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Volume 8 Number 24 28 June 2016 Pages 4773–4966


ISSN 1759-9660

V. Antunes, A. Candeias, M. L. Carvalho et al.
A multidisciplinary approach to the study of the brightening effects
of white chalk ground layers in 15th and 16thcentury paintings

A multidisciplinary approach to the study of the

brightening effects of white chalk ground layers in
15th and 16thcentury paintings
Cite this: Anal. Methods, 2016, 8, 4785

Vanessa Antunes,*ab António Candeias,cd João Coroado,e Vitor Serrão,a

Mário Cachãof and Maria L. Carvalhob

This paper employs various techniques to analyze the mixture of chalk and binder materials used, by
Portuguese and Flemish painters in the 15th and 16th centuries, to enhance the reflection of light in
paintings. The cases studied show evidence of the search by painters for light effects created when
combining specific fillers and binders to obtain absorbent or non-absorbent ground layers in order to
reflect superficial or deep light in paintings. These brightening effects are largely provided by
microscopic coccoliths and calcispheres – the main constituents of chalk. The composition, size and
slightly concave-convex shield-like shape of calcareous nannofossils (micrometrical dimensions) also
facilitate application, thereby increasing the speed of handling. These calcareous nannofossils are
crucial proof that chalk was used in the ground layers of Portuguese paintings. They have proved to be
important in defining the various stages of Portuguese painting workshops, such as the Viseu Workshop
(1501–1569), which used powdered chalk in the first phase and powdered limestone in the second
phase in the production of a ground layer. A two-layer structure has been verified in some Flemish
paintings of the period, but the use of different binders to provide different levels of light absorption
and reflection in these artworks had not been previously identified. The results showing this two-layer
Received 12th February 2016
Accepted 3rd May 2016
ground structure are significant in making the connection between Flemish and Portuguese art in the
context of a specific painting technique. The use of calcium carbonate ground layers was verified by
DOI: 10.1039/c6ay00435k
SEM-EDS and confirmed by m-XRD, and m-Raman, while binders were analyzed by m-FTIR and optical microscopy, using staining tests.

similar ground layers in various paintings from the 15th and

1. Introduction 16th centuries. These paintings have been deeply studied in
Investigation of painting techniques demands a signicant order to identify different techniques used by painters during
understanding of the types of material used as well as the this period.1–6 When dealing with materials which are unde-
possible combinations of these in order to understand an tectable to the naked eye, as it is the case of the painting ground
artist's reason for choosing such materials. This research, using layers, analytical procedures require a detailed and exhaustive
analytical practices, alongside several protocols found in the research plan to understand this “invisible matter”.7 In Portu-
literature concerning the study of painting materials, compares gal, the study of ground layers in paintings from the 15th and
the 16th centuries has proved that two different types of material
exist in these layers: calcium sulphate and calcium
ARTIS-Instituto História da Arte da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa carbonate.1–4,7–9 The existence of calcium carbonate in the
(ARTIS-FLUL), Alameda da Universidade, 1600-214 Lisboa, Portugal. E-mail: ground layers of Flemish paintings in Portugal and in Portu-
guese paintings has been proved by earlier studies8,9 but the
LIBPhys-UNL, Laboratório de Instrumentação, Engenharia Biomédica e Fı́sica da
Radiação, Departamento de Fı́sica, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia,
possible reasons that led to Portuguese painters selecting this
Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 2829-516, Caparica, Portugal particular material is a little studied issue7 and this paper aims
Laboratório José de Figueiredo / Direcção-Geral do Património Cultural (LJF-DGPC), to bring some new data on this subject. In some cases, the
Rua das Janelas Verdes 37, 1249-018 Lisboa, Portugal limestone was powdered and used as a ground layer while in
Laboratório HERCULES, Escola de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade de Évora, other cases a special kind of limestone, i.e. pure chalk, was
Largo Marquês de Universidade de Évora, Largo Marquês de Marialva 8, 7000-676
used. Chalk is a so limestone composed mainly of small
Évora, Portugal
biogenic calcium carbonate particles (biomicrite). Typically it
Instituto Politécnico de Tomar (IPT)/GeoBioTec ID&T unit, 2300-313 Tomar, Portugal
Instituto Dom Luiz, Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa, Campo Grande,
dates from the Cretaceous period and was usually taken from
1749-016 Lisboa, Portugal the sea cliffs of England and France, but can also be found in

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Paleogene (Danian) deposits (North Sea, Denmark, Maastricht). layer with oil, to facilitate a smoother nish with the
Its genesis is associated with deep marine deposits and is paintbrush, as is referenced in the 17th century Portuguese
characterized by the presence of calcareous nannofossils of treatise Breve tratado de iluminaçam.17
unicellular marine phytoplankton organisms, the coccolitho- In addition to its neness and smoothness, chalk has
phores. Coccoliths are microscopic calcium carbonate shells of a special feature which was sought aer and exploited by the
various shapes, the most common morphotype being the artists who used it – a particular ability to reect light. From this
discoidal placoliths. These are produced by the coccolitho- perspective, it is possible to identify a distinctive ground layer
phores, unicellular organisms where the cell is enclosed in an stratigraphy in these paintings. This ground layer is thought to
exoskeleton of calcite, the coccosphere.10 contain a proteinaceous binder in the lower layer and in the
Today, chalk is extracted from several regions and its upper layer an oily binder, as can be seen in the historical case
primary characteristics include neness, soness and studies of Flemish and Portuguese paintings.7,18,19 The mixture
whiteness. of chalk and animal glue has characteristics of “supercial
A two-layer glue/oil structure has been veried in some light”, since chalk elements are kept in suspension by adhesive
Flemish paintings of the period,11 indicating that this technique bonds, allowing the light to penetrate through the layers and
might have been taught in artist workshops at the time. cause a reection mainly at the surface of the layer.
However, the use of different binders to provide different levels When mixed with oil, chalk provides the phenomenon of
of light absorption and reection in these art works had not “deep light”, with the decrease in the coating power of the
previously been discussed. This two-layered ground technique mixture and the slow-drying oil oxidation and polymerization
was proved, during a study of Rembrandt's paintings, to have that encapsulate the particles. This factor allows light to pene-
been used in the 17th century. Rembrandt had worked on panels trate deeply at the same time as being partially absorbed by the
since c. 1624 and had used ground layers that fundamentally ground layer.20,21 However, the absorption of the oil by the
followed the Flemish technique. Treatises such as the pigment or ller (material added to a substance to modify its
de Mayerne Manuscript, of 1620–1646, refer to the use of glue physical properties) depends on the quality of both materials,
and chalk ground layers,12 but chalk in oil as a ground layer requiring differing amounts according to this inherent charac-
is reported very uncommonly, being found in a German teristic. An excess of oil can cause yellowing of the ground.
19th century treatise.13,14 Some panel preparations used by According to the oil absorption index required for each pigment
Rembrandt, and other Flemish, French and Italian painters, or ller, a certain amount of oil is required to obtain a homo-
had a two-layered ground.12 In Rembrandt's panel paintings the geneous and efficient mixture. These values have been studied
rst ground layer might consist of glue and chalk (with or and tabulated. It takes approximately 18.9 g of oil to 100 g of
without pigments) in order to seal the wood's porosity; a second chalk, stirring white chalk into the oil until it turns yellow-gray
oil-containing layer could be added, obtaining a smooth, in color and eventually becomes a hardened paste.21
yellowish (or other color surface) on which to paint. This second Thus, the ideal percentage of oil for each pigment or ller is
layer might contain chalk mixed with other pigments.12 closely related to the proper protection of its particles and with the
The present study reveals that the two-layer structure used in accurate degree of plasticity required for the mixture. When the
the ground, and the phenomenon of using chalk material, amount of oil is too high this causes the yellowing of the paintings,
provided largely by calcareous nannofossils (mainly coccoliths their hardening, and consequently, the detachment of the layers.
and calcispheres), to reect light, could have been a practice Complex reactions between the pigments and the binder affect the
that had been taught in painting workshops since the drying of the mixture, its consistency, drying speed, extent of
15th century. Calcareous nannofossils are calcite skeletons of oxidation and the exibility, hardness, durability and color
very small dimensions (typically between 2 and 20 mm), stability of the resulting paint lm.21 To adjust the degree of drying
including coccoliths, nannoliths and calcispheres. Its excellent in the mixture artists might mix the linseed oil with other
workability and lubricating qualities come from physical and materials such as poppy oil which has a slower drying rate.21
mechanical properties such as neness and soness, as well as As evidenced by the panels studied in this work, the reec-
the rock being naturally pulverulent.7,15,16 The composition and tion of light was caused by the presence of the minute calcite
size of the slightly concave-convex shield-shaped micro- crystals of the coccoliths in the chalk/binder mix.
fossiliferous limestone, facilitate the speed of application of the This combination of materials was inuenced by Northern
substances. The quick application of the chalk as a painting European tradition and was selected for the earlier works of this
ground layer allows its homogenization before drying, and renaissance workshop due to the long-lasting nature of the
therefore facilitates the aggregation of particles and their mixture. The results showing this two-layer ground structure
subsequent attening. (chalk/binder mix) are signicant in making the connection
The unique properties of chalk allow for the identication of between Flemish and Portuguese art in the context of a specic
different phases of work in a painting workshop. This was painting technique.
observed in the rst decades of the so-called Viseu Workshop,
led by the painter Vasco Fernandes (Grão-Vasco) (c. 1475–1542) 2. Experimental
in the north of Portugal. This painter was the precursor to the
Portuguese Renaissance, being distinguished among other The studied ground layers were analysed by complementary
painters due to his technique of polishing the painting ground techniques, in order to conrm and full the different results:

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Paper Analytical Methods

Optical microscopy (OM) was carried out using a Leitz Omya company, average size of the particles 2.6 mm) was mixed
Wetzlar optical microscope coupled with digital camera Leica with a warmed solution of animal glue (with previous 10%
DC 50 equipped with visible light, dark and light eld. Samples dilution in H2O, animal glue) in 1 : 1 and 3 : 1 v/v proportions,
were observed by OM with visible and ultraviolet light. In UV, respectively. The same proportions were used in the mixture of
samples were observed with an emission lter of 490 nm aer oil/chalk (Windsor&Newton drying linseed oil). These recon-
a staining test had been performed. This test was achieved with structions had a curing time of 3 months at room temperature.
a highly sensitive uorescent staining protein (Orange Sypro©) Specimens were characterized by their brightness and color
observable between 300 and 472 nm (excitation) and index using the CIE systems, from the initials of the Commis-
490–570 nm (emission) following established protocols.22–24 sion Internationale de l'Eclairage, the following parameters:
SEM imaging (secondary electrons (SE) and back-scattered CIE L* a* b* (L* represents the lightness, a* the redness-
electrons (BSE) modes) were executed using a Hitachi S-3700N greenness, b* the yellowness-blueness) and CIELCH (L*C*h – L*
scanning electron microscope coupled with a Bruker XFlash species lightness, C* denotes chroma and h denes hue
5010 SDD detector. This technique conrmed the exact location angle, with angular measurement).29
of the ground layers between the support and the painting The spectrophotometer used was a Datacolor CHECK®
layers. II-Plus with the apertures Large Area View (LAV), measured
SEM-EDS identied elemental composition of inorganic values at 11 mm aperture and Ultra-Small Area View (USAV),
calcium carbonate compounds in the ground layers. In some measured values at 2.5 mm aperture, scanning from 60 to
cases samples were covered with a conductive lm of carbon to 700 nm at 10 nm intervals for LAV and USAV, Lab at
improve measurement of calcium carbonate. D65/10 .White tile calibration was used with the label in the
Micro X-ray diffraction (m-XRD), performed on a Bruker AXS upright position, centered over the port opening before start
D8 Discovery diffractometer with Cu Ka radiation and Gadds measuring. The illuminant/observer conditions were kept in
detector, permitted the detection of crystalline phases through order to collect comparable data from the reconstructions.
the EVA soware. This procedure established the presence of
calcium carbonate mineral calcite rich ground layers. 3. Results and discussion
Micro-confocal Raman spectroscopy (m-Raman) was per-
formed using an Xplora (Horiba) spectrometer equipped with 3.1. Chalk-raw material characterization
a 785 nm laser diode, a 100 objective and a 1200 l mm1 White chalk is composed mostly of calcite (from 90 to 98%
optical grating with a spectral resolution of about 4 cm1. The CaCO3), less than 1% of minerals such as micas, quartz and
incident laser power on the samples was 5 mW and the heavy minerals which have been derived mainly from the
compounds were detected comparing to literature and data- erosion of metamorphic and igneous rocks, and a small
bases (RRUFF, Crystal Sleuth, and Spectral ID).25 percentage of clay minerals (circa 1%).30 Its content is a volume
Micro-Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (m-FTIR) was of between 20% and 50%, composed of the inorganic skeletal
analysed in transmission mode aer the sample was remains of marine phytoplankton cells with micrometrical
compressed in a Spectra-Tech (Sample Plan micro-compression dimensions (less than 62 mm) and overall denominated calcar-
diamond cell). A Thermo Nicolet Nexus spectrometer coupled to eous nannofossils.30 These microfossils occurred in past marine
a Nicolet Continuum microscope, equipped with a Nicolet environments such as ocean sediment and are important lith-
mercury–cadmium–telluride (MCT-A) detector (working range: ogenetic contributors in that they are abundant and
4000–650 cm1) was used. For each spectrum 256 scans were geographically widely distributed. They are biostratigraphic
recorded with a spectral resolution of 4 cm1. Samples were indicators dating from the Mesozoic and Cenozoic rocks since
mounted in an epoxy polymeric resin and cross-sectioned with they rst appeared in the Triassic period 220 million years ago.31
a Leica microtome in a thickness of 20 mm in order to remove The fact that individualized calcareous nannofossils are of
micro-samples of the upper and lower areas of each small dimensions, typically between 5 mm and 20 mm, offers the
ground layer. advantage of their shells being well preserved and in large
Ground layer reconstructions were set according to the numbers even within a small sample size.31 The ner the chalk,
recommendations of treatises, oral tradition and other docu- the greater number of calcareous nannofossils which can be
mentation referring to chalk ground layers.20,26–28 Reconstruc- found.30 Despite the workability and processing capacity of this
tions were made taking into account the maximum thickness material, these microfossil rocks have good mechanical
found in the studied historical samples (c. 300 mm). On the strength against being powdered.31
wooden oak support a sizing layer of animal glue was rst The natural function of these coccolith shells is to protect
applied (from the brand Manuel Riesgo, Spain). It was followed the coccolithophore, as well as playing a role in the regulation of
by a layer consisting of glue/chalk or oil/chalk or both, over- the light by acting as reectors.31 This fact is of utmost impor-
laying this last to rst. This superposition was made with chalk tance when dealing with the theme of chalk ground layers in
that had been more nely powdered, mixed with oil and applied painting. A major reection of light was one of the maximum
aer the rst layer was dry and polished with silicon carbide, objectives in the execution of a ground layer for the studied
the thickness of each layer being c. 150 mm in this case. In some epochs.
of these last reconstructions a sizing between both layers was Calcareous nannofossils found in the studied paintings have
applied. The chalk (Belgian chalk powdered and exported by different types, corresponding to different levels of reection

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existing in the ground layers. Its presence in the ground layers calcareous nannofossil species have been used to characterizes oil
suggests that the material was used in its natural form, without stratigraphic sections, based on the geological sequence.33 It
the articial synthesizing of calcium carbonate by calcination or occurs abundantly in deposits in southern England and southern
recarbonation. The species of these calcareous nannofossils, Germany, despite its presence in other outcrops during these
usually identiable by OM and SEM techniques, are difficult to periods. The presence of calcareous nannofossils of the placolith
recognize in ground layers, since some are partly macerated and type in the ground layer of the painting of São Pedro of Tarouca
immersed in protein or oily binders which have been used as Monastery church shows that the concentration of these coccoliths
a mixture for the application of the ground layer. The OM is high in the chalk that was used. This might suggest that
analysis usually requires the disintegration of the chalk sample the chalk for this painting was sourced from southern England
in order to individualize and thus identify the coccoliths. or southern Germany. Fig. 1 shows SEM images (SE mode) of
Therefore, it was decided to identify them using the SEM coccoliths found in the cross-section of sample 1a of the
analytical technique in order to preserve the historical samples, painting of São Pedro of the Tarouca Monastery church, illustrating
assuming the impossibility of classifying many of the cocco- coccoliths and a coccosphere comprising a morphology compat-
liths. Calcareous nannofossils mostly found in these ground ible with W. britannica.
layers are divided into two distinct groups: coccoliths and cal- The clear rings of the coccoliths were also disclosed in the
cispheres. In coarser granulometry ground layers also contain altarpiece of Viseu Cathedral (1501–1506), and attributed to
larger microfossils with morphology compatible with forami- Vasco Fernandes and the Flemish painter Francisco Henriques
nifera, along with other indeterminate bioclast fragments with (Flanders, ?-Portugal, 1518). Identiable in the SEM image
possible connections to bivalve remains. Foraminifera are (BSE mode) of Fig. 2, which shows the cross-section of sample
unicellular marine protists that typically produce chambered 2a of the Apresentação no Templo painting from the altarpiece of
shells. These shells also exist in the chalk, and although they are Viseu Cathedral, are the rounded forms of calcispheres in the
larger than calcareous nannofossils they are still microfossil ground layer; cross-sections from the samples 3a and 3b of the
remains of marine organisms. Bivalves (marine shelled Adoração dos Magos painting from the same altarpiece show
molluscs), serpulids (tube-building annelid shelled worms), unrated coccoliths. These nannofossils were also found in the
bryozoans (aquatic invertebrate animals that may produce altarpiece of the main chapel of Lamego Cathedral, contracted
mineralized exoskeletons), and equinoderms can also be found. by Vasco Fernandes and constructed between 1506 and 1511,
Coccoliths found in the painting of São Pedro of Tarouca (nowadays the remaining paintings are in Lamego Museum
Monastery church, c. 1530–1535, Viseu, Portugal and attributed (ML)) and in the Assunção da Virgem painting (National Museum
to Vasco Fernandes and Gaspar Vaz (1515–1568) who were of Ancient Art (MNAA), Lisbon),attributed to Vasco Fernandes
both painters of the Viseu Workshop, resemble a typical between 1511 and 1515. These were also found in Flemish
morphotype of Watznaueria britannica, the dominant coccolith paintings such as the old Flemish polyptych in Évora Cathedral
of Jurassic and Cretaceous periods, although rarer in the lower and the Esporão Chapel altarpiece of the same cathedral, both
Cretaceous32 (Fig. 1). in Museu de Évora (ME) and attributed to the circle of Gerard
This species is found in various ancient deposits of David (aer 1495).
calcareous nannofossils, such as the formation of the Upper Calcispheres occur most frequently in the lower levels of the
Jurassic Kimmeridge Clay of Wessex in southern England, and it is ground layers studied, as proved by the SEM image (BSE mode)
considered a good indicator of paleoproductivity, promoting low of the cross-section from sample 1b of the painting of São Pedro
diversity of the species.33 Some of the specimens of W. britannica32 of Tarouca Monastery church (Fig. 3a). They were produced
studied in the upper Jurassic deposits of southern Germany, using calcareous dinoagellates and constitute the exoskeleton
show that this coccolith is abundant in the stratigraphic Balingen- of these unicellular microorganisms of marine phytoplankton.
Tieringen section and varies in size, morphology and degree of They may occur in limestone from the Devonian to the Creta-
mineralization of the species, according to the progressive changes ceous. In this case, most are probably from the Cretaceous,
of paleoenvironmental factors.34 Abundance and diversity of these considering that they were found in the chalk and are the

Fig. 1 (a) Painting of “São Pedro”, Tarouca Monastery church, c. 1530–1535, Viseu, Portugal, attributed to Vasco Fernandes and Gaspar Vaz
(image of painting © Vanessa Antunes 2016, taken with permission of Governo de Portugal); (b) SEM image (SE mode) of coccolith found in the
cross-section of sample 1a, painting “São Pedro”, Tarouca Monastery church, illustrates a morphology compatible with the type “Watznaueria
Britannica”; (c) SEM image (SE mode) of coccosphere with identical type of coccoliths found in the same sample.

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Fig. 2 (a) SEM image (BSE mode) of cross-section of sample 2a, painting “Apresentação no Templo”, altarpiece of Viseu Cathedral, with rounded
forms of calcispheres in ground layer; (b) SEM image (BSE mode) of cross-section of sample 3a with unrated coccolith of the painting “Adoração
dos Magos” of the same altarpiece; (c) SEM image (BSE mode) of sample 3b with unrated coccolith of the same painting.

second most abundant group of microfossils in rocks of the painting, belonging to the altarpiece of Viseu Cathedral also
Upper Cretaceous.35 With the shape of a hollow sphere, their shows macrofossil remnants in the ground layer; the Raman
walls consist of calcite crystals, bodies with a diameter of spectrum obtained for the last sample compound exhibits the
400 mm or less. These microorganisms oen form two circular increasing intensity of calcite peaks (1088 cm1, 715 cm1, and
calcareous shells, one that protects the body and another that 281 cm1), constituent of the chalk calcium carbonate ground
grows in parallel, bonded thereto. These specimens were found layer (Fig. 4).
in the same pictorial groups that disclosed coccoliths.
In the ground layers studied, fragments of foraminifera are 3.2. Chalk-processing technology
also present with macrofossils of possible bivalves or other
A feature of major importance in the context of our study is that
marine organisms (serpulids, bryozoans). These bioclasts
the higher the content of these calcareous nannofossils, the
present various shapes and dimensions although typically less
coarser the chalk.30 This aspect suggests the need for grinding,
than 1 mm in size.30
and thereby partly destroying the shells of macrofossils in order
Such bioclasts were also found in the ground layers of
to apply a smoother and thinner material to the upper layer of
paintings from the Viseu workshop, such as the painting of
the ground. The studied cases suggest that chalk needs to be
São Pedro of Tarouca Monastery church, the Viseu Cathedral
processed by grinding before being mixed with a binder thereby
altarpiece, the old Flemish polyptych of the Évora Cathedral and
enabling a thinner ground layer technology, a different method
the Esporão Chapel altarpiece of the same cathedral. Fig. 3b
from it being used directly aer mining and washing, as some
SEM image (BSE mode) of the cross-section from sample 1a of
authors state.36 Fig. 5 illustrates the SEM image (BSE mode) of
the painting of São Pedro of Tarouca Monastery church, shows
the cross-section from sample 2a of the Apresentação no Templo
the remnants of macrofossil, and a detailed image (SE mode) at
painting from the altarpiece of Viseu Cathedral showing a thin
a higher magnication. Fig. 3c also presents a diffractogram of
ground layer with coarser granulometry in the lower part, and
sample 1c from the same painting, highlighting the increased
thinner in the upper area; the SEM image (BSE mode) of the
intensity of calcite (CaCO3) peaks, the main component of the
cross-section from sample 1b of the painting of São Pedro of
chalk calcium carbonate ground layer.
Tarouca Monastery church shows an increased amount of
The SEM image (BSE mode) of the cross-section from sample
calcareous nannofossils having the same granulometry
4a of the Cristo perante Pilatos painting from the Esporão
throughout the ground layer. The analysis made of the chalk
Chapel altarpiece of Évora Cathedral (ME) demonstrates the
from the altarpiece of Viseu Cathedral, when compared to the
presence of macrofossil remnants; the SEM image (BSE mode)
one from the painting of São Pedro of Tarouca Monastery
of the cross-section from sample 3b of the Adoração dos Magos
church, deserves further interpretation. It presents a nely

Fig. 3 (a) SEM image (BSE mode) of cross-section of sample 1b, painting “São Pedro”, Tarouca Monastery church, showing calcisphere; (b) SEM
detail image (SE mode) showing a remnant of macrofossil in sample 1a of the same painting, at high magnification; (c) diffractogram of sample 1c
emphasizing the increased intensity of calcite (CaCO3) peaks, principal component of the chalk calcium carbonate ground layer.

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Fig. 4 (a) SEM image (BSE mode) of cross-section of sample 4a of painting “Cristo perante Pilatos”, Esporão chapel altarpiece of Évora Cathedral
(ME), with macrofossils remnants; (b) SEM image (BSE mode) of cross-section of sample 3b, painting “Adoração dos Magos”, altarpiece of Viseu
Cathedral, with macrofossils remnants; (c) Raman spectrum of the compounds analyzed in sample 3b, increasing the intensity of calcite peaks
(1088 cm1, 715 cm1 and 281 cm1) constituent of the chalk calcium carbonate ground layer.

the upper area of the ground layer, the second phase of this
workshop technique used calcium carbonate ground layers. The
absence of coccoliths or other microfossils in some of the cases
studied, however, led to the conclusion that powdered
limestone was used instead of chalk, as in the case of the
altarpiece of the church of Freixo-de-Espada-à-Cinta, Bragança
(about 1530, a possible partnership between Vasco Fernandes
and António Vaz (act. 1537–1569)).37 This altarpiece is made of
Fig. 5 (a) SEM image (BSE mode) of cross-section of sample 2a, chestnut oak and prepared with powdered limestone, coarser in
painting “Apresentação no Templo”, altarpiece of Viseu Cathedral, with the rst layer and ner in the second layer. Fig. 7 shows an OM
a thin ground layer and different granulometry, coarser in the lower image of the cross-section of sample 6a of the Ecce Homo
part and thinner in the top area; (b) SEM image (BSE mode) of cross-
painting, presenting a saturated darker tone in the upper area
section of sample 1b of painting “São Pedro”, Tarouca Monastery
church, with increased amount of calcareous nannofossils and same of the ground layer; the SEM image (BSE mode) of the cross-
granulometry across the ground layer. section from the same sample presents coarser calcium
carbonate (bigger grains of CaCO3) in the rst layer and ner
powder in the upper area. The altarpiece was recently restored
due to its extreme state of degradation.7,38–40
Despite limestone being an important natural resource in
Portugal, this powdered material was only found in two of the
groups studied. This move, made by the Viseu Workshop, into
using chalk could be a consequence of the difficulty in getting
chalk overseas, since it does not exist as a natural resource in
Portugal, but also in an attempt to explore natural resources
within the geographical proximity, such as the Ançã stone,
Fig. 6 (a) Cross-section of sample 1b, painting “São Pedro”, Tarouca Coimbra. This oolitic limestone, much used by the 15th and
Monastery church, with 624.2 mm thick, having an heterogeneity in the 16th century sculptors, contains silica (SiO2), since the oolites
absorption of the binder coming from painting in yellowish color (b)
are formed around quartz grains.7 The maps of elemental
cross-section of sample 5a of painting “Circuncisão”, Viseu Cathedral
altarpiece (MGV), with a ground layer measuring about 45 mm thick. analysis by SEM-EDS from powdered calcite in the ground layer
of the sample 6a of the Ecce Homo painting from the altarpiece
of the church of Freixo-de-Espada-à-Cinta shows the detected
ground aspect (sample 5a from the Circuncisão painting from Ca and Si elements (Fig. 8).
the Viseu Cathedral altarpiece (MGV), measuring about 45 mm The later work of the workshop evidenced a move towards
thick) and apparently with a lower quantity of fossil in the upper the use of gesso sottile in the ground layers of their subsequent
layer while the one of São Pedro of Tarouca Monastery church, paintings, as in the case of the São Pedro palla made for Viseu
presents a greater thickness (sample 1b has 624.2 mm thick) and Cathedral (MGV) or the two paintings of saints São Vicente and
a coarser chalk in the ground layer (Fig. 6). Santo António, c. 1550, from Cavernães Church, Viseu, and
Chalk material is also an identier of the technique used in attributed to António Vaz, follower of Vasco Fernandes. In Fig. 9
a specic epoch of certain Portuguese painting workshops, as in both the OM images of cross-section from sample 7a and
the case of the Viseu Workshop. Aer a primary phase of the SEM image (BSE mode) of the Santo António painting in
working with chalk material and using a ground layer tech- Cavernães Church show an homogeneous mixture of ller and
nology with coarser grains in the lower part and ner powder in binder ground layer; the detailed SEM image (BSE mode) of the

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Paper Analytical Methods

Fig. 7 (a) OM image of cross-section of sample 6a of the painting “Ecce Homo”, altarpiece of the church of Freixo-de-Espada-à-Cinta showing
a saturated darker tone in the top area of the ground layer; (b) SEM image (BSE mode) of cross-section of the same sample; (c) detailed SEM
image (BSE mode) of cross-section of the same sample with calcium carbonate coarser (bigger grains of CaCO3) in the first layer and thinner in
the top area.

3405 cm1 correspond to an elongation nOH of water molecules

present in the gypsum structural network; 1621 cm1 is due to
deformation of the dOH group of water molecules of the
structural network; the bands at 1139 cm1 match an anti-
symmetric group nSO4 elongations of the band to 1008 cm1
corresponds to a symmetrical elongation nSO4 group, and the
band at 670 cm1 is attributable to deformation of the sulfate
group, dSO4. The proteins with a weak band at 1448 cm1 and
Fig. 8 (a) Map of elemental analysis by SEM-EDS from grinded calcite
two minor bands at 1546 cm1 and 1683 cm1, are covered by
in the ground layer of the sample 6a of the painting “Ecce Homo”, the coexistence of a typical gypsum band in the spectra; these
altarpiece of the church of Freixo-de-Espada-à-Cinta, detecting Ca two bands relating to N–H deformation and elongation C–N
element; (b) map of elemental analysis by SEM-EDS of the same (amide II) and elongation amides of C]O (amide I), respec-
sample detecting Si element. tively, bands associated with the presence of protein. The
presence of alkyl group bands, are evident in a wide range of
same sample shows acicular particles characteristic of organic compounds, suggesting in this case the occurrence of
gesso sottile. The semi-quantitative measurements of m-XRD oil, material stated in Portuguese treatises as a polisher of
conducted in the areas of gypsum and anhydrite peaks revealed gypsum ground layers;17 the oil is identiable in the bands at
the presence of 67% to 91% of gypsum and 9% to 33% of 2926 cm1 and 2857 cm1 corresponding to an antisymmetric
anhydrite. This analysis also detected the presence of hydro- and symmetric elongation, respectively nCH alkyl groups
cerussite, certainly corresponding to Pb found by the SEM-EDS linked, the band related to the elongation nC]O z 1740 cm1
analysis. The presence of Pb may be linked with the addition of is less detectable, and is only visible with a small shoulder.
lead carbonate to the ground layer. This Pb is associated with These paintings show a homogeneous mixture of gypsum and
aluminosilicates Mg, K and Fe. Iron, besides being associated binder in the ground layer.
with aluminosilicates, also coexists in grains whose major
constituent is Fe but which also contain a large amount of Pb, 3.3. Binders-absorbent and non-absorbent systems
with traces of Mg, Al, S, P, S, K, Ca and Cu; these grains corre-
The difference in coarseness of the powder from the lower part
spond to red ocher, as already veried by OM,41 being the main
to the upper part of the ground layer, while having the
factor responsible for the color of the ground layer. In Fig. 10
mechanical aim of sustaining the panel oscillations, also has
the spectrum obtained by m-FTIR of the coarser lower part of the
aesthetic intentions with specic absorbency qualities.
ground layer of sample 7a is largely dominated by bands
The upper area of the chalk ground layer in painting has
related to the presence of dehydrated gypsum 3539 cm1 and
been noted in recent studies.19,42 The increased transparency in

Fig. 9(a) OM image of cross-section of sample 7a of painting “Santo António”, Cavernães Church; (b) SEM image (BSE mode) of the same sample
showing an homogeneous mixture of and binder ground layer; (c) detailed SEM image (BSE mode) of the same sample showing acicular particles
characteristic of “gesso sottile”.

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Fig. 10 Spectrum obtained by m-FTIR of the coarser lower part of the ground layer of sample 7a largely dominated by bands related to the
presence of dihydrated gypsum: 3539 cm1 and 3405 cm1, 1621 cm1 1139 cm1 match antisymmetric group nSO4 elongations of the band,
1008 cm1 and the band at 670 cm1. The proteins have a weak band at 1448 cm1 and two minor bands at 1546 cm1 and 1683 cm1 while oil
can be identifiable by the bands at 2926 cm1 and 2857 cm1, having a small shoulder at 1740 cm1.

Table 1 Refractive index (n) of ground layer materials; adapted from is activated when it is mixed in an aqueous solution of glue,
ref. 20 which in a concentration of about 10% has a refractive index of
around n ¼ 1.35 (Table 1).20
Type Material index (n) When chalk is placed in a mixed solution of linseed oil with
a refractive index n ¼ 1.48, its coating power decreases due to
Pigment/ller Chalk 1.50–1.64 the close refractive index of both materials (of about 0.07).43 On
Aqueous binder Animal glue (diluted to 10%) 1.348 the other hand, if chalk is mixed with animal glue, with
Oil binder Linseed oil 1.484
a greater difference in the refractive index, the mixture improves
its coating power, even while wet. Fig. 11 exemplies the
reconstruction of mixture of chalk with animal glue showing
this upper level when compared to the lower part of the ground the drying of the rst ground layer, even while wet, with an
layer is an optical quality which can be attributed to the improved coating power. The SEM images (BSE mode) of the
penetration of the oil used as medium in the painting layers. reconstruction of Portuguese powdered calcareous rock and of
This oil can be absorbed through the ground layer, due to less the cross-section of the sample 6a of the Ecce Homo painting
porosity in the upper area when compared to the lower part of from the altarpiece of the church of Freixo-de-Espada-à-Cinta
the ground.42 The upper area is also responsible for slow drying, puts has evidence of powdered calcite on its angular faces. The
in order to obtain the singular transparency seen in Flemish coating power of the mixture continues to improve upon drying
paintings.7,19 of the surface since the chalk remains primarily surrounded by
Previous studies show that chalk has a lower refractive index air.20
(n ¼ 1.50–1.64) than the remaining pigments. Its coating power The color parameters were registered in both apertures
LAV and USAV for ground layer reconstructions of glue/chalk,

Fig. 11 (a) Reconstruction of mixture of chalk with animal glue showing the drying of the first ground layer, even while wet, with an improved
coating power (b) SEM image (BSE mode) of reconstruction of Portuguese grind calcareous rock; (c) SEM image (BSE mode) of cross-section of
sample 6a, painting “Ecce Homo”, altarpiece of the church of Freixo-de-Espada-à-Cinta, with calcite grinded showing angular faces.

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Paper Analytical Methods

Table 2 Spectrophotometric analysis parameters registered in apertures LAV for ground layer reconstructions of animal glue (g)/chalk (c), oil (o)/
chalk or both with their amounts (volume (v/v) or grams (gr)). Brightness and color index where analyzed using the CIE systems: CIE L* a* b* (L*
represents the lightness, a* the redness-greenness, b* the yellowness-blueness) and CIELCH (L*C*h – L* specifies lightness, C* denotes
chroma and h defines hue angle, with angular measurement). Lightness has higher values in the chalk/animal glue reconstructions but color
parameters (a* b* and C*) are higher in chalk/oil reconstructions, giving the ground layers a grayish half-tone for painting.

CIE Lab Ch D65/10Deg

Ingredients Amounts Sample CIE L CIE a CIE b CIE C CIE h

Chalk/animal glue 1 : 1 (v/v) 1 83.31 1.54 11.88 11.98 82.62

Chalk/animal glue 3 : 1 (v/v) 2 90.55 0.96 6.91 6.98 82.07
Chalk/oil over chalk/animal glue with 1 : 1 (v/v) 3 72.13 3.79 21.31 21.64 79.91
sizing layer between them
Chalk/oil over chalk/animal glue 1 : 1 (v/v) 4 71.11 3.8 21.41 21.75 79.93
Chalk/oil over chalk/animal glue with 3 : 1 (v/v) 5 71.65 4.59 19.72 20.25 76.91
sizing layer between them
Chalk/oil over chalk/animal glue 3 : 1 (v/v) 6 71.96 4.63 19.64 20.18 76.72
Chalk/oil over chalk/animal glue with 25 gr c + 4.72 gr o; 1c:1/2g (v/v) 7 73.2 4.75 19.04 19.63 75.98
sizing layer between them
Chalk/oil over chalk/animal glue 25 gr c + 4.72 gr o; 1c:1/2g (v/v) 8 75.09 4.36 19.09 19.58 77.14
Chalk/animal glue 1 : 1/2 (v/v) 9 89.7 1.09 7.34 7.43 81.52
Chalk/oil 25 gr c + 4.72 gr o 10 69.98 4.48 19.1 19.62 76.79
Chalk/oil 1 : 1 (v/v) 11 69.22 4.19 20.9 21.32 78.66
Chalk/oil 3 : 1 (v/v) 12 71.86 4.05 19.94 20.35 78.52
Chalk/strong animal glue mixture — 13 clear surface 77.27 2.18 23.66 23.76 84.75
Chalk/rabbit glue — 14 clear surface 78.71 1.28 24.68 24.71 87.02
Chalk/strong animal glue mixture — 13 dark surface 58.93 9.38 24.53 26.26 69.07
Chalk/rabbit glue — 14 dark surface 58.22 9.41 25.16 26.86 69.5

oil/chalk or both, overlaying this last to rst, in order to evaluate In the reconstructions with overlapping layers, glue/chalk on
color differences between the samples and to investigate the the base and oil/chalk on the top, it is possible to achieve an
reectance percentage. In Table 2 we verify the calculated values average slight improvement of lightness when compared to the
so that: L* > 0, the sample became more luminous; L* < 0, the oil/chalk single layer reconstruction, proong the utility of this
sample darkened; a* > 0, the sample became redder; a* < 0, the 2-layer structure. Results conrm also data brought by histor-
sample became greener; b* > 0, the sample became more yellow; ical texts referring to the prominence of the white ground layers
b* < 0, the sample became more blue,29 C* > 0, the sample with the aging of the paintings.11,44 With aging, shadows and
became more chromatic and h denotes hue angle. The results half-shadows disappear (probably due to the aging of the
presented in Table 2 show that samples that contain oil are less binders in the ground layer, as shown by the results of
luminous, having lower reectance percentage, than animal decreasing lightness of the historical reconstructions analyzed),
glue samples. The colorimetric results showed that the total and as such, it was probably required by the painters the
change in color is signicant when mixing chalk with oil or with search of a grayish half-tone ground, preventing these aging
glue. They conrmed the decreasing refractive index of the problems.11,44 These results corroborate the need for a two-
grayish mixture oil/chalk (lower values of a* when comparing to layered glue/chalk and oil/chalk ground structure.
b*) in contrast with the whitish mixture of glue/chalk (lower The rst ground layer applied over the panel, aer being
values of a*and b* when comparing to oil/chalk mixture). sealed with a sizing layer, is a mixture of chalk and animal glue,
Lightness has higher values in the chalk/animal glue recon- promoting the adhesion of the ground layer to the support.3,4,7,19
structions but color/chroma parameters (a* b* and C*) are Although the distinction between these two layers is sometimes
higher in chalk/oil reconstructions, giving the ground layers difficult to recognize in OM, there are cases where this differ-
a grayish half-tone for painting. ence is evident, as in sample 6a of the Ecce Homo painting from
Animal chalk/glue historical reconstructions made in 1973 the altarpiece of the church of Freixo-de-Espada-à-Cinta
by Reis Santos in Laboratório José de Figueiredo (samples 13 (powdered limestone) (Fig. 7) or sample 4a of the Cristo perante
and 14) when measured and compared to the above mentioned Pilatos painting from the Flemish altarpiece of the Esporão
reconstructions made by us show that the lightness of the Chapel (ME) (chalk). Fig. 12 contains a diagram which has been
mixture decreases, probably due to the yellowing of the binder, adapted from a pictorial layer structure.21 The diagram shows
also visible by naked eye. These samples are heterogeneous in the reection of “supercial light” on a white ground layer, thus
color when comparing to the reconstructions made by us. bringing a greater level of brightness and luminosity to the
Results show that darker surfaces of the mixture are less pictorial layer, which is equivalent to a lower layer of chalk and
luminous than clearer areas. glue (Fig. 12a); the reection on the “deep light” translucent
background reduces the brightness of the color layer (Fig. 12b);

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Analytical Methods Paper

Fig. 14 (a) Cross-section of sample 8a of painting “Morte da Virgem”,

Évora Cathedral old Flemish polyptych, showing the thicker proteic
bottom versus the thinner oil binder in top area of the ground layer; (b)
OM image cross-section of sample 8a under ultraviolet light and
stained (Orange Sypro©) in fluorescent orange, focusing the proteic
area of ground layer.

distinct reecting light effects. In this sample, which is

considered to be complete (due to the wood ber remains of the
support) the thickness of the ground layer mixed with animal
glue is about 105.9 mm, with the thickness of the upper part
mixed with oil being about 30 mm (Fig. 13a). This technical
aspect is understandable, given the fact that particle size, in
Fig. 12 (a) Diagram of the reflection of “superficial light” on white conjunction with the concentration, inuences the refractive
background, giving brightness and luminosity to the pictorial layer,
index of the covering capacity of the material. In general, the
equivalent to the bottom of chalk and glue, adapted diagram from;21
(b) diagram of the reflection on the “deep light” translucent back- ner the particles the greater the coating power.20 By applying
ground, reducing the amount of reflection and the brightness of the a rst layer of coarser chalk bonded with animal glue, the artist
color layer, adapted diagram from;21 (c) cross-section of sample 4a of achieved a ground with hydrophilic characteristics i.e. having
painting “Cristo perante Pilatos”, Altarpiece of the Esporão Chapel (ME) a strong affinity for water. At the second stage, to give the
showing the reflection scheme of “superficial light” of the bottom
necessary transparency and facilitate the drawing and painting
proteic ground layer and “deep light” in the oil binder top area of the
chalk ground. of the future composition, a powder layer was applied with an
oil binder, providing a compatible surface to optimize the
integration between the painting and the ground layer. This
non-absorbent ground allows for the painting of the following
layers maintaining the hydrophobic effect and promoting the
union between lms, contributing to the cohesion of the
When observed by OM with ultraviolet light and an emission
lter of 490 nm, sample 4a highlights a medium-rich layer of
higher density in the upper area of the chalk ground, marking
the area of the corresponding ground layer with animal glue
proteins in a uorescent orange color. This test was performed
Fig. 13 (a) Cross-section of sample 4a of painting “Cristo perante using a highly sensitive uorescent protein dye observable
Pilatos”, Altarpiece of the Esporão Chapel (ME), showing the thicker
between 300/472 nm (excitation) and 490/570 nm (emission)
(105.9 mm thick) proteic bottom versus the thinner (30 mm thick) oil
binder top area of the ground layer; (b) OM image cross-section of (Orange Sypro©).22,23 Fig. 13b and 14b show, via OM image,
sample 4a under ultraviolet light stained (Orange Sypro©) in fluores- historical cross-sections from sample 4a of the Cristo perante
cent orange focusing the proteic area of ground layer. Pilatos painting from the altarpiece of the Esporão Chapel (ME)
and sample 8a of the Morte da Virgem painting from the old
Flemish polyptych in Évora Cathedral, under ultraviolet light
the cross-section of sample 4a of the Cristo perante Pilatos and stained in uorescent orange (Orange Sypro©). These
painting from the altarpiece of the Esporão Chapel (ME) shows gures focus on the proteinaceous area of the ground layer, thus
an historical case of the reection scheme of “supercial light” distinguishing the thicker proteinaceous bottom from the
from the bottom proteinaceous ground layer and “deep light” thinner oil binder of theupperareas of the ground layers.
from the oil binder upper layer of the chalk ground. The This non-absorbent surface area of the chalk ground layer,
example shows the distinction between binders in the ground when saturated, has the ability to control the penetration of the
layer, oil for the upper layer and animal glue for the level below, descendant oil coming from the painting layers, maintaining
reproducing the search for a different refractive index of the a homogeneous and regular distribution of the deep light effect.
materials to cover the surface of the support and to obtain In the examples studied we observe that paintings with different

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Paper Analytical Methods

granulometry in the ground layer, using oil in the upper area, compared to the glue/chalk mixture (supercial light). By
retain the binder homogeneously. Painting with a thicker overlapping both layers, with oil/chalk on the top, it is possible
proteinaceous ground layer using the same granulometry has to achieve a slight improvement of lightness when compared to
a heterogeneity in the absorption of the binder coming from the oil/chalk single layer, proong the utility of this 2-layer
painting, priming or polishing layers, as is the case with the structure (deep and supercial light). A grayish half-tone of
altarpiece of Viseu Cathedral, when compared with the painting ground layers combining supercial and deep light for painting
São Pedro of Tarouca Monastery church (Fig. 6a). could have been an achievement of the painters of the 15th and
Mixing the pigments with the binder is essential since it 16th centuries.
disintegrates the agglomerates, surrounding each particle of the Finally, to accomplish the durability of the layers, and to
binder and thus obtaining a homogeneous mixture, creating conserve its light, careful grinding combined with specic
greater plasticity and stability.21 quality and compatibility between materials was required.
A highly accurate technique of ground layer execution was This constructive technology has enabled these panel
required, based on the expertise and traditional knowledge of paintings to preserve their quality until today: a Baltic oak
Flemish painters and passed to Portuguese masters, as in the panel, isolated by an aggregating sizing layer and chalk ground
case of the Viseu Workshop. layers, coarser in the base and nely powdered in the upper area
to achieve mechanical resistance and translucent light effects.
4. Conclusions We can also conclude that different granulometry of the
powdered limestone medium forming a ground layer did not
From this work we can conclude that one of the main objectives bring about the desired results of supercial and deep light
of the ground layer is to create the best possible reection of required by the artists since it was only used at one point in
light, using thin transparent layers to enhance the vibrancy of time. Also the use of gesso sottile suggests characteristics of
the colors painted upon them. This technique was used by smoothness and capture of the light closer to chalk provided by
Flemish painters and seems to have been adapted by Portu- its shield-shaped particles, being the next most used ground
guese painters during the early stages of the Viseu Workshop to material at the Viseu Workshop, aer chalk.
achieve translucent and thin layers with an aesthetic The characterization of inorganic and organic materials
appearance. existing in ground layers, conrmed by the new analytical
Furthermore, it was observed that coarser calcium carbonate results obtained, have led to novel conclusions about the tech-
(chalk or powdered limestone) and glue emulsion are the rst niques applied to Flemish and Portuguese paintings of the 15th
phase of a ground layer to be applied, aer sizing the panel. A and 16th centuries. This ground layer technique could have
second, thinly powdered ground layer of the same ller material been the origin of the canvas priming technique, used in the
was then applied with oil to achieve specic light effects. This 16th and 17th centuries and thereaer, where the use of oil
granular difference between the upper area and the lower area is overlies the use of proteinaceous ground layers.
essential to increase resistance to mechanical movements of the
panel and to control light effects of the ground layer. In addi- Acknowledgements
tion, using a thinner ground layer technology facilitates the ease
of application, thereby increasing the speed of handling. The authors acknowledge Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia
In addition, it was veried that the aim of this ground layer for nancial support (Post-doc grant SFRH/BPD/103315/2014)
technique, using oil and proteinaceous binders separately, was through program QREN-POPH-typology 4.1., co-participated by
to create a saturated system of a non-absorbent ground layer the Social European Fund (FSE) and MCTES National Fund.
with a reective capacity of supercial and deep light. Provided Also wish to acknowledge Dr Irina Sandu for staining protocols,
by the intentional use of oil as a binder, the upper ground layer Dr José Mirão for the text revision, Dr Maria José Oliveira for the
was received by an aqueous system of the absorbent ground assistance at the m-XRD, Dr Luı́s Dias for the assistance at the
layer (using glue as a binder) and permitting a supercial light SEM-EDS, Dr Stéphane Longelin for the assistance at the
reection. Both systems (absorbent/non-absorbent) led to the m-Raman, Dr Catarina Miguel and Dr Ana Cardoso for the
reection of supercial and deep light and might have been assistance at the m-FTIR.
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