)7- P.
jJ~ Jakhawa:q.r, ~:. t. To deceive
l?.)7'- F. UM),~.)7- v. p. ;l~)7- in a playful way, coz.Pn,.
v ~

v. c. yjl))~ I ?' /
lioa:x. Pr. 1~~ P. ·"!.~
' ~ / ,
,~~ J a:rtu, adj. Studded or set . ~·1,1
F • 1.5-::.'~
with jewels.
\ry "':9
Yr Juraw, v. n. To be ready,
J'.?. Jukh&,,i, .P. The wages of a
maue, joined, kuit, to mend, fireman. Seo ''-<5fi""
To ho eqnipp<>d. Pr. \JJ\r;_ ~ Ja.kkhar., JL A sqtrn.Hr dnd
. , ~ j
P. ":'.);-. 1!1. 1..5""')?- 'l'his word storm. Nb. :J. Nomu.•ruit!. I* D~
iR often compounded with
v • ~ Jnkhaw, ·1( utu. n . . To. be
_Jls:7"' and in the tenses both '1,,, ,, ..
~n y 1 ru.xu~u~,
~Po- Jhttkh&l,lf,) con c~ u i· ued,,
are declined. Pr. lJt.::; lr.)j.... l ,,, ! ,,.
careful. Pr. ·~ !'. ~
P. ~ ..
. l,h;.,_
JJ l~J::> J a:rwawa1g·, c. v. From Y)7- l::..J'-4- Jagat> 1". Toll~ duty,. ocb"Oi~
u~fr J UZ bi, F. A few. Sh •
~\~~- Juzdan,. M . .A. cloth in which ~ JigarB., lf. Courage, spirit,
books are wrapped up. bra.very, eudura.ueth patium.-e.
1'. D.
U""7"' Jas, F. Pewter, zinc. 2. An
exclamation, well done. See Jigri, adj. Belonging to bead
U. 3. VerRes in praise of or liver. See U. 2. In born;
some one. 8h. • iu bred.

Jas khata,1~q.. , v. n. To acquire Jigri daglh An indelible

celebrity 1 to earn short lived stain, motlier's mark. 2. In-
. praise. ~ consolable grief .

Jt~ Jusag, ]f. A oommon ,weed, ~~ 4!-}::: ·Jigrew&l&, at:lj. P a ti e n t .,

eaten R.S a vegetable, or cook- ... enduring, brave, courageous..
. ed with other vegetables to
make them soften. ~ Jag, M. See U. Jag. World.,.
_, universe ..
~ Jusa,M. The body.
Ja.g fati, One pnnchud ia
Jusa da, adj. Bodily. pRying his debts.
107 ) .I..~•

£'. Jug, J.1f. y~

v, J J ula!).r, v. n.. 'l'o .go, set, off,
See U. Jug. A pair.
2. An age. 3. Union, alliar1ce. depart. Pr. ,~~ P. l;t~ F~
1!:;-- J agara, JI.. w a k e £ u 1 n es s'
1 0..,,."7--
JL,)\fr Jalwadar, t:illj. Brillia,nt, sbin-
J aga wa:Q.+, v. t. To awaken,
iug, bright.
arouse~ i. To light a lamp,

etc- Pr.
l.J. .y1,~.;...;-- I ft
P. "t'~ F. _if7- J allhar, F.. Platform1 cm vaJ?-
(tree) for watching crops.
u~"'·7"" 81£.
s..:::-.1;._ Jugat, F~ E1 acetiousness,
tJ_,.~7- Jalhota, JI. A small J.ri.l tree.
plea~~mtry,;rity. cf. U.

Jugat karaw, To joke, make

Dim. of J'~ 8yn. lt}?-
fun, pun. ~L;.- Jalebi~ P. A sweetmeat. 2 . .A
Jl~~:;-- Jagdal, Jf. A Jat. firework, cracker.

Jl4 Ja'gdaU, F. Langaag<3 of Jats. ft~ J alftar, A Sl1ru b (Rkamnm

Persica) Sh.
\;!/~ Jagrata, M. Keeping a.wake
all night. Bli,. Y~ Jamatra, ?if.
yit;.. Jn.lab, 'Jr[. An aperient. See U. ,, '
J umagi, P. A fee gi ~en lby

2. Socks made of sacking S1·hool boys on. 'l?6day t.a

cloth. tht!ir h.•acher.

c}::) ll~ Jalawatan, M. An ox i 1 e,

outcmit. cf. U.

Jalawatan karaig, v. t. To
exp~!, exile,'iate. J y, ,. ,. ' J !1
-'JJ..) ·.+...:- Jama1}dru, See )fl-.).~ oon-
y_,~ Jalawa:Q.f, v. t. To bur u, J
kindle, inflame, light. 2. To 1Y-,..7- Jambura,I
make jealous. Pr. t. r. .
l -' '.-Jf. J ugglel.,l:i boy.
:;J~ Jam1h·a, ,)
I'. '-:. ll:;-- F'. ~.w.~
W_t~ J ambil, P. A faqir's satcheU.
\ti~ Jalpa, Jf. .A. ffo.od.
~17- Jalt, / arlj. Quick. See U. ~
t~ r:-- Jam jam, adv. Al~ays, often..

~ Jaltf, 5ad:v. Quickly. 1 ~~ Jam jam a, Co~e and wel-

come. 8h.
~~ Jalta,i, F. Speed, quickness. ". ( \~ J
Yr~ Jum.Ia-karaa.g·, To aaa., cast
~~ Jlllg:hoza, Jf. The s e e d <> f ·v J

Pinus Ge:rardiana.. np acoounts. Byn. J.i~~ ~

~ Jalam, F. A leech. Syn. ~ b"
0~, See~
_;Il7"' Ja.lla:I].r, ,,_ -n. To burn, be ~ Jamni, P, A iµeta.1 drinking
bnrnt. Pr. \~ p,, ~ F. J

1~ J'amm'l-.M. Pincers. Sk.

~ v
u)...,~ J amu:q.,M'. The name of a tree i..J-l'~=:-- J al).jiri, F. Chain. Sh.
(Engenia ;ja'l'Jibol6,na) and its
fruit. J.l::;-- Jil}d, F. Life, soul. Syn. Jindri.
.. 'fJ ••
r. Jam Wat).j, interj. Bold on, ;.1.~~ J.J.:;--
stick fast. (Bomford).
M. A drug,

)JJ..:;.- Ja:t;I.dar, M~. Flom· mill turned
J;!-~ Jamil, F. A beggar's wallet. by water. Sh. 2. Lever for
Syn. J.~~~ S. R. pounding pulp or rice. Sh.

l.:J~ Jan, M. A man, individual, 1~ Jal).dra, I !JI. A large wooden

v rake. 2. T h e
cf. U. the village clientele.
~ Jal}d, j gable wall of a.
l.:J::i:: Jin, ~I. An evil spirit. See U. house. 3. An iron padlock.
Dim. '-5)~
Jin chal).ba:raw, To be be-
witched, possessed. JaJJ.d maraw, To lock.
~ Jin, v. n. (?) Imp. Conquer·, ~1~ Ja:t;I.drah, M. A mill stone
used with u)~5' Sh. worked by bullocks.

cJ:;:: Jin, adv. Where-ever. uL~~ Ja:Q.drahi, M. I

v L A miller.
J1~ JaJJ.dra,in, F. J
_,l~ Jino or jinu, i adv.Whenc<-
u"l;-- Jinon• or Jinun• ' S 0

soever. U';~ Ja:t;I.dri, F. Turnery.

2. A small
'.I flour mill turned by wate-r.
~~ Janaza, M. A funeral. See U.
Ja:t;I.dri wah, M. A turner.
J anaza parhaw, To pray for
j, '!
the dead. ~ ~A tree (Prosopis
Ja:t;I.Q., M.
.i, v Spicigera). 'l.1he
uj~ Janani, F. A female. Bh. '-5~ J al).Q.i, F. Hindus an d
v v some Muhammadans before
\,' .
;~""::- Jal).ba:i;rr, v. n. To wait, wait marriage perform t.he cere-
mony of Jarn;H kapan1'. The
for, expect. Pr. lJ.~!7'" P. bridegroom' cuts off a.ud
l.!-~~F·u~ buries a small branch. Offer-
ings are made to this tree by
~~ Jal).bfl, F. A beggar's wallet. the relttti ves of Hindu small-
pox patients.
j, '! '!
I" j,
Jinte, adv. Where. ~) ~ Ja:t;I.Q. kha:Q.Q., M. Ivory.
,f"=:-- J al).j, F. ~ wed~ing procession w)~ Jal).fal}., "!if. A man.
Syn."' ~t:;- u~J~
v "
Jal).fll}., J!. A woman.

(r:;--... JUlJ.J,• M. Any meal

at a wed- )'~ Jal).gawar, adj. Warlike I
ding. .A meal, doce. brave, quarrelsome.
~ v
uJ~~ .J alJ.jUlJ., M. The Brahmanical ..,~fL.
':.P;"'-- "~ M. A kind of short
J al).gll'a,
bread. Sh.
thread. The sacred thread '
worn by the "twice born."
, Jino, Direction from which.
v I v
6.:J)~ Jamin, M. Dotage. See U. Yn:::; Jiwawaw, c. From )3J:!-~ t'.

To quicken, recover, to cause

J aniin thiwaw, To dote. to live.

Jamir;i., adv. So to say, suppose, ,..,)1,~ Jawa~h, M. Camel thorn.

grant. Syn. uJ}::> . Pl. wt l_,.:;--(.All1agimaurorum).
Januni.Q.f, F.j A dotard, de-
"~,I , ,.
Y:.-'::> Jawa,iw, F. A kind of
~ monfac. cf. aniseed (Ptychotis Ajwtin).
Januni, M. J u.
'-=-'~~Ji:::-.. J obhan, M. A youth.
il.J~ Jo,e,·
F. A wife, In P. D. _,l.:;- !f,7- Jotra, M. A single ploughing
of a field.
J-?- Jo, pron. Who, which, what.
IS~ J ota, I M. A cross piece at
Formative sing. u:!':;o... Ex. Jo 1 ~ the end of a churn-
piya, who did this. Often '-!!.))~ Jut, j ing staff. 2. A couple
used at end of a period, before of chapaties or unleavened
a fresh narrative. cakes •
.b J ,,,.
Jo shai, Whatever. ~t'J~ Juth, ~ F. Food d~fil-
.. J .1. , ,,,. , ,. ed by berng
~Jo, I -@)-'fl ~fr Juth paruth, partly
· ~Particle = U. t!S
~ Je,) j,, eaten by another.

yl~ Jawab,M. See U. 2. Defence. ~fr Jutha, adj. Defiled.

.J~,-;... Jaudar, M. Sh.\ Wild oats.
Jl,~\.ir.-- Jawabi sawali, adj. Oppo- k ~ (Avena
site, corresponding to. Je:)J-?-, F.
• \I
) fat u a).
y »l
~J)'!,e:) ~ J'iwaw.
"' dewaw, v. t. T 0 brmg
. ·~:
Syn. ~:.Ai!
,,. to lif~ from the dead. v
)SJJ~ Jivra~:r, v. t. To absorb.
")~ J awaH, F. Wheat and barley Jr,-- Jo:r, M. A match, an equal
mixed. Sh. In D. G. K. pair in wrestling. 2. Spell-
kaig-ak jawali is used, not ing. 3. Fabrication, fiction.
jawali alone. 4. Total (in accounts). Sh.
6.:Jl_,~ Jawan, M. A youth. See u. Jo:r karaw, To spell.
VJ, . '
Jawan, adj. Strong. )~J~ J o:ra~:r, v. t. To make, mend,
joi11, fram€', add, put togethtr,
Jawan dard, Great pain. prepare, form. 2. 'roacc:ur11n·
v J
Jawan jaman, M. A youth, late, collect. Pr. • IJ..4.~
adult. adj. Strong. V J:, I J,
or lJ.i.?J)-?- P. '-:'))-?- F.
, J:,
Jawan marar;i.:r, iv. n4 To die um~.)~ or u~JJ7" .c. v.
in one's prime. l /\
u ,fr J uar;i., H. of u~

a louse.
vJ,~ Jori, F. A pair. See U. 2. A
!JJI~ Jawal}.tra, M. A son-in-law. set of indigo vats, consisting
of one small and two Jarge
u~)Jl_,7'" Jawawlih F. Youth, adoles- vats. 3. A. piece of best
cence, puberty. cloth double \\idth.
VJ7- Josh, 11[. Ardour, etc. See U. Jhat maraw, 'I'o snak:h. Sh.
Josh khawa1;q.'> To be fervent..
JJ.,. ~ Jhatil, wlj. Snatching. Sh~
U_,~ JU.fa, llf. Covetousness, avarice, /-e- Jhart J?. A flock m· flight of
greediness, parsimony. birdF. 2. M. A cotton bu&h
while green. Sh.
~~)-?- Jokha, M. A fireman, engaged )~i7" Jhara, Jf. !?ailing or dropping
in t.he manufacture of gnr, of water, a. waterfall. cf. U.
4...S}T:?-- Jharf, P. Earthc-nware vessel.
u'-!:~r;- Jokhiol}., M. Risk. Sh. 2. Au ear ornament.

,j~y:;- Jogal}., For, on account of. Sh. J~ Jhat·, Jf...,i A tree ( ui:<ed of all
( k iuds of large-
Jy:;- Jog, F. A short tune. 2. 4..SJi7'"
Jharf, F.) trt!es). Sl&. Gsed
of small and large Oapparii
devotion. See U. apidUa.
jog. a. A pair of oxen. 8h.
4. A i portion of a. well = J'.~ Jh&g., P. ~·. A ford! pass.age
about 10 acres. 4 of a river.
~ ~~ Jhag&, M
~-'~ J og·a, adJ. Fit, etc. See U. 2. ~;f1~ Jh&gaw, t·. t. To ford. 2.
Suflicient. H. llI. 1'he dregs To pa.tiff through n or
of sfa·.1.ined hemp. distri<~t (u~~d of fllmttll pox) ..

J ogi, M. } A faqir. 2. SnR-ke J lr. ~··~~

t !. it Ji .~
I . 1-lr t:1
....~ .i.•.
.. F
J ogun·, ..
charmer. Ji'. I'l.
'bJ} > 3. A fema.le gifted
J.; ). J'+?" Jhal 1 F. Pungt:•11~y. See ir.
with mag-ical powers, a. 2 A po~t-ptl~itinu to et•rtain
female demon. eoloul"S, tiignifsiug u it~b/' as
J''i?' u,'..w, greenish. 3.
Jj.>- J avval, F. Piece of country
The eolonr Crum
cloth 20 cubits or 12 yds. Sh.
,. .
ruhhiug tho
... "'
met a 1a on
~fr JUI.a, .i\I. The upper horizontal d~,
Touob!j,tone. Sy 'It ..
bar of a bullock's yoke. I
2. Respousibility, liability, u-P.--
}i:!:- Jh&lar, F. A fringe, edge,
y.,r;-- Jowa;~.:r, t'. t. To yoke, harness. ruffle.

Pr. l~~ P. \.;~ F. I Jhala.r hiwa.I}.r, r. t. To

1.5"'·· .J.
, edg-e
. •
y~ Jha"In,
,. .Jf. ·1 d rnsunn
.n. • · · . a
c:..>~fr- Jauharat, JI. Essence. Pl. of! field for irri~atic.n
f fr a gem, but used in ~ Jiha, M. ""I, A
above sense. .,. 1
a i g n i f y i n Jr,
u'4r.- JihaTJ., M. ~
like, as, accord-
~tr.-- Jhat, ~ ... I
inf! to, just,-
.. , , F. Peeping, spying. ~ Jihi, F. ) -ish. as Ijihaq.
~'--e- Jhati, · ' like this; Ujiba.n, like that;
JijiM.n, 1ike whom. of
Jhati pawaw, v.n. To spy, which kind ; Kejihan, like
peep. wba.t; Kala jiM~, blackish ;
Nik& jihan, ja.Rt & little ;
~·~ Jha ~' F. Snatch. Bh. Thola jihi~, &0mewhat.
JM.mar, M. A branch. ~
Jhappai;rr, v. t. To catch, sefae,
Jhai;tba, '/Jf. A long pole for Pr. lw.L~e- P. l..>..i.a.=... F.
•• • , • " . 4# •.· ~.

gathering or knocking down
~. f'·f.~~ c. v. y_,~~q~ v. P·
fruit (Bun.~~), or collecting
indigo when cut.
~ Jhit, l!I. A. tree (811 lra·lora
foJ 1~ Jhai;tjhar, F. A footorna.ment "" Inrlica) Its wood is used as a
with bells att,a~hed, used by tooth brush. P. D.
women. cf. U.
~P.'" Jhat, Ii'. A number of young
VJ 1~~ J ahandari, F. The cnstoms date palms growing from one
of the world, common rules root, or close toirether. 2. }f.
of life. cf. U. A ca.mel-herd. Sh.

;~3~7- Jhal].Watr, F. A slightshower. ~ Jha~, ]f. A moment, short

time, little while. 2. adv.
J;'.y::- Jhal}.wali, F. An earthen· Im mediately, suddenly, at
ware vessel for holding grain, once.
:fl0tw, etc.
Jhat pakka, After along time.
'-.rl~ Jhahas, M. Hedgehog.
Jha~ khan, .A. brief time.
~~, Jharbb, adj. Quick. Sli~
Jha~ g hari, ( A f t er s o m e
~~ Jhub, M. A hut of sticks and
Jha~ pahar, time. 5
~ Jhat, M. Snatch.
~~ Jhal), v. t. Tmp. Moisten (cloth
ouly). Sh • Jhat marai;i.:r, v. t. To snatch.
,,i Jhalfaru, 1 ad~.
\ mg.
Wet, soak- j/J..,/;.. Jhu~awaw, v. t. To cause to
swing. 2. 'l'o kill with one
u';~ Jhal}arttl]., ~ . blow .
.t ~
)1fe ~ Jha'ft9npakraw, v. t. To sieze u-1'f-?- Jhatti, F. A snatch.
a. horse by both reins under .1
the mouth. ~ Jhijnu, Jf. A variety of moth.
White grain with black spots.
~ JhilJlJi, F. A jerk, jolt. (Syn. P. D.

~P.D.) ~ Jhajjha, adj. Having white
spor. on forehead, of o:x, cow,
Jhi'f;l'J;>i deww, To jerk. horse. Sh.

, Jn.had, .M. Labour, zeal, in-
~ Jha'Qel, JI. ~ tribe of fisher-
men from Smdh ; they are dustry. cf. U. ~
considered orthodox and are
addressed by the title of
J am=prince. In Sh. Croco- v~ J uhadi, adj. Bard working,
industrious, zealous.
dile' catchers. F. ~ei-
.fi~ Jhar, M. A wood, jungle,
l.i::s::' ~ Jhaprijna, r.
To be ha.rd
and tight, of knots. P. IJ.
brake .

1 , ~ Jahra,111.] An o1d person

.......'_)};?-- Jhupp, F. A hut of 2. Handle of
""" grass and br~nches. "-~ Jahri, F. · J a spade. P. IJ.
~)~:;-- Jharat, M. Tingling s:usation. Jr.: Jhik, M. A. low place, depres-

Jharat machaw, v. t. To
sion, hollow. Syn.jl4:--,.
~P."" Jhika, adj. Low, below.
~;4~ Jhirka, I Jhika ucha, High and low,
" ~ M. Hope. Sh.
~r;~:- Jhirk:ra,J
b! v Jhika thiwaw, To stoop
i-'1:>;4!" Jhirkawaw, 'IJ. t. To tear.
down, to be feeble or in low
;1~;4:;;- Jhirkaw, v. t. To rend, split. condition •
~"";e?-- Jhurmut, kl. A crowd, etc. Jhika karal}.r, To make low,
See U. 2. A turban bound bend, bow.
over the face and mouth to
keep out the cold. Jhiki-dil-wala, adj. Humble-
U ~
1 Jhirna, .F. Sheet worn by
.,. Muhammadans on a
day before marriage. P. D. j~ Jhika:r, M. See i-<47'" A low
place. "
)3;e~ JharaIJ.r, v. n. To fall, drop,
ooze, leak. Pr. li.)J4~ P.
~~~ Jhika,i, F. Humility, lowli-
,. ness, condescension.
4;e~ F. LI~.;--
Jhika,i karal}.r, To condes·
v Ji
}l;P.- Jhura1n:, v. t. To be uneasy, cend, humble one's self.
anxious, concerned, careful,
to grieve, to pine away with u1~_,; d~ Jhik niwa,i, See ~~
grief. \,"11 _J
.r~ Jhukaw, v. n. To stoop down,
~))~ Jharot, F. A camel after she .1 _! J
is eight years old. P. D. bend. Pr. l~ P. ~F.

'-';~~ Jharri, F. A groove.
~?~ Jharit, F . .A scratch. Jlt.P.-- Jhukha~r,See~
" J " J

f;.~Jf7- Jharital}.r, v. t. To scribble, ~~ Jhag, F. Foam, saliva, froth.
' write hastily.
Jhag jhag thi.waw, v. n. To
Jha:r, ]{. A heavy cloud hang- foam at the mouth.
ing as a pall. 2. Heavy rain.
t~ Jhagga, M. Small churning
Syn. ~)~7'" stick. Sh.

~t~ Jih:ra, pron. Who, which. Sh. ·~-J

i.~ Jhuga, M. A house, hut.
U~r.'"" Jhirak, I adj. Quarrelsome, u~~7'" Jhag:ra~, '!YI. A small churn-
J " • ~ cont.entious, from ing stick.
)'~~ Jh"ira'l'u, ) ~f.f?"" a quarrel.
)S)~ Jhag+aw, v. n. To quarrel,
contend, dispute, squabble..
~)~ Jha:r1, See)~ Moderate rain.
- Pr. 1Jj~7'" P. 4~~ Ji'.
~ Jhakk, v. n. Im11. Be afraid, ..,rt
sbriuk. Sh. u''fP--
J,..~.:;-- Jhag mag, See U....~ Glit- )~ Jhalaw, v. n. To endure, stop
ter. v. t. To support, stop. 2. To
fan; 3. To receive. 4. To
)Ifr,-- Jhagarg-, v. t. To churn, sep-. spread. P·r. \~4J.i7- P. ~~
ai•ate butter from milk. Pr. F. u~~i~ c. v}j'i}~ v.p.
l~f'i~ P. ~fe. F. ~~~ ,,.
v ,\._
".ir.-- J hag g i,
F. Talkativeness, Y1~ Jhalaw, M. A beam · across a
well on which the wheel
carrying the pots rests. 2. A
Jhaggi maraw, v. i. To be supporter.
;3, 1_,~7'" Jhalwawa:rg-, c. v. from ;Ji.~
c../i; Jhugi, F. A small homie, hut. u~7'" Jhalli, F. A sheet used to
Ji~ Jhal, M. Watering a band or cause a draught when there
is no wind at winnowing
field up to the brink of the
time. P. D.
dams ..

Ji~ Jhul, F. Caparison, trappings. y~~i~ Jhalljaw, v.p; from~' but

nieaning, to be arrested. ·
Jhul ghatta:rp.-, To caparison.
~7"' Jhamb, F. A storm 0£ wind
li~ Jhalla, M. A blast of hot and rain. Sh.
wind, especially a hot wester- v
. ly wind which blows between ..
y~ i7'" Jhambaw, v. t. To beat a
the Indus and Sulieman tree to bring down the frnit.
mountains and is dangerous 2. To card cotton.
to life. 2. adj. Mad, foolish.
),.,;, Jhumar,}F.
A circular dance
}~7'" Jhaiar, F. A Persian wheel , o f t b e J a t s.
r~ Jhumir, There are three
on the banks of a riv~r, canal
"' kinds. Lammochar Jhumar,
or pond for irrigation pur-
Southern Clance. Trait ar i
Jhumar, With three claps of
the hand. Tirkhi Jhumar.
J.:Ji~ Jhalbal, "ltf. Glitter. Quick time dance.
<-:r"ti~ Jhalap, "JII. Folly.
)3J ~...~'!'" Jhimkawaw, v. t. To wink at.
Jhulsal).r,v. n. To be scorched, Pr. tJ:t-(-+.~-?-
.,, P. 4.l(,.,P.-
,. F.
charred, seared, singed. Pr.
J . J J
l~i;--P. ~~4?--F. ~e--
J )k.t.~ Jhimkaw, v. n. To wink,
IQ.~;-- Jhulka, M. As much fuel as Pr. 1d..t.i~ P. l~..ti-?- F.
suffices to put into a fire at
one time. ~...~
i..:.sJ.~7'" Jhalak, F. Glitter, shining. v
"°"~ Jhamawi, F. Crooked stick
Syn. l{J.i7- - 1l(l~7'" for carding cotton on a cot.
Sh •
.Jla~ Jhalkaw, v. n. To shine as a ... J

_jewel, glitter. Pr. l~(l.i7'" P.

}..a ~;-- Jhnmm mar, v. t. Imp. Fold
a clot.h or blanket over head
~i~ F.·u~~.:;-- and shoulders. Sh.
Y~-4~ Jhunjul}.f, M. A small tree of \,~.k
J Jh,,uta.w, v. n. To swing. see-
the acacia tribe. Wood of .1:. J .1:. J
little value, the pods are saw Pr..1:. J!cJ..J)P.- P. U.l)~
" ,..-
eaten by sheep and goats. F. ~,, )~
j, !
u..a.e7- Jhal}.g, F. The .first growth of ~t;"Jt; J ihojihi, adj. As Syn. -ul~
hair on a child's head. See
O'Brien's Glossary. <..i)~
v v
i,· i,· ~JJt~ Jhaudi, F. A variety of Jowar.
J~7'" ~ Jhaw jhaw, F. Clang, sound
of metals striking together. P.D.
1Ji~ Jhora, M. The grief or pain of
uy~ Jhil].fk, F. Scolding, threaten-
separation. 2. Short allow-
ing. Syn. ~e-:-- ance.
J. J ,,
Jhiwkaw, v. t. To scold, ))P.- Jhur, M. I (Lit. A clenched
threaten, blame, condemn.
.i. ' fist. O'Brien.)
,, ,, I
J)P."- Jhura, 'lif.
The knot in ~
Pr. \~~5')1e~ P: ~5';1~ F. .1:. ' I which s i k h s
v .. .. ~-'~ Jhuri, F. j and Labanas
u""".!-);~; tie their back hair. JhUri is
v v the payment made to a l~nd ..
1:.·1.· Jh awaw, v. n. To fall. Pr. owner for permission to sink
" p. L~yf?-
" F. l,.S~)'47-
v a well on the bank of a river
to bring the land under culti-
\,Yb! J
vation, Syn-Pag-Saropa
/;Af?- JhUI}.fal}.f, v. n. To win, over· Lungt. '
come, conquer, prevail, be
v J Jhu:ri bal}.d, A tenant who
IJ ~:;--- P.
... ,,
successful. Pr. ..) ~ pays jhU:ri, when the land-
owner marks out the plot
1';. I. I i,! J ! J
·~7'" - ~. -1.!~:;--- F. i,.r_Jf~ by tyjng down bubhes o~
1tLJ plants in knots.
~ Jhul}.ga, M. Something thrown
into the bargain. u_,i~ Jhok, F. A hamlet in low lands,
or near rivers where cattle
.J~ Jhil}.gar, M. The noise of are penned at night, hamlet
temporary settlement. '
creaking well. cf. U.) lQe;
1iL1tL:. ,;n_,~~ Jholaw, v. t, To stir water
) .... ~ Jhil}.garaw, v. n. To creak with mateTial on which a
as a well when worked. Pr. portion of the Quran has
,,, t~ -- -- v been written to form a
1~l~'.l~ P. 4~l~ F.
.,. ,,. medicine or charm for the

person d r i n k i n g it. Pr.
l v J ~
~ P. ~~ F. ~AUo.!-Je..
· Jhangi
• '
F.1 .A large cluster of
JJi~ Jholi, F. A term in wrestling.
W-4~ Jhal}.g, M. trees, grove.
2. The lap. 3. The skirt of a

Jhot·' F.
lf;~ Jho~a, M.
1 .A. young buffalo
up to 2i years .
waist-cloth used as a bag. 4.
As much grain as can be
carried in the waist cloth.
5. A portion of grain taken
by t~e landlord in addition
Sh. u-!-!Ji~ to ~is rent, for vi 11 age
lS)F.'-.9 memals.
Jhn~.a, M_· A turn in a swing or I\, ...
wh1::lag1g. Seesaw, swinging ~,e-- Jhaumpra, M. A thatched
mot10n. 2. A nod. Sh. hut.. Sh.
~J.-o)~ Jhomri, M. One who takes .::-~ J e, F. A small stream of water
part in Jhumar, the Jat circu- in a torrent bed. Sh.
lar dance.
, .::-~ J e, conj, U. ~ that.
u~?'- Jhul)., F. Hair of privates.
L v J ~ J e, conj. If, that, as. Syn.
1t~l;f?'- Jhul}.jha, M. The last picking
of a cotton field.
~ ).~
) .. .
L>-j;e:;--. JhUl).ga, M. Anything thrown
~v J
J e tal)., conj. If, perhaps.
• I-;?'! J adv. at first.
mto the bargain. Syn. '.M~
J e ta,il}., adv. While, as far as.
Jhnl].ga Q:ewaw, To give
something into the bargain. Je t.oril}.,
adv. Until, although,
I fv J , meanwhile, except.
u..3)~ Jhul}.ga, adj. Crooked, hump-
backed, wit.h bowed head. cf. Je jihal)., I adv. 0£ which
U. 2. Having horns pointed .. r kind. 2. As.
forward. Sh. J e Jihen, J Syn. Ji h a:i;i,
W;~7- Jhunna, v. t. To shake a tree
to bring down fruit, etc. P. D. J eQ.a, adv. As large as, its
"" - • J,
f-'J~ Jhowal}.:r, v. t. To yoke, har-
correlative is 1~7'" r
ness, to start working a mill
J eiJ.o, adv. From which direc-
or well. Pr· 1J..Y,S)~-?" P. IJ)4-?"
F. 1..51,jJ,~JJ~7-
c. v. y_, }4~
v ' J

J eiJ.en, } adv. Where, i n

~~7'" Jha ,i, F. Gruffness. which direction.
J e iJ.e, whereever.
Jha,i ~ewal).r, v. i. To speak
grufily. Jekar, I .
)- COrbJ•
\..:!.....;!-~ Jhit, F. Victory, triumph, J e ka<J.ahal)., ka<J.ahithJ
success. If, aithough. ·

l~~:!-P." Jhejha, .M. Whimper, low ~~ Jiyapa, M. Life.

whining cry.
ii~~ Jiada, adj. More.
Jhejha karaw, To whimper.
c.J~~ Jian, M. Loss, damage, hurt,
~:!-f7- Jhera, M. A quarrel of words, injury. P. D.
debate, riot. .J
u~ft~ Jitrnl}., adv. At all.
Jhera lawaw, To contend, v ,,.
quarrel, fall out, debate. ~l.i.:>- Jitanr, v. t. To win. In
j ,,. •• v v J
Jhe:ral}.f, v. t. Toquarrel or D. G.K. )S)~ is used.
argue with. 2. To importune, Jetha, aaj. Best, first-born,
ask more. Pr. \~.)!- P. early (of crops) opposed to,
Ka:i;i.jha:i;i., late ..
l~)~~ F. u;~.)e;
Jeth pa.Ietha, First-born. Sh.
u7- Ji, M. Life, etc. See U.
' adv. yes, truly, U. Used also u~:?-~ Jiji, M. Inspissated n as a 1
as an affix to proper names
as a vocative. *"' "' mucous. P. D.
~7"" J eQ., pron. adj. As large as, Jihan, I adv. Like, as, rather,
like, equal to. Sh. · ~ so, soever, such.
Jihi:t;t, J
~;;!-::-- Jerha,}pron. Who, which,
Jehlam, F. The river, above
'?- J o,sing. ~pl. ,_,rlt-4> Nu:!--rl~
what. Formative. Khushab. Sh.

<r Djim
It is someti~es written ~~
<r Djim, The ni:ith Jetter of W. P.
~~ Jira, M. Soul, spirit, (Poetry.). . alphabet. Iu Roman charac-
ter j.
"e-J.~::- Je kade, conj. If, at any time.
Haz. ~ 1~ Japarg, v. n. To seem, become
known, manifest. Pr. \~ti""
. <'> Jekarnn., adv. As, as well as,
uJr:;. , .. , n I
P. u'1"" .L •
~.t; v. P·
Raz. Syn. J,.,.:::-- 'II

'IJ' Y~}f:
~-?"" Jikuw,}conj. As. S. R. Syn.
' ,,
.. <,- Jikun J.J'f.7-
u~"1- Jape:Q., adv. Perhaps.
u~ ·'
J.-t-; Jig, M. Throat of came1. Sh. Kflz;.. Jatka, adj. Of or belonging to
• a ja~.
~ Jain, pron. Who. Instrumental
;~ Jar, M. An adulterer.
case of ,::- pZ. - <...r.h·l::--.,.,
'-!J"1- .Tari, F. Adultery.
)~ JiI].da, adj. Living, 1ively,
. Jal
. ' F. A tree (Ball:ailora
Oleoides) Syn. q~ Sh.• 2.
' aiive.
A net, noose, suare, gin,
Jinda karanr, ·To cause to grate, for compounds see U.
live, to qni~ken, recover.. Jl;>- Dim. J'.i::
i,j..~ Jil].wel_l, adv. As, as well as. ~"1- Jala, M. .A cobweb.
":, ~ ~gn. u~.)~
t b...• Jam A!. Lord, pcince, a. title
of 'old Sindhi prmces,
. now
Jewat, See~~ used as a. title of respect to
members of the Lar, Unar.
J;J.J:.~ Jiwara1;q.·,v.n. Tobeabsorbed, Drigh and Sarki jtt.ts, . who
.,,. .to perqolate. originally came from Smdh •
)>J:!'!'" Jiwa1g·, v. n. To live. Pr.;.-
l~~.,,, P. l~~
.,,,. F. ~~ ; lSJ~ Jal}:Q.a, adj. Belonging to Ja'l}il
i,Y I • tree.'~

J..J~ Jiwe:Q,, adv. As,-as well as.

j~ Jaw, F. Knowing, knowledge,,
wisdom, conscionsness.
Jiwe:Q. jo, .conj . .As.
J aig QUjh karahiJt, Know-
Jiwe:Q. tti~, aJv. Yes. ingly, purposely, wittingly.
JiweI]. kiwel}., adv. As it is Ja~r su:Q.jaw, F. Acquaint..
possible. anet>, friend.
Jawaw, v. t., v. n. To kno~, \)I~ Jataka,I adj. Of or belong-
be aware of, be privy to, to !> _ .. ~ ing to a jat. 2.
K.>.~ J a tka, j Village, r u s t i c.
think, conceive. Pr. lJ)1 1~ • Sh.
P. 4.)3~ or 134- F. u>J;)31.1"" 1. - ,
u..i.1'° Jatt1, F. .A female jat.
. . . ..Ut>- ,. 'lJ b3) J~.J)bl~.
'V ' .£'" :
) V• •)
u!t Jutti, F. A roll of raw cotton
"r 1
'--/~ -'
l ...o .,.,,
ever taken to feed the spinning
mind. It is nothing to me. wheel.

'-'~·J"3l~ JawelJ., Namely, thabis,=i.e. ll)t" Ja:rh, F. Root, foundatio11,

J • derivation.
_,)34- Jawti, M. Acquaintance,
friend. ~Jal, M. Water.

J~5J 1'1"° Jal].ghil, adj. Long-legged. Jal thal, Land and water,
marlihy ground,
;3;34- Jal].waw, I v. n.
J To be bo.rn,
to sprout., sprmg
up. 2. Tocoagu- J
Jal kuki:r, .A water hen.
v ,,, Jt" Jul, Interj'. Shut up, stop.
late, clot, congeal. Pr. - b,j)~ v J
or lJ.S~ P. ~.l:; F. - U""')~
,,, .Jilr:: Julan,.:r, v. n. To go, proceed
v v
to, Jstart. 2.
To flowI Pr .
or u""'4"- irr. v. t. yy~ lJ.4- P. ~lr:: F. u~
by l b~ .
c. V· /J'J)~
l'.\t Jalam, F. A leech .
. )...,~ l~.4--- Jaya jamal]., M. Birth-place.
Jalam lawaw, To bleed .
..@M'" Jibh, F. The tongue.
... l.Jf.t Jalotha, M. Dim. of jal.
~~1'" Japijaw, v. p. From)~~ To
J_,4- Jalul, F. Tickling.
J -

Jat, F. Hair of goats and
J alul ka:ran,.:r, To tickle.
camels, wool of sheep. 2.
short hair covering the body.
rt Jam, M. Birth, nativity, age,
J v -
-'JJ.SL..t- Jaman,.dru, adj. Congenital.
Jat, M ....}·r:: jatti, F. An v - .. v
agriculturist, irreRpective of y,~ Jamawaw, c. v. From )4i::,
tribe or caste. Syn. of F. To coagaJate. 2. To make
u-';.~ 2. A number of Mu- fi-rm, establish.
hammadan tribes of Hindu y~ Jamal}.:r, v. n. To coagulate,.
origin, who maintain many
Hindu customs and form • congeal, clot. 2. To be born,.
the majority of the popu· fixed, to sprout, germinate,.
lation of S. W. Punjab. The consolidate. Pr. I~ P.
Biluchia call them Jagaals
and their Iangnage Jagdali. ~~ or 4.~ F. u~ o, v~
See O'Brien ~ 3 . .A y)~ -;J_,~~~
Jama:Q.:r. da Q.ihara, A birth-
Jat bhutan, A simpleton, fool, day. ·
coarse person, perhitps equi-
valent to Hebrew, raca. Jamal}.f di-ja, Birth-piace.
.i.. - , I .1;t
Jamm val'}.j, Stick fast, hold le-':!-1'" J etha, See "t'"'.f.7-
on, wait.
J~ Jer, P. After birth, p1acenta.
w';L:r JamawalJ., M. Birth. ~1'" Jaifal, F. Nutmeg. (Myrista
~ )1....1'"° Jamaw la, aaj. Congenital~ fragrans).
from birth.
u.}~ Jammnl'}., M. A tree (Sy~igium
}ambolana). ~ Che, The tenth letter of the
W. P. a1phabet. In Roman
~ J al'}.<J, M. A t.ree ( Prosopis character ch.
spidjera) Syn. i..>l)...._1""
1v ~ ~l;-- Chap, M. A dam which does
luJ:r Jul'}.ga, M. Short hair of the not completely stop the flow
head. of water in a canal. P.D.
j,Ytj,V -
c>.l(p ~ Jal).4 khaI).cy, M. Ivory. ~~l~ Cbapat, F. The debit side· of
an account. Syn. ~A> 1
Jal).fal)., M. Person, individual, y y

man. In Sh. l1;> pl. u~Y?- j~l~ C,hapar, M. The lid 0£ a corn·
Lb! . bin, or large clay cylinder, or
and u ·:)~ of a furnace.
JaI).+aI).:r, v. t. To bear child- '-1)~~ Chap:ri 1 F. A cake of silt split
ren or offspring. To foal. into pieces when dry. Sh.
Pr. lJ.1:.);.. P. ~~;. F. ~J_, tl~ Chata wal}.jaw, v. n. To be
• ...>'Jo) b,.\e.. lift.,ed up, borne, raised •
~ _.."):
c.$Jl~ Chatri, 1M. The name of a.
.fawwa waw, To cause to ... Hindu caste whose occupa-
know, to tell, warn. c. v. tion is to parch grain.
from ) ) : "'J"'Jb.. ~l~ Chat, F. The palm of the hand.
Jal}.+UI)., adv. So to say, sup- 2 . .A. cuff, slap. 3. Longing,
pose, granting, namely. 2. wish, taste, habit, tempera-
M . .A.cq uaintance. ment. 4. Br·ass sides of
breast piece of gun. Sh.
~~;.. Jal}.gh, F. The leg from hip
downwards, leg of table, etc.
Chat maraw, v. t. To strike
with the palm of the band,
Jt" .Tao, F. Pitch. cuff, slap.

)~J~1"° Jawal}.tra, .A. son-in-law. Syn. tf~ Chata, M. The name of a.

, "l ! medicine.
}:::-- Char, adj. Four, i;iakes Pl .
..y!l_,:r Jawal}.h, M. Camel thorn. Pl.
, ll.>
ut lJ-t (.Alhagi Maurorum.)
(J.!-t ~ and u=!'t v

._,/T! Jawatri, JJ'. :Mace. 1l;- Chara, M. A cattle road

through fields, with fences on
lv1"" 1aha, M. A hedgehog. eibher side : opposed to !.b>J~
an unfenced road through
-i:C~1"" Jeth, M. A month, May 15 waste land. 2. Remedy, aid,
to June 15. help.
Charal}.+, v. t. To graze, feed, u~\~ Chaki, M. makes F. J.)l~~
pasture. Pr·\~~:):;- P. ~}~ An oil presser, miller. ,,.
F. ~.;=?:' v. n. /;=:' v. p.
~l:;- Chala, M. Oustom, habit. 2.
Y·~~:;- c. v.
y, l_,;:;- ory) l;~
_,}:;- Chad., M. One who watches, w~ll.::- Chalkan, F. Pl. Parched
while thieves are stealiug, grain.
to give warning of intruders,
a spy. u!l.::- Chalhi, aaj. Forty.

Charu pathaw, v. t. To send Chamohitti, F. A bat. P. D~.

a spy.
In Sh. 1...Sj~l::-
~\.;- Chara, adj. Broad. Slz.
., ..
~.-Ql.::- ChamkaliJ F. A necklace of
1,,/,.J~ Charoki, M. Proprietary right pointed beads shaped like
in water = -{-6 of a vehal or
45 minutes flow. D. I.K. P.D. j e s s a m i n e b u d s. Syn.
v v • v ,;
~}:;-- Charhe, a a, j., Four, Syn. '-'~tl
,,. l.::- - u~S

}:;- - wb:;- - vt l_,~ - u:!'t 1,~ u~ Chi.I}., M. The blue jay (Oora-
jl~ Char, M. A horse fit for riding. cias Indica.) Syn. •El~ In
2. A boot tree. 3. Bowstring. S. R. isl>-
W; ..

,.Jtljl:;- Charh, M. String of bow. u~J t~ Chaitbkali, See 1./;).~l:;-

CharM, ]f. A date picker u.J ~ Chaitd, M. A target. In S. R.
(Lit. one who ascends) 2·
Dysentery. See ~tl:;-
Chaitd mari, Practice for
Charhaw, v. t. To lift, raise. firing at a mark.

Syn. ;J_,~);-- Pr. t.J~11J;-­ Chaitd mari karaw, ) T o

~ fire
P. ~lb_j\;- ,;
F. uMl.1.-lb'
J";-- v. n. Cha!}.d mari chutaig-, ~ at a
v y
µ ... 1o
J ..,;::- v. p. ;1o.1..~..1..,. ".> c. .,..,.
:---: .. .: Jy
J, v,
;s_,l_,lb);-- u~J ~h:;- Chaitdril)., F. Moonlight.

"'5lb}l;- Charhi, F. Ascent, acclivity. Yvi , ,

u 1 '0::- Chanra!}., "lrf. Light, shining,
splendour. S ..R.
2. A lift.
u~l~ Chasni, JJ'. Flavour, relish, Chanawi, F. Staggers, (horse)
a mixture of sweet and sour gets it and dies at once when
light is shewn behind it, after
syrup. being rubbed by saddle. Sh.
2. Moon or star-light. Sh.
w}l:;- ChakuI}., M. A clasp knife,
pen kni£e. Syn. in S. R. wjl:;- Ch~nUI}., M. Light of lamp.
,:;-~ Syn. Sh. cJUl:;-
c.;!5'1.-;-- Chakhari, M. Cover of a
churn. ~Jl:;- Cha!}.h, See wl::-
)3/::;- Chawaw, v. t. To lift, raise, JY--;-- Cha1;>1;>aig-, v. t. To chew,
remove, as an auxiliary. To
allow,permit,give. Pr. l~.;-
v ...
mastigate. Pr. .
. : P.
,,. F. u~f~ ,;
\I , ;
u l~f:;"" Chal;>DJ.+a:Q., Jf. A snack, any
' thing eaten between meals, as
parched grain.
y.;--- Chup, F. Silence, See 71.
w~3}:;- Chawaigan, adj. Fourfold Chup chupata, a'Zv. Silently,
S.R. I secretly.
'•.,':.ii .~

)~l.;--- Chahr, v. t. Imp. to Chup karaw orthiwaw, To

ascend, write. Sh. be silent, bold ont/1:11?eaue.
~.a>I..~ Chahra, M. Dysentery. Byn. l¢.;--- Chappa, nf. The width of
four fingers, hand breadth.
~Jl-;-- .. ~1~ ~. An oa.r, paddle. 3. 'l'he
fourth part of a cha pat L
)kl;-- Chahaw, v. n. To wish, desire, adj. Having horns pointiug
v I
intend, last. I?r. l~~lh~ I?. ou twardtl. Bh.
~l~ F. u:-~l~, v. p. Chappa maraw, v. t. To
v paddle, row, pull.
•" ~v
t1~ Chi:P~a, ill. A form of paper on
1~~ Chabara,M. Upper story. Sh. ' which to write prescriptions.
J.~~ Chabbal, F. Nonsense. Sh. <..>"~-;--
,; ,.,.
Chi1:r~i, F. A splinter.
.!¢~ Chappar, F. A wedge.
)Jli~:;-- Chuphawaw, v. t. ~o pi~rce
pr10k, penetrate, stick rnto Chap:rf, F. A flat piece of
v J J
Pr. \~~ P. 4.~-;-- F. wood, a span long and the
J v , width of a finger, on which is
u~:!-i~ i'. n. /·f!-~ written 'igharq shud Jashkar..
i-Farnn dar darya-i.nil."
·)~:;- Chibhar, M. A creeper, which " Drowned was the army of
"' grows among kharif crops. Pharoah in the river Nile.''
v J
lt is worn round the neck as a.
f~:'-~ Chubhaw, v. n. To pric1r, ~e prophylactic against remit-
pricked, pierced. Pr. \~~-;""' tant fever.
P. ~~~~ F. ~~ \..5
.:4> Chapli, F.
'I 'I
Sandals. 2. Tent-.
~ pegging. Sh.
L.~::V- Chabbi, adJ. Twenty.six. Sh.
~ Chappu, M. A :flat-bottomed
'-f.;- Chi}J}Ja, adj. Crooked, para- boat, with straight stern and
bow. 2. An oar. P. D. 3.
, lysed, drawn. M. One with
A man with prominent front
facial paralysis. teeth.
j5) '·f~ Chal>awaw, .~· t. To chew, ;-1.f:};'- Chapher, ad'IJ., prep. All round.
gnaw. Pr. l~~ P. 4,~ Sh.
F. u~f~ ut~ Chippi, F. A piece of cloth
"'"" tied on a stick and waved to
4-!,;f.;- Chi\>ri, F. The spotted owlet, keep pigeons flying. 2. Oar.
" (Athena brama) little owl. Sh.
Chut, F. The anus, bottom.

JU~ Chutali, adj. Forty-four.

y_,U.;-- Chitawaw, v. t. To warn,
' inform, denounce, caution,
forewarn, certify.
pr~test, testify agairn'1t. Pr.
.. ~
p I.JI'! ••
,,,, · ..~F-~~
: ,,,. ;.. Chuth,.~

Chattar, M. Amalecamel. 4.
" 1 .. a,1, F. A fourth part,
years old. adj. Sharp, clever. b! ..
~~ Chithaw, v. t. To mastigate,
}: Chitr, M. Designs in lacquer
work done with an iron tool. chew. Pr. l~~P.~>
cf. U. F.u~~ .. :. .......
Chitra, adj. Spotted. 2. M.
A leopard, panther (Felis Chi~ha:g.:r kannl}. bag-hair
Pl(,rdus) 3. JJ:f. A fish the nigla:t;,i~, To bolt one's food.
murrel. ( Ophiooophalus :riaru-
lius.) 1.}::: Chattf, JJ'. Double heel of a
shoe. ·
~ Chatra,i,
' F. Sharpness, clever-
J,,,. ~t Chit, F. A flat woodless plain.
J ness. cf. U. Y~
Chit ~ai:g.:r,
A plain full of
t}:;- Chutram, M. A pit from dangers from wild beasts.
small-pox. A pock-mark.
* , .
I •• Chit kar 4ewaw, To make
u~ Chutrammal}., M. A person a plain of, to make a clean
. much pitted by small-pox. sweep of.
1/ .. Chitraw, v. t. To pick out
j.ft ~::; Chat, adj. Ruined, waste.
patterns on lacquer work,
Cha~ thiwal].+, To be ruined~
with an iron tool.Pr. I~~
P. uj>,. F . . ,.i.i.i.'/'::;.., v. p... Chat karaw, To waste, de-
••,,) ·y ~ .. y
~}-;--- c. v. JJ l.'Jl;--
" v
, ,,,. , ti~ Chat~a, M. An armful'.
9! Chitr,, M. A tortoise living Cha"tta bharal}.f, To take an
in a well (said to feed on armful.
leeches). ... J

!r,~ Chatrera, M. A painter of

\1-;- Chu"tta, M. A gall on the back
pictures, one who works of horse or ass.
figures in metals, engraver.
P. D. Chu"tta surkar karaw, To
•J gall, exasperate.
~ Chutta:r, M. ~
.. J The buttock. U.;- Chi'tta, adj. White, etc. See
'-5~ Chut:ri, F. "' U. 2. Olean, open (of earth)·
~ Chattu:r,M.1A place .£or Chi~~a ohi'tta khambhtir,
.. parching
dazzling, bright and shining.
'-'~ Ohat:ri, F. corn.
J,, I
h Ohuttu, M~ A sodomite. !
Chitta qiI~h, Day light.
yj:~ Chitapa:r, I
. i+>-~ Chath, M. A miser. adj.
v ~ F'. Whiteness.
n~~ Cbitapiw, J f_-"!_
~Y""" Chat"tha, M. A wooden plank
~~~ Cha]pat, adv. Qb.iokly,bastily,
at mouth 0£ kachcha well on
imm.edia tely. which water is emptied. Sh.
Chatpat thiwaw, To be ufJ-.;--
,,..,,.. Chithi, F. A note, etc. See U.
sharp, quick.
Chi~hi g hattalf+, To cast
;3/~l:;-- Chatkhawai:i:r, v. t. To crack lots.
a whip, fire off a gun. v. n.
L ! •Jo Chi~hi niklal].:r, To receive by
µ.;-- Chatkhai:g-, v. n. To crack, ~
~;:- Chat~i, F. Fine, loss, forfeit.
explode. Pr. .\ ~J:>>.,
l ~""" P.
I - • .lo F• ,.lo t.
Chattl. bharal}.f, To forfeit.
~~..1.~ u~::- v.
Cha"tti thlwa.w, To suffer
y,~~ loss •
u~)1.;--- Chatrh}., F. An acid sauce, ~ Chucha, adj. Tender eyed, one
' chatni . suffering from Photophobia..
J!e.. Chatuk ~ M. Small-p_ox scar, J~ Chachali, F. North-west.
; '>_, p oc k m a r k ,
• '
2. · A legendary serpent that
c......<:!~ Chutuk, speck. lived near Kala Sh.
Kt~ Chitka, M. Sunshine after ~ Chachra, adj. Stammering.
" cloud.
Chutki, F. A snap of the ~ Chichra,adj. Used of one who
fingers, :fillip. 2. Speed. " pronounces incorrectly.
Chutki maranr, ~ To B nap u~ Chich+i, F. Crab-louse.
· ·· the fin- .... ,,..
Chutki khe4aw, gers, to ~ Chachigal, M. A horizontal
:fillip. ' bar moving on a pivot round
'Y ,,
a. vertical post, to teach
_y1'7;" Chuttaig·, '11. t. To place land- children to walk. P. D.
marks, or signs for guidance
of workmen. 2. To hit the ~ Chichi, F. The lihtle finger.
,, J
! .lo
mark. Pr. l~.;- P. ~-t:'
I _.b
InS. .R.•~
,9 'Y T
.lo \,. .lo ~ Chikha, F. Burning pla.c,e
F. ~ v. p. ~~-7;"
" among Hindus. Funeral pile.
by ',.,.~
o. v. f-' .lo

lil~ Chidda, M. A marble.
Chat"taw, v. t. To lick with
the tongue, lap. 2. To wipe " Chidde Kheqa?J.:r, ~ To p Ja.y a.t
off a dish with the finger. . , marbles.
Pr. l~.;-- .P. ! .lo w
.. .;-- F.
Ch1dde maraIJ.r,

v. p.
c. v.
}1ti~ Chadhar, ~
. ,. adv. On all sides.
v ' .lo ;lib~
, ...
1_,1-;- ChalUra, M. An earthen ware u-' ,lib~>- Chadharu~, ~ .
'/.J " From all sides.
vessel. u.vllb~ Chidharlil,'l,
~ Chu4, M. The Vulva. ~~t Chirke~, adj. Late. Syn.~~
JJ~ Cha4ol, M. A swing, )~
Charaw, v. n. To graze, feed,
crop. In Sh.)~)~'!' Pr. l~fi""
;=:- Char, F. A cooking range.
, S.R. v J
.. F. u~~ v. t. )S' ~
4:1:::- .;

;:::- Chur, F. .A narrow hill path. J;~ Chura~r,v. n. used with u~)J~
2. A deep small wound. S.R. to indicate that water ap~
plied to the wound causes
~ Oharra, M. Fodder, forage, inflammation.
, pasture, grazing.
U')J~Charwi, F. A brass lota.
~ ~ Churasi, adj. Eighty-four.
)~.)J~ Charvedar, M. ·Ostler, groom.
~~.;- Charal}.d, F. Grazing land,
i..SJ l ~.Jfr Charvedari, F. Business of
an ostler.
'"....;~:;- Churanme, adj. Ninety-four.
u;~ Chari, F. A trench or small
v I Charawal}.:r,
f' ').;- .- v. t. To graze, water way. 2. Stalk and
pasture, tend a herd, or leaves of Jowar (Sorghum
flock. Pr. !~.ft P. 4.~.;--
Valgare) used as fodder.

lJ'. ~.;t;- Chari burji, The boundary

trench and pillars of a village.
J.i:J:;- Chirbil, F. Small owl. A
~ .... piece of clothing taken from 4:1}"" Charia, adj. Mad.
a man who has killed a chir-
bil, and worn by one who ~~.ft' Charait, M. A tenant at will,
suffering from nettle rash is i. e., of proprietor.
thereby cured. Sh.
fi:J=:- Charetar, M. A yard for stock-
~;~ Charcha, M. Social gathering. ing :firewood. P. D.
2. Mention, rumour. See U.
.J c.i.:)~ Ohare~, adv. Only, (Bomford) .
uJ.;"-;:;"- Charchnl}., }.F.oneThethmg
~ound of
rub- )t Chi:r, F. Vexation, provocation.
~t;"-_ft-" Charchil}., bing on another,
"' as in a well, or ill fitting )~ Char, F. A bed louse. S. R.
wheel. A creaking sound.
~ Char,M. ~
tr:- Charkh, M. Horizontal " A turner's tool.
circular motion. ~~ Chari,F.
.../'-;:;"- Charkhi, F. A small spinning ~ ~~ Charawa, M. A circular case
wheel. 2. Spinning motion, of matting in which grain is
giddiness, dizziness . stored.
.J •

),rv- Churra, M. The Thal breed of j_,~~. Chi:rawaw, v. t. To vex,

sheep. Sh. "': irritate, mock, bore, provoke,
aggravate. Pr. 1~)~ P.
U .ft:" Chirk, adj. Late. Syn. ~~
"' N. M. Delay. 4.~r F. ~UJ.~~ v. n. )~~
Charka,~ M.grazer.
A good feeder or Ji.-o~\.L~}.l'el}.-mill~, v. i. To
2. Gra.z- .1 ., ·;1 v ·~ Y
j ,I:- Oharkti, ing. have tetanus.
c..:.J)::- Chart, JJ'. Competition, out- Tjb)~ Cha:rhoa, } M.A wa.sber-
bidding. 2. Back-biting. man, dyer.
4.Jlf))=:- Charhoya, He is a re-
Chart maraw, To compete at cognized village s e r v a n t
an auction, back bite, outbid. getting £rom i to 2 maunds
of grain per well, or 6 ); of
)~J~ Chi:r chi:r, F. Chattering of the rahkam, or cniti vator's
birds, creaking of boots. share. He is paid for dyeing
by the piece. He cooks the
Chi:r chir karaw, To chatter, rice at weddings, getting 2
creak. annas a cauldron and cloth
v worth 10 annas.
Y)r Chira:Q.r, v. n. To be vexed,
irritated, provoked. To be Jjb)~ Cha:rho,i, F. A washerwoman.
angry, to fret. Pr. lJ)~ P. ~.J:- Cha:rhi, F. Riding, horseman-
l~. ~~
F. , v. t. -:}_, ~7.'"
t..r',,,,.)1>-;-- .,,,,.
ship. 2. Attack, invasion 1
preparation for battle.
lJ)!' Chi:rwa, adj. Testy, irritable,
touchy, peevish. Cha:rhi karaw, To ride,
Chi:rwa karaw, To anger,
exasperate, provoke.
~~ Cha:rha, M. Next month. Sh.
y_,l.ib)7,'" Charhawaw, v. t. To raise, '-"'"~ Chas, F. Taste, fancy, liking.
lift up, mount, embark, offer, Chas dar, adj. Tasty. Syn.
put on the fire, reduce a
dislocation, put on. Pr. , ~~
l~itJ)~P. F.~~lll)-;-- ~ Chust, adj. Diligent. cf. U.
~~~:;-- Cha:rhayat, M. .A. rider, one ~ Chaska, M. .A. deba.nohee, one
who mounts. 2. .A. tenant
at will of Landlord, he pays overcome by evil habits, i.e.,
more rent than a mundhimar drinking spirits or hemp,
(one who clears the iand.) eating sweets, ta.king bribes.

J,:izb).;-- Cha:rhtal, F. Riding, caval-

~~ C ha s ula, adj. Tasty. Syn.
cade. Sh. .9 )~
\i.Ui_J:- Charhda, M. The East. Sh. ~ Chugha, M. A robe, garment,
v a long cotton or woollen coat
r);- Cha:rhaw, v. n. To ascend, with long sleaves. •
mount, climb, rise, go np,
arise, embark, come on, (as ~ Chak; M. .A. bite. 2. A potter's
fever) , take effect (as poison) wheel. 3. A circular wooden
to fix (as bayonet). Pr. f o n n d a.ti o n for a well
I~)::- P. ~);- F. ~)~ (Tilwa:Q.g)~ and hence. 4. A
v fa.rm or land supplied with
v. t. y, water from the well. 5. A
, Chu:rhal}.r,

_rit>y:- \,
v. n. To be an
circle. 6. Oongealed milk.
7. A block of land, a. newly
invalid, to linger, to be ill of :founded village on State
a lingering painful disease. land. The word generally
J .I
implies a. sense of roundness.
Pr. l;lll):;-- P. ~~~~ F. Chak pawal.J.:r, ~ .
To brte.
~):;-- Chak wajhaw,
Chak lakkar, JJ'. The stick ) K~. Chikar, M. Creaking.
for turning a potter's wheel.
J..)S K~- ChakawilJ., F. 0£ cMlei. .An
Chak dar, M. The ownel' of a " oil presser, miller.
chak or foundation of a wen. J

Syn)~UJ the owner of the ;s,~-;- Chukawa:r;rr, v. t. To haggle,

bargain. To find, agree, de-
masonry, as opposed to the termine a price. 2. To shoot
owner of the land watered by
a well. 2. A proprietor of a to one side, miss. Syn. ~~
v J
tenure of land, granted to
those who sink wells in the PT. )f:!'(.;-- P. ~.~-;-- F.
land of large landowners.
They are not liable to ejec·
tion, and the tenure is
heritable, he can 1 o c at e
f=:- Chakar, M. .A circle, giddi· .
ness, dizziness. 2. A compass.
tenants, but the landowner 3. A grass-plot.
is entitled a certain part of
the produce, called '' lichh,'' Chakar-awaw, v. t. To swim
on banks of the Indus, and (of head), be giddy.
Kasur on banks of Chenab.
Chakar ]?adhaw, To whirl.
Chak-~er Sadma, A division rapidly round.
of village land subject to Chakar khawaw, To wander,
river erosion. to be dizzy, giddy.
Chak dari, F. The tenure of a 1..Sj~ Chakri, JJ'. Quarrelling in
chak dar. loud tones.
J.::::- Chuk, F. Lumbago. 2. Error, 'f~ Chikar, M. Mud, mire.
y mistake. Chikar chher, A mud gang.
Used of those labourers who
Chuk powaw, To make a are employed on emergency
mistake, to fail, miss. to clear canals, etc. while
they are running.
Chuk chuka wa, M. Bargain-
ing. c...5i:;--
,, ....
Chilqi, F. Thin mud.
Chuk chukawa karaw, To Js'..;-- Chakal, M. The horizontal
bargain. wheel of a Persian well.
... '

j> Chikk, v. t. Imp. Drive away Js'.>

Chakkil, adj. A biter .
:. in disgrace. Sh.
~ Chakla, M. A board on which

~ Chik, F. Mud, mire. Syn. 'j:;- bread or pastry is made.

~ ~ ~. House of ill-repute.
~ Chuka, v.t. Imp. Settle, adjust, ~ Chakli, F. The perpenaicular,
v J
or cog wheel of a Persian
:finish. Sh. From J-'~ well or :fl.our mill.
v J
Chuka le, Buy, pledge, mort· ~ Chukaw, v. n. To be finished,.
completed. 2. To make a.
gage. Sh. J

... J
Chukka, M. Half a hand£n1. mistake, miss. Pr·
14 P. J
" Sh. \S:~or~.;---F.~
"5!~~:;:- Chakka-qahi, F. Coagulated Chakwa, M. A vice for holding
milk. frames while being glued.
Chukwawaw, To dodge. o.v. )S_,lf.::;- Ohugawa:irr, v. t. To take out
v J ~ J
from y_,~ Pr. lJ.-4,_,(:::- P. or let out animals, fowls, etc.
J J v ,
4.1_,~ F. i._;;>JJ.~f:;-- to pick up food. Pr. lJ.~
, d,
-( > Chakor F. Shallow basket of P.4.~ F. ~v. n.
)rv '
dwarf-palm leaves. 2. See u. v J
)14 c. v.
d J

Ji::- Chakaul, M. Sprain of horse's
fetlock. Sh.
Y~ Chugal}.:r, v. n. To pick up
Pr. 1~1::;-
lt> Chakha, M. The daily share of.
food, peck, feed.
, ,
v gm g~~ ~ ~e l~om~
who works the sugar press.
P. ~~ F. ~ "· t.
v ,/ v :!!'
l.J l~> Chakhawa)ff, v. t. To give a )SJl,j,~ c. v. )3J1_,~
) -' .., taste of. 2. To inflict pain.
Chugwawal}.r, o. v. From
Pr. l ~4(::"" P. l~ l4S::::- F. v J

uNJ..f:fG;- v. n. )~(~ o. v.

;3_,~::;- ~ Chilla, M. Ornamented carv-

ing on a boat.
~4(!" Chikh:ra, M. One who does not ~

listen to what is .told him, ~ Chula, M. A herb (.Amarantus

inattentive. adj. 2. Dilatory Polygamus.)
in paying one's dues, opposed
ll;-- Chala, M. Movement, firing of
to ~~JAAI
)le(:;- Chakhaw, v. n. To taste,
a gun1 activity of trade.

relish, experience Pr. lJ.e'=:- Chala lagal}.r, ~To be mar-

P. l-}4~ F. u>JJ.e/.::;;- v. t. Chala thiw&l}.J, saleable.
;3'li.:;- (). v. ;3) 1_,1-::;- ...
lt~ Challa, M. Reservoir of water.
1...i·::- Chakkhi, F. Taste. Sh. Sh.

J.> Chakki, F. A handmill. Syn. wll;-- Chalak, adj. Clever, smart,

y Jb active, agile, alert, astute,
~;e~ 2. A flat round cake diligent, sharp witted, nim-
of soap. 3. The tail of a ble.
dumba or fat tailed sheep.
u~~~ Chalaki, F. Clevern~ss, dili-
Chakki ho:ra, M. The man who gence agility, alacrity, expe-
roughens the mill-stone. 2. dition, trickiness, fraud.
The hoopoo (Upupa Epops).
Chalaki karai;i:r, To deal sub-
~;-- Chugh, M. A dint, or depres- . tilly, to be artful, to over
sion in the skin, a. pit from reach, elude by cunning.
, small-pox.
lt::;;- Chugha, M. A log. 2. Small <.:J~~ Chalan, M. A letter of advice,
walking stick. Sh. way-biil, a
statement sent
with prisoners by the police.
~e~:;- Chagghra, adj. Stout. Sh.
)1_,4- Chalawa:irr, v. t. To drive, set
J.::;-- Chag, F. A tuft or look of going, urge, put in circu-
hair. lation, current, to sell.
~l::-- Chalat, F. Custom, habit, cur-
rency. cf. U.
~l~~ Chalhara, The first is used
in Dera Ghazi
1lel~ Chilhara, Khan, the lat-
~4;- Chalti, M. A grain measure. , ter in Multan. M. About
2. An ox load. P. D. forty. O'Brien says the use of
.... numerals e x p r e s s i n g an
}::-- Chillar, M. Husk, skin, rind of aggregate sum is peculiar to
fruit, grain, etc. not of Sindhi and Multani.
animals. Syn. fir l~~~ Chalhiya, The forty days
" after child-birth during
U~ Chilkana,M. Wages for which a woman remains
' polishing. 2. A deduction of unclean.
from ! to 1 anna per rupee
made on a loan in addition to wl_,~.f::- Chalhiwal]., adj. Fortieth.
the interest. A man borrow-
ing .100 rupees would only
get 93 Rs. 12 annas, the J~ Chilli, F. Load of grass.
difference Rs. 6-4 an. is chil-
kana-while interest is paid 1~~ Chalihara, .A. sixty, about
on Rs. 100. ' sixty.

;J_,1~1~ Chilkawaw, v. t. To polish. r~ Cham, M. A skin, hide, of

, Pr. l~~l> P. u~L>. F. cow, buffalo or camel, leather,
.. v , .. " .,, parchment.
... .,, Cham ral].g, M. A tanner,
" Challaw,
)ll::- M. Conduct, con- currier.
versation, currency.
Challal].f, v. n. To start, go,
Cham adhro:raw, To beat
move, depart, walk, fl.ow, go
off, to pass current.
'II"' J Cham rangaw, v. t. To tan,
.Jll~ Chullaw, v. i. To be agitated, curry.
~ ~
r~ Chim, JJ'. A large flat stone,
u_,l.~ uJl~ Chillul]. chillnl]., F .. Incessant ... · slab.
... chirping, as chickens in the
absence of the hen.
~t...~ Chama~, F . .A. slap, cuff. In
Chillul]. chillulJ. karaw, To S.R. l:fl..e-.=--
chirp incessantly. "
·1..~.) ..l.~
~··..1 y
Chalweshti, M• .A. man select- )~l+t-~ Chambaral].:r, v. t. To affix,
ed to lead a tribe in time of stick. Pr. l~JJ ".u..> p
war. P. D. ..;. " .
Chulh, F. A tripod for cooking
4Jlt..,.;-- F. ul.IJ,~)~,.~ v. n.
... .I
on, a fire place for cooking
yy....~ c. v. y_, ~)~. .~

44- Chulha, M. A fire place for ;l)t...::-- Chamba:raw, v. n. To stick,

cooking food. 2. A privy. adhere, cling. 2. To be pos-
3. A place shaven on the top sessed. Pr. lJ)t..,~ P. t~y~
of the head.
~::- Chalha, M. A pit. In s. R. F. u~J.-t'::- Syn. Sh.)-+-.;--
A pit with water in it. 2. A
mud wall for protecting )S_, l_,y.. .~ Ch~mbarwa waw, o. v. of
young trees. Syn. l S. y)L~...::"

~~ Chamba, M. A hand with the ~, M. .An open place

fingers expanded, bird claws, in a ga.rdeu for ga.thcrin_gs
extended talons, paw. 2. The of people or sitting in. 2. A
impression of above on sand1 flower bed.
etc. 3. Yellow jasmine (Jas- v J J
minam grandiflorum a. n d l>.
C·huma?}r, r. t. To kiss.
. ,,
officinale.) vlo . . J
~is oft.en used. Pr. '~
v ,
y_,~~ 0 hum b hawa:rg, v. t. To. .I ,
irritate the eyes so as to ,
v , P. ts+.::- F. ~ c. 'rt.
bring Pr. IJ.i 1 e~ P.
... 'I j_,~
, .I

v ,
4.4f,+.;- 1!. ~ )~ Chamor, adj. Fastened to as by
~~~ Ohumbhljaw, v. p. from gine" attached, stuck.. B- It.
v , J
\," '-··- ~ ChtUlllll~, F. A kiSB. Byn.
w-)~ Chamchir:ri, F. A bat. 8. B • In Sh. 4
... ,,. ... . ~·~ Chameti, J?. A bat. ·S!Jri. iS. ll •
)~ Chammar, v. n. Imp. Stick to,
adhere. Sh. '-'Jft""'~
"' "'
~)...,~ Oham:ri, Jf'. A part of a. spin-
~ Chan, if. Tho mo·on.
ning wheel of leather.
Oha.n nappi&, JI. Eclipao .of
A~ O~amak-pat~r! M. Oxide ·of moon. ~Sh.
ll'on, ma.gnet10 iron.
u~ Chana;, M. A pfoce of woi:ld
.J~ Chim.Mr, M. Brightness, to pnnr,ont dirt from faUh~g
.... glitter, glare. into the iaofo in whfoh tbe
perpendicular wb6el of a well
j_,~ Chimkawaw, v. t. To J
bright, to flash. 2. To in- works. ~II,). 2. a ram
( 0icfl:1' Jf.ri.e.t-e1un111.•)
stigate, stir up. Pr. I~
~ 1~, ll. The river
P. ~l{~ F. ~ v. ~. Chin&b..
i.~Gc- ,'V.p.
.r "' "L 1< . . :._
r~ a. V'.
JJt 4- Ch&nahwar, .l!. Inlmbitut of
JJ~ , , the Chinab ban.ks.
k" _..
Chimkal].r, v. n. To glitter, ~'J.;-. Chun&hel}., All fonr.
shine. 2. To be stirred up.
Pr. l~ ,,., P. ~ F. . . ~ Cha.:tib&, See ~

~ jJ~~ Cha~b&f&J}f, See Jf~

! ! . ~
Ohimkawal}., adj. Glittering, ~~
J _J• •
... ..... '
Soo ·\i.~
/ ,,)¥>
shining. ... •' "' ,,.
y_,~ Chmtbluiwa:q.:r, See y,~
j_,~ Chima.kwawa.w, c. "· From. "~
j)~ ~ Ch~j, J') P. _The beak o; a
~-~ Chn.1h. ~
bird. 8p.. ~;
~ .,,. ....
v. p. From
~v--;--.,. •., '

2. A sharp point, esp.. Of
f) .,.,. To be shiny. iron and wood.
129 y

----------------------------:----------=---- -----
Chnl}.jh maraw, To peck. J)4;
Chilfrg, F. A spark, a .
,f y small piece
Chul}.jh dar, arlj. Pointed. ~b)~ Chiwgari, of glowing
wood or coal. .A. scalding,
Chunjala, adj. Pointed, acute, pricking caused by heat.
Chuwa:Q.:r, v. t. To gather,
v;~:;- Cha.l}.jns, M. A miser. In FJ. B. pluck. pick, choose. look
.1 !',; out, cull, Felect. 2. To
VJ-~ crimp, crumple, r u III: p I e.
..,J J

t.J;;- Cha.1].da, Jf. CollPctfon, alms, Pr. 1'-'j;- P. ~~ F.

v, v 'II J
St•e U. 2. The circular J
liuiug at tlh" top of a cap. ~~ 1.'. P·Y~~ i
• c.
v v" ,,.
v ~Jl.1.k.
J~ Cha.J).dar, Jf. 'fhe moon. ,I .J} v

Chaw en, See u~

Cha:i:idar rat, 'l'he first day of
t!Je UUW lUUOll.
Chul].g, .1'~ A handful. 2. Than
port:.wn of the crop which is
in f'Oroe places given to the
Cha:i:idar ghiraw, A Lunar incumbent of shrines. a.
t:mllpi:>e. Leap, jump. S. R.
;~ Chil}dr, F. Skein left on Rpin- Chil].gali, F. A roa.r.

, ,. :uing frame a.Her filling nalli.

Cha11dri, a•lj. Unlucky. :P.

· ' F.} Moan, groan,
Chil].ghar, llf. strain.
A ditwaHe uf cn.mel~, i. e.> an
Ntlption of boils. It is Chi:r;ighaw, 11. n. To groa.n-
frc·at,t•d hy gi viug g hi n.nd
hlnck JH>pptn·, or l\ moan, bemoan. 2. To strain
(Buum fom1) hoil(>d wit.h salt (make an effort) Pr. t4
a.ud red pepper. 1'. D.
'If, P.~ F. ... ~t!_ ~
_, ~
:s~ 0hu ~ d h, 'JJ. Phooophobia,
p tn·bl ind m~ss.
,j~ Ch&l}.gal}., adj. Good, well,
healthy, rank, excel 1 en t,
1,, I
p1·opitiocs, meet, expedient.
~~ Chu'.tfdhU, JC) OnewhoRnffers, (In 8h. better. Bamford).
,, }- from Photo-
~4 Chtll].dhi, F. J phobia, bleer- Chal}gal}., adv. Very well.
Cha.lftal}. bhalla, aclj. In
Chul}Q., F. An angle, corner. good orderi sound health,
j, .,., well, hale.
Syn. ~~ 2. 1.fhe cardinal
po111tti N. S. E. W.
ChaI).gaJt Jawa.w, To prefer.
Cha.:Q.~ti, )J. Opium smoking. J 1~ Chal}ga'i, F. Excellence.
cf. U. \ I ~L Cnal}gera, aaj. Better'
1~ , ~ h e a v i er , comparative of
J'~ Cha'.tfqnr, Jf. The crested lark u'~ in Sh. and ~hould

( Gtilerila tristafo .)
perhaps be wn~n ):t£4-.
j~' Chana.l}.'f, M. Sandal wood,
~~ Channi, F'. Blighting cold. Sh. ~)=!fr Chopri, adj. Oily, greasy. I v

i.J;fr Chal).Wari, F. A fly whisk of j ,r;fr

,, hair or palm-leaves. I
-~ Chunh, M. Photophobia. S. R. I
~}~ Chanhal).,
!.. , ..
M. The r i v e r J I' ~~ Cbanph1ta,adj. Four wl1eeled.
Chenab. Sh. ,..
.J I f.:.14fr Chaupher1 a,fr. .AH ronndr on
u~:;;- Chunnil]., F. A coloured sheet I e\'try side, armmd.
"' worn by women. !
Cho ta, JI. A loin-cloth. 2.
)'9:- Cho, v. t. Imp. Milk. Sh. 1 Heel ora Rhoe. :3. Purity,
, I a\Jbtiut:-m.:u frt,m ·r1H.m~nn.
lfr Chua, 'Ji.f. Irrigation. I
,, , 1 Cba.ut&hi, F. A lied C4H't:'r1
Chua Q.ewaw, To Jeh water'. UMH.i aif!o as a. wrnppc!r.
into · the firlds, hut 11ot '
enough to cover the planhi. l ~./fr Cha.utri, Thirty -kmr.
J~:;;- Chawat:l, F. A canal in the Ii I ..
'f'J~ Chnth&~ :.Y. Corner.
Mozaffargrq·h district. ... .
y~~ Ch,authinr,, 1•'1. An irnimnl
Jly.:-- Choath. aclj. Sixty~fonr. after it~ ·-&tb c:1U. et!'.
- J
u lfr Chnal}., Af. A ooro.scation, Chnth£, P. (if I fruit ar
meteor, :falling star, fire ve-g~taMe. the t~n»wn nf tho
brand. 2. N amo of a caual root. 2. Tbc :i;.oc~kt1 t for ri
in Moza:ffarga.i·h. door. 3. Phut uf a d0tn\,
biugt"", runaU (~~•rnf'r. Nk -l.
Chui)]. Sor, ltf. Agitator, on~ ! Tapoth1g JM>itd, hl!• ro~t, s1~.
who feeds fire. l
JjTfr Cho&ittl, F. A fire hro.nd. I Chota, .lf. A thic•f, Mack guard.
:?. Hm·t., ru11mtll:ac.
wlfr Chawak, il'f. 4 Cowries. Sh. j .;!fr, ( 'P. A ~tfls~n·~. of
v- . . ! l eapac~ity, varymg
\s:J I* ChoaJJ]ra, M. Lea'kage 1 or drop- ! · c:Jfr Chant" ) in aJmoot e,,;-ery
ping from a roof. i town frnm l:?S lb:!l. fo 200 lh~.
jJ~ Chawiiwaw, e. v. From}/~ I 2. A \\Ord

for rent in:;,tead or

ttome:timMi U;M~d
utlfr Choahal}., adj. Four. .lo "
-fl fr Chovit;h, Sixty-four.
~ft- Chobha, "Af. Goad. s. R. "" .,,.

~)~ Chol;>, F. A tent pole, drum- ,}, !~ ,,,.

stick. i~~ Chan ehund&, mli. Quadriln-
tera11 f'on~:oonae;ed.
Oho}J dar, M. A mace-bearer. 1 " ,,,.
~,t~y::- Chau Ja;, A tour footed
Ch~ultara, M. A snmmer honse., ~,
2. An assembly room. , animal, Cf tntd.rnped.

Chncha, Jl. A ehicken.
JXY.:- Chop:raw, v. t. To smear,, with I
\,' b
oil or butter, to besmear. Pr. I /J;;iJfr Chaudhar, prep. AU ronmlr
... , , ¥

!~ ~ P. ~~r::- F., l arou~d, on every side .. Bgn.

1,,.5 ';)';
, J
u~/JJ:;iJy;;- Chaudharul}., prep. From all ~fr Chura, M. Armlets ou foie
sides. arm. Bit.
u 1~~; Chau4hal}.;._ mlj. Fourteen. In Chor ha, M. A prof racted pain-
ful illnc&s, im·alid.
Sh. 1)'-';~
t}r~,.;. Chau4bwaa.]., n<Zj. Fourteenth.
{vlj. !"ailing, n!icd of
welh~ ghdng little water.
J ,~~fr ChanQ.hwfl}., Ii 1
Thn fourteenth
• Cho:rhfi. laga.1g·, i·. n. To he
"" night of moon, full moon. imtalided.
Cha.u4hwil}. da ~ha 1]. d r,
Handsome (of men).
)fr Chtir, Jtl. Small freshe~ from
ra.iu. "":J.r::- Chanri, F. The slopirig fltick
supporting 1he handfo c;f
~fr Chura, M. A ca.irn marking pfon2'h. 2. ~'he lc·g of 11
spot whf't•a a. man has been slaught<.'rcdi di1mrnn1beretl
killed. Bh. auimat mlj. Broad.

u;~ ~~ Ohor&-k&ri, F. Theft, thieving.

v)fr Churi, F. Bread with ghi , iwd

<,...,;~~ Oha.uranwe, a.ilj. Ninef,y .. four. 1

sagnr. Syn. u;*
TJfr Chaura.ttar,atlj. Sevent,y-£onr.
}!}fr Churfga.r, ,tf,, .An ivory ba,nglc
'-.....iJfr Chanrsa, 1
adj. 1! our cornered, Chosa, ~-· lf. On~ nil.· dic~t.f!'tl to
aqunre. c n. t i n ~ R\\'eet.Jt., 'With tturne it is
t.$"')# Cha.ursi, I•'. A chisel. a pns~icm for whic:b thtiJ .wU
... fl'·ir furniturt', etc. and
t..SJJP;fr Chor-ghofi, atlv~ Secrt:·tls, by bt'gg ;.r tbei r familie1t,.
stealth. 2. F. Secret attack.
v , kala, Jf. ~ A man or
fJfr Chnra.l'}.r, M. Medici n a. 1 Chaus& kilt F. ·.. p2U.sfon-
, powder. ately fond of swe,e~.
c....>)~ Chnri, P. Thick wheat,en Ohns&, Jl. A ronnd or curved
cakes broken np with batter 1·
and suga.r.

J; Cha.war, fragran.s).
A plant (,1.egicerae I
L.ufl'" Chausa, M. ) H av i n .f! 411">0
Oharud, F.
Ulr&ads in the
• I

Cha:nr ch:apa.i~, a{lj ~ Utterly Il ~:..u.r;- Chaus&kal, Jf. A man paaion-
bad, worthlt-RS. F. Destrnc-1 ab~ly fond of sweets.
... 1
tion, ruin. Sh.
! rfr

Chnsal}.r, t'. n. To absorb.
Ghaur ka.ra.Ig, v.. t. To lay; ~fr Chumtl, F. Tip of the nose
waste, destroy. I
J:. Chnr, Ieti..
F. A tenon. 2~ A brace· I
or tongue.

~~ Chofer1 adr.. See _.r!~Yt­

Ufr Chauk, lf. = Four cowrm«"~.
Chiir thiwa.l}r, in. To be
broken in piet"t'JS. l'l. ,. }'.:t-

Wfr Chok, F. A prick. Chauga, "!If. ~ An animal of 4

teeth, i. e.,
Chok ~ewaw, To prick. Chaugi, F. three or four
., ye1-1rs old; of catt.le (camels
U;~ Chauk, v. n. Imp. Chirp (of with 4 tPeth are five or six
years old.)
birds.) Sli. .9,,,.
~ 1 v :6
l.s'fr Chuka, III. A narrow street. u )..G J~ ChauguwalJ., adj. Four-fold,
quadruple .
. ~r\?;: Chaukath, F. A door frame,
.9 ....
-~.)_,::i fr Chauguth, adv . .Around, on all
aud the several pieces of it.
sideB, all round.
li~f; Chauktha, M. 'l'he frame of
a picture. ;ll;~ Cholanr, v. t. To agitate, move.
'-5));~ Chaukri, F. A plaid, check. Pr.
• •

v .9


l~l!t:;- F.
L:,.. hy Il
Chaukri dar, adj. Plaid. '....!~ ... c. v. /J) ~
b!' . . Galh cholaw, 'l'o move in
;A::iy;r Chokaw, Multan, -I v. t. Tn debate, make a motion.
;I{; Chaukal}.:r, D. G.x.J hoe.Pr ..
ulfr Choli, F. A bodice. See U.
JJSfr P. Y.-S';~ F. ~NJ.)_,~
J Choli cha oha ke du'a
w~ilJ~ ChukawaIJ., M. The hip-joint., To pray with. the
cho1i sprPad out-a custom
45'fr Chokha, adj. Pure, etc. See U.
.9 ....
with woman •
2. More, many, Syn. Having
4Gcfr Chau-mnkha, aclj.
, ~-lfr four bnrners.
;f.~)~ Chaukhar,
'lrf. Horned cattle. '-'~ ChUIJ., M. A picking.
Pl. ;i;~ Sh. u)~ Chaul}, adj. Four.
)~~;::;- Cho k h u r, M. Four-hoofed, l.,;)1;"'" Channa, adj. Fou1fold.
horned cattle, not sheep or J
goats. Sh. t},;J~ ChunaIJ., ltf. Lime.
i._;sfr Choki, F. Hoeing. u~~)~ ChauIJ.bkali, F. A necklace
of pointt>d beads.
Choki qewa1n,·, To hoe. v J
-~-!'j)~ Ch Ul).bh, F. A prick.

i..}fr Chauki, F. Ohair, etc. See U.

2. Concert, vocal or jnstru- ~}; Chatwtali, adj. Forty-four.
mental. bharalf:r, v. n.To play

.e13fr Chaul;lth, adj. Sixty-four,
or sing at a tomb without Syn.~~
reward. J
l.h~.iyr;- Chul}~a,
Jtf. The hair of t h e
Chauke dhalwawa1rr, 'l'o v .9
wash the dead (among h ead of women. J,./fr
is used of the hair of men.
Jfr Chog, F. ~The fond of birdA, .h y
~,,fr Chond, F. ~ Gr a s s j ust
t:-<1' . food brought. ·· sprouted, only
fr Choga, M. up from the .h v
l ~j)~ Chonda, nf. fit to nibble.
crnp. . .. Sh.
···.1·.· 133
Chul), v. t. To prick, ~~._,~ Chawe:pt, "Iv[. Soft mass.
tear, claw, ·gnaw, crunch, l~ Chha, F. Buttermilk. S!Jn.
! 1 y.9 ... w

nibble. Pr. b,).!.~ P. l..SAMI and 4

Gi,y J 1! J
•• {)..)fr F. u"""~· ~ Chha wela, Buttermilk time .
by J 2 hours after sunrise when
u°fc<)..) fr Chul).Q..hi, F. A pinch.
field labourers break theh·
fast. S. R.
Chul).Q.hi pawaw, To pinch.

Chul).dhi ghattaw, To put a yt~~ Chhab-(Muzaffargar}.t l

pinch of medicine into the and D. G. K.) ~ F.
eye. l
Yt;- Chh,.ap (Mult,an. ) JI
b* A dam in a canal to raifle
;.)fr Chol).+,
F. Selection, election, the water to a certain height,
2. Rumple. but does not stop the flow.
v An impervious dam for
u~)> )'9;- Chowil)., F. Woman engaged
diverting, is Gandha or
' in picking cotton. Suk bandh
v J
u~.)3):;:- Chul}.l'el)., M. The hair of the Or chhab-is a clam of un-
equ1:1ol height.
v .9
head of men. Syn. 1,}~,Yfr )~·~ Chhapaw, v. t. To print,
j,V J
of women. 1<).S)'9;- stamp, impress. Pr.

1.N.J)~ Chol).sa,. "Nf. Rather coarse P. l-t;l.iT

, F. , ~.....,.~~~I?:-
~ .. v. n.
v v
count1·y cloth. Sh.
}~~~ v. P· ~#~ c. v.
u 1_,j_,~ Chonwal)., ac7}. Selected, ;r_, S¢~~
chosen, excellent.
v ; ~}\~~ Chhatra, M. Spreadillg, of
•-r*3-'fr Chauwal).ja, adj. Fifty-four. trees.

tfr Choha, M. A spring. Sh. J!.>~~ Chhat, .F'. A rope made in the
v J
form of a whip used to drive
l~s) tJ~ Chuha ral).ba, M. A trowel.
away birds by cracking· it.
Ch uhe puchh, A round file. Chhat wajawaw, To crack
Chuhe-mar, F. A rat. trap. 2. a chhat.
Grass-hopper hawk. 3. Owl.
~~J~~ Chha.ji, JJf. One who winnows
uYfr Chohal)., adj. lfour. grain.
l)l'tlfr Chohta, adj. Giving little ~l~~ Chhara, ar7j. Risen, not used.
water (a well). Sh. in D. G. K. district, but
given by Col. M. Millett, as in
J)~ ~_,:;:- Chu'en-sor, M. A fireman. A use in neighbourhood of
stirrer up of strife, mischief Multan.
~l~~ Chharak, F. A weight of
'-cfr Chawwi, ad}. Twenty-four. about 2 oz., 116 part of a Seer .
t...S} Chau yari, F. A company of Syn. '--?;l~
four friends.
_!jl~ Chhara, M. Obs. for J~ t
Y~~ Chawijaw, v. p. From j_,~. sediment. 2. ·one who
To be raised, lifted up. cleans rice.
Jl~~ Chhal, F. A. leap, bound.
Chhal maraw, To bound.
).kt~ Chhahaw,· See ;.4~
~~~ Chhala, JJf. A blister. 2. A
flock of go~ts. Sh. u~~~ Chha'i, F. Ashes.

Chhalan adj. 0£ or belonging l.}~~ Chhayal}., I'l. F. Dark stains

to a goat. on the face.

Lr~~ Chhag'Qa, M. .A. flat bru;ket

Chhala phehaw, To break
made of the leaves of Rngi:rr-
a blister. cane or date. palm. 2. t:>an-
t..h.t?;:- Chha:r)., F. Shade, shadow. dals.

ChhalJ. karaw, To over- y~ Chhip, F. Rock.

v•Y Chhapak, F. Urticaria,
l..SLA::> nettle
ljl~ Chhana, I lrI. Fine pu1verized
manure URed for
top dressing. 2.
J~/-?j::;;- Chha.paWalg', n. t. To COTICC'al,
Basket through whfoh fo I bide. Pr. \~ Jl. 4.'~
firRt rnn off foreign matter F. \."
mixed with indigo when the u~¢~ v. n. ~~
dye is first removed from the
vat. ~ Chhappa:r, :JI. An eyelid. 2.
Thatched roof. Seo lI. Syn.
Chhamtl}. Q.ewaw, To top ...s~ 3. Back of hand or
dress with manure. top of foot. Sh.
1S.r 1'i:::- Chha:r14a, Ivr. A log. u~ Chhapr1, F. Thatched roof,
shed, hui, lodge.
;3SJ~t?;:- Chhandanr, v. t. ~ To prune,
· · ·· lop. Pr.
~ Chhappa.:r, M. A pond. Sli.
..... Chhal}.gaw, Sh. l~Sl~~
.. ..... v
I j,v\ J:, V ~ Chhapaw, r. n. To he con-
P. \>.U.j ·~ F. u.v.i.:.~ v. p. cealed, hidden. 2. To be
"y 1 y by , j, y printed, stamped, ma.rked.
;~~ c. v. YJ '~
v, Pr.\~~ P.~~ F.~
y'i:;:- Chhaw, M. Bran.
v I
t. Y-''-;!:~
-y ~~
t'. P·
Y·i~ Yl~t?;:- Chhaw chhaw, F. Tinkling ~c.v.y_,~
sound. I ~~ Chhit, F. A splinter or sliver in
"' M. s ee ,~~
u I;.>v -~ Chh,.an.:ra:q.,
., 2 . i.
0 the flesh.
A strainer.
Chhit puqaJJ.:r, To have a
; ; ,. ·~
\Jll alJ.ra:it:r, v. t.
To st ram,
· I"
sift, percolate. Pr. l~~~.;- ""'
~ Chhatta, ailj. Fnil, wide,
P. 4jtf~ F. ~·~~ v.p. spreading (of trees). 2. 1!.f.
b!.s"i,Y . i,Y I by A beard. 3. Hair of head.
y.~~ c. v.J~))~~ ID

i,Y ~Yr ~ Chhitta, ailj., fnrions 1

d.jJ·t~ Chhawa:tt:ri:Q., F. Screen, ... cross, peevish. 2. Name of
coai·se sieve. a branch of the Indl15.
Chhitta thiwan+, To become \,Y.b
;.A..>-f~ Ch
· hattaw, v. t. To scatter
v Jo I Jo .
mad, be in a frenzy. seed. Pr. I..U~J.~-:;:- P. 'iJ.~
u !'"
'"4! Chhitali, adj. Forty-six.
-"I.. , ~
uJ~~~ Chhita,1, F. Madntss, frenzy, :Bij. Chhattaw, To sow broad
cast, opposed to.
Chhita,i nal, adv. Furiously,
Nali 4ewaw, To sow in dril1s.
v I Jo
Ji~ Chhatr, if. and F. A camel )3JY'~ Chhatwawaw, .c. v. From
b YJ..
three to four years old.
ff~ Chhatar, 3£. Shade, canopy. Chhatti, F. A measure of
S.R. capa.<.:it.y == from 12 rnaunds
~~ Chhattra, M. A 1am. Sh. 32 seer1:1 (5]2 lb) to 20 mds.
(tiUO lb). 2. A flmall double
iJ;~ €hhatri., adj. Thirty-six. sack for bullock or doukey.
y.. 8h.
y...1.~~ Chhattaw, ·v. t. To roof. Pr.
I~" v Jo
.. ~ pl.:- Y~f.'_:-~;- Chhatijaw, v.p. From JI~~
.... ~~ ..
]J'. ~.I.~~
.. .9
v. p. )~~ft- c. v. j_,~~ UJ.~
Chhutti, F. Soe U. Leaye of
~~ Chhatte, M. pl. .A. mode in
which girls wear their hair,
the front hair cut square Chhutti .ghi11na1g, To get
across the forohead, thtj back leave.
hair loose.
\,y •• v ll)~~ Chhaj:ra, M. A tribe of J ats.
f~-1.-:~ Chhati.jaw, v. p. From )il~
Q~;- C h ha j, "AI. A wiunowing
~t~ Chha't;t, F. A double bullock's basket.
sack for carryiug grain. Sh. w
2. Crowd, mull;itude.
~~ ChhajJ£, M. A balcony. 2. In
Chha tta, F. Rush, attack. Sli. · · 8. K Eaves of roof.
~.:~ Chha"{;ta, '!if. Broad-cast sow-
Chhijja.w, i-. i. To be rent.
ing. 2. Love-cracked. 3.
Splashing water over another
while bathing. u~~ Chhajli, F. A small wim10w-
• ing oai:;ket. 2. 'The expauded
UH.1t~ Chhataki, F. A weight==5 hood of a snake.
tolas or 1 ana. Sh .
~~~ Chhachh, M. The hard sterile
~~~ Chhu~kara, M. See U. Salva- plain betw~en Salt-RanO'e
tion, redemption, enlarge- and Thal. Sh.
v"! J
17~¥.:- Chhichh:pi, M. A shread of
J.i.1~~ Chhu~aw, v.n. To be freed,
· .. meat, trimming of a joint,
liberated, discharged, left ad-
rift, slippery, released. 2. To ornentum, prepuce, fore-skhi.
clear off, break loose, let slip. 2. A tree (Butea frondosa).
3. To be divorced. 4. To con- The flowers H are used.

solidate, heal up. '
Pr. ,IJ.~ as a, yellow dye, and thrown
about at the l:ioli. The seeds
P. '0~ F. ~ v. t. are medicinal and ai:;triugent.
v ,,. v J,,. v Jl (Ree Pn11jabi Products). 3.
The core of ~n ausCCtiB •
~fa...l:i... c• r .. ./~-J 1 ~=-- oryb· ·'~~
.,J/Jiv ,)~v J J/""'·r

J)~ Chhidra-r, F. Thinness, dis- ~)~ C h h a :r p a 11 i y a, M. ?

.- tance, having gaps (0£ crops, Spike n a rd, Nardostachys
hair, teeth.) lt is opposed Jatamansi.
to t.:!!.J~~ ghat, thickness. adj.
Thin, sparse. W~ Chhu:rk, F. A gin for catching
~-'JJ.~ Chhidrora, ]rf. A whea1,raised
lumps or marks on the skin
from insect bites, etc.
C h h u :r k aw al}. r , v. t. To
v '
by.b , bYJ, dislocate. P.r. l~~5'J~ P.
le).~ Chha44aw, v. t. See /.J-'~ J J
F. .·~,.JJJ.J.)bz.:..,..
.r.:;;- Chhur, i'nterJ. A word used for 1.,\Sbp...
.. )•'.f
.. )·"'
y / J
v. ?'l •

driving off dogs. hJ)lJ..)~

j J •'I c•
iµ.)b,i:... 1J
• ) ,) •"I

Chhur chhur karaig-, To v J

drive away dogs. Y·)~~ Chhu:rkaw, v. ri. 'l'o be dislo-
• J
Chhir chhir, For driving caterl, slip out. Pr. IJ.S.J~ J>.
away cats. 8h. I .1
I l'b
F.. uu..-;r.:-
w1 ~ Chhar k, adj. Shy, skittish. ... J
. u.J~ Chhirak, F. A foot path. '-'~J~ Ch h a t g u Name44i , 11 1

of a. plant. Jlu.lerlana WaUi-

\S.J~ Chhirka, "Jlrf. A shallow pool in cltiana, aromatic.
the river bed. 2. A narrow v
path. J~ Chhana1g·, v. t. To separate
rice from the husk to shell, to
fof t Chharkaw, v. t. To shy. clean grain. 2. 'l'o rebuke.
Jfi; Chhirki, F. A shudder. Pr. \~.~ P.
4.~ P.
I-. "
Chhirki bharaig-, To shudder. ~:Ji~ b
v. P· ~:i~ c. v.
l>J"l,.b~ --
J.~'!~:;;- Chharik, F. A span between ) J J')•v
thumb and forefinger.
Chhi:ra.l}.r, v. n.
To:be driven.
~~:;;- Chha:ra, adj. Empty. 2. To be provoked. v. t.
Chhara, adv. Only, alone, JJ~
c. v.
b! \ \,
/J J;*;_ Pr.
simple. Sh.
lu.Jtt P. 4~ F. ~)4!
Chhara chhaI).Q.,1 Intf:'m~ive of v ,

Chhara,. mu:ra,
,. ) above. J)~ Chhuraw, v. i. To be sepa.-
v 9 ra.ted.
~_\1:.2~ Chhurawal'.).:r, v. t. To set free,
.) ./ ')'S ... J
' to free, redeem, rescue, deli-
v J
j,G)e~, Another form
v ,
ver, ransom. Pr. \~.)~ P.
J J of JJ~
:J)~ F '~)~:;;-
'-5~¥.:- Chhari, F. A rod, switch,
u1~~:;;- Chhara'i, f. Wages of clean .. brauch, of date-
ing grain. pa.lm.
v ,
l}~!!J- Chhira'i, F. wages of COW· y~, 4)~ Chhuria·vecha.I).!' To 8e11
herd. I retail.
Chha:rik, F. A span
between }leT Chhalatar, M. Deceit, triek,
thumb and forefinger. 8 fraud.
Ohhatik=l Pakka yard. ...
Perhaps J.~.;~ is more Y~ Chhilla:r, M. Crust, peel,. husk,
correct. bark, skin (not of animals)
scale of fish.
ki.~~ Chhissa, M.j Having 600 ""

... "' ~ threa,ds in the )~ Chhillar, I

,,, - Chhissi, F. j
i........<e!" Chhik,
~r,l~ Chhil:rata, )
Rupee. Sh.

F. A hauling rope. 2.
Chhalkaw, v. t. To make a
A pull. noise, as of water splashing
in a vessel. 2. 'l'o splash
Chhik chhil)e~, Bargaining. water in a vessel.
Chhikka, M. A net bag by JU~ Chhillaw, v. t. To peel, skin,
which to hang up things. 2. " to shell, scrape, to remove
A muzzle.
scales. Pr. l~
\LL P . .. ~ ul
Chhikka cha:rhawaw, To v
muzzle. F. ~
...~L; v. p. J':.i.~~

)4~~ Chhikkinr, F. Abauling rope. c. v.;s)~

t 2. A ·bad cord. A cord ~

attached to the web of the Jll~ Chhallain-, v. n. To go. See

bed at the foot, to tighten it. . ~
Chhikkaw, v. t. To puU, drag, ""
~ Chhalli, F. A skein of cotton.
draw, brace, constrain. 2. S. R. 2. A cob of Indian
Smoke a pipe, to snuff. Sh. corn. 3. Honey comb. Sh.
3. To challenge. Pr. I~
P. ~~... F. ~~... v. ;. ~ Chhamball, F. A hand
lo~ I - i.Y I <~-
~~ c. V. l J~ J~ Chhamak, F. A rod, switch,
~ Chhigga, M.I An animal twig. In Sh. - ~
"- r with 8 ix
~ Chiggi, F. j teeth. ~ 2. An advance made
by a land-owner. to a fa.rm
J ~ Chhal, F. A fl~od, inundation, servant, on entermg service,
annual rising of the river. which is refunded on leav-
Very heavy rain. 2. M. ing it.
Overflowing with water. Sh.
(.:)~ Chhin, M. Socket, mortise.
Chhal niklaw, To overflow,
w~ Chhannal}., M. A metallic
drinking vessel·
· , ->
Chhil' F. F. Skin, bark, rind, ~ Chhal}.b, M. A night attack on
.... shell, peel, hnak, crust, scale birds, especially sparrows
0£ fish. Syn.~ and starlings.

Chhil lahawaw, To peel,

v v
Chhil}.bhaw, v.. t • T0 •t
... imprint . stamp (of cloth)
skin, scrape. ' v v
Syn.~ Pr. l~P.1~P.
~ Chhala, M. A plain ring with- v •
1 ,_,;A_ F. 1 ~
out a stone. ~ ~

Chhal).chhan, M. The planet ~ ChhinnalJ.:r, v. t. To mortise,
Sat.urn. 2. Saturday. 3.
.A small mound at cross~ make a socket. Pr.}~~
streets on which Hindus G' .
p o u r a n d b u r n o i 1 on P. ..~ F. uu.i.~ v. p.
"'. .
"" v ...
". I .
Saturdays to avert the evil ~ r;. v. JJ~J*t
influences of Saturn.

I~-;- ChhalJ.Q., "l!I. Vomit.

~ Chhannf, F. Money given to
l~ ChhalJ.Q.a, M. A sprinkling. Chho, F. A pillow case. 2.
uSJ~ Chha!}.Q.ak, ~ M. The ref~se In the preparation of MB.ya,
, from wm- the busk of wheat which
U~ Chhal}, nowed corn. is rejected is called~

u~ ChhilJ.Q.k, F. A drop. Chhnt, F. Contagion. cf. U.

ys~~! ChhinQ.kaw, v. t. To sprinkle. Chhnt dar, Contagious.
V j,V j,'f
P.r. 1-'~Su.~ P. l;!J~ ~~ Ch ho~' F. Remission, on
j,V _,. .,. _,
repayment of a. loan. f:J!J,.
P. I(~;~
r...SJJ¥!r Ch ho~ r i> adj. Comparative
1 v Chhal}..dkaw,
.rh]( ~ v. t. To clean from \J"_,~ Less •
gram, wmnow. 2. To shake, ~
as a carpet, to sweep. 3. To
v t1 v
J~~, Chhnchhak, 1£. A twig. sn..
rebuke. Pr. IJ.~.>~ P.
uS1 't ~.h 't ~~ Chhnchhi, F. A fish of the
\, 't
(.b 't
~~ "' herring tribe (clupea chapra)
v. p. ~ .... ~ c. v. common in i·i vera and
by l 51! la.goons.
)~)') ~ :b ~
tt)~ Chhauqa, M. A chip. In Sh.
)lSJ-¢.;;:-, v. n. To vomit.
b. 1J..J.?.~
't .l:i 't G1~
p ... 't IJ1•
j, 't
J~ Chhor = ;ltJJPv"
v v ~-'~ Chhor&, adj. Orphan, father..
y~ y~ Chhiw chhi}f+, F. Tbe noise
less, motherless .
.,. .,. made by striking cymbals
v.,. v /
together, tinkle, jingle. jj~ Chho+a.l}.+, v. t. To leave, let goi
qnit, loose, release, liberate-,.
~ ~ Chhaw chhalJ.:r, M. The free, emit, pnt forth. let off,
planet Saturn. 2. The mounds fire. To forsake, d e s er t,
at cross wa.ys in towns where abandon, retire from, abdi-
Hind us light lamps to coun- cate, pardon, forgive,,
teract the influence of Saturn. drop, lay a.side, abstain from,
Syn.~ 3. Saturday. resign, discontinue, omit.
To divorce, put a.way.
lS;J~ Chhi1rrka, M. Sprinkling. Used in composition with other
v J, ...
Chhiwka karaw, To sprin- words as f)~ ~ To
kle. abdicate,}.%~)~ in~nsive
J\S~ Chhiwkar, M. Tinkling of vJ.
of JJ~
Pr. ~)~ P.
"' jewels. J
V~~ F • .u ...w.>~
C;JYYi~ Chhiwa]qa:g, M. A child's
v I
·:rv c.
v }

rattle. · y,~ or)Sn~

,,))~ Chholi, F. Advance and W* Chhebal, F. A green slimy
retreat of waves. water weed.

Chholi Q.ewaw, To flucbuate, Chhel;>ar, F. News. Used

when two people meet and
vibrate. exchange news. 0'Brien
v spells it fl~~
Chhiwal}.ja, adj. Fifty-six. Sh .
v J Chhi~, F. A piece of stamped
)l>l~ cloth, chintz.
U·) .JU•/ Chhnwil}.,j F . .A. lid, covering
J ~ of earthen ware
..d--v~ Chahij, F. Wish, desire.
Chhunin ) vessels. ~~-,.
Chhunil}. bhanna:Q.r, v. t. To ~ Chahijaw, v. p. From Jb~
break the lid of a gba:ra at the to wish.
door of the bride's chamber.
~~~~ Chhej', F. A game of single
The chhunir;t is placed with
a piece of money under it at stick played by Hindus at
the thresh-hold, of the bride's n:arria~es, each man holding
chamber, the bridegroom as his st10k and striking his
he goes in stamps on and neigbbonr'tJ stick w hi I e
breaks it; the coin is the guests stand in a circle.
perquisite of the potter. lfff~ Chhejci, M. The leaf 0£ the
~b~ Chhohawa, M. A kind of date,
It grows to a great height. Chhi-chhl, interj. Pshaw. 2.
Its fruit is very sweet and • This expression is much used
dries bard. It does not form by Europeans to describe
into masses. the peculiar intonation of
the ~nglish language by
r>~ Chhohar, I M. A boy, lad. Eurasians.
J ~ J
~~ Chhuhar, J sn,. J~~ Pl. I do not know whence the
word arises in this sense as
jb)f~ I find it in no dictionary.' I
have not heard it as far as
Chhohar baz, M. .A sodomite. I remember in the· mouth of
natives and it does not
Chhohir, I}- F • ..a." girl,
. dam- properly belong to this book.
, . j sel. In Col. Yule's Glossary of
.J1-'~ chhnhir, Anglo-Indian ·terms "chin
chf.:r;i" is given as a term fo~
u!-'4~ Chho,i, adv. Quickly. " pigeon English" and is
corrupt Chinese.
\, "'
Chhahaw, v. n. To couch,
crouch, creep, move stealth- Ch h e d a 1}. :r alf , M. A shoe
maker's knife, this is used
ily slink, squat. Pr. \~~ only to cnt leather, not to
P. ~F. ~ bore holes. cf. U. U~

Chher, F. ·Interval. Sh. ·
... Cb.hi, adj. Six .
)~ Chher, F. A herd or drove of
'-~ Chhi, interj. A word used to
cattle. 2. A gang of work-
" incite cattle to drink. men, supplied by irrigators
to clear the canals annually.
~~ft Chhiyasi, adj. Eighty-six.
Ra~il chher, F. Commutation
~~~ Chbi&nme, adj. Ninety-six. for labour of canal cl.ea.ring.
140 u>·~

--------------------------·--·----·-·-"-··~· ..--·-
Chikka:r ehhe+, F. Forced ,!t~ Chheopt, <1,dJ. Sixfold.
labour for canal clearing.
~~ Chheog, P. A sixth share.
~~~ Chhe:ra, M. One of a herd or ~ Ch heh, r. n. Imp. Lie in
drove. 2. A digger one of a ambush. Sh.
}* In. Mn1tan his quota fa -
90 days labour. In Muzaffar· ~ Chheha.ttar, t:1Aj. &:venfy-six.
ga:rh it is only one dayts
labour. rt~ Chheaiih~ a•lj. Si:ity·six.
)3}* Chheranr, v. t. To drive caftie ~'t Chip, P. A kmg narrow strip
to paRt~re. 2. To provoke. i
of wood ..
Pr. P. ~~~ F. ~ ChepaJJr.t·. t. To }·}in the ena
of a brokerll dir11.•i-,d t«t Mm
U~·~ v. n.
i;~ c. t'. adjoiniug in ~t'n\'ZO~(\ to

v 1 adhere. l'r.
t "'
~~ P.
J J);

, ·~
-~ p v. --...),
.. ; ... M~ o

)J~ Chheru, '!if. A herdRmnn, ~··

driverof cattle. 2. A provoker. ~ Chet&, ~11. '\Yi~dom. trni:for..
8\ti.mlitigi th«nigbt, rmmn~ry.
~~ Chhek, JI. A hole, perforation.
,Cheta ji awa~r,, 'I'u come to
~ft- Chheka, Jf. Drawer, puller, OhCi.S ~!f.
Chet& g&rd ka,ra.w'i Tu per-
"( '-""'" Chhekar., '!!'. End. adi.
~ "
Syn . .._s~ In S. It.,f"'-l:i!':- Chet£ ga.rd tbiwa.~r~1
atlv. At last, finally. ~To I~
Chet& phiral!r~ j
'-5j:!-~ Chhelqi, adj. The last. pt•rplercd~ confu~dt amucd.

u~ Ohhekw&:g., aclj. That which

Chete nto lahaI}r,, To forg~t.
is drawn, of water drawn ft7 Cbetr, A lfoufo tnm~tb-llareb
from a. well, opposed to l~th to April 15d~.
valn:ilti-pat].ri runmng water.
, ~ Che}, F. G~:teneJ. !!. Remin·
uf..:.r:- ChhilrOJJ., M. Anointing of der, e:d.Jortatfon. S/i*
' bride and bridegroom.
Chej k&raw, To urge, er~join
~ Chhemba, JI. A wooden stamp striciJy, t.(p pn~.
nsed for printing clothes.
~ Chi}, "P. Continuous tlow of
.)f. .....~ Chhembhaf, ~ M.
A .graiR.s blood.
! {E Zeusine
K1': _~ Chi}k&~ lf. i .
~ Chhel}.bhar, fl.agellifera)
sending np tufts of le.aves st ( Ravme doer.
freqnent intervals.. It is good ,.j.T~!" Ohifkf, F. ·,
~ Chili, F .. ~laeu, peevia;h..
~ Chhai1}.tal, A ebarmer.. ness.
! Chh
.· 0JJ. da,
.. M. A sprinkling Chili awa:q.J\ v. n. To be
(from the baud). fret.fol, pctivhsh ..
,,,. Chfohka, :Jf. The pod of
Chik mara.J.].l'' To l!Oar, scream,
(abbizzia Lebbek) siris free. cry aloud, whistle.
2. A thin skin which sepa-
rates from small-pox patients, }-!::::- Chekar, adv. At last. Haz.
lt·aving- a. pit in its place. (
H. Kernel. 8h. 4. :Melon u?.f~ ChilqiJ+ mitti, F. CIay ,
seed. .k potter's earth.
u~'~ Chichi, F. Little finger or toe .
.. ,,,. v
~ Chikil, F. Horizontal merry
..,. ..,. go round .
~ Ched, F. An ewe lamb after b!r
~ Ch"k
1 al}.+, v. n. To roar, scream,
one year old. P. D. creak, as doors, welhi, shoes.

~ Cher, A Ia.bearer. P. D.
Pr. 14,..
P. ~ F.
v I(_ .. '.!.
~ 'V.C.y)~
~~,.,. Chira, ll!. Red turban. ,
u~ Chik6.I}, "fl.[. A mixtnre of bar-
rft! Ch1ra.w, 11. t. To cut open,
, Jey meal, pepper, tormeric
and oil, rubbed on the body
rend, tear, split, cleave, pull,. oft.he bride and bridegroom,
lance. Pr. l~./:,,.
~ P. 4~... to rncrease personal beauty
v a.nd stimulate passion.
T.1 b•
.1.•. ~~fr v.p.~fr c.v.
., ... ... ... .,,. ~~ Chel, Ji'. The loins, waist•
,, u)~ Chel:ri, F. A female disciple
J,) .. V'
Chern, J[. A herdsman. P. D. ..,. (J.f.~~ U). 2. A woman
poRRessed by a jinn, or evil
u ~~ Chirwa:Q.,
Jl F. open
D a t e s cut spirit.
" nnd dried.
~ Chila.k, F• .A.u ear ornament.
u?.'~ Chfrwl)J., 2. Dried her
"" "' fruit.
~ Chelki, F. A waist ornament,
b~ Cherha. M. Faoe. oountenance. consisting of a. broad belt of
. / .. V' , •
silver cha.ins, worn mostly
~ Che~, F. Provocation, anger, by Hindu women.
~ Ch~jha paI].rllJ., M. Serons or
~~ Chai:ra, adj. Broad, Sh. Syn.
Li~~,,.. mucous discharge.
., .....

Jl:Y: Ohirh, F. Gnm. Syn.;-!:::- ,,}~- ~ Ch~ cha:g. ma.chawa.:g.r, To

make noise haggle.
bY-! Chlrha, adj. Hard of constitn-
"' tion. ~ ~ Chah].chal, ailj. Coquettisb1
wanton. Sh.
u:~ Ch{+l, F. A brass clasp at the
' -"' end of stock of a gun nnder
the barrel. Bh. 0;1.~ Chll}.ral]., M.A kind of millet
"' (Panicfim miliace:u.m).
~ Ohfk, F. The cry or man or
animals, wbistlo of engine, OhllJ.ralJ. chll].ral]., adj. Broken
chirrup. in pieces.
Chfagal]. ohll}.fal]. karaw, To JJajamat karaw, To shave,
shatter, comminute. exercise barber's craft.
Chil}.:ralJ. chharaw, To clean ,)~ J..l aj an i, F. A Musalman
millet. woman who bas paid a
... piJ grimage to Mecca.
Chil}.ptl}. chharel).da,A refrain j,
when dancing jhummar. _, ¥>- J.IaQ.Q.o,
adv. Quite, at all.
... (Bomford) •
'-wSJ lo ~~ Cham "' ' See i.SJJ.L.o~l>
· mar1, .,
i ~~ JJaram, · adj. U n1aw£ul, etc.
See U.
·tz'~ Cheh, M. .A bonfire.
,~ Chih, inter}. A sound used to H.aram da mal, u s~less, good
for nothjng.
make a bullock get up. Sh.
In D. G. Khan u~.;"" is used, '--';~ 1;,Iarf,M. A letter of the
to incite them to drink. alphabet.

l~~ Chehba, M. Print, stamp on J.Iarf, shanas, adj. Being just

cloth. Sh. able to read. cf. U.

1;.Iarf shanasi, M. One who

can read his letters.

'L lJe, The eleventh letter of rf~· J.Iarm, M. A woman. etc. See
W. P. Alphabet. In Roman u.
character 1;i or ~·
1;,Iarm khana, A woman's
~~l.:.. lJajat,P. Need, want, etc. apartments, harem.
See U. 2. .Ability, power.
Sh. y~> H.isab, M. Accounts, etc. See
, ,. u.
J.Iajat rakhaw, To need, to
lack. J.Iisab karJhal}.:r, To calculate,
H.ajat mitawaw, To relieve.
J.Iisab g hinnaw, To take
H.aj at w a 1}. d , N ecessi to us,

VJ...t:,.. H.aris, adj. Greedy, Sh. v.l.Mi..> JJasaddi, adj. Envious.

~> ·~u~~a, M. Share, lot, etc.
~l~ H.a#r, adj. Present, etc. See
,. u. ... See U.

J.Ii~~a rakhaw, To partake.

J.Ia~ir ~amanat, Surety, bail.
~ JJa~, F. Pleasure, delight,
u..a~ J.Iami, M. A protector, etc.
See rr. cheerfulness.

J..Iami thiwaw, To

Jc.. JJaq, ailj. Right, etc. 2. · F. A
line in traders a/c. to shew
each separate transaction.
f.. H.uj, JJ'. Confidence. Sh.
~..ol-?=" J..Iajamat, F. The craft of lJaq hamsaya, Re 1at iv e,
bal'ber-;rnrgeon, a shave. neighbour.
143 vich, With respect to, H. a 1al kh or, Conscientions,
concerning. faithful, in the discharge 0£
one's duties. 2. See U. shanas, Conscientious.
See U. H.alalkhori, F. Faithfulness,
'ij:aq shanasi, Conscientiour-
ness. See U. ~Db. H.alali, adj. Born in wedloc1'. mahar, Mar ri age cJ ~°'" H.alwan, '!YI. A kind of rC'd

settlement. cotton cloth. 2. Kid, lamb.
Sh. parast, God-fearing, or
worshipping. u ....*1°"" lJaHmi, F. Meekness.
l}.aq sambh, !YI. A quarter rl:r H.amam, M. A mortar for
share in a mare in addition pounding. 2. A warm bath.
to his original share in the ~ee U.
remaining £ share which a
partner is entitled to get lJamam dasta, M . .A pestle.
when he rears the foal of a
mare held jointly till it is 2 ~:r H.amel, F. .A pearl necklace.
years old. P. D.
J l_,> H. aw a1, M. CircumstanceEI,
~.lli~ H.uqna, M. A clyster, injection. state.
See U.
~)>, M. Courage, patience
H.uqna karal}.r, To inject. meekness, presence of mind,
self-control, fortitude.
uAA~ H. u q a , i , M. An excessive
smoker. lJau~ila chb.oraw, To lose
courage, despond.
~> H.aqqi, adj. Equitable, just,
' rightful. JJau~ila karaw, To be
patient, have courage, keep

H.aqiqat,F. Truth, etc. See U.
one's temper.
Cha haqiqat he, What ,_;J,.;j> lJau?Jri, F. A small tank.
difficult is there ? ~~_,=-- H.aulat, F. A lock up.
H.aqiqa~ ~as, State your case· H.aulat vich rakhaw·, To put
in custody, to have in hold.
r(~ H.ukam, M. Order, command,
etc. See U. J!.)> lJawel, M. A large enclosure
surrounded by buildings, a
Hukam 'ad U.Ii, F. Dis- large court.
• obedience.> lJaweli, F. Dim. of J~_,=--­
J.~~=-- H.akik, M. C o r n e 1 i a n ,
chalcedony. 2. Indian shot. ~> JJaya, M. Modesty, shame.
(Oanna Indica).
Ij:aya wala, adj. Modest, bash·
\¥.f.:... Hakika, M. The first tonsure ful, shame-faced.
• of a Mu~ammadan infant.

Jn.. H. a la I, adj. Lawful, etc. " uayati,

u ;U.1:11oo .Af"
F. Life, existence.

See TJ, cf. u. ~:. A~"'"

l J..::> llairan, adj. Astonit1hed, etc. J'..;.. Khal, Jf. A mole on the face.
cJ;.. ·See U. 2. A. white pigeon with
coloured bead and tail.
JJairan thiwaw, To be in
doubt, to marvel, be per~ tl;.. Kham, adj. Imperfect, l'aw,
plexed. crude. See U. used only of
evidence or intention.
IJairan karai:rr, To perplex,
puzzle. Kham khiali, Mental cobwebs,
gronrJllless hnrwises.
~ /;~=-- JJ:airatf, '!tf. A wonderful man.
• ~.'» Khaya, .JI. Penis. interj.
J~::: lJil, F. A. soft coo1 breeze. .Meaning, denial. Bh.

~1:-,'-> lJlla, M. Way, means, urrange- ~ Khabar, F. News, informa-

,,. menh. tion, etc. See U.

t_ Khe Khabar g hinnaIJ.+, To take

care, look a.fttr maintain. 2.
i:. Khe, The twelfth
letter of To ill-treat.
W. P. Alphabet. In Roman
character Kh. Khabar la.haw, To accom-
modate, take care of, look
tl.:> Khata, .tJf. A day-book. after.

Jl.k. Khar, F. A. cock's spur. 2. l¢>. Khappa, i.lf. A hole, chink.

}[. Enemy, opposed to )~.
3. F. Disquietude. ~L..:i.:;.. Khatmana, mlj. J>art. Done,
finished. 2. Jf. .8nd.
Khar khawaw, To be jealous.
~ Khatmf, F. Marsh mallow
'<£/> Kharij, adj. Ont cast. (Althwa-oJ]icfoalis.)
v}> Kharas, F. Itching, irritation, ~ Khajj1, F. Date palm {I'heni:;r,
irritability. dactylifera,,or Sylve1lris.)
c.tcl> Kb.a~a, M. Muslin. Syn. Sh. ,Z:- Khnch, F. Tendon of .Achi11es,
l.i!I.> 2. adv. Especially. I.!. -;-hove the heel.

'CJb ~I.> Kha~i tara'l]., adv. Especially, ka.Q.ha:1g., To bongh,

"' particularly. hamstring.

1~\>. Kha~ir, prep. On acconnt of, €_, F. A noisy party.

· for sake of. 2. F. Conrtesy.
~ Khachi.r, F. A mule.
Nisha khatir, F. Assurance.
~ Khachra, M. .A. jester.
Nisha khatir rakhattr, To
be assured. lw4.. Klra.da, .3f. God. See u.
~I.> Khaka, M. Sketch, etc. See U.
2. A kind of earth obtained
Khnd& di khnda,1, Glory of
in the hills and known as God..
Pabari miHi, used in a
powdered condition for wash- Xhuda nan bhulawe==If I
ing the hair. S. Indigo, ~ake no ~istake, certainly.
which adheres to cloth· on
which it is dried, and sold as _;>. Khar, ]}f. Donkey, ass., 2. .A
powder, not in cakes. mischievous person ..
..::.,..!)>- Khara,it, F. Alms. v-:i.. Khas, A very little.
i..S)4;;.. Kharbazi, F. Turning bead Khas, adj. Cut very
over heelfl, sommersault. short (of hair or beard.)
'(£_);.. Kharch, M. Expense, cost. V"~ KhaskMs, F. Poppy~seed.
See U. ...

Kharch pakha, Provision.

F Khassar, M. Nebu1a or opa-
city of cornea, speck.
~j-- Kharchaw, v. t. To vspend, ~ Khusra, M. A eunuch.
I .
use. 2. To sell. Pr. ~ r.
~ Khassi, F. A stoneless, taste-
P. ~f'-- F. u~f>- v. p.
" less date. Syn. u.d>.
bY • by I ·
~tr c.v.y)~j>"
Khassi pa.rnala, M. A drain
.._s:;-j-- Kharchi, F. Pocket money. from the roof•
2. Hire.
Khassi karaw, To castrate,
y...1o... Kllarkh~ra, M. Snoring. 2.
cut, geld.
Groommg a horse. 3. Curry
J.f~ Khasil, F. Wheat or barley cut,
" green for fodder.
Kharkhara maraw, }To iti~;.. Kha~mana, M. Taking care
- -
K.harkhara karanr,
groom a horse, to snore.
of, putting in charge.

JS he.. Kha~-kash, M. A joiner's

~}>- Kharsi, F. Itching, prurience, guage.
irl'itability, irritation, pru-
rigo. ,;'6 lb>. KhaMkcir, adj. Faulty. M.
~}:,.. Khursi F. Chair, seat., See U.
u--:,; - 2. '
Pedestal, base, p i·mt h , V~ Khuti, F. The rent of an
raised foundation. inferior proprietor. Syn. in
J.J-: Khirsh, M. A bear. 2. A dirt.y Multan J~) in D.G.K. ~
"" man.
l..:!-.Q:;.. Khaft, M. A hobby.
;'6} K.lmrkar, M. The rahtle of
death, in the throat. ~ Khafti, M. One who has a
~.f- Kllarmast, adj. Stupid.

o:~.f- K.haral}ja, M. The Holm oak (:)If.;.;_ Kb.afgan, M. Palpitation,

( Quercus ilea;.) Hysterics.

. Kha.rwar M. Heap 0£ thresh- ;;... Khaffa, adj. Angry, etc. See

J)T - . '
ed gram· u.
iJ ( '-"··-:,..=.. ,K.harid
/,T -
karaw,I v.t. The Pr.
~ and F. of K.haffa, thiwaJJ.r, To be angry
j~~ Kha.rida!).l', )
latter not displeas~d, to tume.
" in use. To buy, purchase.
Kha:ffa karaJJ.r' To make
Pr. P. 4.~f:-
. ...
F. an.gry, _incens,e .
JJL;.. Khalal, JJ'. Defeat (at cards). 4.S~rf:.. Khunki'., F. Ft·eshness, green-
ness. cf. U.
Khalal qewaw, v. t. To
defeat (at cards). Jk,.. KhiJ.J.g, M. A cock's comb, a
would be swell.
Khalal kha waw, v. i. To be
defeated (at cards).
21lfl.> Kha1igah, F. A saint's tomb.
~ Khulq, M. Nature. 2. Manner,
acquaintance, morality, affa- JG:> Khwar, acl}. Defamed, dis-
b i 1 it y, good disposition. honoured, disgraced.
cf. U.
c..>) ~;. Khwari, F. Ill-name, dis-
).Tu.t.:>. Khalqaw, v. t. To create. honour, disgrace.
J.l;.!, M. Damage, defect, 21G.:>. Khwah, conj. Either, or,
etc. See U. whether.
l!!alal ghattaw, v. t. To
Khwah makhwah, Willing or
unwilling. 2. Without
., _, i.::_,).>. Khalwat vich, adv. alone, in object, causeless .
~ private. "'
y_,;.. Khub kallal}., JJ'. Seeds of
u~l=: Khaliti, JJ'. A purse. Sisyrnbrium irio of yellow
colour, used for coughs.
)¥>. Khalidar, M. A purchaser,
Khoja, M. Eunuch. U. 2.
" customer, buyer. Cor. from
Convert from Hinduism to
)~;>- Muhammadanism. 3. Makers
of silk threads for jewelry.
'-V 14,l.>. Khalidari, JJ'. Traffic, com- 4. A Muhammadan s ho e
,, merce. Cor. from i...S.Jl~:J;. merchant.

w-~.:>. Khuddi, F. Pride, boasting.

~.ii.1,-L> Khalifa, M. Domestic servant,
~. Rascality, roguery.
.. assistant to a p1r or saint.
2. Caliph, sovereign. i....J_,e... Khauf, M. Fear, dismay. U.
)~,;.. Khambir, M. Leaven, fer~ Khauf zada, Aghast, amazed.
"" - v
ment. Syn. J.f.t;,;..
c;f Khun, M. Blood, See U.
I .AJ. • -~m
'J":,.-+..t:> Kh b'ira,
"' ""\1 adj. Leavened,
Khun thiwaw, To die. 2.
v;.... .;.,.....=... Kh
.' J}- fermented. To be killed.

~....;._ Khumra, M. A ring dove. ~)~ Kh U. n ~ l}. r , F. A. murderess

\../":!'...,,;.. Khamis, JJ'. Thursday from A. v
"" .P
Lr...::,.. five. ~.>_,:> Khauitoha, M. A sma~l tray.
v Khauitcha wala, M. A haw-
;-l-'!;!>- Khal}.bir, See ;.f.j-t.~ ker.

L.S'L~ Khunak, M. Quinsy. Sore J._,e.. Khoe, JJ'. Habit, o u s to m ,

throat. disposition.

l.t"~ Khuns, 'JJ,f. Animosity, spite, Jl~>. Khial, M. Im a gin at ion,

ia11cour, malice. " thought, etc. See U.
Khial powaw, To occur to, lJ Da, adv. 'l1owards. Sh. 2. :iJL
give t.he mind to, to pursue Direction. Sh.
an object, have a hobby.
ylJ Dab, F. The upper lintel of
u~j~~ Khianti, M. A traitor, swin~" a door-frame.
ler. 2. Dishonesty, breach of
trust, intrustworthiness. ylJ Dab, }F. Snub, threat, scold-
ing. 2. Weight for
;-1:> Khair, ar7j. adv. Well. See U. yll.) Dal;>, pressing. 3. A layer,
and P. D. 2. It is also used a gardening term. A branch
by well bred people in · a is pressed down to the ground
negative sense, as when a and some portion of it buried,
person calls at a house and that it may take root and
the person asked for is not at form another plant.

home, the answer ut _r};._ .fis ~~ lJ Dabra, M. I A flat stand of

is used, lit, the household is clay on which
well, but the sense is the ~ lJ Dal;>ra, M. t pots are· stood
. ~ when taken off
master, etc., is not. Tn the
same way the expression v) lJ Dabri, F. 1 the £re. Any
person walking
uL JU ~:s:.c,,. lit, in good v)t IJ Dal;>ri, F. J over soot fallen
health, but often nsed in the from the bottom of a pot is
sense, the person is ill, but believed to suffer from head-
the use of a negative in both ache in consequence.
cases is considered bad
manners as indicating w~ lJ DajalJ., F. Pl. Mane of horse.
absence of blessing. Khair Sh.
be, is given by Mr. Welson
as=No. 3. Alms given to A>li.) Dakhila, M. See U. 2. Con-
b0ggar or dog. Sh. summation of marr'iage,
Khair mihre, All right. Sh.
v .... ,dJlJ Dad ke, 'Af. Grandfather's
V";,~;.. Khail).s, F. Trouble. house or family. Sh.
J Dal.
~~prep. Towaras = 1·"1.1
) \i.) Dar,
J Dal, The thirteenth letter of
hJlJ Danre ) of S. P. Haz.
W. P. Alphnbet. In Roman '-) j •• '
character D or d,
u'J lJ DartiIJ., M. Gnn-p ow de r
Ji.) Da, M. Opportunity, time, medicine. In Sh. Spirits.
occasion. 2. Fitness. Sh. 3.
A wager, gambling.
DarnlJ. sikka, M. Ammuni·
tion, powder and lead.
Da lawairr, 'ro . await an Darn!). kut, M. I A fire-
opportunit.y .. 2. To lay a ~ work
wager, to gamble. Darn!). kui;hg, F. j maker.
Da laggaw, To await an ~ 1J Dari, I F. An earthenware
pot for cooking.
..9. .I.

!J Da, Post position of possessive <./>)" Da:rhi, ) Syn. ~for~

case. J!'. ,_;i.) In Pl. M. c....J wlJ Dak, M. A share of land.
F. u~.~ 2. adv. in sense of
.ilJ Dakh, F. Grape.-Byn. 411.)
u~ like, as in expressions Sh.

J~lJ Jt,-Q w).f.~ \jflt~ filJ Dakhar, ~aj~ ,01a.

J)l;.. Khalal, F. Defeat (at cards). 1..,5~ Khunki, 1!. Freshness, green·
ness. cf. U.
Khalal 4ewal}.'f, v. t. To
defeat (at cards). J.k Khil}.g, M. A cock's comb, a
would be swell.
Khalal khawaw, v. i. To be
defeated (at cards).
iSlfl> Kharigah, F. A saint's tomb.
~ Khulq, M.Nature. 2. Manner,
acquaintance, morality, a:ffa- )_,> Khwar, aclj. Defamed, dis-
b i I i t y, good disposition. honoured, disgraced.
cf. U. ·
-V~;.. Khwarf, F. Ill-name, dis-
jill> Khalqaw, v. t. To create. honour, disgrace.
Ji> Khalal, M. Damage, defect, ~I_,> Khwah, conj. Either, or,
etc. See U. whether.
~!!alal ghattal}.:r, v. t. To Khwah makhwah, Willing or
endanger. u n w i 11 in g . 2. Without
object, causeless.
v _, i.::.;}> Khalwat vich, adv. alone, in w .I
'(.! private. 1ls' yf-- Kh U.b kallal]., Jl. Seeds of
t:Jisymarium irio of yellow
J;~=; Khalfti, F. A purse. colour, used for coughs.
)~ ~alidar, M. A pnrcbasor, ~j-- Khoja, .3£. Ennuob. U. 2.
' customer, buyer. Cor. :from Convert from Hinduism to
)~_;> Muhammadanism. 3. Makers
of silk tl1reads for jewelry•
...;Jl~ Kb.alidari, F. Traffic, com- 4. A Mubammada.n ah o e
.. merco. Cor. from '-Vl~~
Khalifa, M. Domestic servant, I
assistant to a pl.r or saint.
c..S~ Khudcli, F'. Pride, boasting.
~. Rascality, roguery.
2. Caliph, sovereign. w_,> Khauf, M. Ff:ar, dismay. U.

;~ Khambir, M. ~a.ven, fer- Khauf zada,J Aghast, amazed.

R- ••
ment. oyn.~
~f- Khun, M. Blood, See u.
, • V't. b' ; ""\1
~~ _A.JJ._am ira, adj. Leavened, KhU.n thiwaw, To die. 2.
(~ Kh•
~ .. ;. _amb'ir1,, ))-- fermented. To be killed.

~ Khumra, .ilf. A riug dove. _r:,>

._!. _, Kh ' .
F . A murderess
V"~ Khamis, F. Thursday :from A.
., v
0f- Khaul}.cha, M. A small tray.
y KhaUl}.cha wala, M. A haw-
ff Khal}.bir, See~ ker.

uub.. Khnnak, M. QuiDBy. Sore Jj:-- Khoe, F. Ha.bit, o n s t om ,

throat. disposition.

Li""~ Khnns, M. .Animosity, spite, s~.;.. Kltial, M. Im a. g i D a ti on'

iancour, malice. l " thought, etc. See U.
Khial powaw, To occur to, \J Da, adv. 'l1owards. Sh. 2. M4
give t.he mind to, to pursue Direction. Sli.
an object, have a hobby.
y lJ Dab, F. The upper lintel of
~~e... Khianti, M. A traitor, swin~- a door-frame.
.... ""' ler. 2. Dishonesty, breach of
trust, intrustworthiness. y1J Dab, }F..snub, threa~, scold·
ing. 2. Weight for
,;!:;.. Khair, a1lj. adv. Well. See U. y1'-' Dal}, pressing. 3. A layer,
and P. D. 2. It is also used · a gardening term. A branch
by well bred people in · a is pressed down to the ground
negative sense, as when a and some portion of it buried,
person cans at a house and that it may take root and
the person asked £or is not at form another plant.

home, the answer _p~~s ~ lJ Dabra, M. IA fiat stand 0£

clay on which
is used, lit, the household is
~IJ Dal;rra, M. j
pots are ·stood
well, but the sense is the when taken off
master, etc., is not. Tn the
same way the expression vyl&.) Dabri, F. the fire. Any
person walking
uL JU ~r lit, in good
.. '-1): IJ Dal;>ri, F. J over soot fallen
health, but often used in the from the bottom of a pot is
sensEl, the person is ill, but believed to suffer from head-
the use of a negative in both ache in consequence~
cases is considered bad
manners as indicating ,)~.1J Dajal}., F. Pl. Mane of horse.
absence of blessing. Khair Sli.
he, is given by Mr. Welson
as=No. 3. Alms given to ~lJ Dakhila, M. See 2. Con· u.
bt•ggar or dog. Sh. summation of ma,rr'iage,
coitus. mihre, All right. 8h.
,J.J lJ D ad k e , '!ff. Grandfather's
" ... Khail}.s, F. Trouble.
Lr4e... house or family. Sh.
&.) Dal. )"' Dar, lprep. Towards= \J
£) Dal, The thirteenth letter of J of S. P. Haz.
b!lJ Danre
W. P. In Roman 1!-) J •• '
character D or cl,, u)) lJ Darn!}, M. Gun - po w de r
medicine. In Sh. Spirits.
1~ Da, M. Opportunity, time,
occasion. 2. Fitness. Sh. 3. Darn:Q. sikka, M. Ammuni.
A wager, gambling. tion, powder and lead.
Da lawaw, To , await an Darnl}. kut, M. I A fire-
opportunit.y. 2. To lay a r work
wager, to gamble. DarUI}. kutii:rr, F. ) maker.
Da laggaw, To a.wait an ~1J Dari, I F. An earthenware
opportunity. r
pot for cooking.
,, .'.

1.,) Da, Post position of possessive

u~JlJ Da:rhi, J Syn. iJ!., or~ .....

~lJ Dak, M. A share<>£ land.

,,,. In Pl. M . .:.-J
case. F. '-5J
F. 1.)--!.~ 2. adv. in sense of ~IJ Dakh, F. ·Grape.-Syn. J~~
,,,}~ like, as in expressions

Jt..-o\J JLo -F-i \J_ptf ft'IJ Dak~ar, adJ. Old.


JIJ Dal, F. Split peas, lentils, etc. ~~.i))li.) Dah:ri, F. Beard. Sh. Syn.
See U. ~ J,1.b
<..5~ ~
Dal chikni, A medicine used
for syphilis. Corrosive subli~ ).,.
51c.) Da,er, Part. In process.
c..::..J1J Danat, F. Honour, respect.
Da,er thiwaJ.f:r, JToteredbe en-
Da,er karaw, hearing in
J.SlJ DaJ.J.d, M. Sh. bullo*. Syn. court. To register.
JlJ Da,1, F. Nurse. 2. Oook,
w~lJ DawalJ., M. Grain, bead, berry. baker.
In Sh· Ulc.) 2. A pimple. 4.1J Daya, M. Purpose. Sh.
D alJ. :re I} b h a n n a 1J. :r, To yJ Dab, F. A depression.
borrow grain at a fixed rate,
on promise of repayment at
barvest. Dab ghug hu, M. Owl. Sh.
~jlc.) Dawa, M~ Grained or damaged CJ Dabba, M. A bird trap of
steel. Sh. · reeds.
v .J ;
uJlJ DaJ.J.g, M. A spot, stain, mark, \,~4J Dubaraw, v. t. To water the
blot, scar, brand. J land a second time. Pr.
v J J .J
DaJ.J.g lawaw, To bl~t, stain, l~.;~'-' P. ~.J4J F. u~.flc.)
V,t,V. 1••:;...v.iJ.!J Dabust, ad}. Pregnant, with
_y!SlJ Da].J.gaw, v. t. To brand, st,ain. child, of women only.
Pr. l~!'.Ji.> P. l;t-{SlJ F.
j!J Dabkar, M. One who makes
vessels of skin for oil and
l./jlJ Dal).gi, F. An iron basin for. ghi.
roasting grain.
lt:J Dabla, M. A small round box
.cJ)lJ D~wan, M. A skirt, border, ior jewels. A casket.
._}:J Dabli, F. Dim. of ~J A snuff
Dawan tale lukawaw, To box.
protect. 2. To conceal a .J
fault. ~l.:J Dublera, aclj. Thin. S. R.
Dawan chhurawaIJ.:r, To ~i.) Dabba, M. Back of a book.
esoape, get rid of. -J ;
~..> Dulil;>a, M. A pond, lagoon,
Dawan laggaw, To depend : J
upon, claim protection. pool. Syn. 4J
Daw an g i r, Demanding ;J_,~J Dal}awal}.+, v .. t. To depress,
justice, an accuser. ' press down, subdue. Pr.
)Jt>lJ D ah a :r, F. Molar, grinder l~~J P. 4.~" F. <-'~c.)
tooth. Sh. v. n. ~J c. v. j_,l_,t'-'
?IJ Daha:r, v.t. Imp. Bite (said of J .J

beasts of prey, ca.rnels 1 and .;1:t~i.) Du'f?du\>a, M. Doubt,. uncer-

dogs.) Sh. tainty.
Dul}raw, v. i. I To flow back ..e{~J Drakh, F. GrapeR, sultanas,
?- of water kismis. 2. Vine. 8h.
Dul}rija:Q.:r, v. i.J behind a
dam. ~1J Drahka, M. The .report of a
gun, crash, sound of falliug.
j )!~ Dil;rraw, v. n. To stoop down.
Pr. 1J)!~ P. 4.f:J F. u:Jt~
ut )J Drahi, F. Appointment by
- mutual agreement.
GJ Dabke
c;.;, • '
adv. Loudly (of voice) Y;J Drab, M. A creeping grass
• Sh. ( 0 ynodon dacty lon).
~J DaJ;>aw, v. n. To be pressed

down depressed, pressed u!f:J'-' DurbaraJ;t, M. .A mound ~f

into. '2. To be buried. Pr. earth. Such unevenness as IS
left by cattle going through
l,,}~J P. l~J F. u4J v. t. mud.
v v l
)S~~J c. v-,)3ntJ ~)i) Drabh, llL A strong coarse
~J Dil;>a}f:r, v. n. To fall in, Uf;led gn.i.::;s with Ion g root a
·' of graves or hollow places in (Eragrostis 1:ynosi1rroid es). lt
is poor fodder, difficult to get
the earth. Pr. !~J P. ~~J rid of. In S. R. ·(:~
"' ,. ',,
: ......
;~Ji) Draphar, M. Urticaria., nettle
J;!-~J Dal]el, M. Servility. adj. rash. S. R.
· Servile, timid.
J c);J Dard, M. Pain, ache, etc. See
~J Dut, lYI. A stupid, fool. u.
LfJ ·natia, M. Stopper for powder Dard WaJ;td, Afflicted, ·com-
flatik. pas::;iona.te, !'lyrnpa.tbising.2.
J;."' Dakhal, M. Entrance, etc. See
U. 2. A lump of flesh. D.:trd WaJ;tdi, F'. Sympathy~
eompa!31:Huu, uoudoleuoe.
Dakhal ~ewaw, To connte.
nance, ineddle, interfere. Dard waJ;, To coudole,
J sympatbi1:1e.
~J Du~, M. The stump of a tree, ,,
hence anything useless. )' "' Drura, M. A fish ( Barhus
) r.hrysopterus ?) of carp taruily,
J'°' Dar, M. Door, gate. See U. common in r i v e rs a n d
Dar waliya, The door is ajar.

J" Dar, Prefix. In, into. See U.

·J~J'°' Darsal, F. In n. G. K. A
doorsi11, in Mn Han, a. side post
Dar a~al, In truth, certainly. of a door~ the upper cross
stick is d8.h. Lat Khora is
Dar rakhaw, To adjourn, also used for doorsill-.-
postpone, defer. ,,
~"""')!) Durst, adv. Rightly, correctly.
),,) Dur, M. 'l;'ongue of bell. Bk.
~Ji) Darsani, F'. Breast, chest.
1" Dara, M. A fish. (Rohtee cotio) 2. A handsome youth.
common in river and lagoons ,
about 3 or 4 inches long. '-€J~i) Dnrkari, JJ'. Running, race.
v- J -----
y, I ~J Drukawain-, }To cause to '.)J'"' Daragga, JI. Horse racing.
J run, pat to ~ .J

Durkawanr •• '
flight v. t. ~J Duragga, llf. Cross-breed, hy-
v J J brid, mongrel.
To race. Pr. lJ..i.:+~J.P. l~.\S)J J;
J v J
~;J Durumbh, F. Rent in cloth.
F. c_SM-}~J v. n. Jb'J'"' c. v.
v J Durumbh awa!J.+, v. i. To be
y,1)~'"' rent.
c!~~ ~4'
v !J
Druk bhaj, F. Bustle, trouble,
~J'"' Durumbhaw, v. t. To tack,
ado, diffioulty.
,,,. J
sew with a long stitches.
)_,"" ~J Drnk-dau:r, F. Bustle, ado. ll,J D:rnmla, lrl. Assembly, co1lec-
v J

}SJ'"' Durkaw, ~ v. n. To run,

ti on, horde :from P. ~ '
, fly, race, flPe.
. /JS'~ J Drukanr e s c a P e. Pr. cr'J'"' Draman, I
I llf. A thin layer
l~J P. ~~J F. ~J
fo)'"' Dramar, r of soil with
;1., • I sand below.
urJJ Drammnl}, )
j~~J Darkhaw, M. A carpenter,
j o in er, bricklayer. Syn. ~~;"" Darmiana, mlj: Middling.
c.Jl~jt>~ S!i.
f~J'.) Darwanh+r, F. Of u~;"
DarkhaIJ.r pakhf, M. A wood a door keeper.
pecker (Pious martius.)
L.5_,y> Drok, F. Running, a. rusl1> a.ct
l$~J Dargah, F. Court of law, of fieeiug, a. race.
Magistrate's Office. 2. J udg-
ment day. vJ)J'"' Drok:ri, Jl. Dim. of Drok and
more commonly u a a d in
....s)~'"' Draga:ri,} F. A wheaten cake, D. G. Kl:an.
cooked on one v v ""
""'))J'"' Darag#, side, and butter- ys.3_,;J Draru;i.ka.w, v. t. To fall in (of
ed on the other and then 'gra\·e;--J. ·
bound on the head, as a cure
for headache. UiJ;'°' Droha, M.!
v J ~A deceiver, dis-
y};j~J Da.rguzar .kara!J.r, i 1• t. To <-1)J'°' Drohl, F. ) honest person.
excuse, overlook, pass over,
forgive. ~J;"' Drohal, M. Striking or rub-
bing another's face with the
~~ Dirigha, arlj. Long, wide. palm of t.he baud. It is very
grave offt'nce and insult.
~"" Dirghera, }
. ~J;" Drnhal, F. Dragging.
' adJ. Somewhat
Drighera, long. v ,,
~-'J" Dnihaw, 11. t. To drag along
v :? h the ground, drag into court.
)>;:!-~;"" Drag eraw, ~ v. t. T.o stretch 2. To pulJ, of unripe fruit.
out, spread 'V J J. ,
Darg her&:Q.f, out, lengthen. Pr. t.~~))~ P. - 43)Ji.) or
v :P ;
Pr. l~~-t') P. ~;*f:;" F. ~-'J" F. ~..V" c. v.
v J

'· y},~JJ~
l...51J)i.) Drohi, F'. An oath, supplication~---::-----------~-
in extremis. ~~J Dassi, JJ'. Pattern. Sh.
u?J Da ftarf, F. Bundle of gold
~"' Darra, M. An octroi or cus-
beater's skin prepared for
toms office.
gold beater. Dim. ~)~~
~~'°' Drahka,' M. A crash. See ~;J Da~ra, M. .A buffer, for put-
~)J ~rng between boats coming
mto contact.
~"' Darri, F. A window.
.lo )i.s,,'-"J D~fnawaw, v. t. To bury,
"t~.J'°' Darith, adj_. Forward, impu- mter.
,,. dent, confident, pres ump-
tuous, bare-faced. U J Duk, M. The eye of a needle.

~.;'°' Dreh, adj. Plentiful, copious. UJ Dak, M. A division, pieoe.

A term used in clearing
)J Dar, JJ'. Loam. Sh. canals, when each vilfage
on a canal cleans a fixed
~J Darka, M. Threat, menace, length. It is called 9'-'~
intimidation. when the labourers of all the
vmages work together
Darkci dabacha, Threat, throughout. 2. A form of
menace. acq uisi ti.on of land, a portion
being given to each contri-
Darka 4ewaw, To threaten, butor to the extension of
intimidate, daunt. canals.

~J Darrah, "lt:f. A stamp. 2. u J,,.. Dik, M. A solid.

Kick from camel. J

)iJ..i'6J Dukandar, "A:f. A shopkeeper.

Darrab. maraw, v. t. To J
stamp of men. 2. To kick of c...9luJ\SJ Dukandarf, F. Merchandise.
camels. ..,J

j J Daz, F. Fine dust~

j J Dukka!, M. Small tambourine.

~~ ~J Dast-:panah, M. A mason's 'jsJ Dakaw, v. n. To be divided,

tool, trowel. used of work on canals.

~J Dasti, F. A bracelet of beads. Syn. ~~J The Pr. and JJ'.

· 2. A temporary loan. Sh. of tile Passive form are
commonly in nse, and P.
tense of the neuter form Pr.
Dasti maraw, To hobble a
horse. P. lf,{J F.
" Dassatf+,
)kJ v. t. To throw, in v. P· ;4:!£J Pr. }~~J
wrestling, a £all, is not count· P. JJ'. c...1""':!-~J. 2. To fear,
ed unless a man is thrown on
reverence. Pr. \i.).5'1.) JJ'. u~J
his back. Pr. l~/,IJi.) P. also in use for 2. ..
~J F: ~~J Syn. ~J
u1_J Dakni, F. A drum hung round
\,! J c.v.yy,»-1J
i,! ' the neck.

Jr~ Dasoka:r, M. One who gets a

4J Dakh, JJ'. A nit, larva. of head
fall in wrestling. louse.
;sJ4fJ DukMwaig-, v. t. To fumigate. uS~J Dulal).g, adj. Taking long
v J J strides.
Pr. l..~lf.~f J P. 4,4S'J F.
J L.s'Yc.> Dilpak, M. An ornament sus-
UN-J.~~J pended over the breast.
'\I J
~5' J Dukha1g, v. n. To smoulder. c;~!J Diljan, ]!. } A sweetheart,
J J J ,.. bosom friend,
Pr. L.~~f J P. Y,-~.s' J F. u~ J Jl~J Diljani, F. beloved.
J ,.. ""
,.; i"'
~J Duki, F. A flat pendant of ~J!J Daluoha, M. A small carpet,
g-old worn on a silk necklace. a rag.
2. Deuce of cards.
J~ JJ Dil haul, M. Nervousness,
JJ Dag, See JJ ,.. despondency.
~J~!J Dileri,
Digga, See ~,..J
F. Courage, etc. See
t?',..J . . u.
jJ Dagar, }f. Low or hollow land Dileri karaw, See U. 2. To
retentive 0£ moisture. be of good courage.

li~J Dagga:r, adj. Wide, (ofroads) Jt-lJ Dalil, F. Proo£. etc. See U.
J Sh. ,.. 2. Intention, thought, excuse.

J'J Dag, M. A road. Syn. ~l_, Dalil awaw, To plead, prove.

ttJ Digga, M. A cudgel, 0£ equal Dalil phiraw, To change
one's mind.
"' thickness throughout. A
walking stick (Multan.)
Dalil 4ewal].r, To prove.
f';JJ Daggal}.:r, v. t. To beat
Dalil karaw, To think, in·
hard. Pr. l~s1'J P. l.;;~J F. tend.
~'.>J ~J Dalel, F. Cor. of Eng. word.
JJ Dal, adv. Very. ad}. Much,
abundant, plentiful. Dalel 'Qolal).r, To drill, as
JJ Dil, M. Heart, mind, see U. uY.JJ Dalili, M. One who thinks. 2.
"' and P. D. ,.. Absent-minded person.
Dilda pila, Faint-hearted. t~ Dam, M. Breath, etc, See U.
Dilda ghani, Contented. 2. .Airs. 3. Space between
upper and lower threads 0£
Dil lawaig-, To set one's the warp in weaving.

heart on, apply one's self. u~f iJ Dam-tar~i, F. Cholera.

Dam dur, M. Lasting power,
Dil gahaig-, To fail,, be
in running, etc.
Dam karal).:r, To blow with
~J Dalla, M. A pimp. mouth. 2. To steam, stew.
~J Dilla, M. An earthenware, Dam g hinnaw, To respire.
Dam ghinnal).r,} To rest,
c;~~ Dilan, M. A courtyard. Dam ka~hal).f, breath.
i.}.jJ 153
yL.oJ Damaw, "lrI. The ski1·t of the \i.).SJ Da.1}da, ; lYI. 'Ihe ldgh dorsal
mountain. part of tbe D. G.
. J
\i.}.j~ J)al).da, Khan district

"-=-".-'()'-' Dumb, F. Tail of fat tailed between the Pachadh and

the Indus, where irrigation
sheep, tail or obher animals
is done mostly by wells.
is called ..~~. v'
lJ.5c.> Du:Q.da, adj. Having two teeth
4...,c.J Dumba, M. Fat-tailed sheep. about 2t yeara old. Sh.
Sh. ) l~c.> Dandar, M. Catch of arched
, pieces of camel saddle. Sh.
l~J Dumba, M. See '"}l~ 2. The edge, the tract be-
1 tween the .Muhar and the
Jl~J Dumhal, M. B11tt end of a ~I.1hal in Kbusbal Tahsil. The
bank separating tbe Bar from
gun. Sh.
, v
the Jhelum River Valley.

~t~J Dumbchi, F. Ornpper of ~~J Dal}.dri, F.. Plaited edge of a

harness. khes. Sh.
J v '
"-')~"°"' Dumb:ri, F. A. boil. • '9.Si.}.)~ Dal).di, I!\ Milk teeth. Sh. 2.
J e. A cliff. Sh,
Li..;~~.-cJ Dambhusa, M. Stamping tool.
uJ,~sJ Da~dili, F. Toobh-pick. BIL.
lS~~":J Damida, M • .A kind of sweet- lfV
LMlJ Dal).gal, M. See U. 2. The
place where tickets are col-
lected at a wrestling contest.
c.:.JJ Dan, F. A rick, stack, heap J

,, of fodder, haysback.
· U
fj~ D·.
,,,., Il}.gl
'b dh'1
U ' }F'. Ahberra-
c.:.Ji) Dun, M. A pig's snout. ~"' ~J J Dingi mat tion of mind.
t;.,S ; • '

Dun maraw, To grub up .J

with the snout. "}~;J DunyaJ;l, F. World, wealth. ,

See U. Y,.iJ for compound
l..iJ Dana, adj. Wise, discrete. words.

JUJ Dana'i, F. Wisdom, discretion. Dunyal}. dari, Coition.

v' .J.jJ .Dun'~' J
u...... n The naveI . Syn.
"-:--.iJ Dul).b,
M. A. tail end. 2. An L' •

ear of jowar (Millet). 3. ~J

Middle, cen lire. J

t.\;.· ·

· J, Dunba,
/J DUI).b'1, m
M. !A. £at ta i I e d

'J Do,
Du, M . .A. minnow.
I P o s t po sit i on •
~·.> .i.f. J I In direction o £,
v' '-'-'~ towards, to. a
Dul}., r.
,, requires the for-
'--'Y.iJ Dnl}.9ri, ~ M. A. man who
U){~ J)hUl)., J
mative case ·of the
J divides the grain
Jf.'d'.iv J Dul}.b'ir, on a t hretihiu g 110un governed.
"" floor.
Ty.l Dua, F. A. jewel of· 3' pakies
J.3J Da.I}.d, F. Ptecipice. Sli. .w.orn pou1.,1d IJ,tJck.
lp Dawwa, M. Reflection of light
Dokha baz, adj. Delusive.
on glass or water, etc. Dokha Q.ewal}.r, To deceive,
Dawwa powaw, To reflect
light. ¥"' Dokhla, "AI. An earthen mortar
:for husking grain.
~i_,c) Duara,
M. A Hindu idol

v k
#-' J Dokha:ig-, 1 To beat, as a.
cJ.JJJ Doale, Postposition. Round )3J:.'f.rlJJ Dokh gewa!).r, to hammer,
(Bamford). make small.

~JT,J Dual}.kh or Doal}.kh, M. Soot, tl_,J Dugha, adj. Deep. Bl1..

,J_,J,. Dol, M. A kind of drum.
lamp black. 2. That part
of a chimney-less house in
which soot collects. '-;-'~c.)~-'"' Daula dhtip, 'lrf. A gum,
~'J Dol?,a, M ..A handful of wet burnt as incense.
mud. 2. A lump 0£ clay
for potter.
J.J},~ DaulatwaIJ.d, adj. Wealthy,
U'(lj'_,J Dotahl, F. A doubled cotton
~ shawl. Sh. J_,c.) Dolf, F. A weU pnlly ..
l,;J_,J Dolla, M. One who has the
J_,J Dod, M. Deception, fraud. ,. second throw in a, certain
Dod karal}.f, To deceive.
t~ i-'r.) Dom som, aclj. In the lump,
J)J Daur, M. Inlet, bay, sweep of ta.king the lot.
the river bank. J
~_,J Daura, M. ~ .A.n earthenware
'-""' Dn:Q., See Jc)
~U_,J Dona'elh adj. Both.
t.,.SJJJ Da.uri, F. 5 mortar.
v ,, Jb>-'J Dohar, F. A second ploughing
J.~ ~_,J Da.ural}.d, M. ,.Circulation of at right angles to the first,
blood. U C)~)J Syri. 1..J:H 2. A kind of cloth.
,, 3. .A thick &~rnet made by
sewmg one piece over an-
-..s),J Dau+i, M. A class fellow. other. Sh .
Lr-'J Daus, M. I A pimp, whore- lb>J Dha, v. t. Imp. Enter with a.
v ,,,. ~ monger, ruBh (as water goea through
)~_,J Dausiw, F.) Procuress. the whole body when drank
.I by a thirsty man.) Sh.
li±i,J Dusha, M. A decoction of j"al
'-=-'~r.) Dhat, F. Metal. 2.. Semen.
3. Spermatorrhcea .
.:i:!\.it_,c) Doshala, M. A silk scarf. D hat Va half t, To have
.ii:)l~_,J Doghana, M. Two gen u -
fltlxions in prayer. ,J~.J Dhar, F. An edge. 2. Flow-
ing. 3. Stripe. See U.
t~~J J Dokha, M. D e c e i t , vioe,
treachery, delusion double Dhar l&waw, To sharpen an
dealing, feint. ' edged tool.
·Dhar ka~haw, 'ro sharpen J~c.>.h~~ Dhal}.dhal, F. Haste.
an edged tool. 2. To milk a
cow. Dhal}.dhal machaWal}.r, v. n.
To be in haste.
Dhar maraw, To scorn,
spurn. 2. 'ro urinate make ~1 'JbJ Dhal}.ka, M. Fame renown. 1
water. '
by Y1
f;~ ~J
.. v. n. To bathe.' 2.
)~ Dihar, F. Day, day-time. Sh.
v. t. To suck (of animals).
Dihar te, In the day.time. Pr. li.~3UbJ P. t:i3Ubu F.
c:JJ~~ Dharin, F. 'rhe quantity of u-sltJ v. c. ;5)l~J or
"" any thing weighed at one
u~;~i.l Dharwal}., adj. That which is
kept or selected. 2. M. The A.>t~ Dahana, "lYI. The bit of a
shea! selected by the reaper bridle.
as his wages.
\,'! ( 11Jbi.) Dh.. k ' .
Yr) a:r- araw,
}To cry
"v 1 11 .. out as
jJ~ )l?l>i.l Dhar machawaw, from .J
fear, to vociferate. J~i.> Duha'i, F. The price paid for
'r.v J,I ,. ..:ianiage of goods.
j-'Yv )i.l!>i.l Dhar powaw, To fall into
bands of robbers. ~~J Dha'il}., F. A whisp of fire
~\it>!) Dha:ra, "Af. A raid. cf. U. " applied from time to time
to a rope being twisted. 2.
Dha :r a maraw, To raid, M. Complainant.
~J Dhabba, M. Washerman. F.
~l?t>J Dhasa, J:f. The upright piece
of leather at the heel of a ~JS!i.
shoe. 2. Upper lintel of a
door. jt.(JtJ Dhal}kaw, v. n. To be afraid,
· apprehensive used of those
~i.l Dhaga, M. Thread, cord, rope. afraid to speak before their
Sh. officers or others.

u~\Jt,J Dhamal}., M. Invitation'· to a ~J Dhal;>'Qi,

F. A red insect which
funera.1. infest mulberry trees and at
night have a light like fire ...
cr'°Ur,~ Dhaman, A good £odder grass :Hy. S. R.
(Penisetum cenc.hroides). S.R. .I
~il Dhup, F. Sunshine.
«:Jt~ Dihan, See c;~J
Dhup sekaw, To bask.
u~~ Dhan· ' I ~ F. A c~y £or help,
a;IJt>J Dhanh ) complamt, appeal. UibJ Dhappa, M. Blow with both
. ' y
hands open. Sli. ·
Dhal}h 4ewa:rp;, To appeal.
~J Dhappar, M. The palm of the
~t..J>~ Dhal}j, M. Seedling rice still
in the nursery. hand.
... .J
~J Dhuttap, F. Loss, sustained
,_r.J~~ Dhal}.J81}., M. Coriander seed, " by purchaser r e tu r n i n g
and plant (Oo ri and um unsatisfactory goods.
Sat-ivu.m.) ·
Q~iJ Dhaj, F. State, majesty. 2. Dhirrir;t:r da dard, 'l'he pangs
of child birth.
Arrogance. Of. U. t~J
LC3;~J Dhral}.ga, lrf. consum-
Dhaj jamawaw, To become ea ca,1cass of cattle. Sh.
Dhaj dar, Becoming, well ~)_,~rJ Dharwal}., See ~)_,}~"'
J "511_,;~J Dharwa'i, M. A weigher or
J.~i.) Dhudd, F. Mistiness of sight. divider of grain .
.. J
j'J.lbi.) Dhuddir, F. Dust on the v;~~ Dhiri, Wagging middle finger
,. ground. w11iob provokes anger. Sh.
~_,.tt>~]bi.) Dhadhula, 1lf. Twilight. Sh. V"~Jll:JJ Dhris, F. Circular dance of
meu. Sh.
;l!JrJ Dhir, prep. Near. F. Side,
direction. Bh. J.~.;~J Dharek, "frf. A tree (l..felia
Azedrach). Sh.
fr.) Dlrnr, M. Beginning, origin.
Used of the beginning of u?.;?bJ Dhrah}., v. n. Imp. Sink, as
time, antiquit,y. Of. U. 2.
adj. Fretful, peevish, per- ground after rain. Sh.
)i!bJ Dha:r, F. Faction, party. Sli.
Dhur thiwa:q.r, To be vexed,
irritated, provoked, angry. Dhar dari, F. Factiousness,
Dhur karaI}.:r, To vex, pro- part.y spit it. Sh.
voke, irritate, make angry.
... J ~J Dhi:r, )
lrf. A heap of mixed
)~i.) Dhnrra, M. The wood fixed "' ~grain and Rtraw,
in the ground to which is Dhira ~ aftel' thl'<:'Bhing and
attache<J the iron points of a ') "' . ' . .
turuer's apparatus, on which
before w1nnow111g. Jn
,,... ..
revolves the wood to be turn- Multar1 ~J-)ibJ 2 • .A.heap
ed. 2. A:xle. of saud.
Y,;~i) Dharabbar, M. Slight rain.
.9 , Sh. ~J Dhara, M. Boundary .
JrtiJ ;~J Dhur dhur, interj. Get out. Dha:ra karaw, To adjust
Sh. scales.
UJ~J Dharakk, JJ!f. A jump. Sh.
u 51)>J
M. Robber. Sh.
~ h~i) Dharli, adj. Good milker (cow
Dhari F. The mode in which
or buffalo). Sli. '
. wear their hair after
j;~J Dharm, :Af. Faith, religion. u. niarriage, i.e., unbraided. 2.
Waves of river. 3. A part1ng
Dharm tiagal].:r, I Toabjure of the hah.. 4. A weight 0£
five setrs. Sh.
Dharm chho:raw,) religion.
Dharal}.r, v. t. To put, place, )~loo"}~~~ Dha~ial}. maraw, To run
keep. 2. To receive in fulJ sti:oug (of river).
"' hat has been lost by an- J
other, who makes good the '-5JMJ.ZtiJ Dhusa~i, F. A blanket.
v~ v
Dhirri:ig-, F. Womb, matrix. ;1;,;.~~J ·nhassanr \.4i.i~
.. ' See .)


Dhussa., !I. A blanket. Sh. )~~J Dhanaraw,

1 'l'o give a cow
tot.he bu 11.v.t.
~~J DbakM, M. Cattle disease (? y_,UltlJ Dhanawaw, Pr. 1~.l.a>~
riuderpest.) Sh.
J P. l?.~J F. u.w.~it>i.) v. P·
~l'tiJ Dhukh, v. n. Imp. Smoke. Bh. by
v •
or ~~.UbJ c. v.
Dahlal}.:r, v. n. To fear,
appre- 1iJ_, ~lli,c.)
) )
hend, dread, 0£ impending
t.rouble, be panic stricken. ,.}l.lit>J Dhana'i, M. Cow-herd. Sli.
Used of things seen-( of
th in gs heard. )~J_,l) Pr. ~J Dhanattar, adj. Clever. M. A
very learned or intelligent
lJ.~J P. ~~~J F. i,.s~~J man.
l.!J.illJ Dahlia, ad}. Apprehensive. l~J Dhai;i.da, M. Work, employ-
ment, important work.
~J Dhamm, adv. Well done. J
J ~J..hiJ Dhui;i.dh, M. Baze. See Tl. 2.
~J Dhum, F. Fa m e, renown, Cataract in the eye.
celebrity. cf. U.
Dhum machai;tr, To become Dhni;i.dh thlwa:Q.r, To lower.
known, notorious. ~i.) DhaJ;J.r, v. n. Imp. Be put to
)::;::..+.lbJ Dhamachcha:r, M. Noise. bull. Sli.
v v
v v ,,
y_,l;).~J Dhamkawa:Q.:r,v. t. To )>J~rJ Dhawiwaw, verbal noun.
threaten, chide, snub. v. p. ~ Beiug put to bull. 8h.
b~ .(AJl>\
)~"' ~~J Dhank, I F.
A disease of
"" v r
wheat in which
c.:J~J Dhamman, M. A tree ( Grewia u}.it>J Dhawk,J the grain shrivels
vestita). Sh. up, and becomes black, bitter
../· and curved. (? ergot) .
y~i.) Dhamma:Q.r, v. n. To pass,
advance, used only of the J~J Dhanwal, ~
night. Rat dham gai-The v M . ..A.. herdsman~
night is far spent. 2. To Jl_,~J Dhawwal,
dawn, break forth.
Jl_,~r.) Dhanwa'f, IM. A profes-
u.P:-J Dhammi, I F. Day dawn. .,,. v r sional weigher
~_,~i.> Dha1.rrwa'i, J of grain, etc.
:bl Dh ,, Jr Syn. \~Ju:!-~"
.. ut.-;i.> amm1:Q., )S_,l~J DhaIJ.wawaw, c. v. From
41~.J u:!-~J Dhammil} velha, Ear 1i est j }~t) to bathe.
" dawn. "
'-'J~i.) DhaIJ.wari, F. The bow of a
l:JlbJ Dhann, interj. Blessed, well .... turning lathe.
done. Sh. "" ;I

u~J Dhunni, If. Nave]. Sh.

'-y'U.illJ Dhanap, F. A cow in calf for
the :first time or :fit to bear.
A calf is called Gabi or ~~i.) Dhaneo, F. Milch-cow•
Vacbhi while suckling, Vahir
Dhane'in, M. A cow-herd.
or Vahirki from suckling till
fit to bear, Ga_lf or Gau.i;i. - J
while bearing, Pha:r.i?ar whell u !_,~i.) Dhlial)., M. Perpetual :fires
pastLbearing. ktlpt bmo11ldermg by faqirs ..
v '
Dhuait lawal}.:r, } To kfie e p )1-w~J Dhusaw, v. t. To push, crush
a re force in, press down, to shove.
Dhua1} ghattaw, smoul- v J J
dering. Pr. l~~J P. ~w~J F.
j_,l~J, c. v.
J v '
From .\ b • J..M>Jb
u~'"' v.p.f~" i.)c.v .
.P ..,
)S_,Jt~J To bathe.
y_, lyiJ
'Y -
Dhoawa1rr, c. v. From y_,~J J ,

To wash. 11.>.>JJ~J Dhusa, See \../"")?r.>J

YJ~J Dhol;>, M. A term in wrestling. ~)~J Dhola, M. Darling. Syn. ~jb~

t...S~)lbJ Dhol;>i, F. Remedy. }J~J Dhaular, M. Palace.
Dhol;>i lagaw, To take effect. J
u).a:.J Dhliit, M. Smoke, reek.
l;_,J Dhopa, M. Fraud, deception,
trick. Dhuit al}.dhar, Lowering,
threatening for rain.
Dhopa kha wa:irr, To be de- ~J

ceived. u~'-' Duhnit, Postpo~ition, towards.

Dhopa maraJ.?.:r, To deceive. Syn. JJ - '-'-'"'
v J
)~_,lbJ Dhopa~:r, v. p. To ·be washed lA'l~r_,?bJ Dhliitdha, M. One who has
dim sight.
from. )~J)ltlJ Pr. 1~_,ltlJ P.
(l.1,-;,ltlJ?) F. c..,s~~J Tenses Dhul}.dha thlwalJ.r, To be
v dazed or blinded.
formed like v. n. v. t. y_,_,.a:.J
c. v. ;s_, 1).ttiJ )S~J Dhamt:r, F. Nape of neck. Sh.
J v v ....
~,lbJ Dhut, M. Calumny, aspersion, )iG_,.tt>~ Dhauitkaw, v. t. To use the
false accusation, slander. bellows.
Dhut l;>ad.haw, To calum- y_,~J Dho~aw, v. t. To wash. Pr.
niate. .· . l~~~J P. l:;~J F. ~~_,Zt>J
v v .J
l~_,ltl~ Dhuta, M. ~ s 1 an de r I tale- v. p. b.
)-';J~ J c. v. I:> I
JJ ~,,)

LS;)lbJ Dhuti, F. ~ bearer.

Dho sat\;al}.f, To wash out,
.... } aaj. (Cow) after its
e.. ..b'IJ blot out.
l!J;. T J J
l:J!~J Dhuin, second calf. Sh. •..}f!ti,j Dhu'i, F. Jowar chaff.
- Dhau:r, ]!. A slap, thump: ~~ Dhl, F. Daughter, pupil of
~ eye. It makes Pl. J,~t.,)
J_,lbJ ·Dhu:r, F. Dust in the air. and ..:.1~J Instr. case~~~
.... ; ;

~_,lbJ Dhau:ra, M. A push, shove,

. jolb. ~~J D hi an,
M. Consideration,
J "" reflection, m e d i t a t i o n
vfiJ Dhus, thought, conception, atten~
F. Push, crusb, pres-
tion, heed, interest. cf. U. In
sure. Syn. ~jeJ
S. R. ~t~
Dhian karaw, To consider, J~.J Digar, F. j Afternoon,
reflect, heed, listen, hear, , ~about
mark. D1gar welM, lYI.) two hours
before s~nset.
uY.~J Dhayal}. dhaya:Q., F. Pl.
u\~~i) Shreds, r a gs , ribbons, in Mari jehl digar, About 5.30
rags. P. M. Sh.

~J Dheta, adj. Having a daughter, l)~:.J Degra, ~LI n· £ , :::-

)-- im.o ~.J a
belonging to a daughter "5)~.J Degri, F. J c o o kin g pot
(Multan). The relatives of cauldron.
a bride (D. G. K.)

d0~J Dhete, M. Pl . . The bride's

r·i.) Dem, F. A low embankment
used in connection with hill
people at a wedding. Sh. torrent irrigation to prevent
the .water from sp.reading too
~~ ~J Dhi dhi khe~al}.r, To play rapidly and scourmg the soil.
i>J~-( games in water.
) ... fl }.~~:.'-' Dindar, adj. See U. M. A
c..S;:!-~~ Dhiri, F. Provocation, by .,. new convert to Muhammad-
wagging middle finger. Sh.
,, ...
Diwan!, -~d}. Civil, opposed to
J..;~~J · Dhir11}., Pl. of ~J
,, ,, '-':.) l~; criminal.
u\J{..~J D hi k h n aI}. , M. Livelihood, ~.J Deh, F. A village. Z. M.
.,. means of existence. 8h. Giant, evil spirit, jinn, devil,
,, Dhiwari, F. Fisherman's wife. ·
u~.J Dehal)., adv. To-morrow. 2.
"J De, v. t. Imp. Give. Syn. 1e· , By day.
.... WJt:.J Dehul}., M. Sunday. Sh. See
4.J Daya, F. Fear.

J4,J Diyal, ]f. Deodar, cedar tree b

c.) :Qah
or wood. ( Oedrus iieodar).
~ '{)ah, The fourteenth letter of
J~i)i_;J Di dihar, adv. To-day, in the the W. P . .Alphabet. It cor-
.,. "' day time.
responds to the cerebral g (3)
of the Sindhi alphabet and
j..J Der, F. Delay, etc. See U. is written in the Roman
character :p or g..
Der lawal).:r, To be dilatory, to
delay, linger, loiter, put off. It is not yet certain whether this
is an aspirabed d or not, my
~.J Dera, M. A dwelling, encamp- Muushi Muhamll'lad Hasan,
ment. has put only five words
under this letter without an
Dera lawaw, To dwell. aspirate affixed to it in the
beginning of the word-viz.
Dera wal, The language or .1:..1:. I~ bk
inhabitant of the Derajab. \ i)i) a pod ~ti)r.) a thrush
~1> . b .b
Dera jat, A tract of country u J a har1ot JJ'J a raven
J, v b .
lying between the Indus and and i.,S~S)') a boat, and of
Sulieman mountains and !k ( bk
between Bannu and Sindh, these .,ir.)
1 and )~!(.)() are
J~ 160
also found · under ~ and I is~~ J)ilah, M. West. Sh.
believe the others have by
mistake found their way into '-') "ki~ J)un4,rf, F. Short tail 0£ Thal
sheep. Sh.
words beginning with ~·
I have, therefore, entered ) ~ l)o, interj. Be off, said to the
these words under b o t h
letters. (Since above was crow.
written Mr. Wilson has
added other words from. Sh) ~l lJ~ J)oahwa, M. Cultivatable
island. Sh.
'~ :{>a, .A. post-position signifying
size. 'J:~J ~ l)auba, M. The arm above
the elbow. Sh.
ztl~ :\)ach, F'. Skill, knowledge. Sh.
~l~ J)asa,1M. .A. disease ju wheat ))~ J)ogar, ) M. The raven,
~ hill crow
due to cold and drought, the
ears shrivel and become ;.it>~~~ :Qho~har, ~ (corvus coraa:.)
yellow. i, .b D d . terJ.. T o ca11 crows.
J0'1) • o . o, in
"·/l~ :\)aki, J!'. Vomiting, cholera. Sh.

s~ I .J) ~ l)or, 1!'. A cotton rope to tie

i......<~3 l)abakk, M. Deep hole. Sh. horse or dog. Sh.
J .... .9 J
. )J~l~
l)utthru, M, Fit of choking. l~~J~ J)ugha, adj. Deep. Sh.
~ ~ :{>anla, M. A fish, up to 10 lbs.
~r~ I)atha, M. Hyena. Sh. J Sh.

l~~ l)ac}.c}.a, M. .A. pod of grain, U_,~ J)ona, M. Leaves folded up to

peas, mung, ma:g.h, morM hold sweetmeats and small
and radish. Pods of other groceries.
plants a.nd trees are called
u~~ 1-sl_,~ J)olJ.~a, M.j
v t, , , ~.A. small boat.
;;/, 1
~u.3J J J)ul).q1, F. j
)~~ l)aMU., M. }
.b!o Frog. Sh.
~~ l)agg, F. . t~ l)aha, M. A tribe of Jats who
were originally Ra.jputs.
}1t>Z53 :Pi4har, M. A deserted channel
' of river Jhelum. Sh. Uti~ J)ha, F. Falling, used 0£ a
b.ank, being eroded by the
~l.'l ~~ J)a~he~a, M. The G r o u n d river. 2. A genitive suffix in
thrush. Seven sisters (Mala- Sh. F. ~Y
cocircus terricolar.)
TJ~~ J)hadha:r, M. South wind. Sh.
wlle°5 ~ J)akkhnal)., M. Stupid camei'
driVGl'· Sh. ~~~~ J)ha4hi, M. A beggar, who
' praises those who give him
~s~ Dagra, v.t. Imp. Drive (cattle) a.lms and curi:;es those who
Sh. do not. 2. A poet, bard. Sit.

J~ Daggi, 1!'~ Harlot, adulteress. Y.ib~ J)hara, M. A line 0£ cattle

JI)J! Dull, v. n. Irnp. Be shaken. fastened by a long rope to
manure the ground. 2.
Sli. Sho<l, oa.t~le ;:>hod. Sh.
Jl1b~ :phak, F. The hip. ;\,~.b~ J)h'k
1 aig-, v. n.To low softly
as a cow wanting her calf or
~ILlXl~ J)hala, M. A toss of the dice. food. Pr. \~~ P. ~~ F.
Ji:, .,,. ;
:{) h al}. cl '
]f. Confl.A.gration.
.bhY1_.I:. · u~~
Dim. ~~..n.roJ
J)hikh, In Sh. is a cow's bel-
Y1 .lo n , ,
i....:J,1,.1~.n~~ ·.yha1J.4fl, F. A small fire in low.
jungle. 'Y ,
Ji~~ l)hukaw, v. n. To arrive,
., j, v .\:.
;.?b~)llb~ 1)haJ.J.4hn, F. A strong wind. enter. 2. To µ-et, be procur.
~ f,
able. Pr. '~0 P. l>.(lbJ F.
j_,l.?b~ D.hawaw, v. t. To throw J ..

down. 2. In S. R. To feed ~~~

v 1
a fire, fire up. P.r. I~1b0 c....:';~~ l)hikawi, F. Lowing of cow.
P. .. J F. ~.?b0 v. n. y1b0
.I:. v Jc, ; "" In S. R. bleating of sheep.

\, y .>J>b
~ ..
\,y 1 .b
} V, C· /))ltJJ J.JY:lb~ J)hakora, M. A prisoner.
. ~lb~ :Qhig, M. A heap, accumula·
~l.?b~ l)hah, v. t. Imp. Throw down. "' ti on.
Sh. 2. F. A bank, dip into
river valley from '.flbal. Sh. J)hig lawa:Q.r, v. t. To heap.
3. High bank of a river. Sh. J
~lb~ J.lhug, F. Bone of hind
.lo quarter· of horse, etc. Sh.
~~1b0 l)habra, M. A large fish, up to
16 Ths. Sh.
l~~ :Qhagga, M. A bull, ox. In
~~~ l)hibbi, F. Rocky knoll, bil- Sh. One small and weak •
.,,. ... lock. Sh. ~~~ l)hag:ra, M. Paramour.
~~ l)hut, M. Peculation, pilfering. ,}!J:i~. l)haggi,. F. A cow.
~ J
~~ Dhutva, M. Peculator, pilferer. Jiti~ l)hil, F. Delay, procrastination.
adj. Morally bad. " 2. . Relaxation.
:Qhil lawaw, To delay, put .
.1!:)~~ l)ha4clh, F. Sounding of drum
rapidly to collect men. Sh.
b~ .l)hilla, adj. Loose, slack, lax.
~~~ :Qhi4h, ]![. The belly, abdomen "' 2. Lazy, idle.
1,ll)~~ :Qha4hora, 'llf, Proclamation l)hilla karai:ir, To loosen,
(by drum) Sh. relax:.
!1 b
Ult>~ :{>hak, F. A priEmner (m1ed of Jl.i.~0 J)hallaw, v. n.To set, as the
sun, to pass the prime,
men only. Sh). 2. Pound,
decline. 2. To flow, (of
fold for animals.
water) Sh. Pr· 1~~ P.
J)hakaw, v. t. To imprison,
~3 F. Uw.~lb~
confine. 2. To cover, con ...
ceal, coop. Jy[. .A lid, cover,
plug . .Pr. 1~~0 P. Y,.~lb0
..aitllb~ J)hal).c}.h,
F. A lagoon, pool,
a b1·anch of the
river, the exit of
... .(,...lo
~0 v. 'P·
y~?.- 0· which has been left dry by
c; v.
by 1 /_ b
f alliag the ,)Va tel'. or
~.,~~ . 162
1t>S,1~ :-Qhal}.ghora, M. A proclama- j,vr~
_riu.3 ' J)hn:Q.qhar,
,, F. A form of knob
tion. used for fastening a 4etJ!ttl,
• .lo
D.ha!J.ghora pheraw, To pro· roond the loinP. Syn. ~-}.;)
u1'Jt:'~ J)howai, F. Carriage of goods,
])haw, v. n. To fa1I, be freight.
broken. Pr. \~~ P. t~5
!o \,y l h
F. ~J v. t. j)~J v. P·
J)hai;ig, }[. A rope used :for
tying the back leg~ of c~ws or
buffaloes while being milked.
2. M a r r i a. g e. 3. Mode,
manner, method. v. t. Imp.
Hobble. Sh.

~~ :Qhil}.g, F. Adjutant bird. Sh.

"' ~v .l;t I
y 1
Uili~ J)hul}.gana, lif. A fish (Pseudo-
tropius 9arua).
fo3 ~hil}.gar, M. Bramble, thorn
.... bush, cut twigs. Sh •

..;foS l)hil}.grf., F. A thorn bush of

.,. ""' any kind when cut. ~~!> :t,)heqhi> F .. An ear ornament.

_,~~ J)ho, M. The handle of a large L..S~~ :Qherf, F . .A heap of winnowecl

wooden rake. 2. The first. corn. S. R. 2. Knoll, hillock.
night of marriage. Eh.
\~yl>~ l)hoQ.a, M. Bread m&de of ~S :Qhfla, .A. marsh grass (Scirpua
millet (jowar or b&,jra). - maritfoia) 8. B.
r~~~ J)ho4ha.r, M. Raven (Oorvus ~5 :Qhel&r, M. The reeds of Sac-
v l:. l:..
wraz). In Sh. wo;u~J charnm Ear& from which
y J
w~~Y>S :{.)htiQ.hl}.ra:Q., v. t. To seek fo~ pens made .. Byra.

l~~S :Phel}.c}ha, M. The wheel which

f• k .!o
search. S. R . Pr. u~i)J1bt.>
I __ b
,k k
k carries the rope ladder and
P. ~u_r>i.) F. ~J_fb()
pots of a well. Syn.~
,;_y:>~ J)hor, M. 1 A depression in
l:. I the ground tha,t Lf-S :t}eI]., F. Pride.
~:r~ Vhora, M. }- fills with water
~S..%3 ::Qen4hi, F'. Porch, entrance.

'-Yr,:, J)hor.i, P.
f in the r a i n y
) . s e a. s o n , and.
:yields cold weather crops.
I .,. l>
B1t. 8,yn. r.l"i}'...:;

i..S.~S J)hok, F. Hamlet, detached

village. Sh.
I ~y..S l)lwi, I!. Provoking affront by
.... wagging middle finger. Sh.
i~5 J)holci, M. Darling. '-"Jt!.S :\>ehri, F. Adorned tomb. Sit.
J?ah. ~\~ :\)a9, JJ'. The fine dust on land
produced by saline efllores-
~ :Qah, Is the fifteenth letter of cence or much traffic.
the W. P. alphabet. In
Roman character or 1?· It 4 ~1~ :Qat, F. Liberality, bountiful-
correspon~s to the Sindhi
cerebra.I 3-Dr. Trump says l.ll~ :\)at&, adj.
Liberal, generous,
'' •·. -
...) CJ. (corresponding to
free handed M. A giver,
donor .
.b •
W. P. ct ~) is pronounced in
jl~ ~atr, M. "'\ A sickle, reaping
a similar way as g (J) .. .b ,,. , }- hook, pruuiug
u uj l~ :\)atr1, F. ) hook.
the cerebral g . .) (which from
the co~text seems a misprint ~1~ :Qal, F. An a1•ch.
£or~ 3-Ed.) is uttered with ltl~ :Qatha, M. Binding up beard
a certain stress in prolonging with cloth after custom of
and somewhat strengthening Sikhs. 8. R.
the contact of the closed
organ, as if a double d were '<'!: l~ \)aj, M. A marriage portion,
~o ?e pro?ounoed. Originally
it is a.a g, a double letter as dowry, dower. Iu s. R. 'C'.:. L.)
may still be proved in most
cases by Etymology .. But the ~ l~ \)tichi, J!'. A female camel.
Sindhi which is very fond of
bard cerebral sounds often
Syn. u~ \~ M. ~ CamelsJ\
have separate names for
employs the letter d (W. P. every stage of li£e up to one
~) where no original doubling lo.. llo ..
of the cerebral has taken
year. F . L..SitJ~ M. ~ _,~
From one to two yeal's
p~ace, especially at the be9in- of words where the full 'lJot or w~;
~~.Y ]J{. ~~~>§

stress can be laid upon it.

From two to three years. M.
rrh e s1mp
• 1e cerebra.I n i..)II
and F. ~ ~"'° three to four
(W. P. c.)) has thus been

nearly totally supplanted ar.

I years }1. and F. }~::;- At
the beginning of a noun by four years they looi:;e their
~' and 4 is only found in a milk teeth aud are after-
wal'ds named acco1·ding to
few nouns to distinguish them the number of pel'maneut
from othe1s Written else quite teeth.
With two teeth M. and F ..
These remarks apply equally to
the W. P. Jetter ~ w hioh
Mr. 0 1Brien in bis Glossary With four teeth M. t~,;
has confused with ~ and F. ,_/y.:-
mixed words beginning with
e1•th er .k .k under one
~ or 'f
With six teeth M.. tff.: F.

heads . . A:;;

J)a, } M. Way, manner, mode.
• lo
With eight teeth M. and F.
1.k TI,,. Syn. lu \~ 2. Desert., J~
u q "'ral}., merit, fitness.
3. A
From U~J to ~; a camel
post position signifying size.
adj. Proper, fit, wQrthy, able, is in its prime. ·It is then
qua.lified. called Rik sala nesh, ~ u sala
nesb, trae sala. nesb, cbau c...i'~ \)aki, F. Vomit. 2. Cholera·
sala. nesh, pa.:i:i.j sala nesh. Supposed to be due to bad
.After which it is considered air. Sh.
worn out.
'.\)aki karaw, To vomit.
l'-'l~ '.\)ada, See I~
~I~ \)ala, M. Wheat meal.
'-~\~. -ya4h"a, aaj. Strong, powerf ul
\Jt)._, .., TI"

great, deep hard, heavy "]I~ J)alaw, v. t. To split, to break,

per vent, oppressive. Syn. ) • • v I::. b
crack. Pr. ,~l~ P. 4-l\y
~~l~ t.lo n.i..
F. u~Y
v. n. ) it v.p.
\)a~ha, ·adv. Very, greatly, v .rh
v _(b
~~y c. v. )jJYY
. most.
cJI~ '\)an, M. A gift, donation,
'.\)a~ha takra, ad}. Strong, alms, charity.
able bodied.
")~ '.\)al,1, See I~
l~l~ ~a~a, "lv!· Paternal grand·
father. J.l!~ J)and, M. A. bullock, bull, ox.
. • S~n. ~\i.) 2. A fool.
\)aqe-potra, M. Near relative.
r..,$J.Il~ Val,ldi, M. . One who drives
c..S~~~ J?aqi, F. Paternal grand - oxen.
mother. ,l,Vlb
u.j ~
\)al}.g, F. A wea1, stripe.

\li4e-potri, F. Near relative. Ws\~ \)al}g, F. A long thin stick.

In Sh. A big staff or club.
)~ \)ar, I M. Flock of birds,
r flight of locust, etc. J_,sl~ \)al}war, M. A spider.
JI~ \)al, J Sh. V VJ.\,
y)s it :\)al}waw, M.j SJ:ackles£or ty-
.Jtijl~ \)a.rh, F. Tusk of an animal, v b I mg together
root of tooth. 2. Bite or snap ~~) l~
:\)al}.wan, M.
the for? legs
of ammals.
of an animal.
c)J> I~ '.\)al}wan.i, F. ) A hobble.
foJl~ '.\)at:hal,ll", ~; t. To bite, snap '.\)al}. W a I} :r ghattaw, To
at. Pr. l~~A P. l~jl~ F. hobble.
l vi.loy n...
y,.'v .J_,j .. ' I v. t. To
u~1$ \)arhi, F.- A beard. In Sh. v v v !..
\}al}wawawaw, J
... r hobble.

u~tt.l ·2. The husk of a ·

·.)Jsl~ '.\)al}.wanf, F'. A triple cord of
cocoa-:n u t. ·
silk, with or without heads,
worn on the head of women,
ul~ :\)ak, F'.Post-mail. Relay of the ends are tucked behind
horses or runners. the ears.

:\)ak lawaw, To post relays ~!~. .

llah, F. News, information.
of horses, etc. See U. ul~ 2. Ten. Syn. islJ 3. In
S. R. Dysentery.
~~;)~ \)akhra, adj. Painful, oppos- 1Jt>l~ :\)ahra, M. A division of the
ed to ~{l.w pleasurable. Kerar tribe.
v .. .lo.
u:tl~ J)ahi, ]{.One who gives infor- : YP.--9 :Qajjhaw, v. n. To ~e burnt or-
• mation. Informer. · s c o r c h e d , as bread. Pr.
;111~ J)a'inr, F. A witch. See U. lJ.~~~.lo I .
P. ~~<:' F. \.S"""~~y
.b .b
, ..
. cJ.!i~ 'L'. t. y_, l~y
v .b

~~ \)abba, ad,1. Crooked, curved. : . ~~ :\)achkaw, v. n. To be afraid,

J.labbl mal}.jh, A buffalo with to fear. Pr. Id~~ P. l>.(>~
. F. ~~~ v. .. • .

concave spine.
. .. v.' p.
\, ! .b. l .b
To be milked
' ,
( _ ,.i..
To be given. v. p.
.b v .b
from J~-'~ Pr. ~e:<:' P. ".mlJ~ from )SY,.9 Syn. ~J} P·r.
.b 1 .b .b
JJ'. ~i~i.f J.~~ P. F. l..J~~~ v. t.

J)ab,. M. White Eipot.
"r .i.:.
JY,.9 c. v. y, I~'='
v .i.:.

\)a1;>· ga1;>, Irregular dying of

l "' ..,J
lSJ~ 1=lndh, M. :Milk. Syn. lSJJ
cloth shewing w h i t e or k
whitish spots, motleyed, dap- ~Jy Jladhar, M. A cutaneous
pled. disease, ring worm.
~~ \)a1;>1;>a, adJ. Spotted. In Sh.
~_)lbJ~ \)adhrf, F. Green ears of wbeat
, ~~ black and white. or pods of gram roasted for
~~~ J)u1;>la,. ar.7j. Thin, lean, ema-
. • ciated. ~~~ :\)i~h, ad}. One and a half.
f. lo.b
:Qul;>la thiwaw, To become t):~·~t.)i,f :\)a4he:rha, M. The ground
thin, emaciated. thrush, seven sisters. (Mula-
cocircus terricolor).
J~ \)a1;>1;>1, F. A small box. Box lo lo
' of matches. Y~ \)i4, F. A frog, r Toad. The
M · 1 .1o. kk
4:~ \)apha, M.j A wooden trowel, • 1s ;+?.~ Syn. F. J~ M.

J)aphl, F.
J u1::ied for stir-
ring sugarcane
_,JJ Sli.
.. • juice, or meat and rice while 1~~ :\)a~a, M. The pod of grain,
peas, rn.orhi, ?n1.1,ng manh or
4l'~. J)atha, M. A bundle of sugar-
. radish. · ' ·
cane, prepared for passing 1~~ :\)agra, adj. Coarsely ground.
through the press.
¥¥ n-vu:d:fll).,
J)..1.k.b ' F • A. mpple,
~~ J)at, M. ·A feint, blind, a term pap. 2.
• u~ed in wrestling. The spout of a vessel.

'.Qat 4ewaw, To wake a feint. ltS'1~ :\)rakla, j}f, A coward, timid

~!.bk 1\ t
y>it, M. A cork, plug, man.. syn. ))~

_bung, spigot. vl k .lo

, )~, :\)irawi, F. Wife of j.<t
J;>ataw ~ewaw, To p1ng.. Husband's brother.
LJ~ :\)ittha, i1ast. part. of #,.~ ~1~ :\)arawa, .Ltf. A scare crow. 2.
to see. A threat.
)3,,1~ :\)arawaw, v. t. To frighten, ~~

'.\)1ssaw, v. n. To appear, be
dismay, terrify, appall, cow,
daunt, d i s c our a g e . Pr. seen. Sh. Li".) Pr. 1~~
I I _{ob r . lo "' .1:, "

" 't"ct.,. -~N.i4) u"':~~ v.

v b b b P. F. t.
J.l~J~ P. ~.1~ F. u~JY ,,..,. ,,,. ,,.
v. n· /)~
hy b
"'i., n ,
J~!) :Qar bhao, M. Fear, terror. lt.,.S~ct "'rass1, F. The ends of the warp
\,Y h n left unwoven.
JJY -yaraw, v. n. To fear, be
Y.=1d~~ :Qasfja1:q·, To be shewn v. p.
frightened, di sm d. Pr.
1iJ;yb P. l~.JYb F. k from)k~
" .\. .
~~JY v. t,

\,y t .h
J~)J~ r...
"~ ..I.Mil> .vlSlJanr, To be seen. v. p. from
it T\' "
.,. ..... " k ..

_,} :parru, M. Coward, t i m i a r~

person. Syn. lli') ~ w~ \)ak, M. .A. turnip intended to
go to seed. 2. Hinderance,
v~ '.pas, M. News, information. stoppage, i n terr u p ti on
obstruction. '
:pas powaw, v. n. To hear of.
wJ JI.)'~ :Qakar, M. A belch, eructation,
b~ ~nssa, M. ~ Ha vi n g 2 0 0 wind, broken upwards. U.
~ • threads in a
~Y '.\)nssi, F. breadth . .)~~

.JJb~ '.\)isawar, JJ'. Country, opposed \)akar 4ewaw, To be 1 oh,

"" to town. · eructwte.

l.Jj) ~ ~ \lisawari, adj. Of or from the I<~. '.\)akra, M . .A slice 0£ turnip.

~S'~ '.\)uk:ra, M. Two cowries.
v, b n"'rasawal}.r,
y_,WJ'i ,.
v. t. To shew,

2 cowries= ~.)~ 6 cowries

dir~ct, point out, tell, explain.
= '-'}~J 2 dam:ries == )~.w£
Syn. Y"'ct
" b Pr. ' i.U::'Mlct
" b P.
4 kasiras = .l~J
l~b~ JJ'. u~~
.. y

J 2. A girl's breast when it

1l{"' ~
\)uskara, M. A sob. commences to fill out at
lrlusMra bhara1n-, To sob.
~~ \)askara, M. Quick, hurried j.J~ \)akkal].r, v; t. To stop, preA
vent; check, shut off, let,
breathing. Syn. ~r~ Sh.
~~ ~uskaw, v. n. To sob. Pr.
" J binder. Pr.
T,l tb .J,1:,1.2~
•• h!
l~°"Y P. t::'~~ F. ~~
J J :. ·'-'. u""":P0. v. P· ;""'=... ....J
4~ \)ukh, M. Pain,. ache, distress,
\,~ wb persecution, trouble, grief,
TMI~ \)assaw, 'IJ. t. To shew, airect,
affliction, annoyance.
point out, tell, e x p 1 a i n ,
indicate, sa.y. Syn. )S_,lMI~ J;>ukh qewaw,
To trouble,
Sh. l...rJ
" b I. k
Pr. lJJ..;!-1<1Jy P. ~""'~ oppress, vex, a'ffiict, annoy,
J persecute, hurt, incommode.
AJM b h~ ). b
F · u ,.-UJy v. P· Y~">.IJ~ l~.s'~ Vukha, adj. Tedious, weari·
\;~ 1 b .,
c. V·/) };IJY some, fatiguing.
~~5'~ Vikbala, "lVI. Hypocrisy, dis- .;~~!~ :\)alidhr, M. A wretch.
, simulation, illusion. Appari-
tion. jf~ :\)allait:r, v. n. To split, burst,
Vikhale-Mz, M. Hypocrite. crack. Pr. I~~ P. Y,l~ F.
k y .lo v . 'k
)]4S~ '.\)ikMiaw, ~ To ~hew! ex- u> v. t . .Jilly v. p. )kl=ef1'1
, hib1t, direct, y .I:. ....
c. v. y)~~
\,J'~ l>ikhclwanr display, ex-
J) • . • .. '
)SJ~~ :\>.alwawait:r, a. v. Of jl~
v lo
... pose, indicate. Pr. Ll.Y,.l@S c1
p, Y,.l~~ F. u~l~S~ P; ~~ '.Qilh, M. A clod. In Sh.
" ....b ,,. _(b ,,. .i.. .- Boulder, large stone.
\i.).J.f~S' ~ P. \~.\t1 ~ li1. uNJ.;/-4S c1
I ~ , ~
,~~ J)alh, F. A disused well. 2.
;J)l~S~ '.\)ukhawaw, v. t. To hurt, • Tallow.
give pain, irritate, vex.
ui~ ValH, F. .A piece cut out of a.
u~l~5'~ '.\)ikha'i, Ji'. Coming in sight, melon, s Ii c e, segment of
show, display. U. ..,,}4SJ orange. 2. Crescent. 3. A
... .,,. portion of reed, cane, etc •
between two knots.
:\).ikha'i ~ewaw, To shew
one's self, be seen. u~~ '.Qalik, 11'• .Chink, cleft, crack,
_, split.
u~~~~ :\)akhraIJ., }M. A division of .b
the Kirar -E~-"'Y '.Qambh, M. Actual cautery.
~S~ :\)akhna, tribe. " .i..
J Y~~"°it '.Qambhaw, v. t. To apply the
~1~@S~ :\)ukh:ra'it, M. A sad, sorrow- cautery.
_, ful man. add. A ffi i c t e d ,
. sorrowful, sad. ;~ :\)ammar, M. A. tribe of Jats
from Sindh formerly called
~~ :Qukha~.r, v. n. To, ache, b~
v '
Lar. 2. Logs of wood, long,
witbou.t knots, and of the
painful. :z:r. L.\@S~ P; Y,.~S~ best quality are called ~am·
F • ~le:)
t i,Y t _(.lo mar by the lumber merchants
v. . i-'~~
on the Indus. The wood
. Y~)
" ,;Jo
it :\)akha~:r, .!M. The south. 2. belongs to a species of pine,
perhaps Dammar orientalis
Deccan, in Central India. 3.
South wind. or australis (Webster) but
Webster says it is Javan or
~_,;_,J~ Vakhutra, M. Disnria. Syn. :Malay from which the resin
is obtained. Powel in Punjab
~~:;k€f_,~ Products, gives d ham a r
as the name of the resin,
u~~~ J)ukhi, adj. Painful, sore, but says the word is not used
• troublesome, a:ffiictecl, sad, in the Punjabi. Where it is
sorr9w£ul, distressed, abject.. called Sal, from the Shorea.
Robusta.. So that dhamar is
"~ ....
r. .J.~':oit n-yak''
lJa~:r, v. p. To be let or probably a ·different product
hindered from. v. t. fa~ from dammar. 3. Distension
of the abdomen.
J~. J)al, F. Fat. 2. Thickness. 3.
. J

.A split, crack, cleft. ~.-o~ J~u.mra., adj. Withered.

~:~ \)imman, M. A fish.
~~.· J>a. .I~. '. ~ A j~o~ud:~~;8 .bath-
( OalUch-
M.· • ... , rrous checkrra) :common in river
J~ ,J/ah, .F. ~ . · and l.agpo;o;s, length 5 inches.
c.J~ :\)an, Ji. Force, violence. SI~ :pa1~.q, llf. A fine, blackmail
taken by beggars, a forfeit.
G~ Vanna, M. Small pieces of 2. Athletics, exercise.
. • wood between rafters. S. R.
l)al}.4 kaqhaw, To exer9ii::e
...,G~ vannal]., M. Carrying pole, • one's self.
staff. 2. A stick for support"
l)al}.4 bharaw, To forfeit.
ing bird catcher's net.
• . J.b Yl>
v .b
I'.J~~s~ '.\)al}.bhara, M.,, A :fish (Labes
lc>S~ ~al}.ga, M. A staff. See u. c>J0
· 2. A pestle.
rohita) U. ~'J
JS.~~ '.pal}.gal, M. Culm.
J.S~ \)aIJ.d, lYf. A tooth. 2. Ivory.
uSJ~ :pal}.qi, F. A stem (poppy) Sli.
:\}al].d pihaw, To grind the
JI~ :pal)g, M. A sting, bite. 2. A
teeth in rage, gnash.
· date half soft, half ripe.
:{lal].d kari ~aw, To grind the J)al].g mara:rg·, To sting, bite.
• teeth in sleep.
JJ~ ~il].g, M. A bend, curve, crook,
:\)al].d kaqhaw, To cut the .,,. flection.
l.d~ J)ii;iga, adj. Curved, crooked,
L.~J~ ])anda, M. A tooth of· comb,
... • twisted, contorted, askant,
• r~ke, etc. indent, jag. askew, devious, indirect,
froward, perverse.
"'ande kadhanr, } To in-
'\' · · ·· dent,
Dil}.ga-karaw, To bend,stoop.
l)al}.de ghattaw, jag.
Jl!I ~ llil}.ga'i, F. Crookedness, per-
\) powaw, To be jagged. ... • :verseness, unrighteousness.
\i..).3~ VuIJ.da, M. ~Cow, sheep, ",,v Jo
).i!5y \)al].gaw, v. t. T 0 s t'mg, b't
l e.
J . ( goat, buffalo
c..SJ.J ~ \)uIJ.di, F. } having t w o c..S),,.CJ ~ :\)al}.gori, F. Staff, walking
teeth. stick.
v ,,v ./. ,.
JIJ.S~ llandal, M. }A wooden rake. )34fJy :Qnl].ghaw, M. Depth, abyss.
v ~ •

(,}t..>.5 <t J?a:g.dali,

The handle is
the cross
/3 ~ :\)al}.gar, M. Cattle.
\)al].gar jihal}., adj. Beastly,
stick holding teeth ~l~1~ t.he
t,eeth .:..,_J' ~
~!~~J~ :Qfl}.vra'it, l m7j. Obligatory.
~al}.dal maraw, To rake.
~·~)J ~ :Qi:g.vra'it, 5M. One under
f-''"~ :\)al}.dwa1rr, M. A pfoce of .. an obligationJ debtor.
wood for cleaning t.11e teeth,
Sold in bnnill~~, rnaoe from )S_,~_,J~ :Qal}.warawaw, v.t. To bobble
small br ancbes of PopuZ.tts V Yl:,
·sha.cklP. Pr. IJ..4;))3~ P.
Euphratica ~~;l~ 2. A cuttin~
t t· Y.lo I\ n" Yb
for propagating plants. 3. · ~u)y~ or '-!.:;yy F. UUJ.~:))Jy
Tetanus. irr.
\)alfdwaw-powaw, To have ~~ :Qannah, M. A staff.
tetanus. ·1> ,
I V!o ~)~'1 ~inh:p,F. Cross"pieces of wood
1..i'~.~.) <t llandili, F. A tooth pick of .. ... fixed on nose of ca.If to pre-
.. • g~ld or silver. vent ics taking milk. S. B.
":b n , b k
i..$Y -yanm, JI'. A thin wooden ~~)Y \)auc}.h, M. Ba.dly woven cloth,
ha.ndle, as of spoon razor all warp and no woof.
e t e. ~- Helm, of a' boat.'
3. Beam of scales or balance. J.'~ l>or, F. String, tbrend, cord,
1 fishing line. Syn. ~.,i.)
)ct Vti, adj. Two. For compounds.
2. M. Deafness.
See U. )J

!J_,~ \)ora, M. Border of Khes. Sh.

Vn .adh karaw, To halve.
~~~ Voak, M. and F. A camel 1,~ Vora, adj. Deaf.
with two teeth. See ~ 1~
\)ora bal}.:rawaw,! To make
Jl,~ Vival, M. Having credit. 2.
One who gives.
Vora karaw, J deaf.

lt.\.nb ,. M. A kind of silk :\)ora thiwal}.f, To be dull of

.) Y -yo atta, hearing, deaf.
, cloth.
J~)'~ :-porwag, F. A halter for an
~~~,~ Vti9ajhra, M. D 0ub1 e
t?ngued, one who changes
sides, a man of duplicity.
v))~ Vori, F. Lace, braid.
~)~ Vo9al, F'. Leanness.
b .
j,~ Vor, 1
;W) ~ Vupahar, M. Midday, noon. .b b Jaclj. Two fold, double.
:J)Y Vora,
Vupahar ghalle, Afternoon.
Lt)Yb ~))~ \)orha, M. A kind of verse or
, M. A young profligate.
song, distich. See O'Brien's
~)~ J)njha, adj. Second, other, glossary or P. D. Sy11. ~-'~
. 1
next. Syn. ~~JY U"')~
\)os, M. Excuse, blame, sin,
v .\, b
jlf;)Y :\)njhiw, F. An animal after fa ult. Syn. ~_, y
second calf, etc.
y ' , , •
j}.-o i,.,,;._.J~ \)nsmara:i;ir, v. n. To germi-
~-'~ :\)njal).gha, M. A biped. nate, sprout.
~J)~ J)odhak, F. A plant, probably ~)~ :\)oka, M. A date in second
• Euphorbia thymifolia, but
stage of ripeness yellow or
three or four ot.her Punjabi
plants are called dodak by purple, but hard.

%~ :\)ogazza, M. The Lammer-gear

. .\,
ut'°'JY J)odhi, M. One who brings (Lit. two yardi-) bot speci-
• milk :from across the Indus mens with a strt>tch of wing
for sale by swimming. of over three yards are com-
mon (Gypaetus barbafos).
l~_,~ :Qo4a, M. The capsule of the
J)~ :\)ol, M. A bucket or vessel
opium poppy. 2. The tip of ·
the finger. for drawing water from a
we11. 2 . .A leather funnel for
lo le. holding corn to be ground in
.)Y)ct :\)04ar, M. A raven. (Oorvus
a jarpdrah (mill w0t·ked by
k k
Oorax) Syn._/>~~~ bullocks).

'-'~S :Qa~l, M. Shape, forni. See U. ...s}.ltlJ~ J) oh t ri, 111• .A. daughte1·'s
• daughter.
• Paul.
\)aul dar, ridj. Shapely. ;.ltlJ~ J)ohar, F. Double cotton
• shawl.
~-'~ ~ola, M. An earthenware
wate1· pot. ~!tl_,~ Vohra, See lb_j_,~
~J~ \)aula, JV.. The foreleg of an J.ltl_, ~ :Qohal, adj. Milch.
animal from knee to shoulder. fo_,~ Vohaw, v. t. To milk. Pr.
The upper arm. In Sh. ~~_,~ ~ .lo 1 .lo
l~.!bJy P. ~i.)y F. u~?b)ct
J_,~ :\)oli, F. Dim. of 101&. Syn. J.,,~ ~uhen, adj. Both. In Sh.
1.)J~ 2. A sedan, palanquin,
\, lo , 1..S)~dJ~ ~oe wari, Twice.
V.t'JY :Vom+1, l F. Of i-'~ A
1..S~-' ~ ~o'i, F. A small wooden spoon.
J·.:J~ :Oomn1, Sh. j ca ate of
• wandering mus1c1ans, dan- :\)o'i bag, Spoonbill (Platalea
cers, actresses, thieves. Lencorodia).
UJ~ :\)Ulf, Two. ·y:;;=::~~ ~iwijaw, v. p. from jy..~
:\)una, Twofold. . s by .lo
to give. yn. ~:J

u~U_,~ \)onahel}., adj. Both. is~ ~ah, adj. Ten. u ljt>~ = tenth .
.by ~ , ,
'-'~)JY :Qu9~h, ~ t~ ~aha, M. A tribe of Jats.
L / • • F. A small boat.
u i).)JI) "'I Ul}.r].l, ~t~ ~ihara, M. .A. day. Syn. ~t~
v J \ .
l~,;_,~ '.\)Ul].gha, adj. Deep. ~t~ ~hara, M. A line of cattle tied
v ,..v J . with one long rope to manure
y~3_,~ vul}.ghaw, M.} the land.
~ v ~ Depth,abyss.
,il~f3yt vul)gha'i, 7J'. ' c...$Jt~ ~ihari, adv. Daily.
lSt~ ~ahaka, About ten.
~JY :\)oh, M. Excnse, blame, sin,
fault, defect.
l;\~~ '.Qhabba, M. 8nmmit, top
Voh ~ewat').f, To blame, find Dim. u~~ S. E.
ui'Jit!! D.hnl}.,Postposition. Towards,
b~ \)oha, M. s. R. See~_,~ • in direction of, to, at.

~~-'~ \)ohawa, M. An earthenware ~ai~ J)ahl, F'. Coagulated sour

milking vessel. • milk. 2. Life, soul.
u!.'~t_,~ \)uha'en, arlj. Both. ~Y \)ah~, Postposition. Towards,
1.. .b ,
in direction of, to, at.
~Jct '.\)ohtra, M. A daughter's son.
.. .b n h , ~~~ J)a'it,M. A demon, an un-
f1.Y1'JJ.rtiiit "ro tarwa1g, A daughter's .,.. • merciful, h ar d-h ea :rte d
offspring, used collectively. person.
1iy b n
~e4ha, ·M. One and a half. ~Y "\'ew, M. Dowry, dower.
2. A cloth bound round the ! b
loins reaching to t.he feet-, ..y~.Y '.Qil}.h or ~el,lh, M. A day, the
... . v .'o
used instead of pyjamas. sun. Pl. ~}~.Y
'.\)il).h bhar, F. The East.
~~~.~ l)eghi, JJ'. Dim. of ~S.~.~ Syn.
• b b
2. Entry, porch, '.Qil}.h bhara, Easterly.
threshold, entrance. '.Qil}.h lah, F. The west. Syn.
'.Qe4hi gal).4h, Granny knot.
j, .'o
J~.Y l), M. A toad, frog. F . '.Qil,lh laha, Westerly.
• bb
it~ 2. A rattle. Dil}.h war, .A da.y's wage •
/.Y :\)er, M. A husband's brother. '.Qil}.h ghalea, Early afternoon.
u;')I~.~... l)irani, F. A husband's sister.
. :\)il}.h lattha, Sunset.

U""~.~ :\)es, M. Native count.ry. l_,~.~ :Qiwa, "AiL A lamp, light.

~!.~ '.\}esi,"adj. Native, indigenous. Jly,.~ :\)ewall, See U. u!l)J
u~.~... l)ik, F. A gulp. Sh.
. j_,I_,~~ Viwawarg, c. v. of ;!,~.~.To
u~~~.~ l)ekhsal)., I shall . see. .A
• threat for which a man ma.) IJ_,~.~ \levta, M. An idol, god, object
be proseeuted.
of worship.
'\)ekhal}.:r, v. n., v. t. To see,
discern, notice, overlook, to l:!J'JJ~ "'r ·' ~
.. ;... Tiivat F. .
A candle-stick,
refer, look~ Pr. l~.~ or "' .b , , light holder.

I~!.~b P. I _+.i.. _( ..'o ..

"-;'~~,,. .
~~ F. 1..5Ml>t>'-:'.~ v .b
b! b ,,. b! .b )3;~.<t J)evaw, v. t. To give, bestow,
v. n. .,)~~ v. p. ./~~,,..~
; ~ ,,,., . • rend<:r, afford, allow, dis-
pense, dispose, let, offer. Pr.
'.\)ekhal}.r bhalal).:r, To look I~.Y
! .b ,:.'o b
P. u~... JJ'. ~~.Y,,. v. p.
v .I:> v k v ' .b
y:;-~ 4. ~~~ c. v. Jn~
~.~ :Qila, M. A rush that grows in v .b
' marshy ground. It is inferior 4. f)l_,:.Y
~a~"'\'!.~ \leh .. 4halea, Early afternoon,
44.~ l)eiha, M. The fruit of the 1 p, M. Sh.
• Karita tree (capparis aphylla)
Syn. ~.~ - ~t'.~ 2. A reed. u~~~ '\)ehal}., To·morrow.
S. Eye-ball. adj. Having
horns hanging down. Sh. yt-y~.~ '.\)ehmn, M. Wasp. sn,.
4:J~r1 uJ~.~

! .b
\)ehnl}. ubbharia, Sunrise,
uJ~Y '.Qel}.bhnl}., M. A wasp, hornet. 6 A.M.
.b . Sh .
In Sh. _,....t!.~ ,,. \)ehu)f _charhi4,
J?eh ut,t Q..halea, Early afber- ~.}~ Rati, adv. In the night. Sh.
noon, 1 P. M. JI_; Ra th, M. Generous f el~ow,
geuc.leman. Sh. 2. Endnrmg, ·
:\)ehut,t al}.dar bahar, Just untiring per1wn.
before sunset.
~~ Raj, M. Government, sover-

. U.n. laih gia, Sunset.
J)eh eignty, kingdom, reign,
sway, empire 2. Builder1
..:::t!.Y '.Qehe, Those ten. mason. 3. Subject.
u-!'t~.~ '.Qehel}., In the daY.. 2. M. The "-"""'::,...~ Rakhas, M. A demon.
sun. Sh.
~J~ Radha, Part. Cultivated.
'.Qehel}. nappea, M. Eclipse of
sun. Sh. Lr GRas, F. A Hindu festival.
2. A rein. See U. adj. Just,
J ~al. right, correct, straight.
2. Propitious.
'\ Zal The 16th letter of the
I.I - '
W. P. Alphabet written ~ Ras karait:r, To make beauti-
in Roman character. Found
only in words derived £rom ful, used of gardens and
palaces, not 0£ rooms and
people. 2. To separate good
u?.}J Z,alawei;i, adJ. Ofor belonging from bad,., classify, to sort,
to woman. used of dates, etc.

4t'()J Z.imma, M. Charge, trust, etc. 1.}~ ~ Rashki, 1!'. Large teeth of
See U. male camel. Sh.
Z,imma chawaw, To take ~~!; Rakha, M. A protector, watch-
charge of, care of, to take
upon oo'e's self. man, scare-crow. Syn. 45)
v -:
J3JJ Z.aui~i.q, M. D~light, joy, plea- u~.s'G Rakhl, F.Gaurding, keeping.
2. Wages for guarding
sure. U. ()) J goods .
.. v "':
u.a.3)J Z,aul}.qi, ad}. Happy, joyful,
merry. adv. Happily. J~ Rag,M. Atune.SeeU. J~
Rags are six in number.
;~tj Z.ahir, add. Abject, contempt- I. i....S;MJ siri, 2. )_ft~ bbairo,
.. able.
3. v.iJ~ JL~ mal kaol}.s, 4.
~Aj Z.ahirf, F. .Abjectness, con·
J,Sk hal}~Ol, 5. }~.t~
megh mallear ~. W.~.J
,) dipak. This last is never
sung, forbidden since days
) Re, The 17th letter of the W. of great musician Tansen,
P. Alphabet. l:p. Rom an a Brahman in days of Akbar,
character R, or r. because when sung, singe1·s
and hearers were burnt up.
~ Ra, F. Opinion, o o un s e J, No one knows it now. Rags
thought.· have children. As& is a child
of Bhairo... .There are thirty
)~!,) Rabhaw, v. n. To be sown, Ragnies. Ragnies are wives
cultivated. Pr.1~~1 P. llbJ~ of Rags. Sh.
F. u,1.1...1,~~j irr. u~)~G Ragriit, F. Dim. of J~
173 .,,)J
,,},.g~ Ramli, M. 1 A fortune tel- ~~ Rahak, M. A tenant in Jhang
v r ler, astrologer, and Multan, a farm servant
J:,~~ Ram~iw, F.) sooth sayer, in D. G. K. and Muzaffar-
conJurer. v
ga+h, from~~ to cultivate.
c.:J~ Ran, F. Thigh, leg of meat. His pay is (1) u~} A
See U. cash allowance of 8 annas
Randa sal}.dh, The hip joint. a month. (2) is~\e) Grain,
J . about 1 maund per mensem.
,~~0 Ral).jhu, M. An estimable (3) ~-' Grain, about
person, sweetheart. 2 maunds at sowing time
(4) Occasionally, clothes.
cl.J ~ Ral}.d, F. Play, game, sport.
.b v fo~ Rahai;i.:r, I v. t. To sow,
u.~ !J Ral).Q., F. Business, work, v ~ cultivate.
occupation. P. D. D. 1. K. )3JtJ Rahawaw, ) Pr. l~~
uY~ RawaI)., adj. Bare, naked. P. 4.L 4. ~~G F. u~~.J
v,)!~ Rawi!)., F . .A. Hindu queen, Je~hi ra:rh ·rahawaw, T<>
princess, empress. 2. The sow an early crop.
wife of a Kirat-, or Hindu.
Kai;i.jhi:Q. rarh rahawaw, To
t_,G Rawa, M. A barren wilder- sow a late crop.
uet:1~, deserb.
,,,}.i4J Rabat;i.aI)., M. Open tam-
J_, ~ Ra wal, M. A sweetheart. bourine covered with sheep
akin. Sh.
~~ Rah, F. Road, way, path,
access. See U. J~v Rabel, F. Jassimine.

ll ah bhala:Q.r, To expect, look )S~ ~~) Rabin thiwai;i.:r, ~

v (To go.1
for, anticipate. y~ t.:J~U Rabin pakrai;i.:r, >
Rah dari, F. Travelling ex* . YJ Ril;>, F. Muddy water in a wen,
pen~es. ,. when supply is getting
Rah karal).:r, To cease from
strife, become friends. J4· J Ra9al, ~ F. Asking betrothal,
proposal of mar-
Rah hiwal).:r, To lead, guide. i.)~J Ra9ali, riage.

Rah kagha:Q.r, To devise a Ra9ali ~ewa1;q, To ask

new method. betrothal.

Rah g hinnaI).f, To go, depart. !J:J Ra9:ra, M. Noise, quarrel.

Y)U Ral;»~a:xg, v. n. To quarrel.
Rah lagal).l" To recover one's
way, repent. Pr. '~)U P. 4.j{J F. u~)t)

"Rah mar, M. A robber. &.5)U Ra9:ri, F. Broken coagulated

milk. Qf. U.
Rah mara:Q.f, To rob. 2. To
Rap, I
y rM.wh~ch
A black clay
splits np
Rah mallaw, To block the
)J Rapar,J into large c 1 o d s
when drying. ~tis poor soil •.
v I
174 Y-'"?°J

~J Ruppa, M. Silver. \)'_,~ Ratoka, adj. 0£ or belonging

J to night.
v}?,J Rupari, ad}. 0£ silver, silvery.
~_,~ Ratuia, adj. Bloody. Sh.
~dJ Ra.Pat, ~ F. Colloquial £or ..}J Ratti, F. Redness. 2. A
Eng. " Report.''
~);J Rapo,,
t disease in wheat by which it
becomes yellow, and shri~
Ra.Pot ~ewaw, To report. velled. 3. A weight = 8
barley corns for weighing
iJ.~.J Rapad, M. thiok with precious stones and metals.
mud. P. D.
Ratti rat wala, M. A worker
. '-!:..)') Rat, F. A. blood, gore. 2. A in miracles.
fatal disease 0£ sheep in
whiob urine is bloody, no Ratti mal].g, The ruddy ahel-
remedy. drake (Tadorna rutila.)

Rat de dast, Bloody flnx, ..!:.,,.J Rat, M. The wheel or a well

dysentery. over which the rope ladde;
Rat sukal).J", To be in terror. and pots ere
hung. Syn. )~1
and ~S,.u.!b~ DuratM khu.
Rat ka~ha:q.:r, ~ To let blood, A well ;ith two ..wheels.
to bleed. 2 . .An enlarged gland.
Rat wah aw,
Rat da trihaya, Bio o a J!J Ratal, adj. Dishonest, false
thirsty. in play.

Rat-o-rat, adj. Covered with

l~~ Ra tha, M. A bl;e.rock pigeon.
blood, gory, bloody, besmear- lfrJ Rajoa, M. .An independent
ed wit.h blood. Syn. iJ.S~~'V! clan. P. D.
Hika rat, A.kin, related . j)l~~~ Rijhawal'.].:r, v. t. To allure,
... amuse.
t~ Ratta, adj. Red. v
f~.:;i--~ Rijhal}.:r, v. n. To be allured,
~l;J Ratahna, M. Night blindness. amused.
Sh. v J

~../ Ratba, M. The pink headed

)le-J Rujhaw, v. n. To be engaged,
occupied. 2. To be :filled up,
duck, red crested and red J
headed pochard, are all so (of earing holefl). Pr. 1~1
J ' J
P. llb'-'J or 47-.J or ~.) F.
i..}~.)~ Ratttial}.,F. Pl. R a v i n y J

grouud among red rocks. Sh.

J.;_; Ratak, F. Red velvet insect, ~J Raj, M. A belly full, fnlness.

used in medicine to r>romote
virility. Sh. ~) RaJJa, adj. Full, satisfied.
u~~ Ratkal}., M. A plant; it grows )S_,lt.J Rajawa~, 'lJ. t. To satisfy.
Pr. 1~-?-J . 4.~.J
on canal banks in summer,
used in diseases of horses.
P. . I!.
175 . J,
~) Rajjaw, v. n. To be satisfied, )) Ra:r, F. Groan of came1. Sh.
full. Pr. L.~~J P. ~) F. 2. Pain of approaching fever.
• v •
u&J.I.::'~) v. t. y)l::-) c. v. ~) Ra:r:ra, ar/j. Clear. (of sky),
;s) '-'1"'J clean. S. R.

i,Y ' °'"" R aJwawa:t].:r,

y.n::J - ; c. v. From Y1"'J
v ~~J Ra:rat, M. A roar of water or
j,~.J Rachawaw, v. t. or c. v. To
cause to absorb. To take wj~ Ri:rk, v. t. Imp. Churn. Sh.
up, mix. Pr. 1~-e---J P. 4.l~)
F . ~...
v ykj) Ra-rkaw, v. n. To munch, eat
... , ) v. n. y.;--.)
with noise.
Rachohaw, v. n. To be em- v'i
YJ) Ra:r:raw, v. t. To cry, cry
ployed, mixed. 2. 'fo absorb.
out. Pr. lJj) P. 4J} F. u;))
Pr. 1~~) P. ~~.) F. um:::-.J •
i,Y l
v. t. y,, :;"') ~JJ Ra:rh, F. A cultivated field,
agriculture, husbandry,
ii:;-) ltaohh, M. That part of a standing corn.
loom to which the web is
attached, and along w bich Ra:rh wah, M. .An agri-
the shuttle plays. 2. Tools, culturist.
implements. Sh.
Rarh wahl, F. Agriculture.
J..)S\i:;""J ltaohhawi:t?-, F. A barber's
satchel!. lta:rh wahaw, To cultivate.
J.)~J Richh:ril]., F. A bear. M. ii~.)
Rachhi, JJ'. An im1trument for
Ra:rh ulral].:r, To grow up, as
a crop.
picking out the patterns in Ra:rh kapa:t].r, To reap a crop.
lacquer work. 2. A turner's
tool. Rarh 4hohaw, To carry home
a crop.
t_) Rnkh, M. Face, aspect, etc.
See U. Rarh ra:Q.gri, F. See r~h.
Rukh watijaw, To be in- Ra:rh raha, I
attentive, angry, displeased. rM.tur1st,
. Agricnl-
Ra:rh waha,j cultivator,
c..:.:,......a.>J Rukh~at, F. Leave, permis· husbandman.
sion, etc. See U. J
Rukh~at ghinnaw, To take ~) Rurh,v.n.Imp.Besweptaway
leave, depart . by flood. Sh.
llbJ) Buddha, adj. Busy, engaged. ;hi.Jd Rirhal].r, v.n. To move slowly,
2. Not empty, occupied, out of the way, get to one
v J
from )le-.J side. To roll. Pr. l~J).,.
v l_~J. j, -
~J.J Ridhaw, v. t. To cook, boil, P.v ~J
F. ~))
, ,,,,.
v. t.
- stew. Pr. \~J) P. ~J) ~)J
.,,. v "'
F. ~J)
,, ~~JJ
"' v. p. J-;-"' .,,,.,.,. w-J) Ra:ri, F. · ground, hard
c.. v. 'f)l~rJ),,,. soil, cracks after rain. Sh.
Lr) Ras, F. See U. 2. An extract Raia karai;tt 01· thiwaw, To
from the Nim-tree. die.
l_,~) Ra~na, M. Intention, wish,
'v.u) Rassa, M. Watery discharge
from sore. S. R. 2. Accom- desire, purpose.
plice in handing on stolen
cattle. S. R. ~) R'ai, F. Favooritiem. Syn. JJ

~m) Rast, F. A store of grain, R'ai rakhaw, To take sides.

provision. f"~ Raqam, F. Kind, sort, nature,
etc. See U.
)J.Mi) Rasdar, ad}. Juicy, from VJ

, See U. Raqam awal).:r, To :flag, lose
vigour, come to an end.
ti_.J V"J Rus ra:t;tj,F. Annoyance, dis-
pleasure, anger. ~:!-'.J Raqiq, adj. Liquid. cf. U.
J ~
Jx5 V-J Ras kapur, M. Oalomel. '-5) Ruk, M. Steel.

~; l..rJ Ras miss,, adj'. Reconciled. Ruk wal}.gni;t, adj. Brawny.

w.J Rik, F. Purging in cattle.
Y~) Rasiw, F . .A long thin rope.
.,. Syn. JJ.......
Y~ Russal).r, v. n.
To be annoyed, ~~.) Rak&bi, F. See U. 2. One
vexed, angry, displeased, to who changes bis religion on
lose one's temper, to fret. worldly grounds.
J Jo} J v J
Pr. I~) P. 43) or ~) F. ..JliJ Ruka1g, v. n. 1 0 be hindered,

J v J checked, detained, i·etarded.

, ~J
\,' l
v.t. iJ~J J J J

JrJ Rasul-arwal}.i, F. The pay

Pr. t.~SJ P. 0J F. u~.J
u>~)l of the village-mullah in kind. C'~ Rulr6.', M. A section in the
~ , ' Qor&n. 2. Bowing in prayer.
,JrJ Raso1, F. Food (of Hindus).

~J Rassi, F. Cord, line, rope. U.

-PJ Rakh, F. Protection, defence,
keeping, guarding, a charm.
2. .A paid labourer. 3. Pre~
Rassi jhal, M. A.. rope holder, served forest.
an orga,nizer for passing on " J
stolen cattle across the In- ~fJ Rukh, M. Tree. S~
d us.
, ~J Rakha, 'Ptf. A.. watchman,
ul+..!,.~ Rusema:t;t, M. Anger, displea- keeper, guard.
snre, annoyance. J

J, 4S'.J Rukha, adj. Dry, insipid,

J).f.N-iJ Rassio:r,M. Accomplice in unsympathetic.
banding ou stolen cattle. Sh. v J
u ~ l~J Rukhawal]., ~ . . .
adj .. Invmg on
~~J Rashid darshani, F'. 2 an. 1
L;U' R kh" .- dry bread.
t.,,jl:.,.J~ or 4 an. per cent lees or more "i-'J :u ana,
..s~ u4~ Rakkha~ laMf, F. An insech
L...c) Ra;a, F'. Leave, permiF1i:iion. that. lies in a nest made of
2. Will, pleasure. 3. Fate. grass stalks. Sh.
jl) 177
u)~J Rakhri, F. A protectrix, a
protecting charm.
.Rula:Q.r, v. n. To wander, to
.I .I

be lJst. Pr. IJJ) P. ~) Ji'.

Jef) Rakhaw, v. t. To put, p!ace,
keep, have, save. Pr. IJ..Y,.~~) .. ~.J v. t. 3]))
P. ~~.s'j F. u~~.s'J v. p. d.) Ralle adv. Together, unitedly.
)~.~J c. v. )S_,IJ~J . Ralle rahaw, To board
~Gi.S Rakhwala, M. God.
Rakhwali, F. Watching, ~!' t~ Rim jhim., F. Drizzle. 2.
guardianship. Glitter.

Rakh wall karaw, To watch, Rim jhim lawaw, To glitter.

guard. '
JL.v Rumal, '111. Bathing drawers.
lt~J Rakhia, M. .A. watchman. 2. See U.
~ ' Rug, M. Sandy, uncultivated 4"°) Ramba, jJf, .A. gardener's or
land. grass cutter's tool. 2. .A.
~ Rag, F. A vein, fibre. 2. A chisel. Syn. 4~
cake of inferior indigo.
u~) Rambf, F . .A. small chisel. 2 •
.J 1~ .J
Ragdar, aaj. In£ er i or. 2. Shoe maker's cutting tool.
Veined. Syn. <.S~SJ
)fJ Ragar, F.I Rnbbi~~, friction, ~)
j attrit10n, abra- Ram?i, F . .A nod, wink, sign.
~~ .J Rag:ra, M. sion. u. ,)'"")
Ragra1g, v. t. To rub, scour, <fa,J Ramal, M. Divination by lines
fret, excoriate, grind, abrade. and figures.
v 11(/ I 4
Pr. l~)) J P. ~.}J F. Ramal sattaw, I ..
J.s. . .4
p.) .~J) c. v. ~To dmne.
v 4 .,.
Ramalg hattaw, J
y_,~y) Jvo) Ramli, ~ M. Soothsayer, for-
Y~ Ralap, M. Concord, union. tfcG Ramli, conjurer.
... ;
J;~ Ralawai;i.r, v.t. To join, blend,
mix, annex, assimilate, add, C,;,5'°..> Rn.mmi, F . .A. cup for bleeding.
re-admit, mingle, set at one,
unite, affiliate, amalgamate, Rummi lawaw, To cup.
initiate, Pr. l~) P. l~.~) ~) Ran, F. A woman, used in
displeasure, a wife. 2. A
F. ~) v.n. )Jl.; o.v. jj !,,!) i
battle field.
:Bija ralawaw, To plant Ran murid, adj. ·Hen-pecked.
sugar-cane cuttings.
v . . Ran joe, F. A widow.
j.; Ralai;i.r, v. n. To be mi~ed, .J

joined, to fall into, as a river ~) Rnnn, v. n. Imp. Cry. Sh.

into the sea. Pr. 1~) P. ~.J ,
4~ Ral].ba, M. .A. gardener's or
F. ~J v. t. J/i) G. v. : grass-cutter's tool. 2. A
y_,1.,1; chisel

fJ 178
v vJ • " ;1:i'/,, J RUl].f kal}.f, '!.'· i.'
T0 smg
. Wl'th
j43J Rul}.baw, v. t. To stick any- ":
) JJ
thing in the ground, it is not a low voice, to hum. 2. To
used when necessary to.
driveJ flow slowly, (of water.)
v v
it in by Rtriking. Pr. 1~;) 1.:..d) Ral}.g, M. Colour., etc. See U.
P. ~~J F. ~.J v. p. In Sh. Bark of .Acacia
v I v I v' Arab·ica.
~;) c.v. y,)~.)
Ral}.g paral).g, ( 0£ various
v ,h 2. ( hues, sorts
~) Ra.l}.b1, F. A small e iseJ. Ral}.g ral}.g, J or colours.
Shoe maker's cutting . tool.
Syn.~ Ral}.g phitaw, To ·become
v discoloured.
(-!. Riaj, M. Anger, grudge, spite.
Sh. 2. F. Sickness. Rang pila thiwanr, I
" 1 v · · }-To be
f-'~'-'J Ranjawai;ir, v. t. To affiict, Rai:ig zard thiwai;ir,)
trouble. Pr. I~~ P, alarmed, appalled, blanched.
Y,~J F. u~JJ Ral}.g rasawaw, To be pleas.
ed, fascinated.
~) Ri.rrjak, F. Small powder horn
, ,. with fine powder for pan of Ral}.g kota, M. A tanner,
gun. Sh. currier.
~~ Ral}.jkf, F. Displeasure. Ral}.g lawaw, To,

J~JJ Ral}.jtil, adj.

Sjck, iD.
c.>.~ Ral}.d, M. Mark on gold or
Ral}.g laggaw, To rejoice,
make merry.
silver to denote value.
Rang mar, F. A game of
Ra.l}.d ma:rnw, To examine cards.
gold or jewels to ascertain
their value. w~ Ril}.g, F. ~The cry of a
v v ~ buffalo, or
)SJ.SJ Ral}.dal}.:r, v. t. To plane wood. ~l.d) Ril}.gat, M. ca;mel, roar,
y ! .,
Pr.'J P. ltillJ F. " bellow. ·
y v v V ?V
~.ilSJ v. p. ~~;J c. v. ;s_,h.sJ Ral}.gawaw, o. v. To colonr,
;l_,~~~ ~ tinge, dye. Syn. ;s_, lfJJ from
ZJ-d Ril}.4, M. A louse, Hoe. which the tenses are more
fr e q u en t 1y formed, p,,.•
.JS.l; Ral}.4ar, M. A widower. In
v ~v v
1~. ,>-sJ p. l~. lisJ F. u~~.l~

Sh. lSJJ
v. t. y~s) v. p. ~I)
j~) Ral}.4i:r, F. A widow. In Slt. "'-"J ,.
~~ ~;) ltul}.g rah, M. A narrow path
~t~ in the hills.
,,/, .

~.SJJ Ral}.qepa·, M. Widowhood. jJJ Ral}.ggur, adj. Poor, bad. Sh.

YJ Ral}.r, M. Field of battle. Sh. n~~ Ra~g la, adj. Showy.
1~JJ Ral}.gaw, v. t. Rop,
b To colour, dye, '-y-JJ) M. Indigo crop of 1st
lacquer, paint. Pr. '\r. . ?L.._,..
r~>- year, of 2nil year '' Mmy.~h£"
of 3rd year " tr!li1rf~hi."
P. ~tL or ~.J F. u~~JJ
V fV V hV
~~JJ Ropat, Weeping. (Bamford) P
irr c. v. y_,h.>.J or f) y:s)
~~,J Ro pip. F. D. G. K.
v. P·~tsJ J
r~J R'11}.gaw, v. n. T 0 roar, u~}J RU.pi, M. An actor, one· who
... J
bellow, used of camels and assumes disguises. F. )1!)J
buffaloes. Pr. ld~ P. ~~J..)
v , , ~_,) Rot, M. Bajra which has been
F. u~~) transplanted. S. R.
, ...
l:)>-5) ~ F. A vessel in
Rang in, ~~.) ,,,}J) Roii-vela, M. Breakfast time.
..,~ · · which cloth is 9 A. M. Sh. Kirraki roti
y~J Ral}.giw, dyed. 2. A bath vela. Hindu's breakfast time
' of hflated sand. 3. A cooking =10 A. M.

J.:!.~s.J Ral}.gil, adj. Painted, coloured. u!"JJ Roehl, F. Loamy soil. P. D.

bY,~J Ri.Q.giw-wa, F. The disease t:JJ Ru]J., F. See U. Spirit, etc.
' "' called Sciatica.
Ru]J. karaw, To wish.
j) Ru, Prep. By reason of, used
with a postposition. ,j\>-'J Ru1}.ani, cidj. Spiritual. 2. M.
The dea.4.
j) Rau, F. Ambling. 2. Juice 0£
sugarcane. ~)) Ro4, M. A shaven head.
Rau toraw, To amble. l~J) RoQ.a, ) M. One with a shaven
~) Raw w a, M. Partizanship,
._: · head. adj. Ba Id.
)~)) Ro4u, \ 2. Of cattle, horn·
less. Sh.
Rawwa dar, M . .A partizan, b
aider, abettor. i:...~J) Ro4e, F. Beardless wheat.
Rawwa dari, F. Aiding, abet- )J) Ro:r, M. Gravel, broken brick.
ting, partizanship. J
J . ))J Rur, F. The howl of a. dog or
~1,.J R ow at, M. Lamentation, jackal.

c.J';) lJJ Rawwa-rawwi, Going, ~JJ Rora, M. Drought. Sh. 2.

Broken brick.
moving on .. From Pers. 1.:)1~ J
VJ, '
,;~) Rawal}.h, M. A bean cultivated f)JJ Ruraw, v. n. To howl. Pr.
as a hot weather crop l~)J P. 4J.v
.,. 11'. ~))J
(Doliohos Sinensis.)
)~)) RobB:ar, 'ff'. A file of court ,lt))JJ Rorh, v. t. Imp. Roll, sweep
papers. a.way. Sh.

'-1)~~)) Robkari, F, Being brought to ~!~J) Roza'it, M. and F. One who

face to. face. fasts.
~j)J Rozi, F. Earnings, provision, i-;JJ JJJ Rawwo rawwi, adr. Contin..
etc. See U. nally, without stopping.
Rozi rasan, God, one who JJJ) RowaJJ.r, v. n.To weep, cry,
bestows daily food. bemoan, be displeased. 2. 'l'o

~~)J Roshni, F. Light, splendour. cheat, pla.y false. Pr- liJJ_,1

' 2. Ink. ·' ~,
P. ,).5,;
1 in Jhang '..;; F.
~~J) Rau,a, M. A monument over ~') c. v. j;l)J)
a tomb with a domed roof.

fo_,J Roka:q.r, v. t.To check, repell,

w!)SJ-'J RowawaIJ., M. False-player.
cl1eater. 2. One given to
retard, detain, refrain, cross, much Ia.oghter.
hinder, (of sound) deaden.
'Ii J --· J Rowawa:g., mlj. Fretful.
Pr. l~s) P. ~~)) F. ~)
'Ii J ::s_,.J Roh, M. Hill, monnfi\in. 2.
v. n'~) Angc•r. Sh .. 3. F'. The nHgie.
~) Rog, M. Sickness, disease,
malady, ailment. w:-f'v Roh;~ F. Hill, !fonnfain.
i... Rogi, ar:7j. Sick, ailing. Dim .. of ~,J

J)) Rol, F.
A tress of hair. S. R. ~JJ Rohal&, adj. Of or belonf.,,ring
M. Wanderer, rover • to the bm.
J_,J Rau 1, F. Turn, sncoeasive .....,. Rivvt..F.
•. i5J Dryness of tb,e lips
from f aver or other c.iuu:>o.
.,. Ra.viya, M. Custom.
~)) Rola, M. Tnmult, etc. See U.
2. Wandering about. lib; Ra.ha, 3!. Soup. 2.. A Wed-
; -n~) RolaJJ.r, v. t. To scatter, wander, ding feast. 3. A. meeting of
v J
destroy. Pr. laj) P. ~)J lib) Riha, F. From u. J~,;
, v:' .... Escape, deliverance.. ' '
, F. ~) v. n. jlJ
Riha th1w&'.Q.f, To be
tJ') Rti:Q., Jl'. Cleaned cotton. Sh.
, released.
Rui:i :rn~,F. Peevish crying. ~.J Rnh&r&, M. ~ Thewhiteeyed
2. Noise of spinning wheel. , . duck. (.A.y-
~J~J Rnh&rl, F. t/,yan:groca~)
~).J Ronap> M. Weeping. .,,.
2.. .A tribe of Jats.
v J
)3JJ Rnl}.r, F. A hole or fishnre lJ1.))J ~k, M. A cu1tivator1
causing escape of water agriculturist, fa.rm set"'lantM
leak. '
..... ~/ ltaMli, P. Agrienltnre•
~J.J Raru;i.ra, M. Tongue of bell.
jJ~J Ra.haWaJJ:r, 11. t. To sow, plant
cultivate, farm. 2. To com-
u5JJ Raunf, F. Watering a field fort, solace, bush. Pr. ''~J

before ploughing.
p,. ~'-'~ ~ ~~J F. ~)
T~ Rihr, v. n. Imp. Roll, revolve.
ii;~ --i~i1~ ~- ... -.. -
Bh. \ ·;,,
'j ailJ.. Sandy.
c.1rJ Rahzan, !f. Robber, free- l.t.J
booter, plunderer.
Reta, M. A red sheet given at
betrothals by the bride's
father to the bridegroom.
~rJ Rahzanf, F. Robbery. .i.
~}.-!,. Rl.~1, F. Foul play.
(~J :Rahkam, F. The culti-
vator's share of the crop. Ri~1 karaw, To play dis-
Government share is called honestly.
'' ~fah~{d.'' The proprietor's
share " Iichh" or " kasur ." 'tf7J Rij, F. The first watering of
,. land for cultivation after
~) R&hlci, F. Cultivation. sowing.
J!iJ lt&hal, fl[. A book rest, for 'f{!J Rej, M. A disease of cattle
the Qnrao. caused by drinking stagnant
,, water.
~J &haw, v. n. To Jive, abide,
dwE,lJ, lodge, reside, stay, ~).,,. Rekh, F. A wa.ste ofaand hills.
contfone, exist, last, remain.
2. To refrain, cease. 8. To ,Jtjj.J Re;rh, F. A rapid, slope on
cohabit. Pr. I~; P. ~ F. rivers.
\I' \,
~) iN-. N. B.-Senses 1 ~J..J Rerhaw, v. t. To roll. P!f.
and 2 may bo found in l~jJ P. ~p; F. u~J
simple and compound verbs. ""'v ., ,. , .,
! -' \,. J,
·,. J!· 1.:1! ~J ~ =They v.n.
.J ...
WPrc eatG1g1 or thoy ceased
eating. yt).J Rerhn, .i\f. A roller, rolling.
J In Sh. ~i'.J adj. Strong.
!t~.J Ra.burs, lf. A tree (Tecoma
U'lttl!dala) Sh. !i!J Reza, M. Ten yards in length
(of coarse cotton cloth).
~ t..I;) :&ahi-pahi, lf. Relation, heir,
friend 1 helper. J~J Reghmal, M. Sand paper.

~ t..?-J Rahi-s.ahl, F. Remainder. <.HJ Ril, F. Cotton for sewing. Eng.

" Reel.
JJ Ra'f'.f F'. Partizanship.
~) Rel, F. Water that overflows
Ra.'i rakhain-, To take sides. or spills from a hill torrent.
(Dames). 2. A last.watering
~) Ra1it&1 atlr. On approval (of from hill stream, water is
goods for sale.) allowed to flow over not to
stand in band.
~) Ra~fs, Jf. Ariatocnwy.
&..J Rin, F • .A. deserted channel of
~J Re\>, M'. Oblique cnt of cloth. river Jhelnm. Sh. '

~ ~-!. Rit-bhat, P .. Caawm, usage. · · ~ F. Peevish crying.

tf..J,. t,.i).,,. :&ln· rfu,
Ji!J Retar, .F. Sandy 1a1}d. In J.J J.J lte:Q.rel}.,
~J Detra, Sh. :fa; F. ~J Rewa, M. Tongue 0£ bell. Sh.
The pebbles in a child's
t.Sj!J rattle.
u~J,.i.?.J Rew11]., JJ'. Ingot. Jl"J ZaMni, M". A ta I k a.ti v e,
garrulous person.
JJ~.J Rewar, M. S~eepfold
(Dames). j.) Zabar, M. Force, etc. See U.
~.) Reh, F. The downy hair of the Zabar karaw, To enforce.
Zabar zina, M. Rape .
~~.) Reh4, Having vendetta. Sh.
Zabar zina karaw, To rape,
~~) Reh:ra, M. Olod-crusher. Sh. violate, ravish, force.
2. Beetle. Sh. 3. Hand-cart.
· Sh. 4. Large marble, taw. ~V Zahran, adv. By force.
J, ~ Zat, I M. Boasting, brag-
J Ra . t-!> }- ging. cf U.
l>-') Zatal,J
J }.ta, The eighteenth letter of
W. P. Alphabet. In Roman . . Zatal maraw, To boast, brag.
character ~ or :r. .b
'-ij Zat1;1, ~
Jj }.ta, interj. Oh, halloa, used "'.b M. A boaster. cf U.
with M. nouns. ~j Zatalli,

&.5), interj.Oh, halloa, used J_,lrj Zal}.matru, M. A sick man,

only with F. nouns. one in trouble.
~) Zakhmaw, tJ. t. To wonnd.
) Ze
Pr • l~·
.. -:; p . .U....>·
. -:; -r;i_
) Ze, The nineteenth letter of
W. P. Alphabet. In Roman ~)
character Z or z. !;) Zarra, M. An a.tom, some,
JlJ Zatal, M. Pneumonia. Sh. little.

J)j Zal, F. A woman, wife. Pl. ~j Zalekham th1waw, tJ. n. To

be unsncces.sfnl probably
w~]; or ~I~ derived from Zalekha the
wife of Potiphar. - '
Zal zalawil}., F. The menses,
monthly courses. )J.1:~ Zamll].dar, M. 'rand holder,
yd~ Zal}.kal}.r, v. i. To whiz, to farmer, see U. 2 . .A superior
proprietor. See " Muqad-
hum. dam.''
JJ;~ Zanwar, M. Animal, beast, ~ cJ/ Zan Qachcha, M. Wife and
barbarian. family.

4:.J'uJ Zaban, F. Tongue, etc. See U. Zan Qachcha ghawiJJ. wat

Zaban daraz, M. Abuser, one
Q.ewa:g.r, To destroy all the
given to evil speaking.
family (Lit. To grind the
family in an oil press.)
Zaban daraz karaw, To .JJU) Zanawar, M. Animal, beast.
~UJ Zina~r, F. Harlot, whore.
Zaban l}.alal he=What the
tongue says should be per- ut1..ij Zinahi, M. Adulterer~ :forni-
formed. . .. _. cator.
JY.3.J Zal).bur, M. Pinchers, pincers, ~~~~ Za'ida, M. A relative.
iron tool for holding with.
v ~4J Ziyan, M. Injury, loss, etc.
;r.~Sj Zal).zir, M. A chain, fetter. See U.
v Zanziri, JJ'. Dim. of za:i;izir. Ziyan go, adj. Destructive
'' Door chain. 2. Chain for
. . .
1DJUr10us, hurtful, harmful.
Ziyan goi, F. Hurt, harm.
"-.J'.~ Zal).g, adj. Hee.vier, more.
~4.l Ziyani, F. Harm, loss, injury•
.J~J Zil).gar, ~
; . , M. Verdigris, rust. Ziyani karaw, To harm.
JWJ.,. Zmgal,
. i(.J Zikh, JJ'. Beading round the
Zi:Q.g al cha:rhaw, To rust, ' upper edge of a shoe.
1 corrode.
~.) Zera, M. The liver, heart.
~j Zil].gllja:i;i.:r, v. p. To be rusted,
' ' corroded. )c.) ~~.j Zinatdar, adj. Ad 0 r De d'
... decorated.
"Id· Zal).gil}.f,
) ,'J A, negress. JJ'. of
~~JJ Zivrat, M. Jewe1s. Pl .. of.Jj.J
J,j Zor, M. Force, power, etc. v Sin.
See U.
V Sin, The 20th letter of W. P.
Z or k a r a :i;i. :r,
To practice Alphabet. In Roman charac-
ter S or B.
wrestling. 2. See U. ,J

Zor la waw, To try, make an V Su, A prefix for " Well" ae

effort. w for " ill " Sli.
'-'!.J-'j~,V Zora zori,I adv. Forceably, ~ Sa, p?'on. Abbreviated oblique

..S.JJ)'-'JV Zori zori,
, J
J violently. form of " .A.ssai;i. " used only
with monosyllabic p o st-
positions E. G. :::iaqe, Saqi
ys_,j Zukaw, t7. t. To whiz, to hum. 0£ us, our, saklu;i.. to u~.
When postposition is dis-
t-'j Zom, M. Violence, attack. sy llabic, the full form of
.,. Assa:r;i. is used. As assa:i;t
uJj u.V Zau:i;i. zan.I]., JJ'. Whiz, humming kanu:i;i. from us.
~b Sath, M. See U. 2. Shoal.
Zau:i;i. zaUIJ. karaIJ.:r, v. i.
Jb Sathnl), From ns. Abbrevi-
ated from Assa~e thu:i;t
f j Zahar, F. Poison, etc. See U. (Bamford). ·
2. Indignation, wrath.
lfb Sata, M. Stolen animal. Sh.
Zahar da pita, { Wrathful.
Satn, M. A casting net. 2. A
Zahar da l;m~qa, ~ Indignant. disease of cattle, those afflict.
ed by it fall down and die
1-1.ft!j Zahlri, JJ'. Abjectness, poverty, immediately on taking the
wretchedness. disease. A.kind of paralysis.
)~~ 184
~~J'~ Sathara, adj. About sixty. _,)~ Sarn, adj. Burning, fiery.
.::....ftl.w Sajhre, adv. Early. n .. Early ~J~ Sa:rha, M. A kind of thick
morning, dawn. blanket.
J~ Sad, arlj. Virtuous, honest. ~.c~ Sa'it, F. Fate, fortune. 2. A
" moment, etc. See U.
Sad murada, Ing en no n s,
plain, unostentabinus. 2. A
monotheistic Hindu faqir, '°Lw Safa, M. L a r g e turban.
professing purity. 2. Aperient for birds.

uJl,..., Sad:i, adv. Openly. Jlw Sak, ilf. Relationship, connec-

tion by marriage. Bh.
)ltl~t""' SaQ.ha:r, M. Coarse country
cloth. Sh. J lJ..S'L.u Sakdar, "JJf. Kinsman. Bh.
~~b Saghe, adj. Half . .A.n anti- jL.u Sakar, F. Gravel, broken
position prefixed to numbers. brick.
As Sa9he ath=8~.

Sar, F. A Hindu bridal pro-

!f' Sakra,
1w.i adj. Ast.ringent, from
so,k, peel of
cession at w hioh the women
s i n g indecent songs. 2.
Vulva animalium. 3. News, w4.j~ Sakarial}., mlj. Easy. P. D.
in£o1:mation. Sh.
j~ Saku:r, adj. Astringent.
J.J~ Sargi, F. A musical instru-
~~ Sakh, JJ'. Affirmation,
ment like a fiddle.
declaration. 2. BetJ:othaL
Ll_;b Sarna, M. Cooked flesh. Sh. In Sh. Ul~
~}i.u Sarha, M. Autumn. 2. Mala- ~~ Sakhra,a,lj. Easy, pleasnmble.
rial fever.
~~ Sakhi, M. A. witness.
J"~ Sar I ·' J . . M. Heat, burning
pain, mft amma- J~ Sag, M. Greens, vegetable,. pot
.!j~ Sa:ra, tion, anguish, envy,
grudge, a burn.
, herbs.
w~lJ jl.w Sagn da:g.:ral}., M. Sago.

Sa:ra machaw, To burn, in-

fl.aime, as a sore. Sagi, adj. Identical, same,.
very same. Syn. u~
JJ~~ Sa:rdul, adj. Envious.
opposed to 1../~ or 4./if>tdJ
Sa:rsatti, F. Planet Saturn, .I
cn.lamity caused by the evil
influence of Saturn which
li:J. .~~ Salur-we1a, M. 3 o'clock A.)[.

continues :for 7~ years, ill (Sh. Bomford).

luck, misfortune.
~~ Salh, F. A hut, house with
Baraw, v. t. To burn,' mud Ol.9 grass walls a.nd a
cremate-. 2·. Scold, vex, pain, thatched roof. Garira is an
grieve, make jealO'lls. Pr. arohed hut of gra.aa: · .
\ ! h · ~.LI h
~.;~ :p. .:J w.i F. ~r t~ Sam, F. The iron instrument
; ,;
b' b
with which marble is cut.
v.n.l;"" P. D.
Sambhaw,} v. t. To keep Y1
um.:>.~ S"'a:Q.s1,"' M. P1g·catchers.
. F.
safe, have in
Sa!).bha1g·, keeping, to ~m.S~
... - ujl1,-l.IJ~
.. ... Sh.

keep. Pr. \~~~.....,,, P. Y.~~L

... l.Cs 1 Sal}.ga, ?tf. Connection,

relationship, neighbourhood.
F. ~J.fM.w
-;,''. v . p . )"L.._~Aw.i
... ;, 2. Chance. .
c. v. y) ')~~~ c...;W~ Sal}.gli, F. The husk of the
· cotton pod.
Samh:ral}., !JI. Confronting,
facing. 2. Opposition. JU~3~ Sa:i; nal, By chance.·
Samh+al}. karal}.+, To oppose, ~3~ Sa!).gh, M. Acting, mimicry.
. .Jb~'""'
v:.;~ s am
, h :r e I). ,
prep. In front,
Sa:1,1gh ba:Q.rawaw, ~ ~o ~ct,
, · fe1gn,
b e fore, agaiust, opposite, Sa!).gh kaQ.haw, play.
Sa:i;i.wak, F'. .A kind of grain
Samh:relJ. thiwa1g·, v. n. To ( oplismenus frunientaceus).
confront, face, oppose. It iR astringent and indi-
gestible. It requires much
~~ Sami, F • .A niche in the west water, in cultivation.
side of a Muhammadan's J}~ Sal].wal, adj. Of or in praise
grave. 2. A title of respect
for a Brahmin or priest. 3. of lovers.
Litigant, m;1e engaged in a
law suit. ;3J3~ Sal}.wa.w,1 llf. July 15 to
~ August 15. A
cJ'w, San, JJf• .A heron. )S)l~ Sawaw, J month. In Sh.
v ....
I !L.
~....... Sal}.pa, '/rf. An earth worm.
)Sr Sau:i;i.r.

~. ::. . .J~ Sal).t, F. Concord, agreement, u~.j}Li Sal}.W&.Q.rl)f, F. The autumn

nnion1 intercou.rse, p e a c e, or Kharif crop.
friendship. Sa:i;i.wawi:Q. chhalla, M. A
Sal).t karaw, } To e.ppeakse, scarlet insect like velvel, of
ma e size of black currant. It
Sal).t rakhaw, peace. appeal's in the rains.
~Iv.A.I s a:i;i.j h' F. Companionship, u~._,)~ Sal}.Wel}., adj. Equal.
association. ~~ Sanh, lJf. A. large buffalo bnll
~ •. !'~L.
- S"'a.:i;i.jha,
, adj. Held in partner- or bullock. A st.a.11ion, horse,
ship, joint property. Sh. or donkey. fo Multan a sma1l
buffalo bull is istslv.u in Sh •
.)~'-.. Sa:i;i.dar, M. The wood work l.:)~lu.,
collectively 0£ a single wheel
well, or of one wheel of a wl~~ Sanhal}., M. A. kind of Lizard
double well. Sh. eaten by chuhras. In Sh.
~?b~L.u Sa:i;i.dhi, M . .A house-breaker. 1,}lyil""
I uflu., Sanhi, F. Cotton oilcake.
_,z:>SJlw Sal}.ghu, 1I. A wife's sister's
husband. ~lu.i Sanhel}., M. A. stamon. ·
w!)Ilw Sal].l"al}., M. Flesh, raw or ~!,,,,, Sawa, adj. G~een, fresh,. grey,
cooked ... when used of cattle.
Sawa kachuch, ad.j. Alto- u!.J~~ Sahwarer)., M. A father-in-
gether green. law's house.

z~~ Sawah, M. Indigo in certain urtMI Sahf, F. Earnest money. Syn.

stflge of manufactare. u~ 2. Rest., cefli:iation,
c...j,~ Sav+e, ]f. Jaundice. Dim. of pn.UAP, fluccour. 3. Tl1e rim
of a sieve.
~~ Green.
,_}lMI Sa'1, F. Earnest money. Sh.
~_,li..1.1 Sa wal, F. Greenness, verdure.
u.f.J~ Sa'il}.,M. Master, lord, hus-
Syn. J_, lMi .2. A. man's first.
band, owner. 2. Hundreds.
beard. ,,..

,.,,cJl~ Saw i., F. A. Mnhnmmadan )~~.,,, Sa'inr,

~ F'. Mistress.
name of bhang (Hemp). 1.!J.f.'"'"' Sain,
S aw i b h a j 1 , F. · Greens, · l:.~ Saya, JI. Demoniacal posseR-
vegetables. sion. 2. Shadow, etc. See U.

~ 1,.w Sah, ".nf. Breath. 2. Taste. ~ Sa.b, .ft!. An imprecation,

3. Snccom·, friendship, com- curse. 2. A.11, etc. See U.
fort fo trouble.
Syn.~ - ~Ml
Sah te sah na mawa.IJ.r, To Sa.b karaw, 1
gasp. rTo curse.
Sah jhuwal.J.:r, To stop one's
Sab· bakaw, J
breath. i....-u.o Sul;>, M. A band on a sheaf of
corn, withe. 2. (Met.. ) Peace,
Sah ghinnal.J.:r, To breathe. concord. Syn. ~Ml

Sah nase!}. tel). W&J.?.r, To be ~l~MI Sal/ala, M. A bridegroom's
bestman. Syn. ~ltMI
t~ Saha, M. A hare. Sh. In s. JL \1

~l""' 2. The <lay appointed

)~l~MI s ab a' i 1J.. r,
F. Buttermilk
added to fresh milk to curd
for a Hindu wedding. it.
, ,
~tMI s ah r a, M. Autumn. The ).,w.i Subra, M. MeaAleP. Sh.
season of fever.
4~ Subha, ~[. Nature, disposi-
~b ~lMI Sah sah, Sounds used to make tion.
bullock's sit down. Sh.
,_,~ Sabhan, }
Jk~~ Sahkaw, v. n. To ga1:1p, pant., · · adv. To-morrow .
.S:I AMI S abh'''
Lr.P~. a 11).,
puff, breatbe quickly. Pr.
l~~ P. ~lMI F. ~~lMI )S)'6.; J~MI Sabaq pakciwa?J.r, v. n. To
]efl.rn, so as to understand,
ie~ Sahn, See ~~ not by heart..

~1blMI Sahna., M. A. lizard. Sh. Sabh, 1 adj. A 1 I, every,

}- w bole, total. Syn.
~~Li.i Sa h n a k, F. Eartbenware Sa bb.e,) ,).lf.4""' _ ~ _
kneading qi.ah. Slt. u~)e~ .. le~
Sabh kujh, All, every thing. Yb\~
"' SatawaIJ.:r, v. t. To tease, vex,

Sabh koi, All, every body.

fret., trouble. Pr. l~ P.
4.l~MI F. UMl.~k
u~3\j~ Sabhra'el}., Instrumental case
of ·€~""'all. equals-=: U. Sabne. v)~ Satawi, mlj. Twenty-seven.
-~J..>u... Sata'i~h, adj. Sixty-seven.
" Sabhaw, v. n.
Y~""' To be adorned,
S.R. ~ Satatta, adv. Immediately.
)€~ Sabha, adj. All, whole, every. Satatta awaw, To follow
W~ Sabi!, F. A place appointed ...
' for giving water to thirst) .J~ Satattar, adj. Seventy-seven.
travellers during the Mu-
harram. Syn. ~~ li.> ~ ,_s}J."" Satatri, adj. Thirty-seven.
cf. U. ,I- Sutr, :!Jf. Thread,yarn, sawyer's
J J line, plummet, plumb line.
~ Su9, M. See~""'
Sutr chhikaw, v. t. To take
~~i.u SaJtala, M. See ~~i.u the levtll of courses in build-
J~i.u Sal;>al, adj. Strong, powerful,
Sutr karaw, I
' heavy. ~To plumb.
Sutr lawaw,J
yi.u Sap, M. and F. A snake.
Sutr watta, M. A plummet,
Sap di nani, F. A long beetle plumb lLUe.
(black) t:)h. l..S~J;k Satra~ji, F. A kind of carpet
or rug.
y~ Sip, M. I A bivalve she 11,
~m a s c l e, scoop. Satral).ji baf, A. rug weaver.
~ Sippi, F.) ~. The spathe ot
,...... a date palm. 3. Capsule of j~ Sitraw, v. t. To begin. Pr.
Poppy. Sh. , l~..k P. 4.•lu F. ~~}""
',) ; '.;I , .,,. ,,.
~.-.IJ Sat, F . . Boldness, courage, )',S ~""' Sat gilau, F. Extract from
power. See U. , ,. · Tinospora Oo1·d£jolia.
~~ Stara, '!JI. Scintilating- points ~Jlw Satau:ra, adj. Seven-fold.
of t.alc u1:1ed for orm:1iwtmtiug- ~

clothes, spa.ugle. uJJw.i Sattul)., F. Unripe wheat

parnhed aud ground.
u'·~}li.u Satarha:Q., adj. Seventeen. In
Sh. u~u""'
JI., Jlw Satto wa:ra, M. Third day
after marriage when bride
i·eturns to her parents.
'-)\k Sattali, adj. Forty-seven.
l~~J)~"" Satwal).jha, arlj. Fifty-seven.
u~ Satan,
1 A.ll seven. ~i... Sittha, M. Bees wax., Sit.
b Sate,
)~~i.u Satthar, M. Grass strewn on
a flupJ.' . .Slh. ,..,
~e~ Suthra, adj. Excellent, etc. i...5)~~NoJ Sathri, F. A plant of the
See U. ]![, A ca.ste of Hrassica order which ripens
importunate Hindu beggars. it.s seed in sixt.y days. The
seeds yield oil.
Suthra karaw, To clean, J.,
u~;.u Sa"t;il}., prep. Into.
.,} S
u~. ~...v
1 uth rema:Q.,
, M. Cleanliness. ~~ Sijj, v.n. Imp. Be moistened.

~~ Sa thra, M.
A gouge. S. R.
J 's :?1 ~
Sh. P. P. UMI,

u 1e1MI Sathri, F. "-' ·~WJ Sujag, ~

adv. Awake.
Je:\NoJ Sathal, F. The thigh. l~l~,,: Sujaga,
L:.J~ Suthan, IF. p yj am Ai s, ;r)i.~MI Sajawaw, v. i. To adorn. Pr.
v ,, ~ trouRer·s cut
)~ Suthaw, J tight, opposerl lJ-1.J.:s:MI
... p.G
...bMI F ·uMJJ..:s:MI
to ).,~~ which are baggy 4.l~NJ Sajaya, adj. Useful, profit-
and full of folds. able.

u~:AMI sit hi' F. Dwarf palm J~NJ Sijil, F. Arrangement.

;.... _,.,
"""" ( Ohamce1·ops Ritchiana.)
· Sijil karal}.:r, v. t. To arrange.
u'k Sati, prep. With. Haz.
..e~~ Sijh, M. The sun.
~w Sat, F. A blow, bruize, con-
tusion, hnrt. 2. A. fatal Sijh ubhara, M. Sun flower.
disease of cattle who die in ( Helianthus).
about two hours. P.J).
'Sijh ubhar, Sunrise, the East.
~""' Si t , F. A. drop, used with
negative. Sijh lah, Sunset, The west.

t£1'.l.j Sitta, M. Sense, truth. ~. f,Lt~: Sijhawaw, v. t. To bring to

Ear of corn. an end, settle, pay a debt,
' V':' 2. To make a well the
..lo. Sat1;a:Q.:r, v. t. To tbrow, cast,
v ,
req uire_d depth.
pour, put down, beset. Pr. )3Jle~f.l.I Snjhawaw, v. t. To e~plain,
~ .lo I ,.lo .la
1J.4.>.""' p. ~J.lolJ F. u.w.:!-J.1oM to shew.
v ~ ,
b' 1 .i. 'V
c. v. /J'J.)..""' Y~~: Sijhal}.:r, v. n. To come to an
:Bhuka ~ Sa"t;taw, To thruw end, be settled, to be paid
(of debt). 'ro sink foto its
waga ) violently. place (of the masonry of a.
.lo well). Pr. IJ.e~MI.,.. P. ~,
..~.>.N>J Sath, adj. Sixty.
Ml by 1
.lo F• 1;..5.W.F. v. t. l,,~~ (l, v•
..e..w.i Sitth, .F. Satirical poem. Sh.
;3) !)~;: ., ~
J}et: Sathara, aaj. About 60 .. Syn.
. ~lt:!-~~MI )~~;: S u j h ~ l}. :r, v. in. To seem,

~f~N-J Sathra, M. A kind of rfoe

appear, be seen, discern. Pr.
~ , ,
P., I~
·-UJ ~Ml
F • "'"5·--.,..-,,
that ripens in sixty days,
(inferior.) t. ;J_,4~MI (;, V, y_,~

Sajja, adj. Right (not left).

J,.~l.IJ Salrur, I 1lf. Dawn,
2. Fresh, new. 3. Without
r day-break.
Sal:pir welM, j adj. Early.
Sajja pasa, Right side.
~~l.IJ Sakht, add. I:la1·d, etc. See U.
Sajja dast, Right hand or
quarter of meat. Sakht kara1:i+, To harden.

Sajji su'i, adj. R e c e n t 1y Sakht thiwa1g, To bo hard-

calved. Sh. ened.
,_$\T,,.,, Sujak, adj. Seeing. Ju~ Sakhta'i, F. Hardness, firm-
Suj'ak thiwaw, To be awake. ness, obduracy.

. Sujak karaw, To awake. Jl; u1~1.1J Sakht:l nal, adv. Bittel'ly,

~l~ Sujika, Seeing. J
severely, harshly.

l:J~.l.IJ SaJ-an, IM · a, 1over, ~ Sukhan, .7trf.

. A vow, word,
}- . F rien J
) well-wisher. p.romise. Syn .•~ 2.
Yfl.IJ Saja:tJ.r, abuse.
v J
)\ils,,.,, SUJ-anr, v. J iri. To swell, rise.
: •• J ~ Sakhi, adj. Liberal, eto. · See
·Pr. IJ.~ P. l;!-~ F.
J ~ u. 2. A term in wrestling.
... i.
l~"" Sachcha, aaj. True, genuine, J.MI Sadd, M. Sh. See '-}l.IJ
etc. 8ee U.
J.: Sud, F. Information, 11ews.
Sachcha bawawaw, To Syn. isJ.....,
c:.:lJ.l.IJ Sadat, F. The construct.ion c1£
Sachcha bawaw, To be dams and irrign.tion ar·mng-e-
justified. m.ents in the Daman. P. D.
~. . . Sucha, M. Message.
J "'
c..::JJ_,l~ Sadawart, M. Alms distribut-
.J l~ Sachar, ' ed daily to the poor .
'1.. ~ M. A true m~n.
,~l.IJ Sachchu, J '-VJ.l.IJ Sadri, F. A waistcoat without
Sachchu low, Glanber's salt.
Sulphate of Soda.
~J.Mi Sidh, M. Accuracy, correctness.
,..,,t:}~"" Sachari, F. Righteousness, Sidh da:tJ.ri, Artless, simple.
truthfulness. ,
t~~~ Suchajja, adj. Well doing, ~~ Sudh, F. Iuformation, news.
· · well beloved. Sh. Sudh powaw, To hear, know,
~l.IJ ' ~w Sach-o-sach, adv. Indeed, in be informed.
truth. Haz. llb~ Sudha, "JJ!. Matter lodged fa
l.:U~ Sucheta, I
M. E a s in g the bowels, causing obstruc-
.. t ~ one's self, tion. ad}. Like, just, as .
<.-7.;LU;.~~ Sucheta pani,J , go in g to
,. "r stool, used by RindlLs only· ~~ Sidha, adj. Straight, erect. 2.
. Sh. Ingen uous,1,;,~~tless, dull•
Sidha thiwa:Q.r, To be re- v,k
v~--- Sa~~aw, v. t. To call, Rhout,
formed, corrected, to mend.
•' P r. \yj, ,1
S i d ha k a r a lJ. r , To make
mv1te. .J..i.:.~ .L. ~~
straight, correct, reform. ..b v 1
F. ~?.~ v. p. ~~

Sidhawaw, 'IJ, n. To go, set.
I v
v \..b
c. v. j3J ~ and y_,
v ' ..b
off, depart. Pr. 1J.S~J.,..,
Sagwah, M. The distance at
P. F. t..J)Jl~~ M. l:.l~~ F. ~hich one person can Rpeak
v .h
,. ... to another. Byn. ,.le~ ~ In
, _fbJ.MI Sadhar, F. Love, lust, eager·
ness, desire, wish. JU:, Sir, prep. Upon, on, at, afl', ex.
.r:c..l~.) At the time.
Sadhar awal].f, To desire,
lust, long for, wish for. ~ Sir, llI. Heaa, top, poll. See Tl
Sadhar lahawaw, To gratify 2. Menses. 3. The end.
one's wishes. Sir awa:q.r, To menstruate.
j ~J.,: Sudhral;J.:r, v. n. To be reform- Sir pheraw, To rehell.
ed, corrected. (This verb
is neuter and the U. equi va- Sir tei:i. charha:q.r, To spoil (a
lent is so translated, but the child).
sense given is that of a
paRsive V; probably to be Sir te:Q. khak sa1;a1g·, T o
correct, to meud, improve, is throw ashes on tho ht!atl, more correct rendering. mourn, grieve.
Sir chawaw, To rebell, rise
~SI_,.~~ Sidhvatra, a.:tj. Art I es s, up Hgai11st.
.... simple.
Sir chakrawaw, v. z.. To
IL Saga, adv. Always. Hwim (of head).
).Ml Sac}, M. Chamelion. Sh. Sir chhor durkawaw, To
,..lbL SaQ.4h, adj. Barren. Sh.
Sir chhor durkal,1.r, To bolt,
Saq.Q.h, F. Barren buffalo used to shoot a head of.
in a. w el I. Sh.
- J j, Vj Sir chiriw, A humming bird.
l!tiL SnCJ,4ha, See ~uJ..... Stubble.
Sh. Sir de bharne:q., Head long.
~L Saddha
. . ' M. Buffalo-bull. Sh. Sir qo pahar, ~ Mid-day.
~Ml Sag, ~ ".d[. A call, calling, . d h , ,. ,
Sir Sli.
= e IDf aya,
1 · invitation, shout.
)~ Sa<Na, Sir zor, Fiery, headstrong, a
, F by(
bolter (of horses). ,
Sagawaw, rom iq.""'
c. v.
v I 1 Sir khapawa.w, 'l'o try hard.
Tocall Byn.y_,~~ It has
the sense of U. LlllyS' and Sir Iukawal;J.r, <Lit.) To hide
J the head colloquial for having
t.;14 a roof over one.
Sir mel, M. The act of visiting
the bride by the bridegroom
after marriage.
t;~ Surkh, M. Name of a bird
Sir maila thiwaw, To men- F'ring·illa .Amandava.
Surkh, a lj. Red. See U.
Sir niwawal).r, To humble
one's se1f, be obedient, make Surkh th i w a n r, To be
obeisance. acquitted. · ·
r Sur, F. Note in music. See u. i..>.r
i... Surkha'i, F. Redness.
Their names are 1. '[_);..
,jlJr Sarda'f, F. OoolneRs, a re-
=sa. 2. ~~;=re. 3. f r i g er en t m t> d i c i n e.
;td=gfi.. 4. rJ...c=man. An i11toxicfLtir1g drug made
from hemp.
5. t~~=pa. 6. L:)J~.?bJ
l:.r~J;i.i.1 Sardamman, M. The ·head-
=dha. 7, l..!!..Jly(i=ni. Sh.
man of a Ytor assouiation
r Sar, lYI. The leaves of Saccha· of cultivators. I?. D.
ri1,m ,c:tira or jungle grass. J
1-!:> J
Syn. \,.) ).f• The reeds are called c:..>lw_r Sursat, F. Provisiom1, sup-
plies for army or camp.
u'J\S' the sheath of the reed
"•J Sirsahl, F. A Rquare measure
of la.nd having .1l ft. on one
JJ ~ Sarra-ran, F. The cephalic
side. Syn. ut'-.t1 ~ 9 Sirsahis
vein in the arm. - ,..

make 1 marla=30t sq. yard

))""' Saraz, M. An ornamental or one pole. 20 mar·las make
worker in leather. 1 kanal or~ a rood. 4 ka.uals
make l bigh1t which is nearly
u !r Saral]., F. .A traveller's rest equivalent t.o half an acre.
Platts says t- of an acre. Jt
house. varies in different parts. 2.
The e i g h t h part of a
c...>~ ~ Siral'.}.di, F. The head of a bed chhita~k=i oz.
"" ; or grave. 2. A pillow.
~r Sarfa, M. Thrift, neR.rneRA,
~ ~~.!""' Sar ba rah, 1.I. Guardian,
parsimony. 2. Letting off,
trnstee. foregoiug.
Sirpa, M. .A fee paid
to a land J
;'6/J.J Surkar, H. Itching, irritabi-
owner for leave to sink a , lity, prurience.
well. Syn. ~ -· ,_/ll 2.
Surkar maohaw, To itch.
A dress of honour.

flf Sar:par, adv. Certainly, in any Surkar t h i w a 1). :r , To be

case. Sh.

Sarpanch, M. A cbairman, ;3.;'6; Surkawaig-, v. t. To ·~Iacken.

president, commissioner. 2.
Manager of a. canal.
• •J y _,
Syn; 'flJfr Sarkarda, M. One taking a

~·(!-Jr lead.
v, J
~)IJ,,I Surka1g·, v. n. To get slack, to J~J>.IJ Sarwag, ll. The headstall of a
slip. 2. To sip, drink. 3. To bridle.
crawl. Pr. \JS')(.1.1 P. ~~ J
J YJ;>.U Sarup, Jf. Nil, Indigo of first
u/>M~~ F. year's growth.
u~ Surki, F. A sip, sup. I , .b J
'-;Jr Saropa, See t...SJ~
~r ~Sargat, F. The upper, hori-
zontal wheel of a
sugar w_,r Sarof, adj. Solid, opposed to
~_,; hollow.
c.. Sargi, F. 3 o'clock A. M.
J_,r Sarwalf, F. Hard soil. P. D.
Syn. Jy;~ l Sh·
F!f" Sargir, M. A catarrh in f..J,) Sarver, ilf. Surveyor, overseer..
horses. Corr. Eng.

J;UJ Sar!, ~ lrf. A horse of under un r Sarho!]., } F. A pfant(Bra8Rira

J o a m l1 es tr is)
)~ Sarlo, ~ two years old. u~ r SarhiuIJ., Mustard. It is
grown in cold weather for tho
,i.;UJ Sarm, F. Mustard, rape. oil it supplies.
;I J

t.J)~J.w SurmachuJ.J., .ilf. An instru- i..S,) Sarri, J'il. Rice in the hnsk.
ment for applying antimony
to eyes. ur Shi, F. The Indian snake-bird
;~ r Sar mahar, F. String (for .... ""' (Plotus melcuzogcuter).
camel). Sh. '-'I Suna
. 'l'a, M. .A. grass P Spear

lr.).JJ"" Sara:Q.da, M. A string ea grass. 8. R.

instrument played with a.
bow. ,_/.~.r Sa.rial]., F. _Rice in t11e lmsk ..
0;.w Sarrin, I Pl. of ur commonly nsed
}-F. A grindstone. in the PL
v"" )
'b.)r Sarriw, ~r Saresa> F. A disease of crops..
P. D.
Yr v~J
Surrat;1.:r, n. To move, 'I).
" Sarf11.h,
budge, get out of place, ~r llf. The siris tree
J ,9
remove. P.r. IJ/"' P. 4:r (Acacia Sper.iosa).

F. ~r
'V. t.
Y;r ~ r Sirman, M. A fish of the carp
,,.;V J - ' family (Labeo curchius).

"':;3:. .":JIJ,,I Sura:Q.g, F. A mine, etc. See v-
u. Sar:riw, JJ'. Burning.

Snra:Q.g lawaw,
blow up.
To blast, Yr Sanaw·, v. n. To bnrn, in-
fiame1 envy, grudge, destroy.
Sura:Q.g maraw, To burrow. Pr. j~r P. 4rl F. u""'r v. t.
))..u Saru, ') M. One vexed in mind,
.b~ c. 'V. ,_,_,;u

J s~ envious, jealons per- ~Ju' Sa:rh, adj. Obstinate (of

)~ Sarti son. P. D.
/ . ' animal). 2. A clayey loa.m
which cracks and forms
..J ~r Sarwar, F. Enconinm, poem slabs when it dries after
in praise of some family. Sh. being watered.
,.ib~ Sir h, M. A sail of a boat. l{""' Sikka, "/JI. Lead, coin .
'"-5!r Suzak, M. Gonorrhcea, gleet.
J~ Sakar, "fi{. Garner, receptacle
v->.IJ Sas, F. Mother-in-law. for grain. S. R.

Susri, F. A worm that eats
'-!:.,)_, ~""' Sakawat,} F . . Relationship,
kin, used by
the dates on the tree. 2 . .A. ~(""' Sakat, Hindus.
term of abuse. v J
v"" J y_, ~Ml Sukawaw, v. t. To dry up,
~ Sussal}.:r, v. n,.
To contract, JJ
dry up, shrink, 1 es sen,
J .P ~ Sukutr, 'l!f. Step-son, son by a
wither. Pr. l~MJ P. ~AMW former husband.
",, v J
JJ'. ~>Mi.>J Yi""' Suk:raw, v. n. To shrink, bo
shrunk, to draw in. Pr.
~ Sussi, F. Small hill partridge. J J J
Bk. (..Ammoperdia; bonlwmi.) )i.) 1{...., P. l~;(...., F Mlb("'
v J :r '/ . 1-,s )
~;b Satral}.j, F. Chess. 1:~.iJ)(MI Sukral].g, F. Shin bone.
Satral}.j baz, llf. .A chess- i,;;L Sikli, F. The slabs formed by
player. ,,. ' flooded land drying and
S~ Sag:harta, adj. Profit ab I e, ;RMI Sikkaw, v. n. To desire, wish
useful, beneficial, advan·
., for, long for, fain, hanker
· tageous, fruitful.
J after, lust. :Pr. t}.~~ P. l.f(w
0~ Sughan, 'ftf. A rudder. ,,. ,,.
~ Sufna, !JI. A dream. 11'" J .. ..

Sufet, adj. White.
JiG,., Suk k a lJ.r, v. n. To dry,
evaporate, fade, droop, pine,
•• •J " •
~ Sufeti, F. Whiteness. ematiate. '
Pr. )J.(MI P. l:t-(""''
S n f e ti pheraw, To white- v
b' ls:

wash. F. i...;~""' v. t. i' Ml (j, v.

v J

~ Sak, F. The peel of Pome~ y_,~~

gr an ate fruit (Pimioum -fb Sukh, F. A vow, promise. ~{.
granat'lmi)., resb, etc. See U.
'--~ Sik, F. Love, desire, wish, Sukh pawaw, To find ease,
... "" eagerness, lust. etc.
~ Sakka, M. Relation, kinsman, Sukh Q.ewaw, To give rest.
relative. 2. F~lfil a promise.
Sakk& bhira, Brothers of ~(Ml Sukha, "Af. Bhang, hemp, so
same parents. called by Hindus, meaning
" bbe pleasurable."
Sau:ra sakka, Near of kin.
Sakka, adj. One's own, used of Y~YJ'.t~' Sikhawanr v. t. To teach,
.. '
instruct educate, rear. Syn.
' v
relatives, opposed to 4~ j_,ll~~ or_;]~, Pr. I~~
related by marriage used only
of parents, brothers or sisters P. 4.l~,,. F. c.;~~~ v. n.
::= Sliep parents and half
brothers or sisters.
Jt("" Sakhar, adj. Good, excellent, t~MI Sulakh, M. Hole, perforation.
unadulterated, fine.
Sulakh pawaw, To bore,
u~e~MI Sakhra~, adj. Empty. perforate.

v / .
Sikhaw, v. n. To learn. P.r. 1~~ Salara, l!rf.
A kind of clotb,
having alternate bands 0£
P. l~4(MI F. i...;~~(~
, ~
fine and thick material.
v. t. )5/1.~ or jS)~{~ or JL Salar, F. Two animals coupl~
v ,
ed by a rope.
)~L Sala:raw, v. t. To couple two
..;)JI.Ml Sakhawi, F. Straw inside reel
animals by a rope. Pr.
(weaving) Sh.
. J bl?.)l.~ p, l?J~MI F. ~.)~
·t~~MI Sukih, F. Step-daughter.
t~~ Salam, M. Salutation, etc.
cJ~ Sagan, Jtf. Omen, augury, See U.
presen tirnen t. See note in
O'Brien Glossary. Salam walawaw, To greet.
~~Ml Sag hra, adj. Accompanied by ~)3L Salaml.l}., adj. Annual.
one's family.
~~~ Sala'i, F. Probe, etc. See U.
Ui~ Sagghna, adj. Thick, close. ... 2. Distaff. 3. The front
beam of a boat.

~Ml Sag, M. Trace, clue.

Sala'i maraw, To probe.
~"" Salabba, adj. Fine, handsome,
l~Mi Sagga, M. A rag or thread J
superior, opposed to ; \~ bad,
used as a charm. Syn. l~""
u ~~ SagraI)., adj. Cheap. d:.R~~ Sulfa, M. A pipe full 0£
'jfMI Sagal}.:r, v. n. To be able. Syn. tobacco or hemp. cf. U.
J.MI Pr. l~ P. ~~ F. Jli.11 Salak, M. One-sixteenth share.
u~~ 11. p. )1#r: P.D.

u~~ Sag w a I]., adj. Identical, w~~l."" Salkharal}., adj. Empty.

same, very same. Opposed to J.)~ Salkha:riI)., F. A weaver's
r.:J~~J similar. Syn. t}~ ,.
, quill.

l.JJt SaggUI)., ailv. But, moreover, ~

.c. ?r1
Salul}.g, F. A way under-
furthermore. ground, burrow.

·'f~~~ SagijaI).r, v. To be able.

The passive verb is found in
p. Salul).g maraw, To burrow,
story of the blind king but
it is probably a mistake. ; 1,l.MI Salwar, F. Trousers made
~,, u~t~Jt~.l d,y314':3 J. wf very full and baggy. Syn .
L-~.!-~ i ?::l.o c...~ ~,!,;.. ..; Sl.,!.
and he was not able at that ~)1"" Salwa~, F. The mark of a
ti~e to forbid their rejoic- whip on the skin, a weal,
mgs. wale.
u~3_,b Sa 1u1]. pi :Q., adj. Salted, s-t....MI Sama', iii. Accommodation,
seasoned. capacity, room.

--E~ Silh, F. A brick, hone. Jl4~.+.Mi Sambhal, F. Care, for, or

attention to p e r s o n s or
Silh ba:t].d, ]f. A brick maker. things, caution.

Silh dar, Proprietary rights Sambhal lahaw, To care for

in a well, due to the man or attend to.
who built or owns the
masonry. )~l~~,..1.1.1. Sambhalaw, ~ v. t. To
v v support,
-~lMI Salh, JJ'. The act of carrying )ll\4~ Sal).bhala1g·, uphold,
burdens by poles. restrain. 2. To examine a
parcel, etc. to see if it is secure
Salh chawaw, To carry and all right. Pr. '~~li~,...1.1.1
burdens by poles.
P. l;!-ll~~t.IJ F. u"""'~l~~,..MI
v v
l41MI Salha, M. A wild goat. v. p. Y-*~~~~.+.Mi c. v. y) ~1t.'.......
J~l/JJ Salha+, F'. A pair or couple of v. n. )11~~. . ~
animals tied together when
grazing. )3Jl4 ~.-..MI Sambhawal).r, v. t. To deco·
rate, adorn, get ready.
Salharanr, v. t. To couple, tie
in p~ir~,' .link, connect. P?-. 1.}~~..t.i.u Sambha'i, F. Demurrage,
\~)~-m P. l~.t~~l-i.» JJ'.
price paid for taking care
of goods.
u l.IJ..)·:)"" 'V IYI \,JS' "4L~.1 v
·i::·) •")., 1.>~ ·.(..,IJJ
)'}'¢· Sambharan.r. , v. n. To roost.
Pr. \J;~~.+.-MI F. t~.J~~...,-~
~~~ Sulha:ra, adj. Easy-going, soft,
good-tempered. 1J'• l,,.SMI)~A.IJJ

r/JJ Sam, JJ'. A share of land. 2.

)11~~.4.i.i.i Sambhalal).f, v. n. To restrain
The horizontal stick of an ox-
yoke that passes under his one's self, to be discrete.
neck. Pr. \J.l~~.+.IJJ P. ~~~it.1.1.1 :B'.
)~-l,...IJJ Sammachar, M. Advice of
hu~di. Sh.
LS""'l~~. . "" v. t. ;11~~ .. MI c. v.
jll~ Samalaw, See ynl~~. . m v
.fi~~ Sambhaw, v. n. To getready.
IJJ Saman, M. Property, goods,
v v

material, luggage.
... ~,~~,...i.u Sambho-ra, adj. Domesticated,
w\~ Sammal]., M. Time, age, period. opposed to wild.
s am aw a 1]. :r,V· n. 'To be
~~~~....,.,,, Sambhera, M. A roost.
contained in, to hold. Pr.
IJ.S L...-m P. - 4,l..t.-N.1 Fem. s am b h er e ·da velM, M.
Roosting time.
,_sJL..~ F. u,.,,,l,..w
v ,J i...::,.....t.l>N Sammat, F. A year, era.
;"S.L~ Suniawanr, v. vt. JTo put to
,I .. ... J
sleep. Pr. l~.+.IJ;I ;p. 4.t. . ~ ~,.,,.,,, Summat, M. Knob in centre
lJ'; u~~ v. n. ).i..+Mi
" J of yoke. $h.
Samjha wal}.r, v. t.To give to
understand, explain, expound,
remonstrate, instruct. Pr.
lJ.1~~..t..w P. ~.l~~"' F.
" \,.
u~~~....MI v. n. ~Aw.I v. p.
.. v 1
r~~~~ ~ 0,v,y_,~~MI

.Jl~~ .. MI Samjhaw, v. n. To under-

v ,.
Samhanr, I v. n. To sleep,
•• ~ lie down. Pr.
stand, discern, deem, com-
prehend, apprehend. Pr. y~ Sumhaw,J )J.~ P. t~~AwJ
1J.~~MI p. ~~~....Ml F. or t•!'
~ F. u~AwJ v. t. ;-: \~..t.Ml
or ;s_,t~

u~J~~,..MI Samjhotf, F. Understanding, l...'i...,...... Sammi, F. Circular dance

(ghumbar) of women. Sli.
precept ion, intelligence,
wisdom, apprehension. cf. U. ".lo
Y.>.;!--+-w Sametaw, v. t. To collect
I v .k
.. ~~....Ml Samarth, M. Ability. ac?j. together. Pr. '~~.>.....~ P.
.k ~
Able. l:!-"':!-~ F. u"""'~-+-w
J _,
... ; "'
~tt.JJJ.-ttw Sumsumra, M. Sap of wood. Uw Sanna, M. End of shaft (of
which exudes when green plough) attached to yoke.
wood is burnt. Sh.

J....w Samal, M. Provision for a 1ll~ Sunara, M. Goldsmith.

journey. I ~J , , G
.J)V.PJ Snnar1, adj. olden.
c.U...,w Samal}.d,
adj. Light dun in
I l...'iMIUw Sanasi, M. A snake chalmor.
2. Alchemist.
1>4w Simmaw, v. n. To exude,
) ; wUw S inn al}., adj. wet, damp,
weep, ooze. Pr. lJ.~ P. ~ moist.

0 U~ Sinan, F. The sharp point of

v"' a spear.
)M'MI Sammal}.r, v. n. To sleep, lie
... d o w n , rest.
J ~~ "' Sul}.bh, M. .
A hoof.
v J "
)4~ Summal}.:r, Syn. y~~ l~~ Sul}.bha, M. A punch.
J v L"
15'~ Samnka, M. An inferior kind y_,'i~ Sal}.bhawaw, v. t. To make
of grain : the straw makes ready, prepare.
good fodder.. · " "
~ Sal}.bhaw, v. n. To get ready,
~_,~ Samola, .adj. Collected to- prepare. Pr. IJ.~.L P. l~~L.
F. ~~ v. t. ;J_,4~
Samola karaw, To collect. ~~ Sinap, M. Wisdom.
Samola thiwal}.:r, To be col- ~l..,,, Sannat, F. Prosperity, happi-
lected. ness; success.
v v•
;';~ 197
lell/,IJ Santha, I ]f. A shrub· J~k " Sal,ljish, F. Confederacy, plot,.
... }- (Dodonaea conspiracy, intrigue.
4llNJ SanattM, ) Viscosa). l3li.
~~k " Sal;ljh, F. Evening. 2. M.
u:\lw Santi, adj. Successful, pros-
Horse trappings.
f(a;,~ Sanj, I c..s~~ Sil,ljhi, F. A plant like clover.
'-v · ~ ]}[. Horse.trappings. (Melitol·tts parifiora) wild,
~~~~ Saajh, J and grown as fodder,
t~ Sul,lj, F. Waste, desert. I~ Sal;lda, M. Wealth.

V V.9
Sul,ljapaw, 1,. n. To be ~)J.L Sal).dari, F. An inflated skin
'!J for crossing rivers. Air
recognized. Pr. L.l.;l~~ P. bladder of fish. -
I. I .., I V.9 v
Y.-;~.i.NJ F. ~~~1.u v. t. )tl~ Sal).dar, M. A tool, instrument,
V V V.9 V V.9
b' b'' • b. b • implement of any kind.
ii~J..w v. 'P· fr:!f..;~ c. v.
\I VJ .;
VJ sU1J.dr1,, F.
)SJ~)~l~ Lance wood.
""· vJ
.91 · '!.9
. ' ,. ad'J· R ecogmsea
. bl e. '6'J.~1o1.1 Sul).dakka, M. A Shell.
VJ v
u~ Sul}jal,l, ad}. Poverty stricken, Jb~ Sal;ldh, M. A joint. cf. U. 2~
worthless. 2. Barren, desert. F. A hole in a wall mad...e by
Sul}jal,l karaw ,. To m a k e bnrglars. Syn. in Sh. •·\.JMI
desolate, destitute, to bereave.
Sal;ldh maraw, To break into
Sul).j e:i;i. thiwaw, To be a honse.
abandoned, used of places.
lSJJMI SilJ,dh, M. The river Indus.
Sul}jal,l bhaira, adj. Some. 2. The tract 0£ land on both
sides of it. The country of
v vJ
Yl~ S u :t:i j a:t:i '.J." , F. Intelligence, Sindh. SS. Sin d h {t, sea,
ocean. In Sh. Sinnh.
v V V.9 VJ
)5)~~~ Sui:ijaJ.J.rai:ir, v. t. To· know, ~~JJ~ SuIJ.dh, M. A basket with
recognise, discern, identify, cover made of leaves of
be a c q n a i n t e d with. Pr. dwarf palm. (U"":!-p
IJyl~~ or h~~)~ P.
'"l VJ 1 "1 rJ n~~ SaIJ.dhla, M. An aqueduct. 2.
u ~;.~ or ~,Y~ JJ'. A mode of wearing cfothes
v vJ vJ when mourning. W om en
ui.u)S~k or ~~~~ 1J. n. bare the head and breast a.nd
b• I
y;~ 'l!.
b •
c. v. wrap the clothes round the
v vJ "'
y_,\_,)~k from SS. Sanjna, v v
sense, etc. See Tl.
)1.!""' SaJ.J.dhaw, F • .A cow thab has
not been milked.
u) y~~ Snl,ljai:i:rui:i, ]!J.
VI VJ , , ·
Sal,ldhaw, i1. t. To pickle,
v v
f)~.i..w Sai:ijaral).r, v. i. To :find one's used with the word }~-1' Pr.
place, used of men or animals,
placed among strangers, who IJ.4.11>...\.L P. l~Jl~ F.
do not for some time get
used to one another.· "
um~lll J..ii.u
t.S1~ Sal).dhi., M. A burgfar. SiI).gara, M. A cat fish found
v in river and 1 a g o o n s.
~~ SiI).dhi, JJf.
An inhabitan t 0£ ( Mac1·ones ..Aor) good eating.
Sindh. F. Language of 8 ind1 . 2. Water calthrops (Trapa
bispinosa or bicornis.)
~u,...w., Sal).Q.h, adj. Barren, use d of
wo m en or animals. Pl. J~:J t~ Sil].g arpatti, F. A g o 1d
\, 1 ! forehead ornament.
U~·:? !)..l.w
j, VJ
~c}.k Sul).gh, F. Dry ginger. Sil}.garaw, v. t. To adorn,
de.corate, ornament, array,
Sinni SUI).Q.h, Fresh ginger. dress, furnish, garnish. Pr.
V &'I
l~~.;.0.-~ l I ~v
~-5..L~ Sal).4ha, llf. A buffalo bull. 2. ,,. P. ~.Ju-.L.w
,,. ,,. F.
A stout muscular man. u>JJ,~.}L,,. v.p. ~'.:l.d~
.... c. v.
j, vJ
~~ SuI).Q.ha, M. The stump of
Jowar stalks, stubble.
v vJ
l.!Je~ SiI).gbhan, F. A final division
y_,~ Suwawaw, v. t. To tel1,
of land.
repeat, cause to hear, rehearse.
~f1.w SaI).gat,
v v VI
Pr. !~.i~).lw P. 4.~ F. F. Friendship, etc.
VJ V VJ See U.
M>.J;blf.IJ v. n bl~ v p
UV .. vJ • • VJ.) VJ • •

' j=f:y.w c. v.y_,1_,r S .a 1). g a t r a k h a I). r, To

/ associate.
'y-JY~ Siwap, M. Wisdom, intelli-
gence. '<: ~ ~ Sal).g jarah, l.!. Sulphate of
V VJ lime.
)l)~ Suwaw, v. n. ~o hear, heed, J 'II

listen, 'mind. Pr. 1J)~ P.

, VJ
J'~~ Sal].gchur, (Lit. Stone crusher)
V VJ V VJ a snake. (Bungari·its fuciatus
\~)~ F. ~~lw v. t. y_,~ oceruliiis) Krait.
Y.S')~ Suwkaw, v. t.
1fL Sal).gar, M. Ripe fruit of
To blow the
nose. Pr. ~~S')l~ P. ~S'Jk' Prosopis spicifera. Sh.
v1 F.
\i,4y SUl).Pl).
· ' Suwa"'''i, F . Hearsay.
u~ YL Sal}.gral}.d, F. The passing of
u >..;v, the sun from one constella-
tion to another.
)~ SiI).sar, M. The long nosed t..SJ~ Sal}.gri, F. Unripe fruit of
crocodile. ( Gmvialis Gan- Prosopis spioifera. Sh.
getioiis). \,'! . .,'f'!J
/f'~ Sul}.g+aw, v. n. To shrink,
~1.w SaI).g, M. A party of pilgrims &VJ I &VJ

or travel1ers. 2. Shyness, dwindle, Pr. 1J~ P. ~~j.i./jj

reserve. 3. Prep. With. \if'!' h'!b_rr~.
F. I...?~/'.MIJ v. t. ;:Jr""
SaI).g bal).d, Related by mar-
riage (used of tribes). ,..,.,"'')i.~1.-.. sal}.ga+h , M.Lines, entrench-
ments, stone walls for de-
fl '
"-"l.w Sal}.g pasham, M. Jade. fence.
lfL Sal}.ga, M. Strippings from . "'"
ul~lNJ Sanggl:i, F. Flook 0£ bustards.
cow, etc. ,Sh.
Sa1,1gaw, v. n. To be con-
v "'
)S_,k Sal}.waw, See y,/JJ

siderate to be reserved, shy. • y

2. To be willing, (of cows i..iJJ../JJ Sal}.wani, aqj. Beautiful.
rea.dy to give their milk.) v
Pr. v1~~ P. l..i.~L F. .yk Sannh, See ~~L.i.i 2. Sh.
u~>--J..M1 ..yl~ Sinnh, F.River Indus below
v ?Y' Kala Mgh. Sh.
Sul,1go:raw, e. v. 0£ )~)~ To
shrink. ulek Sanhal}., ][. Brazier's tongs,
~i.L Sangola, M. A spear. VJ
,..v 'Y-')~..u Sul.lh:rap, M. Adornment.
Sal.lg h, M. Throat, fances.

•~f1MI. Sil.lg h, M. A horn. 2. Powder "5~ Sanhi, F. Small tongs, pincers .

"" horn. W~~ Sinhil,1, F. A p1ant (Hibiscus
Sil,1gh maraw, To gore. """' canabinus) grown as a
summer crop for its fibre for
~;~fL Sal,1g h:ri, F. Enlarged uvula. making rope.
;1~~~ Sil,1ghaw, v. n. To smell, JlolJ Sane, Post position. Together
?v ~v with. Sh.
inhale. Pr. lJ.~),ji.1/ P. ~f~.L.,,,
&! "'\>y l fY 0; ~li.i.i Saneha, M. Message, errand.
F. ~~ c. V· / ) ~>.~
v 1 fY
)SJ ,~Al~ JMI So, I
~F. Sorrow, mourning.
} ) t~~ Sil.lg ha waw J ~ C· v. From is,i.u Soh, J
v 1 _?~
~ \, y ~y
;~>--~ Soh rakhairr, To put on
,_/.J~ Si1,1gi, F. Corner of a churning
stick. Soh lahawaw, To le~ve off
u~DllM SiI}.gllJ,, F.
Whistle for imitat- mourning.
,,,JI "' ing call of partridge. ; Su, v. n. Imp. Bring forth
~~ Sanmuk, adj. Honourable. young (of animals). Sh.
;i,L Sa1,1war, F. A smaJI shrub
(Rhazia stricta) used medici-
T; SU.a, adj. In full milk. "It!.
Drain to bring water from
nally for children for skin
high land to low field, catch-
diseases. Syn. Jlh drain. Sh.
VJ .,.
J ;
Jl~ Snl,1war, M. Monday. 1'JIJJ Suva, F. Ashes.
)l) 1,1"" Sa1,1waraw, v. t. To adorn, L..SJ1~ Sawadi, adj. Tasty, savoury.
decorate, ornament, clean,
make ready. !~.J!!JJ/olJ
),Ml Sawar, ltf. Monday. Sli.

P. 4J GL F., u~.;;L v. n. J1_,m,,. Siwal, M. Mould, rnst.

v v
v. P·
"." v.
~vr c. v. Siwal lagaw, To become
v v ...

v v
)SJ~f~ mouldy.

)~~ Sa1,1waraw, v. n. To be dress- J1,"" Sawal, M. Be:trotba1, affiance.

ed, made ready, prepared.
Pr. lJJ_,L P. t~:J;L F. ,_.)Sw Sawali, M. A.beggar.

" /iMI Sawwal]., adj. Equal.
~~sl_,m Sawal}.dri, M . .A. neighbour. ~7"'JMI Sojha, M. Care, caution.
'-')3~1.M Sawawi, F. Woman. Sh. ~'1-JJ Sojhla, M. Light, brightness.
adj. Bright.
~l_,l.M Sawan:i, F. Kharif or autumn
harvest. u~~,MI Sojhi, F. Spying, informing.
lrf. A spy, informer.
u~Y"" Sawa'i, F. A draught of hemp.
2. Profi.h. 3. The rope stays Sojhi karal}.f, To spy.
of a tent pole.
<r~ Soj, F. Swelling.
Jl_,~ Siwa'i, F. Wages for sewing.
Sochal}.f, v. n. v. t. To think,
Yr Sawwab, Pr. On account of, consider, conceive, look
. v
for sake of. M. cause, reason, notice, reason. Pr. J\J,l.J..~...,
motive, consideration, ar- .. ~

rangement. P.~~F·~~
-i~)m S o b h , F. A Muhammadan ~>~ Sokhat, F. Anger, vexation,
festival, the 14th day of the heart burning.
Ar a hie month 04~..!i
., Sokhat lagaw, To become
2. Victory, triumph. angry, fire up.
j_,MI Sotr, M. Cousin. ~ lJ_,,:: Saudara, ltf. An inflated skin
Wj/.u Sntarlar,~ M.placed
The stick
• obliquely j
£or crossing streams. J?. D.

;tr Sntla:r, across a well to J_,IJJ !J_,w

Sauda-snd, JJ!l. Merchandise.
keep the rope work in its ~J_,w Sndha, I prep. or post position.
v .. j
place. Syn. YiJ.u J rWith. adj. Prompt
v j j
!Jr Suda, J in paying one's
YJ~ Sntraw, See )~-;_,1.1.1 dues, opposed to ~~!

~jY"" Sawattan, F. A disease o'"f ~J_,w Sodha, M. A refiner 0£ metals.

sheep. P.D. v
j ~JJMI Sodhai}.r, v. t. To refine metals.
'1!,.,J"" Slit, F. Pipe full or tobacco. 2. To s e e k or s e a r c h
v }
2. The memory of loss or diligently. Pr. l~J.MJ P.
sorrow. j
~ibJ_,~ F. ~~
Slit powal}.r, To recall sorrow. j

1r Sura, M. A hole.
Slit lagal}.r, To fall insensible
from smoking.
SUre sure karaw, To pierce,
Sn t m a r a 1g , To smoke t1-'~ Snrakh, M. Hole, etc. See U.
Snrakh pawa'l}.!, To perforate.
IJ_,MI Sota, M.I .A. walking stick, v
1 ~ staff. Met. )~Jw Soraw, v. t. To ask aid of a
1...i 'Ml Soti, F. ) strength. saint. 2. To add fnel to a
fire, firev up. 3. To move.
~)l.>l~.Y.u Snja khani, F. A kind of ,
cloth of mi.x:od cotton and I
Pr. j~.r P. 4:JJMI F.
silk. u~.,r
~J): Saur ha, M. Father-in-law Sankha mau~a, A well off
(term of abuse). village.
Jr Savvar, F. A wadded quilt, );S' le~r Sogha karaw, To bold fast.

JJ;: Saur, F. Constriction.

J,"" Sog, M. Lamentation, mourn-
ing, grief.
Saur sal}gor, F. Retrench- Jr Sul, M. Dysentery, (met.)
ment. Grief. 2. Colic (of anim&le).
Saur sal}.gor karaw, To re- ~ ~r Sawalla, adj: Straight, near,
opposed to ~),)' crooked, far.
~_,: Saura, adj. Tight, narrow, 2. Easy.
jl;~ Sivla1g·, v. n. To become
Sau+a karaw, To constrict. mouldy. Pr. b~~ P. l;!-l)MI
Sau+a thiwaw, To contract. F.t..S~r
.,,. ....
.L ,
.Jb);Mi Surh, M. A shop-keeper's day )]J"" Savlal.J.r, v. n. To confess, pro-
book. 2. Canal excavation fess. 2. To· turn queen's
completed by one party of
evidence. Pr. l~Y"" P. l~~AAI
men. See UJ
.J F. ~!J"" o. v. )lJ~JMI or
llt>Jr Surha, ]f. A hole dug in the
)l)~)MI ..
ground for water.
, 1. )3_, 1,1,MI
Savalwawaw, c. v. o£jl,MI 1
u~J.,M1 Surhi, 1t Coarse meal of pulse.
hl ~Ml Savlawanr
J)') .,, j To confess.
j)lo.#J Soz, M. Grief, sorrow, woe.
Pr. 1~4~1.U· P. 4.~)MI F.
Soz nak, adj. Sorrowful.
~r' Sos, F. Loss by weight in
u~!,MI Solhal)., aclj. Sixteen. In Sh.
., ,
'-'y.u Suf, M. An app1e. 2. Silk
Solh-sataran,I An agricul-
, waste.
. · ~
tural term,
U~ Suk, F. Fistula, sinus. Syn. Solh-satari, ) the rate
J! paid for rent=·ltr of the crop.
ls'_,...,, Soka, I M. Drought, dry- 1
• Soman,

M. A saline water
}-- ness. which oozes from the ground
~S'r Sokra; J in time of the annual river
flood, in low ground, it is
t:J'6;w Sokan, '!YI. Rudder. very injurious to crops.
2. Sewage.
c/r Saukan, M. One wbo lives on
river bank and in sandy lb Somra M. A tribe of Muliam-
deserts. P. D. Y°JMI m~d~n Jats. They expelled
the first Arab invaders from
~r Saukh, M. Ease, comfort. Sindh and Multan.
~.)_,;: Saukha, adj. Easy, well o~, ,, Stin M. A valley oetween
comfortable, opposed to 45', l u)""' s·~kesar and Bhukhi. Sh.
)I¢3_,:, Saul}.:paw, v. t. ~,o commend, l!.lt'""' Sohan, M. A flat file, rasp.
commit, confide. Pr. P.
u.J)w ll! 'Ml Sohna, 8h. See ~}
F .
Jo~ Sohal}.:r, v. n. To become, fit,
LjJ_,~ Sul].da,lrf. E gyp t i a n or
scavenger vulture. (Neophron
dJMJ Soe, ]{. A plant (Anetlrnm.
,,.,,1 v J , ,
1'~ c).:i_,~ SUI}.ggah, M.
A second trea - soya) used as a vegetable.
ing of bhusa after winnow-
ing. v
ur Sivvi, F.
.,....,, A white ant.

~l.w •..ij;JJ Savvi-saJ.J.jh, F. Early in the

)5J: Sauw, Sli. See ;3_,t~ evening.
y,MJ Sava:tfr, M. An omen, augury, J~)MI Sa.wel, ! acfo. Early, betimes,
v v
Syn. )SJJ..MJ }- timely.
v J c.t~.Jw Saw ele, j
~3_,.,,. Snl}.h, F. Acquaintance.
~ltMI Saharh) JiI. Patience, endu·
1.)~iri Sonhan, I adj. Bean tifuJ, rauce. Bh.
v • ~ handsome, fair,
u ~~j;i.u So):fh:ral}., ) goodly, lovely, ;;~ 1lrMI Sahara karaw, v. -n. To
pretty. wait, be patient. S. R.
.,)ts;, Sunhan,1
·· ·
M. Acquaintance.
adj. Acquainted
~~ Snhaga, M. Clod crusher. Slz.
.wt~ SU.ha!}., j with. 2. Sticks v
Suhawaw, v. t. To enjoy.
fixed in a stream to mark a v .9 J
ford. 3. Conductor, guide. Pr. lJ..Y..tMI P. l~~ F.
u:!'~J~ Sonhll;i, F. A fish of carp u~tw
family (Oirrhina reba.)
~Ml Sahra, M. Se as on, when
Jtri Sohag, JI. Good fortune, t.he water subsides and Malarial
affection of a husband. fever abounds. P. D.

l~tJMJ Sohaga, M. Borax, flux. ~tM' S nh:ra, M. A mouthful. S. R.

}i~ UM.I Sohagil}.T, JI'. A m a r r i e d )~~ Sahmija1g, v. p. To· be in
woman, one loved by her terror.
husband. A woman whose v
husband is alive. u~.J.-'~ Sahl}.de:tt sahl).del)., adv. By
J.,J..i-yw degrees.
u~~Sbw Soha):fj:ral}, "/Yl. Horse radish
tree. (.Li-f o r in g a Pterygos- Sahal}f, v. n. To bear, endure,
perma) Flowers and unripe brook, abide, forbear, hold,
fruit cooked and eaten. support., suffer, put up with
;t.f" Suhar, M. Pig, hog, boar, Pr. lJ.~ P. ~.,. F. ~y.w

(Sus scrofa.) by \ \, y
J v. t · l) ~ v. p. ;~.J:y,~
)tJM' Snhi:r, F. Bird, one of 7 ~Y~µ;,
- sisters, or ground thrush. Suhwap, ~
• J M. Beauty.
)oMI Suhr, M. Day-book. Sh.
'-v"'-'F Suhna:p,
)lMI Sahu, M. A tribe of Jats. 2.
~JMI Sohal, M. Star Canopus. Sh. One who endures, is patient

~:~) ))~ Sahur-wela, M. Cock-crow, ~~1.1.1 Si~la, M. Land revenue paid

about 4 A. M. Sh. "" rn t.he cold season for the
Kharif or Autumn crop. See
J)yi.u Sahol, A fish (Ophioco-
phalus Marulius) M u r re I. u ~Jt~ Siawal]., adj. Clever, wise,
Syn. 1"
;J..t:;; sharp, intelligent, judicious.
Syn. wUY,.,..,.
v v
)5J~ Sahwa1n·, See Y,rMI
Sial].raw, v. t. To recognise,
utMI Sahl, F. Cessation, pause, rest. know, discern, identify. Used
, I V V VJ
2. Earnest money, retaining
m ~· R. £or yy~.w.i Pr.
fee. adv. Yes, indeed, very
well. See U.
UJ.. ;~P.
b. t;U.,.Ml F.u~.~~u.i
... ,. ,
Sahl kaQ.haw, v. n. To pause, ~:!-Ml Seba, IM.Damp, moistnre
rest from labour, refresh r
c u 1 t i v a ti 0 n i~
one's self. ~1.1.1 Se9a, ) ground damp by
J~;, Suhel, ]![. South. Name 0£
a star. S. R. ~:!-""' Sip,'lYf. Embroidery, needle
JM.I Sa'e, adj. Hundreds. Syn.
Sip kaQ.haw, To embroider.
~~u.i Sepra, M. Past generation. Sli.
~Ml Si, ]f. Cold, chill.

t:!:!;J Se, ilI. Apple, tree or fruit

( Pyriis malus).

Se, F'. Concubinage, sodomy. ,_;~ Set!, Post:p o sit ion. With,
simultaneously u p o n, at
Se vich 'Qilhawaw; v. t. To same time.
keep as concubine or sodo-
~Ml Si~, F. Whistle, call to birds.
mite. ·

Se vich 'Qahaw, v. t. To be a Sit maraw, ~

To whistle.
concubine or.sodomite. Sit waj'awaw,
Se da l;>u~a, Apple tree. .lo
uJ.>.:!-~ Sittil]., F.A plant like aspar-
agus of an acid ta s t e
~ Sia, }f. Stranger, £oteigner. (Boucerosia aditlis.)
adj. Strange, foreign .•. Of or
belonging to cold.· ~ Sejh, F'. A grand, ornamental
4~~ Siapa, !YI. Mourning, weeping
for the dead. Sejh bal}.di, Preparing a bed.

~w~~ Siasat, F'. Fear, dread. cf. U.

Sikh, F'. .A firing iron, cautery,
J~MI Sial, I M. Winter, cold
,., .... · ~ season • l21>J.f.i.1.1 Sedha, '!YI. .A cross-cut, short·
.. . . S''l'
. ,._.J..N-J ia a, ) cut.
Ser, F. A plot of land without J:!-; Sail, F.... A walk, exercise. See
a well, irrigated by the rising
or the river if frrigated by I!· ;.f.~
canal water, it is called J..~ Sail sapata, A
turn, short
2. A weight about 2 lbs.
Heb. :Maneh. 3. A quart
In D. G. K. U1e quart and J~!.-;: Sailan:l, M. A traveller, globe-
weight are " pakka" and= to trotter. Syn. uj):!-.w
2t lbs. or pints.
u~l~NJ Selhi, F. A hair-rope.
'ft~ Sira, lrf. Wheat. meal mixed
,. with coarse sugar (gur) and r?.-.w Sem, F. Oozing. Sh.
butter (ghi). 2. Corn soaked
in water, the husk removed u:!-NJ Seil)., ]f. A tree (Pentaptera
by treadin~, the rest dried I tomentosa) P. D. 2. A bean
and used for food, or for (T1.tba vulgaris) P. D.
dressing silk, etc. Syn. 4.L.c
u~NJ Sil}., F. A ploughing. v 2.
LS'~ Sirak, F. Thick cotton quilt. "' Boundary. Bh. Fl. ),.i.;t.MI

~;.!'Ml Serha, M. A veil of jasmine )SJ)~ u:!-~ Sail]. powaw, v. n. To sleep.

flowers. v
lS&.}.~NJ Sll).dh,
JP. The parting of a
vf: Siri, M. Partner. Sh. "' woman's hair.
~).:~ Sirh, F. A part of the river y.f..w Sel).f, A good fodder grass
where the stream is rapid. (Elionitr·us Hi rs u tu s),
'2, An even flow of blood as weavers brushes are made
from a out vein. of root.
Sirh machhi, F. Indian jl·.f.MI Senr, I
Mackerel. Genus Oybium. .. rM.tions
and F. The rel a-
established by
L):!-~ Sen, ) marriage between
uiY: Si:-rhi, F. Heap of grain in the parents of bride and
straw. Sh. bridegroom, the people are
L)N'./:MI Sis, M. Bow (with the head). ~~ the relationship is
,.. Sh. <.}-:!-~ 2. Ootton twist.
l)'.~ Seka, M. Formentation.

Yj l)'.~MI Seka karal).f, v. t. To foment. J~ Sil].sar, ~ M. Crocodile. Sh.

J~ Sisar,
J¥.111.1 Sekal, F. Damp, moistu~e.
)k:!-111.1 Sekaw, v. t. To foment., beat,
Y..f4: Sail}.khia, M• .Arsenic.
toast, bask, warm one's self. tf11,-.u Senga, M. ! A companion, or
Fr. l~~MI,. F. ~(~J.IJ F. . r person of like
~~Ml Sengi, F. ) age. Contem-
u~~~"" v. p. )~':!-~NJ c. v. porary.
J ~
;s)i/~~,, ,, ;~~ Sinn, M. Sh. see u)~~
,9(~ Se'.kh, I M. Cultivation by J\t4'""' Sel}.har, M. Anger, borer.
U:!-~ Sek, J percolation, not by
inigation. v ,. ,.
....SJ l-v-4.-l,IJ Sel}.har1, F. A brace, carpen-
Syn.~ . ter's tool.
Se}fhari da phal, M. Brace. d.J~""' Sevi}f, F. Vermacelli.
v -tl.-MI Seh, F. A porcupine.
u?.;~ Si}fhril}., I F. A fibre pl~nt
.. I used for makmg ;t./:MI Saihar, M. A hare, rabbit.
u:!--\).~MI Sinhi}f, ~ ropes. Hemp.
,.. .. ""' I ( Orotalaria-juncea Syn. Sh. )0;: • J-'.J:.~=
u:h...\MJ Sinhi:Q., J and a an n a b is J~l.-MI Sehr, F. F. A small-bird. Sli.
"' "' Sativa.) The fibre of the
latter is much stronger when
grown in the bills than in )t~""' Sih'r, If. A seam. Sh. v. t.
the plains. The drug, the Imp. Sew. P. P. u~MI
resinous exudation, is said ,,
not to appear below a cer·
tain elevation in the hills, ~)ir:!-""' Sehll, F. Rope for tying a calf
(Stewart) but the tops are to a cow when milking. Sh.
widely used c.
.r;~ )i and
when two feet or more in V""
height, the atmoi:iphere for
some distance is heavy with i..} Shfo, the 21st letter 0£ W. P.
its narcotic smell. .Alphabet written in Roman.
~ L"MI Sel}.hga, M. Smeller, sniffer,
a man who smells out old Lt"'~~ Shabas, C0rr. of J4Lt, Well
wells. 8h. done.
u)~~:!-~ Sinhu}f, M. A. pad on tbe head uJl~ S h ad i , F. Circumcision.
used for car~ying burdens, or 2. Marriage, joy, etc. See U.
:for protectrng a bullock's ~V:. Sharat, F. Sign,"signa1, hint,
neck from being rubbed.
gesture, indication.
u~MI Seni, See ;J-1;MI Sharat 4ewaw, To make a
gesture, sign or motion.
Siu, 'lrf. River · water. 2.
Cultivation by,_ river water; ~l~ Sharak, F. -(6 of a ser=2 oz.

opposed to )~' cultivation ~t~ Shala, interj. Would to God!

by well water. please God ! Contraction for
~):!-Ml Sev~·a, M. Creatures, supposed ~~L!i Shamat, F. Bad fortune,
to live in the river and cause curse. 2. ] 1ruit, result, used
the banks to fall. in a bad sense.
)5J~MI Sewaw, v. t. To moisten. Shamat awanr, To come to
S. R. evil. ··

Siwaw, v. t. To stitch, sew. c.)\~ Shan, M. Dignity, etc. See U.

Pr. I~Ml p. t~MI F. uw..f:MJ Shan karaw, To stand on
,,. .... ....
\,'! . . '! l one's dignity.
v. P· )~..JMI ..,..,, c. v. J)) "Ml ...
t)~ ,)~ ShaJ:J. sha:Q., F. Sound of wind.
Nak siwaw, To pierce the
nose. Shat}. shat}. karaw, v. i. To
whistle like the wind among
pines, etc.
Kan siwaw, To pierce the ear.
cJUl~ Shanti, F. Quiet, etc. Seo U. u,;\~ Shakh~ani, F. .A. woman,
Shanti awai;i:r, To abate one's female.
itil.<CJ.ti Shadmana, M. Music and
Jkrl!i Shal}.kaJ.J.r, v. i. To roar, of singing at marriage.
wind, to howl.
r Shir, ~[. A demon, q,pparition,
~\~ Shah, M. A villago money "" frightful shape in the air.
leuder. 2. A title given to
descendanfi of .Muhammad. ;~ Shar, M. Quarre1ling with
3. Seo U. fighting, scrimmag-e, wrang-
ling, conflict, cf. U.
u_Tv ~t:r. Shahpari, adj. A famous
breed of mares. Sh. Shar ghatau, M. Agitator,
J stirrer up of strife.
}'x \Ji Shahukar, '!II. A. rich mer·
chant, banker. Shar ghatwawaw, To kin-
J dle strife.
u).>'n \tv Shahukari, F. Riches, wealth.
Shar vismawai:rr, To put out
ut ~ Shahl, F. .A. quarter of a strife.
- chhittank=~oz.
... ,, Shirarati, adj. Wicked.
~~\~ Shcl.'it, adv. Perhaps, lest.
g) )~ Shiraza, M. Tongue of a shoe • Shabar, I 2. See U.
"'~ f-adj. Badly cooked.
)t...i Sha\>l;>ar,J
ui ltc.~ Shirshahi, See ut~~
f..~ Shabbo, F. A plant (Poly i,Y1 fb A
;' ~f ')""' Shart-khe~aw, To play for
anthes tuberosa) 2. Stock
(Mathiola .Annua.) money, gamble.

~tu Shapakka, M. Pierced work ~J~ Sharti, M. Gambler, player.

v in wood, stone or metal.
~_, l'~' Shurfawat, F. Nobility.
J~ Shapkar, M. Smack, splashing ~~ Sharkat, adj. Two.

~l1~ Shitaba, aLlJ. Quick, nimble,

i' l-,,;JJ Sharmawanr.
i,Y A
v. n. To be
ashamed. · ·
"" active, alert, smart.
U},,~ Sharmul)., adj . .Coy, bashful,
u~U~ Shitabl, adv. Quickly, fast. shy.

~/:. Shutum, lll. Belly, stomach. UJL;~

..; Sharna'i, #I. A piper, from
~;~ Shatut, M. Mulberry tree or s~ a pipe, B.ageolette.
fruit (l'r[orus iridica.)
i..S;~ Sharri, M . .A. wrangler, cap-
~~ Shatir, M. A beam. tious person.

Jtz Shatal, ]:f. A lie, falsehood. J.~ytv Shari:ril}., F. Sweetmeat.

·1. 4
Sharifana, adj. Nobly.
u)H~ Sh a kh t a1u1~, ]I. The flat
poaob. J~']~ Sharik, M. Enemy. Sh.
~(, 1
Sh a r i k a t, F. Partnersbip, ~/' ~
·r Shikal).jbin, M. A sherbet

equality. made of lime juice or other

v acid, boiled with sugar.
-t~r Shiril}h, 1.f. A tree (Acacia
·-- "" speciosa). Sh. c);E.!i Shagird, M. Disciple, scholar.
Shafa, F. Remedy, etc. See
u. ,_,,sc)};~ Shagirdi, F. A scholarship.

Shafa bakhshaw, To restore J.!i Shal, M. Weariness or pain in

health. the limbs from exercise or
J unaccustomed work.
t.Je.R/:., Shuf'a, M. Pre-~mption.
Shuf'a chhikanr,I To claim )::.. Shallar, adj. Lazy or slow
· · ~ the right from want of strength.
Sh'u.f'a mal).gaw,J of pre- v"'
emption. Jl.!i Shallaw, v. n. To be weary.
Shuf'a 4ewal).:r, To give right Pr. P. l;!-1.Z F.
0£ pre.emption.
))l.!i Shalwar, F. Trousers, made
Shuf'a lag aw, To hold a right very full and baggy.
of pre-emption.
)~~ ShalijalJ.J',
uAA/:.. Shufa'i, M. Pre-emptor. v.p. To be weary •
Pr. \~~ P. li'. uw.!1..!..
~~ Shak, M. Doubt, etc. See U. .,, ,,,.

Shak anaw, I To dou?~' be !"..i Sham, F. A torch.

r susp1c1ous
.:1:jl.....!i Shamana, M. An awning~
Shak karaw,J of.
Shak vich powaw, ~ To be in t,)l.....:t Shuma'i, F. Njggardliness ..
Shak rakhaw, ~~ Sham 'a, JJ'. A torch.
;~i Shukar, M. Heavy breathing,
as of animals when in Sham'a dan, A stand £ o r·
danger. 2. Hiss. (of snakes). lamps.
~~i Shukara, M. A sigh.
)J..!i Shamir, JJ'. Ankle. Sh.
y)5'.1 Shukaraig-, v. t. To blow, J,\ ~ ... ,.
breathe, cast a spell by blow- )v.""' Shana:r, F. Large tendon afr
v J back of ankle. '.l1endo Achilles ..
ing over one. Pr. lJ..4jt:i S.R.
p, l~})'.,±. F. ~~/:'/:..
J \'1..1..:t Shansha, ':flt[. Doubt, apprehenw
))~~ Shikaru, ilf. Hunter. Sh. sion.
~} u/~ Shakritut, M. Tbelongsweet ,.v
/.J./:.. Shai:i.gar, }f. The pod of the
jan~ tree (Prosopisspicigera.)
Shaklo, JP. Manna found on
the olive and Tamarisk trees. l).!i Shua, M .. Light of dawn. Sh.
2. '1.1he honey of the wasp.
Sha~~lwar,, j[, Frid a y = I i::_)..;t Shokh, adj. Brown, the colour
of roast meat .. 2. Of other--
?.:....~ colours,. de~p.
)JJ.!i Shoda, I M. A poor fellow, Shah khawaig-, To be de-
humble man, said feated.
·1~,,i:t Shohda,J by Mr. O'Brien,
not to be used in a bad sense; --vm" Shah, } M. Husband, bride-
bnt t.he author bas heard _,,. groom.
'' Banares shoda" used as an Jt"" Shahu,
"arch-knave." .J

J)~ Shor, M. Noise, etc. See U. JJ~ Shahur, M. Good manners.

J--:.·r Shahil}.gar, F. A fish with
Shor machawaw, To make
a noise, uproai:, disturbance. yellow back and black or
dark stripes.
Shor machaw, To be noisy.
J! Sha'e, F. A thing. 2. Sweet..
Shor, adj. Salty, alkaline. meats.
\0_,..:i Shoria, M. Salty efilorescence. Na-sha'e, Nothing.
In Sh. )~ ))i! 2. Nitre.
Na-sha'e, adj. Bumble.
ui!i_,~ Shoshni, adj. Purple.
Sha'e shikal, F. Goods,
i),:;:, Shukar, F. Anxiety, care.

articles, luggage.
Shuka1n~, v. n. To hiss, snort
" .I
)l5_,t.:i "
have a noise 1n ears. Pr.
Y~~ Shidiq.+, F. A Negress.
, J J
\~r P. l~ty~ F. r...swSJ,:;:, "-'~..!i
.... .,. Shidi, M. A Negro .
u~~)~ Shokhi, F. Anger. Sh. '"'5) ~~ Shirazi, M. A kind of Pigeon
t J
uR~_,t:. Shuma'i F. Stinginess,
uj ggardliness. )J~ Shern, !!. Head or foot piece
v .,;
J3r ShaUl.).q, Jyf. Desire, inclina- of bed.
tion, relish, eagerness,
earnestness. ~...J..:':'.
i..::.1 .. : Sh"ir1,
,, F . s weetness. a d'':I·
u$i1j;, Shaul}.qi, ~adj.Fond, eager, v
v ,.,.. fervent, keen.
c>~3 ~ Shaul).qin, Y)~~~ Shisha ja+aw, i 1.t. To glaze.

'&} Shauh, aaj. Deep, without t:Jl4t:. Shaitan raw gia, Noctnr-
bottom. 2. Abyss. 3. Hus· nal emission.
band .
;~ 21J,:;:, Shauhpar, ll-f. Large mous- ·~~ Shlmak, M. A disease of
tache. Sh. camels and horses, the whole
1. body becomes dry and shri-
)'(J-..i Shohur, 'M. Village. Sh. Pl. velled.
·t4: Shil}.h, M. A lion, tiger.
~tt:. Shah, F. Check, in game 0£ Shil}.h ~akri, F. A game.
chess, defeat.
Shil}.h makkhi, F. A.n inseet
'Shah ~ewaw, To defeat., that kills flies and drives .
.frustrate,. outwit. them away. Sh.
• J

t.~ $ufa"l}.a, :JI. A verandah, a

house open on one side, porch •

.r~ $afar, .ilf. A journey.

~ (.!JL $afan $afa, ar7j. Empty, void,
'-"' Swad, The 22nd letter of W.P. desolate, wasted, cleared out.
Alphabet written in Roman
charactt-r ~ or ~· ~ $afil, Ji'. Battlement, rampart.
VJ ,
$abnw, jjf. Soap. f.;)l~ $iqligar, .tlf. Polisher, fur-
,,,. ,.,. bisher.
;J_r..~~. . $il}.at ~ewaitr, To restore to
health. 'ell,., $alal}., F. Writing in large
Je~ters or hand. 2. Counsel,
C t}'=;' f?a.1}.ilf sach, adv. Indeed, in etc. See U.

truth. Elyn. t{' I....~ $ala}J. bhannaw, To correct,

2. To turn aside from one's
yJ'~ $ada kara.w, 1,o cry, ca.11 out, intention.
$alal}. puchha:Q.r, To consult.
4.iJ...D $adqa, 1lf. Propitiatory offer- $alal}. ~ewaw, To recom..
ing, etc. . See U. 2. ]'or mend, advise. 2. To set a copy.
sake of. :~. Scape goat. I
J_,....? $Ufi, F. A striped coarse cloth.
$adqa kacJhai:ir, To draw
1i.wny (n.n evil spirit) by r..}> Zwad.
sncrificu, or by walk i 11 g
ronnd the person repeating J> Zwad, The 23rd letter of W.P.
focauta.tions. alphabet written in Roman
character Z or z. The com-
~a.dqa. ghola, M. A sacrifice. piler has · fonr;d no word
under this not common
J.'....J....c $a.dma., JJI.
Event, adventure, to U. and W. P.
occurrence. cf. U.
u..o $af, F. Rank, liue, etc. See U.
b Toe, The 24th letter of W. P.
$af bha~naw, To break line. alphabet written in Roman
character T. or t.
lie $.a.fa, adj. Clean, clear, pure.
Jlk ?;aq, M. A door, leaf of a. door.
i. i::>mooth, even.
adj. Odd, (of numbers).
$a.fa, mli:. Flatly, distinctly. J) ~'.b ~alib zar, JI. Covetous manJ
$a.fa kara1g·, Tomake clear, , lover of money.
pure, clean. 2. To make
smooth, even. U""J'.b ~a'ns, lif. A musical instru..
~k $iffat, F. Quality, attribute,
"' commendation. t'~ ';J;abakh, JI. A tray, dish.
~iifat karaw, To praise, laud, ~~ ~abakb.l, JI. One whe> keeps
magnify. a. oook shop.
-J} ~araf, p1·ep. In direction of, i..:.:,....~:b 'Aqbat, .F. End, etc. See U.
towards, at, side. z. The resurrection.

~araf" dar, M. A partfaan,. 'Aqbat,kharabthiwalJ.r, To

h e 1 p e r , adherent. acl:j. come tu a Lad end.
'Aqbat kharab karaw·, To
~araf · dari, F: Following, i·uin.
a.dherence, partiality ..
,,... J,.c\:c 'Amil, M. An exorcist, one ·
~}' ~arfain,. adj. MUtual, re- ; who casts out e-vil spirits.
'Aj"a'ib ral).gv, !I. A substance
Gi.J'Il~k ~albawaIJ., M: Daily pay to' of peacock green colour,
witness,. constables. readily sulnble in water,
w liioh ah once becomes red,
;I~~b ~albaw, v. t. To· seek for,. and is then used as red ink.
require, demand,.ask ..
.; i.::.>j~ 'Izzat, F: Honour, etc. See U.
J)k ~aur; M. Way, etc. See U~
'Izzat l;>o;al].r, To dishonour1
~aur sarkari, Ofifoially. abase .
. ,
J;b ?;a:u.q, M. A neck-ring. See U. ~Izzat kUIJ. wat~a lagaw" To
dishonour one's self.
~auq l'anat, Bound with a
cu-rse. ''lzzat g halawaw,1
~ ~oe ..
"Iz t I h ,. l
za a awal].:r, f honour.
To dis-

& ~oe, Th,e 25th letter of. W. P. 'Izzat Wal}ja waw,J

a 1 p ha bet. In R o·m an
ijc 'Azm, M. Fear, awe. 2. See U.
, character~- or~··
'Azm dar,. One who inspires
1~ ~ahU.ra, M. The model of a
awe, opposed to be-'e.ztn
domed monument. irresolute,. uncertain.
{_· 'Ain.-
t.1.~ 'Asha, F. Tlae first watch o.f
f. 'Ain, The 26th letter of W. P. night.
alphabet.. In Roman cha-
racter an inverted comma' '.A.sha-e-rabbani, Il. The
signifies this letter. H o 1 y Communion is so
called. Lit. (The night of
~Jlc. 'Adat, F." Habit, etc·; See U. the Lord).

'Adat pa'e wal}j8.lfrr' To be Jk 'Aql, F. Wisdom, etc. See Tl.

habitual. ·
'AqI ha:igUI]., Wisdom tooth.
'Adat thiwal).r, To be accus·
'tomed. ~k 'Illat, F. Cause,. pretence, bad
J.!il~ habit or custom,. force o.f
, .. 'Ashiq m'ashuq, M. The habit, disrespect, disease..
LJ)~!f..<0 buckle of a belt.
'Illat wal}.jawaw, To break
~""l.c 'A~a, M. A staff, stick. a habit.
'IDati, adj. a us to m a r y , ~-=- Ghazzi, F. A i' yard.
ha bi tu al. 2. Ill-bt.·haved. .9

Sh. ,.:,}~ Ghustan, M. Corr. of i.:)J.u)J/

a cemetery. ,,,.
Y.~ 'Ambar, "Af. Ambergris. v J

~ J ~.=. _Ghnslaw, v. i. To be pollntecl

;~ 'Umr, See U.~ iJ_J ~ Always, 1 with reference to nocturnal
till the j ud gm en t.
~ ,
~~ 'Umra, F. Age, lifetime. .<.:> • Gha?ban, M. Anger.

waq4i 'umra, Long Iife. j} ~ Ghafiat karaw, To ma k.e

light of, be negligent to
~~ 'Aib, 1lf. Fault, blame, etc. ·neglect, omit. '
See U. ~'31: Ghila~at, F. Filth, dirt.
'Aib kaghaw,· To find fault
with, to be extreme in J_,Lc Ghalol, M. A pellet, ba.11 -Of
niarking faul t.s. mud.

'Aib lawaw, To defame, J# Ghaloli, F. A pellet-bow.

blame, detract.
}~ J,Lc. Ghaloli-Mz, M. One wh6
J.f,S! 'fd, F. Jfostival, holy .day. shoots with a pellet bow.

'fd karaw, To hold a. feast ~i Ghalfoha, U. An embroidcrei

or festival. ,,. carpet.
i fJ.f:S. 'Ev ii, llf. Substitute, proxy. ~~i Ghuleli, F. A pellet-bow.
E Ghain. j, v J
\~ Gh u P.- 4 a,M. A ridicnlone
t ~ain, The 27th letter of fellow, dissolute abandoned
p.e rs on, blackguard. Syn..
W. P. alphabet. In Roman
character Q.h. 1~
/.l.i:. Ghash,
1... F. Shoot, sucker,
y} ~ Ghap]an kara~1, To
JJ,,.Z Ghanrai;i.r, "· n. To growl.
, I #1' .;
\~J.f: p. ~Jf F. ~Jf:-
yl!j: ~harqab, .M. Drowned lands.
, j.f. Ghauz, F. Threa.tening. PZ.
t..S);j Gharquri, F. Drowned in
thong ht. ,,. u~f:
..J:- Ghaz, M. A. yard meai:ture. 2. t1.c. l~i 2:£aib-da 'ilm, M. Second
A blunt arrow. a. Bow of , sight, divination.
a fiddle, etc. .&.i'-:t.; Ghaibana, ailv. I n vis i b I y.,
Ghaz laie, F. (Ta- suddenly, in one's absence.
mariie Orienta.Us.) ·
~ Ghaibi, M. Unlawfully begot-
t~ Ghiza, F. Food, meat, used ten. A bastard.
with reference to. digestion,
not of things purchased.
Ghairat aw al). :r, 'fo be
jealous. )1>JJL..::.;
:; Farmawanr,
.. v. t. To speak fo
terms of respect. To order,
Ghairat karal).:r, To be en- command, enact, e11join. Pr.
vious, touchy. l~t,-..oj P. l:.l-,.; F. u~i
w Fe. ~)G} Farna'i, F. A saw.
w Fe, The 28th letter of W. P. Jbj Fasad, M. Mutiny, sedition.
a 1 p ha b et. In Roman See Tl.
character 1!' or f.
Fasad da mu:i;i4h, A dema·
u;l_,o.. ~u Fati}J.a khwanf, F. Reciting gogue.
"' "' prayers for the dead and
ceremonies connected with Fasad machaw, To be in an
it for some days in the dead uproar.
man's house. ~; Fa~al, F. Harvest time.
ctt.>U Fal}.sha, adJ. Indecent, ob· Fa~al ~a~era, (A harvest
scene, shameless. quail) a man coming at a.
time to serve his own selfish
},; Far, Corr. of t;l,; ends, a mercenary.
;J)~.~r./a>}; ~ar khattf ~ e w al). :r, To fa Fikr, ]f. Anxiety, care, etc .
. disinherit, cast off. ... See U.
_,~!\,; Faltu, ad}. Surplus, spare.
Fikr lag aw, To be care
A,U.; Fitna, M. A :fomentor of worn, .anxious.
quarrels, mischief maker. JlU Fulad, M. Steel.
... J
~; Fitt, interj. Curse on. Sh. ~Jli; Fuladi, ad}. 0£ steel.
'-<:t; Fittak, F. Curse. Sh. ~Mill; Falasf, F .. A carpet.
A~_; Falsa, ]{. A bush drawn over
A?,J.j Fidia, .i'lf. .Atonement, propi- corn while being threshed to
tiation, ransom. make the more broken.
Fidia qewaw, To propitiate. 'lllii Fanah, adj. Ruined. Sh.
J~.i Farash, F. A tree. ( Taniarim
)':~jj Faniar, ]Jf. The cobra (Naja
Orientalis). "' tripuclians). Sh.
; .
Fa:rakf, F. A girth. ttLa~; Fai~la, ~
" JJ{. Distance.
\.fi Farsh, JJf. Floor, etc, See U. ~.a~; Fe~la, Sh.

Farsh l>adham~·, ~ To flag with J1,-,; Fil, M. The Bishop, in game

stone~ "' of chess.
Farsh lawa1:i:r, pave.
. t a'''i, adv. SIowIy.
.. u'..
;1.. •
.uJ~...w '
J} Farq, M. Difference, etc. See ...
Farq rakhal).:r, To differ. ~ Qaf, The 29th letter of W. P.
Farq j'al).:raw, To distinguish. alphabet, represented in
Roman, by Q or q.
vL,; Farmash, JJ'. order, com-
mission, but n.ot for pay .J~ Jtli Qabil kar, adj. Worthy, able,
friendly accommodation. ' capable.
,~l:; QabU, adj. Fast, tight, firm, ,rY-M; _, !"~ Qism o qism, adj. Different.
secure. 'JJII. Opportunity, etc. I •
See U. ,,)~.a:; Qa~a'i, "!YI. .A cotton scutcher.
J 2. Butcher. adj. Cruel,
1.J-'J \.! Qarul)., M. Supposed to be hardhearted.
Korab, a cousin of Moses,
proverbially avaricious. Wa4 qa~a'i, M. Butcher of a
Qarul). da khazana, "IYI. .A cows 01· buffaloes.
Y}~.a' Qa~a'iw, F . .A butcher's wife.
f..S)\j Qari, adj. Severe, morbal. J
J).a.;· Qa~ur, F. Error, fault, etc.
Qari zakham. Fatal, mortal See U.
,Suj~i.:; Qanul].go, ]{. Recorder. adJ°. Qa~ur pawaw, To find fault.
Cunning. l::; Qa??a, JI'. The office of Qazi=
~~ Qab?, F . .A writtenagreement,
promissory note, bond. ~~~T '-:---b; Qutab ' ala .tara, M. Pole-
, J
star. Sh.
~)~'" Qudratul]., adv. Pro vi den tially.
}~:; Qatar, M. Cutting the nib of
u'""u,:; Q a d m i , kl. .A man who a pen.
measures fields by pacing
the sides. P. D. Qatar maraw, To cut a .nib.
i:\:J~:; Qulaba, M. An earthenware
~l,..?.~:; Qadimana, ~· aclj. .Aboriginal, ' pipe for draining.
.. Q d' ,
a im1,
etc. See U. .
u~1;· Qall'i, F'. Solder, foil.
~)' Qirat, F. Pronunciation, read- ~u:; Qanara, M. .A tripod for
.,. ing of the Quran. hanging meat.
cJ j' Quran, ]f. Sacred book of the )..J l\:; Qana wez, F'. A kind of silk
Muhammadans. cloth.
Quran chawal).+, To swear. ~.~~ Qal).dil, M . .A paper lantern.
~.itf' Qurbani, adj. Devoted, sacri- J):; Qaul, lrf. Promise, etc. See U.
Qaul palaw, To perform a
ua} Qar?, M. Debt, a loan. p1·omise.
Qar? chawaw, To owe, bor- Jlti Qahar, M. God. 2 . .A palki
row. or palanquiu bearer.
Qar? lahawaw, To liquidate, J.1,-:; Qaid, F. Imprisonment, etc.
discharge a debt. See U. 2. Jail, prison .
.d.~WJ Qar?a'il]., M. A debtor. W Ka£.
yj J
J} Qurqi karaw, To confiscate,
w Kaf, The 30th letter of W. P.
alphabet. In Roman charac-
ter Kor k.
t'°/ ·Qirmich, M. Crimson. u1:\S K ~ b a Ii, adj: From Kabul.
oa .J Qirmichi, adj. Crimson. Foreign, applied to strange
LS~ ..J varieties.. Sh.
"S l>. ~ Qasm chawaw, To.Jake an r
) J v 1· ·oath, swear. Kab,ali gehmui]., M. Hornet.
Kabali kikkar, F. Cyprus 1lS Kara, "!ff. Promise.
sht~pcd acn.oia. J IJJ lS Kardar, lt:f. An agent.
u~ Kapa, ilf. Colic .. 2. Bird-lime. ~\J}S Kardari, F. Agency.
\' a. (An indigo) cutter.
v Karsi, F. The eleventh day
~IS Kapi, F. Cuttin~, rea~ing. 2. of each half of the month,
" WngeR forreapmg. 3. Copy. when Hindus are prohibited
Corr. Eng. from eating any kind of
grain, except buck-wheat.
j'6 Katr, ~f. Shears. 2. Cutting Ploughing and sexual inter-
nib of a pen. P. D. course are also forbidden.
~}'6 Kati, F . .A large knife. ·'-9~~'6 Karguzari, F. Administra-
tion, direction, Government.
'1!.>'6 Kat, F. A cut (in cards). 2.
Rust, verdigris. P. D. Ka~guzari k a r a 1). To r,
administer, manage, direct.
jflS Kataw, v. t. To cut down
c.:.JJlS Karan, prep. For the sake of,
expenses. 2. To cut the on account of. .
cards. 3. To dash out (with
the pen) c£. U. Pr. IJ.1~~~ J4 JIS Kar ~nir, }F. Sound· fre-
I .bv
•-;!-) e> F.
.bl>.:J v. p. JIS JIS Kar kar, repeated.
\.y . .bt'
/'~~ c. v.
l) );.:, )1~'6 Karhaw, v. t. To vboil,
deooct, scald. Pr.. L.~l~~j
.t'6 Kath, :J!I. Wood, timber, etc. P. l:!-~J~ F. ~~:t-~Y v. n .
See U.
J ...,)
.) . . 1i_)' v. p. ~.),~b)
.. ')
.) .~ 'V . c.
Ka th Kal)ara, M. Wood v \
I ,
work, appn.ratus ..

ill~ lt'6 Katha Kama1:id, "Prf. A bard

uklS Kasni, F. Tbe horizontal
Apecies of sugar-cane. wood for supporting the
J)~ (leather funnel for hold-
i...s#\{ Kathi, F. Wood, £ne1. 2. In ing graio) in a flour mill.
S. B. Saddle of horse.
u.!i lS Kashi, F. Glazing put on
'<!:IS Kaj, M. Wedding, marriage, earth en ware.
ceremonial fenst, used only
among- Hindlts. 2. Act, etc. t,..5';\S Ka.ii, F. A sonnet, st,anza.
See U. ailj. Enough, etc. See U.
'(!:'6 Kach, DI. A button hole. w\S Kak, F . .A breaking out., erup-

uJ~ '6 Kaohu1:i, M. A pocket knife. tion on chin or lower face.

S. R. 2. Bread baked with
J~-;--'6 Kaohhal, A low embankment a stone inside. Bilochi.
constructed round land in
the bed of a hill torrent close
i \S \S Ka ka kar, Creak.
to its bank, with a view to
silt being deposited and land
,_/\S Kaki, F. Sister. Cf. u. 2.
being reclaimed from the Pupil of eye.
~sis' Kagu·t· , ~ M. Paper. Sh. .In
;'6 Kar, M. Good, 2. adv. Like, t~v K"' ] S. R. ~\s' and
as. ~~ agu. ' JS()' . ..
~ls' Kala, adj. B1ack, etc. See. uUlt Kanal}, Jf. The reed of the
.lo '
U. NI. Thief (Slang) Sh. jungle grass, lj)-:l (Sac.charuin
Sara) Pl. u~j~ 2. A. linear
Kala tittar, Black part.ridge. measure. 2 qadams
(Francoliniis Vulgaris.) ( p a c e s) = 1 k a. 1· 1-1. m. 3.
ka.rHms== I ld1.a1:1 (O'Bl'ieu.)
Kala jira, li:f. A spice, ilea 3. adj. One eyed.
bane (Vernonia anthelmiri-
tica .) 2. Caraway seed l.~J\5 Ka:Q.ja, adJ. Metal.
(Oarum ca1·ui.)
l!J~3ls' Kal}.jan, ~ F. The horizontal
Kala nila, Black itnd blue. v v beam, resting on
Y~l\5 Ka1~jhg·, the two pillars
Kala Namaz, .About 4 A. M. .- · of a Persian well, which
Sh. 'npport.i'! the axle 0£ the
norizontal wheel.
~ Jl5' Kal sirra, aclj. 0£ a black v~
Kal}.ch, F. Breeches.
... head.
lSJlS Kal}Q.a, aclj. Greater, larger.
u~~Y JlS Kal karchhi, F. The king-
. crow. (Dicrurus macrocercus.) Kal}.qa chU.atl, A burning
log of Kandh, it keeps alight
t;~ JlS Kal-wata, aaj. 0£ a black for a long time.
1.iti·sJ\S' Kal}Q.ha, lif. Invitation to a
uJ~~,, J~ Kal wachhul}, M. A black wedding or other feast.
"'y yvo K al}..
.. dh al}r, v. t. To mv1te
· · to
\')b\16° Kalra,
. M. A flea. a wedding £east., etc. Pr.
\s:llS Kalka, "Prf. A tassel. 2. Stone lJ.l~ils' "p, l~S3lS F.
of soap nut. P. D. .J:.Yr .,,r .bYr
u~~~ v.p. i~~~
· :_.,,~ JlS Kal karichchi,
. F. B 1 a ck
"" longforked-tailed birCI. Sh.
)Jls' Kal}r, prep. For the sake of.
K i n g - c r o w • (Diorurus 2. ltf. The lightness of one
.scale in weighing. 3. Devia-
tion from straightuess. 4.
Condition of being one-eyed.
;JJl\5' Kalwiw, 111• Lamp black. 2.
" Blackness. u ~3 ~ Kal}ral}, !YI. A one eyed person.
uj}lS Kalol}.i, Eng. Colony. adj. Rotten, eaten by worms,
without a kernel.
u~~ ·~llS Kali jihal}, aaj. Blackish. "'~
~,':J uM/.J
. Yvo K"al}Sl' go1a,·
.. M· . P. ump k'm.
r,,,,S)Jf 1.)lS Kali gori, Black and white. i.ilils' Kankanr, v. n . .To cackle as
) • .. v v
t ls' Kam, F. · The frame of a kite. fowls. Pr. li).~llS P. Y.fslS
w\5 Kal}., M. A crow. Pl. u~JlS
( Oo1·vit(Spendens). '-.ts~ Kal}.g, M. A crow. 2. A letter
of complaint. 3. FI o o d,
Kal} kal}., F. Cawing, as a spate, freshet. Sh.
Kal).g Mawaw, To seek an
u~ Kal}., prep. For- the sake of., omen from the flying of
Sh,· crows. 2. To &:xpect.
t..J,.d\S Kai:igri, F. A. Mjra stalk. Ka war maraw, To be deject-
.,; _,,vi/
Syn. <...5f3D ed :from failure.
J~ls' Kann, ltf. A. plant, the seeds u:!-jJ ~ Kaon:ll)., F . .A bird, the warty
of which are eaten. Sh. bearled Ibis.

jJ.;;.~; 0 '6/{, Kano kan thiwaw, To be ~lS Kahkar, F. Low land where
~ scattered. .J · kahi grass grows. P. D.
Kano kan karaw, To scatter. u:"t\S Kahil}., F . .A sheaf, as much as
:i,, .. v K",,
anugo, M, . A revenue - reaper cufai before laying on
ground .. P. D.
t:.n~lS Kanun, '!If. A harp. JI.I
L.SJt> K"'''
a i, pron. some, any. Pl .
V Vt/
'--~y;1:1 Kal).wwi, F. ~row. Sli . u0jl~~
.~J\S Kal).h, F. A reed that grows t.:J?.lS Kain, F . .A drag shovel £or
on the banks of rivers levelling fields. P. D.
( Sar:.aliaturri Spontaneiim.)
Pens are made from the reed. ~{ Kabba, .A grass, grown in
2. 'rhe stick that supports
rftinA, good while green.
the le-?;-j~ or trough into P.D.
which the water of a Persian
wheel falls. 8. A fist-fol. Sh. J~ Kaba+, M. Bajra straw. Sh.
~~!IS Kal}.hla, adj. Weak, cowardly. Jl~ Kabal, kf. The net work of
fibres formed round the
., .
Kanin ., F. The effect of a
curi:ie. 2. Smut., in grain. 3.
leaves of date palms from,.
An arrow made from a reed which rope is made. Syn.J~
and tipped. 4. A pen. Sh.
~~~ Kubra, lI. A tribe 0£ Bilucheg.
J.~ u~I(, Kanil}. batti;1 A fish (NotoP_- J
... ~ terus Kapi· jr,~ Kabutar, M . .A pigeon, dove.
'-'); '-'*~'6' KaniI). pari, J rat.) The fancy :for pigeons is very
J widely distributed in the
J~ Kau, J!. The olive tree (olea Punjab, but the way they are
ouspidata) 2. A lying Story. classified by the natives
appears to depend entirely
315 Kau, F. Noise. on their colour.
J,15 Kawar, F. Anger, wrath, ui~. Palfa'i, The head only is
indignation, rage. coloured.
Ka war thiwaw, ~ v:·n. Tobe y .lo
angry, Yr·-'-' Toparp;, Black with white
Kawar karaw to fume, head and tail.
be indignaut. 1
~::'::i r • '~ R ed wit
"oyia, ' ]i wh"ite
Kawar da bharia,\ adj. In. head.
· t dignant,
Ka war da pita, J wrath-
~ Ohap, Head and one
'wing coloured, the rest
Kawai- lawawaw, To make white.
angry, insense, provoke.
Jl> KMl, White, with colour-
Kawar maral}.f, To try. ed head and tail.
.,. 217
vJ I °")'

~j i.> .Durpboha, White, with l} Ku:ppa, M. A leather vessel for

coloured tail only. oil, butt,er, etc. See TJ.
(met.) a fat man. 2. A holt1
....; j )::'~ Shirazi, Breast, legs (generally large.) Sh. '
;,nd .... tail whit.e, tbe rest
coloured. is\f K a p a h ' F. Clean cotton,
1 d.
unc eane 1s called u.Af;:!
.b ,
cJ ~ Kan, Black.
~} Kupat, M. Quarrel, untrust~
t:!-s,~~ Kalpot:ia, B1ack with worthiness.
white tail. ~ .1.
\~~ Kupatta, adj. Quarrelsome,
u~~!.-~ Khe~~·arJ·, A •tumbler untrustworthy. 2. Infamous,
not reputable.
;!f Kapar, M. A shoal in the
~~tl Glzagra, Red with white river. 2. A kind of soil
tail. hard and saline. 3. St.i:ff
clH.y breaking into clods
~)l Mamola, With two wings when ploughed.
c..f;¢~ Kupri, F. A kind of salt cake
1.AA.i Nafta, White. or bread.
}t? Kubhar, ]if. A potter. Bli. c:...)~s' Kap-re, M. Menses. Pl. of
~¢~ cloth.
p.~ Kaber, lJ'. Gmve, tomb. Sh. v.lct t
J-i-""~ ~> Kap sa~aw, v. t. To ampu-
yJ Ku};>, Jf. Bend, curve, distor· tate, cut off.
"'.1. Ye) Kapaw, v. t. To cut., reap 1
lf5' Kul;l]?a, arl,_j. Bent, crooked, mow, hew, divide. v. n. To
convex. 2. Hump-backed. be worn (of teeth). Pr.
v .
lc.u~¢~ p. ltf F. ulJJ.·~l
Ku]?l;>a thiwaw, To be bent,
\, ~ t \,~·I t
to stoop. v. P· f~~t> c. v. /J J¢l

Yts' Kul;>ara, ~f. Apparatus. Syn.

Kappe dande kha1ota= with
worn teeth i.e., 7 years old.
.'.). Sh .
1_,t.s' Kapura, M. A testicle.
Kath kul;>ara, Apparatus. , .
Velne da kul;Htra, Apparatus r..!f$) JJf Kapur kachri, F. (Hedy-
and appendages of sugar ehium Specaturn.) a veteri-
press. nary drug.
Khu da ku]?ara, Machinery ~4 Kaphra, M. The double coil
of a. well. in which tbe Echis corinata
disposes itself. P. D.
Jys' Kul;>al, M. Fibre formed round ,
• the stem of date palm. ~3 Kut, F. A sand fly.
.}..f Kul]a'i, F. Convexity. ~f Kit, adv. An abbreviated form
, . of~ where.
. ~ Ku.'Qe, M. The cogs of the
• horizontal wheel of a. Persian Kit kite I. Where~ore, why,
well. . ' } with what in-
Kit waste, . tent.
yS Kap, M. Breacb, crossing of a.
canal. S.k~ Kit ual, Whe,,-ewith.
Kit vich, Wherein. ,.iJ.~ Kith, j mfo. Where. 2.
;;u) Katara1;r:r, v. t. To put in lines . ,1-·:(
Kithan., (,. Bow,. wh:re a
l negatrve 1a uu-
or rows.
,,. .. t' x·th s1 J derstood.
.::.::'~~ 1 e, fl,.
"-=-'JS Katab, M. Arch of camel sad-

dle. Sh. ~5' Katha, F. A discourse. See

JS Katr, M. Cutting nib of a pen.
)S}~)S to cut a pen. Katha karaw, To preach,
,_ .
~15' Kn.tra, "!Jf. Mash of turnips
or st.raw. Sh. 2. Confused uJ~~ Kitha'nl)., From some where,
talking. Sh. any where. .
b~ 'i(
Yr Katra:rg-, v. t. To clip, cub with
scissors, cut out., poll, snip.
?.1 .. ,;
• h',
Kit a'n)., arlr. Any wbere,
" ,,. some where.
Pr. 1~1~.}5' P. t~.;'JS F !
~ Kathal;lr, t'. t. To polish, of
u~~}~ i~. p. ;1~}) c'. i:. _, bell metals.
f,l_,)5' -- u,;f) Kithnl.'l, lzclr. Whcnce from 1

""' wht•re.
;;:J Kutra:in·, 'l1. t.

nibble. Pr~ \i>~:,J~ P. ~~ u'JS Katti, ac(j. In seaf:on, of hitch.

,_ v J. Sh.
F'. u/JJ.~.;';5, v. P· ~JS' c. v.
v ,_ .,.. ~ Kitti, J'ron. How many, bow
y_,~}~ _,_ mnob.

r,_?S Katra, aa}. A little. Kitti wari, How often.

... ,.
w~~ Kit:ralJ., F. u!.f~ See ~ JS Kutti, F. A. hairy caterpillar
,, not known to change into
..sjlti Kntkuta:ri, F. Tickling. Sh. moth. 8li.

~ Kitla, ~ Interog. Pron. Bow . '--!-~ Kateba, l1I. Bea.m along top
U~ Kitli, ~ many, how much. 1 of wall. Bh.

Kitli pare!)., Ho.;w far. ~ Ku.tir, F. A. pack of dogs. Sh.

Kitli wa~a, How great. ~:it Katef, F. Shoulder blade and
~ KatH, F. A boar's tusk, a fang. ,_
;ill' Kat~J?.!\ v. t. To spin. Pr. ~ Kutela) M. A camel from one
to six years old. P. D.
1~ P.
F. I.$
v. p. }4..'if c. v. ;r, 1,:0 ~ :J Kutte 1ak, F. An inflamed
condition of the lobe of the
~ Katil}.h; M. A Hindu month J ear, on whfoh curded milk is
,,,. October 15th to·. November I applied, and a. cure is said to
be :1'ffe?ted by setting a dog
15th. .
to lick it. 2. A ha.rd spot itt
,.,,. ,
Kitwal}., adj. What share. Sh. the lobe 0£ the ear.

~~ Katnra, M. Pup. F. r..S.;;JS Sh. · u~ .. ,,, K attel}., M... A month, October

~ XathJ F. The following of a 15th to November 15th. Sh.
bitch io heat~ Sh. I Syn.t..J#

Ka~, Ji'. The straw of rrram, . J~~ Kutwal, M. A village servant'

peaq, mufh, 'lnU7f(J, mash, and i he executes summons, looks
rnollri. ' - opposed
B yn. r.::Jr.-t'~
after strangers, and carries
out the lumbardar'd orders.
1~; , , ,. He is paid by a share in the
to u}+.>~ straw of wheat crop.
and barley.
ull_,~ Ku'tiwali, F. Office of Jl_,1S
Kat barra, arlj. Grey (of 2. His station.
man'13 beard). 8h.
u}1;J Ka~wi, F. An earthen vessel
~ Kat~, F. Deduction made from for cooking. Sh.
principal 0£ a loan before f -i'j,S Kith, llf. Heartwood of any
giving it. Bh. 2. Unripe
,,,.. dark wooded tree.
dates. ;
. \,, ; ;
,iJ..S Kath, iJI. Assembly, convoca-
~ Kut, M. Bell-metal. 2. Top of
a. dram which is beaten. Sh ; ... ,
~ Kuvt;h, v. t. Imp. Butcher,
~ Ka~, Ji'. Ta.rnh11t.
kill. 8h.
Kat laggal}.l', To tarnish.
lt1! Ka1ha, adv. Together. atlj.
l.ts' Katia, M-( Asnekling buffalo W holesa.le.
~ ( calf. "WhE'n wen.n-
u;.) Kattf, l1 7
.. ) ed, till grown up1 ~ Katha karaw, Toga.the r
it is called .•lf. 'S~::;i-- f'. t..b~ ; together, convene, accumu·
late, a.dd, assemble.
or J,.:::"'"· When full grown
v Katha Vechaw, To s e 11
·1 . I •I •
Jl. ·t' •""-' or l):J.J •.u 1'1. -i~"-\Jv.o . wholesale.

or . . .,~.<() c::.-.JJ Ka.the, adv. 'l' o get her,

tfr Katta, atlj. Bigoted. unitedly.

~,li)' Xa.}ara, .lf. A fence, palisa.if e. Ka;fihe ra.haw, To consort.

f ~1!'.~ ;. ;.
u)>~ Ku~a.:t].f&lJ., J[. .A RWePper, who ; Kathe thiwa1g-, To convene.
lrns become n.
,. ~yt or r·tlt~
Ka~he saqaw, To convoke.
_ Syn. 0.J.) u~;,,,o
Ka.~he ka.ra:rg·, To gather,
}5 Katta.r, JI. A foreign body in bring together.
the E!Je, mote.

) 1~ Ka.tin.ala, JI. A necklace of,

J5 Ka.'ttl, F. A suckling bnfialo
4..::.:>p Kasrat, !
i.·. t. To beat, ponnd, ::. I' •• ~ F. Alleviation.
r- .. . . v J.'" !,..~
,;" Ka~, j
contnse. Pr.\~ P. ~
J.? ! l.~ ,_:,fl~ Kajak, a1lj. Fine, large) (of
F. u~ v. p. ~~ c. v.
v J..'/- ,.,. animals) . Sh.
y,1_,_u c_b.S' Kaja.I, ~ M. A n t i m o n y.
Lamp-black for
l}J Ka.twa, Jf. A metal cooking
~ Kajl&, painting ey,e. Sh.
vessel. B. R.
t.:l,by:.l Ka.jlotf, F. An antimony or
Katw& bhal}S, A kind of . /

bamboo. J~) box.

) ... 220
~~~~~~:_~~~~~~~~i--~~~v~-~>.-=:--- f
·"~."g Kt1J'h, pron. Any, some, ) ~·
1...t.:J' Kuchchii:;i.:r,
. F.
t A brnsh or
i:; t
something, some littlP, par·, _,, dressmg cot on.
partly. y~r Kuchchai;i.:r,
v ......
v. t. To s~m l '
Kujh "Qeya, Sometbing else. ~ o'ne'!'! self. Pr. l~~~ P.
Hiko kujh, as one, one only. ~t F. ~t

u~t:!-~~ Kijehal}., adj. What sort of. .b :s:~ Kachori F. Small thin cakes
"" Sh. '-'J)... . ' b
fried in oil or utter.
:}~ Kaja.w, v. t. To cover, hide, J~ Kacha.111, F. A disease of
. conceal. p r. l r.J.. ~
. r p U.LS:S'
•• • .. • horse'ti feet. P. D.

~S' Kachun1'
1 1
F. u~~:, ii. P· /·~?.-f;,
.,, ! c. v. .I~
l..SJ•.. ' F. Hair of temple.
. ,. m.
~{,1,4 t
... ) • ~->~v
Kachh ' JI. The arm-pit. F.
'-J;; c:"T{ Kajje parde, adv. Private} y, Measurement, gunge.
secretly. .
Kachh 'QiraH, F. Abscess m
/. Kach, M. Glass. the arm-pit.

Kach pakk, M. Uncertainty, l":s:S' Kachha, lll. The weat11er

vacillatiuu. .... hoard of a boat. cf. P. D.
Kach kauqi, F. SrnaU shell 2. A garment worn by Sikhs
from loius to knees.
used for ornamentation.
~ Kachcb.a, adj. Unripe, etc.
t.:~ ~ ~ KuchhaJ-Ji M.")
' L veuly, d t t·t-5· ·
atlj. 8 ! 0 -

"' >. r - ?
... See U. "!J:[. Low alluvial Jann, u~~~
. >. Kuchhajji, F. ) Byn. ~~~_,
the. t.rach flooded, by the
l'iver. J~~~ Kuchhir, F. The side .of the
.,. body below the arm-pit.
Kachchi pakki, adJ. Uncer- ~ .'-

tain, vogue. )~~ Kuchchhir, Carryirg a c·hild

""' ast.l'ide the hip. Sh.
v /
Kachcha karal].f, v. t. To put
to shame, abash.
)-4~.) Kaohhal].r, t·. t. To measure,
gnage by length. Pr.
Kaohcha thiwal}+. v. i. To be
14,~ P. ~~ F. ~~
put to shame, to be abashed.
v. p. ~ c. v. y_,i~
1_,1~ Kachava, frf. A camel Jitter,
or pannier. 1.}J~ Kachh wa"{;ti, F. A gusset.
"' J of. U.
~r Kuohajja, adj. Slovenly, dfrty.

u~~ Kachhul]., M. A Turtle, tor-
J~ Kachohur, M.~
.f./: Kachchir, F. A mule .
i..s~~ Kachchhi, See ~~ Sh. 2.
Alluvial valley of Indus. Bk.
v;; Kachri, F . .A.n unripe musk ... ,,.
melon. ~ Kuchchf, F . .A small brns~, a
whitewash brush.
1>l1 . ~J Kuchlaw, v. t. To brnize,
;-., ,, '- -'. j.~ Kad, F. Height, size.
crnsb. Pr. l~~~ P. l~~~
" ~j\JS X:ada'i> pron. adj. Anywhere.
F . .~>JAf,i~~ S.R.
u . 221
.JJ.~ Kidar, adv. Whereabouts. I ut\~~ Kaqahal}., Syn. ...,~1-3.~1
JI Haz. ~I" ~adv.
)JJ.f Kidru, adv. From some where u:!-1'~ Kaqahil}., Syn. u:-!-tl-3.)j
Haz. Some time, at, any time· ever
used with a negat.ive" n~ver.';
c.....;Jf Kidre, adv. Anywhere. Haz.
- '- I KaqahilJ. k a 4ah i I}., adv.
1.)iJ.~ Kudalli,
lYI. A kind of net. , Rarely, seldom.
u=1'~ Kiqahil}.,
~ Anywhere,
u,J.; Kaddul}., JI. The bottle gourd
somewhere or other.
(Oucurbita laJenaria). It is
~S' ~ ~r
used as a float, when dry.
yn. l!.l
Mor L:J~. ~
Kaddul}. dawal}., ]f. Tape-
worm, various forms of
)3 ~, adv. When.
Kaqaw di, Long ago.
u't!J~ Kaddhi, M. Bank 6£ river, v .b ~
)3~ Ku4al}.f, v. n. To leap, jump,
riverain, river valley. Sh. J,'. .b,
play, frisk. P.r. \~(.).$' P. lJSS
Syn. u~; 2. Alluvial j,-'- • •••
valley of Jhelum. 811. F. u'+J~
c:...~ Kade, adv. A.t any time. Haz. u~)')~ Kaqolqal)., I adv. Time long
L-~ Kidde,!
. 1 , past, r
.t ~allv. Whither. Sh.
ulilJ:p' Kaqoknal}., j action con-
c:...~ Ki44e,) tinuirig to the present.

~~ Kugq.ha, aitj. With borns J.~~ Kaqil}., adv. Sometimes, at

pointing inwards. Sh. anytime, ever.
'\I l? I' Kaqi:Q. na, Never.
).ilb~ Ka':j.haw, v. t. To extract,
draw out, give oat, deduct, KaQ.~ kagil}., Sometimes,
dislocate, eject., evacuate,
exclude, pull-off pull-ont, o~ber times.
break in, train, as a horse.
\~U ~lbu F.
v j,
\,~ J:it
v. p. f~~i.),.> c. v.
} Kur,
\~ ,.
1 A. drought., failure
of canal or river
y_,1_,lbss y Xura, M. flood.

KaQ.h rakhaw, To lay or put J!f-( Xirar, M. \J A (See

Hinou tribe
O' Brjen's
~) 1~ Kirafi, F. ~ Glossary) bat
Baqi chhaq.i, Struck a j commonly used of all Hindus,
balance. Sh. as d i s t. j n g u is h e d from
Muhammedans. 2. A. shop-
ulb-SS KuQ.hi, F. Gat.hering grains of I ,_
corn embedded in the thresh-
irig floor. 2. Gleaning the ! J~ Kurar, M. Hardness, stiffness.
roots of the water lily. \ ,_
~:}' Kura:ra, adj. Hard, strong,
.._,\~ Ka.~a:Q., adv. When. Syn. j powerful, stiff, callons-
t.)U - 0~ or 0Ss - \!JJS' \ J\}
Kurag, adj. Dry, not giving
J, '
or ~85 - u)J.) I milk (n<?r in oalf. Sh.)
,..)f: Kiram, }f. A ferrule ·into Kur kur karat;i.r, To
which a door bolt runs to grumble, complain. 2.
secure the door. To whisper.

\) ~S' Karawa, "Pr.f. A. harvest watch- \~ / Karkumma, M. Turtle. Sh.

man, formerly appointed by v ~
\.i) ~ Kurkanr,
Government. Syn. J""~~ J) . . v. n. To '-murmur, ,
grumble._,, Pr. \~} P. ~-!:)_}
1...::-ll>~_/ Karahat, F. Disgust, aversion, F. u~}
etc. See U.
i.}~~ Karkani, F. An inferior clay
Karahat awaw, I To d i S• soil. P. D.
like, '-
Karahat karaw,J loathe, J} Kurl, ~I. A. fish hawk-Osprey ?
be disgusted, to have aver·
sion. J}' Karal, 'lr.f. A. tree or bosh
(r:aparis aphylla). 8yn. i.:J~i
u!.-~)S' Kara'1Jt, M. Make weight. .9.

P.D. t.b~} Kurlat, M. Lamentation.

Kurbin, F. Trampled mud y,~J Kurlawat;i.+, v. n. To lament.,
cry out., eRpPcially used of cry
which has dried bard. P.D. v ~ v .9.
..,.P ~ of the ~} Pr. \J.)~} I' .
l~~ Kurutta, arlj. Out of season, 1
, <:._ ,,,
unseasonable. \~.~} F. UIJJ~}

~}/ Kartut, M. Skill, cf. U. L1 Kurma, v. t.

Imp. Wither .

'[_/ Karj, NI. Debt. Sh. Syn. J) Sh. P. P. \.il-o}

u~Sl7'-f Karja'il'}., aaj. Indebted. Sh.
,..:.A~~ Karmat, F. Miracle, might.y
work, used in connection
)~ 4\j\~} Kar~.hana dat, M. Steward, with saints ~tt..o is used
clerk of works. Syn. in connection with prophets.
)J ~\;..)~ "'' Karummal, F. Fresh shoots
j} Kur~r 1 adj. Withered, bent,\ of Oapparis aphilla. Sh. It
iA ust'd as a pot herb and
tw1st.ed. P. D.
when fresh and bruized as a.
~} Karr
a, ~I.1 The(Bosch
common ten 1
us crecca.)

....SJ/ Kar:ri, F. adj. Hard. l~~ Karna, F. Trumpet. 2. Sweet

lime tree or flower ( Oitrus
..sJj Kir:ri, F. The small house lunetla):
~T i:;/ Karanala, M. A doer. Sh.
Karfar, See/,/ ,_iS.~~ Kara'l'}.41., F. A small ladle
J j Kark, F. Ory of hen after Iay- for oil, ghi, etc.
jug eggs. Sh. 2. Her condi-
tion when ready to sit.. )Si Karaw, v. t. To do, make.

_,,.'6}' Kurkar, lrI. Murmur, mur· Pr. \~} F. u~/

P. l~f
'II v
m u r i n g. 2. Pain of . ·'['<c. v. inr
v. P· ;"~ i.· 1. (
~f- Kirkich, F. Grit in food. Kirat;i.:r, v. n. To fall, drop (of
Pr. \~j P. \!j F.
},,)~,} Kur kur, ]'. ·Murmur. 2. fruit.)
Whispering. ~mj c. V, )~~

u·)~ i...;~) Karni bharni, 1'1. An act and \ Karir awaw, To dislike,
its consequences or recom- 1
loathe, abhor.
pense. I Karir karaw, To disgust,
\)} Kurwa, adj. Belonging to
wells, i. e. cultivated by )} Karez, F. A conduit, subter-
wells, not by canal irrigation. ranean water course.
P. D. 2. Dry.
cJ'.,j Karwani, F. Morning star. "t~.J KariI~.h, M. Elyn. ll~.J a bush
J "" (rJapparis aphilla) ~aid t.o be
.J)f Karur, ]if. Glas@. the eaper plant, the fruit is
)_,j Karnra, "!JI. Urine.
),j Karo:ra, M. Cylinder of twigs
y Kur, 'JvI. The sole of a plough,
pl)inted with an iron share
iu Kaclrnha well. Sh.
~~; 2. A kind of net, fixed
u)J/ Kiro:ri, "!YI. A millionaire. inside a dome i:ihaped frame
of wood, it i~ used in shallow
}J} Karofar, F. St.ntP, dignit.y, water. 3. A lie.
glory, magnificence, pomp.
~)' Kara, nf. A. ring drawn round
~,/ Karwalla,
M.} adj.grey .
Gl'izzled, a person, or garden produce,
with water to keep off jinns
._)_,} Karwalli, F. and noxious reptiles. ~. A
circulat• handle. 3. A noii:e.
-o} Karrah, M. A drag shovel for 4. A grave mound. 5. '!'he
ring or chain of kajavas, etc.
levelling fields. P. D.
~ Kira, JJ,f. Reed matting.
uY.~} Karhinl}., M.A. linear measure .1.

J =to 2 paces, 5~ ft.

lj~ Kura, "lYI. Bridegroom. Sh.

w~j Kirhinl}., F. That part 0£ \:)'~) Karaka, 'AI. Crack of finger

labourer's wages which is
paid in cash, about eiglit Kar aka kaghaw, To crack
annas a. month.
the fingers.
u} Kari, F. Ring in which
'.T Ka+ake,
J}( ,. ~f. Pl. A kind of
i:it.rap of a gun is fas ten ed. sweetmeat.
~~)' Karah, M.) Ealwn. Wheat
~J~ Kiria, F. A branch canal. I\>( ~ floor fried in
P.D. u1)- Ka:rahi, F.) Ghi and mixed
with syrup. Sh.
\~f Kari~a,
See ~i /
uiJt Ki:rahl, F. A bird, tern.
v .1. .
J.~ 1j Kn:ral}.d,I F. Bitter De Rs,
-'I\>( ~ acrimony (of
~i~ Kura'i, J taste).
lf Kurtf, F. Short-sleeved jacket.

,, Sh.
uW)~ Kurtumal}., ~ M. The co1o-
'.lo .1. . cynth gourd
.ff Karfr, F. Disgust, aversion,
ul()/j Kurtomal}., Co u c 1b mis

loathing, dislike. Oolocyntliis) Syn. W Sh.

uf Karak, Bli. L, C1·aRh,, )~JS' Karhal}.+, v. n. To rise, issue
til1nnder. forth, boil, spring.
)l{Y' Karkar, llf.J
~b( Kirakka adj. Connected with
Kurhal}.f, v. n. To be envious,
:r . ' jealous. 2. To pine, monrn.
Hindus. ~ > ~

fj Karkar, F. Cracking noise, Pr. liilt>J P. ~j F. u~'f

v Kiri, F. A reed but, hamlet.
y~y Karka1rr, ii. n. To crack, 2. Settlement, village.
thunder. Pr. bf~) P. Y.~{ '-<.f Kari, F . .Anklet.
F. u.w.5'f v. t. )5_,\sy v. p. .I.

uf Kur:i, F. A girl, virgin. 2.

v ,,
\,~.A(b{ c.
) ......;
ii. Jj)l)S'j interj. A sound made to
)lS'f Ku-rka:rrr,, v. n. ~o~ be brittle; drive away fowls.

Pr. \i..\)f P. V'5' F. u~,J)S l!.f Karia, M . .A large distributary

c. ~. ;J)'6j channel from a canal, opposed
to ...,,.w.~ a sma:ll one.
,_/ySf, Kurkal}.:piIJ., adj. Brittle.
h;:.::- i...S'j Kari charial}., F. Sma11 rings
. ./i Ku:rki, F. Confiscation. i...

worn by women on fingers.

Kurki karai_1r, To confiscate. Sh.

J'f- Kirakki, F. The character i..rt Kass, M.

2. Ravine.
used by kirars in writing
, (See 0' Brien's note). vS' Kas, F. Verdigris, rust. 2.
t'f Kuram, M. A relation. b! Loss, deficiency. 3. In Sh.
marriage. In Sh. A child ti
, l.w.s' Kassa, M. Buttermilk, curdP,
~f Kurmanil.J., F. Child's mother- Syn. u~ and ~ 2. adj.
,,. in-law. Sh. Less. Sh.
y'j Kara:rrr, v. t. ;o bind tight., \i..).h~~ Kassal}.da, ad~. A very little
fetter. Pr. \~.y' P. 4)5' F.
less.dim. of\~ le&s. Sli.
u~~y v .I.

113 \.w.~ Kusal}.ga, adj. Dista.nt, inac-

ltsj Ka+al,lga, uI. Skeleton of an cessible. 2. Unpropitious, the
,, animal. opposite of lf5\~
_,y Karu, F. A medicine given to ,)'l-?-.w.S' Kasbati, M. An art i z an,
horses and camels.
craftsman, mechanic.
l_,j Kirwa, Nf. The s~nnd of a
drum or tapping. ~~ Kish kisb, interj'. Begone (said
~~ to a cat). P.D.
u~l_,j Karwa'i, F. Bitterness. .I.

...:;.......~ Kusat, M. Falsehood, fra.nd,

J)j Ku+wal, M. Cramp. cheating, unrighteousness.
Kurwal poWa:tJ.:r, To have the
J cramp. Kusat karaw, To cheat,
deceive, lie.
uJ~-')5' Ka :r w :i I uI}., JJ. .A plan~,
"' ( Oapparis lzorrida) used as a j_,U.w.S' Kastawaw, v. t. To treat
vegetable, the fruit is picklejf. with harshness or severity.
v. ,

uk<; Kusatti, adj. Lying, false, ~f Kash, F'. Tension.

d i sh on e s t., unfaithful to
maniage vows. 2. Deceiver. .J~ Kish, interj. Be off, said to a
;>J.S Kasar, F. Profit, gain. In cat.
Sh. deficiency, want cf. U.
where meaning is opposite, ~l~~ Kishalci, '/JI. Trouble, t.rial,
loss, damage. affiiction, distress, persecu-
Kasar ka4haw, To make up
£or, recover, indemnify. c....S.~S Kashk, F. Rope of arch of
camel saddle. Sli.
ur~ Kasri, ad}. Sick, ill. P. D.
v v t
Y-~.s' Kashaw, See )k.> 2. t'. t.
~S' Kassla, M. Small catch-drain.
Urge on. Sh.
""" Kassal._1.+,
y>Ms- v. t. To brace, draw ,,,Pi:i.~ Kuftal.J., M. About 9 P. M. Sh.
ti~ht, bind, gird, pull. Syn.
l:)SiS Ka fan' M. Grave clotlieR.
Y~S' Pr • l J.LM>.)
.. v
P · ~-"N.1.5'
.. rrhese are for Muhammadans
F. ~m..f.M>.) c. v. Y) l_,m.S' (1) u1ii..s' a long cloth with a
\lw JI.
)W Kussaw, v. n. To be killed, to hole for the head; (2) )Jl~
die by sword or knife, Pr. a sheet, to spread below and
, ~ above the body. For women
hMI.~ P. F. , u v
a third is also used. ~ cti!,N-J
Mr. O'Bden gives ~~1~ as the
" , a bodice.
past participle of )Ll but it
For Hindus (1) u.\ii..s' (2)
is from the active verb )1li:i)5'
,.,})~] (3) U; C4) ~1~ ;$
, c. v. ;r) 1_,iti)S'
.iJw.5' Kasutar, M. ~ Qua r re 1, dis- For a woman (1) ~€t~s petti-
> agreement.
coat (2) u~ bodice (3)
,_s}~5' Kasutri, F. Sh.
~ '-!.7€-?:-Jf? sheet. The petticoat
~;Jw.S' Kasutra, adj. Out of line, and sheet are always red.
bad. Sh.

Kasur, F. Deductions from the )~Jll9i Kafnawaw, v. t. To dress or

Government or cultivatorR, shroud a dead vbody f9r the
share of produce. (See grave. Pr. IJ..Y,.l~.s' P. l~.l.A.R~
O'Bl'ien). 2. · Charging
thirteen months' interAst on F. uM¥,1.R.s'
twelve months' debt. Sh.
.... ;,Si..s' Kafur, 'lrf. Camphor, t.lie
o.~ Kassa, ad}. a little less. Sh. active principle of Laitrits
deficient. Oamplwra.

UM>.~ Kassi, F. A smal~ distribat.ary c....S..s' Kak, F. Large hm partridge,

canal. In Hazara, a ravrne.
Obaker. M. JI_,) Sh.
U"""~ Kusi, Jr[. A mattock. P. D. c....S.~ Kak, adj. In straights, difil.
culty. 2. Vexed.
.. . ' Kasida M. Song of praise. Sh.
K a k k a rat;\ :r , To vex,
~:!-~ Kasira, M. t of a pice, mite. p{'rsecute, plague, {iase.
,. J J1
uS Kuk, F'. Date which has u§ u)f~ K ukrul} ktil)., Crowing 0£
shrivelled on the tree. El . cock.
... .,.
L.)15.~ c....J:H~ ~f~ Kukre bal}g,tie, 4 o'clock
K~ Kakka, F. A bodice worn by
t::::..\) <..)
A. M. Sh.
Biluch women.
i5' K~~ko,
F. Hot sugarcane

Kakka, a 1j.
1 Pure, unmixed'
mere. 2. Reddisb, dirty, l!J:;G Kako1·ia, adj. Blue, grey or
pink, dim, of colour. S. R. green eyed .
~J Kakkar, ]f. Frost, boar frost, bS:.5' KakUha, "/Jf. A sand piper
J ice. 2. Raw thong. Sh. (Totiius acropus).

~ Kikkir, M.I The acacia tree ,~G Kakh, 'Af.

)----- r (a () a (; ia ara- A piece of straw,
grass-rubbish. adj. Fair,
u}f Kikkri, F.j bioa). chesnut, of men's hair. Sh.
, .9.
~G Kukra, Jf. Granular eye-lids. ,~(J Kukh, F. The side betwe~n hip
and ribs. Flank.
~~~ Kukkra, Pin of jo·ra in camel
saddle. Sh. c..S)~{ Kakhar1, F. Jaw bone. Sh.·
~ .9.
L.J))(.£ Kikrul}, aclv. How. Haz. Syn. ;-!:~~ Kuker, A shrub. (Oarissa
J ~
L.J))(t,~ • u~..)~~ - i-:-~ .
1£ ii, Kikke kikke, cony'. Either,
~_,;;G Kakrola, M. The Pheasant. or. (Bamford).
Jf5' Kagal, M. A tree · (Tamarix
c..$/~ Kikri, F. Grit in food. Syn. Orientalis) P. D.

~)~ ~ Kal, F. Knowledge, news,

information. 2. A kind of
c..S)?.,/S Kakrezi, adj. 0£ a liver colour. grass.
,)::J.;. t?.)'?.s Kakkaria Nimasha:Q., Early Js" Kul, 'lr!. Reading a portion of
' evening. Sli.
Qurau 3rd day after a death.
~, ~ Sh. ·
)~ Kukur, M. l A fowl. (Sh. J(S)
)(} Kukir, F. 5 Jf Kil, } Jf. Peg, large ~ iron
, ... nail, hob nail, Dim.
lt~ Killa ·• . .
Kukkur Vela, ~ . .- ' \..Si£ 2. .A.cue.
Kukkur bai;ig Q.ittie, llf Killa, M. Upright of plough.
· crow. 4 A.M. • Sh. Sh.

~(S' Kakra, M. Gravel, broken li5' Kalla, M. Noise, uproar, cJa..

mop.r, din.
brick. Syn. !J~t 2. adj. Pale,
faded (of colour), o£ Kalla karaw, To make a
h11ir1 light coloured, 81i.
uoise, uproar.
l~~ Kulaba, JJf. A drainage pipe I Kalar low, M. Salt mn.m1·
(Earthen ware). factured by kalar.
J~~ Kula:r, M. A tree (Baiihinia Kalar Q.ewaw, To dung,
Variegata) S. R. Syn. JlJ:;;i:S' dress w'ith manure.
( Bauhinia racernosa). Sh. ~15' Kalra, adj. Bitter, brackish,
alkaline, salty.
~~.)' Kalash, adj. Poor, distressed.
J~S' Kalal, lrI. A distiller, wine .u~~ ~IS Kalarachhi, ~ F.. Good l~nd
11 im1)regnated
merchant. c£. U. u.!i ~i;:i Kalarashi, with salt.
Jlt.S' Kulal, "Jf. Bad conduct. Sh. cc~1f Kill'ah, M. A large wooden
peg. 2. A fort.
t~5' Kahim, F. A charm. 2. See
u. u~.)!J c1£ Kill'e daln·il)., F. The wood
~)1.S' Kallal)., F. Fortune. . ,., supporting the .A~!1i on one
side, in turnery. · ·
t...:..-)3~; Kahil).wat, JJI. Minstrel,
v ... Kille' wal, A clove-hitch.
musician, singer, Syn.~~)~
Sh. )!_,~IS' Kilkawaw, v. t. To sharpen,
' whet.
)3)~f Kilawaw, v. t. To sbarpen, ,
to file, to set. 2. To winnow, u~m Kulakhna, aJj. Worthless.
• by 1( Bh.
clean gram. v. p. f~.f. . . c. v.
;3,1_,~ J'Js' Kalkal, F. A wrangling, quar-
rel, confused noise.
~~; Kala'i, F. A thin cotton quilt.
\I Kalkal karaw, To wrangle,
Sli. 2. Wrist. Syn. u~Ji~.) quarrel.
,, ,,
. Kulabba, adj. Useless, :ar~h- } u~~ JS' KulkulaI)., M. Agent., superin ..
less·, bad, opposed to l:'lM> tendent 0£ affairs.
fine, handsome.
o:~.)Jit u ....lS Kalmi shoria, M". Pure, chrys·
l.!:..J)fl5' Kalbut, JJf. A mo u I d for tallized, salt i)etre.
bricks. 2. Shoe stretcher. ~v ~
U.i.b Kulal).g, F. Colic 0£ man. Slz.
Kalbut charhawaw, To tree
a boob. l~~ Kalal}ga, A white grained rice
of superior qmiility.
) \:tiS Kaitar, ~I. Creator, God.
.} /J~ Kalal).gi, F. A cockade, crown,
· 1••
U)~:tiS KalathuI)., M. The day before plume, crest.
y e s t e r d a y or day after .}

to-morrow. :;"5 Kalu, ~f. The mattock, or its

.J blade. P. D .
IJ)~~ Kalchuna, F. The temples.
P.D. j,"5 Kalwatr,M.)
~A handsaw.
)~ Kalar, ][. Manure, dung. 2. {.$},"5 Kalwatri, F.j
See U. 3. A term applied to
soil yielding salt, saltpetre U)~~,Y:, Kalothul)., adv. Day before
or soda, soil with white yesterda.y. Day after to-mor-.
effiorescen.ce. row.

u~~ Kahili, F. A gargle. )~.\:{ Kaler, J!r[. A bush or small tree

( Oapparis aphyllci). Syn.
Kaluli karaw, To garg1e.
J../ - J}
Kaluli ghattaw, v. t. To J!,-~ Kalil, F. Abhorrence, disgust.
Kalil thiwaw, To abhor,
!.:)))~ Killuu\1, ~I. Dwarf palm. Slz. be disgusted.
~~~ Kulh, F. A booth. uJt:!-t~ Killehol]., ]vf. Dwarf palm. Sh.

~)~Kalla zal.).g, M. A term in ~ Kam, M. Work, business, act,

wrestling. 'l'be wrestler seizes
his opponent with the right
r coucern' office' doing.
hand on t.he wrist and placing
bis left hand bet.ween his
Kam awalJ.r, To employ, use.
opponent's legs, throws him
over his back. Kam tor aw' ~ To carry
t~ Kalha, ad}. Alone, by one's Kam chalawaw,
self. Syn. l€~ Jt Kam chalao, adj. Fib for
temporary use.
Kalhe 4ukalhe, In complete
loneliness, entirely alone. Kam chor, Delinquent, eye-
se1·vant, indoll:'nt person,
Kalha newa:t;tr, To take aside. jdler, one who does not turn
out a proper day's work.
4~ Kulha, M. That part of a
bullock's hump on which the Kam qewaw, To give in
yoke presses. 2. A pointed marriagti.
cap such as Pathans wear.
H. Thickness of skin caused Kam kar, Act, office, work,
by pressu1·e of work.
;¥ Kulahar, 'NI. The time of day Kam kar karaw, To execute
shortily before noon.
the ofli0e of.
d~~ Kalhoti, F. An earthen cylin- Kam kara)f:r, To work.
der 5 or 6 ft. high, for storing
grain, cornbin, garner. Kam kos == kam chor. Sh.
~J¥ Kalhoka, aa}. 0£ yesterday. Na kar na kam, of no use .
u~ Kalli, F. A bud or blossom of ~ t$ Kamara, M. Labour. P. D.
jasmine. "''-
u l..S Kumman, 'Ji£. I A Turtle, tor-
c...s~ Kali, Like, (Bahawalpur.) . . ,_ · ;.. toise.
U'f.~~ Kummii.1, F. j
l~l~ Kulla, M. Custom, usage.
u.~l$ Kama).J.d, 7J.J. Sugar cane
( Saccl1 armn o.ffkinarum). In
u'·:!-...~ Kallial)., F. Pl. Gills of a fish.
Sh1 Jl$
~~Ji:J~ ,.}~ Killi dharkhan, J!. wood-
, . , . ad-:;·. w i·th ere a,
u ~~v1,,..,)~ K umaJJ.ralJ.,
pecker. In Sh. c;lt9 ~1£ pallid, faded.
229 Jl.AS'
}'4-;l~ Kaman.har, M. Like a bow, t.:J.s' Kan, Post-position To, up to.
crescent moon. Sh. It is used with the formative
of the wor<l it governs. Syn.
;s_,\~ Kamawaw, v. t. To obtain !

work, earn, get, make, reA:p. ut.-1~ - w1~

2. To treat (of sickness) Pr. u~ Kal)., ]f. Out.turn (of crops).
\J.5\~ F. fu .F'. u'-1;~ o. v. Bh.

;s_,1)~ t.:J~ Kin, arlv. Where.


v ~ ,. • ,..:} Kun, So called "nasal'' speak-

J"'.i_,\~ Kumawa1;q·, v. n. To wither,
v .9. ing, it is really speaking
dry up, droop. Pr. \J.3\,J' P. through the mouth with nose
.9. v .9. ..!'.
stopped •
.\~.\..,~ or u~)\.+.~ F. '-Si.i;\.+.~ .1.

.9. ,_} Kun, ) M. A whirl-

)~~~ Kumbhar, M. A potter. , ~ pool.

u~...,) Kamchi, F . .A term in wrest·

;?J t.:J~ Kun kapar, ~
ling. t.:J{ Kan, } Olive tt-ee. (Olea
cuspidafa). Sh. ,
J~ Kamar, F. .A saddle of meat. i,~ Kawa,
2. See U.
,.} Kan, M. Ear.
Kamar ~adhai:rr, To under-
Kan 1;mt1jal].r,
To become
take, take in hand. deaf, temporally. 2. 'l'o
J.a~ Kama~al, adj. Low born, ill-
bred, vile. Kan thiwaw, To get a
lesson, to be warned by
ll$ Kamla, aclj. Mad, senseless, expe~ience.
foolish daft., simple, half wit-
ted. }rf. Knob in yoke above Kan. tev. hath law aw, To
bullock's neck. Sh. refuse to listen.
J.1~ Kamand, ~ M. A rope by Kan kawa, JI. .A kind of
· which a date paper kite .
.JJ.1$ Kamal.ldar, picker climes
a palm tree. Kan ko'el, F. A centipede.

J \-¢$ Kamhal, F. .A hole in the Kan kha wa1J.r, To din in

one's ears, to bother.
ground in which weaver put.
their feet when sitting at the Kan lawalJ.r, To attend, givo
loom. ear, incline the ear, listen,
pay attention .
.:..$ Kami, JYI. .A. labourer, work-
u man, menial, used of, Kan siwaw, To pierce the
mehtirs,barhers, dbobiA, shoe- ears.
makers. 2. ],ewness, paucit.y.
.J t)l1.s' Kanna dar, A kind of shoo.
j Kumi F. 1
u , rRiver tortoise.
jJS Kanar,
,}.J Kumal}., Jf.j Syn. t.:J.f.,..~ A
lrt. Cold, (0£ quad-
rupeds). Sh.
jt~.s' Kanal, J? . .A square measure
w')j~ t.:J:!-.S Kamin pawal.l,~ F. Mean- of land equal to half a rood,
? (
i...f;.f..) t.:J!.-"ii Kamm g1r1,
# # #

rascahty. aeo Ls{JJJ~ But!· t..:JT

"' ,,,. .

it.J Kunal, M. ~ A large shallow KiJJ.jhari kawk, Be a r de d

'-" .!! earthen vessel. wheat.
ullli Kunall, JJ'.
.!! ")~ KaJ.ljhal]., adj. Late, out of
u~lt.\) Kunale]J., M. Tannery.
time or season, opposed to
wli Kui;naIJ., 'J1. A well. Syn. ltt;;'--; early.
J~ 2. A tub. ~k KaJ}.ji, F. Ceremony of.congra-
tulation performed by Hindus
jl.JIJ.) Kanawez, F. Shot silk. in 6th or 7th month of preg-
u?.-( Uf KinaheJJ., Pr. Pl. of i..}; yJI

some. LS~.JS' K UJ.lji, F. Key. 2. Chain or

hasp over staple. 8h.
. Kanbanr
. .. ' v. n. To tremble,
Y? ;
shake. v. t. To shake. 1J.J..) KuJ}.da, JJI. Stock of gan.
2. Wing, portion of wing
hLk Kanbrfo,
u ..J;. . . . . F. Trembling, quak-
to which the long fea.thers
mg. are attached. 3. 'l'hat p11rt
of a plough on which .. tho
d-i Kinte, adv. Whither, in which share fits. l1. IJ.
uJIJlt Km:ida'i, F. A fco paid to
i._s<sj,,J{ Kan]hi, li1. Cornice. blacksmith for fixing tho
CJ,) Kal}j, .IP. A barren cow or
buffalo that rejects tho bull. .Jbill Kaij.dh, F. A wall.
~.-. . ;, Km~j,
~ y) A cord for fastening
,;t>.ill Km:idh, U. An n n s k iI Io d
pajamas. 2. Cast skin of a pt>r.son. 2. St.c>ck of gun. 8h.
snake, adj. Unskilful.
~%J; Kal}.jka, }.[, Tassel on drum ~JJS
Ka1Jdhf, F. A wn.11, bunk of
string. Sh. ri '\'Cr or canal, b or d c r,
J v margin.
J.~i5' KaJ.ljul, 1lf.j Partridge. (Su.It
v r Range.) Kal].dhi la waw, To draw to
ul.%~.s' KaJ.ljli, F. ) the bank.
~~15' Kal}jla, M. A bodice worn by
Kal).dhi laggal).r, To sirike
women. on, to make fa!:it to, a bank.
,/ v
LrJ·:;s~.J.) Ka1~jus, .i.lI: A miser. S. R. '--'JJS Xu:q.df, F. A disease of wheat
,/ v
occurring in Phaga~rr and
u)~.i.£ Kil}jUl)., aclv. How. Haz. 8yn. Ohetar, the ear becomes
twisted, only few plants get
u~_,;!-f or u/0£ it. P. D .
.... v
c.~J.S Kal}jja, lJI. Buttermilk and
ils' Xa:Q.~, F. Tho back.

}~~If Ki~1jhar, Al. The beard of Kal}.g pichhnl]., Behind, in

wheat or barley. absence of.

'-V 1·~~~ KiJ1jhari, adj. Bearded. Kal}.g pheral}.r, To turn one's

back, cfopn.rt,, fh•e,
KaIJ.4 tel}. hath pheral).r,
pat on the back, encourage.
I Kawa'i ka~haw, To· make
weight in balances.

Kand dewanr, To run away, Kawa'i karaw, To test the

fl~~. : .. balances.

~ Kh}.g, ?if. ancl JJ'. A young

Kawjua, M. A medicine (Gni-
landina bonduc.) Given in
wild pig. piles, worms, leprosy, to
purify the blood and as a.
1SJt Kul}Q.a, '/JI. A 1m11ock whose tonic in fever and enlarged
horns have been turned. spleen : dose 6 masbas.
P. D.
U;"'Is' Kanrak, IF. Wheat. In Sh.
iSk Kal}.q.a, ~
r but pro-
• • v /
llf. A thorn. 2. Back
bone. 3. A tree (Prosopis ~ Kan.ak, ) U.5
spfri'}era) Syn. SJ~ 4. Scales,
nounced lm1!alv. of ba.laucea. 5. JI'ish
Kawak rai:tga, atlj. Russet,
reddish colour.
Ka1J40 ka~Jhaw, To fall into
u'jk Kawi, F. Broken rice. 2.
. ·Drops of rain.
t11Sl5 Ku.I].ga'i, F Fee paic1 to blnck-

U";,~ Kans, F. :Malice.
Bmith for fixiug ploughshare.
1>. v.
~ Kanso, 111• A word overheard
JSJS KaIJ.4al, Jr. Uargin, ctlgo, lip, taken as an augury.
of u. di8b 1 rim.
Kanso aWaIJ.r, To over hear
.b v,.. K
u'.J .'.nu.b
I ... ,
"' , a1 J·
B and so get an augury.
bac:kt!tl, of horfics having 110
saddle, harness or clothiug.
JP." ,')0.~ Kanko 'fr' ~ .
M. Centipede.
~µ Kanko'll, .
..lllli Kal}.Q.h, F. A wall.
..lltJS Km}.gh, adj. Ignorant, unskil- # .:J.
Kunker, M. Ripe fruit 0£ Ber
bush. Sh.

vtit Ku.1]4i, F. A wooden pitch-fork. ~ Kil}.g, F. The bow of a musical

2. A fil)h hook. 3. Drumstick.
Sh. \lli Kal}.ga, M. Thin buttermilk.
Kul}.ql) aclj. Crooked, 0£ horns v-'"
6<: Kul}.gar, M. !faker 0£ earth
of buffalo. ~ Av'
toys for children. 1!1. ~~ill
l? rl' ,
r..S~ Kal}.Q.1, F. Small scales. Sh. ~ Ki.Q.gra, M. An ornamented
r..SS]s' Ka:Q.Q.f, F. A small bush. parapet wall.
~'JS]), ailj. Spiny, thorny, ~ Ku~gra, M. Pup. F. \.Sfl
·· prickly. Sh,.
jil Kaw, i.lI. Seedling onions. S.R. j..fa Kal}.grer, F. Back bone, sharp
2. Line of verse. Bh. ridge. Sh.

uJ:"· ¥
,. ,, 1
F. Uneven ba ances,
light sea.lea in weighing. ·
'-er Kal}.g:ri, F. A cornice. 2.
Millen (Panicum Italirnm .)
~d; Kaitgla, Af. 'Thin buttermilk. ,,_,J.~ Kani, F. Edge; border, list, etc.
.... P.D.
See U. Syn. u-:!-f
'G.) Kaitga1:i, llf. .A plant f rom
u which sajji is obtained. P.D. Kani kara1g, To abstain from,
hold aloof, eschew, refuse,
)fi, Kul}.gU, ]f. A fine, pure, red renoi.rnce •.

composition made of LT used Kani katrawaw, To go aside,

by women to put on their a void one's society.
f'!.1 h ~f.ll Kanera, ]!f. A mat maker, of
u~w Kal}gh1,, F. A fish of perc bull-rushes.
family. (.Arnbassis bcicitlis) "".J.
2. A comb. See U. uf.,;.~ KunnilJ., F. A pipkin.
..., ..,
Ka1:ighi qewaw, To comb. L:t.f uf.ll Kannel). ka ppi, F. A kind of
i••,, F. . h
Rust m w eat. .,.
)~ Kau, F. Listening.
Kuitgi laggaw, To beaffected
with or to have rust upon Kau ghinnaw, To listen.
the wheat.
;3_} ~~ Kawa karaw, v. t. To
J ~.)..) Kt0).War,
' F. B n·a e. punish.
y,Jt,. KuIJwara, llf. ~A Di;tmsel,
virgin man.
y If Kaw ab, M. Roast, cooked
IJJ l_,.u
'!. 1 K Ul].Wari,
' ' F1 • ..
virgm, un- food.
married person, though fallen.
41_,f Kawaba, 'Pif. Cubebs. ( Oubeba
_);_,.tS' Kanora, M. The rope attached o:ffecinalis.)
to the yoka of bullocks work-
ing a Persian well which "tJl_,5' Kawal).h, !JI. Tamarisk tree
prevents it getting out o:f ('Pamariro Articulata). Sh.
the circle.
c..>);~5' Kanuri., F .. Tip or lobe of the J~)~ Kopar, M. A large head.

ear. In Sh. u;_,15' ...s;;.f Kopri, F. Pate, skull. See U.

u)l>' Kannu!}., Postposition. From,
at, because. t.::..)J Kot, M. Main part o:f shaft of
plough. Sh. 2. F. A. basket
Kannul). la = starting from, made of till or kana in which
beginning from. cotton is kept for spinning.
u~i Kinhan,~ ,,.
; . · Pl. of 4:.J)~ Who. Gl;_,.)' Kotana, M. A. l\fohammedan
u:!-~ __. KmhelJ., sweeper. P. D.
~f.-\t1~ Kanhira, M. Oleander (Neriurn c};'lii Kotanki, M. Some place or
" Odo1·ii?n.) Sh. · other.· P. D. ·
u:!-~ll Kanhel)., F. A file for saws. c..53;~ Kotak, 1f. A. small dam or
em banked field within an-
'-.S~r Kunni, F .. An earthen calc1ron
other made when water is
:for <}OOkrng. F3h. scarce. P. D.
.;;;_,) Kota, adj. Less~ Kora cha:rhia hoga, Jnst 6
J..$))) Koti, ]{. Dog keeper, game years old ('reeth still fresh).

~i Kot, M, Long sleeved jacket.

S.~_,5' Korkil;i.4, M. A kind of snake~
(Er.his carinata). 2. The
Sh. ciou hle coil iu which it lies.
J;f t~)~· Kotkirli, F. House lizard. Syn. v
ulfai 8h. Yi )f;,~ Kurpup.kUr k~raig,.
.9. .1.
To call a
.lo (
1,..5~P_,,, Koth1," F. Shop, Bungalow,
etc.See U. 2. House of ill ,. J~Ji Kormal}., 'Jf. Cooked meat,
famP. 3. Breast, hea1·t. Sh. curry.
4. A Hide in a game. Sh.
))).s' Koru, M. Good soil on sand.
Koth\ dar, Shop-keeper. 2. Sh.
Procurer, procuress. ..
iJ))) Kauri, F. An earthen vessel
~~/Sf Kuthela, M. ~ A camel of two for milk. P. D .
.b JI years old.
ul~~;)_,~ Kutheli, F. Kuriya, M. A grass (Panicirni
~.. .J'

u!J~ Kuti, F~ Back piece 0£ camel H13lop1.1,s O\' Penisetuni con-

saddle. 8h. chroides) makes excellent for·
age, seed sometimes· used as
buma,n food.
1,..!Jf)) Ko~i, F. .An iron rod for stir ..
ring molten metal. }.J)) Korez,~· An underground
? aqueduct.
\~7'-f Kojha, allj. Ugly, ill-favoured. j?/' Kurez, ·
~} Klicha,, lrI. A b11ush, broom j_,.s' Kaur, Ji'. Auger, 2. A.
made of leaf of dwarf palm. medicine used for horses. Sh.
8y.n. ~f 8. R. .1.

J§ Kur, M. A lie, leasing.

J J_,~ Kodal, I llf. Hoe. P. D. 8yn,.
Kur. alawanr,
. II
,._)J/ KodaH,J Jl~ - ~l..J
Kur. maranr,
. IrTo lie.
~)~ Kau4, M. A she11, conch.
Kur lawaw, J
i..S~)~ Kau4i, F. A cowrie.
Kura, M. A liar. adj. False
~~_,) Kawaq4i, 1'1. A game. uutrue, base, artificial, lying.

Kor, pron. Who. S. R. 2. F:, Kure da Kur, Vain, useless •

CoaC'se coloured tape on .. ' '

woman'1:1 shoe. ~_,) .Kaur a, aaj. Bitter, lJ'rackish.

\.J'.;1>.( Kaurtunba,
. . :M. Oolocynth
~)s' Kora, M. Hoar-frest. 8h. . ~)"

.,,. · (cuwmis colocynthis.)

)_,5' Kaura,
adj. Brown (0£ eyes). g-/ Korka, M. A snare :for birds.

F. L.S~)
/j, .s'
)_,S' Kora, adj. Fresh, unused (of
vessels). 2. Simple, stupid ~J_,.s' Ko+ha, ]IJ. A leper. 2. A
(of man). Sit. - chameleon •.P. D.
Ko:rha,,adj. Bloated, disfigured. ~);- Kola, lrf. Charcoa1.
Ko:rha Kir:ra, ll.f. A chameleon. '$}, ad:J. Soft, gen.tle, ea8y,
tender. Of colour, dun. Bh.
J;. (
U))"' Ko~i, F. Breast of quadPuped. .... _,_

2. '\V~trt on camel's chest. Sh. ":i} Kuwalla, ar.7:i· Crooked, in-

direct., (of paths.)
J~J') Kav:ril, adJ. Angry, passionate, bi_t Kolsa, ll:f. The common phea-
Kos, I1
V"J) An fit only for

AlJ_,.s' Kolalla,. adj. Difficult, bad,.
killing. awkward.
~~l Kosa, ad}- Hot, warm. ]f. .:J.i Kolo, p·ep .. From. Ha:t.
~,ever. .9
uJI)) Kolli:r)., An ablative .suffix: in
Wari-da Kosa, Ague, inter- Sbah-pur and Hl'
mitt.eut fever.
,. -~)) Kolh, I prep. Near, by,. at,.
l.J_,;, Kuk, F. Complaint. 2. See U. ·' . r nigh.
H. Whi8tling of train or uJ~J) Kolhul}., )
Rt.earn boa.t before start.i ng.
4. Ill omened soun<l some· 14!)~ Kolhar, JJ': The spoil ba·nk of
times made by well. Sh. a caual.
Kuka.I}. maraw, To sob, cry, u~li Kulhi, Ji'. A corn-bin.
u!J~ Koli, F. Breast of Que.Elrupe<l.
\Sj Koka, }f. A hobnail, tack.
,,))~ K U.11, adj. Soft., tender, gentle
)(_,) Kokir, F. 'fhe dried fruit of easy.
the .Tai. ( Salvadora Oleoides). ,,.
uJS Kun, Postposit.ion. Sign of
l)J) Kokla, },:f. Dainty, delicacy. Dative case, to, for.

l:.h~ Kokan, M. Frui~ of i.l...o and

uJ~ wl~ Who.
Kaui:i or kol}., Pl.
'I' Bamford gives u') a.s Pl.
)i _, dried. Sh. V r
also Svn. )jJ) in Hazara.
" .J.
)";SS K U',
J v. n. To cry out.,
comp!ttin, howl. '/J. t. 2 To 1
'is/ Kaul).tar, lrf. A dove tail.
v .J.
1~~~~ P . \:d_,~ Kaul).ta, M. A smaU row-boat.
t~;} lt1 UM>.~~~ v 7 ,,
;J.)J~ Kui:idar, F. Bulrush. (Typlza
.J/ Koke, adv. Whither, P. D. Z,,tif'olia . and Auqir.stifol-ia)
The su ccrr lent stems used
for clearing watAr from a.
J_,.s' Kol, See •tl,f In Sh. With, swollen 1·iver an'd for ma.king
in poRit.ion of. 2. prep. At, sieveF1. lhom lc:>aves, mats,
baskets nnd st.ring are n lso
used with ~r.) or without..
made aud houses thatched.
Ilaz. The dowIJ. on the head is
\~_,~ Jf Kaul 404a, ll:f. Seed of water v ;
cooked and eaten.

Kul).dha, M. A small skin for

lilly. (Nelumbiurn Specio·
siim). drinkiug water.
Kul}.Q.a, M. An iron implement :.:.kl Kohan, !If. Camel's bump~
8. R. Syn. 8h. S.sllt>_,~
with which eleph1tnts nre
dri~en. 2. A Ataple and
charn :for fastening a <loor
,. .
hasp. :). A crook for pulling ub~ KU.ha!}., M. A new born male
down branches of trees. calf of buffalo, in D .G. Khan
Dist. these killed and
KUI).ga maraw, To bolt or eaten, at birth ..
fa.sten a door.
Vj,V .J t~OS' .Kohja, adj. Ug·Jy. Sh.
3;c).~_,~ K'al}, 'l.J. t. To eat, 0baw
".b v 7
Pr. I ~.~i P.
JoS'Kuhal, J!'. W atercourae. Sh.
1.b~g J:,v/- i )
U 0 Kohli, The ca:mel watchman.
·~. c.).J J E'. l.3>.».~. u.s)~
·03)~ Kaul}.k, ]£. Oha-kor, hill par- "~ S'
fO Kohia1g,v.-t. rro'kill, slaughter,
tridge. F. u) Sh. (Perdiro v ( Jo~
rnfa.) . slay. P?·. l J.l::'!b).) P. l~.>..} F.
·~M>.~~i 'V. P· ~~ o. v
-u'JJ)) Kcmkirl~ F. Ho·nse-lizard. )'~,, ~lti)S' •
Syn·. r..);fS)) Sli.
.J '--~JE~ up) Kohl bh~1Jg, F. A. plant
·~;_,~ Kuni, F. An earthen cooking ( H yosciam'us insawus) used
vessel. P. D. by uati ves as · a poison it
makes the victims mad ~nd
cJ)S Kowan, M. A bad thing. the madness is sometimes
-VJ)) Kowi, M. A small dove.
}'!-pS' Kohi:r,, M. Mist, fog~
"';) Kavvia, ]:f. Wild olive. Syn.
.w:!-~i Kivhel}., See u~.):!-f
j'b Sh.
Jt::'-0 s· Kohela, M. A kind 0£ falcon.
;'f,i Koh, M. A ~easure. of from I Cli7alc Shaheen).
J ! to 2 miles. .2. Mountain,
hill. J:!-~){ Ko.'el, adj. Unsuita:ble, ·un•
·Koh rat.1 It mile, used only in
singular. i).?,.i Kawid., M. Green wheat., used
,,,. as fodder. P. R
.Koh t.ur, M. Mount Sinai.

Koh kaf, Caucasus mountain. J:.i... Kawili, Ji'• .A Small red ant.

·1.~••{,r Kohat, F.. A camei's hump. 4J' Kaha, F. Ory, complaint. Syn .

'lJtf Kohayra, About a kos= lt to

·u/, Sh.
2 miles. 'Sh. Y~e~ Khab, M. Dream. Sh.
G.b) Kohara, ]If. BoK :for cash or
l!J~~ Khaban, I v. t.
To gag, tie
odds and ends used by black- "' up the mouths ~
smith~, silversmiths, shop- y~t~ Kha~al}.t, ~ of cattle, espe~
keepers. Sh.
cially stolen ones. 2. To tie
'!jb) Kohara, M. A large axe. up the mouth of the dead. Pr.
\~,f~ P.' F. i_?.f.'f~(
(,.J$jt_,S' .Kohari, F. Small axe, hatchet.
~l_, .:...jt,S' Khoare walci, M. Hewe1·, ~lt~~ Khaba:ra, M. Fruit of wild
· feller. fig kee. Bk~

'--"j'l~ts' lrhaba:rf, F. Wild fig. (F:foits r..S}r.5' Khari, F. A set of two large
carir:a.) Sh. and one small indigo vats.
Syn. ~f::·-
l;l~ :Kha:pa, JI. Consumer. .,_
~ly~ Kuha:ra, M. .Axe. Dim. F·
d!.>l~.s' Xhat, P. Seel}~ .J.
Khai; :mara1g, 1 0 1
dig fl. cR.nal.
2. To engRge in difilcult or IJ>jl~~ Kha:rha, M. An indigo
dangeTons work. manufactureris ~round. ~­
.A. hack made by catt.]e in
u1}~.s' Kha~wal}., 11. Excavated pond. the jungle. In Sh. ~l~
8h. 3. An arena.

. J1. e) Khat!, F. Digging, excavat,ing,

~ :Kha:rha lawal).r,, To collect
clearing a canal. a crowd to see a dance.

rt~~) Kha.J, JJ:f. Food. 'iJ. n. Imp. Be /li{ Khagar, 1!1• .A. fish (~Iacrones
eaten, conRumed. Sh. Oavasiits).

Bara khaj, Heavy food .. ~"~l~.s' Xhaga:r; aJj. Nearly dry (of
) cows giving milk). Sh.
Halka khaj, Light food.
jill~ Khala1g 1 See j]lf.~I
y~le.s' Khadar, M. One who eats
much. P. D. ~.4) \~ lrhattlba, M. U selefls old camel
afteL' 15 years. They seldom
~J'.~.s' Khadli, 111 • Food 1 sustenance. live over 20 years of age. Sh.

Khadh ~urak, Food, ·victu- ,}-y( Kihait, pron. What., of what

als. lHnd. adv. How.

l~l~.s' Kha4a,. Nf. The reservofr, or c../.v.s' Kafoiit; "I!. Thatch g r a s s ;

small tank into whieh the ( 8accharirni Spontaneuni).
water of a well falls.
~l~ Khal,lj, P. T.he rope by which
u-~li~ Khaqi, F. Tbe chin~ t.he yoke 1s secured t.o the
driving seat of a Persian
.JL.,/ Kahar, ~f. Lake. Sh. well.

}~.s' Khar, F. A plant., (8alsola SJ'-4.s' Khal}.~; ac7j. Experienced, very

nnd the alkali old.
made from it. Sh. v .
)Sl~.s' Khaw, F. A mine.
!}es' Khara,. JI{. A large basket
made of reeds. F. and Dim. u~hi.s' Khaitral)., ]£. Food, dinner,
u}~~. 2. Part of the cere- mess, repast.
monies of a weddin~ after
isl.Gl~ Khangah, Ji'. Saint's tomb.
the "nikah ", or rit.11al is
over. The bride and bride~ Sh.
groom sit on the kllltra, their
clothes are tied together v)~ly( Kihaw1, F. .Ab a o rn en,
and t,he knot is placed on the Hypocbondrinm. Bladder. 2.
head 0£ each seven times. Story, tale, fable.
\r v
y;~\~~ Kha~wa:i;q.-, } v. t. 'l1o
v ( bite, consume:
~) Kha~l;>a, ad:j. Left, opposed to
'jJl4 Khawaw, J devour, feed, right, 2. Left handed. 3,
corrode, erode, embezzle, A sodomite.
endure, suffer. Pr. L.).Jl~S' Khal;>~a dast, Left h a n d
P. litiJl~ F. u~~ v. p. .. qual'ter of me&.t.
x~{ Khal;>"Qa:r, !JI. Rope.
v ~

)-i-~J~5' b. 1~?.,~~ P. F.
i,.s>-M?.~ c. v. )S_, S~ In S. R. ~Y:' Khal;>9r1, F. Cord.
uY;45' To eat. P·r. .}-':!-eS'
1 ~l Khap~ F. .An old shoe. 2.
Noise, disturbance.
P. G:iJ~{ F. wl~'
1_,l~ Khawa, JJ[. Salt mine. 8h. ~l Khip, F. A shrub ( Ortllanthera
Viniinea) so inflammable tbat
...S)t~~ lthawi, A grass. Sh. (.A1iclo- two pieces rubbed together
pogon Schcenanthits). will jgnite.
u:JliS' Kha'i, F. A ditch, moat, t~f) Khappa, JJf. A hole, prick~
entrenchment. In S. R. pin bole,

L;{e~ ~lt,it Khapara, "lif. Useless advice.

Xha'i kha~aw, To entrench, y_,t~f~ Khapawaw., v. t. To vex~
ditch. annoy, tease, nag.

'-'Jl.f.~ Iihabari, Fig kee (Fi c ii s )t.€~ Khapra, ar7j. Brackish, bitter
car-ica). Sh. 2. F·i1nis ca?·i· 8h. NI. A poisonous snake
coides). (Eckis Oorinata). Sh.
v , v""

y_,t~J Khubawaw, v. t. To stick, )lti5 Khappaw, v. t. To advise or

pierce, affect. reprove uselessly. v. ri. To
J be spent, exhausted. Wast-
f~ Khabbur, ]f. Old shoes. Sh. ed, dried up. Pr. )L).~f~ P.
v ,

Jl~~ Khubal].r, v. n. To prick, l#f~ F. c_;m.(;~~

penetrate. 2. To stick it~
.9. .J u?}~~~ KhatraigiJt, F. A woman 0£
the mud. Pr, l~-c~ P. Y,.~J'
, v , the Khatri caste. Sh. u~~~~
F. i.;~t~ v. t. y_,t~~

~ Khibal, A. grass ( Oynodon

ltf~ Khitla, M. 'l,horny twigs of li.-o
dactylmn) very good for after leaveA have been thresh•
horses. ed off. Sh.

,~, Khabbh, M. Shoulder-blade. ~~Jlf~ Khatulhbra., llf. A young

Slz. donkey. Sh.
t41~~ Khitha~ ]Jf• .A. fish. F. D.
'"'\'~~ Khabba, M. Feather. Sli. 2.
Stake which forms the uil~~ Khathi, F. A blanket.
fn1crum of a~ oar.
c..}·~ Khitti, F. The Pleiades. Sh.
~l ~~ Khabbh le~, F. Wing. Sh.
" , Khubhiw, F. QniQksand. ~~~ Khatt, v. n. Curdle. Sh.
~f Sh.
~t Khitt, .A. lump of salt or clay.
}i-E!l Khubhaw, See Yf~~
" '- " .J.

l~~.s' Khatta, M. Sour milk used to )~~ Khajur, F. Wild Date paJm
curdle fresh milk of camels. (Phceniro sy.Zvestris). Sh.

)3J'!;.t Khutawa1m v. t. To decide, =F-~ Khaji, F. Date palm (PhceniOJ

settle, adjui;t. 2. To exhaust., U dactyl~fent). The following
y .],, ~ Jo ~ words are used in connection
use up. Pr. I~.i+,..J-~:> P. l~.l.1e::> with the date.
F. ...;~-/1e~
tJ~ A barre11 tree •
r~~ Kha tta tir, F. The dock plant.
I .. P .
'iJ~ Leaf.
} ' Khattar, adj. Not easily
..):!::;!-~ Date broker.
~i' Khatra, .ilf. A common bed.
IS~ } Matting basket for pro 0

Dim. of ~~r 2. A bier. i:~ tecting dates.

4.S)~e5' Khat~!, E 1
• A cot, pallet.

rL~~i~ Khatgam, adj. Slow-walking I l ) I Date stalk after dates

:J t! J r are picked.
J . . ~~~ Khatmal, lJI. The bed louse, l·-t>- J ~Matting made of date
bug. t ..., ;., leaves .
.D ..

jl:'.(~5' Kha~a1g·,
v. t. To djg, ex-
v Jo I I . ..I. I' J., y
cavate. Pr.,.;..€.) P. Yo--'~~ ~~ Ripe dates.
li'. UM),~~f 2. To e a r n, j, ..
acquire. Pr. \J.~~) P. ~~1e5' l~' Cluster of trees on one
.i.. ·r " ~ r root.
F. u~~.) v. 'P· )l~:!-.J..~.)
v ~

c. v. y_, l_,1~~ .A. thorn.

v.lo ~
}~..>.~:> KhutalJ.:r, v. n. To be ~xhaust- 1_,s Matting basket for protect-
ed, used up) become few, be ing dates.
lesi<, be concluded, to fan;· be
decided in legal sense. P.r.
"--<.:~$' Lower ends 0£ branches
P. l!lJ . .
y .i..}
t~1~ F. used as fire wood .
c.,jMi..J..e.) v. t. ).iJ l""tJ
~~~ Group of young trees.
t.)i Khutti, li'. Death.
l~Jl~ Date climber.
L}~5' Khatti, F. Earnings, gain.
l0lef Khatiya, lrf.., profit, \..S)e~ Branches, upper end.
\~)~; Branches lower end.
Khatiya khawal}.r, To profit.
v l
)S) ; I "'
~ cW Khatte pawaw, v. t. To clean ~L,~ Large sweet kind (tree
jewels. . or fruit.)

Y~~e~ Khujippuw,
"'"" .J
"fi{. Rewai·d of a u~J;:!-~ Fruit cut open and
,.,. tJ:acker. dried.
u.w.>. Stoneless fruit. /3.~f Khidakar, M. Maker of toys
~r.f Half ripe.
F. u_/3.£
~i~ Kha~, F. A hole or hollow in
ts_,~ Half ripe.
_ the ground, pit. Syn. Sli. ~S
~J.MI l
. ._ .. ,,. f-Spathe 0£ flower. l~~~ Khu~4a, M. Recess in a wall
~:;*; J for holding the end of a
beam. aclj. Blunt. Sh.
Jys' Fibre round tree. J 1~e'. Khi~ar, l M. Player in a
.J \)~ ( Kh'd , ~ game. Sh.
'-<~ Shrivelled fruit on tree. .J ... t.. i: ear,)

j~.,1~€f Khi4awaw, v. t. To dandle,

)~$ Climber's rope.
ca.use to play. c. v. from
/b~j,~1.-E ~ Syri.. }Jv ' ~ /
j, ,,
U)Ji.) Drying ground for dates.· , ~ Pr.-
\.b y P. l~.\~~~ F.-
.'.J-'""'~ Green dates.
li.~ 11~t..(
W')JJ Kh'd' ' M. Plaything,
1: awawalJ.,
At./ Cluster of flowers or toy.
J ~~£ Khi~kar, :M. Player.
l::-~ Cluster of leaves at top.
l~~i{ Kha4ha, ]1. Steep hillside.
u/ Edible leaves, cabbage at Sh.
top of date tree. 1 .J
""'~~~ Khuq~i, F. A dove-cote.
~f ~ Stone of date or other
b(§ fruit. ' "-'~t~ Khaqqi, F. A weaver's shop.
) '
Sh .

I- '

Kh:uoh, M. S. R. ~ Hock of
;E~ Khar, M. A tribe of Jats. See
;:;:~ Khuchchar, M. Sh. ruped.
)~ Kahar, aclj. Milch, giving
r._(~~ Khaohak, v. n. Imp. Fail, go milk.
· wrong. Sh.
~~~ Khura, NL Feet, track. Sh.
~~E) Khachh, F. Nonsense. Sh.
Khura kaMhaw, v. t. TG
_, :S.i Khuddu,
~ .J
M. Ball nsed in follow up a track.
hocky. Sh.
~~ Kharaba, ]f. A' remission ot
f'j.J Khuddhar, M.j Broken rav- revenue for bad crops. P. D.
-? r iny ground.
u-JitJ.).t' Khuddhri, F. ) Sh.
)~~~ Khara:ra, M. Shopkeeper's
J, J
~l:.J.fS' Khadina, ~I. A paid labourer, . day book. Syn. , ,.....
"' he gets his clothes also from
his master, but has to return ~)t~ Khurak, F. Food. 2. A cess
them on leaving his service. of four annas on each well> to
feed the measurel's. P. D.
~\SSI- Khi~kara, llf. Loud laugh. ,,
Sh. ( ? ~l)'.li' )· ~J ~€~ Khttriv:ra, M. Cloven~hoof.

} Klmrbanr,
1i5G:)~ : ..
adj. Rough .. Used )e.s' Khar, .A tall gl'ass four or
five feet high very good for.
of li·ac.ha roads, made rough
by animals going over when
cattle. S. B.
wet or under water.
)@~ Khar, v. t. Imp. Seize, take
(!~;r.S' Kha r p e lJ. ch, 11£. Quarre1- away, steal. Sh. 1;. J?· To
mongar. Sh. be stolen or lost.

~;tf Khirat, F. Earnest money, ~~f Khi:ra, See lib_pS'

paid to servant., etc, On
e11gagement. Sh. '"-'3~e: K hi :r a ~ d, F. Interruption,
" ,_
) y Khurcha1:q·,
.J. v. t. To scrape.
Pr. \~!.-.;--;Q~ P. lf.-~..
l .J.
11'. u~~@S' KharawalJ., M. A. wooden
shoe, clog.
Khurchhi, F. Where there are u ~r~~S' Kha:rtil).Wcfa~, acl}. Perpendi-
many tracks of cattle. Sh. cular.
u~~) Khursi, F. Ohair. Slt, j_,~e5' Khar~waw, v. t. 'l1o stop, pull
.J. up, cause to stand. Syn .
W;e~ Khurk, v. t. Imp. Scratch. Sh.
:P·r. ,L)b£ P.
J ...
.. v
.. ; .

\S;e.S' Kharka_, M. Donkey. F. ,,}.fiS' F.

.. b£ v . 1i. )')~,,
u MJ.,).. .)• bt ( b~\,/
- )~)-;:>
v v ) v
or J_,,)~ c. v. y,1_,3~.(
JiS'.fi~ Khurkaw, v. t. To scratch.
S. R. ;5)~e: Khi:rawal).:r, v. t. To irritate,
t:J,'l)Jf Xhirman, "!Jf. The gr~in heap. vex, fret,. trouble, abuse '
h ara~s, s~u· up, med d 1 e,
Harvest collected on thresh. aggrieve, mterrupt.
ing floor. P. D. ~

)J·• i;;S' Kharmor, F.

SmaU bustard. ~)~ Khu:rra, Land light enough to
v be plo_ughed without previous
.J-""" Kh ara:r,i.r, v_. n. To sbaud, stop, watering •

remain, hold. Syn. _ 33_,_,)~> U)S' Kha:rak, M· Knocki:ug, creak ..

ing. 2. Care. 8h.
)3)~) Pr. 1J;i5' P. ~~)' JJ'.
U)~S' Kha:rak, v. n. Imp. ·Be panic
struck. Sh.
cJ~)~5' Kharnil}, F. A .fish of the carp
family (Barbiis sarana). Syn. '5)~~ Khar ka, M. Beating bushes
' .. bJ J (for sport, shikir.) Sh. r. n.
Imp. (sic) Beat bushes. Sh.
).,;e{ Kharwar, 'JJI. A. measure of
ten mans. ;s_,15)~{ Kharkawaw, ·L~. t. '110 knock,

~J;~> Kharora, .ilf. A. well lined fap, rattle. Pr. l~S)~· P.

w i th wattles instead of t?.'6\,.( F. ~l#;S'<>£ l~
.1. masonry. VF u .. )· . P·
w'J• vh ,> ;
-#;). .u.r1,
J.'. The heel of a foot.
.. ,,..;. b u t t.h e neuter form

,of. 7J. .adv, Quickly fast. )bl~b:S'

)· seems to bem
. use. c. v.
fi~. '
iJ'b-( Kharanr,
/)fJ . . . v. n. To stand, stop, 1:L.l Khusatt:r, v. 12. 'l'o fall by
,r--t" itself as l1air fruit-, io d1 np.
remain, hold. Pr. \i))P P. ~~ ' ' .I.
lJwJ.t ~~tg 41t~
F. ~)~ v. t. j, ¥' c. v.
F ~J
.. t
Jlb •.1{
)S_, ~);) j ft or JJ)j~ ~
Vo • _) .J •
Byn. ,., ...
~{ Khassaw, v. t. To take by
(!:J)+S' Kha:roch, M. Pl. R 0 u ~ h force, <lt>prive, rrnize. Pr.
ground aoe to cattle havmg tJl~~)' P. ~~S' F. u~:?-~~
trodden t·hrough mud. y v t
'Y v _( v.p. y~Y.~ c. v. y_,'jl.U.~
~_,)t1 Kharwal}.jal}.:r, v. n. To be .P. "'

still, to cease, a neuter verb, L.r'r$is given by Mi-. J.

with a pa.ssive form. Wilson as iutransitive form
of this verb.
j,,j~ Kha+owal}.:r, v. n. To stand, ,J,
,~ Khassu, M. A plunderer. P.D.
stop. Pr. l...\3,jP- P. ISJ)P ... .I.

b-( • ~ Khusea, M. Leather shoe puh

F. ~)JP 1rr..
on stolen cattle to make
track iudisLiuot. Sh •
....s~ Khari, F. A standing crop. ...
~ Khassar, F. The itch, itching. ~ Khassf, ail). Sh. See u~
P.D. guelding. 2. Out vu·y bliorh
(hair or btaid).
~ Khusra, M. Hermaphrodite.
Eunuch. Sh. ~UJ.f~ Khasil, F. 'Wl1c·at or barley.
- cut gl'een for foddet·.

Khiskar, Z\f. Noise of shoes
drag-ging on the ground,
shuffling. Tread.
jl{p' Khakar,
f .t Khakhar
J.1.1'f"t1 . ., I
F. The ia.w·bone.
j,~ Khiskawaifr, v. t. To move, .- Khakhari,J
"' remove, shove out of the ...
way, slide. Pr. 1~ P. p Khakkhar, F. A was11'1:l nest.
'-?_Is'.:~ F. uw_!( ... tf: v. n. Khakkhar ob.he:ralJ.r, To stir
yt.~ up a. wasp'o 11est.

r..::,.,..~~ Khiska.t, F. A four cornered Khakkhar dumbari, F. Car·

,.. piece set between the legs of ba.nole.

pajamas. .... '-

"'!<... ..< Khiskanr v:n. To P.tir,

,_;fa Khukkhri, F. Pod of ak or
cotton. Sit .
.r-; · ·' slip, sheer
~1( .':,,,( Khishkanr
r--!' .. , S.R. off,stea.1 or
~ Khagg, F. Cough. Sh. Syn.
"" glide a.way, be removed. Pr.

1>! t(
J.>; _(
Jt.I Khaggal, M. The Uka:t;th free
of lar!!e size. (Tamariz
;Ilt ~ Khas ghinna.l}.:r, v. t. To take ~ Xhagga, M. .A fish of the
- possession of by force. Syn.
Salnroid family (Macrones
)~'" i}
. Sl
\I ..9.
J~ Khal, F. Th9 skin of an y~~ Khulaw, v. n~ To open of
animal after removal,. hide. ' itself, be adrift, break loosE>,
2. Bellows~ 3. Oil cake. ..9.
expand. P1'. LJJ.4~ P. ~~
Khal phukar.rr, To 11se the ..9. v

bellows. F. u~~ v. t. j)i.s'

Xhal lahawal}t, To flay~ skin, u ~~ Khilawai;i., M. One given to

bark. much laughing.

JJ Khul,. F. Cloven h-0of. Sh. )~ Khalo, v.n. Imp. Stand. P.P.

J~f Kihal, M. .A. tribe of fishermen .. IS_,1~.>' 8h.

J~.>' Khil, JJ'. Jest 1 joke, fun, )Jl~ Khalwar, F. A. measure of

"" laughter, mockery, derision,.
grain equal to 8 mant1ds =
about 8 Bushels. In Sb.=
4 maunds.
Khil karahil}.,_ aiv. Cheer-
fully. !jl_,4( Khalwara, }}!· A. Thresh-
rng floor. 2.
Khil karaw, To mock,. feign. ~~_,~S' Khalwe:ra, Heap of grain
in straw. Sh.
Khil khil nalhet thiwanr, v .,_
To laugh immoderately,. ~be u~) \...~ Khumawil.f,, F. Apri.cot.
convulsed with laughter .. .; ..9.

~ ...~~ Khumb, F. Mushroom.

~ Khala,,adj.Standing. Sh. J

)l~~ Khalla, M. A snoe, used only 1~.,.,t Khambnr, M.

fungus. Sh.
Large edible

when beating with shoes is

intendfi)d. 2. Loss. -it~.s' Khambh, M. A f eat her,
Khaile maraw, To flog~
.Kham bh sai;i.waraig-, To
)~~ Khalaraw,. c. v. To cause to plume.
stand, stop. 2. s pre a a, .,_
strl:!tch. ~,..Er Khumbh, M. The £.re~place,
a caldron in which clothes
'6~t Khulah, M. and F: Sucking are boiled.
calf of cow or buffalo. Sh.
Khumbh charhawaw, To
"fa; Khallar, M. j A leather bag put on the washing cal(iron.
~j~ Khalri, F. J
for carrying
flour. 2. A
. hide, skin, head of drum.
Khumbh karaw,, To shrink
clothes by boiling .

Khalri kho, M. Tanner, cur- .J~_..i5' Khambhar, ]{. Wing of an

rier~ arrow.

Kachchi ·khalri, Untanned u!)li+.._iS' Khambhla ti, ll. A winged

skjn. ant.

Jlle'. Khilaw,. v. n. To laugh, smile,. r.:~t'*'~} Khambhfr, M. Leaven.

jeHt, joke, make fun of,
~.!-~~ Khambhira, ad}. Leavened.
deride, mock! Plf. !J.~t P.
Khambhira Gazban, M~ Con·
t:.~~5' F. ~0et o. ii. ;s,Yi serve of bugloss.
;I. .~ Khimaw, v. n. To flash, Y~)
v ~
Kuhai;i.r, ~ n. To be killed..
lighten. Pr. L.)...t.e{ P. l~..t.~S'
,,..,. Syn.)~~
v I v
2. See y.~,~

F. u~eS'
.,.. .,..
~¥ Kha:ttg, F. A cough.
;1. . ~S' .Khimiw, F. Lightning, sum-
"' " mer, or forked. What strikes Wa4~i khal}.g, F. Whooping
the earth is called '<!:-' cough.

c;eS' Khan, M. A piece, scr~p; bit. J~ Kha:ttgar, M. Phlegm, ex..

2. A. black and white lizard <>f peotoration, mucous.
bluish tinge. P. D.
Kha:ttgar ka4haw, To ex-
ii~ Khal}.bh, M. A. fea,ther. 2. A pectorate.
post, stake.
~tt~~ Khangah, F. Large or famous
v,.jH~;~ Kha:ttbhawil)., F. A sling. tomb. Sh .
.,.. v
Khanbhra, M. A fin.
.)?~... Kh!'ll:ttg ar, M.
QI Spongy lime-
u~~IJ Khul).bhi, F. A mushroom stone. Sh.
(Ag arivus carnpestris).
.1. ;~~1~/ Xhal}.ghar, M. Semi-vitrillell
is~ Khunda, jJf. A tree (Prosopis bricks, a clinker.
spioig era) .
~$' Khal}.4, F. Sugar in powder. f~"""t)
b! rt" Xh.a:ttghal).+, v. n. To cough,
j, " } hawk. Prr. \¥~~ P. Y.~(¥°
c)..lfJ Khul}.g., M. S h a m b I e s ,
slaughter house. F. UNJ.~d~~ c. v. J!)l_,~d~
\w Khul}.4a, adj. Dull, blunt. u . . ~eS'
Khunmak, M. A disease of
Khnit4a karaw, To make horses. P. D.
duIJ, blunt. ~ ....
W-(' TThannal).r, M. To scratch,
t1 .o.
y,, \j,~~
v v ,(
Khin4awaw, v. t. To spread,
Pr. 1~~¥ P. ~~f JJ'.
" overspread, disperRe, wMen,
v .h v _(
P. L!j~
11 v j, v .,.
.- F. u~.~
,,. ,,. v. n. u}~~ Khani, F. A piece, scrap•
2. Sole 0£ shoe. adj. Half.
Y\,!~,.. v. p. ~~~$'
,. ,,,,,.
c. v.
" I .l:t v "
J Khu, A well. 2. Land attaeh-
ed to a well. 3. Well irriga-
".H_( Khil}, v. n. To spread, tion. 4. A -0£ grea·t
disperse, expand. Pr. lJSJeS'
P. ~.~~ lP. u~~ ,. Xhu da ka9ara, lfac~inery
.,,,. ,, , , 0£ a well.·
'-5t.!t~ Khal}.4i, F. Ivory in rough.
Khu wahawal}.r, To work a
) Khin<}eraw, See j_,ISlf. well.

fe XhaJ;lr, F. Name of a snake.

(JJJkhis ?). 2. M. Space
}{hu mar' }r!. A. tenant~ for
as long as the. brick or
between the beams of a wooden well· he· has sunk
b.OllSB. . . last~·
)~ Kha,u, M. Tinder made of ~_,.p Kho:ra, M. A lure, decoy.
fiL>rc> of '.!.!!. soaked in powder
aud \' ater. Khora Qilhawaw, To lure.
T)J KhUa, arlj. Of ol' belonging to ~J,.P Khori, F. An enclosure made
a woll. 2. M. A mal:'lh. of date brancheP, in which
dates are dried. 2. A mince-
bol\rd. 3. A place where
T_,~)' Kho&, ]{, llilk inspissated by camels are congregated for
boiling. · hire.

jl) ',~r Khawa waw, o. f.l, To feed, 4.uJ_,4~ Xhosa, M. A Biluch tribe.
ca.use to eat.
ill,,.P Xhokna, M. Small churning
~)~ Khoba, M. Quagmire, quick- stick. Sh.
sand. Sh.
45'_,eS' Khokha, M. .A. bilJ of ex-
l~J~ Khopa, M. Blinkers worn by change, cheque, cf. U.
bullocks when working a
well. fir_,eS' Khokhar, M. A subdivision of
li)~f Khota, M. ~ Ass, donkey, foal 'V?
~~,45' Khogal].d, F. A stone embank-
~ / Kh t" F of an ass.
u·W o i, . ment.

~;_,~ Khotra, M. Dim. of \J_,4~ an ass. J_,.p' Xhol, M. A nut shell, sheath.

~.i' Khot, M. Alloy, etc. See U. ~JES' Xhola, M. Ruin, a house

without a roof. adj. Hollow.
Khot karaw, To adulterate, Sh.
Khot karaw wala, One who ji,~ Kholaw, v. t. To open, loosen,
'V .J.
adulterates. display. Pr. P. lr!-1)~
1} v. .J.
Khot rala wa1:q.·, To mix with ~- u~f.~· v. n. y1~ c. i·.
batie metal. 'l'o alloy. )Jl_,l~~
J,t Khu ti- bhutarf, M. = soz-

u'JJ~ Xhunal}., M:. The cavity of ·

r..s IJ_, 4~ satad 11.,,. portion of crop, the eye, orbit.
') (Sanghu:r). j, y ...
IJ;i)' Khcda, M. One who has a
le>,))~ XhUl}.ga, adj. Having one
horn down, the other point-
thin beard. adj. Smooth ing differently. Sh.
chiuued. \I ... ...

JJ.J Khor, ]if. A large stream from YiuJiS'u,~) Xhaut). khaul}. karaw, v. n.
To cough incesrnntly.
. the hill.

"tJ,4~ Khuh, M. A well. Sh.

~'~.)' Khaura, ailj. Blunt in manner.
2. Hough, uneven.
~b.P Khoha'f, adj. Belonging to a.
~,i~ KhUra, M. A furnace. well. 2. M. One who works
a well (of cattle). Sh.
)S))' Xhoran.,:r, T~ knee 1. Pr.

~Ji~ Khohaw, v. t. To pick a £rnit,

1~?.;~~ P. l?:J)~ F. uJ.lj,!) pluck. 2. To snatch, seize
~,.s" Xhor.l~ Stack of ripe .tJssun
\I '
take by force. Sh. Pr. L.U~''·
(Brassi'ca, eruca,).
P. 4'.* F. u~'#:J*
1,},~ Khu'i, F . .A. small weIJ. u~.f.4} Khirni, F. Rice milk and
"" "" sugar cooked .
...S)~5' Khavi, A sweet smelling grass.
S.R. v;-1:4) Khiri, F. Udder. Sh.
.,,. .,,.

u~ Kahi, F. .A. mattock, blade of c:.11, ~!-!:~ Khiriwan., M. A cow herd.

a mattock, the handle is a.
v~} Khir, I v. n. Imp. Open (of
l:.f' the hole in which the ,, r a flower). 2. smile •

bandle goes t.:J:!-~ Syn. ut5' Khil, j Sh.


Kahi kahela, M. .A. drng yj Kuhfr, M. Fog, mist, haze.

(Myrica sapida) used in epi- "" 2. Forked prop for pully
• lepsy and after confinements. over well. Sh.

~~~ Khiara, M. Small beds into V45' Khef, Sandals.

which lands watered by well c..S)!.-~ Kheri, F. Chalk. 2 . .A. sandal.
are diivided. P. D.
}-!.' Khetar, F . .A. field, ground. lv.:!-e: Khfsa, M. Pouch of gun. 2.
~45' Kheja, M. Error, mistake. Belt and appendages. Sh.

K h e j a kMwaw, To be um-.f.o~ Khesi, adj. Like damask.

mistaken. Wt Khil, F. Stitching two edges
~;t-45' Khe~, F. Play, sport, game. together by al tern ate
stitches in each edge.
v j, t
)"S ~.f.4.> Khegaw, v. n. To be playful.
• j, J, ~~ Khela, M. A furrow.
Pr. IJ~;t-45' P. 4.~~~ F.
J, _( by .k I tJl:.i./ Kahel}., M. Bell-metal. S. R.
c_s""'~t' v. P· f~~e. 'I.I· t.
u-1.-~ Kahil}.,
y., lj,~e.(
v v 1 .J;, !'
c. v. Ynq-e.
pron . .A.ny, any body.
\l>j, .( , u:!-t)' Kahil}., ~ pron~ 1 Old Pl. of
u.'.) ~t' Khe~ral}., M. A tum b 1er " 1..i A.> Some one.
pigeon. d.'tf Kahel)., Sh:
_r.:t) Kher, F . .A. herd of cows. ~
~ .
K h a 1 I). s , F. Trouble. See
v ,,
_r.:4) Khir, M. Milk. v-4->
Khlr piwak, .A. babe, suck- ,~~ Khenn, M. Ball used in hockey.
ling. Sh.
Khir pera, M. .A. kind of _,-1;, Kheo, v. n. Imp. Flash. Sh.
~ti~ Khiwa, M. Laughing or talk-
!#~ Khira, adj. Sucking, an ox ,,. ing of an hysterical or
with milk teeth. 2. M. into:x:icated person.
c..SJ,~4~ K hi v :r i, F. Tares, bitter,
~~ Khera, M. .A. large duck. Sh. ""' ·' useless grain •
~~4) Khairat, F. Alms. Sh. ~~ Kheh, F. Dust.
);-!:' Khi~iw, F. Meal boiled in .~ Ka'i, pron. Some, any. Pl.
. :' ... -···milk. -Sh. u:{-t~-~~
Ka'i parwah he ~ (Lit. Is ch!:~ Kfrtan, M. A bier.
there any care). Abundance.
ISJ.s' ;..!-~ Kir ka:Q.Q.a, M. Little children.
~ Ki, conj. Or.
)~.;:) Keraw, v. t. To let£all, cause
1. Ke, An interrogative particle.
What. to fall, let drop. Pt. I~:/

Ke ta'il}., ] How long, how P. Y# F. u~:i v. n.

bt (" .. .,.
Ke toril}., J far.

.. (
Ke jitti, How many; id-;-!:... Kirne, ]f. Pl. False pretext,
argument. P. D.
Ke}., 0£ what kind, what
like. l.!b;~ Kerha, pron. Who, what,
which? Syn. ~yf:
Ke ~a, How large, what size.
Ke qel}., Whither, in which KerM karaw, v. t. To
enquire, who are you ?

Keve= Kya hai. What is it f Sh. · ....S;-1:) Keri, F. Ashes.

/ l. l.. Ke ke kar, Quack of ducks or ~::'~ Kira, M. See U. 2. Serpent,

geese. Sh. snake.

~\,/£ Ki&r&, M. }A bed of a garden LJ"":t-S' Kes, M. Brujzed leaves of

\..\)" , ,. , or field. J indigo, used as hair dye .
..SJ M ... K1ar1, F.
_,~S' Kesu, M. The flower of the tree
Kiare~kat}.haw,· To lay out
beds. U'\,lb~ (Butea frondosa) or
u-J'.~ Kia#, F. The ~ape of the neck. J

.. ( ; ~J.(
...... K'k
l ur, adv. How, in what
)J..f.... Kito, adv. How. manner.
M Kite, Poatposition. For the
..... K'k "
l rn:t;i., adv. How. Haz. Syn.
sake of, on account of, for.
~ Kiti, F. Ad vice, effort. J

wf-1.S' Kek~l}., con}. How. Sh. Syn.

fl5 Ker, Bank of pond or tank.
~1,J Kera, ilf. Falling (offruit).
~.::£ K :i k i , JJ'. Filth, used by
Kera laggaw, v. n.
(of fruit).
To fall
n~ Kaila, ad}. Pale. Sh. (of
~ Kira, M. Green fodder t!liken
formerly by Government but w~£ K:imal}., M. Mince.
now by proprietors from
tenants.. I'. D. .,. Kimal}. karaw, To mince.
·4;!) ft Kirat; Ji'. USl\ge .or. cu.atom of ~S' Kai:t}., pron. Who, which
JI! Gar, F. Cave, pit. Sh. 2. Stony

Kai:Q. kite, Wherefore,
why.? ground. Sh.
Kail). waste,
~~ Kew, F. A.n agricultural im-
l:.)l~}s Gaz ban, ]f. A plant, bugloss
(Tricho decema Tndicuin) or
plement for levelling the
(Onosma macrocephala).
ground. Syn. u?.J - U~5
P.D. ;€\s Gaghir, F. A metal water-
·~~ ~ Kina wala,
adj. Spiteful,
despiteful, malicious, re- u~~:>

Gamch1, F.
Pastern joint.
vengeful, rancorous, inimical. Sh.
_,r,~ Keu, M. A grass. (Sporobolus wit Gal}., .A. low bank, within limits
orientalis). of an embanked field (water-
_,~!y.;~ Kinl).jo, conj. Since, becanse, ed from a hill torrent), made .
to form a sort of terrace,
for. For as much Syn. parb of the field being on a
v .J
.c::.-~3):!-( in Haz. higher level than the rest •
J,.~~ Kiwel)., adv. How, somehow; <:J't Gan, F. Handle of a rake.
in what manner, by what
means. Syn. J,.)li~ in Haz. 21l~ Gah, M. Threshing grain with
J "· .J' oxen.

or u)i:f1-u'fa S.P. ~5 Gub, I F. A pot b~lly. In
uh£ ~s ~
Gal}.b, J
r Sh bf' f'
ly;!-~ Keha, pron. adj. What, of . .J

what kind. J~y~ Gubril, M. A very fat person,

"' pot-bellieCI.
t)t!'"Jt~ Kihojiha:Q., What kind. J
j;P,~ Gabhru, M. Young, in prime
'-1 G. of youth. S!i.
J Gaf, ~:he
3 lst letter of W. P.
A I p h ab et. In Roman .~s Gap,• IrF.sand,
v f'
Quagmire, qniok·
bog, marsh,
character G. or g. ·
)~':J Gapiw,J mire .
.4lt Gaba, M. I
rCalfwhi.leof suckling.
a cow,
'--"~Gap, I F. Conversation.
l...S~l~ Gabi, F. ) Syn. 411 •• A r s. R.
~tu ~r Gap shap,J
~'.ilt Gatra, M. Fixed inner
of yoke. Sh.
fl/ Gapaw, v. n. To be
sfok in a quicksand.
bogged, to
'<!.It Gaj, F. Thunder, roar. \~s F. \~f 1!1. u'~l
... J
t..ft"" ~ Gachl, F. Tail of fat tailed i...s~ Gutrakki, F. Sty in the eye.
, sheep. Sh.

tiJlS Ga-dum, adj. Taperi~g.

~ ~t Gitmit, F. Talking ·English
l~ls Gaga, II!. I
A bullock cart, "' ,,.. (so called by natives unac-
lo ~ • r
rail way carriage, quainted with the language.)
uitlr Ga~i, F. ) train.
d~ Gata, A large embankment, of
Gagi :w:ai;rr, ·M. A carter, trees and twigs for damming
' COAChJ'.I'~P.·. ' a torre:nt. . Sh.
lit 248 ,)f
u~ Gajak, F. A kind of sweet- ).~ GaMar, adj. Voracious.
hr.J Gaianr·"e
v. n. To ron:r, thunder. ~~ GaQ.Q.h, F. A knot. Sh.
J e
e 2. Onion. Sh.
, Pt. \..}.~ P. ~~ F. u~'=F'
GaMh chhora, M.
u~ Guji, F'. A fowl's crop. 2.
deducted from the principal
Matter from a boil. of a loan by a lender on
~ Gijji, F. Slough, pus, matter. making it.
, ~s.~ GaMh, v. t. Imp. Fasten, tie,
:; . . GuJ'fra, F. An eel shaped fish join, splice. Sh.

....s~ GaQ.Q.1, F. A sheaf.

.,. ( 1wu&lacemblus pancalus).
Sh .
r{' I Gach, aaj. Crowded,
close, thick. P. D. J-'~.St Gagil].dar, F. Land under
"' cultivation. Sh.
Gach mach thiwaw, v. n.
To be stuffed together. ~ Gaq, adv. Together, jointly.
~l Gad, F. Sediment. Gaq maq karaw, To mix.
... 1

;(IJ..( Gadagar, M . .A beggar. l~ GuQ.Q.a, M. A small skin, in-

lJ.S' Gudam,
,. fl~ted for crossing a river.
M. A button. 2. A
t store house, etc. See U. )S~, v. t. To mix, of
;J..S Gada.r, M. Leu coder ma., fluids. 2. To plant, sow. Pr.
leprosy. 2. An inferior l~SS
... P. ... F. ""'~~
GM ...
qualit.y of rice. ;J,J

J~ Guq.q.u, M. A fish of the snake

1~ Gadra, arl.f. Piebald, leprous,
headed family ( Ophiooephalus
of cattle, spotted. Bk. 2. punctatus.)
One who has leucoderma.
J/ ( ~~ Ga:dw1,
t..SJ J,; " F. A brass I ota.
JJt Giddur, M. Jackal.
i ;/.. •
F. wy.>....

... Sh. ,)~~~ GaQ.M:Q., M. I Ass, donkey,
jJ.S GuddUJ", M. Sweepings, rub- i,,,
. ! Sli. u-'~
u~ ~~ GaQ.hU:Q., M. }-- Met. B lo o k·
bish. Sh. ·
jl))""r Gidarwar, ~
_\,; .I head...,~
~~~ GaQ.hil)., F. ) Sh. J..~)
1 :,, · · M. Wild cotton. "' ; ... J .
jl,;~ GiQ.arwar, ~~ Gu(J.Q.i, F. A doll. 2. A paper
~ ~ J
4}.f.\J..S Gudlial)., Pl. of ,,)J..~ F.
' Ticklings, tittilations. 'yJ~( Grap, F. 0£ an age to bear
young (of cattle).
Gudllal). kaQ.hal).r, To tiokle.
~_,J..~ Gadud, F. A slough of fibrous t ~~ Garam, M. Low note (in
music). Sk.
-8.{ Gad, M.
Urial, wild sheep. u~ Gira).]., M. Piece of bread,
" mouthful, morsel, sop. 2. A
!St GaQ.a, M. An armful of grass, Village.
straw, wood, etc. 2. See
Gira:Q. Qora:tJ.r, v. t. To dip
w~~ bread into a dish.
t:/ Guraha, M. A tribe of jats. " ~
. . Girhaw, M. An eclipse.
J J J wf Gari, F. The edible leaves, or
JJ~s Gura'iw, F. Wife of} or;} cabbage from t.l1e bead of a.
"' spiritual guide. date palm. 2. Western wind.

~/ Girj, Sh.~1 ~~} Gar i r a,

M. Booth, hut,
:, ~F. Vulture. arched and made of grass or
-~::--/ Girijh, ) branches.

Ii.>/ Girda, M. A compass. 2. A wf Gark, F. Ravine formed by

" bi:Lsket made of reeds. water, breaking away from
a bill torrent or irl'igation
~1J} Gardanak, F. Lintel of a Cloor channel.
holding the sockets iu which }} Ga:rgar, F. Rumbling of carts.
the <loor works. cf. U. The JJ
pointers in the Great Bear. bS'br Gurgur,
)) . . F. The sound produc~
~i,; J/ Girdnalli, F. Tlie .Amaltas tree ed by smoking a huqqa. 2.
Rumbling in t~e belly.
"" ( Oatharts-carpus or cassia,
fistula). Gu:rgu:r karaw, To have rum·
blings, borborigmi.
~/Garra, adj. Roan (ofa horse) ;;J,J
Sh. tf Gu:r:rum, M. Sound of stone
falling into waters. Sh. 2.
u/ Gark, v. n. Imp. Sink. Sh. Bard swelling on neck from
carrying burdens. Sh.
y)'{,} Garkawaw, v. t. To cause to
. I Y_t~ i'v? 'J.~'J.. ~ Giral}.da, M. Stony ground.
drmk. Pr. ~~)':> P. ":. '>li "' Sh.
F. ~~/Munshi Muham- J
't>f Gu:rh, v. n. lmp. De experienc·
med Hasan gives - )J) l,~~ ed. Sh.
as a causal verb.
lf Garha, v. t. To bring buffalo
')JS/ GarkaJ.J.r, v. n. To snore, roar. to bull. Sh.
P. l~~l P. l:-rj F. u~l b~ Garha, M. Side of a boat. Sh.

~l..o/ Girmala, lrl. .A plasterer's ~tJS Ga :r h ap , F. Buffalo heifer

" moulding tool. ready to bear young. Sh.

Girmala qewaw, To plaster. u:11f Garhk, F. "A bullock's bellow.

Sh. v. n. Laugh inwardly.
;Lj Garma.l}.d, M. Neck rope 0£
01:1.mel l)addle. Sh. ,,;S Gaz, A term in l1ill torrent
iJ.rigation for t.110 small cut
<.:J ~} Girwan, M. The collar of a supplying a field with water.
"' garment. J
;lJ Guzar, M. A load (of a fire
'Ii/ Garh, M. 'Ihe board_ on each
v J
side of a boat on which the
boatman walks when punt- ;s)1r Guzaral}.r, v. t. To pass the
ing. time, get on, live, fare, to
\' J J

~} Garhal, A shrub (Reptonia

ofier. Pj: l'-'l::J} f- l!:;~~
.P i,! ,:?
J3ljlxifoZia). Sh. F. • U~·)/:i v, ti. /»~
;} Guzur, M. A passing by, sub- Gul chharre ucjawaw, v. n.
sistance, livelihood. To spe11d day~ and nights in
J £eastings, to give oneself to
v 'Guzrat}.r, v. n. T o pass .away; pleasure, to live luxuriously,
,.. ~ l F' to live a. debauched life, P.D.
etc. See U. ~J.~ P-r. J)y
J J v J
~ Galla, M. Herd of male
P. ~.J} F. uu.;} v. t. 'j)_f camels or horses. Sh.
~ ormer
1 wJ
Guzri vehal].fit}., F.
things, wh"'t has passed }~ Gullar, M. Puppy, cub.
J ,,_if~s GalkaJi, for iJ'jJf
4:JU•.•~t Gustan, M. Gra.veyard. Sh.· J
wtfJt Gulgat}., F. Hafr of Camel's
~~( Ga.sht, F. Patrolling, etc. See hump. Sh.
u. .I J
e-.l.t.'>1 Gulgule, Pl. A kind of food
Gasht rhiraw·, To patrol, prepared from peas and gl'am
i n s p e o t, make a round,
wander. ,
with salt and pepper. Syn.
ln Sh.~
ud Gashta, M. Patrol, guard, •
policeman. r~ Gilm, F. A carpet.
J ' '
-1-: Gukh, F. Fist, a biow with : ;t~ Gila u, F. The medicine Tenos·
the fist. ~ poria cordifolia or Menis-
permum g labrum •
Jt Gig, Pl. ,)J1 Matter in the ·
~ eye. F. ,,,. .'f..~' Gaofothes).
1vi t, F. Neck~slit (in

jt Gaggan, F. A metal water :

pot. S. R. adj. Wasted, ~ Gilai, F. A kind of Lizard,
consumed. Sh.
... ... long tailed and thin.
ul-r Gughl, F.
A long necked
Gull, F. A small thick ca'ke.
water bottle. 2 . .A dove.
~ . .
2. Kernel of frnit stone,
~ Gall, F. Word, thing, conver- cotton, gram, peas, etc. after
removal of outer skin. Sh.
ss.tion. Sun. ~ ~ J
J( Gul, }f. Rose, flower. See U.
lt*Jg Gulela, M. A pellet for the
pellet bow.
Gul a.nar,
Colour of Pc>inegra-
nate ·fl.uwer. Gum, M. Sultriness. Sh. See
Gul jat}.gi,F.. 0 I ea n de r. ... ... J r. .
( Nerium Odorum). ~S' Gumman, F. Bullock's hump.
Gul ka.t}.d, F. Confection of rll
roses. · •."".·"'fS' Gum_muz., M. .• . ~ A dome.
· . . Sh.
Gul ma.uia, adj. Very hand-1 ~"' Gummba.z, D. G. K:
~i) Gum rah,
some, beautiful.
:aaj. Perplexed,
Gul nargas, '.Lily, narcissus. astray, wandering.
Gul thiwaw, v. n. To be Gtunrah thiwa1n·, To go
extinguished, to go out. astray, err.
"'5(11! Gumrahi, F. Depravity, lui:iing ~~ G~l}.gha, M . .An embankmeni
- om/~ way. thrown across a hill, torrent
to divert the water, imper-
~ Gamla, M. A flower pot.. 2. vious dam. Syn. ~~
A wall to protect young
trees. ~)!.~ Gal}.qewalh, Refa_se indigo
plauts af ttr steeprng .
t_}U~ Guna'f, F. Level, square. 'IJ
?::~ Gmrrj, M. A crease, fold,
J.~Jt Gu~jak, F. The cross pieces
supportiug the upright bars
of au almirah, etc.
.Guwj 1owaw, v. n. To be-
J..l.S Gal}.d, :Ar. 0 ff s c o u r i n g s , come tangled.
sweepings, etc. See U. "' Guwjawaw, i•. ~·
j,~~ To tangle.
j J l.J.s Gal}.da karaw, v. t. To defile "y
1i re
(of men).
1.·v yt' Gu.hrJiJaIJ.r,
1i· .,.
v. P· To become
Gal}.da thlwal}.r, v. n. To be tangled.
,\,r~ ~ .#'
v' Gul}.dar, M. A fold or cr~~se in
.Jd v-~-r Gawes, See ,_J.-J:.J.::i
clotb. 2. Entanglement. 3. Gal}.gacha, M. A noise.
Malice, spite.
v' t t.~"' Gul}.gdam> M. A beast, dumb
)~ Gul}.dra, adj. Twisted, ~ntan- itnimal.

gled. 2. Malicious, spiteful.
Jfit GaI].gor, F. Consultation.

~ ~~ Gul}.drala, See 1i.Jr

~ Gunger, F. A bush found in
the Bar. Sh: .
~~ Gai;,i.draf, M. Sulphur, brim-
stone. 4J:J Ganokh, M. Foo1, idiot. (Lit.
· dreamer brood er) from
J.J.~ GaI].dal, F. The stalk of a Biluchf " ganagh" to dream,
plant which has run to seed. brood.

.,}.J.s GaI].dlal}., F. Pl. Y;uug i:;hoots d Gannh, "j>f. A boil. Sh •

of r;arlw used as graiss. ::>h.
~ Gunnh, v. t. Imp. Plait lo~sely
T, .Ht Gandua, ?tf. A. packing needle. (hair). Pr. P. ~~ F.
~'~ Ga.l}.dora, M. Dates, green and
, hard. ~
..>JS Ganesh' M. A sl:iare in a com·
mercjal enterprise or harvest,
~ill (}il}.di, F. A Faqir'ti patchwork given to Brahmins.
,,,. .,, • pl
quilt. In S. R. ~J.::i
f Go, F. A prize, anything con-
~~ Gal].qa, M. Indigo plants cut tended for. 2. Part of the
huqqa fitting into the bowl.
green. 3. Sca:ffolding,,staging.
A~ Gal].qh, IF. ,A blister from Go chawaw, To excel.
}-- hard w or k or
~SJ~ Gal].qha,J wearing shoes,
~~l} Gaw:agh, M. N"pighbourhood.
become b.a.rd. Syn. ~~ Sh.
.,lb~l e Gawadhl, M.I bout·. Go4qe bhar, Kneeling. Sh.

- .,.Y . rNeigh
cJ?ri~~~ GawaQ.hin, F.J ~~)s Go~i, F. Supporting a camel
about to lie down, by placing
JltlS.s lJ~ Gawandhu, ~ the knee under him, to
J,v ~ • • rM· A neighbour. prevent his sitting down.
~~; 1_,~ Gawal).dhi,) 2. Boeing.

J~)~ Gobhu, mlj. Pot-bellied. Sh. Go~i ~ewaw, To hoe .

i.::..>_,~ Got, M. Food for cattle, consist- .J}~ Gor, F. A den, cave, pit.
fog- of straw and oil~cake
mixed. J..1~).)~ Gor baI].d, M. The breast band
of a camel's saddle.
t:;'J Gotta, M. Sensation of drown- JJ} Gorar, M. Ravine deer. Sh.
ing. Sh.
,.4tJ~ Guth, ]f. Silence. }.6~} Gauraig, v. t. To growl.
. J

llt>J_,5 Gu:rha, M. .A. place w liere

Guth maraw, v. n. To be le al'e herded for night.
silent. S.R .
• J
.l~-SJ Gutha, adj. Silent, mute. ;( ~J} Go:regir, F. Damp earth put
"" on a roof before plastering.
'[/ Goj,
tMl_l" Gusa, M.
M. An eel shaped fish
Blow with fist. Sh.
(Mastacernblu; -arrnatus).
~Ml,~ Gosa t, M. Flesh. Sh.
ut::--i Goji, F. Wheat and barley
mixed. l~,~ Gosha, M. A cluster of fruit
or flowers esp. dates.
~~} Gochra, adj. Depending on,
collected with. ·Sh. ~_,~~~)~ Gosht khora, adj. Carni-
)~)~ Godar, Riverain tract. Sh.
lb,~ Gota, M. Diving, sinking.
uJi.~J Godri, F, .A. beggar's patched
quilt. Sh. Gota maraig, To dive.

~} Go~, v. t. Imp. Hoe, dig, loosen J..)15_,t Gokatgil)., F. Recitfog in tbe

earth. Sh. .; even i 11 g of multiplication
table. P. D .
...s~} Go#, F. Weeding. Sh. ~~} Gog:ra, M. A cotton pod.
l~J~ Goqa, M. A knee. ,,./} Gogi, F. A small thick cake.
~. Food, bread, meal. Sh.
Go~a akhoraw, ~
To kneel. ~)t Gola, M. In carpentry or
Go~a 1ekaw, building, a level made fa
Go4e je~a, knee deep. form of .A., the two long sides
being at right angles. From
the uniting angle is a plum-
Go~e di chhuwii:i., F. Knee met line. .A. nick or mark on
pan,· patella. the crosspiece gives the
centl'e, and the plummet line,
Go4a mara.w, To wane ( 0£ at once shews, whether it is
level or not. 2. Slave. 3.
xnoon.) Knave in cards. Sh.

1.)} Goli, F. A slave. 2 . .A. pill. Mul).h vich gha pawaw, To

J J humble one's self.
i:J,s L.iJs Gunagun, An kinds~. Of u.
J. Gha da ghora, .An insect.
~)3} Gunal)., M. Straw of " Muri:g" Sh. (? Mantis).
and " Mas0."
j, v ? ~~s Ghat, M. Thickness, density,
~~3f' Gol).ba~, I M. A bull~ck's solidity.
r hump .
.J!....~.-c} Gombat, J l!4s Ghata, M. Injury, losf:I, defi·
v J
IJ.s} Gul).da, M, A bag formed by ciency, failure, lack, dimi-
nution, disadvantage. adj.
tying the two ends of a cloth Thick, close tog~tber, dense,
together, for carrying grain; bushy.
ears of corn, when reaped.
etc. Ghata bagh, A grove.
..,sJ.Si Gul).di, F. A tree Oorclia Ghata yar, Close friend.
Rothii or Sp ce r a n t h u s
Hirtus. )IJ Ghar, 1!1. A cave. 8h.
v J J
U:s)~ GuI).ga, M. A dumb man, _,J'll Gha:ru, M. A carpenter.
stammerer. S. R.
,, Jl~s Ghal, F. Land revenue. 2. A.
uJlt.S} Gol).glul}., M. A tnrnip. Pl. contribution to a wedding
u.J:1r..r/ and wl/u.r,s feast. .

, '
cJ} if Gunogun, adj. Various, of
)nlJ Ghalaw, v. n. or p. To have
different kinda. suffered, to have had. Pr.
)J.l~J.~s P. ~l4s F. u>#..J:lt
"ts} GuI).h:, M. Ordure. Sh. Syn.

? ut 1.)IJ u!. Y~ JL.o u~
B ave you had the sma11 pox P
~lb} Goh:ra, M. Ball of mud used
in a sling. Sh. 2. Ball of l!J~ Ghal).ga, M. The neck of 11i
carded cotton. Sh. broken earthenware veflsel.
2. Clothes so tnrn as to be ·
cb~ Go'in, F. The swamp stag. iepair. 3. A beetle.
(Rvcervus dwvancelii) nearly Sh.
extinct in Multan district.
In Sh. Nfl-gae. _j..}IJ Ghal).ver, M. Giddiness, pal-
pitation, w birlpoo], vortex.
'y..} Gawe:r, F. S e a r ch i n g for Sh.
stolen property. 2. A clue.
Sh. c)IJ Ghani, F. Mud used as mor-
tar. Sh.
})} Gave:raw, v. t. So search for
stolen property. Pr. l~Jf ~l~ Gha 'i, M. A grass-cut.

,, P. 4).} F. ~jf ~ Ghap, M. A hole, indent, nfok,

impression maae in the flesh
J)!.f Gave:rn, M. A searcher for by pressure. Scar.
stolen property.

~ Gha, M. Grass, fodder. Sun. Ghap ghattaI).:r, To indent.

'61.t ~ ·Ghap~al, F. Nonsense.
"~b t 254 br e
"~ J
Ghattain-, v. t. To throw, 'oilt GhuttaIJ.r, v. t. To choke,
place, put, pour, used in com- ) stifle, throttle, strangle, bind,
position as an intensive. Pr.
1 ~ .. , w"" ? .
tight. 2. To embrace. Pr.
.lo::? t
.»? .lot?
~P • .,pF. ~e::i l~~ \I
p. :!--A~::i 111. 1..5'-M~..I.~
'!-? v l"? J . J
v. p. ~~ c. v. y_,~::i "y .lo .? b!' l .lo p
v. P· ;i.:A~@':J c. v. in;.~
2. To exhibit, shew, make a.
disturbance. Sh. Muth ghuttaw, To close the
"'I fist.
~ Ghutt1, F. Doubling, in the ~J_, ~ Ghat wadh, More or leas, un-
chase. S. R. equal.
.J!;.t Ghut, M. A draught, as much u~~ Ghatti, F. Declivity, descent
as can be swallowed at one of a hill.
tiime, a gulp. 2. A joint. ... J
Sh. 3. Sultriness. Sh. .._}.~ Ghutt1, F. Ducking, immer-
sion, plunge.
Ghut bharal}.r, To gulp, take
a mouthful. Ghutti qewaIJ.:r, To plunge.
~ Ghat, ad;'. Less, inferior, defi- Ghutt1 bharaw, v ..n. To be
cient, few. .silent, not to give answer.

Ghat thlwaw, To be relaxed, ~~~ Gha tera, adj. Rather thick.

J~~ i.:i~ Ghiddi batto, F. A game
Ghat karaw, To relax, dimi- play~d by boys. Sh.
uii;h. J

Y Gbura, M. Den (of a wolf).

~ Ghatta, M, A ram. Sh.

~}\fJ Gha tta top, M. A covering uY~l GharaIJ.:ralJ., M. Family.

for a palanquin, carriage or
J~J~ Ghar~ar, !YI. lfami1y, house-
y,~ Ghatawaw, v.t. To abate, di-
miuiah, decrease, detract, J:.J;,I Ghrut, .M. A.bal,ld mill.
de1.rrade, astrnage, curtail, )~~ Ghar:ra, M. A rub, grind,
allay, relax:, im pare, reiluoe, BCl'tl};>e.
\I lo ;?
make low or les1:1.P·r. l~;.~
J,J);t Ghar:r gbar:r, F. Grating
P. ~.t1t I!. ~ v.ri.
~ .lo, v l .lo ir1
~;i::i c. v. )3n..i.~ J~ ft Ghurkar, M. The noise made
w ' .
by a handmill. .
ul.J.!t GhutannalJ., M. Drawer,
trousers, pajama. J;~ Gharl, F. A pit formed by
rushing water.
')J.I Gh&ftal].:r, v. n. To ,become·
)SJ~ Ghirai;q.·, v. n. To fe~l sick at
,leas, l;>e impaired, abate,
stoll.1-ach, faint, faint"hea.rted.
decrease, fall, used as an. 2. To be surrounded. 3. To
intensive. Pr .. lJ.1l P. Y:~{ cross a river by help of
,lo*' 'o~ .lo ,111
. an.i~al, or massack. Pr •
F. ~f~ v. p. ~.--;f::i 1~~ P. ~:J~! F. ~~~
l~~ 0;~ Ghirin-gha, A gra1:1s (Panioum Ghas maila, adj. A little
,,..... antidotale). dirty, l:loiled.

~j;f Ghirni, F. A block t:t Ghassa, M. Loss.

\ff)J~ Gharoga, adj. Home spun. Ghassa lagaw, v. n·. To suffer
)1)J~~ Gharoral}.r, v. t. ;o graze,
v l _t ,.
Y)~ Ghasawaw, v. t. To rub, fret.
scrape. Pr. l~J;t P. 4J_,fi~ wear, abrade, excoriate. Pr,
v .P fP ,,
~~J_I F. \~ANi~ P. 4.~;) F. u~~
c...S),;I Gharori, F. Scraping 0£
, ,
~ ~ Ghus phus, F. Mumbling.
,legohi. Pet gharo:ri (Lit. da. J
Scraping of t.he belly) A child
after whom no child bas )S)~~ Ghusraw, v. n. To be thrust
been born.
or stuffed in. Pr. lJ~~ P.
~~t Gharap, F. A buffalo cow ar-

. rived at maturity, just fit

~;-t 11'. u~H
to bear young. Sh.
'ft.~ Ghiskaw, v. n; To crawl. 2.
~Jljl Gharawil}.j, F. .A To slip. Pr, ld~~P.
,,. ~~t
stand for
,,. holding water-pots.
v J F. ~
~i.(i. ..e Ghurkanr,
;--;r . J . . v. n. To
purr. Pr.J J J
l.:J-~ Ghusun, M. The fist.
lJ.~)~ P. ~J~~ F. vuJ')~
Ghur kaw, v. t. To chide, re-
Ghusun maral}.:r, To strike
with the fo,t.
premand, brow, beat, rebuke;
v k J
but y, 1..i;~ is more used ;[u.t Ghassaw, v. n. To be_ rubbed,
in this sense. abraded, to fret, wear. Pr.
~)~~ Gharulla, M. Flying white' l~~ P. l-1:i::I F. u~~
ant. Sh. v. t. ;s)~~ c. v. j)lrl
)3)t Gharaw, v. t. To bruise, r ~
)~::i Ghussal}.r, v. n. To err, mis-
grind. 2. In Sh. 110 cut stone. take. 2. To enter. Pr.
Pr. P. l?.)~ F.
J J ,

L..\4 P. ~-~ or ~ F.
"~ ~ "" Gh'lfal}.:r, v. n.
/;P To be driven.
· ~
"" (a well.) Jrt Ghasor, F. A pre~s, (of people)
;s;t Gharal}.r, .v. t. To fashion,
crowd, crush, jam,
make, form, to work in'
metals, and jewels. v. c. j)JANi~ Ghasoral].:r v. t. To press Jn, to
v I ?
crowd. Pr. l~~ :e.
y,)i;) . J

v-•~ Ghas, M. Abrasion. 2. Milky 4Jr'i~ ~~)~

way, sMd to be the m::atk left
... , F.

by Noah's Ark when it ~~ Ghukka,-M. A snail.

rubbed along the shores of J

he·ave:ii. 1~ir Ghukara, M. Snoring.

J , J
u . .(*t Ghuk muk, adj. Quite dark. ;3~t,.,l Ghumawal}.:r, v. t. To turn
round, take round, revolve.
W Ghagra, i\f. A petticoat. Pr.
~ J
I~~~ 1!. l~.\,..~~ F .

.;. J J
,t.i Ghuggu, Sh. ~
l Nf. An owl.
# Ghugh, ' J
f.A-~~ Ghumbar, M. Circular dance,
Ghugh al}.dhara, Very dark. of men. Sh.

Ghugh nimasMn, Late even- ~t Ghama'f;'f;, 1!1. Hump of cattle.

ing, wheu dark. Sh .
, ... J

uW Ghughal}., F. Pl. The tonsils. ;~s Ghummar, ~ M. .A whirl·

~ ... P pool.
~ Ghaghi, F. Hoarseness. 1-t.l1~::i Ghummargher,
, ;3 1
~~ Ghamsaw, }[. A crowd, press
Ghughi, F. A. long necked
flask or water bottle. 2. of people.
v ~
Small dove. Sh.
... , )lAi~. Ghumaw, v. n. To revolve,
Ji Ghuggi, F. Dove. Sh. turn, spin.

~ Ghil, F. Sleepiness, nodding, l~~ Ghimia, adj. Moist, damp.

drowsiness. - ... :;
~i.) l t..:J~ Ghun adha, M. Decay of tooth,
Jl Ghall, v. t. Imp. Send. Sh. 2. supposed to be caused b;y a
worm. 8h.
]1 • Company of robbers.
, ~ Ghal}.j, lvI. Steel, for flint and
y/ Ghulra, M. A cake of ata, steel for striking fire. Sh.
coarse sugar and fat. S. R. J
r!..lE~ Ghunaj, v. n. Imp. Betangled,
~ Ghilkaw, v. n. To slip. Pr.
tw.~d. Sh.
l~l , P. ~w F. u~~ll ; ;

" !- Ghulaw, ~~ Gha.Q.4, M. A.n iron bell hung

jlf::i v. n. To blow as on the necks of cows and
wiud. ~. To dissolve, melt. buffaloes.

Pr. l'""l~ P. l:t-1~ ·1!1. u~ll

' J ' J:, v'
~~~ G h U J:}. 4 , M. A veil, cover,
v. i.
1n,l muftler.

tt! Ghim, B1 • Dampness, moisture, Ghul).4 kaghaw, To muffle

vapour. In f3. R. Sultri- the face.
~,~ Sle~ Gha.Q.4 korf, F. .A bell for
Ghim oharhaw, To become an animal's neck.
moist or damp.
j, v '
~ ....s~l Ghul}.41, Jl. A frown. 2. A
cJt,..~ Ghuman, M . .A wooden mallet, curl, ringlet. 3. A. knot
used for stirring sugdir-cane left in the cloth when weav-
j ufoe when boiling. ing. 4. .A tangle.

1..1Sll Ghal}.~l, F. Adam's apple. )1~t~ Ghotaw, v. t. To grind, bruize,
Sh. Thyroid cartilage. with a pest.le on a fla.t. stone
v .b ~
vJ or shallow pan. v.p. j.i.~:_.,~
Y.' Ghul}.+, M. A honey bee. 2. \,~ l .b
c. v. J)) '.),))t:i
Disease, sickness.
.lo J

)'6;I~~ Gha:i;i.:rkar, M. .A metallic ~ )~~, .F. Silence.

Ghu~h maraw, To be silent.
'Y 'Y J
Y~.i.f) Gha:i;i.:rka:i;i.:r, v. n. To ring. b. lif;i~ Ghutha, adj. Silent.
('Yf"' l/'Y? t''Y?
li..\.)Y~) p. :!-~jlf~ F. UUJ,))4:i v J

i,Y Vi,~:? )S.JJ~s Ghuraw, v. t. To stare fierce-

v. t. iJc/'4-:, ly, look at one in a rage. Pr.
v J J ,
v J 'Y J
j}y4~yl Ghm;i:r ghuw karal}.r, v. n. li..\J.!.Jl P. l~;/ F. u~.;l
To mumble, hum.
·~~~Ji~ Gho:ra kachh, F. .A rough
u!.)14~ Ghawel}., a lj. 1
Many, much. appraisement of Government
shnre of produce of date
f4 Ghinnaw, v. t. To take, re- trees.
,. cei ve, exac.t, come by, get.
)J; );~~ Ghor daur, F. A horse-race.
Pr. li..\1l P. lo.f~ or ~'-'4~
;D', 4~ Ghuraw, v. t. To thrust in.

u),I Ghori, F. A crutch, etc. See

'Y J u.
;"ll:;-· r.:JI,. Ghin julaw, ~ v. t. T o
)l{;~s Ghukal}.r, v. n. To coo.
y~sJ r.:JI Ghin wal}.jal}.:r, bear take
away. '-i~,4S Ghogha, M. Throttling, strang·
ling. 2, .A. term in wrestling.
v \I
y~.i.~ ;u~!I
V"' I Gh'mnaw .mul}.Jal}.:r,
. v. t . T
' give and take, buy and sell.
" .. ...J , Ghogha Q.ewairr,
. To strangle.
Pr. l~k li..\1l
,,. P. U.-o li..\t
,,. ,l)l Ghoghu, 'AI. A small fish of

F. ~~ u~-4~ si I uri d ce family ( 0 allichrou1

'-;';~~ Ghol;>, F. Stab. )l;l Ghughu, F. Cooing.
)~J4~ Gho\>aw, v. t. To thruRt Ghughu karalJ.:r, To coo.
· through, to stick, stab. P1-.
v J J u~)i~ Ghogi, F. Small· shells used
'~tl P. ~~_,l F. u~t:f~S for ornamentation.

~_,l Ghol;>i, F. Cabbage. In Sh. JU~ JJ@~ Ghol ghattaw, v. t. To devote

to sacrifice in purpose, i£ nob
t......'~/ in act. ~JUI May JJI
Ghol;>i da phul, Brocoli. you be sacrificed, a curse.

~)4~ Ghot, M . .A bridegroom. )ll;I Gholaw, v. t. To blow or make

to blow. J
2. To dissolve•
IJ')t Ghota, M. A Betrothal. '2. Pr. li..\~ll P. 'y)Jt F.
Rubbing a pestle with force .I \I ,

on a grinding stone.,. u~~/ v. n. y~t


~t!.~~ Gholia cha, }Never mind, Jy;;'-~~ Ghihal, F. Dragging.· Syn

• ,,; let alone. .; J y?.-:-; ;;?
2. The mark of drag..
C"~;_, ~lJ
, Gholia Wa1].je, It is of no ,,.
consequence. · ging. 3. A log dragged over
soft land to break the clodR.
)4.J_, ,),4~ Gholi wal}.jaw, v, n. To be
.uH.-~ Gebl, F. A lump or mass of
0 ,t GhuI}., M. Filth, excrement,
i..;!:!-E Gi~i, F. A cake of Indigo.
dung, the stool of man and
unclean animals. In Sh.
Giti 1,Jadhal}.r, To make indigo
~J,S cakes.
. " J •
w~)6;t Ghti\lgrial}., F. Pl. Any grain v~S Gidi, adj. Subservient, coward-
' boiled whole. ly.

"·/ Ghetli, F. Ornamented shoes. ):!-( Gera

i...JJ.·!:l Ghidi, adj. Cowardly, sub-
' M.jrA .dove,more
the female
IS often.9

.. ,.., servient. c..SJ~~ Geri, F. ) called ~S' Syn.

;-}t Gher, M. Thin sour milk, curds

);~ . ~:\~
and butter-milk, dahi. Lr'~~ Ges, F. A kid from time sbe is
weaned till of age to beal'
~?.-t Ghera, M. A driver of bullock's young.
treading out corn.

)S;.f..~ Gheraw, v. t. To surround,

Ut:!-~, Gihal, See Jr.t-~
encircle. 2. To drive a well. J Gaf.
Pr. ii.J~:J@r P. ~f!:l F'. J Gaf, The 32nd letter of W. P.

alphabet. In Homan charac-
ter G or g. Not found in
J Hindi or Urdu. The pronun-
jy.:t Gheru, M. A block. ciation is that of g uttered
with a certain stress in pro-
~~ Ghisi, F. Rubbing the buttocks longing and s o m e w h a t
" on the ground. strengthening the contact of
the closed organ, as if one
Ghisi karal}.f,
To rnb buttocks tried to double the sound in
the beginning of a. word as
on the ground.
gga (Trump's Sindhi Gram-
mar. P. 13.)
~~ Ghilaw, v. t. To drag, haul.
; Pr. IJ.4~l.. P. ltl1,-~r F. ~"! Gaba, M.} Cal£ of~ cow whi~
u~lf v. p. ;I~~~~ c. v.
u·.J ~~ G-a'b'i, F'. suckhng. See ~

lf~ Gata, jJtJ. The nape of the

;r_,1_,l€ ne1·k. 2. Throat. Sh. 3. A
staff for playing single-stick.
j.;.~l Ghinaw, c. t. To take, re-
, ceive. S. R. Gata bhannaw, v. t. To
' J ,
break the neck.
'-'JJ;).}-~ Ghin turf, F. A vegetable. Gata kapaIJ.r, v. t. To decapi-
"" (Hybisous Em~lentus.) tate, execute.
~.~ Gacha, M. The cluster of i.ft~lf Galhll)., Pl. of .~t!
leaves at the top of a date
palm, inside 0£ which is the Galhil}. karaw' v.t. To aiscuss.
cabbage of edible leaves
,}f Gal}., F. A cow, having a calf,
called .._,/ after 5 years old.
·libJI! Gadha, ltf. The driving beam wUlf Ganal}., M. A string of three
of a sugar press, to which cords, red, green, and yellow,
the bullocks are yoked. worn on the right ·.uist of a
bridegroom to keep off jins.
~JI! Gadhi, F. The driving board
,,.. of a Persian well. A charm. In Sh. UlS is also
used for necklace of cowrie
v; 14 - ,
~ Gari, F. A snare of rope or shells on animals.
horse-hair, a gin, noose. v\4 - '
. J _ . F. A pot-belly.
Gari la waw' v. t. To lay a
~ Gub,

libj~ Ga:rha, adj. Thick. lib SS ls' Ga 1}. gha, },f. Attachment,
;1.]1,t ·Galanr,
.. v. t. To melt, con-
~~lbs.Jlf Gal}.ghewala, }.[.An adherent,
aume, waste, ruin. 2. To make
soft by cooking. Pr. I~ part i z an. 2. A man of
P. ~llf F. i....s4 v. n. ~~
wlibjlf Gawha:Q., 'Af. A jewel, orna,..
h! \ 1'4
o. "'· l) 'J.J ment, propert.y. 2. Pledge,
pawn, mortgage, perhaps the
,f6~ Ga1h' F. A word, matter, second sense is commonly
remark, talk, anecdote. 2. used in the plural number.
Abuse, railing. Syn. Llib'f
Galh kaQ.haw, To abuse. Sir gawhal}., Pledging one's
Galh karaw, To talk, speak, self. A debtor engages to
work off a debt receiving
confer, converse. only bis food, till debt is
paid off.
Gd.lh muhar, F. C'onversation,
cfoilogue, diRcnurse. y:}
v v,4
G-,al).Wal).r, v. n. T o srng.

Galh vich chhikaJJ.:r, Opposi- \~If P. 4_\f or 4,}tff F.

tion, interruption, correction ~~
in talk or controversy.
~ 1~ Ganil}., F.A string, of colour-
Hawa nal galh~ karaw, ... ed cords or goat's hair, on
To be very swift. which cowries are strung,
tied round the necks of
~If Ga Iha' adj. Mad, foolish, animals.
simple, credulous, daft, soft.
M. Idiot. ~If Gawa, adj. Raia.ting to• cows.
b.,\l"lf -
FD Galhar ~ A 8 q u i r r e1
Gawa mal, Cattle.
J •' (Tamias Stri-
)a,lf Gahlur' 8h. a t u s ) • F. Gawa gosht, Beef.
, .,'f>},lf
--")• r..S' 1 Gawi, F. A herd of cows. Sh.
I Yt \if Gitta, M. The ankle.
Jb-;/ Ga'u1}., 11 A cow. 1
• Pi. u~·-?..J.)
(htte je~a, Ankle deep.
~a'ul). dhur, F. A fe:~tiva1
among Hiudus. ,_(j,f ' Gutk, F. Cooing.
~11 Gah, M. Treading out corn. J.1;.~ Gatak, F. A fruit stone. Syn.
~11 Gahna, Sh. See ,)~)~'if ~(1 .. j§
j111 Gahaw, v. t. To tread out corn. ....s/~!'Jl G.itkari, F. A sound, cluck,
Syn. )JJl/ Pi·. 1""'.4/ P. "' ,. used for driving cattle.
v ),,~ -
' . 1'4,';;
,4 "y ,4
I!'. i_:;~y':> v. P· )~~y':J... .JK1::i Gutkal}.f, v. n. To coo, as a.
dove. · 2. Laugh in one's
ti,! Gabh, M. With young, preg- J
nant (animals). sleeve. Sh. Pr. 1~ P.
.J J
Gabh sattaw, To cast young,
,, ~~:f F.~
,.ib Guth,
F. Division, quarter,
~~ Gabbha, M. Bread soaked in ward of a city. 2. Corner.
,, ghee. Sh.

))~~ Gabhru, adj. Adult. .~4 Gith, F. A span, from th~mb

v .'ff -
Gabhaw, adj. Pregnant (of .... to little £nger. See t.J)~f
animals). "",,
),,% - .,
'-5~:i Gutth1, F. Wrist. Sh.
Gabhaw karaw, To impreg-
J-1;~4 Gathil, adj. Lazy, idle.
JI Gapal, M. A piece, lump of
any eatable.
J1 Gatti, F. A hand-cuff.
~;ff Gijh, F. Egyptian vulture
Gapal jhap, A greedy person
(a piece snatcher). ,,
"' (Neoplwon Percuopterus).

~4 Gujh, M. ~ .9 secret., mystery.

~ Gapha, M. Money realized
(whether by fair or unfair In Sh. l~g
2. F. A piere o! wood so
u'i, Gapp1, M. A prater. introduced into "ood work,
as not easily to be known
•..:;..,.:~ Gut, F. Plaiting the hair, or seen as a repair.
behind the head. ,9

\f~~ Gujha, adv. Bidden, secret.

~ Gatta, M.
Guthla, M.J
Oover of a book.

A cloth bag. Sh.

1 M. A p i e o e

J.~ Gachal,
F.,.)~ ~· ,9

~tf Gat, M. A log of wood, tied t~:f Guchha, M. A bnncb, cluster.

to the necks of animals to -v 2. 'l'assel, tang1e. Sh.
prevent their straying. 2.
L5;~ Giohchi, F.
A log £or lining a wt-11.
Ga~ da khu, A well lined with
,, - Gichchi lahawaw, N eek.

to de-
logs. capitate.
· Gichchi g hu~, adj· Causing Gakka:r ka~haw, v. t. 'ro
choking. extract the stones from dates.
Gichohi-ghuttaw, To choke,
~' -
Gugul, M. Bdellium. The
stifle, seize by the throat, gum-resin of Bulrrsamode'fldron
strangle. Roxbury hii, arnyris agalluclza,
amyris cmYLmipl1ora aua a.llied
~ Gar, ~ F. Pnlp of fruit or species (Punjab products).
) _ vegetable, pith of
J, 9
Gir, wood, crnmb of
Found in Sindh Sulaiman
Hills. 300 maunds are an-
bread. In Sh./, nually imported into .De.r&
Ghazi Khan. It is used for
uf!;~ Garbhi, F. A kind of ging- incense.
ham a cloth made of cotton
aud ~ilk or wool. '~
LP - F. S. R. Word, etc. See
4.$/ Gari, F. The edible part of a -~If
cocoanut. 2. Cabbage of Gal kath, F. Conversation=
date palm.
J~ 41§
f Gur, M. Unpurified sugar,
inspissated juice, of the Jf Gal, M. N eek. 2. Collar of a
sugarcane. coat.
Gu:r-dawii;i., F. A kind of Gal khafa, ].f. A term in
sweetmeat. wrestling, throttling.
\~~ Gara M. A hailstone.
Gal ghut~aw, v. t. To choke,
wJ ~f Gu:rakhu!}.,
/ J • '
M. Tobacco pre-
pared for the huqqa, by
strifle, seize by the throat,
,, mixing with gnf, etc.
Gal ghotu, Sore throat (of
Jt~ Gu+ahal, F. A house where animals) it occurs at all
sugarcane juice is boiled seasons.
Gal lawaw' To embrace.
,Jb)rf Ga:rh, M. A fort. F. Puss.
Gal laggaw, To be embraced .
~b1 Gurhala, lif. A sugar-boiler. 2. To fight., quarrel.
4 -
~Y Ga+hi, F. A small fort.
Gal ma+haw, To force to
v)f Ga :r i, JJ'. Disease cansing take, urge upon.
sudden death of cattle. Sh.
~ Galla, M. Gap, opening, hole
tY"~ Gas, IF. A soil, loam and in wall or cloth.
?- sand mixed often
J~~ Ga.sar,) found in cana1s. u l_, lb~ Gala wai;i, M. A neck halter
J for cattle.
~Jbt Gusa'ii;i., M .
.A. saint, holy man
" amongst Hindus. Galtani, F. Wood placed round
~_, Giskalla, adj. Full to the neck.
the hole in which the verticle
wheel of a well turns, to keep
out the dirt. 2. The throat
~ Gisni, F. Wrist, fore-arm. latch of a bridle.

~f Gakat, I
~.. _ ?- F. A fruit-stone. u ,
hf Gilti. ' F . .A. gland, hard swell-
'fir Gakkar,J ing.
c..Sj'iff Galkari, JJ'. Embrace. Gal).gh l;>adhaw~ To· tie a
Galkari pawaig, To embrace. kappa:Q.r, To pick a
J& Galgal, M. A citron, used pocket.
largely in making pickle.
Gal).~h kholaw, To untie a
c.Jl+.'>1 Galmal}., M. Co11ar of chola knot,
2. Dewla.p of cattle. Sh.
LliS.Js1 Ga:Q.Q.ha, M. An impervious
r"Y\(f Galla:i;ir,
- v. n. To melt, dis- dam opposed to y\~ 0

solve, become soft, be consu- which only raises the level

med, absorbed. 2. To faint. of water in a canal. 2. A
bundle of fuel, faggot. 3.
3. To be lost. Pr. )i.).J1 P. Alliance (of families). 4.
\~~ F. ,_;~ Shock (?) A heap of corn as
much as can be carried at
c..S}sJt.ff Galwal).gri, F. Embraoe. S.R. once. 5. Piece (ofturmeric) .
.i,,r% -
~)lb~ Ga:Q.dhd, F. A small bundle,
-i\.~ Galh, F. ~he cheek. Pl. u'ilff
y~ Galhap, M. Madness, credu- ! 1'!~ -
lity, simplicity. }'-ltl~ Gal).gha:Q.r, v. t.
To connect,
fasten together, join, tie
j1 Galli, F. A street, Jane.
stitch, suborn. '

Galli galli, From lane to lane,

Jutti gal).gha:Q.r, To cobble. ·
"' 1 !ti j, \I,;.;
street to street. Pr. \ ~lb~~ P. ~lti~ F.
.]:, '!~ v 1 !f;f
uUJ.:!-lb~ v. P· ~:!-ll:iM
JI Galle, Sore throat. Pl. noun. by
c. v. /)
l 1 !~

c..Sf.'1¢}.,.1 Gambhiri, F. Citron, large 1!~ -

sour lime. :;:!-lb~~
I Ga:t;tQ.hera, M. A cobbler.

cf Gan, M. A handle, of mattock yf Gu :If r' M. Quality, virtue,

axe, etc. ' merit. In Bh. J
c.J~ Gann a1)., }.[. Sug-ar-cane i..S}j1 Ga 1). r t r i ' Consideration,
( 8accharu.m Otficinarum.) 2. ad vice. 2. Muster.
Jowar. stalk.
!: Gul).dh,
- M'. A bmid of hair. Gawtri karaw, To muster.

j'j1 Ga:Q.:ra:Q.r, v. t. To count, 1rnm-

~ltlJJ.f Gal).dhak, F. Snlf bur, bdm- ber, poll, calculate reckPn
stone. .
estimate. 2. To 'corn:ijdn'
. I " "'~
impute. Pr. ~~ P. I~~
;aM -
Gul).dhaw, u. t. To braid, b!;t "' "..t
plait. F'· u~.~ v. p. ~).b c. v.

.{,!~ -
GaJ.J.Q.h, .F'. A joint, patch,
j,G')11- .,.
knot: tie. A knot tied in a \,, !~ - ....
garm~nt, used as a pocket.
.. ~ Gal}.Wla., M. Minstrel, singer.
2. Blister from hard work. J. '-~ Got,
j, \I?"
\::.)r F. A piece in the game.
Syn. ,lti~.b
J~J/ 263

'Jl Gota, M. Spool, reel. 2.

.lo d -
Golden i.] ~
; 'J
GolaI?-r, v. t. To search look
v ;
trimming. Syn. v)IJS for, discover. Pr. \~~)ff P.
J/ Goth, v. t. Imp. mend, splice, 4
\*!_,~ F. i._;NJ.;!-h~ v. p. ~.J:l.S"
J v J

dain. Sh. v .J ,

J/ Goth, F. The shoulder piece in o. ·v. y) S'ff

a woman's bodice. 2. Sitting
with sheet tied round back
,)_,!/ GolwaI]., adj. Very few, scarce,
and knees. &h. J
bv ~ - ,
Goth lawaw' To mend by u~}Y. Guwil}., F. A sack.
putting on a patch.
'!./ Goh, F. I A lizard, chame-
u~r::-/ Gochhi, F. A band of 20 or d - r lian.
30 men. '.J:1.f Guhi:ra, M.J
G/ Gora, adj. Fair, ruddy, white.
~/ Goha, M. Dry dung, of cattle
G/ Gaura, adj. Heavy, weighty. or buffaloes, t.he fresh dung is
i._;MI)~~ - of dog. Sh.
~;)/ Gorpat, M. An animal, that
digs up or burrows into Gohe tha,ppaw, To make fuel
graves and eats the bodies.
J of dnng.
l~/ Gu:rha, adj. Deep, of colour,
dark. 2. Strong in friend- ~l Gohaw, v. t. To knead, mix,
ship. (of plaster or fuel). Pr.

~I Gorha, M. A ball. li.Jd'lb/ P. l.;;lb/ F. ~~1

u~/ Gorhi, F. A small ball. 2. A ;~,L.f Gahawaw, v. t. To ~read out
ball of cotton.
~ the corn. Pr. \j.~ P.
, ~/
1 Gokhrn, M. A plant (Tribu,
lanuginoRus, alatus or terrest-
t~.l.v§ F. w~:!--'< v. p. y~~~
rt v rt
v d ....
ris). The young plant is
eaten as a herb, and the
c.v. y_,1*
seeds in time of scarcity,
they are considered diuretic,
~~Git, l
.. .... _ ( A piece in games.
astringent, and to insure !> .z G't' J
fecundity in woman and u->-~.... i .i, .
virile power in men, an in-
fusion of stems is taken in l!J...;1
Gi t. a ' M. Quicklime. 2.
Gonorhea. ' Pebble, gravel. S. R. In Sh.

)~I Gokhrn, M. A bracelet with c.J.Jf

rough surface. Sh. u1...J:~ Giti, F. A Tip-cat. 2. Flint
w,J/ GokhnI?-, M. A span between _, ' for striking fire. S. R.
thumb and fore finger. See
-i~ 2. A smsll kind of
Giti qanna:i;i., The game of tip-
snake. In Sh. }J
JI Gol, ~ F. Search, pnr-
Giti Q.annal]. khegaw·, To
) suit. play· at tip-cat. ·
J~ JI Gol phol,
~k Y Gera, M. ?A dove. The F. is
Gol phol ma raw' To search, \ o!ten called M-
seek for, pursue. y./
r...J Ger~ F. ~ Ji?Jr.
Geri, F. Yellow ochre. w}~ La l u:i;i. ,
M. Knob, pommel,
4 -
}f.-~ Gair, M. Entanglement, snare.
child's top.
2. Calamity, trouble. •..}~ Lali, F. Stick in nose of camel.
\•j./! Gekra, ·.nir. The seed oft.he ber Sh.
tree (Zizypliusjtijuba). <r ~ Laj, F. Honour, reputation.
;41;.::," Ge1,haw, F. An enlargement Not to be confounded with
or palpitation of the abdo-
minal aorta.
dor U. '[.~ meaning shame,
Lam. Laj rakhaw, To protect one's
J Lam, The 33rd letter of the honour.
W. P. alphabet. In Roman
character L. or I. ;4-~ Lachar, adj. Helpless, poor.
~ La, A post-position signifying Lach a r thiwarg-, To be
''very '' aj la kam'.i:J?.. From helpless, disabled.
this very day. As a prefix,
it, bas :t negat.ive sense. e.g. u-:;-~ Lachi, F. Cardamom. Two
I1ajawab, without an answer. kinds are in common use.
Speechless. In Sh.=from. Nikki lachi, the small kind
used as a condiment. (Elet-
It is given by Rev. T. Bom:ford taria cardimomum). Waddi
as a contraction of ~I_, with lachi used in making '' Ara.k''
sense of •' one" or " belong- or spirit and in cooking and
medicine, the produce of amo-
ing to'' ~~~ the middle m1J.m maxir>Mbm or alpinia
cardarnomum of Rox burgh.
one ~;:! belonging to the far
side. Lachi dawe~, A kind of
;J~~ Lapa1n·, v. t. To cut the ears
yl~~ La l}.ijab, adj. Familiar.
of those tall crops ( Jowar
MJra, etc;.) the straw of which
is not taken to tbe threshing u~l~:-~ La l}.ijabi, F. Familiarity.
floor. Syn. )~J~ Pr. I~~ ~~~ Laqla, M. Spoiled child.
p, ~:!~ F. l.J--1:~ J
_, ~~ Laq.u, M. P . .A. beast of bnt'den.
L~:;~ L ath a, Kept, preserved,
guarded, placed. .A. past ~~ Lara, llf. False promise.
tenAe, other parts of the verb
are lost. Lare baz, A covenant breaker.
~~ Lal' M. Fat tailed sheep. S. R. ...s} Lari, F. Wife.
2. rran of fat tailed sheep.
S. R, J~ La:r, 'kf. A.+.ribe of jats.
~~ Lat, F. Flame, blnzE>, light. .!t~ Lara, JJ.f. Tongue of a bell
drum stick. 2. Met, a noisy,
Dii).b de Lat, Gloaming (Col. talkative person. 3. Assistant
Millet). to a date-picker.
Lat maral).'f, To shine. U""~ Las, F. Flour and water used
JS~ La ~al, F. Fat-tailed breed of for thickening soup.
sheep. Sli. 2. Corne~. Sh. ·ii~~~ La samjh, adj. Unintelligent.
J~ 265
~~~ ~ La samjhi, F. Ignorance. w~~ Lalal)., F. Pl. Salivation.
J;i ~ La ghar~, adj. Indifferent.
Lalal}. wahaw, To slaver.
u~Ji:. ~ La gj!ar?1i, F. Indifference.
~J~ Lalri, F. A red and black berry
j~ Laka:r, F. Firewood, fnel, used as jeweller's weights,
given by O'Brien as Pl. 0£ the f.leed of abrus precatorius.
Said to pt'event facundity.
jl a stick. 'I'he root.a sold as liquo-
riGe and an extract
~~~ Lak:ra, M. A long pole for from them.
gathering or knocking down
fruit. Syn. l~s~7'"
~~ Lala, M. Sir, master, a. title
used by Hindus. 2. Elder
""'j~ La]q:i, F'. A lath, date branch brother. See U. ~~
stripped of leaves.
J~ Lali, F. A bird 0£ the mina.
~~ Lakha, aaj. Dark red. In Sh. tribe. 2. Redness.
Black ( 0£ cattle).
\~~ Lamba, aaj. Long. Sh.
u~1 Iiakhi, M. A possessor of a.
lakh or lakhs of rupees. 2. Lanan, ~ 'liI. A sa1solaceous
· plant (.Ana.basis
F. A kind of fish. P. D.
Lal}.:ral)., rniillijlora or car-
~~ Laga, M. A piece of cultiva~ oxylori fretld111n), both are
good fodder for camels, and
table land, among sand hills. from both " sajji" impure
Sh. alkali, is ubtaiucd.

~~ Lagha, '!JI. Cultivated plot in t~~ Lal).ba, JJI. Cold, frost. s. ]],.
Thal. Sh.
ii~r~ Lal}.bh, M. Branch.
J~ Lag, F. The amount fixed
for bride and bridegroom to L.S.Jfj ~ Lal}.gr1, M. A servant who
give to musicians, etc. at a prepares food given in cha-
wedding. rit.y. (langa.r).

1.1'~ Laga, .ilf. Gall.2. Sore back, +!~ La:Qgh, F. A loin cloth. 2.
from rubbing of saddle. Sh. Passing over any thing
superstit.foualy supposed to
~~ Lagat, F. Expenditure, outlay, be unfortunate) as spilt
cost. milk, wRter from a huqqa, a
sweept-r'1::1 broom, etc.
)~~~ Lagdar, M. One in search or
pursuit of a thing, seeker, l.t~~ Lal}gha, M. A path, way.
purchaser ; a general name er\I Lal).gl,
,, ,
for artizans who supply the ~.. .u F. G re en branch es o£
wants of the agricultural trees cut ~s fodder for goats.
classes, barbers, cobblers, ./ .

etc. who all get aom e gift at Syn. wll

weddings. See J'j -i3~ Lal}.h, F. A· rope, esp. a. boat
J~ Lal, adj. Red, etc. See 11. rope. Pl. u~ ~
Lal thiwaw, To turn redJ be v~~I~ La:Q.hraJt, M. Debt, floating
in a rage. debt.
~~ Lawa, M. Decoy, lure, bait. ~~ Lahaw, See )3_, \~
Lawa lawaw, To allure, J~i La'ehar, M. A reaper.
La'ehar sa4aw, To call the
w''~ Lawal}.,F.A marriage custom, 1·ea.pers.
placing tl1e knot of clothes "'---'! Lab, F. Spittle, saliva. 2.
of bride and bridegl'oom seven Lip, the portion of the
times on the head of each. moustache below the nose.
'},~ Lawal}.!, v. t. To apply, join, t~ Libba, M. Hana put on any
fix, attach post, attribute, ' one's mouth in token of
attend, to set, 2. To grind, curse. P. D.
sharpen, to set. 3. To cover
with a male. Pr.\~~ P. ~t~ Libas, "ft[. Flattery. 2. Cloth·
"' ing. See U.
~.~ F. ~ v. n. )~l v. P·
v I Libas ku~aw, To flatter.
c. v. y, i,
... J
'-5~~1 Libasi, M. A :flatterer.
Bijara lawa)f~, To plant out
seedlingd. ;k~l Labkaw, v. t. To lick, lap as '"a
Pal}.-rii]. lawa:q.:r, To irrigate a dog. Pr. tJ~,(~I P. \:!-f~ F'.
field. u~~l.
Dlihatlawal}.f, To plough a )~~ Labha:rg·, v. ti. To be obtained,
second tin;ie. discover, find, come to band
receive. Used also in activ~
j1,~ Lawaw, F. A row of forhy
sense. Pr. L\~~ P. \Jt>'" or
sheaves, of_ which the reapers
receive one called t...>)~ or \:t-~~ F. u~~~l v. p. ~f~
v v ..
J~ 2. Cooked food. S. R. c. v. y,, \)~~ or )SJ\~~
)SJ~ Lawiw, F. The border ofa c...vlfl Lal>ari, M. One who tells lying
"" petticoat. tales, boaster, braggart, cf.

\.S;~ Lawi, }F. Thea.otoheaping.

2. The r e a p e r's
Lubari of Cent.l'al Africa.
See Maokay of Uganda.,
P. 134. Note. Prophets of
~i La'i, w~ges, about y"Q of the devil.
the amount reaped. Re is
supposed to get one of forty c...i'j~l~ Lal>al).:ral}., M. A tribe holding
of tbe sheaves, but he con- the Sikh re1igfon, chiefly rope
trives to make his sheaf much makers. In O'Brien Glossary,
more tha.n -0lo-th. The sheaf \j\~
so kept is called U~)lib"
i.o., the kept, p1·eserved. ;rJ Lal;>ar, adj. Lazy, idle.

j } Lawir, F. Rag, torn clothes. ~~ Lap, F. A handful. Sh

"" P.D. "-"~~! Lipa 'i, F. Plaster.
,,. .,,.
~~ Lah, v. n. Imp. Pay off a debt. Lipa'i karaw, To plaster.
~7" "v"l Lap jhap, F. Cheating. cf. U.
'~~ Lahl,lda, M. West. Sh. aiod Eug. '' sharp.'>
Lap jhap karaw, To cheat. ;l1l Latar, F. See ~l~l
'-')~ Lip#, F. Turban (spoken in lj:~t1! Lat a pat a, M. Baggflge,
contempt). furniture, effectA.

jI_,1,~ Lipwawaw, c. v. of ;4~ j!_,lll, Litawaw, c. v. From ;J1J To

" To plaster. lie down, etc. Pr. l..,~1J P.
~1,~ Lipwa'i, F. Plaster. 2. Price l~.\.1!, F'. LS.w/tl,
' pa,id for plastering.

)SJ* Laporaw, v. t. To cut the

y_,\)..i.i. Latkawaw,
v f/ ;
v. t. To hang.
ears of tall crops as Jowar Pr. l~ll P. l~.l5'.l! F.
v J
u~~±! v. n. _}kil v. p.
and Mjhra. Pr. 1J.-4j P. v l .lol
)~:!-~-' c, v. y) /;.
v /.lo!

4.;rvJ F. r..s~.ft
)k~l Latkaw, v. n. To hang. Pr.
~ Liph, F. A blister from hard
¥ •
work or walkmg.
l..\~l P. lifll F. i...s~±l
VJ. .I
).i...i.~¢1 Lape~a:Q.r, v. t. To wrap up, )~l Lattaw, v. t. To sprinkle with
".bl v ~t
fold, enclose, pack. Pr. oust. Syn. )lJ v. 'P· Y~.!-..V
lJ.i;-1~ \;-~:!-~ ~~-!:~
P. F.
.. "' "' y11 Luttaw, v. t. To plunder,
\.!!...ll Lat, F. A lf'g. sack, harry, pillag<"', prey
v J J
Lat mar, M. A tenant who upon. Pr. \J.l0il P. \~il
J ., J
ere o ts embankment for n 1J b~ Jot
irrigation in the Pacbad. .1-• • u"""./: v. P· y~...v c. v.
t J ,

Lat maraw, To kick. 2. To y,1,11

f>J/1! Latodhar, M. .A wanderer,
jUJ Latar, F. Trampling, loafer.
ing. 2. T~odden ground.
J}~J Lator, M. A long tailed bird
jJW Lat ar a lJ. r, v. t. To tread, that flit.a ahout.. Sh. 2. A
trample on, do despite t.o. Pr. vagabond. Sh.
IJ.1~.):U P. l~Jl.1l F. u"""?.)1l v .i. 1
t' ' F.
u~)J;, Teetotum.
\,~ 11·~ 1 \,y l 1i·~ 1
v. P· f::f'..t o. v. /n))J .. J
,)}l La tuni, F. Dim. of ~~ Tail
'-"JUI Latari, I F. Land on which of a cross between fat-tailed
. r silt bas b e e Il and ordinary sheep. Sh.
'-'j~l Latiari, J deposited by the
"' .Li .1o1 I
rivel'. Syn. )Li.i u .}:!-; and ~l Lath, F. The axle of a wheel.
2. A beam tbat acts as a
JU°' pestle in an oil press. 3. An
embankment round a field.
~ Li~, Imp. Recognise. Sh.
4. Wooden roller of W.~.)
~ Li~, F. Tangled hair. 2. A cotton cleaning machine. 5.
" sliver in the skin. A wild pigeon.
~ Lut, F. Plunder, loot, pil1age, ~l La~ha, M. A blister on the
booty, prey. tongue.

La.the powaig, To have blist· w:!-1~) Lichha'il)., M. In south of

ers on the tongue. "' "" ,1\foza:ffargarh a person who
i·eceives the Lichh. 2. In
N ortb Muzaffargarh, Multan
~! Lujh, F. A qual'rel. and parts of Dera Ghazi Khan
a. cultivator who ploughs bis
" J
"LJ LuJ·hanf,
)""t"f" •
v.. n. To quarrel,
J ;
land with borrowed bullocks,
in return for half his share
provoke. Pr. L.~ffl P. ~~ of the crop.

'JJ'. uw.~ Mr. O'Brien gives ~~l Lachha, M. Silver anklet. 2.

this as an ti·ansit.ive verb, A coil or hank. 3. A curl.
but the form of the tenses cf. U.
given hy him is neuter. If
the verb mea11s to p1·ovoke, it v J

is also transitive, but the y~~l Luchhiitr, F. Restlessness.

tenses, if according to rule, ;
v J
u~ Luchl, F. Very thin cakes
would then be. Pr. L.~4~~l fried in "ghi."
.9 .9
P. Y,.~~i F. u"'-"-:!-ffl "'! •
~l Laj, F. Shame, modesty, bash- '-5'f L1ohchl, ~ F. Trick,
... ~ ' . deceit.
fulness. See U. ~~ ut--/ (. Lichch garichchi, Sh.
.,. ,,.,
J .
)SJlf'! Lajawa:ri:r, v. t. To bring or !,?~! Ludh:ra, M. An otter (Lutra
put to shame, abash, blush.
Vulga,ris) Syn. )J1
Pr. 1~4~ P. \1.\~\ F. ~~Tl
~l Laq, F. A small load.
l Luch, I
radj. Quarrelsome.
... J La~ palarg·, Flitting, migra·
~l Luchcha, ) tion, :removing from one
, place to another.
.JY Lu.cha'i, F. Of quarrelsome
~ Li~,• F. Dung of elephants
disposition, p e t u 1an c e,
rascality. ... and excrement of horses.

u:s:f., Lachak, I!'. Elasticity . ;5_,l~ Laqawal].r, "· v. from ;I~

Lachak maraw, To be elas. Syn. )SJ~~
tic. J ,

.)3_, I~ Lu~awaw, a. v. from )l~

..~ Liohh, J!'. Rent paid by the
.,. cultivator to the owner of i~J Liqakkci, JJ1. }
the land, or inferior pro. ... ... · . A spoiled child.
prietor, (See ; lJ.~~) called J-~ Li4akki, F.
in some parts .)}~~· It ;3~ La4ain-, v. n. To depart, go
amounts to r'tr of tl1e produce
16 parts go to the tenant and away, migrate. Pr. IJ~ P:
the 1'7, to the landlord, hence
called solMJ?. satarM1;i. Or GSJ
., • F . UMI. 'kl v. t. ;J.
1,YSJ v.p.
13olhsatarhi. Syn. cJ"°)~~i.>l b~ SJ 1,Y \~t
;"'~:;,.· o. v. )~, ~
)S~ La~aw, v. t. To pack up, )5j La :r a IJ. r, v. n. 'l1o fight,
wrestle, quarrel, encounter.
load, lade, remove. Pr.
Pr, 11.)j P. l~.j F. i...,si.;;j t.
P. l:.~! F. ~.~ v. n. )S~l

\,~ 1'>1 \,r \SJ ;s,~l c. vj_,1,y .

v.p. ;~~ o. v. JJ . or J
v ..b .,.
.,'A)j Lu:rh, M. Noise, quarrel,
)S ~ Lu~aw, v. n. To rock to and
Lu:rh machai:rr, v. n. To be
fro, to be shaken, to oscillate.
stirred, agitated .
..b' .i/ J! v J
Pr. lJ~ P. l:.~ F. '-'~~l ~)I Lurha1g·, v. n. To be swept
br .b Jl ., v. .b'
J?r away by a flood, go to des-
v. t. l ~) v. p. ;J.::f·~ o. v. truction, float away in a
v J! stream, run to waste. 2. To
J y_,1_,~ flow. 3. '.l1o wriggle as a
snake. 4. To be weak from
W-' ~ La~UI)., M. A kind of sweet- .
want of food, to collapse,
'meat made up into balls, of , J ,
chick pea, sugar, butter, Pr. l~'j P. ~)! F. u~)I
cocoanut and pistachio nut. , J .

v. t. /!CJ) l c. v. inlt>J
1i ! ,1, br l ,~I or
~~.j.! La~it, adj. Delicious, pleasant, v ,
' sweet, savoury, luscious. y_,litij
i.J} Luri, F. Winter wind. La:ri, ~ j
See i,

..-.;.J Larl.h, F. Small freshet from w~:j La:rial}., .

, .,.
'-'""I Las, F. Dark heavy ~louds.
)~ La:r, M. ~ Anything hanging.
] . Branch, bough, L.u.1 Lissa, adj. Thin, weak, lazy •
...,;j Lari, twig, pole. 2. E11d
of a turban, corner of a "' 2. Smooth opp. to ~Jif
cloth. 3. A string (of pearls).
4. A sting, bite. WLassa, M. Thick red cotton
La:r laggaw, To depend up-
on, claim protection. j3,t"""I Lasawaw, v. t. To sqften
dough or clay previous to
La:riaI)., Pl. Of Lart. A punt- making ohapaties or pottery.
ing pole.
c.-<~ L a s a k , F. Glitter, flash,
;J, ~ La:rawa1rr, c. v. From ;Jj shining.
To fight.
~W Laskara, M. Flash of weapons,
;3_,"6'j La:rkciwaw, v. t. To hang,
glitter of silk, gloss ou cloth,
append. Pr. IJ.i~~j P. 4.~)l shining.
....s~~t)l v. n. ;-itj v.
F. p. ;3) ~,J Laskawaw, D. v. From ~1
~~fj c. v. ;s_, \f'j to.glitter.

'JSj La:rkaw, v. t. To hang, be )~ Laskaw, v. n. To glitter, flash, ·

suspended. Pr. lJ.~)I P. l;-r)\ shine. Pr. 1~ P. l:-fi.J F.
F. i._s~j v. t. )SJ'b)t ~,J
~ Lassa.w, M. A dark spot or \..ilih.e- ~I Lak charhia, adj. Compacted.
"'JvJ J •
pa.toh in the skin, freckle.
c.....<! ~! Luk luk:, adv. Secretly, aside.
~ Lassi, ~ Buttermilk. Syn.
Jl ~! Lak lak, F. Lapping, sound
~~ -\~ of lapping.

~ Lisera, adj. Thin, rather thin, Lak lak karaw, To lap.

· thinner. Comparative 0£ ~ ~ Lakaw, v. t. ~o lick, lap as a
dog. Pr. t~~s'J P. l:\9 F.
J.;J L'a,l, M. A son. 2. Roby.
uYl Laghral}., JJ'. Pl. Tender shoots VJ
)Kl Lukaw, v. n. To be bidden, in
of trees ; esp. Ber tree. hiding, to lie concealed. Pr.
J J ,
yi La.g:haJ,", M. A falcon, (Falco !'-'~ P. l;t~ F. u~ v. t.
y ,
~;J Laghra, M. A paper-kite.
;;J Laghor, adj. Cowardly.
!fl Lakwa, F. Facial paralysis.
L.,.(J Lak, M. Loin. Sh.
wfl" Lakkui;i., M. The loins, middle.
&..SJ Luk, F. A fistula, sinus.
+f Lakh, M.= 100,000. PZ . .,;4(1
Luk l;>ahaw, v. n. To lie in or ~~sJ
ambush, lurk, lay wait for.

~ Lakka, ad}. Concave. 2. M.

Lakh qata, M. An Epithet of
· Pouter-pigeon.
Sagi Sarwa'r,
, Lakh thiwaw, To be multi·
Kl Luka, ailj. Concealed.

, Luka rakhal}.~, To keep )J_,\~~ Likhawaw, c. v. from ;1~

J~ Lu.Mr, F. A shawl. To write.
jl_,~ Lukawaw, v. t. To hide, ~l/J Likha'i, F. Wages for writing.
cover, conceal, secrete. In , Syn. J1*!,
v J
Sh. Steal. Pr. '-.l-.UO p.
, , : J }¥! Likh&l}.f, v.n. To write,
4,~ F· '--1""~(! v. in. jKl M. " compose .. Pi< !J.~ P. l~~
Village expenses. D. I. K. , ,
F. u~4{~
,,}~! Laka'i, F. Concavity.
I Likhaw, v. t. To write, in-
~(l Lukat, F. Co no ea Im ent, scribe, copy, note. Pr. lJ.4.~
hiding. ,
P. \;!-~.O F. u~~ v.p.
Lu k a t vich, adv.
~~ : .•. j;l4(~ o:jl; ~~
privily, separate, undercover.

Lukat vioh 'Qahaw, To lurk, Likhi:rg-, F., A pen. In Sh. by

lie in ambush, lay wait for. Hindus t.!1~
)~C Lakhaw, 'D. t. To look at, see, l.J~ WI Lag di mosim, F. Pairing
comprehend know, ex.amine, season.
test. Pir. lv.l~~Q P. ~ F. ~-'"°.J
~~.! Lug:ra, adj. Empty, of houses.
)!.f Wl Lag lawe:r, F. Waste, occa·
.Jl_,~ Likhwa'i, F. Wages of writ- aioned by "ghi" etc. Ad·
... -'lft hering to the vessel which
ing. Syn. c.i~ bolds it.

~~ Likhla, M. That which is )1~ Lagaw, v.n. To apply, accord,

"' written, fate. attach, take root, be joined,

J Lukki, . kid.
F. Tanned goat's skin,
become, seem, suit, begin.
2. To fall to, as an auxiliary.
3. To be covered, by a male .
4. To be stranded. Pr.
t~g Lakia, M. Lapping of a dog. lJ.fJ P .. \ti F. u/\M~ v. t.
v 'J y ! v
. WL u k i a , ,adj.Concealed,
y_,~ v. p. Y~~ c. v. )3J\_)l
" covered, secret, hidden. Pukhta lagaw, To con·
solidate (of wounds).
Lukia rahaw, To lurk, lie
bidden. J.l_,ti', F. Anything eaten
with bread to increase the
";t-9 Lakira:Q.r, v. t. To make or appetite.
) draw lines, to rule,
v~3/J LaguwaJ.t,
y '
J adj. As far as,
\J.n Lugda, M. Soft mass. until, even to.
) Laggar, F. Branch of a tree.
JJ Lal, M.Manners, good behavi·
our, understanding, ryvovr;
# Laghal].r, v. n. To pass, pass ...
common sense,

by, cross, get through. S. R.
y v
Jl Lill, F. Unripe fruit of Ber-
2. S~e )4dJ ... tree, iL Pl. u)~ Sh.
l..S~~ Laghi, F. Urine (used by (~ JJ Lalpal}.j, M. Deviousness, per•
Hindus only). versi ty opposed to straight·
..,J forwardness .
~! Lugg, adj. Desolate, waste. '""' Lullf, F. Penis .
..,J c,}I
l!J Lugga,ad}. Alone, unoccupied.
.Sh. ~ Lam, M. A feathery grass of
average quality it is found
lib~ ttJ Lagga 9adM, adj. Whole· growing in. }
• sale.
tt Lim, F. Phlegm, mucous from
Lagga 'Qadha vechaw, To "' the nose.
sell wholesale.
t:J Lamma, adj. Long. Sh.
Lagga wal].jal].r, To start, go.
"},j Lammal]., M. The south.
~~ ~ Lag bhag, adv. Close, nea:,
about, by (of place or quant1· t.J l.J Lammal}., F. A game like
ty). 2. Equal. hockey played in the Bar. Sh.
~ Lamba, M. A. flame of fire.
)~ Lul].bur, M. Fox. Sh. F. ~)~
JJ '

aclj. Long, tan.

)1~! Lul].jaw, M. Hair of camel's
Lamba karaw, To hold out, tail. STi.
extend, lengthen. -j

l.lbJ.ll LuJ.].dha, M. One who sponges

)3~.J Lambaig, M. Length.
on others for food, comes
uninvited to meals, etc.
Lambalfr pulhal}.:r, Length
aud breadth. 1I
\SJJ Lul].ga, lJ!. Money paid to a
J\:.J Lamba'i, F. Length, height. husband to divorce his wife.
adj. Tailless. P. D. 2. Of
Lamba: 'i pulha 'i, Length and bad character. Sh.
breadth. chira, adj. Without
u~ Limbi, ~ F. A blazing mass of wife and children.
.,,. ,,. fire put into funeral
J Linbl,

pile by relative of ..;S.] La:Q,gar, M. A wanderer, one
.,..- deceased. P. D. without an object, a person

)1~.J Limba:in-, v. t. To plaster, 0£ bad character. S. R. )) ._t,c.MJrr


.,,. paste. Pr. l~~~,J, P. \~~.J.,,. l.l!l~,n Lul].gha, M. Subjection to

need less expense and trouble.
or Ul,., F. l..i~~J,. ir. v. p. P.D.
v v I
... .- o. v. )i.5,1)~....,,.
J~-3..J Lam~hil}.g, M. Stork, adjutant
J:ij--}Jhtg,..F. Leg. Sh. Syn. J.U
' (oinonia argala.)
u1l Lu]fg, F. Branches of kikir,
her, and ja?}~ trees cut for
.}-';,J Lammardar, M. The man, in fodder for goats. Syn. '1l~ ·
a village or community res-
ponsible for the revenue.! La:i:igah, M. A tribe of Jats.
See O'Brien's note.
)SJ~ Lamkawaw, v. t. To bang.
.;(]J Lal].gar, M. A term in wres·
;.k.J Lamkaw, v. n. To hang. tling. Tlie wrestler twines bis
leg round his opponent's leg
~,,.J Lamochar, al1j. Belonging to and tbro·ws him down with
the south. M. A resident of his arm. 2. Place where
the south. food is cooked for all comers.

Lameru, 1 ar1j. Belonging to
Sh. In D. G. K. it is applied
to the food not the place. 3.
A rope put round the hair to
)!:J~.J Lamerio, ern direction, strengthen it. F. D.

~I Lan, M. P0nis. u/] Lil].gri, F. A rag.

.... ,
Lan ta t~e, Male organs of .A rag saint, i. e.,
Lil].gri pfr,
generation. the tree on which they are
\~] La:ttM, See tf.J v 1 .f V
)3J}l.l LaJJ.grawaw, v. n. To limp
;JtfI! Lalfbaw, See )H~ walk lame.

U1t1~ Lal].ba'i, See ~)L~.J l~l La)fgha, M. A ford, crossing

'j_, ttll Lal].gha waw, v. t. To pass i Lan, M. Twenty sheaves of
over, cross. Pr. tJ~E.dl P. grain, Sh. 2. Cutting or
v v v_f~
0 reapi~g of crops. 3. Raving.
t~tpl F. uUJ.~~(il v. n. J~
v v v I _rr1 See ),l.
v. p. )~~(il c. v. )5J ~~
l_,l Lawa, 'lll. Young. adj. Kind,
1~~. Lal}. g h d a, Surpassing, desct'iption, sort.
} } Loar, F. A scorching wind.
v ~'!t
)li0J Lal].ghal].:r, v. n. To pass over, See ~~ -}
cross, go by, elapse. 2. To
get thrown. 3. rro be very f..S;)J.Hj Loal].dri, F. Hair standing on
hungry, not to have food. In end.
Sh. l!J~.C Pr. '~ P. ~
v v r lrt y~ Loaw, v. t. To mix with
F. ~~ v. t. Y-'~
water. Syn. j)_,l
"tt!i Langhanr,
. . . M. Fast, absti-
nence, hunger. j_,~l Lawawaw, c. v. from jJ~
2. To cause. ·
Lal}.ghal].r maraw, To fast,
be hungry. )~_,I Lopraw, v. t. To cut ears of
high crops. See Syn. ~~ "
u~1t11 Lal].ghaJ.].fa:Q.,I .
v . ~adJ. Hnngry . and )SJ'~1
..., ~~ Lal].gh:ral]., J ·J ,
t.:.Ji Lut, F. A parasitic plant of
fl,. Lil].gi, F. Time, faun, occasion. light green or yellow colour
(cuscuta r~fierea). It kills the
l plant on which it grows. 2.
u.t:.Il, JJ'. A scarf worn as Sycophant, parasite, toady,
scarf, turban or girdle. 2. A hanger on.
fee paid to a superior pro- ,, .
prietor for sinking a well. Uj Lauta, M. A chatterer.
Syn. c..;J.,~ ~-'J: or ~
- lS,l Lota, M. An earthen water
3. A fee for cleaning lands pot, used on Persian wells.
on the river bank and bring-
ing under cultivation. v.i,J
~,. Lotaw, v. 11., To roll about,
Mal].jh lul].gi, is worn as a toss about. Pr. IJ..Jt P. l:P')
petticoat and fastened round F. ~} ,
the loins.

~Ling, M. A limb, member of ~ ~_,l Lotaigal]., M. A kind of

pigeon, roller pigeon.
' the body.

Ling bhajjatJ.r, v. 11,. To Ji Loti, F. Plunder.

sicken. w~~_,l Lojhwal]., aaj. Crooked, to
one side, circuitous.
c..1tfll Lal].ga:Q., adj. Bad, m, worse, ,,
poor, unsuitable. )i-~i Lochaw, v. n. To desire, 7ish
" Pr.
for, favour. Syn. ~I
j1 Lo, F. A scorching wind. See
11.~~ 2. A flame. '~} P. l~~y
.,. F. '-'~_,!
~J_,l Lodh, F. A pack of dogs. u~J_,l Lorhi, F. The last day of the
month Poh, the feast held
!~_,! Lu~a, adj. Spoilt (child). Sh. on that day. 2. A seam.
~} Loq, F. Swinging, shaking. Lorhikaral).r, To fell.
t~_,l Lo~a, M. See-saw, swing, ~J)l
... Lorhi,
. F. A good stretch for
vibration, oscillation. · a swim.
b!h 1 L d
Jti; 0 law, v. t. To B wing, Lorhi i::owaw, To be carried
vibx·ate, shake, agitate, dis· down ·stream.
turb. Pr. 1~.~ P. 4.~f F;
n., ):>
~=i;;'..,l LOpJaw,
,. T
.J" ·-:}-' v. p. o be wanted,
,J v•' 'v 1

t.J~J,l P .
..1:.>t \i'.J?I \,' .J?I
l..5"""!.~ v. n; / ~ v. p. ~'!' wished for. Pr.
by 11?1 ..1.1
F. u~.J) The Neuter
c;. V• lJ~~
and transitive forms are not
Lo~e khawaw, To be swung,
agitated, rocked, convulsed. found in W. P. though lJ~_,l
To stagger, reel. is found in Urdu, from a
.... Sanskrit root .
))J Laur, M. Raving, delirium, J

wandering in mind, foolish u/,IJ_,l LU.sf, M. J. Toady, parasite,

talk, nonsense. v ' hanger on, syco·
}i.~} Lusiw, F.. phan~.
Laur maraw, To wander in
mind, :;ave. "-5_,l Lok, M. People, mankind. In
Sh. village~
Ji Lo-r, F. Need, want, desire,
· necessity. JlS'_,l ·Lokath, M. The fruit of
\IY..i. I • Erisbotrya Japonica.
J~! Llvraw' v. n. To be dirty,
besmeared. 1.Jy_,1 Lokri, M. A wood-cutter,
hewer .
•~_,! Lorh, M. A flood. .2. Cruelty.
~,l Lola, Little bread. P. D.
libJ_,l Lorha, M. A fence, hedge, J

stockade. lil} LU.Iha, arJj. Maimed, crippled

without strength.
Lorha 4ewaw,. To enclose,
fence, hedge. u~~! Lulhl, F. A forceps or pincers
for holding large things.
)~t Lorh1;1i:rg-, v. t. To sweep away, J

as by a flood. 2. To fell. lJ)l Lui:;i., F.Down, short hair on

' v J the body. In the Thal, hair
In Sh. to rol1. 'Pr. L.).30~j of horse, catt~e, dogs.

P. t~.\~l ~r Y,-~_,l. F. l..5.P~~)! Lnt;tlU.1,1,adv. Altogether,

\,. ,bt v ,bl entirely, t~ the last hair.
v. n. ~J v. P· Y#~) c. v.
l~J_,l Livat;tQ.a,
v J . ..
)3_,l~j M. A small ronnd
.P ' gourd. (Oitrullus vulgaris) •
~J_,l Lorhu, llf. The iron roller of a \,y ! -
;)J Loi:;i.:r, M. Salt.
u1?., or cotton cleaning
. machine, the lowel.' wooden UJl} Loi:;i.:rak; F. A herb (Portulaca.
one is called ~~l oleracea). 2. Grass (Stipa·
grostis plumosa.)
.,. ..
'Ji uJI w} Laui). lam:i, karaw, ·v. n.
To )S_,lvJ Lahawaw, v. t. To take off,
open, take down, djsmount,
draw off, put off, pu.11 off, lay
)SJ} Lowaw, v. t. To mix with aside, bring down aLase to
land, disembark. 'l'o b~ar.
water. Syn. jlj In Sh. To
knead. b. liJ. 1;;'--vl P. l~.lyl In Sh.

Lauwaw, v. n. To caw, of
~Jll~ F. '-'NJ.f.t! v. n. ;I.;
crows. 2. To chatter. Pr. ~}l.y! Laha'i, F. Descent, declivity.

l~J} P. l!J;i F. u~) v

Luhchaw, v. n. To w i ah,
,,I ' - v J
l.,l Loha, Iron. U. adj. Iron-
}If. desire. Syn. )1i.t>,! Pr. \~ I
J ' Y'
coloured, reddish. Sh. ; y

p. ~~yl F. u.w.~y!
Lohc chuw, F. Iron filings. u~~)~ Lah:resh~ 4 o'clock P.M. Sil.
~t} Lohari, F. Wife of a Jbl lJ.~ Lahga, M. A moment, £r-0m U.
'blacksmith. (\;~
lSSt,l Lohal}.ga, M. An iron pot, Uy! Lahna, M. That wbich was to
frying pan. have been taken, a debt, Joan .
.. "
~lily Lauhra, M. Bridegroom. Sh. )~.,~~ Lahal}.dochar, adj. Belonging
.. to west. Sh•
~)l Lauhka, adj. Comp. Lighter
in weight. Sh. · j"'l Lahal}.r, v. n. To come down,
descend, alight, arrive, to
;1.itl} Lohaw, v. n. To wish, desire. l~nd, go ashore, Jight off,
disembark, get down, dis-
Pr. li.> P. ~lb_,l F . ._.,~_,l mount, to fall, fade, ebb, to
set, be obtained, be paid, be
J} Loi, F. Poultice. 2. Shame. open. 0£ treeA, to bear. Syn.
" P. l~ F.
3. Woolleu blanket. y,'vV'
i,,I.. Law!r, F. A rag, old and torn um~ v.· t. ;J_,t~ c. v. )3_,!.,y!
clothes. Pl. u ~i·i Sy>n. ;~ Saza lahaw, v. n. To receive
· punishment.
jy} Laveraw, v. t. To dirty,
~~~lJ Lhawa'it, M. A creditor.
besmear. Pr. 1J.11_t

t~y.)! F. u~J,1 c!.b Jyl Lahnewala, See ~~}41 .A

~lyl Lihari, F. A female camel up ~ Lihu, F. A thistle.
"" to 4 years old. P. D.
u\.I Lihak, ¥· A camel under two _,~ Lahn, F. Blood, gore. U.
"" years old. adj. Angry, excited. P. D.

u~l~ LhaJ+an, M. Derived from Lahu sukaw, To freeze the

blood in one's veins, to be
Uy! An old form of " lena'' afraid, in terror.
a loan given to another,
(O'Brien.) Lahu lahal}.g, adj. Covered
with blood, gory, bloody,
~~~.yl~ Lhawewala, M. A ~reditor. besmeared with blood.
276 u -1.,J

....V)~ Lahori, F. Last day of montih u ./1t~! Le~:ral).,

• J,
M. Dung ball. In Sh·
21_,; and feast h~ld on that w\3~! of camel.
day. P. D.
u ~ Liral}., PZ. of l
;:!-1 Ragged
.!f_,~ Lahu:ra, il'f. A tree (Tecoma ' Rag used as an adj. (shabby•
undulata). p;
u~~ Lir katiral]., J
j~ La.hwaw, See~ J:::'1 Llk, F. A line, dash, mark, rut,
, crack.
~ La'i, F. A tree (Tamariro
Lik pawal].r, To draw a line.
ilioiaa). 2. See i.J) ~
~::<l Lika, M. Dim. of J~
r~ ~ La'i lam, F. Auction.
Lika pawal).r, To dash under,
~~ ~ La'i lami, M. Auctioneer. make a dash.

;~ Liar, M. A reaper. "1< l! Likaw, v v. t.

.r-::, To draw a line.
Pr. l~~ P. ~(:t-l,, F. u~l
...;;~ Liari, F. A new born calf. 2. ; ,,,,. _,.

' Cow newly calved. Sh.

~ Lekh, M. What is predestined,
v v 1 _I
].%J)l~ Leaw dewaw, M. Dealing. fore ordained, destiny, fate.
Sh. Lekh ugh:raw, To have one's
star in the ascendant. S. B.
~ Le p , NI. Plaster, ointment.,
liniment, collyrium, what is Lekh jagal].J', ~ v. n. To
smeared, rubbed or put on. have one's
Lekh khulla:Q.:r, fortune in
Lep lawaw, To plaster. the ascendant, to be fortu-
~~l Lepa, JiI. Plaster, daubing.
Lekh Sa:ral].r, v. n.To come
Lepa Q.ewaw, To plaster, nnder an unlucky star, to be
daub.· unfortunate.

~~I Leph, M. Quilt with print on 4~1 Lekha, M. Account, etc. See
both sides. Sh. u.
uJllS ~~l Leph tula'i, F. B e d d i n g, L e k h a rakhal].r, To keep
uppel' and lower. Sh. accounts.

~ Let, T.he track of a snake in

Lekha mukhi, F. A kind of
the dust. ' usurious mortgage. See note
in O'Brien's Glossary.
· ~ Letal).:r, iv. n. To lie down,
c'-.f.~ Lekhe, adv. For the sake of, on
recline, roll about, wallow. account of, in one's esti-
Pr. l~1.>.l .. .,,,... J?. u ~.>.!
" P. u:!JJ ..

.)~~I Letti, 'ft!. Recogniser of stolen Jlh; J~ Lil qatar, F. A line, long line•
cattle, owner. Sh. ~;l-l Lela, M.. ~ A kid. In Sh.
1,}-1;l Leti, F. A kind of sweet food. u~! LeH, F.
Syn. l_,tl).. 2. Badly cooked
paste. Lela bhak, As far as a bleat
can be heard. Sh ..
j..j"L.o 277
l~~~! Lilha, F. A Hindu festival on (.:):!-~ l}"° M.atrer bhein, F. Step (half)
"' the Dasara Ram Lilha, the Sister. Sh.
exploits of Ram represented
at the festival. '-'~~t~ Mathral}, M. A. turner's

~tlw Mathaw, v. t. To plane,

wood, to turn finely. Pr.
~ .lo .b
1J.j,;?-e.>..oQ P. \~~ l...o F. ~iJ,.-a
v l .lo
_,~ Linn, A tree ( Ootoneaster
\, ! .lo
v. p. ;~.:~-:,-Q c. v. y, :,,f-'-...:i
" MicrophyZla). Sh. le~lc Majha, adj. B,elonging ~o the
buffalo. Sh.
l.J)~ Lint}.; A post.position, for, for
"" sake of.
~.l~~ L.o Machhn1, F. ~ A· caste of £sh..
" ~)~ Levi, F. A poultice, paste. . ermen. The
~f~ lo Machhi, M. men are also
.y~ Leh, F. A tree. (Tamarix weavers and wood· cutters
the women bakeresses and
midwives. F. '-5.>le~"° Sh.
~;!-1 Leh, interj. Get away (Bom·
ford). 2. A thistle like weed. o:~lw Makhta, M. Fine.
... Makhta bhogaw, v. t. To
'"t:!J Laib, v. t. Take P. Y.J Imp. pay fine.
'6J! Sh. ~~ Mad, F. Checkmate, in chess .
)~ Laihar, M. A reaper. P. D.
Mad karaw, To win, excel,
~! Leha:g.:r, v. n. To suck milk checkmate. In P.D. J~ is
(of calf). Sh. translated, beaten, overcome,
become low, reduced. adj.
r Mim.
r Miro, The 34th letter of the
.Jlw Mar, F. A blow, beatfog. 2.
The distance a stone, ball,
W. P. Alphabet. In Roman
arrow, etc. is carried, when
, character M. or m. thrown or shot. 3. An ex-
clamation of surprise.
Lo Ma, F. Mother, Pl. w~lw

Ma phi, Parents. ;J>)..o Markhor, ]f. A wild goat.

Matra'i Ma, Step·mother. ~lo M ark a, l'i:f. An assembly,

crowd 1 party.
j~ Matar, F. The ridge round . 'J.. . .

the handmill which prevents ~U.-o Mar ku~, F. A beating, blow.

the flour from being scatter·
ed. 2. Father's wife. Sh. )~)..., Mar ghattaw, v. t. To kilJ,
slay, dispatch, execute, make
YLo Matra, M. A large earthen- · away, murder.
ware vessel in which boiled
sugar cane juice is cooled )~Lo Maraw, v. t. To strike, hit,
and made into Gur. beat, kill, slay. 2. Reduce,
purify, as metals. 3. To let
~~j..)lw Matrer bhira, M. Step (half) , off, cut down,~ as price. 4.
brother. Sh. · To shut.
Jl"° 278
Mare~1de kutel).de, ' Mal pura, M. A sweetmeat.
down the price. v. n. )3;"" Mal i-kana, Rent of land.
v. P· ;I:F.r
c. v. ;3_, ~.r Ma1J.jha mal, Buffaloes.
~ul.o Marum, adj. Intimate, Gawa _mal, Cows.
Otha mal, oa,mels.
Marum ya r, An intimate
familia.r friend, one who is Chhala mal, Goats.
admitted into the women's
apartments. Malla mal, Sheep.
~l-o Mara, aAj. Bad. S. R. Thin, Sagi or sagwa:t;i mal, Iden-
poor. tieal, of property stolen.

~JL.o Marhi, F. A riding camel. Vagi or vagWalJ. mal, Is

2. A house of two or three property given in compen·
. stories. sation for the stolen goods .
'-5)\"° Mari, F. A house of two ~Jt,.; Malab, M. Foot and mouth ·
or three stories. ~ . .Ancient disease of cattle. Sh.
oblong tomb in S. R. pro-
bably Hindu or Buddhist. Sh. .~Lo Malh, F. The rope ladder of a
Lrt"° Mas_, M. Flesh. u. well. 2. Threads in spin-
ning jenny, from point to
1,;.. vl.,, Mas khora, ad}. Carnivorous. po5nt of wheels to which the

Mas larkav.:r, v. n. To be )!.i is attached.

flabby. Malh wa~, 'Ptf. Maker of the
rope ladder of a well.
)Ml~ Masa:r, M. Mother's sister's
husband. t~!l..o 1\'Ialha,M. A Hindu rosary.
2. A wooden roller used for
cw.l.,, Mas a , M. A goldsmith's
weight. =: 8 ratti. breaking clods. Syn. ~)~"'°

~;;1'1:1 Mashki, M. A. water carrier )l~Lo .Malha!J.r, v. t. To fix cross

from '-'(k.,, a water skin. · bars in the ~Lo on which to

tie the water pots. Syn.
~~~l..., Makhi, F. Honey. cf. U.
)!)!) 2. To work a roller
Makhl da mana:t;i, M. Hon~y· over a field. P'1'. l~~ P.
l~~L(I F. '-5A.l,l.~~l""
tit..o Maggha, adj. Dear. Sla.
&,.SfR.-o Malhi, F. Money given as a
Jl..., Mal; M. Wealth, property. U. re w a r d to wrestlers. 2.
goods. 2. Land revenue. Gardener.
i3. Cattle. 4. An old well
known va1=1l' tree. Sh. ~;l"°l"' Mama:t;i, M. Uncle, mother's
Mal u~awaw, To squander. brothers. A term of abuse.

Mal maraw, To lift cattle. 0l.o Man, M. Dropsy. Sh.

Mal kMna, Store-house. 2. wUl.-c Manai;i., lrf. A husband. 2.

Pound, fold for animals. Thin cake.
\~3t,, l'Vlal,'lja, M. Constella.tion of l{;Lo Manka, adj. Having a white
·Great Bear. Sh. line in eyes. Sh.
~~ ~~Sl.-o MaJfjabwala, '},[, A man who }sl.-o Mal).gar, ~f. A tall and large
removes unthreshed ears and bodied dog.
dirt from heap of corn. P. D.
~)_,~Jl..., Mal).gwifa~, M. That whiCh i~
\e~Sl.-o Mal,'ljha, ad}. 0£ or belong- borrowed.
ing to bu:ffaloes. ·
Mal).gwal). ~ewaw, To lend.
MaI}.jha khir,Milkof buffaloes.
Mal).jha mal, Property in Ma I}.g w al]. ghinnanr, To
borrow. ··
~sl.o 1YI al). j ha, adj. Polished "etJl.-4) Mal].gh, F'. Red dye used by
scoured, furbished. 2. M. wome~, for the parting of
:M.ate:ials put on the string the hair. Red oxide of lead.
0£ kites to cut off string 2. The hair parting. 3, The
of other kites. 11th .month of Hindu year
v v January 15th to February
)-4~jl"" Ma:i;i.jhaw, v. t. To scour, 15th.
scrub, furbish, clean, polish.
..yh.-o Mal].h, M. The 11th month
Pr. !~e.J.-o
P. l.A~Jt,, F.
.. y v of the Hindn year,· January
15th to February 15th. 2.
\..S~~e~.t,, v. P· Y~~4~..t..c Month. 3 . .A. Pulse (Phas·
v. v ,,,.
c. v. f) I,e~..1,"°
b' . colus rad<i,atus). 4. Dative

u~!l..a, F. Girls' people at case of "Y~ =to me. In

S.R. .
wedding (Hindu). Sh.,, lYial}da, '1!,f. A sick man. adj,
i"' Man:i,
1.. Il. A fritter, used at
Muhammadan feasts. 2. A
Siok, deceased, affiicted. person who watches a field.
P.D. · ·
1~l.-o Mal}dra, M.~ One who says v
v incanta· b' l M"
lJ..., awal:J.:r, v. n. To be con·
'-5JJ.3 \..a MaI}.dri, F. ti on s over
tained in, to hold, receive.
snake bites, a char.mer.
Pr. li).Sl-o or \i).s,: P. c;l..o
;Jl..c Maw, M. Pride, conceit. Syn.
or u~Sl.-o F. u~l.,,
... or
u ..~_,:
u~JL.o v
a. v. y_,~.,,
Maw bhajjaI}.:r, To have
one's pride broken, to £a1l. ,/'\.,, Mahr, M. Tit.le of respect
used to Mullabs. Sh.
MatJ.:r karaw, v. n. To be
proud. i..Sr~ Mahri, F. Breech of a gun.
~)l\.-o Ma:i;i.rik, M. A gem,jeweI.
;~kit>l..c Mahsher, M. A large fish np
. })Jl...o lVIaI}.raw, v. n. To enjoy, to 40 Ths. Sk.
,, possess.
.,,.,v 1VI ,. , bl.,, Mahla, F'. String of beads.
uJiW al). r u l}.' A post-position Sh.
signifying, kind. As JJ"°
-'v ist;ili Mahmah, See "1JL.o
.UJ)> l.-o Mankind ~"':I:);
"v utt"° Mahil)., F. A herd of female
u)Y ~ Womankind. ... buffaloes. P.D.
J ~lo Mahwar,) F. Hire of a house, Mutr 4hak, F. Strangnry.
J)~Lo Mahwar, S ed from its being ~ Matra, M. A disease of horses.
collected month by month.
~.h·clo~_,tl"° Mahol}. Mahial}., F. Constel·
~~ Mat rap a,
M. Step-mother-

lation Gemini. Sh. hood. Syn. J;~

v ''J.
~L.o 1/Iahi, !If. Friend, darling. )~ Mutra:q.~, v.n. To uriD;a.te, make
water. 2. Scorn, spurn. Pr..
u5l.o Ma'i, F. Mother, a respectful
l..)fa P. 4~ F. ~}Jo
title in addressing woman.
b! l .. J. t ,, HJ.
o. v. ;)''JJJ."° or u ~~
Ma 'i ral].fll]., F. Small-pox.
lo J_}.c Matr'ima, F. A step-mother.
wl;!3Lo Ma'ial)., F. Rubbing the body
of a. bride and bridegroom ~J-o Matria, M. F. Hal£ brother
with a mixture of meal, tnr- or sister.
merio, and oil for several "!..
days before marriage ; also ;~ Mata1;q·, conj. Lest, perhaps.
the ceremony for doing so.
P. D. Syn. wl.l.o

4,L.o Maya, F. Wealth. 2. M. }..a Mutn, I Po st· position.

Corn soaked in water, the !" ~ Without.
husk removed by treading, wr Mutui;i, J
and the remainder dried and
used for food or dressing silk. ~~ Matwala, adj. Intoxicated,
~"°Mat, F. Beating. 2. See U. ... .J

Ad vice, etc. 3. conj. Lest.

J)Lo Mutwallf, M. Executor.
~ Matha, M. Forehead.
~~ Mutt, v. t. Imp. Send. Sh.
Matha jekaw, To prostrate
u..o Matta, M. Plot. one's self with the forehead
to the earth, to worship.
Matta paka waw, v. t. To
plot, scheme. Matha marai;ir, To try.
yll.o Matab, M. :Magpie. (Den.
drocitta "tufa) . Math& kara:q.f, To turn one's
rll.i Matam, ~ M .. Grief, mourn.
mg. Mathe lagga:q.r, To meet.
~u"° Matah, Sh.
u , ~~ Muthaj, adj. Needy, necessi-
c..J "° Mata~, ~ conj. Lest, perhaps. tous, indigent destitute.

W..o Matanr Syn. ~"° • cZ-o rt

.I .. '
in Haz.
;iA!o Mutthur, M. Stupid, block·
~u~ Mutahar, M. A large heavy head, worthless person.
staff carried by Faqirs.
~ Mathe,p¥ep. Before•
.lo Mitr, M. Assistant.~ 2. See U.
~ ~
Mathe maraw, To place in
Mitr thag,. n. Traitor. charge, deliver to. 2. To
"J reject, return disappointed.
;J.('O Mutr, 'lt!. Urine. 2~ Semen. give back.
j_,~ ~ Muti' thiwaw, v. n. To be:
... surrendered. I
Muti' karaw,
v. t. To snr· l

~ Ma.t, Jf. A lR.rgeeartben vessel.! J

t ! vessel. P. u;~
Dim. 2. Alluvial \
deposit., · mud t:mapendPC! in i -iJ,!c 14n1h, F~. Pl. ~ A band·
the water of rivers. Sandy ! ful, fist... 2. Handle, etc.
loH.n which crumbles when 1 Bea U. 3. An fo11tnJment
it drieR after being wat.ered. of dttbt or lan.d ?'<!venue..
3. An equal. 4. A. heavy blook f!'f ~ood
drawn by oxen for flimootLiug
Ma~ o ma1, Equally matched 1 muddy lands. I'. D.
used in wrestling.
... Mnjh mar&lfr, To nHititcrbate •
~ Mutt, F. Fist. Bh.
Rik muth1 With one accN·tl.
~ Mul, lf, A short strong post
011 ship ot• shore, to ~ :ritulhii} m&r-w, ( T"t "b"!
fast to by ropes or chains.
14u1ht'.Q. bh&r&,l)f1 5 limb1,
th Mnt~a, M. Work a.ppoint.ed sluu11ifuo.
for the da.y, sma.11 contra.ct Muih ghufi.&l)f1 To d~e tho
work for certain wag,·1-1,
piece- work. ti*'t·

Mutta karatt+, t). t. To taku

-it: Miih~ .lf, mlj. Swoof.
pioco- work. Xith Jibhra, Smooth iouguf.>'d,
"! tl. l)«:tr~utu;ive .•
JJ\..Ml J.W.1awaw,
'V! ,
v. t. To cffatw,
" erase, obliter&te, a.holish. Pr. ~ Kutha, Al. The luniirHa of a
l~ P u\.L F -~,_,
.. ,,
•..: .... 'f//l'f pfongh. Syt~. ~~,,k 2. Jn
8. ll. .r.~ctlook.
v. \, !.i.
t1. µ,J....o
.I ...
v. p. .I"~
~~ c.
. lo
.~ .,,. ...
1 .i. ~ Majh&, lf. Duhum~, «!£"pres..
sion, lade of work. Stlli1~Mi­
~ti.. Ma.~aya, adj. A term used of tion of trade. 2. Ctuipu..._
' 1 liaut11..'
on which silt 1
ha~ glnt~ .Sh. mlj.. Slow, lnx1:
been deposited. blunt, cheap..

~ Mu~p, M. Corpulence. Ifajha karaJJr, To nHtke dunt

~ Ma.-tt&r, F . .!. cow gl'Ving littlt'
milk. Sh. ~ ·~~ Mi~haj~
J!. Sweetnea.

~ Mula k, M. A bridegroom'i:; ~ 11.ijhn, JI. Sweet ht.·arl. 2.

crown of tinsel pa.per, nsed ... .A parrot~
a.mong Hindus..
"!,i,, 'V!
~... Jfithi,
.. adj. Sweet. Io Sk.
r.i..; J.W.taw, v. "· To be effaced, to tfi..,.., ll. A ks
be erased, cease to be, to die.
~ »
f .~ ~
P.~F.~' ~ Iuihi, P.. Shampooing. 2.
"""" ,,,,,.,. ,,,,. """" Handfal. SA..
Muthllf bharal}.f, ~ To sham. ~~<'I) Majhla, See ~~L
Muthilf mara~:r, ~)~::"<'I) Majhola, JJI. Small bundle of
gold bi.>'s skin prepared
~~~ Muthiya,. M. Eands of rl:'f'ds for gold beater.
"" for lining unbricked wells. J
P.D. ~:!-~ Mujera, M. A tenant from A.

u1~~ Mi~thea'i, :F'. Sweetmeat. Sh· v~~

~~ Mij, F.
~~~ Muthi:ra,. M. See 41~ 2. A Marrow,
shl:lmpooer, one who presses rt_!.o Muj, M. Agreement, concord,
the body when fatigued.
i', plot., conspiracy.
~-: Mit~i, F. Earth, dust.
Muj ];>ad.haw, To conspire.
Mittf thiwaw, To be ruined.
t"" Mach, JI. Flame, blaze, bon-
Mitti ral}.ga, Dust coloured. fire. 2. A salutation, are
yon well, happy. aclj. Satis-
Mitti soa, Dust and ashes 1 i.e. fied, filled, a bellyful, much,.
Nothing at all. many. Syn.#
Mit~ chha'f, Not at all, it is )~_,l:::-"" Machawaw, v. t. To make,.
uothing. cause,. excite, used in com-

u""to Ma'Mf, F. An earbhen ware

pvsition with ~J and ))::W.
· vessel. To make notorious, make a
J~.... Misal,
.. F. Proverb, adage,
~Macha.I, aili. Inatte:µtive,.
comparison, etc. See U.
" spoiled, insolent, etc. See U.
M. A malingerer.
Misal anaw, ~·To compare,
.· liken, give "
~<'I) Machal}.:r,.
Mi~al qeww, an exam-
v. n. ·To become
known, noised abroad. 2.
To decompose, put.rify, be-
c.J~ Majat, M. A camel till 2 years come badr corrupt. 8. To
old. P.D. spread, as weeds. Pr. l~~<'ll
J'~ Maja1, F. Power, ab i 1 i t y. P. \:Lo or ~~"'°
... F. uMl-::f'°
See U. 2. An interjection Akh machaw, To have. in"
J of deprecation or humility.
flamed eyes.
~~ Mujra, M. Salutation or obeis-
auc,e paid by dancing girls to
Dhum machaw, To become
a p1r. known, notorious. In Sh.
To burn bright (of fire) be-
Mujra karaw, To visit, make J
come hot, excited.
a pilgrimage to. ~"' Muchh, F. Moustache. 2. M.
vJ,r.t<l Mujarridi, F. Purity, celi- Cross cut of wood.
bacy. Muchh pawaw, v. t. To cut
\,.)~.'() Mujaldi, M. A book-binder. cross of wood.

't~"' Majh, JI. Waist. Sh. 2. ]i1, Muchh qalf4a, Athletic. In

Buffa.lo cuw. Sh. S. R. l b~•• II-'

Sl~~·<> Maohharna, v. t. To set 8 Ma}f~ul lawa.1fr, To lay a tax.

dog on. P. D.
....))~ .MaQ.~uli, M. A 'Ta.x gs.tberPi:,
~~\~~""° Maohharaw, v~ t. To make receiver. Publican (0£ scrip-
augry. tare.)

Machhani, R Female baker, J:ro Mal}.al, lrI. Qylinder of .:a, we'll.

midwife. 2. Fisher·man. P.D. , P.. D.

)S;~""' Maohhraw, v. t. T@ be in a i.J;~*"° Mukhbari, F... News given :iin

rage (of bull or ox). To private, secret information..
raise an uproar (of a child).
y J Mukhbari kara1fr" ·To ·de-
Y·~~'"° Mu~hhaw, v. t. To -0ut off. , nounce, inform against.

u~..., Maohhi, M. A tribe occupied ~*""° Mukht, Corr. for ~.R.~ free,
in fishing, weaving, in some .
without cost. Syn' c..JJ..\S""
. ,
parts as wood-cuM.erfl. They
render services at weddings. ~~ Mukhta, adj. Having been
Women Cj~..o) act as taught,, le.armed,, from P.
bakers, corn-parchers. Mid- J:~~,"°1
wives. P. D.
c_}.:S::C Makhfi, Concealed, hidden, .'U.
c::~-o Ma'chhe, ¥· A. crick.
v J . Makhfi rakhlf_:r, To .bid~,
~~ lVIuohhijaw, v. p. To be cut keep bidden.J
""' off.

Muohhel, adj. Having long
... Makhfiraz, A ·secret.
J):S:"'° Makhau:l, ·M. .rrest, ·fun, rid1-
J . en le, .derision. 2.. Discontent,
e~b:--o Mul}.abe, prep. For the sake ........
, fault finding .

of . J;*"° ·makhauli, M. Jester, macker.,
adj. Comical, droll.'"° MuQ.a~il, ; M. A wateher of
.... J > cropA on behalf Al)...., ·Mad, M. F. _A raised village in"° Mul}.a~~il,) of the owner or
Sai18.b circle. P. D.
Government receiver.
, . ~ ·Mud, ~ JJ'.. Season, -time, dia-""'Mul}.a~ili, ~ F. The office, duty,
... .1 or pay ef the l!~ Mudh, ~ tance.
.u~ Muha~~li, Jc~ .the latter · a
jlJ...o Mad '·u, 'M.. Horse's back,
amounts to i a AePl' in the place for saddle. P. D.
maund on the total .crop.

Jl:s:"° Mahal, M. .An oe tro.i office.

jSJ I~ Mudawa}ff, -v. t. To invert,
turn upside down.
P.D. ,,y""
?;~ Mudapp aIJ.+, M. Enmity,
~~:s:"° Mu}J.abbati, adj~ Friendly,
ut l;:s:: "Mudappai,rr karaIJ.r, v. t. To
, Mi}J.rabi, a,4.j. Sca11oped.
.quarrel. ·
J_,..a:s:"° Mal}.~ul~ M. The Government
shars of agricu1tural produce.
· .~A..o Madat, F. Aid, belp, assist-
See O'firiien. ance. U. Ji.M

Madat dewanr~~ 'ro assist, J~~ Murad, ff, Desire, wish, in-
i '· • help, re- teution, etc. See U.
Madat Karaw, lieve, abet.
Murad war awaJ.J.r, To be
J'-1..cJ.~ Mud'aa', M. Desire, object,
succeHsflll, have good speed.
claim. See U.
Murad Wal}.d, adj. Amiable,
Mud'aa' galh da, In f'hort.. of good disposition.
j~ Mudaft'ar, ]f. Ornameutal
~!r Mirara, Ef. A bush drawn
carving on a. boat.
"" behind bullocks on threshing
,:>...o Madau, M. Withers of horse. floor to break up the straw.

~\_,J...c Madwara, M. Scarcity of

u:11:: Mirasi, M. ~ Mu?amma.dan
. ~ . F smger.
work. l:JMI I'J"" Miras1n, 1 •
,,. ....
~\.lbJ.~ M a d h an a , 'lrf. A grass u~~~ Miraki, F. Madness, soliloquy.
(Eleusine .lFJgyptiaca).
)~;~~ Marawai,i.r, ~ c. v. from
u3~i.Mi Madhani, F. A churning staff
for butter and indig-o. Syn. ;s; l;;"" Marwawaw, ~ )SJ~ To
cause to bit, strike.
ujl~~ or u)l\.lb.J..o
~..\.-o Madhra, adj. Short. Sh. marawaw, To clear
a jungle.
f"st>J...o Madham, F. A kind of guitar.
L:->~f Marjat, F. Usage, custom.
Madham thiwanr, v. n. To I
finger clothes. !f~~;"" Marjhilra, I adj: De ad,
,,. ~ dymg.
~~ Mu~h, Postposition. Close to );:!-!'I" Marjivra, )
t.~ ~
1 Murcha, M. Wris~.
u4.?utL MiMhi peshi, 4 o'clock P. M.
,,. "'"' Sh. 1 Marda'i,
~ltJ -o
F. Manhood, cour-

~ Ma4, M. A company, band,

troop. UJr Mardak, ~
, adj. Dying.
~ Mu4, M. A stump, a branch
U;c)J"° Marduk,
out off short. '-.J'.1~"'r M a r d h a lJ. g, F'. A kind of
ll~ Mu4<Jh, M. Beginning, root. drum.
Sh. . t..r/o Murs,'I. Man, male, husband.
Jb~ I I
·~ ~~ Mn4~h1, F. A small root. Sh. ~~~ Mursala, M. Husband.
&..$~~ Ma441~' F. Effects, property. Mursi, F. Manhood, ma~lineas.
t_ IJ.~, F.. Humour, plea- ~':'J"° Marsia, M. Derge, song of
santry. U. J!l.o grief.
J:iOlJ.~ Mu~a'1qa, M. Oonsequenoe, ~Re.f Mu r gh a'i, F. Wild duck,
moment. water·fowl. Syn. U!l~
LS ~
1 Murk, Jf. A quick growing ));"° Maror, F. Colic, etc. See U.
gr~As. Sh. and )1J;.-j) 2. A sHgbt fever.
u,~;~ MurkJ"ctl]., ( . . 3. A term in wrestling.
v ( adJ. Crisp. v.b .

· w~b';~ Murkawal].,' }.m...:i Maro+al).r, v. t. To twist,

v,, wr1Uw. 2. To crumple. Pr.
)l)f Murkaw, v. n. To smile. 2.
\ r .b J \ J.
~~:J/-o P. ~:JJr F. ~:Ji'°
.i. ,,
To crack, aq of jewels; metal J,
'-~-'J~ Marori, F. Knot in weaving.
plate~. P?·. \i.u'i~ P. ~~~
2. Twist.
F. u~fc
, ,_
'-J-'r Marore, M. Pl. Massage,
w,~;!.o u}~jc Murklil]. murkliIJ. kara1n, v. t. shampooing, pressing body
by t To crunch. and Jim bs to relieve £aMgue.
~Jc Mur kh, M. A fool. Marore qewaw, To press the
body and limbs to relieve
...l·~;-<> Markha'i, F. Reward given fatigue.
to informer who gives in- .h! ,, M ,
formation about stolen cattle. '-~~_,.)° arUJ.}.Q.e, M. Pl. Sweetmeat
Sh. of gur and pa.rched corn .
'1.::...,,f;~ Markhitt, M. Informer. Sh. Utr Marhak, F. Tbe hip.
u.!b~.f Murgahi, F. Wild duck, water- ~.Ar Marha'1,F. A gum. Pl.~.Mr
fowl. Syn. ~\~f J and
Jr Marral, M. A clan. P. D. u~~ Mirhul]., M. A wild pig.
Sh. ravine deer.

~~ M_arla, ~ M. A measure of land

~r Marla,
equal to
30! sq .. '--''f..r Mari-ri, F. A ·herb allied to
yards=A sq. pole ... "
land measure. W')Si
l Linear Karam =5t linear ft. 14.r Marela, M. A robber. Sh.
S Karam =1 kand.n.
1 Sqr. Karam =l sarshRi=Si-ft. ly,~ Murewa, M. A piece of wood
9 Sarshlti = l sq. Kanan or 1 mar la
= 80i sq. yds. = 1 Pole. supporting one end of 4-;--jl~
20 Marlas = 1 kanhl = 605 sq. yards
=t rood. of well. P. D.
4 Kanals=l bigha.=2420 sq. yards
=t Acre. ~ Mur, conj. Then, again, back,
Ma.ula is used by the uneducated for afterwards. Sh.
mar la.

G_rc Marna, adj. Dying. ~J~ Murda, M. A corpse,deadbody.

.;Ur Marnal}., M. Deat.b. 2. Nag. v
Lrl° '1\Jl
see .I.
1...r;-..0 Syn. U"'~

ging, needless interruption.

v j~ Mu-raw, v. n. To be turned, to
Jf° Mar&l}.f., v. n. To die, droop, turn back, be twjsted, become
expire, mortify. Pr. lJJ"° bent, to twine. Pr. l~J P.
P. T_yo or Lt~r ~r
F. ~~ F. u,...J
In Sh. P. Y.1"° v. t.)~L,,. l~J,)...:i 'Ma To ad hn a, M. Pastern
'-=-'\Jr, F. Generosity, affec-
joint. Sh. ·
tion, kindness. U. i.::..J'J"° ,.iti)-~ Mar h, M. Cau:lon.
Jt)~ Marhal, JI. Gums. Sh. Missa bhun, Straw of
above crops.
.. .A}.: Marha'i, F. The gnms. Pl.
Missa an, Grain of the above
u1.-Jt).., crops.
M a :r h. al). :r ~ v. t. To cover, ... f
v ~ Mussa, adj. With horns going
overlay, fill up. P1·. l~y up and flilightly curved at
P. Y,..~~ F. ~lb}~ point . .sh.

Jild mar haw, To bind a book. '-!:..!~ Masat, M. F. A child 0£ a

mother's sister.
Kursi marha:i;i.:r, To seat a
chair. a
'-")b~ Mu s :fir i, F. Travelling,
Nagara marhaw, To cover
a dr 11 m with parchment. JW Musag, M. A piece of wood or
"y ..u:i"
1J.p. ~ .. -t c. v. /)
"y I "
)lb)..c bark, used £or cleaning or
staining the lips, teeth and
J ~"° Mazal, M. F. A camel from gums. Syn. ut""'""
2 to 3 ye a r R old. 2. F.
Ability. 3. Irdetj. Never, 4.}"""'rll Massa:Q., adv. Hardly, with
impossible. Sh. difficulty. Sh.
by f J
u;.~.-¢ Mazakhl, M. Joker, jester. /)v.i.wc Musawal).:r, v. t. To ruin,
J) ~~ Muza war, M. An attendant injure, steal. Pr. ,~4"""'~
at a mosque, or grave of a
saint. P. 4.b~ and l~U· F. ~~~
\,' J.
v . fl, • )J.J.u:;Q
y)_r Mizrab, M. A l'ing with which
.,. the guitar is played. ~~b.-o Masae:Q.~ ad11. With difficulty,
scarcely. Syn. ~
,)~ Mizman, ],f. A gnest. 2. Son-
.,. i11-lfl.W. Sh.
~""""° Mast, adj. Absorbed,engrossed,
u3l.~ Mizmani, F. Ent.nfa1inment., etc. See U.
" foast, hospitality, banquet.
J Mast karaw, To intoxicate.
4-SJ))"° Mazuri, F. Labour, wage, day· ~lk.-c Masta'i, F. Intoxication, mad-
ness, lust.
~U~ Muzera, M. Sh.
i,..srllJJ~ Mastaki rumi, F. Gum
JU c...)"" Maze nal, adv. Cheerfully, in J
. mastic.
comfort. See U. ~ Ji~ Mastur, F. A woman,' "parda
I.../"''°" Mas, F. Ink. 2. The first nishin,'' a term of respect.
bea.rd of youth.
~}~li.M.40 Mastiara, M. A plant Scutell-
I..../"""° Mis, NI. A geuer 11 which aria Unealis, Sh.
" includes the following crops. v ..
Peas, g1·am, moth, mu:i;1g, )~~ Mast.ija:Q.r, v. t.
To be intoxi-
ma-:;h and mohrf. or mas{1r. cated, filled with pride or
\.w...,, Missa, adj. Of or belonging to
"" the above crops, as f:::'--o Masa}J., M. Anointing. See U.
Masal}. karanr, 'l1o anoint. ~ Massi, F. Sock of leather. Pl.
~~ Masqala, M. The inst,rumfnt,
with which rust is remo\'ed
from sword and othet• we~ip­ ~~ Missi, F. A black partridge
ons. (Fmri:colinies V'ulg11ris) the
male is called mushk£ ti'ttar.
~ Muska:Q.r, v. n. To smile, 2. A powder of yellow my-
chuckle. Pr. 1~ P. robala~, .gallnut., iron, filings
and V1tr1ol, used for staining
.. _ F. u <:~C. .i.~ the teeth black .

~ Masla, lfi. Religious conver· ~ Mase, adv. With difficulty.

sation or discussion, instruc- 2. Drought, scarcity of rain.
... J
~~MM!! Masit, F. Mosque. Sh.
~.w...o Musalla, M. A mat for pray- ft~·..c Masitar, .M. One who attends
ing on.
... , a m01"-1qae. (Ma.sit,) reg u-
1ar·1y._ . (Hence says O'Brien,
,.}~ Musalli, M. A musalman a rehg1ous hypocrite.) In
sweeper. Sh. Sh. A man not fit to thieve.

t~ Missam, v. n. Imp. Go out, be bl.-.w...a Masi}J.a, M. The M e 8 s i a h '

extinguished. Sh. Christ, The anointed. Syn.
v""' v"" t!~
y.w.~ Missaw, See y1.,,
v"' J
w.f."""--.:: Massel.J., adv. With difficulty,
~ Mussaw, v. n. To fall int,o h a r d l y , h e a vi ly • Syn.
misfortune, have ill-luck, go ~:!-1\>.IM - c.J~
to ruin, be undone. Pr.
IJ.~ P. Y,.w.~ or l~~ F. \~ MushtaJ.J.Q.a, ail} . Athletic.
., . \.!'~ S. R.
u~ v.t.l)
·J~ Mashar, adJ°. Known, famous,
J~~-" Miswag, M. Sticks of Banh,
" nim, or root.s of Jal fol' Syn. )Jt~,OQ
cleaning teeth.
~(,1,.~ Musb.ak, J:[. Smell. Sh.
)llr..., Maswaw, 1J1f. A place where
~Ci...o Mashkara, M. Jester, fool,
Hindus burn their dead.
mocker. adj. Comical,
droll, facetious.
Maswa:Q.:r di mi~ti, Ashes of
the dead. -.s~ Mashkari, F. Jest, drollery;,·
facetiousnesA, fun, humour,
'-')Sl~ Maswawi, F. Ink bottle or pleasantry. 2. Mockery, deri-
stand. sion.

~~~ Masauci~, M. Rough draft of Mashkari karaw, To mock,

a letter. 2. Dictation. jest.

Masauda qasawaw, To dic- JJ~"° Mashkul, adj. Employed, occu-

pied, busy.
tate, indite. J
~-'~"° Mashkula, ]If. Employment,
~J"""~ Masum, M. An innocent young occupat.ion. 2. Amusement,
child .. Sh. pastiwt', jest.
u(k~ Mushki~ adj. U. Dark, bay, The class of, persona who, in
approaching black. recognition of old proprietary
right., or of former connect.ion
with a village, or tract of
Mushki na11g, Cobra. land as offioiaJs, farmers of
revenue, or jagirdars, are
Mushki titar, Black partridge. en titled to a small share of
J the produce.
...s;~ Mashhuri, F. Fame, notoriety.
This tenure existed before Sikh
timeR, but its position was
~~ Ma~all).a, M. Spices, Reasoning, first defined by Sawan Mal.
ingredients of a receipt. When he farmed the reveunt::s
of the Multan province from
Ma~all}.a sa.1al].f, To season. Ranjit Singh, and saw that
cu Iti vation could not be re-
&,.Sil~ Mu~addi, M. Bead Clerk. stored, or increased by the re•
presentatives of former Gov-
r-; Mhr, M. Brah man. F. ernors, holy men, broken·
down jagirdars, and loosely
J.)3~ connected tribes, whom he
found in possession of the
~La..o Ma~lat, F. Advice, counsel. ]ands, 4e encouraged stran-
gers and Hindu capitalists
from.A. ~.-o to sink wells, dig canals,
and cultivate the lands of
J~b.-o Ma~bal, M. Meaning, purpose, the nominal owners, to whom
he secured a share of the
object, design, intention. 2.
produce, usually i seer in
Concern, import. U· ~"° each maund by weight, or
pai per path by measure.
v1~ M'utbira'i, F. Respectability, lu some cases the proprietors
trustworthiness. wet'e strong enongh to secure
an institution fee from stran-
~ M'arka., M. Assembly. s. R. gers, thus located on their
lands. In this way two
Syn. ~)Lo distinct classes of proprietors
were formed. (1). The old
~_,ll~ Ma.ghdum, M. Spirit u a 1 possessors known as Mnqad-
G01'd e. u• r-' ~"°. dams, and, and
in mo<lern official language
~....:i Maghra, adj. Insolent, pre· "~l alika~ ala'' (superior pro-
prietors) or talukdari;. (2)
suming, obstinate.
Tbe locatees, called '' cha.k-
_j--o Mag:haz, Brain, m arr o w,
dars" and now styled "J\;J a-
likan adna," Inferior propri-
kernel. etors; the former claiming
to be owners of all unappro•
Maghaz maraw, To fatigue priate'd ]and and entitled to
oue'1::1 self with reproviu~, to a small share of the crop
labour unprofitably, to exert produced in appropriat.ed
one'1::1 self. land, the latter being full pro-
..... J
prietors of the land in their
~ Mufarra, M. A cordia.1, exhila- possession, subject to the
rating medicine. payment of the share of the
old posses~ion, and not liable
rli.o :Mu q add am' M. Superior
proprietor. 2. Village head-
I to eviction even on failure
to pay, and entitled to
duce tenants without refer·
man. See the following v.alu-1 ence to the former. Since
a.b~e note by O'Brien. annexation the fortunes of
the Muqa.ddams have varied, ;l~ Mukaig, F. An embrace and
in some cases they have dis- lamentation between· women
appeared, in others, especial- on account of death, visit of
ly where little unappropri· consolation.
ated land was left, they have
allowed their tenure to be
absorbed into the Lambar-
)S'~": Mika.wal].r, v. t. To compare
measurement. ·
darship, but in a considerable
number of villages they still Mukawal}l', v. t. To finish,
exist in full possession of
theh· rights. The status is achieve, bring to an end,
now called " Muqa.ddami, '' perfect. Syn.)~Jt'1o 2. To pay
"Zamindari,'"'Ala malkiyat."
The institution fee "jhuri" what is doe. Pr. l~ P.
"saropa') or" sirpa," 11 pag" l~.~ F. ~-1;LJo
and '' lungi''; the share of the
produce " baq muqaddami" Mukar&l}.l'> ~ u. n. To
'' haq zamindari" and m&- deoy, re..
likana, but more often the Muk&r W&I,lj&l].t', nounce,
specific rate at which the
share prevails is used instead retractJ disavow, disown,
of the generic word, as" adh- repudiate. Pr .. 14.)J~ P. ~
sera man'' half a. ser in the
maund, " pai path." One F. u~fa Pr. l~J.;~ P.
pai in every path (=-(4 )
"Sa.Mn paw an, seven quarters t~~fa F. u~Jfa
(i.e., Rs. 1-12 ·on every
Rs. 100 of land revenue.)" j.. Makkar, M. A kind of locust
found only on the akk plant.
~U 'Muqarra, adtt. C er I y , Sh.
assuredly, surely. '"'° Makra, M. A
piece t>f wood
which· holds the axle of the
Muqarra karaw, v.. t. To horizontal wheel of a Persian
appoint, confirm, detm-mine, well to the beam. 2. Tha
establish, make, post, ordain. piece of wood attached to
the weight of an oil press.
~~ Miqra~f, F. Small scissors.
..s~ j~ Makar haqqi, F. A collar
~~ Ma q ~ a d, M. Desire. . etc. bone.
See U.
..sfo Makri, F. Alocust. 2. A grass,
Maq~ad labhaw, To attain if ea.ten greedily in February,
one's wishes. or March, it causes distension
and death. S. B.
t.h~ Makaral,l, F. An insidious
artful woman.
;I,i ~ Mukla awa."Q.J, v. t. To obtain
leave by asking. The P & et
~K~ Mukala, M. (Lit. Black face). Participle is not used with
this verb, but the impera-
Disgrace, dishonour, stigma. tive with the sense of a
adj. Cloudy, gloomy.
P. Participle. Ji.g. i~
Mukala thiwaw, To be dis· Having obtained permission,
graced. come.

Mukala karal].r, To disgrace. j,ULJc Muklawaw, v~ t. To take

St,igmatize. · }eave. Pr. \~!o P. ~.~

Mukala mala:Q.J, To do evil. F. ~

4')u.G.i Ma.knal}., ~I.
A silk veil placed . u~ Ma.khi, F. A fly. 2. A barb.
over bridegroom's forehead 3. Sight of a. gun.
at Muhammadan marriages.
~ Mukhi, M. Chief, principal.
':}J-!G MukaI.J.r, v. n. To be done, Restricted in use to the chief
finished, come to an end. P?· . . Hindu traders in towns.
l~ P. ~~ F. uw.~ uZ-.o Maka'i, F. Maize, Indian corn.
~.'}~ Makora,~ M. Fruit of date /....: Magar, M. Back. Sh. (upper
palm in Apr i 1. part.)
~,Go Makora, P. D.
,,. }~ Magir, prep. After, behind.
~,Go Makaura, M. Large b la o k · "' Sh.
beetle or ant. Sli.
,,. ..~L Magg h, M. Wild goose. Sh.
....s)l..o Makauri, P. Corn on the toe. ' ~

2. A small stream as from. a : 1~f.."' Magghur, M. November 15th

to December 15th. Sh.
bole in a vessel.

~ Mikh, F. Marrow of bone. u~f....c Magg hi, F. A narrow necked

vessel. Sh.
~~!o Mukh, M. The face. U.
F. The fist, blow with the fist. ,
J..o Mal, F. Silt (clayey.) Sh.
~ Mul, adv. At all, only, used
,,}lilt.., MakhalnaI.J., M. A fringe for
with a negative.
horses heads to keep off flies.
~ Mul, M. Price, value, cost•
•}•(.. Maikkhal}., Says I. P. Tense
of ~~T with 1st per eon . Mul bhar ghinnal}.r, To make
Pronominal prefix ( - Sh.
L Malla, M. A boil, abscess. 2.
j,t.u MukhawaI.J.r, See j.,~ Ber tree or shrub. 3. Mutton
{Meat long in digesti!lg· Sh.)
~t.~~~!o Mukhlera, adj. Further oft,
Lf"ll~ Milas, F. Camel's ha.ill. Sh.
w~ MullaI.J., M. A maulvi. Pl.
cJ~Co Makhan, F. A variety of
jowar. .d.~~

')¥.~ MakhaI.J.r, M. Bntter. u$ll,() Mala'i, F. The state of im-

purity in blood which causes
~~ Makfaw, v. t. To ~noint. Pr. boils. 2. Cream.
l~~-~ P. ~@~"° F. u~.J:E(,."° _)j_,ll.. ., Milavra, ad}. Sociable, kind,
"y ( "y 1 / "" amiable, courteous, pacific.
v. P· .r~e--o c. v. Y-' ,~..., polite.

Ma kh a I.J. :r chakhaw, To )I,,~ Milawaw, '-'· t. To mix, join,.

anoint, grease, dip in fat or unit(', affiliate, accord, set at
ghi. one, Compare. Pr. 1~1~1.. P.
u•~!. Mukkhi, ~ F. Fist u B e d to 4n"° F. u'-M!.L• v. n.J'-ll.-c :. v.
... s t ri k e down- v' , "·~
JJo Mukki, wards. Sh. y_, ~l::
islL"' Mallah, M. Boatman. Sk. Atta malal}.r, To . kn e a.d
,,:. . Jll"' Mila'et,
t "ll:l. Accomplice,
abettor. Ja

malaw, To occupy
""1rn:: Mila 'etf, gl'Ound or space, to cumber,
render useless.
~'° Malaph, F. Pl. ·J~.-c Round
worm (ascaris lu1nbricoides). ltah malaJJ.:r, To ·block the
way, in order to catch
t}:!o Mulkh, M. Land, country. v

certain person. Pr. l~

.AJl:i:Lo Milkha 'in, !If. One, who holds
UH " a;-;1:1tate. J>. l~ F. u~ v. p.

1J,4t.,; Maldoda, Jf. .A. plant (Leucus, ~c.IJ.j_,I~

Oeplialotis, L11.sper<J:) .stirred J
in milk for its o d o u r. c.)Jl.o Malnd, M. A funeral oration,
Reckoned stimulating. P. D. chau.t. Elegiac.
\J"'Lo Milass, F. (In Thal) Camel's uc.)Jl"° Maludi, M. One who chants
' hair. Sh. J

, the ,j~
~Lo Milk, ~ M. Property in land.
' 2. A. soil with a. U~ Malnk, M. One unfitted for
~ Milkh, deep layer of good hard work. adj. Delicate,
""' rich friable marl on the refined, tender.
surface and sand underneath.
It is most esteemed, as crops
of all kinds do well on it.
)S_,f. Jdalow&IJ.r, u. t. To rub in the
J ha,nds as grain.
UL., Miluk, M. Counti·y. Sh.
~... Mallah, M. A shrub (Zizyphu&
Ji..o Malik, M. A kiug. 2. A nummularia.)
" lambard&r who tills his own
land. 3. A sweeper. 1 ~L.. Malhar, F.
cIon ds ,
Obscured with
confusion. adj.
~~ Malkanfi;t, F. Lady, mistress. Obscure, gloomy,,

r Malam, F. Ointment.
confused, indistinct.

Malhala, JI. Butcher bird,

Malam pa.tti, F. Dressing for shl'ike, it is a bird of good
wound~. omen. (Laitius lahtU'ta).

UL., Malna, M. Stick for rubbiug ~L,,

Malha.p, M. Ea.rth-worm. 8. E.
dowu spices. Sh.
)il-.: Milal}.:r, v. n,. To meet, join,
.Jf- :Malhir, F. A fish (Maerone1
·""' tingors).
""' encounter, gain upon, ca.tch
up. To get, receive, to fa.11,
as rive:r into the sea, to ~ Malhan, ~ F. An a.ssembly ·
<.:J for wrestling.
embrace, to tally. Pr. l~t-c
,,. ~ Malhi~r,
1'. ~, F. ~~.,. v. t. ,,..", lt; w~ :Mullhiutt, M. Decoy.
a. v. ;\.5_, 1_,Lo,,., "',.
UL. Malli, F. A scaleless fish,
dolphin, common in the
~ Malaw, v. t. To rub, anoint, Ind us. It is an unclean
furbis'h. · feeder (Wallags .A.ttu).
~ Mallia, adj. Used of animals Utle munel}.,Pillars in flour
,,. arrived nt matur1ty when mi 11 f or supporting the
their teeth meet.
. ~

,,..,. Millar, M.
)ltl...o A gardener. s. Il. Talwel}. munel}., Pillars for
~ ...
supporting the small wheel
~~ .,!.-o Malle paJtj, M. Used of horses which turns the mill-stone.
a.Etor 6 .)'Cars old. · ... J
~ Munna, M. Rib of a. boat.
J~ Mulidar, adj. BongM from
,,. baz8.r.

;:!-~ Muler, M. F. A mother's

1u.-c, Munar&, M. A pinnacle,
brother's child,
J;u.-c, Munafiq, M. A hypocrite, a
("° Mam, F. A female demon, .. man of changeable belief,
oghre, ghost. turn-coat.
~~. . ~ Mumbra, M. Five sers of milk ~:;~ Manaqib, F. An ·ode to 'Ali,
by measure. ,,. son-in·law of Mu~ammad.
~ Mumra, M. The seed-vessel of ti.Ju.-c, Munal}., A quarter .less
the radish. (Rap ha nus than the ·whole = ! used
Sativus). only with .the unit o n e.
Muna)}. Ser = ! of a ser.
r)J,...., MamuU, adj. Ordinary, usual. With other numbers paunan
is used as pa.unan. 1u.
ser =-
,\t,..-o Mimhar, M. A water bailif on a quarter less than two sere.
"" an inundation canal.
2. Pl. of~
·CJ"' Man, M. A thick cake. )S_,U"' Man&waw, v. t. To satisfy,
a~ree, entreat, conciliate,
c.:t-o Man, A Pro-position. From,
cousolidate, reconcile, pacify.
c.J"'° Man, M. Mind, heart, etc.
~.i-11 Minnat, F. Favour, obHgation,
"' kindness. 2. Humility,
See U. 2. The spoil bank supplication, entreaty.
of a canal.
Minnat cha:rha Wl}.f,I 'l,o do a.
Man bhawaw,
To please,
Minnat lawaw, j
r kind-

Man bhawawatt, adj. Amus- ~.lro Mannat, F. Taking on oneself

ing, agreeable, pleasant. another's debt. Sh.

Man maraw, To morLify one's 1l:; 4.:1"° Mantara, u no.hie to swim.

lust. CJ"° is probably another form

~ Mun, M. A pillar, post, rib of of U. Prep. L.:J'"° =from. cf

a boat. The pillars of a well tL.:J"° from th:i, deduction,
on which the l!J~I~ rests. subtraction. ·
The fonr posts which keep a,. · &*ll.,, Mansia., M. An elegy, funeral
sugar pr~ss firm. The two
uprights of a cotton gin. ... eu]ogium, lament, particu-
The uprights of a spinning larly one sung during the
Muliarra.m i11 commendat.ion
wheel. Pl. wl~ or u~~ . of the descendanb of '.A.Ii.
e" lt'Iut].j, F. The sheath of the
l, J
u11~"° Ma '.Q. d a' i; F. Wickedness,
mischief, vice, evil.
reeds of 1jY: of wbicb ropes
are made, the plant is also Mal}.da 'i kara:t;i.r, To deceive,
do wickedly.
called )l.U and the reed ~lj~
" Ma:t;i.dr, M. Charm, incantation.
~'! Minjar, F. Flower of Prosopis
Speoifera. Sh. Mal).dr turai:ir, ~ To charm
'lj " M .~ success-
. ~.
"• • ,, 1\11" •
J.U.Ul].J&l].f ,. v. n. To send. Pr. " a:t;i.dr chalal}.r,J fully.
. p . ~ F . u·--~-
......~J~ .., ·.1. M
)J~ ;JJ.!o U:t;i.dr chho:r, F. A funeral
" Mal}jh, F. The lower part feast.
~.Lo of
J.U.Ul}.d raw'
" \I
b• ~
;>; 'M'
v. t. To mutter
the body from the waist.
use incantations. 2. To'
~f~.i..-o Mal}jh, ~ A female buffalo. 2. prevent abscesses or stone
! The middle of the when threatened, by incanta·
uf~"""° Mal].jhi, body. Sh. 3. A
f ions. Pr. lill;;~
\I "
P. l?.i·~~
waist cloth.
~~ o; '!_, " "
Mal}jhla, M. adj. Of belong. ~;iWo v. P· y~;~
ing: to the middJe. 2. A "
(}. v. y_,~;J.AAi
" ,
waist cloth reaching to the
feet. Syn. llb~.~ _ ~
•.;}~J.L Mal].dhar1, F. A churning
staff. Syn. u~)l~J.1.-o
" " ,.,
v !)l llb~ Mal)dh&:t;i.ra:t;i., M. A large
wooden pillar in a flour milJ
into the upper part of which
" " Mul)jhij&l].f, v. P· To be sad, the ._,lbtJlf is fixed and to the
lower part of which, the
perplexed. Pr. 1~1:1-f~.U,
, ~·is attached. '£he
P. "
F. u~~f~~ bullock is yoked to the
" .,
u~tJlf and walking round
O'Brien give P. l:!-~
turns the chaldi, which is a
" Mal}.ji, F. A small bedstead.
u~.Lo cog wheel, and turns. the
" Mut].ji, F. Green rice. small cl1 aMi.
J..)S~J..t Mal].dhal].:ril]., F. A churning
~:f\"" Manchit, M. Mind, intellect.,
" staff.
" thought.

j:f\..o Manchar, adj. Dainty, without

~~ Mandhra, adj. Of small or
low stature.
lVIa:r.idhra gapita, Dwarf.
c..S.Jf~..o Manchhari, M. A fishe,:ma.n. v \I
~J.~ Mal}dhal}.r, v. t. To knead,
l~-o M a 1J. d a, M.Evil·speaking,
mix well together. 2. To
abuse, evil, railing. adj. tumble clothes, rumple. Pr.
Bad, wicked. mischievous. ,, \I "
l~.11>J..i..o P. ~.lbJ.i.o F·
Mat].da karaw, To do evil, " " "
deceive. · ~~.i.-o v.p.
v \I ,

Maitd& laga1m To resent. c. v. y)~~J..i,,,

J!..J,.., :Mal].del, M. Abuser. Adj. U.fll>lli Mul].Q.hina, M. The second
Abusive. yea.r's crop of indigo.

ll.., Mal}Q., M. Lameness. )l.o M&I}f, ]f. A maund, a weight

of 80lbs. to lOOlbs. 2. Spoil
,_...... :Mal].ga,'Jr!. A lame person.; bank of canal. P. D.
adj. Lame. ~ 'M&I}.Ja, M. Bank. 2. Direc-
;sSL MaI).g&Ig", v. t. To pre e e
tion. Sh.
down when measuring dry ~.JL MawQ., Post-pos. On, after.
st11ff, as Hour. 2. To cover. Sh.
Vj,\' J,!
Sh. Pr. l~i).l.o P. ~u.Lo F.
\s'.)L Maw ka, M. Be ad , stone..
u~~.Uo generally pierced and used
J as an ornament. 2. Vertebra
-,._~L , M.
_,_......, A grass cnlti .. of neck, nape of neck.
vated for cattle (Eleus-ine Mawk& bhaj&l}.f, To have
Ooroeona). a broken neck•
.Jb~ Mul}.Qh, M. Root, o r i g i n , Mal].:rka bhannal].J', To break
beginnin~. 2. Head of a the neck.
canal. 3. Root of a tree.
4. A log. 5. Plot, device, i Mil].:raw, v. t. To measure by
intrigue, machination, oollu-i
eion.' Pr.'li.)J:
P. 4f:
Mul).Q.h ~adhan.r, To. conspire, ·p. ~.r-:
hatch a plot, devise. ,,
'"--Jl--o Mawe, adv. Towards (Bom ..
~SJ..., Ma1].<J.ha, adj. Small. fo1·d.)
~lbll, :ManQ.hra, adj. Dim. C on • • u~t,~u~Y-1' Ma 1]. re lJ. m ti h"e 1J. , Many
temptably small. mounds .
. , '
j, ~,
MU I). 4h UI). , adv. Wholly,. ~ Muns, See v-Jo
a.ltoKether, from root, it is:
always used with negatives.! ~ M11nsif, M. Sage, poet. Sh.
2. Only.
J.t.o Mil}.ak, M. 8-be goat's gentle
u?/Jlli Mul}.c}.hi, Ji'. Root, stump,

cr·y, loud cry is U't

stalk of various plants in :
)~ Munkir, M. One who denies.
, cultivation, as cotton, indigo. '
2. The Pl. w4-.1blli
is indi..
go, or cotton of the 2nd year,~ Munkir thlwa}!.r, To fall,,
as having sprung from the apostatize.
stumps of the 1st year's crop. ; ;!,
;.~) t:r"' Man khattti, Ne'er do well,
Mul}.4hi mar, M. One who 1 thriftless.
clears the jungle and acquires
rights of occupation. ~ MUl}g, M. A pulse. (Phas-
colus mungo.)
Mui,.4hi mari, F. The tenure ·
i..J1.. M&l}g, F. A bet.rothed woman.
of land acquired by clearing
the jungle. Syn. 'mSiJ.t-.d..
jl~ Mal}.galti, M. A beggar. l~tl..c M&l].gel}da, !YI. I A bet.rotbe<l
! ~ , r person.
v i?-w M&l}.ga_Wal}.J,
, v. t. To espouse, '-'~ Mal}geI}d1, F. J
ask in marriage. Pr. b4a.o l,~~ Mangewa, Jr!, B et rot ha I
P. 4,ldo F. u~d.o v. p. . Syn. u~{L or "}.H:'.i.o

""' Manaw, v. t. (also v. n. but

the tenses of the transitive
Jfu M u 'Q. g g a r , M. Flat metal verb are used often, even
drinking vessel. Sh. when the sense is intrans-
iti_ve.) To admit, vow, pro-
!,ili .Mu)}. gr a, adj. Gratis, free. mise, profess, recognise, ob·
serve, acknowledge, agree,
allow, assent, concede, con-
9" .... , cur, obey, :believe, receive,
.LJ~ m&l)gJ&J}., }M. Betrothal, a.ceept, confess, credit, bear,
· " affiance, es·
l>!.i...o Mal}.gnaJ}., pousal. keep, listen. Pr. l~J~
Mal}.gnal}. thiwaIJ.r, Ta be P.~F.~-~
c. u. y,1,.i.
Mal}.gna:g. karaw, To betroth. '""' ....
~ .w.Ull&l].J, v. t. To shave, p-011.
Pr. l~J.l.{, P.l.!i.~ F.~
j.ffl·"' Mal}.galw&r, M. Tuesday. \, ! ., \,! \ .,
v.p.~ o.v.yJ~
Ji1'o ]V[ul}.gll, F. A mallet used by
washermen. J~ Manoti, F. Accept.a.nee, eoou-
rity for debt, a vow. 2. An
r~" ltlal}.g&l].T, v. n. To ask, beg, assignment of money.
be betrothed. Pr. l~ P.

I.~'! .15'1/
y_,~'°vf.o Mannl]. na blutw,a-q.f, To
~Ji.~ abhor 1 disgnst..

Mal}.g&l}.l', 1'. t. To ask, beg, d.o Manna, ~ M. A raised plat-

. y ?"! form f<lr watob-
demand. PT.'~ P. v~ ManhaJ?., ing crops, and
~~l.o F. ~ c. v. for living on in districts
liable to flood.
\J_ryLo ManhsaJi, F. A blight which
,t.L l'C&l}.gu, M. A herd of bnffa· attacks indigo-leaves.
loes. Sh.
~~ Manhll]., F. A kind of plat-
.?! .....
~ .w.&~ h, Jf.. A hole in tbe roof " form or large shelf in the
for lettlng out smoke. 2. houses of the poor,. used as a.
The grey goose, gander (a?1$er receptacle for odds aud ends.
cineTeus.) ·
~ Manni, F. A filter used in
~ Mal}.ghir, M. A Hindu month, ' ma.king saltpetre. P. D.
November 15th to December
15th. ~ Munni, F. Upright stone of
· ' grave. Sh. 2. A post in
~ Mal}.ghi, F. A large earthen· threshiug floor. P. D. Stake.
ware ve~sel used for milk
and of superior make. ~Mane, adv. Towards. Bh.
~}~ Munial}, Jf'. Two .bright stars. Moraki, 1!'. A fish ( Oirrhina
Sli. (gt·eat and little Dog marigala.) P. D.
~Jr' Morcha, See U. Rampart.
\3~1,, Manyata, 'JI. A boar~ to pre- 2. Quarrelling.
vent. dit-t from falling unto a
well, outside of the Ji Morcha lawaw, To quarrel.
" '-1J-'.-o Morhi, adj• .Foremost, leading.
~~ Manij&l}.f, 1.1.p. To be appeas·
,,. ed, reconciled. Pr. l~l.o i.S;).-o Mori, F. .A fish (Oirrhina

P. Y:~ '-...""'
F. u~
,,,. .,,,.
v:t. marigala.) Syn. ~~r com-
mon in lagoons, good eating,
y,l.l.o v. n. Jl.o
golden scales. 2. Drain,
outlet. 3. Loop.hole, narrow
~T,... Moati, F. Death. ent1·ance, a hole in a wall,
perforation. 4. Muzzle of a
\.S)~TY° Moakh:r{ thiw&l].f, To speak gun. ·
to one's face. E.g. ~ j,"° Mur, adv. Till. (Bamford.)
~-i.; -.s~ I)"° Come aa.y th~t ...
to bis face.
J)"° Mor, I
,,. • }-adv. Ag~in. Haz.
J~ Mawali, M. A careless man, Morke,J
one who takes intoxicants. j~J"° Mo:ral}:r, ·v. t. To Jwist; bend,
ti';r Muth, M. A fixed lease £or a screw, return, turn away. Pr.
term. P. D. l~~ P. ~j_r- F. ~.yi
'1lr'tar, v. ..~ ".1.
Bee ;~ "~
v. ,.,,, )~)~
,;.:;Yo.1. ..w.n t•
U riuate. Sh. ~~ Murha, M. A chair or stool of
.It reed1:1 or bamboo •
-iJyc Mo1h, :bf. A pulse (Pliaseolus
acordtifoli·us). uJ,~ Muri, F~ Cost, price. In S. R.
~Yo Mauj, Jf'. A wave, whim, abund· Wealth. · .
a.nee, ecstacy. l:...ojyc Mozma, M. A buckle.
Mauj karaw, To delight. '-')r Mtizi, M. A misohievons
Mauj mawal}r, 'l'o e D j 0 y
oue's self. ~l.w.r- Musala, M. Husband. s. R.
Maujat;l maraw, To ran Syn. ~l~.f
strong, of water.
lL_,~ Mtisla, M. Mu~ammadan, used
~>_,~ Mujib, adj. Like, conformable, by Sikhs contemptuously.
... »ccordiug to.
u"".r Moshi, allj.- M. Foremost, lead.
lliJ)~ Mtidha;, cidj. Upside down. ing, 0£ manor animals. P. D.
Sh • .
~)"° Mau,a', Jf. A village. 2. A
lZD~)~ Mo~ha:, M. Shoulder. S. R. suburb, lands appertaining
J'"" Mor, M. A peacock. 2. A to a vi11age.
cockade. 3. Interest a1Jowed 1t~_,.. Moghla, M. A term in wrestl.
on Rum received in payment iug. 2. An old tax on indigo,
of debt. Sh. abolished on anexation.
~J~ 297

~~ ~Y4 Mauqa'tel]., adv. Opportunely, ulr Maull, F. A triple cord of

fitly, conveniently. red, yellow and green, tied
, ... by t.h~ barber or musician on
the right wrist of bridegroom,
._;i'"° Mauqnf, adj. Stopped, abo- before reading the marriage
lished, etc. See U. service at Muhammadan
weddings, to keep away evil
Mauqnf thiwaw' To be dis- spirits.
charged, dismissed. 2. To
. fail, cease. t.,..o Mom, adj. Soft, mild.·

~Yo Moka, M. Mole on the skin. Mom thiwa.l].r, To be soft, to

relent, melt.
~r Mokal, F. Permission, leave.
(i.e., to go or absent one's t.JYo Mot]., F. Hind. Sh.
U_,"° Mona, adj. Hornless. Sh.
~r Mokil, M. .A God-send, provi- ~uJ"° Munah, M. A bullock whose
horns grow downwards. P.D.
ll.~-"'° Mokla, ailv. adj. Far, far off, v '
;~SYo Mol].bhar, M. Catarrh, cold.
wide, plenty of room. Sh.
~~J~ Mnl].jh, F. Sadness, grief,
~r Moklera, adv. Rather far,
hanging of the head, regret,
further. Sh. longing, dejection. ,2. Dis ..
gust, abhorrence. M;okh, F. The price paid for
an amulet. lf~J ;o Mnl].jha, arlj. Sad, sorrowful,
l., J"° Moke, Pl. Piles. dejected disconsolate, down-
cast, heavy.
JJ"° Mol, lrI.A pad placed on top
Mnl).jha thiwai;ir, To be sad.
of the. head for carrying
J To grieve.
weights. Syn. u'~
J.3)~ Mul).d, M. Head of a. ca.met.
J,~ MU.I, M. Root, etc. See U. P.D.
ailv. At a11, completely, used
with a negative. lll>J.S_,~ Mul}.dha, adv. Having face to
the ground when kneeling,
Mula, M. A worm or blight. · on one's face.
which at.tacks young barley,
wheat and cotton, gram, peas, ;l..:.J.J_,~ .'Mulfdemar, M. A cultivator,
mobri, moth, IllUJ).g, maJth who clears jungle. P. D.
jawar and bajhra, so called
because it destroys down to
/l/o Mul).gur, M.
the roots. It has white body A. dish or oup
of brass.
and red black head.
c..1}sf Mu?Jgri, F.
Mula da phul,
avert bligl1t.
Charm to · -Jf Mnl].h, M. Face, month, eto.
See U.
u1i~ Mulol}, adv. Altogether, quite. Mti:Q:h awaw, v. n. To be
Sh. salivated.
~-'"" Molha, M. I · Mul).h bawawaw, To make
( A wooden pestle.
.._~J"" Molhl, F. ) faces, disfigure the faoe •

Mu!fh parfa, aaj, \'.V"ithout Mu:Q.h karaw, To flee, go

self-restraint in speaking. away.
Mul}.h pawilJ. pal}.#i;t thi- Mni;th sa~i, A disease of
wal).:r, v. n. To have the Indigo.
mouth to water, to have eager
desire. ~.r Moh, F. A sprain, strain. In
Mul).h tar, Brimful, crammed. Sh. ,-o

Mul).h tar bhara1n·, To fill Moh niklaw, To sprain.

to the lip, running over. Moh kaghal).:r, v. t. To sprain,
Mnl).h da kachcha, a aj .
strain. ·
Tender 'mouthed (a horse). i..esjJb'° Moharn.1, F. Multiplication
M lJ. h d a :mi H h a, adj. table.
Smooth tongued, persuasive. Jtr Mohar, F. A tract along south
foot of Salt Range. Sh.
Mnl}.h cl& chor, 0110 .whose 2. M. Direction. Sh.
appearance is below his per·
formance. ~tJ.-o Moha:ra, M. Foot ,,.an~ mouth
Mul}.h de bharnen gahaw, disease. Syn. ~,~ fi
To fall on one's face. 2. To
'-"..:~'t_,..., Moha:ri, F'.
The wall on each
side of a door.
· Mul}.h 4ekh&l}.f, To visit, look J~,.ro M'uhal, F. Front, of building,
up. · plan.
Mut}.h faq thiw&l}.f, v. n. To JtJ"° Mivhal, M. A buffalo herds-
become pale.
.,. man. Syn. J~~Y'°
Mul).h kor ha )To change ~t,~ Muhala, "!f. A perso:n of note,
karanr c oun- leader, chief.
, · · · ' ,. tenance.
Mm.J.h wat.. awa1n·, To pout.,
u~fi ,Mnhal}.,' M. The head of a.
Mu:t;i.h sujawaw, , make
grimace!i!, to sulk. canal, source. Corr. of
r ulJ
Pl. of ..yj_ro 2. A shea:f of
Mul}.h khur, Foot and mouth
disease of cattle. corn.

'Mul).h mo+aw, ~To be

1J.st_,..., Muha l}. d r a,M. Likeness,
back- resemblance, appearance,
Mnl}.h walawaw, . ward, image. 2. .A chief person
averse to, unwilling. of note.

Mul}.h lawaw, To' be. familiar 1 ' ·u ~lb~ ·Mnhawa:Q., M.. A boatman,
mariner, sailor.
with inferiors.

Mtixi.h laha1g·, v. n. To have

\S.0 ..a Mohqa, M. Shoulder. Sh.
a s brunken face. l~tr MohaMa.' M. Pad of camel,
pack saddle. Sh. 2. Mouth
Mtit;th zamin, The face of the of canal leading into field.
·world. , s. 8. .

l~V'° Mohaq.~a, I'll. Quarrel. Muhal}.dra, Also- means, face,

Mohaq~a la wain-, v. t. To
quarrel. ~~ Mahal}.g, Jf. Dearness, f)car-
;tY• Mohar, adv. First. 2. F . .A.
seal with a name. engraved on lt!1y-o, adj .. Dear, costly,
it. ~l A gold ooin worth 16 expensive, pt·ecious ..
rupees. 4. La.nd at tail end
of a canal or hill torrent ~ Mahtra, JI. A fodder crop.
and, therefore, uncertain of P.D.
its supply of water. ·
~ Maht&m, Jf. A caste ca.Hing
u) Mob.ra:Q., adv. Just at first.
the mi.elves Muhammadan,
who hunt. and eat wild pig;
v;t.Y° Maub.ri,} F. A. p'n Is e, thq live in grass hats: near
the river.
~JV'° Mohd, · lens). 2. Bow
0£ a boat. Sh.
~ Mahi~ta.r, a<lj. Shameless, dis·
v;t~ M1>hr1, ad}. Foremost., leading. "" obcd1cnt. Sil.
M. Leader, first of a.number.
3. Rising ridge of a hill. Sh. ft"" Mahar, /Jf. A headman, a cbid1
4. A pulse (Ervum lens). a. t~rm nst'd aa ~title of rt:~­
specli to .J.tits~ especi~Uy to
.c...;tr Mohre, adv. In front. 2. n11 r.nbcrs of certain tribes.
Firstly. Sh. P.D.
~r Mohra, M. Village. s. R. 2. ~ Muhr&, M. Chessman. 2. See
Things, b a g g a g e, small u.
bundle. Sh.
~ M&b.ra, At:) A riding earn. el.
~f> Muhr&, ]f. Stool. Sh. ~
In Sh. .A. sniall
~ft'° M.&hrf, F.) tomb .over
le'"° Mohla, M. ~ A wooden· pestle. ashes o:f Hinda is called MohH, F. . . u~
Mohaw, v. t. To dra.w on, '.Ji': :Mehrii, M. Buffaloe~ generally..
attract, allure, cheat. 2. To Sh..
knead with Gbi. :Pr.
4.Sft'! Mihri, I!. :&spentable, good
P. ~ F.
looking woman. Sh.
u~r M awes hi al}, Pl. ?ilea.
~ Mab2a.r, M. Nagging,. needless:
Hemorrhoids. 2: Suffering
. sodomy. interruption •
\J}~ Muharna, Jf. A. ('f'~R == 0t ~ Mllhassil, 3f. A field watch-
p!'.'opis in eJ.lch ma1!!. of Govt. ,,,. man. P. D.
share. P. D.
~ Mahal, M. Cylinder 'Of welL
Jl't"° Mihag, F. A herd of huffalof'• 1 Sh•
.,,. "
from ~· a buffalo."° Mahwar, F. Monthly rent or
~ Muh'T"
a a, t nf. A person of hire~

1 .,.\JI ,,.. Mubandra ~ note, leader, JJ\:"'° Ma.hor, iuterj. Curse you.. 81f'..
~ ""'("' . ' '

. . cbief~ Syn. ~JJfJ:~ ~)tr ~~

.)" \""'° Mahiyar, M. One who herds 6:f.-...c Macha, M. A :measure of any
oxen, cattle. P. D. v kind, long, dry, Hnid, etc.
J 2 . .A fit (of clothes). Sh.
u}~ Mahe:rul}., M. Residuum of
ghi. Sli. Macha Q.ewaig, To give one's
~ 'Muhim, F. Imporbant busi-
, n.ess, war, campaign. Cf. U.
Mecha. ghinnaw, To take
one's measure.
~ ~
Mech&l}.f, v. t.
To measure, to
Muhim pesh aW&l].f' To meet compare measurement. P'l'.
a. difficulty.
"Y ...
P. U.:s:~"°
ffY ,
F. ~..>.:s:-'4
"Y ...

Muhim tel]. wal}.jaw, To

I~: Mai~a, pron. (Possessive case
go campaigning, or on an
expedition. 0£ LJ:!-...:i = I) My, mine. F.
j, .,.
}J ~~~ M ah 1n d ar, M. A. servant '-5~..-0
receiving monthly pay.
ft"° May y ar, M. A herdsman.
d Me, M.A. fisherman. P. D.

~~ Miawa, M. Holy man, mosque ;~ Mir, M. Chief, leader. 2. One

"" attendant. Sh. " who has the first throw in a
certain game.
fr Methar, M. A. plant from
Mir malal}., M. Master of a
which sajji, impure carbonate
of soda is made. P. D. ship.
Anabasis mlultiflora ?) lllll.
fl"° Mir, F. Long pieces of wood
~ Methra, M. ~ .A fodder plant ... placed across rafters on roof.
. (Trigone1la S. B.
c..s)fA~ Methri~ F.
5 famnm grce-
Maira, Pr. Possessive case of
.It. "'
~'Met, M. A ganger, overseer. W~"° I. Sh .
JJ'. A. table. Sh. ·~"° Mera, M. High lying sandy
'1"' /! soil. Sh.
~ ~ Mfi ghinnaw, To close the
eyes. u3~ Mfra~i, F. A share given to a.
"" mira§i. (musician) present at
ill. ·... Me,al).;,
, ; - .A,,, t v. t . T o b1 ot. out.,/ d·!str1but,fon of a crop. P. D.
erase, obliteri:1te, deface, cut
off, rub o?t•, waRh out, cancel, ~):!-~ Me:rh, 'J/'. The rope by which
efface, w1pe out, atone for. oxen treading out corn, are
v j, Jo tied to one another and centre
Pr. t).l:;'-..l..10 P. ~;.:,'-.-c F. pole.
j., ~j,
lll>Y,..- Me:rha,
~..i....o 1'. n. ;"J...1..-c v. p. M. A roller for break·
... ...
v .l.t
y_, l
v .I> syn. ing clods in a field. Syn.
)\:il~•.i.....,... c. v. '...);."°
..- ti1l~
. ~~ Mesa, adj. Reserved in dis·
f!4 Mech, v. n. Imp. Fit, suit. position.
MesaI].:r, v. t. To blot out ~ Melu, M. Associate, gneat 11..t
obliterate, deface, efface, out wedding who gives a present.
v.lo v.. e Sh.
off. Syn . .JU~--e -Y.\~ ~"°
v I
Pr. l J.~UJ.'.: P. ~~ F. u~c Mail]., pron. I. 2. F. Pride,
v ... self.conceit, self-iroporta.uce.
LS~.IM.-o v. n. yi.u...o...
'V. p.
v ... v ~..., Maina, M. A grass. s. R.
)~ c. v. y_,ly-u-,_: poor fodder.
Ut..~ Meshuk, M. A small plant. -e~ Mel}.jh, F. Fat.
2. A kind of soap made from J, v ....
it, used in cleaning jewelry. \~'° Mail}Q.a, Pr. Possessive caae
of~ I. Sh.
Meka:Q.:r, v. n. To cry, weep,
J, !
baa, bleat, (of sheep and ~~ Mel}..Q.hi, F. Braided hair, plait.
goats). Pr. 14 P. ~.-o The hair of girls
is hra.ided in three plaits
F.~~ which are nndone a week
... before marriage, on mel}dhf ..
f..l,..o Maiko, Pr. Dative of ~ di rat.
Me:q.ghi kholal}f, To ma.rry a
,~: Maigho, adj. Dear. Sh. virgin.

~Mel, M. SmaU change. Syn. l«el).Q.hia11 wall, F . .A "Vil'gln.

~4-! 2. A wedding feast. M e 1}. q. hi aI]. waU kanak,.
3. Convocation, assembly. Braided whea.t, a. kind of
4. Com.position, kind, sort. bea.rdleBS wheat in which
p. D. the grains are a :r r a. n g e d
... something like a. braid of
~ Mail, F. Dirt, filth, dross, hair.
,, .....
impurity. 2. Desire, wish, \,,.
~ m.el}.r, F. Wax.
evil design, ma.lice. 3. Atone-
~ Me}fghl&, M. A. rain cloud ..
Mail kb.or a, adj. Dust.
coloured. Of. U.
J.:fl::.. MeI].gfll}.,F. Dung of sheep
' and goa.ts.
Mail kapp aw, -) .!

~To skim. '-'~ M~'fu;t, p.,.. Da.tive easie o.f

Mail lahawaw,J ~I. Bk.
Mail kuchail, F. Same as v -
~.-o Ma.iI].h, Pr. T. Jn the S. B~
~-.: Knchail is used only for v
Euphony. ~-= Mei:.ih, F. A buffalo.
)11::1-.-c Mela!}.+, v. t. To unite_, cause ~ MilJ.h, M. Rain.
to meet. To collect, gathe1·
u~ Menhal}., ~ ltf. Ac:cn~atinn 1
together. Pr. 1~
_ P. 1 v ( reproach,
u ~fY.--..:: Mel].h:ral}., } reproof.
.... or ~~.-c F. u c:.w..J.L:
v I v "
~~1) Mel}.hdi, F. Benn.a planit
"·P·~>-; c.v.y_,~ privet (T..amonw alba.)
Vilayati mel).hdi, F. Myrtle. .(;~ U Na .. r,?gf, F. Discontent, dis-
u pleasure, pet, dissatisfaction.

~; \; N arwa, :J;I. Guinea worm.

( TJ'ilaria medinensis) Said
d:!-·"' Mene, M. Pl. ·Meaning. to. be due to -drinking water
fro.m ponds which has re-
y..-c Mew, v. t. Sh. See )~_,t~ find ceived hill water in which
room. snakes' eg-gs have been dis-
solved.. Sh.
uJ )-!:.-c M?ol}.k, F. Mew of cat.
~_}.; Nari, ad}. Feminine.
~.-c Mehla, lYf. A shallow cave
.. where cattle take refuge. Sh. JU Nar, M. Catgut. 2. Straw of
wheat and barley, stubble.
cJ Nun.
_!tU Nara, M~ Navel string.
cJ Nun, The 35th of W. P.
. . lS_,)l; Naruka, M. Stubbly ground.
alphabet. In Roman character
N. The nasal n{m u is
romanis.ed by :i;i.. ~U Na+f, F. The pulse.· 2. Strings
to tighten a drum. Sh•
. t; Na, Post-positioi;i in S. R. 0£
Possessive case F. J = to ·
}.i Naz, M. Whim, airs, etc. See
· ·IJ and ,..sJ of$. Punjab.
Naz sahaw, To hum,our, in-·
~U Nab, F. The hul} of a wheel, dulge.
nave. V"U N as, F. Nostril. 2. Snuff.
3. Annihilation.
, Nab r i, F. Denial, ref~sal,
opposition. · N as awaw, To. bleed from
the nose.
~t.; Napa, M. The fruit. of the I
B~riyan tree (Fious Indioa). · N as karaw, To annihilate,
. ~~li Na-pait, adj. Non-such,'. with-· destroy .
out an equal. .·4U Naghah, M. (Lit.) unemployed.
The fine paid by persons not
~IJ Nach&, M. A dancer. supplying their quota of
labour in repairing canals.
Lb..'J Nachba, M. A dance.
• y '1 2. The fund formed by those
Jli Nad, M. The.horn of a wild tines. P. D.
gon t or• ram's horn, used as a, JU Nal, prep. With, in, next, near,
trumpet.. a cc om pan yin g. 2. F.
Nad phukaw, To blow a Ma.Hoary cylinder of a well.
3. A weaver's sbut.tle. 4.
tl'umpet. A piece of timber over wood
))J Nara, Jl. The first milk given pillar to support ends of two
beams. S. R.
by a c~W:' buffalo or goat, gmn~ birth to thefo Nal usaraw, To build a we11.
y o u n g , biestings. 2. A
shout, cheer, used of a party
of workmen.encouraging one
jiu Nalaw, v. t. .T~ ROW seed in
anot.her by calling· on some drills. Pr. \¥ P. ~t; F.
favour.ite saiift· v.'~"-~Ji .~

tJU N ala, M. Tape, string :for J'.J~"' N'a.I}.ga.rwa.1, adj.

I fV(• C1
drawers. tortnous_.
7'!1· , ,;
N al a paW&l).'.f al)., M. A vj-.>u Na]fgr1, F. Female s.erpent..
bodkin. 2. Brannh of Ka8t1trf. canal..
:5. Tail of
JU N ali, F. A tube for drill
sowing. 2. Any tub n 1 a.r c..1\}U Na)fwaJ]., adj. Ninth. 2. M.
organ, etc.
N ali pheranr,I To sow seed ~l U Tr... "' ••b _.,. U n1aw t a I..
.. .r in drills. • • ~ J.,a, W&Jl , a«.J.
N ali gewal).:r, J
Na w&jib :kam k&raw, To
c.J\j N al}., Genitive suffix of ma.sen· abuse.
line nouns i n S h ah p n r
Distriot. F'. ~ Pl. u'y;
_!t_,t; Navra, M. Boney-oomb.

ul..j N al}., A negative, not, no. ....sJ,U N&vrf, F. A skein of e·otton*

reel of thread.
,N al). ta!}., Else, otherwise.
Na!}. jal).f, Suddenly
Y-'" N&w&l}.f; tt.. -n. To bdhtt. S.B..
(Bomford). P~ P. t'J

N al). 'k a r al). :r , To refnse, ~l; N&'ibi, F.. Agcnc7 11 depnt11hip~

decline, rejech, deny.
Na 1ibi kara.w, To administer,
Nal}., Jf. .A. name. m&OAga.

Nal). l}ot&l).r, To forget one's

JU N&'l, M. A barber~ p., .... ~~

Nat). rakhaw, To name, carp.

u!YY 1_,'~ Nab&wa, !!. Rarity,enri&8ilJ*'
cJl,j Nan, M. Leavened bread. ._;4j Nihtl, F. Humility 1 snppli~
"" tion.
Nan khata '1, I?. Biscuits.
Nan ka wab, Brea.~ a.nd meat.
Nibt:i ka.raJJ:r1 To implore.

,.}iLl Nanal)., ht· Maternal gra.nd- y~ :NibraJfr, tt. n. To be oompW·

:father. "" ed, finished, decided. Pr.

~U Nanke, M. Mother'a hoase or le.)~~ P. ~~

F.. u:-~
"· t.
fa~y:. ,S,h. y~
WJU N4gJ M., serpent, Ty.; Na.boa, 1Jf. The mnan Jime
adder, dragon, asp. (Citr1:s Acr~da},.
Nal]..g m.achhi, F. An eel..
Jy.j Naboli, F. Frnii of Nim tree
\!JU Na~a, M. Void, (Melia bidna.&tll.)
· adj. Absent, unemployed.
Nibh&., if. Passing, livingJ life1
Bila naI}.ga, ~ithout fail .. · eubsiatence ..
304 " .
;J_,le~ Nibhawaig, v. t. To pass, get )SJ~ Nitarail].f, v. t. To skim
,,,. throagh with, accomplish,
v decant, pour off. Pr. 1i..\-4~
achieve, endure. P1·. l~.Y,.e~,; F. Gu; ...
::J ,,.. F. ~..r;, v. n.
P. 4.~ F. u~~~. v. n. "'! ...
v ; ; ;~;:
\," .
)~~ v ••• •
J J )~ N1tr&l).f, v. n. To be refined,
J~Jte~ Nibha'u phul, M. Jasmine. ' to clear, to settle as sediment.

u~4~ Nibha'i, F. Luckless woman. Pr. lJ~ P. 4~ F. u~.J~

i,! ljj
v • v v. t. ;'J ,
)Sje~ Nibhraw, See y;~
v • 4? Nitrfa, adj. Limpid, clear.
~ ~ N'bh
1 al).:r; v. n. T0 go, pass, .... ,..,
pass one's life, live, exist. Pr. +ij Nath, F . .A hole in the cartilage
l~e~ P. Y,.t,U,,,. F. uMO~~ of the nose. 2. A nose ring.
,;,. ,,.

~:ti~ Nibhe:ra, M. End, issue, deoi·

Nath mar&l}.f, To bore the
; .BlOn,
nose o:f bullocks, etc.
"! ...
J)?:e;U Nibheraw,I v. t. To finish, ~ Nathaw, v. t. To put a rope
v ; r make an end in the hole through the
1 eraw, J
.,,."..1. . N'b 0 f ' aeo1·a e. P r.
lJ·-.:..i: nasal cartilage of an animal ...
. '~)t.0, P. 4.\~e~
F. U~·).,,~, ;
Pr. l~to P. ~ F.

i"!" . lJ.:
v. n. )~ or
i.r.,, •
;~ Nathur, F. .A whitlow, an
U~ Nabina, adj. Blind. a.cute inflammation of last
phalanx of finger or thumb.
1~ ,,,;?~ NaprelJ. wala, M. One who
catches, policeman. J.FiF Nijhak, adv. Without fear.
,. S. R.
"!. N apaig, v. t. To catch, Ja.y
hold of, seize, nab. Pr. 1~4~,; j _, l:f NachawalJ.r, c. v. from )Li
u. . h! . ·
" .
To dance. Pr. I~ P.
P. "t.' F. <..$~t.' v.p.~
v , G~
F. ~ Syn. y_,t~
• v -
c. 'V. y, '-'~.i ,
.. v

!\, •
) );?:f Napiranr, v. t. To press out, . )!_,~ Nuch~waw, v. t. To drain.

YJ:f~ Nuchraw,
squeeze out. To wring out v
v. n. To be com-_,
(clothes). Pr. l~.)~ P.
pressed, squeezed. Fr. '~~
4)~ F. ~~ c. v. j_,~)t .
p \., ~ F.
t i,!J. -

• ",/ y • LI .) y v. ·YJ'*
l ... v ~ _,
J~; Nitar, M. Skimmings. (Met.) h" v t
v.p. y:sF../f c.v. y,~Jf-
"! .
~u; N it r a a, J.I. Distinguishing y:f Nachal}.r, v. n. To d a. n c e.
' truth from falsehood. Pr. l~P. ~F. ~
v I _! v •
Nitara karaJ:J.:r, To distinguish c. v. y_,~· or y_,\_,~
" ~
truth from falsehood. Y~ Nuchaw, v. n~ To ooza.
j).tf Nachoraw, o. t. To squeeze v}., Nirs, adj. Little, lees .
out the juice, wring out
olothes,express, press out. Pr. ~ Narg, F. Hell.
•:J y 0':S:
P • t,,.i. y
F• ~
~} Nargat, F. A.dam's apple,
v ~ v ~ thyroid ca.rtila.ge1 larynx.
b.1 ~
v. n. i.J " v. p. ,;~Us:'
, "J v c. v.
v ? ... ('} Narro, adj. Soft~ B 1a, n d>
;s)~Jf downy, pliable, etc.. Bee U.
~ Nichh, F. A sneeze. Narm thlwa.w, To relent.
Nichh awaw, ~ u~ Narm&JJ, 3!. A kind of
To sneeze.
cotton, the seed Yes&el of
Nichh mar, Sh.
., . which is red .
~ Nichhal}r, v. n. To sneeze.
,,,. The forms of transitive as
uYi Nirnihal}, l. adj. Fasting
well as v. n. are in use. ... ~ e. g• J
l~ Narlnn&h£,8lr.j ·vY). ~~
~~ Nikhali~, adj. Pure, without ~ Tak & t.h ia medio:ine
a.Uoy. U. ~\.:.. fasting.
. ,
~, .F. A kind of sweet.. 1_,j N & r o &, adj. Heialthy~. Bp.
mea.t. TJ}v'f
)I~ Nikhlaw, S. R. See~ J~}.,.. Nirw&r, i\f. Jn1tfoe.
~)jj Nidora, adJ. Oross-gra.ined cJ~t Nirwan, JI. Jratioa. The
.... · (of people). "" deeitifon in & di$pu.tod OU$,.
C 1~
P. D. ,. ' .
~_,& Nadweshllt, ailj. 5 P. K. P. D.
~~J.i Nidhari, F. A. p&rasitioa.1 w~ Nirh&n, Ji. A light mal~ See
., .... pla.nt that grows on her
tree. Sh.
u j Narf, F. A deep narrow water
~S,; NaQ..h&, M. Bridegroom. S. R.
OOW'9e leading to .l~ 2 ..
~~ Ni~ha, ailj. Small, young. Sh. A drain from an indigo YU.

'" r.Jt~
.i,. N'dh' " F. .Afternoon.
1. 1 pesh1, ~i Na.rel, JC. Oocoanut,.
3 to 4 P.M. Sh.
lie.rel di. ja.t, J!. Coir1 fibre
J!; Nirali, M. ~ ron.nd cocoa-nut..
"Jll : . , .
r;.'J!., NiralilJ.r, F.
An indigo dyer. ~ Nara, M. A. kind of fish.fog
net1 set nprig'ht in the water
tlle upper sid& being sup!
c:J~ Niran, M. A light meal of! ported by float&
brea.d and bntter and milk j
taken before morning meal I c....fy Na.rmnwe! m:lj. Ninety-nin&
by plonghmen etc. Syn. Aj I
<.. .,.. {Bomforrl). Bp. ~~~
J. •
J;' Nara:r, v. t. Imp. Tie cattle
together. Sh.
c..$J Nari 1}.
F. A reed (.dnt11d:I'.
2. A hnqqa. t,ube.
v •
y.); Na:rir, v. t. Irnp. To tie one
Jl/,l,j,.> Nasal}.f, v. rn. To run away
"" animal to another. Sh. secretly, abscond 1 elope, fly,
desert, depart from, abstain
~~1;3 N i za k at , F. Softness, etc. from, run away, to be defeat·
ed. To <lraw back, escape,
"" See U.
fl ee.
o. v.J))
Nizakat nal, Curious I y,
delicately. (..J~.t.,,,; Nisal}g, ad'V. Fearlessly, with-
... out fear, or reserve, freely.
J)) Nazul, M. Catarrh, cold. 2.
Land reverting to Govern- J~ Naswar, F. Snuff make of
ment by forfeiture or for lack tobacco.
of claimants.

J~~ Nisar, F. A trough of wood '-5.JI~ Naswari, adj. Snuff coloured.

or masonry to carry off the 2. M. A snuff seller.
water from a well.
Jf_,i.JJ.; N asokar, M. One who abs-
)~W Nasaka:r, M. Truant, deserter, c on d s , a truant, deserter.
one who absconds, run away. Syn.jW
~~ Nisaha, .adj. Breathless. u~ Nisl, Said by O'Brien to be
v Vw
" t~e negative adverb " not"
· y_,l.w.j Nasawaw, c. v. of ~ To with the pronomjnal suffix
fly, run away, etc. of first person plural attached
to it = "not we" but there
~~ Nasab nal}.Wal)., M. A pedi-
~an be little doubt that ~
c.)_,lG gree, genealogi9al tree.
1~.used also a.a a simple nega-
tive. E.g. ·
~~~ Nisbat, F. Affinity, etc. See
; . u.
c.l~ '-l ui:; Uc ~3Ji
Nisbat Q.ewaw, To resemble. JW r " u~t 11~. . -- ut ~;Lo
u~~ Nasbi, F. A ear-jewel. - u~~ u~ JU uW J..l
; ,,.
Nista'i, adv. Slowly. (Story of thief and ~hag)
~ecause for one thing, this
~ Nistir, F. A lancet, fleam. is an honest
man, this (man)
"' .,. has never done wrong or
)S;~ Nisraw, v. n. To spring up,
violence to any. Ui.i.i..i is here
as a plant. 2. To blossom,
only an emphatic form of
come into ear. Sh. Pr. IJ~ negative.
P. l~rj F. ~~ ""
- .,I ...
Under O'Brien gives
'-'r! Nisri, F. Refined sugar. = to· " :not I" and
u.w.; Nasak, F. Punishment. ... ... as

~ nisse ''not we."

YJ Ji.i.J Nisul kara~:r, v. t. To relax
v J

- one's muscles. He is very likely right, but

Nisul thiwal].:r, v. n. To be u~ is also a simple or
relaxed. .0lll.phatic negative.

Examples given by ~'Br~en

shew that the termmation
1w N aghara, M. A kettle drum.
o f t h e v e r b determines u~.J W Nagharchi, M. A k et t l e
whether C...S~ is a singular drummer.
or plural pronominal nega- JW Nifaq, 11£. DiEmgreement, dis-
tive. See O'Brien's Glossary. .,. cord.
l~ N a sh a,
'/Jf. Intoxication,
Nifaq powa:irr, To disagree,
be at variance.
Nasha piwaw, To drink
intoxicants. L!!.-'ji Nafrat, F. Hatred, a:version,
Nasha pilawaw, To intoxi-
cate, make drunk.
Nafrat karallr, To hate,
loathe, abominate.
;J\.:Mj Nishadar, M. Sal-Ammoniac, Jii Nifil, llf. The nipple of a gun.
- flux.

~L!..; Nishana, M. A mark, eto.

~W Ni q bil,a arlj. Incapable,
,,. "" nnskilfu.I.
... See U. Syn. i.::.}.JJ.J.,,.
.... ,,, Niqabilf, Jl. Incapa-0ity•
Nishana chu~~ain:, To aim
at. · ~w Niqal}.at, 11'1. Dt~bility"
""' tion, fa.intm·:.-;s.
Nishana 4ewa.w, To point
~ N u q El , M. Defect, blemish,.
· out.
Nishana lawal).;r, To mark.
:1 N.·uqv pawa.:r.rr, ~ To point ?at
a blenush,
c)~ Nashud, M. :Miser.
Nuq~ kaQ.haw, find fault.
~; Nasha'f, M. Dr n n k a rd ,
J; Nak,Af. Nose. 2. Shame.. 3.
Best part.
~~j Na~ib, M. Chance, fortune, N ak bma, adj. Flat nosed..
""' :fate. P.D,,
Na~ib thiwaw, To £a.II to the Nak ch~an.., Af. Depilatory
lot of, acquire. forceps.
_;a; Na~ar, F. Sight, look, etC. 2. ' 'Na.k tar bharal}.:r, To fill to
Demoniacal posses::iion. 3. the brim.
Evil eye. I Nak SUI}ika:Jfr, To blow the
Na:~ar l>a~ttil}., M. A charm. nose.
e~il eye.
Ia wanr,
To cast an
Il Nak kapa.w, To cnt <>ff the
nose, hence to bring to
shame, dishonour.
)-~· Na'ra, M. A cry for help, noise. a

Na.k ghlsi, F. Rubbing the

Na'ra maraw To cry out, nose on the ground a.a a,
make a. noise~ sign of repentance.
~ Nakka, M. High bank. Sh. ~; Nakka, M. Edge. The bank
Nakka ba~d karna, t. To
separatiug the B r f r o m a
'!). Chenab river valley. Sh.
close a water course leading
into a bed. P. D. "4d Nukh, F . .A kind of large mat,
made of dwarf palm leaves.
Nakka kholh den&, v. t. To
open suoh a channel. P. D. )~ Nikhar, M. .Any substance
.,. used for cleaning clothes.
~;,,. Nikka, adj. See u.
)l}~ Nikharal}:r, v. t. To bleach
Nikka sukka, (big and little) or clean clothes.
M. Goods, chattels, traps. ... J
P.D. . ~~ Nakhutt, v. n. Be :finished,
dried up. Sh.
;~ Nukar, M. The Tioise of weep-
ing, from )'k} to cry. c.>.~9 Nakhid, adj. Abject, perni-
cious, worthless.
~~; Nikara, adj. Useless, miser-
"' able.
;IJ Nikhar, adj. Impure, bad,
""' adulterated, of little value.
r~ Nikam, F. Without work, \,~'<!,,(i
"' unemployed.
J;r;. Nikha:ra1;q·, v. n. To be sepa-
J rated. Pr. li.))~ P. 4.~
... . (;
;r; F.
~ Nakujh, M. Nothing.
,\,,,(; i,)\, _(:
u~ v. t. /;:!-~ v. P·
Nakujh jal.J.T&l.J.:r, To despise.
jJ Nukar, F. Angle, corner. y~)~
,,,. ,,.
c. v. f,~)~...
~~~ Nakhera, M. Separation.
)d Nukra, adj. White (oh horse).
)SY,~ Nakhe:r&l}.f, v. t. To put apart,
,~(! Nikra, adj. Small. Sh.
, sepal'ate, assort, cl a. s a if y ,
~ Na~ul, F. Mocking. Sh. divide. Pr. l~j~ P.
~ Nikla~r., To comeIv. n. 4Y,~ F. u~~ )'~ v. n. j3Jt3
v "" out, issa.e out ~
~ Nikhlal).~ Sh.) get away: V,p. ~)~
"! ,,,.(:
\,! I ,\i,,(;
proceed, pour, burst out (of .,. ,,. ...
leaves.) 2. To be dislocated.
Pr. I'-'~;,,. P. ~... or ~;,,.. F.
J} 1.}; Nikki trikkal, F. Small of
""' ... back. Sh.

~ o.v. )3J~ u~ Nildhal]., adj. Humble, con-

... trite, lowly. M. Nothing.
u4~~ _,J ~ ~ He went
towards th er city. Jt~; Nigal, M. Water running from
"" a well. The right to irrigate
uitJ Nikanni, F. (Lit. Ancestral) from a well, outlet. Hindt
""' Tracts of lands held on JK;,,. P. D.
hereditary shares.
~)(; Nakora, lll. A vent for water w~lt.i Nigania:g., F • .A line of rough
from a :field. P. D. "" ... hair on neck of a horse. If
pointing to front, a good
point, if pointing backwards
u-p(i Nakohi, ~· Bad name, infamy,
towards rider exceedingly
defamation, ill report. bad.
is\!; Nigah, F. A look, sight. u~~ Nimal}.:tai;t, adj. Miserable,
poor, helpless, · piteous,
Nigah cha-rhal}'f, To come humble.
into sight.
?, Nimmar, v. n. Imp. Subside,
t...S}; Nagri, F. Country. Cf. U. of foam or swelling. Sh.

.,.}/J Nago'i, M. A variety of rice, J~ Nimrash, ad}. Soft.

Nimrash thlwa:ig, To sub-
)l_;~~ Nagheraw, v. n. To chaw, side, of swellings or anger.
eat. (Vulgar).
, 2. To become soft.

Jlti Nigal, M. Water running from -'J~ Nimru, M. A finger ring

"" a well. 2. The right to with a stone in it, opposed to
irrigate from a well.
~~ a plain ring.
Ni g a1 wahal,lr, 11. t. To.
stream. ~ Nimak, M. Salt, only used in
" compound words.
~ Niglaw, v. n. v. t. To swallow,
"" gulp down, devour. Pr. Nimak Jmw&r, Servant.
'~.,,. P. ~.... F. uuJf;.,,. v. t· Nima.k kha waw, v. t. To
_, ..,. .,,
Nimak murdar, aclj.Dialoyal,
JJ... Nal, ~ M. The groin.

ll.; Nalla, ~ Nimmaw, v. ti.. To be impreg-

nated. Pr. )J,..t.j' :P. ~.,,
Nall& maraw, To paw.
..... .,,.
~ Nalka, M. .A. wa.terpipe. ,
j_,...; Namuz, M., reputation,
~ N alki, F. A tube. renown, honour.
ulj N ali, M. A 1 o n g narrow J;>o+aw, To lose one's
hollow in the Bar. Bh. dignity, forget one's self.
~ Nalli, F. Reel. (weaving). Sh. ;,_..; Namoz, M. A beginner in a.ny
kind of work, novice.
r_! Nim, F. ~tree (Melia Indioa).
Na.moz, ailj. Inexperienced,
u. ~ clumsy, awkward.
l4J JW Namaz vela, M. About ut._r; Namoshi, F. Shame, dis-
5-45 A.M. Sh. honour.

wl.a.L..3 Nimashal}., F. Evening, dnsk. ~~....; Nimhll}.,Pronominal negative,

"""" not I, not to me, not my.
Annherial}. I Ere. l~ ~T I cannot
nimashan I Gloaming, jnst
.' r before dusk
v ,,.
\~~ ~.\.....:.._
..,.. :;-- ~ .
GhavviaIJ. I Bk. .,,.
nimashal).,J To me is not the fear of life
(~'..e., I am not afraid to die) l w?.-~ Ninhel}., adv. Not, no, with
post-position 3rd ·person Pl.
J _;ill 'C-'J v!'~~ My heart I used with past tense, not =
is not for spinning. by them or they (did) not.
~~ Nimmia, M. Embryo. Sh. ~ Nuni, F. Penis.
t..> ill Nunari, llf. Salt manufacturer. Nuni tror, M. ·? Tortoise, an
') . v ,
animal Ii ving in rivers, said
F. )~ill to attack men.
\hu Ninanr
.. ' F.sister.Sister.;in-Iaw,
Y " Husband's ~l_,; Nawara, M. The place where
cattle collect before grazing.
i..1.jtl3 Ninawel]., M. Mother's house
" or family.

,),,~w Ninal'}.Wal]., M. A hailstone. )~~~ Niwaraw, c. v. From )~>~

, I fl To stoop, bend, bow. Pr.
Syn ):>
y ! . l~j~... P. 4J~... F. um.~J_,;...
J~ Nil].dar, F. Sleep. In Sh. Ji.)."-?,-;
Syn. )5_,~
Nil).dar ukh:ral!:r, u. n. To
awake. .. ,)JJ Nawwal}., adj. New, fresh,
Nindar akho:ra~:r; v. t. To.
wake up, rouse.· ~ aw-wal}. karaw, To renew.
Nil].d,ar awaw,'v. n. To be Nawwal}. nakor, adj. New,
sleepy, to doze. unused.
Nil'}.dar karaw, v;·n. To sleep. N aw w a J.'}. s a w a n, adj.
Afresh, anew.
4.~~ Nil}.draya, adj. Sleepless.

lib-Sl; Nal'}.gha, adj. Little, small,

, l!J'Jj Niwan, ~
M. Land on
~ ... which the
young. y_, l_,~ Niwawaw, river,, has
d~posited silt.
Nal'}.gha ~al}.ib, The Assistant
Commissioner. w!.)J~;
... , Niwal}.fll}., F. Wife of barber.
Nal'}.ghi peshi, Afternoon, 3 jJ_,lJ~ Niwawaw, c. v. arom )J~
to 4 f,M.
To stoop), To cause to bend,
j,V . ,,. • . I j,!, make obedient, bring nnder
'"')it>.)..i.; Nandhra,
. . . Dim. of \itiu..o discipline, subject. To in-
Jl; Nal'}.g, M. The privates. cline. Pr. li.).1:.j P. l~ 1_,j F.
""' ....
2. Shame. , , V ,
.ui.M:.J'" Syn. )1:i3) J'
,,, v. n. .,)~-'',,
Nal}.g namuz, M. Shame and
honour. or)~);... v. p. Y~J,;
.- ...

.J~~~ Nil].gra'i, .If'. Infancy, child- 4,1,~ Niwaya, aaj. Less.

jl.~_,; Noblu, M. The 2nd and 3rd
t!'f].; Nal'}.gej, M. Pndendum· mule- day's milk of cow or buffalo.
ris vel bom.inis, nakedness. p, D.
311 V,.y
u?Jj Nop1, IP. Clay thrown up by ~} Nokh, F. Newly cleared land,
... a river (Sutlej). P. D~ so called for one year afteI"
Nutanr, v. t. To close the eyes. ~,,

P~. ,·J~S')~ P. l.J},~ P.~/5;; u}IJj Na u 1u:it , M. .A mongoose

( Herpestes Grisens or Her-
v. p. y~~) o. v.
y)v I,~Jo! ,
pestes malaccensis).

c.))j Naud, M. Felt. 2. A block- cJf Nun, M. Salt.

.... (;.)_,; Non, adj. Nine. Syn. w,,.U
....sJi Naud!, M. A felt maker or
(Shahpnr) •
u.)i> N n:i;1, The dative suffix of
~} Ntira, M. A silver anklet made W. P. as spoken in Sbahpnr.
hollow. 2. A depilatory medi-
= U. J~ To, for, at.
,, wG} Nunal}., M. One wbo. is said
t;G,;, Naurata, M. A Hindu festi- to speak through his nose.
val, lasting nine nights in
.A.asu a:nd Chetr. · ui~ u.Yt N'u:g. nnl].,
, . The nasal sonnil..

~); Nora, M. A thick rope made JJ!. Niwaw, v. n. To bend,·stoop,

of date leaves, grass or old sag. Pr. \Jj,,. P. ~}... Jl'.
rags. Nora made of rags is
put on a. bush and fired at
night to keep pigs off the
._Y.L • c. 11. y_, I~... or JJV.1.1~,,•

;'J~ NivJaw, 'I}. n. To bend, or v,

rtlf Nul}.h, F. A de.ughter-fo..Ia.w.
stoop. Pr. lJtJ;
../ .,. P. lJ.L;
·!J>. .
F. i..,.s"')Y
J. •
v •
)lJ' v. p.
... or d.~f
<W uY}
:r •
,,,. .,,
;. v. jJ\~, , ' Nau1}.h, M. Finger or
N a'Ul}.h laha waw, To pare
v)j NawJi, F. A reel of thread. the nails.
P.D. v •
J~j y NaUJ}.hdar, F. Claw, talon, of
iL!ij Nawishta, M. That which carnivorous birds and
' is written, £ate. Sh.

vej NavJ, F. The pulse. ~_,; Nivhe, Pronominal negative.

""· Not yon.
~j Noka, M. The final branches
of a. canal ; what brings water ~,; Navekla, Adj. Sepa.ra.te, pri-
to a field is ~I ; small vate, alone. Esp. Without
co-sharers in land.
branches which distribute it
on the field ~_,; c./~.; Naveltla'i, .F. Privacy..
'JS} Nnkail.}.f, v. n. To lament
. I, , ,
...,. N &VVUJ.,
<J..Y ' adj. N ew, fresh •

loudly. Pr.
, l'".f P. ~j
Na.vvDJ. sirU1}., arlc. Afresh
F. ~j from beginning.
v v •
JJ~Jt' 312
Navvi1). bal}:rawal).:r, To )W Naheraw, M. A nail cutting
renew. instrument.
~ Na, adv. N ega.tion, no, not. ~-v3 Nahila, M. A sbump or branch
Natal'.}., conj. Otherwise. "" on which are hung milk
vessels to air.
Na na, Neither, nor. -Oon}.
Sh. ~ Nahil'.}., adv. No, not. Note
from O'Brien's Glossary: "In
lyj Niha, Pronominal negative. Multani, the negative when
"" Not he, she or it. EJ.J. used in a proposition with
any personal pronoun, except
c...~} t) ~~,.-o Is :Musa the second person singular
and the third person plural,
doing the work P coalesces with it and forms
one word.''
\~.j ~ Not he.
lst Pers. Sing. u:!-4,..,;..- • ~
);ty; Nihara, M. Lands cut up and
=Not I.
' furrowed by floods sweeping
over them. P. D. 3rd Sing. t~.,,,. =Not he.
~)~ Nihari, F. A. mash for horses.
1st Pl. ~ =Not we.
2. A. light meal of bread, ,,.
butter and milk. 2nd Pl. ~~ =Not you.
JJV Nahawa.w, v. n. To bathe.
The ~ ( m) in u~4....; corresponds
P.P. 1.iy
with the pronominal suffix of
vY Na.hat]., M. A gouge. the 1st person sing. in Sindhi
and Pushtu ' me ' ; Persian
'Am' and the Prakrit
J~ Nihan£, F'. A barberess, wife
genitive singular ir my.
of JU The ' se ' in ' nise ' is the
regular suffix of the 1st
ft' Na.har, M. A wolf (Oanis palli- person µl. in Multani, as
pes) 2. F . .A canal, dike. 3. A "thiose" was to us. 'Nisi'
tribe of Path&ns. and ' niha ' I cannot trace.

~ Nahra, adj. Having horns These reflected negatives are

pointed upward. Sh. hardly ever used except with
the present tense. In a
~ Nihil}g,
}M. Aslidecarrying
in cloth
marriage song, however,
occurs " Hik nimhfi;i. ~ita
~.,,,. Nihlll].g, band. gha~. I gave not one deficient .
The J (v) in 'nivhe' corres·
¥~ Nahokr&, M. A rarity. ponds with the suffix of the
2nd person Pl. in Sindhi
'~Jt ~ Naho:Q.da, adj. Non-existant. which is Va."
M.A. nonentity.
v J J Ne, Or not, is it not. Sh.
)~ nJ Nahti:Q.dar, F. A claw, claw
marks. u~; Niya~, M. Justice, equity.
J .,,,.

j)~)~ NahU:Q.draw, v. t. To claw, Niya~ karaw, To administer

to sora.toh. justice.
Ul*; Niana, ~ M. A ki~king rope , Nek na~ib adj. Fortunate.
" by which the hind
4.JIJLf.; Nianai:i, legs of cows and ~ Nail, M. A fetter, irons.
"' buffaloes are tied wbile being ~~ Nil, ]{. A bruize, contusion.
milked. Syn. ~.d)I)~
1..... "' 2. See U.

J.:Jlt~; Niawil]., F. Sister's daughter. i:).;..j Nilofar, M. The fruit of the

,. , ' water lilly (Nyrnphr.ea Edulis
~Y,.; Nian.ii].,
F. Cultivated land. or other speoies). 2. The
"" "' Sh. 2. A manured land near
a village. Sh. i:l:~j Nila, M. Black buck. Sh.
~ N etra, M. String or leather
used for turning the· churn. f"f.-! Nim, M. Half.
Nim Wiruh, adj. Abnormal.
j:;.-!-; Nit&l].J', ti. n. To intend or
c..S}'L..~~ Nfmakari, F. Euamel.
.. purpose to say one's prayers.
A.~~ u::".i N ail).,F. A natnral watercourse.
~~ Net, adv. Ultimately, at last., 2. A flood from the hills
torrent. '
used in bargaining for the
last bid.
~ Nil]., Interj. 0, used by women
~ Neja, M. The .seed of Pinus ' to women. Sli.
Gerardiana Pl. ~ U~ Nena, M. Hardened excrement.
~~ Necha, M. The tube of a
huqqa. )J.1.:!-; Nel}.dr, F. A contribution to a.
wedding feast.
Necha baI].d, A maker of 'I# ..

pipes ol' tubes for the huqqa. ~; N&il).:r, M. Pl. noun. The eyes.

~ Nir, . M. A tear. 2. Water, NaiI].r ·praw, M. The whole

" Sh. adj. Separate, apart. body. P. IJ.
J"" .
~~~ Nira, ~ adv. Only. c.J'~ Naiwul)., M. Flowered muslin.
u?;J~ Nire~, ; f~;· Nil].g&r, M. A boy, lad.
v :
'j;·!) N iraw, ·v. t. To ~catter. Pr. ' · f1 t'
, 'II ~; Nf:t}.gir, F. A girl, damsel.
'i.l.~}, P. l?.ft;.,,,. F. ~:J
'.I;* " ,

~ Nil}.h, M. Love.
" . Nere,
.:...):!" .
adv. Near, close by,
Nfl].h lawaw, To love, make
handy, nigh at, in neighbour·
hood of. I love.

~ Nesh, M. F.: A camel having · Nil).h nibhawaw, To be

eight permanent teeth, eight £aithfol, constant in love.
or nine years old, full, g1·own,
mature. u~; Newal)., M. A sign, token of
c.J~j Nek, adj. Good, etc. See U. recognition, a mark. Perhaps
this is a Pl,, t?QUn.
Nek bal).ranr, 1 To · amend, u1,~; Niwan, !!. Land fertilized b1
Nek thiwal}.r,J reform. " alh1~i,al silt. adj. Low.
~') 314
IJ* Newt&, M. A. contribution t.o
~ .
~~ Va~, F. Edge of knife or
sword. Sh. 2. Ridge of a
a wedding feast. Syn. J~'
hill. Sh.
)l* NeW&I).J', v. t. To take aw~y, 3. Path, way.
carry off, convey. Pr. ".)J.~j ~1_, Waja, M. A musical instru-
• ment. ·
1>.~F.~ v .
.~,_, Wachaw, v. t. To read. Pr.
·tfiS' u* Neul}. khalotta, Standing with IJ.1~_, ~~1_, F. ~~-'
head bent. Sh.
b! ... b~ 1
u~ NehOI)., F. A branching stick v.p. /'~Jc. v. i-'fr'
fiud in ground on which ~ ~ W achh, F'. The corner of the
pots and pans used in dairy
are hung. P. D. mouth.
~J_, Wacbhar, F. Ashower,driven
-' Wao. rain.

' W ao, The 36th letter of W. P. .JbJI_, Wadh, F'. Increase.

alphabet. It is represented ~J ~ W adha, M. Abundance, in-
in Roman character by v.
w. u. or o. crease, profit, gain. 2. :More
than enough.
' 0, 11.iterj. m~ed by men to W adha kara1g, To increase,
women. 2. A Post-position, to try for an increase.
meaning towards.
~~I_, Wad~u, adj. More.
~ W a, F. Wind, air. 2. Rheu-
matism. ;I, War, M. A day. Iti~ used as
a post-position, as in itwar,
Wa awaw, } Sunday. 2. A course or layer
of bl'icks or stone in bu1lding.
To break wind.
Wa niklaw, 3 A: proverb or sonf;{. F. 4.

wajhagolra?J., l . A.u attack: 5. A turn.

War lawaw, v. t. To. build.
Wajhalotna ~M. ~whirl-
. ' I wind. War war, adv. Often, repeat;.
wa jholralJ., J edly. P. D.

W ael}. miI).hel}., Some time or . ~ ~ W ara, M. ~ A time, tnrn,

round, especi·
other (Lit. wind and rain.) . l..SJ b war{,. JJ'. .ally applied to
~~ Wapia, adj. Mad. -· obtaining water from a well
or canal.
~l_, Wat, '.prep. In. M. The
month. 2. A road. P. D. Ware da tap, ';Intermit-
When compounded with
Ware da kosa tent fe~
' !Ver,
nouns it sometimes signifies Ware di maror, ague.
'' state of " ; as ~ l_,.JT' a
state of oppression <..:.:.,) l,, ~i;.)
~~ Wara, M. Access of fever.
a. state of anxiety. )lJ~ Warai;ir, v. t. Todevot~, sacri-
Wat pat~al}.r, To gape with .fice. Pr. \~)J P. 4.;~ F.
aurpritie, to open the mouth. · V~.J)
u,_,.,1, WarliQ., p1·ep. From one side. \'"I_, Vakda, adv. More or less. Sh.
l..i, ,)1, Waro wati, I J\, Wag, F. A bridJe, rein.
I adv.· By turn. Wag pherain-, To turn or pull
,}, c), Ware wati, ~ F. Alterna-
. I tion. the rein.
c..S"J,, '-V l_, Wari wari, J Wag <}.or, A long leading rein.
JI_, War, Jf. A thorn hedge. s. R. JI, Wagi, } adj. S i m i l a. r,
opposed to cf~
Jl., War, ~ JI. Standingcotton.
""'Ill, vagWal,1, identical.
Jl_f_, Vanvar. ' \ The pod is 1~;r; Vagwal). mal,Property like
... J
.i. or equal value to things
uncleaned cotton c..s..1.~;
cleaned cotton isl~); the seed
Jl, Wal, M. Hair.
i,~; the husk of the pod Wal pattaw, To pluck the
J~hMI; the plant after the hair.
cott~n has been picked u~fljy Wal tror, ill. Porrigo. A skiu
!j'l_, Va:ra, M. A place enclosed by
Wal char, Scald head. 2.
a hedQ'e, cR.t.t.1e 01· sheep-fold.
Ring worm (Tinca tricophy·
Sh. 2. A small bundle 0£
tina). "
carded cotton.
Wal wal, Every hair.
Wal wat, M. Maker o.f hair-
1~ Wala, M. Po.ssessor, keeper. U.
2. An earri:ug.
~j~ W·:. a:r. a, M. ~ A time
h. ~al( ~rom the
1t leaves Wala powal].f, To become
~J~ Wathi, F. off suckling . dull.
till fit to work or to bear. Wala ghattaw, To make
dull, to turn the edge.
c..Sj~ Wari, F. A pen for sheep or
Wala, prep. Of or belonging
gon.ts, fold, cote, 2. A field
for, melons, cucumbers, etc. to.
3. Balls of scutched cotton. J~ Wall,, ~ee U. Perbaps .also
Sh. possession. 2. An ear·rmg.

c...rb Was, Drainage from rainfall. J 1_, W al}j, F. Illiberal treatment

~ by' a step-mother to step-son
J..·..zMJ~ Wasril.J., ~ F'. A money girdle, or daughter•

)Ji~~ Wa:ttj karaw,1

• \ purse.
UJwJ) W asnf, To treat
~!I W,. . illiberally.
~ ~ W asi, M. Inhabitant, resident. · ,1 • J &!).Jaw,
~JJ1_, Wal,ldha, ad}. E~pty, dis-
~~· Waqi'a, M. Event, etc. See U.
engaged, at leisure.
Waqi'a da maria, adj. Dis- WaJ.].dha karal].f, To empty.
~~I~ Wal].4ha, M. Away from the
uP.:;l_, W aqi f i, F. Acqua.intanc(>, villn,;re, diRta.nt., used of graz·
knowledge, experience. ing ground. Sh.
Wal]., ~ M. R~pe made of l~l, Vahda, M. Increase. Sh. 2.
Mul).J, or elate Salt mine1·. Sh.
jl) WaI].f, leavesforstringing
bedA. 2. A. aouble wheeled ~~1_, Vahdan, F. Salt miner's wife.
well. P. D. Sh.

Taliwatwal.J. WalJ., Rop.e spun lib~b Vahgha, adj. Strange. Sh.

with ·the palm of the hand.
;~~ Vahr, v. n. Imp. Be in season
Labanka wan, Rope made on ( o:f a 'COW). Sh.
apindleA, by' Labanas who
are professional rope makers. c.;.S;lt> 1_, vahri, ad.f. In seaaon, 0£ large
and small cattle. Sh.
'-1Jl, Wal].g, F. Oil used for greas-
ing wood work. P. D. l<~ ~ Vahrka, See )e?.J
Sh .

val].g, >
J.1t>b Vahl, M. Rollow. Sh. 2. A
barren cow or buffalo that
~,.d I_, Wal].gnl}, adv: Po~t-posi- does net hold. P. D.
~j~ Wal}gaw, I t10n, hke to,
as, like. )bl_, Vahw, M. Mountain torrent.
w~J1, VaI].geIJ., )
}Jl_, WaI].gar,prep. Like. Haz.
u~ ,_, Vahwi, F. Dim. 0£ )b 1_,

~?1 ~I, Wahn, M. (Lit. a worker

c.J , J W al].gi, F. A piece of wood v
carried across the shoulder, from ~) to move, work) ~
with ropes at each end £or working bullock. 2. Spindle
carrying baggage. of a spinning wheel. Syn.
).-'J~ Wal].war, JI'. A net made of ltS ..
waJt for ca,tching pigs or
deer. u3b~ Wabi, F. Agrioultu~al work,
~_,Jl_, Wal].wara, M. A dwarf. 2. husbandry, from ~J 2.
Common lot •
.A. pig difficult to catch.
&l\, Val}.h,F. Roles in shaft of ~I..:)~~ Wahiyat bak&l}.f, To talk
plough. S;h. absurdly, foolisbly.

)~ Wao, M. A disease among "}~ Wa'i, F. Wind in the bowels,

horses. P. D. ftatulency.
v >

~J, I ,
Wa viril].g, F. A medicinal
fl?~ Vfblaw, v. ti. To Qecome con-
seed (Em bP7ia iribes or fused from fear. Pr. Ll1~_,,,
Myrsine .Af?·icana,)
P. Y.-1~,
,. ..,,,,
F. u~~,
is~ Vah, v. t. Imp. Plough, culti- \'

vate. Sh. v. n. Flow. Sh. )lls~ 2. To go Qnt of one's

mind. P. D.
is~ Wah, ~
I. M. A ca.nal, dike. J~-' Wapar, M. Merchandise,
t~ Waha, trade.
is~ Wah, interj, Bravo, wen done, Wapar karaw, To trade.
yon. don't. Ray so. 2. M. Oppor-
tumty, way. 3 In composition lo.SJ~) Wapari, M. Bavi~g a
with ,nouns, as far as. , account. 2. A dealer, trader.
~~~ Vipra, NI. 'l'ho~ght, considera· -~~ Vith, B'. Distance. (Sho1·t.)
tion, mention 2. Apprehen·
sion. )~;~;_,, v. t. To spread
"' clothes or bedding. Pr.
J~_, Viphai, Tn Sh. Talking in sleep.
. " v t.}.1~)~;) P. ~?.;~';) F. uM>.?:JiJJ
See. Yl~-1-
~,,~i~ Vithula, ~ aa;j. A.t a short
Y~~) Viphlaw, v. n. To become con- distance from.
~,,~;~ Vithola, In Multan, far.
, fused from fear. To become
incoherent, to be deliriou~,
u~)~ Vithi, F. Distance.
out of one's mind, off one's
head, to rave. Pr, IJJ.~~ P. ~_, Va1~, M. Fine flour o:f bajra,
eaten raw wi~h sugar. Sh.
l~~~ F. ~~) Syn. flt~
l.!J_, Va1, ]Jf. Anything twjsted.
..:.JJ Vat, adv. Again, afterwards. The wick of a lamv, roll of
Still, then. grasR, fold. 2. A writhe
from pain, writhing-, distor-
y_,t_, Vatawaw,v.t. To mover.onnd. tion, colic. 3. Sultriness. In
Bh. F. Tbe mouth by which
A cure or cha.rm for various water is admitted into R field
diseases in which sev~n kinds or ''band." 2. Enmit,y,
of grain or pigeons are moved hate. 3. .A frown, wriukle.
r~und the body. Pr. l.>.4:;_, 4. Away. 5. Revenge, ven·
dotta. Sh.
p. t~t;·_, F. ~~;:, v. 2?· Y~:!-!'
J tf_, WaHa, M. .A clod, sfone,
t.JJIJ_, Wata'UI.J., M. The egg plant boulder. 2 . .A weight. 3.
(Solaniun melon gena). Ex c bang e, discount. 4.
.Blame, accusation. 5. Lobe
of ear. Sh.
Wata'UIJ. raI].ga, adj. Purple.
j_, ·vatar, JJ'. The condition of
Wat1a lawaw, To stigmatise.
1and which is neither too
moist, nor too dry to plough.
Watta sa~ta, Exchange,
Ehugg Vattar, M. Too little
Vatte bhannaw, To break
moisture. Sh.
}J Vattar, ) ~J.l tr_, ·Wa ~a].fdra, M. Exchange of
.. l F. Moisture.
...sj_, Vattri, J work among women, wl10 are
spinning for. others and get·
j_, y_, Vatr_awaw, v. t. To make ting Fewing done fo return.
Watawa1).r, i·. t. Tn chnnge,

..;_I) Vattri, adj. In season, of altel', exchange, hinter. 2 .

. ~ ..b
camels. Sh. Twist.. Sh. Pr. 1'il;;".)J P.
v"' .b .b
y;, Vattal}.+, v. ?Z· To wander. 4,IJ_, F. ul-AA:P)
Used as an auxiliary, it gives
the sense 0£ continuance. Pr.
;j!J_, Wata/i, F. Barter.

\J.;"_, P. lJ_, F. ~;_, ~~ Va.tap, F. Favour, favouritism.

,;_, Watu, In exchange for (Bom- Va~ap karaw, To shew
£ord). favouritism.
u'JJ Vatrcin, ~ M.ingThea£ter
~1 • •
first water-
JjJ Va~ . :au, t:ieed. Vatha:t;q·, ?'· t. To seize, take,
t ! ..lo l" Jlo
catc h. P1-. J..4-t'J P. J)f',
J)_, Watta.k, F. The proceeds of
.lo J. 'Y I..
a f.1ale, income, price receiv- or l~t') '
, F. ~f') v.p./~~E-')
~ , .~
ed for goods sold.
\,!.I. c. v. y_, l)~.)) Imperative 1..5~)
v .lo .I.

;j)J Wata1g·, v. n. To wander.

.lo . O'Brien makes the Pr. l~t_,
(P. D. t:iJ) . .!..
and F. u~t>) after the form
jS'J Vatal}.r, v. t. To twist. 2. To 0£ v.n.
mould. 3. To change. 4. To Jo
! .lo I .lo Jt'J Vathn, Verbal-noun. Seizing,
eam. Pr. IJJ.:!-.)) P. ~1.--') F. taking .
.lo \,~ k
~~"'' v. P· ;~-!::) c. v. IJJf-'J Va'fihnta, That which haR been
;J_,1;) . d
seize , past-part.. of )~-')
! ..lo

Rasse Vataw, To twist ropes. !

Rore Vatanr, To make clay
c.J,t>J VathU.ha:Q., M. A scorpion.
i~to peliet~ for a pellet bow. 1.,i, Vatti, F. A hone, atone for
sharpening tools.
Rorian Vatanr, To make gu:r
j~to balls.' · · '[J Vij, ~ F. Lightening. Esp.
"' t,bat which strikes
,:t_, Vatne, M. Stick for twisting ~~-' Vijla, the earth, opposed
rope 2. Ointment used a:t
weddings, of barley flour 011 ... "" to~ summer Ji~htening.
and turmei.·ic. Sh.
'1.SJ~-' Vajattri, M. Player. Sh.
~y'}_, Watwal}.fl, F. Urination, Lit,
the clod o:f earth used by u,~_, Vajjo:Q., M. Value for a draft.
Muhammadans for cleaning Sh.
after urination.
v !. ' ~Jo ~-' Vajjh, M, A pole (of bamboo)
_y,1_y_, Watwawaw, o. v. from .Y-'J used in punting. Sh. 2.
to twisb. Opportunity.
uYJ WattnlJ., A post-position. In Vajjh mt!, adv. Opportunely.
e~change for, instead. Syn.
Vajh pawaw, v. i. To find an
~J.: - ulJ is used when two
unlike things are exchanged,

-~~-' Vajh, ~ M. Handle of Rickie,

~J.~ when t.wo of t.he same hatchet, mattock,
kind are exchanged. -i~ ~ vajh, etc. .
)ll'"'-' Watoha,., M. A wooden 4~,, Vajha, M. Handle. Sh..
mallet. 'Y

~7"") Vajhaw, v. t. To seize, catch

J,, Vith, F. Dung of birds, etc. take. Pr. l~~J P. '-:!-~,
Vitb. mara.w-, To mute, eject JJ1. 1..5~f~J Irr. Imperative
excrement. u4~' not -t?-) Participle
JS Vtt~lh, v. n. imp. Rain. Sh. ;~~J
Vajawaw, v. t. To sound,
4.J}~i Vichnl}., p1·ep. ~:J with post-
play a musical instrument.
Pr. \ ..\1~~, P. 4.~_, F· position u) from. From
• v • among, through.
u~*1°"' v n. T1'")
Vajal}.f, v. n. To sound, be ~' Vachh, F. A female suckling
buffalo calf.
sounded. .I
Pr. 1~) P. l1.-~, . ~-' Vaohha, 'Af.) .A cow's calf
F. u"""t-' v. t. i-''t-' r while suck-
~) Vaohhi, F. ) ling.
Vajwiya, '},f. Musician.
)S_,lft-~ Vichhawal}.:r, v. t. To spread,
"-'~' Vajel}., M. O'clock, time.
as a cloth. Pr. l~ft"J P . .
~j Vach, v·. n. Irnp. Fail. Sh.
4,l~~ F. ~
.. , v. n.
~' Vich, prep. Among, between, \, •
v v
\, • .AIZ!!!!o..

" through, in, at, on, by. M. ~~ v. P· F~"~ J

- # ,...,,

Power, strength.
w~s,l~_, Vichhawal}.:ral}., M. fledding,
Vich jitt1, According to one'fl "' that which is spread.
j, ,...
po~er, judgment ~) .:..~""
w .,.
)S)ft-~ Vichhraw, v. n. To be
u:i; According to my separated. Pr. l~j~~J P.
F. u"")~J
, ,,,
Vich awaw, To mediate, .;

intervene. 4)~~ Vichhr:(a, Part. Separated.

Vich kar, Middle, midst, used " Vichhaw, "· n. To he spread.
with genitiv~. Y~J.

ut~~ Vichak, prep. Intermediate, Pr. I~~ P. ~~i F.

between. 1.r't
~~~ v. t. l-'*'~ v. P·
J~ Vichalu, }.f. A mediator.
)' ·~ ~
i,· .>.~

.) .... ....
.J...'-t--_, Vichale, prep. Used with the ~J Vichhannh, Promontory
"" plural. .Among.
"" between the Jehla.m an,d the
fr_, Vichar, F. Land possessed by Cbena.b. Sh.
.,.. more than one person but
~_, Vichhu, M. An insect, th~t
.... stings but rarely, da.rk in
4, Vichla, a/lj. Middle; inter- colour, not a scorpion, Sh.
.,.. mediate. ·
It)fl'-J Vichhora, M. Separati~~·
~J Vacban, M. Promise,_ agree·
ment, affirmation, assertion. ;1:~, Vachher, M. A cow's calf. Syn.
0£. u. ..~)
Vicholu, Discoloured flood
c.:.:~_, Wal}.dat, F. A habit, practice.
water of hill streams opposed
to (tandohu) or black water Cf. U.=alooe.
0£ perennial st;reams. 2. ·~=..., W a kh t , Jf. Time, season,
Cultivation in bands, not well
cultivation. P. D. opportun~ty · U. ~~_,
Wakht powa1g, To fall into u!)lllJ_, Wadhrfl]., F. Hiccough o.f
trouhle, to fall on bad ti.mes. ' approaching death.
... ~
~~ ~J_, Wadh gha~~'
\J_, Wada, See _F.., Past tense. adv. :More or
less. Sh.
,_)J_, Vadan, M. Sledge hammer. 'Y

Sh. y.~J_, Vadha:Q.:r, v .. n.

To ·increase,
... exceed, become large, grow,
,)J_, VaddaJ.]., Often used as an advance, prevail, go further.
auxiliary verb in the same 'Y •

way as ~)'in U. With a

Syn.~-' ..Q)JJ Pr. 'JJtJJ_, P.
sense of continuance. In Pl. ~lll~' F. u~"'J o. v. j_, 1~JJ
... ....

4 J_, and w~J) are in use. Vadhaw phallaw,. To

.,. v
See JG_, prosper.
t_J~ Wida', M. A fare-well visit. Gha~ Vadh, Loss or gain.
Wida' karaw, To pay a. fare- Ghata Vadha, Loss and
well visit. profit.
~J_, Wadh, aAj. More, excellent.,
U:!-Zt>J_, Wadhik, adj. :More, greater,
greater, too much.
' excessive.
Wadh powanr, v. n. To fall.
2. See. ~J_, '-"'' Vadde, ~
~~J_, Wadhanme,( adj. Ninety-
l.J~ V dd',.
u .. ) a iaI]., See wlJ_,
·t __ , W dh"
c...J,y~,_,_, a anwe, (J nine. Vadifa, M. A fixed a.llowauce'
j}~J_, Wadhawaw,v:t.Toincrease, Esp'. what is given to Mullahs
prefer, prolong, put forth, ·or Brahmins by the pious.
raise, enlarge, increase, ex- O'Brien applies the word
tend, augment, heighten, · 'to a small cake given to
hold ont, lengthen. 2. Of
wells, to stop. 3. Of milk, to Mullahs, from .A.. 4A~l;J
2. .A scholarship 3. Daily
pour. Pr. \~;!-lllJ_, P. l~.~J_, ·
. 'Y
F. ~c.)J v. n. lJtJ,_,_, c. v.
\,' _\.

c..5j~_, Wa4r1, See ~~J_,

j_,~J)' . !.. .
t}G,J' Wadha'i, F. Congratulation .JbJJ Wa4h, M. Gleanings after
on occasion of birth or harvest.
marriage. Blessing, in form
0£ gi£t, (often on joyful W a~h chUI}.:raw, To glean.
occasions.) ~
~JJ VaMh, v. t. Imp. Out, reap•
jJJ_, Vadhar, M. Wrinkle. 2. Sh.
. .1 Shoulder strap £or drum. Sh.
W'.l'J-' Wadhruk, F. Enlarged gland, ~~J Va~hi, F. A bribe. It has
bubo. . many euphemistic names as
'' shirini ", sweet-meats.
'-';~J_, Wadhri, F . .A ··leather strap '' KA.p:rei:i dhua'i ", Price of
or belt, washing clothes. "Patase,''
A kind of sweet-meat. " Ted&
w~lllJ_, Wadhra:Q., M. } A kind 0£ haqq ", your right. •
~ metal drink-
c.J.)l!>JJ Wadh+l].i, F. ~ ing pot· with Va4hi khor, One who takes
' a spout to it. br.ibes. ctdj. Corrupt, venal.
Vadhi . ..
. 4ewanr, To bribe, JG~ Wirag, NI. Desire, wish. 8. R.
corrupt. Wirag awaw, l To aban-
VaQ.hi g hinnaJJ..:r, To ta k e ~
don one's
Wirag thiwairr,J self,
separate one's self from
\~_, Vaqa, adj. Large, great, lon~, world.
main, elder, ample, major,
mighty. M. .Ancestor, '-?JJ~' W arawar!, F. Equality.
progenitor. F. u~J ~G, Wara'el}., ~ Prep. Without,
Vaqa qiha:ra, ~ Festival, holi- ~~' WaraheIJ., 5
Vada roz day.
: ' '-!:..>)'
,,,. Virt, F. Olien tale of a Brah-
VaCJ.a wela, Before sunrise. ma.o, customary bu.siness.
Sh. ,
WaCJ.qi-khal}.g, F. Whooping
cough. ~~' Vartawa, Sh.~ M. Custom,
fashion, in-
jl~,,}.+,M. A sledgehammer. ,~~' Vartewa, terconrse,
~\~_, Wa~ani, F. The rope at \,v , ..

bottom of bedstead used to jJ~J) Wartawal}.+, v. t. To divide 1

tighten it. P. D. distribute.
U"'\lo~-' WaCJ.a'i, F. Pride, haughtiness, jEJJ Vartaw, v. n.. To use, have
loftiness, conceit. dealings with. Pr. le.}.);' P.
W a4a 'i khor, M. A proud, ~)J
. F. ~JJ
c. v. }J!J.;J
imperious person.
~JJ Warch, F. .A. drng and pla.nt.
W aga 'i kar&l}.f, To be lifted (.J.ooros calamus.)
up with pride, to be proud.
'L.u;J Vars&, M. A yearly a.llowance
ts~_, VaCJ.ka, M. Ancestor, progen- of grain made to farm
itor, patriarch, chief, elder ; servants, at spring harvest,
given by Bomford as an it va.ries from I! mannd.a to
affectionate diminutive. ~i mannda.

!f.,~, WaCJ.era, M. Ancestor. (2. j,,~) Wa.rsaw&JJ.r, v. n .. To be bene-

Rather large. Sh).
W aCJ. waq.ere, pl. .Ancestors. j,lli;_, Warghal&wal}.+, v. t. To mis..
lead, deceive, pervert, entice,
JJ Var, M. Husband. Sh. pursuade, inveigle.
J' War, A post-position, signify- u;_, Va.rf, F. Snow. Sh.
ing good.
~-' Varga, M . .A rafter. 8. B. 2 •
.JJ War, adj. Desirable, precious, Small strips of wood used
etc. U. for roofing. Sh.

War aW&l].f, ~ To succeed, be c:JJJ Wiran, M. The title by which

fulfilled. Pr. ""' women &d<lress a son, brother
VaraW&l}.f, '~T.)) P. or brother's son. P. D.

4.T.J, F. ~T), ; ~J-',, Virwar, M. Thursday. 8h.

?£:V~ Viroj, adj. On the wrong v~ Vis, v. t. imp. Trust. ~h.
track. Sh.
Vis pow&l}.f, v. n. To misplace
~), Varha, M. A rope made of trust. 2. '110 trust. Sh. Here
mul}.j or date leaves. 2. A there is no suspicion of doubt.
year. Sh. In S. Punjab the verb is used
in the sense of, I trusted and
u'lbJJ Varhi, F. A short string used was deceived.
- for tying lot as to a Persian ...
wheel. ~J Vass&, adj. Capable, :fit, able,
Varh1 su
'i, F. The clothing worthy.
given to a bride by the bride- t~-' Visakh, M. The 2nd Hindu
groom's fat her on the day of
the wedding. " month, April 15th to May
15th. Harvest begins on 1st
~~)J Varhel}., Jl!f. A year. Syn. of Visakh, which is kept
\I as a festi;;.l. 2. A courtyard
~.)J Makes Pl. - ,)~~J with shed, used as a guest
house and place of meeting
for business. A. Jlj~
rt~_, Variam, M. A hero, warrior.
1l~_, Visara, M. Forgetfulness,
~4.JJ Vari mg i , F. Heroism,
' · oblivion.
courage, bravery.

~J-' Varela, M. A time, turn. adj. )1}~_, Visar&l].J, v. t. To forget., miss;

of or belonging to ~-' a time, ,,. forsake. p,,-. \~.~JP.
:..; ;,,
4;)~) ;
turn. .
F. ~!:Jw-'
,,. .,.
Varela khaji, A date tree bear·
ing fruit in alternate years. ""
~j~_, v·isal}.p&l].f,
, To b ecome
v. n.
' depresAed, to lose energy, to
~~ Vira, v. t. Imp. Allow in ac- be careworn.
count, debit. Sh.
;J.S~_, Visal}.dar, M. Fire, is used
•)1_, Wa:n~ial}.; Pl. of i.Sj, A kind · ' when an oath is taken on fire.
of food made of pulse.
jl;J Va:ral}.J, v. n. To enter, come
in. Pr. ll,)j, P. 4j,... F. u~J ~ tUI, Vasawa, M. A wooden stop on
,. & Persian wheel to prevent
foj.S Vurh&l}.J, v. n. To flow, move. its turning backwards.

Pr. '~)s P. l:!-~5 F. ~J.S

... ... Y'"""'
" I ,
Va~aW&l}.J, c. v. from
To rain, dwell.

u~J Varhl, F. Subdivision of an
" estate. Sh. · ¥~~ Visah, M. Trust, confidence.
'-' 8.LJ_,,, Vari~c).i, F. Coping.
- Visah karalJ.r, ". t. To trust,
to place confidence in.
0j' Vazan, M. Weight, etc. See
U. 2. A dose. s-b~ Visa', M. Sorrel.
iC-jJJ Vazire, Fl. M. A cymbal. uJtMJ_, Wasa'i, M. The ma.n who
makes indigo into cakes.
~-' Vas, M. Power, authority,
control. 2. Disposal. ~J Vasta, F. Time, season.
)~;»'),,. Visir bhola, M. Error, forget- ~~' Vasa.:Q.di, F. A cultivated. or
£ulness, mistake, a blunder. "" inhabited spot.

.d__,.:_r~ Visir bhole, adv. Unwittingly,

,. v&satfr, v. To dweH, live,
r' v
inadvertently, unintention- abide., reside. 2. To be
ally. cultivated. Er. 1~_, P.
yf'' Visral}:r, v. n. To be forgotten, ~' or ~5 F. ~' e. .,.
,,,. slip £rom mind. Pr. )i.)rJ P. j,Lv,
~r-' If· ~r_, Vasa1g·, v. n. To rain. Pr.
" v
~..;_,~, Visir wanjanr, v.p. To be \~ ...._, P. ~' or l15 F.
,,,. ,, forgotten. ..
~' c. v. j_;L.u, Wusa't, F. Power, ability. ~~ v
~1 Visaw, )SJ~ V) "· n. %
~~ Vi!)kaw, v. n. To be beguiled, misplace one's trust, to be
enticed, become covetous. Pr. neglectful of. 2. To trust 1
ldMJ,_, P. ~-'""' F. ~-' ,,,,,. ,,,,,..
to be credulous. Sh. P,-. I~,

~' Viskanf, F. A beguiler,

P. ~-'.,, F. ~J
,,..,. ,,.. ,,.
"' deceiver. :/.
4.J~' Wassti.l}., adj. Of house, in-
Ji-H, Vasal, ilf. An onion (.J.lliti1n habited. Of la.nd 1 cultivated.
Wassil} warg-, M • .An
Vismawal).~, v. t. To extin- itant, resident, dweller.
guish, appease, put out. 2.
To benumb, make senseless. ~YA Vissiiwakk&, ailj. Of b~a.a,
baked slowly and not
Pr. \~_,
P. ~~, JJ'.
.. v
v. n. ,,)~_,;... c.
t.u..w W
... ~

ase a,
1 M.. Abode. dwell·
Shar visma wa:Q.r, To stop a. 1~_, Wasewa,J
quarrel, make pea.ce.
~j Vasek, adj. Better..
Shar vismawa~rwal&, M.
A peace maker. ~j W asila,, M. Disposition, in&i1'11-
,,,. ment,etc. See U. 2. Advocate.
~~ Vismaw, v. n. To be extin-
i:tnished, be extinct, to go out, ~ J_...,, Wa!ile l)ahal}.!, v. t. To be
(of fire). 2. 'l'o lose sensation, successful, be obtained, be
tingle, to benumb.. 3. To attained. 2. To perf.orm,
be in a brown study. PT. accomplish, achieve.

l~_, P. ~-',., or tl;l..tJ

,..;;, W a~n, M. Ceremonial puri-
F. ~-' v. t. '_f_, ~-' c. v.
j_,~...;~ , ,. ·
W a,~ s&zaw,
To make a.blu·

-· "t
~~ Visa.ntar, M. See .JJ.J~,
~) Wa.ghaira, adv. Et cetera.
j~_, V&sal}.dar, M. An inhabitant. 2.<;ldj. ·Strange,other,surplt11
~,,, Waqt, 1l:1. Time, etc. U. .._;') Wakhl, F. The side, of man
or beast, helow ribs.
Waqt powal].:r, Jf. To faU on
bad times, suffer misf.ortune. '--3). Vigg, ~ adj. Given in ex-
,; change (for a
i...S_, Vak, M. Used of wheat flour ,.),~ Vigwal}., stolen animal),
when mixed with water to "' like Sh.
form dough; it has great
powers of cohesion, so that ~ Vagg, M. A herd of cows or
broad cakes can be made she camels. Sh.
without the cakes breaking.
isl~ Vigah, M. :Marriage.
,uytS~ Vikal].fal}., adj. Sold. Sh.
J ,_f.:;J~ Wagotag, adv. Quickly, rapid-
315~ Vika'u, ad}. For sale. ly. P. D.
j, 15_,
Vika wanr, )
•• ~ v. n.To be sold.
•f:i) Vaggh, M. Breach. Sh.
-~ Vigha, M. A Jand measure of
)"l)' VikaJ.J.:r,
; v
~ 4 kanals =~ acre. See ~
Pr. lu.~~_,,., P. ~-'.,, F. u~.,,,,. .....J
;4~ Vaghar, M. A flock, covey,
or Pr. \..s_,~_, P. \1,-)_, F. c..>~,~_, herd, used of birds or beasts.
. "" . ' or '-'::'-' ~ ?
'-5~::_, Vagh:i, F. Flow irrigation,
Pr. \~_, P. ~~-', F. ~-'
.,,,. ,
used in north of Multan
Vakra, M.\
')\ ~_, . water-
rA course <-j) Vag, M. A
herd of camels or
w}J .Vakri, F. ) .from a main
stream to a field.
t?_, Vagga, M. pl. Small!._,
... .... Vikri, F. Sale, price.
pieces of wood between
rafters for roofing houses •
~-' Wakkam, F. The heart-wood
' ' ' of Cresalpina Sappan, used .JI!-', Vigar, ..F. Forced labour.
.. _,:for
Vigar pak:raw, To obtain
y)_, Vakal].f, v. n. To he about to forced labour, to impress,
calve. Pr. w~) P. J_, F.
. compel.

Vigar ka4ha~r, To work

u~f_, · carelessly, in a half hearted
,.~)_, Vakh, adj. Separate, apart.,
asunder. j~) Viga:r, M. Contamination,
"' damage.
Vakho-vakh, adv. Separately.
Sh. y_j~~ Vigaraw, v. t. To spoil,
damage, bungle, corrupt., de-
;lJ Vakhar, M. A general name · v,.,,_~
for oil seeds. " til " "sars(m " face, disfigure. Pr. 1t.l.'4} .z
'' uss\u;1.." 2. Head and feet
of a goat or sheep. P. ujlff
Ji'. ~.'fJ
.,,. ..,,
v. n.
v -:<!
,,, Vakhra,aad. Separate, diverse, ">":i)
.I ) ' ) ...
of a different kind. 2. Besides
in addition. ' .v ~ ,_, Viga:pi, M. A
j_,lf_, Vagawairr, v. t. To sound, Wala q.ewaw, To give back,
cause ·to sound, play a mu- restore, make restitution.
sical instrument. 2. Make
to go send, throw. Sh. Wala ralthaw, To replace.
3. In B~ R. To throw violent-
ly. Pr. t~J'.#, P. \~.If_, F. Wala suwawal].:r, To re-
v. n. y~1~. _, peat.

Jbt:t~ Vig:ra1g·, v. in. To be spoiled, Wala wala, Often, again and

to be corrupt, be damaged, again.
be contaminated. Pr. 1.J)~ Wala karaw, To repeat. It
I 1' i,? , b'!J,!ff will be seen from the above
P.. ~)::iJ
,, .,,. F. l.f'/'',, 11.. t. JJ _,
that ~) corresponds to the
jJt_, Vaglal}.:r, v. t. To surround, Eng. prefix re.
drive together. S. B.
~) Walla, prep. Around, not
i.!~, vaga1;q.·,
r. ti. n. To b e sound ed , direct. 2. M . .A. pole.
to be played. 2. To run, move.
Of water, flow. 0£ wind, Walla maraw, v. n. To go
blow. p,,., I~_, P. ~-' F. round, not direct.
u~J v. t. ;s,lff_, u~~J Valawal}., M. Twist. Sh.
u l/) Vagwal}., adj. Similar, not
)3,~_, Walawaw, v. t. To refund,
identical. See ,..J~ return, turn. 2. To turn
over, as leaves of a. book or
J_, Wil, F. S. R. See ~ .A cattle chappaties. 3. To hold back,
"' disease. not to perform a promise, to
go back from one's word.
J_, Wal,M. A twist, turn, zigzag.
·2. Directioii:. Sh. 3. A Pr. 1~J p. l~~-' F. u~J
creeper, water melon. Sh. 4. r-'
v. n. 1111 v. p. "L...J
~,J o. v.
A stack of untrodden wheat.
Prep. To, towards. adj. Well, )l,,~,,
healthy. In Sh. middling.
adv. Again, afterwards, over- JjJ Wala'i, F. A seat.on, dre~sing
against, moreover, then. 2. u: for a fistula, that which is
To one side, out of the way.
twisted, or rolled and placed
in a wound to keep it open.
Wal wal}.jaw, To go back.
u1?,~_, Wala'iti, ar7j. Foreign.
Wall hikk ma:t].e, On one side.
Sh. Wala 'itf me~dhi, Myrtle.
~-' Wala, aclv. Again. 1JJ_, Walda, M. Answer, reply, re-
Wala akhaw, To repea.t, say joinder. 2. adv. But, on the
again. contrary.
Wala anal}.r, To bring back. tJJj Waldir, ~ .
,. When returning.
Wala pawanr,l
.. I ;~) Waldar,

. . I~To relay.
Wala lawanr, fu, Wilalla, aclj. Uneducated, ill-
Wala karal}.r, J , bred, ill-mannered, clumsy.
;1...,l~ Vilma1g·, v. t. To delay, JJ4~ Vilhawal}.r, v. t. To divide,
retard, wait. Pr. lJ..J),,. P. ~),,. apportion, allot. Pr. \..).1~~),,..
F. UM!.....~ This verb is pro·
bably ne"uter and transitive, v"' v
the above tenses are formed vw )l~) C, V,_ y,1,~~
... like neute't' verbs.
c.:)J VaUan, M. A water course, to )~l~ Vilhappaw, v. n. To be divid·
guide water to a field. Sh. ed, allotted. Pr. 1~~..,. . P.
)~J Valaw, v. n. To return, re- 1.:4\_,..,. or ~~ F! uJ.jJ,¢~J
;; ;

trace, be turned. Pr· lJJ_, P.

v. t. )3,t~~.... c. v. ;\,l_, ~~-',
~~,,. .F. uuJ_,
v. t. ;bs_,~, v. p. )3)~~ Vilh:raw, v. n. To stick,
adhere, (seize?) Pr. IJ)~~
~d-' o. v. )3)1_,1,
p. l~)l~ F. ~~)@~
L.Jl_,J_, Walwal].., M. One who takes
a daughter from a man as u@t) Valhi, M. A holy man, saint,
wife for his son, giving a one who performs miracles.
daughter in exchange to the
son of the other man. P. D. Oorr. of ,,)J
~_,J_, Valo:pl., M. One who churns,
}~"'!.-i>J Valhetaw, v. t. To fold up,
a churner, one who stirs the bind up, bandage, wrap up,
indigo vats. do up, gird. 2. To besiege,
)J_,l_, Valoraw, v. t. To churn. Pr.! I~~-' P.
surround. Pr.
IJ.l~jj E. 4j_,J_, F. ~.)~ . ~~~-' F. U~~-'
Nil valo:raw, To churn ~), ~~ Walli-waris, M. Heir, helper,
indigo, or stir water in which friend, p ;· o t e ct o r. Syn.
indigo is steeped.
~)~ U~J • :-J_,~ ~)
JjJ Walwal, adv. and ..,
again, repeatedly, often, '-'~,,.. Villi, "Ji'. A tress.
endless, instantly.
Villi villi, Tress by tress.
JJ.s_,l_, Walnl]..dar, F. A scratch, a Villi villi pholaw, To search
claw, claw's mark. everywhere.
v J
)l;~JJ~ Wahil}.daral]..:r, v. t. To claw, u5 Un, A post-position signifying
"from" e. g. Uttu.lf, from
~e~ Valh, F. A creeper, tendril. above. 2. Than. khudaon,
2. Stalk and ear of wheat, than God. 3. At, as u)~~
barley, etc. (Multan.) 3. at the right hand.
Stalks of indigo after being kl> J , .,,,J
cub. (Multan). Ex. ~~l~ L.JJ'J.>. ,}~
V alb. .ka(J.hal]..r, To spread The clestitute is more power-
wheat on the threshing-flour. ful than God.
2. To take refuse out of · ~) Van, M. Form.
indigo vats.

Valh Ghattaw, . To throw

c.:J) Van, conj. Without=prefix,
Un: Interj. Used by women
in~igo stailks into the vats. to women.
u, Vanna, Post-position. Like. Vindlal].r, v. n. To be allured,
v . \I
Sh. cajoled. Pr. lJJi>.l_, P. Y,jJ.3_,
u~·h-'J vana"t.u1,
,. F. The cotton plant
F. u~""'jJ ~ .,.
after the cotton has been
picked. Syn. u~~ )S_,
.i.I v
~_,J.J_, Vindola, M. Amuse~ent .
,);) VanaJ.]., M. Husband, bride- S.~ Val).~, F. 1.A sion,
sbare, divi-
v 1v allot•
groom. . l\,'
aim. 'JJ) j\i).3_, Val].~ara, M. ment.
\,? l.1? v
~J Val).j, M . .A limb. Sh. ~J ~l Y-' i:>J) a)fqawaw, I'
v. t. To divide,
share, dispose, distribute.
"'Yb'?' l ~ j, y
v I v S yn. / c.)..>) Pr. .,)J..~.i).J-' P.
y,~~jJ Wajl].aWalJ.r, v. t. To lose, let j,V j,v
go, spend, destroy, injure, l'!. c)JJ F. u.w~.uJ, v. p.
waste. 2. v. n. Be lost, lo! .by !11"
~.~JJ c. v. Jnl).3_,
destroyed. Sh. Pr. t,).~3_, !J,y
v .lo v yt)..>J ValJ,,
v. t. To apportion,
P. ~~s, or \jl~SJ F. divide, allot, dispense, part.
v v v
v v
v. n. ~s_, v.p. Syn. y_, lj,"c.).3_,
t v j, v
1~1).3_, P.
l,,l,v j,v v j,v
~~~5_, .. u.3_, F. u~.u.s_, v.p.~u.3_,
v J, v .,.
~ ~J Wal}.~ phut}.chal}.~, v. n. To c. v. y,1_,c)Jj
arrive. j, v
O'Brien gives IJu.3_, a.s the
" v
y~;_, Wal).jaw, v. 1i. To go. Pr.
present tense of this verb.
'~·-' for P. \~ is used, JJ. There is probably a v. n.
~J In Sh. Pr. u~J F. Ji).3_, To be divided, etc.,
but the compiler has not yet
v~~J (lat Person) v. p. met with it.
v v v v
~~s_, v. t. _y_,~s_,
j, v val)4va:r,
,. M. Cotton. Gen.
v used in PZ.
~-' Val}.jh, M . .A punting pole. In
c.51).SJ val}.41,' E'. A share (of goods),
S.R. ~-'
lot. 2. Division, Esp. of
mea.t. Sh.
Val}.jh lawaw, To punt.
v , ~
;JJ Val].r, M. A tree. Ins. B. Jal
~J Val}.jhll, F. A flute, fife, pipe,
made of bamboo.
~-' Van:ra, M. A husband. P. IJ.
·~IJ Wanjijaw·, v. p. To be lost,
.,, " v ~lj5 Vuwa 'i, F. The price paid
gone, from~-'
for weaving.
jll~_, Vh].dal&l}.f, ·~ v. t. Toe.muse,
v ~ allure, ~~j_, Val).rjara, M. A jeweller,
y_,~J.S_, Vil}.dlawaw, entice , buyer. 2. A native oculist.
, ) ·~.I •
cajole, inveigle. Pr. ~'"~ rY-' VaJ}.fJal}.f, v.
" \I •
t. To buy. Pr.
P. l~li>s_, F. ~~!ilS_, ·v. n.
" ,,
t4y, v
P. ~~)SJ F.
J~' ·~}_, Va:Q.:rj vapar, M. Merchan- Jl..,;_, Vanwa:r, M. Standing cotton,
dise. i. e. not picked. Syn. jl_,
Vawj vapar karaw, To deal, u~~ Vanwal}., M. The upper sole
traffic. of a shoe.
v v
Vuig·al}.:r, v. t. To weave, knit. t;_,;_, Vanota, M.. Ordinary sized
P1·. \~)S5 P. ~.)S5 F. ~jJ ... Jal tree. Dim· Ji'J Sh.
i,L. . .q,Y, l>y 1 \,y_.
v. p. )~"Z) c. v. l) JlJ or ~~-' V&nnil].J F. A bride, wife.
J~) ~~; V annil}. bannl, A wife or
land. The custom of set-
i...:/)jl, Vawoti, JJ'. Small Jal tree. Sh. tling a feud by giving a girl
v in marriage, or land to the
tt-'.aiy~ Vi:Q.r hoch, adj. On the wrong aggrieved party.
track. Sh.
Vannil}. maula, ~ M. Heir,
r...s)S) Vanri, F. Wife. helper,
Vannil}. vari~, protec-
ufj_, Vanki, F. A specimen, sample.
tor, friend.
I ~y
"'"-"'jJ Va:Q.g,F. A glass bangle. 2.
)) Vo, Interj. Oh.
An arch.
0J_, Val}.gg, v. t. Imp. Hobble ,.ysl,~ Viwal}.h, M. A wedding.
the fore feet of buffaloes. ,.,::..J)j Vaul}.t, F. News.
Sh. y

ld_,, M. A small round '-=-'J-'-' Vol}.+at, F. Weaving.

pumpkin. "" Vohur,
Jb-'-' M. Young bull. Sh•
. }~J_, Valfgar, F. Gathering of · from four to six years.
·· friends to help in some \, ! I
~JJ Vauhal}.:r, M. Mountain tor-
work. Sh.
rent. Sh.
.) 3~ ViJ.J,gar, F. Voluntary labour, tz Viha, A score .
opposed to Jiff~ forced labour.
c:J~ Vihaj, M. Interest, usury.
Vingar karaw, To call for . Vihaj khor,M. Usurer, lender.
voluntary help.
Vin gar kamawal).:r, To ~~~ Vihajaw, v. t. To buy, esp.
volunteer. grain. Pr. 1~_, P. ~{, ... , ii'

yI~ Vil}.gra, adj. Ourly hair. F. ~P.-)

c..))..JJ V&lfg:re, M. Pl. A .
term in frt~ Vihajn,.. adj:On interest, .lent
wrestling. on usury (money.)
fa.ls_, Val].g:rigar, M. A bangle u~J~ Vihaji, F. Buying.
;b, Vihar, M. Trade.
)l~~:!-!JJ Va1~gijaw·, v. p. To be seized
with a pain in the back ~ b Vihara, M. .A score, about
which prevents a man from .... twenty.
raising his arms, brought on
by fatigue or carrying bur· ub Wahal}., M. Handle of sickl&,
dens. hatchet, trowel.
wYt~ Vihawa:Q., M. A bolster. Vas vahal}.r, 'l'o expend one's
j_,~_, Vahawal}.r, v. t. To ca.use to ~

move, fl.ow, to spin a top. ~' Vab:n, M . .A.. bullock for


t~o c·~:, I~, ~

ing a well. 2. Spindle of
spinning wheel.

~ v~" c.5 j_,\~_, 1~_, Wahwa, Interj. An exclam-

ation 0£ surprise or aston-
Khu vah&waw, To work '~-' V ahola, M. A matt.ock £or
a well. taking up roots.
Hal vahawal}.:r, To plough, J~, Vaholi, F. An adze.
break: up earth. v ,,
u~Y"' WalrtiIJ.:ra'Q., adj. In power,
j_,f_, Vihawaw, v. n. To pass. Pr. authority, able.
, \~t; P. ~.b,,. F. ~t.,
,, ... "-1' W a.hf, F. An a.ceount book,
- ledger.
}p Vahitr, M. A riding animal,
beast of burden. tt!J) Ohe, interj. Used by men to
j ~J Vihtraw, v. t. To cut out
11 ~' W ahetr ~ 3f. Animal,
clothes. Pr. \~~.t P.
~J Wahekar,M.Acommonshrub
lt~J F. u~jlit>) v. p. in Salt Range. Sk.
~·· i.rt ..
) . :.ri"J
,,, ,,. c. v. y) ~;-Ub) .,,,.. '-5' Vi, conj. .Also, even. ailj.
Both. S. An e m p h at i o
rJ Vah&r, F. He1p, assistance.
particle •

YJb' Vahraw, v. n. To be in heat, "' Ve> 11. ti. Is. 8lr.. =

of cows. .c....J Ve, interj. Ohl Spoken by
women in a.<ldrf'R~ing chil-
,.,;,,.fb, Vahrl, adj. In hea.t, of animals. dren. In Sh. used by women
to men.
J'-' Vahar, M.~ A calf of a. cow
~~:? Viaj, M. Interest. Sh.
" till of age to
JP V ahJ.r, F. work or bea.r
young. ;'-!.J Vi&r, M. Bashfulness, mod-
, esty,
<'~ Vah
J Dim. of~J·)_p
~34,, Vi&I}.g, M. A tool used by
' shoe makers for smoothing
...S.J ' atki, F. ... leather. S. B.

~-',. Wihlak, See ~' ·},1-!.J ,

Viawaw, 11. n. To bear young,

J. "
_;~_, Va.bJJ.da.r, M. Ploughed land. ea.Ive, breed, f oaJ. Pr. ~J.l ~-'
• P. J'~J F. ~~>
,,. ,,
.,,,,; ;.,,,.
Vah&I}.f, v. n. To flow, to go.
To move round as top or tee ¥~J Vi&h, M. S. B.
totum, stagger. p,,.,. \~) ~' Veti, F'. A f;pmale doctor for
P. ~)5 F. ~J v. t. j_,llb_, l children.
~~ Veth, F. Sitting crosslegged,
supported by a turban or
chadar t.ied round kn e es
and back.
Veth maral}.r, To sit cross- l.J"'"!., Ves, ltl. Disguise, personation.
legged. See -~~~.) Ves watawa1;;q·, To disguise
one's self.
y:i.~.) Vitaw, v. t. To scatter, spill, \I

"" pour, shed, to run over. Pr. )~) Vesaw, M. Flour of gram.
".t. I .la - .lo
l~.>J,. P. \~~J
...... F. ~~ ~~.J V1s1, F. A share. 2. A smile.
" j, Vlj, .,..,,. S.R. ·
v. p. ;'--'~~.>_,
.,.,. o. v. Jn.>~
*-' .,.
VechaI].r, v. t. To sell. Pr.
lili>- P. l~~~ F. ~~J
Visf kaghaJ.J.:r, v. n. To smile•
Wesh, M. A camel at com-
•"vi, """' "' .,, mencement of 8th year. 2.
Periodical distribution of
..~ ' M. Farewell, dismissal. land varying from 1 to 24
i.::.JJ.:J Vedan, F. A secret.
c...5.~.~ Vik, v. n. Imp. Be sold. Sh .
.Jb~J Vedh, M. The act of boring
the ear. 2. The hole made ~~.~ Vika, M. Sale.
by boring the ear.
l~?.J Vikha, M.A. hole. 2. Leisure,
j.,J Vair, M. Enmity, hate,
"' opportunity.
revenge, vengeance, ani..
mosity. br_r,_ Vekhanr, v. n. To see. S.R.
)~•V ••
Vair g hinnal].r, To avenge.
;1~_, Vegaw, t'. n. To be in heat•
.J!.~ Vfr, ~ M. Brother. Spoken u~-' Vegi, adj. In season, of mare.
> V' by sister. Sh.
cJJ..i iran,
)~~·~ Viraw, M. A title by which J~J Wel, F. A gift of money to
women address a son, brother, menials at wedding.
brother's son. Barbers, musicians and
cookers of food are entitled
to it. 2. Leisure. Sh.

tHj Vail, adj. Foolish, ignorant. Verh, M. Surrounding, besieg· ~.) Vela, M. Time, moment.
ing, blockade, siege.
Chiri chog da vela, Sparrow
taiy.._, Verha, M. .A courtyard in feeding time, i. e., early
front of a house. 2. An morning.
enolosure containing many
houses. 3. Octopus, said to Dhamm:l vela, Morning twi-
be found in the Indus. 4. light.
Tnrn, twist.
Verha.w, v.t. To bind, bandage, Va~a vela, J' net before sun-
fold. 2. To wind, reel. 3. rise.
To besPt, snrrounrl, besiege,
encompass, heru in, inclose. Wele Sir, An opportune
invest, blockade, go round. moment.
------- ----------~---·----·-------·-----·

l4.J Vila, M. Hole in a wall. J.)4'

, ,,,
Vfl;lfll}., F. The wrist..
' 2. Stomaob-ache. v •
~·~ Vil]..h, .A.n artificial pond in
LU~., Velna, M. A. sugarcane press. which a Jhal&r is worked.
2. A cotton cleaning appa-
ratus. 3. .A rolling pin. ~~ Vini, F. Fore finger.
4. Moveable outer pegs of
yoke. Sh. iS'')'..~ v;l wa"h' ~r.
1t • "" · Sh.
Velne da kal;>ai"ra,
Ap paratns
~)~',,,. Vitih, l!~ Poison.
and appendages of a. sugar
-d~ Vih, adj. Twenty.
)~-' Vela:Q.+, M. The two outer
removeable pins of a. bullock o1j4-!., Vehawal}., M. Pillow, bolster..
yoke. v. t. To roll, pass ' .,,
Syn. u:)>t~
between rollera, hence to press
(sugarcane), to clean cotton. ~H, Vehat, F. The river Jhelum
Pr. l~J_,, P. ~-' F. ~l_,, below Khushab.. Sh.
v .I v J
v.p. %~, c.
..) . _,,,,,,, "'·y\>·_,11-'""" }t!., Vehtar, F. Cut (of clothes).
,,,.r ..
u ~~J Vela!}.fal}., M. A cotton y,rt:.J Vehtraw, 1). t. To oa..t out
cleaner. S . .R. ' ~~>
clothes. I>r. v ... P•
..~.J Velh, F. Leisure. Ex. u~ 4.h, I/. ~fr., c. P·
./J ~ ~'
1 I had no leisnre.
r ..
~.,.f-'~J c. t:•
! ' ..
;, 'J~'
l~_, Velha, M. Time, age, leisure.
without work, period.
)f.·-' Vaihir, F. Ht7ifer.. Sh. 2. Al.
Enclosed block of' Jand esp.
grass preserve in th~ Bar. Bk.
Velhe tel]., Betimes.
Velha kara:Q.f, To empty, ~.J Vefu.,;&) M. Conrtya:rd~ Sh.
make bare. ~~j V aili:rlta, M. A calf 1 to 3 J'l'8
old. Sh.
~-' Velha, ~ adv. 9uiokly. Syn. v v

~-' Velhak, ~ ~} jl)t!.J Vehra:g.r,See~):,_,

4-S)t'.J Vehrf, I!. Oowdung in ifa
·~J t~J Vel}.da rahaJJ.r, n. To be 1.1.
n.a.t:nral state. Bh.. 2 • .A. small
extinct. 2. To visit, resort roll, bundle.
to, frequent.
~' Vehik, / tJ.n. Imp. Stopgiving
j ~·' Ve1J.fu., F. When going. .... , milk. Bk.
u_,.d._, Vehok, 5
1~_, .Vengla, M. .A. collection of
skeins of twist. Sh.. ~-' Vehal, M. A twelve hours ftow
.. ' o:f wah,.,r, P. D. A term m
~j Vaiw, M. La.mentation. ca.nal irrigation..
2. Boa.sting, haughtiness.

Vail}.+ alawa:g.:r, To abuse.

~ Ha, The 37th of the
Vang karaw, To lament, n~. P. Alphabet in Roman
bemoan. characf er B. h or a.
332 u~

~ Ha,aclv. YeR. 2. No. The Jt J~ Hal hal, F. Call for help or

t 0 ne
distinguishes the mercy. Sh.
Hal hal karaw, v. n. To weep,
-it Hath, adj. Shallow. 2. Depth cry.
of water up to chin. Sh.
~~t Hamjel}, ~ adv. Intentionally,
Jt Hath, F. A horse-race. 2. f. on parpose, from
A mea.sure, from elbow to ,,~~t Hamjo, A. ·iJ..i
tip of :finger and breadth of
":fist in addition. 3. A dense t..Jt Hal}, The dative suffix of
cloud. Sh. W. P. as spoken in. Sh.=to.
2. Interj. Oh. Vocative.
uJ°t Hathi, F. Good-form, natural
forca, not diminished by age. d Han, lat Pers. Sing. Pr. of a
Verb the Infinitive of which
~ u~t Haji lmbbi, F. A variety of is lost, but which is derived,
jow8.r. according to Dr. .Trumpp,
from the Ss 'as' (Sindhi
~t Ha~, arl,j. Having hope, ex- Grammar.P.300), Hai;i. being
pecting. S. R. another form 0£ s . .Ai;i.hiyaJ]..

~t Ha~, ~ F. H untin~ with dogs, It is declined as follows.

ar, sport. Sh.
let Pers. Sing. ut I am. Pl.
v~t Ha4i, adj. Blood enemy. Sh. ~tWe.
;t Har, aav. Like, fit for. Sh. 2nd Pers. Sing. u:'t Thou art.
Pl. Jt You are .
..:...~~Jt Harjhit, F. Profit and loss.
3rd Pers. Sing. ~ He is. Pl.
JJt Haral}.r, v. t. To l~se at play, t:J!
gamble. Pr. '~.J~ P. ~J They are.
F. ~../' v. p. ~~ o. v. Imperfect (O'Brien's Aorist).
v ,
y,',}J 1st P~rs. Sing. ~t or vJt
.J)Jt H~rl}., M. The Hindu month or J""'~ I was .•
June 15th to July 15th.
Sowing for the Kharif 2nd. Pers. Sing. J.A Thou
(Autumn) crop ends in -~t
~Jt Harhi, F. Rabbi (spring)
3rd Pers. Sing. t He was.
"' harvest. 2. The Rabbi instal-
ment of land revenue. 3.
1st Pers. Pl. ~t. or ui.'""'t We

~~ Hasa, M. Joke, fun, laughter. 2nd Pers. Pl . .:.....-'t Yon were.

In Sh. uq 3rd Pers. Pl. u:!3t They were.
t..I t Hag, F. .A. grunt. \...i"Jt Haus signifies also" was
Jt Hali, adj. B e 1 o n gin g to a to him''= t with pronominal
plotlgh. Sh. M. One who suffix of 3rd person "as"
drives the plough. attached to it.
The Re\'d. T. Bomford, I u1 Hibbi, lP. A camel dii;ease.
think incorrectly gives these Throat and neck swell. P. D.
tenses as Indefinite Pr. and
definite P. 0£ )3)-'t See his
• ~ Hal;>, F. Contention, dispute,
contrariness, enmit.y, liostil·
notes on W. P. Grammar. ity. 2. Determination, Sh.
Journal of Asiatic Societ,y of
Bengal, Vol. LXIV. Part 1,
No. 4, 1895. P. 307, 309.
Hal;> 9adharg-, To be contrary.

ut Ha!]., ) M. Heart, m!nd.

!> 2. A depos1t of
Yt Hul;>,
F. A pain in the chest
and sides.
~t Ha 'el}., S. R. ~ lime in wood.
Hal}.·phirraw, To be nause-
lft Hal;>9a, adj. Skew, askew.
ated, ready to vomit, retch. Uf-t Hal;>ak, F. Bad smell.
Hal}. jhal, A light meal. Ha9ak awaw, To have a bad
Hal}. sau:r, .A. feeling of con· sme11, to stink.
strfotion of the chest. Ha'Qak, dabak, F. Reproach,
reproof, chiding. P. D.
Hal}. ghirra:Q.:r, To crave for
;'6:ft Ha\Jkar, ~ M. Sweet smeU,
~ fragrance.
Hal}. lu:rhaw, To faint from
J '6:ft Hu}:>kar,

HaJ.J. nal lawaw, To embrace u+t-Jtt Hal;>l;>ochhi, F. A kind of

Bilocb dance with clapping
as a child. of hands.
Hal]. sa:raki,
F. A heart
burner, charmer, heart·
~ Happa,
M.j A kiss.
ravisher. u¢t Happi, If'.
d Hal}., M. Equality of age. Sh. Happi ghinnaw, To kise .
.. .:!1
·~l t Hal].cha, M. Spleen, agne-cake. ~ (
Yr u~ Happul}. karaw, v. t. To gulp ~

lSJ~ Ha:Q.~a, M. Weight of an down, to devour.

empty vessel. Sh. ~t Hat, interj. Excla.mation of
pleasure at another's fall.
~.A Hani, adj. Of the same age.
Sh. ~ Hatak, F. Disrespect, insult,
Jt Ha'u, I( adv.perfeotly.
. _,,
P. D.
etc. See U.

Hatak kara1g·, To take a

lJt Ha'ua,, liberty, misuse.
1_,t Hawa, M. Grief. Sh.
~!A Hatwa:ra, M. Ah amm er.

jl>t Hahn, adj. Very deep. Sli. Syn. ~~ Hathora.

~~ ~t Hail}. hai!}., interj. 0£ surprise, .. Hath, M. A hand. 2. A cubit,
What is this P What are yon measure 0£ length from elbow
about? to tip 0£ middle :finger and
length of m1dc1le fin g e r
.ftt Habh, pron. adj. AU. Pl. 0-"~t ad·, ed. 3. Guilt, blame. 4.
for sabb, sabhe. By hand.
Hath a~aw, To extend the Hathei:i :powal).f, To bait,
hands, as in prayer or in aggravate, quarrel.
Hath ka:rrf, H a 11 d c u ff s,
Hath 'Qadha1:ir, ~ To entreat, manacles.
· beseech,
Hath joral}.f, or ave,
~ Hatha, M. .A. handle of hand.
supplicate with humility.
mill, spinning wheel. 2. A
Hath pawaw, To put the deed, authorization. 3. A tool
for knocking the warp close,
hand, to lay hands on, :fight. in weaving.
Hath per maral}.r, v. t. To
~~ HatMla, adj. Level, flat·
try, strive, struggle. bottomed, of water, shallow,
opposed to "~{n;igba" deep.
Hath tal}.g thiwaw, v. n. To
be straightened or poor.
1..S)Stftc Hathal}.rf, F. .An elephant.
Hath chawai;q.-, To desert, M. u~;t Syn. 1)i't
let alone, give up.
~J~~t Hathradh, F. Land culti~
Hath dhowaw, To despair, vated by the owner.
give up, wash hands of.

Hath ~ekhaw, To feel pulse,

~~'.l~t Hathrike, prep . .By means of.
to practise palmistry.

Hath Q.ewaw, To give the

'" ..
'.J~-'t Hatth:ra, M.
Cubit measure.

hand, 'to promise. 2. To find

fault with. ,_;} ~1t Hath kari, F. Handcuffs. Sh.

Hath rakhaw, To patronise. J~t Hatthal, adj. (Said of) cow

or buffalo that has lost her
Hath sal}.go:ral}.r, To retrench. calf · and allows only one
person to milk 'h~r.
Ha th k a r :r i .. m ar a ].}. :r,
To manacle, handcuff. ·
~1_,~ Hathwara, M. A ,Jiammer.
Hath ·ghattaw, To seize, lay Dim. F. ~JlJ~
hands upon, of women::::::to ,
force. · 1 WJ~t Hathul}., adv. But, on the con-
Hath lawal}.r, To put the/ tr1;1iry.
hand to, touob. !
~lb~~t Hathohath, adv. From hand
Hath mallaw, v. n.. To wring to hand, in quick succession.
onti'l:i hands, to be sorry.
Hathohath· vikawai:t:r, v. t.
Hath sau:r, F. Impecunious-. To have a ready sale.
\,r;.t H a.t"a W&l}.f, v. t. To remove,
Hath ohath, M. return
take awa,y, repulse.
(esp. of enmity) Sh.
v J
Hath o pai, F. Scuffle. i-'u.t Ht"
\,' ,.io ""
-u.awaw, v. t. To weary,
,, J
Hath heth awaw, To come tire, fatjgue. P'I·. l~4~t p.
uuc1er one's c 1u t c hes 01• J '
authority. ~.llt F. u~t
. J""-1
l>kf. Hatkaw, v. t. To prevent, ~ Hachcha, M. A fault, quanel.
retard, hinder, forbid, delay, ,
Hichaw, v. n. To go shares in,
disallow, cross, dissuade, '
interdict, keep back. Pr. ei;ip. in an animal, :for food.
(MitZtan). In D. G. K. ::::
1~1i!-0t P. l1,fit F. u""'~0t 1
"! /.lo \,~ 11.lo ;l>ll ~t Pr. I~~ P. t~~1 F.
v. P· ~~.>.t c. v. J))~>-~
\, !.k
;.ut Hattaw, v. n. To remove ... J

retire, retreat, get out of the ~ Huchchh, M. Gush. Sh.

v J ~t Hachchha, adj. Good, well.
y1t Hutai;i:r, v. n. To be weary,
tired, fatigued. Pr. '~t \~ Huda, F. An easterly blaRt,
t .lo .lo that dries up crops. P. D.
p · ~,..1,t F. u~t ... J
. V.Jo J V.loJ
}U-t-Y;.t HutaJtr chutaw, M. Effort, isr.>.t Huddh, F. Stroke with the
remedy, cure. point of a stick or weapon
or shafts of a cart. Sh. '
... J
Hutaw chutaIJ.r karaw, v. i. .b
To try, to make effort, to try . c).t Hugg, F. Boar's tusk.
to remedy. 1
~ HaM, M. A blood feud. Sh.
Jl~~ Hithar, M. Lowland. 2. Large bone of cattle.
~ I .lo J/
));.) +'-t Hath· karaw, To resist, dis- W ~ Hugak, v. n. Imp. Limp. Sh.
obey, be contrary. 1
u' c)..,. Haddon ~ conJ.. However at
Jilt Hathil, ad}. Peevish, obsti- ... 1. • • ·'

, nate, perverse, headstrong, : &J~ Hagg!,

all. Sh. '

cross, stubborn. :
" Vj,V
~~ Haggh, Sh. See y~
c:~.J .c::E~t Hatthe welhe, adv. Always, '
continually, frequently. ' ti~ Haggha,, Sh. See y, bit v j,'Y

.t H att1,, F. A shop.
; Ha4, M. A· bone.
Hatti maraIJ.r, To shut up
shop • \~t Ha4a, M. A red beetle which
.... J
lives on melons, cucumbers
tt Hujj, v. t. Imp. Sweep, clean. etc. It js driven away by
, Sh. ashes sprinkled on the
plants, and smoking them
~t Huj, F. Confidence~ with burning bones.

~ Hujat, F.Reasoning, frivolous ~1; Hid.aka, adj. Sloping.

... • ' 10,

~~ Hi4ka, M. Hope. In Sh. W'St
, Hujat kara1n·, To reason. 2. Want. 3. The daily allow-
~ Hujka, ]f. Jolt. ance .of food given to hn
t( Hach, M. Greed, covetousn~ss.
Sh.. y"~51~ H'd
1. kaJtr, v.n. To covet, hflnkn

(!t Ha?hch, v. n.. Irnp. Be beaten, - a~ter, hope, expect. Pr. l~~t
tu·ed of doing a thing. Sh. P. ~~~ F. u~~ ..
~)_,S';... Hi4akwan,
. . adj. Having hope, leaf is given in rheumatism.
The powdered root, mixed
expecting. with mustard oil, destroys
l0.f~ Hi4kora,
vermin in tbe hair. The
M. Death-rattle. Sh. seeds yield a red dye.
~/~ Hi4ki,
JJ'. Hicough. 2. Hope, )3;t Huraw, v. n. To descend. ·S. R.
e:xpeobation. Sh.
.t Ha441, .A. u~;t Harnoll, F. The castor oil
F. bone. plant (Rioinus Oommunis).
;t Har, F. Grief of mother for 'J~ -'Jt Harn bharti, adv. Certainly,
absent young (of animals). willing or not. 2. Without
Sh. object or canse .
.Jt Hurr, F. Cry made to frighten JtJC Ha r h a r , A kind of pulse
birds. Sh.
J ( Oaj anus indicus) .
Jt Hur, v. t. Imp. Descend, get
; ~:Jt Hariar, M. F. An· f.linimal that
down. Sh.
wanders into f o r b i d d e n
;t Har, adj. Every, all. ground. Sh.

Hal' dhat, Au amalgam of J4.;t Hurial, M. A bird, the Oriole.

different metals. 2. Wild hill sheep. Sh. Syn.
Har dhati chamcha, lnter- l,,1t
.) ..;t
meddler, having a finger J
in every pie. J,l?:Jt Huriawal, M. The small green
j ~ Riral}.'f, adj. Astonished, con- .lit
fly catcher (M erops Viridis ).

- fused. U. ~~ S. R. ~!! Harita, M. Soap nut (Sapindua

AJ ~ Hirawgi,
1.. F. .Astonishment.
Emarginatus ).
S.R. lfc~'.Jt Haritha, M. Plant and drng
u1~ Hura'i, F. Descent, declivity. "" (Sapindus detergens). Soap

Jj~.Jt Harcha:tJ.4lir, M. Clear state

J.:Jt"" Harir, F. An astringent
. tonic.
of atmosphere in the morning
making distant objects visi- )t Ha:r, M. Flood, rush of water,
ble by a sort 0£ mi.rage. Sh. spate.

JJ;t Hardal, F. Turmeric. Sh. !Jt Ha:ra, v. t. imp. Water (a.

field). Sh.
U'.Jt Hurak, v. t. i1np. Threaten
to butt or bite. Sh. ""r')t Ha:r\J, F. Jaw-bone. Pl. w~)t
~Jt Harla, adj. Pure. Blt.
Ha:rQal}., n i k a I aw a ~ :r ,
Having the bones standiiig
J~t Harin~l, M. A plant (Peg· out for leanness.
amtm H1mriala) Narcotic,
given in fevers and colic, the '-=-')t Ha:rat, M. Wood work of
seeds are burnt near the sick
to keep off evil spirits, the Persian well. Sli ..
v ,
evi.1 eye and macb:inations
of enemies, a decoction of ) Jt Hurkaw, v. n. To snort. S. R.
.Jb)t Harh, M. ],lood, rush of water. Hashri la wal}.:r, 'l'o defame,
Sh. injure one's reputation.
liti)t Harha, v. t. imp. Wash away. ~~t Haghama, ]If. Tumult, uproar.
rt~t Hafim, 1/'. Opium.
c..$) ~ Hazari, M. Possessor of thou-
sands (of rupees). u~:!-~t Hafimi, M. An opium eater.
l..r'C Has, n. imp. Smile. Sk.
ut Hikk, F. Chest. Sh. 2. v. t.
Vt Hiss, v. n. Be ext.inguished, imp. Drive on. Sh.
- withered, emaciated, flat. Sh.
~ Hik, adj. One, a, an,firstly,first.
· Lrt Has, M. /
( A fabulous bird. Hik adh,' Some, any; one and
~ Hasnf,F.) a half, some sort. E.g.

Lrt His, The 3rd person singular "t>l/ )t)~l ~ .::.~~.) uJ1 '1:; uJ~f
"'" of the substantive verb dE - ?J L;
with the pronominal affix Why did you not at that time
'' as'' = He, as· cou tracted briug some sort of witness?
into '"his" (O'Brien) Is to, of (l::ltory of thief brought to
or by, him. justice.)
Vaghi ghidhi his, by him a
bribe has been received.
Rik pase, ~
Apa.rt, aside.
Hik kalwait~,
Tap his, To him is fever.
Hik tal]., In the first place.
Bilani his, She is his lady
love. Hikattha, adv. T1 gether. Sh.

l/""t Hus, F. ~ Sultry, close heat, Hik kallUJ;l. hik,One (better
... J · opposed to "Lo" or worse) than another .
.J"""t Hussar, hot wind.
Rik lapa, Being alone, with~
u~J.Mt Hasbi, ~ interj. Go d · out a. helper.
""' protect yon,
~\ 1...5~"""{ Kasbi allah, said when Hik lag, Continuously, conti-
one stumbles. nuous .
... J

)~ Hussar, F. Snltriness. v. n.
Hik tµ.uth, With one accord.
imp. Be confused, disturbed
in mind, panic stricken: Sh. Rik na hik, One, any, some .
.J~ Haswar, M .. A horseman, Hikojehal}., 0£ oue and the
rider. adj. Mounted, riding. same kind~
I.SJ'~ Haswari, JJ'. Riding, suite, Ut Huk, ];[. F. .An owl, doleful
equipage. creature. 2. Corr. Eng. for
Hook. 3. Piercing pain in
~( Hassi, F. A cn1la1· of gold or side or brea.1:1t. Sh.
silver. 2. Collar bone. Sh.
~ Hikka, aaj. One and tLe same.
U~:':t Hasili~ F. Dim of u~ ... Sh.

'-'rt Hashri, F. Infamy. Hikka rat, Akin.

~ ~t .Hakka J.>akka., ~adj. Aston-
-i~t Haggh, v. n. imp .. Get loose
(.· (_ isbed. (as a rope.)
u:::; ~ Hakki \>akki,
Y~t Hagaw, . v. n. To be ab1e.
)~ Hakar, v. t. imp. Drive away S. E. 2. To go to stool. S. R.
birds from a. crop. Sh. ;

Jt Hal, M. A plough. The_,_ parts

~~ Hika~a,
~adj._ One, a, an,
s 1ll g le . Syn.
are -~4 the beam; 'j the
share; ~~ the iron point to
~ Hilqa,. ~ J»i. w4.)1
=ones, or 4.J~.. .. the share ; ~~ the
c.SJJ; -
handle, and the slopingstake
!h Ha.kfa,M. One who stammers. it is fixed on; -~ l the wedge
.~ Hu kra, M. A :fire work, which keeps the ploughshare
m·aoker. in its place.

~ Hakal, F. A call, shout to Hal wahawaw, To plough,

drive away.
lst ploughing
Hakal maraw, To shout in
order to drive. 2. To call 2nd
after, hail. 3. To rebnke.
i't Hikalla, adv. Alone. s. R. "
~ and J,.~ is ploughing

~ Hakla.1].f· v. t. To drive away,

"'without respect
"' to number.

expel. 2. To fra.y. Pr. I~ Plonghed land is jb}t -

P. ~~ F. ~l{( c. v. .Twice plonghed J,~~_,~
,, ;
y,1~t Thrice ploughed v,_.}:!-..u .:....}
.,,.. ;

~ Hikko, One only, the same. . ·Four times ploughed u!.~;

J ; ~

F. u~· Ot Hul, F. Fame, notoriety,

. . J

Hikko jihi~, AU one, alike. rumour, renown. Syn ut

~ Hikke, conj. Or, else. Sh .. Hul machawaw, To make
notorious or :famous, to make
. ~ ~ Hikki, adv. Once, at known.
one time, all at once.
Hul machaw, To be notori-
~ ~ Hikke hikke, conj. Either .•. ous, to babble.
or. Sh. J..c Hil, F. A kite (Milous Gorrin-

dt Hugg, Slz. Seo J~ ,

- da).

~ Hulla; M. La.boured, breath-

)3_,t; Hagawa:t;Ir, v. t. To stretch. ing. Sh. 2. Smell1 odour
geilerally diffused.
S. R. Syn. )3_,tl~

~ Hig1'8., oil}. Single. Sh. (? One llc Halla, interj. Well, yes, indeed.
2. F. Coura~e, encourage•
fold opposed to~-'~ two fold.) ment, P. D. 8. A rush.·
~llt Hulara, M. Striking or throw- ~ !,)'.~ Halkara, M. A postman. Syn.
ing with a sweep of the arm, ~\s'J(
a long swing. 8h. 2. N osP-
b1tg used as a·pad fqr mules. ~.ii~.J"° ~ Hilmilyaqfu., adj .. Capricious,
Sh. 3. Panic-rosh of cattle ' - changeable, unsteady. M. A
·.atta.cked by gad-fiy. Sh. fickle minded perBO:Jf·
Y·1 Halaw, v. n. To move, shake.
~it Hala:ra, · M.A number of
ploughs working together.
Sh. 1
Pr. 1~ P. ~tt F. u~t
b '1.
/"1 Hulal}.:r, v. n. To be notorious.
I_,~ Halawa, M. Motion, shaking
(as a carriage). P. D. J1" Hilaw, 11. n. To be a.ccustomed
Pr. t.utp·~LcF.~
y.,nt Halawal].r, v. t. To ?1ovE\ ..b
- -

shake, agitabe. Pr. \~~~t u~ \'~ Halwathi,F.) Ploughed land.

2. L an d ~
P. 4.~ F. u~~t v. n. j~ )lt>}c Haloha:r, havi n g a ·)
canal watering at sowing
v.p. ~~ o. v. j,~4 · time, but not after, so that
J crop wholly or partially £ails.
j_,~ Hulawaw, v. t. To make
famous, notorious, to make c..S)~ Hilawi, F: The act of making
known, to babble, divulge. - ·familiar. 2. Fee paid to
herdi5man when a new animal
y_,~ Hilawal}.:r, v. t. To tame, teach, I
joins the herd. P. D.
· used of birds and animals, 4..$4 Hull, M. A ~fo~ammadan milk
children P seller.
"°'-'~ Hilawi, F. The act of making ~ Hulia, M. The description of
.. familiar. 2. The fee (one pice) .a person.
given to a herdsman wheu a
fresh animal joins the herd.
rt Ham, v. n. I was. Bomford

ft1t Halabbar, lit'. Thong fasten-

gives this as aorist of JJ-'t
Perhaps it has yet to be
ing plough to yoke. Sh.
settled whether ['"t with the
A Hiltar, F. Habit. Sh. other forms of the same

~~ Hala~' M. Rage, violence. tense r.J and uJt wit~ the

· l'r. u~ are not derived for
Ye Halchala, M. Tumult. Sh. an old Sanserit or Prakrit
verb of whieh we have lost
)~ Haldar, I t.he infinitive and perhaps
r nrmArlC.
.Jt,.\\. H ldh (cu,rcu- other tenses. See ~t
a ar' I . ma longu ;
,.; ....,,
...s-~ Haldi, J '"-1jl,..t Himawi, F. A money girdle,
; pa.rse.
!ft Halar&, .M. An association of y_,l.+.c Humawaw, v. t. To use, of
ploughs cultivating in com-
_, mon. P. D.
dishes, clothes, etc. Not pre·
., ,
viously in use. Pr. \~
Yt Xulla:r, M. A great flood. Sh. . J
I I....
, \' >
P. ~·'I: F. L.S~t v. n. jY1
l<1c lfalka, adj. Mad (of d0gH).

) ........
! ...t
~ H ambaw, v. n. To be calm, Hh,1jar karaw, To look well
at, examine closely. P. D.
still. To cease.
~... Himmat, F. Bravery, etc. u~lt " Hal}.ji, F. Shoulder blade.
'41 See U. 2. Strength of body,
coertiou. Sh. ;:?-~ Hal}.jir, F. .A. fig, fig tree
" ( FicUis carica) .
Himmat b,adhawaw, To
inspirit. encourage. u~:!-~; Hal}.jiral)., F. Pl. Swelliug
· . " 0£ glauds. Sh.
Himmat twralJ.T, To dis-
courage, dishearten. i,.\lt Hnl}.d, F . .Boar's tusk.
Himma t karaJ:.1.r, To take Hul}.d maraw, To gore.
heart, to dare.
~ J..\{ Hindki, ~· F. The Indigenous
Ju~ Himtal, a8j. Strong, powerful, 6 ' dialect, and char-
- overbearing. Sh. UrJ-.\1 Hindgi, acter. Sh.
Y-+-c Hummaw, v. n. To be used,
of things not previously in
uY''J.; HiJtdwawaJt,
~ M.melon,
A water
J J ~~~ Hil}.dwana, (Oitrullus
use. Pr. I~~ P. l:t-..t..c or - Vulgaris).
J .I v J \I

4.Jtt F. ~~ v. t. f )~ is~ Ha:Q.da, M. A small cake given

v , daily to Brahmins by Hindus.
\,v '.i,
;SJ u.'1! H &:Q..awaw,
d'" v. t. To wear
c.'..,:t Hin, pron. These::=:inh. Sh.
out. Syn. j_,1..itis.; 2. To
i.:Jt Han, ~ ./ clothe. In S. R. w~l~
, . (Sh.== Yt Now. aclv. v' J,
cJC HUJ:.l., J J~ HuIJ.<}.al, M. Deceit.
e;;~·Jll.c Kuna tikaIJ., adv. Till now.
v J, v


JU,. Hunal,
M. The hot season.
, 2. The Ra b i
ins tal men t of
Ra:Q.<}.aw, v. n." ~~wear" (as
clothes) Syn. )lib~ or~~
To, be durable, sta.nd. 2.
land revenue. To bunt pig. Pr. IJ~ P.
J t .h ~ .J, ~
J~ JUc Hunal siyal, M. Summer and ~.u.°1 F. ui.u~
" winter.
Ha:Q.qal].f sal, Durable, last-
wllc Hannal}., M. A saddle for a ing.
;! ,

-gia, worn out.

? ~
,s.; HuIJ.Mu, 'lltf. Fighting ram. Sh.
('t Raaj, F. A tear. Pl. w-'~~
Yev' HUIJ.:r, adv.
, Now, therefore. In
Ral}.jhul}. taraIJ.r~ To have
Sh. cJt
moist or swimming eyes
from grief.
v Huw ta'il}., Till now, as yet.
~~ Hil}.j, cidv. Thus, therefore. Sh. Huw toriIJ., Hitherto, Rtill.
)~ Hil),jar, adv. Well) closely. '-:t'Yi" Hil}.rap, M. Frailty, weakness.
v .b v
yJlc)h HuI}.rQ.awaw, M. Discount Hawar ghinnaw, To inhale.
on draft. Sh.
v ~1-'t Hawan, M. Animal, beast.
U)lt.; Hinrk, F. ~
·· Neighing. Jkll_,t llawal}.kaw, v. n. To bark,
)sy~ Hiwkar, M. how], nAed only of jackals.
v "
Hiwkaw, v. n. To neigh. Pr.
".b '
Syn. )~.W
.. I~); P. \::{); F. u~); jT.Jt Hubahu, adv. Exactly like,
v' - - - very same ..
c.J~.rc lIUI}.f0I}., adv. Just now, al-
ready, forthwith, presently. ~~)'( ' Huthra, adj. Mischievous.
w-'Jlt Hawn!}., F. A tooth, grinder.
~ v ~ Ho~a, M. Heart, liver. Slb.
In Sh. uJ~.)1t J
~~)! Hnchra, M. Noise, uproar.
~ Hil}.ak, I!'. A neigh. Sh.
~~)'( Hochha, adj. Used of one who
~ Hu:Q.g, F. A groan. Sh. ·continually reminds otber
people of any trifling kindness
lric, v. n. imp. Groan.
,&\I, " , •
he has done them, he extols
himself, but treats others
with little respect; he has
1ltic.,/ Hul}.gar·a, M. Assent. Sh. ·Jittle patience and what he
asks for he must have at once.
f J~
V 4 VJ ,
llul}.garaw, v. t. To drive

Frivolons, trifling, mean,
stupid, conceited, exacting.
cattle, esp. camels.

le.)..)~ Hul).gal}.da, Yell of jackal. Sh. ~)JJt Haudari, M. A sink, where

dirty wa.ter is thrown. P. D.
~.<i.c "' Hmtgri, F. Sound made to
~)( Ho~, F. Violent opposition.·
drive on cattle. Sh.
"&" '
~Ac Hal}.gaw, v. t. To go to stool,
' '-'~-'t Ho~i, M_. An obstinate or
~o evacuate the bowels. pertinacious l>erson, one who
sticks to his own opinion in
u~ llal}.gi, .F. A sifter for fine spite of proof.
flour, made of muslin.
.))( Hor, Pr. adj. Other,
_)'A Hal}.war, adj. Even, level,
smooth. , mental case ...S))t (Bomfo1·d.)
Hal}.War karaw, To make
1.n JIU.ra, M. The fist.
even, smooth, level, to flatten. HU.ref. maral).+, To strike with
~ Hal).I}.h, F. Back teeth. Pl. the £st.

u~-u~ . hn Horan,· ~. M. A title of nspect. ·

..n Hau, interj. Meant to frighten. , . HOrll].,
. W.J}t
~)'( Rora, M. The man who rough-
Hau, M. Bug bear. en" the mill-st.onf'. 2. The
pick used fo1• roughening t.he
j'_n H a w a :r , F. Vapour, fume, mill-stone. 3 . .A bar acroiss a
reek. steam. door for keeping it &hut.
v ;
)~.n Horain·, v. t. To repel, push ys_,t Haukaw, v. n. To breathe
back, forbid. 2. To rough a quickly, pant,
,,. be out.,,. of
~ ,
breath; Pr. 1~.n P. ~)'( F'.
I .L
mill~stone. Pr. 1'1A~)t P. uJ)t

~.;t v.p. J. ~t
'V .,,. •

"-'Y~-'t Haukawi, F. Shortness of

.Jti)ny liurh,

F. Obstinacy.
breath ..
~J'n Hurhi, auj. Obstinate.
~Jt Haula, adj. Light iq weight,
w0'n Hore!}, Used with ~T Sir, gentle;
your honour. Haule haule,, adv. Slowly,
gently, quietly, by little and
"-""'-'t Hus, F. Emulation in a. bad little, by degrt:es.
sense, envy, jealousy.
Haule haule alawaw, To
LJ~-'t Hosai:i, 1st Pers. Sing. F. of whisper.
)Sm I will be. Haula kara1;q.·, To lighten. 2.
To disburden. 3. To dis-
V)( Rosh, M. Mind, sensibility. parage.·
Thik hosh, adj. 0£ right
. mind, sensible. • , ~Jt Hola, M. ~A bullock or cow
... J with a. loose
Jn Hushsh, interj. Sound used to ,)Jt Holl, F.
1 horn thab lies
. make camels sit down. Syn. · along t.he cheek. In Sh. of
, buffalo's only.
Jib J
2. M. A stupid, igno-
rant fellow. Sh. Jn Hauli, v. n. or v. p. Be afraid,
J distressed. Sh.
.JJ! Huk, F. Fame, renown, news. ,_ F. Sandy soil. P. D.
Huk ghattaw, To mak~ fa- uJt Hu!)., Formative case of J)
., That. (Bamford.)
Huk :m.achaw or powal}:r, To uJt Hu!}., interj. When spoken with
be famous, n.oised abroad. force, What is it r don't do
\Sn Hoka, M. A proclamation,
advertisement by drum. HUX)., adv • .Yee. Sound used
to stop a bullock. Sh.
Hoka dewaw, To proclaim,
cry, advertise, declare, using HU!). hu!}., The noise the
a drum~ horse makes when he sees
his grain. .
Hoke wala, M. A hawker, v
c.>.3Jt Hol.J,d, F. Existence.
Aw hol].d, Non-existence.
,;l<n Hoka.w, v. t. To publish, pro- v, 11Rf'c1 wh<>n the gi.fti:i l\t '"J..;Jt Ho!}.de, 3rd Pers. Sing. Pf'.
a wedding are proclaimed.
v J J from f -'-'t To be.
Pr. b.t~(t P'. l~(,t F'. 1-S~~~{ Ho!}.de hol)de, Continuing.
v J
y) lft
v. P.· )~~~ o. v.
~-'t Haul].ka, M. Greediness.
Js,,t Hnl}.g, F. A grunt, groan. Haibat chho:raw, To be in
' ~v terror, lose presence of mind.
"-"'3)t Hnl}.g, F. ~ A disease of
v J goats, usually _,l~t Hiblo, F. ~ Splashing w ate 1'
l!l,,t Hnl}.ga, M. fatal. The goat - l over another in
stares, has a cough, its J~ Hibo, F. } sport.
ears hang down, it ceases to
eat and drink. }:'~ Hibo, F. A circular jat dance,
" v J , ' - joined b.f men and women.
)itsJt Hnl}.gaw, v. n. To grunt,
groan, roar with pain, howl. ~:!-t, Het, M. Friendship, love.
v J v J
Pr. 1~.>n P. ~.)Jt F. ~:!--c Hait, M. A small camel saddle.
v J
~!s_,t Jo
+":!--c He~h, prep. Beneath, below,
J\..vjn Hol}.har, Premising. Sh. cf. down. Syn. w~
He~h utte, Above and below.
~Jt Honaho, It may be or not,
. doubtless. ~ Hethla, ad}. Low lying, lower.
v J v ~
4.ti,n ~Jt Hnl}.h hnl].h,
, ,
Sounds used to
, Sh.

make camels geb up or go v*:!--c .He~hni]., From below.

faster. Sh.
fl1 Hir, F. The heroine of poem.
JJ-'t Howanr, t'. n. To be, become. Bir and RaQ.jh& born at
Pr. lJ-ln P. 4.n F. u~n
~J:'t Herha, M. The striated bush
-'t-'t Hoho, F. Disgra.ce, public
babbler(Oatarrhcea Oanclata).
example, fy, fy.
~):t-t Heri, JJ'. Pound for cattle. 2.
lloho l&W&l}.f, To . disgrace.
Pound fee or fine. Sk. 3. A
.1 Hoho lagan:r, To be disgraced. ~athering of people to hf'lp
m some work for nothiug.
'xn Huhawa, F. Pomp. Sh.
, .
~)'( Huhe, iInstrumental, pl. of ~ Hekul, M. A boar. F. ~
uYn HunhaIJ., ) J l One
form of

Nom. pl. of _,1 =he; these ~ Hil, F. A soft cool breeze. Pl.

Baha\valpnr (Bamford).
used towards - u~ 2. Hope, trust.
~)'( HUb.ll]., Pron. That very one. Hil hujjat, F. Pretence, ex·
Syn•• ~_,l
J:!-{"" Hail, F. Well manm:ed or ir·
}n Ho'i, Paying a share or produce
:rigated land. Sh.
as revenue or rent. P. D.
~ Hel, F. Onstom, habit.
c}!.x Haweli, F. Enclosure with a
dwelling house. Sh. Rel powaw, v. n. To be ac-
customed, habitnate.
Jn Jn Ko'e ho'e, int8'Tj. For ""
~,,,. Hailak,
Sh. adj. Habit n a.1,
accn~t.omed to,
~~ Haibat, F. Terror. See. U. ~ Hailka, addicted to.
._,,".... -.~,~-··_,..._---------------'-'
liailkA th{wa?.tr, To babitu-
Yad suwawal}.:r, To repeat
from memory.
~t~ or ao<:mstom to.
M H.em, Jr'. An M't\la.nohe or fall Yad gari karal).l", To com-
~ of l!itAUW, JI. n. memorate.

~t H&iQ., 1i;xproues dis- Yad giri, F. Remembrance,

J•l@rllL!1141ilrt. Sh. memory.

llith Thi.I, fonna.t.i.ft oe.n of '-,}~)4, Yarhal]., adj. Eleven.

vl or....,\ i..JbJ ~ Yarhi, F. The eleventh night
~ :S:int, r. A drittt of 1.mow in a. of lunar month kept in
memory of Pir Mn ~-ud-din
n.Yin~•. r. D. ' Abd-ul Qadir Gylani.
~~~ lihm''' (l'lj. Weak, feeble,
Yasus, ~f. ~ A spy.
fr&il, powerle~. "
Y7~· Yasusiw, JP.
lfinra '{, F. Weakness, feeble-
n~, frailty. ~r4. Yasusi, F. Spying.
~ lill}g, 1''. A donkey's bray. ~·
Yabha.l}.f, v. n. To couple,
r--..1 ,,,.._
R~·ttf, ti. " To bray. Pr. copulate. Pr. 1J.eH. P. ~~
I l~P.~F.A F ·~V.t·)~ i.·

M Reul., m1'J. Any animal too !ft Era, is given by Bomford to be of uee. Sk. as a termination, signifying
comparison in Sh8.hpur and
""1 lfih, F. Side rail of a bed- "somewhat'' in S. Punjab.
1kt.d. B4.
(.:) ~ ~. Yakran, F. A term in wrestl-
)if( Hehar, F. Herd of cattle ing.
til'Oilpt.Uing 011 crops. Sh. v'
.;W,~ Ya.ul}sar, M. Bad fortune.
Ye.~ • Ya.haw,
~ v. t. To copulate,
'1J Yt, ftt ~ ttt1er of the debauch, lie with. Pr. ,~~
W. l'. Alpbl.b&t. In Boman
c.~ter it ifs f&rio'nsly P. ~~ F. ~. "· n. ~.
writh~n as y. i. t. a.i. '¥ ,

Y~J~ Yahndil}.f, F. A Jewess. M.

tJ I. Ui.ed upoat-p<mition in salt I
:mnre with Mt11t1 of, to, in,~ IJ~.)y~.

&Ji of 8. Punjtlb. s;. lta.mza, Whioh is common to

this, to Urdu and to other lan-
~. Yi, ttnj. Or, either. guages is rabber a. diacritical
mark than a. lot.ter, and ia
YaHa~, All hw1t.
represented by a ' a.hove the
iJ1-t Y&d, I!. ~ro~rJ'. Seo U~ line as in um) wala'iti. It
YM\ qiwawaXJ.r, To remind, serves to shew that two
vowels oomiug together do
pati i1 nob ooaileace.

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