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Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. & Geomech. Abstr. Vol. 18, pp. 183 to 197, 1981 0148-9062/81/030183-15502.

Printed in Great Britain Pergamon Press Ltd

Estimation of Discontinuity Spacing

and Trace Length Using Scanline

Knowledge of the spacing and size of discontinuities in a rock mass is of

considerable importance for the prediction of rock behaviour. The character-
istics of discontinuities can be estimated using scanline surveys but the pre-
cision of the estimates must be obtained and the bias caused by linear sam-
pling must be eliminated before they can validly be used. Initially, an ex-
pression is presented which gives the degree of confidence that can be
assigned to the measured mean discontinuity spacing. A reduced form of this
expression is obtained for cases where the discontinuity spacings follow the
negative exponential distribution. The precision of discontinuity frequency
and RQD estimates is also explained. The distribution of trace lengths pro-
duced by the intersection of planar discontinuities with a planar rock face is
used to determine the distribution of trace lengths, the distribution of semi-
trace lengths and the distribution of censored semi-trace lengths intersected
by a randomly located scanline. Comparison of the actual and sampled distri-
butions demonstrates the bias introduced by scanline sampling of trace
lengths. Relations between the distributions can be used to produce analytical
or graphical methods of estimating mean trace length from censored measure-
ments at exposures of limited extent.

INTRODUCTION (b) to demonstrate why scanlines provide a biased

sample of discontinuity trace lengths and to explain
In order to characterize rock mass geometry for engin-
how this bias can be overcome.
eering purposes, discontinuity surveys usually include
measurements of discontinuity spacing and trace The terms used in this paper are defined as follows
length. It is critically important to estimate these par- and summarized in Table 1:
ameters with the necessary accuracy and precision by Discontinuity: A general term for any mechanical
obtaining a representative and sufficient sample of break that has zero or relatively low tensile strength in
spacings and trace lengths from the rock mass domain a rock mass. The term includes such features as joints,
in question. Also the sample values should either be fractures, fissures, weak bedding planes and faults [1].
unbiased or the bias should be understood and elimin-
ated. The scanline survey, which involves sampling and Discontinuity spacing, x: The distance between an
measuring only those discontinuities that intersect a adjacent pair of discontinuities measured along a
line set on the surface of the rock mass, provides a very straight line of a given orientation within, or on the
convenient means of obtaining such a sample but, in surface of, a rock mass. In general, the value varies with
the case of trace lengths, the raw data will be biased. both scanline orientation and location but, if the dis-
The purpose of this paper is continuities were parallel, the value would only depend
on scanline orientation. These and other aspects of dis-
(a) to show how the reliability of mean discontinuity continuity spacing measurements have been discussed
spacing values obtained from scanline surveys can be by Hudson & Priest [2-1.
assessed and
Mean discontinuity spacing, Y: The mean value of
spacings computed as
* Department of Mineral Resources Engineering, Imperial College
of Science and Technology, South Kensington, London SW7 2BP,
U.K. = ~ xdn
t Geotechnics Division, Building Research Station, Garston, Wat-
ford, Hefts WD2 7JR, U.K. where xi is the ith discontinuity spacing measurement
184 S . D . Priest and J. A. Hudson

along a scanline of length X yielding n values:~. TABLE 1. SUMMARYOF TERMS USED

For practical and theoretical reasons it is desirable to
Spacing Trace length
take the distance from the start of the scanline to the
first discontinuity and add it to the distance between General value x /
the nth discontinuity and the end of the scanline, in ith value xl /~
Total number in a sample n n
order to generate the nth spacing value.
Summed length of values X = ~ xi L = ~ l,
Mean discontinuity frequency: The mean number i :l i 1

of discontinuities encountered per unit length along a Mean value x = X/n I = L/n
scanline and hence the reciprocal of mean discontinuity Mean population frequency
estimate* ,;~ = 1/~ p = Ill
spacing. The mean discontinuity frequency is a measure
of the 'degree of brokenness' along a line in a given * The population frequencyparameters ). and p are adopted in this
direction through a rock mass and applies for any dis- paper to facilitate the theoretical analysis and permit comparisons
continuity geometry. For a large sample, 1/Y = n/X with previous work.
-~ 2 = mean discontinuity frequency for the popula-
stant; in other words, a part of a rock mass that is
Discontinuity trace length, l: The measurable statistically homogeneous. Variation of the measured
length of the linear trace produced by the intersection values of mean spacing and trace length across a rock
of a planar discontinuity with a planar rock face. The mass domain is, therefore, only a function of the sam-
end of a trace will occur either at another discontinuity pling method since, by definition, there is no change in
or within the rock material [1]. The end of a trace may the discontinuity characteristics. The calculations in
not, however, be visible at a given face due to excava- this paper are for rock mass domains but extension of
tion, erosion or the presence of vegetation or scree the ideas to inhomogeneous rock masses is possible by
covering. using the geostatistical method [3].
The first part of this paper concerns the precision of
Mean discontinuity trace length, 7: The mean value
mean discontinuity spacing, discontinuity frequency
of trace lengths computed as
and Rock Quality Designation estimates from measure-
ments taken along a scanline set up on a planar rock
-l = ~.. lJn face. Some explanation of sampling theory is included
at the outset to provide the necessary framework for
where li is the ith discontinuity trace length sampled subsequent analysis. The second part of the paper,
in some specified way at a given rock face that yields a which covers discontinuity trace length, relates to ideas
total of n such trace lengths. originally presented by Cruden [4] and extends these to
Mean trace termination frequency: This is defined account for the fact that a scanline will tend to inter-
as the reciprocal of mean discontinuity trace length and sect, and therefore sample, the longer trace lengths in
is therefore analogous to mean discontinuity frequency. preference to shorter ones on a given rock face. The
For a large sample, 1/7 ~ # = mean trace termination resulting sampling bias depends upon the distribution
frequency for the population. of trace lengths in the rock mass and can, in certain
circumstances, be quite significant. This, and other
Semi-trace length, l: That portion of the trace length
theoretical and practical aspects of trace length
between the scanline intersection point and the end of
measurements are discussed.
the trace. The sum of the two semi-trace lengths, one in
either direction from the scanline, for a particular dis-
continuity, is the total trace length. PRECISION OF THE MEAN
Censored semi-trace length, l: The length of the DISCONTINUITY SPACING, DISCONTINUITY
trace from the scanline to one end of the trace or a FREQUENCY AND RQD ESTIMATES
fixed distance, c, whichever is least. The letter I has been
used to denote the trace length, the semi-trace length The mean discontinuity spacing estimate
and the censored semi-trace length. The functional let-
During a scanline survey, one survey group might
ter corresponding to the probability density distribu-
measure, say, 100 discontinuities to compute mean dis-
tion, e.g. g(l) for the intersected complete trace lengths,
continuity spacing. A second survey group might spend
distinguishes the type of trace length in question. A list
more time and measure 300 discontinuities. The value
of these distributions is given in the introduction to the
of mean discontinuity spacing estimated by the second
section on estimating discontinuity trace length.
group will certainly be more reliable than that esti-
Rock mass domain: This is a portion of a given
mated by the first. Lacking further information, it is
rock mass in which discontinuity characteristics, in par-
ticular mean spacing and mean trace length, are con- difficult to decide whether the increased effort of the
second group can be justified by the increased re-
liability of their result.
Lower case italic letters have been used throughout for theoreti- Obtaining a balance between the effort expended in
cal and sampled values of spacing and trace length. obtaining a sample and the reliability of the result
Estimation of Discontinuity Spacing 185

requires some method of calculating the precision. This TABLE 2. VALUES OF (ib(2) FOR
can be achieved using a standard statistical method THE NORMAL DISTRIBUTION

[5, 6] based on the central limit theorem which states z ~(z)

that the means of random samples of size n taken from
a population that follows any distribution, with a mean 0.675 0.50
0.842 0.60
1/2, and standard deviation a, will tend to be normally 1.036 0.70
distributed with a mean 1/2 and standard deviation 1.282 0.80
tr/x/n. The term tr/x/n is called the standard error of the 1.645 0.90
1.960 0.95
mean. The distribution of means is only approximately 2.576 0.99
normal for values of n < 30, but becomes closely nor-
mal for larger values of n.
In the context of discontinuity measurements, the range ++_za/x/n of the population mean. This gives a
population can be regarded as consisting of all possible direct measure of the reliability of the result obtained
measurements of discontinuity spacing in a given direc- using this scanline. Although a is unknown because it is
tion throughout the rock mass domain. If scanline sam- the population rather than sample standard deviation,
pling of n discontinuities were carried out in the same for most practical purposes a may be taken as equal to
direction at several different locations within the the standard deviation of the sample. As an example,
domain it would, in theory, be possible to plot the fre- assume that the standard deviation of 80 discontinuity
quency distribution of the various resulting mean spacing values measured along a 14m scanline is
values, £. According to the central limit theorem, such a 0.160m. The mean discontinuity spacing is 0.175m
distribution will, for large values of n, tend to have the with a/x/n = 0.160/x/80 = 0.018m. Selecting a 953/0
characteristic bell shape of the normal distribution, confidence band, q~(z) = 0.95 giving z = 1.960, it can be
irrespective of the distribution of discontinuity spacings concluded that there is 95Yo confidence that the mean
in the population (Fig. la). value 0.175 m lies within _+0.035 m of the population
Given the well-defined properties of the normal dis- mean. In other words there is 95~ confidence that the
tribution, it is known that a proportion ~(z) of the population mean lies somewhere in the range
many different scanlines in the same direction will yield 0.140q).210m, regardless of the discontinuity spacing
a mean value within ++_za/x/n of the population mean distribution.
(Fig. lb) where z is the standard normal variable associ- An interesting and useful reduction of the formula
ated with a certain confidence level. Selected values of z occurs if the discontinuity spacing values follow a nega-
and q~(z) are given in Table 2. More comprehensive tive exponential distribution; there is considerable justi-
tabulations can be found in most statistical textbooks. fication for assuming that many rock masses exhibit
For discontinuity spacing values measured along a this form of spacing distribution [7, 8, 9]. The fre-
scanline, therefore, the mean value has a ~(z) prob- quency,f (x), of a given discontinuity spacing value x is
ability (i.e. 100 ~(z) Vo confidence) of lying within the then given by the following probability density distribu-
I f(x) = ).e -~x (1)
ca) The significance of this distribution in the present
context is that the mean and standard deviation of the
population are equal or, for a large sample from the
population, have the same expected value.
For a sample of size n, the bandwidth of 100 q)(z)~
confidence is now obtained by substituting ~ for tr in
the previous expressions giving £ _+ (z:i)/x/n. Alterna-
Sample mean, x tively, this bandwidth can be written as

Population meon,~.~_ zo
where • is the allowable proportionate error.
(b) .... Hence
= z/,/,,

qb ( z ) - shoded anm / to~l oreo
the curve or
n = (z/E) 2 (2)
Equation (2) can be used to compute the sample size
required to achieve a given error bandwidth simply by
substituting the appropriate values of z and E corre-
Fig. 1. Frequency distribution of the sample mean. sponding to the required confidence level and the
186 S.D. Priest and J. A. Hudson

desired error bandwidth. Conversely, the expression The discontinuity frequency estimate
can be used to establish the error limits given by a If the reliability of the discontinuity frequency is
certain sample size. required rather than the mean spacing value for a given
For example, if the mean spacing is required within sample size, the reciprocal of the values defining the
an error bandwidth of + 20% at the 80% confidence spacing bandwidth are taken. In the last example
level, c = 0.2, z = 1.282 and

n />
0.2 / = 41.
above, the 95% confidence frequency bandwidth is
7.32-4.69 per m, a result that is not symmetrical about
the mean of 5.71 per m.

If the mean spacing is required within + 10% at the The RQD estimate
90% confidence level, E = 0.1, z -- 1.645 and The values of mean discontinuity spacing and fre-
(1.645~: quency can be measured by scanline surveys and their
n~> 0_1 # = 2 7 1 . reliability can be estimated by the technique described
above. The values provide an indication of rock quality
These results show that sample sizes of several hundreds themselves but, through the distribution of spacing
are required to give reasonably reliable estimates. values, a relation can be established with the Rock
A graph illustrating the number of spacing values Quality Designation. Thus the precision of the 2 esti-
required versus the error band for various confidence mate has direct implications for the precision of the
levels is shown in Fig. 2. The previous examples and theoretical R Q D which is briefly explained below.
this graph demonstrate that the required sample size The theoretical RQD, being analogous to R Q D
increases very rapidly as the allowable error is reduced. measured in the usual way from borehole core, is found
Computation of the error band defined by a given by integrating all spacing values above 0.1 m and
sample size can be illustrated using the previous example expressing the resultant value as a proportion of the
where 80 discontinuities measured along a 14 m scanline summed length of all spacing values [7]. Whilst the
gave ~ = 0.175m. This time, ignoring the computed theoretical RQD can be found from any distribution ot
value of a, and taking the 95,°<, confidence level spacing values, it is assumed here that the discontinuity
z = 1.960, gives spacings along the scanline or borehole follow the
negative exponential distribution (equation 1).
e - - 0.219 The percentage length of the scanline or borehole
\80 consisting of spacing values greater than a given value,
t, gives the theoretical RQD, RQD*, as
which defines a 95% confidence bandwidth of 0.137-
0.213m. RQD* = 100 e -'~ (t2 + 1) (3)

300 1 50607080 90 95 99 % confidence

: 250

t~ 200

"~ 150

i I00

~ 50
m --

I [ I I
0.05 OJO 0.15 020 0.25 0.50
Proportionate error in mean discontinuity spacing, E

Fig. 2. Sample number vs precision of the mean discontinuity spacing estimate for a negative exponential distribution of
Estimation of Discontinuity Spacing 187

Since this formula is derived simply by integrating all distributions rather than the reason why a particular
spacing values above the threshold value t in the spac- distribution might exist.
ing distribution, expressions for theoretical RQD can The estimation problem discussed in the previous
be found in a similar manner for other forms of the section was one of precision; it was assumed that the
spacing distribution f(x). If t is set equal to 0.1 m, then spacing values had been obtained without introducing
the value of RQD* is directly equivalent to the conven- any bias so that the mean of the scanline measurements
tional RQD. Wallis & King [9-] have found that RQD would tend to the population mean. However, values of
values computed using equation (3) agree well with trace length obtained using the same scanline survey
measured values for a Pre-Cambrian granite in Mani- technique contain an inherent and significant bias
toba. which must be accounted for during the data reduction
Priest & Hudson [7-] have shown that a good linear stage. The problem of estimating trace length, therefore,
approximation to equation (3) for t = 0.1 m is given by is one of both accuracy and precision.
the tangent at the inflection point. This tangent is given Figure 3a is a diagrammatic representation of a scan-
as line set up on an extensive planar rock face intersected
by a set of discontinuities that, being of various limited
RQD* = 110.4 - 3.68). (4)
extents, produce traces of various lengths. If the aim is
and provides a reasonable approximation in the range to determine mean discontinuity trace length at this
6 < 2 < 16 per m. It is interesting to note that the face, it would, at first glance, seem sensible to measure
International Society for Rock Mechanics [1] has pro- the trace length of each of the n discontinuities inter-
posed the following approximate empirical relation sected by the scanline and then compute the mean
between RQD and the volumetric joint count Jv value. This approach is, however, subject to two major
drawbacks. The first, and more serious, is that the scan-
RQD = 115 - 3.3 Jv for Jv >/4.5 line will tend to intersect preferentially those discon-
tinuities with a longer trace length. In other words, the
RQD = 100 for J~ < 4.5
sample of trace lengths will be biased. The second
where Jo is defined as the sum of the number of joints drawback, previously noted by Cruden [4], is that par-
per m for each joint set present. ticularly large discontinuities may extend beyond the
The precision of the theoretical RQD estimate can be visible exposure, thereby producing a known number of
determined in either case by calculating the upper and trace length measurements that are censored at some
lower brackets for 2 from equation (2) and substituting value dependent upon the size of the exposure.
the values in either of the RQD formulae to give the
lower and upper brackets of RQD. The value of RQD*
and/or the original value of 2 as estimated by 1/~ can
be used as an input to rock classification schemes
[10, 11] which, by combining these and other par-
ameters relating to the rock mass and rock material
properties, will give some indication of the likely engin-
eering performance of the rock mass. Whether the value / / Scanline 1~ o
of mean discontinuity spacing or frequency is used di-
rectly or processed in some way, it is clearly desirable
// f
I'/I "
~/"# X I

",'?//"> S
that the precision of the value should be known.
/ I
// I
The extent of a given discontinuity, or set of discon-
tinuities, can play a major role in controlling the behav- (hi /I
iour of a rock mass. It may be desirable, therefore,
during a scanline survey to record information concern-
ing the extent of discontinuities intersected. At a planar, I
or nearly planar, face the simplest measure of discon-
tinuity extent is the length of the trace produced by the ~/ Sconllne o IJ
intersection of a given discontinuity with the rock face.
Theoretical studies of the distribution of trace lengths
generated by the intersection of randomly located pla- Concealed of exposure
nar discontinuities with a planar rock face have been
discussed elsewhere [12, 13] and Cruden [4] has , ( / I
explained in detail the techniques and problems associ- I
ated with trace length measurements. The analysis in Fig. 3. Diagrammatic representation of discontinuity traces intersect-
this paper is concerned with estimation of trace length ing a scanline set up on a planar rock face.
188 S. D. Priest and J. A. Hudson

Probability density Population Estimated
distribution mean mean

Trace length f (t) 1/~ -1

Intersected trace length
Semi-trace length h(I) 1/~ h lh
Censored semi-trace length i(I) 1/12i -1i

Cruden [4] also drew attention to the problem of therefore

particularly small discontinuities, so small in fact that k = l~
they are difficult, if not impossible, to measure. This
produces an unknown number of trace length measure- and
ments that are truncated at some small value dependent
g(l) = Mlf(l). (6)
upon the measurement procedure. In the authors' ex-
perience, it is certainly feasible to observe and measure
Equation (6) gives the density of the biased distribu-
trace lengths as low as 10mm both in the field and
tion of trace lengths sampled by the scanline for any
from photographs. Truncation at this level will there-
actual distribution of trace lengths. Expressions for g(l)
fore have only a small effect on the data, particularly if
when f(/) is of negative exponential, uniform or normal
the mean trace length is in the order of metres.
form are listed in Table 4. The shapes off(I) and g(l) for
The following discussion deals with the problem of
these three densities are shown in Fig. 4. It is interesting
preferential intersection of the longer trace lengths,
to note that when f(1) is negative exponentially d~stri-
measuring trace lengths on one side of the scanline only
buted, g(l) is of general log-normal form, a result con-
and the problems of trace length censoring at limited
firming the findings of Baecher & Lanney [12] but via
exposure areas. The distributions discussed are listed in
a simplified derivation.
Table 3.
It is clear that the additional term I in 9(l) produces a
higher frequency of the larger values of l in the sample.
Trace length sampling bias This implies that the value of mean trace length, 1/#g,
The probability density distribution of trace lengths for only those traces intersected by the scanline, will
over the entire rock face is denoted by f ( l ) and the exceed 1/p for the rock face.
cumulative probability distribution by F(l). At this
stage no assumptions are made concerning the nature
= lg(l) dl = u ;) 12f(l) dt

If the scanline is located randomly with respect to a

set of parallel discontinuity traces then the probability But
of the scanline intersecting a given trace is directly pro-
portional to the length of that trace. Therefore the ~o~ 12f(l)dl = ao2 ~--- ~] + a 2
probability, p(1), that the scanline intersects a trace with
where a o2 is the second moment of f ( l ) about the
a length in the range 1 to l + d l is given by
origin and a 2 (the variance) is the second moment of
p(l) = k l f (l)dl (5) f(I) about the mean.
where k is a constant. Therefore
The probability density distribution, g(l), of trace
1 1
lengths intersected by the scanline is therefore given by - + (a2M) (7)

g(l) = k l f (l) (1 > O)

For the negative exponential and uniform distribu-
given that g(l) is a probability density distribution, then
tions off(l) in Table 4, the values of a 2 are respectively
1/p 2 and 1/3p 2. The resulting values of 1/#g for these
ff ' g(l) dl = 1 and the normal distribution, listed in Table 4, show
that scanline sampling of trace lengths can lead to an
or overestimate of 1/p by as much as 100~.

k If(l) dl = 1 Semi-trace length sampling bias

In most scanline surveys, practical considerations
but make it necessary to set the scanline at the base of a
given rock face. This situation, illustrated in Fig. 3b,
f f If(l) dl = -1 effectively restricts trace length measurements to that
It portion of each trace extending above the scanline.
Estimation of Discontinuity Spacing 189

1.0 • Negative exponential p. • I

density t trace k ~

0.5 glLlintersected trace lengths

o 1.0 2.0 3.0
Truce length

i.or Uniform p. ,I
Probability l .I
clonsily ] f(I,) i ~ ~"
,'/ ,.,r. I

0 l.O 2.0
Trace length

1.5 Normal # , I a-I/3

obob,,; o 0'L'

o ,
0 1.0 2.0 3.0
Trace length

Fig. 4. Probability density distributions of actual trace lengths, f(/), and intersected trace lengths, g(l), where f(/) is of negative
exponential, uniform and normal form.

In Fig. 3b, the full length of a randomly intersected a probability density distribution of 1/m. Hence the
discontinuity trace, ab has a probability density g(l) and probability that the semi-trace length lies in the range l
a cumulative probability distribution G(/). Because the to l + dl is (1/m)dl.
scanline is located near to the edge of the exposure, it 3. The probability, p(m, l), that the complete trace
will usually only be possible to measure the semi-trace length lies in the range m to m + d m and that the semi-
length, ib, of a given trace whose end b is visible. It is trace length lies in the range l to l + dl is given by
therefore necessary to consider the probability density
p(m, l) = g(m)dm (l/m) dl (8)
distribution h(l) and cumulative probability distribution
H(l) of the semi-trace lengths intersected by the scan- 4. To obtain the probability, p(l), that the semi-trace
line. length lies in the range l to l + dl for any total trace
The distribution h(l) is derived as follows using a length, it is necessary to sum all p(m, l) for all possible
substitute variable m representing complete trace values of m. Since p(m, l) is zero for any values of m that
length. are less than l, it is necessary to integrate equation (8)
1. The intersected complete trace length, a b = m, has with respect to m between I and infinity.
a probability density distribution g(m) as obtained in
the previous section. The probability that the complete p(l) = (l/m) dl o(m) am = h(l) dl
trace length lies in the range m to m + dm is therefore
g(m)dm. or
2. Since the intersection point i is randomly located
along ab (Fig. 3b), the semi-trace length measured from
h(l) = ~l°° (1/m)g(m) dm
i to b, is uniformly distributed in the range 0 to m with
190 S . D . Priest and J. A. H u d s o n

io . Negative exponential F = I

density j f(I,)Actual trace lengths

~ """~e -- h(b)semJ-trace lengths

0 I0 2.0 3.0
Trace length or semi-trace length

~0 ~ Uniform /~ - I

Probability " - ........_ h ( I, )

der--ity "~,, f(I,)

I/Fh ]
l" I0

Trace length or semi- ~roce length

~ .~

Normol / z , l cr,ll3




0 I0 20 30
Troce length or semi-trace length

Fig. 5. Probability density distributions of actual trace lengths, f(l), and semi-trace lengths, h(l), where f ( l ) is of negative
exponential, uniform and normal form.

But Equation (9) gives the density of the semi-trace

lengths sampled by the scanline. Expressions for h(l)
g(m) = #mf(m)
when f(l) is of negative exponential, uniform and nor-
Hence mal density are listed in Table 4. The shapes of h(l) for
these three densities are shown in Fig. 5.
h(l) = la ~ ot~

f(m) dm It is interesting that when f(/) is of negative exponen-

tial form, f(l) and h(I) are identical; in other words, the
or distribution of actual trace lengths is exactly the same
as the distribution of sampled semi-trace lengths. This
h(1) = #(1 - F(l)) (9) is because the bias towards longer lengths caused by


Distribution of actual Distribution of Distribution of

trace lengths, I > 0 intersected trace lengths semi-trace lengths
Probability probability, Probability Mean l Probability Mean 1
density f(/) F(I) Mean density g(l) #o density h(l) I~h

Negative #e ,,i 1 - e -m --l #21e-'a 2/# #e-J d

exponential #
2 I
Uniform #/2, I <~ - #1/2 - #2 I/2 4/3# #(1 - ( ~ U 2 ) ) 2/3#
# #
Normal - 1- F(l) _1 _ _#1 - I- | _ + (a~#) #(1 - F(h)
a\ from tables # a \ 2n ~ '/ #
Estimation of Discontinuity Spacing 191

V-- The mean value 1/#, is given by

--1 = f f lh(l) dl/H(c)


- oT/ h(l) = #(1 - F(I)) from equation (9)

If, for example, f(l) is negative exponential
1 (ce -uc)
- - = (1/#) (10)
Pi (1 -- e -~c)
L .J Naturally, as c approaches infinity, #~ approaches
#h = 2#g ----#. Alternatively, if f(/) is uniform
Fig. 6. Diagrammatic representation of discontinuity traces intersect-
ing a scanline set up on a planar face of limited extent. 1 2c(3 - pc)
- (11)
#~ 3(4 - pc)
scanline sampling has cancelled the bias caused by only or
measuring the semi-trace length. 6(2 - cpi)
# - c(3 - 2c#i)
The mean value, --, of h(l) is given by Again as c approaches the upper limit, in this case 2/#,
#~ approaches #h = 2#g = 3#/2.
ff #1(1 - Fq)) dt

Estimation of mean trace length from censored measure-

which, through integration by parts, reduces to ments
The above analysis illustrates the important point
--1 =
#, fo~ ½#12f (l) dl that, for a given value of mean trace termination fre-
quency # for the entire population, the mean trace
and, from the earlier expression for 1/#g,
length li estimated from a population censored at some
#h = 2#g. value c will be critically dependent upon the form of
f(1). The functional dependence of 1/#i upon c and # is
This confirms the intuitive idea that the mean semi- provided by equations (10) and (1 l) for negative expo-
trace length should be half the mean complete trace nential and uniform distributions of actual trace
length sampled using a scanline. lengths. These equations have been used to construct
the curves in Figs 7 and 8 which provide a method of
Censored semi-trace length sampling bias estimating # from a set of semi-trace length measure-
Figure 6 illustrates the case where the size of the rock ments at a face where the semi-trace length is censored
face and orientation of discontinuities limit the maxi- at c and where the sample size is sufficiently large to
mum observable semi-trace length to some value c~. justify the assumption li = 1/pi. The curves have been
Since the magnitude of cm is unlikely to be a whole included to provide a simple graphical method of esti-
number, and could vary from one end of the face to the mating # and it is for this reason that they have not
other, it is usually desirable to censor semi-trace lengths been plotted in dimensionless form. Also, integral
at one or more arbitrary levels, c, that are less than cm. values of c were chosen because the actual censoring
To estimate the mean trace termination frequency p value can be artificially reduced to a convenient inte-
from measurements of censored traces, it is necessary to gral value during a site survey.
consider the relation between the probability density Figures 7 and 8 show that the sensitivity of 7~ to
distribution i(l) of the censored semi-trace lengths and variation of # within a given range reduces significantly
the distributions discussed earlier. as c becomes smaller. In general for field measurements,
The distribution i(l) must be directly proportional to it is desirable that c# should be greater than unity. For
the distribution h(l) of semi-trace lengths because the large values of c or #, the curves approach the limiting
same traces are involved except that i(l) = 0 for l > c. relation, where #i = #h. A simple example best illus-
In order that the area beneath the scaled probability trates the use of these graphs. Assume that, during a
density distribution curve is unity scanline survey, the semi-trace length at a given face is.
censored at 10.0 m and that 155 out of a total of 200
i(I) = h(l) /fo c h(l)dl discontinuities from a given set intersected by the scan-
line have a semi-trace length that is less than 10.0 m.
These 155 semi-trace length measurements can be used
to determine li which, for this example, is assumed to
i(I) = h(l)/H(c) be, say, 3.8 m. Figure 7b shows that if f(/) is of negative
192 S . D . Priest and J. A. H u d s o n

2.0 (o) NeQativeexponential fore be applied to any other form o f f ( l ) through the
is on unbiased estimate of I//J, I
compilation of curves similar to those in Figs 7 and 8.
If sufficient data are available, a histogram of observed
15 semi-trace lengths can be plotted and compared with
the curves in Fig. 5. This will provide a basis for select-
ing the appropriate form for f(l).
I0 The following is an analytical method of estimating/~
/.~,m "1 from measurements of censored semi-trace length,
which may be preferred to the graphical method
05 explained above. The numerical proportion of inter-
sected discontinuities that have a semi-trace length less
than c is given by H(c), which for a large sample may
0 I I I I be estimated by r/n, where r is the number of discon-
0 0 5 1.0 1.5 20
I,?m tinuities with a semi-trace length less than c and n is the

041 1 (b)
total number in the sample. In the case where f ( l ) is a
negative exponential distribution,

r / n = 1 - e -"c

03 I ....... e-'' (12)
02. given in - loge[(n - r)/n]
#, m"1 ffw! texV /t= (13)
Similarly, if f(/) is uniform, from Table 4

clSm I IOm 15m 20m 25m

0 I I 1 I I
2 4 6 8 I0 and by integration
Fig. 7. Relation between the estimate of mean trace termination fre-
quency, #, and mean censored semi-trace length, 1i, at various levels Hence
of censoring, c, where f(/) is a negative exponential distribution.
n -- Y
exponential form, /~ is estimated to be 0.15 m-1 and
hence the mean trace length for all discontinuity traces, and
being l/g, is estimated to be 6.7 m. Figure 8b shows [1 +_ x/(n - r)/n]
that iff(/) is uniform/~ is estimated to be 0.17 m - ' and
/t = (c/2)
the estimate of mean trace length is 6.0m. The
approach, illustrated here for negative exponential and Since #--~0 as r---~0, the negative sign provides the
uniform distributions, is entirely general and can there- required root of the quadratic.

2.0 (a) Unlform 0.4

15 0.3
Example ~
given in|
0.2 the_~. 1
#,m" /~, m"


c, Im ~ 4 m c -5m I IOta 15m 20m 25m

0 I I 0 I |I I I I i
0 0.5 1.0 11.5 210 0 2 4 6 8 I0 12
L|t m

Fig. 8. Relation between the estimate of mean trace termination frequency, g, and mean censored semi-trace length, 1~, at
various levels of censoring c where f(/) is a uniform distribution.
Estimation of Discontinuity Spacing 193

The techniques used to determine equations (13) and different form by Cruden [4], provides a rapid means of
(14) for negative exponential and uniform f(1) could be estimating # from censored measurements of semi-trace
applied to any suitable form of f(l) to yield similar length.
expressions that allow a rapid estimate of g to be made
by simply counting n and r at a given exposure which
censors trace lengths at some value c. If more time is Two case studies are presented to provide a simple,
available, however, it may be desirable to compute practical demonstration of the theoretical ideas in the
several estimates of /~ by measuring each value of preceding sections. Detailed measurements of discon-
semi-trace length and computing tinuity trace length were obtained by scanline sampling
of two planar faces: Location 1, an Ordovician mud-
stone is shown in Fig. 9; Location 2, a Cambrian sand-
stone is shown in Fig. 10. The scanlines were estab-
for several arbitrary levels of trace length censoring c. lished on 275 x 350mm photographic prints of the
The resulting data can be tabulated to give several rock faces and discontinuity semi-trace lengths were
estimates of/~. Alternatively it may be convenient to plot scaled off directly as shown in Fig. 6. The orientations
of the scanlines are indicated in Figs 9 and 10. The
observable semi-trace length was artificially censored at
4 m in both cases.
against c for negative exponential f(l), or A total of 113 semi-trace length values was obtained
at the first face and 122 at the second face. Histograms
showing the distributions of semi-trace lengths,
presented in Fig. 11, are in these particular cases of
against c for uniform f(l). In each case the slope of the general negative exponential form. The analysis to de-
best straight line through the points is a direct estimate termine mean trace length will, for the purposes of this
of p. example, be based on the assumption that h(l), and
The term e -'c in equation 10 can be replaced by hence f(l), are negative exponential. A more detailed
statistical analysis would be required to test the validity
of this assumption.
For each location, values of r and li were determined
using equation (12), giving the following estimator from the individual trace length measurements for 16
for ~ different values of c (Table 5). Using these data, 16
values, termed #1, were estimated using equation (13)
u = (15) and 16 values, termed #2, were estimated using equa-
tion (15). The resulting values are listed in Table 5 and
plotted in Fig. 12 against c for both locations. Figures
13a and b are graphs of -loge((n - r)/n) against c, the
This expression, previously presented in slightly slope of the best straight line being an estimate of/~.

Fig. 9. Ordovician mudstone rock face with 1 m scales included (Location 1).
194 S . D . Priest and J. A. H u d s o n

2,/~ = 0.82 m - ~ corresponding to a mean trace length

of 1.22 m. At first glance, these mean trace lengths m a y
seem rather low when c o m p a r e d with the p h o t o g r a p h s
of each rock face. It must be remembered, however, that a
visual impression, just like scanline sampling, is natur-
ally biased into selecting the longer joint traces.

It has not been the aim of this paper to suggest that
the distribution of actual trace lengths, f(1), at a given
face is of any particular form; indeed f(l) could vary
from rock type to rock type and from face to face.
However, if the aim of a discontinuity survey is to de-
termine f(l) and its parameter(s) using scanline sam-
pling, then the distributions of sampled trace lengths,
semi-trace lengths and censored semi-trace lengths, 9(1),
h(1) and i(l) respectively, m a y or m a y not be of similar
form to f(/). F o r example, if f ( / ) is of negative exponen-
tial form, 9(1) may give the appearance of being log-
normal. Once this effect has been recognised and
allowed for in the analysis, it is a relatively simple
matter to obtain a reasonable estimate of # and hence
the mean trace length.
The technique for establishing the precision of the
estimate of mean trace length is exactly the same as
explained earlier for mean discontinuity spacing and
discontinuity frequency, with the use of the reduced


Fig. 10. Cambrian sandstone rock face with 1 m scale included
(Location 2). (a) Location 1 n = 113 c., = 4m
c(m) r //(m) #l(m -l) /a2(m l)

0.25 42 0.144 1.859 1.765

If the trace length population and hence the semi- 0.50 63 0.221 1.631 1.619
trace length population had been negative exponen- 0.75 80 0.305 1.641 1.628
1.00 83 0.325 1.326 1.456
tially distributed, there would have been no significant 1.25 88 0.369 1.207 1.381
variation of estimated p with c in Table 5 and Fig. 12, 1.50 93 0.420 1.154 1.446
apart from the r a n d o m variations p r o d u c e d by a 1.75 97 0.471 1.117 1.317
2.00 99 0.498 1.044 1.281
reduced n u m b e r of sample values. The decrease of the 2.25 102 0.548 1.035 1.265
estimated value of p with c implies that there was a 2.50 104 0.583 1.012 1.250
larger p r o p o r t i o n of shorter semi-trace lengths in the 2.75 104 0.583 0.920 1.217
3.00 105 0.605 0.883 1.200
sample than in the negative exponential distribution. 3.25 105 0.605 0.815 1.173
The value of ~2 at c = 4 m was a d o p t e d as the best 3.50 107 0.655 0.839 1.175
estimate of/~ for each location. The negative exponen- 3.75 108 0.681 0.831 1.169
4.00 108 0.681 0.779 1.154
tial curves plotted on the histograms in Fig. 11, using (b) Location 2 n = 122 c,, = 4 m
the appropriate best estimate of /~, demonstrate the 0.25 28 0.129 1.043 1.032
relatively greater frequency of shorter semi-trace 0.50 53 0.260 1.140 1.098
0.75 70 0.350 1.137 1.103
lengths. 1.00 79 0.406 1.043 1.052
Best straight lines in Fig. 13 could have been con- 1.25 88 0.483 1.022 1.035
structed using a least-squares regression. F o r compari- 1.50 93 0.531 0.958 1.001
1.75 97 0.574 0.906 0.976
son purposes, however, the lines defined by the above 2.00 98 0.587 0.813 0.928
best estimates of # have been constructed. C o m p a r i s o n 2.25 100 0.621 0.761 0.896
between Fig. 13 and Table 5 shows that each estimated 2.50 102 0.655 0.723 0.874
2.75 104 0.694 0.696 0.855
value/~1 defines the slope of the secant to the curve at 3.00 106 0.737 0.677 0.841
each value of c; each value #2 defines an average slope 3.25 107 0.759 0.645 0.823
of the curve up to each value of c. 3.50 111 0.854 0.687 0.833
3.75 113 0.902 0.695 0.833
In summary, at L o c a t i o n 1, / a - - - 1 . 1 5 m -1 corre- 4.00 113 0.902 0.652 0.819
sponding to a mean trace length of 0.87 m ; at L o c a t i o n
Estimation of Discontinuity Spacing 195

[o) Locotion I
40 n-l13 I

l L~ • closs intervol • 0.25m

3o I L" semi- troce length
\ L r ~ f (L).Fe-~L

"~.~ ~AflL)

' "--'r --,-,-,__ '

, ~ , , 1--- ~ ~ - ~4°1
0 0.5 I0 15 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 40
Semi-trace length t m
3o [b) Locotion2
# - 0 . 8 2 m -I
2O A =0.25 m
~"1~/'~ .100/k f (k)
-.-. I i
I~''" I, , , ,-,--r--I--i- I
o0 '
05 i
I0 11,5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0
Semi- trace length, m

Fig. 11. Histograms of sampled semi-trace length for Locations 1 and 2.

expression given in equation (2) being valid if the trace paper to estimate the probability that a discontinuity
lengths follow a negative exponential distribution. will exceed a certain length. At a rock face, the prob-
Having estimated the mean trace termination fre- ability that the total trace length of a given discon-
quency, ~t, it is possible to use the expressions in this tinuity sampled at random will exceed c is given simply

2.0 Locotion I
~__ (o)

15 ."~ ~. / #2(eCluotion15)
//., m-I


P'l (eqtmlion 131


0 II0 I I
0 2.0 3i.0 4.0
Ct metres

1.5 Locofion 2

#, mt


LO 21.0 i
3D 4i0
C~n l ~

Fig. 12. Variation of estimated mean trace termination frequency, #, with censoring level, c, for Locations 1 and 2.
196 S.D. Priest and J. A. Hudson

0 0
3 1- Location I / o derived for determining precision. For this distribution
of spacings or lengths and with the requirement that
the mean value estimate should be within a bandwidth
+E~ of the true mean 1/2 (or 1//~ for trace lengths), the
o (i) o o o o o o o
required sample size n is given by (z/~)2 where z is the
standard normal variable associated with the required
-log (--~L-) confidence level. Using this formula and the relation
with mean spacing, the precision of the discontinuity
frequency and RQD estimates can also be established.
Four probability distributions were used to study the
bias introduced into trace length measurements by the
0 L I I I use of scanline surveys. These were
0 I 2 3 4
f(/)--the distribution of actual trace lengths exposed
at a rock face,
Loc~lon 2 g(/)--the distribution of trace lengths intersected by
a scanline,
Q 0 0
h(/)--the distribution of semi-trace lengths (the
length from the scanline to the end of a trace),
2 o o o /(l)--the distribution of censored semi-trace lengths
o (the length from the scanline to the end of the
- tog,(n,l~-.) trace or a fixed distance, c, whichever is least).
I o It was shown that the distribution g(l) of trace
o ~ • 0.82 m"t lengths intersected by a randomly located scanline is
given by
g(l) = ~ ( t )
0 I 1 I I
0 I 2 3 4 where # is the mean trace termination frequency equal
c, metros
to the reciprocal of the actual mean trace length. The
F i g . 13. G r a p h i c a l estimation of mean trace termination frequency,/~, mean value of g(l), 1/#g, is given by
f o r L o c a t i o n s 1 a n d 2.
1//~g = 1//a + a2#

where tr is the standard deviation off(l).

The distribution h(l) of semi-trace lengths intersected
by 1 - F(c). If the discontinuity is sampled by intersec-
by a randomly located scanline was found to be given
tion with a line, the expression 1 - H(c) gives the prob-
ability that the semi-trace length will exceed c. Such
expressions are of considerable geotechnical signifi-
h(l) = #(1 - F(I))
cance because they enable an estimation to be made of where F(l) is the cumulative probability distribution of
the probability that a given discontinuity or set of dis- f(l). The mean value of h(l), 1/#h, is one half 1/#g.
continuities will extend from one point to another in a The mean values of g(l) and h(l) demonstrate the bias
rock mass, thereby delineating the geometry of poten- introduced when trace lengths are sampled using scan-
tially unstable rock blocks. line methods. The only case when there is no bias is
when the standard deviation of the trace length popula-
tion is zero (i.e. the trace lengths are all the same) which
is a highly unlikely event. An interesting case was found
to occur where two separate forms of bias exactly can-
Using scanline surveys, estimation of mean discon- cel; if the actual trace lengths are negative exponen-
tinuity spacing is a problem of precision whilst esti- tially distributed, the distribution and hence the mean
mation of mean trace length is a problem of both accu- of semi-trace lengths is the same as the actual trace
racy and precision. The inaccuracy or bias in trace lengths. This is because the bias introduced towards
length measurements is caused by the scanline preferen- selection of longer lengths by scanline sampling exactly
tially intersecting longer trace lengths and by the inabi- cancels the bias caused by only measuring the semi-
lity to measure complete trace lengths on a rock trace lengths.
exposure of limited extent. The distribution i(l) of censored semi-trace lengths, at
For mean discontinuity spacing and mean trace a face where the maximum observable semi-trace length
length estimates, the precision is established using equals c, is given by
standard sampling theory based on the central limit i(l) = h(l)/H(c)
theorem. Because discontinuity spacings and trace
lengths have sometimes been reported to follow a nega- where H(c) is the probability that a randomly inter-
tive exponential distribution, a simple expression was sected semi-trace length is less than c.
Estimation of Discontinuity Spacing 197

Measurements of censored semi-trace length provide REFERENCES

an indication of the form of i(l) and hence h(1), g(l) and
1. International Society for Rock Mechanics, Commission on Stan-
f(l). The relations between the distributions provide dardization of Laboratory and Field Tests. Suggested methods
graphical and analytical methods of estimating mean for the quantitative description of discontinuities in rock masses.
discontinuity trace length from measurements at an ex- Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. & Geomech. Abstr. 15, 319-368
posure where trace length measurements are censored 2. Hudson J. A. & Priest S. D. Discontinuity frequency in soils and
at c. rocks. (1981). In preparation.
D a t a from two rock faces were obtained to illustrate 3. La Pointe P. R. & Hudson J. A. Characterising rock mass joint-
ing patterns. (1981) In preparation.
how an unbiased estimate of mean discontinuity trace 4. Cruden D. M. Describing the size of discontinuities. Int. J. Rock
length can be determined from biased scanline survey Mech. Min. Sci. & Geomech. Abstr. 14, 133-137 (1977).
measurements. 5. Harper W. M. Statistics, 2nd edn, 330 pp. Macdonald & Evans,
Plymouth (1971).
6. Mode E. B. Elements of Probability and Statistics. 356 pp. Pren-
tice-Hall, London (1966).
7. Priest S. D. & Hudson J. A. Discontinuity spacings in rock. Int.
J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. & Geomech. Abstr. 13, 135-148 (1976).
Acknowledgements--Thework described in this paper forms part of 8. Hudson J. A. & Priest S. D. Discontinuities and rock mass geo-
continuing research into rock mass geometry carried out as a joint metry. Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. & Geomech. Abstr. 16,
project by the Imperial College of Science and Technology and the 339-362 (1979).
Department of the Environment under the guidance of Professor E. 9. Wallis P. F. & King M. S. Discontinuity spacings in a crystalline
T. Brown and Mr J. B. Boden. Dr Hudson is currently working at the rock. Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. & Geomech. Abstr. 17, 63-66
Building Research Establishment of the Department of the Environ- (1980).
ment where the paper was completed and this paper is published by 10. Barton N., Lien R. & Lunde J. Engineering classification of rock
permission of the Director. Some aspects of the work also constituted masses for the design of tunnel support. Rock Mech. 6, 189-236
part of the rock mechanics programme of the Wisconsin Supercon- (1974).
ductive Energy Storage Project supported by the U.S. Department of 11. Bieniawski Z. T. Geomechanics classification of rock masses and
Energy and the Wisconsin Electric Utilities Research Foundation. its application in tunnelling. Proc. 3rd Int. Congr. on Rock Mech-
The authors are grateful to Professor D. M. Cruden for his construc- anics. ISRM, Denver, Vol. IlA, pp. 27-32 (1974).
tive criticism of the manuscript. 12. Baecher G. B. & Lanney N. A. Trace length biases in joint sur-
veys. Proe. 19th U.S. Syrup. on Rock Mechanics, Nevada, Vol. i,
pp. 56-65 (1978).
13. Baecher G. B., Lanney N. A. & Einstein H. H. Statistical descrip-
tion of rock properties and sampling. Proc. 18th U.S. Syrup. on
Received 14 October 1980; in revised form 11 December 1980. Rock Mechanics, Colorado, pp. 5C1.1-5C1.8 (1977).

R.M.M.S. 18/3 8

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